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westwiiind · 1 year ago
dean deblois listen to me. listen to me dean deblois. we don’t want a live action. we want a new series that serves the same function as rtte except instead of taking place between the first and second movie, it takes place between the second and third. please dean deblois save us dean deblois
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hiccup-in-the-code · 6 days ago
How to train your dragon question (or I guess technically questions but related) that I want headcanon answers to because I'm interested in what y'all think, I'm currently watching Race to the Edge, and, so Gothi right? So in the movie the only time they acknowledge Gothi she only needs to nod or shake her head because that's all that her character is needed for, but in the show it's expanded upon that she doesn't speak and instead writes with her staff in dirt/sand/snow/etc. AND they make it a point that the ONLY people who can read her writing are Gobber, Hiccup, and Fishlegs.
We also know that it is not the regular written language as 1. We know that while there are definitely illiterate Vikings it does seem to be commonplace to learn to read and write on Berk, not just Stoick (and therefore extension Hiccup as heir) being a chief having to be able to read and write for treaties, Borks papers are a treasured and regularly displayed thing that are viewed, ALL of the teens are told to read the book of dragons meaning the expectation is that they are somewhat literate. 2. We get to see some of her writings and they are more so sketches, a "picture" language and occasional "chicken scratch".
Now my questions
1. Why specifically do you think Gothi doesn't speak? The two ways I've seen it explored in fanfics (that I unfortunately can't remember the names of at this time) were 1. Literally losing her ability to speak as a pack with the gods in exchange for her healer knowledge which, while very cool, is more based in mythology realm and Berk is definitely meant to be a bit more real (obviously minus the dragons, but for example they believe Thor doesn't like metal when the joke is that we know IRL the lightning is just attracted to metal as a conductor so the in world belief becomes silly to us, not fourth wall breaking but fourth wall joke writing kinda stuff) and 2. She had her tongue cut out as part of being the like, "level" of healer she is she needs to be "prevented from gossiping about her patients", which again, very cool. We know she's been nonspeaking and a healer since she was young so I think it may either be that she took a vow of silence similar to a monk, though this one would be related to her as a healer, maybe her "level" requires dedications such as a vow of silence OR maybe she was born mute and Berk had a belief of those with certain born disabilities were more spiritually tied to the gods and thus are put in positions such as healer.
2. What language specifically does she write in? Is it standardized across mute healers? Is it specific to her and if so how was it first translated? and on that note..
3. Why can only Gobber Hiccup and Fishlegs read it? Fishlegs I understand, he's an academic, he would be interested just because. Hiccup I understand, both from a character perspective of like Fishlegs, being kinda an academic, wanting to learn for the sake of having the knowledge, but also as heir to the chiefdom, it would be insanely important to be able to understand your best healer. Which leads to WHY CANT STOICK READ IT? Idk just feels weird (I remember him asking Gobber what she was saying which is how I know he can't read it) and on that note, why is it Gobber of all people who can also read it? (Obviously the IRL writing perspective reason is that stoick is busy doing Chief stuff and we need a familiar character that is not one of the main characters sometimes to be able to read it) but like in universe why do you think it's him of all people? do you think it has to do with him being a descendant of Bork?
Just something I think about while I'm watching the very beginning of Race To The Edge again
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blue-flare-arts · 3 months ago
Guess who has no self control and is making another AU? This time I’m making a complete rewrite. My main AU mostly has the same story beats as THW, just with some adjustments. This time I want to make a completely new story, featuring Toothless’ new love interest, Midnight Wrath:
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Some facts about her in this AU:
- Her markings are only gold in the Hidden World. Outside of the Hidden World they’re a deep black
- She’s a variation of Night Fury. An offshoot. This breed of Night Fury is able to harness lightning during thunderstorms and use it to amplify their plasma blasts (Toothless is not able to cloak in this AU or control lightning at all)
- Her plasma blasts are orange instead of purple
- She has pupils in this AU
As far as the story goes, I don’t have it all figured out yet, but I do have a basic concept that I want to expand on. For starters, Grimmel and Drago are both the antagonists. Grimmel finds out about Toothless through Drago, who wants revenge on Hiccup. Grimmel wants to kill Toothless and wipe out the Night Furies for good. They agree to form a temporary alliance so they can both get what they want.
Meanwhile Hiccup and Toothless discover Midnight, a wild and elusive Night Fury that comes from the Hidden World (also, Hiccup doesn’t know about the Hidden World in this AU. He doesn’t take everyone and leave to try to find it. They stay on Berk). Hiccup tries to help Toothless win her over and hopefully coax her to stay on Berk.
I imagine that Grimmel, upon seeing Midnight, realizes he hasn’t successfully killed off the Night Furies after all, and the handful that are left are hiding in the Hidden Word. The final battle would be the Berkians protecting the Hidden World from Grimmel and Drago.
Obviously there would be other stuff that happens in between, but I haven’t figured that all out yet. This is essentially just a concept. A simple first draft. I’m eager to expand on it, though
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itsybitsybatsyspider · 8 months ago
The Dragon Prince Au Masterpost
So since i got so many ideas and thoughts for this au, imma just make a masterpost for this since i plan on expanding and adding more to it in the future. Thought it’d make context a bit easier to understand. There's quite a bit so buckle in fellas
Berk is an outpost village that lies along the border of Katolis and Xadia. The people and battalion there are known for their duty to ward off dragons and drakes when they get too close to the border, and they are based right on the edge of the border where both lands meet at the Gulf of Tenebris. 
The events from the first movie still kind of play out. Hiccup shoots down Toothless and hides it from everyone, but after learning about dragons and seeing that they’re misunderstood and that Berk has been provoking them, he then creates a disguise to help the dragons.
Of course, now everyone thinks that there’s a Sunfire elf out there fighting against them and why do they think he’s a Sunfire elf?? Because he creates Inferno in an attempt to mimic a Sunforge blade and paints his helmet to look like elf markings and builds in horns.
Jack is a Skywing elf, and a mage-in-training. He’s doing his best and lives with his mother and sister, Emily. Their village is to the north of the Ruins of Elarion and resides in the mountains.
He's out flying one day when he hears a dragon's roar and when he flies down to investigate he sees a human trying to catch a dragon. Filled with anger he jumps down and pulls up a spell, aiming it at the human, who stares back with his eyes wide and hands raised.
Hiccup was only trying to wrangle Toothless to try and put on a new and improved tailfin when out of nowhere a Skywing elf leaps out and points lightning at him???
So they get off on the wrong foot. But after seeing that Hiccup wasn't harming Toothless and Toothless was friendly towards Hiccup, did Jack lower his staff. He truly thought the human was going to try to kill the dragon to take it apart to send to the dark mages of the Katolin court. He'd heard stories of human "mages'' and their brand of "magic". But no. All that was in front of him was a startled human who had only been wanting to help a creature of Xadia.
and from there, their friendship begins.
Jack tells Hiccup about Xadia and Hiccup tells Jack about his home. They sneak off to hang out and take Toothless out flying. Jack uses Sky magic to make them go faster and higher and blows snow flurries their way to mess with Hiccup.
Hiccup brings pastries and food for Jack to try from home and gets him to try brown morning potion. It ends with Hiccup laughing on the ground and a cup frozen to the ground as Jack sputters in distaste at the bitterness
Jack manages to find a real Sunforge blade and gifts it to Hiccup. "Now you can pass off as a real Sunfire elf. Or at least close enough."
Toothiana is a Skywing elf. One of Jack’s friends and a family friend to the Frost-Overlands. She’s helped teach Jack some Sky magic but it’s not much. She tries to help him by hunting down books, tomes, and scrolls in her free time when she’s not busy
Bunny is an Earthblood elf who doesn’t stay in one place too long. But he does have a place on the outskirts of their village and sometimes lingers for a few weeks at a time before going back to his travels. His real home is in the Uncharted Forest.
Sandy is a Sunfire elf who passes through occasionally and is Tooth's source for magic books for Jack. Sandy lives near Lux Aurea but his work keeps him traveling around. He's a Sun mage and is currently hunting for the source of whatever magic has been corrupting creatures in Xadia and turning them into monsters made of nothing but shade and decay.
North is a human dwelling in Berk. He and Gobber run the smithy and create the defenses for the outpost and take turns running the shop. But North is actually a friend to Xadia (*cough* Bunny *cough cough* Tooth *cough* Sandy). It was the time before he came to Berk and he keeps these opinions to himself until he discovers what Hiccup has been doing in his spare time.
Astrid is the top-cadet in the training program at the outpost. Best in her class and has the highest chance of joining the Outpost Guard right off the bat. She and Hiccup are friends and she has trouble understanding his sudden reluctance to want to fight dragons and keep enemy forces at bay. This is their home. Doesn’t he want to protect it? Surely he must understand what’s at stake if creatures from Xadia were to invade. 
the rest of the teenagers are in the training program a well. Snotlout has aspirations to join the Katolin army at the Breach, Fishlegs just wants to study the flora and fauna of Xadia without it trying to kill him, and the twins... well they're the twins. They want to learn primal magic for pranks and get chased by a drake and cause havoc in general.
Jamie Bennett and his family live in Berk and Jamie has a secret that he's never told anyone. His best friend's an elf.
Jamie and Emily become friends before the events of the story start. And have been friends for months at this point. They've been lying to everyone to keep their friendship. So when Jack starts acting suspicious at home, claiming to go see some friends (he doesn’t have friends aside from her and Tooth) she starts paying attention to what he’s trying to hide. She fills Jamie in on it as well during one of their hangouts and he’s like “Oh weird, you know I've been noticing the Commander’s son has been disappearing as well.”
At one point Jack manages to get his hands on an illusion necklace, and gives it to Hiccup so that he can be fully disguised as an Earthblood elf. He wants to show him the beauty of his home and Xadia without the worry that he’ll get captured or killed and they spend a whole day going through Jack’s village and showing him everything. Emily follows along and keeps a sharp eye on Hiccup. 
She brings it up in their following recap. "So my brother had a friend over the other day... it was an Earthblood elf i had never seen before... he acted really weird." "Huh that's weird... Hiccup was gone the other day... no one could find him..." ".... Hiccup?"
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and Pitch is a dark mage :)
At some point i may add more, but for now this is the base context for the Au. it was hard not to get carried away with adding even more but i think that about sums it up for now! Below is the art that's been posted already. I'll edit it as i post more but for now that's it!
Jack, Hiccup, and Toothless designs
Sunfire Elf Hiccup disguise
Jack's Wing Maintenance
First Meeting (and misunderstandings)
Questions Ask
Ask #2
Jack and His Sister
Astrid, Jamie, and Tooth Designs
Earthblood Elf Hiccup Illusion
Some Plot
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revive-the-fandom · 1 year ago
Johann's villain arc was piss poor writing
tbh I don't come to RTTE for good writing, I go here for mediocre writing with flecks of greatness in it. But Johann's villain arc is a stinking pile of shit muddying the waters of the rest of the show and I'm tired of seeing people praising it.
If you're writing a twist villain the truth needs to make more sense than the lie. and Johann just has so many inconsistencies and plotholes and godawful dialogue. He feels more fake as the villain than he ever did as the Comic Relief Plot Mover.
What is his end game?
So he gets the King of Dragons, now what? Do what with it? Is he selling it to Drago through Krogan? If he does this then he loses the King of Dragons, his Allies, and the Dragon Flyers?? Then why does Krogan need Johann of all people?
What does he bring to the table that Krogan and the Grimborns haven't already provided?
Krogan brings the Flyers, an air force, and he's an accomplished fighter with an exotic style that the Archipelago is unfamiliar with. He's also bringing the Buyer and the Funds.
The Grimborns bring the Hunters, a naval force highly skilled at capturing Dragons alive (something Berk, the Outcasts, and the Berserkers couldn't manage after 300 years of experience) and selling their parts. They also bring the Dragon Eye - it's a decades (maybe even centuries) old artifact created by the Hunters for use by the Hunters.
Then why do Viggo and Krogan work for him?
No fucking clue! It doesn't make sense! He's been undercover for at least 15 - 20 years (the man recognises by sight the gift Valka made for Hiccup, which he threw into the ocean when he was a toddler). Any reputation he had in his homeland or even the archipelago is void.
Johann is also rarely ever shown fighting, and when he does fight he loses, so he's pretty shit. He loses to Hiccup twice, and he loses to Viggo. He's not inspiring confidence or fear so what the fuck is even his deal? How is he gaining loyalty?
He doesn't bring knowledge, or hell even an insider perspective of the Riders. Viggo has the information on the Dragon Eye and how to use it, Krogan has the information on what the King of Dragons looks like and acts like from Drago.
Johann throws out his one and only advantage, his alliance (and spy status) with Berk, the Outcasts, and the Berserkers, as soon as he starts to really need it (the Hunters are defeated and absorbed into the Flyers. Ryker, a highly competent general, is dead. Viggo is horrifically injured. The Shellfire is defeated. Krogan, his main general is combative, impulsive and desperate. The Flyers are loyal out of fear not camaraderie. Hiccup has a second Dragon Eye. etc).
He doesn't even have any good reason to hate dragons for christs sake!
Stoick lost his wife.
Gobber lost his limbs.
Drago also lost his limb.
So did Hiccup.
Astrid lost her uncle.
Fishlegs' ancestry is built on dragon hunting.
Mildew is a bitter old man clinging to his culture and influence (power).
Alvin wanted power through the Dragons, but didnt really hate them in the first place, just assigned them: enemy.
Johann just hates people allied with Dragons for the sake of it. It's never expanded on. It's his whole motivation for betraying Berk and it's not. explained. He's evil for the sake of evil. Johann the Trader at least could use the tribes of the archipelago for protection and profit, but Johann the Criminal Mastermind sacrifices this relationship for Viggo's Dragon Eye Lenses at the drop of pin. Why? Plot convenience and piss poor writing.
Johann's foreshadowing is another pile of shit to pick through.
His first appearance he sells poisonous flowers to Mildew.
This should be his first attempt to kill off Berk's Dragons, but he lists Breakneck Bog as his first attempt. His role in this plot is almost nonexistant - he delivers a custom order to Mildew and just, fucks off.
You could even argue that Johann, should he know what the flowers do to Dragons (which it's implied he doesn't) put the answer right into the Berkian's hands. The botany book he sells Fishlegs identifies the Blue Oleander, and because of it they're able to make a cure. Arguably this could be Johann's attempt to covertly save the Dragons.
And if he wasn't trying to covertly help, or he was in on it with Mildew from the beginning, then why on gods green earth did he even allow that book to be sold?? He sabotaged himself! If anything this is points against him as a "mastermind" bc it's a really fucking stupid move.
Johann kicks that one dragon
This is for all those people citing Johann kicking a Dragon away from his food/merchandise as proof that "there was evidence all along".
RoB spends half its screen time showing Dragons as pests, stealing food, burning shit down etc. That's the entire reason Mildew is able to succeed as much as he does.
Half of Berk is still violent to Dragons at this point. Johann is acting accordingly as Vikings are violent and angry culturally, and they get pissy at the Dragons for steal their already limited food and housing.
Breakneck Bog is apparently his first attempt to off the Riders.
So you're telling me that the grand, overarching, final villain, mastermind's plan to kill off a bunch of kids, at least two of whom are pretty crap fighters, and all of which trust him entirely, and all of which are fucking children! was to sail directly into Breakneck Bog, watch the Smokebreaths haul his big ass ship into a tree (all of which seemingly abandoned all of its metal wares ?), then swim into the ocean and HOPE that Berk would send specifically the Riders who again, are CHILDREN, to search for him so he can send them into a hoard of metal eating (not flesh, metal) dragons????
Does no one on the writing team remember that it was STOICK and GOBBER along with Hiccup who initially went searching for Johann? Hiccup went against Stoick's wishes to take the Riders out searching for Johann, it was PURE DUMB LUCK that Johann encountered the Riders at all!
Johann then proceeds to help berk and Stoick and Hiccup by smuggling them into Outcast Island on his own ship
If he wants Hiccup dead why even do this? If he wants the Dragons gone why even do this?
The only reason I can come up with is that he wants to remove the competition: Alvin. Which again, backfires horribly when he allies with Stoick. Great track record this mastermind has for felling his enemies. Really fearsome, round of applause.
Johann is saved by Hiccup during a freeze
He does very little in this ep aside from being fucking hilarious, but he is yet again rescued by Hiccup. Great motivator for hating him.
Johann then (accidentally) delivers Smokebreath metal to Berk
If he's doing this on purpose to help Dagur, rather than just getting tricked because he's the gullible Comic Relief Plot Mover, then why does he stick around to confirm Hiccup's theory? Just leave or lie, he's supposed to be an expert in deceit right?
All of Johann's RoB/DoB appearances consist of him doing something vaguely dodgy or stupid and then getting bailed out, or should he be a villain, hindered by Hiccup. If he's just a Trader, that's fine, he's here to be stupid. but if he's secretly The Villain of the series, then he's a really, really stupid one with no motivation and a habit of self-sabotage. Which I guess could be an interesting route if they played into his stupidity, but no, he's the ultra mega smartypants villain.
Dagur stealing his ship
Johann is a Trader of course he visits Outcast island. He's also Mr Comic Relief Plot Mover. He is the ideal choice for this type of Shenanigans.
But if Johann is the mastermind, then I guess he supposedly paid off that one Outcast guard? The same Outcast guard who then didn't direct Dagur to the ship or anything? So that he could sit and again HOPE that Dagur picked his ship instead of any of the armed and armoured Outcast ships docked nearby, which like, Dagur just defeated an entire prisons worth of guards singlehandedly after stewing in a tiny cell for what 3 years? and then he let Dagur throw him overboard so that said mastermind could once again mysteriously survive being lost at sea? What kind of supernatural powers does Johann have that allows him to swim in an arctic sea for days on end??
and on top of that Johann just decides, hey, lets warn the Berkians instead of maybe like, playing ill for a bit? so that Dagur doesn't get more than a few days headstart to raise an entire Armarda, bc ... fuck him I guess?
So, release the guy who you want to have kill Hiccup and the Riders, then set said Riders on this guy at your earliest convenience so they can swoop in and reduce his chances of doing the thing you want him to do??
Giving false information to Heather
Johann straight up tells Heather he can't confirm Dagur's whereabouts after his last tip, and that Dagur is on his way to get arms. It's not a big stretch to think Heather had good info, but bad timing.
otherwise this is one of the only solid points the Johann twist has going for it: send a single rider so that Dagur can get some practice killing them.
Johann distracting the Riders while the Hunters invade
Like the above point, not really a red flag, but also does hold up okay after the twist. As Johann did manage to fend off the Dragons proving he has some competence. but i say again, Comic Relief Plot Mover is much more likely given his track record.
Smuggling the Riders into the Auction
Why on God does Johann not warn Viggo or Ryker, who he is apparently in charge of, that the Auction is about to be sabotaged? Krogan is in the Auction too. If Johann is vying to sell the King of Dragons then impressing that guy should be priority numero uno or else his whole plan withers away. Instead he just licks Viggo's boots and stays quiet?
the whole Submarriper debacle
Johann, by your own admission you are currently in charge of Viggo and Ryker. Why are you sailing straight into Viggo's Submarriper Trap?
Also, why is he being nice to people he knows are about to die? He knows the Submarriper, so even if he's just like, idk scoping out the trap to check all's good then no need to a) be that close, or b) be fake friendly to your sacrifices?
The end of Season 4 is probably also the original end point, as they only had 4 seasons planned and they got given an extra 2. My theory is that Johann wasn't planned to be a villain until season 5 because they'd wrapped up 90% of the plot in Shell Shocked and needed a new threat.
Ok, again, this is ok. He's just leading them into danger again. which I will still say could be Comic Relief Plot Mover shenanigans, but doesn't get in the way of his twist villain plot either.
Krogan invades the Edge
Again, this is ok. Lead Hiccup and Astrid away from the Edge so Krogan can now invade. But if Johann knows about Hiccup's secret project (Dragon Eye) why didn't he go to further measures to destroy it? Without it the race for the Lenses can never happen.
Getting the Lens from Heather
this one is ok. I guess. Makes the most sense out of all of them but it's also the ep where Johann is revealed to the audience (not the riders. I think this is called dramatic irony but don't quote me on that) so its gotta fit within the laws of the episode at the very least.
The Reveal
Just, why Johann? Hiccup has The Most Loyal Dragon who also happens to be The Most Intelligent Dragon. Hiccup is also the Dragon Master who can train/deal with any dragon and you choose to confront him in a Dragons lair that he already knows about and has escaped from before?
And I haven't even touched on the bullshit "evil smile in the background but only AFTER the audience has been handed the twist so it's impossible to deduce the truth before this moment"
Season 5:
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Season 6:
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This is the most dumbed down, babyish shit I've ever seen. I expect this from Cbeebies not Netflix. How many kids' shows these days are doing better than this!? (Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Over the Garden Wall, to name a few).
Like yes we get it! Johann is your twist villain. Except he wasn't even a good twist because it wasn't a twist, it was a flat out surprise attack with no clues and no warnings. It's not fun if you can't go back and connect the dots! which I've just spent maybe 1000 words proving you can't!
I just hate it! He has no clear motive, he has multiple actions that contradict his eventual reveal, most of his plots fail miserably, most his plots rely on complete and total luck, he brings nothing of value to the villain roster and yet he's our Leading Villain??
If Mildew is more convincing than your main villain, then something's gone horribly wrong with your writing, and maybe you should rethink this choice?
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shantyofme · 2 years ago
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This is my own little family of Furies, I kind of want to dive deeper into their characters later but for now I can just talk about them surface level!
So baisically, because I hate the fact that the only way for nightlights to make more nightlights is inbreeding, I like to pretend that were more Nightfuries out there, and they came to the Hidden World when Toothless had them leave the humans (temporarily, i refuse to accept that they left permanently). And once Toothless and the Light Fury, Pearl, (I hc that as her name because it's my dogs name and I think it suits her too!) got together, it made the other night and light furies see that as a possibility. So Visionary, being apart of the small Nightfury pack the came to the HW, met Clouddancer.
Visionary is a fairly large male Nightfury, slightly older than Toothless but not by much. He is super shy at first, but very energetic once you open up that side of him. But he is also an insanely quick thinker because of how hard it is/was for Night furies to survive because they were constantly avoiding humans. Also I like to think that yes he has a pack, but nighfuries we’re probably independent hunters, but because of Grimmel mass hunting them, they formed a pack of however many nightfuries were left, because remember these dragons are super smart, and could definitely pull something like that off. I will definitely expand on his character another time.
Clouddancer is a female Lightfury and has more grayish blue eyes. Her scales aren’t as shiny and sparkly since she hasn't left the HW as much as Pearl has and hasn't needed to use her invisibility power as much. (I like to think that the reason Lightfuries are so sparkly is because of how often they coat themselves in fire hot enough to make themselves reflective). Anyways she’s super curious and kind of nosy, she’s very loyal though and gets snappy with the dragons that don’t agree with Toothless being king. I will expand on her character another time.
Now when they met it was strictly a misunderstanding, Visionary didn’t know there were any other nightfuries other than his pack, so he obviously went to see if the rumors of a nightfury alpha were true, and he did this cautiously. Clouddancer thought it could be an attempt to harm Toothless or something so she tackled him. After desperately explaining himself, she backed off, and they didn’t get along to well. Later down the line though, they bonded over Visionary wanting to be less apart of his pack and have more freedom, while Clouddancer wanted to go on more adventures, and just explore and see more. So obviously while sneaking out of the HW to do all that, they ran into eachother when Visionary is captured by some low life dragon hunters. Yes there are still dragon hunters, it hasn’t been that long since dragons left at this point. Anyways Clouddancer spots this and ends up saving him and he returns the favor by exploring with her to keep her safe. They visit Berk, secretly of course, and Clouddancer loves all the little people there. Anyways in this adventure they fall in love yada yada, it’s super cute and yah. There’s a whole lot more to this that I’ll develop later but that’s the gist of it ig.
They end up having two boys, Mighty and Hammer the twins. Mighty being more outgoing, playful and adventurous, while Hammer is more introverted but extremely brave and easily pissed off.
By the way, these names are given to them by the gang, because Hiccup ends up going to the HW way earlier than in the movie cus he misses Toothless too much, and the rest of the gang come too (they actually convinced him to go with them to find their dragons) he found out about all the nighfuries and he just had to meet them and name every single one, even though they all tried to kill him at first.
Lemme know if I should do more about these characters though!
(I know the Nighlights look similar to Ruffrunner but I originally made these characters with a Minecraft mod called Isle of Berk, and when Clouddancer and Visionary’s eggs hatched they both were the Ruffrunner modle, so I changed them a bit, but kept them pretty similar as to how they are in my mc world 💀👍)
(Also why is some of the text closer together than other parts????)
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evilwriter37 · 9 months ago
I still don't know how I managed to have the first HTTYD movie as a major special interest in my childhood without ever realizing Riders of Berk and the later shows were a thing. I found your blog initially through general posts about whump, and I stayed because A) I didn't know there was actually a genre for whump so I could never find the type of content I was looking for and your writing is an absolute treasure trove and B) it reawakened my love of HTTYD. I'm finally watching the first season of Dreamworks Dragons because I am very curious to see Viggo in canon, and I just really love getting to see the show expand on all of the Riders and their dragons more. Not really a question here, it's more of a ramble
And I adored this ramble! Thank you!
I found the shows when I was in high school. I wanted to watch the first movie, so started searching up How to Train Your Dragon on Netflix, and it offered me Race to the Edge. I watched it, kind of confused at first, because I didn’t realize that Riders and Defenders of Berk existed.
Found those on some shady pirating site and watched all of it. Defenders of Berk is a big favorite of mine. I just love Dagur so much. (And the Screaming Death.)
Now I own all the shows on dvd and am quite happy about it. (I can still get my screenshots and don’t have to worry about losing access to them.)
And omg, I didn’t realize I was the one who introduced whump as a genre to you! That’s really cool! And thank you for the compliment to my writing!
I hope you enjoy the ride! Please feel free to drop a ramble about the shows in my inbox at any time!
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dragonmasterhiccup · 9 months ago
Honest question Hiccup. If you had a chance to drop the mantle of Chief, have someone else replace you with no consequence to the tribe's well-being and fly off to explore the world beyond the Archipelago you've grown to know, would you? I'm talking visit the mainland, explore different cultures, expand your horizons beyond the Nordic territories.
The catch would be, said people who are heading up the village are your team. Your mother, Eret, the Gang, because I'd imagine those would be the people who would best look after your kin. They are all of the opinion "You have given enough, Hiccup. Go see the world."
It be you and Toothless alone, similarly to how you would have wanted it at 15.
Would you?
"That's quite the question, greyface..." He scratched the back of his head, thinking of what to say. "On the one hand...that sounds amazing. I'd love to travel, to see more of the world with Toothless...but, on the other hand, my father entrusted me with taking care of our tribe...I can't just abandon it, can I? When the other riders and I were on the Edge, exploring everything the Dragon Eye had to show us, it was incredible, but we got into our fair share of trouble. I may be older, and hopefully wiser, but... knowing I had friends to look out for me helped me know it would all be fine, that we'd make it out alright. So....as appealing as that sounds, my place is here, on Berk, protecting my own."
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pinksilvace · 2 years ago
Did you see How to Train your Dragon is getting a live action remake???
Alas... yes.
Iirc some of the folks that worked on the animated films (writer, director, and composer???) are returning for this project. It would be really neat if they did a more direct adaptation of the books, but I sincerely doubt that, all things considered, which raises the question: WHY???
Granted, there are aspects of the second and third films I don't like; the villains, especially, could stand to be fleshed out. Maybe going live action will encourage the creative team to push for a PG-13 rating or a more serious tone overall. Going live action will allow the dragons to have more consistent designs/textures (I'm partial to the grittiness of them in the first film) and the precedent of the animated films will allow more opportunities for foreshadowing. It would be fun to see some of the characters from the various television shows, especially Heather and Dagur. There are so many directions in which this world can be expanded.
THAT SAID, there are a few immediate problems I can imagine:
A lesser suspension of disbelief. This one is pretty self-explanatory; fantastical stuff just works better in animated form with the technology used in the film industry today. If the actors and dragons can really sell the performance, that would be fantastic, but it still won't feel as seamless as it does in animation.
Eternal comparison. Again, self-explanatory; it would take a miracle for the live action films to exist within their own bubble. Maybe the director doesn't want them to. Adding onto that,
Nostalgia. There's a decent chance that this project is just a way to continue profiting off of the franchise. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, but if that's all it does, it'll be immensely disappointing. The presence of some of the creative team hopefully hints toward this being a product of passion, but only time will tell.
Bland design. This is probably the thing I'm most worried about. The world of Berk and the Barbaric Archipelago have been established as colorful places bursting with life. Each dragon design is distinct - enough that they stretch the definition of what a single species can evolve into. It seems to be a trend in live action to make things toned down for the sake of "realism," and in this case, I'm especially concerned about the dragons losing the strong shape language of their animated counterparts. Actually, you know what? Everything in this franchise is dripping with shape language - even the main characters. Oh, gosh, the characters will all lose their shape languages unless the costume department is allowed to go wild (as they SHOULD). Color is a different matter entirely. I'm almost certain that the live action films will be less saturated than the animated ones, and there's definitely a reasonable degree to this, but knowing that the premise of this story is a low fantasy set at least 600 years ago, there's a non-zero chance that everything will be gray, brown, and maroon.
The most baffling thing, however, is the fact that the HTTYD films are being remade in the first place. The third one came out in 2019. The first film, dated as the graphics are compared to those of the other two, is an absolute masterpiece. While I have more (hopefully not misplaced) hope for these films than any of The Mouse's live action remakes, they just don't feel necessary. Not yet, anyway, and as much as I would love animated remakes instead, I can't imagine such a thing ever happening. Hopefully, the creative team uses this as an opportunity to fix the prior films' problems (or make new plots in this world entirely!) and not just as another leap for money.
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inksansfangirl · 2 years ago
I really liked your in-depth analysis of a hypothetical httyd x kirby crossover! It definitely reminded me of Forgotten Land’s plot. I do agree that it can be kinda tricky to see how a crossover would play out when magic is pretty much absent in the httyd universe as opposed to Kirby’s universe being filled with dreams, magic, and ancient technology beyond our wildest imaginations. The closest we’ve ever seen “magic” in the franchise was in one of the Riders of Berk comics where a “witch” casted an eternal night on Berk when all she did was predict when the next solar eclipse would happen, but that wasn’t even magic at all until the gang realized it was all scientific. I do think it’s fun to discuss how magic would interact in the httyd world! Let me know of what other ideas you may have!
Thank you so much! Its been ever so long to speak out my mind about ideas and crossovers like this. It allows me to expand upon my creativity and I humbly thank you for enlightening me on such an interesting concept, my head has been throughly wrapped all around this after the day you introduced the idea!
And I very much agree, with a world that Toothless hailed from where magic is absent it’s no surprise that he’ll also view it as some sort of threat which creates an ever larger wedge between him and the residents of Dreamland. In truth he just doesn’t understand, his fear and confusion is what makes him irrationally stubborn that he cannot begin to fathom or gather the hell hole that he’s in and without Hiccup he feels useless.
As days go by, Toothless becomes weaker and weaker, his hopes on finding Hiccup was waning thin and he was becoming more and more exhausted as days go on. His claws were becoming dull and cracked from his constant searches, muscles tightening till they cramped because he wouldn’t stop from dusk till dawn. No matter how much his stomach pained him from starvation he heaved himself through the thickets of the planet until he finally crashed within a cave, as if his weight was the last thing he’d need to let him know that he couldn’t go on. That he has given up.
It was then as he spent hours laying on the cold floor that Toothless begins to realize of how co-dependent and how incapable he was of making decisions himself without Hiccup’s command to initiate them. Toothless knew from the get-go that he is incapable to fly without hiccup and the many times they have been separated were brief but never has it been longer than this.
He never thought he’d be like this, so helpless, so useless, and it wasn’t like his Alpha status would mean anything in this world that he was in with no dragons to his will.
Toothless felt the same way as he did when he was shot down and lost his fin except he lost something greater and far more painful than loosing flight.
It’s…very depressing I know- at first I’d imagined that’s how it would be for him, but Toothless would soon learn that he wouldn’t get anywhere on this desolate planet without engaging contact with those who lived there. However it left him with fewer options as all the other animals and by-standing enemies fear him of his intimidating stature and raw power. He was a Night Fury after all. It is something that cannot be helped.
For the first time, he makes a decision for himself without having hiccup by his side. He picked himself up from the ground with little strength he had and traveled yet again on a journey to find the four he had encountered previously:
One of roundness and pink hue of a thistle.
One of darkness with wings that resembled his.
One of peaches that wore blue to distinguish himself from the rest of his people.
And the big blue bird who bore red and has such an obnoxious tune…
Despite Toothless’s previous hostility towards them, he wants to make it right. He still doesn’t trust them of course, but they know more than he does and he’ll die if he doesn’t do something about it even if doing so will be difficult on how he dealt with them before.
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rogue-vigilante · 5 months ago
WIP Tag Game
Rules: Share a snippet from whatever you’re currently working on, and then tag 5 people.
tagged by @carrotsofthepirabbean
I also genuinely don't know 5 people I can tag so here's one and if anyone else wants to, go for it!
From a slowly expanding AU I've been planning for far longer than I should where Hiccup successfully runs away from Berk during HTTYD 1
Staying means that he’ll have to kill a dragon.
It's a sobering thought, and Hiccup is steeped in melancholy by the time he reaches the little glade. Back in his home, the idea of leaving seemed so different, the concept of running away both too big and an insignificant choice. He would have thought that alone in the woods, the thought would have solidified into a more optimistic reality. Instead, it just leaves him sadder and confused, plagued by everything he’s leaving behind. Running away isn’t a small decision, it means leaving everything he knows behind, venturing out into the archipelago with no future and a blank hole that he’s leaving behind.
Perhaps he should just stay, find another way out of the final exam tomorrow. There were some berries around here that made someone violently ill and he could just pretend that he'd eaten a bad piece of fish last night. Surely his father wouldn't make him fight in that condition.
But even that would only delay the inevitable.
“Toothless,” Hiccup calls out to his friend, heart not in his words. “We’re so leaving. We’re leaving. Let’s pack up. Looks like you and me are taking a little vacation, forever.”
He drops his basket and checks the straps on his riding harness, sighing as he does so. The closer he gets to leaving, the less he actually wants to go. He wants to find another solution, find another way to get out of the mess he’s in.
“Oh man.”
At this moment, Toothless bounds towards him and Hiccup remembers that he’s not leaving everything behind. Toothless had this strange ability to cheer him up when things seemed hopeless and lost. Maybe it was the hints of a toothless smile, maybe it the way he bounced towards him, so full of possibilities and the chance of an evening flight. He does seem to catch some of Hiccups melancholy though, stopping with the question loaded in his head tilt.
Then he buries his head into Hiccup’s chest, knocking him to the ground. Taking advantage of the window of opportunity he’s just created, Toothless continues to press his advantage and nuzzle into Hiccup, still asking that same question.
He’s not asking why he’s leaving, but why he’s sad about it. Toothless had seen himself in Hiccup the same way the Hiccup had seen himself in Toothless. He’d always known that Hiccup is different compared to the rest of Berk. Perhaps his leaving was inevitable. Besides, he’s not going alone, he’ll have his best friend by his side. Together, they could achieve anything.
“You’re right bud,” Hiccup says, wrapping his arms around Toothless’s neck and burying his face into the cool scales.
He’s still sad about leaving all this behind, but the future is starting to look a little brighter. He’s not alone, and while it would be hard in the beginning, they’d find a way. Together. Besides, once he’s away from Berk, maybe he could start finding out all the little truths about dragons that he never would have seen otherwise. Maybe this is who he was always supposed to be.
Vikings would always hate dragons; it's a fact of life. The same way the sun rises in the morning and eel leaves a nasty taste in your mouth. Vikings and dragons would never get along. They would never listen to the truth that they weren’t so different from each other. That they could get along, could teach each other so much more if they weren't constantly fighting. If they weren't bound by old traditions and the fearmongering of their ancestors, if they just took a chance then maybe they'd see. But no, vikings are a stubborn lot, and Hiccup knows that they'll never change.
Leaving might hurt, but maybe in the skies he’d finally be free from the chains he’d never realised he is wearing until now. His denial at how different he was from them holding him back and down for so long now. And taking the first step away from them and everything he'd knows was always going to be painful, along with the realisation that he’ll probably never see any of these people again. But maybe this step was inevitable. If not today, then sometime in the future. The first step would always be this hard, only he’d be plagued with regrets about all the things that he did in the meantime.
He needs to say goodbye and leave.
Only he would never really get to say goodbye. Not really. To the rest of Berk, Hiccup would just vanish in the forests the night before his big moment. What would his father think? He’ll wake up tomorrow and find that his son has disappeared. Just a neat bed and a space in his home. How long would he take to fill it? Would it even be filled, or would it be like his mother, gaps in the home and a presence that was never quite there?
The guilt from that realisation winds its way through Hiccups stomach and he gives Toothless another pat. It hurts to leave, but his father doesn’t deserve that. Doesn’t deserve to not know what happened to his only son. Besides, he’d probably authorise some sort of search party, which would mean that he’d have to fly further away to avoid getting found. But Hiccup couldn’t just fly by the Main Hall on his way out, not without getting shot at and maybe risking Berk to the wrath of the Chieftain Alliance. Not without risking Toothless, which he isn’t willing to do.
He's not going to tell Stoick to his face either, that would be an unmitigated disaster and Hiccup doesn’t want to be anywhere near him when he finds out. Having Gobber pass on the message would probably have a similar result. Which leaves him with the only option of writing a letter and leaving it for his father to find. It would delay his departure, but it would give him the chance to say goodbye.
Unfortunately, writing such a letter is harder than it seems, and many pages found themselves thrown in the water for Toothless to excitedly chase. He didn’t know if it should just be a simple goodbye or if he should tell his father about Toothless. And if he does tell him about Toothless, then how much does he want to reveal? Eventually, he decides on the whole truth. His father needs to know that they’re wrong about dragons, needs to know that whatever happens Hiccup will be alright. Needs to know that, one day, maybe, he might return.
It's late by the time he finishes a letter that he’s happy with.
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empressofthesunwriter · 6 months ago
Second Chance
Hiccup has many regrets that are catching up with him. His marriage is a joke, his kids hate him, and Berk suffers under his leadership. Life was better when Toothless and Leandra were with him, and they flew together under the sky—just enjoyed being together. Yet even his dragon left him. And the girl he realized too late, he loved had moved on a long time ago. But sometimes life gives you a second chance. Unofficial Sequel from To Belong
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Okay, I really have a problem, but when my plotbunnies plot I have to write it down and publish it to see if somebody likes it. Again if you liked To Belong, don't read it, but if you want Leandra and Hiccup together, that's the fic for you :D
Chapter 1: Regrete and Betrayel
Hiccup made a face as Astrid stormed out of the house with their kids.
They had (again) a fight over how they could expand the Trade Routes for New Berk.
Astrid wanted to do it the old Viking way and just pillage weaker tribes, but Hiccup wanted a more diplomatic approach.
It had worked for them in past.
This had made his wife's famous anger appear.
Why couldn't he do once something the Viking way?
No wonder the other chiefs took him not seriously.
Which in turn made Astrid as chieftess look bad and when something the proud Hofferson (in this moment she called herself not even Haddock anymore) hated was appearing weak.
Equally angry Hiccup shot back he never did things the Viking way, that's why they had made peace with the dragons and had lived good years with them.
And she...she really dared to say he should let go of this!
The dragons (Toothless, oh buddy) wouldn't return, Hiccup needed to become a real Viking now.
He had shouted back, that she knew he was never the perfect Viking, why did she then marry him?!
Why was she even together with him, if she hated so much his un-vikingness?
Astrid had been for a second still.
A second which was an eternity for Hiccup.
Till she answered...she didn't know anymore.
Punching him in the face would have been mercifully than her words.
Once, she said, he had been this cool boy who showed her another way of living, but he needed to grow up finally and lead the tribe like a real Viking.
Striking him down with her axt (the axt he so loving took care of for her) would have been merciful.
It was then that Hiccup realized...had he never taken Astrid on her first dragon flight with Toothless, she would never have taken an interest in him.
He was still the weak, dumb, useless fishbone in her eyes.
The young chief told her this and he saw for a moment the truth in her eyes, before she lied, saying how wrong he was.
She wanted to help him nothing more.
He just told her to get out.
Get out of the house.
The house he had built for them.
Astrid had been furious, they shouted and screamed at each other very unkind things, before she took the kids and slammed the door shut behind her.
Zephyr and Nuffink hadn't even looked at him or told their mother they wanted to stay with him.
Hiccup had noted how his kids came more after Astrid.
Of course, no love was lost on their side too.
Defeat Hiccup sit down on a chair and let the tears flow.
He hated all this.
He hated his life.
How he wished he could tell his younger self that the few years he had with Toothless would have been the best in his life and he should have never let his bud go.
What was he thinking?
They fought so long to live with dragons in peace and then just let them go to the Hidden World?
It sounded like a bad book!
The brunette man wiped his tears and signed.
He shouldn't think about this.
No one could change their past.
You could only move forward.
What a load of crap!
The gods really hated him.
Giving him a hellish life, a few wonderful years and then back at the hellish part.
What did he do to deserve this?
Oh you know why!, hissed a voice inside him. You chose Astrid over Leandra who truly loved you. Don't be surprised that is how it ended.
He had to agree with his inner thoughts.
He had realized way too late and did nothing when he admitted his feelings for the Spanish girl to himself.
Her Goodbye Letter was still his most precious possession, along with scales from Toothless.
Tired emotionally from the day, Hiccup decides to go to bed.
You couldn't change the past.
On the other side of the globe, Leandra was facing a storm with Starchaser, but the storm in her heart was worse.
How could Xia do this?
How could have she been so stupid?
Her wife had betrayed her.
Xia's family had never liked how Leandra had "seduced" Xia to a life of sin. That was what same-sex relationships were for them.
But...but Xia had chosen her.
They had married and adopted children.
Six girls and four boys!
They had lived years with Starchaser happily in a little village near the Silk Road where they were accepted.
Then as all the kids were grown she thought, she and Xia would continue to be happy.
Yet, after Ulf, Leandra's brother, visited them, the next days her wife had been weird.
Asking her about Hiccup, if she still had feelings for him...Leandra was speechless.
And maybe that moment in which she stared in disbelief at her wife, had made Xia lose trust in her.
Other than that she couldn't explain why she found her wife, with the owner of the noodle shop in their bed!
Leandra had screamed, nearly returned to her old ways as an assassin, but Starchaser stopped her.
They grabbed their things and left China.
Her wedding ring she had thrown into the ocean.
Shall Xia be happy with her noodle guy!
Leandra was done.
She should have never left the brotherhood and lived a normal life. In her veins flowed the blood of the First Civilization, making her a perfect assasin.
And how she had loved the Levithan Brotherhood and Syria.
Her mentor, her brothers and sisters in arms.
She had been born for this life...but for her Xia, she had given it up.
Because she loved her.
What a foul she had been.
Now she and Starchaser were homeless.
Flying from one place to another.
Leandra was unsure if she could join the Assassin Ranks again.
She may still train, but wasn't she too old now?
Or didn't want her to face her once family after she left them?
Signing Leandra told Starchaser to dive down.
She had seen a cave where they could rest.
After they made themselves comfortable, the last dragon rider and her dragon fell asleep.
While Leandra was thrifting off she remembered Ulf's words: "Come visit me and father and Sigrùn. They miss you, Leandra."
Back then she had laughed, why should she return to the Barbaric Archipelago?
Why should she step foot in New Berk?
She was happy, so she sent Ulf with words of love back there.
However...maybe seeing family would be good again.
Leandra decides to talk with Starchaser in the morning about this.
For now, she dreams of a time were she was still young, for the first time experience flying on Starchaser...with Hiccup and Toothless by their side.
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afriend410 · 2 years ago
Depends on what age you are aiming for...
Httyd1/ ROB/DOB: the reason for their break up would be the fact they are young. What they are feeling is in fact a crush and just like the feeling of romantic new things with each other. This isn't a bad thing and a lot of people do tend to go through this stage especially their age because well we are experimenting with what we want in a serious relationship as we reach adulthood.
Rtte/Httyd2/ Httyd3: here is where a lot of people can say they find someone else and like them better or whatever, but I think the better approach is that they have different ways of seeing their future or achieving their personal goals in life. I mean clearly they do have different goals. Hiccup wanting to expand the relationship with dragons and humans throughout the archipelago and Astrid wanting to focus more on Berk and what's good for their tribe. A lot of people will tell you that can destroy a good romantic relationship. Doesn't mean it destroys their friendship but it can lead them to not want to be a couple anymore.
But in the end it's up to you on what feels best for you to break them up. Be it entering a new love interest or a fight that never gets resolved or one of them disappearing and returning years later to see the other had moved on.
What you guys think would be a good, plausible reason for Astrid and Hiccup to break up?
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empressofdiamonds · 3 years ago
Do you have any tips on being consistent with a weight loss journey ? I have to loose weight but whenever I start eating healthy I always go back to my old ways.
Honestly what helped me the most is to accept that new mentality:
I'm a person that leads a healthy lifestyle.
I love doing excercises, esp walking, running, and yoga which are my favourite ever activities.
I enjoy being in line with my body.
The old lifestyle is what led you to the weight gain, so it is irrealistic to think the weight loss lifestyle is gonna be a temporary one. You gotta gain a healthy lifestyle that both enables you to lose weight, AND to keep it off.
If you haven't found a sport or a excercise that makes you happy, continue seeking. Pointless to run if you freaking hate running.
For the food, only keep what enables you into that healthy lifestyle. You know keeping 6 bags of chips at home won't help you much, you know a bit of chips at parties or at movies wont hurt much, but you know eating a whole bag a day ain't gonna help you on the long term.
I never keep candies or less great snacks at home. I just keep what I need for my meal-prepping.
Find some recipes that both align with what you WANT and what you LIKE. Per example I freaking love ice cream, it's like my sin. I wish I could eat the super super rich gelato every day so much I love it. What I do instead is keep the gelato treat for when I am with my friends, or family, enjoying my gelato with them. I'm not holed up in my bedroom eating a whole tub of shitty 2$ ice crap watching the 4th season of whatever show. So if I find myself craving intensely ice cream, I make myself some frozen banana ice cream with my mixer, or I throw some frozen blueberries and a bit of yogurt in the mixer.
If I crave a snack, I get myself some popcorn, there's low salt low fat versions of bagged popcorn that help satisfy that craving. I sometimes even make my very own popcorn, by using about 1/4 to 1/8 cup of corn seeds, in a small pot, a little bit of butter at the bottom, I put a lid on top, while it pops I shake the pot until I don't hear anymore popping.
For my main meals, I bulk up my meals with vegetables and good quality proteins, the carbs are like not the majority of my meal. And if I have carbs, I try to get as much whole grains ans fibers as possible. Think multigrain boosted in fiber versus the shitty wonderbread.
Making your own meals is much more efficient both for nutrition and self-control, meaning, I'll make myself just enough for one portion, or maybe two if I'm prepping for another meal, then if I'm "fake hungry" (what this means: I'm hungry for more but I don't wanna eat an apple or some healthy snack), if I wanna eat more I have to go through the effort of making it again. Generally it just turns me off.
Another solution is to prep a huge meal then immediately freeze the remnants in individual dishes. I have to go through the effort of defreezing then microwaving. Berk. I'd rather just eat an apple. Or nothing, because I'm "fake hungry".
See how I constantly outsmart my lazy self 😂
Also! I drink shittons of water!! It helps me being satisfied with my meals. Like think if you soak cereal in milk, it expands. Think the same in the stomach, the water is helping my meal expand and stretch my stomach. The stomach tells the brain "ok we're done, stop eating!".
I let treats be treats. I have fun while excercising. I drink water. This didn't use to be my normal.
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post-academic · 3 years ago
Academic Job Market: Teaching Philosophy/Teaching Statement
If you’re applying for an academic job and will be required to teach at least some of the time, institutions will often ask for your teaching philosophy/teaching statement. In my experience, these terms are interchangeable, but they accomplish one main thing: they outline your pedagogy.
Here are some tips I used to create my own teaching statement:
General Guidelines
Keep your statement to 1-2 pages, single-spaced. Sometimes, an ad will request a 1 page statement, so be prepared for that, too.
DO NOT shrink your text or margins to fit more info on the page. 12pt font is the minimum, 1″ margins all around.
You job is not to just list off all the courses you’ve taught/would like to teach; your job is to show the reader what your approach to teaching is (or will be)
DO NOT neglect intro courses - these are often a department’s bread and butter
If you haven’t taught before or have taught very few courses, you still want to talk about your pedagogy as if you have it all figured out. Don’t use hypotheticals; it’s not “I would like to do X,” it’s “I will do X” or “X will do Y in my classroom.”
Top of the Page
Include your name, school, and “Teaching Statement” or “Teaching Philosophy” somewhere. Center align these things.
Example: Teaching Statement (bold font) Hiccup Haddock III Berk University.
Intro Paragraph
Talk about your overall pedagogy. This might be hard to figure out if you haven’t taught a lot before or haven’t thought much about it. Think about what you want your students to take away from your courses and how you accomplish those goals. Don’t just say “I give out essays.” Even if you use essays because that’s just what everyone does, think about why you use essays or how you write prompts. It’ll be hard, but hiring committees want to see that you craft every part of your course with a purpose.
Open your statement with a strong sentence about your teaching goal.
An example from my statement:
“My goal as a teacher is to be an ambassador to the Middle Ages and show students how the seemingly archaic past is relevant to the present. I use my expertise as a medievalist as a starting point for teaching literature from ancient to modern.”
Talk about what sets you apart from traditional approaches or how your research interests influence your pedagogy. You don’t want to go so far off the rails that a committee won’t be able to see the value in your methods, but you do want to make sure you explain how you’re making the classroom yours, so to speak.
An example from my statement:
“Contemporary medieval scholarship emphasizes England as part of larger geographic, temporal, and cultural networks, and I am committed to bringing this perspective to my classroom. My courses encourage students to see themselves as part of a diverse and interconnected community, not just while they are on campus, but beyond.”
Transition to talk about how you accomplish your pedagogy or the goals you have for your classroom. Stay somewhat general at this point.
“Each assignment contributes to student development in this regard, and my hope is for students to leave my classroom with an expanded view of not only what the “medieval” means, but what they can accomplish by viewing themselves as part of a network.”
End your paragraph with a statement about how you accomplish your pedagogic goals (i.e. a statement about what kinds of assignments you use). In this sentence, you should list 2-3 things that you will elaborate on in your body paragraphs. These things can vary, but I suggest breaking it down in to 1.) types of major assignments, 2.) types of readings, and 3.) types of minor assignments/in-class activities
Put the most important first. Remember that the first body paragraph will stick in your reader’s mind more than your second or third body paragraphs. If the ad is really looking for someone who does digital assignments and most of your digital assignments are major assignments, put that first. If the ad really wants someone who can give lectures twice per week for a survey class, put minor assignments/daily activities first.
“These goals shape my teaching in three ways: by engaging students in digital and independent research projects to connect their classroom skills to the world beyond the university, by assigning primary sources with global angles, and by using collaborative class activities.”
Body Paragraph 1: Major Assignments
The goal of this paragraph should be to justify why you assign the types of major assignments you do. Whether that be essays, creative projects, group projects, or something else, you should be prepared to talk about why you think these assignments are effective.
Open your paragraph with a topic sentence about what your assignments are meant to do. What do you hope to accomplish? What skills do you want to cultivate in your students? You can elaborate on what inspired this goal, if you have the space.
“My end-of-semester assignments are designed to bridge the gap between class experience and the world beyond the university using digital media and independent research. These projects are a natural outgrowth of my interest in public scholarship: my ultimate goal is to forge networks between students and the world in order to emphasize the transferability of skills such as critical thinking and close reading.“
Notice that I don’t just focus on medieval stuff; though I’m a medievalist, this pedagogy can be applied to multiple types of classes, not just medieval literature ones.
Talk about a major assignment that illustrates your pedagogy. Be specific in how you discuss it: don’t just say “I assign a paper at the end of the semester.” Talk about what the end-of-semester paper is supposed to do.
“I assign a paper in my literature courses in which students analyze a text, film, or television show not covered in class. Students frequently choose to engage with popular culture, such as Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, and comics from Marvel and DC. Using frameworks from class, students then create their own parameters for their projects to explore how a piece of literature or media influences culture. This project ensures that they can write and analyze literature and culture independent of instructor guidance.”
Talk about another major assignment that helps you achieve your teaching goals, but don’t be repetitive. Two papers with minor differences won’t impress a hiring committee.
“My digital media assignments have the same goals: in my History of English course, students write blog posts summarizing independent research of English in non-Western countries. Students think about diversity within English and confront colonial pasts to produce a final product that is designed to reach a public audience. The blog post positions students as co-curators of an archive that is greater than what can be covered in the classroom by the instructor alone, thereby building on my emphasis on collaborative learning in my daily activities.“
Notice that both of my assignments are meant to help students apply skills from class to an independent project; that was something I wanted to emphasize because my pedagogy is all about networks (in this case, I’m trying to illustrate an in-class/outside-of-class network).
If you have any student evaluations that say nice or helpful things about these assignments, include 1 or 2. Make sure they’re illustrative an not just “I liked this assignment.”
“One student wrote that the groundwork for this assignment as something they would like to see more of in my future classes, noting that sharing collaborative research was ‘more interesting and prompted more discussion.’“
Make sure you always talk about what these assignments help your student achieve, focusing on transferrable skills. Academic success in an of itself is great, but most of your students will be taking you lessons out into the non-academic world, and schools are always looking for teachers who can have an impact on the world outside of the classroom.
“By using expertise from class to inform their blog posts, students learn to translate their academic knowledge for a non-specialist audience and form connections between the university and the public.”
End your paragraph with a statement about how you plan to use or expand these assignments for courses you will teach at your new job. Feel free to look up what kinds of courses are currently offered at the school you’re applying to, or see if the job ad lists any required classes.
“I am eager to expand and adapt this project for future History of the English Language courses.“
Body Paragraph 2: Types of Readings
No matter your field, pretty much every course will require a textbook. Even if you don’t assign a textbook, you might assign articles, blog posts, websites, videos, or something that students will engage with outside the classroom.
This sentence should build on the goals from your first two paragraphs. The goal here is to keep your pedagogy consistent-looking, not veer off in a number of different directions.
Start your paragraph similar to how you start Body Paragraph 1: your topic sentence should be about what your daily readings are meant to do. You can elaborate on what inspired this goal, if you have the space. DO NOT repeat anything from Body Paragraph 1; part of the art of writing a teaching statement is to say the same thing in 5 different ways.
“The assigned readings for my courses foreground diversity with the goal of preparing students to discuss complex cultural relationships across time and space. In creating each syllabus, I combat the assumption that premodern and early modern authors wrote independently from the local and global contexts around them while ensuring minority students are represented in the curriculum.”
Notice here that I repeat the theme that runs throughout my entire statement: students as part of a larger, global network (just as medieval writers were part of a larger, global network).
Give examples of your readings while remembering that not everyone on the hiring committee will be a specialist. You may have to explain what the readings are and why they are relevant/significant.
“For example, my Introduction to Poetry course assigns the anonymous medieval African epic Sunjata, the poetry of Langston Hughes, and contemporary slam poetry and spoken word to showcase orality in African and African-American cultures. This course also traces the transmission of literary form: students compare the sonnets of modern Chilean poet, Pablo Neruda, to Renaissance sonnets by Sir Philip Sidney, Lady Mary Wroth, and William Shakespeare to consider female subjectivity, love objects, and the sonnet beyond English-language literature.”
Notice here that I gave an example from Introduction to Poetry. At my school, that was a general education course. This shows my reader that my pedagogy is consistent no matter what level course I’m teaching.
Talk about what you hope your students get out of your reading assignments.
“These assignments not only show that the past continues to inform contemporary literature and culture, but that writers are constantly influenced by transnational contexts.“
End with a similar statement to how you ended Body Paragraph 1: talk about how you plan to use or expand these assignments for courses you will teach at your new job.
“My experiences teaching a wide range of global texts from ancient to modern has prepared me to approach courses such as [COURSE FROM AD] with similar frameworks, as well as assign readings in Old English and Beowulf courses that reflect early medieval people’s embeddedness in larger cultural networks.”
Body Paragraph 3: Minor Assignments/Daily Activities
In this body paragraph, you’re going to be showing your reader what your day-to-day classroom might look like. Minor assignments may be things like take-home worksheets that you go over in class the next day, daily journals, etc while daily activities might be various kinds of in class activities such as games, class exercises, demos, and so on.
Start your paragraph similar to how you start Body Paragraphs 1 and 2: your topic sentence should be about what your minor assignments/daily activities are meant to do.  DO NOT repeat anything from Body Paragraphs 1 and 2.
“When encouraging students to engage critically with the above-mentioned texts, I create networks between students by using collaborative daily activities and assignments. My literature courses position students as active participants in their learning process, and I achieve my goal primarily through assigning a reading journal.”
Continue by talking about the types of assignments/activities and what you hope students will take away from the experience. Also focus on what skills these activities are meant to cultivate. You don’t want to appear as if you’re assigning busy work for the sake of having material to grade.
“Journals record impressions, questions, and connections to previous assignments, and are submitted weekly, prior to covering the reading in class. I use these journals to create lesson plans, thereby giving students – including minority students – a voice in the topics we cover.”
If you have quotes from students evaluations that would be helpful, include them
“This approach makes the atmosphere in my classes more welcoming and productive; a student from my British Literature Before 1800 survey course wrote that class felt “very open to different interpretations and respectful towards them,” and I believe the reading journals helped facilitate this kind of openness.”
Elaborate on your assignments/activities, either by focusing on the various skills you’re hoping to cultivate or different activities that go hand-in-hand with the one you just talked about.
“Journals also encourage students to generate knowledge before coming to class so that discussion acts as a framework for refining their ideas into specific research questions or close readings. A student in the same survey course wrote that they “liked that [they] could review material with others and have a guide for discussion.””
Notice that these journals were used (or could be used) in a number of different courses. While it’s ok to focus on one specific course, you ultimately want to demonstrate that you’re capable of teaching more than one class.
If you have the space, talk about another assignment/activity for another class.
“In composition courses, I make similar use of collaboration between students through peer review. Students provide feedback on each other’s work during every step of the writing process. Each assignment is divided into four parts with due dates spread across a two week time period: students first produce a working thesis, then an outline of their paper, followed by rough and final drafts. By submitting each part to their classmates for review, students see writing as a group effort, while also learning to give and receive critique.”
Notice that this part of my paragraph is about a composition course (a low-level English course at my school). I also talk about peer review - something that is relatively common in English classes, but I connect the activity to my overall pedagogy of creating networks between students.
End your paragraph with a statement about what your assignments/activities do or how you plan to use or expand these assignments for courses you will teach at your new job.
“Combined, these activities show knowledge to be collaboratively-generated.” (I was running out of steam but also out of space at this point and just ended it).
End your statement with either a strong overview of your pedagogic goals or by highlighting the success you’ve had implementing these goals so far.
It’s ok if this paragraph is short, but you don’t want to make it look like an afterthought.
I ended my statement by inserting an especially flattering quote from a student evaluation. It was a cheesy ending, but it got the job done. Notice that I still connect it back to my pedagogy; the quote is about making class assignments feel meaningful outside the classroom (again with networks here).
“One student from my Introduction to Fiction course kindly wrote, “she always made people’s comments in class feel validated and she made the reading choices meaningful to my life.” What caught my attention was not their enjoyment of the class – which was admittedly nice to see. It was rather the comfort they felt sharing their ideas with others and that they believed reading and analyzing literature from various time periods had a place in their lives.“
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httydfan03 · 3 years ago
Toothless and Hiccup permanently reunite following the events of the Hidden World- here's why
Hi! This short article is essentially my take on why I think Toothless and the other dragons made a comeback following the Hidden World.
PS- After reading this please participate in the attached survey- much appreciated https://forms.gle/qcAqGA5WtsHNq96k6 
A short disclaimer:
If you found that the separation in the film was justified or fine, or that Toothless would probably would leave Hiccup, move on from him and agreed with the themes in this film of Hiccup needing to let Toothless go to be an free ‘wild’ animal, you probably won’t agree with this post. If this is you, please indicate if you choose to respond to the short questionnaire accompanying this post.
Race to the edge (official dialogue)
This is referencing a scene in Season 1, episode 13 from Race to the Edge. Hiccup is giving Toothless a bath, and we get this dialogue:
Hiccup: It's a scary idea, huh? That one of our dragons might just one day go back to the wild? You'd never do that to me, would you bud? I didn't think so.
The use of ‘never’ and Toothless’ response in this scene indicates a promise, and we see evidence of Toothless, in actuality, never wanting to leave Hiccup, move on from him within the film and the other various elements of the franchise.
The opening scene
The love shown between Hiccup and Toothless (the chin scratch) emphasises the extremely close nature of their bond, and friendship. Toothless is genuinely happy with Hiccup and would see no reason to leave him.
New ‘New’ Tail scene
In this scene, Toothless stops and looks worried, upset and confused when leaving without Hiccup- almost as if to say, is this right? We belong together! There is a sense of guilt and resentment over flying without Hiccup, and it is clear when Toothless stops that he feels this is not right, and subsequently, we see his reaction when they return to New Berk- this is expanded upon later.
This is also Toothless remembering the events of Gift of the Night Fury, and the crucial events there that strengthened their bond- Toothless not wanting to fly without Hiccup, or carry him, but ride with him, as one. This is still the same Toothless, and he remembers what he did before regarding the automatic tail. Although the setup is temporary (see later) Toothless does feel guilt and resentment in flying without and independently from his best friend.
Hiccup says ‘it’s okay’ in response to Toothless and his worry indicating Toothless did indeed feel there was something very wrong about him flying without Hiccup, due to the strength of their bond.
The Hidden World scene and its link to Homecoming
In this scene, Hiccup and Astrid find Toothless in the Hidden World. In one of the frames, you can see a slight hint of homesickness, or a lack of belonging, on Toothless.
This links directly with Homecoming- only this time, it is much more pronounced. This homesickness is displayed in both of these scenes- Toothless is ultimately unhappy without Hiccup.
Return to N.B/New Berk scene
When the Light Fury shows up on New Berk, Toothless convinces her to follow him toward Hiccup. This shows that perhaps Toothless never meant to leave permanently.
Hiccups says to Toothless- ‘you belong there bud, with her, we don’t’
Toothless reacts to this- but not happily. He doesn’t seem to grasp onto or accept the idea.
Toothless’ reaction when the Light Fury returns, is an ecstatic one and we subsequently realise that this is what he wanted; he never wanted to leave Hiccup!
Toothless gives Hiccup a big lick before going to the Light Fury- indicating that he is happy that nothing can stop him and Hiccup from staying together with the Light Fury.
Toothless acknowledges that whilst the Light Fury is there, and he is happy because of that, he puts forward the notion that he is really happy because Hiccup is able to stay with him.
The script confirms this notion:
Toothless stands and gently leads the Light Fury toward Hiccup and Astrid. “My Home,” he COOS. She cautiously follows, uncertain.
Toothless is clearly stating here that his home is with Hiccup, or wherever Hiccup is, halfway through the film.
Toothless indicates here that Hiccup is still as best of a friend as he was before.
He still loves him the most, in keeping with the rest of the franchise. Subsequently when he gets the chance at the end of the film, he would not leave Hiccup again- he is happiest with him.
Grimmel and the final battle
Whilst not directly related to the argument of why Toothless and the other dragons return, the entire point of the third act when Grimmel says ‘You think he cares about you? Let’s see who he follows’. Grimmel is proven wrong here- as he expects Toothless to fly off without Hiccup, but that doesn’t happen- instead, Toothless gets back to Hiccup again before flying off to find the Light Fury- Hiccup is still his top priority.
Another interesting point to make here is when Hiccup says ‘I’m sorry bud, for everything’ Toothless coos a ‘no’ indicating he doesn’t want Hiccup to apologise- he has done nothing wrong, and Toothless knows this.
The separation
The separation scene is effective in pointing out Toothless and his reluctance in leaving Hiccup. The scene starts with Toothless looking out towards the horizon. This can only mean he wants to either leave temporarily, for safety or leave with the Berkians to the Hidden World.
By looking at the previous scenes and Homecoming, we see that this cannot be Toothless wanting to leave Hiccup and Berk because he wants to be free and doesn’t belong. Plus, this doesn’t fit his character. Just to give an insight into the friendship between the two- I’ve compiled this list:
What does Hiccup do for Toothless?
Feeds him
Bathes him when he’s dirty/smelly
Grooms him/trims his paws every now and then
Dries him off after a bath
Plays with him- e.g tag, waterfights, play fighting etc
Gives him tickles- belly rubs, chin scratches, behind the ear scratches
Protects him
Defends him
Goes flying with him
Wakes him up, sometimes
Sleeps with him (like you sleep with your dog or puppy)
Cuddles him
Is his best friend.
What does Toothless do for Hiccup?
Licks him to wake him up, to cheer him up and to show him love and affection
Protects him
Flies with him
Sleeps with him
Burps at him- GOTNF
Defends him
Shows him love and affection
Is his best friend.
Most of this list has been either directly seen in franchise- and the rest, even if it hasn’t been seen directly, come on.
We know Hiccup gives Toothless belly rubs.
Any point or idea therefore about Toothless leaving Hiccup can therefore only be:
- Temporary, as in GOTNF
- For safety, as in temporarily
- With Hiccup and the other Berkians.
Toothless and his character make it impossible for him to choose someone else over him or like someone more, or want to leave him permanently due to a greater force compelling him to do so. Hiccup and Toothless have forged one another and their identities.
They are inseparable, and belong together. This is seen in the separation scene, as I elaborate below:
When Hiccup says ‘you’re right bud, it’s time’ Toothless cowers away and backs off. Clearly, he doesn’t want it, and clearly hasn’t chosen someone else over Hiccup, or is being drawn away by the Call of the Wild. If he was, he would have flown away on his own accord without being told to. Hiccup had to force him away for his own safety (temporarily, of course. I wouldn’t like it at all if it was permanent- you may think differently, and that’s fine).
Essentially, by the events of the separation, we know the Light Fury didn’t succeed in splitting Hiccup and Toothless. We see this in Homecoming.
Hiccup says ‘go on bud, lead them to the Hidden World’. Toothless, if you watch carefully, mouths a ‘why?’ indicating Toothless did not pre form any idea of leaving Hiccup for the Hidden World. Hiccup says ‘you’ll be safer there… safer than you would ever be with me’ in response. This isn’t enough for Toothless- this isn’t enough of an excuse to leave him, as he doesn’t just immediately fly away from Berk. It’s only when Hiccup says ‘yet’ that Toothless acknowledges this separation is temporary, and that they will reunite. The cause of the separation, of course, is to do with safety, and is a temporary one. If Hiccup never implied it wasn’t permanent Toothless wouldn’t have left.
We also see it written clearly in Toothless’ expression when he leaves- he is annoyed, and angry slightly, more at himself, for leaving Hiccup. Toothless is also the last dragon to leave New Berk, and we see a side-on view of the separation scene which holds significance in Homecoming- I’ll get onto this later.
Toothless’ hug at the end was meant to symbolise the fact that he doesn’t want to leave hiccup and wants to be with him and stay with Berk.
Toothless desperately wants to return to Hiccup, and draws a picture with an arrow going from himself towards Hiccup. He is going back to him- even after ten years, he hasn’t forgotten about him or left him behind.
Essentially this scene is a major indicator that Toothless wants to go back to Hiccup.
We have to ask ourselves- if Toothless had indeed:
moved on from Hiccup
Wanted to leave Hiccup on his own accord
Feels he is happier in the wild
Why is he drawing him in the sand?
He isn’t happy in the wild- he may be somewhat happy, yes (due to the fact he has kids which naturally evoke endorphin release) , but is not fully- there is something missing. After ten years, ten whole years, toothless still remembers and draws Hiccup. Toothless wouldn’t be drawing Hiccup if he was perfectly fine without him and had moved on.
His expression in this scene details some important points:
Toothless isn’t truly happy in the Hidden World. He wants to go back to him. It indicates that whilst toothless is somewhat content, around other dragons, he isn’t truly happy and longs to be with Hiccup again. It makes sense given their bond.
The scene with Toothless meeting Zephyr for the first time parallels Hiccup’s first meeting with Toothless- he drops the knife. This is symbolic as it represents one of the first steps towards dragon-human coexistence. Toothless is also seen happiest in this scene- we don’t see this expression anywhere else in the short.
Toothless doesn’t fly away from New Berk voluntarily- he is ordered to. He is also ordered to not go back to Hiccup, even though that is what he wants, indicated by the drawing, that Toothless, Toothless draws.
We also need to point out something crucial here- The Hidden World has no sense or link to the passage of time in the human world. Dragons in the Hidden World would not simply know it is Snoggletog- Toothless is not simply missing Hiccup because it's the festive season. The opening shot in this scene, is him sitting alone, alone, over a picture of Hiccup. We see one of the nightlights looking over at Toothless. It's almost as if he knows this is how his dad is, and has been this way for a long, long time. Also, it's important to consider this:
What effect would staying away from Hiccup forever have on Toothless? Clearly, by the time of Homecoming, Toothless already seems depressed, for a better word to describe it. How might this affect his relationship with his kids.
Wouldn't Toothless want his kids and Hiccup's kids to bond and grow up together, in the same way they did? Would that not enrich and help them both grow and develop, simultaneously, as one?
Isn't that what Toothless wants?
Toothless has the Light Fury, and has kids. But he isn't happy. It's almost like something crucial has been taken away from him.
This scene on it's own negates any and all comments the directors have made about Toothless wanting to be free and that him finding love led to him leaving Hiccup for good, as he felt he belonged in the wild. Toothless would be happy in the Hidden World if this was the case, and would not be drawing Hiccup, his face utterly saddened, dejected and disappointed, in the sand. By this point, over a decade later, Toothless would have surely moved on with his family and his own life, if this was the case.
But as we see, it isn't.
It’s also important to acknowledge here what exactly Toothless was drawing in the sand. We see it’s a replica of the side on view of the dragons leaving, with Hiccup standing on the cliff looking outwards towards Toothless. This is clearly a depiction of Toothless remembering the separation between them, and he then proceeds to draw a line from himself to Hiccup- as if he wants to reverse the separation, and go back. It’s clear that he wants to do this, however the Light Fury is the force that stops him in this scene.
Toothless doesn’t seem happy in the Hidden World- it seems as if there is something fundamentally wrong and missing here.
On the contrary, his expression in Homecoming when he sees Zephyr is one of extreme happiness- as mentioned before, an absolute polar opposite to how he was in the Hidden World. We get the impression that wherever Hiccup is, his home is.
The epilogue
I’ve included the epilogue here as it makes sense to do so chronologically. Toothless is first seen not in the Hidden World, on dry land, but out in the open, on the rocks at the edge of the Hidden World. Exposing himself to the human world. This raises an important question- Toothless, the alpha of the Hidden World, making himself known on the surface world? Toothless is most likely doing this as he feels that where he belongs is not deep within the Hidden World, but on the surface human world (essentially, one step closer to Hiccup).
This also could imply that Toothless thinks the surface world is now safe for dragons, at least on a small scale, to return again.
It is almost as if he is waiting for Hiccup to return to him- his behaviour previously that i have mentioned makes this extremely likely. Toothless does then go up to Hiccup’s boat- and when he recognises Hiccup, he goes all puppy- dog again, like before. Toothless has come back to Hiccup. I refer to a famous quote:
If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they’re yours; if they don’t they never were.
Toothless is the happiest we have seen him, ever, in this scene. He has returned home again, linking back to the ‘my home’ scene from earlier in the film- and one doesn’t leave home readily. Toothless in the epilogue scene is happier than he ever was in the Hidden World- which raises the point- why would he even want to return when he has found happiness here, with Hiccup?
Toothless is then introduced to Hiccup’s kids and there is a moment of intense symbolism in this scene.
During the separation, Hiccup and Toothless share a ‘reverse-hand’ moment, the symbolic reference being Toothless being untrained and set free; evidently not what Toothless wants based on his reaction afterwards, ears down. This draws parallels to what a dog means to say when it has its ears down-
If your dog tightly pins his ears down, then he is showing severe anxiety and is telling you that he is very uncomfortable with the situation. Source: Google Search
The same is applicable to Toothless. He does not want to be untrained, or set free to live in the wild. We see evidence of this solely from his facial expression.
Toothless’ ears are completely down when he orders the rest of the dragons to leave- indicating a greater state of anxiety and a greater degree of uncomfortableness.
When Toothless is introduced to Hiccup’s kids- he allows them to touch his snout in the same way Hiccup did- a symbolic beginning of human-dragon coexistence once more. This is what Toothless wanted, and we see later on in the epilogue scene he allows one of the Nightlight babies to interact with and play with Nuffink. Clearly, Toothless has found happiness here, with Hiccup, and wouldn’t be anywhere else. The music that plays during the epilogue is a callback to the original ‘Test Drive’ sequence, where humans and dragons learn to coexist properly. The music itself is uplifting and beatific, and implies hope for the future.
Further evidence of this can be found in a twitter thread involving Richard Ashley Hamilton. The tweet responds directly to a user asking whether Hiccup and Toothless reuniting is something that can happen, or is plausible. Interestingly, he didn’t rule it out, and said ‘anything is possible’ (see https://twitter.com/1_httydfan/status/1152923046224834560)
This means that Hiccup and Toothless reuniting, the basis of this post, is plausible.
Snoggletog Log
This is a short which accompanied Homecoming, and depicts humans and dragons living in harmony again. If this is read alongside the entire argument for why Hiccup and Toothless/the other Berkian dragons do return, it strengthens it. There are several references to Gift of the Night Fury in this short. Astrid makes Yaknog, and Zephyr and Nuffink hate it- this is a direct parallel and reference to Gift of the Night Fury. The fish bowl from Homecoming is seen once again- only this time, Zephyr and Nuffink actually feed Toothless with fish from the bowl, off-screen. Following on from the rest of the ideas I have elaborated on, it seems Toothless and the other Berkian dragons have integrated themselves once again into New Berk, where they belong (as outlined previously). The special does have two inconsistencies, but does that mean it is not canon? Based on everything here, I see no reason why it shouldn’t be considered canon.
Nuffink in his biography from the official wikia page is said to have inherited Hiccup’s inventive and creative side, using baby Gronckles as jetpacks. This is now a part of his character. Furthermore, Zephyr and Nuffink are riding the Nightlights! Zephyr is riding Pouncer, and Nuffink is riding Dart or Ruffrunner. They have bonded with them, played with them and trained them in the same way that Hiccup trained Toothless. This is also in their biography on the official Wiki page.
It’s important to also note that dragon training takes time and patience, indicating this isn’t just a visit- the dragons have really incorporated themselves into Berkian life once more. Why wouldn’t they?
Hiccup is also seen burping one of the Nightlights (Ruffrunner)- the dragon trusts Hiccup to hold him, indicating they have been on New Berk for quite some time and have bonded.
Toothless is also seen to be missing a tail fin- if you look closely, during his time on screen, you notice he is missing his left fin ( you have to slow down the speed to 0.25 X). This can only mean one thing- Toothless and his character haven’t changed since Gift of the Night Fury. Toothless still values flying with Hiccup, as one, like before, and we get hints of this from both the storyboard of the film and the film’s official poster.
Storyboard: latest (1189×1080) (nocookie.net)
Official poster: latest (1895×3000) (nocookie.net)
Both the storyboard and the poster reference Hiccup and Toothless flying together, with Toothless having the old saddle and red tail fin.
Another version of the poster is also in the film’s steelbook:
latest (5120×2880) (nocookie.net)
Another image, linked below, appears to show dragons emerging from the Hidden World- possibly returning?
latest (866×1200) (nocookie.net)
As we can see, several elements tie into this one theme.
HTTYD 3 Extra- Astrid’s 60 second trilogy
Astrid says some lines which give a definitive notion that the Berkian dragons do indeed return, including Toothless. She says ‘But I know there will be a time where the dragons will return to us [...]’ and that the future ‘is wide open’. Essentially, she is saying anything is possible, and the intensifier will gives a definitive note to her statement, not could, or might, but will. ‘Us’ refers to the Berkian tribe- foregrounding the notion that they deserve dragons.
The secret sheep society
This short alludes to dragons on New Berk, coexisting with humans. It’s left unclear when this takes place, but is an interesting idea when combining the previous points into a single argument.
That’s all, folks! If you enjoyed this review please take the time to fill out the short questionnaire, linked below, telling me what you thought of it.
"Toothless and Hiccup permanently reunite following the events of the Hidden World- here's why"- what were your thoughts? (google.com)
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