#forensic science best notes
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Bruce looking past the fact that (recently adopted) Danny is a powerhouse and recognizing that he has other skills also. <3
Danny is a STEM kid and just as brilliant as his sister, you cannot convince me otherwise
Danny gave Bruce the handwritten list of powers in the morning. Bruce stared at it over his cup of coffee, then gave Danny a flat, somewhat disbelieving look. Danny shrugged sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Sorry,” he said, perching on one of the stools. “I can point out the ones I don’t use if you just want to work on the ones I do. At least I have an idea of what needs improving with those.” Alfred gave him a cup of coffee and a plate of bacon and French toast, and Danny smiled at him. “Thanks, Alfred.”
“We’ll have to prioritize your training,” Bruce allowed after a moment, frowning down at the paper. Dick leaned over to look and whistled. “But all of these will be addressed eventually. You should have at least a moderate grasp of every tool at your disposal.” He looked up. “You intended to work in the lab today, correct?”
Danny nodded, playing with a strip of bacon. “I’ll probably spend most of today making a big batch of phaseproof coating,” he said. “Then I can experiment with mixing it with paint and maybe coat some of your spare weapons in it? That should work for the bo staff and escrima sticks, maybe a set of brass knuckles. But I’ll need to make a different solution for the edged weapons.” His mind wandered, thinking of how he could adapt what he knew of the Bats’ gear to work against ghosts.
“Who’re the brass knuckles for?” Dick asked, raising an eyebrow at Danny. Danny flushed and shrugged.
“Batman,” he said. “You don’t really use a weapon, right?” Bruce grunted. “But phaseproof cloth isn’t something my parents ever really figured out. I can work on it, maybe, but I thought brass knuckles would be an okay compromise for now.”
“Good thinking,” Dick praised with a smile. “It’ll be easy to add to the utility belt too. Should we ghostproof my main set or a spare?”
“The main, I think, if you’re okay with it,” Danny said, tilting his head thoughtfully. “You probably won’t even notice. But the edged weapons should all be spares. Ecto-treated metal tends to glow.”
“Not great for stealth,” Dick nodded. “Whatever you think is best, baby spook. We have the resources.”
“You’re hyper-specialized,” Bruce noted without inflection, sipping from his coffee. Danny winced.
“Sorry,” he muttered. It was easy to forget that all this was pretty useless outside of Amity Park. Bruce shook his head.
“It’s not a problem. But we’ll need to diversify your skillset. Your talent for chemistry and engineering should expand beyond ectoscience alone.” He studied Danny contemplatively. “Higher education might be beneficial, perhaps a PhD.”
Danny’s eyes went wide. “What? I’m barely passing high school!”
“I had Casper High send over your transcripts,” Bruce said. Danny flinched. “You had a B+ average in middle school, with a particular bent for math and science. You also participated in several advanced extracurriculars, including a junior astronaut program, space camp, and competitive robotics. Further, you clearly have a comprehensive understanding of your parents’ work, which eludes both the Justice League engineers and JL Dark. You had these talents prior to acquiring your powers, and it would be a waste to discard them in favor of your raw combat ability.”
Danny stared at Bruce, open-mouthed and speechless. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d considered even the possibility that he could have a future outside of his hero career.
“…Do you think I could do that and be a superhero?” he managed after a minute, quieter than he’d meant to.
Bruce nodded sharply. “Most Justice League heroes maintain a career outside of heroics,” he reminded Danny, without even sounding like he thought Danny was an idiot for asking. “Aside from myself, there is also a Pulitzer prize-winning journalist, a museum curator, a forensic scientist, and a fighter pilot.”
Danny had known that on some level, but it had always seemed unreal. Practically a myth. “When am I going back to school?” he asked, hardly able to believe that he was suddenly looking forward to it.
“At the beginning of next semester,” Bruce said. “Your parents’ trial should be completed by then. I assume you don’t want to be announced publicly until that happens.” Danny shook his head fervently. “You may need to complete some make-up classes online, but we can discuss that next week.”
“Thanks,” Danny said sincerely. He was talking about a lot more than his re-enrollment.
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I Know Those Eyes, Part 1
one dramatic in-universe reveal per chapter, let's go!
writing based purely on vibes, but i do have an actual plot brewing.
@grimdarling69 made more feel free to dm things you might want different
Prologue here
Tim had been the first to see the shape of his family’s future collective stress nightmares.
He’d been right there, after all. He had been asleep in the Batcave when Damian had decided to… he’d been right there, waking up to a single chance, loud noise Damian normally would have never made, with a chance to stop him, bring him to the others, talk it out, find a solution to whatever Luthor had been planning with concentrated Lazarus water. But he hadn’t woken up fast enough.
He had nightmares about that night for years. Sometimes, he knows exactly what’s going to happen and lets it happen anyway. Sometimes, he gets Damian to promise he’ll talk it out, only for him to run when Tim’s back is turned. The worst are the ones where he stops him, and everything works out for the best, and Tim wakes up and remembers what actually happened. Sometimes, he wakes up after getting to see Damian grow up, take on a new mantle, and haze a new Robin.
He always dismissed those dreams as filtering a fresh wave of grief through his knowledge of forensic analysis. He’d seen both Talia and Bruce, therefore he could map rough predictions of what he would grow up to look like, once he hit various milestones. It was all academic, since he would never get the chance to prove what he would have… been.
At least up until Oracle called him to verify something.
(“Red Robin, I need a judgment call.”
“A judgment call? Seriously? What exactly is stopping you from sending this to–”
“Luthor might be alive again. Check the footage I’ve sent you.”)
And… sure enough… here Tim was, three cups of coffee into an all-nighter, manually highlighting every shot in the security camera footage he’d been sent of a visiting CEO of a new tech startup that showed the man’s features. Which, actually, weren’t a lot, but once he started going through them all–yeah, that was Luthor alright. Same build, same face, the only thing that son of a bitch did was grow hair.
Like that wouldn’t have been the first disguise anyone who saw Lex Luthor would have suggested. Hair! Long, practically a lion’s mane of the stuff, tied into a low ponytail, with one of those chin beard things to hide the shape of his face more! All of it silvered by age and possible Lazarus contamination, and he hated that Luthor might purposely be affecting a ‘silver fox’ look.
And the worst part is it would have worked if anyone had removed him from the high priority list for being flagged for recognition. Tim almost had, but… Lazarus water. A mysterious death around concentrated Lazarus water. And apparently he had been, once again, completely right!
Tim had been furious by the time he’d combed through enough angles of his face getting out of a sleek black car to confirm, without a doubt, who he was. But then, the passenger side door had opened. All his anger had become shock. His hands shook as he opened a different, far more heavily encrypted profile.
Damian Wayne, priority 0.
Almost nothing came back an exact match, of course. The growth between 14 and 18 would have affected every feature, and the footage wasn’t nearly good enough to lift a retinal pattern or fingerprint from a distance (he noted the black gloves and mirrored shades blocking both), not to mention forensic prediction wasn’t an exact science, and beyond all of that, he could be totally wrong and Luthor was hauling out a clone, or a doppelgänger-
But as each feature lined up in his predictive model, as he watched the young man get out, brusquely close his door, and fall in at Luthor’s side without a word, a (surprisingly slight, far closer to Talia than Bruce) shadow falling into his wake like it was old habit, Tim felt certain he was right. He was certain he had dreamed of a world where Damian lived long enough to have that exact face. He called Oracle back.
“Hey, Oracle? I need a judgment call.”
It had taken minutes for Vlad and Danny to begin calling each other by their original names again. It had taken far longer, however, to get back to a familiar dynamic.
Oh, in the short term, it hadn’t been a problem at all. However, it was simply a matter of fact they had both led very different lives before remembering who they were meant to be. Vlad’s disgust at who he had been had colored much of his early days reclaiming his ghost half, and Daniel…
A childhood as a trained assassin had not been kind on the boy. Parts of Damian Al Ghul had needed to be chipped away over these last few years, most especially the fear of the League of Assassins that still hummed through him. Thankfully, Vlad had some help on that front and oh flaky pastry he was smiling again-
Though on second thought he supposed a warm and fatherly smile would help distance himself from ‘Lex’ Luthor. Yes, Lionel Vladimir Luthor, CEO and founder of VladCo, would be a man of warmth and fatherly compassion, and absolutely no one would suspect how thoroughly he could destroy them until they had dared to cross the line.
“You know we passed a dozen security cameras, right?” came a quiet voice to his left, the young man’s eyes flashing an even brighter green on occasion behind the shaded glasses he used to mask as Vlad’s bodyguard.
Oh, Daniel. So paranoid these days.
“Really? I only counted eight,” he replied, as the two of them were waved in by the desk clerk of their hotel.
“You’re not being creative enough with the word ‘security’. We’re meeting investors with ties to organized crime.”
Ah. So they were connected to weapons instead of larger networks of cameras. Classic Gotham City logic. Why only be corrupt, when you could be corrupt and violent? Though, it wasn’t as if he and his companion had to be careful anymore.
It had taken years to get to this point. Reclaiming their ghost halves, their powers, their lairs, their titles–their many, many titles, in Daniel’s case. Not to mention dear Daniela and Dante had taken years to recover, were still recovering, really, but at least now they could be comfortable staying with a substitute caregiver-
“Oh, any word from Frostbite?” he asked absently as he plugged the number code into the elevator to bypass the purposefully broken button for their intended floor. He had never encountered these kinds of silly little spy games after regaining his memories, it was almost endearingly pointless now.
“Nothing critical,” Daniel said with a small smile as they found their way to their specific unmarked door.
That meant there were pictures. Well. Good reason to get this nonsense done quickly. He raised a hand to knock.
“Game face, badger. We have a foundation to lay here.”
“Right back at you, frootloop,” said Daniel, slipping back into the resting scowl of his new childhood.
Honestly. Spy games. Next to what he and Daniel had planned?
Minor leagues.
-dramatic reveal in this chapter: the lazarus tech event brought back its victims.
-i don’t want to spoil their whole plan here but they’ve got obsessions to feed that are aligning super well right now and vlad wants to take the opportunity to show he cares and ruthlessly fuck over people who have personally wronged daniel/damian along the way.
-yes i am referencing the name used by luthor's father in the tv show, but in practice i'm referring to the time superman died and luthor pretended to be his own son, replete with luxurious hair.
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Okay I have a visceral need for a hannigram time travel fic but instead of the typical Will or Hannibal fix-it, the person that time travels back is none other than Frederick fucking Chilton. Like imagine Chilton wallowing around all crispy and stuff after being human torched wondering what he’s done to deserve everything he’s been through. And when he’s finally okay enough to be discharged from the hospital to go home, an anvil falls on him or smth. And as he’s lying there incredulously, he’s like, yknow what? Im not even upset about this. I think Ive suffered enough near death experiences. Please just let this one put me out of my misery. And as his eyes finally drift shut, he hears an alarm blaring in his face. An alarm from his phone. His phone which, when he goes to shut it off, displays an impossible sequence of numbers— the plastic screen shinning with a date from four years past.
So after freaking out and confirming that he is indeed in the past, (and weeping in joy over his unmutilated body) Frederick does the obvious— he packs his bags, pays a visit to the bank, and gets on the next available flight out of the country.
And then his plane crashes and he dies.
But of course he doesn’t die because that seems to be a common theme in Frederick Chilton’s life!
So he’s jolting out of bed again to that same alarm and he tries not to tear his own face off (not that he would ever actually do that cause he knows how easily he could lose that precious face). And (after a few more tries) since this time loop bs isn’t letting him run away, he does the next best thing— phoning the FBI with a tip so that they would investigate Hannibal Lecter and put him behind bars for good. But of course Hannibal somehow finds out and discretely shakes the FBI off his trail while simultaneously sending one of his murderer protégés after Frederick. And so not even a month passes by before Frederick finds himself dying and waking to that infuriating alarm again.
And he keeps going through different loops trying to avoid being “murder tableau of the week”, but failing miserably every time. After dying for what feels like an infinite number of times, he’s realized two main consistencies. Number one, he can’t personally expose Hannibal Lecter as the ripper if he doesn’t want to be gutted, and two, the sooner Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter begin their weird courtship, whether from Frederick’s deliberate meddling or from ripples of unrelated actions, somehow he’s left with much less blood and chaos in the aftermath. In one incredible timeline, Frederick even managed to only sustain one life threatening disembowelment for three years before accidentally making a rude comment about Will Graham’s lack of a social life, thereby leading to a cold death in the Atlantic.
After this revelation, he vows to get Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter to bang each other as soon as possible for the sake of his own self preservation— going through elaborate plans like befriending and recruiting the FBI’s forensics team, or snapping Jack Crawford out of his obliviousness so he’d bluntly give them a nudge, or even once flirting with Will Graham himself to get Hannibal Lecter jealous (note: that attempt did NOT end up well).
And one day, after a shocked text from his “Sassy Science Matchmaking Squad” group chat proclaiming that Hannibal and Will, lovingly dubbed Hannigram by the group, had spontaneously quit their jobs and run away to Europe together, Frederick suddenly realizes he hasn’t been stabbed or burned or maimed or drowned or disemboweled once! He thinks back to his early success in this timeline— silently high fiving with Beverly and Jimmy (Zeller, the spoilsport, had refused to partake) while voyeuristically watching Will and Hannibal shyly having their first kiss in the shadows of a filthy crime scene. In fact, he didn’t think anyone in their immediate circle had been stabbed or burned or maimed or drowned or— well you get the point.
And as one year turns to two to four to eight with no word from Hannibal or Will except the occasional postcard, a sort of cautious optimism starts building in Frederick’s heart. The years continue to fly by until one day, Frederick finds that his hair has turned a snowy white, and that his legs are too weak to support his aching body. He tries to take in a breath to laugh but it comes out as a wheeze. He’s at the end of the line once more, but this time at the end of a healthy, fulfilling life. His only wish is that he’s finally allowed to move on. And as he feels his life slowly drifting away from him, Frederick wonders if he’s accomplished whatever divine mission that godforsaken time loop had wanted him to complete. It really feels like he did the best he could this life, preventing every possible death on the East Coast by sending Hannibal and Will packing early. Sure, he feels bad for the poor suckers in Florence or Paris that were probably flambéed for a pretentiously fancy brunch, but realistically, those two would always leave a body count no matter where they went.
All Frederick wants now is to pass in peace. With a heavy sigh, Frederick willingly closes his eyes one last time, content to move on into whatever lies in the beyond.
And he dies. For real this time. Woohoo!
The End
#hannibal#hannigram#hannibal lecter#will graham#frederick chilton#crack pseudo-fic??#i dont know what possessed me to write this#i havent slept for 27 hours#nheswrites
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So I came across this ad in an old comic for a GI Joe "Bulletman" doll

And I know Bulletman (and Bulletgirl) are real, actual people/super-heroes from World War II and beyond.
So I'm thinking there has to be some kind of story here?
Well the explanation is pretty simple. Bulletman and Bulletgirl were WAY more popular than posterity remembers them as. And some Hasbro artist was obviously from Fawcett City or nearby Philadelphia

(The cover of a Bulletman war bond comic. It was the most successful war bond comic of the entire war) While Fawcett City, Pennsylvania where the duo hung their helmets was NOT wanting for heroes during the war or members of the Squadron to split the weight (for instance, Mr Scarlet and Pinky, the Spy Smasher and Ibis the Invincible all called the Thunderstorm City home) Bulletman and Bulletgirl were the city's most beloved protectors. The people of Fawcett City identified with them the same way the people of modern Metropolis do with Superman. This love made them one of the most personally popular duos of the war. While the JSA was more well known and respected as an institution, the individual members were less well known (with the obvious exceptions of The Flash and Green Lantern). Outside of the JSA's membership the only other heroes that come close to the gravity this pistol-like pair exerted on the entire country would be TNT and Dan the Dyna-Mite out of Washington DC but of course TNT was killed tragically early on in the war itself leaving Bulletman and Bulletgirl as the last pair standing. The best way to see this popularity in action is just to GO to Fawcett City, whose NBA team is still called the Fawcett City Bullets (basketball fans can either cheer or hiss in the notes, makes no difference to me). The city's main forensics lab, the Barr Criminal Science Unit is named after Bulletman and that's not counting every other thing in the city that's named after Barr. Including but not limited to, a street, a school library, two baseball diamonds, the University of Fawcett's criminal justice building AND the city's special cocktail the Blind Bullet. If you want a fun way to commit suicide you can neck one of them every time you see a bullet or a lightning bolt on something in the city's shopping district. Their memory is kept alive in the modern day by their daughter, soldier Deanna Barr who operates on a part time basis under the heroic name Windshear literally just using her mother's 80 year old costume.
#dc#dcu#dc comics#dc universe#superhero#comics#tw unreality#unreality#unreality blog#ask game#ask blog#asks open#please interact#worldbuilding#bulletman#jim barr#bulletgirl#susan barr
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Alt+Nerd= <3 Pope x (f) reader
| Warnings:
| Summary: The bubbly alt girl falls for Pope, the nerdy and serious guy.
| (a/n): I had a good reaction to the alt reader x obx so I wanted to continue that a little bit :) I'm so tired so if this is awful I apologize but I had fun writing it so that's really what counts right? Not proof read.
Leaning up against the lockers you watched as the whole pouge friend group walked past, sighing to yourself. Since freshman year you had had a thing for the smart one, Pope. He was so cute and serious and when he got all serious it made him even cuter and more adorable in your eyes. He was misunderstood and looked over a lot for John B and JJ. And even when he wasn't being looked over, he rarely noticed when girls hit on him. Green flags tbh.
But this brings you back to today...as you watched them all walk passed you knew you were probably not his type considering he was dating Kiara but a girl can dream. You had your black and blue hair straightened and pulled back into pigtails, neon green glasses, black cropped hoodie, skinny jeans, and orange nike airs on. "Hey! You ready for class?" your best friends voice snapped you out of your trance.
"Oh yeah, sorry," you shook your head and smiled before grabbing your bag and walking to AP biology. Tapping your pen on the desk, you day dreamed as the teacher went over the previous test. This was your favorite class but today you were just distracted. Before you knew it, the bell rang and you realized you hadn't taken a single note. Shit you thought. But that's when you had the idea... "Hey Pope!" you yelled after the boy as you ran to catch up to him.
"Uh...hi?" he looked at you confused. Honestly fair considering you have had probably two conversations with him in total. "What's up?"
"Oh, well...I kinda have a problem," you began. "Is there anyway you can go over the science notes from today with me? I didn't quite get all of it." Correction, I was staring at you like a total stalker for the entire class and wasn't paying any attention.
"Oh uh, yeah sure. Meet me at lunch and I'll give you my notes," Pope said as you nodded.
"Lucky I have the smartest guy in school in my class!" you responded cheerfully.
"Well technically Thomas Jennings is the number 1 in our class so he would be the smartest. I'm probably top five-" he rambled on before you cut him off.
"Pope," you stated. "Take the compliment and go with it. A cute girl is calling you smart."
As lunch rolled around, you met up with him and you copied down his notes from the day. "I like your glasses by the way." This snapped you out of you concentration.
"I'm sorry?" you asked not quite processing.
"Your glasses," he smiled. "They're cool. I like them."
"Oh," blushing hard core, you smiled. "Thank you!"
"Sorry if this is weird," he started, scratching the back of his neck. "You remind me of someone."
"Yeah? And who might that be?" you put your pen down and smiled. You were in the conversation now. Can't take this for granted.
"Abbey from NCIS," this time he came across as shy.
"Wait, no way! Thank you so much! I've always loved her and Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds. I think that's where my style comes from. But Oh my God Thank you!" you knew you were rambling but fuck it. "Wait you watch NCIS?"
"Oh yeah, I love that show," Pope chuckled at your enthusiasm. "I always wanted to be like Duckie. I want to be a coroner."
"That's so dope," you smiled. "I want to go into forensics."
"That's not people's usual reaction to that," he stated.
You could stare into his eyes all day, good God, "Hey, we should meet up at the wreck after school. I mean if you want."
"Yeah! My friends and I were already planning on meeting up there later," he started. "You can come with us."
"Ok! I would love that!," this time it was your turn to chuckle. "Maybe after we can have some alone time? Just the two of us?"
"Wait...what?" the quizzical look he had on his face was adorable.
"Here," you said grabbing his arm and writing your number down. "I've been flirting with you for the past half hour for the record." You winked at him and started grabbing your things.
"I-I'll text you," he called after you and JJ looked over at him giving him a thumbs up. You knew he was watching you leave as you walked out of the cafeteria.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip After Shool~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
As soon as you got home, you got ready to meet up with the pouges and considering this was the first time, and you were hanging out with pope, you had to look decent. Deciding on ripped black skinny jeans and a blue halter top with David Bowie vans high tops, you threw your hair into a half up half down bun and put on some lashes. Your green glasses still adorning your face. Dabbing on some lip gloss, you took one final look at yourself in the mirror before heading out.
Pope's friends were really nice and very chill honestly! Kiara was standoffish at first but quickly warmed up. And you learned Sarah Cameron was nothing like you expected! "So Ms. (Y/n)," JJ exclaimed throwing his arm over your shoulder. "Pope has told us a lot about you." Pope was signaling for him to shut the fuck up but that's not what JJ does.
"Has he now?" you giggled looking over at him.
"I wouldn't say a alot..." Pope was trying to hide his face now.
"Really?" JJ began. "So she isn't the cool, colored hair girl who is the only person who is better in science than you?"
"And she isn't the sweet and talkative girl who reminds you of...what's that show again?" Kiara chimed in laughing and using hand motions.
"Ok, ok, leave him alone," John B very kindly said. "And the show is NCIS."
"That's right!" everyone exclaimed at once embarrassing him and making you laugh and look at him sweetly.
"So exactly how smart are you to be better at Pope in something?" Sarah asked putting a french fry in her mouth.
"Oh, um," you were blushing now from the attention. "I'm just freakishly good at science. He's still smarter than I am." He smiled and shook his head at you. After a couple hours the two of you snuck off, but not without whistles from the others. Walking down to the shoreline, having your feet touch the water as you looked at the shells and things washing up. "Thank you for inviting me to hang out with you and your friends."
"Oh, it's no problem," he stated. "Thanks for writing your number on my arm. JJ was proud." This caused you to chuckle a little bit.
"Earlier you said I wasn't what you expected," you said softly. "You aren't what I expected either."
This time his facial expression was nervous as he snapped his head to look at you, "In a good way or a bad way?"
Smiling widely up at him, "In the best way."
"Do I have permission to kiss you?" he asked slightly awkwardly.
"Always," you responded sweetly. As your lips met, it was everything you had dreamed of. His hand came to rest on your face gently as he pulled you in closer causing you to throw your arms around his neck. The nerdy guy kissing the goth girl in the moonlight? How many cliches can you guys check off at once? But none the less, this was the perfect night.
#obx#john b routledge#jj maybank#rafe cameron#outer banks#obx fanfiction#kiara carrera#pope heyward#pope x reader#pope heyward x reader#pope obx x reader#pope obx fanfiction#obx imagine#obx fanfic#obx fic#pope x y/n
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hey, what's your major again?
summary: my credible expert opinion on what the aot characters would study in university. what are my qualifications? the dozens of hours i’ve spent staring at my school’s program bulletin trying to figure out what i’m majoring in
genre | includes: headcanons, sfw, minor language, uninformed percy jackson reference (pls don't hate me if im wrong)
characters: eren jaeger, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, sasha braus, jean kirschtein, connie springer, historia reiss, ymir, reiner braun, annie leonhardt
author’s note: had this in my drafts for months now. i just need to post it so it stops haunting me. might do the rest of the marleyans and vets in the future! lmk your thoughts, my only tumblr notifications are from p*rn bots, so i'd love to hear from real people lol. enjoy <3
eren: sociology and public policy, 4+1 program for a social work masters
there’s only so many times you can hear “you’re gonna be a doctor just like your dad” before you start to believe it. that’s why eren started out with biology on the premed track. the thing is, he really didn’t care for it. eren is really passionate about lessening equity gaps and is a firm believer in “if you want something done right, do it yourself”. this is why i see him making the switch to a double major in public policy and sociology. he wants to know about how society got to the point of perpetuating disparities so that he can fix them. but he also knows that the government fucking sucks and thinks its naive to expect policy change to be the only method of change. and like the maniac he is, eren is enrolled in a 4+1 program so he can get his master’s in social work when he’s done with his undergrad. he’s determined to graduate with both degrees in just 4 years though. rip his summers.
armin: international relations and military ethics, minor in communications or smth
everyone always says armin would study marine biology or oceanographic studies, but i honestly think that it’s a passion that he pursues on the side. he takes marine bio courses for his breadth requirements, but knows he’d end up hating the ocean if he spent the rest of his life studying it. he also strikes me as someone who would rather run buck naked into traffic than sit through multiple semesters of organic chemistry. armin was always a good public speaker, though, despite being a bit insecure. that’s why his speech and debate teacher during sophomore year of high school recommended model united nations to him. he was hooked after his first conference and now genuinely sees the path of international diplomacy as his calling. that’s why he’s majoring in international relations. his concentration in military ethics is something he tacks on in his junior year after taking some courses and publishing research with dr. erwin smith. he probably minors in communications because he can.
mikasa: forensic science
mikasa had no idea what she wanted to do when she started uni. she’s good at nearly everything. like never gotten a B in her life and is the student who the curve is based off of. but excelling in every environment you’re put in often means you don’t know what you’re best at. she knew deep down that she wanted to do something justice related like her childhood best friends did, but she’s no public speaker and has no interest in political reform. she was, however, emo in high school and heard a fair share of undertaker jokes at her expense. it wouldn’t hurt to look into right? as cool as the title sounds, morticians don’t make enough money for the job they have. fortunately enough, forensic pathologists do and mikasa looks good in a lab coat. she would never admit it to spare armin and eren’s feelings, but when they, as children, recreated the crime-solving shows mrs. jaeger always had on, mikasa always wanted to be the brains. so criminology and forensic science it is. (side note: she definitely joins the military and they pay for her education)
jean: structural engineering and industrial design with a minor in studio art
more than anything, jean wants to provide for his mom and knows he can’t guarantee a retirement of luxury for her as the freelance artist he wishes he could be. he’s decent at math when he tries and doesn’t hate physics, so he decided he’d give structural engineering a try for at least a semester or two. he wasn’t expecting to get much from it, to be honest. he had a plethora of backup plans waiting for his supposedly inevitable distaste for engineering, but he found that he didn’t hate it at all. someone once told jean that he had the makings of a great leader and he didn’t believe them until he started taking the lead on design projects and producing incredible results. his only qualm is that he just doesn’t get to be as creative as he wanted to be. that was easily rectified by an additional major in industrial design and a minor in studio art. he’s unbelievably busy, busier than he anticipated when he started his post-secondary journey, but he’s content and there’s nothing some extra coffee can’t solve.
sasha: environmental science and sustainability
sasha spent her childhood ankle-deep in mud and fighting her way through forest thickets without a compass. an upbringing like that doesn’t leave your spirit, no matter how far into the city you go for school. so sasha’s always been passively passionate about the environment. that passiveness became significantly more prominent when part of the woods she grew up in was cleared out to build an industrial complex. it was then that she started researching and writing petitions about preserving wildlife and making environmentally conscious decisions. her work actually got her the scholarship she’s on (because god knows it wasn’t her grades). and she genuinely loves what she does, so why wouldn’t she keep learning about it? the environmental science and sustainability program at the school is small, but tight-knit and known for churning out changemakers. sasha knows she’ll be one of them one day. just hide your plastic straws from her, okay?
connie: computer science and chinese
stick with me here okay? everyone expects connie to be a douchebag marketing major whose hardest assignments are graphing functions and making posters on photoshop, but he’s a lot more invested in his education than he looks. don’t get me wrong, connie has always struggled academically, but that’s because so much of early education is pre-determined. he performed way better when he could choose what courses he took. it’s kind of like percy jackson being dyslexic in english because he was wired to read in greek. connie can’t keep his eyes on a history textbook for shit, but will gladly sit in front of the c++ code on his pc for hours. he doesn’t even get mad when he realizes that he was missing a semicolon. connie loves how versatile of a future he could have with a compsci degree, because, let’s be real, he could never survive in a typical office environment. definitely takes a bunch of chinese classes and doesn’t realize that he has enough credits for it to be a minor until his second to last semester.
historia: political science with a minor in international relations and child development
historia is a lot like eren in the sense that she knows her time is best spent doing hands-on work in the fields she cares about. she realizes this sometime after reconnecting with her estranged father and volunteering at the orphanage she grew up in. but now that she’s publicly associated with a powerful political figure, historia doesn’t get to do what she wants, only what is expected of her. that’s how she ends up on the pre-law political science and public policy route. the nickname “ms. president” that connie and sasha give her only further reminds her that she’s heading down a path she never wanted for herself. after lots of encouragement from ymir, historia decided to take child development courses on the side. even if she doesn’t take on the full minor, she’s taking some classes she cares about. maybe she’ll find use for it someday. at the very least, it’s her first step in becoming the most selfish girl in the world.
ymir: data science and business management
ymir is smart. much smarter than she presents herself to be, almost as a form of protection. nobody expects much of someone who is aloof, so it makes it easy to slip through the cracks to remain safe and comfortable in the shadows. business management is notoriously low commitment and easy to skate by with. guaranteed internships, post-graduate employment, and so on. To anyone who doesn’t know ymir well, it’s perfect. but they have her mistaken, ymir will do as little as possible to go as far as possible. sure, she can live comfortably with a business degree, but it could be better with a little bit of data science in her arsenal. she’s intelligent enough to pick up on it, and determined enough to make it her bitch. yeah, academia is a money-sucking pipeline into the capitalist hellscape, she doesn’t believe in it yada yada, but at the end of the day, ymir’s gonna get the bag. so what if she’s gotta sleep through some stats classes to get it?
reiner: behavioral economics
reiner’s mother had convinced him his whole life that getting a high paying job would fix their lives and bring his father back. believing “perfect grades lead to a perfect life” made high school tough for reiner; gifted kid burnout is no joke. it really messed him up. he wasn’t sure if he could withstand the pressures of university, but here he is. reiner was never allowed a therapist, so he figured pursuing psychology would, at the very least, give him some answers and be a good pathway to a medical degree. he loved getting to understand how people work and why they act the way they do, but something was missing. he found out what it was when a guest lecturer spoke in his economics class. he knew making the switch would be risky, it’s a new field and his current career options are really only research, academia, or government, but the interdisciplinary study of behavioral economics is calling reiner’s name.
annie: biomedical engineering and kinesiology
annie’s entire life revolved around her father, including the injury he was never able to heal from. the one she gave him. he’s claimed to be over it, she’s forgiven, but annie will never feel like she’s earned that forgiveness until she gets rid of the problem entirely. how is she going to do that exactly? with biomedical engineering. she has years of hell in front of her, especially with her concentration on biomechanics, but she doesn’t care. annie will throw herself into her work to get the results she wants. she takes the highest amount of credits possible every semester so she can graduate early. you’ll most likely find her chained to a study cubicle at the library at all hours of the day and running on 2 hours of sleep, but it doesn’t faze her. she tacks on a minor in kinesiology because it makes sense and she had most of the credits for it anyway. and as if it couldn’t get worse, she probably TAs for a thermodynamics course or something crazy like that.
© mamasbakeria 2023. do not repost, translate (without permission), or modify
#gbemi.writes#aot#attack on titan#snk#shingeki no kyojin#aot headcanons#snk headcanons#college au#eren jaeger x reader#eren x reader#mikasa ackerman x reader#mikasa x reader#armin arlert x reader#armin x reader#jean kirschtein x reader#sasha braus x reader#connie springer x reader#historia reiss x reader#ymir x reader#reiner x reader#reiner braun x reader#annie leonhardt x reader#eren headcanons#armin headcanons#reiner headcanons
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using this blog as my personal notes app for my writing is so fun anyways heres more to the socmed AU so I don't forget Abt it later
it's a Barty X Reader story BCS he's my recent obsession and very obv it's a modern AU, no magic etc etc the whole works y'all
(yes this is a reader AU sue me I love writing self insert)
Reader - content creator ™️, makes diff kind of content but it's mainly art and video/photography centric, she studied film and cinema but then realized that uni and higher education ™️ in general wasn't her thing, tried a million diff majors until she finally dropped out and started free lancing and realized she quite likes this way of living
Barty - aka BCJR, singer who dropped out of law school like 2 years in and decided to pursue music instead BCS he figured it'll piss his dad off before he realized he actually loves making music
Remus - wrote a book called "Let the Moon speak Tonight" and has literally never done anything else writing wise since, doesn't plan on it either but the book got really popular and thus he's become known as this one guy ™️, he studied English lit and works in a bookshop
Peter - he studies sth with geography or zoology maybe?? or sth with plants?? anyways he's a plant dad ™️ and loves animals so he has a YT channel as well as social accs dedicated to his hobbies, it's surprisingly popular with a bunch of people and they always tend to say he has a soothing sense of humour and a nice voice (also he's constantly doing random ass side quests and people in his comment section will always be like wait isn't this the guy who did/attended/participated/hosted xyz and his friends are like Pete wtaf when did you do that???)
Mary - she runs a jewelry account and a lot of times you'll see her collaborating with a bunch of brands and fashion content creators to bring out THE best looks ever, surprisingly to literally everyone though fashion isn't her main interest or sth she studied it's just a hobby, everyone is always surprised when they find out she is a nursing student and somehow has time to still keep her page running though she often shrugs it off with the explanation that it's not a chore for her but a way to unwind
Lily - food blogger, she gets invited to a shit ton of events and has a knack for connecting with people, she wanted to be a teacher before she got totally burnt out in uni and decided to just try things out to see where life takes her
Marlene - I'm undecided on this but I think she studied business because of her family before realizing it wasn't really sth for her so she ended up switching to sth with dance! she now runs a successful dancing centric acc and you often see her and James in each other's videos
James - he's an athlete, I wanna say soccer? or maybe a swimmer??? but anyways he had a scholarship in college and is currently training to go for nationals and then hopefully the Olympics, he runs a v Basic but fun sports acc, some people would straight up say he's a sports influencer but he just likes sharing his journey and helping others understand their own bodies
Sirius - an actor who started out as a child actor, pushed into the industry by his family; it took a toll on his mental and physical health to an extreme extent until he ran away at 15 and retired from filming; made a comeback of his own when he was 19 and the people love him
Regulus - model, pushed into the industry by his family ever since he was young; it took a toll on his health until he managed to cut ties with them when he was in his early 20s (he's still in his early to mid 20s but shh)
Evan - originally he studied forensic science, then he switched to bio chem but got bored really quick and just started doing fuck not, he models with Reg occasionally or sings with Barty and rn he's just vibing trying to figure out what the fuck life is even about
Pandora - she studied psychology and is a really big mental health advocate, originally she wanted to be a therapist but now she's on track to become a social worker, she has 2 accounts that she runs one of them being mental health related and has a lot of advocacy and charity things while the other is more personal and focuses on her beliefs and her more or less witchy plant girl life style, her and Peter often make videos together
Dorcas - she studied polisci no I don't take any criticism on this <3 your girl wants to make changes because she saw how the world treated her single mother and she's having none of that, she's always posting and talking about social justice issues, feminism, advocacy and she's doing all of that in style while defying the expectations of what a 'serious' woman should look and act like
I'm thinking of combining socmed and written chapters for this AU, simply because I like the mix and think it'll be the most efficient to bring along the story!
There's gonna be a few plot points I want to cover
I have so many more thoughts and I'm so excited to share them with you guys <33
#marauders x reader#socmed AU#marauders socmed#leeny's writing ideas#slytherin skittles#regulus black#regulus arcturus black#lily evans#james potter#james fleamont potter#sirius black#sirius orion black#barty crouch#barty crouch jr#barty crouch jr x reader#barty crouch x reader#evan rosier#pandora rosier#peter pettigrew#marlene mckinnon#dorcas meadowes#remus lupin#remus j lupin#mwpp#mary macdonald#mary mcdonald
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Chapter 2: Cooks in the Kitchen
From: The Rainmaker Series

Pairing: Mob! Steve x Forensic Scientist! Reader
Summary: Everyone hates a backseat driver. And a surprise guest when you’re not at your best.
Word count: 3,234
Content/warnings: TW: dead body and all you would expect in forensic science, I tried to make this not graphic, mentions of bruising, mentions of torture and abuse, sassy and borderline mean reader, awkward Steve who overthinks, reluctant? flirting, allusions to and mentions of murder
Author’s Note: For my dearly beloved @krirebr please know that you’re loved and appreciated by us all. I hope this helps, just a little bit. (Extra angsty, hopefully to your tastes)😘
What I’m gonna say is Decks seems very on edge compared to how she was before. Her guard came up out of ‘nowhere?��� Hm, that’s weird… or is it?
Anyway, these are Loupe glasses, if you’re wondering. They let you see tiny things up close and at a better angle.
Comments, reblogs, asks, and any feedback is so welcome and appreciated. Thank you for reading!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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After your weekend at the farm, Steve drove you home to return to your normal life. As much as you loved being out in the country, city life was definitely more your speed. You immediately went back to work and were happy to keep your busy routine going. Sure, a weekend away from screens and solvents was a breath of fresh air, but this was where you thrived.
Despite the way there were new, more outlandish cases to deal with, the days were surprisingly routine. Come in, visit a crime scene, run some tests, go home, do it again. You lived for that sort of zen. The detachment of simply putting your head down and getting to work was what you were used to, and then once you were home, it was like a sanctuary. You could lounge, pick up another hobby out of the thousand you’d already started, and crawl into your fresh sheets.
It’s not like you were entirely a hermit, though. You got along with your coworkers and would commonly joke around with them, but first and foremost, you were a proper worker, doing your job. When something really needed done, you’d lock down in the lab, music blasting, and crank out results.
Steve was the same way. He tried to keep his days as routine as possible, despite the way work brought something new everyday. Rival gangs needed monitored and law people needed bribed. Shipments and production needed to be kept on a tight schedule and up to pace with increasing demand.
There wasn’t much time for it, but he’d found certain images and memories start to take hold in his mind. They were different from the grade school ones of Bucky, or his times learning the ropes of his trade, or the first suit he’d ever worn. They were new, they were…warm? Lacked that same rigidity? They were of you. Driving his car effortlessly, petting a baby goat as it bleated happily, teaching him to dance…small, little moments that he couldn’t let go of, but he didn’t have time to replay enough.
He did his best to stay proper in his business dealings. Steve was known for his gentlemanly demeanor, truly a golden boy of the underground, or…at least as much of one as an individual could be given the legality loopholes he was constantly trying to jump through.
On the outside, he was smooth as a beach. Fluid with the crashes of waves this industry threw at him. He’d gotten good at rolling with the punches without a single blond hair out of place. But inside? It was a hurricane. The wind raged and echoed in his ears, putting him on edge. It was sensory overload.
Everyday, he found his attention wanting to wander more and more to that simpler time, not romanticizing it for the lack of pressing responsibility, but for the fact he spent genuine moments with someone who was unlike those in his world. Unlike the men so obsessed with maintaining their place on top or squashing others to get there. They were all about the money, but you were working for the people, and for the betterment of the city. To solve cases and give peace to families. And Steve knew he was all too often on the other side of that, even if he prided himself on only taking out the worst of the worst. The ones who deserved it. They were the ones endangering women and children, who to him, were the distastefully vulnerable and undeserving of wrath, despite the fates they were met with from the awful men Steve rid the world of. He wasn’t breaking his set of morals and rules, he was just breaking the law sometimes. Steve was a good man, he just happened to make his living doing bad things.
He didn’t have time to reflect on that right now, though. Things had seriously picked up in recent weeks. Bucky was soon to return, but it didn’t help that Steve felt like Lloyd was unrelentingly on their asses. Leading the organization when it came to the normal stuff was fine, but the extra protections Bucky was making him run, along with the extensive research and monitoring was already taking its toll. Steve was used to a lack of sleep, he basically lived on adrenaline and black coffee, but another night where he was fielding calls and sending out directives without a wink was causing his emotional guard to fall.
It was early morning as Steve sat at his desk. He’d ordered Sam to head out hours ago, but as the sun was cresting over the horizon, not even that searing glow could keep Steve’s tired mind at bay. The levees against the flood were weakened beyond belief. The hurricane was about to make landfall.
Just then, the phone rang. It was one of his contacts down at the police station. That wasn’t new, but the specific news was and Steve wanted to be there in person to get every bit of information he could... and perhaps catch a glimpse at the one person who could scratch that new itch in his brain. Maybe, finally, at least he could catch a nap in the car, as Steve called Gio to drive him over.
Over the couple weeks you’ve been back, you couldn’t help the way your mind wandered constantly, either. Even your favorite playlist couldn’t keep you on track, so you opted for silence, the scenes replaying of your time on the farm doing plenty to help you block out your surroundings.
You were working on a particularly difficult case currently. There was no time for distractions. The overcast sky just added to the ambiance of the feeling that something unusual was looming over you. You pulled yourself out of your thoughts, along with the keys from the ignition, and took a deep breath, letting it out sharply to get yourself ready. When you’d gotten out of the SUV and to the crime scene, Detective Lang greeted you.
“So I’ve got good news and bad news. Which do you want first?”
He guided you along the River walk and down the rocky shore where a victim laid, waves still lapping over her feet as photographers and cops gathered around the scene, surveying it for evidence. A small crowd had gathered along the pathway, held back by barricades and uniformed officers. At least you were here before the news crews.
“Bad news first, always. You know that.” You spoke with a purpose, slipping on your gloves after pushing up the sleeves of your department-issued windbreaker and cuffing your pants so they wouldn’t get wet.
“So far, looks like it was blunt force trauma with a side of torture. Very little evidence to go off of, especially considering there are no open wounds and the tools used for this kinda thing could be in any household.”
You crouched down by the body and immediately took note of the bruising. You hummed in acknowledgement and looked back up at the detective, his head framed by the cloudy, gray sky, the rising sun now hidden. Fitting for a tragedy like this. A woman your age subjected to that sort of an ending…
“And the good news?”
He sighed, looking up at the sky, hands on his hips, before he dropped his head back down towards you.
He winced. “Body’s fresh? Disposal doesn’t appear very well thought-out.”
You nodded and looked around for any piece of evidence that hadn’t washed away. He was right, it was gonna be difficult to pull many testable elements.
“Well, I’ll do the usual work-up, then, and let you know when you’re good to get everything over to the medical examiner.”
He curtly nodded and turned on his heel to speak with the witnesses before you began to pull out your kit, swabbing for anything of note.
After you finished collecting everything you could, you carefully slipped back through the background and away from the slew of reporters now blanketing the scene. Ugh, you hated those block heads. Especially Lucas Bell, the weird little ray of sunshine you went to school with growing up. For some reason, he thought the two of you were actually friends, despite never having even given him the signal you appreciated his presence. The worst part: you could tell he wasn’t hitting on you. He would genuinely seek you out at crime scenes, that gross happy smile on his face, calling you by the birth name almost no one used anymore in favor of your college nickname. Every time, it was, “hey, remember me, old pal? Great to see you! Any information you’re willing to share?” Who the hell was so chipper when their job was literally to report tragedies?
You bobbled your head as you mocked him to yourself and got back into your work SUV. Ugh, you hated that guy. And all the other reporters. You didn’t wanna be on camera. What if you wanted to work for the FBI one day? Huh? What then? Can’t have your face out there all willy nilly and then expect to be doing covert ops. Nope. You prepared to race back to the precinct, ready to drown yourself in an afternoon of attempting to suck evidence out of a cotton swab caked in river grime and essentially, air, if you could count that as evidence.
You drove back through the pouring rain. Another thing to be annoyed by. First, the longing for your simple weekend once again, then the intrusive thoughts about annoying little reporters, and now, the near-flooding on the roads. You could hear her in your head now, Bee saying “rain makes corn. It’s a good thing.” You rolled your eyes, to be honest, you liked the rainy atmosphere, but you know what rain also makes? Bad drivers. At this point, it was just best to get back to the lab, buckle down, and stay there, where no one could possibly bother you.
You were hours in to your intensive testing. Your spectrometry readings gave the smallest peaks, hard to say if the readings actually were something or just background noise. You were happy to put in the time, but something just felt…off. It was infuriating and not helping your mood, but you tried your best to keep it separated from work. It wasn’t perfect, but it was your best. Another small thing going wrong could push you over the edge, though.
You opted to just look at a small fabric sample, deciphering if there truly was some thread of note caught in the weave. You just needed to concentrate and you knew you could find something. You were purely focused and zoomed in, using your Loupe glasses, paired with several lamps overhead, with the highest hopes of even a shred of confirma-
“Decks? More like Specks.”
The sudden voice that echoed through the lab startled you, causing your head to shoot up and bump against one of the metal lamps.
“Ow!” At that same time, the forceps and piece of fabric flew out of your hands and onto the floor. It didn’t help that you knocked into your instrument tray on the way, sending all those onto the floor, as well.
Great, now you had to go to the stock room to find a new package of sterile ones. This was the last set left in the lab. You looked up from where you watched the evidence fall, rubbing your forehead with the back of your gloved hand, eyes narrow at the business man in a suit who was previously leaned against your doorway, now tentatively walking towards you to crouch on the ground.
“Steve, what the hell?” You trailed off for a second. “You and Bee really do have the same sense of humor. I thought she just told me that as a selling point.” It came out as an irritated growl. You rolled your eyes as you squatted down to start cleaning your mess.
Steve laughed. Selling point? Bee talked to you about him? And tried to make him appealing? He wasn’t sure why, but he felt a certain warmth in his stomach at that. He pushed it down as much as he could. Either way, he truly did get along well with her.
“Well you know what they say, birds of a feather and all.” He joined you near the floor after having grabbed a glove, picking up some stray instruments and placing them back in the metal holding tray.
You muttered lowly as you finally stood up and turned away from him, after grabbing the fabric off the floor gingerly and placing it in a plastic protective case. “More like wasps of a stinger.”
Steve disposed of his gloves and looked over the results on your computer. You quickly hit the keys to lock the screen, sure to cast him a nasty glare. The last thing you needed was to get accused of leaking evidence.
What was he doing here, anyway? With those broad shoulders and that skinny waist. What did he even need shoulders that big for? How did he even shop for clothes? You swear his waist was literally the same circumference as your thigh. They don’t carry stuff like that in department stores.
Steve looked at you with a confused glance as you removed your gloves and washed your hands. There was a hint of humor in his voice, but it was mostly filled with caution at your attitude.
“Um, I don’t really shop for clothes? I’ve got a tailor. He’s pretty good.”
After your hands were dry, you facepalmed harder than ever before. You couldn’t believe you said that out loud. Maybe you did need to interact with more people outside of work. You were too comfortable talking to yourself. You took a deep breath before turning around and looking at Steve again. His face now mostly held tentative kindness, and that was a nice change to the anger that was sitting in your belly all day today. You still couldn’t help what you spat back, though.
“You have a tailor? In this economy? Of course you do…rich prick.” The last part was grumbled under your breath, but Steve still caught it. Where was this hostility coming from? He thought the two of you had gotten along great before. What changed?
Steve’s hurt caused him to fire back, albeit much nicer than you had. “You’re calling me rich? Decks, I’ve seen your apartment, it’s nice. Especially for this city. Way nicer than my first place.”
First off, what was that supposed to mean? You were still suspicious about exactly what Steve and Bucky did for a living. You knew they made a lot of money. Steve wore designer suits, if he could help it, and you assumed Bucky did, as well, but what business did they have being this built?
You let go of that, though, wanting to just get back to work after the disturbance, but why had you been disturbed in the first place?
“Steven, what are you doing in my lab?”
He was taken aback. Woah, full names. He knew your full name, but didn’t dare to find out what would become of him if he used it. It didn’t seem like many did. He wanted to go about this the right way. He didn’t want abuse his delicate position as a friend of a friend when you were so close to the law…yet.
He stood upright and pressed his shoulders back. Right, he was here on business. He had to remember that. It wasn’t a personal call and he had to stay professional.
“I was actually meeting with Scott, er, Detective Lang. He called me about the new case that came in this morning.”
You nodded slowly. “You knew her?”
Why did that make you nervous? Of course Steve knew women, like, duh, but something burning rose in your chest in anticipation of his response. Why did you care? You didn’t even want him here. Right?
He shook his head lightly. “No…well, sort of? She was an employee of one of my businesses. A salon.”
One of his businesses, of course. A salon was…interesting… but you guessed not out of the question with how perfect his stupid perfect hair always was. Whatever, just because he was here for some questioning, doesn’t mean he had to pay you a visit.
“Okay…so why did you come in here?”
You looked up at him from the odds and ends you were shuffling around your work bench out of nervousness.
“I actually wanted to see you, maybe help out a little?”
You eyed him skeptically, ignoring the way your chest sent a tingle down towards your fingertips. “You know when someone offers to keep close to a case like that, it usually means they had something to do with it, right?”
Steve put his hands up in surrender. “I swear this wasn’t me. I just genuinely care for my employees. Did you check under the fingernails? Maybe there was some DNA there or something?”
Your gaze became even more burning towards him. “Yes, Steven. I checked under the nails. That’s like, the first thing you do in cases like this. But why would you know that, anyway? And how can you say you care so much about your employees if you didn’t even know the girl?”
He rubbed the back of his neck. He was usually much smoother than this. How did you intimidate him so much so suddenly. Oh no…Is that where the name ‘Decks’ came from? Were you gonna hit him? Deck him? Did you have a pension for beating guys up? If he made a wrong move, would you literally punch him? Give him a black eye? Sure, much worse had happened to him before, but he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to emotionally recover if the damage came from you.
Either way, Steve didn’t want to find out, so he continued quite cautiously and uncomfortable within your domain, lacking the confidence that came so easily to him in all his usual business dealings and the quasi-leadership role he found himself in.
“I um…I watch a lot of CSI shows?” He hoped that was believable, but he knew it came out like a squeak, almost. He may as well be a little kid losing fights in a back alley again. He cleared his throat in an attempt to get his voice back to normal. “I do care for my employees, though. And my reputation, and the ability to make sure nothing like this happens again to anyone involved with me.”
You sighed at that. You can understand the want to prevent future disasters, especially when it came to someone working so low at the bottom of the food chain for such a major company. As you slipped your Loupe glasses back on and readjusted your lamps, you gestured for Steve to take a seat in your computer chair while you moved to a stool by the lab bench.
“Okay, fine. I’ll let you hang around, but don’t tell me how to do my job.”
You couldn’t help the way the corner of your lip turned up, just out of Steve’s sight, as he strutted over and plopped down into the rolly chair, watching you with a smile and his fingers laced behind his head.
Next >
Bonus A/N: I’m very excited for what’s going to grow between Steve and Decks. She’s a lil independent thing and he’s just so “idk what to do bc I’m supposed to be in control but I’m doing everything on her terms” and I love it. Lmk what you think!!!
Series Taglist:
#Steve rogers#Steve rogers fanfiction#Steve rogers x reader#Steve rogers x you#steve rogers angst#Steve rogers fluff#the rainmaker#the rainmaker series#outta nowhere#outta nowhere AU#mob Steve x forensic scientist reader#mob! Steve x forensic scientist! reader#mob! Steve#mafia! Steve#mafia Steve#the rainmaker chapter 2: cooks in the kitchen#TW: dead body
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A young man stands in his bedroom. It just so happens that today, the 27th of July, is this young man's birthday. Though it was years ago he was given life, it is only today that he will be given a name.
What will the name of this young man be?
🐸 The Basics :
Name : Evan
Pronouns : He/Him
Age : A minor!!
Gender : Male
Sexuality : Gay
Nationality : American
Star Sign : Leo
I love nicknames, call me whatever.
I’m usually around from 8AM to 1AM CDT.
Music sideblog : @evan-radio
🐛 My Resume :
Loser CEO, the ‘weird kid’ since birth, Professional Ghostbuster, Supervillian, and Midwestern Cowboy (the fun way, not the cop way), Lab Experiment #0727
🪲 My Music :
AJJ, boygenius, Bug Hunter, Cage The Elephant, Car Seat Headrest, Crywank, Lemon Demon, Lord Huron, Los Campesinos!, MCR, Noah Kahan, ODO, Pat The Bunny, Radiohead, Rex Orange County, Seb Lowe, Sleep Token, Tally Hall, Tame Impala, Teen Suicide, TFB, The Smiths, Vundabar, Weezer :/, Will Wood/WWATT, Wingnut Dishwashers Union, and more.
🐢 Tags :
# evan speaks -> I talk. A lot. // # evan rants -> I tend to be very emotional // # evan’s memories -> nostalgia mode // # evan can’t vote -> US politics // # evan draws -> my art // # EvanRadio -> my sideblog for music // # i love my mutuals -> typically multiple mutual appreciation posts per day
🐍 Rules & Boundaries :
I’m a minor!! Don’t be weird!!
Obviously, any form of discrimination is off limits.
Cringe culture is dead, all are welcome, and I’m always open to learning.
Asks and anons are open, notifs are off so feel free to spam, but I can’t promise I’ll see it right away. Absolutely feel free to interact and ask, I will have full convos w/ you through reblogs. I answer DMs on a case-by-case basis. If you are over 18, please do not DM me.
🦎 Fandoms and characters ->
★ Dead Poets Society
★ House MD
★ Supernatural
★ Sherlock
★ Ghostbusters
★ Homestuck
🦖 Incoming fandoms ->
★ Hannibal, Good Omens, Saw
🐊 Backseat Fandoms ->
★ IT, Stranger Things, Over The Garden Wall, Scooby-Doo
🦚 Fandom Graveyard ->
★ Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Creepypasta
🦜 Kinnies ->
★ Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock)
★ Egon Spengler (Ghostbusters)
★ Castiel (Supernatural)
★ Steven Meeks (Dead Poets Society)
★ Richie Tozier (IT 2017)
★ Rory Keaner (My Babysitter’s A Vampire)






🪛 Other Movies :
The Truman Show, Stand By Me, Velvet Goldmine, Jaws, The Goonies, Breakfast Club
🐉 Other Interests :
Reading, writing, art (drawing, painting, digital and traditional), etymology, science, history, math, forensics, biology, marching band (alto sax), sharks
🔋 Other Facts :
- I love my car like it’s my child #TOMATER SUPREMACY 🦚
- Richard Cameron Defender for life (see here)🐊
- Blog theme changes frequently 🦖
- i LOVE doing little doodles and drawings of my friends 🐢
- I love my mutuals and you guys are my best friends btw 🐍
- More mouse bites!! This vexes me! Medicine drug!! 🦎
- ADHD 🪲
- I’ve got a bad habit of viewing notifications but never responding to them, if this happens please just tag me again 📗
🦠 A Note :
I am very indecisive and this post will be edited very often (see counter below)
🧪 Dead Poets Society :
@pingunaa @ghostboyhood @wordssricochet @meekspeaks @poetsinnyc @wilsons-three-legged-siamese @midwest-quill @apparitiongnostic @de4d-poet-kisser @yourfavvgal @asclexe @lv3buzzz
If I forgot someone/if you want to be added just lmk :)) if I forgot you I’m so so sorry
Edited - |||| ||
#introduction#intro post#dead poets society#homestuck#supernatural#bbc sherlock#ghostbusters#house md#good omens#saw#hannibal#evan speaks
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25 Days of the Washingtons: Don’t Think Like That



The group was out in the small town below the mountain. The town was decorated beautifully. Lights were bright giving off that warm feeling. You and Beth were walking with your arms linked as everyone else spread out to try the food.
“It’s beautiful out here.” You say in astonishment. Beth laughs lightly as she looks around the area.
“Yeah it is. We should do this more often.” She suggested making you agree.
Josh and Chris were at a keg stand clinking their pints together before chugging it while Sam and Hannah shook her head at them. Matt and Ashley were having a snowball fight and Emily and Jess weren’t arguing as they usually did. It felt perfect that was until you caught Beth staring at the huge decorated tree.
“You okay?” You ask her as you rub her back softly.
She sighs trying to find what to say. She shook off the feeling before turning to you with a look you couldn’t describe in her eyes. It worried you that your best friend wasn’t all the way there especially on such a beautiful night such as this one.
“Do you think I’ll go somewhere in life? Like off to do some big thing?” She asks looking back at the tree.
“Of course you would, what makes you think you won’t?” Your concern peaking as the conversation continued.
“Josh works with dad…sort of and Hannah is working on being a professional tennis player and here I am…stuck.” She mumbles her last word making you frown.
“Beth you can literally do anything! You’re so talented.” Beth scoffs at you.
“Yeah right. I don’t want to do it because my parents are rich. I want to do it because I’m good at it.” She protested.
“Beth I never said that. I know you’re good at all kinds of different shit.” You counter making her shake her head.
“Beth you got a full ride to Princeton. That’s huge.” You remind her. “That scholarship for forensic science…the thing you’re good at.” You urge on.
“What if I fail? I’m the youngest and my siblings set the standard for my parents. It’s expected of me to do this huge great thing!” She frustratedly claws at her hair.
“Hey, hey. You don’t owe anyone anything! You can only do what you can.” You hold her face and have her focus on you.
“You aren’t Josh. You can’t do what he does. You aren’t Hannah. You can’t do what she does.” She nods sadly, looking at her feet. You lift her head again and stare at her intensely.
“But you’re Beth. You can do this and fuck if no one else has your back…I do!” You exclaim making her nod.
“You swear?” She asks her, voice shaky as she holds onto your wrists.
“Of course. You’re my fucking best friend.” You assure her as you pull her in for a hug.
Josh and Chris walk over confusion clear in their expressions. They look at each other and back at you both before speaking.
“What’s going on?” Josh asks cautiously making Chris laugh nervously.
“Into the Christmas spirit?” Chris asks making you both giggle.
“Yeah you could say that.” You answer before pulling away.
“I got you guys hot chocolate.” You and Beth cheer before high-fiving each other.
The 4 of you sat on a bench talking and letting the cold Christmas air consume you. It was a beautiful night and even with a bump in the road, things ended on a positive note.
Divider: @bernardsbendystraws
Give me time to catch up 💋
Day 2
#until dawn#until dawn remake#until dawn remaster#until dawn game#itzpookiepooh until dawn#josh washington#josh until dawn#until dawn josh#hannah washington#hannah until dawn#until dawn hannah#beth until dawn#until dawn beth#beth washington#joshua washington#storytelling#original story#itzpookiepooh stories#short story#Spotify#25 days of the Washingtons#washington siblings
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Batfam headcanons: Report Writing
I was thinking about nonsense then it occured to me "how would the batfam write their mission/patrol report?" Like, they must have very distinct personal style that you could recognise even through the standard bat-computer font. So I wrote this!
Dick: When Dick was still Robin, he absolutely HATED writing reports. "I write enough reports at school, B-man! Why would you make me write more??" He would attempt to wriggle out of the task by bribing Alfred with snacks or offering to do chores in exchange, because anything is better than sitting straight in front of the computer and typing (they usually indulge him and let him be). He'd also slip in a few swear words and gloss over details when he HAD to write something. His reports were short and written in a slightly childish manner. However, after becoming Nightwing and moving out, his report have made drastic improvement because hey, you definitely get a lot of practice in writing admin papers as a cop. His writing style is now concise and straight to the point, filled with professional jargons and divided in clear bullet points. All the photos are properly numbered and labelled, in a typical forensic science style. (Though admittedly, he still hates writing reports. But it's something that he wouldn't let his siblings know.) He's however, chronically late in submitting his reports, because he always has a lot of things to do and he has a bad case of procrastinating when it's something he dislikes.
Jason: Jason entered the clan with a lot of anxiety (Will I be accepted? Will I ever measure up to Dick?) And a lot of insecurities. So he treats report writing very seriously and is very detailed and thorough. He tries his best to adhere to the format Bruce gave him, and would triple check his spellings and grammars (another insecurity of him). As Red Hood, he still writes his reports (reluctantly) in the same cautious manner, and he would spend a lot of time profiling the victims and the perpetrators, because it always feels personal to him. He sympathises with both sides, understands their struggles and darkness intimately, and it shows in his written report. His reports on the person of interest's background and psychological analysis is always the most detailed and on-point. He writes in paragraphs usually, and he has a broad vocabulary that leans more on the literary side. Tim comments that he feels like he's in highschool lit class whenever he needs to read Jason's report for something, since Jason's prose always has a poetic and emotional tone to it.
Tim: Tim writes his reports dutifully and very seriously, but his seriousness doesn't always translate to a piece of good report. As a kid who has the tendency to ramble, is nosey, AND has photographic memory, Tim's reports are filled with details that nobody knows whether they are necessary. He would go off and transcribe all the dialogues he heard (including the passers-by), list out all the items in the nearby trashcan, and note down how the fast food shop down the corner has a buy-one-get-one-free promotion on hotdogs. He digresses a lot, but since his eyes for details did help crack a case once or twice (definitely more than that), Bruce lets it slip. His formatting are a mess, sometimes using bullet points and suddenly switch into paragraphs and then somehow becomes a tree diagram, his reports are definitely an eyesore (Bruce, regrettably, doesn't let this slip). As Red Robin, he's made a lot of improvements on his formatting (company paperwork does that to you) and is a bit more brief, but he still has the tendency to note down the oddest things in his reports. His reports also has the most amount of photos.
Cass: Cass is still pretty new to this whole writing thing and computer thing, so she gets a lot of leeway in her report writing. She is allowed to hand this work to others (if she's on a teamed mission), or use photos, pictures and handwriting/doodling to make her point (Bruce would later code & transcribe them to make them searchable on the database). Though given the freedom to not do the work (which her siblings are deeply envious of), Cass actually likes to write her version of reports as she treats this as an opportunity to practice her literacy. Her reports look like a collage journal with very sparse, simple writing. She also has the tendency to just put in a few seemingly unrelated keywords and let others figure out the significance behind them. They're usually very insightful and useful to the case. She also likes to draw in her reports, which everyone finds endearing. Babs taught her how to draw scientific diagrams and label the items, which she puts good use to. Since she's very observant to the human anatomy and body language, the family relies a lot on her reading when there is multiple suspects.
Damian: As "the proper heir to the robin title", Damian has a no-bullshit attitude on his reports. He submits them on time, is clear in his writing, and the format is impeccable. He has a very goal-oriented view on things, so his reports tend to focus largely on the outcome of cases instead of the process (a polar opposite to Jason's and Tim's reports). He would write a lot on how and when the culprit was captured, and the consequences that await them, while some other members tend to focus more on the process of deduction and puzzle-solving. Somedays, when he is particularly annoyed with others, Damian would slip in complaints into his reports and make sure everyone KNOWS he's upset. It's like a public call-out post.
Babs: As Batgirl, Babs writes the clearest and most condensed report out of everyone, cause she learned the best from her father. She has a keen eye on analysing material evidence, and would notice the smallest scratch on things and document them faithfully in her report. She likes to use abbreviations however, and that often confuses Damian and Cass ("what does OAN even mean?? Is that a type of wire??"). Sometimes she'd abbreviate the weirdest things just to confuse everyone else and they can beg her to explain them. As Oracle, she doesn't write any reports. YOU write reports to Oracle.
Steph: Steph is passionately against the idea of report writing. In her opinion, if she delivers the result there shouldn't be a need to write pages long of boring, bland descriptions on how that result is achieved. To various degrees of success, she would bribe others into doing the work for her ("work smarter, not harder, baby!") But when she has to write something, she would write in a very casual tone and often types with voice input. Therefore, her reports are filled with odd typos and occasionally hilarious choice of words (not because she couldn't be professional, but she doesn't want to be). Bruce is mostly frustrated but is also secretly glad that she's not forcing herself to do something that she doesn't want to. And she is true that she always delivers.
Duke: Duke is mostly neutral towards the aspect of report writing-- he's not particularly fond of it, but he understands that it is something important. Thanks to his superhuman vision, Duke is very alert in observing his surroundings and the environment. He would map out very detailed diagrams about building structures as well as machine components, which makes his reports very reliable when it comes to any kind of crimes related to alien items and technological innovations. Duke also has a large network from his Robingang, so he's very informed in the rumours and hearsays on the streets. He would include most of what he's heard in his reports so that others could follow up on them at night.
#batfam#bat family#lia speaks#batman#bruce wayne#dick grayson#jason todd#tim drake#cassandra cain#damian wayne#stephanie brown#barbara gordon#duke thomas#nightwing#red hood#red robin#robin#batgirl#spoiler#blackbat#signal#batfam headcanons
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🤎 Context/AU (Alternate Universe): What would usually be just an intimate night turned into a horrific tragedy
🤎 Lady Dimitrescu x wife!reader
🤎 CW/TW: slight smut?, suggestive language, angst, lesbians, pet names, grief, accidental death/murder, blood drinking, reader is an artist and photographer, Alci is a depraved baby with many issues, bloodlust, mental health issues, no use of y/n, barely proofread
🤎 A/N: I cried whilst writing this- you're welcome
🤎 Notes: No description of reader, this version of Alcina isn't exactly my personal headcanon of her, but more an idea I had for her that I decided to write, I did research for the death scene on a timeline of what it's like to bleed to death and tried my best to apply the different things that happen to the body to this particular fic. I'm in no way a doctor or anything, the best thing I've got is a certification in Forensic Science so I also used my knowledge from that to give what you're about to read
🤎 Word count: 5.2k


The lady of the castle sat at her vanity, scrutinizing every little detail of her face. She studied the wrinkles, lines, and cracks of her features before covering them with makeup, perfectly slipping behind the mask that everyone knew as Lady Dimitrescu.
She glanced behind her in the mirror at the sound of her bedroom door opening, eyes meeting yours as she applied her lipstick, “Ah, my love, you’re home early.”
You wasted no time in making your way across the room, slinking your arms over her shoulders as you planted a kiss to her cheek, holding out a photo in front of her, “I had to, look at how my latest pictures of you came out.”
Alcina's expression remained unchanged, even as you kissed her cheek. Her eyes focused squarely on the photograph. Her gaze swept over the image once, then twice.
"Hm," she murmured, her eyes wandering back to your face. "You like these?" She asked. The question was innocent enough, but her demeanor suggested something altogether different.
You deflated just slightly at her dry response, nodding as you studied the photo for yourself, “Of course, I do, love. You look amazing.”
“You think I look amazing,” she repeated slowly, her voice flat. “And did you think of me when looking at these pictures? Or simply my appearance?” The question was followed up by a long, drawn-out pause.
“Well?” She leaned forward on the vanity, asking point blank as she met your eyes in the reflection again.
"What? Speak up, don't be modest. I want to hear your thoughts." She purred, her eyes trained on yours. Golden irises gleamed in the candlelight, as she held your gaze steadily.
You fixed your gaze onto hers, voice sincere as you answered, “I thought of you quite fondly when developing the photos... It’s why I came back home. I wished to be in your presence after seeing your face for so long.”
Alcina's gaze softened at this. The corners of her lips curled into a smirk as she glanced down at the picture, and then back up to you. "And do you believe me to be a beautiful woman?" She asked. The question was an obvious one, but the vampire wanted to hear the words fall from your own lips.
You ducked your head, eyes remaining on hers in the mirror as you pressed a kiss to her shoulder, "More beautiful than any man or woman to ever walk this Earth."
Alcina dimpled sweetly, her lips curling into a pleased grin. She knew she was beautiful. It was a fact- one that you reminded her of regularly. But to hear you describe her as such... The sound of her own ego being stroked tickled a deep, dark place within her.
"I am glad that you think so, my love," she purred. "You know, there is something I want from you tonight."
You set the photo down, practically instantly forgetting about it as you brought your hands to her arms, “Yes? Anything.”
"I want... " Her voice quivered with anticipation, as her gaze swept over your form. "You." Alcina reached up, pressing her delicate fingers against your cheek. "I want you tonight. All to myself."
A chuckle escaped your lips as you pressed a few open-mouthed kisses to her throat, “Yeah? You want me?”
"I want to savor every inch of your body." Alcina purred, her voice dropping to a low, husky rumble. She traced a single fingernail down the line of your jaw, trailing towards your chin. "I want you. With every fiber of my being. I want to worship you."
You let out a hum, nipping at her skin, “Come to bed, Alci... then you can have me.”
"But I want to have you... right here," she cooed, almost trying to coax you into staying there with her. "I want everyone to know that you are mine. Only mine." The countess grabbed your wrist and hauled you close, trapping you between her and the vanity in one swift motion as her mouth trailed from your neck down to your collarbone, biting down gently on your skin. "Mine."
You sucked in a breath, clutching her arms for purchase as you adjusted yourself atop the vanity, “Fuck... y-yeah...”
"Such a good girl," she purred, her other hand snaking its way past your hair to grip onto the nape of your neck. She bit the soft skin of your neck as she nuzzled closer to your ear, her lips brushing against the sensitive spot just behind your lobe as she spoke, "No one will have you. Ever. You belong only to me. Do you understand?"
Your lady lover had used such possessive and outright aggressive language with you before, but you didn’t notice the cloudy look misting her golden irises as she spoke, your lip nestling between your teeth before you released it to let out a breathy answer, “Yes... only yours...”
Alcina's lips curved into a pleased grin as her fangs sparkled in the low light. She could do whatever she pleased with you... And you would enjoy every moment of it. She pulled back slightly to gaze down at your flushed face, tilting her head slightly.
"Good girl," she praised. For a moment, it seemed as if she might kiss you. But her lips instead met your neck in a lingering, passionate kiss punctuated by sharp canines.
You let out a hiss the second you felt the slight sting of her canines pricking into your skin, “Shit...”
"You like that, do you," Alcina purred, her grip on your neck tightening slightly as her fangs sank deeper into your skin. Golden eyes glowed in the dim light, pupils dilated before they narrowed in on their prey. "How does it feel to be at my mercy?"
"A-Alci.... please...."
Her answer was a slow, drawn-out purr as she withdrew a single fang before she bit down again, her mouth a suction that fed from the sweet blood as she pulled you deeper and deeper into her hungry embrace. She moaned, eyes growing half lidded as the taste of you on her tongue sent waves of pleasure through her veins.
Your brows knit together, hands gripping her arms tighter as you felt a lot more pain than you usually did when you would allow her to drink from you, “Alci.... hurts....”
She simply let out a hum as she tilted her head slightly, your back now resting against the vanity as she was hunched over you like a true predator. You were pinned under her as she continued to drink from your neck.
“Does my little blood bag feel woozy,” Alcina asked, voice taunting and holding a sort of just slightly playful mockery. She hummed with her every suckle, as if savoring the taste of you. Her nails trace against the back of your neck, her touch as sharp as a razor.
You struggled against her hold, tapping her shoulder repeatedly as your vision began to go a bit hazy, “B-baby... please... don’t...”
“Please what, my love,” she purred her lips curling into a playful smile, attaching right back to your neck as she continued to drain you of your life force.
You were always so much sweeter than her other maidens... The taste of your blood... It was enough to bring an ache to the core of her very being. She couldn’t get enough of it.
Even as you tapped her shoulder, her lips remained pressed against your skin. She was in heaven, and this was her idea of making love.
You on the other hand were beginning to panic. You didn’t find your wife when you looked down into her eyes.
No, you didn’t know who or what you were looking at.
Her eyes were almost venomous, pupils narrowed to slits.
Her usual gentle, reverent touch was nowhere to be found, nails and fangs stinging against your skin.
You felt powerless struggling against your 9-foot lover.
Your voice gurgled in your throat, her teeth having torn the skin of your neck open in search of getting better access to your vein that she was currently drinking heavily from.
Your heart rate is beginning to accelerate, something that doesn’t help you, but makes it much easier for your bloodthirsty wife to bleed you dry as blood is now pumping directly to the area where her mouth is accompanied by the wound from her tearing into you.
A lightheaded, truly woozy feeling begins to set in along with a sudden wave of fatigue.
You can’t focus outside of the blaring worries in your mind that if you don’t bleed to death from the gaping hole in your neck, your wife will certainly take care of drinking the rest of it. Your skin has gone pale, sweat beading every inch of it as your body is trying to fight back against the losses, as well as you with your pushing against her, trying to get her off of you.
All the while, Alcina is continuing to feed. Pulling more and more of your vitality as she drank, her body was practically shaking with ecstasy, eyes rolling back as she drew deeper and deeper from the vein.
Primal growls rumbled out of her throat, her breathing heavy and hot against you.
She was far too sucked in to realize what she was doing. She was killing you. Her love, her life, her light.
Alcina would never.
And yet... she was.
With every beat of your heart and pull of her mouth suctioned to your neck... she was pushing you closer and closer to the cliff that was death.
There’s too many feelings, too many thoughts.
You feel spaced out, unaware of what’s even happening anymore, yet hyperaware as your anxiety is spiking to astronomical levels. Your breathing is shallow, your pushing growing weaker and weaker as your hands and feet begin to tingle.
You’re dying.
You know it.
You can’t help but think about your life.
How you came to the castle in the first place.
You were commissioned for your work. You were a wonderful portraitist, a very skilled painter who was very adept and well-known for your art- especially your portraits.
Originally, it was Bela who’d begged her mother to have you called into the castle to do her portrait.
Then Daniela just had to have hers done as well because ‘look how good she painted Bels’.
Cassandra begrudgingly asked if you’d paint her as well, only after being teased by Dani for being the only one of the three sisters to not get herself painted.
It was after finishing the three works that you finally met the ever elusive and lady of the castle- Alcina Dimitrescu.
Alcina took a liking to you.
Being a patron and lover of the arts herself, she found herself drawn to your talents as a painter, sketch artist, and photographer. You also both had a shared love of jazz and blues music- a fact that led her to realizing her feelings for you.
Your first date was in her old music room. The two of you played a few pieces on the piano together before you sat back to let her sing for you, taking pictures to use as reference for later sketches that you would gift to her after five months of courting between the two of you.
It was a whirlwind romance, the two of you swept up in never having had a love like this before. She was the darkness to your light, the moon and stars to your sun.
She was your muse. You were her beloved, her most devoted.
Your marriage was a surprisingly small occasion, just a little ceremony held between the two of you, the other three Lords, and Mother Miranda as the officiant. Bela was the maid of honor, Cassandra carried the rings, and Daniela was the flower girl. It was sweet.
Alcina herself was sweet.
So how did things progress to here?
There’s a pounding ripping through your skull, a headache- or perhaps migraine would be a better word- like none you’ve ever experienced before.
How long had this been going on?
It felt like hours.
In truth it wasn’t more than about 4 minutes.
Next came the ringing. A terrible and tinny noise in your ears, blocking you from hearing anything else.
It was coupled with the terrible spinning you seemed to feel. It was disgusting.
And once again- to make matters infinitely worse for you- you couldn’t even speak or fight back anymore. You were essentially limp within her hold at this point, almost resigning yourself to your fate now.
Within another few seconds, your sight grows hazy, darkness seeping into the edges of your vision as your eyes turn up to the ceiling, no longer able to watch your wife.
Then comes the sweet release of being unconscious.
Like the world’s sickest fade to black, you passed out in her arms, not realizing how close you now were to death.
You suffer a heart attack, the organ unable to handle the strain your wife’s drinking has now put on your body.
Just like that... it’s over.
In a little under 5 minutes Alcina had killed the love of her life.
She didn’t stop when your body went limp underneath her, heart no longer pounding in your chest against her.
No, she pulled away once the flow of blood into her mouth stopped.
In her feeding frenzy, Alcina hadn’t truly known what she was doing to you. As the taste of your blood faded from her lips, she slowly opened her eyes, blinking away the haze of the drunken feeling that came along with drinking blood.
What she found before her left her horrified.
Cradling your still body, the countess couldn’t come to terms with the idea of you having died at her hands.
She pressed a few kisses to your forehead in an attempt to wake you. Tears welled in her eyes as she tried, trying to will you back to life.
She held your body close, tears continuing to brew despite her attempts to fight them back. For the first time in a while, she felt a surge in emotion.... Grief.
This wasn’t what she had wanted. She had no intention of hurting you.... And yet, the damage had already been done.
She brought her other hand up to your cheek, fingers brushing against your smooth skin in a last attempt to try and wake you.
"You can't leave me..." she whispered, sobbing now at the realization. But your heart beat against her chest no longer. And your eyes were now shut, forever.
After a few minutes of letting her tears fall, she wiped away her tears and straightened up, her red eyes staring straight ahead in silent mourning. The countess closed her eyes tightly and inhaled slowly and deeply, trying to process the loss. She also couldn’t take the sight of her face in the mirror. Your blood and her smeared lipstick staining her stark white skin. It wasn't long before her face returned to its cold and emotionless facade.
She stared through her reflection rather than at it as she murmured, “How disappointing.”
Her demeanor became one of stark detachment, just like that of the stone-cold killer that the soft side of her now believed herself to be. It was almost as if she hadn’t been in love with the now dead woman in her arms in the first place.
Her hands tightened around your body as she lifted your limp form in her grasp with ease. Without much ceremony, she began to walk towards the window at the back of the chamber.
“Now, dear one,” she began, “You shall be as one with the night.”
As she reached the open window and stared down at the dark landscape below her, the vampiress seemed to contemplate.
In her arms lay the woman she once called her safe space.
Her eyes narrowed as she considered her next move. Without a second thought, she tossed your body out of the window.
The wind howled as the form tumbled down to Earth. You plummeted through the air in a graceful spiral, the fall over so quickly that if there were even still a shred of life within you, you did not suffer for long. Your body impacted the ground with a soft thud, crumpling in a broken heap.
In a swift moment, the countess closed the window and drew the curtains with finality. The body was nowhere to be seen, and the chamber wa just the way it was before you ever arrived.
With a heavy sigh, Alcina finally allowed herself to sink onto her stool. For a while, she remained still in her seat, staring at the mirror in empty contemplation.
As she sat alone in the room, she wondered to herself.
Why had she done such a thing?
A soft hand rose to her mouth as she wept for a moment, once again wishing to take back the events. But she knew deep down, there was no turning back.
Eventually, Alcina rose from her chair and crossed over to the bed. She lay down on the soft mattress, staring up at the moonlight which spilled in through the curtains of the other windows in the bedchamber.
For some time, she stared up at the ceiling, her expression blank. But slowly, the grief she felt earlier started to grow within her again.
Unable to hold back her tears any longer, the vampire broke down into heavy sobs. She’d never loved anyone as she did you. But that love had been her exact downfall.
She’d been blinded by her love for you and your trust for her, thinking she had the self-control not to hurt you. Yet and still, she did.
“Why?” She whispered into the moonlight. “Why did you have to love me so much?”
The countess released a loud, mournful wail as she cried into the night. A part of her wish so badly that she could take it all back. But she knew it was already too late for regrets.
“It’s done,” she mumbled, her eyes squeezed shut as she tried to calm herself. But her heart would not follow suit. It continued to ache for you.
Eventually, she fell into a fitful sleep, but the night only brought nightmares which haunted her rest.
The countess awoke the next day with a start. For a moment, she almost didn’t recognize where she was. Almost didn’t remember what had happened. Then the memories from the previous night returned.
“No....” Alcina whispered. She turned over in her bed to face the empty side of the mattress. In your place, there was only a memory. “No....”
Once again, the tears started to flow. “Why?” She asked herself.
Alcina sat up in her bed, staring ahead in silence. Though your absence gnawed at her heaviy, the memories she shared with you only made the grief worse. Your loss was more than any one heart could bear, but for a vampire... Your loss would be eternal.
“It’s not fair,” she told herself, her voice hoarse and quiet.
“I don’t want to forget you. I want you back... so that I can feel your lips against mine... hear your soft whispers in my ear... know that you were real....”
Before she could fall too deep into the guilt that laced itself through her grief, the phone rang.
She answered the phone with a heavy heart, not expecting anyone but Mother Miranda to be brazen enough to call at this time. I couldn’t be but maybe an hour after sunrise.
It was Karl.
Instead of being greeted by his usual infuriating and condescending tone that usual was also paired with his crass words that were typically used to hurl insults at the countess- his voice was solemn as he spoke.
The sound sent a chill down her spine, cheeks still damp with tears as she listened to him, “Hey, Alcina... A couple of my Lycans brought in a body last night.... It’s... It’s your wife...” There was a pain in his voice that Alcina had never heard from him before.
“Do you want me to bring her over for a proper burial, or...?”
Alcina was thrown back by the question. Before she could reply, grief and guilt simultaneously struck her like lightning, her legs turning to jelly beneath her. A hand shot to her mouth, as if to shield herself from hearing any more words.
It was the only reply that escaped her lips. In her eyes, she could see it all again...
Your body plummeting through the window, your face pale, your limbs broken. That look on your face as you died...
She bit her palm, trying to distract herself from the horror.
Heisenberg called out when the vampiress didn’t say anything, “Are you alright? What happened to her?”
"Karl, please," Alcina pleaded, her voice coming out hoarse as if she had just wept for hours. The countess wanted nothing more than to fall back into bed and drown in a sea of grief, unable to face the truth of your death once more.
"I... I cannot talk about it. Please, just... bring her body to me so I can bury her. There is no need for any of us to speak of what happened... it's better that way," she pleaded, her voice filled with misery.
“I’ll be there in an hour.... I’m really sorry, Alcina...”
The countess was silent for a moment. For the first time, she felt truly powerless. She didn't wish to remember the way you died at her hands, and yet as she awaited your body... The pain and guilt was suffocating.
"Thank you" she replied quietly, a single tear rolling down her cheek.
What would your family think? Your friends, your loved ones... Would they ever know the truth? They were going to have to. In some way, this was her fault.
No, she wanted a funeral. And you would have it.
One hour.
That was all that separated Alcina from her greatest mistake. But in this time, she did what she could to prepare for your arrival.
A casket- made of elegant wood and lined with elvet of a deep garnet hue- was prepared. It wasn’t new. You had made it saying she’d need somewhere to put you when your time in her life finally expired.
She couldn’t help but cry as she remembered how happy you two had been together. How much you had loved her.
Your hair and body was washed, a crown of roses placed in your hair- Alcina's handiwork.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered as she stared at your beautiful face in the casket. She could almost hear you whispering in her ear... Telling her that you loved her and just how much as you often did. She wanted nothing more than to hold you one last time and kiss you deeply. But as she reached out to do so, a dark feeling came over her.
The truth was hidden in that darkness.
“Please.... forgive me,” she whispered, tears rolling down her cheek.
She had to excuse herself from the little ceremony to what used to be your shared room.
She ended up at her vanity, gripping the edge of it before her eyes fell on the last picture you had ever taken of her. The one you had brought with you from the night before.
It was a portrait of Alcina in her most vulnerable state. Her hair disheveld, her eyes hazy as she had just awakened from sleep when the photo was taken.
Still, the photo was one of the best memories you’d held of her.
She was beautiful, regardless of how much sorrow and grief had taken hold.
Holding onto the photo for a moment, Alcina turned it over repeatedly, a faint smile crossing her red lips.
“I’ll see you again one day, my love,” she whispered, her voice choked with tears.
“We haven’t said goodbye yet.”
After a long few long moments of staring at your portrait of her, the countess dried her tears and returned to the casket room that held you rcasket to stare down at your still face.
The tears came again, but she was too far down the rabbit hole to turn back.
With her hands, Alcina closed your eyes with all of the love she held for you. She couldn’t bare your gaze any longer. But she couldn’t bear your silence either...
As Alcina kissed your cheeks with gentle tenderness, memories of your first kiss came rushing back to her. It was nothing but a distant shadow now.
In all the centuries that she had walked the Earth, Alcina had never felt love like this. She had shared her flesh with countless lovers, but it meant nothing... Not now.
Because this- you... you were different.
“Sleep, my love. Dream of our nights spent together.... our passion...”
Alcina burshed a stray lock of hair behind your ear- chest tightening when your eyes didn’t open at the motion- before she took a step back.
“We’ll be together again soon,” she promised, a pained smile on her lips.
The countess stayed with you for a while, the weight of her grief slowly becoming much mor eoverwhelming. But eventually, she had to bring herself together to say her final goodbye before Karl buried your casket.
She rose from her seat for the final time, looking down on you for a moment.
“I’ll find you in my next dream.”
Her voice was barely even audible before she turned on her heel, turning over her shoulder to take one last look at your peaceful face before she withdrew from the room.
“I love you, dearest. Always."
Alcina shut her bedroom door and closed every curtain.
It was the first time in a long time that she had been left alone inside her chamber- neither you nor any of the girls there to come bother her. For so long you had been there.... your soft voice to comfort her... your warm body to hold at night in bed.
But now- for the first time- this place felt empty, colder, lifeless without you.
Alcina took a deep, shaky breath as she fought back her tears.
She approached the window where she ahd so coldly tossed your body out, the chill of the wind stiniging and reminding her of that very moment.
Perhaps you wished to speak to her. Bid her your own last farewell.
With this thought in mind, she took a deep breath as she stared out into the night, “If you can hear me, my love, I want you to know...”
The wind howled loudly as if to answer her words.
“I will always love you,” she finished, her eyes gazing up at the sky.
Though the chill of the wind bit at her heart she didn’t bother with closing the curtains back again. She wanted to be as close as possible to where you lay, so that her words could travel further with the hopes of reaching you somehow.
“I’ll see you some day soon, darling... I’ll see you soon....”
A few tears found their way from her eyes. At the salty sting, she shut her window, head bowed.
The wind’s howling died down as she shut the window behind her. She stood in front of it for a moment, as if you were just beyond the curtains.
A small smile spread across her lips at the thought.
"Farewell, you magnificent creature," she whispered, as a final tear tumbled down her cheek.
"My beautiful darling."
For a second, Alcina's heart stilled. The silence seemed deafening.
She waited a moment, hoping to hear you speak one last time.
She only heard the silence of nighttime, and her own soft breath in her chest.
"If you can hear me," the countess began after a long while. "I hope it's not painful beyond death," she whispered, her voice choked with regret. "I hope that I haven't failed you somehow."
She was silent for a moment, before speaking again.
"I'll never forget you."
A moment passed, and a sigh escaped the countess. She turned around, stepping back into the darkness of her bedchamber. For a moment, the shadows seemed to dance and shimmer, as if your spirit was right there with her.
The wind whistled outside. No.
She was going insane.
"I'm sorry," Alcina whispered, her voice filled with sorrow and guilt. "I should have been more careful. Maybe if I had been a better woman, you'd still be here with me."
Her voice was thick with grief.
After a few more moments of silence, Alcina sat down on her bed.
"I'll tell you about myself," she spoke quietly, her voice almost breaking into tears more than once.
"My favorite color is dark green. My favorite food is… was… well. You." She chuckled, "I like to read and listen to music. My favorite genre is jazz. My favorite band is… was.. uh. Never mind."
She fell silent again, taking a second to compose herself. She took a deep breath and continued.
"My favorite season is fall. I love looking at the orange leaves as they fall to the ground. I love the way the trees change color in the autumn. I remember how when it was still warm enough you would bring the girls and I outside to rake and play in the leaves..."
Another pause.
"My favorite time is night. When the birds and animals fall quiet, and the darkness closes in. My father used to say it's beautiful, but I think it's sad. A sort of beautiful kind of sadness... This melancholic time when all is quiet but yet, it isn’t. Wind still blows... trees still rustle... chirps of the daytime become the hooting sounds of owls..."
She laughed, the sound of her voice breaking her heart a tiny bit.
"Your favorite time was dawn, wasn't it?" She was speaking to herself now.
"We shared two things in common, did we not?"
She continued quietly, "We were passionate about art, and music." Her voice shook a little, tears now rolling down her cheeks.
"You would have loved to read my poetry, I just know. I remember how you used to ask about it and then I would always tell you that you had to let me see inside your sketchbook first."
She fell silent again, thinking about her words before speaking again.
"We were both lonely, and that's why we found each other. I mean, of course, it was thanks to Bela and the girls’ portraits, but in essence our attraction was built out of a sort seeking of solace in one another, no?"
Alcina's words became softer and softer as she spoke as if she was speaking to you.
"I know how much you wanted to paint me… how we spoke about it almost every day. Every night before bed you would come in, hands tracing the lines and features of my face... You’d say ‘Oh, Alci... my darling how I wish you’d model for me’..." She chuckled softly. Her chest ached with a thousand needles and pins as she remembered your words.
"I was always too tired. I wished I could've been a better muse for you, a better woman, a better lover."
Alcina's voice was breaking, but she still wanted to tell you one last thing.
"If you hear this," She murmured into the darkness, "I have to tell you..."
"I love you."

🤎©️ All work belongs to sexysapphicshopowner. Do not use or repost my content in any way without my consent or permission. Thank you! 🤎

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hiii! this like my first time asking for a match up so plz forgive me if i seem awkward🥲🙏
Id like a romantic twst match up if that’s possible please!
some info!
looks: goth, pale, dyed black hair, shag cut hair, 5’7, jade green eyes, slightly chubby
positive traits: mature, observant, helpful, independent, nurturing, highly intelligent.
negative traits: cynical, lazy, easily annoyed, unmotivated, easily distracted, overly sarcastic.
interests: chemistry, forensics (actively majoring in forensic science with a concentration in chemistry!) art, music, shiny things, mycology, zoology, astral bodies, anime, trinkets.
love languages: giving- words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving- words of affirmation, quality time.
dislikes: loud things, crowds, conflict, injustice, self righteous people.
i thinks that’s all! if i missed something please tell me or just completely ignore this! :D
sorry this is a bit short, i've been a little stuck
i match you with....
Jamil Viper!

- Jamil would be a quietly devoted partner. He would rather write you notes about how he loves you than say it all the time. But trust me when I say you'll have encyclopedias worth of written proof that he adores you!
- At first, he might pull away not being used to being nurtured. But after the initial shock, he'd slowly melt into it. Even if he still has to work his rear off to take care of Kalim, he'll grow to relax in your presence, spending alot of the time alone he has with you.
- On occasion, he'd make food for you or help out with laundry or cleaning. Just so he feels he's giving back.
- Jamil would like hearing about you interests. He'd be a bit curious about forensics and would listen to anything you have to share or even help you study for exams.
- He would do his best to get you up and more motivated! Jamil appreciates to finally have someone close to him be incredibly smart and show it. Jamil wouldn't mind your cynicism or sarcasm at all. Infact with him, you'll likely meet your match!
#twisted wonderland#disney twst#twst#matchups#twst matchup#twst matchups#twst jamil#twisted wonderland jamil#jamil viper#scarabia
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Alright I'm aimed at the whiteboard of an unrelated lecture hall the way I'm about to be projecting
Warriors: bitches about how much he hates chemistry. Is a chem major. This surprises people and then he gets to senior level classes and is like "oh I learned how to make meth four different ways and also how to make a pipe bomb" and it makes sense bc forensic science. Alternative to him being a cop cause acab
Wild and Wild started political major then switched to rec management and worked there as a park ranger/trip guide. Then he got a phd in some very niche history specialization bc Flora informed enough for him to basically test out of an entire other undergrad degree.
Hyrule: also switched to rec management from nursing. Theydo their assignments together and those are things like: go camping, catch bugs. Wild works at the university climbing wall, and Hyrule works in the first aid tent at uni events
Legend: undecided for a while, fashion major, switched to political science but was way too far into fashion to NOT have that be his minor. When he switched, Wild gave Leg his notes. They were not helpful.
Sky: didn't go to uni bc he went to flight school. Paying the same as their tuition for lessons, but he's got a guaranteed job and fucking excellent pay lined up.
Time: got an associates in art at a community college, met Malon, and then decided to live his best stardew valley life and we love that for him.
Wind: hear me out: scuba diver/submarine operator investigating shipwrecks. This I feel is trade school more than university but college isn't needed for every field. He'd work at ocean gate for like 2 days before seeing their shady business practices and even sharper and moping the fuck out.
Twilight: went to a trade school to be a mechanic as his day job and the reason barrel racing isn't an Olympic sport is bc there's no point when Twi will win until the day he or Epona dies
Four: so many majors he cant keep track of his sophomore year his advisor got fed up and made him pick four. Literature and criminal justice became minors, music and engineering are majors.
Wars: I LIKE THIS, THATS VERY COOL. i have a lot of thoughts about potential majors for him because there’s literally just so much to do with him, depending on the au i’ve made him a political science/history major with the intent to become a lawyer, i’ve made him an engineer (for a big hero six au), fashion, and a dance major. I like the chem to forensic science thing thats VERY cool :)
Hyrule: PERFECT. NO NOTES. whatever he ends up doing it involves being outside and exploring or discovering things >:)
Legend: I HAVE HIM AS A POLITICAL SCIENCE MAJOR IN MOST MODERN AUS TOO (except the big hero 6 one because, like wars, he’s an engineer)
Wind: I LOVE IT. ive had him interested in marine biology before :)
Four: he’s definitely any advisors worst nightmare alskdkdslkskd
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Lizzie as The Flash
Recently I started getting really into the CW Flash TV show, and like any poor fool it spiraled out of hand resulting in 8 pages of notes!!
Meet Lizzie, the lead character in the Blue Blur au! Mainly inspired by the life series and empires, Blue Blur is set in the fictional Empire City and follows Lizzie after an accident resulted in her gaining super speed.
More on Lizzie's general story under
Lizzie is a slightly stressed and constantly late forensic scientist working for the Empire City PD. Her parents were killed when she and her brother were children, forcing Lizzie to become her brother’s sole provider before they were taken in by Grian’s family. Jimmy and Lizzie are close, and originally Lizzie joined the CSI unit as a way to help better protect her brother.
Lizzie and Jimmy were taken in by Grian’s family after a while, Grian effectively becoming a brother to the pair. Grian joined up with the police as a detective after hearing about Lizzie’s plan to join up on her own. Grian and Lizzie are surprisingly close, enough for it to be a problem for the police chief. Grian is the one who always seems to cover for Lizzie when she’s late or missed a call.
Lizzie was always the sibling most interested in science, so when she heard about the reactor turning on, a major event, Lizzie drags them along with her. Things go sideways when Jimmy’s bag gets stolen and Lizzie chases after them, resulting in her getting stranded when the reactor explodes. In a panic Lizzie attempts to find her brothers, completely drenched and rushing through crowds, but in the end she gets struck by lightning, becoming comatose.
Lizzie stays under for 9 months before coming out of it in a lab. She’s panicking, she needs to see her brothers, she needs to check on her lab. The scientists (Scar, Mumbo, Gem and Tango) try their best to stop her but she’s already out the door.
It takes her a moment to realise she was being housed under the labs, and at that point she just starts running, she needs to get to the station. Because Grian would know what’s going on right? She trusts Grian, he’s looked after her brother for ages so he- he. And then she’s just in front of the station. Her heart is pounding and she can barely breath, she makes her way in, still in the clothes she’s collapsed in and spots Grian.
Grian in shock grabs her, asking what she’s doing here, when she’d woken up? All she says is that she needed to see him, her legs give way and he drives her back to the labs in a panic, with Lizzie barely conscious. Grian goes off on the scientist, to which Mumbo is barely able to calm him down and escort him out.
Gem is the first one to really ask how she’s doing, Scar and Tango more focused on her vitals than her. Lizzie explains what happened, but Gem is mostly interested in the fact Lizzie said she ran to the station. She’d barely been gone half an hour, with most of that time being taken up by Grian driving her back. Gem checks the soles of her shoes, before panicking and practically ripping them off her, mostly because they’d almost melted to her feet.
Turns out Lizzie has super speed now, cue main plot.
#blue blur au#ldshadowlady#life series#empires smp#superhero au#traffic smp#trafficblr#life series au
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hi!! i’m also an astronomy major (actually graduated this past spring) and art nerd, so i’m wondering what area of astro study you like the best and if art influences your interest in science?
OMG HI!!!! There are so few of us!!! Everyone does physics.
I honestly love any field of astronomy that’s not cosmology (which sucks a bit because I’m at cosmology central university apparently). I’ll probably enjoy cosmology if that’s what I end up in though. I really really love solar and auroral astronomy (I wrote an essay/paper thing on STEVE and am very proud of it) and planetary science.
If anything my interest in science influences my art more! I’ve done art projects that have used python and MATLAB as media! It’s hard to describe but my art process is very… analytical and precise. And of course a lot of my art includes at least some reminder of astronomy.
Side note, but I wish forensic astronomy were a viable field on its own, I’d enjoy it so much. Unfortunately they usually just use regular astronomers to do forensic things :(
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