#francis fop
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duckapus · 2 months ago
You Wouldn't Download a Godparent
Had an idea for a Fairly Oddparents/Mega Man Battle Network crossover.
In this universe, Timmy and his friends live in the Electopian city of Dimmsdale, and instead of magic we have Netnavis and the Cyberworld (though admittedly we do still have some magic because Mega Man is weird like that). Timmy's still a pretty average kid with a pretty lousy homelife (his parents are still That Bad. Vicky and Crocker aren't but they're still not great), apart from the fact that he's stumbled into being one of the few people to have more than one Navi.
Wanda.EXE he obtained and customized one of the usual ways, while they found Cosmo.EXE one day while they were virus busting. Poor guy was a mess of junk data and poorly installed customizer programs, seemingly stuck in a slightly unstable WindBug Style Change, and clearly in pain. They took him home, got AJ's help fixing him up, and he kind of just never left. Based on his abilities some of his data might be from the long-deleted Darkloid CosmoMan.EXE, but given he acts like his canon self there's clearly not that much left.
Wanda is Null-Element and favors Sword attacks, while Cosmo is Obstacle-Element and just throws everything but the kitchen sink.
As for some other pairs:
Timmy's Dad has a Wood-Element Navi named PencilMan.EXE. Given what he's like with other living things he's supposed to take care of (hamsters, snakes, his own son...) you can probably imagine how healthy their relationship is.
Chester has StrikeMan.EXE, a baseball-themed Null-Element Navi that belonged to his mother before she died.
AJ has AstroMan.EXE who acts as a lab assistant. Despite being Number-Element and who his Operator is he's a bit spacey and honestly not very bright.
Vicky has Vile.EXE, a Break-Element Navi who's just as mean as she is. He was actually a HeelNavi before he was customized, and they didn't actually change the design that much. Well, apart from his left arm being a massive cannon by default.
Tootie has QuakeWoman.EXE, Tempo to her friends. They're apparently massive fans of Dex and GutsMan.EXE, to the point where they've managed to customize Tempo into the second ever Panel Destruction-Element Navi (GutsMan being the first and for a long while only, of course).
Elmer has SplashWoman.EXE, who's a lot more confident than he is, likely by design. You can probably guess her elemental affinity.
Sanjay has the explosive Ballade.EXE, a Null-Element Navi who probably could've been Fire if he'd really wanted to.
Mr. Crocker has the powerful Elec-Element Navi DynamoMan.EXE. He's not as fast as you'd expect an electricity-based program to be, but he makes up for it in raw strength and voltage.
Trixie has Quint.EXE, who's actually possibly one of the earliest NetNavis to have ever been made. Trixie found his PET in a box in her attic, too damaged to turn on but its data apparently retrievable, and found what was left of Quint inside. She managed to get him fixed up and give him some upgrades to bring him up to modern standards. He doesn't remember much of his life before due to the damage and degradation. (I thought it would be cool if Battle Network Quint came from the past in contrast to Classic Quint coming from the future).
Veronica has Gemini.EXE, a Break-Element Navi with a very split personality.
Francis has OilMan.EXE, who's basically a giant blob of tar with oil drums for hands. You'd think he'd be Fire-Element, but he's actually Wood. Oil burns and came from prehistoric plants after all. He's also a lot friendlier than his Operator.
Chloe has Ciel.EXE, a Recovery-Element Navi who has the unofficial full-time job of helping her deal with her severe anxiety (that girl is a tightly wound bundle of nerves with no real outlets and you all know it).
Jorgen is a Net Official and has Signas.EXE, a Null-Element Navi who's coolheaded and calculating demeanor sharply contrasts his Operator's hot temper and gung-ho attitude.
And there's Catman.EXE, an excentric crime-fighting vigilante Solo Navi who's taken a liking to the kids.
There's also two villain groups, the newest Netcrime syndicate the Network Killers and the mysterious Project X, but they deserve their own posts.
(Network Killers) (Project X)
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kristencsummerlin · 1 year ago
I'm back with a new series of Nicktoon Unite high school AU. But first a little Superhero Appreciation.
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toonsforkicks22 · 6 months ago
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Like Vicky, some people never change…
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apple-jorts · 4 months ago
Who up playin with they FOP 🔥🔥🔥
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Take my favs‼️‼️ Take them now ‼️‼️‼️
Closeups under cut!! 🔥🥰
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foptbw · 6 months ago
What happened to Francis(the bully)? And where are Elmer and Sanjay(the back up friends)? Are you guys still friends?
Timmy: Umm.... Francis was... is in and out of prison. I'm sure thats not surprising... um well he's the biological father of Chloe's goddaughter. Elmer I lost in contact long times ago. I guess it was shortly after the memory lost... Chester keeps in contact with him still. According to him Elmer is a school counselor now and makes sure unpopular kids and stuff don't get bullied thats cool! Sanjay... um well... he kind of became more like Tootie the older we got. He was less pushy than she was. But, he still made me uncomfy a lot. Actually Sanjay became a jock in high school, and even after my memory lost would try to impress me with it. But, I wasn't. While Gary appearing helped get Tootie to leave me alone, Sanjay didn't get a crush on Gary. So finally with Chester's help the three of us had a real talk. Sanjay asked if I was so uncomfortable because he was gay. But, it hadn't been that. I was just as uncomfy when Tootie was flirting with me and being pushy. I just wasn't interested in having a boyfriend or girlfriend. Sanjay actually listened and understood and apologized for making me uncomfortable. He works at Nasa now! Um to be honest though my only friends are Chloe, Chester, and AJ. I don't really keep in touch with anyone else. It's just so hard when everyone else have memories you don't and the sad looks when you don't remember something, or the pity. But, it's okay!
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jul1an-t00ns · 2 years ago
Shit post :0
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forthedancingandthethriving · 4 months ago
The Abyss is a patient creature, despite what some beings may think. Yes, it has a Thing with Juliano (it's pretty miffed it can't find him lately, hell, it can't really find anyone) but nonetheless, it has plans. Grand plans, ones where it'll finally be known and the damned ClearAll and Database will finally be gone.
For the past while now, it had been visiting a place called Computer Hell. Particularly bad Programs and Viruses were locked up here, and many more than willing to help it out. Whenever it could, it would sneak into the Computer Hell when that Antivirus wasn't around. It's tendrils would disable the alarms, set them free for a time.
Though there was one inmate that particularly interested it.
You lot.
Several noises of shock came from the group that the Abyss had materialized behind. It tilts its head as it scans them over.
Andrew Orpheus, Lady Rose, Spamton G Spamton, Francis, Nermal, and Marianne.
"Christ on a fucking stick," Andrew whispers, placing a hand on his chest.
"Abyss... welcome." Lady Rose shoots it a look, but it ignores that, because it doesn't even know what that look means.
It points a clawed finger to a cell, where spiderwebs cover the entrance. That cell. There is someone in there, but they refuse to come out. Who is it?
The group immediately shared more Looks, and the Abyss just grins toothily because oh, this is going to be good.
"There is crazy.." Lady Rose mumbles as she looks to the webbed up cell.
"And then there's THAT woman!" Francis has no such qualms about being loud, gesturing widely to the cell. "She is not okay!"
Andrew shoots him a look before he elaborates, "that's Cookie. She's apparently a former Admin for the Adminspace."
The Abyss's eyes glint in recognition of the title. It nods.
"She is.." Nermal puts his paws to his mouth. ".. how the hell do you even describe Cookie?"
"Loco," Andrew quipped. "Inane," Lady Rose remarked. "Crazy!" Marianne groaned. "In serious need of help," Francis remarked. "She could use [[try Betterhelp today using the link below!]]" Spamton piped up.
"Actually, I've heard Betterhelp isn't all that great," Francis murmured.
"Damn, really?"
The Abyss pays them no mind. It sinks to the floor and seeps between the code, and soon enough, it's inside the cell. It reforms with a low chuckle, and its eyes spot the figure.
It was heavily amused. She looked like a ringmaster's assistance with her outfit, but it can see the former stumps of spider's legs on her back. Torn, yanked, or shot off, from what it seems.
"Hello," it muses, and it takes pleasure in how she jumps.
"Who-" She croaks out, dulled eyes flaring with indignation. "How did you-"
It says nothing. It looks her other. A click, a tug, a pull.
Ah, it thinks, that's what you want.
"You want to bring someone back?" it asks as it walks over. It looms over her figure huddled in the corner. "You want to bring.. him back?"
Cookie's eyes widen, and there's a flicker in her eyes. A light, a manic light, and the Abyss grins once more. Ah, she was the devoted type..
"I am the Abyss," it properly introduces itself, giving a mock bow. "Perhaps you've heard, maybe you haven't. But I am the End, the Beginning, the Nothing, the Everything. I am Existence itself."
It can see the wheels turning in her head. It likes a smart one.
"Many of the others have agreed to join me, to follow me," the Abyss continues with ease. "And in return for their help, I'll give them anything they desire-"
"I'll join, I'll help!" Cookie stands on her feet, looking up at the Abyss with such manic energy that it's momentarily caught off guard.
But then it smiles.
It was always so easy to play these people. All it had to prick, tug, pull, and it could see their deepest desires.
"I'll look into bringing him back."
It takes some steps back and vanishes, seeping away from her cell.
It'll mull it over, at least.
To bring something back from Non-Existence...
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starreyblueberry · 6 months ago
Timmy’s parents are so interesting to me in writing terms for the show. If you only watch season one you’ll see that while they are busy and neglectful they still love their son, and wanna be by his side. They’re a lot more close, especially as the whole found family aspect is not fully tapped in yet. They always tell Timmy they love him and his mom even defends him against his neighbors. It’s kinda a crazy thing to see when you’re used to them being super shitty. Then season two comes along, and we see his parents be a tiny bit more mean, but they still Love their son! They still take care of him, they’re just a bit less present for him. Then season 3, season 4, and it keeps going downhill. Even before we had the writing actually turn into shit his parents were actually getting worse. I think that’s a huge reason as to why most of us see Timmy’s parents as horrible, we saw the slow progression of both his mom and dad flat out ignore his needs and his fairy god parents loving him more and more. It’s almost needed this close bond to offset how his life is going more and more downhill. There’s always been problems in early FOP but it’s so fascinating how his parents are one of the earliest signs.
Season 5 is the true marker for the fairy odd parents writing, when we really see the writing go downhill but also when we see Timmy’s parents become their worst. They insult, neglect, belittle Timmy like never before. It’s also when we see Timmy’s fairy’s become the closest to Timmy (well it’s also a build up but still). Timmy’s parents while also a victim of bad writing have been doomed form the START!! Cause Timmy needed that miserable fuel to him, or else he would never get as close to Cosmo and Wanda as we see. If Timmy had good parents why would he keep Cosmo and Wanda for so long? I think that’s why we see them be horrible and worse as time goes on, cause as the show went on, they needed more factors to be miserable, and Vicky, francis, Crocker had only so much fuel.
I just find it interesting how out of all the characters who had a downfall, Timmy’s parents had it really early. It kinda signifies how shitty they always were, it was always just played for the whole cartoon humor bit of it. Compared to the new show, we’re instead of a character who has heavy external problems, she deals with ainxety and needs some extra support that hair parents are actually too busy to really provide/emotionally dense. But you don’t see anyone really hate on hazels parents, just cause it’s obvious they love her, while it gets less obvious for Timmy’s parents as time went on. Especially as Timmy’s life was more and more centered around Magic, his parents just, didn’t want to take the time to love him like they used too.
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piperamitt · 6 months ago
FOP season 3 "Where is Wanda" thoughts:
I'm going to only talk about the start of the episode (up until the detective wish and the world losing it's color)
This start really highlights for me Timmy's relationship with the two adult figures in his life who are his parents in some way (The Turners by being his actual parents, and Cosmo and Wanda feeling like his parents).
First we have Cosmo and Wanda, whom Timmy ran to ask for help with a project for Parent Student Movie Night. Cosmo and Wanda were obviously very busy and had to get ready for their probation hearing with Jorgen at 9. A hearing that we know they are both very very very scared of (it's why Wanda will be sent away by Cosmo later in the episode). Yet all it took from Timmy for Wanda (she was the one who said no and shown in the scene immediately after) to melt and say yes was giving her big puppy dog eyes. and making me exclaim that he is a 100% their son
He didn't wish for them to do it.
He just asked, and they did it. It's also why it didn't break any rules. Timmy didn't wish for it, and I think the rules just say he can't wish for stuff to help him win a competition. I'm probably wrong Also he won because the principal pitied him
Principal Waxelplax: In fact your display is so lame you couldn't possible have had any help from your parents
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Timmy before what she said:
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This brings me to the next point, which is the Turners (Mr. Turner to be specific ). Originally I thought they weren't there, but then we got a shot with all of Timmy's suspects and his dad was there.
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So his parents knew about the day. His dad even came, yet Timmy asked Cosmo and Wanda for help, and his dad wasn't even in the table with him. Like this is Timmy's victory photo
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No Mr. Turner in sight .Even Francis's dad who canonically is in and out of jail helped his son, but Mr. Turner who was there didn't even stay next to him while he was presenting.
Now what's my point with all of this? My point is to say Timmy's dad clearly loves him. He came, he gave time from his day for Timmy, but when it comes to actual parenting stuff like, doing projects, Cosmo and Wanda are who Timmy goes to. Timmy also clearly loves his parents cause he told them about tonight, but still felt like he should go to Cosmo and Wanda and ask for help.
Anyway for whoever read this entire thing I want to wish you a good day and a great week!
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fountainpenguin · 7 months ago
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #10
Some speculation and feelings now that I've slept after a binge up to "Trial or Hair-or" and took a break, before I start anything else.
I'm not sure when I can next watch episodes, so please don't reply with spoilers.
Background Characters
I was really worried about Whispers Fred. I only read a small glimpse of the story bible / concept art page a year+ ago- I was pretty sure I remembered Winn and Whispers Fred, though I would not have been able to recite their names.
After recognizing them, I was expecting them to be glued to Hazel's hip. I thought I'd find Whispers Fred and his ASMR shtick really annoying, but he's actually totally fine and doesn't bother me at all.
I'm relieved, because "Writers trying to be cool and they think kids want ASMR, and also I'm pretty sure a kid trying to look this stuff up could easily go down an online route they probably shouldn't be going down at their age" has been my mental vision for the direction this show is going for the past, like, 15 months and I thought I'd have issues with him.
I really like him now because you can tell Hazel's classmates all have their own depth and running gags, which is a great improvement on most of Timmy's classmates.
I can definitely look back and name the shticks for Chester, A.J., Trixie, Chloe, Kevin, Elmer, Sanjay, and Francis. We knew them- You could write a 'fic with them in it and no one would question the lack of other characters, because that's a great cast.
-> But yeah, we didn't really know much about personalities or what they do, and many of those characters I listed faded away in later seasons. I like how we're starting off strong. It makes it feel very planned. We know Whispers Fred has a podcast, even. Impressive.
Throwing this out here because it's still hilarious, but there are at least two kids in Timmy's class who are confirmed godkids - He sees them at Cupid's party - but they were both mysteriously absent when Doombringer came in as a sub to start fairy hunting and it cracks me up.
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And that was all the depth we got to them, because it was never played up (and let's be real, they were thrown into Cupid's party from the character stockpile folder).
I like how Hazel is befriending people in her class. Some of them aren't fully fleshed out yet, but they don't need to be. We're getting enough that if I wanted to write a 'fic, I could way more easily play with the personalities of Hazel's classmates than Timmy's, and I love that.
[cnt'd below cut - Very long post, including things I wouldn't truly call negativity, but my vibe is discussing the things I like and the things that aren't working for me personally.
This post leans into things that aren't working since previous posts have been about what is working. Heads up for discussions of child abuse and nostalgic comparisons to the OG show. Proceed at own discretion
Reminder, I'm only up to "Trial or Hair-or" at time of posting this]
Would I Be Watching This If It Wasn't Claiming to be FOP?
The show is very enjoyable; let's start with that. I like Hazel. I like Cosmo and Wanda. I like the set-ups and the kids.
I like watching the show, but... It doesn't feel like FOP, in the sense that I'm not seeing the things that draw me to the original show (Like... the child abuse? Or Crocker? Or the risk of losing your fairies? Or Timmy's struggle to keep his secrets from Vicky, his parents, and his friends?)
Hazel's made a vague mention that she has to keep fairies a secret, but we have no proof Cosmo and Wanda would leave her. No memory wipes either.
Maybe it's just me, but FOP without child abuse is... a WILD concept to me. lol. Dev seems to have issues and I suspect he's being set up for a future plot that delves into them, but it's still funny that our main character is, like... chillin'. No self-hatred? No dissociative issues or anxiety attacks? No sneaking around? Are you sure you're in the right show?
Okay, I guess Dev is bullying her, but he's not been nearly as bad as Francis, who caused physical harm. Heck, Tootie caused Timmy more stress than Dev's causing Hazel. Trixie literally treated Timmy worse than Dev is treating Hazel- she was launching him across the room when he spoke to her.
I'm liking the show, and I see potential in this world where I could set a 'fic... but what would that 'fic even be about? This place is fluffy; Hazel's not struggling much and there's not a lot of meat here for me to dig into.
I'm not seeing stakes, and I'm kinda "hm" about it.
And I'm kinda worried I'm watching a watered-down show that's been made more palpable to an audience looking for found family fluff. Which is fine! ... It's just that I'm here for Fairly OddParents vibes. Where's my child abuse?
I'm nostalgic. I miss my boy who kept a scrapbook with pictures of him in therapy. I miss the jokes that the court once got involved and appointed the family a child psychologist. I miss how he broke down in front of Trixie, wailing that he'll always love her no matter what his therapist says. He had a lot going on that we never saw onscreen, only the implications, and I love him <3
This was the boy who literally froze time for 50 years and told no one; he was messed up and they were not afraid to paint him that way.
I'm the target audience for "people who like seeing tiny details from the OG show brought back," but I'm not the target audience for fluff or sweet and innocent characters, so if that's what we get, I don't think I'll get giddy about it.
And I'll be 100% okay with that because I enjoy watching the show anyway even if it's different, and I'm just super grateful we've got something nice for the series after so many years of a difficult slide.
I write my 'fics and I've made worldbuilding posts for 8 and a half years, but I rarely main-tag anything, and I have unique blog tags for each character so they're harder for people to stumble on, because I was trying to lie low and avoid fandom negativity I kept seeing when I ventured into the tags. So... as much as I'm nostalgic and as much as I have my fingers crossed for the things I want to see, I'm super grateful this show is very enjoyable and seems to be bringing a wave of positivity and new viewers into the fandom.
Let's be clear- I'm REALLY enjoying watching this show, but I'm waiting to see if it adds stuff that fits my interests, that's what this post is.
Threats to Cosmo and Wanda's safety?
I want to start by saying I appreciate how Crocker isn't Hazel's teacher and her dad is not obsessively trying to catch her fairies. Danny's parents trying to catch ghosts worked perfectly fine in his show, but I'm glad this one is a different direction. It's nice to mix things up and not fall into a previous formula.
It's hilarious that her dad is like, seriously doing his paranormal job and it doesn't even affect Hazel, Cosmo, or Wanda yet (where I've watched up to). That's hilarious.
I'm hoping that it's going to come back, because I haven't seen a strong sense that it will. Hazel's dad has speculated there's a ghost in his house a little, but he's not investigated at all and we've not seen any tension regarding this. I hope we're setting up a big plot with confrontation, but there's not enough there yet to make me believe we are, so I hesitate to trust the pay-off is there.
Unclear how Cosmo and Wanda meet Hazel in the morning. Do they stroll over? I assume not- Her parents would think that's weird. They're not in animal form because they're neighbors, so are they poofing over? Do they wake her up like they used to wake Timmy?
Thus far, we've not seen signs that Cosmo and Wanda could be in danger. Jorgen's made an attempt to take them away, which was their fault for claiming a godkid they had no right to take tbh. I don't mind taking a break from Crocker's obsessions, but I do miss the tension he brought us. I miss the danger. I miss the angst implications- This show is pretty fluffy so far, and I can appreciate it, but that's not "FOP vibes" for me.
Jorgen implied Cosmo would get hurt when he fell off a tower, but otherwise we've not seen signs that Fairies can be hurt or killed. And I don't know if that's even a thing that carried over in this universe, so I have to treat it as 0 risk of death.
It would be 100% reasonable for Hazel's dad to shake C and W's hands and ask to interview them, which is fine - It's a new vibe than Crocker, Doombringer, and Leadly and we could probably use that - but I think I'd be disappointed if that was the payoff for emotional investment of implied danger.
C and W haven't expressed any fear in Hazel's dad since Episode 1. I really liked Episode 1 - a lot of thought went into it - but the rest of the episodes seem like they're using Episode 1 as a diving board, but not circling back to what we established there. Which is actually super frustrating right now.
You hooked me! ... So, where's the stuff you hooked me with?
We're no longer getting C and W fumbling around the human world, we're no longer getting miserable Hazel, we haven't had any awkward neighbor interactions between C and W and the parents, and we're no longer getting the threats to C and W's safety. I feel a little cheated and I hope we see more threats later.
Please give me an awkward dinner party with the neighbors. Give me one of the parents coming over to borrow sugar and C and W have to poof away from Hazel and rush back home to maintain their facade.
Give me neighbors wanting to come to a party at C and W's and they have to protect everyone from accidentally wandering into Fairy World or using dangerous Fairy equipment. Give me C and W getting put in charge of a neighborhood event they don't know anything about. Give me Hazel's parents asking if C and W can babysit and they're so paranoid that they call constantly to check in while C and W try to act like everything is normal and they're not running around doing magical things.
I feel like we've given personality to the schoolkids, which is fine... but I'd love to see personality for the neighbors. To me, living in the same building as fairies who don't know how to be human is a fantastic plot set-up, and they're doing nothing with it.
In other words, I'm glad Hazel is delved-into as a character, but I feel like we've not seen anything about what's going on with Cosmo and Wanda.
-> Hazel's in her school arc right now, but maybe we'll have a summer break arc?
Here's my thought on that. Bluey does a really good job of balancing what's going on with the kids and what's going on with the adults. Yes, the show focuses more on the kids, but it's always clear what the adults are doing, like Bandit trying to talk to his friends while Bluey complains about him taking too long, and Bandit feeling sad when his friends leave so he can take care of Bluey.
Early in the series, we see the kids playing in the park ("Shadowlands") while Chilli and her friends talk about TV shows they like in the background. There's a constant sense in that series that Bandit and Chilli have interactions with other people- Heck, we even get an episode of Bandit struggling to make a new friend (and struggling with Bingo getting in the way of that).
I'm not getting that here. C and W do have personality, but do they have friends? Or coworkers? Or stakes? I didn't see a lot of depth to their brief interaction with Jorgen, nor does Cookie seem to be someone they know in any way.
For this show to win me over, I need them to interact with their neighbors and environment in a way they're not currently doing. Right now, they're just giving Hazel magic... but I'm starting to think they could be sexy magic lamps. I don't remember struggling with these feelings in the OG show, although back then I binged like 4 seasons before making any posts.
- It is not to their favor that they can easily spend an episode in object form and just chill. We used to have Crocker trying to sniff them out even in object form, and I kind of miss that. And yeah, they're retired, but I hope we get to see more character depth and relationship involvement in the future. - In the early season, we had background conversations like Wanda trying to lure Cosmo to the doctor, Wanda explaining to Cosmo that their "special alone time" wasn't meeting her needs and she wants more snuggles, or Cosmo being a pushover when Wanda's dad came around, or Cosmo sneaking his mom into their guest room, or Wanda blatantly telling Cosmo that she still thinks Juandissimo is intriguing. I miss the up and down of that dynamic. It's nice to see them fluffy, but... they're kind of flat. I liked the mail scene and how Wanda hugged Cosmo after he rescued Hazel in Episode 1, but again... it feels like most of their characterization happened in Episode 1. I have my fingers crossed we'll get some of that in the future, like Cosmo and Wanda cheering each other on when they learn things about the human world, or Cosmo sacrificing himself to save her from the Pixie takeover, or showing that when he stands up for his family, he's extremely powerful. tl;dr - I hope we get Cosmo standing up for Wanda. I'm glad they love each other, but I'm not seeing a lot to interest me in their ship. I'm more interested in Hazel's parents, tbh. They've got stuff going on in their "breadwinner therapist vs. paranormal investigator" vibe. And they play with Hazel and hold hands in the background. They're cute, and I want more of that for C and W. - Actually, Timmy used to get called out by his classmates for being "That weird kid who talks to inanimate objects." There don't seem to be any risks for Hazel yet. - If you were to ask me what the biggest threats are to this godparent relationship, I'd say it's either Cosmo and Wanda overstepping past Jorgen and upsetting him, or Hazel's dad finding out. But I'm not sure we're going to push those plots further, which saddens me. Holding out hope, though. - That is actually hilarious I don't see Dev as a threat to her right now, since that was Remy's whole thing. Good for him? Like, he's mildly annoying her in the background, but he's not a true danger at this time. - Jasmine has implied she's sus about Hazel, but it's been brushed off twice without her investigating. I don't think we're delving into it more, which is a shame. I want Jasmine to be weirded out.
Episode 1? Absolutely not lamps- Cosmo and Wanda were involved, they had depth, and there was tension. And the other episodes are fun, but their personalities have taken a backseat.
You can tell there was a ton of thought put into how Cosmo and Wanda interact with the human world in Episode 1. That seems to have gone away now, and they're even in reboots of their old outfits instead of their human disguises, so... it's nostalgic, but I kind of wanted to see how they'd changed over time. If you're going to give them new outfits, why not use them?
If C and W were, presumably, aging while on their time travel vacation that lasted 10k years and they look the same, what on earth was Jorgen doing that makes him look so aged after just a handful of years? I'm unclear where we are in the timeline.
We've had some nice Cosmo-Wanda-Hazel moments (like the seahorse and princess game where they were playing together), but I'm thinking the "Cosmo and Wanda nitpicking at each other" problem has been solved by taking away their conversations with each other- they're really just here to talk to Hazel.
That's fine, I guess. I just want to see more of them interacting with each other. Because I miss them.
It reminds me of when I critiqued Sparky vs. Chloe, because I felt Chloe fit really well in the dynamic while Sparky was interacting with Timmy, but not really Cosmo or Wanda. Chloe was a great balance of changing the entire dynamic (so was Poof).
I feel like this will probably change in the future when we're not pushing the "Gotta show Hazel is a well-rounded character and focus on her above everyone" direction, but since I'm liveblogging, I need to cite where I am and what I'm looking forward to.
I'm not seeing enough fairy biology going on. I like what Cosmo gave us regarding stretchy skin, but... what is life like for these people? Do they have to avoid touching humans?
Do Cosmo and Wanda pay rent? Do they pay taxes? Do they know their neighbors? Do they see other kids and get nostalgic for their past godkids? (I have to assume yes, since they took in Hazel).
-> I like the implication in "A Dinosaur in Dimmsdale" that Cosmo and Wanda have been around long enough to be familiar with the special event held at that time. I'd like more of that, but also deeper. And maybe that's asking a little much since the show is for kids and of course it's focusing on the kid... Idk, maybe I'm reading into this too much.
I like how Cosmo has twice struggled to hide his crown. That's a step in the right direction, but unfortunately I can't remember if his second time was also in the first episode.
That first episode was beautiful- everything I wanted. But the others don't meet the expectations and story hooks that lured me in.
I think what I'm trying to say is that my vision of Cosmo and Wanda in New Wish relies heavily on what I got from the OG series. I don't think I've seen much in New Wish to give them enough personality to stand their own.
I'd really like to see Juandissimo or Mama Cosma shake things up. I think by this point in the OG series(?), we'd seen them split in "Dog Day Afternoon" and "Apartnership." We knew Wanda wanted to be an author, we knew Wanda had friends in town, we knew Cosmo was a mama's boy, and we knew they were goofballs who were rarely apart and would totally crash into things when they were looking at the other.
We also knew Cosmo and Wanda had issues with being mistreated ("A Wish Too Far"). They were also goofballs who struggled to pass as human ("Transparents") and joke around ("Tiny Timmy"), and they'd make their own assumptions even if they weren't what Timmy expected (Stealing an alien prince in "Spaced Out" instead of making their own monster). Cosmo even pretended he was about to explode in "Same Game" to joke with Wanda, so she didn't believe him when he was actually close to exploding.
AGAIN... I am not far into New Wish. On one hand, it's great that Hazel's not mistreating Cosmo and Wanda, so we don't need an episode like "A Wish Too Far." I think we'll be getting more depth later in the series, but I'm liveblogging my thoughts so we can see if my opinions change.
-> I don't feel like we've learned enough about Da Rules. They were a big deal in the OG series and I'm very unclear on what Hazel does or doesn't know. I'm unclear which of the Big Rules are still in play. In the OG Season 1, Cosmo and Wanda had to grant wishes when Timmy talked in his sleep. I'd like a bit more of those rules showing up here.
-> Unclear to me if Cosmo and Wanda stay in Hazel's room at night.
I just still think they're a little "sexy lamp" for me and I want this to change. As annoying as they were (affectionate), I'd love to see Mama Cosma, Big Daddy, Blonda, Schnozmo, or Juandissimo mix things up. Because Cosmo and Wanda both have drastically different reactions to each of those people.
Maybe that's what's missing for me, because I've been writing 'fics where they ARE interacting with these people, so I'm used to seeing them have to juggle other people? In which case, that's unfair for me to judge, lol.
Blonda only had 2 episodes I think, and one of them was a cameo where she wasn't interacting with Wanda. It'd be super interesting to see her return and play a role as large as Mama Cosma's or something. I miss her too.
I am REALLY looking forward to seeing more of how Antony plays into Hazel's life. It's incredibly obvious that she cares for him (even sleeping in a bunk bed and wearing his hand-me-down shirts), so that's fantastic.
tl;dr - Cosmo and Wanda are just kind of there (imo). I'm pretty sure the episodes after the first would be basically the same if Hazel had no fairies, but was a witch who could use magic on herself.
I'm not seeing anything that makes me say "Yes, this definitely needed to be a show about godparents and not just any show about kids with magic." Give me a reason why we couldn't have a show about Hazel being a witch, having spy gadgets or tech, or having a genie. I want Fairy World! I want misery!!
Fairy World and Jorgen
I'm putting my faith in the idea that we'll return to Fairy World. I can't imagine that we wouldn't, but I have to say, our first glimpse of it didn't look too magical or dramatic.
I like how the OG series sets Timmy up as believing Fairy World is glittery and magical, so Cosmo and Wanda must goof off all day. In reality, Fairy World is big on rules and discipline. I think we take Jorgen for granted as a character since he's been around for 20+ years. It's easy to forget how funny it is that we have a big, buff, military-attitude fairy bossing people around a glittery magical world. That's hilarious!
Think of how "Old Black Magic" gives us a street made of playing cards or how "Odd Squad" gives us purple grass and cars without wheels. Some of their streets float and twist around each other. Their world should look "exciting and unfathomable to the human mind." We haven't seen the Rainbow Bridge either, really.
I have no drive to revisit Fairy World after "Department of Magical Violations," which was the 2nd episode. It didn't look magical or fun. You can tell Jorgen still has his characterization (Being strict but also liking to party), but... he wasn't contrasted against the magic of fluffy Fairy World. Without the contrast, he's just a guy.
I hope we see him again and he gets another chance to show his depth, because even though I went in knowing full-well who he is, I felt like we weren't given enough. I don't even remember seeing his giant staff.
-> He debuted in short episodes in the OG series, so it's not an issue of not being double length. I just think he wasn't utilized as well in such little time.
Give me the guy who used to turn Cosmo into a monkey during drills. Give me the guy who uses a jet pack because he cut his wings off. You don't even get to see his back in his debut, so it's totally possible new viewers might think he still has wings 😔
-> That might seem like a silly thing to be disappointed in, but after the effort that went into showing us details like Hazel's house number or how Cosmo and Wanda crawl across the floor, I feel like Jorgen didn't get the same fully in-depth treatment. He should be someone we're totally hyped to see, but he's... there.
-> Even in Season 0, we were introduced to Jorgen in a way that subverted expectations: the big, scary fairy who was such a contrast with the idea of a friendly godparent was intimidating his godkid (making him wish to live)... AND he's dating the Tooth Fairy. I just haven't had expectations subverted yet in this show and it makes me kind of sad, because that's Jorgen's biggest "selling point." He's funny in contrasting environments.
Maybe he just needs the right person to bounce off, like Binky.
I will say, I think there's nothing wrong with Jorgen not playing all his goofy cards in front of a stranger. He has a job to do and he's good at his job. But I miss him. I miss the doofus who cried for weeks when the Tooth Fairy broke up with him because she didn't like how he tried to forcibly remove Timmy's buck teeth for a wedding present.
I miss the guy who cried when he lost his job, and tried so hard at the other jobs Timmy set up for him, but he was bad at them because all he knew was to set expectations so he kept spoiling movies while selling tickets... and putting people in the hospital with his muscles.
I miss the guy who found out he was standing "in the same room as his cousin," looked at Cosmo, and then went full steam ahead into "Please let it be my invisible cousin Leonard!"
I miss the guy who used to throw pixies at his dartboard or chase them out of their own building because "He's the only one allowed to cause pain to fairies." I miss the guy who put grenades and barbed wire on pizza and gave it to a child. I miss the guy who works in his nana's cafe and covers his niece's shifts at the pet store. I wonder if he still does game nights with Mama Cosma.
I miss the guy whose idea of a good house pet disguise was a rhino in a fishbowl. I miss Jorgen. I love him, and I really hope we get to see more of his funky, goofy side, because he's such a great character.
I've only seen one episode with him, so I'm probably judging too harshly. I just think he has one of the strongest characterizations that's easy to work with because he's hilarious against a glittery Fairy World backdrop, so I miss him and I don't think the DMV was the best showcase episode for him. I'm nostalgic :(
The abuse & trauma?
I really like how the OG show plays with abuse. Yes, Timmy is an abused kid. We know this. It's made very, very clear without it being too scary for a little kid. The OG show is full of things that appeal to me as a kid (slapstick humor) and as an adult (Watching what Timmy's going through and the clever ways the show plays with the abuse angle without being too scary).
- I'm not seeing why Hazel is miserable? Which is okay, because as I said in a previous post, Cosmo and Wanda came out of retirement and befriended her of their own choice (defying instruction), so they're in a gray area with the usual gameplay rules. - I'm just unable to detect if the "godparents lose their fairies when they're no longer classified as miserable" rule is still a thing in this universe. Or "Hazel will lose her fairies when she grows up or reveals them." It's okay if those rules are gone- I'd just like to know so I can adjust my perception of what the stakes are. - Hazel avoided revealing magic to Jasmine in "Fearless," but it wasn't explicitly stated if she was told the rules or if she's just trying not to scare Jasmine with magic.
I'm a little confused that the writers for this show seem to have toned down the abuse and trauma, yet upped some present-day horror. Like, I legit would not suggest a friend watch "Fearless" or "28 Puddings Later" without a warning.
- Those were some VERY scary spiders for a kids' cartoon, especially compared with the goofy spiders from the OG canon. We had onscreen trypophobia (I think? - Not sure if there were enough holes in the cheese, but there were holes) and I used to have a friend who would've struggled with that part of the episode. And I get that swiss cheese is going to have holes- I'm just a little surprised we didn't go the route of making Jasmine a relatable character for someone with trypophobia and instead she faced all her fears as if they were nothing...? Or is that relatable- I'm not sure. I mean, it's a cartoon, so... idk what I expected. I know I wouldn't love being forced into a bloody environment, and a friend violating that after I told them no would possibly be a deal-breaker (and has been, actually, since I've had ex-friends ever since I was a kid stop caring about my boundaries and try to show me blood and/or purposely try to upset me with blood when they lost interest in me as a friend). But also, Jasmine is 10 and if she wants to try facing her fears, she can. I don't have issues with that. - "28 Puddings Later" had red lighting on the bodies and faces in a way that was a little much for my hemophobia, and I think I'm not going to be watching that episode again unless I do some prep. I was trying not to look for most of it.
It's... weird? Usually the Hartman shows go fine for me, although "T.U.F.F. Puppy" has like 2 episodes that jump my hemophobia, but they were... not drawn-out like this. Those were legitimately spooky things to watch (Saying this as an adult who wasn't genuinely scared, but was analyzing the execution and comparing it to other cartoons I watch). I think that's a great thing that sets the tone of the show... but that's not the tone I really want?
It's totally fine for New Wish to be its own thing, but it's not the FOP that drew me in years ago.
- I want more psychology- and trauma-themed underlying jokes, like Cosmo panicking when Timmy's parents babysat Poof because "Those two have no idea how to raise a child!" followed by panning over to Timmy. - I want more bits like Timmy standing up to Imaginary Gary and saying "When I was 8, I learned what a real monster was like" and introducing Gary to Vicky. I want to be asking "Kid, are you okay? Hey, what was that??" and gushing over implications. -> I've seen the tiniest taste with Dev so far, but not enough to catch my interest this early on. I'm hoping that goes somewhere, but if I'm struggling to see the depth in Cosmo and Wanda, I don't have the highest hopes. Like, childhood trauma was a huge thing in the old show (I would argue it's the main theme), and every time those glimpses of Timmy's genuine struggles came up, I lost my mind. I'm not seeing that with Hazel. I like this show for the magic, sure, but I really liked this show for the underlying trauma themes that made you want to explore character backstories with a 'fic. And I'm sure there are plenty of people who want to explore Hazel's relationship with her brother with a 'fic, and Dev seems to have stuff going on, but Hazel doesn't do for me what Timmy and Chloe did. I discussed Timmy above, so let's talk about Chloe. Chloe had serious mental health struggles. She had multiple dissociative spirals. She committed fraud. She broke into Timmy's house to steal from his dad's toy collection because she was jealous. She lied to authority figures for literally no reason except to make herself look better (Not even to cover up magic- She just straight-up lied). When she was upset, she would pull all-nighters and plot revenge (And that was like, her 3rd episode). She lived in denial even when things went wrong. She also wouldn't stand up for herself sometimes, so Catman pushed her around. She also stole from Kevin Crocker while he was passed out (lol), went on power trips, bribed people (including Crocker) to like her, sold out her friends for extra credit, backstabbed Timmy by turning him into a monster who couldn't speak so he couldn't unwish the wish, and it was very clear why she needed godparents. This child mostly raised herself on Fair Bears cartoons for 50 years of the frozen timestream. She has parents who are rarely home, and when they are, they completely violate her boundaries. Timmy literally has to stand up to them for her at one point because she's spiraling into her second dissociative episode since her parents came back to Dimmsdale- she was strugglin'. Chloe's canon is that without Cosmo and Wanda, she would've led a gang (giving us one of my favorite lines in the series, "I can't believe you found 6 kids with eyepatches"). She couldn't handle watching kids for 1 day without screaming at them, calling them "monster children with evil in their hearts," and making them so miserable, all 3 kids got assigned godparents. At the end of the series, she nails Crocker's bed to the ceiling. She's... a lot. On some level, I enjoy that Hazel is not suffering abuse right now. Hazel is very likable, but I feel like the show is going for a different vibe than what I'm looking for in an FOP show. I miss the trauma undertones. That's why I like this show and why it's deeper for me than many cartoons. This is a show that's been a massive part of my life for 8.5 years, so... I miss those hooks that draw me in. I hope we get something like that for Hazel (or Dev?), but I'm not seeing anything that would draw me into this show if it weren't advertised as a continuation of a show I already really liked. It reads like a show I would put down and walk away from. Well, things did draw me in, but... I don't see them being carried through.
And going back to "Fearless" and "28 Puddings Later," I get it, about the spook factor. It IS pudding. I get the joke we're making here, with how funny it is to think of it as a zombie apocalypse. I'm totally onboard- It's not them, it's me. You just can't make my brain settle down, because it sees what it sees and I have to deal with that.
This feels like FOP without all the things I like about FOP.
I'm just... Where's the kids' show I liked to fawn over because it was fluffy and slapstick on the surface, but secretly playing with trauma underneath? I enjoy the ride New Wish is taking me on, but I think I'm only watching this show because of its FOP connection. If this were some non-reboot (just a brand new Nick show about a kid with some kind of magic), it would be kind of "meh" to me so far. I don't think new viewers or kids would be bothered at all, but I miss the OG.
New Wish kind of gives me Star vs. The Forces of Evil vibes. I enjoyed that show's first season, so I don't say that as a bad thing- I just mean "Star had her own wand and didn't need godparents." Except Star got to explore the responsibility and danger of having a wand and Hazel's not giving me that either.
I like how we've gotten callbacks to the OG series. I get excited by the references and I'm very grateful we finally have a reboot that's taking the show seriously and with love. I hope we can lay it to rest when New Wish is over so it ends with a pleasant memory for people.
I like it, but it's not one of those hidden gems I've stumbled on in the past that I've gotten hooked on (Ex: I randomly stumbled across the Carmen Sandiego 2019 reboot, All Hail King Julien, and Kick Buttowski, and every single one of those blew me out of the water as a hidden gem I fell in love with). But... I feel like I'm watching New Wish more to avoid the risk of someone spoiling it for me (and because I want to see allusions to past episodes) than because I'm truly captivated by it, which is a shame.
I love it as a reboot, but I don't think I'd watch it as some standalone show that just dropped. And that's probably fine, because it's not trying to be a standalone- it's trying to be a nostalgic reboot with a fresher take, and that's totally okay.
- But consider... Send the toddlers back to Lightning Walrus Hell while Foop begs to be spared and frantically tries to claw his way out of the vortex after Poof's been vaporized, then rewrite time so they never existed. THOSE were stakes, and THAT was the messed-up stuff I love. lol. - (Do not actually do this- new things are good and if Poof and Foop had to relieve their own childhood trauma regarding the Hocus Poconos, I would die. Also, that was the Season 8 finale and New Wish is only in its first season with chill episodes, so it would be wild to expect that much drama straight out of the gates. Also, it takes time to establish things before we can have that kind of drama. I'm willing to be patient.)
I will say, I do think we're matching some early-series vibes. We had episodes in the early days where Timmy bonded with his friends, and I really like that Hazel's taking her time to meet new friends (something we didn't get to see with him until Mark Chang's Season 2, 3, and 4 appearances). I think that's going 100% fine. I like what I like, but I'm getting increasingly anxious about the things I miss.
I do feel nostalgic for Remy. I miss Juandissimo and Mama Cosma and Vicky and Mark. Nothing wrong with not pushing them in if Cosmo and Wanda have moved past that life drama, but I still want someone or something to cause tension. Shake things up.
-> They don't have to appear personally, but I miss The Vibes.
I will say, I love that Hazel hasn't had a love plot yet. We have no clingy fans like Tootie (or that newspaper girl from "Fairly Odder"), and Hazel's not in love with someone who hates her. I won't be mad if we get a romance plot, but I hope it's something fresh (and not one person pining after the other despite being told that person's not into them, which I find uncomfortable especially in a kids' show if said show plays it as cute or "kids will be kids" without going into how frustrating it is to be the person who wants to set boundaries).
-> Please let me live vicariously through a main character who's not dealing with "Just give them a chance!! :) They really like you! They may seem creepy, but they're probably nice!" vibes.
It's also really nice that no one's immediately attracted to the new kid when she's only been here a few weeks or months. It's nice that she's building friendships. If a relationship blossoms over time, that's fine, but I'm glad no one is currently in love with her and pining for dates (as in, straight out of the gates).
-> I genuinely cannot figure out who they're setting Dev up to be, so if he's a future love interest, I hope he does some serious work on himself. He's got issues and he's mean, and Hazel also seems to think he's mean, so based on my current understanding of his character vibes, it'd be weird if she conveniently forgot how mean he is and developed a crush on him. I need to see more facets of him.
But it's very funny that he follows people and tries to make bigger and better things. That's exactly what a bratty 10-year-old Dimmadome would do. And honestly... I think I can see him developing a crush on her over time. Like... I genuinely do think that would make sense for his character based on what little I know about him right now.
I think Dev is super jealous of how Hazel just arrived and is gathering friends- which I really like, because we're seeing how it takes Hazel some time to make each new friend, and Dev has the same amount of time and opportunity, and is choosing to be a jerk.
It really showcases this idea that Hazel is making an effort to learn to be nice (and even needs to learn not to try changing people to be what her brother was to her). She's working hard on herself and she's trying to make friends. She didn't show up and have people fawn over her immediately. She's here, she's nice, and she's working to understand friendship and boundaries.
And Dev, who is used to things coming easy to him or just buying what he wants, HATES that.
I think jealousy is fueling Dev right now, but Hazel IS a nice person. I can totally envision him growing more fond of her someday and letting down walls. I can tell he's important to the writers, but I'm wary he's being set up as a future love interest and I don't currently know anything about him that would justify Hazel being attracted to him because all I've seen so far is him being grumpy and her glaring at him.
-> Also, I'm getting the feeling that Dev doesn't have a healthy understanding of relationships, family life, or boundaries, and I would be afraid for Hazel.
I think I forgot to say it, but everyone's phones had a D logo implying they're a Dimmadome product, which I like.
I feel like Dev needs some healthy relationship modeling from Cosmo and Wanda (or Hazel's parents). I'll be curious to see if we go in that direction.
Where are we in the timeline?
I love that this is a show about Hazel. I'm really enjoying this- I think I'm glad we're not getting a "children of the main cast" cliche (and we didn't get a total reboot where we redo Timmy's childhood and pretend the OG series didn't happen). This is very funny for me.
Since Dale was older than Timmy, I'm getting the vibe that we're a few years before Tommy and Tammy get their godparents. So... are they gonna show up, or is Timmy gonna be single with no kids if he ever appears, which I'm betting he will eventually. Or do I have my timeline wrong?
"Channel Chasers" future is canon in my Cloudlands AU, and this is generally the accepted future for the series. Keep in mind that's the angle I'm talking from here.
Assuming CC is canon, it's confirmed Timmy has his kids really young (20 years after he buries the time capsule at age 10, his kids dig it up and they seem to be close to his age, so somewhere between, like... 7 and 10), so Timmy would've been 20 to 23.
It's not unreasonable for Dale to have his kids at a much older age, so I will totally accept Hazel being either older or younger than Tammy and Tommy; it doesn't matter to me (although if they're retconned out of existence by having Timmy show up as a childless man combined with clearer timeframe confirmation, I'll be surprised).
I also want to be clear upfront that my canon for Timmy's future in Cloudlands AU is that he has his kids with Molly ("Wishing Well"). They later split, leaving him open to marry either Trixie or Timmy (but it's ambiguous in my 'fics so the reader can decide). That way, I get to enjoy Molly, Tommy and Tammy get to be in a rough patch when Cosmo and Wanda show up, Timmy's struggling emotionally but he's not a terrible dad long-term, and fans of Trixie or Tootie can have the endgame because I don't mind. tl;dr - Timmy has been shipped with Tootie in some other spin-off media, like the "Fairly Odd Summer" trilogy. I don't treat that trilogy as canon in my 'fics, but we know from "Channel Chasers" that it's implied Timmy has Tommy with a black-haired person or Tommy's adopted, and the latter seems unlikely since both kids look so much like him. So if New Wish has Timmy show up and heavily implies he's with either Trixie or Tootie, that's totally fine within Cloudlands AU canon. But he does flirt with Molly in my 'fics and they are so cute and making her Kevin's step-sister was one of the best ideas I've ever had because it makes family vacations fantastic, so get wrecked <3
But I feel like they're really baiting us with Timmy stuff (Showing several adults that look like Timmy, but confirming behind the scenes "That's not Timmy," putting him on posters, using him as a school mascot, etc.) It's very in-character for this universe since even in the OG series, Timmy's likeness was sometimes used by other characters, but... I'm a little nervous.
Cosmo and Wanda didn't seem to look back on their time with Timmy as fondly as I would've expected. I'm glad we're getting a fun cartoon with a new person, but I hope we're not going a "nudge, nudge, Timmy was a horrible person and fans are dumb for looking at him fondly or wanting him around" angle.
-> That kid was 10, working through childhood trauma, and struggled a lot in life. That's literally the point, and expecting him to be as well-adjusted as Hazel would be asking a lot of him- Their backstories and home lives are very, very different.
I'm getting the sense that we're making allusions to the old show (even obscure ones that surprised me, like a Flappy Bob cameo, super specific Fairy interior design details, or "Terrible Twosome" throwback). The writers have done a good job of picking out the parts they liked and using them as their canon, but I get the feeling we're not going to have references to Sparky, Chloe, Roy, or Viv.
Which is fine, because I understand they were late in the series and a lot of people didn't receive them well (Me included). I just hope they're not treated like they're dumb or something to be erased from history, y'know?
I have absolutely no issues with them not showing up. I do expect a Timmy cameo someday, but it would not bother me at all if we didn't see Chloe. But like, I don't want them written out of the canon IF we specifically look back at the canon. If for some reason we recapped every godkid Timmy had interacted with and we were mysteriously missing Chloe, I'd give you a really weird look, slkfdj.
-> If our canon is that Roy and Viv didn't happen, I'm fine with that because it's a spin-off. But Chloe was mainline canon and this show has already made clear it's grabbing canon from across the whole series (including seasons as late as 9) and not just focusing on the early seasons, so... I'll just have some questions if we write her out of existence, lol.
New personalities? Anti-Fairies?
Where I'm at in my binge, there have been no Anti-Fairies. I'm expecting them to show up because it seems likely we'd get a Friday the 13th episode. I feel like the Anti-Fairies have regularly been the most popular characters of the series in the fandom and they played a big role in later seasons, so I'm sure that writers who have done so much research that they've found details I consider obscure to the average viewer are gonna give us Anti-Fairies. I can't imagine they wouldn't.
And I'm NERVOUS, lol.
So, one thing that I've always thought is that Anti-Fairies were planned to be one-off characters. After their Season 2 debut, they don't appear until Season 5. My personal thought is that Anti-Wanda got slapped with a "cheap and easy" personality without a lot of thought behind it; compare her recolored design with Anti-Cosmo's fully detailed fleshed-out design. I'm super curious to see if she'll get rebooted to be a better parallel of Wanda.
I've played her in my 'fics as being grubby to parallel Wanda's mob upbringing. I still write her with what from the outside may seem like lower intelligence, though in my 'fics I specifically have her being raised in an Anti-Fairy zoo enclosure until her young adulthood, and grew up fluent in her people's native language. It's not that she's stupid, really... She just grew up with limited contact with the outside world, so converting her thoughts for a bustling society is a struggle. I try not to make her a statement of intelligence, though she can be self-deprecating when she compares herself to others.
Like, I can literally see this going either way. I would be totally in favor of giving Anti-Wanda a reboot, because I love her very dearly and tbh I kind of prefer her over Anti-Cosmo... but I will always support taking a second look at the "idiot Southerner with a drawl" stereotype. If she gets freshened up so she's not played as so dumb, or still dumb but less Southern, I'd be fine with that. It's... not a great trope.
Nerd alert incoming - Yes, it's mostly me rambling about how much I love the Pixies & Gary and Betty because I want my feelings written down before any chance of them showing up.
-> Once upon a time, I would not have dreamed my faves might show up, but now that we've gotten a Flappy Bob cameo, I have to prepare for anything.
Okay... so. It's Anti-Cosmo whose potential reboot personality concerns me most, and for purely selfish reasons 😂. In my personal opinion, fanon Anti-Cosmo is surprisingly different from canon Anti-Cosmo. I'm pretty sure they're going to reboot him as a sexy evil villain, because that's what the majority of people think he is. Even though he's a total dork and rebooting him as a suave, confident smooth-talker feels incorrect to me.
Riddle's unpopular opinion: The personality I've seen many people portray Anti-Cosmo with in fan content feels closer to the personality the Head Pixie has than it feels to Anti-Cosmo. If H.P. were younger with the exact same personality he has in the OG show, people would give him the "sexy bad boy" treatment they give Anti-Cosmo. They just don't because he's old </3
Yes, H.P. is ALSO a goofball. He likes cosplay, breakdancing, and he's often either at a rave or bemoaning that he's not at a rave. He only has a few episodes and his love for raves and clubbing comes up in at least 3 of them. But he's the one doing the classic "evil villain" stuff like signing contracts, pulling puppet strings, torturing people with shock collars, and finding loopholes.
H.P. sets up long-term plans. He's calculating, meticulous, and he's one of the sassiest and most confident characters in the entire series. Happy Peppy Gary and Betty literally have a direct phone line to Sanderson, presumably under H.P.'s influence since he's the boss.
Like, that is explicitly canon and it's my favorite background detail in the show. The Pixies thought ahead and gave them a phone. Gary and Betty were in on the plan and knew about magic. At bare minimum they knew they were working for people called Pixies.
Sidebar: Even in their episodes before the Musical, it's implied Gary and Betty know more about magic than the average human. They had laser-eyed unicorn mobiles that formed cages. They somehow got from Florida (implied by Gary's use of the word "gator" and confirmed by this episode's script) to California (Dimmsdale's confirmed state) before end of workday, implying they returned through non-human means. -> Also in their debut episode, they literally went to outer space with Mark, were chill about it, and offered him snacks; idk what to tell you. They're my everything. H.P. seems to have meticulously set up a lot of things and it's so funny to me. -> Also this is very non-canon in the finalized series, but in the OG script of the Musical, it's implied Gary and Betty took the Pixies hostage, and also they seem to be friends with Imaginary Gary. They're heavily implied to sing his villain song with him (where he blatantly reveals he's Imaginary Gary), and it's HILARIOUS. Can you even imagine? He was their boss in that version of the script. I can't deal. That's so funny; he's like 5. Was he even paying them or did they just think he was fun? I just need all the lovely new followers I've gained since I started posting about New Wish to understand how not normal I am about the Learnatorium crew. If you've ever wondered why I write about them so much... I just think they're neat! <3 -> Btw for anyone wondering, you can find some early-season scripts on Fred Seigbert's Scribd. It's painfully difficult to navigate, so I suggest Scribd's search bar instead of his profile. For easier reading, I keep screenshots of the things I find most interesting on my blog, tagged #original script. I figure if you've read this far, you might be into quirky FOP lore, so run... be free. I think I've read them all, so all the funny moments are on my blog. There are some lovely gems in there... There's a deleted scene from "Totally Spaced Out" where Gary and Betty tried to ditch their jobs and flee to Mexico, a deleted scene of Mark and Vicky lovingly holding hands in the nursing home while he's in squid form, and a deleted scene from "Oddlympics" of Jorgen, Anti-Cosmo, and H.P. dressing up as cowboys and in dresses. Juandissimo has early lore about his fear of Cosmo. There's a storyboard for "Anti-Poof" in there somewhere.
Anyway, the point is, I enjoy H.P. a lot. Listen, I've been a huge fan of this guy for 8 years; I love him to death. He's very sassy. He purposely messes with Jorgen's head and Jorgen loses his temper over it. He jumps through hoops to do things right, he wields loopholes to do things wrong, and he tortures people because, in his own words, "It's hilarious."
-> In my mind, HE is the manipulative schemer that Anti-Cosmo often gets remembered as. Where's my sexy bad boy H.P. fanart? Surely it was someone's job to show me that /jk
And there is nothing wrong with portraying A.C. as a sexy bad boy. They can both be sexy bad boys. I'm explaining how I read him in my incredibly specific take, but others might not read him this way. A.C. does a good job of pretending to be a sexy bad boy, but I personally enjoy when he's also portrayed as a dork and I want to talk about that because it's my post.
So, honestly... I think Anti-Cosmo is scared of Jorgen. He never challenges people directly, instead using disguises or hiding behind social events like the "Oddlympics." He lets H.P. take charge in his own castle. He can barely discipline his own son (and when he does, Foop ignores him). A.C. throws temper tantrums on the ground, kicking and shrieking and breaking stuff when things don't go his way. And I LOVE him for it.
But he's not a suave bad boy in my mind, lol. I mean, he tries, and sometimes he pulls it off, but he's definitely not sweet or charming. He's a tantrum-throwing baby who yells at his wife <3 and only holds her hand during "When Nerds Collide" if you pause in time to catch it.
You know how I said Jorgen is a twist on expectations? Anti-Cosmo's whole thing is that people think he's cool and smart, but it's a façade. In his debut episode, Timmy outsmarted him very easily. It doesn't surprise me at all that Anti-Cosmo took a step back in later seasons and Foop became our main Anti-Fairy. Because it's totally in-character for Foop to go looking for trouble, and it's totally in-character for A.C. to... not do that.
A.C. is an introvert who needs a reason to leave the house. Foop likes running around, causing trouble. It's great. You can see so much of Anti-Wanda in Foop and it's funny to me.
I like how A.C. sometimes wanders off and forgets what he's doing. I mean, that's how Timmy defeated him in "When Nerds Collide"- His friends coaxed him into meandering off on his own. He charges headfirst into things despite consequences. He throws things, including his wand. He runs away from confrontation. He jumps on tables. He makes paper airplanes. His wife mocks him for having dorky X-ray goggles he bought from the back of a comic book. He's a goofball.
Again, they are both goofballs- A.C. and H.P. Every villain is a goofball: Norm spends his time out of his lamp eating ice cream and getting his dry cleaning handled, H.P. likes to party, A.C. can't sit still, Sanderson prioritizes music above villainy, Crocker is more silly than spooky, Foop is a baby who needs naps and playtime, and Kevin ping-pongs between self-deprecation and giddy overconfidence.
Anti-Cosmo does come across as a bad boy sometimes. I'll be very surprised if we don't see Anti-Cosmo's return since he's a popular character and I think people are into his British bad boy vibe, but like...
Since it's my speculation post, I just really need to say that if they change his personality so he's now super charming and sassy with no signs of the temper, dorkiness, or cowardice that's always lurked in him, I'll be sad... because I like my tantrum-throwing baby who shakes his wife up and down when he's stressed. And this man was not the sharpest tack when it came to sass, sdfklj.
I totally suspect New Wish will reboot him as a total sexy, suave villain because honestly, that's probably the way he's remembered. Which is okay, but if he does return, I will miss my silly comics-loving geek who can't stand up to a newborn, writes notes with brightly colored pens he changes every sentence, and jumps on tables during fancy dinners. He's so goofy. I hate him (/affectionate).
-> And if we bring back Anti-Fairies, but throw the Pixies aside because "Eh, they're boring," it will be a crying shame. I will accept it, but you will find me standing with a confused look on my face as I swing my hands to gesture between Anti-Cosmo and H.P.
-> There's nothing wrong with bringing back A.C. and not H.P.! The Anti-Fairies are beloved and stick in people's memories well, I'm sure. But also, H.P. is my favorite in the whole series. He's incredibly sassy, manipulative, meticulous, and hilarious.
Where else can I find an old man who drops the line "The only thing you'll be eating is my dust!" before jumping on a scooter and blasting off with a shout of "Later, dude!" Or the old man who gets distracted because he'd rather be at a rave. Or elbows Timmy in the side with a smug smile and asks if his pizza tasted better than "Jorgen's slice of pure rabbit droppings."
This is the man who danced and sang "Go me, go me, it's my birthday." It's heavily implied the main reason he's a villain is because he's too obsessive compulsive to watch the world fall apart around him. That's hilarious. He literally took over the world and the first thing he did was go home and get drunk. He's a fantastic character and I should say it.
-> I'm not gonna be mad if we get an Anti-Cosmo reboot and kick the Pixies into the sun. I'll just be /pensive emoji about it. Also, I rambled about this mainly because I've gained a surprising amount of new followers recently, and if you're new here... I just think you deserve a warning about what you're getting into with my blog. I love him so much.
In conclusion... IF we get the Pixies and H.P.'s been reduced to a dull and boring stereotype who lost his snark and love for parties, I'll be devastated and I'd rather have them not show up :')
... Also if H.P. is dead and Sanderson is now in charge because it's "the future," my head will be in my hands. If that happens, you can unfollow me right then because it's all I'll talk about /lh. I want my super sassy bossman, please and thank you.
I would miss the old H.P., but I would also be grateful for any Pixie scraps I'm given because they're my favorites. I cannot believe we got a Flappy Bob cameo in New Wish. Definitely not on my bingo board.
Well... There we go! My thoughts so far. I'm looking forward to seeing where the show goes, and I hope we get to see more of the things I want. These are very early thoughts!
Again, please don't spoil anything since I'm only up to "Trial or Hair-or," and please no grumpiness in my replies or inbox.
These are personal liveblog opinions from a long-time fan who's been avoiding spoilers since New Wish was hinted over a year ago. My opinions may change later if the show goes a new direction. I AM enjoying the show, but I also wanted to share what I like about the OG and what I'd like to see in New Wish's future.
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historia-vitae-magistras · 2 years ago
Can I get a 20- this is all your fault? I feel fruk in this but would love to see what delicious ideas you have for anyone!
I am so gone. I don't know if this makes sense, but I TRIED. It's been so long since I wrote fruk, and what comes out? fluffy banter-filled Proto-smut. Not full frontal but definitely making out and intent. Rated F for the French (European, affectionate). Warnings for smut, victorian britain fake-prudery, some light dicking about. On ao3 here.
1840s, England
Arthur awoke not to sound but to its absence. The wind seemed to be dying; it no longer howled down the chimney with the force it had when he'd dosed off. He curled into Francis' back for a moment but made himself rise. He got out of bed, pulled on a dressing gown, shoved his feet into his slippers, took up the lamp, and lit it with much swearing. Francis huffed into the pillow and rolled over, looking harassed.
"Rosbif–" He said his voice thickening with irritation. "It is too early!"
"How would you know? You laze about until noon," Arthur shot back. Lately, Francis had been in one of his hedonistic moods, dressing like a dandy, painting strange art and drinking absinthe at all hours. One had to drink quite a lot of absinthe and rather a lot more whiskey to tolerate the philosophy of the continent. Francis stirred again, and his helix curls shone in the lamplight. Francis looked rather a grumpy, flustered state, and Arthur softened just a bit. There was always something so very endearing about Francis when he wasn't terribly sleek and polished. He let the ghost of a laugh whisper out of his mouth as he swooped to kiss the man on his mussed hairline.
"Come back to bed," Francis muttered, leaning in, reaching out, eyes heavy and dark with want and sleep. A slow, sleepy shag before breakfast was clearly on his mind. Francis made one of a number of his French noises, this one horny and perhaps a bit cold.
"I'm only off to the loo," Arthur lied. He fully intended to start his day. Francis muttered something about how he didn't fancy freezing to death in frozen rainy little England alone. Arthur pecked the foolish fop again and shut the bed hangings behind him. The velvet still rustled as he stepped into the dark hall and began his day.
Well after sunrise, François appeared for breakfast in only his shirt and kissed him. Arthur turned his chin away, intent on drinking his tea.
“The English!” He cried. “You are so cold!”
Lifting his class like a beer bottle, he swung it as if to toast the King's good health. “Hence the lovely tea."
François made his offended noises.
“The English, honestly, you'd leave your mothers to die for a cup of Earl Grey!”
"Oh, do turn down the histrionics,” Arthur sighed. “Sit down, you fool. Let me have my tea and wake up properly before you renew your assaults on the dignity of England,"
François snorted and sat down. "My dear, there's no dignity to assault."
François, never content to sit and eat with anything so lowly as propriety, brought his seat to the same side of the table. He slid his arm around Arthur, his hand pulling along his jacket seam. Mediterranean warmth followed, and Arthur shuddered as François drew his fingers down, trailing the buttons ensuring a snug fit at the back of his waistcoat, and found his way to a sensitive spot along his spine at the small of his back. Arthur put down the tea. He picked it back up, looked left to ensure none of the children or servants were about, and leaned his head in for a quick kiss. A morning peck, that was all. But François' other arm looped around him and kissed his mouth open, gently deepening and pushing.
“For heaven's sake,” Arthur gasped into his jaw. “The children are about to. Have that custard you insist on calling chocolate and keep your hands to yourself.”
“Then let's go somewhere more private,” François whispered, punctuating it with another kiss.
“Not now,” Arthur pulled away. “I’ve things to do.”
“Do it later.”
“I can do you later,”
“You can do me now. And later. The children will still be there tomorrow!"
“Has Mother England grown soft with her brood?” François teased good-naturedly, reaching down where England was certainly not soft. “You are frumpy now."
“I am quite happy with my—”
“Three year old suit,”
“Its new,” And, ah, there was the indignation, the spike of prideful lust François had been waiting for.
“Perhaps in England,” François sighed.
"It's more than serviceable,”
“For tending to your overly full nursery, mayhap,”
"It's Saville Row, quite bespoke.”
“For playing cricket with toddlers, perhaps.”
"It is so unbecoming, I must–
"For Christ's sake, my best colour is green. If you aren't pleased with this—”
“It is so unbecoming I must take it off you.”
“Ah, well, in that case. I cannot permit myself to offend any further.”
He drew Arthur closer, his fists in his collar. They were then standing, moving, kissing against the wall, back against the panelling, hands scrambling for a grip on the buffet. Arthur gripped his hair; they pushed from the furniture and began the entwined waltz up the stairs back to the privacy of the bedroom. He was practically biting at Arthur’s jaw when he heard footsteps, tiny tapping ones, the click of a small child’s shoes, a gasp, more footsteps, and silence. How had they gotten upstairs? No matter. The bedroom door clicked behind them. They stood in a beam of light. Arthur’s eyes were lit. His finest features always looked elegant in green, especially green wool with warm brown threads woven into it. The smirking English bastard knew it, too, taking him by the jaw and kissing him again.
“What were you saying about my suit?”
“It’s horrendous, and it is entirely your own fault I must rip it from you.”
“Please do."
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duckapus · 5 months ago
Fairly Oddparents/Splatoon Crossover AU
-Dimmsdale is in the Splatlands, and is still called that because if I change it to a fish pun I have to change Doug Dimmadome's name too and I don't want to.
-Fairies are still a Thing, and the relevant fairies are still the same (admittedly vague) ages they are in canon, so Cosmo and Wanda's generation showed up just in time to witness humanity's downfall; the floods, the domes, the professor, the final desperate failure in Alterna, all of it.
-Also all the other characters are their usual ages too, so any of the kids that I turn into Inkings or Octolings are going to be blobby for a while. With one notable exception that I'll explain when it comes up.
-The Turners are Octolings, but they're not from the Domes (hence why I put Dimmsdale in the Splatlands. I wanted them near where all the action is for reasons I'll get into later and Inkadia didn't have Octolings until after the first game's story mode while the Splatlands have always had them).
-Timmy still gets Cosmo and Wanda because his parents are still Like That, and his overbite is even more potent since it's made of the point of his beak instead of a pair of front teeth.
-Cosmo and Wanda almost look like an Inkling and an Octoling, respectively. They got a few details wrong, the biggest one being that they got their hair as close to what they're used to as they could but forgot to check if they had the right number of tentacles.
-Chester's an Inkling, no real notes there
-AJ is a bald Sea Urchin
-Crocker is an Inkling and other than the obvious details looks and acts pretty much exactly like he usually does, complete with neck ears
-Francis is a bull shark, as a reference to his "Bull-E" persona in the episode where everyone's superheroes
-Doug Dimmadome is a walrus (Marina mentions that her landlord is a Narwhal in Splat 2, marine mammal people exist)
-Vicky and Tootie are Octolings, and they are from the Domes but Vicky got them out. She actually hadn't heard Calamari Inkantation at the time, but Tootie had due to a Conveniently Placed Vent, and Vicky knew that anyone who heard that song would try to get to the surface and some of them didn't make it out alive and if even Elites hand-picked by DJ Octavio himself couldn't make it there's no way her seven-year-old nearsighted inkblot of a little sister would be able to get out on her own, but if she stayed she'd be miserable and trapped forever and that would be even worse, so Vicky packed their bags and grabbed Tootie and climbed for their lives despite very much not being freed from the Octarian propaganda by a weird magic folk-turned-pop song like everybody else who made this climb. They would've made it to Inkopolis like the other refugees but they made a wrong turn somewhere and ended up in Dimmsdale instead.
-Due to this she ends up having to raise her sister, get enough money to keep them both alive via Grizzco, babysitting and other odd jobs (she can't do turf or ranked/league because there's too much chance of her training/brainwashing kicking in and making her do something stupid Because Inklings like attack her own teammates or ignore the end-of-match whistle), teach Tootie how to speak Inklish and both of them how to read it, and figure out how to get them legal identities, all while every fiber of her being screams at her that The Enemy is all around them (it takes her the better part of a year after escaping to finally find and listen to the Inkantation, since she didn't know what it was called and wasn't high enough in the ranks to know anything about the Cuttlefish family). At fourteen.
-Chloe is an Inkling, and when she's introduced she already knows how to shift and is clearly used to it despite still being a month and a half or so away from turning twelve, which is... kind of a Bad Sign. Most Cephalings only manage that by thirteen or fourteen, though getting it at twelve, while uncommon, isn't unheard of. Any earlier and there's potentially health risks, especially since it almost has to be a case of the kid forcing it to happen (usually due to pressure and unrealistic expectations, often of the parental variety). And I mean big, "how prepared are you for your child to never be able to walk again" kind of health risks, though that's the worst-case scenario. In Chloe's case there were, in fact, negative effects, but nothing that drastic.
...No, she just starts aching all over if she spends too much time in squid form. And sometimes has stiff joints when it's cold.
-Haven't figured out what the rest of the human characters get turned into for this, but the alien and magical characters are still the same species they were in canon. And yes, the events of the show more-or-less stay the same.
-For a bit of post-series stuff, Timmy, Tootie, Chester and Chloe decide to try at being a comp team, and they're actually pretty good at it (thanks in large part to Vicky teaching them everything she learned from Grizzco, her time in the Octarian military and all the weird tricks she's had to pick up during their adventures). Their team's called the Twerpz and they've got a bit of an unusual lineup of preferred weapons.
Timmy (Splat Handle "No Ruelz" because of course it is) is the team captain and uses a Snipewriter 5H
Tootie (just uses her name) uses a Sloshing Machine Neo
Chester (uses his last name because of the whole infamous family legacy thing) uses the vanilla Splatana Stamper, and has discovered that he can use it like a baseball bat to knock away incoming bombs... aside from burst bombs since they explode on impact. Learned that one the hard way.
Chloe (goes by "3LeafClovr" because everyone thinks she's lucky when she's really not) uses a Luna Blaster Neo. She gets around the issue with her squid form by only shifting when absolutely necessary and compensating with Ink Saver (both kinds), Ink Recovery Up, a little Run Speed Up, and Parkour
So they've got a blaster that can't swim, a splatana that thinks he's in a completely different sport, their only backliner is a pencil, and not a single one of them has Ink Armor despite having two short-range weapons. It probably shouldn't work, but it does, because all four of them are completely nuts and using strategies concocted by a former Octarian soldier and Timmy coddamn Turner of all people
-Tootie ends up as Neo Agent 3. Thanks to being friends with Timmy Return of the Mammalians isn't even close to the weirdest thing that's ever happened to her. And yes this means that by that point she and Vicky have a Smallfry roommate. Tootie found him alone in the desert. Everybody calls him Shwaffle and there are absolutely zero thoughts between those big ol' eyes.
-The rest of the Squidbeak Splatoon is very confused and concerned by the things they hear about their new agent's friends and hometown
-When Timmy was twelve he and Vicky did something and now every gang in the Splatlands is scared shitless of them, including Deep Cut. They've never managed to tell anyone the full story of what exactly happened, though they will occasionally reference bits and pieces of it that sound absolutely batshit insane out of context
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transthadymacdermot · 11 months ago
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Images from pinterest except for the one which is a screencap from barry lyndon
Francis Quirk, or, the means by which his lordship lost his land: a camp nanowrimo wip intro
Genre: historical fiction
Setting: another 18th century Ireland wip 😔🖐️ set in the same fictional northern Irish parish as RRL but nearly 20 years earlier
Content warnings: suicide, death, gore, period typical bigotry, etc
Returning home from his mandated time in London with a law degree in hand, ascendancy fop Robert d'Hermite finds himself lucky on three fronts. One, France has not yet invaded. Two, his best friend, Mr Francis Quirk, son of the local doctor, has returned from the American war, though in very bad spirits. And three, Robert d'Hermite has suddenly been created Lord Kilcullen, for his uncle, the previous Lord, has died -- in apparent suicide, under very suspicious circumstances. Robert doesn't care about the mystery, but Francis, a social climber if there ever was one, cares very much, and so the two embark on a quest to tease out the true circumstances of the old Lord's death from those members of the local gentry who may have been involved. Here, however, Robert d'Hermite is unlucky on two fronts. One, every single person in the parish seems to have hands soaked to the skin in his uncle's blood. And two, there's something less than pure about Francis' motivations -- if Robert could only put his finger on it...
Ask to be +/- from taglist!!!
Robert d'Hermite - a foolish young lawyer recently come into a great inheritance. Dangerously sentimental and, to put it nicely, there isn't much going on behind those spectacles he wears. Drinking, hunting, gambling, &c. he/him
Lt. Francis Quirk - a soldier of the British army suffering from a bullet wound to the leg obtained fighting the American rebels. Something of a schemer, something of a thinker, but unwilling to put his talents to real use. he/him
Samuel Murdock - a local Volunteer officer who Francis has grown quite close with in recent days. A firebrand who has fought duel after duel, and never over something worthwhile. he/him
Anne Murdock - handsome, clever, rich, and hiding something. Sam Murdock's sister who both Francis and Robert are hopelessly in love with. she/her
Kitty Lambe - a flippant young heiress who enjoys flirting, drinking, and riding, in that order. Robert's mistress at the start of the story, but perhaps not for much longer. she/her
Geraldine Musgrave - a nervous girl unsure about her future on all counts, but assuredly dissatisfied with what she has now. she/her
Sir Richard Gregory - the best friend of the dead man, a temperamental man who enjoys making alterations to his estate and reading. he/him
Walter Adams - a Dublin lawyer up to the northern country for his health, staying with Sir Richard. Considerably more outwardly political. he/him
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devilsrecreation · 2 months ago
You know what would have made FOP’s “It’s a Wishful Life” NOT terrible?
Instead of Timmy wishing he was never born, he wishes he lived in Fairy World since he CLEARLY isn’t appreciated in Dimmsdale.
The wish is made so that it seems Timmy has ran away and went scorched earth with his community rather than not existing at all. That way, both Timmy and the viewers can see everyone feeling suuuuper guilty when they learn that Timmy mysteriously disappeared cuz it dawns on them that they never appreciated him
Imagine Timmy writes the most honest, guilt-tripping note in the middle of his room about how unappreciated he felt and how sick he is of being treated poorly so he says he’s running away for good “not that you guys would care! Bye bye, Dimmsdale!”
Instead of everyone’s lives being better without Timmy’s existence (which we all know is a HORRIBLE message to kids), everyone feels a sense that something is missing and how shitty they acted to someone who thought about someone other than himself
AJ realizes how Timmy bought the “obsolete” computer that apparently doesn’t work with his blood, sweat, and tears and how it’s actually super considerate of him. Maybe he finds another use for the computer (like a new invention or smth) that wouldn’t have been possible had Timmy not been there
Mr. Bickles (that one artsy teacher with a new dream every episode) learning how the colors of the background work better than the original colors he had in mind. Maybe his new ballet even got great reviews and the colors Timmy chose just added to them
It takes a while for his parents to realize how impressive Timmy made their lawn look, especially regarding the fact that he’s 10
Of course there are the other characters that are negatively affected by Timmy’s “disappearance”:
Maybe Chester would be really lonely without his best friend there and his other friends would reminisce how nice Timmy was to them when no one else was
Trixie gets her stuck-up head out of her butt for once and comments how as annoying as he is, he’s always been nice to her
Even the villains like Crocker and Francis feel like there’s something missing since Timmy was their favorite victim. Ig bullying others isn’t the same now that he’s missing
While the other fairies treat Timmy better than the other characters, there IS a reason why it’s called “Fairy World” and not “Fairy and Timmy World” and living there isn’t exactly human-friendly ig. So after some thinking and seeing how everyone he knows regrets their actions, Timmy decides to go back. Cue him getting a huge overdue apology from everyone
Instead of the moral being “Don't do nice things to get appreciated. You should do them because they're the right thing to do”, it’s “don’t take anything or anyone for granted because you never know how good it is until it’s gone”. And for once, Timmy isn’t learning the lesson, it’s everyone else because, and this is the reason WHY he has fairies in the first place
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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toonsforkicks22 · 2 months ago
For the fop au omg it took me a while to figure out one with Francis, but now I understand. Cosmo being a loving father to Timmy so precious. I have a feeling about Timmy but I won't spoil it.
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franjayheadcannons · 5 months ago
Hello, It's been a while
Hello friends, it's been a while, isn't it? Is crazy to think that this blog will be 10 years next year, that i was just a young adult, still a kid when i started it. I don't know if someone will be interested in reading my ramblings of growing old and art but i would like to think someone do.
I strated this blog in 2015 but the story starts a little earlier. One day, some time before, a few years even, i found in deviantart and artist that i really liked, miss KPenDragon. I was enamored by her art and her stories when i started reading her fanfic "The Bully and the Geek". That's how i started shipping Francis and Sanjay from Fairly Odd Parents. That is quite a condensed version of the story to be honest. In 2015 I decided to start a blog to write my ideas for the ship, reblog KP's content and see if there were any other people who liked this ship. I cannot help but smile reading some of the things i wrote, the way i reacted or the things i drew. Some are funny, other cringe, but in the end it makes me want to hug my little self.
Ten years ago i was a little weird thing, i was supposed to be an adult but i wasn't. I was still a nerdy girl who wanted to make friends and get along with my classmates, i tought that life in college would be different but it wasn't. I was lost, trying very hard and with friends that weren't so... receptive of me having an hyperfixation. My english was weird, a bit broken, my stories were stuffed with cliches and my art was anatomically... funny.
But i was happy creating.
I still remember one night my best friend stayed over and we talked until 8 am. He let me ramble for hours about this Persona FOP AU I was obsessed with. My mom woke up to go to work and almost killed us.
Recently life has been a bitch, I won't talk about it here but let's just say i'm in a very toxic workplace away from family, friends and in a country i cannot simply go out and enjoy my time. All this brought me back to what made me happy, i checked old fandoms and blogs i used to religious check every single day. It brought back memories and made me feel much better. It gave me the itch to draw once again, to write just fun things, not forcing myself to write the dark novel i've been working on for moths.
This brings me back to this blog. I decided that i wanted to come back, even if it's form time to time, to draw and maybe write a bit more. To be sincery i probably will draw funny thing or just Francis and Sanjay being cute together. One day I want to write something heartwrenching, with deep characters and important themes or drae a beautiful piece like the artist i admire, but not all my art have to be like that.
It can be just fun.
I want to draw Schrodinger wearing a stupd sweater or cuddling with a random Sanjay. I want to redraw cute anime bases. I want to use the characters like fashion dolls and just draw cute clothes. I want to write weird ideas for AUs I will never write about, I want to make small one shots with no connection in between them.
Next year I will be 30 and i just want to draw and write like when i was 12, when drew something on a paper and gave my 100%. I used makers, pencils, and was proud by the end of it, not questioning myself, feeling bad because my art isn't "that good" If i can give any advice to anybody reading this: Just do the shit that makes you happy. Maybe when you turn 30 you will have your life together, maybe you will have the job you want, a place of your own and someone you love. Maybe you will be kilometers away from your family and friends in an awful job, not sure of what will happend next. Maybe you are both, with bad things and good things going on.
Either way, buy that cheap BTS pencil case, draw two characters that never had a meaningful interaction in canon kissing, write that shifter omegaverse with weird animals. Just do it.
It's fun. It's nice and it will make you happy.
I dont know how much effot i will put back in this blog, If I will make a post once a year, but i will be back because it makes me happy.
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