#forever confused but hooray...?
ri4naaa · 5 days
idk what the fuck enneagram means but i got 9????
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solurae · 1 year
four eyes (more to love underneath the frames) : prologue
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nerd!miguel o’hara is the talk of the town and i wanna put my own spin on it :D sooo expect a little bit of everything hehe :DDD - HAHA AS I WAS WRITING THIS I REALISED I GOT TOO INVESTED SETTING THE SCENE SO I MIGHT MAKE THIS A SERIES! i’ll just say this is a prologue hooray
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a distinct pair of black, rectangular glasses were adjusted by miguel’s middle finger before it glided across the pages of notes he wrote from the lecture for his genetics class. a class that you both happen to share, but neither of you knew that yet.
miguel o’hara - a man so deep in his books that he might as well be the dean of the dean’s list - payed no heed to anyone or anything that could hinder his focus. the furrowing of brows indicated further analysis rather than the annoyance towards second year business majors. no, he wasn’t the annoying, stuck-up person who would ask more questions than give answers. he thinks they’re wasting their time anyway. he was always the last person to leave the lecture theatre. miguel would be huddled by the professor, covering the whiteboard with punnett squares or outlining control variables for the next lab.
he was only person in your genetics class that had a real chance of passing the course, the scowls of your peers and your friends could attest to that.
you wouldn’t say you were on the same boat as everyone though, your friends were always nagging you to help them but you couldn’t even figure out how you understood some of the content. this specific course was an integral part of your degree and the best chance of impressing the school, you had to give it your all.
you would be lying if genetic sequences and chromosomes weren’t the only things you had memorised. you loved the hue of brown locks that would shine from the tall windows of the theatre, the curls which your eyes would follow forever if he happened to sit in front of you. the pout of his lips as he’d scratch his hair in response to a lab practical that didn’t make sense, only for him to make sense of it hours later.
his eyes were red. it was his most defining feature, and a key factor to why - to your advantage, if you really think about it - people steer clear of o’hara. as much as it increases your chances of befriending him, let alone being with him, your classmates and other students weren’t so quiet about their dislike for the irish-mexican spectacle.
he’s so quiet. too quiet.
he looks like a freak! look at his eyes, bro. what is he some fucking vampire or something?
no wonder he’s on the dean’s list because he isn’t on anyone else’s for sure.
god he’s just so…
miguel was extremely fit, which was what confused a lot of people when they found out he wasn’t a copy-paste jock that still thinks they’re in highschool like most men of his stature were. his build put them to shame regardless. after being bombarded by women and men of every cohort - only for miguel to ignore them or coldly decline - word spread like wildfire and soon enough people were disappointed that the former heart-throb of first and second year turned out to be a major loser. some people would go out of their way to show how much they don’t like him, and these are people miguel’s never even spoken to. they would “crash” into him walking across campus, try and trip him over and even go as far as sitting on the other side of the room if it wasn’t so clear already.
but he didn’t mind. he was always at the library, the lab or the cafeteria closest to the lab anyway. it bothered you to see him alone and quiet unless he had a question or an answer, you genuinely wanted to be friends with him.
but as the story goes, it’s always these type of men that have a part of themselves they keep under wraps. you just know that there’s more to his brooding and stoic nature, the carnelian shades of his eyes lured you closer as opposed to keeping you away.
you decided to do honours for two reasons: a better resume and the fact that miguel unsurprisingly decided to do it too. you had a thesis in your head and you had all year to test it out.
miguel o’hara was more than just some nerd and you were gonna need more than glasses to prove it.
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weirdmarioenemies · 5 months
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Name: Zomboni
Debut: Plants vs. Zombies
Plants vs. Zombies is such a silly game. Silly is baked into its very code. And I love that! You know me! I live under rotting wood, eating silly and breaking it down into nutrient-rich soil! But I think Zomboni has the honor of being the silliest thing in this already-silly game!
There is no way Zomboni would exist if it weren't for the wordplay. So thank goodness for the wordplay! A zombie, on a Zamboni. Though, we are informed that it is actually "more closely related to a space ogre than a Zombie". What impeccable word choice! So it's not even actually a space ogre. Just some weird guy creature. Awesome
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Zomboni drives an ice resurfacing machine, and I have no idea what the general public's knowledge level of these things is. Does the average person know the exist? I knew, but I played and hated playing hockey as a child so I got to watch the ice being resurfaced, which was the best part. Some guy who may or may not be tangentially related to space ogres will drive this machine around the ice rink, cutting down the surface and laying down fresh ice to make a nice and smooth surface, I think. Now, I may be using the generic term for this product, but commonly, there is one brand name that is used commonly, like Band-Aid or Q-Tip or Velcro, and for that we can thank...
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Name: Frank J. Zamboni
Debut: Utah
Frank J. Zamboni! Hooray! What do you have to say, Frank?
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Wow. So true, Frank. I'm sure this message is reaching its intended audience in this post. Anyway, ol' Ice Tank Frank made such an iconic machine that it is THE ice resurfacing machine in the public consciousness, and there is even a trademark for its iconic shape! That seems unnecessary but ok. Now, when the ghost of the Zamberino was scrying the mortal realm for references to his work in media, he came across parody in a funny video game, and OBVIOUSLY something had to be done about that!
And from then on, Zomboni's description was updated to reflect that it is NOT to be confused with a Zamboni® brand ice resurfacing machine, you silly billy, why would you think that? And they also plugged the Zamboni website in-game, so that the audience of, I must emphasize, a silly video game, would be more likely to buy an entire ice resurfacing machine, or at least its related merchandise. I really would think this would all be fine under parody law, but maybe it has to do with the shape trademark. Whatever. To the Zamboni company's credit, they have some incredible merchandise.
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What a powerful item. With this, the course of a baby's life can be changed forever...
Zomboni with an O, I mean with two Os, approaches while creating a trail of freshly laid ice that cannot be planted on. The brand-ambiguous ice resurfacing machine is quite tough, but instant-kill plants are effective, as are Spikeweeds and Spikerocks, which will instantly pop its tires!
Zomboni is a considerable threat, instantly flattening any plant it reaches before its destruction, though the player should be pretty well-equipped to combat it, and the ice is laid on the right side of the screen, rather than the precious left side. Pretty manageable! But Zomboni is only the beginning, and as much delight and intrigue as I have gleaned from Zomboni's existence, it's what FOLLOWS Zomboni that is, in fact, my favorite zombie(s) in the game.
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If Zomboni is allowed to create an ice trail, it will be used by Zombie Bobsled Team! Yeah, Frank got a whole "name/debut" section and these guys just get a bolded name in a sentence. You never know what I'm gonna do next! Hee hee!
Zombie Bobsled Team is exactly what it sounds like! A team of zombies, in a bobsled! So that's four zombies, with a defensive vehicle that has to be destroyed before they can be harmed! Zomboni was already over-the-top silly, and then Zombie Bobsled Team goes even higher over that top. And it's a Big Top, where they keep all the clowns. There is not much else I can say about Zombie Bobsled Team, but it really speaks for itself!
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For some reason there exists official art of "Mullet Zombie", the Zomboni driver without his vehicle and hat. And for an even somer reason, they put it on the box art for the DS version! PvZ1 is simply very strange when it comes to official key art. Messed up.
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cherrythepuppet · 11 months
Corpse puppet [Part 14]
sobbing because I'm almost done with this but I don't really mind because that means I can finally draw Cherry, @sketchquill tis a great sorrow
After they found cherry and made her apologize to Barnaby (Which she refused to do for thirteen minutes until she was threatened by frank), Wally and (Y/n) stood in the center of the town
"Gather round! Gather round, everybody!" (Y/n) yelled making sure to gain everyone's aattention We've decided to do this thing properly!" Wally said
"So grab what you can and follow us! We're mlving this wedding party upstairs!" (Y/n) exclaimed as the dead citizens began to talk "Upstairs? l didn't know we had an upstairs!"
"Sounds creepy!" "Let's go!" "A wedding, a wedding! We're going to have a wedding"
As wally went over to talk with sally cherry jad walked up to (Y/n) "Hold on, (Y/n)! You can't get married looking like that!" Cherry said
(Y/n) looked at them in confusion as cherry pulled a needle and thread out of her pocket "Sit down" Cherry mumbled which (Y/n) did as cherry fixed the rips and tears in their outfit
"I want you know that if you ever make apple man cry again or hurt him in any way i will steal your soul" cherry told them "Y-yes of course!" (Y/n) said
"Great! Oh I've been waiting to go to your wedding since we were ten!" Cherry exclaimed "what?" They asked "You stuipd and dense" Cherry muttered 
Then it dawned on them "Cherry!" (Y/n) yelled "But how- how did you die?!" They asked which made cherry pulled up the hair on her forehead
There was an X on her forehead "Assination" Cherry told them then put her hair back "What!?" (Y/n) yelled "Who did it?!" They asked "I don't know them personally but it was some blonde chick...i dont know why all I know is they wanted me dead" Cherry mumbled 
"Now I must go get my sewing kid to fix wally's hand" Cherry said before disappearing
"A wedding, we're going to have! A wedding ake is no mistake it must be quite sublime!" Poppy exclaimed as they began to finish up the cake
poppy slapped Sally's hand away as she tried to steal frosting "The perfect cake is hard to miss!" Poppy said as she finished the cake and with Barnaby's help brought the cake outside
"A wedding, a wedding! We're going to have A wedding! Huzzah, huzzah We're going to have a wedding! A wedding! Let's all give out a cheer 'Cause the Groom is getting married today!"
Cherry bit the thread off and tightened it to make sure it wouldn't come off again "There we go" Cherry mumbled 
"One thing you can surely say is we will stand beside Until the end we will defend Our one and only Groom! Our Groom-to-be, our Groom-to-be! Our lovely Corpse Puppet!"
"Huzzah! Hooray! Huzzah! Hooray! Our Groom is getting married today!" "Oh, there he is!" "Here he comes!" "Oh, oh, the Groom is here! he's waited for this day For many a year For this day, for this day! Our hopes and our pride The Groom is here!"
"Here comes the Groom! Here comes the Groom! Here comes the Groom For this day, for this day Will last forever! And all of his friends Will work together To make it the perfect day he's always dreamed of!"
"Our hopes and our pride! Our Groom, our lovely Groom! We're going to have a party Like nobody's ever seen The living in the land above Will not know where they've been The land above!" 
"The party of the Groom! Here comes the Groom On this glorious day of days Up to the land of the living To celebrate!"
The deas citizens began to head up to the land of the living as (Y/n) held wally's Hand and Cherry who was being carried by Sally got hit with a book "CHERRY!" Sally yelled
"That wasn't me!" Cherry replied "IT WAS ME!" José exclaimed as they ran past everyone and threw a book at (Y/n) "OW- HEY! I GET ENOUGH OF THAT FROM CHERRY!" (Y/n) yelled
"Oh, dear" julie mumbled "Quiet down now, everyone!" She said as she tapped a wine glass with a small spoon "Thank you" She said
"Elegant, cultured, radiant, Howdy has found a wife with all these qualities and more Serendipity brought us together and no force on earth could tear us apart"
as julie was making something boring speech everything turned darker and darker...the lighting was now a dark green
"There's an eye in me soup" lord piller said as Barnaby approached him "Oh, sorry" Barnaby said as he grabbed his eye out of the soup
As Barnaby put his eye back in every living person stared at him as Cherry appeared onto the table "WHERE THE F!CK AM I?!" She yelled
She saw julie and her eyes widened "You..." she mumbled but julie didn't notice her as everyone began screaming and panicking once more of the dead came....
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🦑🦇Sharing my BramCraft headcanons bc they make me ill🦇🦑
They first met way before Bram got chopped in half, so theyve known each other for centuries
They met kinda like how mermaid aus happen. Lovecraft was snoozing underwater when one day one of the fishermen living on Bram’s fief caught him
I have a hc that Lovecraft has a multitude of sizes for his monster form so he can stay relatively hidden under rocks and such as to not be disturbed, so when the fisherman caught him, he was kinda just this mass of weird green tentacles that fit in the palm of this guy’s hand
Lovecraft was actually still sleeping when he was caught, so he didn’t wake up and kill everyone on the boat
This weird sea creature was brought to Bram for inspection, who was pretty much able to see right through what Lovecraft was
In order to protect the people of his fief, Bram told them he’d handle it and brought Lovecraft to the shore by himself and awoke him
When Lovecraft woke up, he didn’t feel like attacking this random guy and just wanted to go back to sea, so the two of them made a truce
…and then Lovecraft realized he was on a completely different continent than the one he called home, which meant he had to swim all the way back
That was what they both thought would be the last time they’d ever see each other, but they’d be wrong
Several hundred years later, Lovecraft (somehow) ended up near Bram’s fief by accident once again
This time, though, he ended up accidentally protecting the fief. He was probably just strolling through the woods and was in a bad mood & some random attackers pissed him off or smth
Bram found him, and they both just kinda stared at one another. Like “holy shit how is this guy from hundreds of years ago still alive”
Bram invited Lovecraft to his manor as an honored guest bc not only did Lovecraft protect the land, but also their truce from all those years ago was still holding up
This was probably around a time of war for Bram’s land too tbh
Bram’s people were confused abt why their lord brought in this random homeless guy, especially in hard times for them, but he assured them that they could trust Lovecraft
They didn’t question each other’s immortality. They simply felt a connection between the two of them- they were similar, and that was all they needed to know
Alas war was still going on, but the two of them SWEPT the battlefield together (they just want to live in peace)
When witnessing each other in combat and each others’ abilities (well not so much as an ability for Lovecraft but ykwim), they both just thought “ahh. that makes sense”
Bram’s country won the war with these two powerhouses! Hip Hip Hooray!
Around this era was probably the peak of BramCraft. They understood each other and never pushed the other for information. They both simply wanted peace and quiet, and living together in a manor no longer engaged in war allowed that
Lovecraft, who was previously simply a guest in Bram’s land because of their silly truce and somewhat a weapon for the war, was now no longer sleeping in the guest bedroom (he was seeing what the hype of human life was all about) and was very close to Bram
The people of Bram’s land never saw much of Lovecraft, who always stayed inside the manor, but Bram was quite social with the commonfolk
Bram still behaved like a lord and knew they weren’t on his level, but he was engaged in their lives and the harvests and such
He probably used them in war by turning them to vampires to fight against the enemy before turning them back, so he kind of felt he had an obligation to treat them well as thanks
Of course, all good things must come to an end, as this was just a temporary era of theirs
They both knew this wouldn’t last forever (despite both being immortal/being able to live forever). Sooner or later, SOMETHING would force them apart, so they agreed to say their goodbyes before that could happen
Before going their separate ways, though, Bram took Lovecraft on a long tour of the entire fief
Lovecraft ended up growing a fascination with the peasants, especially the farmers and their crops as well as having a slight distaste for fishermen (this would also become the reason why he and Steinbeck become close friends)
They say their goodbyes, and the golden era of BramCraft comes to an end 💔
Things just kinda spiral downward from there, especially for Bram (curses, Fukuchi) (i also just rlly wanna know what happened with the girl that looks like Aya)
And now, Lovecraft is probably sleeping at the bottom of the ocean once more, and Bram keeps complaining about wanting to sleep in his coffin
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tjalexandernyc · 3 months
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Chef’s Choice was up for a Lammy this year and LOST! And I legitimately could not be happier.
I always think people are lying when they get all humble after something like this, but I am NOT lying, y’all. Genuinely, it was a thrill just to be short-listed for the Lambda Literary Awards.
If you haven’t gotten around to reading Chef’s Choice yet, please pick it up! Luna and Jean-Pierre will always hold a special place in my heart and, I’m told, the hearts of trans readers who saw something of themselves and their relationships in this book. Hooray for my sophomore romcom, the T4T fake dating foodie farce that got out into the world!
Today, I’m just basking in the fact that I was in a room with lots of queer talent with my hot wife on my arm. Truly wouldn’t believe it if you’d told me in 2021 this was my future.
I, for one, am going to buy a copy of the winner in the LGBTQ+ Erotica & Romance category, Laura Q’s A Tight Squeeze: Smutty Trans and Queer Stories. In my opinion, the correct book took home the award. Erotica has always been a cornerstone of queer literature and it makes my heart happy seeing it get its flowers. I definitely encourage you to check out the short list to see all the titles that were up for awards this year. What a slate! Although I’m still confused why the Lammys structure their categories the way they do. I find it really strange to have what is essentially a category for LGBTQ+ Erotica & BTQ+ Romance while the Big L and Big G are off doing their own thing in Romance categories, but maybe that’s just me. Anyhoo!
I was not expecting to win an award but I have anxiety so here is the acceptance speech I had in my pocket, reproduced with only slight editing for you.
I want to thank my wife, without whom none of my books would exist; my agent Larissa Melo Pienkowski; Dana, my first reader and lifelong friend; Lara Jones, my editor at Atria, and the entire Atria team. Any accolades this book receives is a reflection of their dedication to the bit. Having a trans love story celebrated in this moment is meaningful because this is a moment when politics and police and policies are coalescing around the idea that trans lives are worthless. That we are disposable. And it is a moment where those same or similar forces are saying Palestinian lives are worthless, are disposable. These two things, and many other injustices besides, are forever linked in my mind because there is no trans liberation, queer liberation, any liberation, until there is complete liberation. Trans rights now, and in the same breath, in the same moment, free, free Palestine.
This Pride I am asking you to please donate to Gaza Funds and do what you can to protest this genocide.
One last thing! Triple Sec, my poly romcom set in the glamorous world of high-class cocktail bars, is out now and I am still on tour! If you’re in Brooklyn, Philly, or online there’s an event for you. Come on out, we’ll get a drink, have a few laughs, etc. Byeeeee sluts 😘
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indignantlemur · 3 months
I was wondering what do andorians find attractive as a majority and individually?
Thank you.
Hello! To start off, I'm going to a quick and dirty breakdown of what all goes into attraction, and go from there.
Broadly speaking, attraction comes down to biology and psychology. Everyone and their grandmother at this point knows that we are attracted to cues which indicate a potential mate is healthy, is a carrier of desirable genes, etc. I could write an essay on that topic alone, but physiological cues are just one layer of the science behind attraction and mate selection.
A big factor in attraction and mate selection that folks often don't think about is histocompatibility. Bear with me, I'm remembering most of this from a biology professor's mid-class tangent many years ago. Histocompatibility is the sameness or sufficient similarity of the alleles of a set of genes called human leukocyte antigens (HLA), or major histocompatibility complex (MHC). In short: it's checking if the blueprint for your immune system looks a lot like the next guy's or not. Commonly, histocompatibility is tested when looking for compatible organ donors, but it plays a role in mate selections as well. Humans, for example, have tiny little receptors in our mouths which detect MHC markers within a partner's saliva when we kiss.
If a person's markers are sufficiently diverse from our own, we experience a "spark." This person's blueprints are different enough to be a good pairing for potential offspring! Hooray!
If they are too similar, Humans often feel that something is missing, or just generally felt weird/gross/put-off. Their blueprint is too matchy-matchy with yours: that's a firm no thank you!
This, of course, is a Human example. Andorians, presumably, function a little differently by virtue of their markedly different physiology and evolutionary path. Insects are well known for using chemical markers to communicate, and I don't see why Andorians wouldn't have this trait given their evolution, so I headcanon that Andorians are able to consciously parse pheromone markers utilising a vomeronasal organs (VNOs), which Humans don't really have.
(Well, we kinda-sorta do. Humans develop vomeronasal organs as fetuses, but then they go through a kind of regression and remain extremely under-developed forever afterwards. Human VNOs are really quite stunted, especially when compared with other animals on Earth. There's significant debate as to whether or not Humans actually can properly detect pheromones at all, in some scientific circles, while there does appear to be some evidence from recent studies that indicate that we can pick up some reproductive/social cues based on pheromones from our partners. It's a fascinating subject, but difficult to research as I understand it.)
Andorian pheromones would most likely relay subtle and complex indicators for health, fertility, arousal, and even moods to some degree. Andorians with long-term partners or strong relationships would be very familiar with any unique markers their friends, lovers, and family members have in their pheromones, and perhaps able to parse information on a subconscious level based on minute changes to those pheromone profiles. When it comes to aliens, however, all bets are off. Andorians are not built to parse Human pheromones, or any other species for that matter, and the information they do get from alien pheromones is confusing at best.
Thelen, for example, has noted in the past that Dagmar exudes a sharp, unpleasant chemical signal when in emotional distress, but at the time he had no idea what was being communicated to him.
Beyond pheromones, Andorians would often find markers of good health and diverse genes attractive as well, since that seems to be almost universal across many species. Some examples would be much like the Human equivalents, really: healthy blue skin, mobile antennae, thick hair, and very sharp teeth are commonly viewed as desirable (longer dual-incisors are considered particularly attractive, but there is a limit. No one wants to make out with a walrus.)
(Additional side note: Humans also tend to find longer incisors attractive, as it's generally regarded as a sign of good genes. Most folks find flat incisors a bit boring. Not outright unattractive, necessarily, but nothing to get excited about either. Individual mileage may vary, of course.)
Additionally, certain phenotypes are considered very attractive, such as blue eyes. Blue eyes on Andoria are very rare as the genes which result in this coloration are all recessive, but many believe that there is a beautiful, natural symmetry to an Andorian whose colouration is nothing but blue and white. Historically, a number of religious groups have assigned a kind of inherent divinity to those born with blue eyes, in fact, though modern sensibilities have since stamped such notions out quite thoroughly. That said, the appeal of blue eyes to Andorians cannot be understated: even aliens with blue eyes are deemed to be more attractive by default, and often find themselves on the receiving end of some very aggressive flirtation. Grey-eyed aliens aren't safe, either.
Now, beyond biology and appearance, we also have to look at more external factors, like culture, social pressures, and psychology.
Andorians place a great deal of emphasis on the importance of personal honour, strength, and the balancing act between self-control and passion. Additionally, we know they are a very social species, and that they are taught from a young age to value community over the individual. From this, we can conclude that these core values would inform their ideas of attractive personality traits and behaviours.
Personal honour and strength would, in some ways, go hand-in-hand in a society where duels to the death are still commonplace, but I would caution others to refrain from limiting their notion of strength to that of the physical alone. Mental fortitude is as valuable as physical might in as harsh an environment as Andoria often proves to be. Strength of arms paired with a weak mind and weaker self-control benefits no one, and Andorians look to the health and viability of the quad and the Clan above all.
Andorians are a deeply passionate people, which is what necessitates their often rigid social regulations, but that does not mean that they seek to remove their emotions entirely as the Vulcans are often purported to do. Rather, Andorians are very keenly aware that there is a time and a place for everything, and emotional outbursts outside of those times and places can be seen as deeply unattractive in a potential mate. Exceptions occur, of course - displays of great joy or terrible grief, for example, are given allowances that outbursts of rage or fear are not.
Additionally, childhood environment and parental figures play a huge impact on mate selection, whether we want to acknowledge it or not. Sometimes, these factors serve as frames of reference for desirable traits and circumstances - and, sometimes, what to avoid at all costs.
Beyond that, however, individual preferences are the biggest deciding factors. Andorians are not all the same, nor do they have a mono-culture, and making more than broad generalizations here is a disservice to a complex species comprised of numerous unique individuals.
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earl-grey-love · 7 months
After 8 months of contemplation, I've finally figured out my feelings for Simeon. Turns out it's queerplatonic!
It's been confusing for me because I felt like I had a crush on him, but also didn't. Like I wanted to be close to him, to live with him and take care of him, and so on. However, I don't want to kiss him, or date him or do any of the stuff I usually do with my romantics. Like I don't want him to be my boyfriend. But it's also not how I usually feel about my platonics either. It's like a deeper secret third thing.
It was thinking about Joan that made it click for me. For years I've had similar feelings about her. I want to be with her and support her and be close to her forever, but not in a girlfriend way. I don't want to date her. I love her so much but just not like that.
I'm sure I've felt this way in the past too but I'm pretty new to knowing that I'm aro as well as ace so, it's been a nice moment of self-discovery. So hooray to my two first QPRs! I'll add them to my carrd once I'm done renovating it 🥰
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m1ckeyb3rry · 11 days
okay sooooooo i went to the gym today 🥳 so i normally do 3 incline for the treadmill and thought that i could handle going from 3 to 10 😭 stupid ik, 🫠 my legs are so sore and I’m slowly gonna build up now 😭 normally i would but i was feeling like extra awesome so….
I did weights too! Which I normally don’t do pretty proud of myself :D I did sets of squats + Russian twists w/ weights- then I did that 3 sets of one glute machine :) gotta grow that bootie 💪
And I did stretch 😌
And also pretty proud that i ordered this green drink w/ like spinach n shit ?? I hate greens so much omg- I honestly have the pallet of a toddler 🫠😭 It was pretty good though??? and I had wings for lunch ! I wanted a sandwich but im tryna stay away from carbs rn😭
Well this was my official first day of the rest of my life and came to tell you 😽
hope you don’t mind me slipping in ur asks every now and then :3
HAHA yess it’s def tough working up to it…when i first started i would only spend a couple of minutes at the 12 incline and the rest at 6-8ish?? doing it kind of in intervals where you disperse shorter bursts of the higher incline with a majority at a more comfortable incline might help you progress to being consistent at the higher incline quicker because it lets your body adjust without pushing it too hard 🤔 tbh there’s still days when i only go up to the 15 incline for like the first 5-10 mins and then spend the rest of my cardio time in like the 8-10 range so i can answer emails or asks on my phone because lowkey the treadmill is kinda boring sometimes 😭
AHHH I’M SO PROUD LOOK AT YOU GOOO you will be a weightlifting pro in no time 🤩 LMAOAOA omg that’s so real though glutes forever (side note but for the longest time my mother would get rdls [as in romanian deadlifts] confused with bbls so she’d be like “did you do your bbls at the gym today ☺️” and i’d just be like “well…close enough…they ARE building that area so 🤷🏻‍♀️” HAHA it’s actually insane though what working out your glutes will do for you!! it’ll help w incline walking too everything is so interconnected it’s crazy)
HOORAY stretching ftw hehe it’s my favorite part of my workout…idk if you’ve heard that one tik tok sound where that guy goes “it’s like a reward” but that’s literally my mindset 😩 like okay if i can do one more set of squats then i can go do yoga 🤩
THAT SOUNDS YUMMYYY and dw you’re not alone i am such a picky eater too but in weird ways??? like i can’t stand blueberries on their own but i can’t eat yogurt if i don’t put blueberries in it 😓 (another side note but a more relevant one…greek yogurt is like the number one post gym snack because it has sm protein without being super heavy!! i always put chia seeds flax seeds fruit and occasionally honey in mine but you can kinda experiment w what you like…provided you’re not allergic to milk or smth ofc) honestly i think a lot of it also comes down to preparation so even if you don’t like a food in one way (like spinach in a salad for example) you might like it prepared in a diff way (ex a smoothie) ☝🏻 sometimes we must be creative in order to get our nutrients in LOLOL worst comes to worst there’s no shame in busting out the blender 🤩
I HOPE IT DIDN’T FEEL TOO HORRIBLE OR RESTRICTIVE OR ANYTHING!! just remember everything in moderation even things that people are like “no if you eat this you will never lose weight blah blah” because that’s not actually true HAHA you can eat anything and lose weight — no food is inherently bad it’s just how you view it!! ofc some have more nutrients and keep you full for longer so that’s always good to consider but i remember when i was really trying to lose weight i would leave a little buffer so i could eat takis every night 😭 and i still lost weight even w that SO it is possible and def losing weight shouldn’t be a cause of misery or make you feel like you can’t eat anything at all!! there’s 100% a balance between choosing a healthier option and sometimes just realizing it’s okay to indulge every now and again too 🤫 especially because eating in moderation instead of cutting out completely is the best way to avoid binge eating!!
OMG PLEASE ALWAYS FEEL FREE TO DROP ASKS ABOUT LITERALLY ANYTHING whether it’s abt the gym or fandoms (as i’m sure you can tell i’m in quite a few myself 😰) or real life or wtvr 💖 i loveee talking to people HAHA truly the best part of tumblr is how interactive it is!!
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Find the word
Thanks @annetilney for the tag and super sorry it took so long!
Rules: I give you five words to find in your WIPs and you post excerpts containing them! Then tag people with five words of their own
My words: utter, gorgeous, glimmer, emerald, plum (I'm sorry if I'm using the wrong words)
Your words: news, bare, dry, offer, take
Tagging: @gracehosborn @queerfox-tales @theelfauthor @jamieanovels @elizaellwrites @mr-writes @minutiaewriter @little-mouse-gardens @thyroidhormones @missinnoccent @myhusbandsasemni @ladydarkphoenix-blog @leighvalentin @living-dead-girl515 @falesiacats @writingmoth @27fanficlilies
See under the cut for my excerpts! These were hard words to find.
This is from The Secret Portal, Part Four. Yes, I got that far before deciding to overhaul the series again. However, as this is Draft Four (the first valid draft) I'm fine with this excerpt and plan to keep it. This is a wholesome flashback to Robbie's first day of preschool.
Robbie wasn't really sure where he was, only that his mom had told him he was going to school.
Robbie of course had heard about school. There were many picture books that followed kids on their first day of preschool from Preschool Day Hooray! to Llama Llama Misses Mama.
Robbie actually had already known how to read for a few months. He had gotten his glasses about a month before he turned three, which prompted him to run to his favorite books that he’d had practically memorized, discovering what each word his mother had spoken actually looked like with utter fascination.
But the schools depicted in the picture books didn’t account for the fact that Robbie’s preschool was a program at a high school. Robbie didn’t know much about high school other than it was preschool for kids so much older than Robbie that he often confused them for adults. The high school where his preschool was was huge. So big that he pressed up against his mother, who was holding his hand in hers.
From The Secret Portal Part Two. Carmen's perspective in a flashback to when she was 18 and leaving her uncle's house forever.
I padded across the hall toward the stairs. Past Uncle Omar’s room. I took the stairs one at a time, praying that no sound would be made. I reached the ground floor and raced across the large hall to the door. I slid it open and began to cross through. I looked back at the house that I used to call home. The stairs intertwining the gorgeous waterfall. “Fuck you,” I muttered in the darkness, turning my back on it forever, taking the steps with my right foot first for the last time.
This is from The Secret Portal Part One, from the draft I'm working on finally.
Eventually, we entered a clearing where a handful of people were scattered around. “Robbie!” A boy about his age waved him over. “Where were—” he noticed Kelsey. “Oh, you found her.” “Take her to Wade,” said Robbie, passing Kelsey to the other boy, who began leading her further into the clearing. It wasn't until then I realized the strange smoothness of the kid’s movements and glanced down to discover he was flying. A tall blond teen in a letterman helped Kelsey lie on the ground. He held his palms on either side of her head, a soft white aura glimmering off his palms.
This is from The Secret Portal, Part Three, from the last draft. I may keep this scene but maybe not. We'll see. This is in the POV of Jazlyn.
“Close your eyes!” I did, a smile stretching across my face. “Open them up.” When I did, I gasped. “Oh my gosh!” I took the necklace from him, cradling the green gem at the end. “It’s beautiful!” “I remembered you telling me your birthday,” said Ewan. “It’s an emerald. Your birthstone.” I put it around my neck, still not being able to wipe the smile off my face. I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around him. “Thank you.” Ewan returned the embrace. “You’re welcome.”
Would you believe me if I told you I looked EVERYWHERE for ONE INSTANCE where I used this??? Because I did. In the fanfic I never want to touch again. In the old shit I wrote in middle school. EVERYWHERE. Every file I have saved. Nothing. You know what the closest was???
My stomach plummeted. I wanted to be here to find Dr. Ivory. Now everyone would know my plans.
Yeah imagine me Ctrl+F and finally finding something and it's not the right word.
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Maybe drowning in oversized sweaters with G if that’s alright? (Happy October by the way!)
Happy October! I’m changing the prompt just a little bit, because we both know G is more likely to have his leather jacket than a sweater. The jacket is pretty oversized, though, if you’re not as tall as G is. Also, enjoy a whole lot of fall ambience, because it takes me forever to get to the point sometimes.
Fall weather could be so confusing! You’d checked the app this morning and seen that the high was going to be 70 degrees. Hooray! A nice warm day, perfect for the outing you and G had planned. You’d put on a cute outfit and decided against long sleeves. It was going to be warm! You took one more look in the mirror and then off you went to the pumpkin patch!
G met you with a grin and a hug, and the two of you went off to enjoy your day. The weather was warm, with just that hint of a chill that perfect fall days have. It turned out there was a lot to do at the pumpkin patch. You and G explored everything. You went through the corn maze. You took pictures with the goofy photo props, putting your heads through holes so it looked like you were scarecrows. You picked out two perfect pumpkins, which G stored in his inventory. He soon added a bag of apples, a jar of apple butter, several different flavors of honey sticks, and a few other knickknacks. The day passed before you even noticed and soon there was only one thing you hadn’t done: the hay ride.
As the sun began to set, you and G clambered up onto the big hay wagon. You sat together on a bale as the tractor began to pull the wagon slowly through the fields. The light of the sunset made the surrounding trees look like they were glowing. Cool wind rushed by you, making the skin on your bare arms prickle into goosebumps. You shivered and leaned against G.
“Cold, lovely?” he asked.
You nodded. “This is what I get for leaving my jacket at home,” you said.
G gave you a little squeeze and then slipped off his big black jacket. He draped it over your shoulders. “That oughta keep ya warm,” he said with a grin. “Maybe when we get back, we could get some hot cider before I take ya home.”
“I’d like that,” you said. You put the jacket on properly and zipped it up. The sleeves covered your hands and the big fluffy collar kept your neck warm.
You leaned against G again and smiled at him. He smiled back. “Don’t think you get to keep that,” he teased.
You scrunched your hands in the sleeves. “No promises.”
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risesthemoons · 2 years
TTTE AU where everything is the same but TATMR is canon and Henry doesn't leave the Steam Team along with Toby and that Nia is the newest member and Rebecca instead stays at the sheds in Vicarstown with Rosie.
• ( Most of the crap ive wrote in here isnt correct so uhhh please remind me on what parts did i got wrong and i didn't really know on what to do with Toby in this AU. )
I haven't watched TATMR so I have nothing else to add in here other than that in this AU Lady pops in sometimes and appears in DOTD, D10 tries to destroy her again but the Steamies save the day (hooray)
In Forever and Ever, Gordon and Henry goes on strike and complains to STH about the new changes he did to the railway and they were very crossed with him, the two caused an accident for shits and giggles and because of that they have to stay in the sheds(look i didn't finished watching this episode.)
The next day, Nia notices on whats going with the two so with her wise words of wisdom, the two kind of moves on about Edward moving out of the sheds but despite this they still miss him.
Instead of making Rebecca appear out of nowhere in the yard, she makes her way to Knapford station where TFC introduces her to the other engines and they all tooted their whistles, she kind of makes a good impression on her first day, she goes into the sheds(Nia wasnt there)and was quite worried that the others might be faster than her, the next morning, she was very excited.
Then here comes the part where she goes to Vicarstown.
When Rebecca was on her way to Vicarstown, she didn't saw the Flying Scotsman so she took his passengers. Scott realises all of his passengers are gone and he was crossed, so he asked Gordon on where have they've been gone to and he replied " Can you stop calling me little brother 😡, also i think i saw Rebecca going somewhere so i think she has your passengers idk "
Thus he proceeds to chase Rebecca in hot pursuit. ( Along with a disgruntled Gordon sighing. )
Meanwhile, Rebecca has no idea on whats going so she toots her whistle while running happily without knowing Scott and Gordon are chasing after her.
She doesn't hear them so while she did managed to get the passengers to a random ass station, there is trouble.
Scott gets into a somewhat serious accident and Gordon is very concerned.
Rebecca saw what happened so she took Rocky, she apologises to him on what happened but Gordon isnt having it, then TFC arrives and he was VERY VERY CROSSED with Rebecca.
Rebecca proceeds to prove herself and boom all is good like nothing happened at all, she still retains her current personality but some of the engines were quite crossed with her, specifically Gordon(but he kind of forgives her, then insert that one episode where Gordon needs help with the Express and Rebecca helps him yaaaay.)
After that episode, Gordon needs help with the Express because he is " old " so Rebecca decides to pull the Express and she kind of got her reputation back ig???
And Gordon forgives her.
There's this one scene where it shows the engines in the sheds their residing in like Edward now stays in the sheds in Wellsworth with Philip and because that Henry stays at Tidmouth, Rebecca decides to stay at the sheds in Vicarstown.
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northropi · 1 year
my art's been in a weird place forever because like... ok let's just talk about some stuff
as the name of the sideblog alludes to, i'm colorblind, presumably protanopia (all i know clinically is that i definitely have something but just qualitatively judging how things look vs how things look to me i think it's red-deficiency, so protanopia, the rare kind hooray!!!), and thus coloring is always a pain. i simply don't understand how a lot of that works and so kinda screwed myself in the long run i guess by never advancing past sketches with a lot of my art. my shading is lackluster and even if i had the colors right i lack the inuition for how lighting affects them.
only recently was i presented with the idea that just using patches in a translucent black layer was actually not good, and yeah that explains certain things that felt off, but... how does a linear flat decrease in light availability impact saturation? what? i don't even know whether the tip i heard recommended to make it go up or down and it's all really muddied by the fact that obviously everyone has different techniques like this one person who used bands of higher saturation around the main shading patch and when i HAVE to outsource my VERY PERCEPTION OF COLOR to OTHER PEOPLE that is REALLY CONFUSING.
One thing people say every time it comes up is "oh! art by someone who's got a skewed color perception would be cool actually!" And maybe as a one-off gimmick but for my entire generally sorta realistic/surreal body of work, no, no that'd just have tanks that are pink when they should be grey, that sucks and I'm not doing that.
but THEN come the actual problems with just how i draw. i'm really not in the habit of using guides, changing lineweights... like i recently read the Wikipedia article on Executive Dysfunction between projects at work and got to the part where it said the example of just turning in the rough draft as the final draft and i was like "oh. yeah. i do that." having pen pressure sensitivity is really all i have there because my brain just doesn't want to work that into how i function. perspective can be shaky but hey who's good at it anyways? i feel like i've got a good conception of form in spite of this and that probably is thanks to the fact that i was schooled as an engineer so like, yeah, that's... that's my job.
Part of these habits are certainly to do with my current life situation. I don't have the stability in my life to sit down and perform practice art, or to spend very long periods of time on one piece. I don't have the overall mental fortitude or whatever you'd call it to pick up an unfinished piece the next day after sleeping on it for a while so it's sort of do or die. I don't have the self-awareness in the moment to recognize I'm screwing up and I do not have and cannot afford the patience to slow down and fix things. Maybe there's a day some time soon, but never soon enough, where I'll really be able to dissect it all and come out better, but the prerequisite to that is to basically purchase my own fucking house and regain control of my schedule and space. It must sound like I blame a lot of my failings on that but, holy shit, this place just erodes me.
and then there's the fucking technical stuff. sometimes it really does feel like i'm playing catch-up to where i was on paper, and the fact that i don't know how brushes work, make little effort to optimize my brushes, and have never downloaded brush packs from anyone else (can you just use those? is there a credit thing????) probably really compounds this. making that animation stumped me on several levels because i had all the frames i needed but just couldn't put them together- and once i had them i attempted to change some stuff and it just broke things.
In honesty while I'm getting better at internalizing compliments it's very clear people like me for what I depict rather than my ability to depict it well, and I'm proud of that, but sometimes I start feeling old and like I'm never going to really learn anything from this point and that hurts.
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vendettamuses · 1 year
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@kitschd SAID: David was not supposed to be up; being under strict orders to rest. His system was still adjusting to his new downgraded cyberware and while the tremors and reliance on suppressors had stopped, hallucinations still came in flashes. Made him wonder if this was a common side effect or if he really was starting to see the effects of his PTSD. He had managed to get up from his bed, with a blanket draped around his shoulders. He walked absent-mindedly over to Rebecca’s washer and dryer unit, staring at it blankly before sitting right in front of it. When he heard a presence approach him, he simply pointed up to the machine. “Hey, mom? I think we need more eddies for the wash.”. This definitely wasn’t the first time David had mistaken Rebecca as his mom nor was it the last. (David to Rebecca)
⚔️ Randoms Asks // ALWAYS ACCEPTING! ⚔️
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Exasperated was the only word Rebecca could think of to describe this whole situation. Now she knew how Jax felt when she took care of her and Pilar…
Spending every other waking moment returning to the room where she left David bundled up and tucked snugly into the sheets, the back of her mind always lingering on the thought of him and keeping her on the edge of being sick with worry; it was exasperating. Exhausting. But it wouldn’t last forever. She just had to keep reminding herself of that fact.
Jax said this could be a side effect. A pretty sizable one. Rebound neuron hyperactivity. As it turned out, installing cyberware caused tissue damage! Shocking! So removing it meant that the body needed time to heal, and the brain was especially rough about it. Trying to regrow neurons and reconnect synapses that had been replaced by metal and wires for so long took time. It wasn't uncommon for individuals to experience symptoms of cognitive degradation while the brain recovered. Thankfully, it was always a temporary phenomena. Hooray for advancements in medicine. It would be rough, she'd said, but Becca just needed to ride it out until David healed.
Of course, that would be a lot faster and easier if he could stay put.
Suffice to say, when Becca went to check on him and found he wasn't there, she nearly turned the apartment upside down looking for him. Words could not describe the relief she felt seeing him sitting idly in front of her washing machine, watching the cycle turn and turn. Her grip on the gun in her hand loosened and she sighed, setting it down on the counter beside her. "David..." she sighed to herself, her other hand coming up to rub at her temple. Truth be told, it broke her heart to hear him so spaced out, especially when it meant being confused for his mother. She couldn't shake the fear of somehow having to tell him she wasn't - that his mother was dead.
So she played along as best she could without encouraging it.
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"It should be fine, David," she hummed, reaching into the drawer just under the counter to scrape up a couple of physical eddies that had been sitting there for who knows how long. "I think we have enough, but if not, here. Use these." She stepped over, leaving the money on the seat beside him.
Looked like she'd be lingering in the doorway for a while, until either the load finished or he snapped out of it. Just another day in the apartment.
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racetobachelorisland · 8 months
2024 maxchael van horsey yapping
the ENTIRE Plot out of the way, there’s something so AGHFHAHGSJWHDJWJJ🔥🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️❤️❤️ about an intelligent arrogant actor who’s a perfectionist with very high morals about acting, and a nice dumb superficial reality tv star who was stunt cast as a lead having any sort of positive relationship through the dorothy filter
but it makes sense for michael’s character, not just because he’s a hypocrite, he values the person’s commitment and risk taking and focus !!! that’s what sandy had, that’s what max had!!!! even if the two aren’t necessarily good actors or anything like michael, sandy is literally one of Michael’s closest friends and michael (as dorothy) was able to form a friendship with someone you’d assume would be his biggest enemy I MEAN. evil man director, freeloader famous man RON CARLISLE AND MAX FALL UNDER THE SAME CATEGORY!! also on tour dorothy brushed off her annoyance towards max the second he mentioned reading shakespeare and got so excited so I think she’s just autism with it
( michaels a dick sure but people mischaracterize him so bad as this evil monster who spends the entire show treating his friends horribly 😢 )
but anyways john ((shout out to him for being the cast member who talked the most about his character, it saved 2019 and 2020 and 2022 and 2023 and um 2024 me cuz I just re listened to the laura heywood podcast I cant believe bi max has been canon for 5 years this year.)) BUT ANYWAYS BASED ON WHAT JOHN HAS SHARED ABOUT MAX he is presumably the only character that actually ends up forgiving michael ((chz julie is kinda up to interpretation)) which makes sense and NOT BECAUSE HES AN IDIOT but because
max didnt have to deal with as much burdens and lies michael left as julie and rita, whos relationships with dorothy were founded on womanhood. I mean after getting heartbroken and finding out the woman he was in love with and also had an infected tattoo of her face on his chest didn’t exist, Max continues Juliets Nurse with the new actress and then tries to do more acting with his newfound confidence that he gained FROM dorothy, AND realizes he still loves dorothy as michael :( the whole thing is awesome because hooray no longer dependent on your looks and body being the only worthy part of yourself ! hooray self esteem boosted ! hooray self discovery ! oh did I mention he hosts tv show after tootsie as well :D I wanna be a tv show host on day BUT as for his feelings for michael…..Painfully One Sided💔💔💔RIPMAX VAN HORN🙏
It’s hard to imagine they could maintain a friendship after tootsie in the sense that its kinda hard for me to figure out that the various scenarios I’ve thought of over the years would even be accurate considering how loud and delusional max is about his feelings, and if michael would even feel the same and how would that affect their chances at a friendship and AND. if Julie and Michael were to end up together that’d be the end of it 😭 Max seems to end up fine anyway so even if it’s a bittersweet ending, like sandys arc, michaelmaxxing ended, self respectmaxxing was achieved🙏 I need to make a separate post for the sandy/max parallels and their relationships with michael/dorothy BECAUSE THEYRE SO!!!! GOOD!!! I COULD WRITE ESSAYS
John mentioned that he tried to push for a line that would wrap up Maxs story in the end but it never found its way in and I feel like that would’ve changed the game…..Johnny Boy..Ty for ur service :3
but WUTEVER in my head dorothy and max shakespeare infodump and make out wrapped the ninja turtles blanket and my name is max and im wrapped in the same ninja turtles blanket and my dorothy isnt infodumpimg tootsie and making out w me so ima file a complaint real quick not cool bro. here is my favorite max and dorothy interaction frm the newer/and now unfortunately cut forever lines
max: you know, we should rehearse together sometime!
dorothy: sure! lets exchange numbers.
max: ….wont that confuse people trying to call us?
Edit: Ok technically he does spend the entire show treating his friends horribly
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ami-s-place · 3 years
Hey, hope you are doing okay! I have an ask, it’s related to the replaced mc au. Could you write a scenario where the brothers leave mc for r/n but mc becomes more popular (basically thriving) without the brothers and they apologise? It’s okay if you don’t want to, take care of your self and I live your replaced mc au lol
Yesss!!! Finally an ask hooray 🎉🎉🎉
Sorry if it isn’t as good as you hoped haha
Idk I’m sorry I don’t like how this turned out should I continue it?
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R/n was a beautiful witch no wonder why all the brothers liked her over you
All you could think about was how r/n was better than you
You were in the living room scrolling through devilgram seeing r/n and the brothers you were self loathing and couldn’t stop
‘Stupid r/n fucking little bitch’
Deep down you liked her and were just jealous but pushed all your feelings out of the way
‘Why can’t I be as pretty and strong and likeable as her’
‘No one will ever like me or worship me like they worship r/n’
You grew tired of all the negative thoughts and went to Solomon
‘If they don’t like me for how I am now then they can just kiss my fucking ass’
You wanted to thrive like r/n
Your whole mood turned upside down although you knew it would crawl back to get you
Your happiness can’t last forever but you chose to hold on to it for as long as possible
You knocked on the door regretting your decision’s
‘I probably can’t use magic like r/n’
‘Things won’t go my way I bet’
‘Too late to turn back now he’s opened the door’
“Oh, hello mc”
“Hey, Solomon uh-“
Solomon tilted his head curious of what you had to say
“Uhm could you maybe teach me to be like uh ,to be like a powerful sorcerer like you?”
“Sure, why is that?”
“Oh it’s just…”
“It’s nothing I just want to be better in my classes”
“Okay then”
Then you realised what would being more powerful than r/n give you?
Or just shallow happiness.
‘No! I’m doing this for my sake!’
“Hey! Mc stop day dreaming”
“Oh sorry Solomon”
You were learning his techniques and copying them to perfection you’ve always had a nick for copying
‘If I become more powerful than r/n then the brothers have to respect me!’
But what if you became popular
Maybe like an idol!
Could you be a idol in hell?
Maybe get diavolo to fall head over heels for you
Your session was over with Solomon with him teleporting you back home because you were thinking more than doing anything
Or… I could get Solomon to date me then I’d be popular!
But… why
There’s no point for anything I’m just a failure nothing I’ll do will make me pretty or popular like r/n
I’ll just be the most independent powerful beautiful human in devildom..
But r/n is already that..
What can I do I’m just so confused I’ve got nothing special just a human that was unluckly
You decided that you were sick and tired of the brothers and wanted to seek reconciliation with diavolo
Of course diavolo knew what was happening he was the prince of hell and you knew that he hated being respected for being a prince
You stuck with the lessons with Solomon and quickly you were becoming powerful and at a fast rate but it was only because you were a descendant of Lilith but you’ve always been magically lucky
Always winning prizes in the human or the lotto but only the 100,000 ones but still
Why don’t you just go to purgatory hall, well it’s a bit too angelic and you weren’t so holy
But you realised how attractive diavolo is maybe luck would be on your side
And you could snatch diavolo
You were kinda close and weren’t so polite with him but he didn’t mind
(Omg how did this turn out this way wtf)
“Yes? Mc may I ask why you’re here?”
He’s godly voice said
“Uhm yes so this might be a lot to ask but may I live here? I find it a bit of a challenge to live with the brothers, I don’t really have a room anymore”
“Oh my, the brothers have said that they were treating you fine.”
“Yes I’m sorry for so suddenly asking”
“No no- it’s fine”
“Where will I stay?”
“We do have a guest room but you can always stay in my room” he gave a charming wink
“Oh, okay then” he wasn’t expecting for you to be so bold
Should I continue this?
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