#forged papers
brokentrafficknight · 9 months
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Whitley ->Whitney
Winter Court
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jonahmagnus · 7 months
Honestly Pacifica and Grunkle Stan would have had the dynamic of all time... I like to think they would be like "that one bitchy old man manager and the mean younger employee he takes under his wing" that every place Ive worked at has. I think he would attempt to teach her how to drive unsafely but she'd say "watch this old man" and tokyo drift across five merging highway lanes while he hoots and hollers in pride and joy. Just because shes morally good and not a capitalist now doesnt mean she doesn't know how to run a good scam or has magically forgotten how to insult people. I just think they would have fun.
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kaleidos-copia · 3 months
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Behold: The Cardinal in medieval illuminated manuscript style 📜🖌️
(might wanna turn your brightness up a little)
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weird-an · 5 months
Wilson thought everything would change now. The memory of this night is still fresh on his skin in form of bruises and hickies, tingling whenever he moves.
When he opens the door to his office, his heart jumps, tension bleeding out of his shoulders.
House sits on his chair, legs on his desk. Like it belongs to him, like he always does. He sips a bubble tea and wears a shirt that says "Wifey for lifey".
"Please tell me this isn't your lunch," Wilson sighs. How can anybody live off only sugar?
"It's technically breakfast," House says, slurping down a big gulp. The ice cubes chink.
"I'll make dinner tonight," Wilson announces. "No takeout tonight."
"Is that a scheme to get me to eat more vitamins?" House asks, sucking on the straw. His cheeks hollow a little. Wilson's face burn.
"You found out my evil plan." Wilson rolls his eyes. "Giving your body what it needs."
"Oh, you made sure of that." House winks at him - and really, Wilson should've seen that coming. "No wonder they all wanted to put a ring in you."
Wilson rubs the bridge of his nose. "What have I done?" he mumbles, more to himself than House.
"It's called anal sex," House explains, so loudly half of the hospital can possibly hear him. "And a blowjob, rimming and -"
"Jesus," Wilson interrupts. "I know that."
House grins. "No worries, we'll never marry."
That hurts more than it should. Wilson knows House can see it on his face.
"Because then you can never divorce me," House says, almost softly.
Wilson's heart might explode and he isn't sure there's a medical condition that explains feeling nauseous and happy at the same time.
House empties his bubble tea. "So, no to engagement rings, but what about cock rings?"
Fuck, Wilson loves him. "House-"
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shitpostingkats · 6 months
Feel free to ignore this, but I have to ask since I've been rewatching yugioh 5ds and you're one of the very few blogs I've searched that mentioned Satellite Bros age order. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this and if you know other blogs that talk about it.
*takes deep breath* ok SO
Word of god canon is that the age order is Jack (19), Yusei (18), and Crow (17), at the start of the series.
But while you can make an argument that Yusei would have records, people who knew when he was born, or at least a birth certificate, Jack and Crow are orphans. If Jack is indeed 19, then he would have been roughly a year old when Zero Reverse happened, likely killing his parents, at the very least destroying a massive amount of city infrastructure. You tell me Jack knows his birthday and I press (X) to doubt.
Crow is apparently canonically younger than Yusei, but. His parents also died in Zero Reverse.
This. This straight up does not work.
Also Yusei is shown to be a baby when Zero Reverse occurred and if Crow's parents did indeed die in Zero Reverse when he was under a year old he there is NO WAY he would live much longer than that. That's just. How babies work.
I will die on this hill. I watched the show thinking Crow was the middle brother and then learned their apparent canon ages after because he has to be older than Yusei for any of his backstory to make sense. Konami can fight me on this.
NARRATIVELY they are the middle and youngest child. Jack has Past motifs, Crow is Present, and Yusei is Future. Jack and Yusei's whole dynamic is the most oldest sibling vs youngest sibling drama possible.
As for Jack, I always like to think it was his birthday like, a week before Yusei leaves Satellite, because being a Newly Minted Twenty Year Old explains everything about his personality.
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ris-d-deridex · 1 year
i love you papers please inspectors. i love you inspectors that can't ever save their whole family. i love you inspectors that move to a class 5 apartment as soon as they can, just because they have the money. i love you inspectors with 1 citation. i love you inspectors with 2 citations because you were going for a citation-free run but had to let in elisa. i love you inspectors who jump at the opportunity to overthrow the arstotzkan government. i love you inspectors that haven't completed an ezic task but shoot the man in red because they got a new gun. i love you inspectors who don't care which totalitarian government is in control, but let in anyone with a half decent sob story. i love you inspectors that don't get swayed by ezic until halfway through then haven't done enough tasks to not get killed. i love you inspectors that blindly believe m vonel when he asks for any papers with the ezic star. i love you inspectors that don't start detaining people until calensk asks. i love you inspectors that let in jorji with the cobrastan passport. i love you inspectors
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skywarpie · 2 years
Girl you look so fuckin tired. Take a nap
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mirpkechi · 18 days
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vossn · 3 months
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I'm starting a collection
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brokentrafficknight · 8 months
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Got asked to do this one a while back but didn't have a Whitney one yet.
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aercnaut · 5 months
lee brings a kind of "i thought the republic was against slavery" energy about the clones most of the galactic senate really doesn't like
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karanseraph · 8 months
When you just want to write a cameo...
I'm writing this Transformers fic, fan continuity and all, and I'm 30-something chapter into it and haven't gotten anywhere near even starting the war yet.
But I like writing this arc in which Skywarp has a Seeker-seeking team and travels to different city-states and meets guest stars while they free all the Seekers from secret servility program malware left by Quintessons. Because, yanno all these city-states are gonna be destroyed later (probably, maybe?) so we should know what they were like so we understand the loss.
But sometimes it's the cameo-level guest star that causes me to get stuck.
I want Sunstreaker to make a cameo and I never write Sunstreaker, who, even pre-war, has some kind of baggage I'm sure. Also fans. Fandom has feelings about this character.
How do Sunstreaker?
I guess given the local in quaint The Village at Darkmount near the scenic Molten Pools natural attraction, mural painter?
(I think this place is like Deadloch but with lava and less serial killing.)
And we know Sideswipe is in Vos being local security for some reason. It's implied Sideswipe has a construct body like Clampdown whom he works for.
Does Sideswipe have a twin who wasn't snapped up to be put in a construct body and Sunstreaker was surplus to requirements and is one of these war-forged bots who wandered out of a spark field as a young-bot without a mentor in sight?
Always feeling like something is missing and has no idea who/what that is?
The murals are probably really dark.
Also Hoist and Tracks happen to be at this location at the same time, so it's like potential future Hollywood bots know each other from this time.
But how do Sunstreaker?
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all-that-jazz-93 · 1 year
I always assumed Jarvis was a lot older (like late 30s/early 40s), but the Marvel fandom wiki lists his birth year as either 1913 or 1914, which means he's somewhere between 32 and 34 when Agent Carter takes place, and it means he's only 7 or 8 years older than Peggy. Not sure why it matters I just find it interesting. Idk it's just like the older I get the more I'm floored by how young these characters really are.
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roseyjustice · 1 month
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Writing snippets from the Grimm/Ezra first meeting fic cause they make me insaaaane
Rip king ezra, hoping from once toxic yaoi-ship to another 👊🏼
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rowlfthedog · 1 year
Okay that’s it I’m obsessed with Floyd Pepper now. This will have an impact on my brain chemistry
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Rage incarnated
Meet CruxGloom!
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A born fighter that seems to feel purpose only through the heat of combat, Crux is a nightmare in the battlefield and possesses the shortest fuse of all Monsunos, to the point of being practically useless in tasks that don't require her fists (Or feet).
Don't take it personally, she's just mad all the time :D
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She can be considered a 'Rushdown' type of character, overwhelming and confusing her opponents by getting on their faces while raining her wrathful fists upon them, although she seems to possess a little honor (Or nasty attitude) as she will taunt and roar at an opponent she deems worthy of her time to give their all when facing her.
An exclusive close-quarters fighter, this beast has an unnerving resistance to pain among her kind and the lower her health gets, the more ferocious the combat becomes.
A monster through and through, she expects the same merciless attitude from her oponent until there is only one standing.
Do not hesitate nor pull your punches, for she will not forgive mercy nor consideration.
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