#forced to whump
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Could you please continue ‘The Stranger’ it’s my favourite series on this app
The Stranger (V)
Read part one here // Continued from here
OHHHHHH IT’S ANGSTY YOUR HONOUR?!!!! WOWUH!!! To whoever wanted the stranger continuation!!! sorry it is a day/two late!!!! I hope you enjoy!!!! dedicated to @ehobep
Vigilante was a ball of nerves. His ears ringing in his skull as Karma drove him into the city again to Hero who was waiting for him on the roof. Karma was singing along to the radio, in a better mood than he had seen the monster in… maybe ever. His finger drummed along the steering wheel, humming when he didn’t know the words, the perfect image of peace and ease.
Vigilante wanted nothing more than to pull the steering wheel and let the car spin out into a ditch. A branch going through the driver’s seat lancing Karma through the chest. Or the skull, it really didn’t make a difference. As long as he died.
At least Hero would be safe.
If Karma hadn’t compelled him to behave like a fucking dog Vigilante could do that! He could save Hero, he could stop Karma— he could— he c— he couldn’t do a thing to stop him, except glare from the corner of his eyes and worry about his great mood. Vigilante had to be smart. He had to be smart or who knows what Karma might do to Hero?
“Ah, here we are,” Karma said turning the key in the ignition and smiling at Vigilante. “Come along, Vigilante. We have a hero waiting for us.”
There was no compulsion in his words but Vigilante obeyed anyways. It unnerved him when Karma started walking towards his and Hero’s rooftop, something so sacred and safe for the two of them.
“How did you know I’d be up there?” Vigilante asked.
“On the rooftop, the first time we met. How did you know I’d be up there?”
Karma smiled. “I have eyes everywhere, Vigilante, or haven’t you realised that by now?”
Vigilante glared at him. “Besides, when I saw you save the Mayor’s kid you got on my radar and I followed you until I could intercept. When I saw you go up to that roof, well, I knew it was my chance to speak to you, and then, who comes up after me, but the number two Hero in the city? I could sell your scandalous story to the media if I wanted to.”
Vigilante felt his cheeks flush. “That’s not— we’re not— there’s nothing going on between us.”
“Who cares?” Karma said with a shrug. “It would be juicy gossip, a media circus, and, in the pandemonium I could probably kill the mayor and it would be page seven news.”
Karma beamed at the blushing Vigilante, holding the door to the roof access open. “After you,” he said with a sweeping gesture of his hand. Vigilante swallowed the lump in his throat as he passed, taking the stairs up to the roof where Hero was waiting for him. Unbeknownst of the threat that was waiting for them.
If he could scream, maybe warn Hero, he could— he could maybe save them. That’s what he’d do. Without warning, Vigilante started sprinting up the stairs not caring if Karma was following or on their tail or anything. They ran up the stairs to the roof access and climbed the ladder to get the roof in record time and there—
Across the roof he saw Hero and he screamed: “Hero! Run!”
Hero frowned, rushing towards Vigilante, but Vigilante shooed them away. “Run! Just go! It’s a trap! It’s not me. It’s a villain, Hero! The suicides you need to—”
A hand clamped over Vigilante’s mouth, a razor edge pressed into his throat and yanked him back into Karma’s hard chest. Karma’s chest rose and fell quickly, tired from the exertion, but he chuckled darkly in Vigilante’s ear, freezing their struggles.
“Naughty, naughty Vigilante, Hero’s going to have to pay for that.”
“No!” Vigilante yelled through Karma’s hand but it was muffled as Karma’s grip turned bruising, wrestling Vigilante’s head back and dampening any hope of Vigilante calling out to warn Hero.
“Oh yes,” Karma hummed. “Just be a good little hostage.”
Vigilante’s wide terrified eyes found Hero’s who was still here. Why were they still here?! Why were they being a hero right now? Of all the people Vigilante had to try to save, they had to save a fucking self-sacrificial idiot who got payed to be risk their lives for others?!
It was all some cosmic joke.
“Hey, we can talk about this,” Hero said, hands out placatingly, their eyes going between Vigilante’s and Karma’s. “Just… just let Vigilante go and we can talk, right?”
Karma dug the knife deeper into Vigilante’s neck, pricking it lightly and letting Hero see the bead of blood he drew just for funsies.
“I think we can talk perfectly fine like this, Hero. You, me, Vigilante. I’m sure we can come to some arrangement.”
Vigilante grabbed Karma’s hand covering their mouth and tried to dislodge it but Karma didn’t budge, pressing his lips beside Vigilante’s ear he whispered: “stop struggling, Vigilante. Unless you want me to unmask you here and now in front of Hero.”
Vigilante froze. Karma chuckled. “Ohh… they don’t know either, do they? Interesting. That was a stab in the dark, Vigilante, you need to stop being so readable. It could get you in trouble.”
“Hey! Look, I think you need to release Vigilante right now, or else—“”
“Or else what?” Karma asked. “You’ll fight me? What if you hit poor Vigilante here?”
Vigilante told Hero to do it, to take the risk, but Karma smothered the words until they were just spongey syllables that got lost on the wind. Karma chuckled.
“Tell you what, Hero,” Karma said. “You’re right. I want to chat. So if I let Vigilante go, we don’t have to come to blows?”
Vigilante’s struggles renewed as they tried to shake their head, visions of Karma telling Hero to jump off the roof returning tenfold and making them want to throw up.
“Nngh! Nngh!” Vigilante protested, wishing he could scratch Karma’s eyes out but that fucking command was still lodged in his stupid brain that he couldn’t hurt himself or Karma; his struggles in vain.
Hero swallowed, eyes going between the pair before they nodded. “Deal.”
“Good,” Karma said. “When I release you, you will fall to your knees and remain silent.”
“Nngh!” Vigilante protested, frustrated tears gathering behind his eyes as he pawed uselessly at Karma’s hand. Karma removed the knife first, making a show of taking it from Vigilante’s throat and lifting it away.
Vigilante had to move now.
Karma’s command was conditional. If Karma released Vigilante, Vigilante would have to obey, but if Vigilante broke free… then nothing.
Vigilante shot forward like a bullet. Karma’s attention focused on Hero allowed his brain to stutter as Vigilante barrelled forwards, throwing themselves ahead and fell to the ground, rolling on the rooftop until they came to a stop beside Hero. Hero’s hand was on him, helping him to his feet, but Vigilante didn’t take his eyes off of Karma the whole time.
Karma threw his head back and let out a booming laugh at the sky. It didn’t sound like a proper laugh, it was chilling, crazed, the kind of laugh anime villains do when they’ve captured the hero or revealed their master plan. It made the hairs on the back of Vigilante’s neck stand on end.
“Vigilante, you slippery little fucker,” Karma bellowed, his laughter dying down to manic little chuckles as he tilted his chin down to stare at Hero and Vigilante again.
“You need to get out of here, Hero,” Vigilante said, pushing them behind his back. “He’s a charmspeaker you need to run, he’s the cause of all the suicides and—“”
Vigilante ducked to the left, dodging the knife that was hurled straight for his head.
“Spoilers, Vigilante. Come on, at least play fair.”
“Play fair?!” Vigilante sputtered as he started backing up on the rooftop, Hero behind him. “Nothing’s fair with you, you fucking psycho!”
Vigilante kept pushing Hero back. “Vidge, I’m not leaving you here with him. We can go together!”
Vigilante’s heart hammered against his chest, his blood rushing fast in his ears like a waterfall. The pressure and sound of the spray deafening everything else around him. He wanted so badly to get away, to run from Karma, but if he got his hands on Hero, who knows what he’d make Hero do.
Vigilante shook his head, eyes narrowing as Karma advanced slowly towards them, pushing them closer and closer to the edge of the roof.
“Vigilante~,” Karma sang, tutting him for his defiance. “Didn’t I tell you to behave when we met with Hero?”
“Go fuck yourself!” Vigilante snapped.
Karma smiled at Hero, as if he was Karma’s bold child that just disturbed Hero. “Sorry about him, he’s so spirited, isn’t he?”
“Just who the hell are you?” Hero demanded, their voice hard after they realised that Vigilante wasn’t about to go running with them.
Karma sighed, running a theatrical hand down his face and grabbed his chin as if he were pondering something. Then his lips stretched across his face as he held a finger up in the air, pointing towards the sky. “Ahah! I have a good idea, Vigilante, you come back over here now, and your punishment won’t be severe.”
“Punishment?!” Hero yelled now, stepping protectively in front of Vigilante. Vigilante grabbed Hero’s wrist, feeling their power thrum under their skin and pulled slightly. Hero planted their feet and let out a soft grunt of discomfort as Vigilante pulled on their ability. “You’re not getting anywhere near him.”
Karma smiled, exposing every tooth in his mouth, his half-lidded eyes amused, smirking a little at the pair. “Vigilante, I’ll give you to the count of three to surrender. Three.
“Hero we have to run,” Vigilante told them quietly, pulling at their shirt. “Trust me, please. I’ll explain when we’re safe, just please.”
“If this is the maniac who’s ordering all the suicides Vidge, I can’t just leave him free.”
“If we don’t leave him free, then he’ll take me back and do god knows what to you, Hero. Please!” Vigilante hissed, yanking Hero back. Hero fell back the step, and Vigilante’s hand tightened on Hero’s arm as Hero turned and they started running to the end of the roof towards a shop roof over.
“One!” Karma sang as Vigilante jumped. The sound of Karma’s fingers snapping rang over the wind of the roof, carrying to Vigilante’s ears like the sounds of church bells, deafening and dread filled. The moment Vigilante landed he turned and saw Hero on the edge of the rooftop on their knees.
Vigilante’s eyes blew wide, tracking Karma who was walking slowly towards Hero. “No! No, hero! HERO! GET UP!”
Karma chuckled, reaching into his grey duffle coat and pulling out a packet of cigarettes. He nodded at Vigilante as he walked towards the little step he sat on when he first took Vigilante.
“They can’t get up, Vidge,” Karma said, his words like a spear in Vigilante’s guts. “But I’ll grant you grace and give you five seconds to be by my side on your knees, grovelling, maybe with some tears, I don’t know yet, surprise me,” he continued conversationally, shrugging as he took a breath and light his cigarette between his teeth.
When he looked at Vigilante again it chilled him to the core. “Or this time, Hero walks off the roof and you won’t stop them. What’s another suicide in the city, hmm? Poor Hero, their heart couldn’t take that kid killing himself in front of them.”
Vigilante snarled at the air, his eyes on Hero’s bloodshot ones like the Mayor’s son, willing them to stand up. To get up! To laugh it off and say they were just fucking with Vigilante and that they were about to fight Karma with all the fury that Hero could muster, but Hero just stared blankly ahead at Vigilante, like a marionette with its strings cut, knees perched just before the ledge.
Oh god, if they had been faster when Karma did that Hero would have fallen to the pavement below.
“Five~” Karma sang and Vigilante ran across the roof to get a running jump onto the ledge. It was going to be harder than the initial jump because the usual rooftop was maybe a foot or two above the one Vigilante was on.
“Three!” Karma boomed. Vigilante wanted to scream at him and fight but he didn’t have time. If he wanted Hero to live he’d have to obey everything Karma said. Vigilante jumped and the minute he did a pit opened in his stomach. He realised after his feet left the ledge that he wasn’t going to make it cleanly.
His hands found ground on the rooftop’s ledge but his body slammed into the brickwork, robbing the wind from his chest. Vigilante gasped, fingers white knuckled, his feet doing tiny sprints on the bricks below as he tried to gain purchase on something to boost him up.
“Hero,” Vigilante said, his voice quivering with the effort. His foot found the ledge of a pipe and he wrapped his forearm around the ledge as he pushed himself up. Then his foot slipped and he was dangling. His bodyweight yanked him towards gravity and he cried out, his shoulders screaming at him to get up!
A sole pressed into his fingers and Vigilante cried out but he couldn’t even swing at Karma the bastard. He shifted his feet towards the pipe again and launched off it until he had two hands back on the ledge and—
His eyes widened. Hero stood with Vigilante’s fingers under their boot. “He… H-Hero?”
Karma stood beside them, eyes twinkling dangerously as he exhaled a plume of smoke from his lungs. “Mmm, what do you think, Hero? Should we let him up?”
Hero stomped on Vigilante’s hand. Vigilante lost their grip from the shock and the pain and now only one hand held them up on the ledge. With the momentum Vigilante swung, his eyes locking on the thirteen story drop to the street below. The world seemed to zoom in and out of focus as panic and his laboured breaths clogged every rational thought in him.
He glanced up again to see Hero’s foot hovering above Vigilante’s over fingers, Karma drinking in the chaos. “You’re right, Hero. I did give him a chance and he directly disobeyed me, what to do, what to do.”
Karma took another drag as Vigilante wrestled his hanging hand back up to the ledge, scrambling desperately. “Hero! Please!”
“Hero?” Karma echoed and Hero’s foot came down on Vigilante’s wrist. Vigilante screamed out a grunt of pain and he shook his head.
“Karma! Karma! Please! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Please! Fuck!” Hero ground their heel into Vigilante’s hand until he almost lost his grip again and screamed.
“Alright,” Karma said with a shrug. “Let him up.”
Vigilante barely registered the words before Hero bent over, foot still on Vigilante’s hands and yanked him by the back of his shirt over the ledge and onto the roof. He didn’t have a moment to catch his breath before Hero yanked him up, marching him back towards Karma who had sat against the raised concrete where Vigilante first met Karma.
Hero shoved Vigilante to his knees in front of Karma who looked down on him as if he were a king on a throne and Vigilante a traitor to the realm. A peasant, nothing more than the dirt on his shoe.
“H-how?” Vigilante demanded. It was the only thing he could say. His mind racing back to the first night on the roof, Karma told Hero to forget him and forget meeting Vigilante. Karma had to use eye contact or at least… that’s what Vigilante thought.
Karma took another drag of his cigarette, Vigilante watching the white burn away down to the coffee coloured butt. “I called them,” Karma said.
Vigilante frowned. “But— don’t you need to do that weird shit with your eyes?!”
Karma let out a startled laugh, nodding, smoke stuttering out his nose into the cool air. “Yes,” he said, grinning. “I do.”
Vigilante’s frown bled away to a picture of confusion. “Then how—”
“Face time, idiot,” Karma said fondly, waving Vigilante’s phone in his face before their gaze went to Hero holding Vigilante down. “The wonders of the modern world, hmm? Poor dear thought you were in trouble, when they answered they were so concerned. I think they really like you, Vidge.”
“But— we had our backs turned,” Vigilante protested, desperate. Karma grinned leaning down until he was crouched in front of Vigilante. Vigilante could do it, he could use Hero’s power and leave a hole of light burned through Karma’s chest but then he would hurt Hero too, and he wasn’t prepared to do that. Hero was innocent.
“It’s like a magician’s command,” Karma told him, eyes glinting with cruelty. “When I snap my fingers, you’ll sleep and when I snap them again, you will believe you are a chicken. All premeditated commands, I just wanted to see the look on your face.”
Vigilante swallowed.
“Yup,” Karma hummed, tapping out the ashes of his cigarette. “It was worth it. A little planning never killed anyone, did it? Maybe if you thought of that you wouldn’t have tried to run and Hero would be blissfully unaware of having to hold you down, against your will while we chat. Didn’t I say I was going to punish you for that, too?”
Vigilante squirmed in Hero’s grip, pushing back away from Karma who tipped forward and pinched Vigilante’s cheeks in a bruising grip, yanking his face towards Karma.
Karma raised his cigarette and pushed the burning red eyed tip towards Vigilante’s eye. Vigilante’s eye watered immediately and he widened it so his eyelashes wouldn’t catch on the smouldering ember. He stiffened, struggles ceasing, his breath coming out in sharp, stuttered pants.
“Karma… d-don’t—”
“Don’t?” Karma asked, inclining his head. “Didn’t I tell you to behave? Didn’t I give you a chance to repent? To avoid this nastiness? And what did you do? Oh yeah, that’s right. You didn’t.”
Vigilante threw his weight back but Hero kept him locked in place and Karma kept his face close to the butt. Karma smiled. “But hey, I’m a forgiving sort of guy, so for now, I won’t burn your corneas out of your skull.”
Vigilante released a sigh too soon after Karma retracted the burning butt from his eye. It got swallowed into a scream when Karma forced the burning ember instead to the tip of Vigilante’s cheekbone and Vigilante thrashed, the cylinder sizzling against his skin, the hear burning his eyes as he tried to move back but Hero wouldn’t let him so Vigilante didn’t think. He just let the power in him flow.
Only it wasn’t Hero’s power he had.
It was Karma’s.
Vigilante hissed, barrelling back, tippling feet over head with Hero across the roof until they got Hero under them and forced them to look into Vigilante’s eyes. Hero went to punch them but Vigilante caught it, their cheek burning from the wind pulling at the wound and he half-shouted: “HERO WAKE UP! SNAP OUT OF IT!”
Hero tried to punch them with their free hand and that one caught Vigilante in the jaw. Shit! It wasn’t working and they could hear Karma’s footsteps getting closer and closer. Fuck! What was it! What was it?! What did he say?!
His eyes widened as they locked on Hero’s again. “I release you!”
Hero blinked up at Vigilante, melting under them, resistance leaving their limbs as they stared up at Vigilante.
“Vigilante? What’re you… oh, shit, I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, I didn’t— I couldn’t control it, I—” Hero reached their hand up to Vigilante’s face, their thumb ghosting over the burn, but not touching it. Tears sprung to their eyes. “Vidge, I’m so… I’m so sorry.”
A loud, slow clap sounded from the other side of the roof drawing the pair’s attention. Vigilante looked up to see Karma standing at the door to the exit of the roof.
“How touching,” Karma said, hand on his heart. “But I didn’t even show you my command for you Vigilante.”
Vigilante’s blood ran cold, not moving from where they were straddling Hero to the ground. “What?” A whisper more than a word.
Karma’s eyes glimmered even from the distance with a malevolent delight at Vigilante’s plight.
“You know, the one that makes you do whatever I say. The one that turns you into my perfect little murder machine, all those special skills, Vigilante, you are a terror.”
Vigilante’s eyelids fluttered, trying to comprehend what Karma was saying behind his words, trying to make out the threat he was making because there was always a threat.
Vigilante looked down at Hero, his heart breaking with a small oh leaving his lips. If he didn’t go with Karma, Karma would make him kill Hero.
Hero who answered the call because of him.
Hero who was concerned when they saw Vigilante’s name flash across their phone.
Hero who was innocent in this, just another one of Karma’s victims.
Something hollow took root inside Vigilante’s chest as he stared down at Hero. Something protective and so unselfish that it threatened to swallow him whole. He placed his hands on Hero’s cheeks, tears pooling in his eyes.
“I… I’m doing this because I—” no, that was too much, too much for a time like this, so Vigilante swallowed and started again. “I’m doing this to protect you, Hero,” he whispered.
Hero stared, not quite comprehending yet. Not until Vigilante leaned down a little more, a stray tear hitting Hero’s cheek.
“Don’t, don’t do this, don’t go with him,” Hero pleaded, grabbing Vigilante’s wrists. “I won’t— I won’t give up. I won’t stop looking for you.”
“I know,” Vigilante whispered, his bottom lip trembling. “Which is why I have to do this. Hero, you’re going to forget me. You’re not going to—” his breath hitched, “look for me or worry about me anymore.”
“Vigilante please,” Hero cried.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. You’re okay, we’re okay.” He said, leaning down further, keeping Hero’s eyes in view, keeping them ensnared in his swirling gaze. Then he whispered: “you don’t know where the idea came from but you know that there is a villain out there with charm speak who is behind the suicides, someone from the wealthy side of town and you will find him and bring him to justice.”
Hero was stupefied beneath him as he retreated slightly. “And you’ll forget this too,” and Vigilante finally, for the first and possible last time ever, pressed his lips to Hero’s and wept as he pulled back, strangling his emotions into submission he rose from Hero’s body and walked towards Karma whose glittering eyes never left Vigilante.
“You made the right choice,” Karma said, patting Vigilante on the back. His breath reeked of smoke and cold, and Vigilante wanted nothing more than to punch him in the face, but he just walked past him and down the ladder before making his way back down to Karma’s stupid van, leaving the only person who he ever loved on the rooftop without any memory of him.
#hero villain writing#hero villain snippet#villain#hero#hero villain story#vigilante#vigilante x hero#hero x vigilante#scary villain#dark villain#villain with a smile#vigilante whump#the stranger#the stranger series#whump writing#writblr#whump#my writing#orphan writing#burning#tw burns#tw brainwashing#forced to whump#vigilante whumpee#the emotional angst#angst#angst my beloved#emotional angst#i felt for vigilante at the end of this#and i like to make my whumpees suffer :(
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8-Guard dog.
Content: Multiple Whumpees, Pet Whumpees, Conditioned Whumpees, Multiple Whumpers, Reluctant Whumper.
Pet- Micah. He was Micah. Liam told it him that today he would be called Micah; stared at the window. It was raining, and now that he had officially been given a name, Master finally got back to work.
Leo said Master doesn't need to work, but that he likes to, and that they are allowed free roam of the house.
Micah couldn't really understand why, Pets are meant to be kept in a cage, or in the place they belong to, if they are a chores Pet they should be in the kitchen. If they are a lapdog they should be in a comfortable room. And a punching bag should be kept in a basement. It was easy. But Master was wealthy, and Micah knew for sure rich people didn't have to follow rules.
"Micah! We are going to play outside, you wanna come?" Star walked in his room wearing what Micah was sure was waterproof makeup; a crop top and a short skirt, Star always bragged about the fact all their skirts have shorts under them, so they are really comfortable. "We are going to play something funny."
"I'll go. I just... Can I finish this chapter first?" He still struggled to ask for things, but he was getting better at it. And Star seems to like it when he speaks.
"Oh, yeah, sure. What are you reading? Is it good?" They leaned in against the door frame, their body shines under the corridor's light. "You know, you don't have to come. If you want to finish reading it's all good."
"No, I want to go, just a moment." Liam wanted him to read lots of books, it made him happy to have something to talk about.
The garden was huge, but Star said not to worry, they knew the way back to the house.
When they finally got to where Liam and Leo were they both were soaked. Star liked the rain, and the others didn't seem to bother by it. The only one that was struggling under the water was...
"You never got to meet Ray, did you?" Liam asked, looking up at the guard dog that was kneeling on the grass. His hands were tied behind his back, and Micah doubted the drops falling down his face were just rain drops and not tears. "He is a guard dog. But I'm sure you already figured that out."
"He is really strong! He can lift Master easily, and Master gets him weights and those other things he needs to work out!"
"Actually, we don't let him come outside that much. He's way too ugly." Star complained, pinching the edge of their nose. "But, you know, you should get to meet everyone at the house."
"I assume Star explained to you what he does, right?"
Micah felt Star tensing right behind him. They didn't tell him anything.
"You don't have to worry. It's kind of what I was expecting of Star, after all." Micah knew those words weren't meant to offend, it was just what Liam thought, no filters on, but it still made him feel bad for Star. "So I will be explaining to you."
Liam said Ray had been the one that came in after Star, Master found him on a shelter because his former master didn't need him anymore. The shelter was going to put him down, and then Master adopted him.
That story reminds him a lot of what happened to himself.
"There are Pets that can obey and learn. Even Leo learned some proper etiquette, and he looks decent to be taken out when Master needs to." Liam explained with a calm voice, and Leo didn't seem to mind the way he spoke lowly of him.
"And then there's this. He doesn't learn anything, and his scars aren't even pretty, like Leo's!" Micah doubted any kind of scars were 'pretty', as Star says, still he decided to keep his thoughts to himself.
He felt bad when he looked over Star's shoulder and saw Ray shaking and curling on himself the best he could, not quite getting to hug himself with his hands tied up.
"But there's a good thing, now that Master got back to work we can help him get properly trained."
That. That made Ray shake uncontrollably, only managing to hide his face when he curled up in what seems an impossible angle.
Micah got lost in his thoughts until Leo's cheerful voice got him back into reality.
"And since you are new, you can have the first turn with him!"
Micah swallows a yelp. Liam wouldn't like it if he acts unwilling to do what they say.
The guard dog's big wide eyes look up at him for a second, just enough to see the tears streaming down his face.
He said a quiet 'please' before the kick landed in.
If anyone wants to be added to the taglist please let me know :)
#whump writing#whumpee#whump prompt#whump#caretaker#pet whump#multiple whumpees#multiple whumpers#forced to whump#reluctant whumper#Adopted
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ah yes, the toxic hate triangle
#gravity falls#ciphord#fiddleford mcgucket#stanford pines#ford pines#bill cipher#possessed ford#society of the blind eye#fiddlebillford#a hate sandwich#toxic yaoi#theyre all so toxic😭#their amv music is toxic by britney spears#comic#mai art#toxic hate triangle#phuzface#bloody nose#whump#forced kiss#memory gun#tbob#sorta?#angst#description in alt text
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Characters crying in their sleep. Bonus points if it's a character who never shows emotion. They would rather die than show vulnerability.
Does whumper find them, and mock them for it? Or is it caretaker, checking up on a nightmare-riddled or feverish whumpee in concern only to find them asleep, curled up in bed with tears gently running down their face, soft whimpers escaping their throat?
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Febuwhump 2k25 - Day 6 - Forced To Stay Awake
You are never really save on the streets. Better sleep with one eye open, or not sleep at all.
#Febuwhump2025#febuwhumpday6#forced to stay awake#svsss#Yue Qi#Shen Jiu#homeless children#living on the streets#whump#whump art
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characters who’s identity revolves around their purpose, defined by something or someone else. By the prophecies, by their service; the lapdog, the weapon, the chosen one. And then there’s a moment of softness, a complete breach and utterly human— they cradle their head in their hands, they bend to pick up a cat and hold it tight, they slump against someone’s shoulder, completely trusting for the first time
thank you that’s it. exits stage and screams.
#losing my mind#you guys know what I’m talking about right#like how these characters are defined by everything they do and nothing they are#and the recovery is all about them slowly learning to let go#to put down the weapon#to talk even when not spoken to#to unlearn being a machine#to become more than useful#and functional#more than a tool and a blade#especially good when it’s forced. like they physically can’t fulfill their orders anymore#because then there’s anguish and guilt wracked nights#SCREAMINGGGG#Whump#whump blog#whump writing#whumpblr#whump prompt#whump ideas#whump community#whump prompts#troy talks#whump scenario#living weapon whump#living weapon whumpee#guard dog character#character development
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👉 Characters on their knees with their hands tied behind their back.
Also Yes!
👉 Characters on their knees with their hands up or behind their head.
#just... at gunpoint and forced to get to their knees#whump#whump tropes#whump prompts#it's about the surrender#about the helplessness#about following orders :3#my tropes#my writing
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“He’s responding very well to treatment. He’ll be groggy for a while still but soon I don’t think he will require physical restraints.”
#whump#mine#whump prompt#psychiatric whump#forced drugging#I love the idea of forcibly sedating a whumpee#subduing them through “treatments to make them more docile#basically removing their personality and fight
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OC Intros !!
All of my characters are currently in prison at a place called "Neostage". Neostage is luxurious. It doesn't seem like a prison. The prisoners are treated as celebrities but are forced to fight each other to the death each month like gladiators. The more popular and profitable are brought back to life and the least marketable/popular die permanently.
Neostage and the universe it belongs to were created by my amazing creative and talented girlfriend @kabie-whump
Detali Gamble 🐍

Detali is a girlboss. She is in prison for murder, but if you ask her it was vigilante justice. She murdered men who abused women, and she wasn't caught until her 8th kill.
Listen to her playlist here.
Makkel Dextri ☄️

Makkel was created by @kabie-whump and she did this portrait!
Makkel was arrested for smuggling. He is a big softie despite what you would usually see about him in media. He is undefeated in neostage. He is always the last man standing.
You can listen to his playlist here.
Cossim Vect 🧨

Cossim was created by @kabie-whump and she also made this portrait!!
Cossim was arrested for building and selling weapons (mostly bombs). He is a fuckboy (I say with love). He has a special arrangement with his only sponsor, Noroshi Industries, where he can work on developing tech and weapons while in neostage. He frequently loses fights :/
Listen to his playlist here.
#dnd ocs#oc intro#oc whump#oc#whump#whump community#original character#female whumpee#institutional whump#character death#forced to whump#Detali Gamble
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Whumpee who's required to go to weekly therapy sessions.
Whumpee who takes hours of pleading with to finally get to the car, where they sit quietly for the whole car ride, stiff and uncomfortable.
Whumpee who clings to Caretaker's side for the whole therapy session, unwilling to let go of them even when it's supposed to be a one-on-one appointment.
Whumpee who practically runs back to the car the second the clock strikes whatever time the appointments supposed to end.
Caretaker who feels so guilty for having to drag Whumpee to these appointments while knowing how much Whumpee despises them.
Caretaker who takes Whumpee out to do something fun they enjoy after every appointment.
Caretaker who cuddles up with Whumpee on the bed/couch whenever they get home to watch a show or movie and give Whumpee their favourite food or snack.
#my writing#whump#recovery whump#rescued whumpee#whump blog#whump community#whump scenario#whumpee#whump tropes#whump writing#whumpblr#caretaker#traumatized whumpee#whump recovery#whump ideas#whumpee and caretaker#caretaker and whumpee#caretaking#forced recovery#? kinda#yeah
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Return of the Jedi (1983)
#luke skywalker#star wars#sw edit#swedit#rotj#return of the jedi#starwarsdaily#swsource#otsource#movies#film#moviegifs#filmgifs#mine#flashing warning#flashing tw#throne room#force lightning#whump
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thinking about a whumpee on a forced march through rough terrain
hands tied in front of them, on foot while their captors are mounted, sleeping out in the open, forced to beg for adequate food and water
maybe they're barefoot, a captured royal in silken robes
maybe they're in a torn suit or soldier's uniform
maybe they were stripped at the start, increasing the exposure to the elements, the humiliation
are they a terrified mess from the beginning, or do they try to endure with dignity? how long before they're stumbling, barely putting one foot in front of the other? how long before they fall?
#im particularly thinking about a notorious captain or other commanding officer tbh#his enemies have faced defeat after defeat at his hands and now that they have him they want to make him suffer#they need to travel through the mountains to reach their capitol and -of course- they make him walk the whole way#but then someone suggests taking his boots and someone else suggests stripping him naked#they can't let him -die- before he can be paraded through the streets but they'll get him as close as they can#whump#whump prompt#captive#taken prisoner#forced nudity#nonsexual nudity#military whump#fantasy whump#this also randomly made me think of one of my ye olde whump scenarios#where a small regiment ends up surrounded by the enemy and thwir captain is doing his damndest to keep his men alive#and work out a strategy to retreat#but then the enemy soldiers offer to let the rest go if they turn over their leader and they do without a second thought#so not only is he captured he's also been betrayed and is just trying to keep it together emotionally#to do list#this would also be fun with sahota or any of the crew
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a disorientated whumpee at a party with whumper's arm uncomfortably thrown over their shoulder. Whumper’s fingers ghost over the curve of their throat, dipping along the scars on their exposed neck.
There's a spiraling fear that they can't quite name-- they're losing themself in this nightmare of insinuating whispers.
The music is pounding and Whumpee can feel it in their teeth.
Whumper pulls them into a dark corner to push a drink up to their lips. "Your friends are coming," Whumper's voice is low, it's calm, it's measured, and Whumpee's skin crawls. "You're going to tell them you want to stay with me."
"Or one of them will take your place."
#possessive whumper who doesnt need to chain whumpee up for everyone to know whumpee belongs to them#possesive whumper#cw forced intoxication#cw manhandling#cw possessiveness#cw toxic whumper#cw intimate whumper#whump#whump writing#whumpblr#whump prompt#whump community#whump ideas#whump prompts#failed rescue attempt#i like the idea of whumpee actually refusing to escape#for the sake of their friends
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Open My Eyes
AO3, 1/15 chapters, post season 5 finale, angst (with a happy ending), Adrien discovers the truth
Adrien smiles as he eats breakfast with Nathalie, smiles as he walks through the halls of his new lycée, smiles as people stop him on the street and tell him time and time again what a "hero" his father was. (Adrien wishes he could've been a hero, too. He should've been. Maybe then his father would still be alive.) (But he's surviving. Everyone may be treating him as though he were made of glass, but he can still go through the motions, he can prove them wrong, he can still smile.) “And you’re… happy,” Marinette spoke carefully, a nervous tilt to her voice, “... right?” (Adrien has some things to find out.)
Hey guys, deciding to force myself to finally start uploading my post-season 5 finale fic! It's already complete and will be updated Mondays and Thursdays.
Basically, it's lots of Adrien angst and reveals dealing with the fallout of the season 5 finale. It was a lot of fun to write.
#''force myself'' to upload because posting fic makes me nervous lol so i stall. this is also why my fics are completed first uploaded second#complete fic is 100k because adrien has SO MUCH SHIT TO GO THROUGH. AND ITS ALL CANON STUFF 😭😭😭😭#adrien whump is just. acknowledging things that are canon. kjklsajfklasjfsaf#my art#open my eyes
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been thinking of a caretaker who doesn't like whumpee at first but is still there when whumpee needs someone
the two can't get along when left alone together, but if whumpee suddenly collapses with injury/fever, caretaker will drop everything to be there
whumpee genuinely drives caretaker nuts sometimes, but caretaker will still be there to comfort them when they wake up gasping and crying from nightmares. caretaker doesn't pry, they just do whatever they need to do to help whumpee feel safe.
caretaker enjoys going out with their friends, but if whumpee is home alone and they need something, caretaker will pick up the phone right away.
and i can imagine whumpee asking caretaker why they do these things, and caretaker is just like. "just because we don't get along doesn't mean you deserve to go through all of this alone."
i especially like this for situations where a whumpee has multiple caretakers.
#whump prompt#whump#whump prompts#whump writing#whump idea#writing#whumpblr#sorry im so inactive#im pretty much just living off of the whims of my brain#it has ideas whenever it wants to and it doesnt take kindly to being forced to Think
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A Whumpee who refuses pain meds during recovery because of some trauma associated with it.
Did Whumper refuse to give them any, calling them weak and useless? An Whumper, of course, instilled in them that being weak and useless is the worst offense— that being so would lead to even more pain and punishment.
Did Whumper leave pain meds at arms reach at all times but if Whumpee ever even tried to reach for them they would be scolded/punished/beaten? Relief so close but only left to tease them of what they can’t have.
Were the meds Whumper gave them laced with something else? The after effects of the other drugs made it so the pain meds weren’t worth taking. Sure, they would make the physical pain go away, but then there was the:
-mental anguish of hallucinogens that lasted far longer than the pain meds and tormented their nightmares for weeks with the horrifying images the hallucinations created
-or the fast beating heart that felt like it might burst from their chest and the anxiety that came with it
-or the short term memory loss only to wake up later hurting worse and knowing Whumper did something else to them but they couldn’t remember what.
I love when a Whumpee forces themself to endure a painful situation and Caretaker knows it doesn’t have to be this way— they could be out of pain! If only they’d take the pills!— but because of whatever Whumper did, they refuse the pain meds.
It causes Caretaker stress. It causes Whumpee unnecessary pain.
It���s like the residual torment Whumper left behind in their mind could still hurt them even if Whumpee is safe now.
#whump#whump prompt#whump community#whump scenario#whump recovery#jayy writes#starfish writes#drugged whumpee#forced drugging
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