#freelancer reader
asmrtist-brainrot · 2 years
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Damien @ the Freelancer at any point in time.
Seriously, FL is generally a very soft being and Dames just gets angry on their behalf - I love -
Even if it comes to the little things.
... Not Damien being violently protective when someone is vaguely rude to FL.
(this is also a redraw of the meme I did with my best friend)
~ Dari
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cherry-blossom-qf · 1 month
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Info- 2 years after the events of The Devil's Playhouse, Sam and Max go on another road trip around the states as their well deserved payed vacation, this time with their adopted daughter Darla The Geek accompaning them.
When all of a sudden, Magolor shows up, tossed out of a dimensional rift and into the middle of the road!! (almost got run over by the duo, but thankfully and surprisingly no one was harmed) His body completely changed to fit in with the world he was thrown into, however his robes still torn and withered, his magic completely weakened, and damage from the crown still fresh.
After a quick trip to a nearby doctor, another trip to a nearby thrift store for clothes, and a lunch break at a nearby Snuckey's, Magolor tells his story to the freelance family. And yet they still take him in, cuz yeah what Magolor did was terrible, but it was still kinda badass. (plus they understood WHY he did it)
After more wacky shenanigans that could be turned into its own point-and-click adventure game, ending in Mistilteinn showing up and getting shot in the face by Magolor ultra sword-ifying Sam's gun. They arrive back at New York and Magolor becomes an official freelance police officer!! With selling weapons designed by him and gem apples on the side, of course.
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And here's a little wholesome bonus for you all to enjoy!
It's been a long time since I've done anything Sam & Max related, so I'm glad to be able to revive this idea and make it an official AU! Sure it took over a year to do it, but at least I did it!!
Hope y'all enjoys this new Magolor AU! (🌸^w^)>🍩
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gaycrittercentral · 1 year
I really liked the last sketch I posted so here’s the follow up: C O M P R E S S I O N
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pixeldemonia · 8 months
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I can do sfw and nsfw, I you want more references you can ask for them, I can do oc, oc x canon, self insert, character designing, any body types or proportions, complex poses, MxM, FxF, etc, etc, whatever you want you can ask me! (except for the things listed on the do and don't image)
Dm me if you're interested or have any questions, If you can't buy or aren't interested you can help me by sharing this post!
Hi guys! At the end of last year I finished my internship, since then I haven't been able to find a job so I'm currently unemployed. I supported myself through savings and an informal job to which I have not been called back, which is bad since I have two cats and myself to support, my family also need my monetary support, I'm running out of money so anything helps
I'm not a very popular artist but I do pour all my heart on every piece that I make, and my babies Nina and Corel would be very grateful 🩷
Please ignore if you don't like, just don't leave hate
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p0pp3t · 9 months
Gavin x Reader | Special Clientele
gender-neutral reader (freelancer)
2nd person
slightly suggestive near the end
word count: 665
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 “If you can change your appearance, can’t you just ‘paint’ your own nails?”
You sit at the kitchen table across your lover. The little pouch you’ve set down clinks with nail polish bottles, cuticle pushers, and everything else you’d need for an at-home manicure.
“Sure I could, but where’s the fun in that?” Gavin asks. “Anything to have my hands in yours, My Love.”
You roll your eyes, but bring his hand to your lips and press a kiss to his knuckles anyway. Gavin smiles contentedly as you give his nails a closer look.
“Good and strong,” you comment, applying gentle pressure with your thumb. You release his hand and unzip your bag, neatly lining up bottles of nail polish in front of the both of you. “Why don’t you pick your color and,” you open your phone as well; the screen displays a graphic of different nail shapes - “Your shape.”
“With pleasure.”
Taking his time, Gavin’s eyes narrow and brow furrows as he goes through his color options, holding each bottle to the back of his hand and seeing how they complement him. Maybe he’d be a little more decisive choosing his shape.
“Tough choice, isn’t it?” Playful affection tinges your tone. “You can always pick more than one; it’s no trouble.”
“Well, I wanna get this right,” he says in earnest. “You’re the expert. What would you recommend?”
“I’ve always thought that pink suits you; what do you think about this one?” You take a warm shade of magenta and slide it toward Gavin, to which he takes the bottle and holds it against his skin a second time.
“This’ll do perfectly,” he says, satisfied. “And stilettos, if you please.”
Your work is gentle and precise, with soft nudges to Gavin’s cuticles and meticulously laid brushstrokes on his nails. He eyes you the whole time, observing how your brow lowers over your squinted eyes and how constant your hold on each of his fingers is. Looks like you want to get this right, too.
“You have excellent handiwork, but I guess I already knew that,” Gavin offers. You only smile wryly in response, never taking your gaze off the steady lines of paint you’ve left. “You’ve done this before?” he asks, a playful suspicion about his voice.
“Yeah, for a few years by now,” you tell him. “Just my own for a while, but I’ve done other people’s nails a few times before.”
“Well, I feel even better knowing I’m in good hands. And they are very good hands.” Someone’s on his game. You finally take your eyes off Gavin’s nails, if only for a moment to roll them again.
“Enough of that. This is a professional setting,” you tell your client, something barely noticeable tugging the corners of your lips upward.
“My apologies, then. I spoke out of turn.” 
You’re given the peace to carry out the rest of your task undisturbed, with Gavin carefully resting his chin on his free hand and continuing to watch you in quiet fondness. You disrupt his concentration at times to ask that he lays both hands flat on the tabletop, letting you wave a folding fan over the still-drying polish in cool gusts.
“Wouldn’t it be easier to cast a breeze?”
“‘Sure I could, but where’s the fun in that?’” you parrot. 
Eventually, your hard work pays off with a final swipe of top coat and the last few flourishes of your fan. You tap lightly at the corners of the polish, assuring yourself that it’s dry enough to avoid smudging.
“All done. What do you think?”
Gavin holds a hand up to the kitchen light, inspecting the glossy pink at each pointed nail.
“Beautifully done, as expected. Thank you, My Love.” He stands - for the first time in hours (“This takes longer than I thought,”) - and ambles to your side of the table, pressing warm lips to your own.
“Hm, is that my payment?”
“If you’ll accept it. Unless you were looking for more?”
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prismuffin · 2 years
Heya! I stumbled across an older (?) lucas grey oneshot you made and saw your requests were open, and since I am having an absolute hitman brainrot atm I wanted to ask if you could write a yan! Agent 47 x gn! Reader oneshot. Doesn’t have to be a huge one, just how life generally would be like with 47 keeping them in the safe house. Reader can be more feisty if you’d like.
Idk if you write yandere content since I couldn’t take it from your request page but if you do I’d love to see this written out, but if you don’t thats totally fine too ofc!
Have a nice day!
A/n: don’t think I’ve ever written yandere content but I don’t mind trying so here it goes! Edit: couldn’t stop myself from turning this into something cute I’m so sorry😭TWO TITLES WOOO
Patience // Garden
yandere!Agent 47 x gn!reader
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( summary: as you reflect on life with your captor 47, you indirectly ask to test the boundaries of your confinement )
warnings?: mentions of kidnapping, guns and weapons, possessive 47, anddd Stockholm syndrome!! Gets kinda nice at the end though! Readers depicted to be shorter than 47!
Y/f/f - your favorite flower
!-!more under the cut!-!
You were currently occupying yourself by washing the little amount of dirty dishes you had in your sink. You had hoped the task would stop your mind from wondering but here you were, washing the same cup over and over as your thoughts took over your mind. Currently, he wasn't home, 47. A couple of weeks ago you would've foolishly attempted to escape what others would call captivity. Though now you were a bit wiser. Still, at times like this where he’d leave you alone in his seemingly expensive safe house, you always got to thinking about how you got here.
After apparently catching the eye of the wrong assassin he effortlessly took you as his and only his. When he first brought you here you were obviously scared, but the first thing he did was reassure you that he wouldn’t hurt you. Obviously you didn’t believe him at first and though you may have some emotional scars, he’s never once attempted to physically harm you even after catching you trying to escape him multiple times. He cared for you and seemed to be trying to take things slow, as if he knew he couldn’t just make you love him off the bat. His safe house is rather big and very secluded and he usually spends most of his time in his locked basement where he gets his information for mission and such. Living with an assassin means there’s many weapons hidden and scattered around the safe-house. You like to think it’s a sense of trust, you know the weapons are there but you decide not to use them. You know you’d be overpowered, but you also don’t want to hurt 47 when he’s been nothing but patient and kind with you. You feel conflicted, in the back of your mind you know you shouldn’t care for the man that took you from your home but it’s hard not to when your life is so much easier because of him.
You sigh, placing down the cup in the sink before rinsing your hands and turning off the water. After drying them you found yourself standing by the large windows that showed the forests that surrounded you. A mountain height view of the acres of wildlife discouraged you from attempting to escape the first time you saw it. It used to fill you with such dread as you wondered how you were gonna navigate such a large area of land once you got out but now the view calms you. Your damp hand touches the cold glass as you sigh, though it quickly turns into a gasp as you notice the reflection of a man behind you. You instantly recognize the feeling of his hands as they wrap around your waist, his thumbs rubbing circles along your hips. “It’s just me.” His suave voice fills your ears and you sigh in relief. “You scared me,” you admit, not turning to face him just yet but still leaning back so that his chest his against your back. “I didn’t hear you come in.” You felt him move closer to the side of your face, a hesitant kiss was placed on your cheek, it was pressed so lightly you barely knew it was there. “You look sad,” he began, ignoring your previous statement. “Whats on your mind dear?” He asked, and you sighed. “I was just thinking about…” you trailed off.
Would he like what you had to say? You don’t want to leave him, you just want to step outside. You know there’s a lovely little garden near the front of the house, you see 47 go out to water the plants every other day. You don’t want to leave but you don’t think he fully knows that yet, you can still be a bit apprehensive when it comes to his touch. “Outside.” You finished your thought, clenching your teeth when you felt 47’s movements stop, his calming caresses on your hips being replaced by light pressure as he held back the urge to dig his nails into your skin. He didn’t say a word, and you refused to look at him directly only staring at his reflection that stared back at you with the same stoic expression he always wore. The grip on your waist was the only indicator of how he was feeling. “Not to leave you this time,” you started again, watching the skin of his eyebrows furrow just barely. “I just- want to see the garden! Please…?” Your hands fell to his, resting on top of them as you mimicked the circles he was previously placing on your hips. His grip on your waist loosened at the sign of affection, a hum escaping his chest shook your body as you stared at his reflection with hope. “I suppose you can help me water the plants.” You beamed, turning in his arms to face him. “And if you do well enough maybe you can help take care of them when I'm gone.” You practically jumped for joy at his words though in your mind you knew it was a test. He said a similar thing when he’d first let you out of your now shared bedroom to explore the house. Just a test to see if you’d try to escape, and if you did you’d be confined to the walls of your room with little to no sunlight and just enough food to keep you sustained.
But that didn’t matter right now! Because you knew that you weren’t gonna try and escape, hell the thoughts not even in your mind as you giddily grab the watering can that 47 keeps under the sink. Turning the faucet, you waited with a smile as it filled up. 47 came back with an apron and some boots, “I only have one pair for now,” he stated as he came into view. “If you do well today I’ll get you your own pair.” You smiled and nodded eagerly, watching 47 bite back a smile of his own before his eyes traveled downward. “It’s overflowing, love.” Your eyes shot down to the watering can which was in fact overflowing. You quickly turned off the sink, laughing nervously as you dumped some of the water out. You grabbed the can, straining at the heaviness of it, it’s been a while since you’ve had to do any physical labor. Whenever something’s too heavy 47 usually deals with it. Speaking of which, he’s instantly by your side, now dressed in his gardening attire; his hand held outwards as he silently asks if you need him to carry it. You shake your head at his attempt, finding that it wasn’t too hard to carry once your grip on the handle was right. You wanted to prove to him that you could do this! A small chuckle escaped his lips at your determined expression before he led you outside.
As the usually locked door slid open, a rush of cold air instantly hit you in the face. 47 stepped outside, making his way to one of the small gardens by either side of the door only to stop when he realized you weren’t following him. You stood at the threshold of the outdoors with a newfound nervousness. You gripped the watering can a little harder as you attempted to shake away the stupid anxieties, you were so happy about going outside a minute ago why does it feel so scary now that you’re here. “Come on love,” 47’s voice cut through your thoughts and you looked to him, one of his hands was held towards you as he beckoned you to his side. “It’s alright.” That was practically all that you needed to hear as you took two small steps. The door shut behind you and you glanced back at it before looking back to 47. A small smile broke out on your face as you walked towards him, taking his outstretched hand into your own. The action seemed to take him by surprise though he didn’t pull away, he just simply interlocked your fingers as he led you to one side of the garden.
Tulips, you noticed, were scattered about the entirety of the small strip of flowers. Some y/f/f were also there, you recognized them instantly, 47 would bring you a small bouquet of them every now and then. You placed the water bucket down as 47 got on his knees, letting go of your hand to grab his gloves. He placed one on before giving the other to you, they were quite big on not only your hand but 47’s as well. “First we’ll weed the garden.” He instructed, grounding himself with one hand as he scanned through the soil. Pointing to what you’re guessing is a weed, he effortlessly yanked it from the ground, glaring at it as if it were his target, and you guess in a way it is. You masked a chuckle, watching as he looked for more. “There,” he pointed and you noticed there was another weed infiltrating his garden. “Grab it firmly and pull.” Following his instructions, and his movements, you grabbed at the weed, digging your gloved fingers into the soil slightly before pulling it out. You glared at it like he did, scoffing at the weed before turning to smile at 47. He nodded his head as he watched you, “good.” Your heart fluttered at the praise and you immediately looked back to the soil to find more weeds to remove.
After weeding the garden on both sides you properly watered the plants, 47 off to the side admiring you as he collected the previously pulled up weeds to throw away. You felt content in this moment, doing such domestic work with 47, it was obvious he took pride in things like his garden and you. You took a deep breath of the fresh outside air the surrounded you, before 47 cleared his throat from behind you. Turning, you small smile grew at the sight of 47 holding a y/f/f in his hand, the other behind his back as he held it out to you. Placing down the water bucket, you cocked your head to the side as you walked closer to him. "Thank you, 47." You said as you took the flower, staring at it before grabbing his shoulder with your other hand. You leaned up and placed a soft kiss to his cheek, feeling him freeze at the touch of your lips to his skin. He blinked at you as you pulled back, you were quick to notice that he wasn't the most physically affectionate though that still didn't stop him from trying every now and then. "You did good today," He spoke, after clearing his throat once more. "I think soon you'll be ready to do this on your own." You smiled and nodded, hopeful. "But for now we have a few more plants for you to water," He motioned his head towards the watering can and you picked it up with a bit more ease than before. Following 47 to some potted plants around the exterior and interior of the house, you spent the rest of your morning gardening with 47.
( live, laugh, love 47. )
Thanks for reading! Have a great day/night!!
My requests are OPEN so feel free to request anything! Just make sure you check out my Request Info first!
See my DIRECTORY for upcoming fics!
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neiveel3llson · 5 months
Made human designs of Sam and Max bc I'm back in my Sam and Max faze.
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eat my ass-
@thatrandomfroginyourbasement eat up pookie
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nyxronomicon · 6 months
Nyx, my beloved - I am here to share some more thots regarding assassin choso x reader. (ps. I love, love, love a black turtleneck on a man so let's go with that and also, I pictured the yakuza boss being sukuna too!!)
choso starts second guessing if he should continue his work with sukuna. the man is one of the most violent, deranged criminal lords in the country but choso has been nothing but loyal towards him. he's been in this game since he was nineteen years old, trading his life into protect his younger brother, itadori, who ran with the wrong crowd.
itadori's mistake costed choso his freedom. all he's ever done is sacrifice but if it meant protecting his loved ones then he had no qualms. but now, with you in the picture, he can't but think if this life makes sense to him anymore.
I picture him standing in sukuna's office, his mind wandering to other places. maybe he can just work as a waiter, or bartender until he can figure out what kind of career he can build. he'll take any honest work at this point, as long as it means coming home to you with no shadows following behind.
the two of you can simply build a life together. maybe even have some kids. his throat tightens. he would love to see you as a mom. he saw you interacting with your friend's toddler recently and it nearly drove him wild. but it's not something you've both discussed yet and he won't push anything that you don't want either - but the possibility makes his heart flutter.
just wondering how a life with you can foster and grow.
he loses himself for a moment while speaking to sukuna, and his boss notices.
"choso" the man sternly calls out, snapping his attention back into place. "something on your mind?"
choso shakes his head, "no, sir.."
sukuna furrows his brows, his index finger tapping lightly against the surface of his wooden desk. "you've been distracted as of late. you know I don't like repeating myself."
choso straightens his back, two hands slipping into the pockets of his charcoal slacks. "I apologize," he expresses regretfully, "it won't happen again."
but he can't stop thinking of you even after sukuna repeats his assignment. can't stop picturing you in a white dress at the alter as he steps out of his office. can't stop thinking about how your honeymoon would be as he hops on his motorcycle to track his next target.
all the while sukuna sits at his desk, moves to open one of the drawers before sifting through the cabinet. he pulls out a file, flips through the stack of documents and photographs. he pulls out one where you're sitting right across from choso, the two of you at a coffee shop. his arm is draped over your shoulder, your cheek resting comfortably on his shoulder.
there are only a handful of people who sukuna trusts, and choso is one of them. he didn't join sukuna's gang on his own accord, but he turned out to be an exceptional asset. the king of the underworld narrows his eyes at the sight of your pretty face.
he can't have anyone coming in between his deadliest weapon. your lover is bound to sukuna for life, and he won't let choso go that easily.
also cannot forget that i love YOU too bb <3 <3 ok more under the cut heh...
!! dark content ahead !!
was i picturing toji as the kidnapper that disappears? no not at all why would i do that i would never....
cw: murder (you literally watch choso kill some guys lol), reader is kidnapped, BLOOD, reader wears a skirt, mentions of rough handling
Your struggle against your restraints as you come to. You're not dead, that's good. In fact, you don't feel any serious pain, maybe some bruising from rough handling but nothing major. You take in a deep breath. The air is cold, a little musty. You're blindfolded, sat in some cheap metal chair.
"Awake, sweetheart?" A man's voice bounced off the walls in the room. It was clearly empty. "You'll want to see this." The blindfold fell from your eyes but the man had disappeared just as quickly. You couldn't catch a glance at him, but you were sure this was the man that kidnapped you last night. Was it last night? How long have you been out?
"Hey, wait!" You shouted. "Let me go!" You struggled more, now able to see, though the only lights were spilling in from the hallway. Other than the chair, there was a little table. Your kidnapper had carelessly left the door open, and you saw a few men who looked like yakuza milling around in the other room.
Fuck. Yakuza? This shit doesn't happen to normal people. You struggled against your restraints again before seeing one of the men collapse with a hole in his skull. Shot with a silenced gun. Standing right behind where the man once stood was unmistakable. His twin pigtails and that tattoo across the bridge of his nose... it was Choso.
You watched as the other guys attacked him, and just like a trained assassin, he dodged and counter-attacked both men simultaneously. He now wielded twin daggers, the same kind yakuza are known to keep. In just a couple of minutes, the two men were gasping for air as their lungs filled with blood.
Was that your boyfriend? You couldn't even imagine him doing something like this before seeing it with your own eyes. He was too sweet and kind. He'd never hurt a fly. This had to be someone else. And this someone else just brutally murdered three men like it was child's play.
The stranger looked through the open door, seeing your eyes wide and filled with fear. He started to rush towards you and half of you wanted to scream, but something inside you held it back. The very small piece of you that knew this was Choso, despite your adamant denial.
"Babe, fuck, I didn't mean for this to happen." As he entered the room, it was undeniable. It really was Choso. Or some cruel, sick joke from the universe.
"Choso?" You could feel the tears forming.
Without answering, he pressed his lips to yours, the feel of his mouth, the passion. He was warm and comfortable. He was home. Tears sfell from your cheeks, but it was from relief knowing it was him.
"Let me get you outta here, ok, love?" He looked into your eyes, worry set deep in his features before he moved behind the chair to untie you.
"Did... did you kill them?" You asked, letting your limbs drop as the rope fell to the floor.
Choso was silent. He stopped moving, he even stopped breathing. This was his fear. You'd find out about him and then...
"Yeah." He ripped off the band-aid. "I needed to protect you. Sorry, this was all my fault." You could reject him, you could leave him, but he'd die before letting you rot in this place.
"Your fault?" You turned to look at him, massaging the dents left behind from where the rope dug into your skin. He was covered in blood, but it was still him. Even if it was his fault, he risked his life to rescue you.
"I..." Choso was still frozen, adrenaline pumping. He needed to save you first, that was all he could think. "Let's talk later. Please. We gotta get out of here. Can you run?"
Choso helped you to your feet. You felt a little wobbly, but you could manage. "I think so."
He frowned. He hated seeing you in this state. He hated the thought of another man grabbing you. Your short skirt showed off the bruises on your thighs from getting manhandled. Bruises in places only he should get access to. He could kill everyone on this building for even considering laying a hand on you. He needed to find the kidnapper and slaughter him senseless. It's what he deserved.
"It's ok, Cho." You touched his cheek, pulling him out of his vengeful thoughts. "I'm ok."
He didn't think twice before pressing his lips to yours again, kissing you even deeper as you tasted someone else's blood on his lips. Had he not been holding you so tightly against him, you might have fallen over from the force.
"Fuck," he whispered, worry still decorating his features as he pulled away. "I'm so sorry. C'mon." He grabbed your wrist, thinking about you in that white dress with your beautiful smile for the hundredth time. But this time, he was determined to make that vision a reality.
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brother-emperors · 1 year
like, I'm old school web comic culture, I like handmade zines that are stapled, I just want to make comics and tell stories and the ranking system of the popular webcomic sites exhaust me to my core, which is why I like tumblr. I want to draw sulla wound fingering crassus and not think about the metrics.
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biteforblood · 1 year
[ HEADCANONS #1 ] various.
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✶ notes : gn!reader, fluff, sillies being silly, cursing, brief mention of blood / bugs, 0.4k
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gavin is always whispering close in fl’s ears, especially at the most inconvenient times ( e.g. doing the dishes, on the phone — specially important calls, studying, … ) they’ve gotten in the habit of holding him at arm’s length like ya hold a kid back by their head
( pre-turning ) when vincent was running low on energy ( i.e. in need of blood ), he would hang off of lovely. that, or push his face into their neck and gently nip at the skin; not so hard as to draw any blood ( not without permission first ) but not so light that they couldn’t feel it
asher adores wearing skirts — especially with fishnets or thigh highs underneath. the shorter the skirt, the better. he knows he looks hot and he is going to flaunt it
also also, speaking of asher in skirts, you cannot tell or convince me otherwise that he doesn’t love fucking around with gender norms / gendered clothing ( same goes for guy 100%, these bitches would trade outifts, ideas, tips )
caelum randomly head butts people like a ram. not like super hard, but like a little nudge, like a little ‘bamp!’ y’know…that, once or twice, has knocked the wind outta people…it’s fiiine
damien and huxley are plant dads to so so…so many plants. and, yes, huxley has given them all names, some more serious than others, and yes again, he refers to them as such, and yes yet again, he will tell you all their names and why he chose it just for that plant
anton loves bugs — moths, butterflies, ladybugs, spiders, all the bugs and crawlies. he can identify nearly every single one and knows most of their latin names
the second sweetheart or milo so much as sits or lays down — on the couch or on their bed, whether to do work or relax, wherever and whatever the reason — aggro is jumping up onto them and laying down. could be snuggled in their lap or loafed on their back, he is there. if he’s not right on top of them, he’s right up next to them
furthermore, aggro will not move until he is happy and ready to. if they try to move him, he will cry until a) they stop or b) they stop. there is no other way, sweetheart or milo is stuck
honey is not a very touchy person ; they never really have been. they’ll share hugs with friends and family, but even then it’s slim and anyone outside of that is only slimmer
and then guy, mr. touchy-touch-starved himself, popped into their life and, slowly but surely, honey grew to like physical touch and affection. they’re still not super comfortable with touch, but with guy…they’ve found themselves craving it juuust a little bit, not that they’ll ever really admit it
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© biteforblood. please do not translate, repost, or redistribute in any way on any platform.
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submarinefleet · 3 months
Can you do the ladies of PFL with an s/o that is just a civilian but is impossibly durable? Like if they got shot by a bullet it wouldn't go through them/barely would or if they got run over by a tank they'd get out mostly fine except for maybe a sprained or broken limb, not an absolutely crushed one. They could probably take a point blank explosion and walk away with only slight burns and minor pain from impact.
Tex actually really appreciates how durable her partner is. She's used them as a meat shield before in a pinch, but she doesn't like making a habit of it, and generally doesn't involve them in her business to begin with. She likes that she can wrestle and be rough with them and they can take it like a champ, even with her enhanced strength. She does get a little huffy that she can't leave bite marks and hickeys on them that easily, but she doesn't dwell on that. She gives them affectionate punches in the arm as often as kisses.
Carolina is honestly a little disturbed whenever she bears witness to her partner's freakish durability, but seeing them survive is still more of a relief than anything else. She feels guilty about it, but she's used them as a meat shield at least once. It's on instinct! Somewhere along the way, some wires got crossed, and she subconsciously put them in the mental basket Maine used to inhabit of being the bulwark at her back. The absolute last thing she ever wants to do is make them feel like she doesn't care about their well-being, though, and the shame makes her get defensive and try to hide. She always comes around in the end though, with apologetic kisses and some kind of present.
South ABSOLUTELY uses her partner as a meat shield-- but never in combat. She just goes out of her way to instigate things, so she can dive behind them with a cackle. She's like a kid with a toy that doubles as a stress ball. Whenever she's in a good mood she'll give them a few punches, whenever she's antsy she'll given them a few punches-- she'll gnaw on them, wrestle them, pick them up and toss them around like a beanbag. Maybe lay on her back and treat them like she's rolling a barrel with her feet whenever it's leg day. It gets pretty excessive, but she'll stop and pout if they get annoyed and tell her that's enough. They're her hyper-durable teddy bear, and she falls asleep squeezing them more often than she'd care to admit. Having them on hand relaxes her.
Connie is nonplussed. She's the only one of the PFL ladies who has never used her partner as a meat shield even once. It was a shock the first time she saw them survive something crazy, and she questioned them thoroughly--ex-SPARTAN? Another unethical UNSC project to try and win the war?--before she added the new information to her mental dossier, and continued on as if nothing happened (although that's not true at all. She's still to this day digging into their background and family history in her spare time trying to figure out where they got it from, to find out if there are any unpleasant side-effects to watch out for down the line). She's relieved they survive what they do, but plans meticulously to keep them out of harms way all the same. The fact that they're a civilian is never forgotten.
479er goes from a verbal "what the fuck?" the first time she witnesses her partner survive an explosion, to thinking it's the absolute funniest shit ever. Whenever company's around and she's had a few beers, she wants her partner to do stunts to show it off. She cackles at all the shocked expressions. Otherwise, it doesn't really come up, beyond her insisting they be the one to climb ladders, and stick their hand down the garbage disposal to fish stuff out whenever she's home. She hasn't needed to use them as a meat shield before, but absolutely would without a second thought, if it ever came up. Don't look at her like that! Some of us are ordinary, non-bulletproof humans, okay?
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generalkenobee · 1 year
Ok idk if I have any redacted audio fans but I have the cutest idea ever!
Imagine it's your turn to pick the movie with David and you pick twilight eclipse because that's the one where Jacob becomes part of the wolf pack right?
And the whole time he's just like "babe this shit is so unrealistic.." and when you responded "well I like it" he's just in utter disbelief that his mate would watch this
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felixtrash469-blog · 22 days
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Headcanon - Shy Agent Washington
Wash has always been kind of shy, being at the bottom of the leaderboard and getting a light bullying from the other freelancers will really do that to him
Wash isn’t shy around new people, he’s a freelancer but around someone he finds attractive? You bet he’s shy.
So cute, he mumbles and stutters on words, is thankful that his helmet hides his constant blush
Wash doesn’t comprehend anyone liking him either. Being backstabbed by his team and the people he trusted most have left him a bit scarred to say the least
When you join the freelancers, he doesn’t speak to you much, but he definitely watches you working out and sparring
Wash gets really blushy when North catches him and gives him a light teasing. He gets extremely panicked when he sees North talking to you
But he gets really thankful when you walk up to him and talk about how North said Wash was looking to spar
Even though he spars with you for months, he refuses to take off his helmet around you, worried he’ll blush
He also keeps his talking to a minimum, preferring to listen to you
The shyness and butterflies upon seeing you never really go away. He just keeps it to himself
When the project finally falls apart, his biggest regret is not saying anything to you. He has no clue if you were even alive. He would curse being shy
He would promise himself that if he ever saw you again, he would get over his shyness and just kiss you
When Wash sees you again on Chorus, he feels his shyness come back. He goes up to see you, stuttering and blushing again because it’s you and you’re beautiful and alive.
And when you say his name, he feels like is going to short circuit, it’s like music to his ears
He’s trying to ask how you’re alive and where you’ve been, wishing to himself he could get up the courage to just do anything to show how much he’s missed you
But he doesn’t expect you to ask him to take off his helmet and reminisce about how he had always refused in the freelancer days
And when he finally does, he knows his face is red and he can’t meet your eyes
You reaching your hands out to his face and meeting his lips definitely makes him short circuit.
Wash would definitely return the kiss after he gets his bearings. He would want to do it over and over again but he’s too shy to initiate
Wash would wait for you to reach back in before he would indulge. It would take him months to finally and truly believe that you share his feelings.
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snowyaika · 4 months
Say, can we get Agent Texas with prompt 9? Reader can be a freelancer if you want!
prompt: “what are you going to do, shoot me? do it.”
pairing: agent texas x gn!freelancer!reader
word count: 1.02k
warnings: season 10 spoilers, all lowercase, swearing, gun violence, south violence, reader is kind of pathetic, some angst, no use of y/n
notes: this is mostly crack, got more serious in the end though! this is more so just to help me get back into writing for rvb !!! sorry if it’s so rushed, there is literally no plot to this one. more coming soon!  🫀 
ever since becoming a freelancer, there are some things you’ve just come to never forget.
for starters, never offer to spar with carolina when she’s in a bad mood (or good, either way you get a free ticket to the infirmary).
don’t play along with wyoming’s knock-knock jokes, they’re never good and they just leave you questioning why you still speak with him.
drinking with york always ends up with you waking up to an empty wallet, especially when he and north team up on you.
and lastly, the most important of them all, the sound of kicking ass always means agent texas is nearby.
so when you hear the ship's alarm systems go off, tanks bombing the docks, and the gravity getting powered off? you wish you had york with you to make a bet that it was all because of her.
you had been on your day off when everything started going to shit.
heading to the training grounds (because apparently exercise helps when you’re out on missions) was when the alarms started to go off.
assuming it was the run of the mill invasion from some small organization that had issues with our immoral ways of life, you started to make your way to the shipping docks to make quick work of it, if carolina hadn’t already.
halfway, the ship's gravity goes haywire and you have to float your way there? okay, not as normal.
arriving to see tex absolutely rock a floating tank trying to kill her? what the fuck was going on?
not one to barge into conversations, you happily take your time making yourself known, instead staying at the sidelines watching while the poor tank gets thrown around like a ragdoll.
after witnessing the tank basically bomb itself, you finally decide to get involved (of course, only when you saw tex look your way).
“hey there,” you awkwardly wave, not quite sure how to deal with the raging man-eating woman in front of you. for starters, maybe get on your knees and beg for her not to kill you?
looking down at her gun, your mouth moves before your brain can even catch up, “what are you going to do, shoot me?”
it’s as if you can hear the confused face she’s making. you and tex never had any problems. sure, she’d kick your ass in training more than you could count, but there was no bad blood between the two of you.
sadly given the circumstances, and all the weird shit happening on the ship, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
“i’m not.. going to shoot you? you’re on my side.” her words sound like a question, like she can’t believe you had said something so stupid.
“oh… right.”
it’s almost as if you forgot the talk you, her and york had prior to this. about how the immoral things your group did was actually worse than you thought it was, and how you were planning to put an end to it all.
it’s not like you were in the wrong though, tex is scary when she fights (and maybe more attractive than you’d like to admit).
“dumbass,” she muttered under her breath as she put her gun back, walking over to you.
“where’s york?” you ask, not out of concern, but out of fear of being alone with tex for any moment longer than you need to be.
how would you know if she decided she didn’t like you anymore and cut off your head? put a bullet straight through your brain? push you against the wall and make out with you?
“making things harder than he needs to be.” as if on cue, the lights flicker and the ship jostles.
you let out a small gasp, stumbling towards tex and grabbing onto her wrist for support. her hand flies to your shoulder to stabilize you, and you can feel your body burn where her hand is.
“hey,” she whispers, her face (helmet?) leaning down to yours.
you gulp.
“y-yeah?” you clear your throat, breathless. oh my god ohmy god ohmygod. are we about to kiss?
“the gate is opening. more men are probably coming to stop us.”
you tilt your head to look behind her, and just like she said, the gate opens to reveal–
not men, south.
“son of a bitch,” you whisper, letting go of tex and standing straight, your hand hovering over your hollister in reflex.
south looks pissed, more than usual. you follow tex’s lead, walking side by side to confront the raging freelancer.
you notice too late that she has a fucking grenade launcher, and you’re sent flying as you try to dodge her oncoming attacks.
thank god, or maybe, thank north for stepping in at the time that he did.
once tex leaves, probably on her way to the director, things escalate. south goes batshit with the grenades, and north does his best to counter her.
not wanting to interrupt the family reunion (you really need to know what their family holidays were like), you decide to branch off to find york.
when you find maine making his way to where tex just left, you inwardly curse. of course you got stuck with the brute.
you don’t even bother putting up that much of a fight, knowing whatever you do is pointless and a waste of energy against someone like him. you’ve never won against him, so what’s this fight going to change? you figured that after he slammed you into the wall, nearly knocking you unconscious, he’d leave you alone to continue whatever he was set out to do.
no, life never worked out that way for you. when he ripped off your helmet, you had already accepted your fate. if the searing pain of your AI being taken from your nape wasn’t enough to make you want to die, him pulling out his gun and aiming it at your head did.
apparently, there is one thing you’ve forgotten since becoming a freelancer.
your love for allison, your will to live for her, will never amount to maine’s thirst for power.
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pixeldemonia · 5 months
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Hi guys! Unemployed user here to say that I have available slots for commissions of all kinds ✨
I can do sfw and nsfw, I you want more references you can ask for them, I can do oc, oc x canon, selfinsert/Selfship, character designing, any body types or proportions, complex poses and perspectives, MxM, FxF, etc, etc, whatever you want you can ask me! (except for the things listed on the do and don't image)
If you're interested or have any questions feel free to dm or comment on this post ❣️
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verxsyon · 1 year
canon compliant bsd. dazai x ability user!gn!reader
started to binge bsd this week and now i’m on s4 >:))). gotta say eng dub for this series is honestly amazing (addicted to akutagawa’s voice tbh i'm here for it). s2 gave me so much brain rot so lo and behold, this idea with dazai.
might be a series. kinda like slice of life of reader and dazai and pm!dazai to ada!dazai. or an equivalent of an 100k+ fic slow burn lmao. 
reader’s ability is named momentum, which is the title of the potential series. the following bullet points are how their ability works. hopefully it makes sense lmao:
it’s an amplification ability that works on ability users, themself included. allows them to exceed their limits for a short period of time. activates by adrenaline rush. themself: only step required if applied to themself. ability users: needs to achieve that step plus contacting anyone through touch. think of it as a sound amplifier. it won’t work if the source and reader are too far away from each other. 
there can be fatal consequences from using the ability as it is dependent on adrenaline rush, which can have negative impacts. ability users: their abilities are at risk of overload, possibly leading to death. themself: would experience adrenal crashes and may not use their ability from 1 day to 6 weeks depending on the severity of the adrenaline rush.
reader despises it due to what happened to their older sibling, trying to repress it as much as possible and want to get rid of it (if that’s a thing). they basically want to live a normal life, a promise made to their dying older sibling. after their death, reader inherited their house and left all of their belongings untouched. they’re still able to go to school despite all that, though doesn’t have many friends.
the goal of normalcy ends when they meet dazai at the school rooftop at 15, the time when he became an executive of pm. similar to atsushi’s first encounter, he tries a new way to commit suicide by jumping off there, scaring reader shitless. they consider dazai as their first friend.
he’s anything but normal. people are after him for who knows what reason, and unfortunately reader got dragged into the mess of an enemy group’s crossfire. they’re forced to use their ability to protect him and themself. long story short knowing dazai, it’s a setup orchestrated by him. the enemy group’s none other than his division to capture the one responsible for a certain incident years ago, which involved their older sibling.
this is like a good chunk of the prologue. afterwards it’s the slice of life stuff featuring the pm and the ada ofc with some special division over there. expect fallouts between dazai and reader tho because that’s bound to happen.
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