arvidia · 25 days
Slip a🎙 into the inbox so my muse can confess something to you.
(do specify which muse you're asking please, I have quite a few lmao)
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arvidia · 25 days
Robert groaned, leaning back on his heels as he squatted over the box of his mother's things that had, until moments ago, laid buried in the closet of the CO's quarters aboard the Harwood PMC DropShip, the Sharp Dresser. As he examined it's contents, his eye was drawn towards a sheaf of paper, loosely bound and bearing his mother's handwriting. With cautious hands, he extracted the document, reading the manuscript's title with great bemusement.
'Collected Memoirs of Miranda S. Harwood, Volume 3: The Clan Invasion' it read, in his mother's surprisingly flowery script.
With a chuckle, he stood, crossing the room to the office chair sitting behind the desk and beginning to read, delicately thumbing through the decades-old paper, eyes growing wider with each paragraph he read.
For hours he read, at times barely able to breathe for how hard he was laughing, until, with some disappointment, he realized that the manuscript ended there. Suddenly, a thought occured to him, and he rose to his feet once more, all thoughts of packing up his things abandoned as he headed to his shared quarters.
Oh boy, he thought. Birdie is gonna love this one.
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arvidia · 2 months
Mermaid…with scales that resemble a Maid dress
A MerMaid
Is this anything?
4K notes · View notes
arvidia · 3 months
Shelter: Wolf's Jaws
Femme day.
It took a while to come fully to consciousness. Shelter was far too groggy to make sense of any of her thoughts. Everything was loud and angry. She thrummed with a deep, sorrowful ache. She didn't want to wake up. If she woke up, she'd remember what made her so sad.
Eventually her audio sensors came online. It was quiet in the room. Only the soft beep from a medical monitor broke the silence. All the noise was in her head. The sounds of explosions and rending metal.
The War Griffins were dead.
Ariel. Breck. Susanna. Finch. Wallace. Liana. Both Katherines. Shelter went down the list, all twenty-four pilots of the War Griffins, primary and secondary, two for each machine. But she couldn't stop there, could she? Daisy. Chuck. Maribelle. Norton. Evelyn. On through the members of her team, then through the rest of the technicians. Then the support personnel. All almost certainly killed when the enemy had overrun the Dao Sing Plain base. Dead gods, she didn't even know some of the people in administration. She was the only one who could remember them, and she didn't... If she couldn't, then...
Her eyes burned hot. Tears flowed, soaked into bandages on the left side of her face. She lifted her arm to wipe them away and felt the weight of an IV shunt and the tug of more bandages at her shoulder. There was the ghost of agony somewhere beneath the fog as she moved. She must have been put on some serious painkillers.
Her hair. She'd shaved off all her hair.
But the War Griffins were dead. It had been an appropriate sacrifice.
The 1st Oberon Guards, too. Razor Lance had been the last operating unit of 15th Company. If Rieck and Razor Two had made it out, then they and Shelter were likely the only survivors of a massacre.
I hope Hendrik Grimm III and his pirate lordling toadies got stomped flat by a Catamarauder. If there's any justice in the universe, that'll be the end of the Grimm line. But even this thought wasn't enough to cheer her.
The hiss of a door sliding open caught her attention. Shit. She was going to have to open her eyes.
The harsh artificial lights pierced her brain at the first crack of her eyelids. Her involuntary mewl of pain choked off in her throat. A shadow moved from the door to the side of the bed, followed by others. The figures waited while Shelter adjusted to the light. When she opened her eyes, she saw three people in grey jumpsuits. One, a woman with auburn hair tied back in a tight bun, had gold pins with two red stars at each side of her collar. The other two, a tall, blonde woman with a turned-up nose and a short man who wore a short, curly mohawk and a close-trimmed beard, stood a little back. The blonde's pins bore one star each, while the brunet had only the gold squares.
"Shelter, last of his family, quiaff?" the first woman asked.
Shelter's throat clicked as she swallowed. She tried again and finally mustered enough pliability from her larynx to speak. "Last of her family for now. I'm afraid it changes by the day."
"I am Star Captain Mila. With me are Star Commander Chastity and Warrior Hawk. We are three of the warriors you faced in Friday's battle. I have claimed you as a bondsperson of Clan Wolf. From now until your bondcord is severed, you belong to me. Do you understand?"
As Mila spoke, Chastity jotted notes on a handheld compad. Hawk's face was blank. Mila, however, was stern, her brown eyes as impenetrable as ironwood.
"Dress yourselves up with whatever goofy names you like. Still sounds like slavers and pirates to me." Shelter wished she could spit. She could only muster a dry cough.
Mila watched her for a moment before replying. "You speak as though you yourself were not a pirate serving a bandit king. Or perhaps you have not heard the old saying about glass houses and stones?"
"Not a pirate," Shelter growled. "Hate pirates. I hate Grimm."
The man poured water from a small pitcher into a paper cup and set it on the overbed table that sat at the foot of the bed. He placed the control remote for the bed on the table and wheeled it closer to Shelter. She stared, but his face remained impassive. She took the controls, adjusted the bed to a seated tilt, and drank the water greedily. There were only perhaps fifty milliliters in the cup. Shelter reached for the pitcher, but the man put his hand over hers. "Slowly this time," he said, his voice expressionless but warm. He withdrew his hand, and Shelter poured. As she did, she finally noticed the cord tied around her right wrist, loosely enough not to chafe. She drank her second cup more gently, flicking her gaze between the three warriors.
When she finished, Mila spoke again. "Why serve him, then? I am told that you are not a warrior by trade, but rather a technician. What drove you to take up arms to defend pirates?" Mila kept her tone even. The tension underlying her words, however, was plain.
Shelter closed her eyes and let her head drop back against the thin pillow. "I was defending my family. The War Griffins. We're a part of the 1st Guard, but we always wanted to be free again. Used to be mercs. I wanted..." She trailed off. Her head was beginning to throb. The pain meds were wearing off.
"Mercenary service is more honorable to you than piracy, quiaff?" This must have been Chastity. Her voice bore some of the snideness that Mila suppressed.
Shelter groaned. "I don't know what 'quiaff' means. But yeah. Mercs are free to live how they want, and they don't prey on innocent lives." She rubbed the bridge of her nose with her right hand. "Shouldn't I be talking to a doctor now?"
"You are being monitored by our systems and staff. Your injuries are minor. Is there something that needs to be addressed by a physician?" Mila asked.
Shelter winced as the throbbing grew stronger. "Painkillers are wearing off. I could use another dose. Head's killing me."
"If this is the worst of the pain you suffer in the near future, count yourself very fortunate," Mila said. "These questions are a courtesy. There will be more thorough interrogations to come. If you are not a warrior, how did you learn to operate a BattleMech?"
Memories washed over Shelter. Times she was brought into the administrative offices to see where her parents worked. Times she was allowed on her own recognizance, getting into places she shouldn't have, making friends with technicians, pilots, infantry, scouts, anyone who would talk to her. Signing up at sixteen, and how her parents had railed against her decision. They'd hoped to get her out of the Confederation and back to real civilization, back to the Lyran Commonwealth, where she could have a better life. Well, what if she wanted to make sure everyone got out? What if she wanted to save all of the War Griffins, not just one kid from a white-collar family pulling military paychecks?
Her first real boyfriend, a pilot who encouraged her to try out as a MechWarrior. Her first real girlfriend, a 15th Company scout who taught her how to handle sensor equipment and pentaglycerin. The qualifying trials to put her on the waiting list for an alternate pilot slot. She'd done her share of cross-training them, too. Showed them how to splice myomer, use a tech's diagnostic computer, reorient the factory wire harnesses on the Neil 6000 comms units from Defiance Industries because they always came in misassembled and would shake loose after a month and sometimes snap the soldering.
"I made friends," she said.
"Perhaps the caste mobility the other bondsfolk spoke of," Chastity murmured to Mila. "Within their touman, they have fewer barriers between warriors and the lower castes that serve them."
Shelter looked at her, winced again at the light. "Don't mistake us for the Dracs or the Capellans. We don't have castes." Not officially. But Grimm's attempts to legitimize the Oberon Confederation were more about appearances than equity. There were still haves and have-nots, and some of the haves sat on thrones while some of the have-nots performed forced labor in penal camps to which they'd been sentenced by corrupt magistrates.
Mila pursed her lips as she turned Shelter's words over. "You claim there are no castes, and that you, a technician, were trained in warrior's ways and equipment by warrior friends? This is common?"
"I don't know if I'd call it common. But I can't be the only one. I mean, you couldn't get that kind of cross-training if you were a civilian, but I was a corporal in the service. Signed up at the first chance I got."
"To convince your unit to desert the pirates and become mercenaries," Mila said. This time she couldn't keep the hint of a sneer off her face.
Shelter scowled. "To work to free my family, the company that raised me, from service to a tyrant whose grandpa turned coat from the Lyrans, went pirate, and forced the War Griffins to join his army."
Mila opened her mouth, but Shelter pressed on. "And now you've killed what's left of my family, and you're saying I'm your slave. So as far as I'm concerned, you're no better than Hendrik Grimm. In fact, you're lower than pirate scum like him."
The light exploded into fragments, and the room tilted. Something impacted Shelter's ribs. It took a few moments for her to realize that there hadn't been an explosion--she'd simply been struck by the back of Mila's hand. The force of it had flung her against the overbed table, which was now on its side in a pool of spilled water. The Star Captain was saying something, but Shelter's ears were ringing too loudly for her to make it out.
The three warriors filed toward the door. Star Captain Mila stopped, knelt by the fallen table, and picked up the remote. She snapped at Shelter's face to get her attention. "This is how you call a medtech." She stabbed the red button at the top of the remote, then tossed it harshly against Shelter's chest. The new bruise on her ribs screamed in protest.
Shelter slumped against the bed rail and wept as the Wolves left the room.
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arvidia · 3 months
A technician would know better than me. I flunked down to infantry 2 years into the mech Sibko, and even if I'd passed no way I would've touched an Omni ever.
Chatterweb: Turnaround
+Scion of Fenris. On: Flagship Direwolf. Mood: Happy. Music: Fusion Power Rock. Date: September 3049 Guess who has two thumbs and her pistols back as isorla! This gal haha! I had a proper trial of grievance with that Maddix guy. Man your Clan mechs are something else. God damn they pack a punch. Your neurohelmets really scrambled my head something fierce though.
Anyway. Whooped his Timber Wolf ass with an... Ice Ferret? I think it was called. Had a PPC and a Streak SRM and a glorified laser designator. Had a probe too. He did apologize that he could not find something the same weight class on short notice and offered me a free shot.
Then I had another trial against that Karen woman who started a fight in the mess hall. She had a lot of spirit I will give that. But after getting up close I just shoved her to the ground and pinned her after a bit of back and forth.
Did not expect both of them to be such good sports though. They seemed so full of anger and stuff but no they just accepted defeat. Though I have not actually talked to them. I tried to offer them pizza but they just looked at me weirdly. I am going to meet with Khan Kerensky in a bit. I have learnt a lot since last time I was on the chatterweb so I am pretty sure it is going to go great! What is happening elsewhere around here huh?
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arvidia · 3 months
Seems to be the way the bondsmen are saying it will go. Not much I can do about it with my laser rifle. What Spheroid leader is the strongest in your opinion?
Chatterweb: Turnaround
+Scion of Fenris. On: Flagship Direwolf. Mood: Happy. Music: Fusion Power Rock. Date: September 3049 Guess who has two thumbs and her pistols back as isorla! This gal haha! I had a proper trial of grievance with that Maddix guy. Man your Clan mechs are something else. God damn they pack a punch. Your neurohelmets really scrambled my head something fierce though.
Anyway. Whooped his Timber Wolf ass with an... Ice Ferret? I think it was called. Had a PPC and a Streak SRM and a glorified laser designator. Had a probe too. He did apologize that he could not find something the same weight class on short notice and offered me a free shot.
Then I had another trial against that Karen woman who started a fight in the mess hall. She had a lot of spirit I will give that. But after getting up close I just shoved her to the ground and pinned her after a bit of back and forth.
Did not expect both of them to be such good sports though. They seemed so full of anger and stuff but no they just accepted defeat. Though I have not actually talked to them. I tried to offer them pizza but they just looked at me weirdly. I am going to meet with Khan Kerensky in a bit. I have learnt a lot since last time I was on the chatterweb so I am pretty sure it is going to go great! What is happening elsewhere around here huh?
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arvidia · 3 months
Resistant civillians. We did not really have a way of categorizing them as combatants so we marked them as Bandit Caste. The scientists should have them out of reeducation quickly enough for them to be productive for the invasion, we still have a couple of months until we actually go into the Sphere. Cannot wait for that to happen though. What our ancestors have been waiting for for generations.
Chatterweb: Turnaround
+Scion of Fenris. On: Flagship Direwolf. Mood: Happy. Music: Fusion Power Rock. Date: September 3049 Guess who has two thumbs and her pistols back as isorla! This gal haha! I had a proper trial of grievance with that Maddix guy. Man your Clan mechs are something else. God damn they pack a punch. Your neurohelmets really scrambled my head something fierce though.
Anyway. Whooped his Timber Wolf ass with an... Ice Ferret? I think it was called. Had a PPC and a Streak SRM and a glorified laser designator. Had a probe too. He did apologize that he could not find something the same weight class on short notice and offered me a free shot.
Then I had another trial against that Karen woman who started a fight in the mess hall. She had a lot of spirit I will give that. But after getting up close I just shoved her to the ground and pinned her after a bit of back and forth.
Did not expect both of them to be such good sports though. They seemed so full of anger and stuff but no they just accepted defeat. Though I have not actually talked to them. I tried to offer them pizza but they just looked at me weirdly. I am going to meet with Khan Kerensky in a bit. I have learnt a lot since last time I was on the chatterweb so I am pretty sure it is going to go great! What is happening elsewhere around here huh?
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arvidia · 3 months
We're still moving through the periphery here, everything's free game. My Star actually got deployed once which was scary.
But I finally had some action, admittedly it was mostly helping secure some bandits who were taken as prisoners and converting a local penal station to a reeducation camp.
Picked up some chatter from the barbarians, apparently they think Kerensky's army will come back and save them from the "alien invaders." Hope that works out for them. ;p
Chatterweb: Turnaround
+Scion of Fenris. On: Flagship Direwolf. Mood: Happy. Music: Fusion Power Rock. Date: September 3049 Guess who has two thumbs and her pistols back as isorla! This gal haha! I had a proper trial of grievance with that Maddix guy. Man your Clan mechs are something else. God damn they pack a punch. Your neurohelmets really scrambled my head something fierce though.
Anyway. Whooped his Timber Wolf ass with an... Ice Ferret? I think it was called. Had a PPC and a Streak SRM and a glorified laser designator. Had a probe too. He did apologize that he could not find something the same weight class on short notice and offered me a free shot.
Then I had another trial against that Karen woman who started a fight in the mess hall. She had a lot of spirit I will give that. But after getting up close I just shoved her to the ground and pinned her after a bit of back and forth.
Did not expect both of them to be such good sports though. They seemed so full of anger and stuff but no they just accepted defeat. Though I have not actually talked to them. I tried to offer them pizza but they just looked at me weirdly. I am going to meet with Khan Kerensky in a bit. I have learnt a lot since last time I was on the chatterweb so I am pretty sure it is going to go great! What is happening elsewhere around here huh?
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arvidia · 3 months
40, 46, 48, 51
Something nice, please...
Any way, just any praise. I need it please.
No... My experience has been mostly pretty plain...
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arvidia · 3 months
NSFW asks 11, 12, 13, 17?
Um... Sorry... Someone who cares about me...
Solving puzzles. Guess ;)
I... Just want someone who loves me no matter what... I don't think that's very dark but... I don't know...
Lesbian probably
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arvidia · 3 months
NSFW asks 1, 5, 6
Well... I don't really know... I guess just whatever my partner would send.
For these two... I'm not really experienced enough to say. Most of my coupling experiences have been... Plain I guess.
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arvidia · 3 months
Wanted to create some more unique questions for y'all. Feel free to reblog and ask :3
What are the ideal nudes that someone could send you?
Have you ever humped a pillow until you came? Would you?
Hottest food someone can eat?
Genie granted you three NSFW wishes. What are you wishing for?
Something you did in bed and would NEVER do again?
Something you did in bed and would LOVE to do again?
Something you never did in bed and would rather never do?
Something you never did in bed and would love to do?
Look around yourself. You are EXTREMELY horny. What unusual object are you using to get off?
What slasher killer would you love to get railed by and why?
What kink/fantasy of yours are you the most embarrassed about? Why?
What’s the weirdest thing that turned you on? Did you masturbate to it? Would you do it again?
What is your darkest kink?
What body part would you worship on other people to the end of time because NGHHHH?
Are you happy with the type of genital you have? If not, would you want the opposite? Why?
You masterbated yourself to starvation. What’s the top number 1 food you crave RN?
What’s the best term that describes you sexually?
You can do only ONE thing to your partner sex-wise for an entire month. What is your pick?
Would you be able to go full month just pleasing your partner daily, without getting anything back?
What hairstyle you find attractive?
What video of you would you love to take sometimes? Why haven’t you yet?
What’s a toy you’d love to use? Why?
What’s your favourite thing about a quickie?
Have you or would you ever masturbate with toothpaste/tiger balm/numbing balm etc.?
Have you ever kissed someone of the same gender? What’s the best part on it?
What’s the most flattering thing someone’s said about your naked body?
What’s a part of clothing you would love to see your crush/partner in?
What does your ideal one night stand look like?
Do you have a favourite CNC scenario? Which is it?
Favourite position to give oral? And to receive?
What’s your fantasy celebrity threesome?
What is your most unusual turn on?
Do you have some songs you wanna get railed to?
What’s your opinion on anal?
Do you like to have rough sex? What you love the most?
Do you like to have sensual sex? What you love the most?
What’s your opinion on sexting?
Do you like getting teased in public? Why or why not?
What’s your biggest sexual pet peeve?
What are you favourite pet names to be called during sex?
What’s the best orgasm you had in past months?
Do you like going commando?
What language is the sexiest?
Is FreeUse hot? Why?
What would you love to roleplay as in bed?
What scent you find arousing?
Favourite way of being degraded?
Favourite way of being praised?
Favourite thing to do when dominating?
Favourite thing to do when being dominated?
Have you ever tried something only for it to become a hard limit of yours? How so?
Would you be willing to try something off limits? If yes, what would the circumstances have to be?
Do you like to be intoxicated during sex? How? Why?
Would you like to expose yourself/get exposed? If yes, are there some limits?
Best romantic evening setting, go!
Best sexual evening setting, go!
Would you watch porn with your partner? What would be your pick?
Would you ever participate in a goon day/weekend?
Would you ever participate in Locktober?
Would you ever participate in NoNutNovember?
Do you like tattoos or piercings on your partner? What would be the best places for them to have them?
What is a sex-challenge you would create? Would you do it with your partner or solo?
What is something you always wanted to ask your partner but didn’t had the courage to?
What is something you would love your partner to forget about you?
Is there a kink/fetish you would like your partner to have? Why?
Is there a kink/fetish you would like your partner NOT to have? Why?
Considering you ABSOLUTELY WOULD HAVE to do the next thing your partner will ask you to. What do YOU wish that would be?
Do you trust your partner enough to be their no-limit sex slave for 24 hours? Why not? What would be the limits?
Would you let your partner pimp you out?
Ropes or Cuffs?
Furries or Robots?
Fully naked or Fully clothed?
Take Erotic photos of someone or Let someone take erotic photos of you?
What’s a better gag? Panties or Socks?
Creampie or Throatpie?
Cuck someone or Get cucked?
Blunt pain or Sharp pain?
Obedient sub or Bratty sub?
Forever watch porn or Forever read porn
Proffesional or Amateur porn?
Feet or Hands?
Lights on or lights off?
Have a harem of men or Have a harem of women?
Truth or dare or FapRoulette?
Multiple orgasms vs Orgasm denial?
Nylons or Fishnets?
Pet or Slave?
Worship ass or Worship feet?
Mommy/Daddy or Master/Mistress?
Bites vs Slaps?
Bruises vs Cuts?
Latex or Leather?
Do you like your clit touched? How is it best?
Favourite way to jerk off?
Best thing about having a vagina?
What’s the nicest compliment you ever got about your vagina? What you think should be complimented on it?
Favorite blowjob technique?
Favorite way to jerk off?
Best thing about having a penis?
What’s the nicest compliment you ever got about your penis? What you think should be complimented on it?
Are you satisfied with your sex life? If not, what would you change? If yes, is there something you would still like to improve to make it even better?
Are you satisfied with yourself in bed? What you think you lack? What you think you excel at?
Did you found out something new about yourself?
Considering you and your sex life, is there something you are so PROUD OF you would brag about it on reddit? (Or tumblr lol, Stole this from reddit)
Considering you are going to have sex today, what are some things you would love to experience?
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arvidia · 4 months
Aff? So this sort of thing is more common where you are from?
Chatterweb: Periphery Bonding Experience
+Scion-of-Fenrir [Bonded] on: Wolf Dropship Mood: Tired Music: Best of Clan Wolf Album: 02 - Restoration
Hello? I was told by my bondspersonthing to use this to talk to other warriors. Apparently there are a lot of them on this chatterweb computer thing. So anyone out there willing to talk? I guess?
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arvidia · 4 months
"Aff, use the question marks. Sounds like a rather unique position to be in."
Chatterweb: Periphery Bonding Experience
+Scion-of-Fenrir [Bonded] on: Wolf Dropship Mood: Tired Music: Best of Clan Wolf Album: 02 - Restoration
Hello? I was told by my bondspersonthing to use this to talk to other warriors. Apparently there are a lot of them on this chatterweb computer thing. So anyone out there willing to talk? I guess?
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arvidia · 4 months
;) I have noticed a thing or two about you as well. I will keep your secrets for now if you keep mine, quiaff?
Chatterweb: Periphery Bonding Experience
+Scion-of-Fenrir [Bonded] on: Wolf Dropship Mood: Tired Music: Best of Clan Wolf Album: 02 - Restoration
Hello? I was told by my bondspersonthing to use this to talk to other warriors. Apparently there are a lot of them on this chatterweb computer thing. So anyone out there willing to talk? I guess?
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arvidia · 4 months
The flagship? To meet the ilKhan? How interesting. Please do keep me updated, and if "I" seem uninterested in the moment, send me the information anyway and I will get to it when I'm in control. ;)
Chatterweb: Periphery Bonding Experience
+Scion-of-Fenrir [Bonded] on: Wolf Dropship Mood: Tired Music: Best of Clan Wolf Album: 02 - Restoration
Hello? I was told by my bondspersonthing to use this to talk to other warriors. Apparently there are a lot of them on this chatterweb computer thing. So anyone out there willing to talk? I guess?
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arvidia · 4 months
Now that, is an interesting twist.
Chatterweb: Periphery Bonding Experience
+Scion-of-Fenrir [Bonded] on: Wolf Dropship Mood: Tired Music: Best of Clan Wolf Album: 02 - Restoration
Hello? I was told by my bondspersonthing to use this to talk to other warriors. Apparently there are a lot of them on this chatterweb computer thing. So anyone out there willing to talk? I guess?
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