#forming chief
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asleepinawell · 1 year ago
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have been dying over the fact byregot was the poor man hyth dumped all his paperwork on. the man behind the legend. after a hundred years of this he took one look at hyth's husband's grand plan to save humanity and fucked off to the resistance immediately lol
to make it funnier, byregot was also thaliak's apprentice at some point (mentioned in thaleia). this man has been bullied by twinks his whole career
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tavina-writes · 6 months ago
I'm not exactly sure how I want to phrase this yet, but I think a lot of the utterly weird takes I see sometimes float by me on our cursed blue hellsite (esp when it comes to mdzscql fandom) is coming from a refusal to meet the genre where it's at.
Like, why are we trying to interrogate classism in MDZS society, MDZS is a romance, the societal worldbuilding is just enough to support some general big ideas and the provide context for the romance. We can't get ANY kind of read on general classim/sexism/anything else from. this source material. if you think you can get granular when your sample size of characters from various social and gender strata are so small and we don't know how the vast majority of people in here live you are making stuff up.
Like, meet the story where it's at: it's a romance novel.
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sinful-lanterns · 8 months ago
While Suspect R is a Doppelganger and can therefore copy the appearances of others, she is unable to copy the powers of other monsters, at least to a certain extent.
For example, when she copies Slime! Kelvin’s appearance, she does get Slime! Kelvin’s abilities as her abilities tie in to her own physical appearance. However, Doppelganger! Suspect R is unable to copy Mindflayer! Chameleon’s mind control powers, as that is something not tied to her physical appearance.
Also, fun fact: Eldritch! Deren (and Eldritch beings in general) are one of the only monsters that Doppelgangers can’t copy the appearance of, due to their true appearance being too dangerous to look at. As for Gorgon! Chelsea, Suspect R is also unable to copy her appearance fully because of her statue curse.
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a-random-pillow · 9 months ago
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Paul Heyman kidnapping Cody Rhodes for the The Bloodline, colorized
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westwiiind · 1 year ago
dean deblois listen to me. listen to me dean deblois. we don’t want a live action. we want a new series that serves the same function as rtte except instead of taking place between the first and second movie, it takes place between the second and third. please dean deblois save us dean deblois
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lavendertvgirl · 2 months ago
I decided to make some wholesome tickle art using Gacha Nebula
The context here is that scientist Clockman had gotten his hands on some rare tickle spiders and left them alone while he ran some errands. Unfortunately Chief came in to the room at the same time that the spiders escaped and he got caught in a web, leading to the spiders tickling him mercilessly.
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The tickle spiders feed off of giggles and tend to trap their prey in a web in order to tickle them and feed off of their laughter, fortunately they don’t harm their prey and will let them go eventually.
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nemo-namikaze · 5 months ago
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Drew this funny popcorn 🍿
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persy-r-bozo · 1 month ago
WOAHHH Watership down x DHMIS. and she tried to make an animatic on things that were made to not animatic.
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lemons-kid · 6 months ago
For the Agate Au are the rest of the Burns family going to feel... strange after finding what Cody truly is? I don't doubt that they will still accept him and love him.
I feel like Graham would be the most sympathetic due to the monster transformations and mind control but would take a while to fully understand.
Dani and Kade would feel the worst to deal with at the start, just full on panicking, (maybe treat them similarly to when they met the bots). By the time Woodrow finds out, he’s probably very chill about it, in comparison.
Chief is tough. I remember the post where due to the Burn’s hair color at least one of them is adopted or a half-sibling, assumed to be Cody. With this in mind, I think by this stage in life they assume they’re adopted and just never told to not have to deal with an age AND genetic gap.
In reality Chief is VERY divorced and got his ex’s kids custody in the settlement. Because of this, he always felt a bit of a distance from the kid and, despite trying to not let that affect his parenting, that dissonance led to Cody conclusion of adoption.
The others reaction were temporary from just not understanding or knowing, but know you dad withheld information that lets him believe your alien with no second guessing would really rub you the wrong way. Chief isn’t really shook because it’s not the first time a robotic alien became human, guess it run in the accursed family…
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fictionalnormalcy · 1 month ago
@drakaina-amore64 @jayalaw
A/N: Well 3 years later, here's another update lol
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private-g-shumway · 25 days ago
Fun Fact(?)!
Gordon canonically(?) has his ears pierced.
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I’ve noticed this every time I watch these episodes and it’s weird nobody else has talked about it? Like he wouldn’t just jam them in his ears, would he?
whatever it’s part of the lore now
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nomorefstogive · 9 months ago
Hi! 🦀 here thanks for answering my idea. Here's what I imagine what would Mania form! Chief would look like;
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Credits to the original owner of the character Ping and the artist Neytirix! You should check out their arts in Twitter,yt, and deviant art (those are the only platform I know from now)
Basically I took the 'consume' in a literal way- like- in the future Mania form! Chief consume the first ever black ring(BR-000 if i remember it correctly) or consume the Mania in the city like those contamination, corpus, Corruptors etc. Probably the Sinners but instead their suffering or manic I guess? So yeah :D I hope your doing alright, drink plenty of water, gets some rest and good night
I like this design for their Mania form, something otherworldly and unnatural in form, wholly alien to our world and understanding, not quite solid, and yet not quite gaseous, a form of matter unknown to all making up a body that defies all other explanation beyond monstrous.
I can picture the Chief loosing control as the Mania overwhelms them, shadows and mist erupting from their form as they scream and howl in agony, the shackles burning with their pain as they begin to twist and distort into the monster pictured above, a howl slipping past the beasts lips as it surges towards BR-00, where it begins to feed on the power, culminating in a monstrous metamorphosis.
I like to imagine that they also possess a human form that they can switch into, after they achieve this state of Apotheosis, their eyes changing into the symbol of the Illusory Moon as the shackles coalesce into a halo above their head, wings of dark red and black, the colors of mania, mingled with the white and blue of Hypercubes mingled with the colors as they cast an ominous glow over the Chief's surroundings.
Part of this design is inspired by an idea I have that Mania is setting the chief up to be some form of Messianic figure to use as a means of securing dominance over the world, utilizing an angelic form to make them appear more divine to humanity, but I digress on that front.
This design makes me imagine their form as being more cosmic and otherworldly in nature even when human, the wings gaining an almost nebula like quality, the reds, blacks, blues, and whites mingling in constellations and galaxies.
Their hair becomes as comet trails, burning wisps of platinum gray light with the colors Mania and Hypercubes, of Madness and Order, reflecting from within the trails of light as the hair lengthens to caress their heels with each step, their skin gaining a faint glow as their clothing mends of any damage as they begin to walk towards their Sinners, their arms outstretched as though to embrace them as their eyes blaze with power undreamt of by mortals.
I feel this change would also manifest in their mentality warping, where as the human form embodies their desire for order and stability, along with their juvenile state, with the Mania form and their altered human state representing their growth into their own desires and mania, perhaps not quite their adult hood, but the middle ground between the pair, or mayhap a fusion of both Mania and Order.
The changes of their personality could be something as mild as them becoming more selfish, more determined to achieve their own happiness amidst the world, to something as major as them becoming near tyrannical in their views of matters, disdainful of those they cannot shackle and bind to them, and seeking to spread mania to all so that they may bind all to them.
In addition to this, I feel that their powers would alter, the normal Protestats, I think I spelled that right, growing to nightmarish levels of power, a Dark Sound becomes enough to level buildings, an Empower can recharge entire squadrons of Sinners, and a Last Stand, can make an entire legion fight like the hounds of hell made flesh and bone.
The Mania form would likely possess not only these powers, but also the ability to feed upon the Mania of the Sinners and to copy and or utilize said Sinner's powers as their own, something their human form would share to a lesser extent.
A towering monster of Mania is already a loathsomely powerful foe, but one that can call forth Ignis's flames along with Kelvin's ice to cause temperature explosions brought about by super cooling and then super heating the air, along with Chameleon's Hypnotic powers and Adele's ability to alter Memories to insure that none would even be aware of just who or what they were fighting unless the beast wished the m to be, perhaps even erasing its presence entirely until it is ready to strike.
There is also the fact that having absorbed so much Mania, it is likely the Chief would be giving off enough mania to turn any person in an enormous radius around them into either a sinner or a corruptor, with the sinners being the only ones able to draw near to them, their Mania monster form would likely have a radiation field of Mania able to effortlessly envelop all of Dis in its grasp and begin to contaminate all of those present.
Beyond all of that, I feel like this transformation would mark the beginning of a complete and total breakdown of Dis as Paradeisos and the Underground are faced with the the Chief's control over Mania and Sinners, along with their own power, reaching the point of being able to challenge both of them with ease as they become the one ready to flip the chessboard betwixt the two factions as they make their own play for Dis.
Would the Chief's actions be born out of malice?
But as the saying goes, "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions," and one can only imagine what the Chief would do in pursuit of any noble goal with their mind and form altered such.
Like it or not, a new age would dawn for Dis and the world as a whole, and only time would tell if it would be a Golden age, or a Cruel Age.
At least that is all I have at the moment lol, sorry for the rambling, I got carried away again.
Take care and stay safe.
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stormandmoonlight · 5 months ago
two common talking points about non-voting from the left:
1. depriving the Democrats of your vote will show that you will not empower genocide and punish them for doing so
2. the Democrats will not be affected if the Republicans win power because they are the same class
does anyone else see a contradiction in terms here?
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kalena-henden · 10 months ago
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Chief Detective 1958 수사반장 1958 (2024) | Episode 3
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readysetjo · 3 months ago
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How I’m celebrating Swift at the game tonight ❤️💛
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youraveragecatastrophe · 2 years ago
It kills me how little self-preservation Carmen has, how much she disregards her personal safety. She decides not to see Gray again not because of the reasonable concerns Player mentions, but because she fears putting Gray in danger. Her safety does not come into play in the equation.
And, sure, her "occupation" is always dangerous but she's never trying that hard to stay safe. Whatever is necessary to get the job done.
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