weaponizedhorse · 2 years
Okay the title of this article in the sun made me feel actually nauseous and I am not being hyperbolic in the slightest, but since I had to see this so do all of you
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artmedikus · 1 year
Are you considering a homebirth for your bundle of joy? You have the right to know the facts about patient safety and newborn mortality rates when it comes to home births.
This blog will explore potential risks and provide valuable information to help you make an informed decision.
Introduction to Homebirth.
Homebirth is a childbirth option where a woman chooses to give birth to her child in the comfort of her own home, with a trained midwife or healthcare provider in attendance. It is crucial to note that homebirth can be an effective and safe option for low-risk pregnancies, but it must not be chosen without carefully considering individual patient safety and newborn mortality rates.
The benefits of homebirth include the ability to create a comfortable, familiar environment that may help a woman feel more relaxed and less anxious during labor. Additionally, homebirth may allow for more personalized care from a midwife or healthcare provider, with less medical intervention. However, it is essential to weigh these benefits against the potential risks, including a higher newborn mortality rate and complications that arise due to inadequate emergency transportation or lack of medical intervention.
All pregnant women should carefully assess their individual circumstances and risks before choosing homebirth.
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queen-esther · 4 months
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There are babies out there literally dying from completely preventable complications due to these psycho women wanting a ~cRuNcHy FrEeBiRtH~ experience, willingly risking and sacrificing the lives of their babies for the sake of their personal desires, and then people on here wonder why I say the freebirth movement is no better than the pro-choice movement.
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algolagniaa · 7 months
Hi, what do you mean about natural birth methods?
I mean home birth/freebirth. ik there’s a stigma but hear me out
the way we understand birth, culturally, is very medicalized, and as such it’s very standardized. we tend to trust doctors and assume that the way hospitals do things is for our own good but tbh the medical world is shit to women and birth isn’t any different. a lot of the ways hospitals handle birth aren’t really for the mother’s benefit but for the doctor’s. even something as simple as women giving birth lying down in a hospital bed - it’s done because hospitals have beds so it’s more adapted to the medical setting, and because it’s easier for the doctor to do whatever if the mother is on her back (actually the practice started because king Louis XIV had a fetish but w/e). but for most of history women gave birth squatting, which helps the baby come out easier and is easier on the mother’s pelvis. also iirc it’s less painful and makes labor shorter.
home births, whether attended by a midwife or not, allow women to take charge of their own birth experience and give birth in the way that feels most safe and comfortable for her. they’re associated with a lot less maternal complications and interventions (like epidurals C sections etc) and less pain during childbirth too. birth is a natural process for every animal and generally when a woman gives birth she knows in her body what she needs to do, and home births give her the space to Do That in a comfortable environment rather than being stressed out and prevented from doing what she needs when she’s in a vulnerable position. a lot of women who give birth at home look back on their birth experiences a lot more fondly than women giving birth in hospitals tend to because of this.
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the-silent-spring · 1 year
Please tell me the "batchall" in your tag means what I think it means.
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lespuni · 2 years
Pkmn Scarlett is simply the better game not because of exclusives, but because Arven deadbeat parent being his mom is just correct
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Water cascaded over the pool of sharks, making them appear to lash and writhe in a frenzy across Clarissa's skin. The tattoo of the school of ancient predators stalking through a shimmering lagoon covered her entire back, an ever moving, living piece of art on a pale canvas of flesh.
Clarissa stood basking in the steam, running her hands through her white-blonde hair, her eyes closed. The shower soothed aching muscles and washed away the remnants of the sweaty battle only a few hours before. If she could stay here forever she would.
The sound of a door opening made her turn, and several pairs of bare feet slapped against the floor. "Hello?" she asked.
"Commander," said one of the twins, and Clarissa relaxed. One doesn't tend to grow up shy in Clan culture, but Clarissa was a Freebirth and had never experienced the close mixed gender dynamics of a sibko. Showering with unexpected men wasn't something she was ever likely to get used to.
"Is that both of you?" she asked, and the twins voiced their ascent as two more showers started up.
"Commander, we brought your uniform in from your 'Mech. We thought that you might want it." Which one was talking? The pair were tall, well muscled, statuesque women with flaming red hair and a rich tan skin, identical in every way except the way they carried themselves. Julie always stood a bit looser than her sister Nina, who was never less than as straight backed as an arrow.
"What did we get?"
"Archangel was taken in mostly intact. We got about half of the Bellerophon. The Barghest is scrap; Roderick hit ammunition." Julie, or possibly Nina, mocked the sound of an explosion. "No survivors except your captured MechWarrior."
"Better than expected. Good job. The star has been invited to dine with the general this evening. Dress well. And Nina, wear only a left earring. Julie, a right one. We are trying to be polite, after all."
"Yes, Commander," they drawled in unison.
Clarissa turned off the water, then reached around for a towel. Upon finding it she rubbed her hair, wrapped it around herself, then went to the locker room to retreive her prosthetics and clothes. A few minutes later she was back outside in the snow in her pressed Sea Fox uniform, glasses on, and hair thankfully dry so she didn't have to worry about it freezing.
Time for food.
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killer-orca-cosplay · 25 days
Meet me in the middle, says the unjust man. You take a step forward, he takes a step back. Meet me in the middle, says the unjust man. "Dezgra freebirth." Says the Clanner, turning the unjust man to a shadowed stain on the wall with an ERPPC blast
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telluriandigits · 5 months
Clanners, but update their baseline to 2020s colloquial American English.
MechWarrior A: "It is giving savrashi."
Star Commander Firstname Bloodname: "Oh? Such main character energy from YOU? Come understand this assignment, surat."
MechWarrior A: "Bet, I bid you catch these hands, Freebirth."
(Trial ensues)
MechWarrior B: "The Star Commander is vibing, quiaff?"
MechWarrior C: "Cap, trothfam, lowkey she is clapping back."
MechWarrior B: "We stan a Bloodnamed queen anyway."
MechWarrior C: "The GOAT.*" *Giftake Of All Time
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Freebirth, unassisted birth, homebirth
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queen-esther · 7 months
Freebirthers who are “pro-life” are not actually pro-life.
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metalcatholic · 7 months
what is your stance on freebirthing?
I wouldn’t do it personally, but I wouldn’t have the highly medicalized birth with unneeded interventions either. Birthing outside of a hospital in a comfortable environment with a professional who is able to assess when admission to a hospital is necessary would be my ideal (if you know I was married and all that and having a standard pregnancy).
If you and the baby need it. Modern medical care is great. We have many people (myself included) that wouldn’t be alive today if it weren’t for advanced maternal and fetal medicine.
However the United States is known for our births having unneeded interventions that can put stress on mother and baby. Combine that with the attitudes of hospital staff towards a women in labor, with the idea that informed consent is no longer needed and assault is permissible, is it any surprise that women are turning to free birthing? I can’t blame them, quite frankly if I was pregnant now I’d be terrified about interacting with the medical system. Nothing like a friend being assaulted during labor only to be told it was fine since she had a healthy baby to really make you recognize the vulnerability a women in labor experiences. And I’m dragging hospitals here but these practices are also seen in home births and birthing centers… hmmm why would someone feel safer giving birth alone?
I believe compassion and understanding in why women are either traumatized and/or terrified by current labor and delivery practices should at the forefront discussing freebirthing. And how we can promote a culture of trust, mutual respect, and informed consent between moms and practitioner who should be caring for both mother and child. And I certainly wouldn’t compare a women who had a free birth and whose baby passed to someone deliberately killing their kid. Even if the language they use to talk about the deceased child is distasteful to me. 🤷‍♀️
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khanhannahlewis · 5 months
“So I walked into the room, and the moment she saw me, the freebirth took off running. She was fast.” A cruel grin creeps onto my face.
Captain Tammy Campbell shifts uncomfortably as she follows me through the station, the enjoyment draining from her face. “And then what?”
I drop the smile off my face, suddenly becoming cold and serious. “She was not fast enough.”
“Ah… Do you know where we're going?”
“Neg, we are looking for other members of the strike force.”
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fgsfgdsg · 9 months
Can anyone find the original video?
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arvidia · 4 months
Arvidia sighs.
The last two weeks had been nothing but drudgery, endless drilling and training and helping mech units run anti-infantry drills. Arvidia is sore and tired and caked in mud everywhere her uniform doesn't cover, and her uniform is dirty everywhere it does cover.
But all of it would be worth it soon, every day of her miserable shitty life would be validated.
Her unit would deploy as second line support in REVIVAL, helping secure prisoners, civilian populations, and deal with insurgents not worthy of tasking honorable warriors to.
But so what, not like anyone would like her even with honorable duty. Everyone always talks down to her, even the other freeborn warriors treat her like living trash, not to mention how the trueborn solhama in her unit treat her even worse.
In a point of 25 warriors, Founder, in a star of 125, Arvidia is the bottom of the ladder, a social w- that animal. You know the one.
If someone is mad or stressed or got chewed out by their superior, they come to her and yell at her or hurt her.
Speaking of, here comes Point Commander Ravid. Ravid is an older trueborn warrior who had the unfortunate fate of not earning his bloodname or dying. Now, as solhama and commander of a freeborn infantry point, he takes his anger at that perceived injustice out on her.
“Well well, Warrior Arvidia. Your equipment is still dirty. What is a freebirth runt like you doing resting while there is mud all over your rifle and uniform. Do you not respect the property of your Clan, you savashri?”
A slap knocks her back and she thanks the Founder that she is sitting on her bed.
“Sir, I will clean my equipment now!”
She salutes and he glares down at her.
“It had better be spotless, or there is more where that came from.”
He casts one last glare at her, then stalks off to harass the other freeborn of her squad.
Arvidia sighs and pulls out a rag.
Operation REVIVAL is coming. Soon, the Clans would reclaim their birthright and bring order and justice to the Inner Sphere.
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How do you wear a neruohelmet? Is it like those Clan Spaniel ones they made for little freebirths to wear?
Aff, it is quite similar. My helmet is a highly modified version of the SLDF "Advanced" Neurohelmet. The defining feature of these helmets is that, thanks to a extremely sensitive neural interface, they do not require actual skin contact. This allows them to be shaped to the unique contours of my head, read my brainwaves through the feathers, and do the same for others with modifications like mine.
The helmet has other advanced features, such as being capable of actively reading complex instructions from the brain and writing data output into it, something no other type of neurohelmet can do. This enables the helmet to actively assist the pilot with movement and gunnery, and allowing targeting of multiple enemies in short order - without requiring hardwired systems in the 'Mech itself.
The amount of neural profiling and unique brainwave data required to enable these abilities does mean it is essentially impossible for others to use without (potentially) actively harming them - lucky then that it cannot fit anyone else, quiaff?
It also has a sealable faceplate, a moderate amount of nanolaminate ballistic armor, a one hour air supply, and a wide-band military microcommunicator.
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