#forever knight/highlander
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critterkeeper01 · 4 months
Fandom cross-infection cross-pollination
You have favorite shows you want all your friends to watch. They have shows they want all their friends to watch. Would you be willing to watch a new show in order to get someone to watch something you love?
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paulgadzikowski · 16 days
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[Image description: Preview panel for the comic strip at the link below. Guinan of Star Trek: The Next Generation is tending bar for Duncan McLeod of Highlander, Nick Knight of Forever Knight, and Old Indy of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. Guinan is saying, “Today’s the 82nd anniversary of the Titanic disaster.” Unfortunately there are not image descriptions at the main Hero Of Three Faces site. End description.] 
The Hero of Three Faces is fanfiction crossovers, but it’s comic strips with stick figures, but they’re triangles. Preview panel only. Click here for full cartoon. Or see the on-site navigation tutorial. Or see this blog’s FAQ, or my archive tumblog’s FAQ. Cartoons may contain unmarked spoilers. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 10:00 (Central US time) daily are the previous day’s new update and the posts are pinned to the top of this blog. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 22:00 daily are from the archive and the posts are pinned only during annual summer hiatus of new updates.
Thanks for reading.
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anakinsafterlife · 2 years
So in addition to re-watching Forever Knight, I'm also watching Highlander: The Series again. They're basically companion shows because they were on TV at about the same time and address many of the same themes, in addition to both being urban fantasies. Their fandoms were also populated by many of the same people.
I was hugely into Highlander for years and wrote fanfic and was in the fandom and was basically crazy for it, mostly because of Methos, the oldest immortal, but I was also watching it in a time pre-You Tube, pre-torrents, pre-everything. We all taped our favourite eps from tv, but most of us didn't tape the complete shows because that just wasn't feasible in terms of time, space, etc. But obviously at least a few people did, because the shows are online now even though they were never released on DVD (edit: FK was released much later, but as far as I know HL was not).
Anyway, one of the peculiar things about watching Highlander in the late nineties was that, although the show had just finished its original run, for some kind of licensing reason that was never entirely clear to me at the time, season one was never played in Canada. It might have originally been, but every replay of the show started with season 2, and I came in right around the time the show was wrapping up or just slightly after, so I never actually saw season one. This was frustrating to me, but since my favourite characters all come in after season 2 starts I didn't get too worked up about it or go to great lengths to view it. But it was a kind of itch that was was never scratched.
Fast-forward to 2022 and I found HL online, the complete series, including season one. I'm actually enjoying it a lot. MacLeod is a lot less of a pain in the ass, quite a bit more relaxed and less sanctimonious, not to mention not quite so 1 BILLION XP INVINCIBLE. Tessa is actually a lovely character. And Richie is very funny in his younger incarnation, with a lot of his rough edges still there.
The show itself still has some rough edges too, as the writers worked out exactly what the mythos was going to be. For example, the Gathering appears to be happening at the beginning of the show, and MacLeod is convinced that no immortal has long left to live, but that convinction appears to have faded even by season two, since it isn't mentioned again, to my recollection.
But my biggest surprise has been Darius, because Darius is a lot like Methos. He's a priest and Methos isn't, but Methos is a researcher hiding in a secret organization, which is quite similar. Darius, like Methos, is a very old man with a young face, not to mention a former warlord who converts to peace (via Light Quickening, which is very interesting, and I do wonder if that's why Duncan is quicker to forgive Darius his past than he was Methos, because Darius is in some ways an entirely different person, while Methos changed the hard way. That actually makes it more commendable, but the blame still belongs to him as well, and you know Duncan...).
Additionally, Darius is a mentor who can predict Duncan's failings before they happen (although less openly cynical than Methos, he clearly understands the way of the world) exactly as happens on multiple occasions with Methos. Both are people that Duncan looks up to and respects intensely. The only thing missing in the Duncan-Darius relationship is the more casual element of friendship (Methos works very hard to dispel Mac's initial awe, which really backfires later), and that homoerotic tension that was always present between MacLeod and Methos, but other than that... I get the feeling that the show was missing a mentor for Duncan and Methos fit the bill. But while he was clearly conceived as a Darius-remix, Methos is a lot more fun, and seemingly far more of a chameleon than Darius was, in terms of how much he changed over the centuries, as well as a kind of fluid gender identity that was never clearly stated but which was easy to perceive. And because of the nature of his own paradigm shift, which was not a supernatural event, you can still see many elements of darkness in Methos that are seemingly absent in Darius.
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strawberrylabs · 1 year
Whumptober day 9 with Kaeya and Diluc!
Prompt: "You're a liar"
Whumptober masterlist
she/her version, he/him version
Summary: As the youngest child of the Ragnvindr house hold, you suffered years alone after your brothers falling out. But how would they react when a certain harbinger decides to sieze this oppertunity?
Warnings: Dottore (fuck him), death, injections, fighting, mentions of inhumane experiments
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You were only young when Kaeya came to the Ragnvindr household.
You couldn’t explain it, but straight away you treated him as you did your biological brother.
Diluc and Kaeya often teased you as brothers do, but they were also protective of you.
You were close with both of them, but you were especially close to Kaeya, much to Diluc’s chagrin.
Mainly because Diluc, while still having fun with pranks and such, was still sure to follow your father’s rules.
Kaeya however, had a knack for bending the rules and finding loopholes.
And if you ask a little kid whether they’d rather have dessert or dinner first, it’s obvious what the choice would be. 
Kaeya always dragged you with him when exploring Windwail Highland, hand clasped around yours.
Of course he originally just wanted to have fun with his little sibling, but when you looked at him with pleading eyes asking to bring Diluc, he couldn’t refuse.
And of course Diluc couldn’t refuse you either.
That was often how it went; Kaeya and you going on adventures, you making Diluc come along, the three of you having fun and creating memories.
As you grew older, the boys taught you how to use your weapon of choice.
You often trained with them, being taught little tips and tricks as your strength increased.
When your brothers joined the knights, you would go visit him and Kaeya with lunch made for the three of you.
It was more than you could ask for. A loving father, and two older brothers who adored you!
But you weren’t able to hold on to your happiness forever.
The night of your father’s death, you clung to your father’s corpse. The ringing in your ears only subsided when you heard the clash of swords.
You screamed at your brothers to stop, hot, fat tears rolling down your face as your mind screams at you to do something before you lose someone else.
When Kaeya got his vision near moments before what would have been his final moments, you finally moved.
You ran and hugged Diluc around his waist, halting his movements.
“Dammit! Let go!”
He tried to shake you off as your wails got louder and more persistent.
After some time, Diluc finally stopped moving. Your grip loosened as he walked away from you.
Before Kaeya could leave, you ran to him, crushing him in a hug.
“Hey.. C’mon now, you shouldn’t be hugging a traitor.. ‘Luc might get mad.” Kaeya went to tussle your hair habitually, before stopping when he felt a certain fiery gaze watching his every move.
He goes to push you off, but you cling tighter.
“You’re not a traitor, you’re my brother! I don’t care why you’re here or why you were sent here, I just care that you’re Kaeya and you’re my brother and I refuse to lose anyone else I love!”
Your eyes stung with salt and loss.
The blue haired man finally caved and hugged you back, gripping you like a lifeline.
“Please don’t leave.. Promise me!”
Kaeya stutters a moment
“I… I promise. I’m your big brother after all. I promise I’ll still be there for you…”
You don’t quite remember how long you were in Kaeya’s hold before Diluc pried you from him. You didn’t fight him. Kaeya promised you. And you trusted him.
You let Diluc drag you away from him. 
You saw both of your brothers at your father’s funeral. Although none of you spoke. None of you stood together. The tensions were too high for that.
Kaeya and Diluc weren’t talking for obvious reasons.
Diluc wasn’t talking to you because of your promise with Kaeya.
Kaeya wasn’t talking to you because he didn’t want to get into another fight with Diluc.
And you weren’t talking to either of them for fear of whoever you didn’t talk to getting the wrong idea.
Oh how you wish you had the courage to talk to both of them that day.
Because your father’s funeral was the last time you spoke to either of your brothers for a long time. A very, long time.
When Diluc left for Sneznyah, he only left a note for you stating that he would be back. Didn’t say when, didn’t say where he went or what he was doing. Just that he would be back.
To say you were devastated was an understatement. 
You locked yourself in your room for a few days after that, trying to figure out what you had done in your few years of existence for the archons to hate you enough to take away your family.
After almost a week of not leaving the mansion, you decided to find Kaeya. 
You had hoped he would visit, but you supposed that since he took up the position of Cavalry Captain when Diluc quit, he would be busy.
When you approached Varka, he looked at you with pity.
“I’m sorry little one, Kaeya is not here right now.”
You couldn’t quite pick up on the remorse in his eyes.
It became a habit for you to ask about Kaeya over the months. Every day the same responses.
“He’s not here.”
“He’s busy.”
“He just left.”
Seeds of doubt began to take root in your mind. But you were always quick to squash them.
‘He promised.’ You would remind yourself
It wasn’t until one day when you were walking past the tavern did you hear a familiar voice drift through the open windows.
“I have to cut myself off from the people at the winery to do my job efficiently. That’s just how it has to be.” 
You don’t know what overtook you. You stormed through the tavern door, a starstruck Kaeya sitting there watching you.
“You promised me! You promised you’d stay with me! And what, you’re avoiding me? Leaving me by myself so you can do your job?” You seethe. You refuse to cry. You refuse to let him see how hurt you are.
“Fine! I don’t need you or Diluc! I can manage on my own!”
Marching towards the door you turn around one more time
“Go screw yourself Kaeya!”
The walk home went by in an instant, a million scenarios running through your head, thinking about what you could’ve done, could’ve said differently to avoid this outcome.
You ran on autopilot for a while after that. Every day was the same.
Wake up.
And then do it all again. Some days you even missed one or two steps. But you didn’t particularly care.
Until one day, you were training near the shore like usual, when a voice sounded from behind you.
“Your form is lacking. If you continue to practise like that, the habit will be ingrained in your mind and you will forever be stuck fighting with incompetent form.” 
A man with mint green hair and a sinister lilt made himself seen. He didn’t appear hostile or as if he posed a threat. So you lowered your weapon.
“.. I don’t exactly have a teacher anymore.”
“Well! Why don’t I teach you? I’m spending some time in Mondstadt, and I need someone to show me around, teach me the ways of a local if you will. How about, I train you, you be my guide?”
You knew this man was trouble. You could sense it. 
So why did you agree? Was it this innate need to prove you were capable to the brothers who don’t care? Was it boredom? Curiosity?
Who knows. All you know is the man who made himself known as Dottore from that day on became the only constant in your life. And you grew attached to it.
He was there on time everyday to train you. He was harsh, but he wasn’t a bad teacher. In fact, you could feel your strength improving after mere weeks of training.
After training, sometimes before if you were early, you’d show him around Mondstadt. From Starfell valley, to Windrise, to Stormterrors lair. But oddly enough, he never asked to see the city. 
You didn’t question it. That was probably where he was staying after all, he didn’t need to be shown around.
After the first month of this, Dottore, told you that his stay in Mondstadt was extended. 
“I will be staying another year or so it would seem. I was wondering perhaps, if you would like to be friends- officially that is.”
And so you agreed to be friends.
Life continued on for another few months, Dottore continued training you, the two of you would go on walks to wherever you felt like (You had long since shown him everything Mondstadt had to offer).
Over time, you told Dottore about your brothers and family. And eventually, Dottore told you about himself.
“Now there is something I must tell you. I am a member of the Fatui. In fact I am a harbinger known as the Doctor. I know you are not stupid, you have likely known this for a long while. But I still feel it is better to be transparent.”
He was right. Over the months you had learned the name Dottore, and knew about the things he’d done.
But he hadn’t been that bad in person. He had treated you kindly, and he was honest.
He also kept his promises.
He hadn’t left you alone.
“I know… But.. I trust you. I think..” You murmur the last part, still not completely sure about what you’re saying.
But this was no time to back down. You had to prove you could survive without your brothers. That included making your own decisions about who to trust.
“Well in that case I must be honest with you once more. I am looking for a new.. Student. Someone who can withstand a certain injection I’ve concocted.” Something about the way he enunciated the word student sent shivers down your spine..
“I admit that is why I agreed to train you. I wanted to hone your body to withstand the experiment.”
“...And will it?”
“Will my body withstand the experiment?”
The Doctor grins.
It was two years after your father’s death that Diluc came back.
The first thing he noticed was that you had grown. You were stronger.
You also held a vision. 
His heart ached a little.
How much had he missed?
But no matter how much he tried to ask, you deflected the topic. You barely spoke to him. Understandable. He thought. But he still needed answers.
Diluc didn’t like it, but he had to ask Kaeya. 
Needless to say when Diluc found out Kaeya didn’t know either, he was livid.
“What do you mean you haven’t spoken in two years?! Are you so incompetent that you can’t keep an eye on your own sibling?!”
“Well at least I didn’t disappear for two years!”
The two turned to you when you yelled, neither having seen you enter the tavern. 
Their eyes went wide when they saw a delusion hanging next to your vision.
“Where did you get that?! Give it to me-” Diluc goes to snatch the object, only to have his wrist grabbed by a gloved hand.
“Now now, no need to get worked up. I believe this one is handling the delusion quite well.”
 The smirk in Dottore’s voice was audible.
“I’ll be waiting outside. Don’t take too long, dear pupil.” The doctor chuckled as his eyes filled with mirth stared down the two brothers, as if to say
‘I win.’
The tavern falls silent. Diluc grabs your wrist and pulls you into the backroom, with Kaeya following behind.
“What are you doing with a harbinger! Where did you get that delusion? Are you mad! You know that’s what-”
“A delusion is what killed dad, I know.”
The air was silent, and heavy. It seemed no one knew what to say next.
You heave a deep sigh.
“I’m going to Sneznyah. I’m joining the Fatui as Dottore’s apprentice.”
Kaeya was the one who spoke this time.
“What? No- you can’t!” 
Kaeya didn’t express his emotions on his face often, but this time it was as if his face were a book, his emotions written on the pages. Worry. Anger. Denial.
“Why do you two care anyway? I could’ve left without saying a word and it probably would’ve taken you months to even realise.”
You take a deep, steadying breath.
“Dottore says I have potential. Potential to be something better- something stronger than either of you thought I could be. I agreed to let him test his hypothesis.” 
Your voice didn’t waver.
“Test? Do you hear yourself?”
“You know what will happen, it’s dangerous.”
“Don’t be foolish!”
“You’re making a mistake”
Diluc and Kaeya continue their onslaught..
This is exactly what Dottore said would happen.They don’t trust you. They don’t believe in your strength.
“And why would either of you care?! Diluc- you left me! For 2 years after our father’s death without a word!”
You turn to Kaeya before the redhead has a chance to open his mouth
“And you…
You’re a liar!
You said you'd look after me! You said you’d protect me! I was counting on you to be there when Diluc left! I kept hoping that at least once in these last few years you would at least acknowledge I exist!” 
“No! I’ve had enough! I’m taking charge of my life, and I’m starting fresh away from the two of you! Let’s see how you like when your sibling acts like you aren’t there, as if you haven’t spent all your life together!”
The brothers look down in shame. 
They never thought that their darling little sibling would grow up like this. And it’s all their fault.
Memories of bright smiles and laughter flood their minds.
How did it go so wrong?
“Don’t expect to hear from me. I don’t plan on coming back unless absolutely necessary.”
Your hard gaze falters as you look at your brothers.
“Goodbye, Kaeya, ‘Luc. I love you guys.”
You turned around.
And you didn’t look back.
But Kaeya and Diluc were not about to let that psycho do what he wants with you.
They lost over the years due to their negligence.
And they were going to get their sibling back.
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This is so much longer than I thought it'd be- oops
@loyal-to-dottore (I know you love the sibling fics<3)
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arighmaa-dataq · 4 months
Are you a fan of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV Online? Have you wanted to see what your favorite asmr boyfriends would look like in the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV Online? Then you've come to the right place! Decided to boot up the Dawntrail Benchmark and play with the character creator, and bring to you what I imagine the boys of Yuurivoice would look like in this game. Enjoy! Starting off with our favorite pastel punk boy, Alphonse as a bunny boy, probably as a monk or ninja. Can't get any of the job gear sets on here so just imagine something on him and everyone else.
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Next up I had to put in Seth, who your usual midlander. And it took me forever to find a hair that I thought would suit him and I'm still not sure if I got it right. As for class, either Gunbreaker, Warrior, or Paladin, but definitely some kind of tank.
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Now for our versatile flower boy, who of course HAD to be a viera too. Like I dunno what y'all were expecting. And he makes a cute one at that! For class, I'd say it's obvious he'd be a magic user. If I could give him Y'shtola's Sorcerer job I would, but for this I think a white mage suits him well!
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Next up is our Big Red Lucien, who I had to get a little creative with. For him it was either gonna be a Roegadyn or a Highlander. And fun fact, even at min height Roes are still much taller than our demon boy, and while the highlander would be closer to his actual height it just didn't really feel like our devilish himbo, so I went with Roe, and gave him some dark skin and yellow face paint to try and connect to his horn pattern. He'd be rockin as either a Warrior or Dark Knight.
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Next is Auron as an elf boy, and much like with Big Red, even at minimum height it's much taller than he is irl. Had to futz a bit again with the hair but I think he'd rock the elsa braid really well. I also see him very much kinning Estinien, which should make @jackieeleanor very happy. Aside from the obvious Dragoon, could also see him as a mechanist or bard.
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And now for Faust, who ABSOLUTELY go as a catgirl. And a fabulous one at that. Like you can't tell me he doesn't stream FFXIV every so often and rock the Keeper look like the diva he is. Would have a whole backstory for his WoL and everything. And he would very much be a very tired and annoyed Astrologian.
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Last but certainly not least, we have our favorite rat Charlie, who even here is a silly little guy. The most pathetically adorable lalafell you've ever seen, and very much bullied by everyone else in the party. Will likely die a LOT, and have to be carried by his Casper through dungeons. He's a little monk trying his best.
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knitmeapony · 2 years
All right guys, I want to rewatch a whole bunch of the 1990s TV sci-fi that was basically X-Files adjacent. So far here's my list:
(edit: reorg by subgenre)
Cyberpunk and conspiracy
Dark Angel
Lone Gunmen
Tomorrow People
Now and Again *
Precog/time fuckery
Early edition
Time Trax
Tru Calling
7 days *
Spaaaaaaaaace and exploration
Earth 2
First Wave *
Dark Skies *
Earth Final Conflict
ST Voy
Babylon 5
Space: above and Beyond
Stargate SG1
Crime, law, and/or vengence
The Pretender
Mann and Machine
The Crow Stairway to Heaven *
Brisco County Jr.
Alien Nation *
Dead At 21 *
Spoopy guys living lives
Eerie, Indiana
The Sentinal
Outer limits
Alex Mack
Forever Knight
So Weird *
Feels like fantasy (i.e. Not Sci fi) the way Star Wars does for some reason
Buffy and Angel
Right time, wrong vibe
Red Dwarf
Blakes 7
Lois and Clark
Right vibe, wrong time
Cleopatra 2525
Right Vibes and time, no sci-fi
La Femme Nikita
What shows am I missing? The less well-known the better.
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scotianostra · 10 months
9th December 1770 saw the birth of the poet and novelist James Hogg.
Hogg is primarily known today not only as the author of a series of pastoral poems, but also as the writer of the novel, Confessions of a Justified Sinner, widely regarded as the first piece of modern Scottish fiction.
A contrary figure in real life, Hogg almost bankrupted himself in attempts to be a successful shepherd - leading to his literary friends dubbing him "the Ettrick Shepherd".
There were two main strands to Hogg’s early cultural experience: folk traditions and religion. The family were church-goers and his father was an elder, while his mother was steeped in the oral tradition, relating to her children folk tales and songs of kings, knights and supernatural beings.
With no media ,as we know it back then Hogg would have listened reel off tales of Scottish history and legends as he was growing up. As a young man Hogg worked as a shepherd in Selkirkshire and Dumfriesshire, becoming interested in literature in his early twenties, when he attempted writing songs and poems, some of which were published in The Scots Magazine. He moved to Edinburgh in 1810 to pursue a career as a full-time man of letters, after having published poetry and non-fiction while maintaining his day-job as a shepherd. However, in 1813 he returned to Selkirkshire, where he lived and worked in the Duke of Buccleuch's Altrive Farm in Yarrow.
He continued to publish regularly while maintaining a contentious relationship with the Edinburgh literati, including his friend and some-time mentor, Walter Scott.
Many of Hogg's stories and poems appeared in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, or Maga as it was affectionately known.
Hogg continued to write, publish and farm until his death in 1835. He was buried in Ettrick Churchyard, appropriately next to his grandfather, Will o’ Phaup, who is reputed to have been the last man to converse with the fairies!
Among Hogg's most famous works was Jacobite Relics - originally commissioned by the Highland Society of London in 1817, it included Lament of Flora McDonald, sung here by Kenneth McKellar
Far over yon hills of the heather sae green An' doun by the corrie that sings to the sea, The bonnie young Flora sat sighin' her lane, The dew on her plaid an' the tear in her e'e. She look'd at a boat wi' the breezes that swung, Away on the wave like a bird on the main, An' aye as it lessen'd she sigh'd an' she sung, "Fareweel to the lad I shall ne'er see again; Fareweel to my hero, the gallant and young, Fareweel to the lad I shall ne'er see again."
The moorcock that crows on the brows o' Ben Connal, He kens o' his bed in a sweet mossy hame; The eagle that soars o'er the cliffs o' Clan Ranald, Unaw'd and unhunted his eyrie can claim; The solan can sleep on the shelves of the shore, The cormorant roost on his rock of the sea; But ah! there is one whose fate I deplore, Nor house, ha' nor hame in this country has he; The conflict is past, and our name is no more, There's nought left but sorrow for Scotland and me.
The target is torn from the arm of the just, The helmet is cleft on the brow of the brave; The claymore forever in darkness must rust, But red is the sword of the stranger and slave; The hoof of the horse, and the foot of the proud, Have trod o'er the plumes on the bonnet of blue; Why slept the red bolt in the breast of the cloud, When tyranny revell'd in blood of the true? Fareweel my young hero, the gallant and good, The crown of thy father's is torn from thy brow.
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dragonsden-system · 7 months
hey!! we're the DRAGONS DEN!!
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Pillow (it/he/they)
🐲im the host/root!! always at the front, im physically unable to like things normally lmao
🐲18 years old, ages in real time
🐲current fixation is primarily TF2 and the Godzilla franchise, but other interests include Regretevator, Hollow knight, Monster Hunter, Voidigo, Roblox, and Night in The Woods
🐲uhhhh something something other stuff
tag is #🐲waga baga bobo
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Pest (he/they)
🪲I am Pest. As in Pest from Regretevator.
🪲Dont really know how old i am, but its not a big deal.
🪲Current co-host of the system.
Tag is #🪲for the collection.
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Goji (he/him)
☄️Hello reader!! i am Goji, but You may also call me Gojira or Godzilla :}
☄️I believe I am around 19 years of age, but I could be Wrong!
☄️I am a Godzilla fictive! We do not believe i am from any singular canon, rather I am just Godzilla as a Whole :}
☄️I dont often Speak much, I usually like to Sit back and Watch whatever happenings are Occuring
Tag is #☄️go go godzilla!
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Combat (they/them)
⚪️hihi im combat!!
⚪️im also a fictive, but im not comfortable disclosing my source unless we know u :[[
⚪️im around 14-15!! idk if i age
⚪️they/them ONLY or u die forever
talking tag is #⚪️beat ‘em up!!
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Arthur (he/it/xe)
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Spy (he/she)
🐍You may refer to me as "Spy". I don't exactly remember my real name.
🐍Like a lot of others, I don't know what my exact age is. Somewhere on the older end, probably.
🐍We all have a dislike of mouth sounds and loud noises, however we believe i have it the absolute worst. Please keep it down.
Talking tag is #🐍shhh
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Soren (he/him)
🪶hello! i'm Soren! a barn owl or Tyto Alba!
🪶again, no specific age to be found, but i am an adult
🪶not much to say here!
talking tag is #🪶translated from hoolian
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Peril & Legiana (she/her for both)
🔥we're sharing a section because SCREW YOU!!
🔥im Peril, the hottest (literally) dragon in the world
❄️and im Legiana, a... well... legiana. very creative name i know
❄️we're gonna break your kneecaps <3 /jjjj
talking tags are #❄️from the highlands and #🔥burn baby burn!
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thank you angelcovesys, sysboxes, systemuserboxes, and systemboxes for the userboxes!!
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sunset-peril · 5 months
"😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?"
Original Ask Game reblog
Whoo boy lemme see here.....
Under the cut for anyone not wanting the awkwardness of this wowie
Zelda was thanking the Golden Goddesses for Urbosa's intervention.
Not Hylia. Zelda still had problems with her. 
But Fayroe, Nayru and Din? Thank you thank you thank you. 
It was almost the Summer Breeze festival, where the cool breeze from the Highlands drafted into the desert for about a week to make the desert more tolerable for other races. 
For vai stuck in town, it was one of the best ways to find their voe.
But that wasn't why Zelda was excited. 
...okay not entirely. 
But she wasn't looking for a voe!
She'd already found one. 
When the Gerudo held events, she was no longer Princess Zelda, Heir to the Hyrulean Throne. She was Missy Zelda of Gerudo Town.
All the pressures of Hyrule were, for the most part, gone. She could just be herself. 
Maybe… she and him could interact a little more comfortably. 
She didn't know quite how Urbosa found out, but she pulled strings to get her and him to Gerudo Town for the festival. 
The whole festival… with no suspicious eyes on her or Link.
She just hoped… the night wouldn't go in vain. 
"Missy Zelda!" A Gerudo poked her head into Zelda's Gerudo Town bedroom. "It's time to get ready for the evening." 
Zelda nearly jumped, slamming the Sheikah Slate down on the bed and subconsciously trying to hide it. 
"Oh, my apologies! I didn't mean to spook you!"
"It's alright, Esosu. I guess I'm just on edge." She rose and half-jogged to Esosu, who hugged her before leading her towards Fashion Passion. 
The shopkeeper excitedly greeted her in Gerudo, leading her into a dressing room and explaining what she believed would look nice for her. “I believe a white ceremonial skirt, like yours Lady Urbosa, will suit Missy Zelda splendidly tonight along with a traditional Gerudo top. I don’t want the blue. She wears no blue.” 
Zelda, who’d grown nearly fluent in Gerudo in the past five-ish years, blinked at the last remark. “Sáei, Natufi?” Why? 
The shopkeeper, Natufi, gave a gentle smile. “Because I want nothing more than for you to be free tonight. That color is a chain for you. Tonight, you shall be above this world. As a princess, you are chained; but as a goddess, you will be free.” 
She nodded almost solemnly, knowing her prison full well. 
“Vehvi…” Urbosa kissed her head. “What’s the matter?” 
Zelda smiled. “Nothing. That sounds lovely.”
“Splendid! Let us get dressed!” 
Zelda’s skirt blew behind her in the late afternoon sun. Natufi was right. She was stunning.
“No voe will be able to ignore you!" She had declared in satisfaction.
Zelda didn't need all the voe to notice her. She just needed one. And because he was the most stoic of them all, she desperately hoped Natufi was right. 
By the time they arrived, there were already members of all the tribes dancing in the sun and relaxing by the lake of Kara Kara. 
Natufi gave Zelda a comforting pat on the back before gesturing her towards the crowd, voice soft as the breeze. "Go find your voe." 
Zelda looked around for a moment. No Hylian knights. The fact sent a wave of relief through her, and she settled into the dancing crowd like she'd been one of them for all her life. 
A familiar Gerudo song began, one she regarded as one of her favorites, and her restraint further fell away. 
Stars and sand will never fade
Within each part of every day
Though time passes throughout the land
Forever, we’re conquerors of sand
Just as she reached a point where she was lost in this beloved melody, numb to any self-consciousness, she opened her eyes to find the one she’d been waiting for; gently looking at her. “L-Link!”
He seemed to panic for a second before dropping to his knees.
Out of her own curiosity, she went over to him and lifted his chin with a gentle hand. “How long were you standing there?”
"J-Just a second… I-I didn't even know it was you…"
Her brain jumped to odd conclusions. "Why? Because tonight I'm pretty?" 
"Huh? No!" He suppressed an awkward blush. "I-I mean, you're always pretty but- ack." He clamped his mouth shut for a few seconds before blurting "Free! You just looked so free!"
"Oh…" Her gaze at him grew softer. 
"Y-You like this song?"
Zelda nodded. "It is one of my favorites."
"Would you teach me? After all… I am your knight."
Now it was her turn to blush. "Of course… Link."
Just like her previous dancing session, Zelda completely lost the world around her and Link. At the end of every set, he would bend down lower on one knee and hold out a hand for her to take. 
Hylia, he was such a knight! 
After the night had grown dark and late, both were tired enough to crash into each other, but instead of their earlier awkward reactions, Link just curled Zelda's head into the crook of his neck, securing her body as the white fabric continued to flap in the strengthening breeze. "Princess…" He softly whispered, eyes blinking slowly into the world behind her as his chin tucked her closer.
"Please." She mumbled from his warmth. "Just call me Zelda…" 
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honeyfarts666 · 1 year
10 Favorite Movies
I was tagged by @myfavouritelunatic thank you 🩶🩵💜
Yes, these are in order.
10. Highlander
"There Can Only Be One!!!" This movie is definitely not for everyone. But I still love to force my closest friends to sit through it lol. I love it for the camp and insane lore and Sean Connery just giving the worst performance of his life 😆
9. A Little Princess (1995)
I genuinely, unironically love this movie and have since I was a little kid. So heartwarming and breaking. It's a bit dated but still really beautiful in cinematography and music.
8. Stardust
Another long-time love of mine. This movie inspired me so much as a kid. All of the performances are amazing. And, as I have mentioned elsewhere, this is Robert De Niro's best performance.
7. The Prince of Egypt
Pretty sure most of the tumblr girlies already love this one. The art, the music, the voice performances (specifically Ralph Fiennes) are all beyond perfect.
6. A Knight's Tale
This was my sister's favorite movie when I was a kid. I've seen this so many times. Hundreds probably. I don't care what the nerds say, the music ELEVATES this film. And it's just a great story!
5. Gladiator
This is probably "technically" the best film on this list. And yeah, it's fucking iconic for a reason. I also really really like it. Go watch it.
4. The Princess Bride
I have been told there are people out there who don't like this movie. I do not understand these people. This movie is so clever and fun! I have every word memorized!
3. The Two Towers
This is my place holder for all of LotR. I didn't want the series to take up three spots. But I'm also coming out as a "The Two Towers is the superior film in the trilogy" truther.
2. Pride and Prejudice (2005)
Once again, pretty sure most of the tumblr girlies love this. And I've also seen this one so much I have the whole thing memorized. I cannot understate the formative effect this film had on me.
1. The Northman
This is an interesting one for me. I do not add to my canon of favorite films lightly or very often. Pride and Prejudice had been my favorite movie for fifteen years. But when I saw this in theaters a year ago, I was blown away. I felt like this movie was made specifically for me. I've watched it three more times and keep noticing new details each time. I don't know if it will remain in the #1 spot forever. But it's been a year and I haven't changed my mind yet.
Tagging (without pressure):
@coraleethroughthelookingglass @ambrosia-salads @demonscantgothere @helenvader @klynnvakarian @rebelrebelwrites @restless-tides @emarasmoak @haladriel @princessfantaghiro
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critterkeeper01 · 4 months
Works In Progress
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
tagged by @aragarna ! Thank you so much for the tag!
Here are my current WIPs:
Kali Christmas Freezing Noose Persistence of Memory Trauma The Long Game Birthday Presents Deduction Buried Alive WW/XF Asylum
Plus a list of ideas that's over a hundred and counting…some of those probably have more words in their "summaries" than the smaller of my WIP files.
Now….do I know enough people on tumblr to fulfill the last line? @archaeopter-ace @argylepiratewd @catboywizard @dragoninatrenchcoat @ghostlyarchaeologist @knightvision1228 @fissionmonkey @themidnightcircusshow @aslanscompass @lulu-cat-princess Okay I cheated on those last few by searching the "forever 2014" hashtag and finding people who looked like they might be fanfic writers, please forgive me if you're not!
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paulgadzikowski · 7 months
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[Image description: Preview panel for the comic strip at the link below. Guinan of Star Trek: The Next Generation is tending bar for Duncan McLeod of Highlander, Nick Knight of Forever Knight, and Old Indy of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. Guinan is saying, "Today's the 82nd anniversary of the Titanic disaster." Unfortunately there are not image descriptions at the main Hero Of Three Faces site. End description.] 
The Hero of Three Faces is fanfiction crossovers, but it’s comic strips with stick figures, but they’re triangles. Preview panel only. Click here for full cartoon. Or see the on-site navigation tutorial. Or see this blog’s FAQ, or my archive tumblog’s FAQ. Cartoons may contain unmarked spoilers. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 10:00 (Central US time) daily are the previous day’s new update and the posts are pinned to the top of this blog. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 22:00 daily are from the archive and the posts are pinned only during annual summer hiatus of new updates.
Thanks for reading.
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lady-lissette · 1 year
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Lord Gerivaux de Isedaire was fully aware that his family didn’t have the most favourable reputation amongst the other noble houses of Ishgard. Thanks to his father’s...not so pleasant personality and habits that had developed within the last several years, most of the people he called on wouldn’t even give poor Gerivaux the time of day.
Following his elder brother’s death, Gerivaux was chosen to be the new heir of House Isedaire not long after. While the news came as a shock to even himself, he has since taken the responsibility of better acquainting himself with those within his social circle. After his father decides to officially retire when the time comes, he knew that it would be highly beneficial to at least have an ally or two at his side should things grow dire. Unfortunately for Gerivaux, his attempts at branching out haven’t exactly gone successfully. Letter after letter – invitation after invitation. The young man spent much of his free time penning letters to the point where his hands were stained with ink. So much effort was made only to either be met with rejection, or he simply wouldn’t receive a letter back at all. He did achieve small moments of victory every now and then, however. Several of the friends he made at the Scholasticate vouched for him to their own families. If things were in his favour, he would sometimes receive an invitation for tea or a short hunting trip into the highlands. Of course, he was more than thankful for the assistance of his peers and conversing with relatives of those he was already well acquainted with came easy! Still, he couldn’t rely on them forever. He had to find his own way of winning the hearts of those who needed a bit more convincing. While relations were sour with those that his father once associated with, Gerivaux still wished to make amends on his behalf. However, every attempt at doing so was met with either being shooed away by house staff or simply having a door slammed in his face. Someone even tossed a handful of gil at him and warned him to never step foot on their property ever again. It was times like these when Gerivaux considered just giving up on his quest entirely. He may now be the heir, but he was still the fourth child born into the family and held no special talents outside of waving a wand around and reciting the enchiridion. He also knew that some viewed him as his late brother’s last-minute replacement. He was an exceptionally talented Temple Knight and swordsman. His eldest sister was a courageous adventurer who travelled the world and now runs a tea room. His twin sister is a teacher for the impoverished who gets invited to almost every party and event that occurs in Ishgard. His youngest sister, while worryingly timid, is a diligent seamstress to-be. But what could he do? How could he prove his worth and get those around him to sing praises of someone so...unremarkable? And like a flash, an idea came to mind. It would most certainly take months of preparation and the approval of both of his parents, but he thought that it would be possible to accomplish. He would be the face of House Isedaire – and the champion of the next grand tournament held within the proving grounds. Or perhaps a failure who humiliates himself and his family even further. Time will tell.
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strawberrylabs · 11 months
Whumptober day 9 (she/her pronouns)
Prompt: "You're a liar"
Whumptober masterlist
He/him version, they/them version
Summary: As the youngest child of the Ragnvindr house hold, you suffered years alone after your brothers falling out. But how would they react when a certain harbinger decides to sieze this oppertunity?
Warnings: Dottore (fuck him), death, injections, fighting, mentions of inhumane experiments
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You were only young when Kaeya came to the Ragnvindr household.
You couldn’t explain it, but straight away you treated him as you did your biological brother.
Diluc and Kaeya often teased you as brothers do, but they were also protective of you.
You were close with both of them, but you were especially close to Kaeya, much to Diluc’s chagrin.
Mainly because Diluc, while still having fun with pranks and such, was still sure to follow your father’s rules.
Kaeya however, had a knack for bending the rules and finding loopholes.
And if you ask a little kid whether they’d rather have dessert or dinner first, it’s obvious what the choice would be. 
Kaeya always dragged you with him when exploring Windwail Highland, hand clasped around yours.
Of course he originally just wanted to have fun with his little sister, but when you looked at him with pleading eyes asking to bring Diluc, he couldn’t refuse.
And of course Diluc couldn’t refuse you either.
That was often how it went; Kaeya and you going on adventures, you making Diluc come along, the three of you having fun and creating memories.
As you grew older, the boys taught you how to use your weapon of choice.
You often trained with them, being taught little tips and tricks as your strength increased.
When your brothers joined the knights, you would go visit him and Kaeya with lunch made for the three of you.
It was more than you could ask for. A loving father, and two older brothers who adored you!
But you weren’t able to hold on to your happiness forever.
The night of your father’s death, you clung to your father’s corpse. The ringing in your ears only subsided when you heard the clash of swords.
You screamed at your brothers to stop, hot, fat tears rolling down your face as your mind screams at you to do something before you lose someone else.
When Kaeya got his vision near moments before what would have been his final moments, you finally moved.
You ran and hugged Diluc around his waist, halting his movements.
“Dammit! Let go!”
He tried to shake you off as your wails got louder and more persistent.
After some time, Diluc finally stopped moving. Your grip loosened as he walked away from you.
Before Kaeya could leave, you ran to him, crushing him in a hug.
“Hey.. C’mon now, you shouldn’t be hugging a traitor.. ‘Luc might get mad.” Kaeya went to tussle your hair habitually, before stopping when he felt a certain fiery gaze watching his every move.
He goes to push you off, but you cling tighter.
“You’re not a traitor, you’re my brother! I don’t care why you’re here or why you were sent here, I just care that you’re Kaeya and you’re my brother and I refuse to lose anyone else I love!”
Your eyes stung with salt and loss.
The blue haired man finally caved and hugged you back, gripping you like a lifeline.
“Please don’t leave.. Promise me!”
Kaeya stutters a moment
“I… I promise. I’m your big brother after all. I promise I’ll still be there for you…”
You don’t quite remember how long you were in Kaeya’s hold before Diluc pried you from him. You didn’t fight him. Kaeya promised you. And you trusted him.
You let Diluc drag you away from him. 
You saw both of your brothers at your father’s funeral. Although none of you spoke. None of you stood together. The tensions were too high for that.
Kaeya and Diluc weren’t talking for obvious reasons.
Diluc wasn’t talking to you because of your promise with Kaeya.
Kaeya wasn’t talking to you because he didn’t want to get into another fight with Diluc.
And you weren’t talking to either of them for fear of whoever you didn’t talk to getting the wrong idea.
Oh how you wish you had the courage to talk to both of them that day.
Because your father’s funeral was the last time you spoke to either of your brothers for a long time. A very, long time.
When Diluc left for Sneznyah, he only left a note for you stating that he would be back. Didn’t say when, didn’t say where he went or what he was doing. Just that he would be back.
To say you were devastated was an understatement. 
You locked yourself in your room for a few days after that, trying to figure out what you had done in your few years of existence for the archons to hate you enough to take away your family.
After almost a week of not leaving the mansion, you decided to find Kaeya. 
You had hoped he would visit, but you supposed that since he took up the position of Cavalry Captain when Diluc quit, he would be busy.
When you approached Varka, he looked at you with pity.
“I’m sorry little one, Kaeya is not here right now.”
You couldn’t quite pick up on the remorse in his eyes.
It became a habit for you to ask about Kaeya over the months. Every day the same responses.
“He’s not here.”
“He’s busy.”
“He just left.”
Seeds of doubt began to take root in your mind. But you were always quick to squash them.
‘He promised.’ You would remind yourself
It wasn’t until one day when you were walking past the tavern did you hear a familiar voice drift through the open windows.
“I have to cut myself off from the people at the winery to do my job efficiently. That’s just how it has to be.” 
You don’t know what overtook you. You stormed through the tavern door, a starstruck Kaeya sitting there watching you.
“You promised me! You promised you’d stay with me! And what, you’re avoiding me? Leaving me by myself so you can do your job?” You seethe. You refuse to cry. You refuse to let him see how hurt you are.
“Fine! I don’t need you or Diluc! I can manage on my own!”
Marching towards the door you turn around one more time
“Go screw yourself Kaeya!”
The walk home went by in an instant, a million scenarios running through your head, thinking about what you could’ve done, could’ve said differently to avoid this outcome.
You ran on autopilot for a while after that. Every day was the same.
Wake up.
And then do it all again. Some days you even missed one or two steps. But you didn’t particularly care.
Until one day, you were training near the shore like usual, when a voice sounded from behind you.
“Your form is lacking. If you continue to practise like that, the habit will be ingrained in your mind and you will forever be stuck fighting with incompetent form.” 
A man with mint green hair and a sinister lilt made himself seen. He didn’t appear hostile or as if he posed a threat. So you lowered your weapon.
“.. I don’t exactly have a teacher anymore.”
“Well! Why don’t I teach you? I’m spending some time in Mondstadt, and I need someone to show me around, teach me the ways of a local if you will. How about, I train you, you be my guide?”
You knew this man was trouble. You could sense it. 
So why did you agree? Was it this innate need to prove you were capable to the brothers who don’t care? Was it boredom? Curiosity?
Who knows. All you know is the man who made himself known as Dottore from that day on became the only constant in your life. And you grew attached to it.
He was there on time everyday to train you. He was harsh, but he wasn’t a bad teacher. In fact, you could feel your strength improving after mere weeks of training.
After training, sometimes before if you were early, you’d show him around Mondstadt. From Starfell valley, to Windrise, to Stormterrors lair. But oddly enough, he never asked to see the city. 
You didn’t question it. That was probably where he was staying after all, he didn’t need to be shown around.
After the first month of this, Dottore, told you that his stay in Mondstadt was extended. 
“I will be staying another year or so it would seem. I was wondering perhaps, if you would like to be friends- officially that is.”
And so you agreed to be friends.
Life continued on for another few months, Dottore continued training you, the two of you would go on walks to wherever you felt like (You had long since shown him everything Mondstadt had to offer).
Over time, you told Dottore about your brothers and family. And eventually, Dottore told you about himself.
“Now there is something I must tell you. I am a member of the Fatui. In fact I am a harbinger known as the Doctor. I know you are not stupid, you have likely known this for a long while. But I still feel it is better to be transparent.”
He was right. Over the months you had learned the name Dottore, and knew about the things he’d done.
But he hadn’t been that bad in person. He had treated you kindly, and he was honest.
He also kept his promises.
He hadn’t left you alone.
“I know… But.. I trust you. I think..” You murmur the last part, still not completely sure about what you’re saying.
But this was no time to back down. You had to prove you could survive without your brothers. That included making your own decisions about who to trust.
“Well in that case I must be honest with you once more. I am looking for a new.. Student. Someone who can withstand a certain injection I’ve concocted.” Something about the way he enunciated the word student sent shivers down your spine..
“I admit that is why I agreed to train you. I wanted to hone your body to withstand the experiment.”
“...And will it?”
“Will my body withstand the experiment?”
The Doctor grins.
It was two years after your father’s death that Diluc came back.
The first thing he noticed was that you had grown. You were stronger.
You also held a vision. 
His heart ached a little.
How much had he missed?
But no matter how much he tried to ask, you deflected the topic. You barely spoke to him. Understandable. He thought. But he still needed answers.
Diluc didn’t like it, but he had to ask Kaeya. 
Needless to say when Diluc found out Kaeya didn’t know either, he was livid.
“What do you mean you haven’t spoken in two years?! Are you so incompetent that you can’t keep an eye on your own sister?!”
“Well at least I didn’t disappear for two years!”
The two turned to you when you yelled, neither having seen you enter the tavern. 
Their eyes went wide when they saw a delusion hanging next to your vision.
“Where did you get that?! Give it to me-” Diluc goes to snatch the object, only to have his wrist grabbed by a gloved hand.
“Now now, no need to get worked up. I believe this one is handling the delusion quite well.”
 The smirk in Dottore’s voice was audible.
“I’ll be waiting outside. Don’t take too long, dear pupil.” The doctor chuckled as his eyes filled with mirth stared down the two brothers, as if to say
‘I win.’
The tavern falls silent. Diluc grabs your wrist and pulls you into the backroom, with Kaeya following behind.
“What are you doing with a harbinger! Where did you get that delusion? Are you mad! You know that’s what-”
“A delusion is what killed dad, I know.”
The air was silent, and heavy. It seemed no one knew what to say next.
You heave a deep sigh.
“I’m going to Sneznyah. I’m joining the Fatui as Dottore’s apprentice.”
Kaeya was the one who spoke this time.
“What? No- you can’t!” 
Kaeya didn’t express his emotions on his face often, but this time it was as if his face were a book, his emotions written on the pages. Worry. Anger. Denial.
“Why do you two care anyway? I could’ve left without saying a word and it probably would’ve taken you months to even realise.”
You take a deep, steadying breath.
“Dottore says I have potential. Potential to be something better- something stronger than either of you thought I could be. I agreed to let him test his hypothesis.” 
Your voice didn’t waver.
“Test? Do you hear yourself?”
“You know what will happen, it’s dangerous.”
“Don’t be foolish!”
“You’re making a mistake”
Diluc and Kaeya continue their onslaught..
This is exactly what Dottore said would happen.They don’t trust you. They don’t believe in your strength.
“And why would either of you care?! Diluc- you left me! For 2 years after our father’s death without a word!”
You turn to Kaeya before the redhead has a chance to open his mouth
“And you…
You’re a liar!
You said you'd look after me! You said you’d protect me! I was counting on you to be there when Diluc left! I kept hoping that at least once in these last few years you would at least acknowledge I exist!” 
“No! I’ve had enough! I’m taking charge of my life, and I’m starting fresh away from the two of you! Let’s see how you like when your sibling acts like you aren’t there, as if you haven’t spent all your life together!”
The brothers look down in shame. 
They never thought that their darling little sister would grow up like this. And it’s all their fault.
Memories of bright smiles and laughter flood their minds.
How did it go so wrong?
“Don’t expect to hear from me. I don’t plan on coming back unless absolutely necessary.”
Your hard gaze falters as you look at your brothers.
“Goodbye, Kaeya, ‘Luc. I love you guys.”
You turned around.
And you didn’t look back.
But Kaeya and Diluc were not about to let that psycho do what he wants with you.
They lost over the years due to their negligence.
And they were going to get their sister back.
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