Inktober 2023
Day 29 - Massive
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Baz takes me to a Starbucks to use the facilities, and when I come out—with a massive rainbow-striped Frappaccino—he's shouting at Penny: "Thirty-one hours to San Diego?!" "That can't be right," Penny says. "That's like driving from London to Moscow. Let me see."
The face of a man whose two best friends in the world are yelling at each other over road trip details that he's been too depressed to think about before now.
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Baz takes my Frappaccino and sucks down a huge gulp. "Disgusting." He hands it back to me. "Not like unicorn at all."
Wayward Son, Chapter 13, Rainbow Rowell.
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dolls-self-ships · 7 months
How I think the HH crew takes their coffee
Lucifer orders the most complicated, sugary, step specific drink you could imagine. He is hated by baristas everywhere. Also gets so excited when ordering he changes it at least 3 times halfway through explaining it. Probably gets something different everytime too. He is a regular with no usual. Charlie canonically likes frappaccinos! Like her dad, I can see her having similar tastes, sugar, but also wanting to keep it simple so that she doesn't overwhelm the employees (she's too considerate for her own good). Orders straight from the menu exactly how it is with no alterations, is also the one who probably walks in with a list of orders for her friends, goes as slow as possible for the cashiers sake. Angeldust rolls up to the drivethrough hung over and orders something iced- probably a caramel drink and he asks for it to specifically be drowned in caramel, and an extra shot. Either that or a vanilla iced latte. Vaggie is not a huge fan of coffee, she gets a tea or tea latte instead. Earl grey is her favourite and she likes a lot of milk. Alastor loves a nice extra hot black coffee. He wants that bitch scolding and bitter. Doesn't even drink it, just splashes it in his face. Where that would normally give someone 3rd degree burns, it gives him some 'extra pep' in the morning, as he puts it (god he's a fucking freak) Husk takes his coffee black also, but instead will spike it with his own bourbon he keeps in a flask. Will sometimes get cream and sugar if he's feeling, as he puts it , 'fancy' (bro is so low maintenance) Nifty isn't allowed to have caffeine for obvious reasons Sir Pentious is another non-coffee drinker but drinks exclusively tea. Is a bit of a snob about it too. Needs the leaves to be fresh or he WILL be able to taste the burntness. His favourite is peppermint. Would rather die than bother the barista to remake it though so he normally brews his own with his own needlessly complicated tea making invention of course.  Cherri bomb loooooves caffine, but isn't much of a coffee drinker. More of a monster energy and redbull kinda gal. She needs something she can drink fast and hard. Don't even get me started on those 5 hour energy drinks. Oh boy. Don't let her near them (she will kill u for one) Vox is an avid coffee drinker. Practically lives off of it and can't get through the day without (it's a problem). Definately has one of those 'don't talk to me before I've had my coffee' mugs bc he's an asshole. Drinks like 5-6 cups in a single day. Send help. Velvette gets a coffee once in the morning and then one in the afternoon. Pulls up to the cash register with her sunglasses on and outfit for the day put together, intimidating buisness lady vibes off the charts while she orders between phone calls. Also definately shushes the barista of they try to ask her any questions, can't you see she's on the phone? Her order is LONG and COMPLICATED and she needs it made the way she likes to a T, she also talks fast and no she will NOT repeat herself so you better be a fast writer. Probably gets something vanilla flavoured with 3 shots of espresso in it. Valentino isn't a coffee guy but if he needs it for a long shoot or late night he gets either an Americano or pure espresso shots. No time to waste with the frills and fancy stuff despite the look of him. Also will throw the cup at the barista if the shots come out burnt or expired.
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excessive-vampires · 5 months
Dealing with Demons Chapter 10: Something Unnecessarily Personal Part 2: Cee
Masterlist with CW
Taglist: @demyxdancer @softvampirewhump @d-cs
"So that's all you remember?" Sil asked and took a sip of her coffee. Per Avi's request we were at a cafe a few minutes' walk from the base.
They took a big gulp of their hot chocolate. They thought coffee was too bitter. Frappaccinos were an exception, but with the weather turning cold a hot drink was more appropriate and enjoyable.
The cafe wasn't busy, but it wasn't empty either, so we were sitting at the table farthest from other people to avoid being overheard. It wasn't loud and busy enough for Sil to cast a silence spell around us and have it go unnoticed so the two of them were keeping their voices low, barely above a whisper. The atmosphere was cozy, it reminded me of the diner I used to go to with Bev on special occasions. That place had the best chocolate cake I'd ever tasted at the time. In the last five years I'd found much better. Which was lucky, because the diner had closed a few years before I met Avi. Good things just don't last sometimes.
"It was dark. I don't have night vision." Their voice brought me back to the current discussion. Now was not the time to wander around in the past. "Not usually anyway."
"I can use my power to enhance my senses at will, but I wasn't doing that at the time."
"Okay... Look, can you at least tell me if the walls were wood, concrete, or dirt?"
"I couldn't see, but..."
Smelled like rotting wood.
"They were wood, I think. Poorly maintained and smelly. The floor couldn't have been dirt at least, or I would have gotten it on my feet. I think it was concrete."
Yeah, it felt rough and uneven.
"You weren't wearing shoes?"
"I was dressed casually. I didn't have anywhere to go that day, Cliff's lucky he didn't catch me in my pajamas."
Your pajamas might have looked more professional than what we were actually wearing.
I felt their mouth try to twitch up into a smile, but they stopped it. That wouldn't be a correct response to Sil's half of the conversation.
"And you're sure it was underground?"
"There were no windows, and the air had that stale feeling of an unused basement."
"Okay. I guess now we look at all properties that have ever been associated with Mason and look for poorly maintained basements with wood walls and concrete floors." Sil sighed and took another drink of her coffee. Her shoulders slumped.
She seems tired.
"You seem tired."
"I am tired. I haven't been sleeping well. Cases aren't usually like this. Usually we observe someone for a while, figure out what they're doing, and stop them if we need to. Or we track down a monster that's left a trail we can follow. Now there's all these dead ends, and no evidence, and so many different pieces to consider, plus I have to work with—" Sil cut herself off.
"With me." Avi's mood dropped and their chest got a little tight, but they hid it well behind a smile while staring into the remains of their drink.
My opinion of Sil soured a bit in Avi's defense, not that I thought of her as friendly to begin with.
"I'm sorry, I just mean that—"
"It's okay, I get it. I'm something of a wildcard. I don't think like a human, and I don't act like a human."
"You do. More than I expected you to at least. And trust me, you're at least much easier to work with than the fae."
Their smile got a little more genuine. Okay, so maybe Sil wasn't so bad.
"I haven't ever really dealt with the fae, they don't make deals because they don't typically plan on ever dying. But I've heard they're hard to handle."
"God, yes. I could sit here and bitch for hours about how much of a pain in the ass it is whenever we have to bring them in on a case."
Avi laughed. We'd never heard Sil curse before, I guessed she was a bit less uptight now that today's part of the mission was done.
Sil looked at them curiously. "You're... surprisingly easy to talk to. I never would have told Mike or Riley how much this case is getting to me."
"It's probably just because I'm in the loop but not really a part of the team. And maybe you should tell them, let them know how you feel."
"Maybe. But I can't. Every team needs a rock to rely on and for us that's me."
"I'm gonna go get another coffee to go, then I'm gonna head back to base."
"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow, Agent Silverman."
"See you tomorrow, Avi."
Avi got up and walked out of the door to the cafe. Then they ducked into the nearest alleyway and teleported to the closest alleyway to their apartment, startling a dumpster-diving stray cat, whose meow sounded hilariously like a scolding.
"Sorry," They said to the orange tabby, and started walking.
You're getting along pretty well with the team.
"Yeah, all we need is for Mike to tell us something unnecessarily personal and we'll have the whole set."
I sent them an image of laughing. They smiled.
Seriously, I think you're finally putting down some roots, you're becoming a real part of human society, like you always wanted.
"I wouldn't call a team of monster hunters part of human society."
Well I'd call it the most fun part of human society.
It was their turn to laugh.
Then the elevator doors opened and the laugh died in their throat. Cliff Mason was attempting to break into the apartment.
He had lockpicks in his hands and was hunched over the doorknob muttering to himself. He turned around at the sound of the elevator and froze when he saw Avi.
I don't know whose anger I felt, theirs or mine, but it made no difference. This was our home.
Avi surged forward and grabbed the taller man by the throat, then teleported us to the roof. Cliff wobbled dangerously on the edge, grabbing their arm for support as much as to try to stop them from choking him.
He managed to get out a few words around the vice of their fingers. "If you kill me, you'll never find the people I've taken."
"Fuck." They roughly pulled him away from the edge and forced him to his knees.
Avi was using strength far beyond what a human was capable of and my whole body hurt even as their power continuously worked to heal it. I only felt the pain detachedly, though. Probably because of the rage boiling our blood.
"Okay." Their voice was like a growl through clenched teeth. "Tell me right now where the people you've taken are and I promise not to kill you."
"Let go of me first so I can breathe!"
"Do I look like an idiot to you? You can breathe enough to speak and that's all you need."
"Let go, or I'll make you let go."
"Are you really in a position to be making threats?"
Then he smiled. Fear stabbed through the anger in us, Avi drew back a fist to punch him into unconsciousness, but he was faster. We should have been more observant. We should have thought to look at his hands.
Quick as a striking snake, Cliff let go of Avi's hand, spun around the silver ring on his middle finger, and dragged the sharp spike on it across their arm. It stung enough that their grip on his throat loosened, just a little bit, but that was all he needed. He pulled himself free, drew a rune in the air, and vanished.
Blood dripped from the deep scratch on Avi's arm, they couldn't heal the wound as fast as normal since it was silver that did the deed. They would have to bandage it up later.
But for now they just fell to their knees, then caught themself with their hands as they fell forward. The rough concrete scraped up their palms but after everything else we barely felt it. We were exhausted. Not so much physically, although the power needed to wield that much strength without tearing a human body apart certainly took its toll. No, it was emotional weariness that brought us to our hands and knees on the roof of our apartment building.
Cliff was powerful enough not to need a physical medium for his runes.
We were fucked.
In the dream I couldn't move my head. I had to look down, to watch. The numbers on the scale were rising so fast I couldn't possibly read them. With each passing second more shame built up inside me until I couldn't keep it in any longer and I cried out. As I did I heard familiar voices.
"So, was it worth it?"
"Have we tried cutting out dairy? And meat? And..."
"Is this really how you want to live your life?"
"You just need to try harder."
I screamed louder, trying to drown them out. Then things shifted, I was now in front of a mirror, frantically scrubbing at my upper arms.
The ink in them had twisted, morphing itself into vulgar and grotesque designs, I had to get rid of them before anyone saw.
I scrubbed until the skin felt raw, until it was left smooth and unblemished. I sighed in relief. Then I realized what I'd done.
No, no, no, how could I? I loved my tattoos! Why had I been ashamed? They were all I had left of—
There she was. In the mirror, her face stared back at me. Not angry, just sad and confused. I started crying.
Then Bev's face got paler and thinner. Her hair fell out, her skin got tight, there were bags under her eyes. I pleaded with the mirror not to show me this, anything but this, but soon where her face had been there was only a skull. It moved forward from the mirror and advanced until it had me cornered. It's jaw fell open and from it spilled forth—
Avi's phone's ringtone.
They jerked awake in the chair in front of the door, we must have fallen asleep for a little while. Couldn't have been long judging by how exhausted we were, but then again my stress dreams weren't exactly restful.
They checked their phone. The text was from Riley.
"Meet at the cafe asap."
"I guess I had better get ready."
Sorry about that.
"It's okay, not your fault." Avi yawned and stretched. Half the reason we'd been up all night was that I suspected my recurring stress dreams would show up the second we were asleep. I hadn't had them in over a year, but I had a feeling they'd make an appearance after what we'd just been through. The other half was to make sure Cliff didn't come back to try to take us while we were unconscious.
Avi walked over to the closet and leaned their head against the door. The wood was cool, and felt nice against their forehead. "Maybe you were right. We should have just left, gone somewhere far away."
If it makes you feel any better I'm starting to think that might not have worked.
"Yeah, yeah that's probably true. Okay, let's," they sighed. "Let's get some clean clothes on so I can get some caffeine in us and Riley's team can help me figure out what to do."
Sounds like a plan.
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hot-take-tournament · 11 months
So, I know we've (somewhat) moved away from the Orange Joe. BUT! My wife reminded me of the existence of the Orange Mocha Frappaccino from Zoolander. And it made me wonder if that was what inspired the Orange Joe.
i'll never manage to quite move away from the orange joe
i am not kidding when i say i have unironically been unable to touch anything orange flavoured since that fateful day
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captainimprobable · 8 months
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TW: death, suicide It's been a week and a day since I found my ex girlfriend's obituary and discovered that she's gone. It's been almost six months since she left us. These are not milestones I ever wanted to hit. Here are some things about her: Her name was Ivy. She was 27 when she died, and her 28th birthday just passed. I recently learned she came out as agender after we broke up. You can't tell here, because it was the middle of a hike, but she was extremely goth. She was a makeup artist, and she always left the house with at least one piece of clothing that had chains or spikes on it. She loved Pokemon, and RWBY, and The Owl House. She related a lot to Amity Blight. She also loved Shera, but didn't like Catradora. She was an actor, and she was from the South. She was very close to her brother and her Dad. She was always doing some type of arts and crafts, but she jumped between them like lightning.
She was so proud to be a lesbian. Her favorite color was mint green. She liked vanilla bean frappaccinos. She loved her best friend more than anyone else in the world. I feel weird saying all this, because it's not my place. We meant nothing to each other in the end. But I don't want people to forget her, I want them to know a little bit about who she was. Her name was Ivy, and she should still be here.
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tinfoil-catholic · 1 month
They sell oatmilk frappaccino's in a bottle now 💕💕💕💕😭🩷
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
When Ash, Indigo and Peach grow up, do any of them become the 'don't talk to me until i have my morning coffee' type of adult?
None of them are really coffee drinkers.
Peach does enjoy a good Frappaccino tho, she loves the sweet ones.
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kimium · 1 year
Earlier I asked @m34gs if there was a Starbucks in Twisted Wonderland, what would the Housewarden's go-to order be? She answered in this ask, but also prompted me to give my thoughts. As a tea only drinker this will be challenging for me, but online menus are the best!
Riddle - London Fog (Earl Grey Latte) with milk foam
Without a doubt in my mind Riddle has to have a tea order. Tea is an important part of Heartslaybul and if Riddle doesn't drink a certain quota of tea then he's breaking at least ten-fifteen rules and he CANNOT let that happen.
This order is also very simple in both saying and ingredients. There isn't a lot of variety with this one, which helps Riddle ease into the drink order. I'm certain he grew up believing anything his mother deemed "fancy" was unnecessary and horrible. This drink helps meet a balance for Riddle: tea and simple. I'm certain once he becomes comfortable with drinks he'll branch into Refreshers or Frappaccinos.
Leona - Iced Peach Green Tea
Like you said, Leona doesn't like complicated drinks nor does he want something hot or caffeinated. He wants his precious naps! This drink meets Leona's requirements: simple (so no one can screw it up if they're doing a run for him), cold, and a little sweet.
Azul - Brown Sugar Oat Americano with 4-5 shots of espresso
I agree with you: Azul, like Idia, is living on caffeine and sugar. Only while Idia is unapologetic in his caffeine/sugar order, Azul tries to disguise his with fancy additives (the brown sugar syrup pumps, cinnamon topping, and oat beverage). This way he can tell people what he's drinking without mentioning the word "espresso" in his order. No one is fooled though. They all know exactly what Azul's habits are.
Kalim - Strawberry Creme Frappuccino with extra whip
Scarabia is hot and Frappuccinos aren't. Strawberries are delicious and sweet. Combining these elements makes for a delicious drink that I think Kalim would love. I agree he has a sweet tooth and thus he wants extra whip. In truth, I think Kalim would like all kinds of frappuccinos, but he also strikes me as someone who likes fruit. Hence, I think this is a good pick for him.
Vil - Matcha Latte, two extra scoops of matcha, with non-fat milk
Look, I know this is basically my order, except without the non-fat milk, but hear me out. Matcha has many health benefits. It is high in anti-oxidants, can help protect your liver, boosts brain function, may help prevent cancer and boost heart health, and helps regulate weight. With so many fantastic benefits, I think this is something Vil would go for as he strikes me as someone who values healthy foods.
Idia - Espresso Macchiato with milk foam and with whatever unholy amount of espresso shots he's feeling like adding
I agree 100% with you: Idia lives on two things: caffeine and sugar. With this, he's basically drinking milky espresso/sugar. Just typing this is making my head hurt. He's also ordering this late into the night and consuming it as he plays games. Again, as you said, the only reason why he doesn't add more shots (which I checked and the counter wasn't stopping me from adding them) is because Ortho threatened his computer with perma-death.
Malleus - Chai Latte with milk foam
While I also think it's super cute for Malleus to go for the Dragon Fruit drink, I also think he likes tea. He's also wary of coffee shops as he's very unfamiliar and uncomfortable in there. However, thanks to Yuu and Lilia he visits for the first time and nearly panics when he sees all the options and customization. So, he orders one of the most simple items on the menu. Besides, drinking Chai is like receiving a warm hug and I think Diasomnia can be a bit on the chilly side.
(I also think Leona wants to make fun of him for having a "basic bitch order" but his order is also rather basic in nature.)
There you go! Here are my options! I hope you like them, friend!
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Congratulations on 1k!
Let's play Cast Your Mutuals as... coffee shop orders! ☕🧁
Tee hee- should be fun!
Espresso - @lunarbuck
Ristretto - @angrythingstarlight
Americano - @navybrat817
Latte - @jobean12-blog
Cappuccino - @wheezy-stucky
Flat white - @doasyoudesireandlive
Filter coffee - @tuiccim
Cafe au late - @sgt-seabass
Macchiato - @lfnr-blog-blog-blog
Mocha latte - @chrisdrysdale
Irish coffee - @munsonsduchess
Frappe - @jen-with-a-pen
Strawberries and cream frappaccino - @flordeamatista
Pumpkin spice latte - @yarnforbrains
Black tea with milk - @sidepartskinnyjeans
Camomile tea - @christywantspizza
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cringecomp2014 · 2 years
actually if ofmd was 100% historically accurate or even tried to be just a little bit instead of fully giving Jesus Christ Superstar it still wouldn't be simply due to the fact that Lucius clearly knows what a frappaccino is
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didderd · 1 year
You should of expected me to ask the coffee question (if you don't drink coffee, tell me your go to tea :3)
🌼 What’s the last thing you said out loud?
jus. told my sister (who jus got home) that our parents left abt two hours ago and said they'd be back in 3 hours.
jus normal mundane thimngs lmao
🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order?
i do drink coffee, but i very rarely go to places like starbucks lmao. can't rly afford it.
but ig i'd get a decaf caramel n chocolate frappaccino?
when i make coffee at home, i get half instant decaf coffee, half milk n vanilla creamer (if we have caramel or peppermint i use that, but we usually jus have vanilla :/), n i mix swissmiss powder (abt half a pack) and a bit of extra sugar into it. :> (n if we have whipped cream ofc i'm putting that on top)
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kanyniablue · 2 years
it’s tempting to say alfred f jones usually orders a frappaccino bigger than his head with twenty different sugary flavors and six espresso shots and a pile of whipped cream and a cherry (somehow) but with like, soy milk so he can say it’s healthy, but actually he only does that when he really wants a caffeinated milkshake.
his usual order is black coffee mixed with mango dragonfruit refresher
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ghostchems · 1 year
Papa, how do you like your coffee??????
I am an espresso drinker. There is nothing quite like an espresso to start your day.
Though, when I was on tour I lived off of frappaccinos.
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xprojectrpg · 5 months
This Day in X-Project - April 19
2015: Laurie posts about something that makes her happy. Laurie texts Doug asking him to take her to his next Hellfire Club event. Laurie text Wade about her options of the gun she wants and asks if she could come over and they can look over it. Felicia posts on Instagram the fruits of her labor. Hope A. posts about her week in Switzerland, about her French and other classes she has to take. Laurie meets Clint and challenges him to an archery match.
2016: Quentin hopes no one voted.
2017: Clarice tries Starbucks’ new unicorn frappaccino. Amanda emails her students and TAs, expressing concern about the mysterious black and white pebbles they have all received.
2018: Lorna IMs Alex saying she’s nervous about her results. Topaz texts Clint to say thank you. Lorna texts Wanda inviting her out for drinks to celebrate. Post-squiddening, Topaz goes to find out what the now-former Marvel Fishgirl saw in her head, and to secure a promise for discretion.
2022: Alani realizes she mixed up her schedules and asks if someone took care of her baby chicken delivery.
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202310271 · 10 months
He approaches me and “embraces” me and I ask and say I’m tired of socializing with them and if you wanna talk to me I know I wanna be picked up, carried around, and talked to, pertinently and planned. I am strong and drop things now, forgot a lot, but when I drop them I usually always pick them up! I eat a lot and like mocha frappaccinos “plain.” I like myself.
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ppl who order five different fraps at starubucks.....have you no shame????
making five different frappaccinos is equivalent to death for a barista. i cant even fucking combine them dammit.
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