#free fire free diamond generator
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9710124182 · 2 months ago
plese free dimond
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newsraag · 1 year ago
Free Fire Diamond Generator Tool क्या हैं?
Free Fire Diamond Generator
यह दावा करने वाले टूल का एक उदाहरण “Free Fire Diamond Generator” है, जो आपको मुफ्त हीरे देने का वादा करता है। आप बिना दोबारा सोचे इसके लिए त्यार हो जाते है। लेकिन क्या आपने कभी सोचा है कि इस टूल में कितनी सच्चाई है। दरअसल, ये सभी उपकरण फर्जी हैं। इसका एकमात्र काम आपकी जानकारी और ऐप को डाउनलोड करना और आपके डेटा को हाईजैक करना है। ऐसे उपकरणों से धोखा खाने से बचें। अगर आप ऐसा करेंगे तो आप बड़ी मुसीबत में पड़ सकते हैं। ऐसा कोई उपकरण नहीं है जो आपको मुफ्त हीरे प्रदान कर सके।
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भले ये कहते हो की हम आपको टूल के माध्यम से निःशुल्क हीरे प्रदान करेंगे। हालाँकि, आपको उनकी चाल में नहीं फँसना चाहिए। यह दृष्टिकोण पूरी तरह से असुरक्षित है। पैसे चुकाने के बाद ही आप गेम में डायमंड खरीद पाएंगे। हीरे पाने के लिए आपको पैसे देने की ज़रूरत नहीं है; आप कुछ युक्तियाँ लागू कर सकते हैं जो वास्तव में आपको ऐसा करने में सक्षम बनाएंगी। आपको किसी भी सुलभ उपकरण का उपयोग नहीं करना चाहिए और उस पर विश्वास नहीं करना चाहिए।
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suzukiblu · 7 months ago
"Lex Luthor's latest character flaw" poll winner, "deciding he wants grandbabies and giving Robin a cloning lab about it". Behold, a new WIP strikes!!
“What,” Tim says, staring blankly at the brightly-lit and airy sunroom full of very obvious cloning technology in the very expensive penthouse that Lex Luthor’s bodyguards just dragged a handcuffed Red Robin and Spoiler into after kidnapping them straight off patrol in the Diamond District in the middle of an active crisis situation with the League of Assassins and disabling all their tech and every single one of their trackers six and a half hours ago, down to the bastardized Kryptonian-tech ones in their back molars and two more in both of their suits that Tim didn’t even know existed, plus the one he put in Steph’s collar that she didn’t know existed. Babs is probably just about feral by now. Bruce is definitely feral by now. 
And Lex Luthor is drinking what appears to be a neon purple protein shake out of a rocks glass while sitting at a neatly-arranged desk in the center of the sunroom lab, looking idly bored and scrolling through whatever’s on his phone with his free hand. 
Alright then, Tim thinks carefully. 
“There you are, I was starting to wonder if I’d gotten al Ghul riled up for nothing,” Luthor says, barely glancing up from his tablet. 
“. . . which al Ghul,” Tim asks with wary dread. 
“All of them,” Luthor says, setting down his tablet to give him a pleasant smile. 
Well, now Tim knows why nobody’s dropped in a skylight to rescue them yet. And also why half of Gotham is currently on fire. 
“Uh,” Steph says, glancing around the sunroom lab. “So like, lead-lined glass in here, then, or . . . ?” 
“We’re in Connecticut, so no,” Luthor replies dismissively. “Anyway, the Boy Scout always gets suspicious of too much lead in one place. Which I personally find darling, since anyone in Metropolis without at least a lead-lined and soundproofed bedroom is essentially asking for Kryptonian voyeurs, whether intentionally or not on said Kryptonians’ parts. Also, privacy laws exist for a reason. As do patents, copyrights, attorney-client privilege, HIPAA . . .” 
“Connecticut?” Steph repeats incredulously. “What the frick is in Connecticut?” 
“Currently, us,” Luthor replies matter-of-factly. “Hope, Mercy, do me a favor and go check the security systems manually, just in case any invasive species of vermin have gotten into them. Also, yes, there is kryptonite, and no, there is actually much more than you’re theorizing.” 
“You have literally no idea how much kryptonite we’re theorizing,” Steph says as the bodyguards both leave with an affirming nod. Luthor gives her a pitying look, then turns his chair a few degrees towards Tim. Tim immediately expects the inevitable threat or ultimatum, and braces himself for–
“I’d apologize for all the fuss, but I don’t actually care about inconveniencing you and don’t see the point in pretending I ever would,” Luthor informs him. Tim stares blankly at him again. What is even happening right now? “Now then, what are your intentions in regards to ‘Supernova’, as I hear someone’s started calling himself now. ‘Themself’? I’m not sure if ‘Supernova’ is meant to be gender-affirming or more a ‘too old to stick with ‘Superboy’ but there are already three ‘Supermen’ active and the whole, you know, general stubborn individualism they’re so fond of. Or ‘he’s’ so fond of. Whichever."
Tim stares at him. 
“Is this supposed to be a trap for Supernova or a shovel talk for me?” he asks, because a) he’s not telling Lex Luthor anything about Kon’s gender or personal choices that Kon hasn’t publicly stated, and b) only Lex Luthor would actually kidnap two active vigilantes in the middle of a crisis he’d apparently pre-arranged to give a–well, no, Bruce would also do that, definitely. But this is not a Batman talk, either way. 
Batman’s “talks” all involve tests, for one thing, so actually so far this is an improvement. 
“It’s an engagement present,” Luthor says pleasantly. 
Tim’s brain crashes, then does the slowest reboot of his life. He’s recovered from concussions faster, he’s pretty sure. 
“They’re . . . not engaged, though?” Steph says skeptically. “Or, like, even dating?” 
“Red Robin’s commitment issues are his own problem, not mine. I’ve got a schedule to keep,” Luthor replies dismissively.
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supernovae-explosion · 9 days ago
𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉'𝓈 𝓈𝑜 𝓂𝒶𝑔𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓁 𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊
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I. II. III. .·:¨ Artist | Dividers | Masterlist ¨:·.
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Hello! To pick a pile please clear your mind and focus on the images above, whichever one speaks to you the most or you feel the most drawn to, this one is for you! If more than one speaks to you, feel free to read both. Remember to take only what resonates with you 🌠
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While tossing the cards I got so tense and shy, your energy is very overwhelming in a good way *shy*. You are a whole package deal my dear~ People regret not interacting with you, they feel like it’s a big missed opportunity for them, you’re very strong and a complex individual. You’re kind of addicting in a way may I say. You may have tendencies to overthink which may result in sleepless nights, but you’re so much more than people see. You have so much energy in you, so much determination, creativity, strength, it’s very impressive. This creativity of yours is so beautiful it blinds people around you, people may underestimate you but you have all the resources to prove them wrong and show the whole world how much you have to offer. “Her minds like a diamond” fits you perfectly, you went through things, maybe you’re doubting yourself subconsciously, but please remember that what that little voice in your mind tells you is not always true, especially when it comes to negativity about yourself. Don’t give up on yourself, you have so much to achieve and you have the power to do so, you just have to make the first steps, even the smallest ones are still steps.
Advice: Believe in yourself, universe is working with you, not against you. Let go of all burdens that heave on you, with that you’ll find a solution. The tides have changed, universe is on your side and it’s time for prosperity.
Songs: Motive by Ariana Grande, Doja Cat | Carmen by Lana Del Rey
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I got very melancholic while tossing, Joji in the background didn’t help to elate this atmosphere either. You are a patient person, but it seems like you may have some escapism tendencies which result in you beginning anew each time things don’t go the way you would like them to go. You reinvent yourself each single time just to run away from situations that do not favor you anymore, you know what you want and when situation is not good for you anymore. But still you are patient each single time it happens, thinking things maybe will change but like everything in this life you have your limits. The only thing is that you do not fight against these situations, you run away blinded by emotions and your past experiences which left bitter taste. You’re very generous with what you give people around you, you help and try your best but it doesn’t help YOU. You’re very comforting, compassionate, loving and I feel very safe in the energy I’m reading right now. You deserve better, that’s what I’m hearing. This compassion you have is magical, you really are special and I wish you will find people who will notice that.
Advice: You went through a lot, be delicate with yourself, give yourself some time to heal. It’s time to detox from all toxic energies in your life. Instead of worrying about others, use your strength and take control of your life.
Songs: Slow Dancing in the dark by Joji | Moment by Vierre Cloud
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You are a natural born leader. There is so much fire energy in this reading, if you have some fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) in your astrology chart, then this for sure is for you. You’re so energetic and open, a lot of extroverted energy is what I’m feeling. But you still have that soft spot in you, that emotional value and adoration. You for sure have many ideas about what you want, in comparison to pile 2 you are a strong fighter, you don’t run away you fight, fight and FIGHT! You have strong ideals, you will put people in their place, but there’s a little bit of that Pisces energy which is helping to smooth out this fiery attitude. You may leave behind things, not notice opportunities and how good some things are in your life, but it’s because you have something greater in mind for yourself. You share your success with others, you are all about the movement and going forward and I’m here for all of that, it’s amazing. I don’t have to say much, I think you already know all of these things about yourself, this Leo energy is pushing through right now. Just remember to take care of and don’t overwork yourself, even though the fire is strong and destructible, without oxygen it’s extinguished.
Advice: Universe is on your side, take advantage of that. Trust yourself and signs around you, they’re guiding you towards your path. Understand the life lessons that you went through to not repeat these mistakes again.
Songs: End of Beginning by Djo | Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo
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undiscovered-horizon · 1 year ago
Die Happy - Sanji x Reader
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SUMMARY: Sanji is disillusioned about your lack of interest in him. Someone like you could pick and choose among princes, kings and emperors. What's a measly cook to you? Nevertheless, his lovesick heart continuously rejoices when you choose him to waste time with.
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Part 2 -> "Maelstrom"
Sanji has never believed in ghouls, witches, faeries and the like. However, when he met you his belief began to shatter:
Like a dark sorceress covering the whole world with a curse, you lured all the influential, important men like fire does moths. At first, Sanji fooled himself that all those generals, merchants and noblemen only wanted something pretty to hang onto their shoulders but reality destroyed his comforting illusion when the said men offered riches most people couldn’t even fathom. If you asked them for an armada to sail to the Grand Line, they’d only ask what type of wood you’d prefer. Despite something akin to world domination lying at your fingertips, you always laughed those offers off, telling your powerful suitors that you would think about their words and get back to them.
Sanji once asked whether you’re truly considering marrying one of the generals or kings. Some more naive part of him hoped you’d say no. Alas, the truth, once again, was his adversary:
“Obviously!” you giggled at his silly question. “But I won’t marry the first one that offers me wealth and whatnot. First, I’d like to see all of my options and the world…” your voice trailed away as you vaguely pointed around the two of you. “Well, it’s a big place. Many more kingdoms to visit.”
But to his own demise, the cook was a fool unlike any other. He had no chance at winning your heart, no matter how much he’d try. Still, his untamable desire egged him on, whispering sweet songs of your grace. Even if he could taste your lips only in his imagination, he could do his best for you to have a reason to keep him around like a dog that begs for scraps at his master’s table.
Sanji knows he’s only hurting himself, only furthering his desperation when he makes you smile or earns a speck of your affection. Every dawn, he promises to free himself from your sorcery but when dusk comes and his left with the Moon, his only confidant, he realizes that he could never possess enough power to cut himself free from you. You’ve pierced his heart right through and if he pulls your knife out of his chest, he’s bound to bleed out and die. It’s better if he lets you have complete control over his mind and soul - it’s the only way he will make it out alive.
He’s left cold and lonely on that night. Soft, silver moonlight washes over him through the small porthole in the wall of his room. The sea is almost black at this hour of the night but it becomes a mystical sapphire when the Moon’s glow washes over the lazy waves making them glisten like pure diamonds.
Diamonds… maybe if he had diamonds, you’d see him as a man and not just a shipmate.
Quiet knocking on his door wakes Sanji up from his thoughts. Before he has a chance to get up and open the door or tell the guest to come in, the mysterious visitor enters out of their own volition.
Your tired face makes Sanji think about painting in museums - the ones all connoisseurs consider “classics” and “timeless”. The silk shirt you’re wearing looks not only awfully expensive but, which is much worse, to be a men’s size. Its hem ends right underneath your buttcheeks, threatening to expose your body should you lift your hands. In the darkness of his cabin, you appear as nothing beyond a phantom, a hallucination born out of desperation. And just like a ghost, you’ve come to haunt and torment him in the sweetest of ways; in a way only you can.
“What’s wrong, love?” he asks in a raspy voice. Sanji is doing a great job at appearing unaffected by your rather scantily clad form.
Carefully, you close the door behind you and walk towards him. Your skin glows when you step into the rays of soft moonlight pouring in through the porthole. Dishevelled hair, half-closed eyes and a slightly puffy face - Sanji has imagined you this way countless times but never actually seen. He can feel his body burning up, telling him to seize the opportunity, to wash you in the most charming and suave words he can think of.
“Nami kicks while sleeping,” you say quietly. “I swear to god my whole side is bruised at this point. Can I sleep with you?”
Sanji has to remind himself to breathe and to do so calmly. He’s cool, completely in control of himself. His mouth feels unbearably dry.
“‘Course you can,” he answers casually. With a swift move of his arm, he lifts the duvet. “Come on in.”
The pure bliss that suddenly appears on your face forces Sanji to take in a sharp, ragged breath. It’s an expression he also imagined one too many times when his desperation poisons his mind - not that he’s willing to admit it even to himself. He knows it’s wrong to even entertain a scenario in which you would grace him with such an enraptured face. Still, his will is not as strong as he often makes it out to be.
“Sanji, you are my salvation,” you tell him while getting under the covers with him.
“I know, love.”
It’s both strange and natural, the way your body fits his. As though the two of you have done it so much the memory of your muscles twists and turns your limbs to rest in the most comfortable and intimate way. The odd familiarity makes Sanji think that maybe in another lifetime this is how he always sleeps. He wishes he could find himself in that reality even for a second. Alas, it’s too far out of his reach.
“Damn, you’re really comfortable,” you mumble against his chest. Your hot breath makes him shiver. “And warm. I don’t think I’ll be going back to my bed.” A small grin of cosiness appears on your face - one that Sanji will never forget.
His broad chest and strong arm normally go unnoticed by you but now they’re like a fortress. And just like high stone walls are an unspoken promise of security and happiness, his firm hold on your body is a silent oath of a good night's sleep.
“Stay as long as you want,” he whispers back to you. 
Maybe if you weren’t so exhausted, you’d notice that his words aren’t a statement but a plea. They’re the last thing you remember before drifting off to a restful slumber.
Your breathing slows down and gains a steady, shallow rhythm. Keeping you close to his chest, Sanji allows his hands to gently brush against your arm and back. His movements are feathery, almost fearful. He wouldn’t want you to wake up and change your mind about spending the night beside him - he can indulge in his heart’s desire but he must do so carefully.
“If you only gave me a chance,” he whispers into the night.
Knowing you’re asleep and bound to remain ignorant of his affections, Sanji kisses the top of your head. His lips linger against your hair while he takes in the scent that haunts him day and night. Unknowingly, his grip around your body tightens at that moment as though he has suddenly grown most terrified of having you disappear. Too many nights he’s dreamed of this exact scenario only to wake up to a cold, empty bed.
When the dawn arrives and you leave his arms, this little moment of affection won't mean anything to you. It means nothing now. Sanji knows this very well. He doesn't try to lie to himself that maybe you'll wake up a changed person and finally see him as more than a friendly comrade. Although tonight means nothing to you, it holds an unspeakable weight to Sanji, who will forever gloat about the fact that when you needed help, it was him you turned to. It was his arms that guarded your sleep for a few hours.
Fighting off sleep until he collapses, Sanji revels in the feeling of you against his body and pretends, even if for one night, that you’re his the same way he will always be yours. Watching you sleep cuddled into him, he swears he could die happy now.
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glitterincandles · 9 months ago
smiling friends playing minecraft ; ☆
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is the one who thought of the idea in the first place #socialmediamanager
brought it up to mr. boss as a "team bonding activity" LOL
in charge of their minecraft server and mediates any conflict that happens within it
the ultimate gamer actually a gamer GOD
is in the game 24/7, they never stop the grind
definitely the first one to find diamonds
yo glep the typa guy to have his whole house and storage decked out by the first day
has an automatic farm for everything (cobblestone, iron, gunpowder, slime, etc) like u name it they have it for some reason
he doesn't let everyone use them for free though
he makes the others "pay" (read: do something embarrassing, run an errand for him, give him iron or something) to get access to any of his automatic farms of their choosing for a whole day
they can negotiate w them tho
like if one of them comes up to him and they have something that he doesn't find valuable then they DO have a chance to convince him of its value but otherwise it won't work lol
in fact he'll be quite offended
like u think that red dye is enough to get access to my automatic iron farm?! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
undeniably the most powerful person in the server
his minecraft skin is definitely either one of those meme skins with an oddly realistic face on the torso or a skin that looks like some sort of lizard dragon monster thing
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mr. boss
honestly barely knew what minecraft was before glep brought it up
he did assume it was some kind of game when he hears the word
like any other video game, he had to be introduced to it by the ppl around him
despite him approving of the game, he's barely ever joins the server
^^^^ he's more into rhythm games and fps
has no clue whats going on in the server tbh
he just gets bits and pieces based off of what others say to him or around him
because of that he tries to join the server more often but he really really can't get ahold of minecraft in general bc he gets bored very easily and needs outside stimuli
is the type to log into a server he hasn't touched in a hot second and be upset that everyone else is so far ahead
he always spawns in the middle of nowhere every time bc he hasn't made or slept in a bed yet
^^^ because he usually leaves the server within 5 minutes which isn't long enough for the day-night minecraft cycle to commence (minecraft days are 10 minutes long)
when he logs on while its nighttime in the server he literally BREAKS into allan's house (much to his dismay) and forgets to patch any hole he left in his walls or windows
he hits/kills everyone else in minecraft for fun
literally just logs in to cause chaos then leave
^^^ everyone is thankful that he doesn't have access to tnt yet
definitely uses the alex minecraft skin
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allan red
he took a while to accept that they have a minecraft world together
he found it kinda obnoxious (he joined the server anyway)
determined to have the best house in the game
if he had to take any role, he would be the builder
the first thing he did when he logged in was start building a house... like wood enters his inventory, he just makes a fuckin axe then uses the rest of the wood to build his house ;w;
he's actually pretty good at it since he already is very detail-oriented and shit so he can definitely make a fire house
when it comes to mining or combat tho he's so shit
^^^ glep helps in this aspect LOL
only went to the nether for glowstone and it pissed charlie off once
bc theyre already pretty close, glep is more lenient on him and is usually on his side when it comes to any conflict that occurs in the server
not only does he put a lot of effort into his houses, he also puts a lot of effort into the outside of his houses
he just be building shit
built a whole mansion for his minecraft dog once (just bc)
every time he dies in minecraft he's like "ok that means its time for me to log off"
surprisingly has a very healthy balance of play time. he plays just enough to get very far in the game and keep up with everything and ALSO keep his real life stabilized and normal
he has a creative minecraft world outside of the server that he tries redstone in to get lights in his normal minecraft house to work without it looking too bulky and ugly
^^^ he also uses it to make booby traps for anyone entering his house without permission
^^^^ they never fucking work on mr. boss
he made his minecraft skin himself and its just him if he were yassified
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charlie dompler
oh god fucking finally was probably what ran through his mind when he heard the news
he probably joked about it once to pim and was surprised that it actually came true
this guy is second to glep when it comes to gaming
like srsly bro probably has a gaming setup and/or is saving up for one
he was the second to join the minecraft server (second to glep again)
he is the opposite of allan; he hates building and only ever mines or fights mobs
in fact he made his whole minecraft hideout in the side of a cave and it only has like. one crafting table, six fucking furnaces, and like 10 chests full of random drops and bulllshit, then his singular bed in the middle of the room with a big path leading down to a random ass cave
looking at his minecraft hideout would make a minecraft builder CRY their eyes out its worse than u think
would often vc with pim and play with him on the server
spends a concerning amount of time on minecraft bc he always has something to do on it, he just gives himself random side quests
despite the disorganization of his minecraft home he's actually more organized in minecraft than in real life believe it or not
he probably hasn't touched grass since he joined the minecraft server
him and glep duel it out sometimes for fun, or they do like fighting challenges with each other like who can kill the most zombies without dying
extremely attached to a wolf he tamed when he first joined the server
he watched minecraft gaming youtubers and bc of that he enchants everything he owns bc those were his favorite episodes
his minecraft skin is some sort of character from one of his interests, like mr. frog or a random salty's mascot bc he finds it funny
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pim pimling
his poor cheap office laptop can barely run minecraft omfg
when he boots minecraft up, it'd lag so hard and the fans in his laptop would go crazy, then after five minutes minecraft runs "as normal"... like it's playable but not to ppl who are used to 250 fps
^^^ it happens every fucking time he doesn't know how to fix it
he's ok with it though he's like ok give it a sec this happens all the time ^w^
^^^^ was the last person to join the server bc of this
sings a song while he's doing a minecraft chore, like in the silly halloween special episode when he was singing picking up twigs! picking up twigs! that'll be him while getting wood or something similar
he's real careful about how long he plays bc he doesn't want his laptop to overheat
his combat skills r pretty good bc of his experience playing gwimbly's games when he was younger
his favorite thing is definitely farming though
he's at a constant dilemma of using bones for either bone meal or taming another wolf to add to his mini army
^^^ the mini army is only making his lag worse charlie Really doesn't understand
settled down in a village in one of those empty houses and fight to protect them from any raid that occurs
talks aloud to minecraft villagers as if they can hear him
his village house is filled with many animals actually
he is charmed by baby zombies and baby villagers
^^^ he adopted a baby villager in minecraft once
^^^^ she died in a freak accident during a raid
^^^^^ pim was heartbroken for days
he does a lot of side quests with charlie for fun
like charlie, his minecraft skin is a character from one of his interests,, most likely gwimbly or a character from that game
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saikikthoughts · 3 months ago
Saiki characters and their shower habits, inspired by @no-psi-nan ‘s toilet post:
Saiki: showers before bed at the same time every night with temperate water. Has never changed his shampoo, conditioner, or body wash from a reliable and cheap store brand. Has never peed in the shower, and silently judges those who do. His showers are quick and efficient and he dries himself off instantly without need for a towel
Teruhashi: showers every morning in scalding water to prepare herself for the day, uses salon quality products that she got for dirt cheap, towel dries her hair, washes her hair every other day so as to not mess with the natural barrier of oils. Would never pee in the shower as it would be unbecoming
Nendo: showers when he remembers or when his mom tells him to, uses cold water and a 3-in-1 shampoo conditioner and body wash. Always pees in the shower. Sometimes spaces out but then he thinks of the ramen he’ll have later and he finishes up quickly. Shakes his head like a dog when he gets out to air dry his hair
Kaido: takes two baths a day in warm water, uses generic shampoo, conditioner, and bar soap but has an elaborate hair care routine to keep it appropriate levels of spiky and fluffy. Might pee in a shower but would never pee in the bath. Uses his bath time to come up with Dark Reunion plots
Yumehara: showers most nights in hot water to wind down, sings in the shower using a loofah as a mic, uses popular brand name shampoo conditioner and body wash, has peed in the shower once or twice but doesn’t really see the appeal or disgust with it, blow dries her hair so her pillow doesn’t get wet, has an elaborate skincare routine and a favorite pumice stone
Mera: showers when she has the time in freezing cold water that helps keep her awake for all her jobs and responsibilities at home, uses whatever products were on sale, air dries her hair, pees in the shower to save time
Hairo: showers when he gets home from school in water that’s as HOT AS THE FIRES OF HELL!!! Uses head and shoulders 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner because he has a propensity for dandruff. Tried to exercise in the shower once but slipped and almost hurt himself. Towel dries his hair and then runs his hands through it once causing it to instantly pop up into spikes (Kaido is very jealous). Has very strong deodorant opinions. Tries to aim for the drain when he pees in the shower
Kuboyasu: has a lot of hair products left over from his floor length mullet days that he kinda doesn’t know what to do with so he lets Kaido borrow them occasionally. Showers when he feels gross but keeps it short to minimize vulnerability. Doesn’t like peeing in the shower but if he needs to go he’ll squat over the drain
Saiko: showers are for peasants, he takes luxurious warm baths in a diamond accented porcelain tub with the most expensive products and plush towels money can buy while soothing music plays from speakers. Would be offended if someone insinuated he peed in a shower
Aiura: showers every other day with tropical fruit scented shampoo and conditioner and an exfoliating body scrub. Once a week she pampers herself with a bubble bath that includes a glittery bath bomb and some rockin tunes. Pissing in the shower is totes not her vibe
Toritsuka: uses dry shampoo when his hair gets oily, showers once a week and pees when he’s in there
Akechi: king of shower pissing. Makes his own soap. It’s the one time of day there’s no one for him to talk at so he gets real good thinking done. Starts the shower really hot but when the temperature starts to fall on its own he knows he’s been in there long enough
Hii: sits in the shower on top of an anti slip pad so there’s less falling risk, all shampoo and conditioner is on the lip of the tub within reach, she doesn’t take baths after that time she accidentally got electrocuted
Satou: showers for 8 minutes in warm water with common scent free products before bed every day, unless he forgets and then he showers the next morning.
Amp: licks himself
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seraphivonne7 · 3 months ago
Base Ideas For The Fallen Skies!SFOTH and Demigods
Listing who I need to yap about help me.
▷ Firebrand
▷ Windforce
▷ Venomshank
▷ Ghostwalker
▷ Icedagger
▷ Darkheart
▷ Illumina
▷ Ban Hammer
▷ Sword
▷ Valk
▷ Dom
Okay! Time to randomly yap and pretend I know what I’m talking about. Since this is me typing my thoughts out, everything I say in this is subject to change. Think of this rant as base ideas for the Fallen Skies!SFOTH and Demigods.
(Also, some parts of this will be canon information. Other parts of this will be HC’d information.)
Explodes. (obligatory exploding every post) Ahem.
So I’ve been thinking about fleshing out the SFOTH.
Obviously, all the SFOTH are base melee characters. They’re all sword wielders and cannot be separated into the three classes of melee, ranged or support. HOWEVER, their movesets will be completely unique to them (ex. Icedagger throwing icy projectiles as an ability).
Another factor! Titles are a fraction of their role (King Firebrand, for example). How I mostly weigh their worth as a SFOTH, like: what have they contributed to Inpherno, what great tales have they been a part of? Are they a god revered in joy, or a god feared?
Having thought about all of this for the past few days, I think I have a basic understanding of their general making!
▷ King of the SFOTH, God of Demons and Hellfire, The Benevolent King.
▷ Abilities are solely lava/fire-based. He can also manipulate the landscape around him, raise mountains and rip ravines into the world.
▷ His great sword is forged out of blackstone, lava and fire gemstones, decorated with the bones of an ancient creature. No one else can wield it because it’s too hot.
▷ He’s a grandfather and a sweetheart. Diplomacy over violence.
▷ Goddess of the Wind, Sea and War, Queen of Chaos.
▷ Core abilities are wind-based. On a broader spectrum, she can manipulate the weather and oceans.
▷ Her double-bladed spear is forged out of wind, oceanic stone, sun gold, and lightning. It’s actually really heavy despite looking balanced ‘n light, and it can’t be lifted by anyone else (it can’t even be lifted by Ban Hammer or Firebrand).
▷ She got the title Queen of Chaos for a reason. She’s a tough-loving mother and a free spirit.
▷ God of Wisdom, Bringer of the Plague.
▷ Abilities are acid/poison-based. He can also reanimate dead bodies at will.
▷ His rapier is simply made out of bronze, ancient oak and green diamond. Simple and light! He’s also able to duplicate it and dual-wield two rapiers.
▷ He’s an eloquent tactician. He speaks only when necessary.
▷ God of the Afterlife, The Reaper, Soul Taker.
▷ His abilities are gravity-based, actually. And, of course, he can see one’s soul and take it.
▷ His weapon is generally a great sword most of the time. It’s forged out of lightsteel, blackstone, and most importantly, genesis essence. The genesis essence is what allows his weapon to shift into different forms, like a chained whip or throwing daggers.
▷ He’s silent. He watches from the sidelines and defers to doing his job as a cold-hearted god.
▷ God of Ice and Snow.
▷ Abilities are snow/ice-based, obviously! He can crystalize structures, throw icy projectiles around, even manipulate snowy weather. Other things maybe.
▷ His weapon is a balanced dagger forged out of frost opals, blue ice and sapphires---very pretty and delicate!
▷ He’s shy and cautious. He’s a bit insecure as the youngest, having no faith in his powers. However… Icedagger is actually extremely powerful.
▷ God of Tricks and Misfortune, Bringer of Death, Entity of Malevolence.
▷ Abilities are shadow-based. He definitely shadow walks and shadow weaves terrible monsters. Also, his curses!
▷ His great sword is forged out of blackstone, shadows, and poisoned gemstones. It’s decorated with the cursed bones of those who crossed him. Also, he can replicate and dual-wield like Venomshank!
▷ What can I say? He’s a silly little god who loves committing war crimes :).
▷ God of Judgement.
▷ Abilities are light-based. And of course he can manipulate people in many different ways.
▷ His great sword is forged out of light, lightsteel, and amethyst. He’s able to replicate and dual-wield as well.
▷ He’s one manipulative god.
YAY. The SFOTHs now have somewhat base images. I can now die happy.
(Slowly turns around and sees the demigods. Proceeds to explode again.)
Time to apply my thoughts to them as well.
Ban Hammer
▷ Demigod of Strength, Warden of Banlands.
▷ His abilities are literally just brute strength. He can also summon lightning for attacks if he really needs it. Thank you to that one HC who brought this to light.
▷ His hammer is forged out of deep amethyst, blackstone and blacksteel. It can only be lifted by Firebrand and Windforce!
▷ He’s Ban Hammer. :] A chill dude until angered.
▷ Demigod of Justice, Defender of Inpherno.
▷ His abilities are light-based, uhm. Also strength-based…! He also has adapted himself into doing aerial attacks.
▷ His sword is forged out of light, lightsteel and audurite. It’s incredibly heavy and weighted specifically for Sword.
▷ Fallen Skies!Sword is quiet. He’s a serious fellow that’s never known anything else but training and duties.
▷ Demigod of Melody.
▷ His abilities are sun/solar-based! And since he’s not a SFOTH, he’s actually a support, using his voice to boost others’ abilities up to six times their strength.
▷ His microphone is purely made of sunlight. Only he can hold it.
▷ He’s very curious and outgoing. The life of the party with big dreams!
▷ Demigod of Harmony.
▷ His abilities are opposite to Valk’s: moon/moonlight-based. He’s also a support who can use his voice to physically attack others, plus he can throw up massive force fields!
▷ His megaphone is purely made of moonlight. Only he can hold it.
▷ He’s the quiet one who has dry, sassy humour. He’s also very wise and observant of everything around him.
THERE. Now I’m done! Base ideas are sometimes a pain. Help.
I actually wanted to create ancient stories regarding the SFOTH. Partly why I needed to make these ideas so I know what role they would play in these stories. I also needed a full scope of how powerful each one is so I can properly write them for Fallen Skies AU. AND ALSO, THE SCENARIOS?
▷ Icedagger freezing over an entire domain like WHAT.
▷ Can I get Darkheart casting eternal darkness over all of Inpherno.
Time to go eat dinner goodbye. :>
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journeytothewestresearch · 1 year ago
Can you please tell me what abilities sun wukong have because am always confused about it i even hear some people says that sun wukong is omniscient and omnipresent and can control time or that he is is a boundless character
At no point in JTTW is Monkey ever depicted as a boundless character with omniscience, omnipresence, and control over time. Anyone claiming that has never read the novel. Never ever trust any online claims about Sun Wukong unless a cited quote is provided.
Having said that, I am slowly compiling a comprehensive list of all of Monkey's magical abilities and skills, complete with corresponding Chinese terms and citations. However, I am nowhere close to being done (and won't be for years), so I can only give you a general list at this time. But I will link to my past articles where applicable.
The following is based on a list I wrote a few months ago for someone looking to make their D&D campaign more authentic.
Immortality - He has six layers of immortality. But these are more like layers of invulnerability. As a "bogus immortal" (yaoxian, 妖仙) he is still susceptible to injury and death because he hasn’t yet achieved Buddha-nature and broken free of the wheel of rebirth (see note #1 here for an explanation).
Invulnerability - He has an adamantine hide that can't be pierced or hurt by earthly or heavenly weapons and elements (this doesn't count the times that he allows himself to be cut). This is thanks to all of the immortal foodstuff he had eaten in heaven being refined within his body by his samadhi fire, giving him a "diamond body" (jingang zhi qu, 金鋼之軀). Sometimes he uses this invulnerability to freak out demons by blocking a sword strike with his bald head. However, he can still be hurt. For example, he is twice wounded by special elements born from spiritual cultivation, samadhi fire and wind (the book treats cultivated and heavenly elements as two different things). Also, one villain, a scorpion demoness energized with Buddhist dharma power, is able to successfully penetrate his skin by stinging him in the face with her tail.
72 changes - He can transform into anything. The only flaw is his tail, which doesn't always change the way he wants it to. Or, a character recognizes him because of his red butt.
Cloud somersault - This allows him to fly 108,000 li (33,554 mi / 54,000 km) in a single leap. The skill is actually a metaphor for instantaneous enlightenment, for those who achieve it will immediately arrive in the Buddha's paradise.
Magic hairs - He can change any one of his 84,000 hairs into anything he wants (tools, random objects, living creatures, etc.) These include hair clones, which are autonomous copies of himself that can range into the tens, hundreds, thousands, millions, or even billions. However, he only deploys these on a small scale in the novel. He never uses the power to its full stated extent.
Super strength - His greatest feat is carrying two mountains while running "with the speed of a meteor." But there are characters physically stronger than him. For instance, Monkey cannot escape the grip of the Great Peng bird once he is caught in his powerful talons.
Martial arts - He is proficient in armed and unarmed combat, being able to go toe-to-toe with deities with centuries more combat experience than him. "Short Fist," a historical style, is listed as his preferred boxing method. But he mainly relies on his magic iron staff for fighting.
General magic - Monkey is shown capable of calling forth gods and spirits, growing or shrinking to any size, parting fire and water, creating impassable barriers, conjuring wind storms, casting illusions, freezing people in place, putting anyone to sleep, unlocking any lock, bestowing superhuman strength, bringing the dead back to life, turning invisible, changing someone's appearance, traveling to and from heaven and hell, etc.
Magic Eyes - He can see through illusions. But this isn't always portrayed consistently, for I know of several times where Guanyin fools him, and even a god of the soil, a lesser deity, is once able to do the same thing.
Medicine - He can diagnose maladies and concoct medicines to solve the issue.
You can see that omniscience, omnipresence, and control over time are not listed. I think the problem is that people are confusing Sun Wukong at two different points in his character arc. The powers listed above come from the journey itself (ch. 13 to 100). The omni-level powers would come after he achieves Buddhahood at the end of the novel (ch. 100). However, it's very, very important to know that the story ends before Sun Wukong, now the "Victorious Fighting Buddha," performs any feats (i.e. he has no feats as a Buddha). I'm sure people could assign him powers ascribed to other Buddhas in religious literature, but what happens after the story ends is beyond canon.
I hope this helps.
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theology101 · 3 months ago
Fallout 4 Enhanced, part 2 - minor factions
People seemed to like part 1 so I'm going in for round two! Last time, we discussed the main endings for the Commonwealth with the primary factions but we all know that there is more to the Commonwealth than that. We're talking small fry this time. Let's go with the new kids on the block
In the base game, Gunners are just higher-level, better-armed Raiders. They're a well organized 'Mercanary' group with multiple outposts connected via Radio at Gunner's Plaza. They seem to be either new immigrants to the Commonwealth or (if the Vault 75 theory is true) have only just emerged. Personally, I think they're moving in from the South - most of their territory is located in the south of the Commonwealth, baring a few outposts further north that are well fortified.
They're plot irrelevant save for one thing: they're responsible for the Quincy Massacre, polishing off the Minutemen, and sending Preston Garvey running North. That is it. There is no major quests for them, no one comments if you wipe them out - you don't even know who their clients are. Okay, that's not true - the Diamond City robot chef hired them to steal a Deathclaw egg and Old Man Stockton (and thus the Railroad by consequence) protects his caravans. Every other client is a mystery. A common theory is the Institute but they would have to recognize that Stockton's activities, especially because his use to the Railroad is through his trade network.
So we have a group of highly militant if disorganized gang of private soldiers who have beef with the Minutemen and aren't scared of the Commonwealth's boogieman.
I think they should've been joinable or at the very least interactable. If I approach one of their bases, they should tell me to back off and leave, threaten me, etc. Just opening fire on every random person is what makes them just raiders. Should they suddenly be friendly? Absolutely not, despite their relationship with Stockton (and how I want the Railroad to be more focussed on slavery in general) the Gunners are canonically slavers so if a Gunner patrol comes across you in a random encounter, have them open dialogue to try and kidnap Sole, or have Minutemen quests to rescue kidnapped settlers
I also don't think they should have a single "Boss". Maybe a client who is specifically targeting the Minutemen for some fucking reason (Maybe it's a Drug Kingpin out of Goodneighbor, or some rich raider boss - or maybe they did it on their own volition because the Minutemen made it harder to do their job) but I think for every single operation they have in the game (Which is when they're specifically doing something, like being in Mass Fusion, Hallucigen or Greentech, and not holding territory) there should be a client that we can find in the game, and they should have a reason to do it.
The Gunners can also fulfill something that Fallout 4 desperately needed: an act 4. Now that X has claimed the Commonwealth, the Gunners being dealt with are probably high up on their list of actually establishing control. In part 1, I talked about how the Battle of Quincy should be this big epic battle involving multiple major factions as Quincy is taken back once and for all, freeing the captured townspeople and taking back the commonwealth - the Gunners are kinda just Bad Guys to Kill. But you know what? Great. Give them more men, more machine guns, etc. After that, taking Gunner Plaza should have had a major impact on the Commonwealth - the Gunners could no longer communicate between groups, the Minutemen Radio had further range than ever before, and their leadership was decapitated. This should send them scrambling - maybe even warranting a force from outside the commonwealth coming in to relieve their comrades. I think the Gunner-Minuteman war would've been dope
Children of Atom
The Children of Atom are Great. I love them. They're silly, cool, and low-key, right? Like, Eldritch Entitities exist in Fallout and they are typically related to radiation. This is just canon, there are beings beyond our comprehension who exist outside of our Reality.
But that's not important - why are they all so angry?
When I rock up to Kingsport Lighthouse, I want to talk to them and say "Hey, I support your religion, but can I make a settlement here?" and then BOOM! Unlocked Children Of Atom Settlement Items. Simple as, they're just a religion, I can allow them in my settlements - just stay away from the water, okay? Some of the radiant quests should just be going to your settlements and figuring out a solution between the Children of Atom and your settlers / Brotherhood / Institute. This goes double if you are a full member up in Far Harbor (which, legit I will not touch it cause it's great) as you spread your religion across the Commonwealth. Or at the very least, you tolerate them and control them
It's wild to me that they're hostile on-site. If I rock up to the Crater House to get baptized, they should let me be baptized! It's weird that they're just on-site for NO REASON! I want to see Children of Atom in every major city (they know the most about energy so they run the power grid, we just have to put up with the preaching) and follow every major caravan (they can help with a lot of radiation diseases on the road) to make the Church of Atom something that you might actually look at and go "Oh hey yeah that seems like a good idea."
Interestingly, I think they could be an ally for the Railroad of all people. If they give a Synth the identity of a Children of Atom Follower, they can live fine (some are immune to radiation, some aren't, it depends) in the Glowing Sea.
I could also see the Children of Atom and the Brotherhood of Steel having an Adeptus Mechanicus-Adeptus Astartes kind of relationship. Like, they view the Brotherhood as Atom's Fury taking and holding Atom's holy relics from Abominations. Oh, and by the way - the Children of Atom Cult almost took over the Commonwealth the winter before we woke up. Maybe some people should bring that up, especially because a peaceful variant of the faith won out in the end.
Raider Gangs
This pisses me off so much, cause Bethesda did the work to give each of the raider bosses personal beef and relationships with each other and have fairly consistent borders/areas of control that they work with - and then didn't do anything with them. There are six major factions of Raiders. I'm just going to briefly describe them, their attitudes and what I would change
Tourette Gang - They occupy the Federal Ration Reserve, so they should be incredibly well-armed, well-armored, and well-fed. The group is kept small and they focus on longe range weapons to make sure no one they dislike can get too close. Hate Tower Tom's gang, should wear surplus military or police gear. Near no major trade lines, but also don't need to be.
Beantown Boys - Tower Tom's group, they are sitting near no major trade or supply lines, and the only reason they're alive is that they can sell bear to Triggermen, other Raiders and also hold Red Tourette's Sister hostage (actually dead) so Red keeps sending them food. Sent people all the way out to BADFTL and they can see the writing on the walls and that a gang led by drunks is not going to thrive. Because they're so drunk, they focus more on melee weapons or things where they don't need to aim all too much like shotguns or machine guns
Boston Bandits - Led by Bosco, these Raiders should be the most 'classic' raiders. Controlling the majority of Boston and a chunk of Cambridge, his gang shouldn't have a particular focus, just to sell home that they're generic. Wide range of loot from the better equiped and skilled to the randos who just joined up. They should also have a BUNCH of traps to defend themselves from the ‘Beast’
Libertalia - this gang is different, led by a former Minuteman and his company, these guys should still have their laser muskets, Minuteman outfits, etc. For a group in the 'slow decline from guardians into raiders' they seem to have adopted the tattoos and grisly displays pretty damn fast. These Raiders should seem a lot more well maintained, more hygienic - probably a lot less chems too.
The Forged - The Forged are actually great, wish I could've seen em more though.
Judge Zeller - He tortures people into working for him until they're insane and fanatics. That to me sounds like either they sprint in with knives like crazy people or just insane spray-and-pray types. Lets give them automatic weapons and grenades to see what happens
I doubt the Engine could've handled it, but it would've been cool seeing these factions fighting over Raider camps and stuff after we clear it out, see how the territory changes through our actions and the various gangs. Giving them a unique feel on top of gang war violence is just fun.
Special mention to the Triggermen who really seemed like they would be important, but just weren't. I want them to act as the unofficial middleman between Raiders and Goodneighbor - Goodnighbor as a respectable trading town would never sell to violent evil raiders.... but they sell to the Triggermen and they don't have such compunctions. I'd also like to see a few of them lurking around Diamond City, giving the city a bit of crime or occasionally showing up in your settlements as black market salesmen
Caravan Collective
This is a new faction, but I could also call it Bunker Hill Plus. There are several traders and they’re all based out of Bunker Hill but in spite of that, there is no organization. No collective trade power. Nothing like Crimson Caravan or the Mojave Express. I think that the Caravan Collective should be a sorta rump state to the Commonwealth Provisional Government - while the actual government collapsed, the organized trade network and regulations that they made has survived the massacre
They shouldn’t have the big of an effect on the story - maybe a quest were you help Old Man Stockton root out Institute Spies - but negotiating them to go to your settlements instead of them just appearing one day. Similarly, the traders should pop up in Goodneighbor or Diamond City instead of just settlements and Bunker Hill. With the deal Bunker Hill has with the Raiders, they can travel pretty much unimpeded. This faction won’t be claiming the commonwealth, but they should have a presence and a decent size of Caravan security - if you don’t mess with them, they won’t mess with you
Super Mutants
These guys are unique amongst Super Mutants as they have no methods to reproduce themselves. Out west, there are a number of FEV vaults out there making more, though it’s rare - and in DC they have a whole Vault to make more, while the Appalachian guys have a few sources.
All Super Mutants in the Commonwealth come from the Institute’s experiments. And by “Experiments” i mean Shaun intentionally destabilizing the region, Virgil himself says they aren’t accomplishing anything. Super Mutants are just made from random kidnapped people, a Synth replaces them and the mutant is set to rampage. And I think that these mutants should be aware of that fact.
All Super Mutants are communalist and love each other as ‘Brothers’ - basically Warhammer Orks - but these brothers no that they are a limitted supply. I don’t think these super mutants should be any smarter then their cousins, but perhaps more cautious? They can’t just make more, every Super Mutant is a rare resource. Suicide Super Mutants; while cool, don’t fit this model but every society needs its Lunatics
I even think you should be able to make a deal with them if you’re the Institute - promise them to keep filling up their numbers, and in exchange get an army of green shocktroops. The Institute doesnt care if the Greenskins rampage about - if anything, the Institute is already the Super Mutant’s greatest ally
Up Next - Companions and/or Settlements
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witchthewriter · 2 years ago
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𝑨𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒚 𝑳𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒔!
So, I’ve decided to create indepth posts about astrology; the signs/placements, planets, and houses. I have a short overview here. Everyone has a whole birth chart, here's a free site that I use and trust (don't go on co-astrology it's full of stereotypes and misinformation.) 
First lesson: 𝐒𝐔𝐍 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐒 🌞
The sun sign is what the media and the general population know as your ‘star’ and/or zodiac sign. But it doesn’t represent you as a whole. In fact, your Sun sign is your ego, how you see yourself, self-expression, what motivates you etc. Yes, it’s your personality, but it’s your basic personality. There’s a lot more to a person, especially according to astrology.
Sun in Fire signs: bold, upfront, outgoing, loyal
Sun in Earth signs: reliable, responsible, down-to-earth, dependable
Sun in Air signs: friendly, desire to learn, witty, intellectual
Sun in Water signs: intuitive, nurturing, introverted, understanding
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𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑅𝑎𝑚
March 21 - April 19
𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞
Colours: Red
Planet: Mars (Motivation & Action)
Ruling House: 1st (self, beginnings, first impressions, attitude, identity) “All Your Firsts”
Traits: ambitious, independent, impatient, assertive, impulsive. Natural confidence and an energetic pull. However, they can be quick to anger. Natural leaders.  ▪️  Always fight for their goals  ▪️  Rules the head & leads with the head ▪️  One of the most active zodiac signs; not just physically but can be mentally as well
Day: Tuesday
Tarot Card: The Emperor
Gemstone: Diamond
Flower: Thistle & Honeysuckle 
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𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐵𝑢𝑙𝑙
April 20 - May 20
𝐅𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐝 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡
Colours: Green & Pink
Planet: Venus (Desire & Relationships)
Ruling House: 2nd (money, work, income, values, routines) 
Traits: practical, grounded, dependable, devoted, uncompromising. Those with a Taurus Sun means you have a love for luxury but are also heartfelt and soothing to be around.  ▪️  Have a need to always be surrounded by love and beauty  ▪️  One of the most reliable signs of the zodiac  ▪️  Their committment is often misinterpreted as stubbornness 
Day: Friday, Monday
Tarot Card: The Hierophant
Gemstone: Emerald 
Flower: Rose, Poppy & Foxglove
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𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑇𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑠
May 21 - June 20
𝐌𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐀𝐢𝐫
Colours: Light Green & Yellow
Planet: Mercury (Intellect & Communication)
Ruling House: 3rd (the mind, communication, social activity)
Traits: Characterized by the Twins, Castor and Pollux, who the constellation is based on, Gemini’s are stereotyped as having two different sides to themselves; twofaced. This isn’t true, anyone can be two faced. What has been misconstrued is that Gemini’s have the ability to see the multifaceted aspect of all things. They’re an air sign, meaning they’re highly intellectual, witty and forward thinking. They’re one of the most social signs.  ▪️  Have a constant feeling that there isn’t enough time to experience everything ▪️  Open-mind makes them great writers, journalists and artists ▪️  Find romantic love through banter/communication rather than looks
Day: Wednesday
Tarot Card: The Lovers
Gemstone: Tiger’s Eye
Flower: Lavender, Lily of the Valley
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𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑏
June 21 - July 22
𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫
Colours: Violet & White
Planet: Moon (Emotion & Security)
Ruling House: 4th (home, self-care, family, emotions, nurturing, women, mother) “The Foundation”
Traits: incredibly nurturing, caring, reliable, alluring to others - draw them in, intuitive, loving and deeply emotional. Have a lot of sympathy for others and very family orientated.  ▪️  Always the glue of a group ▪️  Have an intate need to be needed ▪️  Most likely have an odd sense of humour 
Day: Monday, Thursday
Tarot Card: The Chariot
Gemstone: Ruby & Pearl
Flower: Orchid & White Rose
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𝐋𝐞𝐨 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐿𝑖𝑜𝑛
July 23 - August 22
𝐅𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐝 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞
Colours: Gold, Orange
Planet: Sun (Life & Identity)
Ruling House: 5th (romance, play, creativity, fertility, self-expression, drama)
Traits: As Leo is ruled by the Sun, those with a Leo Sun are quite stable, regal and lucky. Incredibly joyful, lively and outgoing. Main character energy.  ▪️  Want to make the world a better place ▪️  Confident, or are at least amazing at pretending to be confident  ▪️  Love the spotlight
Day: Sunday
Tarot Card: Strength
Gemstone: Carnelian 
Flower: Sunflower 
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𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛
August 23 - September 22
𝐌𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡
Colours: Silver & Pale Yellow
Planet: Mercury (Intellect & Communication)
Ruling House: 6th (health, habits, pets, sense of usefulness, analytical nature)
Traits: One of the most hardest working signs of the zodiac, have an observant and meticulous nature. Adaptable, analytical, pragmatic.  ▪️  Strong sense of duty toward others ▪️  Natural inclination to improve the world around them; people, places, things etc.  ▪️  Typically show their love through Acts of Service
Day: Wednesday
Tarot Card: The Hermit
Gemstone: Peridot
Flower: Marigold 
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𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑆𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠
September 23 - October 22
𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐢𝐫
Colours: Blue, Green, Pink
Planet: Venus (Desire & Relationships)
Ruling House: 7th (relationships, marriage, contracts, equality, sharing, business deals)
Traits: known for their elegance, good-taste and charm. Cooperative, diplomatic, gracious, fair-minded. The most aesthetic of the zodiacs. Natural peacemakers amd great secret-keepers.  ▪️  Value harmony in all forms  ▪️  Love people and social interactions. They’re fiercely attracted to intelligence.  ▪️  Intolerance for chaos and mess
Day: Friday
Tarot Card: Justice
Gemstone: Sapphire
Flower: Rose
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𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑖𝑜𝑛
October 23 - November 21
𝐅𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫
Colours: Red, Black
Planet: Pluto (Power & Transformation), Mars (Motivation & Action)  
Ruling House: 8th (birth, death, intimacy, transformation, property & loans of other people than yourself) “The Mysteries”
Traits: passionate and assertive, they have an air of mystery about them. Resourceful, powerful, brave, and independent. Perceptive, psychological, love seeing the dark side of humans.  ▪️  Can be very secretive and keep their emotions to themselves ▪️  Known for being intense ▪️  Immense willpower
Day: Tuesday
Tarot Card: Death
Gemstone: Topaz, Opal
Flower: Hibiscus, Geraniums
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𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐴𝑟𝑐𝘩𝑒𝑟
November 22 - December 21
𝐌𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞
Colours: Light Blue & Navy Blue
Planet: Jupiter (Luck & Abundance)
Ruling House: 9th (religion, philosophy, expansion, higher mind, international and long-distance travel, publishing, broadcasting) 
Traits: restless, friendly, adventurous and curious. They’re the natural travellers of the zodiac. Mainly outgoing, they are always ready for change. Clear about their intentions and have a strong moral compass.  ▪️  Generally on the go and have an innate need to be doing something ▪️  Curious with a love to learn ▪️  Strong sense for escape
Day: Thursday
Tarot Card: Temperance
Gemstone: Topaz
Flower: Carnation
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𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑆𝑒𝑎𝑔𝑜𝑎𝑡 
December 22 - January 19
𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡
Colours: Brown, Black, Dark Blue
Planet: Saturn (Lessons & Limitations)
Ruling House: 10th (tradition, structures, public image, fame, goals, men, fathers, masculinity)
Traits: The responsible & upstanding citizens of the zodiac. Deal with problems through action. Disciplined, a lot of self-control, make great managers. Traditional, independent, self-motivators.  ▪️  Big ambitions but have a lot of integrity ▪️  Hard-working and patient  ▪️  Enjoy doing things the ‘old-fashioned way’
Day: Saturday
Tarot Card: The Devil
Gemstone: Garnet
Flower: Pansy
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𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟-𝐵𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑟
January 20 - Febuary 18
𝐅𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐝 𝐀𝐢𝐫
Colours: Light Blue, Silver
Planet: Uranus (Change & Rebellion), Saturn (Lessons & Limitations)
Ruling House: 11th (humanitarianism, society, social justice, harmony, rebellion, originality, eccentricity, invention)
Traits: desire for equality, socially aware, unconventional, rather dislike tradition and the old way of thinking. Imaginative, idealistic and haters of limitations. Mature, eccentric and unique.  ▪️  Don’t like labels  ▪️  Believe in change and the progression of the world ▪️  The wise, old grandparent of the zodiac
Day: Saturday
Tarot Card: The Star
Gemstone: Amethyst
Flower: Orchid
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𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐹𝑖𝑠𝘩
Febuary 19 - March 20
𝐌𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫
Colours: Sea Green & Violet
Planet: Neptune (Hope & Fantasy)
Ruling House: 12th (spirituality, the ending of things, hidden agendas, imagination, poetry, the subconscious mind) 
Traits: one of the most psychic and intune to the spiritual of the zodiac. Pisces are sensitive, creative and artistic. Great with advice, and have a “live and let live” approach to others.  ▪️  Strong gut reactions ▪️  Get along well in small groups rather than large ones ▪️  May seem quiet (and meek) but actually have a huge sense of right and wrong
Day: Thursday
Tarot Card: The Moon
Gemstone: Aquamarine / Moonstone
Flower: Water Lily
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ananxiousgenz · 6 months ago
it has been. A Time!!!! @percy-mawce-arts and i have been getting our asses kicked by life so this au was sitting on the backburner for a while but we finally got this chapter finished and reviewed (after it had been sitting for like two months whispering creepily into my ear at night while i tried to sleep-) and we are SO very excited to show y'all the next chapter of When The Land Was Godless And Free!!!!
this chapter is a BEAST (word count says it's around 3.4K) and takes place right after arthur helps john out after being shot.
tw for brief mention of cauterization!!
Sometimes, John really fucking hated being human. He’d decided long ago that it was simply a hassle. That it would be easier to be a lizard, or a coyote, or a hawk. And from the day of his birth onward, life had only proven that theory correct. There were days where the pain, stress, awkwardness and confusion just made him want to crawl out of his skin. Days when he would rather rip off his fingernails than spend another minute talking to someone he disliked or asking for help he should have handled himself. 
The past week had just been chock full of those days.
The first few of them John couldn’t recall with much clarity. He had the strangest idea that his mind had been tampered with, leaving him only able to remember bright, blurry moments of the days he’d missed with a feverish sort of quality. Searing pain in his side as the stars twinkled like diamonds above before he slipped away into blissful unconsciousness. His cheek pressed against Akke’s silky mane, watching the distant blue horizon tremble with motion. A wooden door opening with a creaking that felt like it was stabbing through his eardrums. A shaft of sunlight falling across his face, illuminating motes of dust in its path as someone hummed a distant melody. Pain, always pain, throbbing in his side and never letting go. 
After so long swimming in half-darkness, stuck between awake and unconscious, John finally pulled himself fully out of limbo and into the unpleasantness of the waking world. His eyelids almost felt like they had been glued shut, and it took considerable effort to pry them open and see the world again. Once he had, he almost wondered if he was still in a dream, a shifting moment in the winds that would be blown away the second he blinked.
The stuffy room he was in had dark walls, lit by only a window with simple calico curtains to his left. He was lying tucked into the corner by the window, in a real bed with blankets and pillows and a nice mattress of all things. He hadn’t slept in a real bed since… Christ, at least since boarding school, and even calling that a “bed” was generous. A wooden bedside table sat at his right,  with unused bandages and half-eaten bowls of soup scattered atop it, and a chair beside it. It was unoccupied, with only an empty gun holster hanging over one side of the backrest, but it didn’t take much for John to guess that it had seated a recently seated a person. John guessed it was some time after noon, seeing as the sun was still high and bright enough to illuminate the room. It had been night the last time he was awake, hadn’t it? Evening, maybe?
He couldn’t remember for the life of him how he had gotten here, much less why.
John made the poor decision to try sitting up. The moment he so much as tried to lift his head, the muscles in his abdomen tensed and a sharp pain shot through his side (that’s right, he had been shot, hadn’t he?), forcing him to collapse back against the pillow with a groan and a cough.
He stared at the ceiling for a long moment, listening to the ambiance of the structure where he was currently sheltered, a cabin of some kind. It creaked slightly in the wind, which he could hear rattling away at the window panes. But otherwise the room was silent. He could hear no footsteps, voices, moving furniture, crackling fires, records being played, nothing to indicate that another human being was anywhere in his vicinity. He was alone. 
No, he wasn’t. In a moment of blind panic, John remembered Akke. Where was she? He didn’t hear any horses outside. She couldn’t have been left behind, she would have followed him… wouldn’t she? 
Despite the roaring pain in his side, John fought to sit up and look out the window with gritted teeth, bracing himself against the windowsill with a white-knuckled grip. There was no sign of her, just a wooden fence, empty land, and miles of clear blue sky overhead. 
John’s breathing began to speed up. Akke had been the only sure thing in his life since he left boarding school. She had saved his life in more ways than one, and he would do anything to keep her safe. If she was gone… Well. John wasn’t sure what he would do to whoever brought him here, but he knew it wouldn’t be pretty.
He swung his legs over the side of the bed with a wince and braced himself for the pain that would hit when he put weight on his feet. He was going to find her. Screw the pain. Screw the nauseating, dizzying pain splitting through his abdomen as he rose to his feet. Screw the way the world tilted and his vision began to fade. Screw the way he swayed on his feet. He had to make sure she was safe, he had to… he…
He hadn’t realized he was falling until a pair of strong arms stopped him from hitting the floor. His side pulled and searing pain had him screaming through gritted teeth.
“Calm down, John! Christ, what were you thinking?” That voice, John knew that voice. Smooth, with a fucking British accent. It was the Sheriff. What was his name, Adam? Alistair?
“Arthur?” John managed, trying his hardest not to throw up as Arthur helped sit him down again. “Arthur what… where-where…” Where am I? Where is Akke?
“You’re alright, John, you’re alright,” Arthur said, quietly, brushing a strand of hair from John’s eyes. His hand was like a cool balm against John’s forehead, and it was only then that John noticed how hot he was. It felt like he was lying in a furnace, he was sweating like a pig and his chest was heaving (though that was partially from panic). Arthur frowned and pressed his hand to John’s forehead more intentionally, then his cheek, then his neck. John couldn’t help but sigh every time his comparatively icy hand broke the heat radiating off of his skin. “Or, you will be. You’re safe, at least.” 
“Safe…” John mumbled. His brain felt like it was melting. “Where’s Akke?”
Arthur raised an eyebrow. “Akke?” Then his eyes widened. “Oh, your horse? She’s here, John. She’s out front, being fed.” 
John let his eyes slip closed with a relieved sigh. Normally he might argue. No, he definitely would. He would demand to see her, refuse to cooperate until he knew for sure she was safe. But something about Arthur’s voice, something about Arthur, compelled John to trust him. Besides, his head was swimming with heat and pain and he could barely hold on to a clear train of thought. He might die before he got to see her again if he didn’t lie back down. 
“Come on now, John,” Arthur said gently, his voice filled to bursting with kindness and concern that somewhere in the back of his hazy mind, John knew he didn’t deserve. “She’s alright, I promise. Let’s get you back to bed, hm?”
John swallowed thickly and nodded, the action making the room twirl like a falling feather. One of his hands flew up to his forehead in a futile effort to brace it, but there was no need. He was lying back down with his head on the pillow before there was any real danger of the world slipping out from under him, guided by a gentle hand attached to a seemingly gentler man. 
Though his vision was slightly obscured by one eye being mashed into his pillow, John examined Arthur again. He looked just about the same as John could remember from that night by the fire, but this time he seemed more… on edge, like a nervous kangaroo rat, waiting to be snatched up by a raptor. More than that, John noted as Arthur sat down in his chair with a quiet sigh, he seemed utterly exhausted. The circles stamped beneath his eyes were the color of mountain larkspur: a dark, nearly midnight purple. And the way his body slumped into the chair like a sack of grain spoke of more than one late night of worry and no sleep. 
Why did Arthur look so stressed? Had they been followed? Were they not safe here? Maybe they were in danger, but John had been too sick to move. It was a real possibility, given how little of the recent days he was able to recall. God, how long had he been here? He knew it had been a few hours at least, but some inner timer ticking away towards his own personal doomsday said it had been longer. Without meaning to, the question slipped past John’s feverish lips.
“How long?”
“Hmm?” Arthur hummed in response, rubbing a hand over his eyes as he leaned back against the chair. “How long what?”
“How long,” John repeated, turning his head slightly so his mouth was more exposed, “have I been here?”
Arthur blew out a long breath and looked at the ceiling. “I don’t… I’m not sure. Maybe about 4 or 5 days? I’ve lost track, to be entirely honest.”
“Don’t worry, you haven’t missed much,” Arthur chuckled. “It’s been quiet. A lot of me trying to wash out your wound and keep the fever down while trying to take care of the horses and the chickens and whatnot. A lot of you sleeping and mumbling and crying out whenever I try to help with your bandages.”
John hummed into the corner of his pillow, letting his eyes slip closed as he listened to the soothing baritone of Arthur’s voice. 
“Is there anything else you want to know?”
John creaked one eye open. “How did I get here?”
“Well,” Arthur said, a faint smirk on his face as he shifted his weight in the chair to lean a bit closer to John, “I brought you here.”
“No shit,” John muttered, suddenly realizing how crusty his voice had become at a lack of use. He coughed once or twice to clear his throat, making the room spin again. “I’d like a bit more detail than that.”
“Ah. Well, I managed to get you up onto your horse– Akke, you said her name was? And then I led her back here, and managed to drag you into bed and rebandage your wound before the fever set in. You’ve been fairly incoherent since. Haven’t said much, but what you have said has been… well, calling it interesting might be a bit generous.” Arthur leaned back in the chair, that same faint smirk settling over his face. “Getting you here wasn’t easy, you know. You’re quite heavy, friend.”
There was an easy confidence in Arthur’s face and voice now, a swagger meant to disguise his exhaustion and fear and make it seem as though everything was just sunshine and clear skies. Probably meant to keep John calm, so he wouldn’t pass out from exertion or the fever or blood loss. But John had already seen the truth, already knew what was lurking behind that mask. Arthur was worried and tired, clearly running on empty and on the verge of collapse. But about what, John couldn’t say, and it was beginning to nibble away at his nerves like a mouse at a block of cheese.
“‘S all muscle,” John mumbled in an (admittedly fruitless) effort to send that mouse skittering off into the depths of his subconscious.
“I did wonder once or twice if you had eaten an entire buffalo right before deciding to attempt a double murder.”
“A buffalo?”
“Mmmm. I imagine you swallowed it whole, much like a rattlesnake. Horns and all,” Arthur said thoughtfully.
The idea of someone swallowing a whole buffalo was, to say the least, a bit silly. John snickered at the idea of it. Arthur’s smirk grew into a broad grin in response.
“They can’t taste terribly good that way, though,” Arthur continued, his eyes glittering with mirth. “Those things smell awful, I can’t imagine the flavor is any good.”
John chuckled. “How would you go about it, then, if you know so much?” Arthur smiled.
“The same way you eat an elephant,” he said, with the kind of familiarity that implied a joke he’d told before. “One bite at a time.”
John couldn’t help himself. The simple joy of such a silly idea bubbled up from the bottom of his heart and he was powerless to stop it. He laughed, hard and loud.
And almost immediately regretted it.
The pain that shot through his side in response was like a white-hot fire, searing him from the inside out and blurring his vision with boiling tears. A strangled noise fought its way out of his throat, caught between a gasp, a hiss, and a language only his subconscious knew now.
Through his misty vision, John saw Arthur’s face hovering in space above his own, a clear furrow between his brows as his mouth was set into a deep frown.
“John?” There was a trembling note in Arthur’s voice as he spoke.
“It hurts,” John whined.
“John, listen, I know it hurts, but I need you to stop moving, alright? I need to check if you reopened the wound. Try to lie still.”
John blew out a sharp breath and did as he was told. A moment later, cool fingers lifted his shirt, undid his bandages, and grazed along the throbbing epicenter of pain in his stomach. John was surprised at how little the contact hurt. Arthur’s hands were rough and calloused, to be sure. The life of a sheriff in a land like this didn’t exactly leave room for soft hands. But he was so gentle, barely hovering above John’s skin like the sweep and swish of prairie grass. Almost like he cared.
Arthur sighed quietly as he began to retie the bandages. “Alright. I think you’re okay, John. Just take it easy. No more laughter. It was hard enough trying to close you up the first time.”
The first time. The pieces were beginning to fit together in John’s mind. Arthur had taken the bullet out of his stomach. Arthur had cauterized the wound. Arthur was worried. About John. And not only was he worried about John, he chose to take him back to this cabin. Chose to take him in and heal his wounds. Arthur knew about John’s connections to Larson and his gang and the danger he could have been in as a result. He could have left John for dead out in the desert, and no one would have been the wiser. So the question still remained: why did he do it? Why go through the trouble? What did John matter to Arthur in the grand scheme of things?
“John? John, what’s wrong? Does something else hurt?”
John realized  hot tears were slipping from the corners of his eyes again, accompanied by sniffling that he couldn’t quite stop. “Why?” he croaked.
Arthur looked deeply confused. “Why what?”
“Why did you bring me back?”
“I don’t- I don’t understand.”
“Why did you keep me alive? For fucks sake, Arthur, I tried to kill you. I did kill your friend. You should have let me die. Why am I here?” John growled, swiping the tears off his face like they were burning him.
Arthur went silent, and John could almost swear he saw the gears turning in Arthur’s head as he considered his answer. He finished with the bandages and sat down, nibbling on his thumbnail as he thought. After a long moment, he looked up in John’s direction, his expression strangely hard.
“Because you’re human,” he said quietly.
John blinked in surprise. “What?”
Arthur nodded, a determined set to his eyes shining like the sun bouncing off metal. “You’re human. And in pain. Leaving you behind would have been cruel, even if you did try to kill me.”
John was, for the first time in a long time, completely speechless. Arthur thought he was something worth saving. Something that deserved to be taken care of. Something that didn’t deserve to die. In the back of his mind, a little voice whispered, The King wouldn’t have helped you. Larson would have let you die. He knows what you really are.
“You know nothing about me,” John choked out. “You don’t know what I know. What I’ve done.”
“Well, I rather figured you’d tell me something when you got better,” Arthur said with a vaguely guilty grin. “I figured if I kept you alive, I would get some good information out of you regarding the King’s whereabouts.”
“If I tell you about who I am and what I’ve done for that man, you’ll regret keeping me alive. You’ll kill me.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because,” John said, staring blankly at the ceiling the way he knew imagined a corpse would. “I’m not exactly a good person.”
“I never would have guessed,” Arthur muttered, and John watched him roll his eyes out of the corner of his vision. “The man who shoots my deputy and tries to kill me, a bad person. Unthinkable!”
John snorted in spite of himself. He didn’t laugh much (it was simply how he’d always been) but somehow, it felt natural around Arthur.
“John, look. You’re not the only one here who has done unforgivable things in the name of survival. I’m not asking you to like me, or even offer me any information about yourself. I’m asking for information on Larson. That’s all.”
Arthur’s face was polite, but as he spoke, his gaze grew sharper, cold with the threat of an avalanche lurking in the back of those bright hazel eyes. John knew that look. That frigid anger. The cold fury that seeped in through cracks of vulnerability, leaving a thick crust of ice over a person’s heart and a layer of frost on everything they touched. He’d seen it on the faces of dozens of Native kids in Larson’s gang after they’d been told just what atrocities they had to fear from the law. 
Arthur wanted revenge.
And he would do just about anything to get it.
“Just tell me where Larson is, and when you’re healed, you can go. I won’t hunt you. I won’t send anyone after you. I swear, I will leave you be for the rest of your life.”
“I don’t want to leave.” 
The words left John’s mouth before he had fully finished thinking them, but as he turned them over on his tongue, he realized they were the truest thing he had spoken since meeting Arthur. He didn’t want to leave. Arthur believed that John was human enough to save, to care for, to let live, despite how little he knew about him. That was more grace and humanity than Larson ever showed him, or any of the kids in his shitty gang. The longer he thought about it, the more John realized he was sick of it. All the lies, the manipulations, the nightmares, all that time living in limbo between terror and fury while fighting for a cause that would sooner see you crushed beneath its heel. He didn’t want that. More than that, he didn’t want it for anyone.
Arthur looked completely baffled. “What?”
“I don’t want to leave,” John repeated as the words rang through his mind again like chiming crystals. “I don’t want to go back to Larson and his gang.”
Arthur simply stared.
“Look. You want revenge on him, don’t you? I saw the look on your face when you talked about him. You want him locked up, and I want his fucking gang disbanded and freed. I’m not going to leave you, not when we have a common enemy we want gone.” A hard edge was creeping into John’s voice as he spoke. “Between your sharpshooting and my sight, we could bring him down. Two heads and all that.” Arthur seemed apprehensive still, which was fair, John thought. Having empathy for the man who shot your deputy was a far cry from trusting him. John sighed. 
“Arthur, vengeance will eat you from the inside out. Believe me, I know. I can see it wearing you down.” Arthur averted his gaze. “This is too big a foe to handle alone. Too big of an elephant to eat whole.”
Finally, Arthur smiled, looking up from where he’d fixed his gaze on John’s quilt. “So we eat it together,” he said. John nodded. 
“One bite at a time.”
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sugar-soda · 4 months ago
Kids Shouldn't be Here: Nick Valentine
Fallout 4 Platonic Companions x Child! Sole
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Child in dangerous situations
A/N: This is NOT romantic at all! This is all platonic relationships that explore how the Fallout 4 companions and game would change if the Sole Survivor was a young child. Any romantic suggestions or reblogs will be blocked.
Kids were in trouble in Diamond City often.
Most of the time, it wasn’t anything big. Kids were meant to get into small amounts of trouble. Sneaking a Fancy Lad Snack Cake before dinner was expected, and with an actual group of kids in the city, arguments and fights were bound to happen. It was easy for them to get a hold of things they shouldn’t: Half empty beers left by guards on break, a single Mentat left in a tossed away tin, and dirty magazines their fathers hid from their moms. All was free reign when the adults were away.
A few times, the trouble they brought was bigger. While an adult would not get sick from a full bottle of alcohol or from a strong hit of Jet, the few times a kid has gotten their hands on something unused like that, it ended with them having to spend the entire night in Dr. Sun’s care. Everyone also remembered when John McDonough had set fire to the radio station. One resident still walked with a limb from when they played with their mother’s pistol.
They weren’t all trouble. Everyone got their news from a quick-witted little girl, and their water was cleaned by a sharp tongue young boy. Children never bothered Takahashi, only approaching the robot when they had spare caps to buy a bowl of noodles. It wasn’t uncommon to find them piled up in a secluded area, reading a few comics and sipping from a single Nuka-Cola until it was time to go to class, go home, or help their parents with their jobs.
None of the adults really trusted each other. Parents especially. So no one asked for help when they struggled to take care of their little ones. If anyone wanted to help, they would have to be subtle about it. Dr. Sun’s price for check-ups would be mysteriously cheaper for families, and Mister Zwicky and Miss Edna ran the schoolhouse 24/7. That’s as much “help” as anyone was willing to accept.
There was, however, one exception to that unspoken rule.
Detective Nick Valentine always liked kids. When he first came to Diamond City, the kids were the only ones to talk to him, asking questions he didn’t have answers for and telling him what he didn’t know about the Commonwealth. Even now, the kids of Diamond City would randomly approach to ask questions about his latest case or news outside the city Piper didn’t deem necessary to write about. His status as a publicly-known, easily-seen, prototype synth ironically gave the parents of Diamond City a peace of mind when he was with the kids. He was already a synth, so there was no worry of him being replaced by one. Even if he was, he had so much wear and tear, there was no way it wouldn’t be noticeable. So no one was worried when the kids ducked into the agency to avoid a rainstorm. Well, except Myrna, who had a problem with Nick's general existence.
Even the original Nick was good with kids, regularly being the one placed in charge of kids to ask gentle questions or provide a distraction until a parent or social worker could take over. Bubblegum and candy had taken permanent residence in his pockets so he could pass them out. His friends and fellow cops had told him he would make a great father. When he first started out, he would just laugh them off, saying he works too much to have a kid. After he met Jenny, the teasing jokes increased and he would have to ignore the pleasant images in his head and the warm, subtle blush on his stern face.
Then Jenny was shot, and the jokes stopped, and any idea of fatherhood had disappeared long ago.
Now, his dislike of gang leaders like Winters had not decreased from that terrible night. Skinny Malone had nowhere near the power of Winters, but he had the same ego. Nick wasn’t sure what exactly Darla saw in the gangster, but his best guess was his promise of caps and power that had blinded the young woman from his cigar breath and bad temper. Not that her’s was any better.
The no-name mobster that was guarding Nick was just as bad. He would yell out taunts or threats and get annoyed when Nick ignored him and get annoyed when Nick did respond. He was sure the guy was compensating for something, but the annoying bastard was sadly right. He didn’t have any way of getting out of this office, and rescue wasn’t likely coming. He was at the mercy of Skinny Malone’s twisted whims.
He picked up the very slightest scrape of a door. All the vaults had these fancy sliding doors that barely made any noise. Lot easier on the audio processor than the rusted, broken doors more commonly found in the rest of the Commonwealth. Nick expected the rough yells of another triggerman coming to tell his current guard it was time to switch off or that Skinny has finally decided to stop wasting time and off the detective.
Instead, he heard nothing. Just the poorly made threats echoing through the empty, wide open room. Nick slowly slid his eyes around what he could see from the window. White metal walls, white metal railings, and white metal railings. Same as it was when he was first locked in this office.
There. A flash of red, before disappearing on the stairs. Definitely not triggermen. They preferred to wear reclaimed suits from before the war in blacks and checkered patterns. Nick wasn’t sure who this person was, but they were the closest thing Nick has had a chance of getting out of here.
“Keep talking, meathead. It'll give Skinny Malone more time to think about how he's going to bump you off,” Nick insults back at the wannabe mobster. He was pulling words out of thin air, but he needed this guy out of here. As the triggerman sputtered out a retort, Nick added detail to his lie in his head.
“Really? I saw him writing your name down in that black book of his. Lousy cheating card shark I think were his exact words. Then he struck the name across three times.” That was how Skinny Malone kept track of everything. His men, money, people he killed, where he was wanted. Everything was kept in a little, black book that was dwarfed by Skinny’s large fingers, and everyone knew what those three strikes meant. Three strikes and you’re out.
The triggerman panicked at the suggestion and ran off. Good. That’s one obstacle out of the way. Now for the door.
“Hey, you. I don't know who you are, but we got three minutes before ole' muscles-for-brains comes back. Get this door open.” He yelled through the window. Running toward the terminal, He saw that there were actually three people.
He was relieved to see Piper. A few times he had asked her for assistance, and even more she had invited herself on a case. Nick remembered when she first came to Diamond City, little Nat in tow. A teenager who had a gleam of determination in her eyes that hasn’t gone away as an adult. While she was as subtle as an atom bomb sometimes, she had her heart in the right place.
A minuteman took watch at the door the triggerman had left through. Nick hadn’t seen one for awhile. When Nat had shown up at his door early one morning, personally delivering a copy of a certain story to each member of the city, Nick knew it was important. He dropped a few caps in the girl's hand, then sat in his chair reading about the death of Quincy over and over until Ellie had woken up. He had passed the paper to her solemnly and neither of them had spoken for the rest of the day. Nick didn’t know if this one was involved, but he didn’t trust him to watch his back.
Whoever the third person was, they ran to the terminal too fast for a good look on who they were. He just caught their shorter stature and a bright blue. His guess was a vault dweller. They were the only ones who wore such a vibrant color. This vault had never been completed, so he guessed they were from vault 81, since it was the only operational vault to his knowledge.
“Hey, Valentine,” Piper greeted through the thick glass. “You got Ellie all worked up thinking you’re dead.”
“I’ll give her a day off once you and your friends get me out of here,” He promised. His gaze flicked to the minuteman. “Do I know these guys?”
Piper followed his eyes, “No, met them earlier. Don’t worry, he was with Colonel Holis when Quincy fell.”
Good enough for him.
The sound of the terminal going off and the click of the lock interrupted any further conversation. “I got it, Miss Piper!” the third person spoke. The voice sounded young. They rushed in quickly, Piper coming in after the previously unseen third member of the party.
Looks like he was right. The kid couldn’t have been more than a few years older than Nat. She was all awkward limbs and too-big armor. The yellow-gold lettering on her suit said 111 instead of 81, so he was wrong about that. He had never heard of Vault 111, but it may have opened up in the time he was locked up in here. That didn’t explain what the kid was doing or what the hell Piper was thinking bringing her here.
Nor did it explain the laser rifle in her hands, nor the sniper rifle slung haphazardly to her back.
The kid seemed surprised by his appearance, probably not stopping to register it when she was hacking the terminal. Her eyes widened in shock at his appearance and her nostrils flared as she attempted to school her face into a polite neutral expression. He appreciated the attempt at least. Most people would either freak out or spit insults in shock.
Deciding to wait and see what explanation she had, Nick lit a cigarette. He couldn’t actually breathe in the smoke or feel the effects of the nicotine, but it was a habit from the original Nick that he had never been able to properly shake. Guess addictions ran deeper than just physical.
“Gotta love the irony of the reverse damsel-in-distress scenario,” he said, “Question is, why did our heroine risk life and limb for an old private eye?”
“My brother was kidnapped,” the vault girl answered, “You’re my only lead on finding him, so here I am. How did you get in here?” She said it with such ease that Nick wondered if she realized how strange this scenario was. Not that he had any room to comment.
“A missing kid, huh? Well, you came to the right man. If not the right place.” Missing people were sadly a dime a dozen in his line of work. Kidnapped kids, sneaking spouses, and turbulent teenagers would disappear and their loved ones would come to Nick Valentine, the Synth Detective. The cases didn’t always end the same way. Sometimes he simply brought back a runaway who overestimated their skills and underestimated the Commonwealth, dragging them to their crying mothers or upset fathers. Other times, he revealed an affair that had been ongoing for months or years, until the immoral lovers decided to run from their problems instead of releasing their poor, betrayed spouses. He normally alerted the guards and kept an eye on the cheated party, due to how prone they were to the whispers of revenge. Kidnappings were the worst. They normally involved sneaking, fighting, and sweet-talking his way to the victim’s freedom. Sometimes he saw a reuniting of families. Other times he brought back a limp body. Still there are others, where there was nothing at all.
“I thought you were looking for a kidnapped woman, Nick. How did you end up being kidnapped?,” Piper questioned.
“I've been cooped up in here for weeks. Turns out the runaway daughter I came here to find wasn't kidnapped. She's Skinny Malo's new flame, and she's got a mean streak,” Nick explained. The vault girl made a grossed out face, guess she hadn’t gotten out of the ‘boys are icky’ phase. “Anyway, you got troubles, and I'm glad to help. But now ain't the time. Let's blow this joint. Then we'll talk.”
The girl nodded, “Got it. I’m Sunny, and the man with us is Mr. Preston. We met Miss Piper when we went to Diamond City looking for you.” As she spoke, she grabbed a bobblehead off the desk, pivoted on her heel, and followed them out of the office.
The minuteman, Preston, took his gaze off the door. While Sunny had tried to hide her reaction to Nick’s robotic appearance, he gave none at all. “It’s an honor to meet you, Detective Valentine. Sorry it couldn’t be under better circumstances.”
“Likewise. We’ll save the pleasantries. Hope you know how to use that musket.” Nick took the point of the group, rushing down the steps toward the exit. He explained quietly the situation regarding the vault, Skinny Malone, and how he got hired then subsequently thrown in the office. Two weeks of being guarded by these meatheads had made Nick more than a little stir crazy.
They came up to the entrance of what looked like the vault cafeteria. Triggermen were scattered around, playing cards and drinking what little provisions they had away. It's a wonder they were able to stay here this long the way they blew through food and liquor.
“How do you want to do this?” he whispered. There was a tell-tale sign of a Stealth-boy being activated and Sunny had disappeared. Good. There was a plan for her.
Piper had taken the first shot, and then chaos erupted. The gunshots echoed loudly off the metal walls of the vault. Preston's laser musket was probably the quietest of all of them, though Nick had seen a laser come from nowhere a few times.
The rest of the Vault went the same way. Run through the stairwell, shoot the triggermen, rinse and repeat until annoyed. “Who built this damn vault? A fitness instructor?,” Nick complained.
Whenever the fighting would stop, Sunny would reappear, then set to rifling through the dead men's pockets for ammo and stimpaks. She stayed quiet for the most part. She mostly made occasional noises of agreement in response to commands. There was a brief excited squeal of excitement when finding an in-tact comic book before she remembered herself. Nick was glad she seemed to understand the situation, he didn't have the patience to keep an eye on an unruly teen.
They finally came up to the room where Skinny Malone mainly set up shop. Nick could hear heavy footsteps
The door click and angry swearing through the door. He tried to open it, but it held fast. “Another locked door. Shouldn't be too hard…”
As he messed with the lock, he gave a warning. “I hear big, fat footsteps on the other side, so Skinny Malone and the rest of his boys are waiting for us in there. The name's, uh, ironic, but don't let that fool you. He's dangerous. Once we step through this door, get ready for anything.”
The spare bobby pin he kept snapped. “Dammit,” he swore. He started fishing for another in his pockets. While he could pick a lock just fine, he was much better with terminals or any piece of tech. Old Nick didn’t bother with either, but he also didn’t need to. This skill belonged to the Synth.
Something tapped against his shoulder. “Here, I got some.” Sunny was holding out an old cigarette carton, stuffed full of bobby pins that rattled with each tap.
“Thanks,” he said, taking a pin and trying again. This time he found the sweet spot in the lock. It clicked open and he was met with the business end of multiple submachine guns.
“Nicky? What're you doin'? You come into my house. Shoot up my guys. You have any idea how much this is gonna set me back?,” Skinny Malone said in false hurt.
“I wouldn't be here if it weren't for your two-timing dame, Skinny. You ought to tell her to write home more often.”
“Awww… poor little, Valentine. Ashamed you got beat up by a girl? I'll just run back home to daddy, shall I?,” Darla mocked. Her grip around her bat tightened. Apparently, she liked to get up close and personal with her victims in a way that firearms didn't allow for. Nick had the unfortunate experience of learning that when he first came to the Vault.
“Should've left it alone, Nicky. This ain't the old neighborhood. In this Vault, I'm king of the castle, you hear me?,” Malone spat, “And I ain't lettin' some private dick shut us down now that I finally got a good thing goin'!”
Darla’s glare snapped to Skinny. Even he wasn’t free from her ire, “I told you we should've just killed him, but then you had to get all sentimental! All that stupid crap about the ‘old times’."
“Darla, I'm handling this! Skinny Malone's always got things under control!”
As the killer couple bickered, Nick thought that they could sneak past the two if it weren’t for the two bodyguards aiming at them.
“Oh yeah, then what's a kid doing here, huh? A pipsqueak helped rub us all out of here!,’ Darla pointed her bat too close to Sunny’s face, and leaned down to snarl in her face. “What are you doing here, you brat?”
Sunny’s eyes widened in a mix of emotions. Surprise at being addressed, fear at being threatened, and confusion at the question. She was quiet for half a second, before steeling her face like she did when she entered the office, and asked her own question.
“What are you doing here?”
Darla didn’t like that answer one bit, grabbing the girl’s arm and dragging her forward. “You fucking mocking me? Don’t test me, cause I ain’t got a problem with knockin’ a snot-nosed brat off the map!, “ she spat.
“You’ve got a family don’t you? With food, water, and safety? Who love and care enough for you to go all the way to Diamond City in the hopes of hiring someone who can find you? Why would you give that up?”
Darla still looked angry, but now that anger looked conflicted. Nick didn’t know much about her family and their homelife. When her father had come into his office on a late, chilly afternoon, he knew he wasn’t from the city. His skittishness at the crowds and purple stains on his clothes suggested he was a mutifruit farmer, but all the man spoke about was his poor daughter had been kidnapped by some gangster, and he had no idea where he had taken her. When the father had calmed down enough to describe the gangster in detail, Nick knew where to look for the girl.
“I had nothing in that dirt pile! No one understood I wanted to be more, not just work in the fields with the other girls and pop out babies for the first fucking guy that popped the question!”
Sunny grimaced as Darla tightened her grip, but kept pushing. “So you came here? An empty vault surrounded by gangsters with no caps? Ordered around by a gross old guy that could be your father?”
“He’s got power!” Darla argued, but she didn’t look like she believed herself. Most of Skinny Malone’s men were now corpses pumped full of lead. He had been muscled out of his previous territory by stronger, smarter, and better supplied gangs. It wouldn’t take much for them to come in here and kill off the gang for good.
“What good is that when you have no food or water? If the settlements don’t bow to your threats, and you can’t get caps, where are you going to get stimpaks or radaway? At least that dirt pile seemed to care about you, all he’s done is drag you underground and yell at you.”
There was a beat of stillness as Darla didn't respond, staring at Sunny. Then, she just…drops the kid’s arm. Sunny immediately scrambles back behind Preston. Darla stared for a bit longer, brow furrowed and angry, then turned and started walking toward the exit.
“Darla? Wh-where are you goin'?”
“Home, Skinny! Where I should have been all this time. This is goodbye for us,” she snapped. Her walk turned into a sprint as she took off toward the vault door, refusing to be stopped by Skinny’s yelling. Nick guessed he would get a message in a few days from her father, telling him Darla is home, safe and sound.
“Oh, come on, Nicky! You cost me my men, now you and your friend cost me my girl?, “ the gangster turned back to the detective. Well, the runaway girl got out. Now he had to get himself out.
“The kid here just did you a favor, Skinny. You always did have bad taste in women,” Nick quipped, “Now that she's not around to feed that temper of yours, maybe you'll see sense and let us walk? You still owe me for two weeks in the hole.”
Skinny turned multiple shades of red. “ You smug, overconfident ass… Agh! All right, you get to the count of ten! I still see your face after that, I'm gunning both of you down!,” he growled.
That was long enough for Nick.
“Ah, look at that Commonwealth sky. Never thought anything so naturally ominous could end up looking so inviting…”
The mad dash out the vault and into the open air hadn’t affected Nick, but the other three were kneeled over as they tried to catch their breath. Nick patted Sunny’s shoulder as she gulped down air, “Quick thinking in there, kid. You kept a cool head in there.”
“Oh, I didn’t,” Sunny disagreed, gasping between words. “I have no idea what I said, it was just word vomit. I think I actually threw up a little.”
The walk back to the city was filled with chatter. Piper caught Nick up on everything he missed while prisoner in the vault. Who had been accused as a synth, who did the accusing, who had been caught cheating, what asinine thing Mayor McDonough had most recently done, and everything in between. When she had exhausted all topics, she pressed Preston into talking about the Minutemen and his hopes for the currently broken faction.
Sunny added small comments to their anecdotes. She had added that the mayor had mistaken Preston for her father when Piper had told him about McDonough making the kid cry. When the Minuteman told about their incident at the Museum of Freedom, she had helpfully added about Preston getting thrown into a car when fighting the Deathclaw.
It naturally segwayed into Sunny coming from a vault.
Nick wasn’t surprised that Vault-Tec would do something so horrible as to freeze people alive, but he was surprised anyone survived. Guess they were in the same boat. The only reason either of them were here in the Commonwealth is because of the immoral actions of people wanting to play god with no consequences. Nick had no idea how the Institute had gotten the original Nick’s memory files, but he had definitely not signed up to have his memories shoved into a experimental robot. Even if some families would have willingly frozen themselves to wait out the nuclear apocalypse, Vault-Tec still decided to lie and trick innocent people for their sick experiment.
Now all that was left of those experiments was a Synth Detective and a two-hundred and twelve year old kid.
Sunny hadn’t walked in their small group, instead choosing to flit back and forth on the street and between the three. She was filled with nervous energy, likely about the missing brother she mentioned earlier. There were a million ways someone could go missing in the Commonwealth, and going missing from a vault would make a case harder than the average runaway case. Nick just hoped the boy was alive, wherever he was. He wanted to go ahead and start asking questions, but they all probably needed rest before they were really ready for questions. Anyway, he would prefer to ask questions in a more private place with a notepad and pen. He could borrow Piper’s but he didn’t want any private details mixed into the next edition of Publik Occurrences.
All of the stores were closed by the time they got into the city. Everyone was asleep by now, except it seems, Nat, who was still up waiting for her sister. Piper crashed onto her couch with a promise of a longer interview later, and a Mr.Handy replaced her. According to Preston, “Codsworth” was Sunny’s and had served her family before the bombs dropped.
No wonder she was so attached to him.
When they got to the agency, Preston gladly took up Nick’s offer to take his bed. It’s not like he actually slept, he just used it for a more comfortable place to sit at night when his chair was too hard to sit on. Elle was fast asleep on her own sheets, still full dressed. She probably tired herself out in worry.
Sunny was still filled with nervous energy, hopping from one foot to another as Codsworth fretted over her. She clearly won’t be getting sleep soon.
Nick sighed. Best get some work done while she was still awake. He pulled off his coat and placed it on her shoulders, hoping the weight would settle her a little.
“Here, kid. At least sit down, I’m getting antsy just watching you.”
“Sorry,” she apologized, and flopped down on the offered chair while Codsworth checked her shoulder for bruising. Nick opened a cabinet drawer and flicked through his files, looking for anything involving Vault-Tec and their metal graves. There wasn’t much, barely enough to fill half a page, but it was something.
“You said your brother is missing, right? Any idea if he ran off on his own or if someone else did the dirty work?”
“Someone else,” Sunny answered immediately, trying to sound calm, “Shaun’s a baby, he can’t even walk yet.”
Nick nodded and switched to a drawer with files on cases with really young kids. Babies weren’t desirable in the slave trade, since it takes so long for them to grow up and be useful, they needed a lot of care, and can easily die from anything. Too much risk, not enough reward. He stacked what few files he had with his Vault-Tec file.
“Any motive that you can think of?, ” Nick continued, “Rogue scientist who couldn’t handle the guilt of freezing a newborn? Crazy neighbor hopped up on Buffout?”
“No. I saw the man who took him. After he killed Mom and Dad, he looked right at me,” she paused, blowing out a shaky breath. “ I’ve never seen him before, and he wasn’t dressed like a scientist. He was dressed like he was from the Commonwealth.”
Taking an empty file and mostly empty pen, he also grabbed a list of known, at-large criminals along with what pitiful information he found. He sat down at his desk. Sunny being a witness wasn’t a good thing, no matter how much easier it would make his job. No kid should see that.
“It’s going to be okay. Do you need a minute, or do you think you can tell me what he looked like?”
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hexbimbo · 10 months ago
DBD Random Hc #3
Survivors that are killed in trial are briefly reincarnated into Crows should they choose to spectate. When the last person has escaped (or killed) they will return to their human forms.
When a Killer “Dc’s”, it’s actually the Entity taking the killer for a much needed “lesson”. Survivors assume it occurs with continuous lack-luster performance.
Survivors are big on naps. They enjoy curling up by the fire or snuggling up in communal cabins on chilly nights.
Trails aren’t continuous. Typically, a survivor participates 2-3 times a week. Killers participate 3-5, depending if they are particularly blood thirsty. This is done so the Entity can savor in the breaking of the spirit.
A trial can last between an 1-4 hours. The quickest recorded trial was 34 minutes, Killer won.
A generator takes an average of 5-10 minutes to complete. Survivors and Killers both sneak out generators to power their living spaces.
The Entity has a sense of humor (BBQ events, My Little Oni.) Does this to lift spirits and stagger the process of “feeding.”
The Entity is very weak outside its relm. Hence, why it only takes people every few months. Continued exposure to out worlds sun greatly damages it.
Blighted Killers and “Archivist” Survivors are future versions of the Entity’s downfall era. Blighted killers need the extra strength to beat down the survivors. Survivors begin to use the Observers notes, tools, and research to fight back.
Voided survivors or killers probably lost hope or began to lose themselves as trials went on.
Jonah is obsessed with patterns. They don’t have to be about math either. “Felix takes a sip of water everytime Élodie sits and we have one mega cabin for two tents on the east-“
Jeff learned how to tattoo! The most popular ones he’s given are Survivors perk emblems with the forth empty diamond being “Hope.”
That guitar strumming survivors hear while in the lobby? That’s Kate! No noise makes her go nuts.
Nobody liked Dwight at first but for some odd reason, was looked to as a leader (albeit a very “mid” leader.) Most of the time, he has no idea what he’s doing. Even stranger, his cheesy advice is USED and WORKS.
“What’s the move Dwight?”
“We gotta do gens and live 🧍🏻‍♂️.”
*escapes with zero hooks and deaths.*
Yun-Jin followed the tenants of the 4B movement. ( “4 No’s.” Essentially excluding sex/romance (with men in particular) and children in favor of a more independent lifestyle.)
Everyone forgets Yoichi exists. Everyone. Kinda like a Hetalia Canada situation.
Vittario frequently experiences culture shock. Due to no one knowing 1300’s Italian, he just points at something, acquires the word, then uses word as needed.
“Vito! Did ya’ see Jane?”
“…She’s at the bus?”
“Bus 🗿.”
Alan was genuinely shocked (if not a little saddened) that no one knew who he was. Writes little books, essays, or theories based on his life in the fog.
Yui will always put her girlies first. Not that she doesn’t like the male survivors but rather believes that women should always have each others backs.
Gabriel is a closeted Agere though he doesn’t quite understand/realize. Enjoys childish knick-knacks, rough play, and has a very active imagination. However, he feels deep shame with the interests and typically regresses in private.
Unknown, Demo, and Dredge are all best buds. No explanation required.
Tarvös and the company spend their down time with drinking games and hunts. Best catch has the honor of roasting it up for a feats. (Literally a medical BBQ)
Evan experiments with art mediums in his free time. Nothing major. Mostly scrap sculptures that he tinkers with. Oddly nice to look at. His most popular one is a crow made from old tin, copper wire, and nuts. Spins in large wind gusts.
Blighted Legion is very protective of their body. Similar to Charlotte and Victor, holds each others hands. Also self hugs, caressing, and soothing murmurs. Despite it mainly being Franks body, personas frequently switch in and out. Uses “We” in place of “I”.
Wesker has acquired a small fan club of people in the fog who think he’s oh-so handsome or cool (read legion). He’s in on the joke and approves it for the ego boost.
Adrianna is a Karen. No one likes her. Not even the other killers. Was the person who made a scene when a minimum wage employee forget her extra sauce.
Nemesis lies dormant when not in a trial. Almost statue like. This goes for the zombies too. Only animates in the queue zone and in a trial.
Same for Sadako. Resides in the well until called upon.
Herman actually had a normal childhood. Loving mom, hard working dad, maybe a little sister. I just think his “appreciation” for the sciences was not well monitored.
Jefferey is an open mouth breather. Yea, it smells exactly like you’re thinking.
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hymemena · 9 months ago
Schoolyard Heroes Abominations Lyric Starters
Feel free to change pronouns as necessary, and remember to specify muse for multimuse blogs.
CW: Torture, death, violence, injury, sacrifice, insect mention, ghost mention
Dude, Where's My Skin?
"Cut out your tongue and sing for me."
"You're so dead to me."
"I wanna see you suffering for me."
"Sink your teeth right into me."
"Death calls."
"The insects crawl."
"The ghosts you created are calling you out."
"Take off your skin and dance with me."
"Stare to the heavens."
"These lovely cadavers will block out the light."
The Plastic Surgery Hall Of Fame
"Fifteen minutes is much too generous."
"Suffering with none of the benefits?"
"They will be your plague tonight."
"Nothing shatters like broken glass."
"You're so pretty."
"And you're so dead."
"Look at what they've done to us."
"Built for deception."
"Man-made smiles make the mirrors ache."
"Now your face displays the modern age."
Cemetery Girls
"The skies weren't always black."
"We're still burning."
"My dear, nobody's safe."
"Do you hear me?"
"We will rise tonight."
"The cemetery line has wrapped itself around the world."
"We're still screaming."
"Did you pray?"
"Why would you waste another word on God?"
"I am the Devil and I've come to do the Devil's work."
Violence Is All The Rage
"Let me introduce you to your nightmare."
"You set it to burn?"
"You set it to life."
"You're screaming out but no one's listening."
"We're burning tonight."
"Oh, won't you lie to me tonight?"
"You're saying everything I wanna hear."
"Blood thirsty?"
"You're hiding diamonds in your pockets."
"Darling, there's no way to stop you, now."
Children Of The Night
"They said we'd never make it out of here alive!"
"Everything you touch shall be destroyed."
"Everything you love is crushed and broken."
"Oh, children of the night."
"There's no one waiting for you."
"You're a creature born without a name."
"I'll call you shame."
"Maybe vengeance?"
"Won't you tell me?"
"Tell me!"
The Last Man On Earth
"The world's on fire."
"Wrap me in your napalm blanket."
"You and I are the king and queen of nothing, Baby."
"Take my hand."
"It's better now together, though it's only us."
"We'll raise our glass."
"Now, there's nothing left."
"Fall asleep."
"You and I must make a pledge."
"One more time?"
Razorblade Kisses
"Your lipstick tastes like murder."
"Our hands are sewn together?!"
"We'll come to one another."
"Destroy me to your liking."
"Razorblade kisses leave you bleeding, Baby."
"You're so gorgeous."
"Your lovers' hearts will destroy me."
"Pay me with their lives tonight."
"You are mine."
"Some curses make things worse."
Sometimes They Come Back
"I've come to warn you."
"They're coming for you."
"I've come to tell you how they'll deceive you."
"Tell me!"
"Tell me all the filthy things I wanna hear."
"We have never felt so hollow."
"I'm listening."
"You're not coming back."
"We tried to warn them. They never listen."
"Pray you'll make it through the night."
Beautiful Woman Hunter
"There's a million stitches!"
"How they love to see us shaking."
"Watch the minute hand chase the hour."
"Boys you wanted, girls you devoured!"
"You are the lover, I'm the destroyer."
"Sing for me."
"Won't you take my hand once more?"
"We're still trembling."
"There's no telling what we'll do, now."
"There are no lovers-- Only destroyers."
All The Pretty Corpses
"They will sing to you in praise."
"Darling, won't you touch me?"
"Into the hearts of everyone you love?"
"I hope you hurt so badly, Baby."
"We'll die so slowly!"
"My dear, we'll burn tonight."
"All the rotting harlots, they will memorize your name."
"Revealing that the faces are the same."
"Darling, turn me inside out. Destroy me just for fun."
"Do you hear them screaming?"
Screaming "Theatre" In A Crowded Fire
"If I'm not mistaken, I've murdered you twice before, my dear."
"It's true, my dear."
"You smeared my blood like a whore's mascara."
"It was the right thing to do at the time."
"I snapped my fingers and I made you mine."
"Tonight you're mine completely, Baby."
"I've torn your heart out three times, now."
"You tore me up like I was made of paper."
"You're never gonna see me again."
"Tonight you'll be my only one."
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writerlyhabits · 11 months ago
Aliit ori’shya tal'din
Pairing: Din Djarin x female reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: Your second day in the covert reveals both new and familiar faces; hospitality and hostility.
Chapter 3 of the Shereshoy series | Masterlist | Ch. 2 | Ch. 4
Warnings: lots of Mando’a, mild language, soft Din, awkward Din, protective Din [he’s got a wide range, okay?], original Mandalorian characters… maybe a little bit of angst? It’s mostly worldbuilding, so I think that’s about it. 
AN: A word from the author – “I’m in grad school, I take forever to write things.Soon I will start grad school again, which means I’ll write this instead of my dissertation. I’m quite fond of the Mando Legends Lore, if you haven’t noticed. I literally got Kad Ha’rangir & Arasuum tattooed on me.”
This is the third part of a sister fic for my one-shot (Courting) a friend of mine wrote based on this request, and I’m so happy she’s letting me share it with you guys! She is also sharing it on AO3, so be sure to send her your love and kudos there as well! We hope you enjoy 💛
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Translations, in order of appearance:
Aliit ori’shya tal'din: Family is more than blood
Rejorhaa'i kaysh murcyur gar shupur’ika?:  Are you gonna tell her to kiss your ouchies?
Cuyi ulyc, vod.: Be careful, sister.
Aliit: family
Ad(e): child/children
Kar’ta beskar: the central "diamond" of Mandalorian armor; lit. heart armor
Mirjahaal: peace of mind, "healing", general term for emotional well-being especially after a trauma or bereavement
Beroya: bounty hunter
Kurshi: tree
Sen’tra: jackpack
Buir(e): Parent/Parents
Akaanati'kar'oya: The War of Life and Death (Mandalorian myth), creation story
Verd'goten: a special trial for one to become warrior; lit. birth of warrior
So'haale: births
Urman'gedete: prayers
Eparave: feasts
Cyarir evaar'la: Courting
Alii'aliit: meeting of the clans, the closest thing mandalorians have to government or parliament; lit. "clan of clans"
Tsad: group (of people), alliance
Bes'ede: Mythosaur
Kandush : inevitable doom
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Time moves differently underground.
With Odona, the hours passed quickly. As a team, you could disassemble and reconstruct nearly any ship in their small fleet, save for a few parts— which no one had yet found and delivered. The days were faster when the guardsman opted to join you in his free time, his first visit and subsequent dialogue with Odona still memorable.
To what do I owe the displeasure; Oh Mighty Protector of the Covert and Savior of Foundlings?
The pleasure of my company is for your friend, ‘Dona.
Why? Going to terrorize her again, Ik’? Ven’rejorhaa'i kaysh murcyur gar shupur’ika?
Cuyi ulyc, vod.
You had sensed there was a joke hidden within their jibes, one you were unable to decipher in their foreign tongue, but neither took the time to explain. Whilst Ikarus lacked use for the labor that required fine motor control, his presence disrupted the monotony of the many tedious and repetitive tasks you and Odona spent much of your time doing— their frequent banter kept you entertained throughout the day. 
The time you had spent in the medbay was shorter— the most common injuries coming from the older adolescents early on in their training, whose resilience and constitution had yet to strengthen— as well as wrist and ankle sprains from poor fighting forms, the occasional laceration from knife safety training; and at worst, injuries from the teens and young adults earned from a vigorous sparring session.
But with Din, the mornings and evenings together never felt long enough. The hours were reminiscent of your time with him and the Child in the Crest, the warmth of your aliit protected by familiar cold walls; the stone of the cavern both analogous yet antithetic to the durasteel of your former home. 
One forged of hands, and the other of time— one of the fires of a furnace, the other the fires of a planet’s mantle. Your time together before was that of contrivance, engineered— with agendas to follow and assignments to complete— your interactions affable yet somewhat artificial, a present barrier precluding your companionship from evolving into something more… More natural, more innate, more intimate. Here, your time together had been more candid, endearing— Din no longer shied away from any probing questions or physical closeness, which allowed that previous barrier to melt and slowly flow away like that of bedrock to magma, reshaping and remolding your times of leisure together to hours of unified repose.
The hours turned to days, the days turned to weeks, and the weeks turn to this moment, where seemingly no time passes at all— blanketed in the familiar darkness of your room. The unlit and chilled space, at first an unacquainted oddity, now a comfortable companion to spend the sleeping and waking hours in. The ritual remains the same— awaken with the Child, have the morning trade-off with Din, make the caf, and begin the tasks for the day— like clock work, a well-oiled droid.
This morning is almost no different, and yet, you hesitate to leave your bed, your conversation with Din the previous morning still fresh in your mind— 
Din had sat aside the table, his body resting against the wall— unarmored, arms crossed, head tilted to the side, the same position as every morning. Once you handed him the Child and sat, caf in hand, he finally spoke.
“I’d like you to join me tomorrow,” he stated. 
The lack of pleasantries from him was unsurprising, though a teasing ‘Good morning to you, Din’ was a tempting response. Instead, you greeted him with a grin and an unobjectionable reply— 
“Alright, what are we doing?” 
He hummed, pleased with your immediate acceptance.
“The adults alternate supervising the ade. Tomorrow, it’ll be our turn.”
You gestured toward the Child in his arms, in a playful retort. “Don’t we supervise this ad every day?”
The Child cooed in his arms, his ears perked tentatively at his mention. Din sighed, with a smile in voice.
“We do. It’s tradition for all of the adults to care for the ade… All have wisdom to share.”
Skeptical, you thought: ‘What would I possibly teach them?’
You observed the Child resting so comfortably on Din’s chest— his tiny hand gripped tightly into Din’s clothes, right where his armor’s kar’ta beskar normally sat. It was a stark contrast compared to the Child’s behavior upon your first meeting. With any loud noises and sudden movements, he would shrink inwards in his cradle— as if he could make himself any smaller. Medical scanners made him grimace, unfamiliar places and people made his ears droop— seeing others upset made him wary. And yet, he was endlessly curious. Despite his initial unease with the two new adults in his life, the Child was quick to trust you both— and with his trust, his personality came through… his affection, his laughter, his love. 
From there, Din learned how to tend to someone outside of himself— what it meant to have someone that relied on him, and more colossally, someone that wanted Din, as he was. The Armorer branded him as the Child’s father, and the delighted squeal from the little one sealed the bond that Din had been trying to hide for so long. Just as the Child learned to trust Din with his welfare, so too did Din learn to trust the Child with his own mirjahaal.  
Perhaps it wasn’t the lessons they taught, but rather the connection they made, and the wisdom they sought.
With this, the true question then inverted from the skeptic ‘what would I teach them’, to the sanguine ‘what will I learn?’...
“...When do we meet them?”
To the ade, the former beroya is nothing more than a tall kurshi fit to climb. 
Somehow, Din appears endlessly patient and playful with all six of the young children. They utilize their limitless spurts of energy to continuously attack Din as a squad, bringing him to the ground— he’ll exclaim a faux wail, and collapse to his knees— and the collective giggles of the ade begin the cycle again. 
Whenever a child grows tired of their battle, they come to you— wanting to be tossed into the air, or onto the nearest surface. Supposedly being gently thrown around aids in their brain development, and ‘it’s good practice for their first sen’tra flight’, Din tells you. The logic is questionable at best, but hearing their joyous squeals makes the ever-growing muscle fatigue worthwhile. Even the child of the Djarin clan is as equally amused, his own little spirit mightily lifted by the experience of being with other kids again. 
During your time on Sorgan, the Child was happy to interact with the other children— but mostly, he watched them, rather than play. Perhaps he was still too shy or too wary to fully engage with so many people, but surrounded by these Foundlings now, he looks at home; like he belongs. Amidst this cohort, he’s made a new friend, Mara, the youngest of the lot. Her long and dark hair reminds you— and perhaps the Child— of Winta, Omera’s daughter. The two spent the most time together on Sorgan, and despite the little one’s inability to say, he misses her. 
Mara and the Child sit away from the squad play-fighting Din, in front of the single wall of volcanic tuff— embellished with crimps and pockets, graven by many hands. You watch them, as they examine the wall, looking up and down, side to side. Your eyes travel upward to the small cavate, almost eight feet from the floor. You watch as Mara looks to the Child and nods, and begins her ascent up— using her fingers and toes to grip tightly onto the various crevices in the wall— and the Child begins to follow.
You step forward, almost instinctively, wanting to call out to them to stop, wanting to reach out to the children to prevent a fall—
Then, from nowhere, Din appears at your side, extending his hand to stop you. “Don’t,” he says softly, “Let them try.”
You look at him puzzled, and he continues. “If you distract them now, they might fall…” he pauses, and turns his head to watch them, “...but if you allow them to focus, they can succeed. Watch…” 
The pair silently step closer, closing the distance between themselves and the wall, watching the two ade slowly make their way up to the cavate. Mara climbs inside first, and lays on her belly, reaching out to the Child to help him trek the final span of the wall. Once inside, the Child turns around, to face the entire room below him. He squeals a little clamor of excitement, proud of his triumph, before looking down to his buire.
“Good job, kid,” Din says. “Come on down, it’s time to go.”
The Child looks at you both doe-eyed, his ears drooping, as he peers over the ledge. He looks back to Mara, and back down over the ledge, contemplating his next move. 
You lean slightly towards Din, speaking in a hushed tone. “I don’t think he knows how to get back down.”
“He can do it,” Din says confidently. 
You challenge him, “He looks scared.” 
Din insists, “Then he’ll do it scared.” 
He steps forward once more, his body almost pressed against the wall, reaching one hand up. “Come on kid, climb down.”
The child’s ears droop even lower, letting out a quiet whimper, a little anxious look on his face. He looks back up to Mara, who gives him an encouraging “You can do it,” before he finally begins his descent towards you and Din. 
Carefully, his little clawed feet grip into the same pockets he used to climb up, and his hands hold onto the ledge. He looks down at his buire with a slightly quivering lip, then back up to his hands. Slowly, he presses on, his movements deliberate and cautious, gravity tugging at his little limbs with relentless persuasion, clammy clawed-hands threatening to slip free from the cold stone. His disgruntled babbling fading with each tentative step, footfalls growing more steady with every downward stride. 
His little foot finally reached something soft— the hand of his buir, waiting for his arrival. With an excited squeal, he looks to Din, holding out his clawed fingers for Din to grasp. Din takes the Child into his arms.
“Good job… I knew you could do it.” Din whispers to him.
With his ad in hand, Din looks back to the cavate, where Mara sits silently. “You too, Mara, come down,” he says. 
Mara, unlike the little one, is less graceful, only climbing down two feet of wall before leaping off. You instinctively reach your arms out to catch her, but are a few seconds too late, as she lands confidently on her feet, smiling up at you. She giggles, asking the Child “Wasn’t that fun!” and the little one cooing affectionately with a bright smile.
“They need to rest.” Din says, before leading Mara and the Child back with the other ade. You follow him in toe, and aid him while he attempts to settle the children in preparation for them to sleep. 
The chamber is bathed in the soft, warm light of the cressets along the walls. The ade sit and lay in a circle on the floor, looking up at the two adults expectedly, waiting for you both to join them. Din gently places the Child in Mara’s lap, seating himself amongst them. 
The ade demanded a story before they would agree to their midday nap, and with only one long sigh, Din relented. As you sit beside him, the tale of Akaanati'kar'oya begins.
In ages past, when cosmic realms were naught,
Two gods emerged, each with a purpose sought.
Kad Ha'rangir, embodiment of change,
A dance of growth, His essence did arrange.
Arasuum, the god of slow decay,
In stillness thrived, where life would fade away.
Eternal foes, in battle they engaged,
Ideals clashed, the cosmic script was paged.
Kad Ha'rangir, with eyes of vibrant light,
Envisioned galaxies in endless flight.
His very step, a ripple through the void,
Transforming all, where life and change enjoyed.
Arasuum, with eyes as deep as night,
Desired a realm where stasis held its might.
Decay His touch, a silent, withering breath,
A universe in stillness, touched by death.
In ceaseless clash, their cosmic struggle roared,
A dance of gods, where destinies were stored.
Stoic truths emerged from this grand design,
A tale of action, life's breath so divine.
"For action is the breath that life bestows,
A vital force, as mighty river flows.
Inaction, slow demise, a creeping shade,
A silent death in stillness' dark cascade."
Through galaxies and time, the story spread,
Of Kad Ha'rangir, where change was bred.
Arasuum's touch, a cautionary tale,
A realm in stillness, where all things frail.
So heed the moral, in verses spun,
That action is life, beneath the sun.
For inaction's grasp, a silent breath,
A slow demise, an encroaching death.
The ade rest together in a haphazard heap of limbs on various bedcovers and furs draped across the floor. Exhausted from their Beroya Battles and abseil adventures, they finally sleep, leaving the two adults to quietly watch over them together. In the chamber’s silent embrace, the air hangs heavy and chilled— a symphony of stillness envelops the room, broken by the muted shuffle of shifting bodies, and the hushed breaths of the ade. The only audible rhythm is that of the pulsating cadence of your own heartbeat and the rush of blood moving inside your head. 
Your eyes scan over the ade, finding a sense of calmness watching their steady breaths, in… out. 
In… out.
In… out.
Your gaze once again falls onto the Child, cuddled against Mara, also breathing steadily. In the gentle cradle of his friend’s arms, he looks peaceful. Had he ever slept this soundly on the Crest?... Who held him every night before us? Who will take care of him after us?
In the softest whisper, to not disturb the ade, you lean closer to Din, telling him the obvious— “He’s happy here.”
“...Yes,” Din replies, just as quietly. 
“Was this your experience, too? After the Mandalorians saved you?”
His visor is trained on the little one’s sleeping face—the same face of a child who was once trapped in the suffocating darkness of a sealed cradle—a cage, a cage whose opening only revealed another prison, in the form of two bounty hunters hovering over him like… a B2 Battle Droid, with a blaster pointed in a child’s face. A child rescued from death at the last possible moment by a shiny warden, offering an adiaphorous detainment. 
“It was… a time of war. I was trained to fight in it. I hope… that they never have to.” Din says, his gaze scanning over the ade once more. 
“I thought all Mandalorians were warriors.”
He, too, believed the same notion for many years. Training from the day he was rescued to the day he became an adult, after his verd'goten, life became a perpetual streak of jobs. Commission, retrieval, payment. Commission, retrieval, payment… Until a strange, golden, aureate armorsmith joined his tribe, bringing tales of the “Great Forge of Mandalore,” and the songs of the artificers that echoed through the speos as they worked. He remembers the first time he kneeled in front of her small, austere forge, in a dark room beneath a busy market above, listening as she spoke of the ethos, the rites, the latria, the true way of the Mandalore. 
“No. Everyone is trained to survive. But… we used to live, too.” 
“...Until Mandalore was taken.”
So'haale, urman'gedete, eparave, cyarir evaar'la, alii'aliit… A cultus he could only dream of, but never truly have. Spoken knowledge fades into whispers, slipping through his fingers like sand as the voices of the ancestors grow ever fainter. Each decampment a dissolution of tsad res publica, each step forward a battle against oblivion. 
“I’m sorry.” You lean over, resting your head on his pauldron. “...Maybe there’ll come a time when we’ll live in the light, on a planet that welcomes us.” 
Din knows that within every Mandalorian is a patchwork of unfamiliar faces and ever-changing landscapes, their solace and safety as elusive as a bes'ede itself—and yet they endlessly repugn the kandush they have faced time and time again, guided by the conviction that within the uncertainty of the cosmos lay the promise of a sanctuary forged from the resilience of their spirit. 
He tilts his head, resting it atop yours. “There will.”
Ali'nare vencuyanir yaim. This is the Way.   
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