#fredrik johanssen
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"Ah, Fredrik. How can I help you, Fredrik?" "Well... you're the hero of the hour. Everybody's out celebrating." "Yes, well, I certainly don't feel heroic. You're not the only person I shall have to disappoint. But I am sorry about the way things turned out for you today." "I suppose it's out of your hands." "Indeed it is." "But it leaves me no choice but to go back to Sweden. ...Insomnia, agitation, excitement - as close to being entirely eliminated. Tannahillamyde can do this. It could be the breakthrough. And there are no cardiac or pulmonary side effects. But I'm sure you have anticipated by now that it... I... also need you... to once again safeguard the future of this family, your family." (S19E59 "Hungry Heart", 21 November 2017)
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casualstea · 3 years
My mum just said Cam was a btec Fredrik and I-
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swithe-ist · 4 years
rewatching the fredrik SL - roxanna is so goofy when she meets him, it’s hilarious, and even better with henrik’s awkward hovering in the lift too. definitely feels like they weren’t sure where they were going outside of the shooting SL - the merger stuff is built up and then -- boom, that’s it.
the energy between fredrik and henrik is incredible. they’re both so intensely insecure and stand-offish and embarrassed to have to interact with each other and yet still can’t help but want a relationship. 
it doesn’t really feel all that fast but it kind of is. it’d have been nice to hear henrik talk about his disappointment with the kind of person fredrik turned out to be, but then that’s not really him, is it? which was the whole point of ‘we need to talk about fredrik’.
the loathing on his face in some of the scenes speak volumes.... it really was a great (and awful) story and appropriate for henrik’s character.
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hcscreenshots · 5 years
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fredrik, s19e62
f: this family of yours, i’m not part of that and i accept that 
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wilkiebarkid · 5 years
Poor Maja, she was the one who brought Fredrik up. She must be having an awful time :(
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girl-in-the-suit · 6 years
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“That boy, if I’m not there to mess him up… really not there… then perhaps he has a chance.”
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lesdeuxarbres · 6 years
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“Heard your Mr Copeland has won the junior doctor prize. You must be proud.”
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holbyconfessional · 6 years
Holby City S20 E20 Blind Spot
Funny old episode here.
Quite impressed with the Fletch/lover misdirect - I’d have had Fletch and Sydney spoiling for a hook up, so I didn’t really see Abigail happening.  And it seems clear she wants more than a one off - who knew he had it in him?! ;-)
So, poor Jac.  Take a few weeks extended holiday, and you’re out of sight, out of mind - but I suppose it’s a set up for a pretty high velocity love triangle: CEO/Head of Cardiothoracics/Director of Nursing.  Ouch.  When is she back?  I miss her!
I suppose there should have been an inkling for me when Abigail didn’t immediately shut down his standoff with Sydney about agency nurses, but I guess the message got lost in the whole ‘Fletch has a tough life’ storyline.  Mikey wore on me a bit tonight, with his hang dog looks and his extended pauses.  His glee at perhaps being off the hook because his victim was diagnosed with Ewings Sarcoma (that is NOT lucky, Donna.  That has a pretty shit prognosis...) struck me as delightfully psychopathic though, although I appreciate it’s highly unlikely that it was meant that way.  But hey, I take my amusement where I can find it!
On to Hanssen.  Aside from his unacknowledged trauma from the Fredrick event, I think it’s a very interesting avenue to explore how his quite marked OCD would fit in, in a clinical environment, so I was glad to see it touched on tonight, in his efforts to control every minute aspect of every patient on the ward - even though it was thrown under the ‘trauma’ blanket, rather than the everyday OCD struggles blanket.  I’m not sure that this tendency would disappear with trauma counselling, since this is such a deepseated personality trait of Hanssen’s, but I’m guessing we won’t see much of a resurgence regardless.  I did very much enjoy Hanssen discovering how much his staff cared about him, from so many sources.  Bravo, Holby team, we all adore this man!
I also very much appreciated Sacha standing up to Hanssen and warning him that his actions are creating more work, rather than solving problems.  So much of the time, Sacha is portrayed as a soft touch, never more so than in this episode - so it was really important and quite delightful to see that he’s not a man than shirks his responsibilities, even if it means standing up to someone who until recently was his superior - no mean feat for anyone.
I felt so sorry for Sacha tonight - and it pains me, how many episodes I’ve been able to say those words about.  Shunned by his children (ok, perhaps shunned is a strong work, but you get my drift), not taken seriously about his project.  I have to say, I think his project is really quite interesting.  But that might be something to do with my biochemistry degree with phys/pharm.  But regardless, Serena summed my thoughts up really well when she gave Sacha the pep talk in Pulses, about how something doesn’t have to be flashy to change the world.  I was really pleased that Nicky finally saw something in the project to take her interest, and I, for one, am rooting for team Sacha, and hoping that his project will be a blinding success and lauded throughout the medical community, where Gaskell and Meena’s flashy project will crumble to dust and leave them empty husks... (sorry, Roxanna.  It’s taken quite a while, but you are growing on me, and I wish you weren’t involved with the Gaskell debacle).
Final thoughts: bring back Jac. don’t keep Sydney around for too many episodes, and give Sacha a break for once!
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fuck-you-jafar · 6 years
The whole progress requires sacrifice thing reminds me of Fredrik and that is really worrying
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justalittlepickle · 7 years
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“A lot of people are hurt, Fredrik”
“I know.”
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holbyheartbeat · 7 years
Holby City spring trailer - Are we finally going to find out who was on Fredrik’s list?
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So as it happens, today marks the seventh anniversary of when S19E18 "Losing Game" aired. On the seventh day of the month. There's something quite satisfying about that.
It's also Fredrik's first appearance with a speaking role. It is one of my favourite Henrik episodes, I think, not just by itself but also as a sort of prequel to the Gaskell storyline. The whole arc of Henrik standing by John despite all his morally and medically unethical deeds wouldn't work so well without the sheer dramatic irony of him basically disowning Fredrik for doing an unethical trial only months before.
And I adore how "Losing Game" has Henrik go out of his way to act like he couldn't possibly ever let something like this happen and he's just doing the right thing he would do in any circumstances - and he plays it so well that he makes one believe it, he even believes himself! And then he turns around and actively encourages John to continue with his own work, no matter how obviously wrong it is, and it retroactively completely flips the plot of "Losing Game" by showing Henrik to be an absolute hypocrite who actually absolutely would let something like this happen.
It's brilliant. It essentially plays on the "hero Henrik" role that Henrik had been stuck in for a while to make itself look like a continuation of that, only for it to turn out to be a moment of total hypocrisy on Henrik's part - he absolutely did the right thing by stepping in to try and get Fredrik's trial stopped, but then months later he lets John get away with doing essentially the exact same thing as Fredrik. And it puts Henrik in a very similar narrative position to Sara, which is interesting in itself.
So while "Losing Game" stands well on its own, I think it goes from good to fantastic when it's taken in the context of the Gaskell story.
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ollievalentines · 7 years
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lofty chiltern in every episode:
↳ series 19 ☆ thicker than water
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swithe-ist · 6 years
I s’pose now I think about it, the Rox-being-targeted-by-Fredrik thing maybe isn’t such a big plot-hole.
I mean she did mention to him that she was an old friend of his father’s. If he were to quickly put together a list of ‘people I could kill to hurt dad’, an old friend wouldn’t be too weird. Even if they barely interacted.
I dunno. Eh.
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something that really kills me is how ready Ollie is to sacrifice his life for other people?? Like?? Bomb explodes on AAU? Zosia is in danger?? Ollie selflessly throws himself on top of her to protect her. Fredrik comes into theatre brandishing a gun?? Points it at Morven and/or Roxanna? Ollie puts himself between them and the gun and ends up getting shot in the FLIPPING HEAD!!! WHAT A BEAUTIFUL, SELFLESS ANGEL!!!!
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wilkiebarkid · 6 years
Oh bless, the look on Fredrik’s face when Hanssen says he’s proud. And then he messes up by forgetting what his dad died of. And then makes it worse by telling him he can’t have the job at the hospital. Yeah sorry son, hope you can fix your messed up life. Bye. 
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