#forgive me I am so high right now 😭
alteregozowie · 4 days
"Yeh' know, we got more in common than yeh' think. Both from th' same decade. Both have shitty fuckin' fathers that we preferred dead. Yeh' know, the little things." (Random ass one liner starter for you)
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"Except I went into radio, and you went in to porn! Isn't that neat?"
And he said it with such enthusiasm too, like he really said something profound. Said it with his entire chest.
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ariseur · 25 days
“can i kiss you” with yuuji itadori please
✧˖° - combined this with another ask of “can we do that again?”, this is probably utter dog crap but i hope it’s good enough guys.. forgive me i’m studying so hard rn 😭
“that’s okay, right?”
“mhm,” you hum in affirmation, “just try not to pucker your lips too much.”
yuuji cocks his head, “so many rules to this.” you snicker and cross your arms. “well, if you don’t wanna be shit at kissing then i suggest you follow my advice.”
he barks, “i am not shit at kissing—!”
you purse your lips and look at him with a shrug to which he deflates and unceremoniously falls back on the throw cushions of the couch. you laugh, crawling over to him a little more only to see his expression filled with hurt and despair. you peel his arm away from his face before you huff out, “relax, you just need some more practice.”
he peeks an eye out. “yeah, so why’re you picking on me?” you chuckle again, trying to cover your mouth to shield him from the embarrassment and instead he points an accusatory finger at you and yelps. “you sadist—! i don’t know what to do here!”
that, in return, only makes you laugh harder.
after your bout of laughter, you finally wipe the springing tears away from your eyes and look back at you, whose arms are crossed against his chest while he pouts with furrowed brows, waiting for further instruction. you tilt your head. “well, you can’t just give up that easy.” his ears perk up at your comment.
“so we can practice some more?”
“i never said we couldn’t.”
his little gasp of surprise makes your heart thump a little harder before he shoots up from his spot against the pillows, now indented from his figure plopping down against them.
“so i can kiss you—?” his words come out a little more eager than he’s intended, so when he sees your eyebrows pinch a bit at his excitement, he instead doubles down and rephrases his sentence.
“i mean— ff..” he stammers. “can i kiss you?” he re-asks, before scrunching his eyes shut at the lack of a response ( although, in your defense, it had only been like three seconds since the question had slipped past his lips ). he cringes at the way a thin layer of sweat coats his palms and tries to wipe them on his pajama pants to try and rid himself of this feeling that itches and creeps up his ears.
but instead of the heat that seeps inside of them, he’s instead met with the melodic laughter that emerges from you, making his eyes open to see you gazing at him, a deep set of adoration only staring back at him in the glossiness of your eyes.
“huh—?” he manages out before you lean forward and bring a hand to his face, cool delicacy against the heat of his cheeks before you close the small gap between you two. he hums against your lips and yuuji swears he can feel you grin against his as well. but alas, he lets his lashes flutter closed as he savors this feeling.
calloused fingers find your fingers, then slide up to your arm, to anything he can grasp — know that he is merely mapping it to memory, cementing it to a place where only the two of you can bring out such a serene moment within yourselves, for the experience of love is tranquility and he’ll gladly take the pill for you.
and once you part, it’s only for a breath, a break that you’ll forever gaze into each other’s eyes for. in these soft moments, all the callouses that come in the package of being a student at jujutsu high are forgettable and only a pink head of hair is in your trajectory.
“can we do that again?” he asks, and you don’t fail to miss the way his eyes light up when you give a slight nod; lips pink and swollen despite the way they part once more.
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𐙚 dottie’s 500 event — 🍡 ( dialogue ) prompts!! ( closing soon )
𐙚 taglist ; @sad-darksoul @2ukika @kasumitenbaz ( thank you for all the love on my yuuji pieces ilysm 💔 )
𐙚 non-500 requests are closed — august twenty-sixth, 2024
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kamiversee · 6 months
The F*ck List (semi-official) Breakdown.
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The following was submitted by my lovely ☃️anon, & I needed to make this it’s own post given how long it is, my replies & clarifications are written in between this breakdown & theory (Ex: A/N > Etc.). 
Here, you’ll find majority of details you may have missed & maybe even more to think about. Enjoy :)
(wc; 5.7k) (content; spoilers ofc)
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holy shit Kami. i literally had to take the entire day to process everything. before anything else, i need you to know that you've created an absolute masterpiece. TFL was the first fic i ever cared to keep up with and it has set the bar impossibly high for any other writer out there. please take your time with TFL 2, i'm so excited to read your other work!! also a break sounds like it would be so good for your mind considering how long you've dedicated yourself to this story 😭😭😭 you're seriously impressive. heads up, i didn't proofread this at all bc i finished typing this at 4 am LMFAO so forgive me if it's all scrambled and makes no sense.
A/N > Thank you for taking the time to write this breakdown, I seriously appreciate it so I wanted to take my time in responding to it & engaging with you :)
now, on to the yap. i deadass cracked my knuckles before typing all this out.
A/N > You’re so real for tht ngl
i reread the entirety of TFL from chapter 1 and my brain is so melted from analyzing that i'll prob find more details tomorrow after i sleep on some theories 😭 BUT HOLY FUCK YOU REALLY WEREN'T KIDDING WHEN YOU SAID YOU WERE HINTING AT GOJO'S OBSESSION SINCE LITERALLY THE FIRST CHAPTER??? the fucking hint being that "Gojo's desire for you is so strong it's almost frightening." GIRLLLLLL 🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵
your foreshadowing and referencing is insane. idk if you intended a lot of it, but a lot of it caught my eye.
A/N> I TOLD YOU GUYS IVE BEEN DOIN IT SINCE THE FIRST CHAPTER !! Okay not exactly but like there was a vibe I had from the first chapter & when I later came up with the twist & went back and saw that everything would connect perfectly ^.^
chapter 7; the reader and Gojo have lighthearted banter about how the reader "started this" situation.
"I made a mistake." [reader] 
"A good one." 
"Bad one." You correct.
this was regarding a completely different situation but it baffled me how much it connects to the plot itself; the reader making the "mistake" of leaving her door open, and how it lead to months full of trauma and love. probably completely unintentional, but such a good detail.
A/N > Very intentional btw, it’s supposed to be known that, in a sense, Gojo x reader is forbidden :)
Choso's still staring at you intently, "What version of you would someone not like?" 
The way he words his question only furthers that little feeling in your chest. It's almost as though he were implying that any and all versions of you would be acceptable in his eyes. - Chapter 16
"No, I wish you didn't have to hate me." He says, shutting his eyes again and sucking in a deep breath, "B-But... it's uh, It's okay. I can live with you hating me." - Chapter 21
AAAA WE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN!!!! WE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THIS WAS FORESHADOWING OUR FUTURE WITHOUT GOJO 😭😭😭 how he can live with the idea of the reader hating him so long as she's happy with Choso, especially considering his later revelations of how twisted his actions were and how if you stuck with him, he'd view you differently. fuck.
You despise the fact that he loves you. To you, it's almost entitled for him to feel like he has that right. How dare he hold such a strong emotion for you? If he felt this way, why is he forcing you to sleep with people for him? It makes no sense. 
Why would someone claim to love you and put you through so much? 
If he's been in love with you all this time, why start the list in the first place? Why couldn't he have just tried to win your heart from the beginning? Why the list? Why the blackmail? You don't understand him. - Chapter 23
i'm crushed. we didn't understand because we didn't know that Sukuna was involved. that could mean a million other things. i have some far-fetched theories about this but hear me out later!!!
the entirety of chapter 23 had me fucking floored while i was rereading. THE FORESHADOWING WAS EVERYWHERE!!! EVERY FUCKING WHERE
"No sweetheart, Sukuna's an asshole but..." His expression flickers and his smile fades away. He swallows and then clears his throat, "I'm pretty sure he'll satisfy you just fine." 
You narrow your eyes at him, "Are you sure?" 
 "Fuckin' positive," Gojo suddenly sounds pissed and you grow concerned. The arm around you gets a little tighter while he walks you through some crowds and you keep looking at the man confused. 
There's a vein popping out along his jawline because of how hard he's gritting his teeth.
of course he's aggravated because he knows that Sukuna is the one behind the list in the first place 😭😭😭 I'M SORRY WE DOUBTED YOU SATORU, FUCKKKK
——FIFTEEN MINUTES. That was the exact amount of time it took you to seduce Sukuna. The act was way too easy. Actually, it was suspiciously easy.
"What all did you plan on doing tonight aside from getting harassed by strangers?" Sukuna suddenly questions against your skin. 
You ignore how close he is and the way his lips make you tense, turning your head to face forward. Chuckling at his last comment, "Same thing as everyone else here." You reply, slightly confused by his question. 
"Bullshit," He utters, "Nobody dresses like this without the intent of gaining my attention," Sukuna claims while his hands slide back down along your body.
this 100% could be just him being cocky and Sukuna, but the recent reveal just makes this feel like an extra demeaning interaction. but of course, it's Sukuna.
chapter 24 is so fucking shady too with everything we know. i know you addressed some of these points already bc i brought them up in previous anon messages, but these things still had me paranoid;
the way Sukuna leaves us and tells the reader to go to his room after a certain amount of time (i know he could have just been tidying up real quick but everything about this man has me on edge)
A/N> A lot of people are on edge about this but I’ll be honest, there’s nothing crazy that happens in between this time period. Not saying nothing happens but nothing crazy— it’ll be addressed later (in the next fic most likely)
the way he's been consistently on the phone since the reader entered the room, which is shortly after she messaged Gojo saying that she'll be able to cross Sukuna off of this list by tonight which he wasn't happy with at all.
no seriously, he kept diverting his attention to something in the bathroom and then came out, still on his phone. maybe he's talking to literally anyone else but STILL I'M PARANOID
A/N> This is to show the fact that Sukuna is a very socially active individual, & hints to the theory (I think you later state) that he has connections.
this happens in chapter 25 but the way he keeps smiling while the reader kisses him is just so smug of him especially considering the original reason as to why the reader's even interacting with him
then the spicy chapters with Sukuna…
the foreshadowing that the lack of knowledge of Sukuna's reputation will come back to bite her in the ass; first with the knowledge that he is abusive, and then her finding out that he is the curator of the list, knowing the full details of her blackmail and even threatening her again.
WHO DID HE FUCKING FIGHT HELPPPPP MY MIND IS BOGGLING there's no way it's Gojo, right? they're both too unscathed in these next few chapters for there to have been a fight between the two of them.
A/N > It’s not Gojo. 🙏
A/N> The other Sukuna hint I was talking about is right before this moment btw, you’re welcome ;)
then he has the audacity to hold his tongue right afterwards?? it's such a big hint towards the fact that he knew about the list from the beginning UGHHHHHHHH.
the way he tried to humor the reader about her "job" even though he was in on the whole thing. UGH. SUKUNA WHEN I GET YOU SUKUNA?? 👊👊👊👊 especially with that "whore" joke right afterwards. i can't stand him. i know that it's implied that he has a twisted view on women from having abusive women in his life (his mom and his ex who he punched) BUT STILL. he's so lucky he's fictional and hot.
the fact that we're able to pick up on the fact that it's a "crazy coincidence" that he continues the whore jokes UGHHHHH HE HAS BEEN PLAYING US FROM THE STAAAAAARTT
Gojo got upset at something from Sukuna's party, he didn't want you to call yourself a whore all of a sudden, Sukuna seems to have believed that was your actual job, and you remember how pissed Gojo seemed as he thought about you sleeping with Sukuna- 
Holy fuck. Are the two connected somehow? Is something going on? What does Gojo owe Sukuna? Does Sukuna know you only slept with him as payment to clear Gojo's debt? Is-
A/N > I love teasing in my narration by nearly spoiling things 😹
seriously though, these chapters killed me. the official end obliterated my heart. it's so fucking bittersweet i want to scream at the top of a high building. the reader ends up happy and with someone she loves, which is fantastic for her. she deserves that after everything she went through. Choso treats her so, so well.
but Gojo. with the theories i have, i feel horrible. i was so harsh towards him as a die hard Choso girly but these endings changed me. i just hope i'm right.
the fact that his healing journey is harsher than ours makes this ending sting so much. he's healed, and you can see it with his demeanor from the call and the way he interacted with the reader.
we were always made aware of the way he looked at us such deep attachment. the initial gleam shows that he's happy to see us, but that he's not reliant on us for his happiness anymore. he's finding that on his own, and it's a grueling process for him. i wished the reader gave him a hug, but that would probably make me feel even worse.
A/N> He gave her a lil side hug (with his arm over her shoulder) & was resting his head on hers at the end if that makes you feel any better 😅
"Through my blackmailing, I fell for you but I also did it because I loved you from the start." i'm gonna throw up bro i'm so sad. i'm proud of his growth. his obsession was so, so strong but he always prioritized the reader's happiness over himself. i know that being self-sacrificial is so core to his personality but it doesn't make it suck any less. i'm devastated. i started blasting mitski in the car on my way to work after reading this.
i thought i was ready for the journal burning. i was so ready for this tie to be severed, for them to finally move on. but i failed to realize that it could ultimately mean a life without each other. it makes sense as to why, but it still sucks.
kami i need that poly ending before i cry my eyes out at 4 am rn. you know i can't handle angst, but bittersweet endings lowkey hurt me even more. i need all my babies to be happy. i desperately need it.
but that alt ending... fuck. in a horrible, sick, and twisted way, i'm relieved. i'm a Choso girly from the bottom of my heart but i can't let this Gojo go omfg. even if he shows up for one more chapter, i think i'll be alright. BUT IT BETTER NOT BE FOR DEATH KAMI!!!! I HAVE A FEW EXCERPTS THAT SUGGEST DEATH FLAGS BUT I AM SIMPLY NOT LOOKING AT THEM. DON'T DO THIS TO ME KAMIIIIIII. i need this boy to be frolicking in a field of flowers or something. my heart can't take this.
A/N> I know I reference death a lot but that’s just to add a sense of how dramatic the characters are 🫶
okay, time for my mind-fucky theory. pls bare with me. if it wasn't obvious by my last post, i'm 100% on board with the theory that Sukuna's blackmailing Gojo, which started this whole thing. but the thing that is getting me is how this all connects. i have some assumptions that could make sense, but there are a handful of gaps. here's my thought process;
Sukuna's blackmailing Gojo by using his obsession/love against him.
we are already familiar with the fact that Gojo has liked the reader for years. there was a chapter where Gojo mentioned that it started off as a "crush" but he was so oblivious to his own obsession up until the reader mentioned it to him. it's to the point that he didn't understand what was wrong with the idea of hurting people for the reader. who's to say that Sukuna didn't catch him in some sort of heinous act regarding the reader like stalking?
A/N > You’re cooking with this one and I almost, almost had to go get the fire extinguisher :D
Gojo didn't understand the difference between love and obsession until later on in the story. this would be consistent with the implication that Gojo just loved her so deeply that his morals were askew as we have yet to find out how far his love goes.
what if Sukuna caught him in the act of doing god knows what, and brought up the fact that if the reader found out about this, that she'd get super freaked out and would do everything she can to get away from him (considering probably barely knew each other, if at all, at this point). but why would Sukuna devise such a plan over a money bribe? well, Sukuna's already revealed to be wealthy, and maybe he was bored. the same line that Gojo kept repeating to the reader whenever she questioned him as to why he did it. what if Gojo asked Sukuna why he's blackmailing him, and he said the exact same thing; "I was bored." we see how much Sukuna mirrors Gojo's speech by calling the reader "sweetheart" often, what if Gojo did the same thing? 
A/N > Gojo & Sukuna do have a few parallels in this story & they will be addressed more in the sequel.
we wondered in chapter 23 how Gojo reaches out to these men to ensure their debt is "paid," but considering how oblivious everyone else on the list is to Gojo owing them anything, it would make sense that he only reports to Sukuna as he is ordered to do so. but two things stumped me on this theory overall.
the reader said that she used to party a lot and get involved with boys before Gojo. if he was stalking her for so long, why did he wait so long to approach her?
what specifically would be the blackmail that Sukuna has on Gojo?
regarding the first point, it's been mentioned that Gojo has been "scared of women" and was shy when it came to approaching the reader. he knew of her for so long, but was able to constantly slip under her radar. considering how much of a pervert he is, it wouldn't have been surprising for him to sneak around and watch in on the reader hooking up with other guys. after all, these guys were probably complete strangers to him and all he cared about was you. remember how Gojo was basically able to tune out his own best friend, Suguru, when the reader was hooking up with him in their living room? it wouldn't be wild to assume that he was able to do the same for your other hookups as he spied on you.
to connect this with second point, what if Sukuna caught Gojo being a peeping tom on the reader during a party hook-up? while being so distracted in the act of spying, Sukuna spots him. the reader wouldn't be alright with the fact that someone who's barely an acquaintance (if that, depending on the time this occurred) to her has been perving around and watching her have sex without her consent. she would do anything to get away from Gojo, and of course that would crush him. Gojo tried to buy Sukuna's silence by any means necessary. so, Sukuna generated a list of people that he and Gojo mutually knew for the reader to fuck. the reasoning for it would be the fact that Gojo has to sit through the process of having the girl he likes fuck a bunch of guys besides him, and the fact that Gojo knew all these men would make it sting more. plus, he has a reputation for hookups. (chapter 8)
A/N > You’re like RIGHT there with it and yet not there at the same time omg 😟
but why would Gojo agree to this deal with Sukuna, and why would he also go with the method of blackmailing the reader? it's basically a guarantee that the reader would be scared away regardless. but again, we could recall that Shoko mentioned that he was too "scared of women" to approach the reader at first. this was his chance to finally approach her. plus, "once that video is gone, there is no excuse he'll have to be around you." (chapter 8)
but the more i thought of this reasoning for the two points, the more bizarre it felt. so what if instead of Gojo being a peeping tom, it was Sukuna. we get so many hints that Sukuna has eyes and intel everywhere. we get an indirect implication of this when he called us out for rolling our eyes during our phone call with him. yes, it could be completely by chance, but it's still a great hint that he "sees everything" and "knows everything." we get an even bigger hint towards this in the alt ending when he directly references The F*ck List.
A/N > Others have taken note of how Sukuna knew she rolled her eyes but trust me, that’s just to show that Sukuna knows the reader’s body language more than he’s let on & paid attention to her a lot during the time they were together. 
it wouldn't be too far fetched to assume that he has some shady videos taken of people without his consent, some possibly acquired through other people (like how Gojo was revealed to have sent Sukuna the video of the reader from the first chapter). what if Gojo caught Sukuna with the video, threatened him to delete it, and Sukuna counterthreatened to have it be sent and posted everywhere. it would be highly ironic, but consistent with the way that Gojo and Sukuna practically mirror each other at times. the reasoning for the list choices would still be the same for this theory, too.
my citations for these theories ☝️🤓
“You once asked me if I love you because I blackmailed you or if I blackmailed you because I love you and my answer is both,” Gojo confesses as he turns to meet your gaze, “Through my blackmailing, I fell for you but I also did it because I loved you from the start.” - Chapter 56
loved you from the start; his obsession has been consistent from the start (supports Gojo being a peeping tom theory) or he has always had a deep concern for you (supports him wanting to stop Sukuna from spreading blackmail of you instead).
“I’ve sacrificed everything for you, y’know.” 
“How? What’s everything that you’ve sacrificed, hm?” 
“You. I sacrificed the woman I love to make her happy.” Gojo admits, and of all he’s said thus far, that feels like the truest statement. 
“I could’ve been happy with you.” You remind him. 
He laughs, “Yeah well, I’m an idiot.” 
You scoff, “That’s all you have to say?” 
“Yup.” - Chapter 56
is he an idiot for being a peeping pervert instead of just approaching you normally? maybe. how does this make her happy? she ends up finding love through Choso, through the list, through the blackmail.
But deleting the video means ... he has no more leverage over you and can't force you to help him with the hole he's dug for himself. -  Chapter 8
the hole being the blackmail set against him by Sukuna.
Gojo's behind you cursing at himself for being unable to tell you the truth. 
He's so scared that you'll never help him without the blackmail and, well, he has every right to be because you're pretty sure that if it weren't for those videos he has over your head, you wouldn't be doing any of this. - Chapter 9
the videos he's referencing is the original video from chapter 1 and the fake video he lied about with Suguru, but he can't tell the reader the truth because it's too twisted and risky (supports Gojo peeping tom theory).
He silences himself in thought. There are so many ways he could go about answering such a question but the possibilities of how you may react are endless. Plus, you're drunk and if he's going to admit or explain anything to you, it'll be while you're sober. 
"Because..." Gojo's voice gets so quiet that you almost don't catch what he says, "...I don't have any other choice." - Chapter 21
if he didn't go through with his list, Sukuna would have went through with Gojo's blackmail, thus resulting in either you getting as far away from Gojo as soon as possible or Sukuna's video being sent around.
He let something slip abruptly, "W-Wish I c-could tell you everything, sweets..." 
Your brows furrow at that. 
Are you missing something here? - Chapter 22
"Anything," Gojo says, meeting your gaze. He's so serious that it's almost dark the way he looks at you, "I'd do anything for you." - Chapter 29
"I meant it when I said I'd do anything for you." 
You follow his motions and then end up right back in his arms, "Right..." 
"I'd sacrifice the very thing I love just to see you happy." Gojo claims proudly. 
You scoff, "Thought' I was the thing you loved?" 
"You are." 
His words bewilder you, "Then that makes no sense." 
"It won't." Gojo shrugs. - Chapter 29
anything. even if it means putting your body, heart, mind, and career on the line. directly supports the theory that Sukuna initially had blackmail on the reader.
"We're the same, y'know..." He suddenly says, his voice breaking again, "We both want someone so terribly bad but our situations prohibit us from getting that person." 
"You could've prevented all this though..." 
Gojo sniffles and you feel a drop of wetness slide down his cheek and slip against your palm. The man was crying? Why? - Chapter 30
this whole time we've been told that Gojo and the reader share more similarities than the reader realizes. what Gojo is to the reader, the reader is to Choso. while Choso now knows of the men that the reader slept with, he doesn't know why. he doesn't know about you being blackmailed. you know that you had to sleep with these men. you don't know why. you didn't know it was because of Gojo being blackmailed.
"For loving me, Satoru. It's not a crime," You say, mocking a comment he made to you earlier, "You're allowed to love me. So, for that, and that only, I forgive you." 
Those words healed so many more wounds in his heart than you realized. It was like that was all he ever needed to hear. If Gojo's mistake was loving you and that's what caused this, then you forgive him. 
If in some twisted way, his feelings started the list, you forgive him.
There’s so much going unspoken but the two of you knew what either was saying, you understood each other more than either of you realized. - Chapter 35
“Well,” Gojo sighs heavily and then draws your hands off his face, leaning down to you a bit, “Sometimes, sacrifices need to be made in exchange for one’s happiness.” 
“Are you telling me that all this was for the greater good?” You quiz as you raise a curious brow. 
“Something like that, yeah,” He shrugs. - Chapter 45
You tell him, “If I had one wish, it’d be that you did that from the beginning.” 
Gojo opens his mouth to say something but then he swallows his words down. He nearly fucked up. 
“All you had to do was talk to me,” Your shoulders raise into a shrug as you move a hand to the doorknob, “Things could’ve been different if you did.” 
“Even if I’ve been obsessed with you since the beginning?” He questions and he’s stepping closer to you again. He can’t possibly wrap his head around that possibility- 
You laugh a bit, “Especially if you were obsessed from the beginning,” You didn’t know it but that statement right there made the man feel as though his world was falling apart, loads of regret tumbling over him as he stares at you with wide eyes, “Satoru I think you forgot but, before all this started, aside from Shoko… I was lonely.” 
Gojo’s throat goes dry and he fails to form a response to that, “I…” 
“If you had just talked to me one time, and more than a hey or how are you,” The way your eyes soften, a slim sheer gloss of tears coating your gaze as you speak to him, “I would’ve fallen for you.” 
He grits his teeth, “Don’t tell me that.” 
“But it’s true.” You say. 
And just like that, Gojo was crumbling all over again. If only you knew how much he regretted everything after hearing you say that. - Chapter 46
if he had just spoke to the reader before all of this, maybe she wouldn't have gone to those parties, hooked up with those people, and caused whatever kind of blackmail Sukuna had on Gojo (or on her).
He wishes he could take it all back, his feelings for you included. If only he could go back and stop himself from ever being curious about you. That’s what started it after all. Because, at the end of the day, Gojo knew who you were before you knew who he was— hell, even before Shoko knew who you were. - Chapter 53
then what is the timeline of his obsession starting? has it been before Gojo? could his blackmail have taken place even before Shoko introduced you two, adding to the weight of the threat that Sukuna held over Gojo's head (regarding the peeping tom theory).
A/N > The timeline on Gojo’s interest, not obsession just yet, on the reader will be addressed in the sequel so this’ll be answered there <3
but there were certain parts that stumped me and my theories so i have some weird reasonings around them;
It's selfish of him and seriously fucked up but, he's said it before and he'll say it over and over again-- you're all he has. He made promises to everyone on that list, promises of delivering a woman to them at some point, and of course, he couldn't convince anyone he knew to do such a thing. 
So again, the situation with you just happened to be a coincidence. 
The problem is that Gojo hates that it's you. He hates that you're the one he ended up doing this to. - Chapter 8
Gojo's known to be a silly guy so it could make sense that he actually did promise these guys hookups for reasons unrelated to his blackmail. after all, he does have a reputation for getting people hookups. the coincidence is that Sukuna now has dirt on Gojo and wants to toy with him. by making the reader sleep with them the guys he coincidentally owes hookups to, he fulfills his role/reputation and relieves his debt at the same time. two birds, one stone.
A/N > As we later learn that some of the “debt” Satoru claimed to have isn’t real, we can also infer that his reputation & the promises he’s made to these men were done out of coincidence. Take Toji for example; tell me you can’t see an interaction between him & Gojo where Gojo gets a bad grade and wants to get it up so he taunts his professor with the idea of getting him a hookup & Toji would laugh it off considering Gojo’s reputation ;)
another thing that stumped me is why Gojo got so worked up with the reader referring herself as a whore, and the connection to Sukuna. my delulu reasoning is that once Sukuna threatened Gojo with blackmail by either of the two theories/methods i mentioned, Sukuna casually referred to the reader as a whore. that caused a major fight between the two, possibly even getting physical (which can refer back to the implication that Gojo has hurt people for the reader).
the fight could have increased the tension and severity of the situation, so Sukuna decides to add Choso to the list knowing how easily attached Choso gets. in chapter 5, the reader and Gojo were discussing the list and Choso specifically. Gojo was even noted to be relieved when the reader had mentioned that they'll just have to hope that Choso doesn't get attached, as he obviously holds deep feelings for the reader. Sukuna knows that by going through with the blackmail with Choso involved, Gojo most likely will not end up with the reader if Choso get attached and the reader reciprocates those feelings.
also, the counterargument that Sukuna and Gojo are actually friends/allies in this situation just doesn't sit well with me. it would make for a crazy twist but it just feels too out of character for Gojo. but then again, how would Sukuna specifically know about The F*ck List? but idk, it just feels so wrong to me. maybe i have too much faith in Gojo lmfao. after all, he has consistently shown a great dislike towards the guy since chapter 23. but maybe it's my denial speaking. i really don't want to think of Satoru going through this whole arc only for it to reveal that he truly is a piece of shit. pls don't do this to my pookie my heart cannot handle it </3
A/N > Remember, Gojo is a good actor & you go a long period of time in the book not realizing he’s not as much of a villain as he pretends to be 😉 
there's that moment after the reader fucked Sukuna that still messes with my brain. with my theories, my brain's thinking that he contemplated on collecting even more blackmail on the reader. for what reason? idk, to be an ass? to torment Gojo further and add more to his blackmail? but maybe he decided not to because he already has plenty of blackmail on the reader (if the theory of Sukuna having a video of her from way back then is true) and fucking her knowingly made Gojo pissed considering all the dirt Sukuna has.
so why can't Gojo tell her the truth now? why does he want to wait years in advance? maybe he's hoping that by that time, not only will you forget and not care about the situation overall, but maybe Sukuna will forget all about it as well. the chances of Sukuna holding on to the reader's blackmail for that long is slim and the reader would most likely be in a situation where she is completely separated from Sukuna depending on her job and living situation with Choso. the stakes are lower than if he were to reveal everything to you now, at a moment where your life is still so uncertain. it would go against his wish for you to end up happy.
A/N > Maybe Gojo doesn’t tell her the truth because he can’t, just as he said 🌚 Perhaps he’s not allowed to yet. After all, why would Sukuna even tell the reader he made the list in the end? ^.^ Just some food for thought!
regarding the future of TFL... fuck, bro. i have no fucking idea. i'm too caught up in the (presumed) past. i'm mourning fr. i love this fic sooooo fucking much. whenever you decide to pick up on the sequel, i will be there. if you choose to publish anything else in the meantime, i will be there. thanks for such a fun and memorable read, Kami. i'm excited to bookbind this soon 🤍🤍🤍 now, i need to watch blue lock to shove these feelings down.
yap fin (for now)
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A/N > I love you sosoosooooo much for this. These theories are like reading an entirely new fanfic sometimes except, I know all the answers & what’s going to happen next, which only makes me more excited ^.^ Thank you for taking the time to make this, thank you for reading, thank you for supporting, just, THANK YOU.
This right here is exactly what I write for; people like you :)
To the others reading this breakdown & theory, thank ☃️anon because she’s a damn godsend & ilhsm ^.^ (definitely showing favoritism rn, sorry not sorry, ily all I swear)
Edit; Since you’re watching Blue Lock, I can’t wait to bring my Shidou fanfic here because a lot of the drama in TFL has inspo from that fic, which I wrote first ^.^ & I could totally see you enjoying it because not only is it a childhood friends to lovers than enemies & back to lovers troupe BUT it also includes Itoshi Sae x reader which ofc, adds hella drama :))
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P.S. It’s two am as I finally post this and omg sorry it took me a while, I wanted to answer other anons first before unpacking this badboy, again, tysm!!
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sad-ghost-of-garbage · 2 months
Nicknames with the Lost Boys
Affectionate and Goofy nicknames for and from the boys
Author: SadGhostofGarbage Warnings: this is a crackfic! It’s only semi serious. There is some NSFW headcannons so MDNI!
David’s nicknames for reader: Kitten, Kitty, Kit Cat, Doll face, Beloved, and My Queen (Yes even as a male reader, David believes himself the King so naturally his partner is his other half despite gender. He regards his partner as the chess Queen to his King; here is a lil blurb of how I see the conversation going, the first time it happens.
Male reader x David: “Um David, why did you call me your Queen? I am a whole grown ass man?” “Beloved, you are the most important piece on my chess board, since I'm clearly the King, you are my other half.” The bastard has the audacity to say condescendingly as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “You do realize that means I should be protecting you right?” That wipes the smirk right off his face, and he narrows his eyes at you. “Absolutely not happening”. He says with teeth grit in a firm line. “You are not putting yourself in any danger ever.” “Then by chess standards that makes you the Queen”. It was your turn for the shit eating grin, the expression on his face was priceless. It is definitely one of your favorite ways to tease him from that moment on. If however it causes you discomfort he will refrain from using it. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still tease him with it. You will be punished accordingly after every instance you jokingly call him “my Queen”, but teasing him is half the fun. Side note, Paul tries to help by suggesting you combine the two, “One of you can be, Quee-ing, and the other can be Ki-een. BOOM! Problem solved, you’re welcome!” Spoiler… It does not solve the problem.
Things that David secretly loves being called, its a “secret” because he “doesn’t do nicknames”: Handsome, Cowboy, My King, My one, My love, basically anything that has a possessive edge implying that David is readers everything (Daddy loves to be needed)
Things reader (and the boys) call him that he “hates”: Daviey (Paul’s go to mostly), Marko calls him Daddy as if he were confessing to a Catholic priest during confession; “Daddy I’ve been naughty” instead of “forgive me father for I have sinned”. Chaos ensues and you will catch David chasing Marko around the cave on multiple occasions for this very reason. David won’t admit out loud that he’s okay with his partner calling him Daddy but he does prefer Sir, but if it revs your engines then he will graciously allow you to call him Daddy. Moral of the story… David is a butthead.
Names David actually hates being called: Baby, And any nickname that is overly obnoxious like : Stud muffin, or Pookie.
Dwayne’s nicknames for reader; Darling, Sweetheart, Baby/Babygirl/Babyboy (if it is Babyboy, just know Paul is jealous), Mama or Nobi for a non gendered version (of a parental name that both he and Laddie call a parental figure reader), Prince/Princess/Princex
Dwayne’s nicknames from the reader and the boys, they are all fair game for D-man: Papa, Big man, D, Snuggle bear, Big Cat, Baby Daddy
Nicknames that are affectionate when it comes from reader, and jokingly when coming from the boys: Gigantus, Tall Dark and Dracula, Skater boy, Dork
Paul’s nicknames for Reader: Sugar, babe, bug, Beautiful/Handsome/Gorgeous, Hot Stuff, My cute lil capri sun! If you're still human. Bit will continue to call you that after you become a vamp as well, he just likes biting. (fun fact I looked up when capri-sun came out, the answer? 1969! its cannon!)
Paul’s nicknames from reader and the boys: Paulie, Puppy, Pretty boy, jellybelly~ Paul got high af and cried because his blood wasn’t jelly bean flavored after he ate 12 bags of them. “I wanna be a jellybean damn it” 😭 NSFW: I saw a post going around about sucking Paul’s dick and my brain went… ah a Paulie pop… and now it lives rent free in my head so have that too
Marko’s nicknames for reader: Angel, Dove, Love, precious one, Sunshine, Tesoro / my treasure (if you headcannon him as an Italian, as many do 😉) the Juliet to his Romeo if you're a fem reader (until you point out that Juliet was like 13 and Romeo was 16. And comparing your love to that of children was not as romantic as he assumed it was. Those names quickly get abandoned)
Nicknames for Marko: Cassanova, Italian Stallion, Stud, Angel (the first time reader calls him angel you both argue over who gets to call the other angel, and it ends with an intervention from David. “You are both little devils, you brats!” you both continue to call each other angel, and David continues to call you both little devils.)
Nicknames that will get get you (or the boys) in trouble and not the good kind: Cherub, bird boy.
side note, I'd love to hear what nicknames you guys think the boys like being called and call their partners
Taglist: @ria-coolgirl, @britany1997, @henhouse-horrors. If you want added to my Lost Boys taglist lemme know!
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luneengene2 · 8 months
After reading what enhas major would be I couldn't help but think abt jungwons. Especially him being close with the girls who stayed dentistry ,so I'm begging you to write a jungwon smut plz?
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The Failed Affair
• Synopsis : You cheated on Jungwon, but when he found out you were cheating, instead of breaking off relations with you, he instead 'forced' you.
• Warnings : smut content, grammar error
• Pairings : dom!Jungwon x sub!fem!Reader
• A/N : I'm sorry if this isn't good, I'm still not good at writing smut 😭
"Tell me, princess! Tell me who do you belong to?" Jungwon growled angrily, his index finger poking at your pussy, making you seem to float into the sky. You held his shoulders tightly, trying to say what he wanted to hear, but your mouth seemed to be choking on something. Jungwon really makes you surrender under his control.
"Are you deaf and can't hear my question, y/n? I said who do you belong to?!" Jungwon snapped loudly then slapped your pussy, making you flinch in surprise. "Y-You, wonnie. I belong to you," You stammered, making the man with broad shoulders in front of you grin with satisfaction.
Jungwon pulls his finger from your pussy, sucking on his finger which is covered in your wetness, even though you haven't orgasmed yet. What a hot sight for you. "Fuck. You're so wet even though you haven't cum yet, princess. I bet he can't get you this wet, right?” He said cockily, making you nod without hesitation. "Y-Yeah, wonnie. Only you can do that, only you. I beg you, forgive me, Wonnie. I need you inside me now," Your whining made Jungwon feel even more victorious. Your affair with another man will not make him lose his love for you (+it is impossible for him to give up his fuck toys).
Jungwon pulled down your panties, revealing your skirt. He can see how your pussy is so wet and looks hungry to 'swallow' his cock. He unzipped his trousers, also lowered his expensive boxers. You can see his dick is already stiff and ready to destroy you. Jungwon stroked himself a few times before slowly inserting his dick into your pussy hole.
You groaned feeling how the veins of his cock stretched your walls. Jungwon made you straddle him wider and also lifted your legs, coding you to hold your legs together. "Fuck, wonnie. You're so fucking big," You immediately gasped when his dick completely sank into your pussy.
In a matter of seconds, Jungwon immediately moved brutally as if he really wanted to destroy your pussy hole. He groans sexily at how your walls seem to squeeze his dick. "Fuck Wonnie! You're so good!" Jungwon rubs your clit making you go crazier beneath him. "Yes princess. I make you feel good, right? Only I can make you like this." Jungwon lowered his head, lifted your neck and immediately 'attacked' your lips with a French kiss. The dick beneath him continues to pound your pussy mercilessly. Satisfied with your lips, he immediately pulled you by your hair, holding your jaw to look up at him. "See, you always break under my control, Y/N. You always need me more than anything. But during sex with me, you beg like an idiot whore. You want to cheat on me again, Y/N?” Jungwon's question made you shake your head, tears starting to build up in your eyes. "No, Wonnie. I won't do that again, I promise. I am yours and will forever be yours," your answer made Jungwon chuckle and press a soft kiss to your temple.
Jungwon made you lock eye contact with him, his hand returning to your clit, making you squirm in pleasure. "Wonnie, I want to cum," You grabbed his hair and gasped, Jungwon's eyes getting more intense on you. "Yeah baby? Cum for me, so that I can fill you to the brim," Jungwon growls loudly and the head of his dick kisses your cervix brutally, which is your sensitive point.
You clench around him, and moments later your pussy is squirting high enough to hit his chest. Jungwon instead immediately kissed your lips, letting your squirting really hit his body completely. Your pussy also milks his cock hard enough to make him shoot his seed in a few thrusts. You immediately felt full as Jungwon's fluid flowed freely in your womb.
Jungwon gasps as he cums inside you, he brushes his hair back then pulls his dick out of your pussy. His cum flowed out of your pussy hole, and he smiled mischievously at the sight of your pussy clenching around nothing. He scooped up the cum that was flowing from your pussy then pushed it back in, not letting you waste any of it.
He got out of bed, put on his boxers first and went to the bathroom to fill the tub with liquid soap that smelled good and was filled with bubbles. After that, he returned to you, lifted you gently and carried you to the bath to clean your body. "Even though you hurt me and did naughty things, you still deserve good treatment from me, princess," Jungwon stroked your hair and kissed your forehead lovingly. He cleans you gently as well as joining you in the tub. Giving you the treatment he always gave you after sex even though you cheated on him.
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xzinbdg · 1 month
enhypen as songs from my playlist!
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✮⋆˙ heeseung
woo -rihanna
"send for meeee" this whole song is the heeseung everyone thinks he is if you get what I mean 😭😭😭😭
mind games - sickick
okay so if u listen to this song close your eyes and imagine heeseung....doesn't sickick sound like heeseung here???? or am I just crazy....
all mine - plaza
it's the heeseung vibes like i can't really explain it but this song screams hee 🥹 "and I hit it like it's all mine" if he's not your bias he's your wrecker let's be real
✮⋆˙ jay
end of beginning - djo
this song is very much overplayed but this doesn't mean i hate it and i feel like jay would listen to it and relate??? to it somehow 🥹
bad habit - steve lacy
this just screams jay in my opinion!!!! it might be the guitar tbh
perfect man - shinhwa
HE IS!!!!!!!! THE MOST PERFECT MAN!!!! jays future wife lucky as hell
✮⋆˙ jake
the color violet - tory lanez
tell me this song isn't jake coded i dare u "she likes my watch my droptop and my persona" 😵‍💫
is there someone else? - the weeknd
do I think jake is a jealous man? yes. does it make me go insane? absolutely.
heaven and back - chase atlantic
i had to put some aussie energy here cmon and this song is perfect for jake in my opinion
✮⋆˙ sunghoon
chaconne - enhypen
okay so i wasn't going to use enha songs here but sunghoon owns chaconne (along with sunoo) FIGHT ME!!!
i wanna be yours - arctic monkeys
that's just me to hoon tbh like who wouldn't want to be with the sunghoon 😭
good luck, babe! - chappell roan
now when I found out this man listens to chappell i was screaming!!!! we love taste!!
✮⋆˙ sunoo
break it off - pinkpantheress
i could put any pinkpantheress song for sunoo and it would fit 😭😭😭
say yes to heaven - lana del ray
ah yes sunoo is definitely heavenly like this is the prettiest man i have ever seen idk if I wanna be him or be with him...
so anxious - ginuwine
this will just turn into emi being a sunoo simp but he is majestic let's be real and he also makes me sooooo anxious...
✮⋆˙ jungwon
talk - beabadoobee
is the whole vibe of the song that gives me huge jungwon vibes!!! from start to finish it just hits 😩
you get me so high - the neighborhood
"used to stick together you're my best friend I'll love you forever" this right here is how I feel about jungwon he has the ultimate best friend energy
moonlight - chase atlantic
i can imagine a late night on a hill with a full moon and beautiful stars just laying there with wonie admiring the view (him or the stars and moon u pick) 🤭
✮⋆˙ ni-ki
humble. - kendrick lamar
everytime I hear this song and specifically the "be humble sit down" i see that crazy ass transition he pulled out his ass in the aotm 😭
lovers rock - TV girl
"are you sick of me? would you like to be?" i will forever see riki as this little kid that came to i-land and i will also never forgive people for making him lose his beautiful smile
heartless - the weeknd
i just feel like he would like this song but also the "cause im heartless and I'm back to my ways cause im heartless" gives me people saying he's a bully :(
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enhypen masterlist
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hunieday · 10 months
Isumi Haruka Rabbitube Mini - Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Isumi Haruka: Thanks for your hard work. do you have free time rn? (1)
Isumi Haruka: Right now*?
Momo: I do have time rn
Momo: Right now*! ;P
Izumi Mitsuki: Same, I’m free rn
Izumi Mitsuki: Right now*! 😆
Isumi Haruka: Sorry, I accidentally sent the predicted text...
Momo: Don't worry about it at all! I thought maybe Harukacchi felt comfortable with us, so I was actually happy 🥺
Izumi Mitsuki: Me too! I felt like I was talking to Tamaki, feel free to be casual! 😆👍
Isumi Haruka: As if I were talking to Yotsuba!? lol
Isumi Haruka: No, that would be dangerous,  we always talk about who's gonna treat the other 💦
Momo: Sounds fun~~~~~~ I wanna go back to high school and play rock-paper-scissors to decide who buys juice at the store ‼‼😭.
Izumi Mitsuki: I know right! Then go buy sweet red-bean soup and play tricks on each other! 🤩
Isumi Haruka: Sounds like you guys were really enjoying your time
Isumi Haruka: Um, onto the main question! Please let me conduct a survey on what would be good for next week's Rabbimini after-party!
Isumi Haruka:
1. visiting a ramen shop 
2. Panda-man taste testing
3- Divination
4- All-you-can-eat dim sum brunch
Izumi Mitsuki: Ooh~~!!
Izumi Mitsuki: You really thought this through! Thanks 😭 well, we still haven’t decided on anything yet!
Momo: Let's go to aaaall of them!! your big brother here will treat you guys to everything 😭‼
Isumi Haruka: Nah if we go to all of them our stomachs will be too bloated lol
Isumi Haruka: I wanted to do something for you two since you guys took me out for yakiniku after the shoot
Momo:Isn’t he so admirable? ol’ friend Mitsuki-san…
Izumi Mitsuki: What a lovable boy, ol’ friend Momo-san… (2)
Isumi Haruka: You're becoming grandpas lol
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Izumi Mitsuki: 
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Izumi Mitsuki: Alright then, do you have any recommendations among these choices?
Isumi Haruka: Erm...
Isumi Haruka: Panda-man. They look cute and I think it’d be fun
Isumi Haruka: I know it’s somewhat childish but...
Momo: It’s fine, I wanna chomp chomp it!! It's cute like Momo-chan, right!? 😍💕
Izumi Mitsuki: I might have seen it featured on TV! 😆 They have different panda faces on them right?
Isumi Haruka: 😉🥺😤
Isumi Haruka: ↑ Yeah! Like these
Isumi Haruka: People take pics of themselves making the same face as Panda man as a trend
Momo: Oh no we totally have to do a photoshoot too 🫰
Izumi Mitsuki: Now you sound like a gyaru lol
Momo: But it's been a while, so teach us how to take photos 🥺 waaggghhh
Isumi Haruka: I'll definitely teach you everything 🫰
Izumi Mitsuki: By the way, there's a photo of the three of you in our fridge! The one you, Iori and Tamaki took together 😆.
Isumi Haruka: Huh!? The fridge!?
Isumi Haruka: At the IDOLiSH7 dorm!?
Izumi Mitsuki: That's right! lolol you took it to commemorate getting a large king pudding stuffed plushie right?
Momo: Wait a minute!! You’re telling me you can see that incredibly cute picture if you go to the IDOLiSH7 dorm ⁉
Izumi Mitsuki: You sure can 👍
Momo: We'll bring a hot pot set and come visit you.
Izumi Mitsuki: We'll be waiting 👍
Isumi Haruka: Please stop, it's embarrassing lololol
Isumi Haruka: But I wonder if Izumi got mad when you stuck it there?
Isumi Haruka: Ah, I mean the little brother! Iori-kun
Izumi Mitsuki: It's confusing since we're both Izumi! 😂 
Izumi Mitsuki: He was a bit nervous about it, but Tamaki told us that you three worked really hard together to get that stuffed plushie, so he was really happy and wanted to stick it everywhere!
Izumi Mitsuki: He couldn't help but forgive him when he heard that ✨
Momo: That's so precious... I'll bring beer in bulk on top of that hot pot set.
Izumi Mitsuki: Thank you!? lololol
Isumi Haruka:
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Isumi Haruka: 
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Momo: Haruka sounds embarrassed! so cute (*σ・ω・。)σ
Izumi Mitsuki: This is youth :pudding cheer:
Isumi Haruka: I'm not embarrassed!!!
Momo: What other poses do you usually strike? (*σ・ω・。)σ
Isumi Haruka: Well, since Izumi doesn't pose so much, Yotsuba and I go extra to make it more exciting, or something...?
Izumi Mitsuki: more exciting lolol thank you!!
Iori smiles when he looks at the picture in the fridge, so I’m truly happy!
Isumi Haruka: Is that so
Isumi Haruka: Yotsuba said he's gonna be fine, but there were times when I wondered if I was pushing him too hard. I'm glad!
Momo: Mitsuki,,,,, I think I'm going to cry,,,,,,
Izumi Mitsuki: Me too,,,,, the big bro in me is so happy,,,,,
Isumi Haruka: p-please don't cry!!
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Isumi Haruka: I wanna take a picture with a pose that only three people can pull off! What do you think 😳
Izumi Mitsuki: Sounds good! I think we should pose like we did in Rabbimini, right?
Isumi Haruka: Maybe we could clasp our hands together in front of our chests and strike a kung fu pose? Like what we did at the start of Rabbimini! 🙏
Izumi Mitsuki: That's a good idea! I practiced a lot while watching videos! 😆
Momo: You could doodle something cute like ramen, that’d be adorable!! 😆💕
Isumi Haruka: I'll draw a panda too 🐼
Momo: That's the best!! What will you draw, Mitsuki!?
Izumi Mitsuki: Uh, something related to Rabbimini !? let me think
Izumi Mitsuki: A colander,,,?
Momo: a colander lololololololololol
Isumi Haruka: lolololololol
Izumi Mitsuki: I'll practice drawing it lololol
Momo: looking forward to seeing the result of your practice lolol
Momo: Momo-chan and Mitsuki are gonna drive and pick you up from school on the day of the shoot! ✨
Izumi Mitsuki: I’ll rabbitchat you when we get there! 😆
Isumi Haruka: You were serious about that?!?!
Isumi Haruka: I'm happy, but I think Izumi and Yotsuba will get jealous lol 🫣 🫣
Momo: I was serious about it, Harukacchi…!!
Izumi Mitsuki: They’ll definitely be jealous, so I’m gonna spoil them by making their favorite things before and after the outing 🥹 I'm sure both of them will understand that it’s to celebrate your hard work at the shooting!
Isumi Harukai: Um, just to be clear, please be careful not to stand out! Yotsuba told me that when Momo-san came the other day, the whole school was talking about it!
Momo: no way...!! I'm gonna park a little further away from the school so I won’t bother anyone.
Izumi Mitsuki: Let's put on a disguise so that we don't stand out!
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Izumi Mitsuki: 
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Isumi Haruka: I'm getting really excited for some reason..!
Momo: I'm glad! After the shoot, let's go to the arcade together when we’re less busy >u< I like that one game! The one where you kill zombies!
Isumi Haruka: Isn’t it great?
Isumi Haruka: I compete with Yotsuba in the high score board, so I'm good at it!
Momo: Huh that’s cool!! Haruka can really do anything >u<
Isumi Haruka: Hehehe
Mitsuki-san, is there something you’d like to do if we go together?
Izumi Mitsuki: Ah! Then, the crane game! I know a guy who’s gonna be over the moon if he gets a Kokona-chan or something 😆 you'll have to teach me all the tricks!
Isumi Haruka: Yes!! I'll take care of it 🙌
Momo: Then Mitsuki, give me tips on how to draw a colander ;P✨
Izumi Mitsuki: I don’t think there are any tricks to that lololol i’ll think about it lolol
Isumi Haruka: lolololol
In the original text, Haruka sends a casual text to the group chat, then corrects his tone by adding “ですか” (desu ka) in a separate message. Momo and mitsuki tease him about it by sending casual messages then following it up with “ですか”. This kind of polite speech doesn’t exist in English, so this was the closest way to convey the OG conversation’s tone
This is another joke that can’t be properly conveyed in English without further context, Momo and Mitsuki start adding “や” (ya) at the end of their messages which is a form of speech under a style called “yakuwarigo”, used in manga/anime (amongst other forms of media) to indicate age. The “ya” in this case is added to elderly characters’ speech, hence why I chose to add the “ol’ man” so that Haruka’s comment makes sense.
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satoruzlove · 2 years
hello again! first and foremost, thank you for doing my request 100000x more than what i imagined 🙇🏻‍♀️🫶 AND HERE I AM AGAIN lol i can't help but to imagine many scenarios with Haikyuu boys (courtesy of TikTok)
can i possibly request a scenario of atsumu (and whoever haikyuu boy you could imagine that certainly loves socializing) based on the tiktok trend where the boys are having a night out and they give their s/o food/money/or just something that makes their girl happy just to get their permission & telling them not to call/text/bother/find him for the whole night.
for better reference; https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS8jbW2rg/
- 🫧
my beloved bubble anon, FORGIVE ME FOR TAKING A GAJILLION YEARS WITH THIS. i was trying so hard to imagine writing it the right way around but i couldn’t stop myself from doing it the other way around!!!😭😭 i hope you don’t mind .
[ atsumu miya , rintarou suna ]
- one [1] ass slap in tsumu’s,touchiness, atsumu healing my daddy issues one ‘sweetheart’ at a time, rintaro almost strips, ALMOST. very soft angst , rin with an attitude lol-
a. miya !
tonight is your little reunion between your highschool friendgroup. fun, right?
well, when you get there it will be but before you do wont. the reason for this is that your man child boyfriend has a habit of following you everywhere- it was actually the only reason he wanted to know everyone you spend time with. so he can always tag along and be with you 24/7, 365. you love him for it and it’s very endearing how he craves your presence but you couldn’t help but want a little alone time with some people that you’ve made memories with.
your group has been planning this about a month in advance, which gave you a month to decide how you wanted to go about keeping tsumu away. you thought about asking his friends to take him out, sending him to run errands but they all made you feel like you were committing a crime and trying to make sure atsumu stays in the dark about it.
discouraged, you had sat down to wallow in your own stupidity and opened your phone. scrolling through tiktok, you had found a solution to all your problems. a little video , no longer than 20 seconds, was gonna secure your fun night out with friends. said video showed a guy giving his girlfriend food in exchange for her not to call, text, email or even think about him. you reckoned that it would work on your blond lover too.
now you practically skip down the stairs barely able to see your feet because of the sheer amount of food in your hands. you even asked samu to make atsumu’s favorite rice balls and picked them up on your way back from work- safely hiding them in your bag. atsumu finally comes into sight when you reach the kitchen. he’s leaned up against the counter, hair messy and his honey eyes focused on the screen of his phone. he only looks up when you nearly trip- and his eyes widen.
“babe, what the hell-?” he tries, but you simply saunter over to the counter and look him dead in his eyes. first, you put everything down infront of you. “i’m going out with my high school friends and- before you ask i still love you- but i wanna go alone,so” atsumu’s eyes shoot up at the uncharacteristic seriousness in your voice, but he allows you to continue. you put down a bag of mcdonald’s, his favorite order with an extra large fry just how he likes, “ do not text me,” you take a bag of kfc , mainly wings that are extra hot because you know he loves to wash it down with coke,” do not call me,” as you put things down, you can see atsumu’s eyebrows drop and a pout grow on his pretty pink lips. finally you present the rice balls that samu made, and a coke, “ don’t email me, or smoke signal me, or anything. okay?” you finally finish, look up at him hopefully.
his lip is jutted out as he glances down at the items you used to bribe him and back to yours. you nearly start tapping your foot impatiently. atsumu leans down so for once, you two are eye to eye level. “ are ya sure you still love me?” he asks you softly. you think for a moment that he’s kidding, but the pause and loud swallow you hear give him away.immediately, you realise that you’ve screwed up. before you can answer, your boyfriend speaks again. “if you didn’t want me to come you could’a asked me to just.. stay here. i would have. ya didn’t have to go and spend all that time bribing me like i’m a mafia boss or somethin’” atsumu sighs, obviously disheartened and now walking away from you. you go to hold his bicep to stop him, but he easily moves out the way without making it look obvious.
you’re feeling really bad now, the dull look in his eyes eating into your tummy. “ i do still love you, tsum, don’t be dumb. i just,” you paused when he looks at you with a raised brow. he looks like he really couldn’t care less about your excuses right now. “i actually don’t have an excuse, i’m just being dumb,” your voice was small, timid from hoping that your boyfriend isn’t too upset. the last thing on your mind is the buzzing phone in your pocket but it’s the first in atsumu’s.
he turns again, getting a glass of water. “ answer it, go. have fun. just text me if you get drunk off your ass and i’ll come get ya, if ya aren’t sleeping at one of your friends’ places.” atsumu instructed you. you bite your lip in thought.quietly , you go up behind him. he pretends to not notice your presence, the warmth of your skin hovering over his clothed back. his eyes stay trained on his very important glass of water. your arms wrap around him gently at first but when you feel no protest, you get comfortable. he tuts, tongue clicking against the roof of his mouth. “ you’re gonna be late, yn. go.” and you nearly cry at him using your first name- but you soon realise that if he did what you had done, you’d be doing a lot worse than calling him a first name.
you inhale. deep, calming, hopeful. “ i’m not going,” you mumbled into his covered flesh. he fights a smile, affection creeping onto his skin. “ why? you seemed pretty interested in it a minute ago? i reckon you should go have fun with your little friends. god knows why ya wanna be here, with me, who you wanted to avoid all night.” as he talks, his tone is more playful , more pouty. you rub a thumb over his tummy, speaking into his back and causing vibrations that seem to warm his soul. “because i realise that i like you more than them and i screwed up,” you say. he nods curtly, eyes shiny with unshed tears that are now going away. “ good. i’m glad you know that.” he says.
your newly free arms are folded as you do your classic awkward smile- waiting for his verdict. “go change. we’re watching mulan.” atsumu tells you. before you walk away, you go closer to him.
“i’m sorry,” you say, tenderly putting a hand on his shoulder. “ i should’ve just asked you like a normal person. i wont do that again, promise.” you know you’re in the clear, his eyes soft and his own hands running up from your hips to your cheeks to hold them. he plants a kiss on your lips, affectionately holding your face until your cheeks squish slightly. “it was funny , kinda,” he mumbles. you huff air out your nose, shaking your head. “barely. i almost made you cry,” you reply. he shrugs. “‘s okay, sweetheart. i forgive ya. i wont crucify my baby just ‘cause ya don’t know how to communicate.” and you laugh at that. he releases your gorgeous face, placing a little slap on your ass. “ go on, get comfy. you got a whooole night of apology cuddles ta give me, lover.”
r. suna !
suna rintaro is apathetic, painfully apathetic.
everyone knows. it’s his resting bitch face, the monotone voice and hooded eyes that make people think that he doesn’t care. for others, it’s true, he doesn’t. when it comes to a news anchor or someone interviewing him he wouldn’t give them any time of his day if he wasn’t forced. he isnt the type to talk without purpose- and until you that purpose was only to tease people, communicate, or pass a sarcastic comment every once and a while.
but to you? suna rintaro was not himself , or what people have ideally plastered together of him in their heads. suna rintaro became rinnie, or rin. the rin who would hold your hands in his when it was cold or rub his cheek against you for fun, rin that kissed your nose and kissed your shoulders after you showered. rin who would lip sync any song he heard in the car to you.
rintarou became a completely different person around you; his walls of steel melting to a puddle and letting you pass. his heart became only for you. something that also changed was how tolerant he became to being around someone, that someone being you. he found himself wanting to be around you always, opting to come with you everywhere and always touching you in some way. no matter how much you writhed or attempted to sway his clinginess it never seemed to ebb away.
that is how you were put into this situation. standing across from him as he lain on your bed- all his favorite food, a new hoodie , and a $100 bill on top of it. he stared at you in absolute disbelief. “ .. so the reason i got you this is because i wanna go to the spa, and no. you cannot come.” you explain to him, tone firm but your heart nearly falling into your ass when he sat up with a bored look on his face. “ are you like,” he starts, picking up the gifts like they were toxic waste- only with two fingers, “ bribing me right now?” he asked. you pondered for a moment, “ basically. i am , yeah.” you reply. he looks up at you, green irises boring into yours as he tries to telepathically say that you’re kidding.
he sighs when he realises that you arent. he gets up, his t shirt draping down his large figure as he collects all the stuff and places it in your arms. “ don’t want it, and let me go shower,” he mumbles, walking past you. you drop the items back onto your shared bed, following him like a lost puppy. the sound of water wafts to your ears as you reach the bathroom, rin now shirtless in front of you. you look at him, confused.
“ showering.. for?” you ponder out loud. he blows air from his nose, pulling his sweat pants down and adjusting the water. your boyfriend, only in boxers, turns to you. “ so we can go to the spa, you silly thing.” he teases , hand coming up to pinch your cheek lovingly. you scoff. “ i just said that you can’t come, rintaro.” and he hisses in faux pain.“full first name? ouch.” your boyfriend jests. before he can hop into the shower, his hands hook around his boxers and-
“rintaro.” you call him sternly and he laughs wholeheartedly. running a hand through his brown hair he’s now inches away from you. “you did say that i can’t come, but you’re wrong. i’m literally getting ready to right now,” he says casually. you poke at his built chest, eyes flitting up beautifully to meet his own. “rintaro i said no, just stay here, you don’t even like the spa,” you were whining now, and his heart squeezed ever so slightly at your childish tone.
“true, i don’ like the spa, but i like you.” he smiles , hands rubbing your shoulders. he places a kiss on your nose, directing you towards the bathroom door. “so, before i get naked infront of you and we both end up staying here, go away.” and before you could protest - he was gone.
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putschki1969 · 4 days
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2024/09/05 Blog post by Wakana お久しぶりです!Wakanaのドウガ!〜猿島編〜
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A New Wakana FC Video After a Long Time! ~Sarushima Edition~
The other day I got on a bus and when it was finally time to get off at the next stop, I was suddenly confronted with a really big problem. You might wonder what problem it could have been. Well, of course it's the dilemma of who is pressing the STOP button first (I realise, it's a non-issue for most people).
I often wonder if anyone will press the button so I will raise my arm, preparing myself to press it. But in that very moment someone else on the bus will beat me to it and press the button first so I've put in effort for nothing. But then at other times, when I decide to do nothing and wait for someone else to step in, for some reason, no one will move a finger to press the button. To avoid these troublesome moments, I will usually take charge of the situation and press the button at the first possible opportunity (even if it is for a stop where a lot of people will get off anyway).
However, on this day, about 0.5 seconds before my finger was touching the button, a little girl sitting in the seat in front of me also reached for the button close to her! ! Oh my God!! 😭😭Before I knew it, I had already pressed the button on reflex 😭*sobs* A grown-ass adult, driven by a misguided sense of responsibility, had pushed the button with so much enthusiasm and taken away a little girl's chance to do it. So stupid!
I saw how the poor girl reached out and just before her little finger touched the button, it lit up and the telltale "ping" rang through the bus, letting everyone know that the button had already been pressed. She turned to the woman beside her, presumably her mother, and just stared at her in shock and sadness. The woman looked at the girl with an appeasing smile and nodded (she honestly looked like the Virgin Mary trying to comfort her child.)
As for me, I was beyond myself. I was shocked too and completely froze up so I couldn't even say anything. I simply turned away with an apologetic expression on my face. I am so sorry, little girl! Please forgive me! To make things worse, I felt like the woman beside me had witnessed the whole thing so I tried to avoid looking at her as best as possible until I got off *laughs*
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
I vowed to myself that from now on, I would always check to see if there were any children around.
Well, today, a new Wakana fan club video has been uploaded for the first time in a long while😊This is a video about my trip to Sarushima that I mentioned in earlier log posts and which was also featured in my fan club newsletter! I was alone so it was tricky to film myself but I made a short video that shows the beautiful scenery of the island. You can also hear the birds chirping😍The part where I climb the "Heartbreak Stairs" (it's what I decided to casually name them) is 2 minutes long and uncut😄It may be a little hard to watch💦I hope you enjoy it nonetheless✨ »»——  CLICK ME 🎁 CLICK ME ——««
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I also have a video of the "island announcement" that I talked about in the podcast, so I'm uploading it here as a bonus😂(※please note that the volume may be high)
All right, that's all for today! Until next time~☆( '▽')/
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2024/09/10 Blog post by Wakana おしゃべりガーデン第13回目‼️〜お祭りと不思議話と訂正事項がございます‼︎〜
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Talk Garden Vol.#13‼️~Festivals, Mysteries and Corrections~
The other day, on the way back from having dinner with two of my friends, there was a festival nearby so we decided to take a look😊There were a lot of people on the narrow approach to the shrine, and they sold a lot of delicious things such as takoyaki, okonomiyaki, baby castella, and candy apples! Even though we had just eaten, we decided to buy some baby castella and walked through the crowd while eating it together😂We simply couldn't resist that sweet smell😋Then, one of my friends said that she was good at yo-yo fishing, so we decided to give it a try\(^o^)/You know, this time, unlike last time, I was able to catch one really easily🤣Mine was more like a vinyl air balloon rather than a proper yo-yo balloon so I didn't have to worry too much. I was still traumatised from my previous series of complete failures (please refer to my Instagram for details) so I went with this relatively safe and easy option.😂It doesn't even have water in it, so it's easy to get it out *laughs* My friend managed to get the water balloon yo-yo! Bravo!!
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
After enjoying a delicious dinner, we bought baby castella, six skewers of yakitori, six pieces of fried chicken, and yakisoba. The three of us ate it all *laughs* The festival effect is amazing 😂
Well, today, Vol.13 of my podcast "Wakana's Talk Garden" has been uploaded!! ︎\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////I read about everyone's "strange and mysterious stories" 😊I realized that there are many different patterns in strange stories 😯There really are a lot of things that I find strange in my daily life. I thought about it a lot after I had recorded the episode.
For example, whenever I have a photo-shoot with my regular photographer, for some reason, the sky always clears up and it stops raining. Or when I think I've run out of an item so I buy more to stock up only to realise that I have a lot left *laughs* There are also lots of incidents when you can't help but think, "only at times like this…" These situations are really strange but they do happen😂I think the best example for something like this is when you suddenly meet someone that you haven't seen in ages😂And it's almost always in moments when you're just spacing out without thinking about anything, or when you're in a really hurry😂 Such weird timing! Why in that moment!? It's weird. Also, for some reason, various things just happen at the same time so that makes you wonder why now!? There are many strange things that happen every day so I want to live my life having fun while also appreciating all the strange occurrences 😊✨Thank you so much for all your submissions! !
Well, the next talk topic will be "Everyone's Rules of Healthy Living" ♪ Anything you make sure to eat every day? Are you doing anything to take care of your intestines? Maybe you try to walk the distance of one station every now and then? Please share all of your rules that help you lead a healthy life! \(^o^)/The deadline is the end of this month on September 30th! I'll be waiting for your messages♪
Last but not least, I need to correct something I said in the latest podcast episode! It's about my “Join Wakana! Houseboat Full-Course Tour” on September 22nd and 23rd. In the episode, I mentioned that the seating on the boat would be "chair-style". However, turns out that info was old, the boat we will board is a bit more traditionally Japanese so the seating will be "sunken kotatsu-style"!! 🥺🥺Maybe the boat is also a little bigger than it was originally, so that might be why they changed the seating style 🥺 I'm sorry for the misleading statement! 😭 So please note, there won't be any chairs, the seating provided will be sunken "kotatsu-style"!! ・:*+.(( °ω° ))/.:+ I hope you will sit comfortably! ! !
Anyway, that's all for today! Until next time~☆( '▽')/
Wakana’s Talk Garden #13
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ ❗Do NOT SHARE on other sites❗ ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Episode #13 »»—— CLICK ME 🎁 CLICK ME ——«« ・Share a strange experience ・Anything you’d like to ask Wakana/Anything you’d like Wakana to talk about
For next month’s episode which is scheduled to air on October 10th, the following two topics have been chosen: ・Everyone's Rules of Healthy Living
The submission deadline is 09/30.
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Undisclosed Desires - Part 23
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Joe Goldberg x female!reader
Summary: Twenty minutes before he would have met Guinevere Beck, Joe meets you instead. You intruige him, but it will soon become clear that there is something off about you. Words: 867
We already see Joe killing Ron on the show. I figured I don't have to describe it again. Besides, things are getting interesting...
DISCLAIMER: the towns and situations described in this chapter are fictionalized. There is no Nehalenia College in Koewacht. IDEK what is in Koewacht. (Koe means cow, so maybe a lot of cows??)
I have been very busy these last three days, (Y/n).
Nobody will miss Ron, but I miss you and I have been neglecting you. I feel bad. We have only texted a few times, and you say you are busy and jetlagged. But I can tell you’re just giving me an excuse to be distant, because when I text you, you respond right away.
I have been a bad boyfriend, but I think if you knew why I was so busy these last few days, you’d forgive me. I hope you would, but I can’t exactly tell you, so instead I just lounge on your bed and I text you:
ME: Hey lovely.
YOU: hey!
ME: What are you up to?
YOU: well it’s 8 pm
YOU: so nm
YOU: watching this dutch talk show w my grandpa
YOU: hes annoyed im on my phone lol
ME: Go watch the show, (Y/n). I don’t want to piss off your grandfather before I even get there.
YOU: yessir! love u
ME: I love you, too.
I am so tired. I was hoping we could call for a little bit, but if you're at your grandparents’ house, I don't want to push it. Instead I take a shower in your bathroom and use your soap so I smell like you. Then, in my own, clean clothes which I keep at your place, I get on your bed and take out your laptop.
As always, your WhatsApp texts are open. I haven't checked them much since we got together - we are good together and I don't need to know everything you talk about with everyone - but there are new texts from a name I don't recognize.
And you are texting this person right now. I thought you couldn't be on your phone?
The texts are in Dutch, but they started about an hour ago and there aren't that many yet, so I take the time to translate them.
MITCH: hey hey! heard you're in NL? wanna get together?
YOU: sorry man, kinda busy
MITCH: ouch. did you just blow me off?
YOU: uhhhh kinda?
YOU: it's nothing personal
YOU: my boyfriend’s coming in 2 days
I smile.
MITCH: since when do you have a boyfriend lol
YOU: a few months now
MITCH: and i guess it’s serious?
YOU: pretty serious
MITCH: wtf
YOU: ?
MITCH: i kinda thought we had a thing, you know?
YOU: mitch…
YOU: you gotta get over this
MITCH: and what is it you think i have to ‘get over’?
YOU: you know what
That last message, you sent while I was reading the other ones, and I have to translate it separately. Apparently Mitch does know what, because he doesn’t respond anymore. But I don’t know what, and I really wish you would specify.
You send a message to Nadia:
YOU: guess who just texted me…
YOU: mitch
NADIA: Ew. Block him.
Thank you, Nadia!
YOU: i can’t just block him 😭 you know what happens when i block him
NADIA: You want to stay at my place tonight?
YOU: could i? i don’t wanna tell my grandparents about this…
NADIA: Hey, at least Joe will be here soon! Then you won’t be all alone in your big scary AirBNB.
YOU: lol
YOU: i can’t wait tho
YOU: 😁😊
I frown. Normally I’d be happy that you can’t wait for me to get there, but right now I just want to know who this Mitch guy is.
He is not on your Twitter and he is not on Nadia’s Instagram. All I have are his texts to you and looking for his number on Google does absolutely nothing.
But when I look up your high school, along with Mitch’s name and yours, I finally find something interesting: two news articles with your names in them.
I Google your name again. There’s your high school picture. You went to Het Nehalennia College but when I try to translate the rest of the text again, I still can’t make sense of it - it must be full of spelling errors, because some words just will not make sense.
I try to look Mitch up, using all sorts of combinations. Your school and his name, his name and yours... Nothing.
From: Omroep Zeeland, June 21st, 2017
KOEWACHT - YESTERDAY AT 3:00 in the afternoon, high school student at Nehalennia College, Mitch Wegganger, was arrested on suspicion of stalking and attempted assault against his classmate, (Y/n) (Y/l/n). The stalking allegedly started after (Y/l/n) stood up for Wegganger against a classmate in March. (Y/l/n) did not return our requests for comment.
From: Omroep Zeeland, June 23rd, 2017
KOEWACHT - HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT Mitch Wegganger - who was arrested early this week on suspicion of stalking his classmate (Y/n) (Y/l/n) - was released this morning after (Y/l/n) withdrew her report. Wegganger: “This is all a huge misunderstanding. I didn't stand outside (Y/n)'s house and hurt her. I just wanted to talk to her.”
(Y/l/n) is still unavailable for comment.
I can’t believe this.
You, (Y/n), have a stalker.
And you didn’t tell me about him.
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cupcraft · 4 months
Feel free to completely disagree w me i just want 2 share my thougjts after rewtaching bombshells last night: As much as Cuddy wants to believe that she left House because he couldnt be there for her in the way she wanted to (which is valid but its rlly not what happened imo) She ultimately broke up w him because he relapsed. Forgive my poor memory i may be recalling wrong but the end of the episode vicodin relapse reveal hinted that house had been back on vicodin since before cuddy’s cancer scare, and the moment that Cuddy found out she dropped him. The vicodin was the catalyst in a sense she saw him relapse back into drugs and she was like Nopeee. like it was the longest he’d been sober since he developed the addiction which is a good thing but its like. the expectation that you will relapse at least once. and yeah cuddy had just gotten a big death scare but she had also found out her boyfriend had fallen back into his addiction and instead of allowing them both to comfort eachother on their respective issues she left him liek broo😭😭😭youre dating a known addict and the minute he starts addict-ing you turn away. Also ntm even though cuddy told him outwardly she didnt want him to change, she definitely had inward hope that She could he the one to change him, that he’d love her so much he wiuld change for her and that didnt happen so she quit
No your 100% right and now I'm going to rant about huddy and a missed opportunity for her character's writing.
Cuddy historically has been a character who has understood House's addiction and thus in turn his chronic pain and disability almost the least. She has a repeated history of ableism in the show towards House, but I am going to focus on her lack of understanding around House's addiction and how that ties into why she dumped him and ultimately was a failing on character growth on behalf of the writers.
In season 7 it is implied House has relapsed before the surgery date, and it's implied that he relapsed because of his intense fear of losing Cuddy due to cancer and he loved her and WANTED to be there for her, and in a way this triggered a relapse. In the world of addiction relapse can happen as addiction is a lifelong chronic illness and moments of stress, loss, etc can be a common trigger for relapse. And the fact House wanted to be there for her without panicking, definitely also makes sense why he considered relapsing. Cuddy's problem here, is that she moralizes it. It's understandable she doesn't address her subconscious thoughts on "huh, I wonder if House has relapsed..." because she's actively undergoing a panic of "am I going to die", so it makes sense she doesn't address it until she's finished surgery. But her problem is she MORALIZES this action. Think about what she tells House. She does think House couldn't "be there the way she wanted" and that "he'd never change", but those are the excuses to rationalize how she feels being in a relationship with an addict. She tells House by "being high" he wasn't "REALLY there" for her when she had the surgery/medical scare. Though House might have been pretty high (which is hard to confirm it's never really stated, and House does have a high opiate tolerance to consider), but in the end it doesn't matter if he was. Cuddy thinks House being on Vicodin is in a way subverting his love/care/attention away from her. Instead of seeing the relapse as a concern, as her terminal illness scare, fear of loss of her, wanting to be there for her, she sees it as a means of NOT being there for her. That of course, in the end, House chooses "drugs" over her. Here's a few notable quotes:
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Cuddy quite litereally says the pills mean something, as in his addiction is a moral choice in which House chooses to be a careless loveless asshole who is selfish and only cares about himself and in turn cares only about avoiding pain instead of "being there for Cuddy" which is an insane way to look at someone's addiction, and blatantly fucked up. She quite literally dumps him because of this, the relapse, of because he is an addict.
Because the reality is, like I stated, House wasn't afraid Cuddy would hurt him. House isn't afraid to be there for Cuddy. House has also gotten to a point in their relationship by season 7 that he isn't afraid to love Cuddy. He didn't fear experiencing pain, he feared losing her. And he knew, and he WANTED to be there for her in her potentially dying moments because he loved her. And that in turn triggered relapse. Cuddy's interpretation here is that House never changes, but in reality we should see this as Cuddy has never changed. She's never changed since season 1, not understanding how addiction operates.
Early seasons in which Cuddy has a history of the following: Making House go cold turkey and being cruel when he experiences withdrawal instead of intervening to help him, Cuddy telling House his "pain" is just made up in his head and worsened by the Vicodin (not in a medical sense, in a moralizing sense) such that she ignores his bad pain day and tricks him into getting a saline shot and then uses his brief "distraction" from the pain as confirmation it's in his head/drug seeking behavior (again not from a nuanced position of how mental health and chronic pain intersect, instead moralizing it), she doesn't at all ever understand how opiate addiction operates nor how to treat someone's addiction (ie with methadone...foreshadowing for later) and again moralizes his choice to remain on Vicodin (The entire tritter arc), she is ANTI methadone entirely a known medical treatment for opiate addiction enough that instead of recommending House go to a methadone clinic for increased safety and monitoring threatens to fire him unless he agrees to let her control everything about his methadone treatment plan, and etc.
The writer's have posited Cuddy as someone who cares about House, who loves House, but at no point takes a moment to understand his disability, chronic pain, and his addiction. She moralizes it. And when he enters a relationship with her sober just nearly avoiding relapse, she's almost ashamed to be with him. She enters this relationship, ashamed she could be with someone like House. She takes that scene intervening in his relapse as a moral commitment he will prioritize her over drugs, thus entering the relationship without ever really wanting to understand or be compassionate dating someone who has a history of addiction. This is a missed opportunity for her to develop as a character.
Instead, the writing goes as Cuddy doesn't get to change but the narrative wants us to believe it is House who never changed or cared about her enough, because drugs and addicts bad. Which is really fucked considering they took a lot of time making Wilson grow more understanding of addiction. There's that one episode he fears House has relapsed and he says "relapse is common!" ready to help him and when he relapses after the breakup he recommends House get help instead of moralizing it. He even yells at Cuddy for leaving him, not just as a partner but as a friend.
Sorry this is long but I hope...this makes sense
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voidspaceyjade · 9 months
(about the new ep on solarballs yall watch if if you haven't)
The fact that I am happy that Earth finally reunited and THEM! they all reunited. But to be honest I was expecting more from Venus and Mars on Earth, Man☹️ But anyway, I have high hopes for them to be friends again and for Mars to become Earth's best friend once more. (I know it will take time, but I just want them to be together again despite them not being friends anymore) anyway
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Also Earth in this was so cool. I mean it's kinda cool.
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BUT THE BEST PART IS THAT EARTH FINALLY APOLOGIZED. like The creator of Solarballs said in the comments section of the new episode, "thats one way to take Titan out of the hate loop" so yeah that kinda works🤷‍♀️ but I then know it was just Titan being manipulated. Am glad he manages to forgive after all that Earth said. Also am wondering even if I predicted the moons getting in trouble am more thinking about the moons rights? (Like I said from last post of what I talk about maybe Titans old plan of the revolution was talking actually work..that probably would be funny if that happened LOL all that for nothing.)
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(Insert Triton looking for Jupiter and Saturn am too lazy to get that photo)
I was like screaming in where the fudge did Jupiter and Saturn go like THEY DISAPPEAR RANDOMLY LIKE ASTRODUDE WTF? also am wondering what Triton just saw, maybe the dwarf planets or anything else. It's just so Exciting and also how cryptic it looked on that scene. But, thanks to the leakers being a huge B🤬, the moon revolution part 4 will be delayed or late. DAMMIT THANKS A LOT LEAKERS. I just hope all well for the creators and that the leaking exclusive scenes will go down soon and for the better of Solarballs in the future. Anyway the episode was great. JUST HOPING A LOT, hoping that Venus, Earth, and Mars could go back being friends and Earth and Mars being 'best' friends again I guess because their divorce sucks. (Am a big marth shipper) .
Before Titan could stop the whole violence moon revolution thing these clowns b couple came up.
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ANYWAY the new episode is a 9/10 for me. Now next stop we'll have to be EXTRA EXTRA patient for the other new episode(thanks to those leakers😭)
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The Legendborn Cycle Theory Time!
So Tracy Deonn finally dropped us a delectable little breadcrumb for LB3 (6/6/23) via an Instagram post and I am now going to proceed to overanalyse the shit out of it because I cannot help myself.
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So Ms Deonn is introducing a new magic system (exciting!) and she posted flowers 🌷🌷🌷🌷- fiery-looking tulips in the foreground. She also mentioned that the scene where Bree is introduced to this new system will involve some kind of emotional payoff. So, my theories:
Disclaimer: I just spitball when I make my theories, they are like 50% thinking and 50% intuition. In other words, I may or may not have a logical reason behind them, I'm just here to have fun.
1. Initially I thought it could be Morgaine magic, but Morgaines also use aether, just a different style of it, and I can't see the emotional ties there. May have to think more about it.
2. Fae magic was my second/related thought, but I cannot see the emotional link at this point. Also Fae haven't been (officially?) introduced in this series, though they are present in Arthuriana so it would make sense to have them.
3. Given how Sel mockingly suggests Bree's mom used magic to 'grow prettier flowers,' back in LB, I'm wondering whether this is a magic system that Faye created with Natasia (Sel's mommy). We've seen them blend magic together already for Bree's sake, so maybe out of love for their children and the realisation that they would be separated from them, they ended up devising something entirely new. Maybe the new magic is how Natasia was healed of demonia? We're definitely getting a Natasia story, where we'll probably learn more about Bree's mom via Nat's pov as she explains to Bree. Bree meeting her, learning more about Faye's secret life as a Rootcrafter/Bloodcrafter who befriended a Merlin will definitely be quite touching.
4. Back to a semi-theory /idea I made in a comment on someone's post... Could be possible we see the Shadowking follow through on his promise and drain Bree of his power, almost killing her in the process. Maybe more HC than theory, I can imagine Bree reconciling with Vera and all her mothers in the ancestral plane as she almost dies, and in the process learning from them that there is magic that is borne out of love, and not pain or bloodshed the way bloodcraft is. This 'higher' magic wouldn't come at the cost bargaining your life away or from theft.
Imagines the ancestral plane transformed into a field of tulips, Bree and her mothers all clothed in pretty white dresses... At very least I may turn this into a fic because 😭
5. Linking back to the previous point, tulips represent forgiveness and pure love, suggesting those elements could be at play in this new magic system. It hearkens back to Bree's ancestor - Jesse I think - who drew on her power by thinking about the love she had for her mom (? Can't remember specifics). Maybe she had the right idea, but wrong magic (bloodcrafted root).
6. There was an article where some of Tracy's favourite books were listed, and it was fun to refer to that list to find out where she may draw some of her inspiration. Of note was the Dark is Rising (DiR) sequence, a series of children's stories that is fantasy based in Arthurian legend. I skimmed through the Wiki for that series and noted lots of themes and ideas overlapping with Legendborn. Notably, the magic system of DiR features three types of magic - Old Magic, Wild Magic, and High Magic. Old Magic is elemental and reminds me of Aether as used by the Order in LBC (Sel explains how magic is physics and aether is an element), Wild Magic is drawn from nature and would be similar to Rootcraft in LBC, and then the third type in DiR is High Magic, - cosmic in origin, and more powerful than the other two. ALL THIS TO SAY I think the new system we'll be introduced to will be incredibly powerful, moreso than what we've seen, and possibly tied into higher principles like love, sacrificial love, forgiveness, truth, etc.
Anyways that's enough rambling for now. I'm actually most excited about seeing how Tracy uses the new system as part of Bree's healing journey. Honestly this series is just so impactful and I know that third book will make me cry (in a good way).
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mariejordans · 11 months
Listen I adore limoreau they're the first new ship I've had in a long time and I know the show only has 8 eps but omg they're skipping so many important things with them wtf we should've gotten to see flashbacks of their first time where's the convo after all the angst last episode we need more development and depth. I really don't think they anticipated how popular they were gonna be not as a ship but just romance in general they thought it was gonna be like the boys where 99% of the fandom could not care less about who is dating who but this is a college show and the dynamics and potential of the ships is 1000% greater than that of the boys and I LOVE the boys but it's not that show. Also although the boys doesn't kill most of its characters I think gen v is gonna be different we're loosing at least one main the finale and more in s2
okay this post kinda got away from me and i just started rambling (probably nonsense) so please forgive me if none of this makes sense and/or sounds stupid 😭
first off, anon i COMPLETELY agree with you on the first point. like, don’t get me wrong, i’ve loved and appreciated all the limoreau scenes we’ve gotten so far but right now limoreau just feels a bit….underdeveloped ig? i’m not saying that the writers need to take three seasons to get them together (that would be torture), but it feels like there are so many loose ends left with them and i don’t see how they can tie them all up in the final episode, considering it’s supposed to be a tie-in to s4 of the boys and SO MUCH SHIT is happening.
it feels as if the writers shoved in as much limoreau content as they could into the first half of the season and then were like “alright that should be enough” like???? no? we have not seen a proper conversation between jordan and marie about the state of their relationship since, what, episode 5? and they never resolved the issue of jordan being insecure about marie wanting to be with ALL of them, not just their masc self? if the kiss in tonight’s episode is the last limoreau romantic content we get, i’ll be very disappointed bc i feel like they definitely could’ve at least wrapped up that arc in less than eight episodes.
and don’t get me started on what happened during the memory wipe. the two main characters had SEX and we don’t even get to see the build-up to how and why that happened? it’s not as if marie and jordan don’t remember, bc cate literally gave them their memory back, so it kinda feels like we missed a couple steps in this episode 😭 like, yes, the kiss was super cute and soft and adorable and yes i was kicking my feet and giggling, but at the same time it felt a bit “whoa why we going so fucking fast” bc as far as WE know, they haven’t really talked about the kiss or the sex. like, i feel robbed a little bit bc this is supposed to be like THE main couple 😭
i also think you might be onto something with the writers not anticipating how popular limoreau bc the boys (while they do have some beautiful ships kimchie ily) is not exactly a ship/romance-heavy show and ig they expected the audience to take after the boys?? idk if that makes sense but 🤷🏼‍♀️
as for gen v having major characters killed off, i kinda agree, i kinda don’t. i think mostly bc they’ve already killed off two major characters (luke, who i am counting even though he was alive for 1 ep bc his death was a MAJOR plot twist bc he was literally being promoted as a main/lead character, and indira) and then they also killed off dr. cardosa, so i’d say the kill count is pretty high already. i think the characters most likely to die are andre or cate (or andre’s dad but idk if i’d consider him a major death.)
i think marie and jordan are probably the safest of the main characters (KNOCK ON WOOD!!!!!!) and should they survive this season (god willing!!!!) i think they will remain safe, if not safer. limoreau are the biggest draw (for newer viewers who haven’t seen the boys at least) to the show right now in my opinion. almost everyone i encounter who likes this show got into it because of jordan and marie. i got into it bc of jordan and marie. i don’t think it’d be smart of them to kill off their most popular characters (at least, i really really hope they’re smart enough NOT to do that) so (again, KNOCK ON WOOD!!!!!!!) i think they are safe.
cate could go one of three ways i think; 1, she lives and ends up going full villain/anti-hero arc (which works well with the theory that marie is gonna blow off cate’s hands so she can’t use her power); 2, she has a whole redemption arc where she sacrifices herself for the group; and 3, (this one seems the most far-fetched to me idk if they would actually go this route) cate dies and becomes a martyr or symbol of the entire supes lives matter thing or whatever it’s called. either way, cate is going to go through some deep deep shit in the finale.
ppl have been saying emma and sam kinda have death trope written all over them, but idk i just don’t see it. i could MAYBE see one of them dying, but also not bc apparently there was a scene from one of the promo trailers of emma in the woods as a prisoner and considering this hasn’t happened yet, i’m thinking maybe it could be a cliffhanger for the end of the episode into season 2? as for sam, i honestly have no idea what the writers have planned for him. personally, i think it would be cruel to kill him off after what he experienced in the woods, not to mention his brother already is dead so it’d be kinda fucked up to kill both riordan brothers but 🤷🏼‍♀️ anything can happen in this show
as for andre, i hate to say it, but he’s kinda useless. he’s probably the weakest supe of the group if i had to pick one and i could definitely see andre dying being used as a way to either solidify cate’s villain arc or like, shock some sense into her(?) bringing her back to the good side, idk 🤷🏼‍♀️ plus there’s the whole controversy with chance, so unless andre survives and they decide to recast him, i really wouldn’t be that sorry to see him go. also, i think his dad is almost for sure dying, my main question is what the hell happened to him and how did he die bc that was random as hell.
i really just hope limoreau and cate survive, they’re probably the most interesting characters in this entire show (i may be a bit biased but it’s fiiine), plus the actors are so so so great, it’d be such a shame to lose them. i’m a little ambivalent on sam and emma, but i don’t really WANT them to die, and with andre, i kinda just don’t care for reasons explained above.
honestly, i think if they kill off another main character this season, it might lessen the chances of killing off another main character in the second season (unless they add more characters to the main cast), and if they end up surviving all the main characters, someone is def getting killed in s2, idk if it’ll be both, but again, anything can happen in this universe so i guess we’ll have to see 🤷🏼‍♀️
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vintagelacerosette · 4 months
Weekly Tag game (Catch up)
Forgive meee I am late but I had the other one in my drafts & I hadn't be able to finish it off yet 😅
I was tagged by these sweethearts 💖💕💖
Jessica @guinguin1984 Julia @blue-disco-lights Deanna @deedala Georgia @iansw0rld
Face @burninface Jaclyn @crossmydna Evie @energievie
Bri @y0itsbri Lyle Lyle crocodile @kiinard Macy @heymacy
Mel @gardenerian Sarah @sleepyheadgallavich Julissa @heymrspatel
Harvey @mikhailoisbaby Kat @mybrainismelted Ling @lingy910y
Name: Shermyn
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (or you): Sydney in the western part  
Ok, so this week we are going to snoop into your google search. Type in each phrase and tell us what the first suggestion is that google gives you!
What is the best way to….rule? (hehe nice maybe my Leo tendencies 🤣🦁
This is what I saw on Quora
1) Become a community organizer · 2) Learn to speak eloquently · 3) Tell people what they want to hear · 4) Sell your soul to the Devil · 5) ...
Where can I…. watch Saltburn? (it's on my watch list haha) Amazon Prime
How old is…. Taylor Swift? (i didn't search this but i guess she's top result) 34
How long does it take… to get to mars? (wow a fun one) Now quoting NASA, "If jt all goes well, you'll get to the Red Planet in about seven ot eight months." ♂️🔴
How many… states in Australia? Six states 🇦🇺
Who set the record for…. the highest jump? Javier Sotomayor good job my dude 👏
When did….michael jackson die? 25 june 2009 (woah I started 1st year of high school then)
What does it feel like to… to be in love? (ummm ive never searched that but damn a pointed search 😭😭😭) Reddit says "when you wake up thinking of that person & go to bed thinking of them"
Can you…go parasailing in sydney? (So me bc i missed out when i was in the Philippines 🥲) You can't anymore booo 👎
Why do… i sweat so much? Google says could he nerves that trigger it.
Is there a way… to save karlach? I really wanna play Baldur's gate 3 what's gonna happen to her?? I love her?? 🥺
How old do you have to be… to work? (boooo i don't wanna work but i want money 😩) In NSW minimum age for full time work is 17
Where do the… kardashians live? (i don't care) Malibu
What is the best time to… to go to fiji? (aaayee holiday??) June to September
And to finish us off…. What comes up when you type in Shameless? shameless last episode date
11 April 2021 I needed it for my gallacrafts 🥹
Name: Myn
Age: 27
Astrological sign: Leo ♌️
Upon which continent do you reside: Stralia 🦘
tell us how you're feeling right now using 3-5 emojis: 🥶💸🤔🤫🤗
whats your favorite flavor of gum? Juicy fruit but the flavour never lasts long
whats the last movie you watched? Anastasia for my nieces first viewing 😆 It mostly became a sing-a-long with my big sis 🎤
what was your worst subject in high school? Maybe science?
whats the job you stayed at for the shortest period of time? Working for a weekend event at a convention centre for the active wear brand Lorna Jane. I got lost on the 1st day & didn't get paid for that 15 min 😅
whats your favorite thing to do at an amusement park? Try all the interesting foods 😋
what condiments go on top of the perfect hot dog (meat or plant-based)? BBQ sauce & caramelised onions 🌰
cincinnati chili, thoughts? Never heard of it!
do you sleep with a plushie? No my plushies are on a shelf bc I can get kicked out of my room every 2nd weekend bc my sister & her family takes it over haha. But worth it to have my baby niece over 🥰
how do you feel about thunderstorms? No strong emotions. It's cool when boom
what's the last animal you touched? My dog Roxy 🐕 ❤️
grab the nearest item with words on it that ISNT a book and tell me the final word: Tulip on this korean dry shampoo I'm trying 🌷
have you ever forgotten to do an assignment until the night before its due? Oh I was organised at knowing darw but procrastinated the hell out of the assignment until the due date. Then trying to finish the night before 😅 I found an old diary entry calling myself a dumb bitch for doing that to myself & saying to never do it again (she did) 😭
Not tagging anyone bc LATE but if you wanna play consider yourself tagged! 🩷🐇
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Okay. Let's go through the thoughts of this latest update. There's a lot so buckle up buttercup.
1. Kravitas is literally so based. He's willing to spare Albus the suffering of long travel just because he's bored when typically he would enjoy Albus suffering.
2. Only Albus would risk insanity to spite a demon. Ever heard of cutting off your nose to spite your face, Albus? Seriously, these dude shot himself out of a fucking canon to stop Devlin from touching this hella cursed sword, but in typical Albus fashion when it's his safety and emotional welfare at stake common sense flies out the gods be damned window.
4. Is Kravitas really a demon or was his statement last episode about being more than that the truth that Albus just chose to call bullshit on?
5. Kerano, sweetie, if you don't like the sweater you don't gotta be nice to me and lie. Tis okay
6. Dad is back with his video of a casual demon attack. A normal Thursday. You'd think violence could slow enough for Faithful to get some groceries but I guess not.
7. AN ADULT TALK? EXCUSE ME? also yes now shoo child.
8. Guess I'll just go in a bunker and braid some hair or some shit. Whatever.
9. Don't you love it when the father figure of your child is so obsessed with transformers that he turns into a robot? (Yes I know he didn't turn into a robot. It just sounded kind of robotic in my head and it was funny.
10. What's the song called? It was kind of a vibe.
11. Oh my God we're raising a menace, thief, AND a liar. Where did we go wrong? 😭 Also can Faithful read minds? She was able to hear Kerano's mind about a key or something before Kerano had it, and was able to read the thoughts after that.
12. Move aside, Faithful is coming through like a badass. Hold the child
13. Oh neat. Both Albus and I have yelling voices in our head. 🥲
16. Are... Are you seriously gonna make me choose between my two husbands right now? WHERES MY POLY OPTION? (Albus and Devlin in strictly familial relationship with each other. No condoning incest here)
Albus Route:
- yeah u tell him Devlin! How dare he try to reject us after saying it was our choice. Bitch
- daddy? Sorry. Daddy? Sorry. Daddy? Sorry
- HOW MANY ROUNDS? Albus let her BREATHE before you fuck her to death omg
- I thought we became a bio mom to half demon children. But nah turns out we became a slutty saint
- YOOOO another thing in common with Albus! We both don't like kids. For different reasons but the point still remains
- Awww. He misses Devlin.
- Kerano is wholesome but I ain't forgiving her for snatching that key
- wait does anyone remember when he said he wouldnt tap faithful with a ten foot pole? Does that mean he tapped her with an eleven foot pole to stay true to his word?
- Devlin Route -
- that's what your brother said to me in an alternate reality when I chose him too.
- Albus back with the orgies. My angsty brain McThinks it's some copium since that's his whole "nothing hurts me!" Mask
- "HES A ROCKIN SPACE AGE BACHELOR MAN" I hope he gets his dream of being a monsterfucker
- Faithful got that holy rizz sheeeeeeesh
- astrology 🥰
- wait nevermind. Just some brotherly love
- you can call me darling any day of the week baby. I am living for it.
- Awww starry kiss. 🥹
Update: I keep forgetting there's a high chance that GBA will see this... BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?! I STAND BY WHAT I SAID (/lh) 😤😤😤
Update #2: for those asking about the third route thoughts, that's a secret that I'm saving for a fic.
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