#found it from night vale weather :)
kazieka · 2 months
what's your thoughts on more recent wtnv? i'm hundreds of eps behind, is it worth catching up?
personally I still love it. I know it’s daunting to look at it and see like 250 episodes but it feels very much like it always did. The arcs are good and numerous! There’s enough mystery in Night Vale that they just. haven’t run out of stuff to make the show about yet. Satan was there once. sometimes Kevin from Desert Bluffs turns up. Carlos and Cecil have a son now. the current arc is about Cecil’s childhood. i can’t speak for the live shows bc ive not seen any but I presume they slap. the glow cloud’s child went to college. im not even going to tell you what happened to Station Management bc it is too sad. this got out of hand. please continue with night vale it’s so good
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actually can I ask what your url means? it's a lot of nouns
oh sure! i've never said it in a post on its own but i have mentioned it in tags of other posts.
some fun little Iris Lore™️ for you: this is my third blog bc i deleted the other two before it (we love anxiety)(actually this is technically my fourth but i brought back this exact url like two seconds after i deleted the previous one)(again we love anxiety).
so basically trying to come up with a more lasting url than my previous ones, i took chunks of words from the titles of some of my favorite songs and mashed them together!
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ghoulnoise · 11 days
And now... The Weather
Well, I've hoped this moment would come for 10 years. Welcome to Night Vale was the first podcast I ever listened to, and as a scrappy little singer-songwriter in college I wanted nothing more than to someday have my music featured as the weather.
Two years ago I submitted a song I'd written back in 2014 from an album I'd released of old demos and music I'd written when I was just getting started. (I felt a desire to preserve my early music after losing my even earlier songs when Myspace migrated their servers and destroyed much of the music that had been posted there, including all of mine.)
Two days ago I found out my song had been chosen for the 12 year anniversary episode that released today. What a wild decade. Back when I wrote this song, I never would have thought that 10 years later I'd be composing music and doing sound design full time for video games. Thank you for picking my music, and thank you to anyone who's listened to & supported my music for the past 10 years. You can find "Cutting Teeth" and my album of old music, 3AM, on most streaming sites, as well as: https://ghoulnoise.itch.io/3am
And perhaps consider subscribing to my youtube channel where you can see video game music stuff and unrelated video bending and experimental music/hardware stuff from time to time?
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bisexualdorkmess · 1 year
Tips for Night Vale newbies:
If you're starting from the beginning, PLEASE don't skip ep 19 The Sandstorm B. Listen to part A and B back to back if possible.
If you like The Weather, I highly recommend looking up the artist. This is how I've found some of my favorite indie artists. (Mary Epworth especially)
Also, I know it's probably habit to skip through the credits, I urge you to at least listen to the proverb at the end of each ep. Things that make me cackle/ snort with laughter. Meg Bashwiner (married to one of the writers, and voice of Deb, the sentient patch of haze) is a fucking treasure.
There are plenty of places to start, not many wrong choices. (Ep 25, eps 45-50, 70A/B, 86-90, 98-100, 114-130, 135-137, 153-158) DONT start on these eps. Most other starting points are fair game.
If anyone wants recommendations or a pal to listen along to, lemme know :3
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thehollowwriter · 27 days
The Official Bio of Clyde Sentry
Basic Info:
Name: Clyde Sentry
Homeland: The Scalding Sands, but they were born in the Queendom of Roses
Species: Human (at least, we think so?)
Birthday: 1st October
Age: 18
Height/length: 162cm
Dominant hand: Left
Gender: non-binary
Sexuality: Asexual, panromantic
Class: 3-A
Dorm: Ignihyde
Best subject: Magic analysis
Club: News club. Not the newspaper club. They comprise relevant news and announce it to the school. Also weather announcements, which they also play music for, for some reason.
Unique Magic: Ceaseless Watcher. They know. What do they know? Whatever they want to. It has many drawbacks, however. It gives them migraines, and it can be difficult for them to see the bigger picture. They don't like knowing other people's thoughts.The information sometimes overloads their brain and makes them pass out. They cannot see into the future, however.
Unnamed grandmother
Unnamed mother and father (deceased)
Favourite subject: Music
Hobbies: Investigating things, reading, bowling
Likes: Cats, horror, knowledge, stories,
Dislikes: Spiders (they know things), worms, eye symbols, tight spaces
Favourite food: chicken pasta
Least favourite food: mashed potato
Clyde is neither tall nor short. They're neither thin nor fat. They have hair. Yes, they do. It is long, pink, and sage green. They also have eyes. They are dark pink in colour, like dark gemstones. They have dark skin and pearly white teeth. They also wear glasses.
Clyde is an interesting fella. They manage to simultaneously be a shut-in and an extrovert. They're friendly and fairly kind, but they can be cryptic and apathetic at times. They're one of those people who are genuinely nice but have little to no morals. They show very little concern when violence or terrible incidents occur around them.
They're absent-minded and easily distracted. They are very inquisitive and will constantly asks question after question even if it is not wanted. They always look less pale (for their skintone) than before once they've needled stories out of various people.
They will occasionally get suspicious of someone for some random thing and investigate them by following them around. They like investigating in general. When they don't use they're UM they're either extremely horribly wrong or 100% right with no in-between.
They often spout what, to others, sounds like nonsense. They also like to narrate what they are doing sometimes and always walk around with a tape recorder.
They are kind of paranoid and have many conspiracy theories, but nobody can tell if it's satirical or not. ("We're nothing but the playthings of a higher being, going through the motions with nothing but idle movements and stories designed for us." "...Is that a no on the tea?")
When they have a bad day or in a bad mood, they can be found huddled somewhere or staring into the distance, muttering into their tape recorder. (If you really want an example: "The thing that is but is not, what is a face is not a face what is a face, what is a smile is hollow plastic, cotton hair and taxidermied skin.")
Some Fun Facts/Extra Info
•Clyde is twisted from both Jonothan Sims from The Magnus Archives and Cecil Palmer from Welcome to Night Vale. They are excellent podcasts, and I recommend them, especially TMA :)
•Has their own podcast, though nobody knows where their recording booth is or when they started the podcast
•They have a deep, velvety voice that can sound creepy at times
•They have a TERRIBLE fashion sense. Fuzzy pants with a waist coat and sandals, anyone? Occasionally, they manage to look like a librarian, but...
•They're basically living Azul's wet dream with all the blackmail they want at their fingertips but they do nothing with it, apart from the occasional podcast livestream where he starts narrating what a random student is doing and freaks the shit out of them
•They are not made for violence pls don't hurt them 🥺
•They can often be found lurking in the library, reorganising the books
•Some students think they should be at RSA, others think they would make those soft boys burst into tears
•They always stare at Grim when he's in their line of sight
•They never run out of stories to tell
•They almost never stop smiling
•They once made an announcement about the school's third overblot and recommended you stay cautious, as the organisation they cannot name will come collect those poor poor students. Nobody believed them.
A/N: I hope you like the skrunkle! I hope they capture the essence of The Magnus Archives and Welcome to Night Vale well enough (especially WTNV)
Tagging: @distant-velleity @br3adtoasty @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly @jovieinramshackle
@galaxies-and-gore @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00 @krenenbaker
@offorestsongs @kitwasnothere @elenauaurs @boopshoops @inotonline
@1dont-really-know @kazumify @minteasketches @elysia-nsimp @skrimpyskimpy
@casp1an-sea @offorestsongs @tixdixl @poisoned-pearls @the-trinket-witch
@ramshacklerumble @ghostiidasponk @thegoldencontracts @the-banana-0verlord @cloudcountry
@skriblee-ksk @quartztwst @twstinginthewind
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howlingday · 10 months
an au where jaune becomes a sheriff of a little town in the DC universe after he learns he has super powers he also takes up search and rescue training ems training and even volunteers as a firefighter. his rouges gallery is his friends from beacon who aren't evil they just produce the normal amount of collateral damage associated with them while they try to fight the small time gangs in vale. he also occasionally gets called up by justice leaguers to help either with combat or just to talk (mostly just to talk so many of them have mental issues they need help with) take us through a day in the life of sheriff jaune arc a guy who just wants to help without causing any problems
Sheriff Arc
You ever have a really bad day? Like, even worse than what you were trained for? Like, for example, you work in a sandwich shop and some fancy-looking guy comes in and tells you he wants soup. You don't make soup, but they're insistent, and it's obvious they're not leaving, even if you call the police? Well...
Jaune: Still no sign of him.
Radio: (Muffled chattering) Copy that, sheriff. What's your plan.
Jaune: I don't want to waste chopper fuel, but-
Yeah. That's the soup lady. Or, well, she's a farmer, but a really importantly farmer. Her nephew, whom she holds guardianship over, ran away from home. Can't imagine why with such a lovely aunt to take care of him.
But that's not fair to her. She's just worried about her nephew. And I honestly can't blame her. If Adrian suddenly disappeared, I'd be looking all over for him, come hell or high water.
Wait a minute. High water.
Jaune: Hey, when was the last rainstorm we had?
Radio: Two nights ago. Lasted pretty much all day, morning to night, and got up to about seven inches. We needed it.
There's a river that runs through the forest. Well, maybe "river" is being generous, but the rain could have upgraded the stream to a river, and the pond in the woods into a swamp.
And the old tunnel by the pond into an underwater cave.
Jaune: I've got a lead. Send a boat crew to the pond, and bring scuba gear.
The Rat Tunnels. An old relic from the Great War. It was first built for smuggling purposes, then when the Great War broke out, it turned into a bunker for... well, anyone who could get ahold of it.
Then it was left alone when the war ended. Could be anything in there.
Well, anything except people, I hope. As spacious as it may seem at the entrance, you have to be pretty small to fit yourself inside. About as small as a rat.
Jaune: (In scuba gear) I'm going in. (Dives)
Everything is soaked around me. The bank is supposed to end way lower than where it is now. But it didn't, and now it's soaked into the bunker.
To say everything was dark inside would be an understatement. So dark, you can't see your hand in front of you. And dark means cold, and that's exactly what it was inside, too. Gotta move fast, or else hypothermia will settle in.
Really hope this kid isn't catching it.
???: I'm looking for Jaune Arc.
Jaune: I am Jaune Arc.
???: The REAL Jaune Arc.
Jaune: I am the real Jaune Arc.
???: I'm looking for Sheriff Arc.
Jaune: Oh... You could have just started with that.
I can feel my fingers tingling. Definitely not good. I could pull back, but until I find him, I can't pull out. Just a little further.
Keep going forward.
Jaune: (Slaps out of the water) Found him! I'm gonna need a medevac. He looks real cold.
Radio: Negative, Sheriff. Just got word of another heavy rainstorm coming in. Heli won't fly in this weather.
Jaune: Shoot. I dunno if this kid will last much longer in here. Can we get a second diver in here with a spare bottle?
Radio: Negative. Everybody's too busy with other tasking.
Jaune: ...Mm. Can't climb out. What do I do?
???: Sacrifices must be made...
Jaune: Huh?
???: He must live...
Jaune: What the hell? Who's there?
???: Breathe.
???: Help him breathe.
Jaune: ...What I would give for an extra pair of lungs.
Ruby: Come on! It wasn't me!
Neptune: Uh-huh, and who else graffitis roses all over town?
Ruby: It's not all over town. It's just the parts of town not already tagged... I'm assuming.
Neptune: Yeah, sure, and-
Radio: All units. All units. Requesting Arc recall at earliest convenience.
Neptune: Ah, crap... Listen, I... Wait. Where did she?
Ruby: (Peeking from the roof) Heh heh heh... (Sneaks off) Now to help Jaune!
Everything hurts. My lungs feel like they're gonna pop, like my chest is on fire. I'm getting air now and then, but it's just little air pops of oxygen. I'm really far from town.
But I gotta keep moving. The kid's passed out, in my arms, breathing in from my tank.
I know what you're thinking right now.
"You're the worst Sheriff I ever saw!"
"Who trained you to be an EMS?"
"What qualifications do you have to do all of this?"
To answer those questions in order: I know. Nobody. And none.
I'm just the guy who would blindly dive into a dark, cold, underground tunnel just to save some kid's life. Because it's my job, and there's nobody else who can do it.
I can feel myself fading...
Jaune: HAAAAAAAAAA! Hah... Hah...
Ruby: You okay, Jaune?
Jaune: Ruby? What... How did... Wait, the kid! Did he-?!
Ruby: Relaaaaax, Jaune. Oscar is fine. He's with his aunt right now, and the town's okay. Mostly.
Jaune: Mostly?
Ruby: Well, there were a few of you who kinda poofed, and you kinda left Neptune in charge.
Jaune: Oh... Alright... That's fine, then.
Ruby: Uh, did you miss the part about Neptune being in charge?
Jaune: If that's the worst problem there is, I'm pretty sure I can handle it.
Ruby: Well, it's not technically the worst.
Jaune: Huh, what do you?
???: Sheriff Arc.
Jaune: Huh?
Batman: I have some questions for you.
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catofadifferentcolor · 8 months
Terrible Fic Idea #66: Targaryen Restoration, but make it queer
The other day I had the crazy thought: what if Robert Baratheon tried to pass a male Jon Snow off as his second wife? So naturally today I had the complimentary thought: what if it was Jon's choice to present as female?
Or: What if Jon Snow was transgender?
Aka: The Visneya the Victorious Fic
Just imagine it:
Everything follows canon - with one exception. It's not just that Jon Snow feels out of place in Winterfell, he feels out of place in his own skin. It gets worse the older he gets, until some point shortly before Robert Baratheon is set to come North Jon has the realization: she is a woman in a man's body, and the pretty features her half-siblings tease her about are the only parts of herself that she's comfortable with.
Jon (for she still thinks of herself by this name at this point), quickly realizes there's no place for her in the North. Perhaps if she ran away, adopted a new identity, and restricted herself to traditionally female activities she might get away with it - but, for all that Jon feels like a woman, she doesn't want to restrict herself to needlepoint. She wants to be a woman and to fight. Her role model in this is Queen Visneya.
In the chaos before King Robert's arrival, Jon runs away. Her escape is helped by the fact that the few people Ned is able to send after her do not know to look for a woman.
Jon manages to make her way to Pentos shortly before Daenerys is due to marry Khal Drogo. She's recognized by Jorah Mormont - not as a Stark, but as a Northerner recently come from Westeros, and presented to Dany during her wedding as a means of learning more about the country she is exiled from. Jon - now calling herself Jenny Snow - is very much an unwilling member of Dany's court, but has little alternative.
Canon proceeds apace, with the addition that many of the Dothraki are alternately amused and disgusted by a woman who wields a sword - though she gains the respect of certain factions for cutting the cock off any man found take a woman unwilling, free or slave.
Drogo dies. Dany becomes mother of dragons...
...and Rhaegal is absolutely taken with Jenny.
At this point some of the truth comes out - that Jenny is the bastard daughter of Ned Stark, now presumed to have a Dragonseed for a mother - but the fact Jenny was born Jon Snow remains remarkably hidden considering the Dothraki live largely out of doors with minimal privacy.
Canon continues to proceed apace, with Dany and Jenny becoming friends in a way they never quite managed while Drogo was alive. They do not become lovers until they finally sail for Dragonstone, and when King Robb - heavily scarred after surviving the Red Wedding - comes to plead for aid, he doesn't see his missing half-brother in Visneya Blackfyre (as Jenny Snow is now known as).
Visneya is sent with Rhaegal and some of their allies to defeat the Others, while Dany and the remainder of her army begins solidifying their position in Westeros.
With their forces divided, neither side is willing to take stupid risks, but with their fresh soldiers and supplies from Essos they can make several important, modest gains. Dany takes the islands of Blackwater Bay and the Narrow Sea - including the Stepstones - before moving onto the Stormlands and the rest of the Crownlands. Visneya, for her part, knows Northerners and how best to fight in Northern weather, and leads her forces to several great victories - including holding the Wall after the Night King tries to destroy it with magic.
Eventually the Night King is defeated - Visneya managing to destroy him in single battle after a fall from Rhaegal separates her from her forces - and she returns south with a portion of the Northern army to start retaking the Riverlands and the Vale.
By the time they turn their attentions to the Iron Islands, the rest of Westeros has already bent the knee and Dany has been crowned Queen of the Seven Six Kingdoms - but it's there Visneya earns her epithet. Not only does she free any salt wives she comes across, but she kills many locals for raping and reaving, and turns the castles of those who refuse to concede to slag, starting with the Greyjoys. It is in many ways a second Harrenhal, writ large over an entire kingdom.
Though pressured to make a political alliance, Dany never remarries. She claims her dragon Drogon as her second husband and continues her affair with Visneya behind closed doors, stating that a dragon is the only acceptable spouse for a dragon, and produces a handful of children with the Targaryen look over the years. One of their daughters goes on to marry Robb Stark's heir. (This goes on back and forth for a handful of generations until, a la James I, the closest male heir to the North is the King of the Westeros, and the kingdoms are reunited.)
As for Visneya, no one ever gets a clear answer who she is or where she comes from. It's largely believed that her mother was a descendant of Daemon Blackfyre who married an exiled Northerner, but no one really knows. Not even Visenya, who never learns she was born the only son of Rhaegar Targaryen and his second wife, Lyanna Stark.
Bonuses include: 1) a detailed exploration of gender roles - and gendered violence - in Westeros and Essos. This should include the many ways in which gender is a performance, and that toxic Medieval masculinity is just as damaging as female repression, and what it means to want to exist outside your ordained role; 2) a detailed exploration of sexuality in Westeros and Essos and what it means to defy - or conform to - those norms ; and 3) Robb and Arya being the only ones ever to learn Visneya Blackfyre's original identity, mostly through accident rather than intention.
And that's all I've got. As always, feel free to adopt this bun, just link back if you ever do anything with it.
Other Jon Snow Headcanons: Aelor the Accursed | Aegon the Adopted | Aegon the Undying | Aegon the Unyielding | Aemon the Adventurous | Baelor the Brave | Bastard of Winterfell | Daemon the Destroyer | Daena the Dreamer | Daeron the Desired | Dyanna the Defiant | Elia the Magnificent | Jon the Fair | Jon Whitefyre | King of the Ashes | Lady Arryn | Lady Baratheon | Lady Lannister | Lady Stark | Lord of the Dance | Prince Consort | Prince of Summerhall | Queen Mother | Rhaegar the Righteous | River Queen | Shiera Snowbird | Visneya the Victorious
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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vestaclinicpod · 11 months
Audio Drama Sunday - 13th August ✨
Happy #AudioDramaSunday, lovely people! I’ve listened to so much audio drama this week and my house is so clean as a result 🫧 
🌲@hellofromthehallowoods Starcrossed Gods!! I felt so brave daring to listen to this again. My heart 💔 Marolmar is written so well! Every sentence contains something to flinch at, it makes me sick to hear it all again. I’d also repressed the memory of how gut-wrenching Nikignik’s shouting at the end was, and how much it hurts to hear people trying to sing with a closed up throat. ANYWAY, I’m fine, thank you for asking. I’m not sure if the live show was released early due to logistical reasons, but I am fearful that it’s to provide context for what’s about to happen in the regular episodes (AKA tears and tears and tears for me). 
🦀 What an absolute delight to hear from the @thesiltverses cast again! These season recaps are so funny and it’s so heart warming to hear it when the cast of a show are clearly also its biggest fans. I’m SO excited for S3!!
🦮 @malevolentcast (34) what an episode!! If I recall correctly, this is the first time we’ve had an episode entirely without Arthur & John’s perspective? The Butcher is a worthy character to hold that mantle. Do I feel like I understand him more? No. Did I love being along for the ride? Absolutely. It’s also so weird to hear Arthur talking to John out loud when he thinks no-one can hear. I hope he makes it out in time! 
📻 @monstrousagonies (107) So thrilled to have this show back and I hope Hero is feeling much better! The first letter was so cute!! I’m sure there are lots of us who can relate to choosing love and kindness when we’re used to the opposite! Whichever bridge that little one finds, I’m sure it’ll be the loveliest by far!! 
🌒 @monkeymanproductions gave us the low-down on just how incredibly talented the Moonbase Theta, Out cast are in their Cast Special. Spoiler: Very. It was very wholesome to hear DJ Sylvis hyping everyone up and the episode is full of great AD and other recommendations! 
🎙Welcome to Night Vale is back!! I felt particularly targeted by the ad copy in this episode, but I’m sure that was their intention! This ep’s weather was particularly up my street too! I loved the harmonies! 
🎞 Tiny Terrors OOF hey so I found out what was up with Angela… and I didn’t like it one bit! I also need to know what the hell was happening at the end there. Jess, girl, you’ve got to stop getting yourself in these situations. It’s too much (for me to listen to)! 
🌍 @lastechoespod (8) I can’t believe it’s the last episode! Ishani Kanetkar was wonderful as Trast. I wish we could hear the final decision, but I guess I’ll just have to relisten and try decide for myself . . . 
🧛‍♂️ @re-dracula Uhoh, someone’s arrived in Whitby . . . I love Mina so much and Isabel AdomakohYoung is doing amazing job as her VA. She captures the good-hearted intelligence I love so much about the character!
 💫 Wolf 359 (38-46 + Special!) Oh MAN this podcast has my entire heart. Isn’t Memoria one of the best episodes of anything ever? Oh, Hera, I love you sooo much!!!!! I also loved the Lovelace cliffhanger at the end of 46 and the special was so different but so good! (Although listening to 2 hours of anything is a challenge!! I need a 20-30 min ep or I can’t fit it into my life) 
🎩 @ethicstownpod (7) OH MY GOD. January fans are looking a little bit bloody silly right now! What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On???? Please, if you haven’t yet started listening to this show, now is your time! It’s SO good and has so many twists and turns!! 
🥾@doyoucopypod (5) oh my GOD, imagine how horrifying it would be to be out in the woods to grieve your partner, only to hear their voice in the middle of the night. Nope. Absolutely not. Get out of the dead zone!! Wilson remains the goodest boy, even if his growls give me goosebumps! 
🎧 In this week’s The First Episode Of, W Keith Tims talks to the creator of Untrue Stories! These interviews are always fantastic and this show sounds so interesting for fans of sci-fi!! 
Thanks for reading! I’m so excited for more Regina Prime and to catch up with happenings in the Hallowoods next week! Hope you all have a restful weekend ✨
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dishsaop · 1 year
"well, listeners, the riots have been forcefully calmed down by the sheriffs secret police, and the definitely-not-angels have put out their burning effigy of that round skeleton and ceased their chanting of 'SE-XY MAN. SE-XY MAN.'
"i am finally safe and alone in my office once more, and i - oh. oh god. oh dear god. listeners, i have just noticed what appears to be a dead body at my door, left there as if a gift from some well meaning but utterly clueless and unrelatable animal who does not know basic social etiquette - that, of course, corpses as gifts should be wrapped in silver paper with pages of that great american surrealist parody novel "Eat, Pray, Love" taped into a bow stuck on top.
"since khoshekh, my cat, floats four feet off the ground next to the sink in what was the mens restroom and is now a unisex restroom, this can only mean station management has left this corpse here.
"listeners, i find myself nervous, wondering if this is a warning to me from the edritch plural monstrosity that governs my work life and threatens me constantly - oh, but no, listeners, i am observing the dead body more carefully and am sensing the bitterness and fear that can only come from one who has lived a live spouting so much hate and pain. this corpse, whoever she may have been, lived a life of cruelty and deliberate harm, perhaps in the form of anti-transgender laws or severly antisemitic childrens books, though of course, listeners, i would have no way of knowing for sure. i can absolutely say i would not brave a library to find out.
"regardless, i think this must be a congratulatory gift from station management as to my new crowning of 'sexyman' status. my beloved carlos assures me i deserve it, though i admit i do not know, because of course i do not look in mirrors.
"well, listeners, if we have learned anything today, it is that the kindnesses and good intentions of our past, no matter how distant, will always remain in the hearts of the people around us, and may someday crown us - while our poison and hatred may end up with us brutally murdered by squamous beings and dropped at the doorsteps of unsuspecting radio hosts. good night, night vale. good night."
welcome to night vale is a production of commonplace books. it is written by joseph fink and jeffrey cranor, and produced by joseph fink. the voice of night vale is cecil baldwin. original music by disparition. all of it can be found at disparition dot info, or at disparition dot bandcamp dot com. this episode's weather was 'megalovania' by toby fox.
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desert-bluffs-and-me · 3 months
Wtnv quick rundown - 114 - Council Member Flynn, Part 1
Featuring the voice of Sympathy Sanders as Tamika Flynn. Read the previous episodes rundowns, and some live shows and the books, here!
"At least their heart's in the right place," I say, softly running my hand across a plastic take-out container. Welcome to Night Vale.
There has been a string of very petty very minor robberies in NV, which greatly irritates City Council who have had to put their vacation plans and training of new city council member 16 year old Tamika Flynn on hold.
They are generally quite disappointed about Tamika joining them (by force no less) and dislike how things are changing from what they once were. Tamika is the only one with any plans to try and stop the robberies. The City Council still disapproves of her however and desolves into arguing with her about whether the current robberies are her fault or not.
The robberies finally esculate to the point where the robber commits arson which results in the death of two people (Tristan Cortez and his daughter Camilla, who recently opened a Green Market Co-op). The results in Tamika taking over as sheriff and demoting Sheriff Sam to deputy, enacted a curfew of 8pm and a decree that nobody is allowed out alone or to leave/enter NV, effective immidiately.
Weather: "Song For Myself" by Bears with Eagle Arms
Janice's basketball team, the NV Scorpions beat the Sand Plains Snake Garters and are soon to face the Pine Cliffs Lizard Monitors. Cecil does not understand much about basketball, even when Steve explains it to him but is very supportive of Janice.
There is apparently an 'Escape Room place' in NV but Cecil's describes the opening from Saw when he talks about it.
The City Council talks about a time when they were seperate bodies and how they founded NV using magic which later when wrong and joined them into one entity. They do have individual names though and can talk on their own if they wish. We learn that two members are called Deborah and Jermaine.
Even Tamika can't pronounce Michigan correctly.
She concluded the press conference by saying: "Good night, Night Vale. Good night."
Proverb: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People are: 1) levitation 2) translucence 3) omnipresence 4) country music 5) lime zest 6) suns for eyes 7) hiccups
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buttercuparry · 1 month
how do you think or what do you imagine as the best case scenario of the storylines of the Riverlands, the North and the wall as it pertains to certain groups intention to find Arya? Not that you have to unveil a fanfic for us or anything but if you like 😂 jk jk
Thank you @nymehrias for the ask from this.
In Riverlands, I think a lot of people have said that the most logical sense it makes for Arya's storyline is to come in contact with BwB, which LS is leading right now. It fulfills her direwolf being named Nymeria in part. Thoros says that BwB is not what it once was. Before, they still were trying to fell Lannister men, hold them accountable for the destruction of Riverlands. And not only that, I think they would have done the same to northern men too ( remember that mad hunter was warned not because he imprisoned Karstark men, but because they were stuffed in crow cages and left in the sun for days without water....so torture).
But they had other duties as well. Harwin when ordered by Arya says that he no longer has any pledge or any duty to any House. It ended with Lord Stark's death. That he now works with the rest of the brothers as an organization on ground helping the smallfolk during the war, because no matter who is it, be it the lion or the wolf, it is the smallfolks who end up paying the price. So helping bring in food and other resources, helping the orphans have a safe place, helping communities that have sprouted up in unlikely places to maintain their hideouts and lead the Lannister men away from those places. Under LS they are simply mercenaries hunting down Freys on her orders. Nothing else.
So I do think they fit extremely well with Arya's storyline who has been repeatedly told throughout the course of the series that it doesn't matter who is in power, ultimately when war breaks out and the lords play their game of thrones it is the smallfolks who suffer. She has suffered along with them too. So her taking back control of the order from LS, or rather LS willingly relinquishing the BWB to her seems to make sense. It remains to be seen whom amongst the brotherhood chooses to follow Arya and who refuses to do so.
The North: has Stannis and co camping in cold weather trying to reach Winterfell. They have already found "Arya" and has sent her to the Wall. I think the question becomes is now what? In the sense what does Stannis plan to do with ''Arya". Jon believes that he should send "Arya" to Braavos with Tycho because if she were to remain in Westeros, Stannis would seek to betroth her to his own men. Previously Stannis has tried to offer Winterfell to Jon- to maintain a control over North with Jon as his ally. Jon has rejected this offer, though he at this time does play Stannis's ally. But maybe Stannis wants a stronger hold? So of course why shouldn't he betroth "Arya" to one of his men just like the Lannisters did before him. It remains to be seen what happens when Manderly comes in with Rickon. And of course we have LF in Vale with Sansa and we have Bran with Howland Reed's children ( 👀👀 Starkbowl 2025?). As you can see I am not really sure what can happen in the North but a power tussle seems to have its seeds sowed already.
The Wall: oh who is at the Wall except for Jon? Who was waiting for Arya at the Wall except for Jon and all because he wanted her to come back home. We all know Jon would be resurrected. Melisande won't lose Jon Snow now that she is unsure of Stannis being the one who would lead them in fight of the Long Night. I think the question is, what happens next. Because Jon would realize that "Arya" was never Arya to begin with. The girl he thought he died for was never there and there is nothing holding him to the Wall anymore. His Watch ended with his death...so why not give in to his ambitions? And boy does Jon Snow have his ambitions ( STARKBOWL WHEN?????).
I don't believe that Jon would be cruel to Jeyne. He will send her to Braavos but I do think the fact that Jeyne is not Arya would be hushed up. Tycho would know perhaps. It would be fascinating to see what happens in Braavos then. The Iron Bank/the HoBaW/the sea lord are all connected. The whole political structure of Braavos is interconnected and they have an interest in what happens in Westeros. Smarter people than me have theorized that Arya was sent to Izembaro's to disrupt the Lannister envoy's purpose of visit, so that the Iron Bank may publicly refuse to deal with the Lannister's anymore. Would Braavos let go of Arya Stark so easily? The HoBaW has a Brother in Oldtown...they know the dragons have come back. Would Jeyne and Arya meet? Or would the news of Jon's death reach Arya first and she would have to make a deal with HoBaW to leave the order. ( I mean lol it is unlikely that she can fight her way out as she did on the show...and of course the order may let her go all the sane but it seems like they may have a vested interest in her.)
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dimoverdelerium · 2 months
Tagged by @emlemony
Put your on repeat playlist on shuffle and list 10 songs, then tag 10 people (not sure if that part will work out, I don't actually know many people on here).
This should be interesting.
This one is the fault of me shopping around for something to sing for a musical theatre review I was in a few weeks ago. Didn't end up going with this one as it's a lot of words to learn, but then I remembered this whole show existed so there you are.
Back in first year of my undergrad I made friends with a guy solely on the basis of me being the only person he'd ever met his own age who had listened to any TMBG. He made me listen to this album next and this track was on repeat for months.
I really fucking liked Jenny from Thebes, and while this song isn't AS good out of context the saxophone at the beginning makes me feel things even without the buildup of the rest of the album.
A guy I was seeing a while ago was really into Joywave and this song found its way onto my happy playlist.
This one's on my trans feels playlist for reasons.
The buildup of this song is pure unadulterated serotonin. What more could you possibly ask for.
This is the only Tom Lehrer song that my dad knows and likes. Apparently him and a friend performed it in full nun outfits at a school event when he was a teenager, and sometimes I listen to it and just imagine what that might have looked like. You have to assume chaos.
Not sure why this is the song off Big Science that showed up on the repeat playlist, because I've been listening to the whole thing a lot recently. Every now and then the Laurie Anderson mood strikes me and I listen almost exclusively to her for months.
Pretty sure this was the Weather on an old episode of Welcome to Night Vale or something. Not sure how it ended up on the happy playlist but it is joyful as hell.
I like Yes.
Anyway for the tagging thing .... @friendly-neighborhood-gendervoid @homoqueerjewhobbit @thesevendeadlygenders @bunnysquared @sacrastic-fantastic I guess, no pressure though.
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breathe-2am · 2 months
Ayyyyyyyyyyyyy thank u so much for the tag @loyle-trash !!!!!! U have such great taste, i esp loved I Wish I Was Your Cigarette by K.I.D. It's such a specific mood, i know for SURE i wouldve eaten that shit UP when i was all up in my feelings abt this fucking guy last summer. Such a vibe, such a moment in time.
Speaking of moments in time.....
Clover's Top 10 Songs of Right Now
#1: HOT TO GO! - Chappell Roan
If I could stop singing the chorus and doing the YMCA-ass dance while I do it that would b incredible for my sanity, self image, and professional reputation. Unfortunately.....
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#2: Internet Killed the Video Star- The Limousines
Absolutely love this song. It's not a parody of the og Buggels song we all know and love- it's an evolution of it. There's connective tissue, one similar vocal riff, certain moments that make u go oh yea i know it, but it really does feel like an updated reimagined homage- exactly what the song is all about. It's a sequel to a song written in 1979, grown and reflected in 2011.
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#3: Closing Time - Leonard Cohen
Leonard Cohen the man that you are....... for real has anyone written a lyric like him. This song is a euphoric swell of grief. And the way it sounds???? Unmatched. Perfection.
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#4: Thank God and Jimmy Buffett - Pitbull
I gotta give some respect to Pitbull for making the same music in 2024 that he did in 2012. And both Pitbull and i have to give some respect to Jimmy Buffett, the margaritaville man, myth, and legend. I was going to see him at a QnA for the movie All That is Sacred at a film festival, but he died the night before. When i found this song i immediately sent it to Jax, my bff and the biggest parrothead i know
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#5: Shiny Is The View - Cosmo Sheldrake
Cosmo Sheldrake's new album absolutely slaps. I describe their sound in a metaphor: imagine in the 70s there was a low budget kids show about a family of bears, played by actors in shaggy mascot suits. This show was later franchised into a theme park, which in the ensuing years went bankrupt and was abandoned. Now decades later, you're an urban explorer walking through this dilapidated park, and happen upon a splash mountain- style log ride. As you enter, the decrepit and decayed animatronics begin to sing again. This is what they'd sing
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#6: Sedona - Houndmouth
If you want to experience peace, walk down a busy road at sunset with this song in your headphones. First song i listened to the morning of january 1st. Changed my life fr.
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#7: Astrovan - Mt Joy
A friend of mine sang this at karaoke once. The whole room screamed the lyrics. Never felt so connected to a group of people in my life. I miss them, i miss them all.
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#8: Despite What You've Been Told - Two Gallants
Heard this song as the weather in night vale. Listened to it obsessively because it reminded me of barney stinson from how i met your mother. The 10 year anniversary of the worst finale of all time just passed, and i started rewatching this show again for the first time since it ended. I was reminded of this song. This song is so tight, so brilliantly worded, so perfectly balanced. If you havent listened since 2014, remind urself.
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#9: All This Money - Injury Reserve
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#10: Daisy, We Got a Good Thing - The Burkharts
This song sounds like the beach boys. I love its peppy smoothness, the harmonies, the little ooooooohs swooping up and down in the background. My favorite little brian wilson-y touch is the falsetto singing behind the chorus. Love this. So summery
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This took an obscene amount of time to format XP
I tag @twogoliathbeetles @jonathan-yeet @punk-dad-sharkz @slugbabyboy @minecraft-sex-videos @odelayed @regent-of-rarepairs @phantomicroyal @fallawaystar and YOU i want to hear ur jamzzzzzzzzz
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orangetubor · 10 months
HAHAHAHA- round 3.
Love the geese. Question- ARE THERE DUCKS? Geese already have my heart <333 BUT DUCKS??
Also whats the deal on martian weather? Cause yeah pretty blue sunsets... But What About Other Sky Statuses? Storms?
And and crime? What's the deal w that? (cause I'm picturing a fish black market??? This is a dumb question so u don't have to answer it)
Also I WANNA HUG ALL UR OCS. (if they are comfy w that. That is. Anyways)
ROLLER SKATING WAITERS!!! Dude in another life I would SO want to be a roller skating GOD carrying like 4 plates through a funky space themed diner- I'm getting side tracked- BUT POINT IS- what's martian cuisine like? Do aliens (or part aliens) eat other food..? How does that work? (Curious.)
A detail loving twat.
Round three!
Geese and ducks, there are ducks elsewhere, but not necessarily on school grounds. (or at least, there aren't supposed to be) the geese are just a running gag I have originating from like. I don't even remember it was something to do with Jenny
Now: the weather
(you don't have to listen to that but if you do: turn your volume down) Obviously, glass dome, so the weather doesn't really affect the inside, however the storms are beautiful, lightning strikes and the whole sky is painted baby blue, but it doesn't rain. Not anymore. There is no patter of water on glass as you lie on top of a sky scraper looking up at the cloudy sky, but the condensation dripping on your forehead means you can imagine it anyway. The sun shines, the world is blue, and as it gets lower and lower against the red horizon you're bathed in a deep lilac. And at night, for all the effort of preventing light pollution, you can see the stars. The constellations look the same as on earth, as if by some sort of sisterly bond between the two sky's, and they're shining through the hexagonal glass plates, refracting into strange shapes.
As for crime, not much need for it as there's a universal base income, free housing, electricity is free, food is synthetically grown, so that takes out most of the survival crimes, as for murder. If you do it that's on you, you probably won't as it's a decently healthy environment and therapy is also, my goodness, free, so just. Don't do that.
Martian cuisine! (Also the diner is called Marsy's it serves breakfast type foods and employs mostly teens and the elderly) obviously it's just earth cuisine, but a little bit weirder. Festival foods like dango and crepes are big cuz there's a lot of festivals, when the years are 24 months long you really gotta make the most of em, but for day to day food things like stew, porridge, bread, pasta, fried rice, soup, it's just regular old food. There's weird stuff obviously like... Hold on I gotta think of something... Meat grape? Idk I saw a video where they turned a grape into meat. You can of course 3d print candy, so there's a lot of weird shaped sweets, and a lot of gimmick restaurants. You'll never believe what they're putting in sandwiches these days. Also bugs. They eat bugs. Bugs is goo 👍 sushi is also really popular cuz it's so efficient to grow, fish in the bottom rice on the top, can literally be grown in the same pond, so they do a lot of fish/rice combos
And for our lovely aliens, sahrah and her mum haaush, they can't eat tomatoes. Most things are fine except for like... Certain bug based food dyes? And birch sugar or whatever it's called. Haaush did a lot of experiments with this as she came there for science reasons, and then found herself a lesbian lover, as you do. She brought some food from her planet, and it has its own little room in the space domes. It's got things like. Fucked up carrot. Various other root vegetables. From an underground cave system you see.
(also I said it doenst rain anymore. That's because it doesn't rain on mars, very dry, however inside the dome... Shit gets damp)
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cokezuko · 1 year
The batfamily crash land into a little town in the desert called night vale
They expect the usual treatment that comes from a situation like this, sometimes fear sometimes excitement sometimes total avoidance. Not here.
Here they were created by an army of… creatures. Winged beasts descending over them saying the great cloud has sent them a sacrifice, that they must be dealt with, a preteen girl named temika attempting to vouch for them as a radio station Blair’s to life around them sending everyone into silence as a voice comes out “and now nightvale I take you to the weather.” As everyone dashes inside with music blairing all around them as the strangest combination of music and rain poores down over them and a door to a nearby building opens, a handsome Latino man in a lab coat quickly waving them inside before closing the door and locking it shut as they get in.
“You’ll need to be quiet when we’re on air.” He whispers as they can see another man sitting in the radio booth, normal looking enough compared to the insanity outside, only to find him talking about some of the oddest occurrences they have ever heard of from a disappearing miuntain, a dragon mayor, an invisible woman living homes. If they haven’t just experienced what they did outside they would think these two were quack brain conspiracy theorists.
Then Damian found a full family of cats floating in the restroom.
Attempting the pull it down however receiving such a howel from the creature that Cecil stops the show all together, bursting in and shouting “don’t touch my cat!” Before pushing Damian out and locking the door glaring at them before continuing to the end of the show when finally they have deemed it safe enough to all ow the bat family out, though when asked where the nearest town to this was the family was only given odd looks as Cecil said “say or night, there is only night-vale. You may attempt to leave, but truly is there ever a real way to escape?” They go back to their radio shack.
“Good night night-vale.” At that every light in the town flickers off leaving the family in the darkness with the distant rumble of something from bellow.
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tiikerikani · 4 months
And now, the weather
(in the Welcome to Night Vale way I guess)
1.3.2024 Kalevauva.fi — G Livelab Helsinki
Kalevauva.fi are a comedy folk band that takes their lyrics mainly from online forums and social media, so you might expect some, uh, audience participation and other silly business at their performances. I was a bit on the fence about going but a) I needed something to cheer me up, having been feeling (literally) physically ill from work, and b) the tickets were about to be sold out.
(A thing I dislike about bar gigs that are this popular is how people usually come in groups, so they take all the table seats. I was able to find a decent seat on a cushion by the window though.)
Since they usually release their songs on Youtube, many have (fun!) music videos. They'd have the video (or clips from it) playing on the screen behind them as they performed the song.
Bit disappointed they left out my favorite line from Vantaa, the one about "draw a logo in Paint" (it's at the start of the bridge/guitar solo section so I get why).
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There was a link to a survey you could do on your phone while you waited for the show to start. The questions were all the things in the "Does pineapple belong on pizza" song. When they played the song, the survey results were shown on the screen :D
There was also a new song that hasn't been released yet. The topic was taken from a call for suggestions on Facebook a little while ago. I expect it's titled Talvi yllätti autoilijat, as originally proposed in the suggestions thread, and it's about funny weather headlines. You may know how weird those are from my side blog.
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(valkoinen kurittaja!)
During the intermission, there was another survey. In this one, you're asked to select from a list the 8 songs you most wanted to hear in the second half, which actually informed what they played.
(they put the results on the screen after the show.)
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They mentioned selling t-shirts after but I didn't stick around waiting for them to bring those out because I had choir practice the next morning and didn't want to stay out late. Maybe I should have, though (I had brought their found poetry/lyrics book along for autographs). (Next time I guess.)
Sorvin ääreen #oravanpyörä
Hämeenlinna (they used the recording here instead of trying to do Paleface's rap part themselves)
Kuuluuko ananas pizzaan?
Talvi yllätti autoilijat (presumably)
Nykymusiikki on niin kamalaa [intermission]
Tuijottava koira
Lomalle lompsis #kiitollinensiunattuonnellinen
Vakavissaan, etupyllystä
Annatteko lastenne leikkiä vuokratalojen lasten kanssa?
Pitääkö synnytyksessä todellakin olla alapää paljaana?
Mies syö lapsen vanukkaat !!
// Oulu
// Sohva haisee perseeltä
// Mieheni kertoi telakoituneensa saunaillassa
[Concert write-up archive and master calendar]
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