#forensic notes
faedastudies · 5 months
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! just a friendly reminder to look after yourself !
I am officially caught up in forensics and have 4 hours before my practical starts and I cannot focus for the life of me. I really need to study human anatomy but my brain cannot handle anymore information.
I thought I’d show off todays plans too
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noecoded · 1 year
september.time to begin my yearly aggressive repeated rewatching of the same 3 shitty horror movies that remind me of asmo
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luzwastaken · 22 days
doodle dump from two weeks of school :3
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forensicfield · 7 months
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Fingerprint development methods are techniques used to enhance and visualize latent fingerprints, which are impressions left by the ridges of the fingers on surfaces. There are various methods for fingerprint development, including:
1. Powder Dusting: This method involves applying a fine powder, such as black powder or magnetic powder, to the surface containing the latent fingerprints. The powder adheres to the oils and moisture left behind by the fingers, making the prints visible.
2. Chemical Reagents: Chemical reagents are substances that react with the components of latent fingerprints, causing them to become visible. Examples include ninhydrin, which reacts with amino acids in the sweat, and cyanoacrylate fuming (Super Glue fuming), which creates a white polymer on the print.
3. Dye Stains: Dye stains involve applying a colored solution to the surface containing the latent fingerprints.
4. Physical Developers: Physical developers are solutions containing metallic salts that react with the components of latent fingerprints to form a visible deposit. Silver nitrate and zinc chloride are common examples of physical developers.
5. Laser and Alternative Light Sources: Laser and ALS, such as ultraviolet (UV) light or infrared (IR) light, can be used to visualize latent fingerprints that may not be visible to the naked eye. These sources can enhance contrast between the fingerprint and the surface, making them easier to detect.
6. Nanoparticle Techniques: Nanoparticle-based techniques involve using nanoparticles that specifically adhere to the components of latent fingerprints, making them visible under specific lighting or imaging conditions.
Each fingerprint development method has its advantages and limitations, and the choice of method depends on factors such as the surface type, the age of the prints, and the resources available in the forensic investigation.
Read More: https://forensicfield.blog/methods-of-latent-fingerprint-developement/
#forensicscience #forensicfield #fingerprint #crimescene #crimesceneinvestigation #fingerprintdevelopment #criminology #criminalistics
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magicaeblood-study · 2 months
I started reading a forensic book I bought so I might be posting about forensic study notes or cool facts I learned soon
I also have a psychology book so that to
Maybe more later on
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the14yearjourney · 2 years
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Aaaaand this officially marks the first time I've had to draw a skull :D looking at my designs it's the first of many (   T~T).
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Death note characters draw themselves — inspired by @ponury-grajek and the extra bit in the manga about Misa drawing!
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er-cryptid · 9 months
The hyoid bone is the only bone not attached to another bone.
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faedastudies · 6 months
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I did a bit of forensic work and ignored the essay I have due in 3 weeks 🥲
I haven’t really been doing the best mentally so I’m taking it all one step at a time (studying enough to keep me from falling too far behind, but not enough to burn me out). Friendly reminder: there is no shame in prioritising your mental health!
And yes, my pen is shaped like a syringe (it used to have red liquid inside but it dried up :/)
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the way in which this team of apparently highly trained police officers goes about researching their cases is so frustrating. like what do you mean you're only checking whether kao used his phone after he left art's place after you found out he left at all. why did you just. assume. kao died there at the studio. and why has it taken you literal days of thinking of 'hey maybe we should find out if kao has anyone he trusts he can stay with while hiding'. all of these things should be at the top of the list. full phone records, lists of family and friends. you've got a missing person who may or may not be dead and you're just kind of winging the case as you go???
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fear-the-hippo · 2 years
Spooky Species: Silphidae
As part of this extremely late Spooky Season Showcase, I’m bringing out some personal favorites as well as reblogging others’ posts. For example: beetles in the family Silphidae, otherwise known as carrion beetles. 
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Members of this group eat dead animals or scavenge dung (poop) or decaying plant material. Adults and larvae often eat the same thing, but the particular dining habits vary with species. Some simply eat the carcass, others eat fly maggots that eat the carcass. Burying beetles, another member of the Silphidae family, (genus Nicrophorus) dig soil from beneath a fallen animal, causing the corpse eventually to sink beneath the dirt piling up around it. Then the burying beetles remove fur or feathers and prepare the meat for their larvae, like the one pictured above. They’re the grave-diggers of the insect world.
Fun Fact- forensic scientists love these little guys. When a human’s dead body is found, one method of finding out their approximate time of death is for the scientists to analyze the age and life cycles of carrion beetles in the corpse. Creepy, sure, but very helpful for solving crimes. 
While the conservation status varies, one species is dealing with the threat of the scariest thing of all- extinction. The American Burying Beetle (Nicrophorus americanus) is critically endangered, suffering from threats like habitat loss and pesticide use. It now occupies less than 10% of its historic range, possibly due to changes in land use driving off small animals and reducing the number of their carcasses, which these beetles depend on to reproduce. Luckily, captive breeding and reintroductions are underway to save the species. 
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In the meantime, let’s all enjoy these lovely little guys who celebrate spooky season year-round with their festive orange and black colors.
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forensicfield · 9 months
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divine-construct · 1 year
saw a cool post abt how loved books look worn and have stuff written it and things like that and. now i’m sad i don’t have my forensic medicine/pathology books on paper so i can highlight passages and write notes and put dog-ears onto the pages that mean the most to me :(
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10 favorite TV shows
Rules: without naming them, post 10 gifs of your favorite TV shows, then tag 10 people.
Thank you @outercrasis for the tag!! This made me realize how much TV I don't watch lol it was so hard to come up with 10 shows
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Tagging @i-believe-in-unicorns-and-you @fromthepracticeroomfloor @tchaikovsgay @blackcat2016 and anyone else who would like to play :)
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after monaco i was so happy for charles but then i got in a depressive state about jules, it's so weird thinking that that beautiful boy is just a corpse now and that his sweet calming voice hasn't been heard in years 💔
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mkstrigidae · 5 months
Oof definitely going to have to completely re-write most of the oberyn&daemon investigation pieces for this next APWH chapter because i've been working on it tonight and it feels extremely disjointed rip my sanity
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