#found family risk management team
arsenenicholas · 5 months
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Please share, tag someone who could bring this to a lot of people, and post to other platforms. Not originally mine, idk who is the source of the screenshots.
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Text is broken and in the middle is an excerpt from a leaked nhs document-> a) For medication sourced directly (e.g via the internet), explain the increased risks of harm due to the unregulated nature of these medicines/products. These may include the use of counterfeit chemicals, unsafe/unknown ancilliary ingredients or variability of potency etc. More information can be found here (link to nhs website). // b) Do not initiate or continue prescribing puberty surpressing hormones or gender affirming hormones. The General Medical Council's guidance to medical professionals on 'bridging prescriptions (a course of endocrine intervention managed by a healthcare professional outside of the specialised gender service while an individual is waiting to be seen) does not apply to care offered to young people under 18 years of age. // c) If the child/young person or their carer disregards your advice and you consider that this puts the child/young person at increased risk, then a safeguarding referral might also be appropriate in line with standard safeguarding approaches. Discuss with your line manager and your organization's safeguarding team.
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In black text on white background, from the news article linked above-> It seems to us - and to those inside the NHS who have leaked the document to us - that what purports to be an "assessment" in fact an exercise in bringing very significant pressure to bear on trans youth and their families to cease private treatment, backed up with a threat of a safeguarding referral to social services if they do not. // We are concerned about what appears to be a misleading exercise in gathering data on which trans youth are obtaining private treatment from abroad, for the purposes of seeking to cause or compel them to stop treatment.
In the same thick white text on black background as previous image-> So an internal NHS document has been leaked basically asking trans kids on excruciatingly ling waiting lists to come to a 'mental health assessment' where the NHS will harvest their personal information & threaten their families with a social services referral if they're found to be on private blockers/hormones & refuse to come off them. // This country is for dogs i swear.
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esotericalchemist · 21 days
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𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 - 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬?
Masterlist - YouTube (subliminals)
In Vedic Astrology, the eleventh house is known as the House of Gains and represents your aspirations, income, and the fulfillment of desires. This house shows how and where you are likely to achieve success and material wealth in life. The placement of the ruling planet of your eleventh house, as well as any planets within it, offers insight into the sources of your financial gains, social connections, and overall prosperity. Essentially, understanding the eleventh house helps you see where opportunities for growth and abundance may manifest in your life.
𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Aries influencing your eleventh house, you tackle friendships, goals, and financial gains with enthusiasm, boldness, and a trailblazing attitude. You’re likely to secure wealth by being assertive, taking calculated risks, and pursuing competitive or entrepreneurial paths. Your friends and social networks are often key to your success, frequently drawn from dynamic or high-energy environments.
Mars in the Houses (Mars is the ruler of Aries)
Mars in the 1st House: Your gains come from personal drive, leadership, and independent projects. For example, you might start a business like a fitness studio, using your energy and visibility to promote your brand and grow your venture.
Mars in the 2nd House: Wealth tends to flow from managing finances, property, or physical assets. You might find success through real estate investments, or in financial sectors such as banking, perhaps working as a stockbroker or in property management.
Mars in the 3rd House: Profits are linked to communication, marketing, media, or travel. You might thrive in advertising, writing for publications, or running a travel blog, turning your communication skills into financial gain.
Mars in the 4th House: Your wealth could come from real estate, family inheritance, or home-based businesses. For instance, you might profit from buying and renovating homes or establish a successful home business, such as property management or interior design.
Mars in the 5th House: Creative projects, speculative investments, or entertainment ventures may be lucrative for you. This could mean profiting from stock market investments, cryptocurrency, or finding success in the arts as a performer or artist.
Mars in the 6th House: Hard work, health-related fields, or competitive industries could bring financial rewards. You might build wealth through a career in healthcare, as a personal trainer, or by excelling in a demanding legal profession, gaining success by overcoming obstacles.
Mars in the 7th House: Financial gains are often tied to partnerships—whether personal or business-related. You could team up with someone to start a business like a law firm or gain wealth through marriage to a prominent or driven partner.
Mars in the 8th House: Joint ventures, inheritances, or industries focusing on transformation, such as finance or psychology, could bring you wealth. You might inherit assets or succeed through business partnerships or roles in fields like investment banking or insurance.
Mars in the 9th House: Wealth may arise from education, law, travel, or publishing. You could build success as a professor, lawyer, or publisher, or by pursuing international opportunities, such as work in the travel industry.
Mars in the 10th House: Career achievements, leadership positions, or public recognition are key to your financial success. You might rise to a leadership role, like CEO or political figure, where your ambition and dynamic energy lead you to the top.
Mars in the 11th House: Your wealth may stem from your social circles, technology, or large organizations. You could benefit by working in the tech industry, founding an innovative business, or through influential friends who open doors to profitable opportunities.
Mars in the 12th House: Profits come from behind-the-scenes efforts, foreign ventures, or spiritual pursuits. You might gain financially by working in hospitals, charitable organizations, or through businesses tied to travel, import/export, or spiritual guidance.
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𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Taurus governing your eleventh house, your approach to wealth and gains is grounded, patient, and often centered around material security. You favor slow, steady growth, and may build your financial success through reliable investments or artistic ventures. Friendships and social networks can be significant in your financial development, particularly when aligned with shared values or tied to industries focused on luxury and beauty.
Venus in the Houses (Venus is the ruler of Taurus)
Venus in the 1st House: You are likely to attract wealth through your charm, physical appeal, and the way you present yourself. For instance, you could succeed in beauty, fashion, or personal branding—becoming a successful influencer or model, where your appearance and social magnetism are vital assets.
Venus in the 2nd House: Wealth flows through careful handling of finances, luxury goods, or industries related to beauty and aesthetics. You might find financial success in areas like fine art, jewelry, or running a high-end boutique. This placement supports a steady income in beauty or fashion-related businesses.
Venus in the 3rd House: Financial success arises through communication, media, or education, particularly in artistic fields. You could thrive as a writer, work in advertising or public relations, or make money from teaching or speaking on topics related to beauty or luxury.
Venus in the 4th House: Gains are often tied to property, real estate, or home-based ventures, particularly those related to comfort and aesthetics. You might generate wealth by flipping houses, engaging in interior design, or running a family business. Inheritance or familial wealth could also play a role.
Venus in the 5th House: Your financial success may come from creative endeavors, entertainment, or speculative investments. You could profit from acting, filmmaking, or other artistic projects. Additionally, this placement can indicate gains through stock market investments, particularly in sectors related to art or entertainment.
Venus in the 6th House: Profits are earned through service, health, or beauty-related industries. You might build wealth by working in areas like cosmetology, health spas, or wellness centers. A talent for creating a harmonious work environment could also lead to financial success in these fields.
Venus in the 7th House: Gains often come through partnerships, whether in marriage or business. You may benefit financially through a significant relationship or business collaboration, particularly with someone involved in luxury, legal fields, or the arts. Joint ventures in creative industries could be very profitable.
Venus in the 8th House: Wealth may come from inheritances, shared resources, or transformative industries. You might gain through an inheritance, or profit from partnerships in finance, psychology, or the arts. This placement can also suggest financial gains through investments or using other people’s assets effectively.
Venus in the 9th House: Financial success is connected to education, law, or travel, especially in beauty or luxury industries. You might earn through international fashion, tourism, or by teaching beauty-related subjects at a university. There’s also potential for profit from foreign investments or luxury travel enterprises.
Venus in the 10th House: Wealth comes from career success, public recognition, or artistic achievements. You might thrive in high-profile roles within the arts, luxury markets, or fashion industry. This placement is highly favorable for building wealth through a career in design, beauty, or entertainment.
Venus in the 11th House: Gains are tied to social networks, large organizations, or technology, particularly within the luxury or beauty sectors. You could profit from working in social media marketing or technology platforms related to fashion or beauty. Friendships and connections in elite circles may also lead to financial opportunities.
Venus in the 12th House: Profits come from behind-the-scenes work, foreign ventures, or spiritual and artistic pursuits. You might find financial success through working in luxury hotels or resorts abroad, or by being involved in art projects that promote beauty or tranquility. Investments in foreign luxury markets could also be rewarding.
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𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Gemini ruling your eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is driven by intellect, communication, and adaptability. You may accumulate wealth through industries such as writing, media, technology, or education, where your ability to communicate ideas clearly and multitask proves invaluable. Social networks and friendships can be instrumental in your financial success, and you tend to thrive in environments where flexibility and quick thinking are required to stay ahead in an ever-evolving world.
Mercury in the Houses (Ruler of Gemini)
Mercury in the 1st House: Financial success comes from your personal communication skills, fast thinking, and intellectual pursuits. For example, you may achieve wealth as a public speaker, teacher, or writer, where your ability to express yourself clearly and think on your feet directly contributes to your success.
Mercury in the 2nd House: Wealth is generated through intellectual work, business, or trade, especially in fields involving communication or technology. You might find financial success by managing a tech startup, working in sales, or running a communications-based business, such as publishing or e-commerce.
Mercury in the 3rd House: Profits are tied to communication, writing, journalism, or short-distance travel. You could earn money as a journalist, blogger, or in public relations, using your communication skills to promote products, services, or ideas.
Mercury in the 4th House: You may gain wealth through real estate, family businesses, or intellectual work done from home. For example, running an online business, freelancing, or writing from home could be highly profitable. There is also potential for success in educational ventures related to real estate or family enterprises.
Mercury in the 5th House: Wealth can be accumulated through creative pursuits, entertainment, or speculative investments. You might succeed financially by writing screenplays, managing creative projects, or working in the entertainment industry. This placement also suggests potential gains from stock market investments or other speculative ventures.
Mercury in the 6th House: Profits come from service-oriented industries, health, or work involving communication or technology. For instance, you might find financial success working as a healthcare administrator, medical transcriptionist, or by managing digital solutions in the healthcare sector.
Mercury in the 7th House: Financial gains are often linked to partnerships, both personal and business, and intellectual collaborations. You may benefit by working with a business partner in legal, consulting, or writing fields. Marriage or partnerships in these industries may also bring financial advantages.
Mercury in the 8th House: Wealth is earned through joint ventures, inheritances, or industries that focus on transformation and finance. You might thrive in managing other people’s money, such as in financial planning or investments, or profit through publishing books on psychology or the occult.
Mercury in the 9th House: Profits come from teaching, law, travel, or publishing, especially on international platforms. For example, you might gain wealth by working as a professor, lawyer, or writer, particularly if your work involves education, international law, or travel blogging.
Mercury in the 10th House: Wealth is tied to career achievements, public speaking, or intellectual endeavors. You could succeed financially as a high-profile journalist, politician, or public speaker, where your communication skills and intellectual abilities propel your career forward.
Mercury in the 11th House: Gains are linked to social networks, technology, or large organizations, particularly those involving communication. You might profit by managing online platforms, social media businesses, or through connections with tech companies, where your ability to network and communicate pays off financially.
Mercury in the 12th House: Financial success comes from behind-the-scenes work, foreign ventures, or intellectual and spiritual pursuits. You might earn through research, spiritual writing, or working in foreign lands as a consultant or writer, especially on topics related to international affairs or spiritual matters.
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𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Cancer ruling your eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is deeply influenced by emotional connections, nurturing relationships, and home-related ventures. You are likely to accumulate wealth through businesses that promote comfort, security, or caregiving, such as hospitality, food, real estate, or childcare. Your social networks and friendships often play a crucial role in your financial success, providing both emotional support and practical assistance.
Moon in the Houses (Ruler of Cancer)
Moon in the 1st House: Your financial gains are tied to self-driven efforts and emotional expression. For example, you might succeed by becoming a public figure in nurturing roles, such as a therapist, chef, or lifestyle coach, where you can connect with others through your emotions and personal brand.
Moon in the 2nd House: Wealth comes from a strong desire for financial security and possibly from family resources. You might accumulate wealth through real estate investments, family-run businesses, or careers related to food, home goods, or caregiving, such as owning a family restaurant or working in childcare.
Moon in the 3rd House: Profits arise through communication, media, or relationships within your local community. You might earn by writing about family, home life, or food, or through local ventures like running a café or bakery. Short-distance travel or involvement in local businesses can also bring financial success.
Moon in the 4th House: Gains are connected to family, real estate, or home-based businesses. You may profit from buying and selling properties, managing rentals, or running a business from home, such as interior design, home decor, or even a bed-and-breakfast.
Moon in the 5th House: Wealth comes from creative endeavors, children, or emotionally fulfilling projects. You could find financial success by working on projects related to children, such as writing children’s books or running a daycare. Speculative ventures, particularly those that resonate with family values, could also prove profitable.
Moon in the 6th House: Financial success is tied to service-oriented professions, health, or caregiving roles. You might earn money by working in healthcare, nutrition, or any field that involves caring for others, such as being a nurse, dietitian, or personal caregiver.
Moon in the 7th House: Wealth comes through partnerships, marriage, or collaborative ventures. You may benefit from a business partnership or marriage, particularly in caregiving or hospitality-related industries, such as real estate, family-owned businesses, or ventures focused on comfort and security.
Moon in the 8th House: Financial gains may come from inheritances, shared resources, or transformative industries. You could inherit family wealth or benefit from joint ventures in industries like psychology, emotional healing, or those dealing with death and transformation, such as funeral services.
Moon in the 9th House: Wealth arises from higher education, travel, or teaching in nurturing roles. You might profit from teaching caregiving or hospitality-related subjects, or by working in real estate or hospitality abroad. Writing or publishing on family, home, or caregiving topics can also bring financial rewards.
Moon in the 10th House: Your financial success is closely tied to career achievements in caregiving or public service roles. You might excel in public careers related to healthcare, food, or hospitality, such as managing a chain of hotels or leading a family business in the food or service industry.
Moon in the 11th House: Financial gains come through social networks, community involvement, or large organizations focused on caregiving and emotional well-being. You could profit by working in healthcare, social work, or community welfare organizations, or by leveraging supportive friendships and networks to create financial opportunities.
Moon in the 12th House: Profits are earned through behind-the-scenes work, foreign ventures, or roles involving emotional and spiritual healing. You might gain wealth by working in hospitals, spiritual retreats, or through caregiving roles in secluded settings like a hospice. Overseas ventures related to caregiving, or spiritual services, may also bring financial success.
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𝐋𝐞𝐨 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Leo ruling your eleventh house, you pursue financial gains with a sense of confidence, creativity, and a desire for recognition. Leadership roles, creative ventures, and public visibility are likely to be avenues for accumulating wealth. Your social networks can significantly influence your success, particularly when they involve influential or creative individuals. Your drive to express your individuality and stand out pushes you toward financial success, especially in areas where you can shine and take on prominent roles.
Sun in the Houses (Ruler of Leo)
Sun in the 1st House: Financial gains come through personal charisma, leadership, and self-promotion. You might achieve wealth by being the face of a business, becoming a public figure, or stepping into leadership roles where your confidence and presence attract opportunities—such as becoming an entrepreneur, actor, or leader in a visible field.
Sun in the 2nd House: Wealth is earned through personal assets, financial management, and a focus on material security. You could profit from investments in luxury goods, art, or jewelry, or by taking leadership roles in industries related to wealth management or high-end markets. Your focus on stability and value makes you financially successful.
Sun in the 3rd House: Profits arise through communication, media, and entrepreneurial ventures involving short-distance travel or education. You might gain wealth by working in media, public speaking, or by leading a business that focuses on writing, marketing, or teaching.
Sun in the 4th House: Wealth comes through real estate, family businesses, or home-related industries. You may accumulate wealth by managing property, working in real estate, or profiting from family enterprises. This placement also favors ventures focused on luxury home environments, such as interior design or property development.
Sun in the 5th House: Your financial success comes from creative endeavors, entertainment, or speculative investments. You could thrive in careers involving acting, performing, or creating luxury goods. Additionally, speculative markets like stocks or investments in industries related to children, education, or entertainment could lead to wealth.
Sun in the 6th House: Wealth is gained through service-oriented professions, health industries, or leadership in daily work routines. You might find financial success by managing teams in healthcare, leading service industries, or excelling in high-profile positions that involve helping others, such as fitness or wellness management.
Sun in the 7th House: Gains come through partnerships, marriage, or collaborative business ventures. You may accumulate wealth through a significant partnership, whether in marriage or business, especially in high-profile fields like law, entertainment, or public relations. Taking a leadership role in joint ventures can also be a path to financial success.
Sun in the 8th House: Wealth may come from joint ventures, inheritances, or transformative industries. You could gain financially through family inheritance or by working in fields such as psychology, investments, or life-transition industries like insurance, counseling, or financial planning.
Sun in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, travel, law, or publishing, particularly in high-profile or international roles. You may gain wealth as a well-known educator, lawyer, or author. Opportunities in travel or working within global industries, such as luxury tourism or international business, can also lead to financial success.
Sun in the 10th House: Financial success is linked to career achievements, leadership roles, and public authority. You could become wealthy by taking on leadership positions in large corporations, government, or entertainment industries. Public recognition and respect for your work often translate into financial rewards.
Sun in the 11th House: Wealth comes from social networks, large organizations, or technology. You could profit from networking with influential individuals or working in large corporations or tech-based industries. This placement is ideal for standing out and taking leadership roles in media, technology, or large organizations.
Sun in the 12th House: Financial gains are achieved through behind-the-scenes work, foreign ventures, or spiritual and creative pursuits. You might build wealth by working in secluded settings such as hospitals, spiritual retreats, or foreign countries. Creative projects related to introspection, art, or spirituality can also be sources of financial success.
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𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Virgo ruling your eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is practical, detail-oriented, and focused on efficiency. You are likely to accumulate wealth through work related to service, health, research, or intellectual pursuits. Success comes from refining systems, improving processes, and maintaining a methodical approach to your goals. Your social networks tend to be composed of hardworking, dedicated individuals who share your values. Your ability to analyze, organize, and solve problems ensures steady and sustainable financial growth over time.
Mercury in the Houses (ruler of Virgo)
Mercury in the 1st House: Financial gains come through your intelligence, communication skills, and self-promotion. For example, you might find success by using your analytical mind and problem-solving abilities in fields like consulting, writing, or teaching, where you can establish yourself as an expert.
Mercury in the 2nd House: Wealth is earned through intellectual work, business, or fields involving communication. You may thrive in careers such as accounting, bookkeeping, or managing small businesses, where attention to detail and financial management skills are crucial to your success.
Mercury in the 3rd House: Profits arise from writing, media, communication, or local businesses. You could earn by working as a journalist, editor, or teacher, or through running a local business. Communication-based work, such as starting a blog focused on health, wellness, or practical advice, may also be profitable.
Mercury in the 4th House: Gains are linked to home-based businesses, family enterprises, or real estate. You might succeed by running a family business, working from home as a consultant, or investing in property. This placement also favors careers in home improvement services or real estate management.
Mercury in the 5th House: Wealth comes from creative projects, education, or speculative ventures. You could achieve financial success by working in children's education, teaching, or coaching. Alternatively, you might profit from creative writing or speculative investments like the stock market or gambling.
Mercury in the 6th House: Profits are earned through health-related fields, service-oriented work, or administrative roles. You could find financial success by working in healthcare management, as a nutritionist, or in wellness-related industries, where your organizational skills and attention to detail are vital assets.
Mercury in the 7th House: Wealth comes through partnerships, collaborations, or legal work. You may benefit from working with a business partner on intellectual ventures, writing contracts, or consulting in fields like mediation, counseling, or legal advice.
Mercury in the 8th House: Financial gains are tied to joint ventures, investments, or transformative industries. You might earn through financial planning, investment management, or by working in research, psychology, or therapeutic industries that focus on personal or financial transformation.
Mercury in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, travel, law, or publishing. You might find success in education, international business, or travel-related industries, such as becoming a travel blogger. Writing or publishing, especially on academic or philosophical topics, can also lead to wealth.
Mercury in the 10th House: Wealth is linked to career achievements in intellectual or communication-driven roles. You could thrive in high-level administrative positions, corporate communication roles, or as an expert consultant in your chosen field, where your intellect and organizational abilities shine.
Mercury in the 11th House: Gains come from social networks, technology, or large organizations. You might profit from working in tech, analytics, or science-based industries, or by leveraging a large network of business or intellectual connections to create financial opportunities.
Mercury in the 12th House: Financial success comes from behind-the-scenes work, foreign ventures, or research. You could earn by working in secluded environments like hospitals or research institutions, or through intellectual pursuits abroad, such as becoming a translator, international consultant, or academic researcher.
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𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Libra ruling your eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is driven by balance, harmony, and social relationships. You may accumulate wealth through collaborations, partnerships, and connections in fields related to beauty, art, law, or diplomacy. Your friendships and social networks are essential to your financial success, often helping you form important alliances. Creating peace and harmony in group settings or within partnerships is likely to open doors for lucrative opportunities.
Venus in the Houses (ruler of Libra)
Venus in the 1st House: Financial gains come through your personal charm, appearance, and social appeal. For instance, you might succeed in industries like fashion, beauty, or public relations, where your ability to present yourself in an attractive and harmonious manner brings lucrative opportunities.
Venus in the 2nd House: Wealth is earned through luxury goods, aesthetics, or careful financial management. You might thrive by working in the fashion industry, running a high-end boutique, or managing a jewelry business. Your appreciation for beauty and material comfort will likely guide you toward financial success.
Venus in the 3rd House: Profits arise through communication, media, or education, especially in artistic fields. You could gain financially by writing about beauty, fashion, or relationships, or by working in advertising, public relations, or media. Your ability to communicate artistic or aesthetic ideas effectively leads to financial gains.
Venus in the 4th House: Gains come from real estate, family businesses, or ventures related to home and beauty. You might profit from interior design, property management, or home-based beauty services. Family wealth or engaging in industries that enhance comfort and beauty within domestic spaces can also contribute to your financial success.
Venus in the 5th House: Wealth is generated through creative endeavors, entertainment, or speculative ventures. You might succeed in the arts, acting, or through performing. Additionally, investments in luxury or fashion-related industries may bring financial rewards. Romantic partnerships or ventures involving children could also be lucrative.
Venus in the 6th House: Profits come from service-oriented work, health, or beauty industries. You may earn by working in wellness, fashion, or beauty services, such as being a beautician, personal stylist, or running a health spa. Your ability to create harmonious environments in the workplace will further boost your income.
Venus in the 7th House: Gains come through partnerships, marriage, or legal work. You might profit from a marriage or business partnership, especially in beauty, law, or fashion. Collaborative ventures in fields like wedding planning, relationship counseling, or law could lead to significant financial gains.
Venus in the 8th House: Wealth comes from inheritances, joint ventures, or industries focused on transformation. You might gain through shared resources, marriage, or by working in financial planning or psychology. Joint investments, luxury services, or industries like cosmetic surgery could also lead to financial success.
Venus in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, travel, law, or publishing, particularly in areas related to beauty or relationships. You might earn money by teaching or writing about relationships, law, or artistic topics. Businesses involving luxury travel or beauty tourism may also be highly profitable.
Venus in the 10th House: Wealth comes from career achievements in the public sphere, particularly in beauty, law, or the arts. You could thrive by holding a prominent position in the fashion or beauty industry, or as a public figure in law, diplomacy, or entertainment. Public recognition for your work in aesthetic fields will likely lead to financial success.
Venus in the 11th House: Gains come through social networks, large organizations, or technology, particularly in fields related to beauty or luxury. You might profit by working in fashion technology, social media marketing, or through influential friends in high-end sectors. Networking with creative professionals can introduce lucrative opportunities.
Venus in the 12th House: Financial success comes from behind-the-scenes work, foreign lands, or spiritual and artistic endeavors. You might earn wealth by working in luxury hotels, wellness retreats, or through charitable work that promotes beauty and harmony. Artistic projects in secluded environments or abroad could also bring financial rewards.
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𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Scorpio ruling the eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is strategic, intense, and often transformative. You tend to accumulate wealth through deep emotional relationships, joint ventures, or industries tied to finance, psychology, and transformation. Your social networks are likely to include powerful and influential individuals, and you may leverage these connections to access hidden resources or manage shared assets. Your determination and ability to navigate complex situations help you achieve long-term financial success.
Mars in the Houses (ruler of Scorpio)
Mars in the 1st House: Financial gains come through your personal drive, ambition, and assertive actions. You may accumulate wealth by starting your own business, taking on leadership roles, or working in high-energy fields like sports, fitness, or entrepreneurship, where quick decision-making and initiative are key.
Mars in the 2nd House: Wealth is earned through physical assets, assertive financial management, or industries tied to material goods. You might gain by investing in real estate, working in property management, or industries related to construction or metals. Your proactive approach to financial matters ensures solid material growth.
Mars in the 3rd House: Profits arise from communication, writing, or media-related ventures. You might build wealth by working in journalism, marketing, or running a media company. Quick thinking and direct communication are your assets, and industries like sales or short-term travel can also lead to financial success.
Mars in the 4th House: Financial success comes through real estate, family inheritances, or home-based businesses. You might accumulate wealth by investing in property, renovating homes, or managing a family business. Ventures related to real estate or home improvements, such as house flipping, can prove highly profitable.
Mars in the 5th House: Wealth comes from creative ventures, speculative investments, or entertainment industries. You could succeed as an actor, director, or in any creative field, especially those involving risk, like the stock market or cryptocurrency. Your willingness to take calculated risks could lead to significant financial rewards.
Mars in the 6th House: Profits come from service-oriented professions, health fields, or competitive industries. You may achieve financial success in healthcare as a surgeon or physical trainer, or by excelling in competitive environments like law, the military, or corporate sectors. Your perseverance and work ethic lead to consistent financial gains.
Mars in the 7th House: Financial gains are tied to partnerships, alliances, or marriage. You might profit from a strategic business partnership in fields like law, finance, or consulting. Alternatively, wealth may come through marriage, particularly if your partner works in a high-energy or competitive industry.
Mars in the 8th House: Wealth comes from joint ventures, inheritances, or industries focused on transformation. You could build financial success by managing other people’s resources in roles like investment banking, financial planning, or insurance. Inheritance or working in fields like psychology, healing, or transformative services could also bring wealth.
Mars in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, law, international business, or travel-related industries. You might gain by working as a professor, lawyer, or through international business ventures. Travel, foreign investments, or industries like adventure tourism or higher education can also be financially rewarding.
Mars in the 10th House: Wealth is tied to career achievements, public recognition, and leadership roles. You may achieve financial success by leading large organizations or taking on prominent roles in competitive fields like finance, military, or government. Your ambition and determination push you toward the top, where financial rewards follow.
Mars in the 11th House: Gains come through social networks, large organizations, or collective ventures. You might profit by working in technology, finance, or large-scale enterprises. Your ability to network within influential circles and lead group initiatives opens up significant financial opportunities.
Mars in the 12th House: Financial success comes from behind-the-scenes work, foreign investments, or industries related to healing and spirituality. You could build wealth by working in hospitals, prisons, or spiritual retreats. Investments abroad or in transformative fields, such as therapy or hidden resources, could also be lucrative.
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𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Sagittarius ruling your eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is characterized by expansiveness, optimism, and a focus on growth, higher learning, and adventure. Wealth may come from teaching, international business, publishing, law, or travel-related endeavors. Your social circles are broad and diverse, often including individuals from various cultural and intellectual backgrounds. Financial success is likely to come by embracing opportunities that involve exploration, education, or philosophical pursuits, allowing you to expand your horizons.
Jupiter in the Houses (ruler of Sagittarius)
Jupiter in the 1st House: Gains come through personal charisma, leadership, and an optimistic outlook. Example: You could achieve wealth as a teacher, motivational speaker, or entrepreneur, where your confidence and expansive nature draw financial opportunities. Your leadership abilities and ability to inspire others help you attract success.
Jupiter in the 2nd House: Wealth is earned through investments, teaching, or industries tied to higher learning and travel. Example: You might accumulate wealth through international trade, real estate investments abroad, or by working in education, such as owning language schools or cultural institutions. Your ability to manage resources with a long-term perspective is key to your success.
Jupiter in the 3rd House: Profits arise from communication, writing, media, or short-distance travel, often connected to educational or philosophical topics. Example: You could earn by publishing books on travel, education, or philosophy, or by working in media that promotes intellectual growth. Local teaching ventures, educational tours, or creating content that inspires learning may also bring wealth.
Jupiter in the 4th House: Gains come from real estate, family businesses, or educational ventures related to the home. Example: You might profit from real estate investments, especially in culturally significant properties, or by running a family business involving education, such as homeschooling consulting or online educational programs.
Jupiter in the 5th House: Wealth is derived from creative pursuits, teaching, or speculative investments in educational or intellectual ventures. Example: You could build wealth by running educational programs for children, teaching creative subjects, or investing in entertainment or intellectual property. Your ability to inspire others through your creativity often leads to financial rewards.
Jupiter in the 6th House: Profits come through service industries, health, or teaching, particularly in educational or travel-related fields. Example: You might earn by teaching at universities, managing educational institutions, or working in healthcare sectors with an emphasis on wellness and travel, such as retreats or international health services.
Jupiter in the 7th House: Gains come through partnerships, collaborations, or legal work, especially in international or educational fields. Example: You could profit from a business or legal partnership that deals with international law, education, or foreign investments. Collaborative ventures that focus on growth, expansion, and global reach lead to significant financial success.
Jupiter in the 8th House: Wealth comes from joint ventures, inheritances, or transformation-based industries like finance or psychology. Example: You might gain financially through shared resources, investments, or inheritances. Working in transformative fields, such as financial planning, educational funding, or psychological counseling, could also bring wealth.
Jupiter in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, law, travel, or publishing, particularly in global or philosophical fields. Example: You might earn wealth as a professor, lawyer, or travel consultant. International business ventures, such as starting an educational travel company or publishing books on philosophy, could lead to significant financial success.
Jupiter in the 10th House: Wealth is tied to career achievements, public leadership, and authority in fields related to education, law, or travel. Example: You could gain wealth through high-profile roles in education, law, or as a public figure in global initiatives. Leadership in international business or educational reform could result in substantial financial rewards.
Jupiter in the 11th House: Gains come through social networks, large organizations, or technology, especially in education or travel. Example: You might profit by working with large educational or travel organizations, or by networking in intellectual and global circles. Involvement in global educational programs or travel technology startups could bring financial success.
Jupiter in the 12th House: Profits come from behind-the-scenes work, foreign lands, or spiritual and intellectual pursuits. Example: You might gain wealth by working in spiritual retreats, universities abroad, or industries related to foreign investments or educational ventures. Teaching or consulting in secluded or spiritual environments can also be lucrative, particularly in roles that focus on personal growth or spirituality.
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𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Capricorn ruling your eleventh house, you take a disciplined, methodical approach to achieving financial gains, often focusing on long-term planning, hard work, and responsibility. Financial success may come through structured industries like business, government, real estate, or leadership roles. Your social networks are likely to include influential or authoritative figures, and you may achieve wealth by aligning yourself with institutions or steadily advancing within your chosen field. You are driven by the desire for stability, and your success often stems from careful, strategic efforts.
Saturn in the Houses (ruler of Capricorn)
Saturn in the 1st House: Financial gains come through personal discipline, leadership, and perseverance. Example: You might achieve wealth by taking on leadership roles where your reputation and hard work are essential. Becoming a CEO or rising in a field that values responsibility and structure could lead to long-term financial success.
Saturn in the 2nd House: Wealth is earned through careful financial planning, savings, and long-term investments. Example: You may accumulate wealth through cautious investments in real estate or by working in finance, accountancy, or banking. Your disciplined approach to managing money ensures steady financial rewards over time.
Saturn in the 3rd House: Profits arise from communication, writing, or media ventures that require discipline and long-term effort. Example: You might earn by working in publishing, journalism, or technical writing. Success in these fields comes from years of consistent effort and attention to detail, with financial rewards building slowly over time.
Saturn in the 4th House: Gains come through real estate, family businesses, or property-related investments. Example: You could profit by investing in real estate or managing family assets. Building wealth through property or home-based businesses, with a focus on long-term growth, can lead to financial security.
Saturn in the 5th House: Wealth is generated through creative endeavors, speculative investments, or education-related ventures. Example: You might earn by working in industries like film production, education management, or through long-term investments in stocks or real estate. Your structured approach to creative projects or speculative ventures ensures sustainable financial growth.
Saturn in the 6th House: Profits come from service-oriented industries, health, or disciplined work routines. Example: You may gain wealth by working in healthcare management, legal services, or in careers where service, structure, and discipline are essential, such as HR or law enforcement. Consistent work in these fields can lead to long-term financial success.
Saturn in the 7th House: Financial gains come through partnerships, business alliances, or legal work, often developed over time. Example: You could profit from long-term business partnerships or legal agreements in structured fields like law, real estate, or corporate business. Marrying a successful partner in a traditional field might also bring financial benefits.
Saturn in the 8th House: Wealth comes through joint ventures, inheritances, or managing shared resources. Example: You may achieve financial success by managing other people’s money or assets, working in fields like banking, finance, or insurance. Carefully handling joint ventures or family inheritances can also lead to long-term wealth.
Saturn in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, law, publishing, or international business, especially in structured fields. Example: You could earn wealth by building a career in academia, law, or international trade. Long-term involvement in publishing or large educational institutions, such as universities or think tanks, can also bring financial success.
Saturn in the 10th House: Wealth comes from career achievements, leadership roles, and authority in large organizations. Example: You may achieve financial success by steadily climbing the corporate ladder or taking leadership roles in business, government, or large institutions. Your dedication to long-term career goals brings substantial financial rewards.
Saturn in the 11th House: Financial gains come through social networks, large organizations, or collective efforts, often tied to responsibility and long-term planning. Example: You could profit by working in industries like technology or finance, where your network connects you to influential individuals and organizations. Building wealth through large companies, NGOs, or group ventures focused on long-term goals is a viable path.
Saturn in the 12th House: Wealth comes from behind-the-scenes work, foreign lands, or industries related to healing and institutions. Example: You might gain wealth by working in hospitals, prisons, or charitable organizations, particularly in roles that require discipline and structure. Long-term investments abroad or work in secluded environments may also bring financial success.
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𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Aquarius ruling your eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is innovative, forward-thinking, and often tied to collective efforts, large organizations, or social causes. You are likely to accumulate wealth through long-term planning in industries such as technology, social reform, or intellectual pursuits. Your social networks, friendships, and collaborations are key to your financial success, and you may benefit from working within groups or organizations that focus on future growth or humanitarian efforts.
Saturn in the Houses (ruler of Aquarius)
Saturn in the 1st House: Financial gains come through personal discipline, leadership, and a structured approach to self-development. Example: You might achieve wealth by assuming leadership roles in technology, science, or social reform, where steady, long-term effort and responsibility are rewarded. Your ability to remain methodical and patient leads to financial success in these fields.
Saturn in the 2nd House: Wealth is accumulated through careful financial planning, long-term investments, and a conservative approach to resources. Example: You could gain wealth through disciplined investments in real estate, technology, or infrastructure. A patient approach to saving and building resources slowly will lead to significant financial stability over time.
Saturn in the 3rd House: Profits arise from communication, media, or tech-related industries that require perseverance and long-term effort. Example: You might earn by working in journalism, media production, or education, particularly in technical or innovative subjects. Careers in writing, teaching, or media focused on technology or social progress could lead to financial rewards after years of hard work.
Saturn in the 4th House: Gains come from real estate, family businesses, or property management, emphasizing long-term stability. Example: You could profit from managing family properties, investing in real estate, or working in property management or construction. Your disciplined and structured approach to building assets will create long-term financial stability through real estate.
Saturn in the 5th House: Wealth comes from creative endeavors, speculative investments, or education, achieved through slow and disciplined effort. Example: You may find financial success in structured creative fields, such as directing films, or by making well-researched investments in stocks or real estate. Your methodical approach to speculative ventures pays off in the long run.
Saturn in the 6th House: Profits come from service-oriented professions, health, or routine work, particularly in tech or efficiency-driven industries. Example: You could earn by managing teams in healthcare or technology, or by working in fields like IT or engineering. Your disciplined approach to work and service ensures financial stability, especially in industries focused on innovation and progress.
Saturn in the 7th House: Gains come through partnerships, business alliances, or legal work, particularly in tech, law, or structured industries. Example: You might gain wealth through a business partnership in fields like technology, law, or social reform. Long-term collaborations or marrying a partner in a structured industry may also bring financial benefits.
Saturn in the 8th House: Wealth comes from joint ventures, inheritances, or managing shared resources. Example: You may accumulate wealth by managing other people’s money, such as in banking, finance, or insurance. Careful and long-term planning in joint financial ventures or through inheritances can lead to financial success.
Saturn in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, law, travel, or publishing, particularly in intellectual or technology-related fields. Example: You could earn wealth as a professor, lawyer, or through publishing work related to science, technology, or social structures. Long-term ventures in international business or higher education will also lead to financial success.
Saturn in the 10th House: Wealth is tied to career achievements in leadership roles, especially in large organizations or government. Example: You might achieve financial success by rising to leadership positions in large corporations, tech companies, or governmental institutions. Your disciplined and steady approach to career advancement ensures significant rewards over time.
Saturn in the 11th House: Gains come from social networks, large organizations, or collective ventures, especially those focused on innovation or social progress. Example: You might profit from working with large organizations or humanitarian groups, or by leveraging your connections with influential people in tech or social causes. Long-term involvement in collective projects will bring financial stability and success.
Saturn in the 12th House: Profits come through behind-the-scenes work, foreign lands, or industries related to healing or institutional work. Example: You may gain wealth by working in hospitals, prisons, or charitable organizations, particularly in administrative or managerial roles. Long-term investments in foreign markets or work abroad in institutional settings can also lead to financial success.
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𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
With Pisces ruling your eleventh house, your approach to financial gains is intuitive, creative, and often tied to spiritual or imaginative endeavors. You may find success in artistic ventures, healing professions, or charitable work, and industries related to water, spirituality, or creativity may also be sources of wealth. You tend to follow your inner vision, and your empathetic and spiritually inclined social networks can help guide you toward success. Your wealth is likely to be linked to your ability to dream big and connect with higher ideals.
Jupiter in the Houses (ruler of Pisces)
Jupiter in the 1st House: Financial gains come through personal growth, optimism, and leadership in creative or spiritual fields. Example: You might achieve wealth through public speaking, coaching, or becoming a spiritual leader. Your expansive personality and ability to inspire others can open up financial opportunities in creative or spiritual ventures.
Jupiter in the 2nd House: Wealth is earned through investments, teaching, or industries related to spirituality, healing, or creativity. Example: You could gain financially by working in wellness, holistic health, or education, with investments in art, music, or spiritual projects providing long-term financial rewards.
Jupiter in the 3rd House: Profits arise from communication, writing, or media ventures with a focus on creative or spiritual themes. Example: You may earn by writing books on spirituality or creativity, or by running a blog, podcast, or media platform that explores healing, the arts, or personal growth.
Jupiter in the 4th House: Gains come from real estate, family businesses, or ventures related to spirituality or healing at home. Example: You might profit from running a spiritual retreat, yoga studio, or investing in peaceful real estate that promotes healing and well-being. Holistic home businesses could also bring financial success.
Jupiter in the 5th House: Wealth is derived from creative endeavors, entertainment, or speculative investments, especially in the arts or spiritual education. Example: You could succeed financially by working in entertainment, acting, or teaching creative arts. Investments in artistic or spiritual ventures, such as music, film, or alternative education, may also be rewarding.
Jupiter in the 6th House: Profits come through service-oriented professions, health, or routine work, especially in healing, spiritual, or creative fields. Example: You may gain wealth by working as a healer, counselor, or wellness practitioner. Managing spiritual retreats, health clinics, or creative workspaces could bring steady financial growth over time.
Jupiter in the 7th House: Gains are achieved through partnerships, collaborations, or legal work, particularly in spiritual, creative, or healing industries. Example: You could profit from collaborating with a partner in a spiritual business or healing center. A marriage or partnership with someone in these fields might also bring financial success through shared ventures.
Jupiter in the 8th House: Wealth comes through joint ventures, inheritances, or industries related to finance, psychology, or spiritual transformation. Example: You could accumulate wealth by managing other people’s money or working in investment banking, or by running a business focused on psychology, healing, or esoteric practices. Inheritances or shared resources may also play a significant role in your financial success.
Jupiter in the 9th House: Profits arise from teaching, law, travel, or publishing, particularly in spiritual or creative fields. Example: You might earn wealth as a professor of spirituality or philosophy, or by writing and publishing books on creativity, personal growth, or spiritual topics. International work or teaching in foreign countries could also bring financial success.
Jupiter in the 10th House: Wealth comes from career achievements in leadership roles related to spirituality, creativity, or healing professions. Example: You may gain wealth by becoming a spiritual leader, motivational speaker, or public figure in the arts. Running a successful business or organization in healing, creativity, or spirituality can lead to long-term financial success.
Jupiter in the 11th House: Gains come through social networks, large organizations, or collective ventures involving spirituality, creativity, or humanitarian work. Example: You might profit from working with charitable organizations, creative collectives, or spiritual groups. Networking with individuals in the arts, healing, or spiritual communities will open up financial opportunities for you.
Jupiter in the 12th House: Profits come from behind-the-scenes work, foreign lands, or industries related to spirituality, healing, or charitable work. Example: You could gain wealth by working in hospitals, spiritual retreats, or other healing institutions, or through international work related to healing and spirituality. Long-term involvement in charitable work or esoteric fields could bring significant financial rewards.
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lnlightning81 · 5 months
Ferrari World Champion
Summary: Max was your best friend since you were little kids but then you swapped teams and Max cut you off
Pairing/s: Max Verstappen x Sargeant!Reader, Logan Sargeant x sister!reader, Charles Leclerc x Sargeant!Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Warning/s: Swearing
Based on this request Masterlist Max Verstappen Masterlist Taglist
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After moving to Europe with her brother, she decided that racing was still something that she wanted to continue doing. Being able to find sponsors helped your family as they couldn’t afford both you and Logan to continue karting. Logan also managed to get a few sponsors, which helped even more. 
Being a couple years older than Logan meant that you spent most of your childhood racing alongside the likes of Max Verstappen, Charles Leclerc, and Lando Norris. It meant that you grew up beside some of the current best drivers in the world. 
You’d been taken into Alpha Tauri in 2021 alongside Yuki Tsunoda. They’d taken a huge risk in two rookies much like Haas had done the same year. Finishing in the top ten in most races except where there were mechanical issues, there was a huge chance you’d be offered the second seat in Red Bull beside Max. 
You and Max had been stuck at the hip for many years. You started on the Red Bull junior team before moving up to being a reserve driver and finally taking the Alpha Tauri team. You and Max were still joined at the hip going to team events together, doing team challenges together. 
But now, in 2024, your contract with Alpha Tauri , newly Visa Cash App RB, was over for the twenty-twenty five seasons and beyond. There was a huge chance that you’d be in the Red Bull seat except for when you were called into Franz’s office to see Christian standing there. 
“You’ve worked really well in the seat for the last three years, but unfortunately we’re not giving you the Red Bull seat” That was all you heard along with Daniel's name. Your heart shattered knowing that you were just being offered a contract extension for VCARB and not a new contract with Red Bull. Just as well, your manager had told you that there were other offers waiting for you after you found out what was happening with your current seat. 
After your meeting with Christian and Franz, you got on the phone to your manager talking through all the offers that were awaiting your decision when he stopped at Ferrari. That was your choice. All these mid table teams wanted you, but Ferrari was leaning for the new top position, and you wanted to win. 
Except that may have been the worst choice ever. Max cut off your relationship, and you avoided each other around Monaco and the paddocks. That was from the end of last season. Now it was the middle of this season, and normally, on your way to the Monaco Grand Prix, you and Max would go together. 
This year, Charles had offered to drive you to the Paddock, which you had accepted because you drove alone once, and it was terrifying. This year alone felt different. It felt like your rookie year except worse. Feeling out of place as a rookie felt completely different to feeling out of place as the person currently leading the drivers championship. 
Walking through the paddock, Charles tried to cheer you up as he had been for many of the races. Logan had also tried his best to cheer up his older sister, but nothing was working. You were missing a part of yourself - Max - your other half, your funnier half. Now, he wouldn’t even defend you during drivers conferences when a reporter said something highly untrue. Charles or Logan being the only ones to defend you. 
Max avoided your eyes as he walked through the Paddock, and you just dipped in between the motorhomes to avoid him, knowing that if you were to look at him you’d cry. Even fans had noticed that you were no longer as close as you used to be as your celebrations on the podiums never involved each other. 
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A few months later, you were still winning the Drivers Championship, and it was a championship that was going to go down to the final race. Max is only two or three points behind you. Bets were through the roof and not only between fans, but the drivers had started their own pool in the grid. 
Many drivers did not want a part within the bet with the risk of losing a friend. However, Logan had found you sitting on the ground behind the Ferrari hospitality to avoid cameras. A body sitting next to you, causing you to turn and see who it was turning back to look at the ground when you saw the Williams shirt. 
“Oh so you’re not even looking at your little brother now?” He asked, and you rolled your eyes 
“Logan please. I’m not in the mood” you huffed, and he chuckled a little 
“Tough. I don’t care. Let’s go” He hummed, dragging you to your feet and through to the ice cream stand he had found. 
“This isn’t on my diet. I don’t want it” You turned around, walking back to the Ferrari motorhome without him. 
Life hurts, your heart hurts, and more importantly, you feel really alone in this world. It was hard being the only female driver on the grid, but that wasn’t even the hardest part. The hardest part is that most people stuck with Max and stopped talking to you. 
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It was now the last race of the F1 season. You needed to win this to win the championship, but Max was in the same position. Starting on pole meant you had that little extra boost, and with a bad qualifying for Max, he meant he was starting P3 behind Charles, who was under the orders to keep Max behind him for as long as possible. Normally he’d go against team orders like that, but he wanted you to win the championship. To see your smile again. The one he saw for so many years as you karted together. 
The race started brilliantly, gaining a 14-second lead by the last turn as Charles kept everyone in a DRS chain or two
“Verstappen behind” your engineer told you
“Fuck” You muttered back and suddenly your enginner was back in your ear just as you took a sip of water 
“VSC. Virtual Safety Car. Bottas off the track” He explained
“Fuck sake” You exclaimed probably a little too loudly 
“Sorry Y/N” Before you knew it, a full safety car was behind you with only a couple laps left after it went into the pits. You knew you had to get away quicker than Max. Everyone in motorsports wants to win the Drivers Championship, but when you’re this close without a championship, it would make you even more upset to lose it to Max when you’re winning by such few points. 
And then it was in front of you. The chequered flag except Max was right next to you, passing the line at the same point as you to the human eye. 
“Did we do it? Please tell me we did it” you begged 
“They’re checking Y/N. But for now we’re being told for you to complete your cooldown lap” you groaned, waving as you drove around the track on your cooldown lap. You took a drink as you waited for the FIA to come back with the results. Did Max really finish that close to you? 
“That’s P1 Y/N. Pull into Parc Ferme” He calmly said as you cheered very loudly 
“We did it! Oh my god. I’m going to cry. We won!” You shouted across the radio as your engineer laughed 
“I think Fred might be crying on his way there” You laughed as you pulled up in the P1 spot. Getting out of the car after removing the wheel, you didn’t even put the wheel back in the correct spot before you crouched on the front of your car crying. 
Not only had you won the race, but you’d won the drivers championship. Never in a million years did you think you’d win the championship. Walking over to get weighed, it felt like a dream until you jumped into the arms of your team who were all cheering loudly, some even crying with you. You looked over at Max, who had finished P2 before Charles wrapped his arms around you 
“Congrats Champ. You deserve the win. You’ve been through so much, and I couldn’t think of a better world champion for this year” Charles helped to take your helmet off as he stopped your hands due to how much they were shaking 
“Y/N/N. Don’t cry” Logan whispered, wrapping his arms around you tightly. Your family couldn’t make the race, but having Logan here was all you needed. He’d been there through the highs and lows of not only your racing career but life. 
After your interviews, you ended up stepping onto the first place podium. Charles and Fred sprayed you with whatever liquid was in the bottles due to it being Abu Dhabi as the tears fell down your face again. Charles is taking your bottle and wrapping you in a hug. 
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Being sat in your hotel room with a hangover, you didn’t expect anyone to be knocking on your door today. Having spent most of the night partying with your team and most of the grid, you didn’t want much social interaction. Expecting it to be Charles or Logan, you didn’t look before opening the door. 
You almost threw the door shut as you saw Max standing on the other side of it. His foot stopped the door as you pushed it shut
“Y/N please listen to me. I need you to hear me out” He sighed, and you shook your head 
“It’s been over a year, and I’m hungover. I’m not listening to anyone, especially you” You spat 
“Seeing you so upset over something I did killed me. I couldn’t look you in the eyes, knowing that you were hurting because of what I did. You’re the champion of the world now Y/N and I’m so sorry about everything I’ve done. I was just too stubborn to apologise because I never thought I’d have to imagine a day that I wasn’t racing on the same team as you. I know VCARB and Alpha Tauri aren’t exactly the same team, but it was close enough. Then Daniel took back the Red Bull seat, and then the next day, you were with Ferrari, and I was hurt. I have no reason to be hurt because it’s your life and not mine, but Liefde, you have been the most important person in my life since we were little kids. Having Logan shout at me most days because you were hurting that’s something I never want to have to go through again. He’s kinda scary for an American” He explained, and you wiped your eyes as you cried, laughing a little at Max’s American comment. 
Max’s arms wrapped around you as soon as he realised you were crying again because of him. He realised that he never wanted to ever make you cry again, and he’d make sure you never did because of him. 
“Congrats World Champ. Don’t cry, I got you” He whispered as his head ducked next to you. His words made you cry more as you realised that they were the words you said to him all those years ago when he won his first World Champion. 
“If anyone else was to take that number one I’d forever want it to be you. You’re such an inspiration to so many women and little girls around the world and to me. Staying strong even though I was being a prick I’d never forgive myself if I was in your position but I do know that this past year has been hell without you and I’d love to have you back as my best friend” You pulled away from Max looking up at him. 
“You’ve got to work for it, Max. You really hurt me and I’ve missed you just as much but I can’t just let you go back into that number one spot in my life again just as easily as you’ve let me into that spot for you” You sighed and he nodded 
“I’ll do whatever it takes to get you back to being my best friend” He smiled 
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Y/NSargeant I don't have any words, honestly. Thank you to everyone who has supported me over the last few years. @ Scuderiaferrari , thank you so much for giving me the chance to even compete this season.
tagged : charlesleclerc, scuderiaferrari liked by maxverstappen1, charlesleclerc, scuderiaferrari and 6,234,135 others
view all 1,234,212 comments
LoganSargeant: I love you so much. Thank you for being the best older sister someone could ask for and such an inspiration to so many people, including me ↳ Y/NSargeant: Oh, Logs, you're making me cry
maxverstappen1: Congrats, world champ. Don't cry, I got you. Liked by Y/NSargeant
charlesleclerc: We make a great team. Congrats champion ↳ Y/NSargeant: Thank you so much, Charles. I appreciate you making me so welcome this year even if I wasn't the best teammate most of the year.
user1: Y/N you are so inspirational to so many people. I'm freaking out not only about your win but Max commenting
user2: Y/N, you're so inspirational to so many people, including myself. I started karting when you were a rookie, and I'm so glad I got to see you make history in so many ways.
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@bearryyy @thewannabewriter @lozzamen3 @barcelonaloverf1life @hiireadstuff @mxdi0 @f1kenzzz @evie-119 @ahgase99
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artemismoorea03 · 1 year
DPxDC Prompt: I Got You Brother
Danny has been in Gotham for a while after things went south with his parents. But that's what happens when one's parents are convinced by the G.I.W. that Phantom killed "Real Danny" and took his place as a way to fill his sick obsession of "being alive" which - they couldn't be further from the truth - but his parents were so convinced by the evidence that they refused to listen. Vlad expected Danny to go with him and when Danny refused it made part of him snap.
Danny fled from his parents, the GIW and Vlad in the dead of the night. No family, no friends, nobody knew where he was and that was how he liked it.
He lived at the cave with the bats but refused their offer to come upstairs. He knew who they were and that they were safe but he also knew that if he took one step onto that elevator they would be his family. They would be his family and he couldn't risk losing another family.
He thought that living in the cave would prevent any of them from getting attached. So quickly his schedule turned into a cycle of patrols. Start patrols, stop in for lunch, patrol until dinner, patrol until breakfast, patrol again until lunch. Repeat day in and day out.
He told the team he didn't need to sleep and told them that he was fully a 'Ghost' from another dimension. As many details as he could keep from them the better.
Or so he thought.
Until after nearly a week of these endless patrol things changed. A fight with a particularly powerful ghost had wiped him out and while he managed to stay on his feet when he tried to continue patrol his vision blurred and his transformation dropped.
And so did Danny.
Danny wasn't even aware somebody was tailing him until a thick rope wrapped around his wrist and stopped his fall. Danny swung, hitting the side of a building with a tired grunt as he looked up.
"New brother! Got you!" Orphan called down to him as Danny tried to get his powers to respond, desperate to do anything to protect Orphan who was sliding closer to the edge.
Spoiler showed up within seconds, grabbing Orphan's ankles just as Orphan went over the edge and Red Robin grabbed Spoiler around her ankles. Frantic shouting echoed as Nightwing grabbed Red Robin around his ribs, the weight threatening to pull them all over before Red Hood grabbed Nightwing.
Danny reached up, trying to grab the rope when another wrapped around his free wrist from next to them. Batman was there and by his side was Robin, also there to help Danny and the others up.
He hadn't wanted a family.
He had run from who he was and the ones he loved.
But he found more people to love him.
It wasn't until Signal showed up - having been alerted to the situation and called to the scene - that Danny let the tears drip down his face.
He was home.
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radiance1 · 10 months
You know what?
*Kicks Danny across the universe.*
Get that motherfucker outta here, we talking about Tucker now.
Yes, Tucker, not Danny.
So, Tucker gets dropped into this new universe, entirely by mistake really, he probably shouldn't have fucked around with that experimental portal to... wherever he ended up that the GIW had. But really, what's life without a little risk huh?
He found out because he was left resourceless and friendless in an entirely new dimension with waaaaay more than just one hero, ghosts aren't the norm (But really in his dimension they both were and weren't) and a bunch of supervillains and what do you mean earth's been invaded more than once-
He's shocked, obviously, but being suddenly cut off from his friends and family hasn't properly set in yet, so he'll make the most of his time before then.
Ends up managing to get himself a nice little abandoned warehouse (there's a lot of those around here, really) that'll take a bit of fixing up but hey, safety from the elements first, safety from others next, and then food. So, with the materials he's found, he makes a security system, not the greatest because poor materials and he doesn't have the Fenton gene but it works itself out.
He had data, so he hacks into nearby places to get a proper feel for the city he's in.
Lots of crime, like, a whole lot that has Tucker slightly worried not going to lie.
But hey, he meets this person called Oracle, and they're a fun one to hang with. Digitally of course, obviously he's also hidden his signal so they can't track him in the off chance.
Then he somehow finds himself helping the Batclan here and in return he asks for money, Oracle obliges and by the Ancients are they loaded. Upgrades, upgrades, here he comes!
Most of it is surveillance, and a wee bit of tracking and hacking and also defending.
He thinks Oracle and him make a pretty good team! One full offense, the other defense, hell. They could both go offensive or defensive and it's pretty fun.
Oracle: Yea, I know a guy.
Also Oracle: Refuses to elaborate on who said guy is, how they met and so on so forth.
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koling2345 · 15 days
Simon Riley X Fem! Reader
Tw: angst(?), smut, unprotected sex, body descriptions(especially Simon's body🫠), threats mentioned, break up.
Summary: Meeting with your ex after a sudden break-up, what could go wrong?
Wc: 5.4k
A/n:Sorry that this took so long😭 Uni and work are biting my ass recently. Again, sorry for mistakes, it's late, and I'm sleepy but wanted to post. Hope y'all like it.
Simon was a man who always seemed to be grieving, so serious, too stoic, he hardly spoke. But that changed with you, he was gentle, soft, loving, that was just you, just you.
You certainly made a change in his life, in such a good way that Simon wondered if he really deserved someone like you.
But that's Simon Riley's life, where everything he cared about died or left him.
Where nothing he wanted turned out right.And his relationship with you was perfect, you were someone who understood him so well, for some reason you always managed to calm him down when he was in the worst of moods. You were definitely for him.
Everything changed after a mission, it was supposed to be just another terrorist group that he had to stop, but it was different this time. At the time of the mission, everything went smoothly, according to the plan Price had drawn up, almost without a flaw.
The problems began to appear as soon as they got back to base, and after the mission was completed, the team members began to receive threats. Several at once, with no specific address or format.It could be a cell phone message, a piece of paper with something strange written on it, a call that as soon as you answered the phone went silent, just a breath on the other end. Any kind of thing.
Given the kind of job Simon had, this was a fairly normal occurrence, he had enemies left and right, he probably had more enemies than friends at that point. Most of the time these threats were nothing more than bluffs by someone who had been upset by the death of a criminal, friend or family member.
But as every rule has its exception, this time the threats weren't empty.One day at the base, Johnny arrived distressed, saying that his sister had received a threat to her life, and it hadn't been over the phone. The poor girl woke up to a rock being thrown through her window, almost hitting her.
No one knew how they had found Johnny's family, how they had managed to find his confidential information, but they had, and now it wasn't just the boys who were in some kind of danger.
And the situation got worse as the days went by, the next event was with Price, and Gaz soon followed. In the same way, it affected people close to them.Simon was the only one who came out of all this 'unscathed', because before they could find the only important person in his life, you, he made sure to send you as far away from his life as possible.
No matter how painful it was.As much as he hated the decision, there was no way he could go back on it, because that would be putting your safety at risk.
And he certainly couldn't take any chances, he'd seen Johnny's family threatened to be killed, Price's children almost kidnapped, and Kyle's partner stalked. This didn't happen without reason, or by pure coincidence. Simon had been in this line of work for a long time, long enough to know that this was revenge, and there was a good chance that the enemies would only stop when they managed to hurt someone. And he wouldn't risk your life for the world. Not ever.
So it was easier to get away from you, to end the relationship in the most stupid way possible, to make you angry with him, and it was easier to get away from him.Because he knew that if for some reason he told you the real reason for that reaction, there was no way you would agree to break up with him. No way.
In the worst-case scenario, he knew what had to be done, and he did it.He's felt like shit ever since, just remembering the way you started crying and sobbing when he told you he wanted to break up with you was enough to put a lump in his throat.It had been three weeks since he'd done that to you, and even then the feeling didn't go away, if anything, it got worse.
These last few days he'd been drinking more than usual, smoking as many cigarettes a day as Price. It wouldn't be surprising if he had black lung before he was fifty.It was something that eased some of the anguish he was carrying, even if only for a moment.
So today was another Saturday, a day off he'd gotten after working all week, and just like last week, he found himself in the same place, the pub he always came to.He'd already lost count of how many shots he'd had, at which point the bourbon didn't even burn as it went down his throat. Maybe he was a bit tipsy, but not drunk, Simon had a high resistance to such things.
But even the amount of cigarettes and booze he'd consumed that night wasn't enough to inhibit his vision of the silhouette that appeared in the corner of his eye.In any case, at first he thought they had put something strange in his drink, perhaps causing some delirium.But no, it was you, in person.
You looked so beautiful, like a vision of paradise. If he was being honest, seeing you showing off all those curves in a tight dress was enough to make his mind go to dirty places.
Despite this, you didn't seem to see him, too excited about your friends to pay attention to what was around you. Not that he cared, since a small part of him was grateful that you hadn't noticed him, he didn't know if he could bear to see your sad eyes one more time.
So he took on the role of silent observer, standing in the corner as he watched your movements. And, it was eerie, unsubtle, but it was the only way he could see you up close after so long.Simon knew it might be better to leave, because the more time he spent in your presence, the more he wanted to go up to you and grab you, but he controlled himself.
Well, he didn't know until when.
A long time passed, and you still didn't notice him there, until one of your friends whispered something to you, causing you to look at Simon almost immediately. He was without that skull mask that he only wore for work, outside the field the piece of cloth was locked in a drawer.
His eyes were fixed on you, he didn't even bother to disguise it. And you felt like you could map his face just by looking at him, the small scruff of hair growing on his face, the scars he had here and there. One of these was large, running from his cheek to his mouth.But that's what made him unique, the Simon you knew and loved like crazy.
When he broke up with you, it was all so fast, you couldn't understand it. For days you wondered if it was something you had done, because Simon was certainly an enigmatic man, but you knew he would tell you if you had done anything wrong.
The relationship ended with gaps, gaps that you desperately wanted to understand.Simon knew how to avoid you, and he did so over the last few weeks, you went to his apartment several times, you texted him, it was humiliating, but you wanted to understand why he made that decision.
But after a few weeks with no results, you gave up, and now you're here facing him again.Not that you're much of a believer in such things, but you'd like to think that this meeting wasn't in vain, not a coincidence of fate. Maybe this was your last chance to get along with him, and you were going to make it count.
Well, not in the cleanest way in the world, not least because you doubted very much that Simon would talk to you out of sheer will. But that's what friends are for, isn't it? Surely they could help you get the lieutenant's attention.
With that in mind, you and your friend put on a little show, pretending that he'd knocked you down and that you'd hurt your foot in the process. Not that it was difficult, given the heels you were wearing.
After faking the little fall, you saw Simon's expression change for a few seconds, and you knew for sure that he had fallen for your trick. The moment you fell, he almost got up from the stool he was sitting on, almost going to rescue you from the fall.Almost.
And you even said out loud that you were going to the restroom to check, denying your friends' help and pretending to be tough, something Simon hated. Little by little, he fell for your little story.
Maybe you were just a good actress, or Simon was too concerned about everything that involved you. Go on, probably both.
You made your way limply to the restroom, doing your best to pretend you were in pain, as if it were the worst pain you were feeling at the moment. You stayed in the restroom for a good few minutes, hoping and praying that he would come after you.
As you leaned on a stall in the restroom, you didn't hear the door opening, because you were fixated on looking at your cell phone, waiting for a message from him.To your surprise, you only felt strong arms pulling you into the stall, locking you and the person inside.
You were about to scream because you thought it was a stranger, but as soon as you saw those brown eyes you loved so much, all that appeared on your face was a smile.
“You scared me...” You whispered, your voice without any bite or malicious tone, probably all that was in your tone was affection.
He scoffed, looking you up and down, “Apparently your foot is better now.”
You bit your lip, trying to contain the mischievous smile that threatened to appear on your lips.
Even though he treated you like an asshole, you could still feel his love for you in his gaze.
And, oh God, seeing you smile like that made his heart beat faster.When you moved, he looked down and saw that you were back in your high heels, making him frown.
It wasn't long before he put two and two together.
“Little minx.” He mutters, narrowing his eyes at you.
“I think it's sore...” You say, trying to keep up the act that your foot really was hurt. Did you really think you could make a fool of him?
By this point Simon should be used to your antics, or maybe he was playing dumb as an excuse to see you. In any case, he knelt down in front of you, picked up your foot and examined it.
His calloused hands gave you goose bumps, and it didn't get any better when he gently removed your shoe to get a better look at your heel.
And to confirm his suspicion, there was no swelling, it was just you pretending to be hurt.He wrinkled his eyebrows, looking at you, and just when you thought he was going to complain to you, the softest of smiles appeared on his lips, along with a shake of his head.
“Bloody pest...” He said under his breath, his tone betraying the lightness his voice carried, without any bite.
“Ah...Well...I guess I was wrong...” You say back, your voice as weak as that of a child who's just been caught up in something stupid.
Silence fell around you both, the only sound being your breathing in that cramped space.
“Are you all right?” You ask softly, looking at him with nothing but tenderness.It was hard to keep your composure when he was this close, making you sure you were far from getting over him.
And he wasn't too different from you, since it was hard not to remember everything he'd been through with you, all the sweet memories you'd both built up.
“Going.” He murmurs, letting instinct take him as he gently tucks a lock of your hair behind your ear, taking a moment to look at you.
To really look at you.
“I wanted to talk to you...” You begin, seeing his expression change to a stoic one as soon as you've uttered the phrase.
You knew it wouldn't be easy to have this conversation with him. Simon knew how to hide his feelings very well when he wanted to.
“We've talked before... There's no need for that now.” His voice was now more serious, harsh.
“No. You talked! I didn't have a chance to respond!” You protested, gripping his arms tightly, as if you could hold that man down if you wanted to.
He grunted, narrowing his eyes at you as he took a deep breath. He wasn't ready to see you sad again, he couldn't take it this time.Simon was definitely a softie when he was with you.
You had him wrapped around your finger.
"Did I... did I do something?” You asked, your voice shaking from the nervousness you were beginning to feel.
He denied it with his head, not elaborating much on his answer.
“What was it then? Was it something that happened? Or... Or is there someone else?” You ask once again, your voice low and small in the face of the possibilities.
What if he had someone else? What if he broke up with you because of this other person?
Simon almost laughed at the absurdity of your question, he couldn't even think of anyone else, after you, there was no one else. No one.
“Nothing like that.” He retorted, looking at you with a certain estrangement. It wasn't possible that you were thinking so lowly of him.Not that he'd given you the best impression in the world recently.
You even asked him other questions, which honestly fell on deaf ears, as he could only watch the way your lips moved, your gloss gleaming in the dim light of the restroom. You were just as perfect as he remembered, if not more so.
No one was ironclad, and he was no different, so he silenced your chatter by bringing his face close to yours, his nose touching yours, his forehead to yours.
“I... Can you kiss me?” You whisper, giving him the best pleading eyes you can manage.
And fuck, looking at your sly little face, your pouty lips, he can't say no.
He couldn't deny you in a million years.Hearing you say please, in such a sweet voice, was enough to get his blood pumping.
When you felt his lips on yours, it was like a little taste of heaven. As soon as his lips moved against yours, it was as if a lever had turned on the two of you, and something gentle and innocent turned into a hot, languid kiss.His hands soon found their way to your hips, pulling you to him as he deepened the kiss even more.
His tongue almost invaded your mouth, roughly exploring every corner inside your mouth. You knew Simon, when he wanted it, he got it. Just as he could be the kindest man in the world to you, he could also be the devil on earth if he wanted to.
When his lips parted from yours, almost painfully, Simon felt a warmth run through his body as he looked at you.
Lips swollen from the kiss, face reddened, your mouth hanging open as you looked on with the slyest eyes you could muster.
Simon knew full well that he should leave, his mind screaming one thing and his heart another, it would be better if he cut off all contact, but he couldn't force himself to do it.
So since he was going to stay, he decided to make a decision. He turned you around, making your back face him.He pushed you against the door, gluing his body to yours, leaving no space between you.
It was better if he didn't see your face while he was taking you, because if he did, he wouldn't be so sure not to take you home.
Of not picking you up and hugging you while the two of you snuggled in his bed, under his covers. In his house. If he really saw your expressions at that moment, all the strength he had would go down the drain.
You felt your body shiver when he started kissing your neck, his warm breath hitting your sensitive skin.
The feel of his tongue on your skin, the way he nibbled and licked your neck, everything he did was enough to make your knees buckle.
“You smell so good...” He purrs, pressing his nose into the crease of your neck, taking a deep inhale.
“Fucking good...” He adds, his voice gradually getting huskier, making your body hair rise at the sensation of the vibration of his voice on your skin.
He simply loved your smell, it was something uniquely yours, he couldn't find it anywhere else. It made him feel at home, feel alive. It drove him crazy.
By now he was hard, feeling his cock throbbing inside his pants, almost begging Simon to get him out of the confines of his clothes.
And well, he was sure you were already wet by then, he could feel your wet panties brushing against him, not that that little dress did much to hide you, especially when you were leaning over like that.
“Did you miss me?” he asked in a purr, making you roll your eyes at his husky voice in your ear.
" A lot... A lot...” You murmured breathlessly, not caring that you looked like a bitch in heat for him.You heard him chuckle behind you, one of his hands going down to your mound, cupping it in his hand.His other hand went to your breast, feeling your hard nipple against the thin fabric of your dress.
“Lower your dress for me, sweet thing...” He murmured, tugging at the straps of your dress, encouraging you to expose yourself to him.
And you did, pulling your dress down to your waist, then letting it fall to your heels.Behind you, he took a deep breath and stepped back, looking at your naked body, covered only by your panties.
No bra, the sight that made him growl, literally. His hands were quick to go to your breasts, taking them in his hands, squeezing and playing with your nipples.
“Nice tits, eh? You wanted to show off for me? Walking around without a bra like that?” He asked, giving your breasts a firm squeeze that made you moan, feeling pain and pleasure at the same time, just the right amount.
“For you... Just for you...” You said under your breath, your hands hovering over his.
Before you could think of anything to say, he leaned into you, holding you tightly and preventing any way you could come up with to get away from him, not that you were even thinking of doing that.
“Pretty little thing...” He grunted, pressing his erection into the middle of your ass, rubbing against you hard, as if he were some animal in heat, out of control, feral. He kissed your jaw, open-mouthed, his breath on your face, his face so close to yours.
You could already feel your mind fogging up, unable to form anything coherent.
He was so focused on it, he didn't even see that you were wetting his jeans, soaking wet, already making a mess of his pants.
“Fucking hell....” He almost hissed behind you, before you could protest he lowered two fingers to your wet surface, teasing you.In a matter of seconds you had two thick fingers hovering over your entrance.
Simon was such a bastard that he knew what you wanted, so he began to tease you slowly, just putting his fingertips into your entrance, only to withdraw them later.
“Si-” you whimper, turning your head a little to look at him in a sly way.And well done, those little eyes sent a wave of warmth straight to his cock.
With your little moan you managed to get him to start massaging your clit in circles, your pussy getting even wetter.
The next thing you felt were his lips trailing down your back, leaving hot, wet kisses, completely sloppy. His hot, uneven breathing on your skin was enough to make your pussy clench into nothing, you wouldn't doubt that you could cum for him for so little.
“You're so beautiful....So beautiful...” He whispered, leaving a trail of hot kisses all over your back, going down and down, leaving a trail of goosebumps everywhere his lips touched.
He was aching, hard as a rock, but he was damned if he wasn't going to taste you before he did anything else.
From kiss to kiss he made his way to your pussy, kneeling behind you as he stared at your glistening hole.
Your legs trembled as he gave your cunt a lingering kiss, the direct contact of his lips with your bottom lips was enough to make your knees shake.The feeling increased even more when he put his tongue on your clit, caressing the sensitive little bud with his wet muscle.
You arched your hips, whimpering as he began to eat you out, in a way that only he knew how to do, not least because he knew every one of your weak points. He was too observant for that.
He took this as an incentive to continue, he began to lap you up like an animal, an animal that hadn't been dined for months.His hands spread your ass cheeks, opening you up in an obscene way, not that you minded. You were in heaven with his every lick, your cunt clenching around his tongue, your mind going a mile a minute as he pleasured you.
With every stroke he grunted behind you, the sounds coming from the back of his throat vibrating in your folds every time he produced them.Simon was a messy eater, your juices glistening on his chin as he fucked you, he kissed, sucked, licked, his mouth worked untold wonders on you.
He knew well enough when you were close, your tight pussy clenching and you whimpering even more, the sweet little moans that were better than anything he'd ever heard.
When you arched your hips once more, his nose going even deeper into your folds, his tongue darting in and out of your cunt, fucking you deliciously.
“Mh-T-Too close.” You stutter, feeling your legs begin to tremble at the sensation of your approaching orgasm.
“Cum.” He murmurs against your flesh, giving your pussy a long lick, only to start lapping at it again.And you obeyed like a puppy, squirting your juices into his mouth without any shame.
And he, even more shamelessly, swallowed it all, without spilling a drop. He literally licked you clean, keeping you nice and open to lick up everything you had to offer.His slurping sounds echoed in your ears, making you wet once again, as if you were a fucking well full of water, always leaking.
“Nice and clean.” Simon murmured, leaning back a little to see the work he'd done, his lips were all wet with your juices, but for him it was a more than delicious sensation.
Well, yeah, you were clean, just for him to get you dirty one more time. His to mess up.
Behind you, the sound of him undoing his pants echoed in the bathroom, making you shiver in anticipation. In fact, you hadn't even been able to stop your legs from shaking after your orgasm.
The soft 'thump' of his belt made you turn your body back a little, watching him undress.He smiled in a cheeky way, not at all ashamed to show off his big, muscular body.
The bastard was cocky enough to know that he had you salivating.And it was no lie.You got all hot and bothered when his jeans fell down, along with his boxers. It was quite a sight. His defined, muscular thighs, and they were so fucking thick.
Not to mention the sign of his cock, all hard and aroused, already leaking pre-cum. It had a pink tip, it was big, large and veiny. Sometimes you wondered how you could handle it.Simon was a big man in every way.
“Don't make me wait...” You whispered, feeling your cunt tighten just looking at him.
If it were any other man, you'd be disgusted at the sight of a full bush, but with Simon you'd get so wet, just remembering the friction you felt when he rubbed against you.
“Don't worry your pretty little head.” He said, patting your pussy, turning you forward once more.Behind you, you could feel the movements of his hand, the strokes he gave his own member, slowly and lazily, all he wanted to do was sink into you.
After a few strokes, he placed the tip of his cock at your entrance, rubbing against you. His pre-cum mixed with your fluids, making a delicious mess that he loved so much.
“Gonna put in, yeah?” he said softly, wrapping an arm around you, his hand gripping your throat and forcing you backwards.His hand was so big it could cover your entire throat, his fingers lifting your chin and forcing your gaze to his, making you even wetter somehow.
His other hand held his hard length in his hands, gently but surely guiding it into you, the tip of it entering you and stretching you, the delicious stretching you did to accommodate him.He pushed in as far as he could, as deep as he could until he was buried deep inside you.
Once he was all the way inside you, he stopped, giving you time to get used to his size as he always did.But today, you don't know what the hell came over you, you couldn't wait, your body and mind begging and pleading for him to move.
“Si....Please?Please...” You beg like a slut with no self-respect, acting exactly like one.
Fuck. To hell with everything.
When he heard you begging so nicely like that, how could he be capable of saying no?His answer was a sharp thrust, drawing out the sweetest of moans, making your eyes roll into the back of your head as he hit all your sweet spots at once.
“Tight as fuck, never changes.” He growls, using the hand that was previously holding his cock to curl around your hips.
Soon you had his fingers on your clit, making small circles, just the right size for you to see stars every time he thrust and massaged you all at once.Your already jumbled mind couldn't think of anything else, all you knew was that your pussy was being deliciously filled, in a way that only he knew how to do. No one else.
Your mouth was hanging open, letting out the most filthy moans, your arms holding on to the wall of the stall, trying to keep yourself upright as he pounded into you, hard.His balls slamming into you was such a dirty, impure sound.
You didn't even want to think what anyone would think if they heard what was happening in that stall.His cock slipped in and out of you, several times Simon took his entire length out of you, just to shove it in all at once. To have the opportunity to see your pussy swallow his cock in one go.
“You're going to get my cock wet, yeah? Are you going to be a good girl and do that?” He asks in your ear, rubbing his nose against your ear.
You tightened around him, letting out another whimper. He gave you a little grin, pulling your hair with his hand, and as soon as he was face to face with you, he kissed you hard.It was a hot kiss, with everything involved, Simon was a completely different man when he was aroused, and he showed it very well.
With the searing kiss, you felt the familiar excitement building in the pit of your stomach. Simon didn't feel much different, at least not with the sensation of your walls nestling him, keeping him comfortable and warm.
It wouldn't take him long to fill you, but you came first.Then his hand slid down to your clit, not leaving you quiet for a second, massaging hard on your swollen bud, making you go to heaven and hell at the same time.
Your gasps were swallowed up by his mouth, his tongue invading your mouth as he slammed into you. His rhythm was brutal, he moved back and forth with no mercy for you, the sloppy thrusts leaving you without a ground.
His fingers on your clit, the hot fucking kisses he was giving you right now, the way he was fucking you, all of it was leading you down one path. And you couldn't help it, there you were, cumming for him once again.You creamed on his cock, wetting his length as you moaned his name like a prayer.
“Good girl.” He purred into your lips, biting back a moan of his own as you tightened around him.
He followed right behind, cumming inside you without any warning, spurting his seed inside you, filling you up.Your legs went wobbly and you almost lost your balance, but he was quick to hold you up, giving you all the support you needed.
“You did good, sweet girl... So good.” He whispers tenderly, kissing you all over your face.
It was so domestic, him whispering and reassuring you softly, saying sweet nothings to you. It would be cute if you didn't have your cunt dripping with his cum, making his eyes darken every time he looked down.
The minutes seemed to pass slowly as the two of you stood like that, holding each other, relaxing as the high subsided.
And you held back so as not to say anything you'd regret later, and he bit his lip so as not to let out a simple, but true 'I love you'.But nothing lasts forever, and you knew you were going to have to leave.
He didn't want to be a jerk, and he wasn't going to leave you alone after having sex with you. That would be completely stupid. But it caused Simon to change from water to wine.
So he helped you clean up and put your clothes back on, waiting for you to say goodbye to your friends so he could take you home. At this point it was every person for themselves, Simon was clearly trying to keep his distance, and he was succeeding.However much it hurt.
The ride to your apartment was silent, nothing but the sound of his motorcycle going back and forth in the city, it was boring, but at least he was with you.
He was even a gentleman, taking you to the door of your apartment, hoping that you were inside, safe and sound. As you should have been.
“Aren't you coming in?” You ask quietly, looking at him almost shyly.
There was no pride in you that was greater than the desire to spend a night with him. Hugging each other, holding each other as if it were the last time.
He looked at you, those dead eyes that carried so many emotions at that moment. But he wasn't going to weaken, not now, no matter how much his heart begged him to accept the offer.
“I just came to bring you home.” He repeated, his fingers itching to caress your cheeks, cup your face and shower you with kisses.But he couldn't.
And that hurt more than any bullet.
He doesn't give you a chance to say anything, he just walks away and takes one last look at you over his shoulder.In the blink of an eye he was already in the elevator, leaving once again.
After that you knew for sure that Simon was an incognito, but something was wrong. He wouldn't act like that, it wasn't like him.
Maybe he'd really had enough of you, and you're too proud to admit defeat. But if he's got something, you'll find out.Even if it means pestering his work colleagues.
But really, not that Simon has noticed, but you're sure he wouldn't do much without his wallet for long.
Oh, and you kind of took it as an excuse to have something to see him.
He'd probably be on your doorstep the next day.
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ama0310 · 2 months
Children of the Dark
Character: Spencer Reid
Requested: No
Type: Angst/ Fluff
Summary: When home invasions involve the murder of entire families, the BAU is called to Denver to identify the killers who possibly have been abused while in foster care, something that hits quite close to home for Agent Y/N L/N 
A.N: Based on "Children of the Dark" (Season 3, Episode 4)
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The fluorescent lights of the buzzed overhead as Y/N stood frozen, watching Ervin's interrogation through the one-way glass. Her breath caught in her throat as Ervin's words painted a vivid picture of abuse that hit far too close to home.
"Hey," a soft voice broke through her reverie. "You hanging in there?"
Y/N turned to see Spencer approaching, his brow furrowed with concern. She forced a smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. "I'm fine, Spence. Why wouldn't I be?"
Spencer leaned against the wall beside her, his lanky frame casting a shadow across the floor. "This case... it's stirring up some ghosts, isn't it?" His voice was gentle, probing without pushing.
Y/N's fingers unconsciously found her engagement ring, twisting it around her finger. "It's just..." she hesitated, searching for words. "These brothers, Ervin and Gary. What they've done is unforgivable, but the abuse they suffered..."
"No child deserves that," Spencer finished softly.
Y/N nodded, her gaze drawn back to Ervin's haunted face on the other side of the glass. "Foster care abuse is more common than people realize. It doesn't excuse their actions, but God, Spence, I can't help but feel for them."
Spencer's hand found her shoulder, a comforting weight. "Y/N, you don't have to pretend with me. I've noticed you playing with your ring – it's your tell when you're upset."
She stiffened, caught off guard by his perceptiveness. "I..." she began, but the words died in her throat.
"I'm here if you want to talk," Spencer offered, his voice low and sincere. "About anything."
Y/N met his eyes, seeing the warmth and concern there. She managed a small, genuine smile this time. "I know, Spence. Thank you."
Before she could say more, the rest of the team filed in, gathering around to watch as Carrie continued her interrogation of Ervin.
Ervin's voice cracked as he spoke, raw with emotion. "I wanted to stop. Gary... he had it so much worse when we were kids. He never got the chance to fight back then."
Emily  leaned forward, her voice steady. "So he fought those other families instead?"
"Only because I wouldn't go back," Ervin whispered, shame evident in his slumped shoulders.
"Back?" She pressed. "Gary's going to your foster home, isn't he?"
The tension in the room became palpable. Hotch's voice cut through the silence, sharp and urgent. "Get him out of there. Now."
As two officers rushed to apprehend Gary, Y/N felt the walls closing in. Phantom hands seemed to grab at her, pulling her hair, the ache of hunger gnawing at her stomach – echoes of a past she'd fought so hard to forget.
Spencer's hand on her shoulder made her jump. "Maybe you should sit this one out," he suggested gently.
Y/N's jaw clenched, a flash of anger and frustration cutting through her turmoil. She gripped the case files tightly, using the physical sensation to ground herself. "I told you, Spencer, I'm fine," she snapped, her voice low and tight. "Just... leave it alone."
Without waiting for a response, she strode out of the room, her heels clicking sharply against the marble floor. The weight of her past pressed down on her shoulders, but she straightened her spine, determined to face whatever came next – just as she always had.
The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the street as Y/N practically leapt from the SUV. Her heart was racing, adrenaline coursing through her veins. Spencer was already there, his lean frame taut with tension.
"Guys, fall back!" She could hear Hotch call out to the team, his voice sharp with urgency. "We can't risk making them feel cornered."
She turned to Spencer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "What does he want with the boy?" Her fingers instinctively found her engagement ring, twisting it anxiously. "He's just a child, Spence. He's been through enough without being dragged into this nightmare."
Spencer's brow furrowed, his analytical mind working overtime. "Most likely using him as a human shield," he replied grimly.
Before Y/N could respond, a hush fell over the scene. All eyes turned to the donut shop's entrance. Tyler, the young boy at the center of this chaos, emerged slowly, fear etched across his small face. Derek moved with lightning speed, scooping the child up and whisking him to safety.
Minutes crawled by like hours until finally, Gary was subdued and shoved unceremoniously into the back of a police cruiser. The case was over.
Y/N's focus immediately shifted to the children's welfare. She approached Derek, who was engaged in a heated phone conversation. As he hung up, frustration radiated from him in waves.
"What's going on?" Y/N asked, dreading the answer.
Derek's face told her everything before he even spoke. "Social services won't intervene until they complete a full investigation."
The words hit Y/N like a physical blow. "We have to take them back?" Her voice rose in disbelief. "Derek, no. We can't do that. There has to be another way!"
The unspoken weight of Y/N's own history in foster care hung heavily between them. The entire team knew fragments of her past, and they'd been watching her closely throughout this case, witnessing her slow spiral.
"It's out of our hands," Derek said softly, his eyes filled with regret as they both looked at the two children huddled in the back of a car.
Y/N squared her shoulders, a determined glint in her eye. "I'm going with you to drop them off. And before you argue, it's not up for discussion."
Spencer appeared at her side, concern etched across his features. "Are you sure that's wise?"
Y/N met his gaze, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside. "Those kids need to know someone's in their corner. I want to be that person." She leaned in, pressing a quick, reassuring kiss to his lips. "I'll be fine. We'll play chess on the jet when I get back, okay?"
Spencer nodded reluctantly, tapping the hood of the car twice – their little ritual – as Y/N slid into the passenger seat.
The drive was tense, Y/N's eyes constantly flicking to the rearview mirror, taking in the children's frightened faces. She gnawed at her nails, lost in memories of her own time in the system.
Derek reached over, squeezing her hand three times – their silent code of support. Y/N managed a weak nod as they pulled up to the foster home, where the foster mother waited with an unreadable expression.
As Derek spoke with Tyler, Y/N knelt before the little girl, her heart aching. "Hey, beautiful," she said softly, clasping the child's small hands in her own. "I want you to have this." She pressed her business card into the girl's palm. "If you ever need anything – big or small – you call me. Anytime, day or night. Someone will always listen. Promise me?"
Tears welled in the girl's eyes, mirrored in Y/N's own. It was like looking at a younger version of herself. Unable to contain her emotions, Y/N pulled the child into a fierce hug before reluctantly letting go.
As they guided the children back to their foster mother, Y/N's every instinct screamed at her to stop this, to whisk these kids away to safety. But the law tied her hands.
"I can't believe we're letting them go back," she murmured, wiping away a stray tear as they headed back to the car.
Just as they were about to leave, Y/N's phone rang. Spencer's name flashed on the screen.
"Hey, Spence–"
His voice cut through, urgent and sharp. "Are you still with the kids?"
"No, we just dropped them off. We're leaving now–"
"Did you check their backpacks?"
Confusion colored Y/N's voice. "What? Why would we–"
The crack of gunfire split the air, drowning out her words and shattering the fragile peace of the moment.
The world seemed to slow as Y/N and Derek burst from the car, adrenaline surging through their veins. Y/N's phone quickly placed back into her pocket, Spencer's frantic voice still echoing. Their guns were drawn in perfect unison
The house loomed before them, an ordinary facade now transformed into a potential crime scene. They entered with practiced caution, the air thick with tension and the acrid smell of gunpowder.
The scene that greeted them was one of horror and heartbreak. The foster mother lay crumpled on the floor, but there seems to be no wound. And there, standing was Tyler. The gun in his small hands looked obscene.
Y/N's heart shattered, the pieces lodging painfully in her throat. She stepped forward, her arms trembling almost imperceptibly as she aimed her weapon. "Tyler," she called, her voice deliberately soft, "drop the gun."
Derek moved to check on the foster mother, but Y/N's focus remained laser-sharp on the boy before her. Her eyes darted around the room, taking in the shattered picture frames, family photos now pockmarked with bullet holes.
Tyler's eyes, brimming with unshed tears, flicked between Y/N and the ruined photos. "They're lies," he choked out, his voice raw with pain and betrayal.
Y/N inched closer, deliberately placing herself between Tyler and Derek's line of fire. "I know, Tyler," she soothed, her voice thick with empathy. "You could have hurt her…made her pay, but you didn't. Because you're good. You're nothing like Gary."
"Y/N!" Derek hissed, realizing the danger she was putting herself in if things go south.
She ignored him, her focus solely on Tyler. "You're protecting your friends, yourself. You're going to be okay." She holstered her gun slowly, raising her empty hands. "I was in your shoes once," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I lost my parents in a fire when I was four. Spent fourteen years in a foster home where... where terrible things happened."
With each revelation, she took another cautious step forward. "My foster father... he'd come into my room at night…every single night. My foster mother starved me because of it. For fourteen years, I prayed for someone to save me." Her voice cracked, tears threatening to spill over. "I made it out at eighteen. Fought like hell to get into college, then the FBI. It was agony, Tyler, but I survived. You will too. I promise you that. You’re not like Gary. We’re not like Gary, Tyler."
Y/N could see the other children huddled on the stairwell, their eyes wide with fear. Her heart ached for all of them. "Let's make a deal," she offered, her voice gentle but firm. "You give me that gun, and I swear to you, I will walk you and every child here out of this house. You'll never have to come back. How does that sound?"
She was close enough now to see the tremble in Tyler's hands, to count the freckles across his tear-stained cheeks. "Please," she whispered, "just give me the gun."
Time seemed to stretch as Tyler wavered, the weight of the moment palpable in the air. Then, slowly, shakily, he extended the weapon towards Y/N. She took it gingerly, passing it to Derek before enveloping Tyler in a fierce embrace.
The boy clung to her desperately, his small frame wracked with sobs. "It's going to be okay," Y/N murmured, her own tears finally falling. "I promise you. It's all going to be okay."
They remained locked in that embrace until the wail of approaching sirens broke the spell. As child services arrived to relocate the children, Y/N knelt before Tyler one last time.
"If you need anything, Tyler – anything at all – you call me. I'll always be here, okay?"
His voice was small, fragile. "Do you really think I'll be okay?"
The question pierced Y/N's heart like a dagger. She nodded emphatically, cupping his face in her hands. "I know you will. I'll make sure of it. You're going to be more than okay, Tyler."
She hugged him once more before watching him climb into the child services car, a piece of her heart going with him. Exhausted and emotionally drained, Y/N made her way back to Derek, who waited silently by their vehicle. As she sank into the passenger seat, the weight of the day settled heavily upon her shoulders, a mix of sorrow for what had happened and hope for what might still 
The car hummed quietly as they drove, the silence between Y/N and Derek heavy with unspoken words. Y/N's revelation hung in the air, a painful secret now exposed.
"Y/N," Derek began, his voice gentle.
She cut him off, her tone sharp with barely contained emotion. "What happened in that house stays there, Derek. Understand?"
"Y/N, we need to talk about—"
"No," she snapped, then softened slightly. "Please, just... leave it. And don't breathe a word to anyone. Especially not Spencer." Her voice cracked on her fiancé's name, betraying the depth of her fear.
She leaned her forehead against the cool glass of the window, unaware that her phone lay forgotten in her pocket, the call still connected.
As they pulled into the Denver police station parking lot, Y/N spotted Spencer through the windows. He was pacing frantically, his lanky frame taut with worry.
She entered cautiously. "Spence? I'm back. Are you alright?"
Before she could react, Spencer engulfed her in a fierce embrace. Confusion etched across her face as she returned the hug.
"Spence?" she questioned softly.
His next words sent a chill down her spine. "I heard everything."
Y/N's body went rigid. "What? How?"
"The call... it never disconnected," Spencer explained, his voice thick with emotion. "I heard the gunshots, and I was terrified. Then you started talking, and I... I couldn't bring myself to hang up." He pulled back, his eyes searching hers. "You've never opened up to me about your past like that. Now I understand why, and I'm so sorry for what you went through."
Y/N blinked rapidly, fighting back tears. "It was a long time ago, Spence. I'm fine."
"No, you're not," he said firmly, cupping her face in his hands. "And that's okay. I know it still affects you. I know it's why our relationship took time to develop. You don't have to tell me everything, but please, don't shut me out. When you're struggling or having a bad day, talk to me. I'm here for you, always."
The desperation in his eyes broke something inside her. "I know," she whispered, leaning in to kiss him softly. "I'm sorry."
Spencer studied her face, noting her red-rimmed eyes. "How are you feeling now?"
Y/N sighed, her shoulders sagging. "Overwhelmed. Helpless. How can I make sure that Tyler will be okay? Maybe Garcia could keep tabs on him, but—"
"What if we adopt him?" Spencer's suggestion came out of nowhere, stunning Y/N into silence.
"What?" she breathed, hardly daring to believe she'd heard him correctly.
Spencer's eyes lit up with excitement. "I had Garcia look into his background. He's a good kid, Y/N. You've already bonded with him. What better way to ensure his well-being than to bring him into our family?"
"You'd really want to do this?" Y/N asked, hope blooming in her chest.
Spencer smiled, taking her hands in his. "We've been together for three years, we're engaged. I think this could be wonderful for all of us. What do you think?"
Tears of joy sprang to Y/N's eyes. "Yes! Oh my god, yes!" She threw her arms around Spencer's neck. "We need to tell Garcia right away! Or better yet, let's go tell Tyler! I don't even know where to start with the adoption process, but I'm sure you do."
Spencer laughed, spinning her around. "We'll figure it out together."
 She knew there would be challenges ahead, but the thought of providing a loving home for Tyler filled her with indescribable joy. The boy deserves something good. Everything good.  With Spencer by her side and Tyler in their lives, she finally felt like she was building the family she'd always dreamed of – one built on love, understanding, and healing.
Author's Note:
I know this isn't Part 2 of Silver Springs, but I just rewatched the episode and wanted to write this.
Anywhoooo if there's any request I would love to write them!!!
And don't worry I'll write Part 2 of Silver Springs soon!!!
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gavisfanta · 2 months
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summary: you finally realized that you werent with him
warnings: none
"Youre with him but hes not with you"
The words rang through your head as the sudden realization washed over you, the roaring crowd of people in the stands were silenced as you heard the blood flow through your ears.
For a few seconds everything stopped, right when Pedri kicked the ball towards the goalkeeper, everything went in slowmotion.
All the moments he promised to celebrate for you whenever he scored but then after the game would tell you that he forgot. All the times he asked you to hang out at his house instead of going outside, were you really that blind.
As you snapped out of it you looked down, the ball that Pedri sent past the goalkeeper hit the back of the net, everyone jumped up around you, you stayed there, completely zoned out, unable to enjoy the joy that was spreading through the stands.
The glasses made with his hands tourned around the whole stadium, but he made sure not to look at you, too much of a risk if anyone would see him. Yet he did notice when the game finished and he looked over to where you were sitting, that your seat was empty. The lacking of your presence didn't affect Pedri one bit, that's why he didn't even notice that you were gone, but as he went inside the locker room and checked his phone only to see that you had him blocked everywhere, he knew something was wrong. After checking every social media platform to make sure that you really did block him, he decided to leave it for at home. But as he opened the door and went inside his house, he tried to call you again, he was still blocked. At first he was confused but then anger filled him, why would you just randomly disappear and not say a single word. Quickly he managed to come up with another idea, he wanted to ask his brother if he could give you a call and ask you what was wrong.
His brother agreed, but the siblings quickly noticed that you had blocked every single member of Pedri's family. There was only one hope left for Pedri to find out what happened. After the question that Pedri had asked, Gavi quickly agreed to call you, he was successful and managed to talk to you for about five minutes. You explained the situation to him after he asked you about it. Gavi would've never thought that his bestfriend would ever do something like that to you, but because you weren't a person who was full of lies, he believed you.
That's why he thanked you for the information and then hung up. He let the things go through his head again, so Pedri didn't want you to meet the others from the team because he just used you as a distraction? A distraction from what? Maybe he just wanted to have something to play with. But that would still be rude, so Gavi decided to ask for himself, he went to his friends house and didn't only find out the reason of Pedri lying to you, but he had also found out that there wasn't "just" you.
As weeks went by and Pedri talked to the other woman, he quickly realized that he was missing you. As much as he hated to admit it, he was lacking the joy he had when he was with you.
But he knew that there was no way that he was able to contact you ever again. You had realized before he could've known how much he would miss you if you were gone.
And that he did.
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megalony · 1 year
This is an Evan Buckley (Buck) imagine requested by Anon, I hope everyone enjoys it. Feedback is always lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefanthefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @avyannadawn  @noonenuts @sleepylunarwolf @coverupps @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway
Summary: After saving a woman a few weeks back, she starts to turn up wanting to see Evan. A lot. Her new found obsession soon puts Evan's family at risk.
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"Buck, you have a visitor downstairs," Bobby leaned against the railing and pointed over his shoulder down towards the station where the trucks were parked idly waiting to be used.
A flicker of light crossed over Evan's eyes and his head perked up from where he was playing a game of cards with Chimney.
A visitor?
(Y/n) was here. The thought of his wife made a broad, if childlike smile spread across his lips that flashed his teeth and he quirked a brow. The energy he thought he lost on their last call out started to bubble back through him and he stood up quickly before he looked down at his cards. He stuffed them into his back pocket causing Chimney to frown.
"I don't trust you," Evan pointed a finger at him before he clapped his hands together and rounded the table to go towards the stairs.
"That's uncalled for."
Why was (Y/n) here? Maybe she was just passing by and thought she would stop in and see the team, she dropped by often to see the team and sometimes have dinner with them. Half the time she had to stop by on her way to work when Evan forgot his phone or his wallet and one time he forgot his phone on purpose just so she could come by the station and see him for a few extra minutes.
He reached out and patted Bobby on the shoulder before he jogged down the stairs and looked round the side of the truck. He couldn't see her electrifying eyes or that charming smile hiding round any corner. He was half a second away from calling out her name when his eyes landed on a figure stood near the open doors to the station.
That wasn't his wife.
Evan felt like a balloon deflated inside his stomach and his shoulders slumped when it sank in that his girl wasn't in fact here to see him.
He recognised that face. His steps became slower as he approached the figure who was facing the left with her side towards him. Evan couldn't help but take a step back when she smiled widely at him when her eyes locked on him. He recognised her but he couldn't quite place where from. She wasn't a close friend or a friend of (Y/n)'s, he was sure of that, he knew all his wife's friends by name.
Where had he seen her before? Why was she here to see him and why was she grinning at him like that?
The fire. The office fire just over two weeks ago, that was why her face was familiar.
Evan and Eddie had scaled their way up to the fifth floor, broke through the window and got her free from a desk that had pinned her into a corner. She had been so afraid to go on a harness and scale down the window that they barely managed to get out before the smoke became unbearable. She had clung to Evan even when their feet were firmly placed on the floor.
"Hi, the Captain said you're here to see me?" It felt like they were playing some kind of trick on him. Why was she here to see him? He hadn't done anything wrong, he had gotten her out and there had been no casualties in that incident.
The smile on her face calmed Evan down somewhat and he managed a small smile in her direction when she nodded. He could see her fidgeting, moving from foot to foot, pressing her hands together in her lap like she didn't know what to do with herself. Those were the kind of traits he always took note of when he looked at (Y/n), it was how he could tell when it was time to leave an event. If (Y/n) was fidgeting or clinging to him more, Evan knew they needed to go home.
"Hi Buck,"
He narrowed his eyes on her face and tried to think of her name to be polite, it wouldn't be very kind of him to stare at her blankly and admit he couldn't remember her name. He was usually good with names, he found it calmed people down if they shared names and tried to talk through some situations. And if his memory served him correctly, boy, could she talk when she panicked.
"It's… Liz, right?" It was clear he was right when her smile widened and she nodded enthusiastically. "How are you doing?"
She had been lucky during the fire, the desk that trapped her had only broken two ribs and sprained her ankle. Other than smoke inhalation, she had done well to get off with almost no injuries which was more than could be said for other people in that kind of situation.
"I'm a lot better now, thank you. I, um, I just wanted to give you these, to say thank you for saving me."
Evan had been preoccupied with (Y/n) on his mind and then trying to work out who she was that he didn't even see the bouquet of flowers resting behind her near her left foot.
This was new. No one had ever come to bring him flowers before. He had been thanked a lot when he got people to safety or when they went with people to the hospital within a good time frame. It was mainly food and chocolates that the team got given when people came by to thank them. Or drawings, kids always came by with pictures for them.
Evan wasn't used to getting gifts from the people they saved, a polite thank you and a hug was always more than enough for him. He got enough gifts from the team and his family on special occasions. The last gift he got was (Y/n)'s gift on his birthday telling him he was going to be a dad. That had given him a whole new high he never felt before.
"Wow… thank you," He took a few steps forward and took the flowers from her, trying not to be overwhelmed by the sudden smell that reminded him of Maddie's perfume. "This is sweet, you didn't have to you know."
"It's the least I could do after you saved me,"
"All part of the job, but I appreciate it-" Evan's smile froze on his face and his body tensed when she moved closer and pulled him into a hug.
He usually gave small hugs on the scene after saving someone, not weeks later when they came by to say thank you. He wasn't sure what to do so he moved his left arm very lightly around her back and patted her shoulder. It wouldn't do him good to stand like a statue and make them both uncomfortable but he also didn't want to hug her as if they were good friends or give her the wrong impression. Evan was big on hugs and physical contact with close friends and family.
He was always messing about with Bobby and Eddie but they were more like family. Evan didn't do so well with strangers.
"Take care," He was sure she must have heard the awkwardness in his voice when he took a step back but if she did, she didn't show it.
Liz turned towards the door, sent a wave in his direction and walked out with a big smile and a skip in her step. Leaving Evan stood like a statue, unsure what to do with himself or the flowers he now possessed.
"Ooh, do you have an admirer Buck?" Hen put down the sponge and bucket in her hand, having just finished cleaning up one of the trucks. She wore a bright smile and a raised brow that made Evan shake his head and smile, embarrassed. He didn't always like the centre of attention being on him and this wasn't the most comfortable of topics or situations to be in.
"No, uh, someone me and Eddie helped a few weeks ago. She stopped by to say thank you."
"With an expensive bunch of flowers? You must have done a number on her. Want me to get you some water for those?"
Hen's attitude helped settle some of Evan's nerves and he smiled but shook his head. He wasn't keeping these flowers; he couldn't for more reasons than one.
"No thanks,"
"You taking them home for your girl?" She poked her tongue out between her teeth and grinned widely but the grin started to slip when Evan shook his head. "You get given good flowers and you're not taking them home to her?"
"I can't, (Y/n)'s allergic to flowers. I'm gonna have to shower before I go home after holding these. You want them for Karen?" Evan held the bouquet over to Hen, shaking them a little to urge her to take them off him.
It was a sweet gesture, but just for holding these Evan now needed a shower to get them scrubbed off his skin so he didn't risk giving (Y/n) an anaphalactic shock. Besides being allergic to flowers, (Y/n) wasn't keen on them in general, she thought natural flowers in the garden were lovely but she didn't like bouquets. They faded so quickly and always went to waste and it seemed unusual to give someone something that would soon die.
If Evan ever wanted to do a gesture like this, he bought a fake plant like the lavender one sitting in the kitchen window or the honeysuckle plastic plant in the front room.
"Thanks Buck," Hen nodded with a smile and took the flowers from him, examining them as she walked on to find somewhere to keep them until the end of shift.
He would rather someone enjoy them and Hen have a good night with her wife than leave the flowers here to rot or put them in the bin and put them to waste.
A grin pulled at Evan's lips as he dropped down from the pull-up bar but kept his hands on the bar, swaying back and forth as he looked over at Eddie who was sat on the bench nearby. They had an unknown amount of time before their next call and their last one had been fairly easy, a bit of time in the gym helped build them up and get the energy going ready for the next call.
"Uh, Buck… you have a friend,"
Both of them turned around and looked through the glass to where Hen was leaning but when they looked past her, a stone dropped down into Evan's stomach and the smile faded from his face.
Liz. Why was she back again?
"Oh no," Evan shook his head and felt his body slump down and Eddie patted his back when he slowly shuffled past and trudged towards the truck where Liz was stood.
Her dark red hair was up in a ponytail and she was wearing a low cut tank top and some shorts. Evan didn't know where was safe to look so he focused on her eyes and upwards. He didn't want to be talking to her, he didn't even know why she was here. Bobby said she had stopped by yesterday too but Evan and Hen had been out on a call so he had missed her.
She couldn't keep turning up to thank him, her life had been in danger but even if they didn't get her out she would have managed to get free and find her way out of the building. They had saved her and she said thank you, that should have been an end to things.
"Hi Liz, what can I do for you?" Evan's eyes narrowed as his lips pursed and he tilted his head to one side.
Both his hands started to clench and rub together in front of him to try and control the nerves bundling up inside of him. Why was she here, what was she expecting from him?
"Hi Buck, I made these for you."
It was clear she was excited and the proud smile on her face was off-putting to Evan but he leaned just a little closer while keeping a safe three feet between them. He peered into the tupperware box she held out and saw some chocolate cookies.
Now if this was (Y/n) bringing these in, the whole team would have swarmed around her by now and Evan would have to fight to get even half a cookie from his girl. She almost matched Bobby in her cooking skills and was forever making things for the team. Chimney requested the brownies she made, Eddie was weak for her cookies and she knew Evan's favourite was her banana cake.
"Oh, that's really sweet of you, but you shouldn't have. The flowers were more than enough," The flowers he just so happened to give to Hen who had walked in the station with a smirk on her face the next day and when she winked at Evan, he knew she had had a good night due to that bouquet.
"I thought you would like them and I was just passing by," She wiggled the box in her hands and stepped closer until the box was the only thing separating them.
Evan knew she wasn't just passing by because she had been here yesterday too. That wasn't a coincidence.
If he wasn't married, if he didn't have (Y/n) in his life, he might have thought this was a lovely gesture and might have tried to get to know Liz or felt more at ease about her constantly stopping by. But he was married, he had a kid on the way. Evan's job was to save people from burning buildings and get them to safety.
Liz needed to realise that Evan did this hundreds of times a week, it was what he was trained to do he wasn't just a good samaritan saving people in his spare time. Evan wasn't expecting her to do anything for him in return and he didn't want to become friends or more than friends.
"Thanks," Evan turned to look over his shoulder at the team. Hen was biting her lip and looking away with her hands in her pockets and Eddie had his hands on his hips and a frown on his face. He understood the discomfort clearly written on Evan's face. "I have to get back now, you don't have to keep thanking me, you know. It's our job."
Evan took the box from her with a tight-lipped expression that somewhat resembled a smile before he spun on his heels and headed back towards the gym as Hen walked away with a nod of her head.
He had to accept the cookies, he couldn't reject them and cause a scene or upset Liz. It would be rude of him to say no. But as soon as he saw Liz round the door and leave the station, evan hurriedly tipped the box open and chucked the cookies in the bin.
They had house rules.
Any food that wasn't safely packaged or store bought went straight in the bin unless it was from family or close friends. After the whole pot brownie incident, they couldn't accept food unless it was untouched and store-bought. The chief wouldn't have another incident of a team high on duty, it would be too much bad press.
That meant that lately it was only Bobby and (Y/n) making and bringing in the baked goods.
"Is that the one who came by yesterday?"
"Yeah, I didn't want to be rude but I don't want her to keep showing up, you know? I'm married, for God's sake."
Evan didn't even want to think what would happen if Liz came by when (Y/n) was here and saw him with her or saw the team eating the goods she bought. It wouldn't do any favours for Evan if he had to tell (Y/n) that someone he helped had now started to get attached to him and kept showing up.
"I get it. If she stops by again just tell Cap, you might have to file a report."
Even the thought made Evan groan and tip his head back. He didn't want to deal with that sort of hassle or have to tell Bobby to go have a word with someone who wouldn't leave him alone.
If Liz showed up again, Evan would have to firmly tell her she had to stop.
Evan tilted his head down and pressed his lips to the top of (Y/n)'s head as his right arm looped over the back of her neck and reeled her into his side. His lips curved into a smile against her skin when he felt her reach up to hold his hand that was resting on her shoulder and her other arm snook around his lower waist.
She kept herself tucked into his side and gently brushed her nose against his chest as they walked into the station. Bobby had said it was alright for (Y/n) to stop by for dinner today all being well and they didn't get a call halfway through dinner.
The couple walked towards the stairs but slowed down a bit when they noticed Eddie walking out of the gym. He smiled and when he got close enough, he opened his arms to pull (Y/n) into a hug.
"How are you?"
"Starving," (Y/n) leaned back into Evan's chest, smiling up at him when he curved his arms around her middle with his hands resting on her bump. It was barely midday and (Y/n) already felt like she had been starved for three days, her mouth was watering at the thought of what Bobby would be cooking today.
"Of course you are," Evan laughed into her hair but his bright smile and elevated mood dampened just a little when he looked up at Eddie and noticed him staring just behind them. He tightened his arms around (Y/n) and rested his chin on top of her head but his eyes narrowed at his friend, silently asking what was wrong.
"Let's go get you something to eat then, your ladyship. Buck, can you check the medic bag quick before we eat?" Eddie nodded his head towards the truck but there was a secret message behind his eyes that Evan didn't quite understand.
He went along with it though, letting (Y/n) slip from his arms and he watched Eddie place a careful hand on her back so he could guide her upstairs. The smell of the food was already drifting downstairs and making them both hungry.
A twang of anger jolted in Evan's chest when he turned towards the truck and realised why Eddie had been so quick to steer his wife away.
What the Hell is she doing back here?
Evan stormed across the floor towards her, a frown setting deep into his face and his upper lip curled ever so slightly.
He wasn't playing this game anymore. She had been back again while he had luckily been out on a call and Eddie had warned her that she couldn't keep coming back like this. It wasn't fair, professional or technically allowed, she had to stop and leave him alone now. All Evan had done was his job and she was hovering around like he had lifted a building off of her like Superman or saved hundreds of children from a burning school. All he did was help her out of a fire, this obsession had to stop.
"Hey Buck! I was just-" She stopped herself mid-sentence when Evan grabbed her elbow and roughly steered her back the way she had just walked. He pulled her past the truck and towards the exit before he let go of her and added two feet of space between them for his safety more than hers.
"Look, you have to stop calling here to see me, you can't keep doing this."
There was no easy way for Evan to ease into the conversation or try and be kind about this. He didn't want small chat with her and he didn't want to be vague. Blunt and to the point was what Liz needed to hear to make her realise what she was doing was starting to become stalking.
He rubbed his hands together out of anxious habit before he settled them on his hips to try and look firm.
"Why? We have a connection, you saved me-"
"It's my job, we help people and sometimes we do save lives and I get you're grateful but you can't keep coming here asking for me. There is no connection."
Evan couldn't fathom why she was so hung up on him like this, he hadn't done anything different than he would if he were saving someone else. He and Eddie did what they always did, hurried into the flames and evacuated everyone out.
Would Liz be doing this if it had been Eddie who helped her get out of that fire? Would she be so hung up and obsessed with him if they had switched roles and Eddie took the lead trying to save her? Was this Evan's luck of the draw and he pulled the wrong card at the wrong time? Whatever it was, it was annoying that it had to be him who she was clinging to. If (Y/n) saw she might get the wrong impression or Liz might even get violent towards her and Evan wouldn't allow that.
"You don't like me?"
"I'm married, I have a family. I'm not looking for a connection when I already have one, I love my wife. Please stop showing up here."
He knew she got the message when her face lit up like the burning red flames of Hell and her feet almost stomped through the floor when she turned to leave. He had to be cruel to be kind, she had to understand and stop trying to find him.
The anxiety started to dwindle out of Evan's system when he headed towards the back of the station and made his way upstairs. As soon as (Y/n) was within his sights again and his arms wrapped around her, he felt like he could breathe and the smile came back to his face.
"Everything okay?"
"Just fine," He whispered back against the shell of her ear and leaned close to kiss the side of her neck.
He didn't notice the pair of eyes watching from afar, getting a good look at the woman wrapped up in his embrace.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"Hello? I'm at the Whitehall library and s-someone's started a fire and I can't find the extinguisher, it's gone. I'm trying to evacuate everyone, the fire's near the main entrance so w-we're… we're going out the back."
"I'm dispatching help to your location now ma'am. Is anyone hurt?"
Jumping out the truck, Evan slapped his helmet hazardly on his head before he reached out and grabbed Chimney who was just climbing down from the ambulance. He knew Chimney would understand his panic without being told anything.
They both knew (Y/n) worked here.
Evan could feel his eyes welling up with the tears he tried not to shed on the ride down here when he heard where they were going. Someone started a fire in the library where (Y/n) worked. A hazardous place full of flammable books and equipment and Evan's pregnant wife was here. Somewhere.
"Alright, dispatcher said the fire is at the main entrance so they're evacuating everyone round the emergency exit at the back of the building, Chim, Hen go round back and start checking everyone over and find out if anyone is left inside. You two, with me we'll put out the fire."
Bobby took off his helmet and moved to the side of the truck to grab the masks, they didn't know how far the fire had spread or how much smoke there would be inside. They needed to take every precaution and be prepared for a bad fire. But when his eyes clocked Buck running in front of Chimney who was trying to reach out for him, Bobby held his hands out at his sides and rolled his eyes.
What had gotten into him? Why was he shooting off in the complete opposite direction and ignoring an order?
"Buck! Get back round front, we need to put this fire out. Now." Bobby shouted into the radio as he handed Eddie a mask and they got the hose ready.
"Cap, his wife works here and she should be on shift right now." Chimney's reply came back through the radio and with a daring look, Bobby just sighed and got the hose ready. There was no way they could get Evan back round here if he was looking for his wife, both of them knew and respected that. But they still had to put the fire out quickly because if Evan's wife wasn't okay, they might have to restrain him or hold him together.
"Copy, keep me updated. We're going in."
Evan ran ahead round the side of the building towards where he knew the emergency exit would be. He had been here countless times, he had dropped (Y/n) off here for her shift this morning before he went to the station so unless she hadn't been well and left early without telling him, he knew she would be here.
His eyes scanned over the people hovering near the open metal doors at the back. A few people were stood as far away as they could manage, about three people were sat down trying to take deep breaths and clear the smoke from their lungs. A mother with two children was sat down leaning up against the building and they looked fine, no dust, smoke or injuries that Evan could see other than a bit of trauma and fright.
"Evan!" Relief swarmed through (Y/n) and a jolt overtook her heart when her sights set on her husband. He stood in his overcoat, helmet, gloves and boots with a look of utter fright on his face.
He was by her side in an instant, curving his arms around her waist like iron bars caging her into his chest forever. He could feel her hands gripping his coat and when she buried her face into the little bit of exposed skin of his neck, he felt her try to muffle a cough. She was shaking horribly against him. He reached one hand up to cradle the back of her neck, curling his fingers into her hair but his other arm tightened around her waist when her knees buckled.
"Wow, hey I got you. You're safe baby," Evan took off his helmet and let it drop to the floor by his feet so he could smother his face in her hair and breathe in her scent. "Chim, I got her," Evan pressed his cheek against the top of her head so he could look across at Chimney who nodded, relief washing over his expression.
"T-there's still someone inside… she wouldn't leave," (Y/n) turned her face enough to look over at Hen who nodded and spoke into the radio to let Bobby know. There was no point one of them suiting up to go looking inside when both Bobby and Eddie were already inside trying to put out the fire. They could easily find whoever was inside and get them out to safety.
"Are you okay, are you hurt?"
Evan pulled back enough to look down at (Y/n) and he cupped her face in his hands and ran his eyes up and down her body, scouting for any signs of injury or trauma.
He watched her let go of his coat and hold her shaking hands out between them so he could see the small blisters forming on the back of her hands but they didn't look too extensive. Once they were cleaned and wrapped they would heal soon enough.
A small smile worked its way onto (Y/n)'s lips when Evan tilted her head down in his hands and pressed his wet lips against her burning temple. She could feel the love and relief radiating off him and when he stroked his thumbs across her cheekbones, she shivered. They both knew it could have been a lot worse than a few scrapes and blisters.
(Y/n) reached up to grip Evan's wrists and steady herself against him but her smile dropped and she quickly moved his arms so she could double over. She felt his arms move back around her waist with one hand firm and steady on her bump and the other on the small of her back. He let her lean her weight onto his arm that was around her front and he held her up when she threw up onto the floor.
"Chim, can you check her over please? I'm gonna sit you down baby," When he was sure she had finished, Evan tucked her back into his chest and slowly went down on his knees on the gravel. He took her weight and eased her down until she was sat between his legs, slumped up against his chest.
Her eyes closed and she buried her face back into Evan's overcoat, inhaling his scent and gripping his arm tightly while Chimney crouched down beside them. She let him check her heartbeat, blood pressure and oxygen level, staying limp and floppy so it was easier for him to check her over.
"Blood pressure is a bit high, let's have a look at the little guy too."
(Y/n) kept her eyes closed but she couldn't help but smile when she felt Evan kissing her temple and the stethescope press against her stomach. Chimney moved it around a little before he stopped and stayed quiet, intently listening to the small heartbeat.
"Strong and steady. We're definitely taking you to the hospital for a check over though."
"Fire's out and the building is clear," Bobby's voice rang out through the radio as he and Eddie trudged out the emergency exit to where everybody else was, the last evacuated person stood between them.
Eddie did a sweep of the scene and he felt his heart skip a beat when he saw Evan sat with (Y/n) in his arms. For a moment it looked like an entirely horrid scene when he noticed Evan was rocking them both back and forth. But once Eddie realised his friend was smiling and talking, he took the hint that (Y/n) was in fact alright and safe.
With that thought in mind, Eddie reached out to the right and grabbed the upper arm of the last person they evacuated.
"You're coming with me to wait for the police." His statement was firm and authoritative and his grip was tight as he steered them both past Bobby and in the other direction of the rest of the team.
"Wha- why? Was that… where's Buck?"
A dangerous look swept across Eddie's face and he pulled her closer, sneering down at her with one raised brow just daring her to try her luck with him.
"Because I know you started this fire," His voice was low and he leaned his head down to whisper in her ear. "You were told to stay away from Buck, not to try and harm his wife and get his attention. You're not gonna see him again."
He took a last look over his shoulder before he pulled Liz and forced her to keep walking with him so they could round to the front of the building. He wasn't about to let Buck see her here, it would raise too many questions and cause too much aggravation and panic. Eddie had told Bobby to radio for the police when he saw Liz in that building clearly waiting to be rescued.
This wasn't a coincidence that she was here, staying right near the scene instead of fleeing to safety with everyone else.
She wasn't going to get any closer to Buck. Not anymore.
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theglamorousferal · 6 months
Things I want in one fic:
Redeemed Vlad, Good Fenton Parents, Fentons/Vlad polycule
Liminal Amity Park
Redeemed Dark Danny, weird cousin?
Ellie as part of the family, sorta step sibling?
Defect quartet
The Class as a team deferring to Team Phantom
Jazz is Big Sister
Amity Park knows the secret
The Class moving to Gotham for college
Vlad giving them enough money to purchase Drake Manor
Tim has closed off the tunnel between the Manor and the Batcave
Tim was the one to hand the keys over to Danny, whose name was on the deed, courtesy of his new step-dad
They end up keeping in touch and Tim is a frequent visitor at the manor and befriends the majority of the Class
They all still keep up with their training, Sam and Valerie put together an obstacle course with the help of the jocks and every Saturday is a free-for-all battle royale with ecto guns set to their lowest setting across all of the grounds.
The last one standing gets to pick what restaurant dinner is from that night and the movie for movie night.
Tim does find all of this rather unusual, but mostly he finds that they remind him of all his hero friends.
This, more than anything else they do, makes him very concerned.
Why do these random midwesterners train like heroes? Why do they have a camaraderie he’s only seen forged on the same battlefield? He’s noticed they mostly defer to a group of five individuals. The pair of siblings who now own the Manor and the partners of one of said siblings. More than that, they all defer to Danny, the one he gave the keys to.
Luckily for him, Two Face happened to attack the bank that Danny was at and Danny did something he’d only ever seen Bruce manage to do and talked the villain down from the attack.
When asked, Dent just said that he saw a kinship in the kid, said he’d understood duality in a way that resonated with him.
Later that night Red Robin reopened the tunnels and paid one Daniel Fenton a visit. Tim found him in his father’s old study, using a brand new telescope through the window. He knocked and waited before entering.
“Ah, I expected one of you to show up. It’s why I decided to stay up tonight actually. We have a lot to talk about if you’ll take a seat? I’ll get us some energy drinks. You’ll be able to confirm they’re sealed and not poisoned that way. What’s your favorite flavor? Between the fifteen of us we’ve got to have the right flavor.”
Red Robin stood there for a moment, processing before following the man to his pantry. Once there he opened a new package of his favorite energy drink and opened it himself; not once did Danny make a fuss about him opening a whole new package. He grabbed a second one to bring with him back to the office. Danny grabbed a couple himself.
Once back in the office, they sat in two chairs across from each other. Danny leaned on his elbows with his fingers steepled. “What I am about to tell you is an incredible risk to everyone in this house, and likely yourself included. I need you to promise me to listen to everything I tell you before you start asking questions. I will answer them to the best of my ability after I have gone over the basics. What I am about to tell you is going to sound unbelievable, but I’m banking on the fact that you have likely frequently experienced impossible things and therefore may take me seriously.” Danny stared at the mask. “Now, what do you know about ghosts?”
Tim’s hair trigger was of disbelief, but then he paused and considered. Clark’s an alien, Diana’s a god, Conner’s a clone, at least half the family has come back to life. Why couldn’t ghosts exist? “Not much besides fairy tales.” He braced himself for what was to come.
Danny narrowed his eyes appraisingly. “Hmm. Well. They are, in fact, real. I’ll show evidence in a little bit. A Ghost as we know them is generally formed when a person’s emotions during death produce enough ectoplasm to give their sentience form. They then become residents of a place known by two names; the Ghost Zone, or the Infinite Realms. The Ghost Zone is what it’s known as on Earth, and the residents of the place itself call it the Infinite Realms.” Danny pauses here for a moment and then claps his hands. “Now, all ghosts are members of the Infinite Realms, but not all beings of the Infinite Realms are ghosts. The Realms is a dimension mirroring our own that is entirely made of ectoplasm. It’s where the residue from the emotions of all beings in our universe go and then are given form. There are beings there that are basically gods and are aspects given form. I can go on and on about the Realms later. What’s important is that throughout history there have been unstable naturally occurring portals between the two dimensions, but around five years ago, a pair of scientists managed to open a stable portal to this dimension. A few months later, a former college friend of theirs made a second stable portal, but I’ll get to him in a minute. Once this portal was established, it made it so that ghosts could now freely come into our world. A young hero took up protecting the city, but his first few attempts had quite a bit of misunderstanding to them and so he was villainized for a while. This resulted in the government establishing an agency to combat these threats. All well and good, right?” He raised an eyebrow at Tim. “You would think so. However, the laws passed to make this agency had some clauses that are questionable. I’ll just hand you a copy of the documentation so that you can read it.”
He handed Tim a folder labeled “Anti-Ecto Acts”. He began to peruse them and came upon the clause that declared any being that can process or contains ectoplasm is considered non-sentient or sapient and called for the capture, eradication, or experimentation of all such “ecto-beings”. “This, can’t be right. This is a blatant contradiction to the Meta Protection Acts.”
Danny smirked a sad smile. “You’d think, right?” He gave him a moment to process that. “You can read up more on that later. I have other things to say.” Tim set aside the folder and took a deep chug of his energy drink.
“Alright, hit me.” he said as he leaned forward to put his elbows on his knees, giving Danny his full attention.
“Kay, so, you notice the ‘any being that can process ectoplasm’ bit? Yeah, well that can apply to some humans too. Humans that are considered death-touched or Liminal. People who have been surrounded by death, have died even if momentarily on the operating table, but especially people who have been exposed to high levels of ectoplasm. Here’s the thing about living in a town with a stable portal to effectively the afterlife: it kinda does some stuff to you.” He flashed his eyes a Lazerus green as he set his right palm on the desk. He’s quiet for a moment before he leaned back with a sigh, then closed his eyes so they returned to their normal blue. 
“Every individual in my hometown is ecto-contaminated.” He said quietly, like, Tim supposes, he was telling a secret. Tim guesses he was. “Every person there is death-touched. Every person there is Liminal. Every person pings as an ecto-entity to the GIW. We’re all at risk. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the heroes would ping too. I need your help.” Danny turned begging eyes upon Red Robin. “I need your help, and you need this too because I noticed it when we first met, Tim, that you are too.”
Tim reeled, he stood and knocked his chair over. “Wh-what do you mean?” 
“How many times have you been near-death? How many times have you been around the dying? That sort of stuff leaves a mark on people. They begin to metabolize ectoplasm. I reckon that the majority of the Justice League apply. I’d argue that soldiers who have seen active combat would register on some sensors. According to those laws, you can be captured and experimented on. They’re luckily focusing on ghosts and have been ignoring people, but it’s only a matter of time. I need you to bring this to Batman, to the League. I need these Acts removed. They call for the eradication of my People” His eyes flashed a green again as the word resonated. “This calls for the eradication of an entire dimension, they’ve already tried it once, and if they had, it would have torn this universe apart. Luckily the nuke they had was a dud.” 
Tim swallowed at that. “Nuke? They tried to nuke an entire dimension?” Tim picked up the chair and sat heavily in it. “I’m going to guess that this somehow gets worse?”
Danny nodded solemnly. “You see, the Infinite Realms has a council and a king. A good majority of the council rightfully believes that these Acts are calling for the genocide of our people. The king has kept them at bay for now, but they’re calling for war.” 
Tim put his head in his hands and groaned. “And the king?” Danny looked at him, debating something for a moment. Then he stood and there was a flash of bright light. Stood in front of Red Robin could only be the King. Danny now had bright white hair and eyes that glowed with a familiar Lazarus green. He wore a cloak of stars and his crown looked like the Northern Lights. He wore armor that seemed to be a combination of the ancient Norse and Greeks. “I just want my people safe.”
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theemporium · 8 months
i saw this friends to lovers prompt that reminded me of nico:
“cuddling for comfort in a Very Platonic manner”
like they’re pretending it’s totally platonic and doesn’t mean anything, no, but also, like, come closer
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
It felt like an inside joke whenever you and Nico would insist you were just friends—a joke that everyone except the two of you were in on.
Because you weren’t dating. And you totally didn’t have feelings for each other. And Nico definitely didn’t look at you like you had hung the damn moon. And you definitely didn’t become the personification of the heart eyes emoji the second he was in your vicinity. 
You were just friends—very close friends. And colleagues too. 
There was absolutely and positively nothing remotely romantic going on between you, the Devils’ social media manager, and Nico Hischier.
Not in a million years. 
Except there was, it was just a goddamn tragedy—and painful watch for the team—that neither you nor the captain had the balls to do something about it. Truthfully, it had just never crossed your mind that Nico would even look at you in that way. 
Hockey had been a constant in your life. At every major event in your life, every single milestone, you could remember a hockey game being played in the background. You could remember watching games with your family, you could remember the way your parents cheered when your family’s favourite team won, you could remember the first time you attended a playoff game. 
It had always been a part of your life, and you knew you wanted it to be a part of your future too. 
Your father had been the one to send you the application form. You were fresh out of university, a degree in hand you weren’t totally sure what to do with and a resume that most people turned down due to a lack of experience. When he had sent you the intern application form for the New Jersey Devils, you laughed and joked that it would at least be a good story to tell years down the line. 
You hadn’t expected to actually get the position. 
And you definitely hadn’t expected to befriend the newly appointed captain of the team but the universe worked in funny ways. 
And despite your best attempts to remind yourself these boys were your colleagues—that you were just a part of the social media team, just a part of the bigger Devils team that they bantered with—you found your friendship with Nico bubbling into something akin to a crush. 
You thought you hid it well, but the teasing remarks from Jack said otherwise.
What you failed to realise—or believe when Jack started talking your ear off about acting upon your crush—was that Nico felt the exact same way. 
But even if a small part of you yearned to believe as much, you knew you would never risk your friendship with Nico. Never in a million years. Not even if your friendship was hardly a friendship these days, now something far more. 
“And oh! That looks like a broken stick from Hischier who doesn’t look happy at the final score.” 
You winced as you watched him hit his stick across the goal post, as it snapped in half before he skated towards the tunnel without even a second glance. His head was down, but you could see the frown and furrow in his brows in your head clear enough. 
You knew he would be beating himself up for the loss. You knew he would be blaming himself for the last goal slipping through. But unfortunately for you, you wouldn’t be able to see him until long after the post-game interviews and debriefs were over. 
You didn’t get the chance to actually see the boy until the team found themselves huddled in the bar fifteen minutes from the stadium, each player eager to drink away the memory and pain of their freshest loss in what seemed to be a streak of losses. 
It was almost like your body was pulled towards him the second he stepped into the bar, looking as though he had a heavy weight on his shoulders. His eyes found yours in an instant and he was moving through the bar before anyone could even greet him. 
It was like an unspoken language shared between you when you saw the look in his eyes, when you opened your arms and let him just fall into your embrace and hide his face in your neck. 
“You played the best you could,” you whispered to him, your fingers threading through his hair before you felt him sink further into you. 
“But it wasn’t enough,” he muttered, and you could hear the self-loathing in his voice. “Nothing seems to be enough these days.”
“You’ll break the streak soon,” you assured him, nothing but confidence in your voice because maybe that was just what he needed to hear. To know that someone still believed in him and the team when he didn’t. 
“I’m just sick of being asked the same question, of being asked what I can do to help the team win,” Nico whispered, a hint of vulnerability and doubt in his voice that he would never let the boys hear. “I feel like I’m disappointing them.”
“You’re not,” you said to him, your voice a little stern as you clung onto him tighter. “Nobody blames you, Nico, except maybe yourself.”
He huffed out a laugh, though it felt a bit self-deprecating and bitter.
“You’re in no mood to drink,” you murmured as you tugged his head back, letting his red-rimmed eyes meet yours. “Do you wanna go?”
He nodded. 
You paused for a moment before continuing. “Do…do you want me to come with?”
“Please,” he whispered softly, his voice cracking a little when he did. 
You gave him a shy smile, and something in his chest eased a little at the sight. “Let’s go then.”
His hand fell down to take yours, intertwining your fingers together without a second thought—almost like it was a bodily instinct more than a choice. He pulled you behind him as he made his way towards the exit, pushing through the crowd and glancing over his shoulder to make sure you were okay. And just before you reached the door, your eyes found Jack’s from across the bar, that knowing look in his eyes. 
But tonight wasn’t the night to test his theory or let your feelings take over, so you pushed them down like you always did and followed Nico out of the bar.
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diejager · 2 years
Ooo I just love how you write platonic yanderess
Can you write a platonic yandere Ghost with his little sister😗
Of course. Of course.
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Pairing : Big brother Simon "Ghost" Riley & little sister reader
Cw: canon violence, death, Ghost background, death, murder, dark, platonic yandere, protective Ghost, murder, mental breakdown, depression, trauma.
Wc: 1.3k
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The last thing he wanted people to know - even his team - was about his civilian life, the secrets he held under lock and key near his heart, and a hard appearance. He protected what little was left of his old life fiercely, he wasn't Simon Riley anymore, he was "Ghost" now and that's all people knew. All the pain and torture he went through, from digging himself out of his grave to finding his family murdered, dead in the home they thought safe.
He remembered going home, exhausted and ecstatic to see his family, he celebrated Christmas with his family, drinking and eating at Tommy's house, you sitting next to him - your older brother. He was lucky that everyone was free that night, you both had unpredictable schedules, him being a red beret and you a field medic. Although he never had the chance to work with you, you were always skilled with your hands, bandaging and nursing his wounds.
You fixed him up when your dad got too drunk, Simon used to wrap himself around your body and receive every hit and berate of degrading insults your dad liked to spew. Simon protected you and you played his nurse until it became too real, you left for military service a few years after him, wishing to help the one who protected you so often.
He left to drink with friends on the eve, military buddies, you promise to come back once you got something from your flat near the edge of Downtown Manchester (it was a bit far, but always noisy, it helped quell the nightmares that silence brought).
He rushed home when he finished with whatever Sparks had done, ending him and his accomplice. They knew where he was before, it put his family at risk, then the call he got only solidified his fears when he stepped into Tommy's house, door open and lights off.
He found you sobbing, kneeling over Tommy and Joseph's bodies, cradling them. The dread and devastation he felt were overpowering, his life in the military had cost him his happy family. He was served revenge on a silver platter, a few scrapes here and there, but you two had disappeared in the dead of Christmas.
Everything from public relationships to your face was a risk, and somehow, he managed to keep you by his side wherever he served. You were the medic and him the lieutenant; (Name) and Simon Riley were dead, simply Doc and Ghost. That's how the world knew you and how Task Force 141 called you. Doc and Ghost, stuck by the hips, wearing similar masks and worked spectacularly together.
You were the last of his family, of the life he had before the murder - his dreamy heaven - so he kept you close, he protected you like he did when you were younger. If they got too close, he'd dispose of them immediately. Your safety was his top priority, whatever he did was for you, and the purpose he built himself was to ensure that you'd live.
He wanted you to stay, the agonizing pain of feeling lost and alone was harrowing, and he couldn't risk the chance of losing you too. They haunted him in his sleep, the memory of their deaths and his regrets, it all loomed over him like a reminder of his mistakes - his failures. The 'what if's lingered in his mind, the 'should have' and 'could have' becoming a mainstream of his thoughts when he looked at himself in the mirror; what if he never joined the army; what if he was there that night; he should have been there with them, instead of drinking at a bar; he could have saved you the grief and pain he felt, the one you shared like an open wound.
It should have been him.
He told himself that so many times, to you and himself, always mumbling about it at night, pointing the finger at himself for the loss. You stayed by his side, smaller arms wrapped around him like a blanket of comfort, warm and reassuring with words that pushed back his demons. He loved you so much, for being here and for always sticking to him.
You don't blame him for it, he doesn't understand how you don't, he saw it as his fault for bringing the enemy home.
"'S not your fault, Si," you whispered to him, his mental state too fragile for loud noises. His ears were ringing, almost so loudly that he thought his mind would implode on itself. You knew he felt everything much stronger, being the eldest of the trio he felt more responsible. "You're not to blame, Si. None of it, ya understand?"
He liked how your hands held his, gripping him tightly to bring him back to earth, far away from his violent mind. You supported him when he crashed and he held you when you broke, their deaths never left you, it simply brought you closer together than you'd think possible.
You closed yourself from others and built a wall of brick and cement, yet you smiled and socialized freely, you spoke enough for you both - or so Ghost insisted. He grew colder, callous, and brash with others, reserving his sweeter and softer side for you.
He stood near you, practically looming over you with his height of 6'4, broad shoulders, dark fatigues; a giant wall of muscle, you'd tease him, though you knew he was only protecting you. He's grown wary of everything that tried to approach you, he would stand before any approaching figure and glare them down.
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish, you were told from the file Price sent you, walked to meet you, smiling broadly and eyes squinting from the bright sun that bared down on the base. Besides him was Gaz, Kyle Garrick, olive-skinned and leaner than both males - blockheaded blokes, you called Simon and Soap.
His newly formed habit stood out the moment Ghost moved to block you from their sights, standing high and sneering when they stood feet away from you. You saw them flinch, hesitation seen through their eyes before they closed in, greeting Ghost who stared at their hand.
"Doc, pleasure meeting you, Soap, Gaz," you moved around Ghost, tapping his forearm reassuringly, his tense form slumping slightly. "He's Ghost, sorry 'bout him, he's not much of a people's person." Ghost huffed as you shook their hands, peering between them to the other duo approaching: Captain John Price and Gary "Roach" Sanderson.
Ghost acted once more, moving to guard you even though he knew Price prior to the formation of Task Force 141, you both knew him. You shook his hand, bowing your head lightly out of respect for the experience and battle-hardened man.
Other than guarding you, he hoarded your attention like a dragon hoarding his gold, keeping you by his side wherever he went as much as he stuck to yours. Per your conditions, you and Ghost would always be assigned together, and Price sympathetically complied. You bunked together and ate on the same table, he warded away unsavory glances and you lashed out at those that glowered at Ghost.
Although you'd burn the world for Ghost, he took it a step further, he took it upon himself to take care of whatever plagued you. Be it harassment from a fellow soldier, he'd disappear the next day; be it an unintentional threat to your safety, properly disposed of; be it someone who's trying to get close to you, too close to you, would find themselves jumping into an oncoming train.
He did as he should to keep you from harm, any kind that would mean losing you. A desperate man takes desperate measures, and Simon "Ghost" Riley is the most desperate elder brother in the world.
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Our perfect Addition | Platonic Yandere Mei Mei and Ui Ui
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When you were recruited into Jujutsu Tech, you could not settle in. Given an ultimatum about joining or your family suffering from unknown consequences. It doesn’t give you an all too positive relationship with the school. Often having to be reminded of your life and family’s lives on the line. You're eventually placed in the first year's class under the supposed strongest Gojo Satoru. Not that it mattered to you. 
“OKAY! This is your new classmate! Introduce yourself, newbie.”
“Nice to meet you all.”
“So so (Y/n)-chan! Tell us something about yourself!”
“I didn’t want to enroll but was forced to. Otherwise, my family will be-”
He slaps a hand on your mouth and then pushes you toward the trio. 
“Awesome introduction! Welcome to the team!”
Despite your disgruntled disposition you tend to hold your own quite well. Able to come out mostly unscathed thanks to your technique. Speaking of your technique one of its functions allows attacks against you to become diamonds and minerals that you can maneuver throughout the battle. When you’re not using them to fight, you aren’t afraid to fashion them into jewelry or, after meeting Maki, weapons. Needless to say, it’s helpful when it comes to anyone you’re fighting against cursed users or curses themselves.
Which is perfect for defending your friend in the Kyoto School Exchange. Their attacks both physical and cursed are thwarted by your own until the violent interruption. Before then though the professors watched with anticipation.
“Gojo Satoru, how much for the gem maker?”
The Kyoto School Exchange is where she sees you in action. She’s heard the whispers that Gojo’s been given a treasure-making curse-user for a student. She doubts it's as weird as they speak of but someone so money-driven is bound to be curious. 
The crow that returns from the forest is clutching a nugget of gold. Mei Mei gets it appraised and true enough it is a bonafide mineral. One selected among others you carry away or leave behind from your violent battle with the intruders.
“Not for sale.”
Gojo’s warning is ignored as Mei Mei is constantly sending crows to follow. She watches how you pay for your family’s expenses and spend time with them when you’re not scheduled for a mission. She notes how big you smile when they greet you and how hard you laugh. She finds it endearing. 
So endearing she devotes more of her energy to watching you do anything and everything. Where you go with your friends, where you eat, how you sleep. If it weren’t for Gojo she’d have a more concrete copy of your schedule by now but having the general ideas of your life is a good start.
“Nee-Sama! Don’t you want me by your side?”
“ I need you to watch someone for me.”
“Only for you, Nee-Sama!”
She kicks herself for asking Gojo about you. Since then he’s been hard-pressed to keep you far from her as you go on different missions. He’s strong but he can’t control everything. Sooner than he can threaten the council, Ui Ui is assigned to accompany you as you take on a grade 2 curse. 
“Uhm hope we can work together well, Ui Ui.”
“Hmph! I’m not going to speak to you, money bag.”
He quite obviously was jealous of his sister’s interest in you. Constantly degrading you or insulting you as you both learn how to work together and handle the curse. Despite his prickly beginnings with you, he finds himself in awe of you…
“Ui Ui! Teleport me onto the debris it consumes. I don’t care which one just do it.”
“But if you do that your gems won’t be able to manage your fall!”
“Don’t worry about it! Just do it.”
From what he’s heard from his sister you were forced into this. Unable to choose this life you’re still so willing to put yourself at risk. With the way the battle had been going, you could easily abandon the mission claiming it was too advanced. But you stayed and devoted your limited gems to protecting him.
With a pout and a blush, he found himself accepting the hug you gave him in achieving your victory. He cheekily praises you on the plan you came up with, still insulting you enough to keep you from noticing.
“You’re not nearly as powerful as my beloved Nee-Sama! She would have handled this in minutes.”
“Didn’t you say she was a special-grade sorcerer?”
“Yes…and by that standard we were decent.”
“Yeah, 30 minutes is pretty good.”
“Your standards need to be raised–” “Hey!” “-I think it’s important we keep contact for when that day comes.”
“Is this you’re roundabout way to ask for my number so we can hang out?”
“Think what you want! My Nee-Sama is the only one I bother planning to meet…I’ll text you.”
He’s lucky you don’t have a technique like Mei Mei’s otherwise you’d tease him to no end about how he kicks his feet when he texts you. With a blush and a chuckle, he’ll happily let his sister come in close as they watch your snap stories or a video you took.
“They seem perfect for us Nee-sama.”
“I agree. Now all that’s left is to take them for ourselves. Now to get past the famous Gojo Satoru.”
“You could beat him. Nee-Sama!”
“Hmmm, if only.”
The Shibuya incident couldn’t come any sooner. Having been paired up with Nobara, the siblings are all too keen on your proximity to them. When you casually respond to a text Ui Ui sends at the beginning of the mission, you couldn’t possibly be aware of the gears turning in their heads.
“Ara Yuji-kun, the gem user is also training to be a special grade, correct?”
“Uh yes, they were sayin’ something about retiring.”
“Oh really?”
“Don’t respond so casually at Nee-Sama!”
Mei Mei is quick to take advantage when Gojo is sent in to fight. Far too focused on his battle she can devote a crow or two to follow your progress and intervening at close calls. Her plan is only to watch you, it is an unexpected advantage that the sorcerer that’s been guarding you so closely is sealed. 
“Eh? Gojo’s been sealed? What an interesting turn of events…he still owes me.”
After surviving the run-in with Kenjaku, she has no intentions of staying in Shibuya. She needed to change her currency after all. Before she leaves, she makes a point not to leave her gem, swiping you up before you can register. 
“W-what just–”, you call out as you look at your new environment. No longer in the heat of battle, you look amazed at the lush and luxurious hotel room. High above a glowing city, this wasn’t Shibuya…it didn’t even look like Japan.
Ui Ui hugs you tightly, beginning to worryly obsess over your wounds. When the crow imbued with his technique landed on you mid-fight, you were on the cusp of being greatly injured. A few scars, a broken rib, and muscles that’ll make your body ache for days are what you got away with. You considered yourself better off than some of the seniors you were fighting alongside.
“I have to go back! They need me!”
You struggle against Ui Ui’s tight grip, who took advantage of your injury to hold you still, you can’t properly detach yourself. Mei Mei pays no mind to your determined snarl, not even looking in your direction as she hurriedly types on her computer.
“Gojo Satoru’s been sealed.”
“I know that!”
“Do you though? Your family was promised to be protected as long as you stay in Jujutsu Tech.”
You think for a moment. You deflated, “Gojo….”
Finished typing she comes to your side, not minding her brother as she cradles your head to her chest, “With Gojo no longer around do you think they’d bother to keep them around?”
You floundered,“I- don’t- I–” 
Ui Ui hugs you tight, bringing your attention back to him as he looks up at you. 
“We are your family now.”
Mei Mei’s hands held your chin turning your face towards hers. Her hair was down and she was wearing a hotel’s robe. With a bandaid on her right cheek and the deep red of her lipstick. The look on her face was unreadable, her eyes looked too gleeful in comparison to yours.
“(Y/n), your family is being housed by some friends of mine.”
“But they didn’t tell me they moved.”
She chuckled, “Of course, they haven’t I wouldn’t allow them to.”
When you looked at her suspiciously, she squeezed your cheeks.
“For their safety, of course. I care for those I invest in.”
She let her other hand pet Ui Ui’s head. He blushed intensely muffling a ‘Nee-Sama’ into your clothes. You felt your lip curl in disgust.
“So you want me for the gems I make right?”
She smiled to herself, before beginning to unbutton your school uniform. Ui Ui readjusted his hug, forcing your arms to your sides as Mei Mei undid all your buttons. 
“I might have also decided you were just as valuable as your technique.”
You scoffed, “Yeah I doubt that.”
She laughed at you. “Think what you like but I’m sure your…family would love to hear from you.”
She held a burner phone out to you. It was opened to a contact profile with a group picture of your family. Wriggling your arm out of Ui Ui you reached to snatch it away only for her to easily hold it further away from you. 
“It’d be a shame if I changed my mind about funding their protection. Stay in my care from now on.”
“What are you getting at–”
The phone began to ring. You frantically reached for it, willing to endure Ui Ui’s grip and graze the edge of the phone.
“Promise me, (Y/n).”
“I-I promise! Please!” 
With a nod, the arms holding you released, letting you stumble and wince as you answer the call. With your back to the two of them, they smiled at one another gazing at the uniform shirt that easily slipped off in your struggle for the phone. Mei Mei holds the cloth in her hands caressing the jeweled buttons, she knows you custom-made. 
“Ui Ui.”
“Yes Nee-Sama?” 
“Wash their uniform and give them the change of clothes we brought for them.”
“Of course Nee-Sama!”
She starts to make her way back to the computer, resuming her business with those on the other line. Turning her head over her shoulder she watched the way you fiddled with the plants in the hotel room while chatting excitedly on the phone. She smiled as she watched her brother eye the shirt with a deep blush.
“Oh, Ui Ui.”
“Yes, Nee-Sama?”
“Be sure to breathe in with both your nose and mouth. It’s less likely you’ll pass out that way.”
“Thank you Nee-Sama.”
Looking out at the city Mei Mei felt triumphant. She finally had her gem and with the world ending, it was the perfect time.
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jojosquires · 2 months
So... Just a thought
Often in extended media, Tim Drake (and also Cass and Stephanie, but those are two different essays entirely) is adapted out. The idea, I think, is to streamline the story/Bruce's timeline. What it really does is kinda make Dick's storyline/character development VERY unlikely to make sense.
Bruce does the Batman thing solo for a bit
Dick Grayson's parents die, Bruce takes him in, Dick is the first Robin
Dick and Bruce fight, Dick leaves/is fired, eventually he becomes Nightwing
Jason is found, adopted, becomes second Robin, dies
Bruce is grieving, only snaps out of it when a biological son (Damian) appears, he can't ignore this child since it's his bio kid (whereas he could say no if it's another rando kid who wants to become Robin).
So... Damian is Bruce's "third time's the charm".
Dick survived being Robin, but is estranged from the familial side of things
Jason had a better parental relationship with Bruce (at least initially), but died as Robin
Damian will be the success story of both because Bruce now has the experience to handle both sides of a child's growth or whatever.
Except... Uhh, no?
Damian's initial self-improvement has nothing to do with Bruce (who is lost in time during his start as Robin) and everything to do with Dick (who IS NOT Damian's parent) and Alfred (and also Steph, but again, she's rarely adapted as well).
Alfred's investment in Damian can be explained by Alfred's dedication to the Wayne family line so that's the end of that part of this essay.
Dick, however, in this hypothetical "No Tim" scenario has no reason to be invested.
Now, his relationship with Jason isn't as terrible as fanon likes to think, but they're not what I would consider "close". Dick mourns his loss, but Jason's death only makes Bruce's relationship with Dick worse.
Tim arrives on the scene as this annoying (kinda stalkery) fanboy, right? Dick didn't immediately latch onto Tim (fanon loves to say he did over regrets about Jason, but... No no no no no that's terrible and gross people). Instead, after Tim is approved to train as Robin, *Tim* puts in the effort to *bond with Dick*. He goes and visits him to "train", seeks him out when things get weird in Gotham, constantly hypes him up as the coolest guy ever, shows up at his wedding, etc. It doesn't take a super longtime for Dick to start putting in the effort in return, but I doubt it would've happened without Tim's initial push. Dick still has issues with Bruce (a lot of them), but they start to improve partially due to *Tim's* insistence and tendency towards team ups (and his discretion when Dick asks if he's going to report back to Bruce).
They BOTH put in a lot of effort and become brothers way before Tim loses Jack. Tim is Dick's first Robin (oh, Prodigal, so often dismissed/ignored when discussing Dick!Bats). Dick learned a lot (patience, mentoring skills, communication, confidence, planning, risk management, etc) from his time with *Tim*.
All this to say, a Dick without a Tim isn't going to be in any way prepared for a mentoring relationship (or brotherly one) with Damian. Why would he be willing to step in for Bruce without the mending of their relationship during Tim's time as Robin (both of them are too stubborn to fix it without outside pushing)? How would he fair as Dick!Bats without a trial run (with the safety net of Bruce returning) that was Prodigal (where, again, Tim had been advocating for Dick over Azrael/JP during Knightfall)? How would he know how to work effectively with a *younger* partner if not for his many team ups with Tim?
Tim was the easy (if annoying) kid before the difficult kid (no hate to Damian, of course, kid was abused... Doesn't make him less of a difficult kid). Not only for Bruce, but also (and ESPECIALLY) for Dick.
So... All I'm saying is that taking Tim out of the narrative messes a lot of things up (obviously there's another essay in my soul for Bruce and the 90s expansion of the Batfam and team ups in general) for Dick. Because? Where is the connective tissue? The Dick who never grew to love Tim as a brother isn't going to be prepared to be anything to Damian.
Just a thought....
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astronautrobot · 26 days
I actually made these before the intro comic and I couldn't wait to show them to you
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Only child
The only turtle Splinter was able to save. Because of this same reason, he is overprotected by his father.
Has suggested several times to go out and look for the others, but his dad just won't risk it.
Carries his brother's masks with him everytime he goes out, in case he finds them.
When Splinter made his mask, he asked him to make one for each of his brother's too so they could eventually use them.
Terribly frustrated and even more angry than cannon, due to both his dad's negative to find the others and not being able to find them himself
Still dreams on going to school and meet more people, or more like someone else in general.
Really likes hugs and hopes he's good at them. He is, but ofc no one hasn't told him yet.
Has a stuffed animal that keeps him company, a turtle named Spike.
His dad gave it to him when he was a toddler so he wouldn't miss the others so much when it was time fo bed. Splinter doesn't know he still has it.
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Ran around the city until he found the Zoo. That's where he grew up.
Really connected to animals for this same reason. Often feeds strays and pigeons.
After the incident, rumors about alien turtles expanded around the city. They became kind of a urban legend.
Mikey, being the creative theater kid he is, eventually saw this as an opportunity to disguise himself and walk freely among the humans.
The trick was not to look too real in order to not stand out from the other mascots. He had to get crafty.
The most familiarized with humans, as he technically grew seeing them constantly and interacts with them daily.
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Found by kid Rocksteady a few hours after being separated from the others. Was more than welcome by the other Mutanimals.
Both afraid and fascinated by humans.
He understands why the others are scared of them, but can't help but think it was a human who created all of them in the first place.
Is really conflicted with the idea of giving the humans the same treatment they had received for years. He believes it will become a cycle and won't really fix anything.
But he firmly thinks his family comes first and doesn't want to disappoint.
Super Fly's right hand.
Leads the team when the big brother has to attend other business.
Is the best at strategy and genuinely knows how to make the fam work together.
Can be intimidating when he really needs to in order to deal with the criminals. His BatMan voice is actually useful here.
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-Initially raised by TCRI
It hasn't been that long since the Baxter Stockman incident. TCRI was still on alert and when they heard about the strange creatures that appeared one night in the middle of New York, a team rushed to the scene. They managed to catch one of them.
Baby boy was neglected of physical affection.
A turtle wasn't on Stockman's records, so they were really confused as to where he came from. Taking on account the previous encounter with the fly creature, they theorized mutants not only had powers, but they were radioactive too.
Lab... rat turtle?
Scientist quickly found out the mutant actually had the intelligence of a human toddler and a lot of potencial. Some of them were interested on trying to raise him like a child, but Ultrom, still with the idea of creating mutants just to be used as weapons, refused to this and only keep him around to study him.
Donnie was initially treated carefully, as they were aware he was technically a baby and didn't want to risk their only specimen dying. They drew only enough blood to have an idea what they were working with.
Unfortunately, before they had the chance to start extracting his blood to actually recreate the ozze formula, he escaped.
This happened during one of the first attacks of Super Fly to TCRI. Donnie was around four years old.
He didn't went too far though. He had been locked up his whole life and wasn't really familiarized with the outside world. He managed to stick around without being noticed.
You can guess how he got tech savvy.
He eventually stumbled upon anime and One Piece quickly became his favorite.
The 'found family' trope really got to him. He feels a connection with Brook, with the whole lost crew and being left alone for a long time thing. He is hoping to also find his own nakamas.
Should this be like the main AU post? I'll put it all in order later.
I usually don't ask for this, but I would really like to know know what you guys think about it. Also, please point out any typos so i can correct them
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Buried Secrets Masterlist || Main Masterlist
Hello my lovelies!
As I’ve recently mentioned, I’ve started planning and researching for my next fic adventure, Buried Secrets. Not to worry, I do still plan to finish up with our dear dancing Dieter before I officially begin to post this one. However, I am currently working on the characterization for Frankie and Mya in addition to developing the plot outline so that I have some time to stew on it.
Something fun that I did for Closed Position was a ‘Meet the Characters’ post. It really helped me get to know the characters a little better while also introducing them to you all before we dug into the story. So, without further ado, let’s get to know Frankie and Mya a little bit!
About Frankie Morales in Buried Secrets
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Frankie wasn’t in the best place after he and the guys came back from South America. He felt a lot of guilt over what happened to that fucking asshole Tom and the men who were killed in the small village where he crash-landed the chopper. He still has it in his head that he took the first shot that was the beginning of Tom’s demise. Because of that, he had a little slip up and relapsed. It only happened once, but it was enough for his lady to leave him. Especially since she was already angry about him going to South America.
After losing his family, he realized he needed to get his shit together and figure his life out before he spiraled any further. He worked to get his pilot’s license back and also had the brilliant idea to start a private security business. He managed to convince Santi, Will, and Benny to join him in the new business venture.
Thus far, the business has been lucrative, allowing them to expand and take on able veterans who needed employment. They have created a pretty sizable team as a result. Benny and Will typically handle the day-to-day people part of the job while Santi is in charge of logistics. Frankie is the boss and gets final say on everything. If his gut tells him it’s a bad idea, he no longer hesitates to shut things down. He’s not willing to take unnecessary risks.
In order to keep himself busy (and away from drugs) Frankie helps Benny with his MMA fight training. He spends lots of time in the ring sparing and working out with Benny to keep his friend focused and in shape.
When Frankie isn’t training with Benny, he’s working on an old muscle car that he recently purchased. It needs a ton of work, but he’s got the time and needs the distraction. When he’s not working on his car, he’s with the guys at the local bar. He often plays darts to unwind and usually tries to keep his drinking to a minimum, if he even drinks anything at all. It’s on these nights when the guys reminisce and talk about Tom. He was an asshole, but he was still their captain and brother in arms after all.
Frankie has also begun to spend a lot of his time at the local gun range. He’s found that something about it helps calm and center him. It allows him to clear his mind and focus on hitting the target rather than his painful memories. In a strange way, it gives him a small piece of military life that he’s missing as a civilian.
Frankie often thinks about the money that they left in the mountains of Chile. He knows that the money could change all their lives in ways he can’t even fathom. He lays in bed at night going through every possible scenario for getting it back, but everything he comes up with feels too risky. He’s too afraid of losing another one of his teammates. So, he lets it fester. It’s a splinter which is slowly infecting his soul. It makes him angry that they lost so much for nothing. It dictates every decision, often forcing him to take the safest route on all things out of fear and makes him second guess his choices. It's a touchy topic for him that he immediately shuts down each time Santi brings it up.
Even though Frankie is now free to be with others, he actively avoids it. He is lonely but doesn't feel he is in a place to pursue anything serious...or casual for that matter. He is completely taken off guard the day Mya Carnahan waltzes into his place of business asking to speak directly to him regarding the specialized security services he offers. She makes him question everything about himself and what he knows about women.
About Mya Carnahan in Buried Secrets
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Mya is going to be a little different than all my other OFCs. While they are all badasses in their own way, Mya will definitely take the cake. However, she does have somewhat of a shady past.
Mya's first choice of profession was in law enforcement. During this time, she joined the forces' SWAT team, allowing her to learn many special skills. She eventually gets caught up in a whirlwind romance with one of her arrestees, Damien, who turns out to be a rather charismatic individual that is involved in selling black market antiquities.
As Damien lures Mya deeper into his world, her love for history grows. She takes advantage of the large sums of money she begins to rake in as a black market dealer and puts herself through college in pursuit of a more reputable profession in archeology. She wants to be the person to find the artifacts, and maybe collect some things to sell on the side too.
As Mya delves into the myths and legends of ancient civilizations, she learns about the lost city of Paititi. She becomes almost obsessive over it, convinced she knows where to find it. It becomes her ultimate end goal, she only needs someone to fund a proper expedition to test her theories.
It's because of her relationship with Damien that she gets tangled in a mess that she can't find her way out of. In a transaction gone wrong with a prominent crime lord named Miguel Collazo, Damien runs off with the money and the artifact that Collazo wanted to purchase, leaving Mya to deal with the fallout. She makes a deal with Collazo, agreeing to lead an expedition to find the lost city with promises of finding a treasure like no other. Collazo agrees to be her benefactor for the expedition, with the guarantee of consequences if she doesn't deliver.
Through all of her past experiences, Mya learns how to become somewhat of a chameleon. She can present as a proper and sophisticated antiquities dealer, or she can suit up and handle business. She has a knack for blending in and manipulating situations in her favor to either get what she wants or save herself. In some cases, it’s both.
Mya has been trained to handle a wide variety of weapons and in mixed martial arts. Her favorite hobbies include knife throwing, rock climbing, and riding her motorcycle. She also loves research and solving puzzles. She is intelligent and very good at all aspects of her job, however, she can be extremely stubborn and fiercely independent to a fault.
As you can imagine, Frankie is not prepared when this woman walks into his life. Mya has his head spinning from the beginning and frustrates the hell out of him. Especially when she defies him, insisting he is there to protect her team and not her (because she can take care of herself). These two are so much alike, which creates an interesting dynamic and causes them to bump heads, A LOT. However, they can't help but to be attracted to each other. As we progress through this little adventure their relationship evolves, and they do eventually fall for each other. They will do whatever necessary to keep the other safe as both of their pasts collide, causing all hell to break loose.
I'm really excited to dig into this one and do something a little different. Are you excited yet? How are you feeling about these characters and the plot so far? Do you have any predictions or conspiracy theories (you know I love it when you all come at me with those).
In case you missed any of the teasers/asks that had other little tidbits of info, feel free to check those out HERE. I’ve also started my typical nonsense with collecting vibe posts for this fic (I know how much some of you love those). You can find them HERE.
Until next time, 💜Mysty
🔎P.S. There is a fun easter egg from one of my favorite adventure movies in this post. If anyone can guess it...I will give you another little teaser. 😏
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👉 Tagging anyone who interacted with the masterlist and/or teaser post(s). Feel free to shoot me a DM if you would prefer to not be tagged for this fic going forward.
@2birdsofafeather @72scsuze @76bookworm76 @a-beautiful-but-sassy-world @almostfoxglove
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@auteurdelabre @avastrasposts @biggetywitch @bitchwitch1981 @bluestar22x
@bunniboo0015 @burntheedges @captainredspade @chaoticfestninja @cheekychaos28
@christinamadsen @copperhalfcent @darkheartgatita @diabaroxa @din-cognito
@elisabethloves @fifitheragertot @for-a-longlongtime @girlofchaos @guelyury
@harriedandharassed @hisandsnakes @imdrinkingpedro @jackie923 @janeie87
@jeewrites @jensensational71 @jessthebaker @jessthebaker @joels-darlin
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@ladyofmidlo72 @lizzie-cakes @madnessofadaydreamer @maggiemoo1892 @mandeepandee1997
@maried01 @maryfanson @missladym1981 @misstokyo7love
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