#cody as onyx au
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lemons-kid · 9 months ago
Everyone says, “Cody Burns wouldn’t hurt a fly” “Cody would try to befriend even Megatron” “Cody adores his family”
And I agree, but give me Cody who is is all these things to a fault!
Give me Cody who loves his family so much but they a bit too oblivious to fully reciprocate it! Give me Cody who never blames them and chalks it up to their jobs! Give me a Burns family that is too disconnected from the youngest member to notice him slowly and painfully drifting away!
Give me Cody who moves to the mainland, only to be pulled in to a deceptacon conflict!
Give me Cody Burns in a desperate life or death situation, and for once, nobody is there to save him except himself…
And he fails. He fails to save himself, the Burns and Bot have to deal with never finding his body.
Give me a Cody who in his most desperate final moments, awakens a Prime long forgotten. Make him a vessel or reincarnation, the original or a derivative but Cody IS Onyx.
Give Cody as both someTHING he is familiar with as well as something brand new as his spark becomes the first Ordinal of a Prime.
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gelu-the-babosa-multiversal · 4 months ago
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The 3 horsemen of my AU's jsdkshfdaksj
@windydrawallday @ashlovesrescuebots @annabelle-creart @bluekat12345 not new Cody is Onyx Prime AU info yet... but but but, I did make designs for more fun stuff hehhahaha
Headmaster Jack AU: basically Jack fuck up (instead of Miko this time). He was captured by scientists that were experimenting with deceased Cybertronian's bodies and somehow, found a way to fuse a human mind to those bodies. Jack, unfortunately, had to use one of these bodies to be able to escape... Team Prime isn't really comfortable with this, and more because this body no longer has that recognizable feeling of being one of their species, now is... strange... His face turns into a shotgun also!
Decepticon Princess Priscilla: a creation of Shockwave. She is the most advanced in spy technology and artificial human body construction based on matter. She is known to not listen unless you are Shockwave, Madeline, or Megatron. Her main weapons are a canon blast, which is very similar to Shockwave's, and strands that she uses to move, incapacitate, or even cut her targets.
Onyx Prime Cody: Cody is the reincarnation of Onyx Prime, which we all know already!
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cynthiadasorceress · 10 months ago
Short scenario that works with the Cody is Onyx Prime reincarnated theory for Rescue Bots
Fic type: Angst
Main character(s): Cody, Chase
Summary: Cody just wants to act like a kid, but it's hard to do that when everybody is treating you like a god
"Hey, Chase, wanna watch this movie with me?" Cody waves a DVD case containing an old detective drama.
Chase looks at Cody, an unfamiliar respectfulness in his optics. Well, it used to be unfamiliar. Cody had gotten used to it by now, though he doesn't enjoy it. That's the look all the bots had been giving him since they realized what he is.
He knows he should be more interested in the fact that he's a reincarnation of a Prime. He is interested, but he doesn't understand why everybody's treating him differently. Sure, maybe in a past life he was a Prime, but in this one, he's just Cody. He just wants to be Cody, but it seems like everybody else wants him to be like Onyx Prime.
"As you wish," Chase says respectfully, tipping his helm briefly.
The young boy stops smiling when Chase does that. He grips the DVD case just a tiny bit harder and furrows his brow. A faint hint of orange dances across Cody's dark brown eyes.
Chase notices this, perhaps feeling the slight tension in the air. He crouches to be closer to eye level with Cody.
"Is something wrong, my Prime?" Chase questions gently, but still in that annoyingly polite tone.
Cody looks away from the police bot's face and pulls the DVD case up to his chest before speaking quietly.
"Stop that..." Cody mutters.
"Sir?" Chase tilts his helm slightly, his optics glowing a bit brighter.
"Stop that," Cody said a bit louder.
Chase doesn't have to say a thing for Cody to recognize the mild confusion on his face.
"Stop calling me your Prime," Cody looks down at the toes of his boots. One of his laces is untied. "And stop looking at me like that..."
"How would you like me to look at you?" Chase sounds genuinely caring, but for all the wrong reasons.
"Just look at me the same..."
Sorry if this is out of character or something, it's been a little bit since I watched Rescue Bots :')
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bluekat12345 · 9 months ago
Now I'm imagining how funny it would be that in AEMH x TFRB crossover we used Onyx!Cody AU instead asasjalKAlaSDJAKLSJD
Funny because Thor would know instantly is a god but to his surprise to know that Cody is an ALIEN god that reincarnated for those of years jdhjhdjlzdb
The Bots would be so overprotective of Cody and would not trust the Avengers to be close to him. Maybe the Avengers would see this as a bit too much as they see Cody as a kid and they're not familiar with Cybertronian culture/history. But Steve would convince them that they mean no harm and they just want to know Cody
Tony would be the most interested of all since it is alien tech we are talking about ¨Machine into a human? Let me check!!¨
Yeah it would be so funny!
I imagine Thor wanting to be around Cody more since they are both gods, and Thor would be pleased to meet another god, even an alien god, though I also imagine if Loki heard, he would, it would be trouble.
And I imagine both Tony and Hank being interested in the idea of a Machine God being reborn as a human. They would want to know how that is possible and if any another from Cody's past life remained with him, not just memories or if he is completely human.
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thechildbythesea · 10 months ago
wanted to reblog again with a snippet of the fic i am writing!!
Kade stops what he's saying as he enters the kitchen, seeing the wide yellow eyes with sprinkles of red staring right into his soul. “Um, I’ll call you back,” He hangs up the phone after a moment and walks closer to the table, he recognises the small frame, and thanks to the moonlight shining in from the window, sees it’s his youngest brother “Uh… hey, little man.” he says, nervously “hi.” Cody replies simply, holding a can of fizzy pop in his hands “You doing okay?” he sees Cody nod “why you sitting in the dark?” Kade asks slowly, trying to hide any caution or worry in his voice. It didn't seem normal for his brother to just sit in the dark at nearly 3am. He sees small shoulders shrug upwards “Cause it's nice.” Cody replies easily, taking a drink of his juice. Kade watches Cody for a moment, a silent staring contest between the two “Can I sit with you? Do you want the light on?” Kade finally asks, his hand hovering over the light switch “Yes to the company, no to the light. My eyes were hurting earlier.” Kade simply nodded and sat down in the chair across from Cody, the moonlight from the window seemed to be enough of a light source for Kade to be comfortable. But the yellow of his brother's eyes was still unsettling. "Have his eyes always glowed like that?" Kade thinks.
Onyx Prime Cody au ideas
1. Sigma 17 was sent to griffon rock to find the reincarnation of Onyx Prime and dont realise hes right under their nose until one day in frusteration they list off what theyre looking for to brainstorm and are like "Oh scrap wait we're stupid."
2. Cody draws in misfits and exceptionals. No one knows he's Onyx prime but Optimus has a strong hunch. Everyone around Cody has inclinations towards Onyx-like qualities. The kind and sweet natures of everyone. Heatwave's possible future vision seems similar to Onyx's visions. So when Optimus was like "Yep we can turn onto Dinosaurs" it might have been a test if the beast qualities of Onyx manifested as well. Theyre a fated bunch and destined for much.
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annabelle-creart · 2 months ago
The Multiverse Storm. Shenanigans👍
For short:
LoRB: Life of Rescue Bots
S-T: Star-Catcher
AB: Adventure Bots
OP: Onyx Prime (Au by @/gelu-the-babosa-multiversal
SG: Shattered Glass
S-T Heatwave: Hi-!
S-T Heatwave: do what?
LoRB Heatwave: APPEAR FROM THE FUCKING NOTHING- YOU SCARED ME!!! Did nobody told you that's not okay?!?!?!
S-T Heatwave: well- yeah, but-
LoRB Heatwave: Why do you do that then???
S-T Heatwave: I just got accomplished, you know?
LoRB Heatwave: Well, got dis-accomplished!
LoRB Kade: For what's the hat?
S-T Heatwave: The what-? The hat? Oh, well- is a gift
LoRB Kade: and the big feather on it was necessary? It looks like the hats the three mosketers used!
S-T Heatwave: the three what?
LoRB Kade: The three mosketers! Don't you know the story?
S-T Heatwave: well, humans don't exist, not where I come from, so, no
LoRB Kade: well, you're talking with the perfect guy, because I have something you might like
AB Boulder: ...what was that?
S-T Heatwave: that was AWESOME!!! CAN WE DO IT AGAIN??
LoRB Kade: movies are not that good when you watch it twice the same day
AB Boulder: yeah... this wasn't my cup of tea
S-T Heatwave: I don't know what's tea but I liked this! There's more?
LoRB Kade: So Much More!
LoRB Cody: are you sure about this?
OP Cody: i just want to ask
LoRB Cody: to him?
OP Cody: are you scared of him?
LoRB Cody: sincerely, yes
SG Chase: that's a good thinking
OP Cody: But- we were hidden, how did you knew we were here?
SG Chase: you're the worst spies I had ever met
OP Cody: Did you met a lot?
SG Chase: yes. And I took care of all of them
OP Cody: well, you can't do much on a electrified cell
SG Chase: what do you want? Eat my spark?
OP Cody: I don't do that
SG Chase: really? I thought Primes did
OP Cody: How do you know that?
SG Chase: I worked for Primes, I can recognize one only by seeing it. But don't overstimate yourself, you're still a kid. You're still tiny, enough to smash with only one servo
OP Cody: I don't fear you! Now, what do you know about the storm-?
Chase hitted with closed fist the bars of the cell, the lighthing, of course scared both kids, specially the griffin, all his feathers growed up in fear
Chase's whole fist looked black, burned, but he never mocked or said anything, not even his faceplate said anything
SG Chase: I don't fear you, Prime. Do you fear me now?
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shapeshiftingcloud · 2 years ago
If I give u more doot doots would you give me Onyx!Cody AU promts????
Here some:
How do the bots treat him after they find out(both team prime and rescue)
How do his family react
And how does he feel knowing he lives on a planet made of Unicron
Thank you for the doot doots :p
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mainenorth · 2 years ago
A TFP x TFRB AU mix with no sense that I wish to present you
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On the one hand, I have this AU where Priscilla is a techno-organic Decepticon that’s pretending to be Decepticon Ally Madam Pynch's daughter.
And in the other an AU were Cody is is the reincarnation of Onyx Pirme and is looking for his other brothers that reincarnated as humans too
(Miko as Solus Prime, and maybe Raf as Micronus)
In time, they both start to suspect of each other that something is off with the other. After some accidents, they both find what the other really is and things go down fast...
But things turn out good too.
What do you think of this weird amalgamation of AU???
Sounds cool. I never really got into the whole reincarnated human best friends to the Autobots? Y’know? Kinda feels like the biggest coincidence ever, unless somehow they know? Idk anything about reincarnation though. But I thought that nobody would know anything about their past lives?
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thechildbythesea · 8 months ago
this looks good! can't wait to read the full chapter and see what you write next!
this has inspired me to publish my first chapter within the next few days!
Genuine Question but does anyone know if there are any good Cody Is Onyx Prime Fanfics? Like that's the main focus?
I do that in my Human Partners AU but I really wanna read some
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windydrawallday · 4 months ago
SABES ESPAÑOL??? ERES DE MÉXICO POR CASUALIDAD??? Nada más pregunto no hay necesidad de responder si no quieres 👍
En el AU donde Cody is Onyx también tenemos a, Princesa de los Decepticons Priscilla Pynch, Bruja de la tecnología Frankie Greene, Gundam battle armor Miko Nakadai, Master head knight Jack Darby, chico normal super inteligente Raf Esquivel y no sé quién más jahbxnakdkxm
Es el AU donde pongo un mix de todas las teorías de TF en en solo lugar XD todo sale bien al final?
Graham es Alchemist si te da curiosidad y el sabe todo lo que va a pasar pero no dice por qué "todo debe fluir como debe". El también tiene una forma robótica pero aún tengo que diseñar la.
Bueno si quieres saber más y tú me das más pues... SERE MUY FELÍZ
Hi there! My evening shift got a 10 min delay sooo, I'm replying this in English (in case my babbling here catch more eyes interested in your AU!) and a bit in Spanish.
Sadly, I'm Argentinian (but not from the capital city, Buenos Aires) and I almost self taught myself English throught reading fanfics and comics x'D (always the best motivation).
(Que de paso: me codeo con todo tipo de mutuals no necesariamente de mi país so, si alguien recién se entera que hablo español y le gustan igual que a mi estos robo-alien-carros, bite me ahead haha)
And OOOH You practically got half the cast of Rescue Bots ready for an RPG campaign! I have great interest in this AU interpretation of Priscilla 👀 (gotta admit is the character that I need to delve more but, so YOU ARE FREEEE to info dump me about her!).
Integrating a sort of "technomancy" makes sense with how dominated by technology is the whole Griffin Rock Island and with the generation of Cody being kids raised around those, in this setting is very fitting! And because you mix it with TFP's lore... why not put some of the energon crystals around the Isle? And make them resonate/find affinity with the Island's technology? Giving it some role similar to the "mana" in many RPG games (makes me think in something similar to Final Fantasy VI's espers, spirits harvested for their magic-fuel properties).
En cuanto a el apartado de diseño: creo todos los creativos le sufrimos a crear artwork para nuestras palabras xDU Es algo crónico pfff Yo no tengo drama en aportar ese aspecto: lo mío son las bestias y darle cierto nivel de lógica a tales ✨
Gracias por azotarme con este wall en español: me hacia falta recordar que aun puedo escribir en mi propia lengua LOL
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azula-nyx · 2 years ago
Answer this after you sleep, please sleep. I KNOW YOURE NOT IN BED SO GO TO SLEEP!!
My mind is being taken over thoughts of the Cody is the reincarnation of Onyx Prime AU with a mix of Miko being the reincarnation of Solus Prime and Micronus Prime is still a spirt/spark that will reunite them so they can be a family again
That's it. Good night!
Weeeeeell....I was not sleepy when you sent this, but I wanted to leave it for later XD
Now, while I think that Onyx character could be a good fit for Cody, I have my doubts about Miko and Solus. While they seem to share some personality traits (based on the wiki), I can't seem to relate them....
@witchofthesouls did a good analysis on this thematic, and I do agree with the conclusion. Regardless, this is a mere opinion of mine, and it shouldn't have to sway the way you want your AU to work. Besides, I can always be persuaded to relate Miko with Solus should you want to do an analysis. It would be a point in her favor should Miko decide to take on blacksmithing as a curiosity, only to find out she actually loves it.
Also, if you are into the spooky/supernatural kind of thing, you need to cheek their tfp kids as other and cyber!earth AUs, it's awesome
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lemons-kid · 3 months ago
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gelu-the-babosa-multiversal · 4 months ago
The funniest thing I would want to make for my Cody is Onyx Prime AU is the conversation the Bots would have with the Burns family and how stupidly they would handle that...
Heatwave: so unnm... Your son, Cody, he well... First, don't panic, we can--
Chase: he is one of our 13 gods who died. He fought against Unicron, an entity that you humans would call a demon. But no worries, in the writings is also said that Onyx was the nicest Prime of all.
Heatwave: yes, that. So please be clam--
Chase: and by those same writings it is said that Onyx died horribly at the hands of one of his brothers and passed on agony and despair as the rest of his siblings fought each other.
Heatwave [face palms]: yes, but it was not as bad as they say, ok? Now look, we have to--
Chase: It is also said that Onyx had the power to see it all, past, present, and future. Making him an individual able to know all your secrets and weaknesses. A master of beasts who was much more dangerous than any monster in the galaxy. A soft speaker that hid his monstrous face from others. A god who talked with both monsters and heroes. An angel with traces of a demon. A king with no--
Chase: ...
Everyone else: ...
Heatwave: ...
Chase: ... It is also said that he was a Griffin...
Meanwhile, Boulder hugging little Predacon Cody and reassuring him that everything will be ok. With Blades taking his vitals and making sure his new form is not affecting him in any way.
That's all, night night
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luciolefire · 2 years ago
I'm thinking of making 3 side blogs!!
One for my evil ocs where they create a league of doom for killing Cybetronians
another one for my Onyx!Cody with my Techno-organic Priscilla AU were they fight a lot before becoming lovers (Frankie might be a techno organic too??)
and the final for my Big brother AU where I document Robby's Terran misadventures...
I cannot help... but I can offer, uh... *looks around*
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bluekat12345 · 3 years ago
Have you heard of the theory that Cody Burns is the reincarnation of Onyx Prime? Is a little weird but has cense.
Would you make some HC of this theory if Cody had awakened his past memories of powers in the original series? And how would the bots react to this?
I have. A friend and I were talking about this a while ago actually! And yeah, it does make a lot of sense!
For starters, I imagine the memories coming gradually over time. The first memory would come shortly after meeting the bots, and even then, he would think it was just a dream.
Also, how he was able to quickly pick up that the bots were not what they seemed, that could serve as a sort of trigger for his memories to start coming back to him, his instincts were his memories as Onyx trying to tell him that he knew more than what was being told.
So overall, Cody wouldn’t really think much of this at first, he would just chalk it up as his imagination going wild after learning from the bots.
He wouldn’t bring it up with the bots for a while, since he doesn’t think much of these ‘dreams’.
The dreams itself wouldn’t be much, just general things about Cybertron before the war and it would be rather hazy for him to really think they could be something significant.
It would be after meeting Bumblebee that he would start questioning these ‘dreams’, since he would start to wonder how he was able to understand Bumblebee so easily.
The next time he dreams, he tries harder to actually focus on what he sees in these dreams, and they would become clearer, but he wouldn’t fully remember his past life yet.
Once he gets a clearer understanding of his visions, he’ll talk to the bots about them. Naturally, they’re surprised at things he tells them, since the things Cody tells them are things they know they never mentioned to him, and even things they didn’t know.
They would encourage him to keep focusing on these ‘dreams’ and tell them more about the visions he sees.
Soon, after doing some research of their own, they would realize that the things he’s seeing and telling them are moments in the life on of the 13 primes, Onyx Prime.
At first, they would think Onyx Prime is trying to communicate with the boy for something major. So, they keep telling Cody to focus on these dreams and see if he can figure out what they’re telling him.
The visions get clearer, but Cody has the feeling that he’s missing something else, something important
Then in one moment, Cody probably says something that only Onyx would say or knows something only Onyx himself would know.
And as the bots review Cody’s behavior and what he’s done since they’ve met him, and eventually, they come to the conclusion that Onyx Prime isn’t simply speaking to him, Cody is Onyx Prime.
Cody would first deny the possibility, but the next time he dreams of his past life, it completely clear and he realizes that the bots are right, he is, or rather was, Onyx Prime.
For a while, the bots act differently around him, since he is one of the original 13 primes reborn, so they act more formal around Cody, much to Cody’s dismay, because he just wants them to treat him as they already had.
They’ll try to go back to treating him as they normally do, but the fact he’s a prime reborn is still a big deal, and they no doubt tell Optimus, who would even go to Cody for advice on somethings, since Cody’s memories could be a great aid to him.
Cody’s family wouldn’t know what to do with the fact he’s basically a reborn god. They’re shocked, amazed, even intimidated by the knowledge.
I’m not sure if Cody will have any of the powers of his past life, but now that he remembers everything, he’ll use his memories to aid in his family and friends, and hopefully other Cybertronians he comes across.
I even imagine when he’s old enough, he would set out on his own, to try and find any Predacons and Maximals, and help them in whatever way they need, whether helping them settle on Earth or in any other way he can.
I don’t see him going to every bot he sees and telling them he’s Onyx Prime reborn, he would keep that to himself. But he would his skills from his past life to convince them that they can trust him. Maybe only during serious moments that require this to be known or to those he completely trusts.
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doglover502 · 5 years ago
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I realized that with this “Chris as a next-gen teacher AU”, I never made a post about all the kids themselves, and what they’re like (in order from how they are in the pic left to right)
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Onyx, the Troublemaker. Daughter of Courtney and Duncan. The kid that’s usually the main source of Chris’s misery. At least, intentionally. She loves to push buttons, and is very good at finding loopholes around words and rules. However, she does have a softer side in making sure things are fair for her friends, and a surprising talent in painting.
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Antonio, the Bully. Son of Alejandro and Heather. A kid that wholeheartedly believes in “looking out for #1″. He inherited his parents’ teen competitiveness, which doesn’t lend well when there’s no competition. He’s relatively anti-social, and is the closest kid Chris “likes”, due to being a kiss-up. He dislikes hanging out with the other kids in his class (who tend to cal him “Tony”, to his chagrin), despite his parents’ wishes that he make friends. However, he does strangely find himself seeking company in Brian, even outside of trying to swipe the other kids’ snacks.
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Brian, the Klutz. Son of Lindsay and Tyler. A boy that has most likely tripped on the stairs a few minutes ago. Tyler believes he’s full of sports talent, but he also believes he had the sports talent too, so yeah. Brian isn’t very good at sports, or quizzes, or stress. However, he does show a passion for theater and decent first aid knowledge from all his nurse trips. He also does have some genuine arm strength behind him, and acts as Antonio’s oblivious muscle. He sees Antonio as his best friend, a sentiment that isn’t returned. At least, at first.
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Bianca, the Daydreamer. Daughter of Gwen and Trent. She’s rather soft-spoken, and tends to keep to herself in her sketchbook drawing. She also has a huge fascination in space. She tends to drift off in her world, and sometimes has to be reminded when to pay attention, or when the bell rings, or when she’s about to walk off the stairs.
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“CJ”, the Shy Kid. Son of Sierra and Cody. A very shy reclusive, and semi-weak boy, and Antonio’s biggest target. He tends to spend the time quiet, and waiting for to go home to his mom. He’s never actually met Cody in real life (heck, Cody doesn’t even know he exists, and nobody knows how CJ was even created (nor do they want to)), but yearns to see him outside of old teen photos and a TV screen.
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L’Amanda, the Geek. Daughter of LeShawna and Harold. A future band geek in the making, and musical genius. She’s also a Muskrat Scout, and knows many various skills like her dad. She tends to know a lot of random facts, and will occasionally take over class on the days when Chris just can’t be bothered to actually do his job.
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Sandy, the Fun Personified. Son of Bridgette, Geoff, and Brody. A semi-hyperactive, outdoors loving boy who just wants to have a good time. He tries to cheer up Chris from his new low job point, with varying degrees of failure. Though, he isn’t above a good hearted prank on him with Onyx (well…it’s good hearted on his end). He also loves the beach, and his pet mutated shark Fang, where he got his shark tooth necklace
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And finally, Dino, the Oddball. Daughter of Owen and Noah (via Izzy surrogate). Dino is a self-proclaimed “agent of chaos”. Of the kids, Chris gets exasperated by her the most, because at least with Onyx, she’s upfront and aware she’s causing trouble. Dino’s a good kid at heart, it just sometimes goes unnoticed underneath her sarcasm, eating habits, weird interest in murder, and biting tendencies. But mostly, the biting tendencies.
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