#shameless season 7
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monkeyprinx · 8 months ago
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season 7 mickey changed me as a person
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 11 months ago
season’s six-ten are so overhated i can’t stand it
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nicetoseesofttotouch · 2 years ago
ok i'm on episode 3 season 7 of Shameless and Fiona is absolutely right, she had a few shitty years but now wants to build a future for herself, Debbie wanted a pregnancy and wanted that child, well, provide for her and not expect your sister, the one who raised YOU, to be the one who pays for everything YOUR child needs, she had countless of temper tantrums saying how mature she is and how much she didn't NEED Fiona, well, prove it. (I thought once she had the baby she would mature a little but no, she is still an insufferable teen who was NOT prepared to have a child)
Lip is an adult and still lives there, he needs to take more responsibilities.
i love how Carl had a wake up call with "the Nick Incident" and is on a better path, i have faith in him.
Ian has his problems but he also works and can contribute on the roof he lives under.
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dreamylyfe-x · 2 years ago
God, don't ask me why I watched it and I know this is a boring take, but man. Trevor's first scene is really, really terrible.
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lupeloto · 2 years ago
okay friends it’s time to…
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em-harlsnow · 28 days ago
i love gallavich in season 7 simply because of how grabby Mickey is. in no other season do we see him being so handsy with ian. first, there’s the collar-grab after mickey kind of kidnaps him, the way ian starts to melt into that, about to give in before mickey breaks away. then there’s the dock, and obviously the first kiss is grabby on both sides because it’s basically a violent kiss (in a good way). but the second kiss. THE SECOND ONE!! where it’s them basically licking each other, and mickey’s touching wherever he can, with his hands around ian’s collarbones and neck again. obviously, then they fuck and it’s a fade-to-black, but not before we see ian grabbing mickey’s hand and pressing it against the boat.
BUT THEN!!! THEN THERES THE SPIDER-MAN KISS!!! The way mickey’s grabbing at Ian’s back and pulling him in because he can’t get enough, because he doesn’t want ian to go, because he needs ian. he’s literally desperate.
i fucking love those episodes of season 7 because it shows exactly how much they need each other, how passionate they are and how their dynamic is basically just them fighting with sex and love. so weird, so good!
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marchingfishes · 2 years ago
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imakatperson22 · 8 months ago
That post is so interesting to me bc Mickey is also canonically a misogynist and a racist (which we can explore and understand is bc of his environment and his dad ) but that’s ok bc I like him. He also has internalized homophobia and he actually has done worse to people even with his trauma but we can have nuance when we engage with his story but they can’t do the same to Tommy lol? Also the way that one person didn’t understand that Tommy literally said having Gerard is like having the father I already had literally implies his father was the same . He makes it clear that he doesn’t talk to his father and that Gerard was bad but all this one user heard was yeah Gerrard was a father figure to me and then asked where the media literacy was like we’re not the ones at fault here…….
Anon, you hit the nail right on the head and I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Mickey is all of those things but because we see the absolute living daylights beaten out of him, him being SA’d on screen, and he’s half of the most popular ship on the show, some people sympathize with him more and become apologists for his behavior yet they cannot bring themselves to have the same grace for Tommy because he’s “blocking” the most popular ship in this fandom from going canon and his trauma is more implied than explicit because 9-1-1 airs on ABC not Showtime. (Can you imagine if 9-1-1 was on HBO though? It would go hard haha)
I personally am still rooting for buddie canon but I’m a patient woman and can see the value in telling queer stories outside of buddie, especially to the wider audience that accesses network tv. And in this current age of network television (and somewhat beyond network), queer characters are often written with less flaws (or none at all) than nonqueer ones for the sake of “good representation” and virtue signaling but when you write queer characters as unproblematic most/all of the time, you ignore the truth of reality and start bleeding into fantasy which can be just as bad as no representation at all.
And even if Tevan is endgame and we end up never seeing buddie canon, it doesn’t mean the story told in canon is a bad story or one not worth being told just because a better one (again, in my opinion) could’ve happened.
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wrinkly-fucking-qtip · 10 months ago
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“You ever think back in the day, this is where we'd be?”
Mickey reminiscing is so special to me. I wonder what other things he thought to say to Ian. It's a scene I'd kill to see what else played on (any gallavich scene really, but this one in particular) because... he is definitely aware of that time he mentioned 'look for shooting stars' a couple years back... how he'd never do that, and time and time again things happen where he proves himself wrong thanks to that boy besides him. And it hurts me deeply. This almost all felt like a one-sided conversation. And I can't tell if Mick was settling with those scraps, or if he thought and understood Ian couldn't say more... Just the amount of times when he thought of Ian from prison. Having to fall asleep with a gash upon his chest...
He loves this man so much and he wants to know if he's also aware of how far they've come. Did he mean 'still in love?', 'you leaving your life for me?', 'didn't actually think you'd make it this far for me after so much crap?', or just the act of star gazing.... cause I want you to realize Mickey is the first to lay on the ground. He wanted this. And then him just bearing his soul to Ian... when all he responds to that question is: "You running from the feds, yeah I could've predicted that shit." Almost like he wants to deflect with humor, as to not acknowledge what Mickey might be implying, cause it would all feel too real when he's probably starting to get cold feet about his decision to tag along... I just can't. There's so much I wanna say but I think that's it... 7x11 my beloved...
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theyaremycrocsyoudonut · 1 year ago
I liked the finale of season 7 for Gallavich. But like. ONLY because I knew Mickey was coming back. I read a spoiler somewhere about it, so I watched the ending of season 7 KNOWING that it was temporary. But I cannot, for the life of me, imagine how bad of an ending this must have been if Noel Fisher actually left the show after this, like it was supposed to happen in the first place. It had a lot of references to earlier seasons Gallavich, for instance "The fuck are you looking at?" or the fact that they met up under high school bleachers, but the whole concept was stupid to begin with. They really thought that the best goodbye to Mickey Milkovich who, by the way, carried the show in season 4 and was already a fan favourite when this was being filmed, was to break his heart into a million tiny little pieces at the Mexico border? That the best way for this love story to end and for us to get closure was to have Ian drop LITERALLY everything in his life, including his supposedly happy relationship, for a 3 day fuckfest with Mickey? You can't tell me with a straight face that if this WAS the actual end of Gallavich it would have been satisfying. It was a good TEMPORARY ending. It felt like a really good "We can't be together right now but we will someday". And I loved it for that. But as an ACTUAL ending? Holy fuck it was horrible.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year ago
season 3 is the BEST shameless season idc it’s not appreciated enough
season 1 is is nostalgic and funny
season 2 has immaculate summer vibes
season 4 is depressing and cinematic
season 5 is depressing but also funny
season 6 is chaotic and has a storyline where frank is terrible to debbie
season 7 is underrated and gallavich is there but it’s secretive
season 8 has someone becoming a gay icon and cutting off a toe
season 9 has cps and a lot of drama as well as prison
season 10 has a major gallavich storyline where mickey gets married
season 11 the house almost gets lost and debbie has to do wild shit to try to get it back
and what does season 3 have?? ALL OF THAT. ALL AT ONCE. in my opinion, it’s the best gallavich storyline, it’s the perfect amount of drama and comedy (shameless usually struggles with that balance), we get so many iconic storylines like svetlana and mickey’s wedding, the start of ian showing symptoms of bipolar, hymie, karen vs mandy (or karen x mandy LMAO), lip’s alcoholism, frank’s arrest and liver failure, the kids getting taken away, the sleepover, frank ruining debbie’s project, cousin patrick, kev and carol, kev and his ex wife, molly milkovich, and literally so much more
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mykinkiscarmy · 5 months ago
My obsession with Lip Gallagher is coming back and I can't let that consume me cuz I have college to attend #help
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dashiellqvverty · 10 months ago
the way i was watching the season seven finale like oh this was meant to be the end of the show wasn’t it. and from looking it up what i could gather was that it was meant to possibly serve as a finale in case they weren’t renewed. and from having only watched ians story it was definitely wrapped up very neatly imo. like that would’ve made a lot of sense as a finale ending for him which like. i understand would’ve been a WILDLY unpopular ending (from what i have gathered browsing tumblr) but i do think as far as accomplishing what they were trying to do with his character in those seasons they succeeded.
like it’s clear they wanted to show him in a more stable place and meeting different types of gay people and changing as a person and figuring out his space in that world and stuff. and part of that was sort of officially closing the book on mickey. which. i don’t think it’s WRONG to argue that mickey is not the best person for him if he is focusing on growth and stability. so like i understand what they’re going for and i do think the accomplished that (especially compared to how clearly they were scrambling for what to do with him in the next season) even if it’s not what i would have done
i will say, and maybe this is amplified by only watching ian’s scenes so the pacing feels faster, but a lot of the relationships and change in general does feel a bit rushed? i think my main thing is i don’t get much sense of a personality from ian and it’s like. i suppose you could argue he’s also trying to figure that out but. idk i’m just like what is he like what are his interests what is the draw of him - besides being hot - for these guys who want to date him and stuff. like he feels like he changed very much very quickly from earlier seasons and if it HAD been the ending for him i would’ve felt a little bit like this guy is unrecognizable from who he idk. “really was” (in the sense that this kind of like normal relationship with these gays who don’t share his background is like. not ‘truly’ right for him. but of course they’re trying to show that that IS right for him now i just don’t feel like i know how we got there)??? but then i’m like well what WAS his personality in those earlier seasons…. wanting to join the army???? idk it just made me feel like for all i know about him As A Character in terms of how he acts and what he’s been through and stuff. it feels. to me at least. that there’s still a lot i don’t know about him just like As A Guy. and i want to. idk if there’s a conclusion to all of that just. thoughts and observations i suppose.
also there’s times in these seasons where it feels like ian’s story is very much being used as a mouthpiece to Educate The Audience (his speech about mental health and trans 101 with trevor) which just felt awkward and out of place in this show imo
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uwuspaceboy · 10 months ago
thinking a lot about how i correctly predicted mickey being the little spoon bc being the big spoon requires taking initiative, something that mickey simply does not have in him
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gallavichfanficlibrary · 1 year ago
Any recommendations where Ian maintains or renews a decent friendship with Trevor? I always liked them as friends, even if the relationship didn't work.
There's not much to choose from, to be honest.
In Blake, the first part of The Trevor Project series, Trevor appears at the very beginning where Ian and Mickey go to his youth project fundraiser. They're on good terms there but he's not there for the rest of the series.
In jealousy, jealousy Trevor moves in in the same apartment complex as Ian and Mickey, and although there's jealousy they establish some civil relationships. It's mostly smut though. (Even though the fic is tagged Ian/Trevor, nothing happens between them.)
Couldn't think of anything else. Suggestions?
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imakatperson22 · 11 months ago
Personally, I’d love it if Buck came out Mickey Milkovich style (minus Terry).
Just grabs the mic at the wedding and says “Excuse me. I’d just like everyone here to know, I’m fucking bisexual.”
And then nobody cares and continues going about their lives.
(I don’t actually want this to be canon just a funny thought).
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