#foreign education certification
juttama · 1 year
学历提升,出国留学,留服认证,留学生回国证明,留学生学历认证,国外学历认证,移民,入籍,绿卡,枫叶卡 Educational improvement, study abroad, service certification, overseas student return certificate, foreign student certification, foreign education certification, immigration, naturalization, green card, maple leaf card
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ceasarslegion · 2 years
Followers from slovenia portugal and germany how is the social culture around trans people where you live? And if you know, how easy would it be to get prescriptions transfered from overseas?
After speaking to one of my relatives from europe over christmas/hanukkah this year im uh,, seriously considering a major life change. Theres nothing really for what i want to do where i am and with what i have but if i could get into one of the grad schools that accepts foreigners for free overseas and get my masters and potentially a phd i could have a REAL shot at my more ambitious dreams
And like,, im 24 years old with no dependents. Whats stopping me? It would be a hell of a lot of work balancing going back to school and supporting myself independently in a foreign country but hey, i basically did that for my undergrad and i was fine. I got honours with distinction! I can do it again!
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geniusattest · 2 years
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Certificate attestation UAE
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bouquetface · 4 months
Jupiter in Gemini (May 25- June 9 2025) ALL RISING SIGNS
Accuracy influenced by ENTIRE chart. Take it as entertainment.
Starting with general predictions for everyone and then specifics for ALL RISING SIGNS below.
Jupiter in gemini is in detriment. This means the planet is uncomfortable when it visits Gemini. Why?
Think of Jupiter as the teacher. Gemini as the student. Jupiter wishes to expand and educate to create prosperity for Gemini. However, Jupiter’s lectures are long. Gemini can get bored.
When bored, Gemini can become mischievous. You may notice during this transit, there is an increase in false information & gossip being spread.
Gemini is curious as well. This is great because Jupiter is knowledgable. The problem is Gemini can lose interest fast. As soon as Jupiter begins to create a plan for Gemini to reach their goal, Gemini is onto the next idea. This may manifest as:
You become interested in Jupiter related topics - faith/religion/spirituality, foreign travel, law, higher education. You may begin to plan goals such as moving abroad or going to Law school. However, you may lose interest and never fully create the plan.
Jupiter naturally rules Sag and traditionally it rules Pisces as well. This energy is care-free, go with the flow. Jupiter sees the bigger picture and doesn’t concern itself with details. It just has faith and dreams big.
But Gemini & Virgo are the opposite signs of sag & pisces. Gemini & Virgo can’t “just have faith and dream”. They can be the most anxious of the signs. They need to know the details.
For example, for some Jupiter is dreaming up these plans for foreign travel and higher education. Gemini is asking Jupiter a lot of questions about the details. “How exactly will you manifest this into reality?” This makes Jupiter uncomfortable. He’s used to the dreamy and adventurous spirits of sag & pisces. “Why do we need a plan? just have faith in me and let’s go”
This can result in high levels of anxiety & frustration during Jupiter in Gemini transit. Jupiter might accidentally expand that anxious nature of Gemini.
And now to be more specific, here is how Jupiter in Gemini will influence all rising signs. Keep in mind entire natal chart influences accuracy.
Jupiter is transitting your 3rd house. Possible ways this may manifest:
Opportunities to travel/move neighbourhoods. Your local neighbourhood or community expanding. Finding a new social activity that brings you in contact with the community.
Opportunities & motivation to communicate. Learning languages, writing with long term goals of publishing. Ideal transit for writers. Teaching and learning possibly online.
Birth of sibling or cousin. Having an important teaching moment with a sibling or cousin. A younger sibling may bring a small blessing to you.
Learning to drive. Learning about a new form of transportation.
Thinking becomes more anxious than normal. Jupiter naturally rules your 12th and 9th house. Topics of isolation, foreign travel may leave you feeling anxious. For example, you move and now feel isolated. Or Applying to universities. Anxious about whether you’ll get in or is it the right choice for you.
Pluto in Aqua will trine Jupiter in Gemini. This brings for a positive flow between 11th and 3rd house. This is positive for friendships, sibling relationships, long term goals, humanitarian goals.
Jupiter is transitting your 2nd House. This can manifest as:
Becoming focused on making more money. Learning a new skill, getting higher education (degree, certificate, diploma, etc.), working harder to make more money.
Expanding possessions. Jupiter rules your 8th and 11th house. You may inherit or be gifted a little something during this transit. An older sibling may be very helpful. Could be by physically giving you something or giving you advice.
Pluto in Aqua will trine Jupiter in Gemini. This brings a positive flow between your 10th and 2nd house. A change in career and status could help make you more money. You may seem more knowledgable on your career field. 10th house can be father or masculine authoritative figure in your life. They may help you in career.
This is transit is in your first house. This can manifest as:
You could feel very lucky and joyful during this transit. You could find a partner as Jupiter naturally rules your 7th. This could result in relationship weight gain or getting pregnant as jupiter expands and 1st house is your body. However, since jupiter is in detriment, you could feel unhappy and end relationships especially when jupiter transit will opppsite your natal sag pluto (only applies to people born 1995-2008). However for some, this could result in marriage. 7th can be business partners and clients as well. A career change or advancement may occur. All depends on entire chart. You likely know what is likely and what isn’t.
Pluto in Aqua will trine Jupiter in Gemini. This is a positive flow between your 9th and 1st house. You may appear better educated. You may travel or love far away where you are better perceived.
Jupiter naturally rules your 10th house. You could find advancement in your career or reputation. However, some may need to watch out for petty gossip influencing their reputation.
Jupiter transits your 12th house. This can manifest as:
Spending time alone. Physically or mentally isolated. Jupiter naturally rules your 9th and 6th. You could slowly focus on fixing your mental or physical healthy by creating a healthier daily routine. You could be moved far from home resulting in more alone time as you don’t know the people around you yet. You could move for education.
You could learn more about religion and having faith as this is a 12th and 9th house topic.
Pluto in Aqua will trine Jupiter in Gemini. This is a flow between your 8th and 12th house. Something may occur that will result in needed alone time. These can be difficult houses. Dealing with death, depression, and isolation. Doesn’t mean something bad will happen though. It may simply be that you need that mental reset and take time to yourself.
This is your 11th house. This can manifest as:
Making new friends. Friends that could be like mentors to you. Expanding your network circle. Watch out for letting in bad people. Gossip is likely to become intense at some point during this transit. Some of you may find you are the target. This wouldn’t be anything too serious. Gemini is ruled by a fast moving planet. Any gossip that rises would quickly die down as people move onto the next topic.
Pluto in Aqua will trine Jupiter in Gemini. This is a positive flow in your 7th and 11th house. This can result in a positive transformation in your relationships. Marriage could occur. Either for you or friends. You may date a friend. All depends on your entire chart and what else is activated.
For those born 1995-2008, jupiter in gemini will at some point oppose your natal pluto. For leo rising this is opposition between 11th and 5th house. This could mean eventually hearing gossip about afraid or children, pregnancy. Or being involved in those scenarios. You may feel the need to advocate for what’s right. Speak against any toxic people.
This is your 10th house. This can manifest as:
Opportunities to change career. Maybe change jobs, or receive advancement.
Jupiter naturally rules your 4th and 7th. Changes in home and marriage/relationship may affect your reputation. For virgos, saturn has been testing your relationships as it is in the 7th. Some may realize the relationship is bad, and breakup or divorce. Others may see their person is supportive and helpful in tough situations and decide to level up the relationship - marriage, moving in.
Jupiter in gemini will opppsite your natal pluto if you were born 1995-2008. The exact opposition depends on your natal. Around the time it occurs, it could bring big changes in family and home. This could change your career. Or how people see you.
This is your 9th house. This could manifest as:
Taking a trip abroad. Seeking higher education. Faith being tested. Educating yourself on a religion.
For those born 1995-2008, at some point jupiter will opppsite your natal pluto. When this happens, there is tension between 3rd and 9th house topics. You could change communities. You could have transportation troubles. You could have issues in communication especially with siblings/cousins/childhood friends.
Pluto in Aqua will trine Jupiter in Gemini. This can result in a positive flow between 5th and 9th house. You could feel more creative. You may write more. You could publish your work during this transit.
This is your 8th house. This can manifest as:
Receiving help from someone else’s resources. Loans, inheritance or gifts. Unfortunately, this may also mean higher stress when it comes to finances. Watch out for debt or needing to repay people.
If you are born between 1995-2008, jupiter will at some point opppsite your natal sag pluto. This creates tension between 2nd and 8th house. You may inherit money. Or you may struggle with debt and saving.
Pluto in Aqua will trine Jupiter in Gemini. This is your 4th and 8th house. Making it likely someone in the home or family may help you at some point during this transit. This could be mentally, or financially.
This is your 7th. This can manifest as:
Entering a relationship is very likely. Meeting new friends or clients is likely. Becoming balanced and cooperative is likely. Some may get married but this depends on entire chart ofc.
If you are born 1995-2008, jupiter in gemini will opppsite your natal pluto. This creates tension between 7th and 1st house. You may go through phases of feeling bad about your body or yourself in general.
Pluto in Aqua will trine your Jupiter in gemini. This is a positive flow between 3rd and 7th house. This gives improved relationships with siblings, friends, partners and clients. Communication will feel easier. Conversations of closure are likely.
This is your 6th House. This can manifest as:
Getting a pet. If you are born between 1995-2008, at some point natal pluto will opppsite jupiter. This can result in tension between 12th and 6th house. Could be a death of a pet. You may feel lonely and isolated. This may be due to more responsibilities in daily life. Or health troubles.
You may feel motivated to improve your health and daily life. Slowly finding ways to improve life in general. This may result in more money as Pluto in Aqua will trine Jupiter in Gemini. A positive flow in 2nd and 6th. Some may find jobs, receive promotion or bonuses for their hard work.
This is your 5th house. This can manifest as:
Having a child. I know an aqua rising who is expecting a child during this transit.
Increase in creativity. You could feel the urge to create. Poems, song, stories, etc. Likely communication related as gemini is the sign.
if your are born between 1995-2008, your natal sag pluto will at some point oppose jupiter in gemini. This is tension between the 11th house and 5th house. Rumours or gossip may cause friction in your social network. 5th house can be love affairs and pregnancy. Watch out for becoming involved in petty drama.
Pluto in Aqua will trine Jupiter in Gemini. This is a positive flow between 1st and 5th. You could make changes to your appearance this year. You could just simply feel better about yourself life direction. Likely due to the creative boost you will receive. Just very joyful transit.
This is your 4th House. This can manifest as
Expansion to your home or family. Birth of new family member. Or moving to a bigger place. Renovations to make the house better or bigger. Getting a roommate.
If you are born between 1995-2008, at some point your natal pluto will oppose jupiter. This creates tension between 10th and 4th. Both your career or home/family life may become demanding.
Pluto in Aqua will trine Jupiter in Gemini. This a positive flow between 4th and 12th house. Changes made could result in needed peace of mind. Happily finding alone time.
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drive · 2 months
Boosting a fundraiser for a Palestinian Student's Education Journey in Egypt!
Shatha is a 19 year old displaced Gazan artist and student in Egypt who is accompanying her injured mother while the mother receives treatment at the Red Crescent Hospital in Cairo. I was fortunate enough to meet them while volunteering for mutual-aid efforts at the hospital back in April. And now that Egypt has opened up university registration for the upcoming school year, Shatha finally has a chance to start university again and to pursue her dream of studying Arts & Design. All we need is to do is help her with tuition and administrative fees.
To know Shatha is to witness, firsthand, the strength of her conviction to never compromise when it comes to pursuing Art in university, a dream she’s had since 7th grade.
One of Shatha’s drawings, from a sketchbook she keeps under her mother’s hospital mattress:
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Back in Gaza, late September of 2023, Shatha first achieved her dream of starting Art School at Al Aqsa University to pursue a career in Design. On the 5th of October 2023, she unknowingly attended what would be her last lecture at Al Aqsa University. On the 13th of Jan 2024, her mother was walking on unsafe ground following a missile attack and fell into a crater, fracturing her right leg. On the 4th of March 2024, her mother was finally authorized to receive treatment in Cairo and two days after that, Shatha left her father and siblings behind in Gaza to accompany her mother to the Red Crescent Hospital in Cairo where they still reside to this day.
Her mother’s leg before and after plate insertion which was the first step they took in treatment:
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Shatha’s University, Al Aqsa, destroyed in Khan Younis (Picture by Ruwaida Amer):
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Now with no university left standing in Gaza, Gazan students were given the option to start over at foreign universities, granted that they still have their certificate/transcripts in their possession, something Shatha thankfully does.
Picture showing Shatha’s High School scores, averaging 85% in the Literary (Adabi) Pathway:
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Picture showing tuition costs for international students at Egyptian Public Universities. Shatha’s Yearly tuition, highlighted in purple, being one of the lowest on the list: 3500 USD:
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The costs listed below, and the fundraiser’s preliminary goal, are set for the lowest possible sum needed, not accounting for student accommodation or a stipend for her to survive the 5 years of school here in Egypt. Any added costs, or if the fundraiser’s goal increases in the future, will be explained as they become apparent to us.
We’ve started the campaign before her acceptance into a specific school because after initial acceptance, we would only be given 2 weeks to pay for the rest of admin costs and first-year tuition which is thousands of dollars we currently don’t have. So we will start fundraising ahead and will update this fundraiser with her acceptance letter or any news as soon as we receive them.
Breakdown of Costs:
Mandatory Administrative One-Time Fees:
Website Registration Fees: 170 USD
University Coordination (Tansiq) Fees: 170 USD
Registration to The Foreign Student Fund: 150 USD
University Registration Fees: 1500 USD
Tuition & Paperwork:
Yearly Tuition: 1750 USD (after applying 50% discount offered to Palestinian students), multiplying by 5 years is 8750 USD.
Renewal of Shatha’s Passport for Application: 200 USD.
Everything sums up to: 10940 USD.
Please help Shatha achieve her dreams. I know for certain that she will go on to do great things in life and I, and hopefully you as well, am honored to have been part of her life and her journey to achieving that.
Thank you so much for donating to this fund, please remember to also share widely within your networks.
Note: This fundraiser is created on behalf of Shatha Mesmeh by Mohamed Ashraf, an Egyptian citizen who is based between US and Egypt, and Menna Essam, who is based in Egypt and is in direct contact with Shatha, and it is being boosted on tumblr by me on their behalf!
This is time sensitive. In the next two weeks we need around 2,000 USD then come September we will need another 1,750 USD for Shatha to be able to apply for the major of her choice and start the semester on time. We have time for the rest.
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lua-magic · 9 months
Fifth lord and your Name and Fame.
Which ever house your fifth lord sits in that house could get you Fame.
Fifth lord in first, tenth and ninth house are the best combination. It gets you things easily without much struggle.
Fifth lord in ancendent.
You will easily get your education, even when you don't want it you will get your higher education and have lot of certificates and medals with you.
Fifth lord in Taurus.
You will get your fame from your speech, singing, speaking ,finances, and handling money related jobs
Fifth lord in Gemini ♊
You will get your fame from your skill, especially, that uses your hands, like writing, painting, shooting, poetry.
Fifth lord in ♋ Cancer
You will get house, cars easily and get comforts of house. You can get your success in real estate, house related jobs, or in automobiles sector.
Such combination also gives you sucess in politics and government jobs.
Fifth lord in fifth house
You will get higher education, multiple degrees. You will get your fame from your own creativity, and in education sector as well.
Fifth lord in sixth
You can be good doctor, healer, auditor, CA, lawyer.
Fifth lord in Libra ♎
If fifth house falls in Libra sig or fifth lord goes in Libra then it is combination of love marriage.
You wil get success in partnership, buisness, through your partner as well.
Fifth lord in Scorpio
You are good in occult or you can get your success in insurance, mining, banks, loans, finance.
Fifth Lord in Sagittarius.
Gets you higher education easily, you will be attached to your guru, teacher, father.
You can get your success from teaching, sharing your knowledge, and counseling.
Fifth lord in Capricorn ♑.
You are good in any work that that you do and will get promotion easily in anywhere you go, irrespective of work you do and Knowledge that you possess.
Fifth lord in Aquarius
Fifth lord in eleventh house gets you success in social media, content creation, and through your network.
Fifth house in Pisces ♓
You will get your fame in foreign land, or your child will go in foreign land , you can get your success in spirituality as well.
You could work in hospitals and prison as well.
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hard--headed--woman · 3 months
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Rose Valland !
She was a French Resistance fighter who rescued and recovered more than 60,000 works of art and cultural property stolen by the Nazis from public institutions and Jewish families during the German occupation!!! For that, she was nicknamed "Capitaine Beaux-Arts"
Rose was born in 1898 and died in 1980. Although she never spoke publicly about her private life and sexual orientation, she never married, and the only relationship she ever had was with a woman.
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She was able to study thanks to her mother, who applied for grants for her daughter. In 1914, she entered the École normale d'institutrices in Grenoble, graduating in 1918. Gifted for drawing and encouraged by her teachers, she left to study at the École nationale des beaux-arts in Lyon.
She gained a good reputation there, because she was talented and serious, and won a lot of prizes! In 1922, she entered the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts in Paris. She then passed the competitive examination for teaching drawing, coming 6th out of more than 300 candidates.
During the 1920s, she studied art history at the École Pratique des Hautes Études, the École du Louvre and the Institut d'Art et d'Archéologie. In 1931, she obtained her diploma from the École du Louvre on the evolution of the Italian art movement up to Giotto. At the Institute of Art and Archaeology at the University of Paris, she obtained three postgraduate certificates in modern art history, medieval archaeology and Greek archaeology. She was so intelligent and cultured, with so many diplomas, it's impressive! She published some studies and articles too, and she even learned to speak some languages like German without even studying it.
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From October 1940, at the request of Jacques Jaujard, Director of the Musées Nationaux, she remained at the Musée du Jeu de Paume, officially as a curatorial attaché, unofficially instructed by Jacques Jaujard to report to him on the actions of the Germans, who had just requisitioned the museum to store works of art extorted from private collectors.
During the Occupation, the Germans began systematically looting works from museums and private collections across France, mainly those belonging to Jews who had been deported or had fled. They used the Jeu de Paume museum as a central depot before sorting and directing the works to various destinations in Germany, Austria and Eastern Europe. During the Nazi looting, Rose Valland discreetly recorded, as accurately as possible, the movements of the works passing through the Musée du Jeu de Paume, the names of the looted victims, the number of works, their destinations, the names of the agents in charge of the transfers, the names of the transporters, the marks and writing on the crates, the numbers and dates of the convoys, not forgetting the name of the artist, the work and its dimensions.
For over four years, she kept track of all the works' movements, origins and destinations. She scrupulously drew up dozens of index cards, deciphered German carbon paper discarded in the museum's garbage cans, and discreetly listened in on the conversations of Nazi officials. She provided the Resistance with essential, detailed information on the trains transporting the works, so that these convoys could be spared by the Resistance. In autumn 1944, she gave the Allies the names of German and Austrian depots (Altaussee, Buxheim, Neuschwanstein, Füssen, Nikolsburg, etc.) to avoid bombing, secure them and facilitate the recovery of stored works.
After the liberation of Paris by Allied troops, and until May 1, 1945, she worked with SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force), providing the Americans with vital information on storage sites for works transferred to Germany and Austria.
From May 1945, she was seconded from the Ministry of National Education to the Ministry of War, then from 1946 to 1952, seconded as a 3rd class administrator to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, occupying the Secretariat of State and then the General Commissariat for German and Austrian Affairs. Nicknamed "Captain Beaux-arts", she was appointed Captain in the 1st French Army, while also serving as Head of the Service de remise en place des œuvres d'art (SROA) within the Public Education Division of the French Group of the Board of Control.
She was sent to the various Allied occupation zones, British, American and Soviet, from where she repatriated a large number of works. She cooperated with American agents to conduct investigations and interrogate the Nazi officers and merchants responsible for the looting.
She played a decisive role in the February 1946 Nuremberg hearings on the plundering of art by Nazi leaders.
Between 1945 and 1954, she took part in the repatriation of over 60,000 items of French cultural property taken from public institutions and persecuted Jewish families.
Her courageous and heroic actions during the war and post-war years earned her numerous French and foreign decorations. In fact, Rose Valland was one of the most highly decorated women in French history.
She was :
-> made an Officer of the Legion of Honor
-> made a Commander of the Order of Arts and Letters
-> awarded the French Resistance Medal
-> awarded the Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian decoration in the USA
-> made an Officer of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
-> awarded the Latvian medal of the Order of the Three Stars in recognition of her involvement in the Latvian Art Exhibition (painting, sculpture and folk art), held at the Jeu de Paume from January 27 to February 28, 1939.
Unfortunately, as is often the case with women in history, the role she played in the Resistance, protecting French works of art and the property of deported Jewish people, was quickly forgotten, and her name is hardly ever mentioned today when this part of history is evoked. Insane, when you know everything she's done and how many decorations she got...
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At an undetermined time, perhaps in the post-war years, Rose Valland met the British woman Joyce Heer, secretary-interpreter at the U.S. Embassy, who became her lover until her death. The two women shared an apartment on rue de Navarre in Paris. Rose Valland reserved a place for her beside her in the family vault.
Rose Valland died in 1980 at the age of 81 in a nursing home in Ris-Orangis, outside Paris. She is buried with her lover in the family vault in her native village of Saint-Étienne-de-Saint-Geoirs, where the secondary school and a square bear her name.
She truly was a hero, and I wish we talked about her more !
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eretzyisrael · 5 months
by Richard Goldberg
Anti-Semitism is spreading in K–12 school districts. Even in primary and secondary education, Jews are often viewed as privileged whites and oppressors, with Israel branded as an egregious example of “settler colonialism” and oppression of “indigenous people.” “Liberated ethnic studies” curricula, like the one mandated by California, have created a distinct variant of critical theory aimed at Jews for being Zionist colonial oppressors.
Teachers’ unions are the leading purveyors of this approach. Two years ago, the United Educators of San Francisco adopted a resolution calling for a boycott of Israel. The Chicago Teachers Union instigated pro-Hamas demonstrations in the Windy City after October 7. The union persuaded Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson (a former CTU lobbyist) to condemn Israel in the city council, and it organized a student and faculty “walkout” to show solidarity with Hamas—a city-authorized event that left Jewish students and teachers feeling intimidated. In suburban Seattle, kids as young as seven were recently encouraged to condemn Israel and join in anti-Semitic chants. Oakland Unified School District faces a federal investigation after 30 Jewish families removed their kids from school due to rampant anti-Semitism. And at a high school in New York City, hundreds of students hunted down a female teacher they saw on social media holding a sign supporting Israel.
Marxist ideology is the primary culprit influencing this mind-set, but not the only one. Qatar, a tiny Persian Gulf country that supports Hamas, is funding anti-Semitic “scholarship” not only in American universities but also in K–12 schools. Qatar Foundation International gave $1 million to the New York City Department of Education between 2019 and 2022 for a program featuring a map of the Middle East that erases the Jewish state. The same story played out at a public charter school in Irving, Texas. What other districts in the country might be taking money directly or indirectly from a chief Hamas sponsor? Brown University’s Choices Program, used by more than 1 million high school students nationwide, exhibits a clear anti-Israel bias. According to Brown, the Qataris “purchased and distributed a selection of existing Choices curriculum units to 75 teachers whose districts didn’t have funding to buy them.”
Tools to fight back, however, are available. Governors and state legislatures can begin by blocking “ethnic studies” from the K–12 curriculum and by imposing new teacher-certification requirements. To curb foreign meddling, states should ban school funding or in-kind donations from entities connected with countries that harbor U.S.-designated terrorist organizations. School districts and state boards of education should use the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition of anti-Semitism to root out conduct meeting its standard. Several groups sued the Santa Ana, California, school district in state court for failing to notify parents before approving ethnic studies courses that contain anti-Jewish bias and for harassing Jewish parents at school board meetings.
At the federal level, parents could file formal complaints with the Department of Education for discrimination under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Such complaints are increasingly common against colleges and universities, but any school that receives federal funding must comply with Title VI. The House Committee on Education and the Workforce should consider holding a hearing on anti-Semitism in K–12 schools, putting the national spotlight on anti-Jewish administrators and school board leaders.
Local, state, and federal officials have played meaningful roles in fighting back against critical race theory in the classroom. They need to fight equally hard to stop anti-Semitism masquerading as Middle East or ethnic studies.
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cinnamonnangel · 1 year
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(The Seventh House is ruled by Libra and Venus.)
House of marriage, personality and character of our partner, partner’s job
Civil partnership, bilateral relations, long and committed relationship, close friends, closely associated with, opposite side, associations, union, consultancy
Terms of relationship and behavior
Joint ventures, hostilities, adversary, rivals, competition
Traits we feel lacking in ourselves, the parts of us that are in us but have not been revealed and that we have difficulty in accepting
Lower back, skin, external sexual organs, bladder, ovaries, blood
International relations, military or civil wars, treatises, arbitrators, illegal criminals, marriage and divorce rates, foreign trade, public relations
(The Eighth House is ruled by Scorpio, Mars and Pluto.)
House of death - natural or unnatural, accident, suicide, fire, drowning, diseases, corruption, crises, surgery
Sex, sexuality, erotism, desire, fantasies, fetishes, sexual life
Alteration and transformations, sharing
Heritage, money that comes to us beyond of our control, money that comes to us from others, inheritance from husband
Tax, alimony, debt, heritage, loan, lottery, gambling
Robbery, fighting, theft, slaughter, butchers, coroners, harassment, rape
The fears, privacy, feel rage towards, abomination
Psychology, occultism, parapsychology, subconscious, spiritual psychology
Genitals, groin area, colon, sex organs, gall bladder, rectum, urogenital system
International debts, international financial agreements, charges, stock certificates, interest rates, foreign exchanges, credits, fuses, mortgages, pension funds, legacies, mortality, life-critical, suicide
Surgery, morgue, surgeons, laboratories, nuclear forces, sewage, organized crimes, terrorists, detective, demimonde, arms, underground sources, cabalistic subjects
(The Ninth House is ruled by Sagittarius and Jupiter.)
House of wisdom, mastership, higher education, academic trainings
Cults and thoughts, abstract reasoning, moral evidence, philosophizing, religious cult, reflection, abstract thoughts
The house where we deepen the information we get from the 3rd house
Distant relatives
Society's mindset, social law rules, social and moral rules, harmony with society
Expedition, long trips, distant travels, foreign countries, foreigners, exterior, crew, communication instruments, media, broadcast
Hips, thighs, sciatic nerves, lower spine, liver, autonomic nervous system
Foreign relations and trade, courts, laws, judges, minorities, companies, advertising portfolios, religion and clergy, the country's philosophical and religious tendencies, migrations, long-distance communications, fast-moving news, broadcasting, popular culture, foreigners
Universities, airlines and transport, maritime transport, ministry of foreign affairs, flight attendants
(The Tenth House is ruled by Capricorn and Saturn.)
House of profession, honor, social status, public esteem, dignity, business, character, reputation and career
Glory, name, fame, recognition, way of life, purpose and power
Social roles, status in society, the part of society that sees us, social identity, prestige and title
Marital status, our partner's family, parents, father, authoritarian leaders
Skin, hair, knees, teeth, bones, joints, skeletal system, reputation
Government, the state's reputation by foreign countries, heads of state, powers, executives, leaders, celebrities, notable personages, public figures, uplands
(The Eleventh House is ruled by Aquarius, Saturn and Uranus.)
House of friends, groups, associations, endowments, a circle of friends, people around us, hives, social environments and organizations
Goals, future plans, hopes, goals of life, wishes, happy news, wealth, fortune, expectations from life and dreams
Income from career, colleagues, international friendships, audiences we offer ideas, incoming wealth, gains, profits, writings
Social media, mass media and virtual communities
Endowments associations, politics, parties, establishment, the masses
Lower leg, calves, ankles, electrical impulsive of the nerves, circulatory system, elimination
Allied countries, social institutions and administrations, legislative changes, national mobilizations, revolts, revolutions, organizations, erosions
(The Twelfth House is ruled by Pisces, Jupiter and Neptune.)
House of tribulations, secret matters, troubles, subconscious, covert and covered topics, privacy, loneliness, ermitage, place of isolation
Thoughts, anxieties, and fears underlying repressed consciousness, spiritual life
The things we hide from others and are afraid to tell, our shadow sides, psychological problems
Karmic transmissions, burdens and problems we brought from the past
Secret enemy, backfriend
What kind of pregnancy our mother had, our condition in the mother’s womb and the emotions transferred to us in the mother’s womb
Fantasies and fetishes
Feet, all bodily fluids, the lymphatic system
Secret enemies, secret organizations, private affairs, spies, psychics, fortune-tellers, wizards, deep and secret affairs, criminals, thefts, assassinations, drugs, addicts, dark business people, unemployment and strikes
Hospitals, prisons, rehabilitation centers, mental hospitals, faith houses, orphanages, clinics, charities, overseas
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reignsbaby · 3 months
This is for @diorianna
Hope you enjoy love!!!
(Also let’s pretend that Roman only has 3 kids in this)
Longing for Love
——Joe P.O.V.——
I never thought my life would include a messy divorce with children involved but here I am…and it’s so difficult. I’m fighting for my kids, my home, my life all of it. It all just keeps getting more stressful as days go on. My grey hairs are popping through more and more. I had to find someone to help me. I began to reasearch nanny’s and baby sitters. When my eyes fell upon Y/N I felt something jolt inside me. The smile, so perfect and beautiful, the doe eyes entrancing me further…but I stopped myself. I was a soon to be divorced dad of 5. No woman her age would want me like that. But she did seem pretty genuine and open to really any hours available. So I decided to shoot her an email
—— Y/n P.o.V. ——
I groaned as my phone dinged roughly five times. There’s no way it’s time for me to get up yet…who the hell is texting me this early? I thought as I rolled over in my bed, I picked my phone up off the nightstand before sitting up in bed. It was notifications from my nanny/babysitting app I have.
Joe Anoa’i: Hello my name is Joe
Joe Anoa’i : I’ve never contacted someone on here before so bare with me please 😅
Joe Anoa’i: I have 3 kids, 1 is a teen so I don’t really need help with her as much, she might need help with homework or something here and there but she’s mostly with her mom, but I do have twin boys who are 3 years old.
Joe Anoa’i: I’m unsure the hours, I am really struggling currently as I’m going through a very rough divorce on top of this
Joe Anoa’i: I’m also on the road a lot, when I have my kids, they come with me so I can assure I spend gas much quality time with them as possible.
I took a look at Joes profile and I immediately noticed how good looking he was. But I pushed that aside it was time to be professional.
Good Morning Joe! I appreciate your interest in my services! I am a part time student who full time works as a nanny/babysitter, I would like to tell you a little bit about myself as I find that important for potential clients. I am 24 years old and I have always loved children, I as of now prefer to watch others children since I want to get my degree! I go to school online so I have open availability! I have been babysitting for roughly 7 years, and I’ve nannied for families for 2 years! I have taken many classes and sat in seminars to ensure that I can be a positive role model for children as well as a safe person for them to rely on. My classes and certifications will be listed below:
• CPR And AED Certified (I also have a portable aed machine I keep with me at all times)
• Water Safety Certification
• infant care certification
• professional nanny certification
• Childhood nutrition
• Fitness education
• Foreign language (6 years of Spanish, 3 years of French, I speak Spanish and French fluently)
• Special Needs Care Classes
• Positive Discipline Training
I would definitely be interested in helping you out! I do require at least one in person meeting prior to discussing any services and creating a buisness contract. If meeting in person doesn’t work (with your busy work schedule) I am also willing to do a zoom call and talk to you over that! Thank you for your interest and I hope to hear from you soon!
I sent the email and rolled over to go back to sleep. I couldn’t help but think about how handsome Joe was…I pushed it out of my mind and slowly fell back to sleep.
——Joe P.O.V.——
As I ran on the treadmill the ding of a notification interrupted my music. I looked down seeing it was a email from the nannying site. I opened it, reading Y/N’s message and smiling. She said she’d help! And she’s got so many qualifications…man she’s a well rounded individual.
—Time skip because it’s needed now—
——Y/n P.O.V.——
It was a hot day and the first thing the boys wanted to do was swim, I loved Joe’s twins and they were so well behaved. And Joelle was home too which made for nice conversation, she’s such a sweet girl I felt bad that she had to be as old as she was while her parents went through a divorce, my parents were divorced, and it sucked to be her age through all of it too. I walked upstairs, knocking on the door of the boys room. I opened it hearing then giggle. “You boys finish your assigned reading for the day?” I asked and they both nodded with big smiles on their faces. “Well good……I guess it’s pool time then!” I said excitedly and they screamed jumping up and down and making me shush them. “Boys your dad is still sleeping you have to keep it down…he had a long week.” I said and they looked up at me covering their mouths before giggling. “I’m awake.” I heard his deep raspy voice say from behind me, shivers ran up my spin as I slowly turned to look back. My eyes trailed from his thick muscular legs up to his naked torso and chest. My eyes finally connected with his deep chocolate doe eyes making my face flush. “Oh Mr.Anoa’i I didn’t realize you were up! Sorry boys I yelled at you for no reason then.” I said with a small laugh. “How many times I gotta tell ya call me Joe. It’s okay I’d rather you keep these rowdy boys of mine in line then let them wreak havoc like I know they can.” He said as he moved into the room, quickly swooping each boy up onto his shoulders. They giggled and squealed making me smile. “Daddy! Guess what! It’s pool day!” One twin squeaked out surrounded by laughs. “You gotta swim with us please daddy!” The other twin said making me smile. “They sure do drive a hard bargain huh?” He said turning and looking at me. “Yes they do.” I said with a smirk. “Well I guess I have no choice then. I’ll go get my suit on. You two get yours on.” He said setting them down and they nodded. “Last one down to the pool is a rotten egg!” He said before bolting from the room. I quickly grabbed the suits from their dresser handing them each one before exiting the room and closing the door. I needed to check on Joelle.
I knocked softly on her door, hearing her softly tell me to come in. I opened the door peaking my head in seeing her writing stuff down. “Hey Joelle, I just wanted to check in and see how you are doing.” I said with a soft smile closing the door behind me. She looked over sighing before I saw her lip wiggle. “Oh no I’m sorry hun I didn’t want to make you cry:” I said walking over and giving her a hug. She cried softly shaking her head: “I’m so stressed out!” She sobbed out and I rubbed her back letting her calm. “Let’s talk about what you are stressed about.” I said and she let out a shaky breath and nodded. “I’m trying to get a really good score on this anatomy test, I have all A’s but this class I have an A- and I want to get it up so bad. And then I have the varsity swim tryout tomorrow too…and with everything going on with my parents it’s hard to focus, I want to stay here but I know mom is coming tonight and that’s gonna be a huge deal if I even mention it. But I want quiet, and I love my brothers but they are kids and they are loud.” She said and I hummed nodding. “You got practice cards for the exam?” I asked and she nodded. “Okay, well I can help you study, and I can help you as best as I can with practicing for the swim tryout too. I think you need some fresh air for a reset though. Have you had anything to eat today yet?” I asked and she shook her head. “Okay, get your cards, and get your suite on, I’ll make you some lunch and we’ll sit by the pool and study.” I said and she smiled nodding. “You go ahead and get your suit on and I’ll go ahead and make you some food. Meet me down by the pool. I’ll help you out as much as I can.” I said and she smiled. She gave me a big hug. “Thank you for everything Y/n. I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t here.” She said and I smiled. “It makes me happy to help and it’s also my job. I don’t want you struggling through a bunch of stuff at once. You already have enough going on with your parents.” I said and she nodded. I stood giving her another hug before walking out. I walked down the stairs, taking stuff out to make sandwiches, I made Joelle, The boys, Joe and myself a sandwich, I then cut up some fruit and veggies and put them on a tray. Joelle walked down there stairs while I was cutting the boys sandwiches up. “I made you a sandwich hun. And I cut some fruits and veggies too. Let’s go outside.” I said and she nodded opening the door for me as I brought all the food out. “Boys I made you sandwiches come eat! Joe I made you one too.” I said and set them down on the table. The boys quickly got out running over to grab a sandwich. “Hey beautiful, how’s it going?” Joe asked getting out walking over to Joelle kissing her in the top of her head. “I’m a little stressed dad. Y/n’s helping me though.” She said smiling at me and I nodded. “If you need my help babygirl you know all you have to do is ask. Can I help with anything?” He asked as I ogled his body as he hopped out of the pool with ease. The water making his entire body glisten under the sun. “I might need your help with practicing for my swim team tryout tomorrow, and also I want to stay here overnight to get good rest, can you somehow try to convince mom to let me stay?” She asked and I could see him tense slightly. “Whatever you need babygirl I got you.” He said with a soft smile and she smiled back with a nod. Joelle sat down on one of the chairs organizing some school work. I walked over with her sandwich and sat down on the other chair. “Okay let’s get started.” I said and she nodded taking a bite out of her sandwich.
We studied for a good portion of time and she was acing everything. “Okay how do you feel now?” I asked setting down her note cards. “Much more confident now onto the swim try out.” She said and I nodded. “Alright babygirl what do you need me to do?” Joe asked and she thought for a moment. “Well I need to stay under a certain time so can you time me?” She asked and he nodded. “Y/n can you give me a countdown? She asked and I nodded. We walked over to the far end of the pool and she got set up. “Alright. Ready, set, GO!” I said and she dived into the water effortlessly, swimming with all of her willpower to the other end. As soon as she touched the end she looked up at Joe. “18.5 seconds.” He said and she groaned. “What do you need to be at?” He asked her. “I need to be below 16 seconds.” She said and he nodded. “Okay well you aren’t that far off…let’s just focus and push, do you need me to talk to you while you swim?” He asked and she thought for a moment. “Yeah maybe.” She said hopping back out of the pool. She walked around to the end of the pool again getting ready. “Ready?” I asked and she nodded. “Ready. Set. GO!” I said and she dived in once again. “Come on! Push! You got this! Push! Faster! You are almost there!” Joe said as he cheered her on. She touched the wall looking over at him breathing heavily. “You were so close honey. 16.5 that time.” He said and she groaned. “Uhm would it helped if I raced you? Maybe when you are next to competition you push harder.” I said and she looked over at Joe and he shrugged. “I don’t think that it would hurt to try.” He said with a smile and I nodded. She came back over to the side I was on and we both got ready. “Ready. Set. GO!” Joe said as we both dove into the water. I swam as fast as I could and I could tell she was going to beat me. Which was good. I finally touched the wall and she quickly looked up and over at her father. “You got….13.8 SECONDS!” He said and I cheered clapping for her. “Yes!!! Thank you both for helping.” Joelle said with a big smile and I nodded.
——Joe P.O.V.——
As Joelle hopped out of the pool, I watched as Y/n slowly got out. I couldn’t help but watch the droplets of water cascade down her body. My mind thinking of all the things I’d love to do to her. But I was older than her, and divorced, messily divorced which she’s seem parts of. Which I’m sure isn’t a great look for me. But there’s also something so entrancing about watching her with my kids. She’s so nurturing and loving. And the kids seem to love her too. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Joelle. “I think mom’s here.” She said and I looked down at my watch. She was 2 hours early. I’m sure there’s some fucking reason for it. I walked into the house and over to the door. I opened it seeing my loving ex wife standing there. “You are early…what a lovely surprise.” I said with all the sarcasm I could muster. “It’s not like you have anything to hide. I already know you are probably sleeping with that skank you call a “nanny” you mad I interrupted you finally getting some?” She asked and I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
——Y/N P.O.V.——
I told the kids to go get their stuff ready upstairs as I walked into the house with their wet towels. I began walking to the laundry room before I heard the bickering. “Oh please Joe. I know you like that whore I’m sure you haven’t kept your hands off of her.” I heard his ex wife say. “Are you fucking crazy? You are here to pick the kids up that’s it. I’m not going to fucking argue with you. I don’t know why you care so much anyway. YOU asked for a divorce not me.” I heard Joe say and I bit my lip. Was she talking about it me? I wondered as I threw the towels in the washer throwing some soap in before starting it. “Because I don’t want my kids being watched by some slut who’s probably trying to fuck their father in front of them.” She said and my jaw dropped. She was talking about me. I slowly walked into the hallway not stepping out from behind the wall. “You are going to stop talking about Y/n like you even know her. And you need to stop projecting so much. Just because you cheated and then asked for a divorce and then the guy you cheated with broke up with you doesn’t mean that you have any right in how I’m living my life. And for your information Y/N and I have not slept together so let’s get that straight right now.” Joe said making me blush. “But you want to don’t you? You want to fuck someone younger. Manipulate her just like you did to me.” She said and my eyes went wide: “I’m seriously done having this conversation with you. You are just trying to embarrass me and yourself at this point.” Joe said and she laughed. Something in me decided to make me step out from behind the wall. Joes eyes made contact with mine and he sighed. “Y/n I’m sorry her behavior is unacceptable. I didn’t want you to hear any of that I apologize on her behalf.” He said and I smiled softly. “I don’t! I’m sure he’ll knock you up just like he did me. Don’t believe his fucking lies he’s an asshole.” She said looking over his shoulder. “It’s honestly disgusting to me that you’d talk about anyone in that manor in front of your own children.” I said and she scoffed. “Oh what like they don’t hear you two moaning all night anyway?” She said making me laugh. I walked up closer to the door and Joe watched me carefully. “Let’s get one thing very very clear. I’ve never slept with Joe. I’ve never slept with anyone who I work for. So the fact that you think you can step up here and talk about me as if you’ve known me for years is astronomical to me. You should be THANKFUL I’m here. Helping your children, making sure they are getting their school work done. I just helped Joelle prep for her anatomy exam she has tomorrow and her elite swim team tryout she also has tomorrow. And Joe has been right there doing what he can as their father to help too. But seeing that YOU stepped out, YOU made this more stressful for YOUR OWN KIDS! Not HIM! So don’t go around blaming everyone else for your mistakes. You don’t want to see anyone happy or succeed because you are miserable and that’s your own wrong doing. Not anyone else’s.” I spoke with confidence before walking away. She was speechless. I walked upstairs knocking on the loud door seeing them come out with their bags packed and ready. “Alright mommy’s downstairs, go ahead I’ll see ya boys in a few days!” I said with a smile ruffling their hair. I knocked on Joelle’s door before opening it. She was shoving things into her bag aggressively. “Are you alright Joelle?” I asked softly and she shook her head as I heard her sniffle.
I walked up and sat on her bed opening me arms and she looked up crying and falling into my arms. “I’m sorry you have to be in the middle of that hunny, It’s not fair to you.” I said rubbing her back. “No it’s not. But I know it’s not dad. It’s just her I don’t understand why she hates you, or dad, when she’s the one who made a mistake.” She said shaking her head and I shrugged. “Honey the last thing I want to do is make it seem like your mom is a bad person. I know she loves you and your brothers and I think that she’s just upset and hurt that she did loose your dad and she made that mistake. It’s hard…I’m sure. Especially with how long they were married. Even though she made a mistake, it still hurts loosing him I’m sure.” I said and she sighed. “I wish she was more like you. I wish she was you. I wish you were her. You know I heard her saying all those things about sleeping with my dad. I know you haven’t, but if you like him…I think it would be good for him to have you in his life. You keep him happy. I haven’t seen him like that since way before the divorce even. He’s so much more in tune us kids now too.” She said making me smile. “Well honey as much as I do have interest in your father I think he may believe I’m too young for him and that’s okay. It won’t make me care about you and your siblings any less.” I said and she nodded: “Just promise me you’ll stay in touch even if you find someone else to take care of.” She said and I smiled. “Oh hun, if it ever were to come to those terms of course I’ll stay in touch I want to see you succeed to your fullest potential. Now pack the rest of your stuff. You’ve gotta go.” I said and she nodded. I helped her pack the rest of her stuff into her bag and we walked out of her bedroom. We walked down stairs and she turned and hugged me, her mother glaring from the door. “Hey you are gonna do amazing tomorrow okay?” I said and she smiled nodded. She walked out the door, Joe closing it behind her. He sighed his head dropping as he looked down at the floor. “Joe I-.” Before I could finish he put a finger up. “Don’t. Don’t do what I know you are about to do.” He said and I blushed softly. “I was just gonna apologize.” I said and he shook his head turning around looking at me. “No. You don’t have to do that. You were in the right. I never should’ve let her continue disrespecting you. I apologize. She was so out of line.” He said and I shrugged. “I don’t care what she says about me. I care about what those kids hear. Joelle was up there in tears. That’s not okay to me.” I said and he nodded his eyes brimmed with tears. “I-I know. I just…I don’t even know what the fuck to do.” He said putting his head in his hands. “Would you like a hug?” I asked softly and he nodded walking over pulling me in for a big hug. He was like a giant compared to me but u tried my best to wrap my arms around him. He cried just like Joelle oddly enough. “I just never thought my life would come to this you know? I’ve been cheated on, went through a divorce and now she’s got this fucking vendetta out against me for god knows what, and my fucking children are being affected by it.” He said and I sighed. “You don’t deserve this.” I said and he shook his head. “I just want my kids to be happy. They are always happy when they come here and you’re here.” He said and I let him go finally sensing slight resistance. “Joe maybe it’s better if I find a different family to nanny for. I can’t live with subjecting the kids to this life if I’m what causes that.” I said and his face dropped. “Joe, maybe it would be best for me to nanny for a different family. I don’t want to cause the kids more stress and harm.” I said shaking my head and he pulled his head away looking at me fear writing like the front page cover of a newspaper. “Y-you can’t go. The kids love you, I love you, I-.” He stopped as it sunk in what he just said. “Y-you what?” I asked softly, looking up at him as tears brimmed my eyes. His hands slowly came up to caress my face before he pulled me in for a soft loving kiss.
I closed my eyes taking in the feeling of his soft sweet lips against mine. I relaxed against him as our lips moved in sync with each others. We pulled away for air and I finally opened my eyes looking up at him. His dark brown doe eyes bored into mine. “I said I love you. I fucking love you Y/N. And I know it’s probably wrong but fuck I can’t hide it anymore. You are so perfect.” He said rubbing my cheek softly making me smile. “I love you to Joe.” I said with a smile and his smile somehow grew wider. He kissed me again with more passion this time. His hand ran up to hair gripping it softly, his other arm snaking its way around my waist pulling me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck softly moaning into his mouth. “Let me show you? Please?” He asked lowly and I nodded. His strong arms reached down to the back of my thighs hoisting me up onto his waist. He kissed my neck softly making my head lull back as he walked us up the stairs. “God I didn’t think you’d feel the same about me.” He said softly as we made our way to his room. He closed the door behind us, bringing us to the bed before sitting down. “I found you attractive the moment I saw you..” I whispered in his ear making him groan.
His hands traveled up my thighs, gripping my ass softly before continuing up to my waist. His hands slid under my shirt, pulling it up and over my head. His eyes traveled down my body. “God you are fucking gorgeous.” He whispered making me blush and cover my face. “What? There’s no way you aren’t used to compliments.” He said kissing down my neck slowly. “I don’t..g-get many.” I whispered out as he flipped me around laying me down softly in the bed. His soft lips trailed down my body his eyes closed with each kiss. His large hands caressed my thighs trailing down to my waistband. He delicately pulled my pants off, my underwear following right after. “Please take your clothes off.” I whimpered out and he smiled. “I got you baby.” He said lowly his lustful eyes gleamed in the setting sun. He pulled his shirt off with one hand. My eyes tracked down his gorgeous body. Loving the site. So fucking hot. His gorgeous tan skin, accompanied with his dark and prominent tattoos. I swore he was sculpted by a god. He pulled his pants down his v-lines peaking out of his boxers. My eyes traveled to his thick hard on prominent in his tight briefs. “Oh wow…I-I’ve never seen one so big before.” I said making him chuckle. “Can I touch you?” I asked softly looking up at him. “Of course you can baby.” He said lowly making me smile. I sat up crawling over to him. I kneeled as I leaned forward kissing his soft lips. His hands traveled down to my hips gripping them softly. I ran my hand down his chiseled upper body, wanting to memorize every ounce of muscle I could feel. Finally I met the fabric of his waistband. I slipped my fingers into his waist band reaching for his hard member. My hand just barely being able to wrap around it.
I slowly began to stroke him, his deep moans making the fire inside me blaze higher. He pulled away from the kiss pushing his forehead up against mine. “As much as I love you touching me. I’d prefer to also be pleasuring you.” He said and I smiled nodded. “How about you ride my face? Would you like that?” He’s asked and I nodded softly. Before I knew it he was laying down and I was being pulled up to his face. His muscular arms pulled my thighs down as he began to skillfully work his tongue against me. I moaned softly as my eyes rolled from pleasure. I quickly went to work taking his member out of his boxers, pushing them down his legs. I took in the sight of his thick cock, wondering how it was going to even fit. I had never seen someone so well endowed let alone had one inside of me that large. I gripped his member softly before slowly licking around the tip. His thighs twitched with anticipation as I began to lick and suck him. My tongue running along the veins feeling them throb. I moaned around him as he hit a pleasure filled spot. He slowed for a moment trailing his tongue around before triggering my moan again. He smiled against me as he focussed on that spot. I moaned around him my legs beginning to shake from pleasure. I sped up my motions bobbing my head around him adding my hand stroking him with what I couldn’t fit in my mouth. I was so fucking close. He pulled me up slightly making me whine as his mouth was now detached from me. “I want you to dum for me baby. I’m so close. I want you to cum in my face baby lemme taste you.” He growled out before going right back to work he quickly found my spot again making me moan around him even more. Before I knew it my eyes rolled back, my thighs squeezed his face and I basked in the feeling of pure pleasure, feeling what felt like jolts of lightning flow through my body. He slurped against me making me whimper. I continued to suck as I felt his cock twitch.
His warm essence filled my mouth as he groaned. “Fuck baby that was amazing.” He growled out making me hum. I finally sat up removing myself from on top of him. “Come lay down, let me take care of you.” He said and I laid down as he sat up. Somehow still hard he lined up with my entrance bending down and kissing me softly. I still involuntarily tensed making him pull back and look at me. “What’s wrong sweetheart?” He asked and my face flushed hotly. “I-I just haven’t done this in a while you are really big, I won’t lie and say I’m not nervous.” I said and he bent down against kissing me softly. “Honey, if you don’t want to do this we don’t have to.” He said softly and I shook my head. “No no I want to! I do! I’m just a little nervous that’s all.” I said and he nodded. He kissed down my jawline over to my ear. “I’ll be as gentle as you want me to be my love.” He said softly in my ear making me moan out. “You ready?” He asked and I nodded softly. He kissed along my neck slowly easing himself inside of me. I gasped loudly as he was finally in. “Too much?” He asked and I shook my head quickly. “No! Please don’t stop.” I moaned out gripping his biceps as he began to thrust into me. He felt so much bigger inside of me. I moaned loudly gripping onto his back. His slow deep thrusts gave me all I needed and more. “You like that baby? You like the way I fuck you?” He asked lowly in my ear making me moan louder. “Yes! Oh fuck I love it please don’t stop!” I screamed out making him growl. “God you feel like fucking magic you know that?” He panted out making me whine. He sat up pulling my legs over his shoulders making me gasp out. He sped up his thrusts the new angle making him feel like he was inside my stomach. I knew I was close already. But I wanted him to use that strength. “Harder baby! Fuck me harder please!” I moaned out as he growled. He picked began to slam into me the sound of skin slapping together filled the room. “You like it a little rough don’t you baby?” He said with a smirk making me whine with a nod. “Yesss I love it rough.” I moaned out making him groan. He brought his hand up my belly, then chest, resting it at my neck making me moan. His other hand reaching down and rubbing slow circles around my clit as he pounded into me. “Oh fuck I’m gonna cum! Please! Please don’t stop!” I moaned out gripping his biceps digging my nails in. “Cum for me baby. Come all over me.” He moaned out and I my moans began to get higher as I felt myself start to shake. My toes curled, my eyes rolled back and the knot inside me tightened before releasing completely. Falling over the edge my body shaking softly. My body felt heavy as I still was reviving from my orgasm. I heard him growl before pulling out quickly, shooting his load all over my stomach. I breathed heavily my eyes closed from exhaustion. “You sit tight baby I’m gonna go get a washcloth and towel to clean up.” He said and I nodded holding my thumb up to him making him laugh.
——Next Day——
I was sleeping peacefully wrapped in Joe’s warm and cozy arms when all the sudden his phone started ringing. Joe jolted, quickly reaching for the smartphone on the nightstand. “Hello?” He said rubbing his eyes and sitting up softly. “Babygirl slow down. What’s wrong?” I heard him say and that quickly woke me up. It had to be Joelle. “We are on our way. Don’t worry about it.” He said getting out of bed. I hopped out of bed as well grabbing some leggings and a shirt. Slipping my pants on first, I looked over at Joe as he pulled some jeans on watching me change. His eyes traveled down to my naked chest as I slid my shirt on. “So what’s going on?” I asked and he snapped out of his trance. “Joelle is freaking out because she has that swim tryout and her mother is nowhere to be found but the twins aren’t at school she called the school and they said her mother picked them up.” He said and my jaw dropped. “So she left Joelle knowing that she has the varsity swim tryouts out?” I asked and he nodded. “She was torn up about it. We gotta go bring her.” He said and I nodded. I grabbed my purse jogging downstairs, I grabbed a cold purple Gatorade from the fridge, along with a beef stick and cheese stick. I’m sure she’s hungry and she needs some electrolytes to keep her focused. Joe came downstairs looking down at my hand smiling. “Bringin her a snack?” He asked and I nodded. “God I love you.” He said kissing my forehead as we walked out the door. “I love you too honey.” I said with a smile as we got into the car.
Once we got to the school Joelle quickly ran out and got in the car. “Thank you guys for coming.” She said softly and I handed her the snacks and drink k brought. “You’re the best Y/n.” She said ripping the packaging open and eating her snacks as we quickly made our way there. Once we were there we parked. “Alright babygirl good luck.” Joe said and she hugged him tight. “Could you guys come in and be there for me while I tryout?” She asked and Joe looked over at me. “You won’t feel like your friends think it’s lame your parents are there?” He asked and I smiled at the fact that he called us her parents. “No not at all I think it’ll help me actually.” She said and we shrugged. “Okay we are more than willing if you want us to hun!” I said and she smiled widely. We all got out of the car and walked in. We walked down to the pool and she walked over to the registration table and we walked over to the bleachers. Joelle got through registration and was givin a number to pin to her swimsuit. Joe smiled as he looked at her number. “96 god sign that was my number throughout college football.” He said making me smile. She was racing 3 others. As the line up, Joe reached over and grabbed my hand. I looked at him and he looked nervous as he was locked in on his babygirl. The shot went off and in they went. Joelle swam as hard as she could. Leading by a far amount but the time she touched the wall. “Yes that’s my girl.” I heard Joe whisper making me smile. “Alright. 96, incredible time. 13.3 seconds. Congrats you’ve made it to varsity.” The coach said and she quickly looked over at us with the biggest smile. I gave her a big smile back putting my thumb up making her smile. She got out of the pool going over and talking with the coach. She flagged us over and we walked over. “Nice to meet you both. You’ve got a very very talented girl on your hands, I think she can be something very very successful.” The coach said making me smile. “We are so proud of her. All her accomplishments this included. Thank you for noticing her potential.” Joe said and I nodded. “It’s hard to not notice it. Now you go home kid. I’ll see yah Monday bright and early for practice okay?” The coach said and Joelle nodded with a smile. She went to change coming out of the locker room a few minutes later. We walked outside and Joe turned and hugged Joelle tightly. “I’m so so proud of you.” He said and she smiled. “Sooo did you ask Y/n to be your girlfriend yet or were you just holding hands in the bleachers as a joke?” Joelle asked with a giggle. “It wasn’t a joke we are dating.” Joe said making me smile. “This is so sweet!” She said hugging me. I can’t believe that being a nanny turned into me meeting the love of my life!
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voxofthevoid · 2 months
Nah, bro, rooting for russians to migrate to ao3 is crazy. No one educated enough on the functioning of russian laws and their culture wants that.
First of all, they are stealing like crazy. U will be surprised by the amount of works they "translate" with no heads up for original authors on ao3. Even worse than that, russia does not have established laws regarding copyright issues with fanfiction - meaning that A LOT of authors quite literally print and SELL fanfiction. It's a normal story especially with big fandoms, such as Harry Potter, Marvel universe etc.
Funny story, one of the most popular russian Harry Potter wannabe story "Tanya Grotter" tried to access western market and lost miserably to JK Rowling - which is like... lmfao... they didn't even try to mask it as original content. I have zero respect for this woman whatsoever, but it's still crazy to me, that they tried to capitalize on her works this boldly. https://blogs.princeton.edu/cotsen/2018/06/tanya-grotter-and-the-magic-of-international-copyright/
Second of all, it's a very closed community and there is a REASON why they didn't and aren't moving to ao3 anytime soon - russian "culture" has no respect for authenticity and originality. russians are still in their "colonizers" era and I can assure you - the amount of artists creating just for the sake of their passion is laughable in comparison with authors looking strictly for recognition and a bag of rice. They are making capitalistic hell out of fanfiction with no consequences. Add to that mix a great sense of patriotism and nostalgia for soviet culture and it's wraps for us.
Btw Google how many languages are you allowed to write with on Ficbook?
I can tell right away. Only one. Russian. No Ukrainian, Kazakh, Moldovan, English languages are allowed. And you can say, well, #they r pressuring them because of politics rn, they banned LGBT works lately, too. No honey it was ALWAYS like that. Since the very beginning of the Ficbook. I can assure you, you are NOT welcomed there, but your works may find a new russian author someday. With a good usage of VPN, of course, and language skills. Nothing personal, just business. At the end of the day, what's more desirable than forbidden fruit?
So, no - you don't want them to move on ao3. You really don't. And I wish people would be more aware of what kind of mentality and opinion they REALLY have on people like you especially. Not that left-wing 0.008% that long ago flew russia and now live in other countries spending whatever they want. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania with highest amount of russian citizens now demand a B1 official language certificate confirmation from foreigners - a normal request every other country has when making a visa or citizenship. Who were screaming the loudest in protest, demanding to get rid of it in favor of one CERTAIN language and rhetoric of all those countries still being under CERTAIN country meaning their rights are "violated"? I let you guess, it's starts with R.
I frequently see you posting a lot of info about Palestine, which is good, but I wonder if you even know what the hell r you talking about when you posting something like this. Imagine saying - let's now give more platform to Israel to express their thoughts on whatever topics using fanfiction, artworks etc. What a great idea 💡 👍 I wonder what could possibly go wrong - certainly not increased procentage of propaganda thorough mass media... certainly not🤭 Only #fluff, #enemies to lovers, #countries r currently at war, #love wins #AUs. Amazing. I suggest you to get out of your bubble sometimes, might be groundbreaking and not comforting, but it'll get better.
Or not.
Either way, awareness is not a talent - it's a skill. You're currently lacking.
Shove your condescending bullshit up your asshole until you choke it back out of your mouth, you steaming pile of shit.
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eliteprepsat · 30 days
Embrace your uniqueness–it's what makes you stand out
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Standing out in the college admissions process involves showcasing unique qualities, experiences, and achievements. The point, however, is not simply to impress college admission officers with your accomplishments and achievements–it’s to show how you’ve invested time and energy to make a positive contribution to your community and the people around you. 
Here are some strategies high school students can use to distinguish themselves:
1. Pursue Passion Projects
Deep Dive into Interests: Engage deeply in a subject or hobby that genuinely excites you. This could be anything from scientific research, artistic endeavors, coding projects, or community service initiatives. Joining one of Elite’s LEAD Extracurricular Programs is a great way to explore and build your interests.
Showcase Achievements: Document your progress and accomplishments. Create a portfolio, blog, or website to display your work. Virtually all colleges ask students to list their accomplishments in their college application. In addition, some colleges allow students to submit an optional portfolio to showcase their talents and skills.
2. Leadership and Initiative
Start a Club or Organization: If your school lacks a club that interests you, start one. Aside from demonstrating leadership and initiative, starting a club allows you to dedicate time and energy to something you truly care about.
Lead Community Service Projects: Identify a need in your community and organize a project to address it. This shows commitment and the ability to lead and inspire others. While service projects are oftentimes done in person, you can also utilize technology to address a cause or issue–for example, provide online tutoring, build a website or app to educate the members of the public about a pressing problem and direct them to support organizations working to address that problem, or host a podcast or YouTube channel discussing an important issue.
3. Unique Extracurricular Activities
Develop Skills: Learn and excel in skills that are not typically taught in school, such as coding, entrepreneurship, or foreign languages. If available, obtain a certification that measures your competency or proficiency in the skills you develop. Certification typically involves passing an exam or test from a recognized organization.
Competitions and Awards: Participate and win awards in regional, national, or international competitions, such as science fairs, math olympiads, or writing contests. Showcase what you’re good at, and go as far as you can. Many students continue to participate in various competitions in college, and demonstrating a high level of interest and achievement will help you stand out from other applicants. 
Internships and Work Experience: Seek out internships and work experiences that provide unique insights or experiences related to your interests. These experiences will not only help you stand out from other college applicants but also help guide your choice of college major and possibly a career after college.
Artistic Creations: If you’re inclined towards the arts, create a substantial body of work, such as a short film, a series of paintings, or a novel. Applicants to fine arts, music, film, and theater programs in college are oftentimes required to submit a portfolio of their work.
Innovative Projects: Develop innovative projects that solve real-world problems, such as a tech solution for a local issue or an environmental initiative.
Cultural Contributions: Engage deeply with your cultural heritage or contribute to the cultural life of your community. Colleges want to build a class of students from diverse backgrounds, and demonstrating meaningful involvement in your community will allow colleges to see how you can contribute to the cultural life on campus.
4. Academic Excellence with a Twist
Advanced Coursework: Take advanced, honors, or college-level courses in subjects of interest. But don’t stop there: apply this knowledge in an activity or project to show its relevance and significance to your life. Enrolling in for-credit honors, AP, and dual credit courses through Elite is a great way to develop your intellectual interest during the summer and school year.
Unique Research Projects: Conduct independent research under the guidance of a mentor or through a research program. Colleges provide opportunities for students to engage in independent research as well as research with professors. Participating in research projects in high school will allow you not only to deepen your understanding of a subject you’re interested in but also to get a head start on research activities in college. 
5. Exceptional Letters of Recommendation
Build Relationships with Mentors: Form strong relationships with teachers, coaches, or other mentors who can write compelling, personalized letters of recommendation. Simply doing well and getting a good grade in the class is not enough, however–you should demonstrate a genuine interest in the subject through discussions and application of the information and ideas you learn in class.
6. Compelling Personal Statement
Tell Your Story: Write a personal statement that communicates who you are, your passions, and your unique perspective. Make it memorable and authentic by including stories or experiences that highlight your unique qualities and how they have shaped you. If you’re considering sharing personal stories of overcoming significant challenges or adversity, focus on your personal growth in overcoming the challenge, not simply on the challenge itself.
Final Thoughts
To stand out in the college admissions process, you should focus on the things that are truly important to you and demonstrate your values and interests. Not only will you be able to enjoy what you’re doing but you will also answer the key questions colleges ask when they review college applications:
How are you changing your world–whether it’s your family, school, or community–for the better?
How will you contribute to and engage with the other members of our college community in the classroom, in the residence hall, and on campus?
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coramatus · 1 year
Poor Em, living rough on the streets.
But I realised something, he actually wouldn't be able to get most jobs a NYC subway. He doesn't have any certificates on him and even if he did then they'd be invalid since the schools/college/uni he got them from doesn't exist. He wouldn't even be able to be a depot agent since that actual requires a minimum of 2 passing grades.
Emmet would have to work his way up from the very bottom, probably getting a job a a ticket seller or a cleaner and transferring up within the job. I think eventually, if he believe that he'll be stuck in NYC forever, then he'll go back to college just so he can go back to being a conductor/engineer.
Realistically, Emmet’s situation is a logistical nightmare. He has no birth certificate, no social security number, no record of his existence, no visa, no legal citizenship, no legal ID, never mind any accredited educational degree or job training certificates. If this were any other story, he’d be categorically fucked.
But this is where the vigilante train repairs come in.
In frustration from not being able to fix the stupid portal device that dumped him here, Emmet figures he might as well fix something and takes it out on NY’s shittiest subway cars. And because he’s from a (slightly) more technologically advanced society, he knows a few things people here haven’t figured out yet.
Before the MTA knows it, suddenly their drivers are discovering their trains are running like a dream when before they might as well have been scrap (ok well, the grosser parts are still an issue but Emmet’s a train engineer, not a train janitor).
When the admins learn about this, it doesn’t take them long to find out who did it. Some want Emmet arrested, but a few others think there can’t be any harm letting this good samaritan rando keep up his free volunteer engineering work. It means the less they need actually spend on maintenance, right??
And this might have worked if the unions hadn’t caught wind of it.
Because then, there’s the threat of the actual paid engineers losing work and the skirting of work safety laws because of these unapproved repairs by a volunteer, which sets a very bad precedent. And why not get this guy on board and actually pay him for his work? It’s only the right thing to do, isn’t it? >:)
The next time Emmet sneaks into a rail yard to tinker with the trains, someone catches him in the act. Emmet expects to be arrested and isn’t surprised when the MTA cops show up. But, they’re just there to escort him to headquarters, not arrest him. Apparently the higher ups are verrrry interested in meeting with him.
When Emmet makes it to the main offices, he’s questioned about his motives, who he is, what is he doing here, how did he learn that kind of electrical engineering, etc.. (Based on what Jamal warned him of, he was expecting this of scary government people, not the train police). And as he expected, his answers are not encouraging, re: paperwork.
What really throws him for a loop is that some of the higher ups are willing to… bend the rules a bit for him, perhaps. Emmet is pretty sure that’s illegal, but the MTA is a bit desperate to get him on board lest the unions go on strike again. They can help him with some legalities. Illegal immigrant with only foreign documentation? They can pull a few strings to arrange a work visa for him (he refuses a green card, he does not want to be a US citizen). No education or certifications? Pass the GED and if he really is as good an engineer and conductor as he claims, then pass the tests (he would have scored perfect on these if the New York state and US federal rail laws hadn’t tripped him up). He can’t circumvent the waitlist to be a driver, but in the meantime he can try teaching their engineers whatever electricity magic it is he’s been doing. As for everything else? They’ll work it out when they get there.
Emmet is speechless at this offer. Who knew fixing trains made that much of an impression? It’s a lot to take in but he recognizes that if he wants any chance of thriving here and not driving Jamal nuts from squatting in his apartment, then he’ll never get a better chance than this.
So Emmet accepts.
The subway systems of NYC are never quite the same afterwards…
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thailandimmigration · 14 days
Thailand Privilege Visa
Thailand's Privilege Visa offers a unique pathway for foreign investors, entrepreneurs, and skilled professionals to reside and work in the Kingdom. This visa provides numerous benefits, including long-term residency, multiple entry visas, and the opportunity to establish a business or pursue various economic activities.
Types of Privilege Visas
There are several types of Privilege Visas available, each catering to specific requirements:
Investor Visa: This visa is granted to foreign investors who make a significant investment in Thailand. The minimum investment amount varies depending on the investment type.
Retirement Visa: This visa is ideal for individuals who wish to retire in Thailand. Applicants must meet certain age and income requirements.
Marriage Visa: This visa is issued to foreign spouses of Thai citizens.
Education Visa: This visa is granted to foreign students enrolled in Thai educational institutions.
Work Permit: This visa is required for foreign workers employed by Thai companies or organizations.
Benefits of the Privilege Visa
The Privilege Visa offers several advantages, including:
Long-Term Residency: The visa allows for extended stays in Thailand, providing stability and flexibility.
Multiple Entry Visas: Holders can re-enter Thailand multiple times within the visa validity period.
Business Opportunities: The Investor Visa allows for business establishment and ownership.
Family Reunification: The Marriage Visa enables family members to join the visa holder in Thailand.
Access to Healthcare: Privilege Visa holders can access Thailand's world-class healthcare facilities.
Tax Benefits: Certain privilege visa holders may be eligible for tax incentives.
Application Process
The application process for a Privilege Visa involves several steps:
Gather Required Documents: Prepare necessary documents, such as passports, proof of funds, medical certificates, and supporting evidence for the specific visa type.
Submit Application: Submit the application to the nearest Thai embassy or consulate.
Interview: In some cases, an interview may be required.
Visa Approval: If the application is approved, the visa will be issued.
Important Considerations
Visa Extensions: Privilege Visas can be extended under certain conditions, allowing for continued residency.
Work Restrictions: Some visa types may have restrictions on employment or business activities.
Immigration Laws: It's essential to comply with Thailand's immigration laws and regulations.
Visa Fees: Visa fees vary depending on the visa type and nationality.
Living Costs: Consider the cost of living in Thailand, including accommodation, healthcare, and daily expenses.
The Thailand Privilege Visa offers a valuable opportunity for individuals seeking long-term residency, business opportunities, or a better quality of life. By carefully understanding the requirements and benefits of each visa type, applicants can make informed decisions and navigate the application process successfully.
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lboogie1906 · 3 months
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Buffalo Soldier Attorney John Morton-Finney (June 25, 1889 – January 28, 1998) was a civil rights activist, lawyer, and educator who earned eleven academic degrees, including five law degrees. He spent most of his career as an educator and lawyer after serving (1911-14) in the Army as a member of the 24th Infantry Regiment, known as the Buffalo Soldiers, and with the American Expeditionary Forces in France during WWI. He taught languages at Fisk University and Lincoln University in Missouri, before moving to Indianapolis, where he taught in the Indianapolis Public Schools for forty-seven years. He was a member of the original faculty at Indianapolis’s Crispus Attucks High School when it opened in 1927 and became head of its foreign language department. He taught at Shortridge High School and other IPS schools. He was admitted as a member of the Bar of the Indiana Supreme Court in 1935 and as a member of the Bar of the US District Court in 1941. He retired from practicing law on June 25, 1996, he was believed to have been the oldest practicing attorney in the US. At the time of his death, he was Indiana’s oldest veteran. He was honored with numerous honorary awards and certificates, including one from the Chief Justice of the SCOTUS in 1989, in addition to being commissioned a Kentucky Colonel (1991) by the Governor of Kentucky and named a recipient of a Sagamore of the Wabash award from the Governor of Indiana. He received distinguished alumni and graduate awards from Indiana University and was inducted into the National Bar Association Hall of Fame (1991). The Indianapolis Bar Association and Butler University present awards named in his honor and was admitted to practice before the SCOTUS in 1972. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program - A Complete Guide
Alberta is one of the provinces of Canada. Alberta operates its separate immigration pathway, the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program, previously known as the Alberta Provincial Nominee Program. The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program is a collaboration between the Government of Alberta and the Government of Canada & the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada(CIC). This program is designed to invite foreign skilled professionals. 
In this article, we will provide every detail about the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program including its eligibility criteria, how to apply, and every related information. But, before moving further, let us give you an overview of the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program. 
Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program - An Overview 
The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program is an immigration program that allows the government of Alberta to attract and invite international skilled professionals from around the world as per the economic requirements of Alberta. 
Streams Under the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program 
The following are the streams under the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program. 
The Strategic Recruitment Stream 
The Employer Driver Stream 
The Self-Employed Farmer Stream 
Minimum Eligibility Criteria of the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program 
The following are the minimum eligibility criteria for the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program. 
Prior Work Experience 
Under this eligibility criteria, a candidate should have at least 2 years of continuous and full-time work experience in an occupation in demand in Alberta. 
Language Proficiency 
The eligibility criteria require candidates to demonstrate proficiency in English and French, ensuring fluency and ease of communication after immigration. 
Alberta PR Points 
Under this, the candidate must score at least 67 points in the points grid. These points are awarded to candidates as per their eligibility for the program. 
Minimum Educational Qualification 
The immigration authorities require the candidate to provide minimum educational qualification credentials. The candidate should hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree.
Proof of funds 
Under this, the candidate should have minimum proof of funds to demonstrate their financial stability to the immigration authorities. It will ensure the authorities that the candidate is financially capable of managing their expenses during their stay in the country. 
Police Clearance Certificate 
Under this, the candidate must provide a police clearance certificate to the immigration authority, which will ensure the authorities that the candidate has a clean criminal background and can migrate to a new country. 
Steps to apply for the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program
The following information illustrates the steps to apply for the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program. 
Check your Eligibility 
To apply for the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program, candidates must carefully evaluate their eligibility and analyze all aspects to ensure they qualify for the AINP Program. 
Express Entry Profile 
Under this, the candidate must create an express entry profile by visiting the official website of the Canadian Immigration Authority which is IRCC(Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada). 
Submit Documents 
Under this, the candidate should gather and submit all the required documents including valid passport details, birth certificate, educational qualification credentials, professional qualification credentials, bank statement, proof of funds, and other necessary documents. 
Entry in the Pool 
Once you create an express entry profile and submit all necessary documents to immigration authorities, your profile will be added to the Express Entry Pool. 
Profile Review 
Once your profile is in the express entry pool, the immigration authorities will assess it for eligibility in the immigration program. If your profile meets the requirements, you will receive a Notification of Interest.
Submit a Complete Application 
Under this, after receiving the Notification of Interest, the candidate must submit a complete application form to the immigration authorities within a particular time limit. 
Receive the Notification 
Under this, the candidate will receive a notification about their application on the express entry pool. If you receive a positive notification from the authorities, you will receive a Provincial nomination from them, adding 600 points to your CRS Score.
Submit an Expression of Interest 
After receiving the Notification of Interest from the authorities, the candidate must submit an expression of interest to the immigration authorities. If your expression of interest gets selected you will receive the ITA from the authorities. Upon receiving an ITA, you can apply for the Canada PR Visa and fly to Canada. 
In this article, we have provided details about the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program. The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program is a Canadian immigration pathway for foreign-skilled professionals. It operates through three streams: Strategic Recruitment Stream, Employer Driver Stream, and Self-Employed Farmer Stream. Eligibility criteria include prior work experience, language proficiency, Alberta PR Points score, minimum educational qualification, proof of funds, and a police clearance certificate.
If you want more details about the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program, you can contact Province Immigration via [email protected] or +91 98961 96762.
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