#frank x liam
cloudy-em · 1 year
Hi, that's me again😅
So... my other idea for Lip is: (again with relatively shy reader, because I love the thrope a lot) the reader and Lip are already in a relationship, one day someone teases her a little too much on the sexual theme (they haven't had sex yet so she's a bit insecure about it) he notices, he defends her, and once they're alone he starts to joke around, teases her in a sweet way, to make her feel more comfortable to talk about it. (She is not a virgin, she's just not that experienced)
Hope you like this one, if not. It's okay, I promise😂
another great idea! <3
personally i don't celebrate thanksgiving but i remember an episode from one of the earlier seasons of them doing a thanksgiving meal which is very convenient for this so it's loosely based on that
warnings: sexual comments, innuendos, Mickey's kinda being an ass but his comments aren't ill-intended
The Gallagher household was bustling with activity. Fiona and V were in the kitchen, finishing up some last minute food preparations while Kevin was entertaining Carl and some of his friends in the yard with games. Ian was fixing drinks for everyone, desperately trying to find Debbie to figure out what she wanted (she was in her room, Mandy braiding her hair for her so she could impress Little Hank). Lip was finishing up a project for some sophomore who'd offered to pay him $100, and Liam was sitting patiently in his high chair. Y/N did her best to help out by setting the table, ensuring there were enough chairs and that everyone had all the proper utensils.
Mickey walked in the front door, beer in hand and flopped down, watching as Y/N reached across to the other side of the table to put a fork next to the plate. Mickey whistled like a boy in a 60s tv show.
"Damn, I bet you're used to that position," he quipped, taking another swig or his beer. Y/N looked at him, furrowing her eyebrows.
Mickey shrugged. "You know, cause I'm sure Philip bends you over pretty often." Y/N realized his implications, blushing and looking away. Mickey laughed, much more comfortable on the subject of sex than she was. "I'm sure Fiona's had to schedule time out of the house with the rest of the kids just to give you two some 'alone time'!"
Y/N grew increasingly uncomfortable. She wasn't a virgin or a puritan, but she and Lip hadn't had sex yet. They hadn't had a conversation about it or anything, but she wanted to wait a while and Lip had never brought it up with her.
Mickey laughed, "Look, kid, don't have to hide anything, we've all walked in on Lip with one of his hookups before." He paused for dramatic effect.
"Besides, it's always the shy one's who are the kinkiest!"
Y/N looked away, trying not to pay him any more mind and focus on her task. Lip walked down the stairs having finished with the sophomore's project, and immediately noticed something was off. His girlfriend was shy, sure, but she never bowed her head as low as she had.
"Hey, Lip!" Mickey called, teasing. Lip looked at him, eyebrows raised in expectation. "Maybe you should go out back and have quickie with your girl, get 'er to stop bein' such a priss." Lip realized what was wrong, walking over to his blushing girlfriend and placing his arm around her waist.
"Fuck off," Lip sighed. "Y/N isn't a priss, she just doesn't think the whole world needs to know about her sex life like you and Ian seem to."
Mickey raised his arms in surrender, "'Kay, fuck, Gallagher, it was all teasing, no harm meant!" He got up from his seat and went to the kitchen, presumably to grab another beer.
"C'mon, baby," Lip said softly, squeezing Y/N's waist and guiding her up to his room. He sat with her on the edge of Ian's bed, holding her hand and rubbing his calloused thumb on the back of it.
"I'm sorry he was messin' with you, baby," he whispered. "I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. Anything I can do for you?" He emphasized his apology by pressing a soft kiss to her temple.
"No, just," she paused, thinking about how she wanted to phrase her next sentence. "Do you ever, I don't know, feel like I'm holding you back?"
Lip had a puzzled look on his face. "Whatd'ya mean, hon?"
"Well with like, you know," she sighed, pulling her hand away from Lip to hide her face. "We haven't had sex and I feel like that's my fault." She heard him chuckle quietly, her embarrassment seeping into her soul even more.
"Baby," he cooed, wrapping his arms around her in a hug as she continued to hide her face. "It's nobody's fault. We haven't talked about it yet! That's the most important part of any relationship, and that's taken me a while to learn. I figured you'd bring it up when you were ready. I didn't want you to feel pressured."
She looked up at him, eyes wide and glazed over, on the verge of tears because of her embarrassment. "Really?" she asked.
"Really," he nodded like he had given an order to the universe.
"I thought that maybe you weren't attracted to me or that you thought I wasn't good enough," she whispered.
"Me? Not attracted to you? Aw babe!" he laughed, nose touching hers in a loving exchange. "A pretty thing like you deserves to be worshipped. When we have sex, I'm takin' my time with you."
She giggled at his compliment, rolling her eyes in disbelief.
"Oh, what you don't believe me? I've wanted to sleep with pretty girl forever, I just wanted to make sure she's ready for me," he smiled at her. The more he complimented her, easing in sex references, the more comfortable she felt on the subject. He had waited for her! He didn't think she was a prude or anything, he just had respect for her; he cared for her. She felt warmth in her chest as she processed the conversation. Lip kissed her nose briefly, helping her stand up from the bed.
"And try not to let Mickey get you down. He's just like that and assumes everyone else is comfortable talking about their sex life the way he does. I'll warn him to dial it down when he's around you, though," Lip told her, looking into her eyes to make sure she knew he was serious.
"Thanks, Lip. I love you," she told him, hugging him again.
"I love you, too, Y/N. Now, we'll talk more about us and our boundaries and moving forward later," he told her, trying to help her be more comfortable discussing sex with him. "But right now I think we've got a dinner to be at."
thanks for reading! sorry about me projecting a lil bit in lip and reader's conversation lol, i just think it's really important to have these conversations with your partners and i think lip, despite being all tough and "not sappy" (but he totally is) really cares about discussing boundaries with his partner
have a great day!
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myocsfanfictions · 10 months
South Side Story
Shameless Fanfiction Masterlist
Season 1
Desna Hills has come living in the Southside of Chicago four years before. Taken in by Kev and V, Desna is close friends with the Gallaghers. Let's see how this Southside story unfolds.
Warning: there will be smut, in the masterliat you'll find the Chapters that contains smut in red.
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Season 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
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smiley-milkovich · 1 year
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Straight to the heart, every. single. time. 🫠
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year
shameless seasons ranked:
#1- season 2
#2- season 4
#3- season 1
#4- season 3
#5- season 5
#6- season 7
#7- season 10
#8-season 6
#9-season 11
#10-season 9
#11-season 8
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bibibusinessman · 7 months
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gallavichobsessed · 11 months
Please help!
Hey sorry I haven't posted in a bit and I'm posting something different and serious but 8 years ago my little sister got diagnosed with a disease called Cystic Fibrosis and 3 years ago today she sadly passed away. If you could donate just a dollar or even just repost and ask people to repost or donate it would be amazing. This week I'm probaly going to be posting some stuff like what CF is, how it's caused, etc. but if you could donate a dollar or repost it would be very much appreciated!
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msuljic · 3 months
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Redbubble Designs!
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kkqueergurl · 1 year
more shameless hot takes cause I want to
-I hate Tami, but Lip was also in the wrong
-more on Tami, she sucked, she and Lip don’t belong together
-Tami was right, Lip would love his family more than her, cause family first always
-Debbie shouldn’t have cheated on Claudia with her own fucking daughter, but I also rly hated Julia so
-Frank had too many side chicks, I genuinely can’t keep track of them
-just gonna say it, when Lip relapsed I CRIED!! HARD!! I honestly was so devastated and felt so bad
-when Fiona left it was kinda unnecessary but wtv
-Liam was rly funny
-Terry can go fucking die in a hole with Sammi and Chuckie
-Kev and V were the least problematic couple and were incredible parents
-Mickey and Ian made amazing uncles to Debbie and Lips kids
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cloudy-em · 1 year
Hey love! I kind of have a request for Lip, but you can make it for Carmen if you feel more inspired. (I saw he was getting more votes than Lip, so if you like the idea, use it for Carmen, no worries at all.)
Okay, so, like the reader wants to surprise him with a cute hot lingerie set, but last minute she feels insecure, and in that moment, he enters and sees her hiding it, insists on knowing what she was hiding, and teases her until she try it on and... well.. needless to say, he is in awe.
thank you for the request, darling!! hope you have an amazing day <3
warnings: it's suggestive so mdni!
I sat on the bed, staring at the baby blue lace balled up in my hands.
Lip's been stressed lately, so I wanted to give him some "us" time. I ordered the set online, but when I tried it on, I didn't love it as much as I thought I would.
The thigh-high stockings were tight, and the bra had a little bit too much push up power. I practically threw the set off and changed back into my shorts and one of Lip's t-shirts. And here I am, tearing up over a stupid lingerie set.
I stood up, walking over to the dresser, shoving the lace behind shirts and underwear. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the door swing open, and as Lip walks in, I slam the drawer shut. He raised an eyebrow.
"Whatcha hidin' baby, hm?" He questions. "Y'better not've been touching yourself while I was gone." I shake my head.
"No, it's nothing, Lip, promise!" I tried to convince him, but my voice betrayed me.
"Uhhuh," he said, not convinced. "Look, either you show me what you're hiding, or I find out myself."
I knew what that meant.
Sighing, I opened the drawer and pulled out that stupid lingerie set for him to see. He takes it, holding it up to see it in all its glory. He chuckles.
"Aw, my baby was trying to do somethin' for me," he smiles. "'S cute. Put it on for me."
I sigh knowing I don't have a choice. He notices my attitude, I can tell based on the look on his face. I walk into the bathroom, stripping and exchanging my former attire for the lacy bra and panties and sheer stockings.
When I return, Lip is sitting on the bed, waiting for me to come back. I keep my head down, standing in front of him. He wolf whistles.
"Damn, babe," he sighs. "How'd I get so lucky?" I feel myself flush, my insecurities melting away.
"Do a lil' spin for me."
I do as he instructs, listening as he sighs.
"You're so fucking hot, babe," he practically moans. "Sit in the chair and put on a show for me," he instructs, pulling his favorite toy out from his bedside table.
Who knew what I hated would be something he adored?
while writing this, I got an idea to maybe do a "home video" (wink wink) or OF themed nsfw post. thoughts??
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3llisarts · 1 year
Shameless rp-?
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myocsfanfictions · 10 months
South Side Story
Shameless Fanfiction Season 1
Desna Hills has come living in the Southside of Chicago four years before. Taken in by Kev and V, Desna is close friends with the Gallaghers. Let's see how this Southside story unfolds.
Warning: this chapter contains smut
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Chapter 3
“God, you look amazing from here!” Lip exclaimed as she was over his lap, moving up and down in his cock, her hands on his shoulder to have a better leverage, her hair to a side and her eyes closed. From her mouth were exiting such sounds that she was almost ashamed of herself.
“Fuck, you feel fantastic!” Lip said as he helped her with her movements, his hands on her hips guiding her to meet his thrust perfectly.
“Fuck!” She moaned as he took one of her nipples in his mouth, sucking and licking on it, “Lip, God!” Desna cried moving on of her hands to hold against the metal of the van. They were going so hard at it that she was sure that from outside people could have seen the veichle moving.
“Shit, fuck,” Desna cursed, “I think I’m there, Lip, fuck! I’m almost there!” She liked that she could make noises, she felt him respond to her moans with deep thrust, he liked to listen to the sound she made.
“Wait for me, shit…” he cursed pushing her on her back, so that he could ram into her as he pleased. He brought her legs higher, reaching a deeper spot that made her course again. His hips where moving so fast that she could not take her whimpers inside anymore.
“Fuck, Lip I can’t” she moaned touching her own breasts to relieve some pleasure.
“God you want to kill me,” he groan before he layed on her, careful not to crush he, but in a position where he could give short and strong thrusts.
“Shit, I love this!” Desna said, her hands gripping his back as his hips kept hitting inside of her her perfectly.
“Me too” he whispered in her hear, “Fuck this is amazing, shit.”
“Lip,” she moaned moving one of her hands so that she could make the boy look at her, “Kiss me, please,” she almost begged and he did as she asked without complaining. His pace was becoming more erratic and they moaned in each other mouth, louder and louder until Desna’s vision blanked as she hit her climax and soon she felt his hot liquid inside her walls. She tried to control her laboured breath as he rode out his high until he came to a stop.
“Oh shit!” He exclaimed with a chuckle as he moved to kiss her neck, still not pulling out, “Fuck that was fucking hot.”
Desna giggled as he kept kissing her, enjoying those sensations she was feeling. Her hand in his hair, inviting him to keep going.
“Mm, this is so nice,” she moaned as he started to suck at her neck.
“I know, I can’t help it today,” he said caressing her breast, moving his fingers on one of her nipples. She moaned again.
“You’re getting hard again,” she said with closed eyes and a chuckle.
“Are you complaining?” He asked moving his hips, making both of them let out a groan of pleasure.
“Shit, no” she said as he looked at her with a smirk. Her fingers on the back of his head made him lean forward so that they could kiss again. Her body adjusted, making him go even deeper,
“Fuck…” she moaned, and he chuckled again.
“Ah I didn’t tell you my idea,” he said getting back at kissing her neck.
“Sorry I stopped listening when I decided to get on top” Desna apologized.
“I stopped talking when you got on top,” that made her laugh, as he started again to give slow thrust, “I’ve talked to Ian,” he said as Desna closed her eyes.
“That good,” she answered, with closed eyes.
“And he agreed on my idea,” he kept talking, as his hips picked up the pace.
“Shit this is distracting,” she admitted as he moved.
“The idea…” he started panting, “Is to get Karen to give Ian a blowjob.”
“What a fucking idea- fuck, Lip” he had just hit a good spot in the worst timing.
“And he agreed,” he moaned, his hips snapped against hers, “Fuck, Lip!” She cried.
“And I want you to come with us,” at his words she opened her eyes in disbelief.
“Are you fucking insane- shit, fuck” she tried to complain, but he got himself into a position where his hips moved at a crazy speed.
“Wait, wait,” he said as he focused on his thrusts “God this feels fucking amazing!”
“Shit, Lip!” Desna was a moaning mess, feeling her orgasm approaching once again, “Fuck, I’m so close, Lip, so fucking close,” she cried opening her legs a bit more so that he could sink in deeper.
“Shit…” he coursed, as she started to plead him.
“Lip, don’t stop!” He thrusted making her moan again and again, “Fuck right there,” his hips moved, “Right there!” another thrust.
“You are so beautiful, fuck!” He said getting back against her so to change the angle and speed of his thrusts.
“Fuck, Lip!” She cried as she climaxed again, soon followed by him, who emptied himself inside of her, before rolling to her side.
“Shit, I love this,” he said trying to control his breaths. They stood like that for a moment as they both came down from their high. Desna was slowly trying to get the control of her body back, before turning to Lip that had a hand over his forehead and a smirk on his lips.
“I’m not coming watching fucking Karen Jackson give Ian a blowjob,” she protested making him scoff, “It would be gross and awkward.”
“You won’t see anything, I promise,” he said turning to her, a hand moving to her waist so to make her body face him, “She will be under the table, you won’t see anything!”
“This is the most disgusting thing you’ve ever said, I swear” she said, even if she didn’t fight the movement that he was making her do.
“Please, you have to come,” he said almost pleading.
“Why?” She asked. But her question made him look away, even if is finger still caressed the skin of her hips.
“I need you to see that Karen is not a threat,” his words took her by surprise, but she let him time to find the right words to keep going, “What we have, I like it” he said, “but yesterday, with all the jealousy… I need you to know that I… care…” she smiled.
“Because she is doing it and not me?” At her question his eyes shot up.
“I would have never ask you to… you know…” she moved closer so their bodies were pressed against of each other.
“You want me to see that you’re not jealous of her doing that?” She asked looking him in the eyes. He observed her for a moment before kissing her lips again. His hand went to the back of her head to not make her move away, and she couldn’t help but to smile against his lips. So he was not jealous of Karen, but he didn’t want Desna to do it.
“Does Ian know? About your plan?” She asked, “Because I will accept only if he agrees,” Desna wanted to do this for Lip, but not if it grossed Ian out.
“I told him that we’ve talked about this situation,” he explained, “And he said that he can do it.”
“This will be so strange Lip, truly,” she admitted.
“Is it a yes?” He asked, rubbing his nose against hers.
“Alright,” she said before he pecked her lips, “But it’s disgusting!” Lip giggled before pulling her in for another kiss.
The day at school went well, it was not that fast since nor Lip or Ian had come to school. But anyways she would receive Lip’s messages none the same.
“That Steve guy came back this morning…” Lip’s message said.
Fiona, V and Desna had met Steve Wilton the night before, when a guy stole Fiona’s purse and Steve tried to help. He failed miserably, but at least he tired. And then he punched the guy at the entrance because he didn’t let them back in. So since he got cut by glasses Fiona brought him home, where V cured his injouries. The four of them where talking when the Gallgher’s siblings all gather down. As he saw her Lip went next to Desna asking her if everything was fine.
“Yeah, it’s alright,” she had said with a smile as he set next to her. Just before Debbie ran to sit on her legs.
“Come here, love” Desna said as she adjusted the little girl to sit more comfortable.
And then they had started to talk about theirselves, Veronica’s job, the Gallaghers’ names and then even Kev arrived. After that Desna, Kev and V had gotten back home, but for what Lip had texted her, that guy seemed to have had sex with Fiona, before Tony brought their father Frank Gallagher home. Ass drunk like always.
“Round two?” Desna texted back at Lip.
“Gross! That’s my sister” he complained, making her shook her head, “But probably”
“Said the guy who wants me there when his brother is going to get sucked off” she dialed and sent.
“Yeah, same guy” he said too overly confident, “Same guy that fucked you this morning”
She blushed lowering her phone, afraid that someone could see.
“I’m at school you prick!!” she texted.
“Sexting” his message said, “We still hadn’t try it, what are you wearing?”
“The outfit you’ll see at Karen’s” she dialed back, “At what time there?”
“Around 4 pm” he said, “Maybe I’ll see what you are wearing in my room after.”
“I’ve got class, perv” she said before putting her phone away. But for some reason she could not take away the stupid smile she had on her face.
4 pm arrived even too soon, as she walked her way towards the Jacksons’ house. On a couple of occasions Desna had even thought about getting back, she felt so gross in doing what they were about to do.
“Here she is,” she heard Lip say as he waved her hand, to get her attention.
“Hey,” she said mostly towards Ian, who seemed really nervous.
“Hi, Des” the boy tried to give her a smile.
“Okay, let’s go” Lip said again overly too confident.
“Do you think it is a good idea?” She asked as they walked.
“Absolutely!” Lip exclaimed but she glared at him.
“Yes I can see that,” Desna said, “But I was talking to Ian.”
“He thinks it’s great!” Lip exclaimed, still trying to convince himself that Ian wasn’t gay.
“I’m very nervous,” Ian admitted, making Desna looking at Lip with an ‘I told you so’ kinda look. But Lip put his arms around Ian as they walked.
“Relax, okay?” But Ian shook his head “No, no you’re gonna like it,” he was trying to reassure him.
“Yeah, if he was into girls,” Desna muttered gaining a look from Lip, not quite sure of what she had just mumbled.
“What am I even going to say?” Asked Ian nervously, but Lip seemed to have the answer.
“Just keep talking about science.”
Desna frowned, what the hell was he saying?
“I don’t know anything about science” Ian complained, but Lip had a solution even for that.
“Okay, then just read the Table elements,” looking towards Desna that was looking at him with a face that was screaming ‘Dude, what the fuck’.
They made it to the front door of the white wooden house and Desna could not feel more out of place. She was about to watch one of her best friends getting a blowjob, from the other girl who the guy she was fucking daily fucked in that bitch house.
“Fuck this is going to end bad,” she muttered as Lip knocked.
“This is going to be just fine,” he said putting his hand on the small of her back to guide her forward.
“What are you trying to prove?” She whispered to him.
“You know” Lip answered.
“I know you’re crazy” then the sound of the door open made them turn. Just that the door was not open, was only ajar and the figure of a woman went closer to look who had just knocked at her door.
“Miss Jackson,” Lip said politely with a smile. A smile that the woman did as well.
“Oh!” She exclaimed, “Karen is thrilled with you she got an A on her physics midterm!”
“Such a great student,” Desna said before she could stop herself, but the sarcasm in her voice was not grasped by the woman, who smiled at her.
“She is, isn’t she?” She smiled again before turning to call for Karen to say that her little helper was there.
“Polite,” Lip whispered with a forced smile.
“I’m always polite,” Desna answered, meeting his eyes, “In fact, I’m politely restraining myself from punch you in the face.” He didn’t have time to answer because the woman turned back at them, still not opening the door.
“This is my brother Ian” Lip said to the woman before turning towards Desna, “And this is my… my…”
“I’m Desna Hills, Miss Jackson,” she said trying to smile as natural as she could.
The woman smiled again, before looking at their feet “I’m out of plastic bags,” she said, “Why don’t you leave your shoes out here where they can breathe.”
Ian and Desna shared a look as Lip nodded his head.
The woman opened the door as they took off their shoes and let them in. It was a room with white and flower patterned fornitures. Very different from how Kev and V decided to arrange their house. They seemed ready to film a sextape, while these people seemed ready to go to church.
“Hello, guys!” Karen appeared. Short, blond hair already tight in a low ponytail and a fake innocent look in the eyes. Her mother seemed a sweet person, even if one of the strangest people Desna have ever meet, and she was sure that the woman knew nothing about the reputation of her daughter in school.
“Darla, right?” Karen said pointing at her, whose lips got thiner in a forced smile.
“Name’s Desna,” she said trying to keep her cool as much as possible.
Karen laughed, “Oh right, I always forget it.”
As he could sense Desna thought of killing the girl, Lip touched again her back as he spoke to Karen.
“Should we start with…” he moved his head to Ian.
“Of course,” Karen said, that fake smile was part of her being by now.
“This is not a good idea,” Desna muttered, stopping Lip by the arm, as Karen and Ian move towards the table.
“It’s alright” he said looking at her, who shook her head.
“I don’t even know why I agreed to this thing!” She complained as Lip guided her towards the table, where he moved the chair from next him so that she could sit there, opening her notebook, pretending to study.
Lip started to explain some random things of science and physics as they observed Sheila going into the kitchen where she was cooking something.
“So are we going to do it together?” Karen asked Lip, giving a glance to Desna, whose head shot up, as well as Ian’s.
“No!” Desna and Ian said together, as Lip tried to tell them to keep their voice down.
“No, Des is here just so that the group thing made sense,” Lip explained in low voice making sure that Sheila didn’t hear him.
“Oh, since I know you two are fucking, I assumed…” Karen was saying, that fake innocent tone was sending Desna out of her mind.
“Yeah, I’m fucking, Lip,” she said, “Only him, not every living soul.”
“Oh,” Karen said glaring at her, “Doris, I thought you as someone more polite.”
“Desna!” She whisper yelled, before Lip started calling her name.
“Des,” he finally made her look at his direction, “Stop, alright?” He then turned to Karen, “Come on,” he said gesturing her to take care of Ian.
“Alright,” she said, giving another glare in Desna’s direction, before starting to get under the table.
“I have to go take something upstairs,” she said so that her mother could hear, but she then disappeared.
“Ian,” said Lip, “Maybe you should repeat the Table elements,” his poor brother nervously opened the book and started reading. Just then Desna let go of her pen in frustration, but soon she felt Lip pulling her chair so that she could be closer to him.
“We said no jealousy,” he whispered to her, searching for her eyes.
“I’m going for no killing,” Desna answered, making sure that Sheila was still cooking, “I can’t stand her Lip, she is so rude,” she complained.
“You don’t have to stand her,” he said shaking his head, “But you don’t have to be jealous,” Desna smiled at him, putting a hand on his thigh, and she was surprised when he took her hand in one of his, as he turned to pretend to read his notes. Then she noticed poor Ian telling the elements out loud, and she really tried her best to focus her attention somewhere else, she didn’t even want to turn.
That poor boy, what if he was not confused at all. Could that be considered some kind of violence? Was she a witness? Was she an accomplice?
If that was the case, she liked Lip, but she had told him many times that was a stupid idea. She didn’t want any part in it.
“You kids want some homemade lime chicken chimichangas?” Sheila’s voice came from behind her and she observed Lip as nonchalancly declined as if Karen was not giving a blowjob to Ian.
“I think you’re twisted, sometime,” she whispered from next to him, who chuckled.
“Does it make you more or less into me?” He asked still looking down at his notes, but Desna’s eyes went wide.
“I’m not into you,” she said as if she has been found guilty of some crime. At that he chuckled again.
“You’re not?” He said with his smartass face as he turned to look to her, slightly leaning forward, “My bad.”
He then turned away, and she found herself at short of words. What did he mean by that?
“Why you…” but before she could say anything, a man, a big man, much bigger than Lip and Ian went down from the stairs. Karen Jackson’s fucking father was in the house. Desna felt like she was about to passed out.
“Hey fellas,” he said as he noticed the three of them, frowning, “Where’s Karen?”
Lip of course was ready to answer that she went to search where Isaac Newton was born, and the fact that the man believed him gave a great picture of Karen Jackson, that was still working on Ian. Desna could not believe it. She turned to Lip, that observed Ian before turning to her with a smirk.
“Get that smirk out of your face,” she said keeping her voice so low that she could barely hear herself.
“Come on, this is funny,” he said and Desna’s eyes widen once again.
“Try to do it next time!” She dared him, who leaned closer with an amused look.
“We could do it next time,” he suggested making her look at him in disbelief.
“I’m not going down on you, with your family around,” she protested, but his smirk got larger.
“Maybe I am going to go down on you, with my family around,” that made her blush, instantly feeling a rush of blood in her veins. Suddenly though out of nowhere an apple fell from the counter, rolling down in the living room, and for some reason they all freezed.
“All right, I’m late,” the man shout, “Karen, honey, I guess I’ll see you in the morning,” then he bent down to grab the apple, but in the process of doing so, he noticed his daughter under the table.
“What is she hiding for?” He asked looking at the three of them, and Desna felt all of her limbs go rigid. Especially when he lifted the tablecloth up.
“Sweet Jesus!” The man exclaimed in disbelief, as his eyes went from Karen to the boys.
They were dead.
It happened all so fast, the man shouted and the three of them jumped up to flee the house. Lip pushed Desna towards Ian, as he ran the other way. The man got crazy, he overturned the table, before running after Lip that was trying to leave the room from the front door.
“Lip!” Desna exclaimed as she saw, Lip running up the stairs with Karen’s father close behind.
“Let’s go, Des!” Ian said grabbing her by the arm, before bringing her outside from the back door.
“Jesus Christ, he is going to kill him!” Desna screamed as they ran in the backyard.
“Run, don’t stop!” Ian exclaimed as they kept going towards the road. As they arrive at the front of the house, they heard a loud noise and as she looked she saw Lip, trying to get up from the ground.
“Did you fucking jump!?” She exclaimed as Ian ran to take their shoes and then they all ran away still hearing Mr. Jackson’s shouts from behind them.
What a fucking day!
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disneyprincemuke · 6 months
you can't spell lonesome without me * fem!driver
everyone and everything she's ever loved seems to be slipping away from her grasp and she doesn't know how to stop it
pairings: sebastian vettel x fem!driver, logan sargeant x fem!driver, mick schumacher x fem!driver, oscar piastri x fem!driver, liam lawson x fem!driver
notes: hi! matt and rocky angst comes after this so hehe gl with this guyz hope u enjoy it because it actually took 20 years of my life tryna write this LOL
(series masterlist) | (📂 2025: fall from grace)
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sebastian keeps telling her that it’s not her fault; to look at the bigger picture to get some perspective. but she doesn’t quite understand why the bigger picture has to have liam in it — frankly, who cares if liam’s qualified 15th and she ended up behind him? that’s not the point.
the point is she finds herself at another weekend where she couldn’t deliver results.
she hasn’t spoken much since she crawled out of her car after getting knocked out in the first round of qualifying. and she appreciates that matt hasn’t forced anything out of her just yet.
she’d stormed out of her garage and tried to get through all her interviews as gracefully as she could. but how could she ignore her results when, week after week, the questions and criticisms are the same?
it’s slowly getting harder and harder to keep her feet on the ground when things are slowly coming undone around her.
and she can’t thank matt enough for letting her cancel their plans without another word. she’d simply uttered that she just wanted to be locked away in their hotel room and he agreed without prodding too much.
she steps out of her racing home, taken aback by the 4 other bodies of her friends that are riddled by the porch, all on their phones. she tilts her head as she holds the door in her hands. “what are you guys doing here?”
logan is the first to look up, furrowed eyebrows and lips pursed in what she can only assume to be out of annoyance. “what do you mean? we’re heading out for ice cream tonight.”
she glances at matt next to her, who’s already looking at her as he awaits her response. she sighs as she looks back at her friends. “i’m sorry, mate,” she apologises, shaking her head. she weaves herself out of matt’s grasp and takes a step forward. “i’m not feeling great tonight.”
“what?” oscar whines, lifting his head from his phone with a slight frown. “is it a fever? are you alright?”
“i’m alright.” she smiles very slightly, picking on her arm as she forces another lie to her lips. “we can go tomorrow after the race, but just not tonight, i think. i’m sorry.”
liam furrows his eyebrows with a loud sigh. “is it because of qualifying?” he grins when she looks over at him. “if it’s any consolation, i’m not happy about it either, mate.”
she laughs softly. “yeah, it sucks.”
“i can’t do tomorrow. my flight’s right after the race,” mick frowns with a sigh. “i’m meeting laila for a bit before the next race weekend.”
“oh,” logan hums, turning away from mick to look at her. “we can go just us, right?”
“i can’t either,” oscar hisses, his frown growing. “i’m flying back home for an event that lily has. she needs me there.”
“ah,” she grins with a nod. she looks at logan. “we don’t have to get ice cream this weekend. it’s okay.”
logan raises an eyebrow. “you’re sure?”
she nods. “i’m sure.”
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“it feels like it’s been so difficult to get a grasp of you lately. have you gotten too famous for me?”
she turns around with her head tilted, lips puckered as she takes a sip out of the pepsi can in her arms. “oh, hi max!”
“hi!” max perks up at her smile. “i’ve barely spoken to you since the second race. how are you?”
she sucks in a deep breath as she looks around the busy paddocks, people turning their heads at her and max, and some cowering away immediately when she catches their eye. she looks back at max with a frank smile. “good.”
he lifts an eyebrow. “really?”
she knows that talking to someone would probably ease her mind with all her thoughts. it might even calm her down to a certain degree.
and she almost does.
but she doesn’t. instead, she says, “of course. i feel great, even.”
“well,” max puts a hand on her shoulder, prompting her to snap her head up to look at him, “take my advice, mate. don’t be too hard on yourself.”
but the question still begs: how exactly does she not do that?
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there’s a slight scowl on her face as she looks up at the podium. her arms are folded over her chest as the australian national anthem blasts from the speakers.
her best friends have made it on the podium this season — without her. while it’s not totally unheard of that she misses out on the share of glory, it’s never usually her on the receiving end of this torment.
at least not as of late.
to oscar’s left is logan clad in blue, and to his right is mick in the mercedes suit. it’s almost annoying.
there’s an itch in her brain and a smidge of resentment starting to grow in her chest. it’s wrong to feel this way — she knows it is — because these are her friends achieving big things in their sport. but is it so wrong that she’s starting to feel a little jealous?
just a little bit. just a little. just a touch.
maybe if she sleeps this off and wakes up tomorrow, all remnants of resentment would somehow no longer exist.
she shouldn’t feel this way, no. it’s not right. she forces a smile to her face, waving halfheartedly at oscar when he catches her eye. he pumps his fist into the air and waves his trophy in the air.
next to her is lily with her phone up, pictures and videos taken. and of course, ylona’s next to her, waving excitedly at logan as she points at her phone to get him to pose for a picture.
she presses her lips together, annoyance growing in her gut as her airways start to close in on itself. it’s just so hard to breathe especially with everyone pressed up against her. she’s still sweaty from the race, her hair is sticking against her forehead and her race suit starts to feel just slightly restricting.
she huffs softly, hooking a finger into the neckline of her fireproofs.
but everything feels like it’s burning.
“excuse me,” she mutters, dropping her head low as she pushes herself through the crowd. she ignores the way lily and ylona call after her in confusion.
she heaves when she manages to rid herself of the crowd, hands on her knees as she struggles to catch her breath. she catches max’s eye right by parc ferme, engaged in a conversation with charles.
she sees the way he perks up in concern at her but chooses to ignore it. she just picks herself up and heads to the media pen to do her interviews.
the feeling will eventually leave.
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she looks around the ice cream parlour, slouched slightly with her hands pressed between the cushion of the seat and her thighs. in retrospect, it felt like coming out after media day would have been the ideal time to come out and indulge in ice cream.
but now that she’s sat here, stuck between liam and mick in a booth, it seems that she has made a mistake.
“what are you having, rocky?” logan asks, tapping the table in front of her to catch her attention. “rocky road with extra marshmallows still? or do you feel like vanilla ice cream today?”
with the way her stomach has been churning recently, any form of chocolate makes her feel sick. she shakes her head. “maybe just a lemon sorbet if they have that available.”
an audible gasp comes from either side of her. she throws her head back and looks between them. liam has the back of his hand pressed up against her forehead, mick’s tilted his head with furrowed eyebrows and logan’s staring down at her with parted lips.
“what are you guys doing?” she asks mellowly, swatting their hands away from her. “don’t touch me.”
“sorbet?” liam scowls, pointing a finger at her. “is everything okay? you’re like sorbets’ number one hater.”
she raises her eyebrows and chews on the inside of her cheeks. “am i?”
“yes,” logan emphasises. “you literally told me off one time for having sorbet during our ice cream dates. you and oscar wouldn’t let me live it down for weeks!”
she blinks at him. “you got a raspberry sorbet, so you had that coming.”
“no!” logan shrieks. “sorbet? really? what’s wrong with you? is everything okay? you always say sorbets are inferior to ice cream.”
she nods hesitantly. she vaguely remembers the one time that she’d gone on a drunk tangent about sorbet not being ice cream. to which she can say that she understands logan’s argument. “well, i’m not really feeling ice cream today.”
mick hums, making her turn her head to look at him. “if it’s just this one time, i guess we can excuse the behaviour.”
she hears logan humming, eyes still narrowed down into a glare. “just this one time, rocky. i’ll give you a chance.”
“great, thanks. i was worried you’d bully me into having ice cream tonight.”
“keep up the sarcasm and i’ll actually force you.”
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she flinches when she opens the door to her driver’s room, only to find it occupied. she blinks. “seriously, you’ve got to stop taking advantage of seb.”
“we missed you,” oscar grins, comfortably lying in her bean bag, tapping away on his phone. “and you weren’t answering our texts in the group chat.”
she looks over at matt and points at her friends. “really? you let them in?”
the green-eyed boy shrugs, lips pressed together. “4 versus 1 argument — remember that.”
there’s nothing that she wanted all day but to come back to a peaceful and silent driver’s room. she’d wanted to simply sit with matt in silence before she had to get up and drag her feet to a conference room and come up with diplomatic answers on the spot.
she just needed a couple of hours to herself to think and recuperate. to get herself in a better headspace after these past couple of races.
“where are we heading for ice cream tonight?” logan raises an eyebrow, not sparing her a look as he continues to tap away on his phone.
“ice cream,” she mutters, trailing off as she blinks. “oh, my god.”
she shakes her head, her palm pressed against her forehead. amidst everything that’s been in her head, she’d completely forgotten to research an ice cream parlour for them to visit tonight.
oscar chuckles. “you’ve forgotten, haven’t you?”
“yes,” she answers, somewhat apologetically. “i’m so sorry. and i’m busy today, i don’t have the time. can either of you find a place?”
but there’s a different answer that she hopes they would choose instead of the standard answer that they’d give her.
she finds them wanting to say nevermind; that they’ll just not grab ice cream together.
to her dismay, that’s not what mick says. “oo, can i choose?”
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“give it a while, kid.”
“i don’t have a while!” she shrieks, looking around at her mobile car, cars passing her from the track. she can practically hear the comments and see the headlines once she steps out of the car when the race finishes. “tell them to fucking get it together! what the fuck is going on?”
she’s looking around wide-eyed, desperate to meet anyone’s eye for an explanation. the longer she stays parked in the pit, for what was supposed to be a pit stop, the less threshold she has to stay in the race.
“this is absolutely insane, seb. i was in p5 before this shit show.”
“rocky,” he hears her sigh into her ears, “just be patient.”
she dug her foot into the acceleration when the sign flipped to the bright green colour. adrenaline pumps through her veins as she convinces herself that her car will be good enough to put her back into a good spot.
that she’s good enough to put herself in a position where she’s no longer on the receiving end of harsh words this weekend.
above all else, she needs to prove to herself that she hasn’t lost her touch as a driver.
“you’re currently in p9.”
“what the hell happened during that pit?” she complains, the urge to roll her eyes growing stronger. “that was so fucked up, seb! you know what– it isn’t. it’s absolutely fucking unacceptable.”
“i know, rocky,” seb answers calmly, clearing his intonation to ensure that the young girl hears him. and actually listens because it doesn’t seem like she’s absorbing much of what he says. “we’ll debrief later after the race, okay? just focus on making the most out of the weekend.”
she grunts. “fine, whatever.”
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“ice cream tonight?” logan pops up next to her, grinning when she lifts her head from her intense gaze on her shoe. “found a spot?”
she sighs, blinking. “no. i forgot.”
logan takes a spot next to her on the couch, furrowing his eyebrows. “you forgot again?”
“yeah,” she huffs as she looks away to avoid his gaze. “sorry.”
truth is that she didn’t look for one on purpose. she just simply doesn’t feel like heading out with them tonight.
she just waits for the time that oscar and logan will let her be. perhaps the stupid ice cream tradition needed to be abolished altogether. just seems like a waste of time.
“no worries,” logan grins, patting her head gently. “you’ve had a long couple of race weekends past you. i’ll look for one, okay?”
she breathes out shakily, smiling halfheartedly. “okay, thank you.”
she finds herself dreading the ice cream date with her friends. she trails behind the group with small steps, watching her feet with every step as she formulates a way to escape her obligations.
she clears her throat and lifts her head. “um.”
“she’s spoken,” oscar jokes, grabbing logan’s arms — previously hitting him — and turns back to grin at her. “the curse must have been broken.”
“someone found the unmute button on the remote!” logan giggles, scrunching his nose. “what’s up, rocky?”
liam hums with a smile. “your girlfriend remembered she has friends!” he looks over at matt and nods. “good for her.”
“i’m like,” she trails off, biting down on her lip as she forces another lie out, “totally not feeling great. i’m on my period and i’m kind of lightheaded. is it alright if i sit this one out?”
“aw, bub,” matt coos, shoving liam off of him, arms extended as he approaches her. he tilts his head and furrows his eyebrows. “you’re on your period?”
she looks up at matt, wide-eyed as she slowly nods. “just got it before we left my room.”
which is a lie.
“aw, does that mean matt’s not coming with us?” mick frowns, furrowing his eyebrows. “i haven’t spent time with him forever, that’s so unfair.”
she shakes her head, flashing mick a small grin. “no, it totally doesn’t mean that. he can go with you guys — i just wanna head back to the hotel and take a nap, really. i’ll be okay on my own.”
matt hums. “i’ll go with you.”
“you should go with them,” she laughs, grabbing his arm with a small nod. “i’ll text you when i’m back, i promise. i’ll be okay — i just need to take a nap, i reckon.”
logan furrows his eyebrows and his smile drops at her insistence. “i can walk you back to the hotel if you want.”
she shakes her head. “i’ll be okay. you guys have fun, okay?”
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she kneels on her beanbag, lips pressed together as she looks out of the tiny window of her driver’s room. right by the porch of her racing home are her friends gathered, laughing and having a good time as they awaited her arrival.
“bub,” matt sighs. “are you sure you don’t wanna come with us?”
she turns around with a small smile, scrunching her nose. “i’ll be okay, bub. i’m just not really feeling like heading to the club tonight.”
he walks over to her, slumping his shoulders as she leans into his body for a hug. “at least let me stay with you? i don’t like you being alone when i’m around. i’m sure we can come up with some silly excuse that they won’t giggle at like 12-year-olds.”
“you have to go,” she hums, pulling her head back to look up at him, “it’s logan’s race win — just go in my place, please? tell him i’m really sorry i can’t be there.”
he hums, cupping her cheek. she leans into his touch with a soft sigh and her eyes fluttering close. “you should tell him that yourself. you owe him that much; he’s your best friend.”
she shakes her head, her hand coming up to rest above the hand that’s on her face. “i can’t,” she chokes, tears filling her eyes, “you know how i feel about this. just do this one for me, bub.”
“fine,” he sighs, hunching over to press his lips to her forehead. “but you can’t keep avoiding logan and oscar and throwing me out there to face them. they miss you, you know?”
she can hear logan’s laugh in the air mixed with ylona’s. she grins slightly, “i’m sure they’ve got better things to care about other than me.”
“don’t even say that,” he pulls away, “text me when you get back to the hotel, okay? i love you.”
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she scratches the back of her head roughly, nails digging into her scalp as she holds her helmet in her hands.
she mutters under her breath as she tears everything off from her body: her balaclava, her gloves, the earpiece. everything’s not right, everything’s not going her way and that’s unfair.
nobody’s worked as hard as she has to be where she is right now is all that goes in her head. it’s unfair that she’s getting the brunt of the criticism when it came to andretti’s performance on the grid this year.
she doesn’t see liam getting decimated by the masses, and she clearly doesn’t see it on sebastian or her team principal or mechanics for not producing a car to get results in a weekend.
she’s qualified at the very back of the grid this time — p19. just imagine what everyone will have to say; what everyone will zoom into just to have something to say about her driving.
it’s always her skills, never the fact that the car is simply shit.
“rocky,” she hears sebastian sigh behind her. “let’s talk.”
she shakes her head, clenching her jaw as she heads towards the exit of her garage. she doesn’t bother turning around to look at him. “just fuck off.”
the one thing she wishes to stop coming by is sebastian’s excuses for the team. it’s the same thing over and over again. it’s unfair that she’s the one getting fucked over by the media.
it’s not fair.
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @vellicora @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @33-81 @darleneslane @nikfigueiredo @happy-nico @namgification @localwhoore @notawc @sadg3 @kazuha-pista-badam @mellowarcadefun @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @woozarts @meadhbhcavanagh @2bormaybenot @a-disturbing-self-reflection @mclarengf @xoscar03 @nomie-11 @inejismywife @love4lando @louvrepool
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isabelleffe · 3 months
List of Pro-Palestinian Celebrities That I Have Been Working On
pro🍉 (❌ = problematic for unrelated reason, 🕊️= passed away)
reneé rapp
pedro pascal
bella ramsey
bella hadid
gigi hadid
dua lipa
melanie martinez❌(sa - “she didn’t say no” was response)
the weekend❌(misogyny - lesbian fetish)
towa bird
phoebe bridgers
lucy dacus
julien baker
melissa barreram
cate blanchett
hari nef
julia fox❌(connections with kanye and drake)
nina lu
victoria monét
rachel zegler
jenna ortega
chloe forero
miss rachel (toddler learning)
ariana grande❌(said her dream dinner date is jeffery dahmer)
ricky montgomery
angelina jolie
maisie peters
chani nicholas
chappell roan
frank ocean
ramy youssef
cardi b
eddy mack
saul williams
arooj aftab
michelle wolf
carice van houten
matt mcgorry
michael stipe
Jasmin Savoy Brown
Dame Vivienne Westwood
amira jazeera
Hedy Epstein
Hunter Schafer
Chance the Rapper
ishowspeed ❌ (treated his ex-girlfriend terribly)
Noname (rapper, poet, and producer)
shannon berry
nicola coughlan
bambie thug
zara larsson
jonathan glazer
joaquin phoenix❌
lizzy mcalpine
coldplay (will champion, phil harvey, guy berryman, chris martin)
tyler the creator
pink floyd (at least roger waters)
lauryn hill
chuck d
david bowie (loving the alien)🕊️
Malcom X🕊️
the strokes (Julian Casablancas, Albert Hammond Jr., Fabrizio Moretti, Nick Valensi, and Nikolai Fraiture)
earl sweatshirt
michael jackson (palestine, don't cry)🕊️
kid cudi
rage against the machine (zack de la rocha, tom morello, tim commerford, brad wilk)
FKA twigs
ethel cain
Michael Jordan Bonema
lil peep🕊️
sean beam
liam cunningham
dianne guerrero
sean bean
tobias menzies
charles dance
carice van houten
emma d’arcy
madison pettis
lena heady
joe alwyn
momona tamada
patrick spicer
mark ruffalo
halle bailey
chloe bailey
nicola coughlan
tom welling
kristen kreuk
rob delaney
kali uchis
louise xin (fashion designer)
isabela merced
joseph quinn
grace van dien
helana christensen
josh hutcherson
charli xcx
megan thee stallion (called for ceasefire at her concert 8/1/24, not sure if she talked about it before that because i only went to one concert)
not pro🍉 (“neutrality” = not pro 🍉, red text = signed letter for "israel")
taylor swift (no statement)
kanye west
dwayne johnson
lana del rey
selena gomez
rihanna (no statement)
adam sandler
lady gaga (performed in "israel")
beyoncé (no statement)
justin timberlake (performed in "israel")
noah schnapp
bon jovi (performed in "israel")
robbie williams (performed in "israel")
Brett Gelman
entirety of paramore (no statement)
chris pratt
justin bieber
hailey bieber
haley baylee (no statement)
natalie portman
madonna (performed in "israel")
kardashian family
Jenner family
jennifer lawrence
amy schumer
neil druckmann (admitted to "The Last of Us Part 2" being based on Israel's genocide against Gaza, except from a zionist's point of view)
bruno mars (performed in isnotreal)
mayim bialik
gal gadot
Jerry Seinfeld
Debra Messing
Bryan Lourd
Richard Lovett
Ryan Murphy
Zachery Levi
Sharon Osbourne
Tracey-Ann Oberman
George Lopez
Phil Rosenthal
Mekhi Phifer
Diane Warren
Haim Saban
Irving Azoff
Ynon Kreiz
Jody Gerson
Mark Hamill
Rick Yorn
Howie Mandel
Sherry Lansing
Rick Yorn
Tom Rothman
Julian Edelman
Antoine Fuqua
Jack Black
Aubrey Plaza
Tahj Mowry
Josh Peck
Ziggy Marley
Howie Mandel
Chris Pine
Billy Porter
Ben Savage
Jeremy Seinfeld
Bella Thorne
billie eilish (wore ceasefire pin but doesn’t boycott - made videos for mtv israel)
laufey (connections to mitski- no statement)
hank green (historically hasn’t been pro🍉 but has donated recently)
olivia rodrigo (connections to Chappell roan - no statement)
dylan mulvaney (posted in support of palestine but has a few pro-israel friends & has partnered with pro-israel brands)
If you spot any typos, mistakes regarding celebrities listed, or have information about celebrities not listed, please either DM me or leave a comment on this post!!
As always, this blog stands with Palestine, Congo, and Sudan. PLEASE make sure to email your state representatives (if you live in the United States). If you do not know your representative (or how to contact them), you can use this website (which is the official U.S. House of Representatives website). My reposts on Tumblr are all about Isnotreal's genocide on Palestine (at least as of 6/16/2024). Make sure to amplify Palestinian voices and journalists as well (a list will be included below of some Palestinian journalists and groups/people supporting Palestine on Instagram).
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iouinotes · 5 months
All for you | Carl Gallagher
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pairing: Carl Gallagher x female!reader
show: Shameless
warnings: angst, fluff, smut (the reader and Carl are 18 years old in this ff)
summary: Carl is challenged that he can get your money, if he makes you fall in love with him. He loves the challenge until he loves something else more...
authors note: sorry for so many pov switched, I didnt notice it, when I first wrote this ff. Also I haven't had the chance to watch all the seasons yet, but I still hope that Carl's character is somewhat accurate :))
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Carl's pov
"Frank, goddamit youre no help! Why are you even lying around here - oh forget it, I don't want to hear it." Fiona's voice echoes in the room, while the entire Gallagher household is present.
The everyday discussion has been going on for too many minutes in which I could have done something better. The damn question “How do we get enough money?”
Lip at college, Ian with his gangster boyfriend, my shitty sister with her kid and then Liam. This family is screwed. No wonder with a father like Frank.
As the argument continues to escalate, I have the misfortune of sitting right next to him.
"You care to share some money, son?" Of course, my attempts to ignore him are unsuccessful.
"The drug trade doesn't always work out so well, but the weapon thing was something. You could give one to your good old dad, you know what the neighborhood is like." I run my hands through my hair in frustration, shaking my head.
"Just get one or two girls pregnant at school, then all of our problems are solved. But she has to be rich. After all, you want to get your hard work paid." Why the hell am I still here?
"You used to be more enthusiastic about my ideas. If you don't want to do play daddy, then use your charm. When I was your age, my cock was enough and the girls were happy."
"Be fucking quiet, no one wants to hear about your pathetic youth." It's no use, he keeps talking.
"I'm only saying, If you make a rich girl fall in love with you, then you can get money to do something nice for your family."
As I get up and walk away from him I take a breath, the tension caused by this idiot sucks.
Still, his words got me thinking. Maybe there's a new girl who would be perfect for this job...
Your pov
When I moved here, I wasn't sure what to expect. New school, maybe mean classmates and bad cafeteria food. That I might be able to join a group and make friends, people who laugh with me in class or go to the cinema together on weekends.
I was prepared to get lost in the hallways a few times, perhaps to be peppered with embarrassing questions by the teachers. I had even prepared myself for being called a nerd again and therefore spending my lunch breaks alone.
Then things turned out differently. I met two girls who, although they scared me at first with their need to gossip all the time, are good people at heart.
They studied with me (meaning they told me the newest gossip and braided my hair while I did our homework), showed me the city and its pitfalls. I felt comfortable, prepared and confident for what awaited me here.
Oh lord, was I wrong.
On a Thursday in the middle of the week I met a boy who messed everything up. Literally.
I met him when he was running through the halls twenty minutes late, but stupidly didn't pay attention to me, who was about to cross his path. Let's put it this way, it ended with my books on the floor, my jacket hanging off my shoulder, and his hair being a huge mess.
When he looked at me, I expected to hear something like "sorry" or "I'll help you."
You want to know what he said?
"Cute top. Let me know if you need help taking it off."
Then he got up casually and walked into the classroom across the hallway, a grin on his face as if he had won the Bachelor title.
After this encounter two things became very clear to me. 1. Look both ways when crossing the halls and 2. Stop daydreaming about this boy, even if he has beautiful blue eyes.
The first thing worked better than the second.
After a few descriptions, which actually only consisted of "incredibly impudent and incredibly good-looking", it was explained to me who I was dealing with.
Carl Gallagher. A boy who has lived here since he was born, someone who is rumoured to be more dangerous than the Italian Mafia.
Even though I thought that was exaggerated, I quickly realized that I should stay away from him and that he meant trouble.
Aside from the fact that I wasn't going to be in the situation of talking to him again anyway, my eyes couldn't stop themselves from looking at him.
There was something that defined him, something that made me want to watch a grin creep across his face when he made an inappropriate joke, how he would push his blonde hair back and his eyes would shine mischievously, as if he had already planned the next bank robbery.
I wasn't the only one who found his charisma attractive tho, of course not when he looked like one of God's angels, but he never really seemed interested in other girls. At least not with any serious intent, you might hear him flirting or making comments about his free bed, but you would never saw him in a relationship.
He never held hands or kissed anyone, had a real smile on his face or said sweet things, he was just Carl.
Suggestive, hot-tempered and like a flag that proclaimed: Stay away from me, because you will lose this fight.
I also felt that if I continued to watch him, I would lose the battle for platonic feelings towards him too.
"Please don't tell me you're looking at our school bad boy again. You better be careful, he might want to sell you a gun." Kenzie's voice makes me sigh.
"These are just rumors. Besides, it's not my fault, he's just -" Her hand on my shoulder interrupts me.
"We know, you have heart eyes every time you talk about him. There are so many great guys in this world, I'm not saying at this school, but you choose this one?" Her look says more than a thousand words as she looks over at Carl, who is pushing his way trough the crowd.
"I'm not in love, just curious. Those are two different things, okay?" Her eyebrows raise.
"You mean, curious how his lips would feel on yours?" Her laughter at my expression is lost in the sounds of the cafeteria.
"Very funny." I murmur to her, food forgotten on my plate. When the school bell rings, I stand up and pick up my backpack.
"My class is canceled now, but I'm going to the library. Will you meet me later?" As I walk backwards I see her thumbs up and the hearts she makes in Carl's direction. My reaction is two quick middle fingers.
As I walk out of the school building, I check my phone and tie my hair into a braid. The library is a few blocks away and the cool air makes me shiver.
When I get there and wave to the boy at the entrance, I turn to my favorite department. Call it cliche, but I love romance books. I mean, I don't know what it feels like to love someone with all my heart, but that doesn't mean I don't love reading about it.
The books I actually need are a few rows away. History, literature, everything I am assigned to get for school.
As I stroke over a few tapes and finally pull out a book to read the first few pages, I hear a noise next to me that makes me look up. After all, the library is usually a pretty quiet place.
As I look into the familiar blue eyes, I feel my cheeks turn red.
I have to stop myself from staring.
"Always a book in your hand, I see." Oh his voice hasn't changed. I try to shrug casually as I answer, but I'm not sure if it actually works.
"Aren't you going to be late for class again?" At my sarcasm he smiles, he takes a step in my direction which weakens my control over my voice.
"I thought I would learn something somewhere else too." These coded words make me swallow.
"So, you're here often?" I almost think he's not answering me, but maybe I'm just not concentrating, because I'm paying too much attention to every mole on his face.
"Actually, I didn't even know this shitty town had a library." His words make me laugh, but several requests to be quiet around us, make me whisper in response.
"Then why are you here?" I think my breathing stops as his hand brushes my fingers that are still holding the book.
"You're here." I feel my heart beating nervously faster, I probably look pretty confused and when I notice his grin, something flutters in my chest.
"No interest in books, huh?" Can my answer actually be any lamer?
"Dont worry, I have a newfound interest in you."
Your pov
If someone had told me a few weeks ago that I would become friends with Carl Gallagher, I would have found the idea absolutely crazy. To be honest, I still find the situation insane, but damn my cheeks still turn just as red when he's with me as they did the first time.
It turns out that he really has no interest in books, even though he visited me at the library almost every day since we met in the romance department.
I've never met anyone like him, funny and couragous without any reserve, always looking for trouble, acting self-confident. But also sweet.
He's like a current that pulls you along, like a wind that blows so hard that you fly with it. He feels like freedom and it is wonderful.
He makes me laugh, he carries my books, plays with my hair, walks home with me. In such a short time I feel like he didn't knock on the doors to my heart, instead he made a home there.
Maybe this is what it feels like to fall in love.
It's not a gentle announcement, more of a realization that makes you incredibly desperate and happy at the same time.
But with him I actually just feel happy.
"Ready, sunshine?" As soon as I come out of the classroom, he comes towards me and takes my bag from me. My heart jumps at his gesture, which feels like winning the Olympics.
"You're crazy, where do you even want to go?" He has something planned but won't tell me. When he puts his arm around my shoulder and I lean against him, I get a few sideways glances from our classmates.
Carl ignores everyone like always, it's crazy but the way he's so confident is pretty attractive to me.
"Does the guy in your cheesy books also tell you where they go on dates? I bet not, so just wait."
"It feels like you're kidnapping me."
I feel his smile on my back and have to giggle quietly at his response.
"Mh, I plan to do that. But only for a few hours, otherwise my head will roll tomorrow. Your father takes your curfew pretty seriously."
I feel his hands on my hips, guiding me forward, hear the birds chirping around us, but can't figure out where we're going.
"Just a few more steps, baby. Then you'll see." As he promised, it is only a few meters away and when I see a small, calm lake, my mouth falls open in surprise.
"Carl, oh my God! It's wonderful here, thank you so much." I turn around in his grip and look at him, his smile reflects the love that I feel.
"Yeah? How much do you like it?" As his eyes focus on my lips, I feel a tingling feeling in my stomach. Slowly, my fingers stroke his chest and I see him swallow, even though he tries to hide it.
"I think it's incredibly beautiful here, I love it. And...I really like you." I shyly lower my gaze, my words are met with an unknown silence that makes me anxious after a few seconds. But when I look up at him again, he pushes a strand of my hair out of my face.
"To me, you are much more beautiful than this sight. I like you too and I thought that was pretty obvious." I smile broadly, butterflies fly around in my stomach and as the sun illuminates his face, I feel incredibly happy.
"You're so nice to me, I don't know how I deserve this." An expression crosses his face, but when I blink he smiles at me again.
"After all, you are the first person who explained the topics for the history exam to me, without giving up." My hand cups his cheek.
"I wouldn't give you up, you've become too important to me." As I stand on my tiptoes, our lips brush, his hand is on my back and pushes me closer to him.
"You are an angel." With his words we kiss and everything else around us blurs, only he remains. Everything is unimportant except him, standing in front of me, so handsome, that it is difficult not to look at him.
"Come on, let's go for a swim." As he pulls me towards the lake, you can hear our loud laughter in the air.
Carl's pov
"When are you going to collect the money? You've been with her for the last three months and nothing has come of it." Frank's annoying voice frustrates me more than anything else.
"I am working on it. Besides, she's actually really caring." When I see the dismissive hand gesture in my direction, I roll my eyes.
"You are completely wrong, son. A person is there for a certain period of time, but money? Money accompanies you throughout your life, especially if you buy beautiful bottles of the best alcohol."
I sink into the sofa, but want to turn away when I feel his hand on my shoulder.
"If you put it off any longer, it will be harder to get out of the situation. Girls your age will start planning to get married, if you stay with them for months."
But when he leaves, I feel conflicted. Can I really do this to her?
Carl's pov
"Happy birthday!" Her voice makes me jump and, confused, I turn around on the bench to look into her excited eyes.
"Why are you jumping around like that? Are you practicing for cheerleading?" I'm making fun of her, but the smile on her face doesn't fade.
"No, idiot. I'm just really curious to see how you react to your gift." My breath catches for a moment as I take in her words.
"You got me something?" When she leans forward and gives me a kiss on the cheek while pressing the bag into my lap, I start to smile too.
"Open!" Her encouragement breaks me out of my trance and I quickly tear up the paper, looking at the tickets with wide eyes.
"But...these tickets cost a fortune? Did you sell your liver or something?" When I look at her, she smiles back at me.
"I talked to my dad and he agreed that you deserve something special for your birthday. Are you happy?" As I look at the cards, I suddenly feel a pang in my heart. It must be showing on my face, because her happiness is also fading away.
"Do you not like it? I thought it was your favorite team? I can get you something else." When I look at her, I quickly pull her between my legs and kiss her.
"Shh, breathe angel. It's perfect, thank you. And well, your father. It's just a lot of money." Her hands play with the fabric of my shirt.
"You always say that. Do you have problems at home, with money, I mean? I've never been to your place, I don't even know where you live." What should I say to her now?
"It's okay." Her raised eyebrows look at me reproachfully, making me sigh.
"Each of us has to contribute a certain amount of money every month and if I don't sell fucking drugs, it will be tight." Her astonished look makes me pause and I gently stroke her arms.
Before I can say anything else, she kisses me. I look at her in surprise.
"What's that for?" She smiles shyly, looks at the floor for a moment before looking at me again.
"You're just so honest, I admire that. And that you've never asked me for anything, you know. That I lend you some money."
Fuck. Shit. What do I say?
"Yeah, I mean, I don't want to burden you with that-" but she interrupts me again, her concentrated expression makes me curious.
"What's going on in your pretty head?" My hands wander over her sides.
"It's the end of the month, how much are you missing?" I frown in confusion, but when she doesn't let it go, I tell her the amount.
"$240, the rest I earned by helping in the neighborhood." But despite the high sum, she just nods, looks at me again and gives me another kiss.
"Okay, maybe I'll be your sugar mommy." I have to laugh at the absurdity, but the longer she grins at me, the more I think she means it.
"What, are you serious? Thats fucking crazy, how am I supposed to pay you back?" Her eyes look around, but since the classroom is relatively empty during recess, she finds herself between my legs again. She slowly lets her hand wander down my stomach until she squeezes my cock through my clothes and I close my eyes in delight.
"Hmm, maybe you could help me relax between classes." Her eyes sparkle mischievously and I look at her with a grin.
"Anything you want, sugar."
Let's put it this way, the next few weeks the breaks were filled with kissing in the back corner of the classroom, dry humping on the toilet or Carl doing his best to pleasure me with his tongue in the caretaker's room, like now.
"Ahh-, Carl. I'll cum if you keep that up." His head has disappeared under my skirt, his fingers are stroking the bare skin of my thigh and the sinful movements of his tongue are making me see stars.
As he adds a finger and runs it over my folds, slowly until he inserts it, he looks at me again.
"You coming for me? Yeah, be a good girl or do you want to get caught by the old janitor grandpa spreading your legs for me?" As my eyes roll back, he pumps another finger into me, scissoring it thoroughly and hitting that sweet spot inside me.
When I moan loudly, he grins.
"You like that? Just wait until I bury my cock in you and you cant walk straight afterwards, so that everyone will notice." When his finger presses my clitoris, I see white and as I come I try to muffle the sounds with my hand over my mouth.
When I get off my high, I blindly search for my panties. But Carl beats me first.
"Hmm, no. I think I'll keep it as a little souvenir. Maybe you can get it back when you come to my house later." I don't know what surprises me more: that he wants me to run around exposed at school or that I'm invited to his house for the first time.
"Really? I'd like to come." But he interprets my words differently, his fingers stroke my entrance again and I moan and squeeze my eyes shut.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it. Very well and for a very long time." When the bell rings, he lets go of me and I whimper slightly.
"Carl-" but he interrupts me by pulling back and straightening my skirt.
"I'm sure our agreement was between recess, now it's class time. Come on, I'll make it up to you later."
Your pov
As we ride the bus toward his home, I take his hand and intertwine our fingers.
"But don't expect a mansion or any of that shit." Ever since we left school, he has been bad-mouthing his hometown every free minute he has.
"Don't worry, I'll only have eyes for you anyway." The statement makes him laugh and he relaxes a little. As we get out and walk a little way along the street, we are watched by a few people.
"Why are so many people staring at us?" When he look at me, I'm obviously confused.
"Not everyone here wears designer clothes that cost several thousand dollars. If you come here more often, they'll call you a princess." Giggling, I slap him on the arm and as we climb the stairs to his house, I look around curiously.
"So this is where you grew up." His shoulders shrug casually, but I see him trying to gauge my reaction.
"Yeah, where in the world could it be nicer?" I laugh at his sarcastic comment and we both smile at each other as we enter the house.
I hear him calling into the house, then a girl with red hair appears, carrying a baby.
"You must be Debbie, the little one is so adorable." When I hold out my hand, she just looks at Carl with her eyebrows still raised.
"What did you do to end up with her? Also my daughter's name is Franny and yes, I know condoms exist." Surprised, I don't know exactly how to answer, so I leave it to Carl.
"My tongue is magic, Debs. Too bad you won't find out yourself anytime soon, Derek has moved away. By the way, Franny seems hungry." I'm unsure of the dynamic between the two of them, as she turns away and walks away, I resist the urge to say goodbye.
"That was...nice." His hand pulling me towards the stairs distracts me.
"She's a real ray of sunshine, come on. The others aren't back yet, so you can be as loud as you want this time."
When we get upstairs, he leads me into his room and I look at the magazines, posters and little things scattered everywhere.
"Cleaning and you are definitely not friends, huh?" I laugh at my joke, but Carl has other plans than letting me inspect his room.
He puts his hands on my hips and pushes me against the closed door, my breath catches as his eyes find mine.
"Do you want to keep playing housemaid? Then put on a damn maid costume, otherwise keep your eyes on me." At his stern voice, I press my thighs together and, grinning, I drag my fingers across his chest once again.
"Would you like that? Me on the floor, my ass in the air, and no underwear? Oh wait, what a coincidence that I'm not wearing any now either." His eyebrows raise, I see his eyes darken with lust.
"Let's save this little fantasy for another time, right now I just want to see you on my cock." Smiling, I lean towards him and start kissing him. I loosen the belt I bought him and pull him closer to me by his waistband.
"I think I did well today. After all, I didn't complain about getting through the school day without underwear. Do I get my reward now?" Grinning, he takes off my top and looks at my lace bra.
"Everything you want." He drops to his knees in front of me and kisses his way along my thighs, lifts my skirt and presses a kiss to my folds. Slowly he moves his tongue higher and kisses my stomach, I lean my head against the door.
"Does that feel good?" I just nod, burying my hand in his hair as he puts his mouth on me again.
"Ahh- Carl, I want you now." His fingers stretch me, the wetness running down my legs, making me tremble.
"You got me, sweetheart. What do you want me to do?" His head lifts to look at me and I place my fingers around his chin, seeing the moisture on his lips.
"I've been prepared enough, I want your dick now. Let's see if it's as magical as your tongue." Grinning, he stands up and lifts me up, lays me on my back on his bed and lies down between my legs.
He places a few kisses on my legs, then stretches up on his elbows so he's hovering over me. Then he kisses my cheek and my lips, lets his tongue slide over them and lets me taste myself.
I run my fingers through his blonde hair and pull his body closer to me. When he pulls a condom out of his pocket, I hold my breath.
"You still want to do this?" His look calms all the worries I had. I nod, stroking my fingers over his heated cheek.
"I trust you." His next kiss is passionate, his hands gliding over my body, caressing every bit of exposed skin. I lift my back off the mattress and let him take off my bra. His head lowers to run his tongue over my navel. As he sucks on them, I moan softly.
One of his hands starts kneading my breasts and when I try to take off my skirt, he stops me.
"Leave it on, okay?" I kiss him in response.
His hand strokes my sides and my own hands rest on his shoulders as he presses the tip of his cock against my entrance.
"Ready, baby?" When I agree, he presses himself into me and for a moment I have to squint my eyes because it hurts.
Then I feel several gentle kisses on my cheek, my forehead and my lips. His attempts to distract me work and as I become more and more relaxed, he slides further into me.
Slowly he presses his hips against me, the stretch so great that I can feel him all the way into my stomach. He waits for a moment, whispering sweet things in my ears until they get dirty and I beg him to move.
My hands wrap around his shoulders as he thrusts into me for the first time, the air around us thickening as he grunts and a moan escapes me.
"You're doing so well, God, you feel so good." His hips move faster and faster, the pleasure spreads through my body and the wetter I feel, the easier he slides in and out of me.
"You are perfect, my perfect girl. Do you feel good?" His hands stroke my skin, gently pinching my nipples, playing with them and making me squirm beneath him.
As he grips my hips and pushes himself harder into me, my head starts to spin. My noises get louder.
"Carl- god, please go harder" And so he does, the room is filled with the sounds of our bodies and sweat forms on us.
"Baby, do you want to ride me? You have such pretty thighs." I nod and when he pulls out of me I can't think clearly, I just want him to fill me up again.
He leans back and as I stabilize myself on his shoulders, I sink back onto him. The feeling is even better that my eyes roll back. His hands grasp my hips, helping me move.
"That's right, baby. You're doing so good, riding my cock like the good girl you are." At his words, I tighten my grip on him and he curses as I move harder on top of him.
The faster I go, the more exhausting it becomes, but as I feel a knot forming in my stomach, I ride him so fast just to chase my pleasure.
Then suddenly as he hits my spot inside me over and over again, I go boneless on him and melt in his arms. My come drips all over him and as he continues to fuck me, reaching his own climax, I tremble in his grip.
"Just a few more thrusts, baby. Ah, keep holding on to me." Even though I have lost my strength, I move on him a few more times until he comes and I lay my head on his shoulder.
We're both breathing heavily, but everything feels so good, so warm and comfortable, that I don't want to move a single muscle anymore.
He carefully pulls out of me, I moan slightly at the loss. He gently lays me back on his pillow and gives me a kiss before throwing the condom away.
He pulls the blanket over us and puts his arm around me to pull me closer. I snuggle up to him and feel so safe that I quickly press my lips to his skin.
"That was wonderful." He also presses a kiss on my hair.
"That was incredible, you are the best. I can't wait to do it again." Our embrace becomes tighter. For a moment the room is silent.
When I whisper his name, he hums in response.
"I know it's cliche to say something like that after the first time. But I just feel it so much that it hurts to keep it to myself. I love you." As I lie on his chest I hear his heart stop for a moment and then it starts beating much faster.
"I- no one has ever said that to me before." When I raise my head and look at him, he doesn't look at me. Instead, his eyes are fouced on the ceiling.
"I just want you to know. I don't want to put any pressure on you to say it. I just thought you should hear it. You know, now that things are serious between us." Again he is silent and I start to worry, but then he looks at me.
"You are truly the most incredible person I have ever met. I consider myself very lucky." He smiles at me, then leans down and we kiss for a moment. It feels like heaven.
We lay there for a few minutes, just cuddling and telling each other how our day was. We laugh and as the sun slowly sets, I start to get dressed.
"I wish I could stay here with you. But you know what my parents are like." He leans back on his elbow, watching me get dressed and contact my parents to pick me up.
"Hmm, I think we would do it again. If you stayed here tonight, I mean." I smile at him, sit down on his bed for a moment and ruffle his hair.
"I wouldn't mind, darling." The nickname makes him blush and when he leans forward to kiss me, I playfully push him away.
"I have to go, are you coming down with me?" He nods, feigning annoyance, and as we walk out of his room, he puts his arm around my waist and pulls me towards him.
He steals his kiss there, but more than that he steals my heart.
We smile at each other and for this moment everything is just perfect. We go downstairs and just as we are back in the living room we hear a door open loudly.
A visibly drunk man stumbles in. I see Carl tense up next to me, staring at the stranger angrily. I quietly lean towards him to whisper my question.
"Who is that?" When he rolls his eyes, I get a bad feeling.
"That's my father, great isn't it?" The man in front of me is dirty, has unkempt hair and an unpleasant smile on his face.
"Should I ask my parents if you can stay overnight?" My gaze is more focused on the man than on Carl.
But he just shakes his head, and just as he is about to answer, the man sees us too.
"Oh, my son! It's so good to see you, not really, but I'll take your bed. Fiona has mine. Is that your little girlfriend? She looks expensive, very good catch. How much money did you rip her off? I hope it's worth it to go through all this drama." I frown in confusion, but when Carl freezes next to me, I become uncertain.
"What does he mean by that?" This time my gaze is directed solely at Carl.
"Nothing, he's drunk-" but before he can finish, the man does.
"How rude of me, I am Frank. The proud father of this child, at least one of my descendants has made something of himself and used his talent. He has my good genes, the good looks and I teach him the tricks. Like exploiting an innocent, very very rich girl for money. It doesn't bother you, I hope? You seem to have enough, but I hope my son returns the favor to you."
The words catch me so off guard that I can't move. I don't believe anything this man says until I see the guilty look on Carl's face.
"W-what? That's a lie, right? Tell me he's lying, Carl." As he runs his hands through his hair and tries to answer me, Frank speaks again.
"Oh, you haven't confessed to her yet? My fault, I should have waited. I didn't think you would humiliate this girl for so long. I told you this wouldn't end well." But Carl ignores him completely when he notices me moving away from him.
"Wait, I'm sorry. It wasn't like that-" But I interrupt him, already feeling tears gathering in my eyes.
"So what happened? You act like you don't want any money from me and-" Carl's look becomes frustrated.
"You offered me your money! You said if I matched it, everything would be fine for you." I'm almost speechless, is this all a nightmare?
"Are you serious? I offered it to you because you weren't asking for it. And now I find out it was your plan from the beginning? You just talked to me, just spent time with me to get my money? Who does that?" Frank's voice intervenes.
"I invented the strategy, my dear. It's turning out to be quite useful." But I don't pay attention to him, I just look at Carl.
"Please, I'm sorry. Yes, it was meant that way in the beginning, but it's different now. I-" My tears flow when he admits it and any feeling of happiness disappears. All that remains is betrayal and sadness.
"You what? What am I saying, you were probably happy that I only wanted you in return. I'm such an idiot. You didn't just take my money, you took my first time too!" As he comes towards me, I step back.
"Listen to me, I didnt force you to do all this for me. You wanted it." The more he talks the more desperate I feel and the greater my anger becomes.
"You idiot! I thought you liked me! I thought you finally noticed me too." My sobs get louder and my vision blurs. When he tries to grab my face, I slap him.
"My cue to go. I can see that you're sorting it out between yourselves just fine." Frank's footsteps fading away are nothing compared to the sound of my heart breaking.
"I like you, I really like you. At first it wasn't my intention to start a relationship with you, but then I got to know you and-" Every word that escapes him is only worse.
"Stop talking! You know what the worst thing is that I liked you for so long before you even talked to me. And I thought it was a miracle when you first spoke to me in the libary. I should have listened to the others, you only care about yourself!" I wipe the tears from my cheeks, wishing I could be anywhere but here.
Then before he can say anything, I turn around and run out of the house. But I hear him following me.
"Wait! Don't just walk away, I have to get this straight. Hey!" He catches me, turns me around and holds my tear-stained face in his hands.
"I'm an idiot, I know that. I'm sorry for hurting you. I- God, I love you. You hear me? I love you too. Please stay." But I just shake my head and try to free myself from his grip.
"How do I know if that isn't a lie too? You've betrayed me, I can't talk to you now." When my car pulls up, I get in without turning around. I don't look back, even though his loud curse can be heard throughout the whole neighborhood.
Your pov
I spend the next few days without saying much, but I cried almost the whole time.
I miss him incredibly, not a day has gone by in the last few months when I haven't seen him and now I've been alone for three days.
I wish he was here, but on the other hand I am so hurt and feel terrible. He is the reason for this.
I wish I had never found out. I wish he had never done it, never lied to me. Didn't use me for money, but worst of all, I don't know if he even likes me.
Today is the first day that I go back to school. Even though I put on make-up, choose a nice outfit and listen to my favorite songs to distract myself, I can only think of him.
His blonde hair, his beautiful eyes, the way his lips felt. How he felt inside me. Then I remember that he loves me and how he finally said it, something I have wanted to hear for so long.
But then I think about what he did and everything feels empty again.
As I enter the school, my friends come to meet me. They already know what happened, they all hug me and I feel a little better.
Until I see him.
And he sees me too. It takes all my effort to avert my gaze. To get my books out of my cupboard, but then I have to stop because he is not standing next to me offering to carry them.
I take it myself, close my door, but before I can go any further, he is standing in front of me. My heart stops. Oh, how his eyes shine.
"Do you need help?" His eyes focus on the books and I have to swallow several times before I can answer.
"No, I have to go to class now." But as I try to walk past him, he stops me.
"You don't answer my texts, you don't call me back. I'm not allowed into your house and you avoid me at school. What can I do? Please tell me what I need to do, so you forgive me." I laugh, but it is without humor.
"What can you do? Move."
I can see his shock, but he still doesn't step aside.
"Can't you hear me? I said-" but he walks toward me until I'm forced to lean my back against the lockers.
His eyes find mine.
"I can't sleep. And when I do, I dream of you. There's a - a hole in my heart that only you can fill. It hurts and I hate not being with you. It's even worse to be here, when you don't look at me the way you usually do. You don't smile at me, God, you don't look like you're in love with me anymore. It's hell."
Tears gather in my eyes, his words are so desperate, it hurts to see him like this.
"Maybe you should have thought about that before you took advantage of me. Before you slept with me." A tear runs down my cheek and I know my mascara is smudging.
"I know, I know. And I feel so bad, I'll do anything to make it right. Just tell me."
When I look into his eyes, my heart also hurts.
"Move, Carl. I can't see you now." This time he lets go of me and I go to class with tears in my eyes.
Your pov
It's been four weeks since we last spoke, but it doesn't hurt any less to see him. Even if I don't let him talk to me, he doesn't give up.
He puts flowers in my locker, chocolate, and notes full of apologies and sweet promises.
Everything warms my heart, but it still feels like this money thing is unresolved between us. I know now that he likes me, very much in fact, as he makes it clear, but that doesn't change the real problem.
That he used me for my money.
As I leave school that day, I feel exhausted and, as I often do, I wish I had his arms around me.
Holding me tight, his lips kissing me, loving me.
As I wait for my father's car, I suddenly hear his familiar throat clearing. With my heart pounding, I turn around and see him smiling uncertainly at me.
"I know what I had to do and now I've done it. Here." He gives me an envelope and I take it uncertainly.
"Carl, your letters are flattering, but-" He quickly interrupts me.
"No, it's something else. Open it." The deja vu hits me unexpectedly and I slowly open the envelope, the content leaves me speechless.
"What is that supposed to be?" It's rhetorical, but I ask anyway.
"All the money I owe you. What you've kindly given me, I pay it back. Every cent. You can count." He looks so proud, I almost have to laugh.
"How- did you rob a bank?" He grins contentedly at my reaction.
"An old grandma." This time I laugh and he comes closer to me, slowly taking my hands.
"No, seriously. How did you do that?" He looks at me lovingly.
"Working in the kitchen every day after school, I found a part-time job with Fiona. The payment is bad, but it was worth it. I understand that money was the problem and well, that I wasn't honest to you." As I lower the envelope, we look at each other.
"Promise, no more secrets?"
He smiles and suddenly the world is a brighter place.
"Promise, but we continue one of our agreements." I raise my eyebrows questioningly, seeing him grin as he leans toward me, his breath brushing against my lips and he whispers:
"I'll still spend my breaks with you in the janitor's room."
The laughter that escapes me gets interrupted, when his lips meet mine.
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aza-writes · 1 year
Morning Affirmations
Lip Gallagher x female!reader
Requested: no
Summary: Lip walks in on his girlfriend singing to the younger kids while she gets them ready for the day. Takes place in season 4 after Liam gets home from the hospital
Warnings: few curse words, mentions of drug use (Fiona in jail) but overall, it’s just tons of FLUFF
A/N: inspired by “I love my body” by @mothermoon on TikTok. Might rewrite something similar for dad!lip, lmk what you think. Got bored before lab and wrote this
The floorboards creaked under every step Lip took to get down to the kitchen. He wasn’t too concerned with anything too wrapped up in his mind until two sweet voices pull him out.
“I love my body from my…” 
“Head to my toes.” 
Liam’s voice was hard to hear, even in the quietness of the unusually empty Gallagher house. Everyone was already at school or wherever they ran off to today—leaving Lip home alone to take care of some things. 
Liam has only been home from the hospital for two days, leaving Lip and the rest of the family still scrambling without Fiona running the show. Lip had school off today, some random college holiday that didn’t make sense for a lot of people, but they took it anyway. 
Lip had been out of bed since 5 that morning, unsure if it was considered a late night or an early morning due to the fact he hadn’t slept for more than a few hours the night before. His mind was going a million miles an hour, mixed with him worrying himself sick about Liam and going to check on him every thirty minutes. Every time he would get up from his bed, y/n would sit up, too. Her concerned look was always dismissed with a quick “go back to sleep” or “I’ll be back soon” from Lip. The “soon” in question was around five to ten minutes of Lip just sitting in front of Liam’s bed, watching his chest rise and fall. 
Y/n stayed up and waited for Lip the first few times, but soon enough her eyes got too heavy for her to ignore. Even with the extra sleep, caffeine would be her best friend today. 
Lip’s mind was still groggy as he trudged down the stairs, stress and sleep deprivation felt like chains were strapped to the back of his ankles. He barely made out the words y/n and Liam were exchanging. 
“I love my face…” She lingered for a second, allowing Liam to think about the next verse. She smiles and continued on. “My-” 
“Eyes, my mouth my nose.” Lip could help but smile at the sight of Liam touching every body part mentioned. He clearly knew this song, yet Lip couldn’t think of any of the words. When ever you would sing it to one of his younger siblings, all he could do was hear your voice. The kindergarten-teacher-like tone was enough for him to abandon all of his thoughts and focus on you. 
“I like the way I look when I look in the mirror.” Liam didn’t have to wait for y/n this time, he sang it with her. Their voices both were quiet, almost scared to wake anyone up, but the house stayed quiet. It was just those three in that house, the outside world didn’t matter. 
“I stand a little closer just to see a little clearer.” Both of their smiles were beaming. Liam giggling at y/n’s little tickles all over his belly and neck. Lip’s grew too. Y/n was so amazing with the kids, Lip could’ve sworn it as always been this way. Y/n and Lip, Lip and y/n. They belonged together. 
Everyone in his family loved her. Carl made her a gift out of melted spoons and forks, Debbie demands they have a girls day at least once a month. Shit, even Frank called her “one of the good ones.” Technically it was after she downed a shot of vodka without even wincing, but he still liked her non the less. 
Y/n turns around smiling, it only growing when she finally sees Lip. 
“Good morning babe.” 
“Morning babe!” Liam repeats immediatly, causing Lip and y/n to giggle with him. 
Lip pours two cups of coffe before heading to the kitchen table. “Good morning to you.” He sets the coffe right in front of y/n while kissing her cheek. He carefully set his down too and kissed Liams cheek. “Good morning little man.” 
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gallavichobsessed · 1 year
I feel like it's been forever since i posted and i'm so sorry. A lot of stuff has happened in the past couple of months and classes have started so I've been busy but i'll try to post at least once a week. So drop some ideas in the comments. One more thing I just watched obx in like the last week of July (I'm so late ik but I didn't want to watch it before lmao) anyways would anybody mind if I started posting obx along with Gallavich/Shameless?
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