#rescue gone wrong
whump-queen · 3 months
a trope I love and don’t see nearly enough: when a battle/fight breaks out but nobody bothers to free the prisoner.
whumpee is just stuck chained up or tied down while chaos erupts around them. perhaps dangling from the ceiling, or locked to the floor on their knees, all while getting grazed with arrows or bullets that just barely miss them. or maybe they don’t miss.
whumpee getting pummeled into when one assailant’s body slams another. someone else’s blood spattering whumpee’s face when one stabs another.
the captivity has left them so weak. maybe they’re barely conscious of the commotion around them, dazed eyes flitting over flying fists and spattered blood.
do they cry out for help? is there anyone they can trust here? do they dare? does anyone care? can anyone even hear them over all the commotion?
are their friends trying to rescue them? or is it just another team who wants whumpee to themselves? if their friends are trying to save them, whumpee is now they’re just stuck watching their friends get hurt by whumper’s goons and being unable to do anything about it but cry out to them and tell them they’re sorry. they shouldn’t have come. they’re so sorry.
terrified whumpee yanking at the restraints and begging their friends to turn back. that it’s not worth it. to leave them here and surrender, retreat, to escape while they can before they end up just like whumpee, chained up and useless and utterly helpless to whumpers whims.
I like the idea of a whumpee panicking when they see their friends coming to rescue them. they know there’s no chance they’d win, not against whumper. that was the only solace whumpee had, that at least their loved ones were safe, and now they’re watching that slip away with every team member captured before their eyes.
the guilt, the panic, the helplessness, I love it all.
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whump-galaxy · 2 months
The whumpee struggling not to laugh with their broken ribs. They hold their chest tight, wheezing and coughing through manic laughter. The caretaker thinks they’ve gone crazy, how could they be laughing after almost dying? But that’s why they’re laughing. They can feel the pain in their ribs. The blood soaking through their fingers. The ringing in their ears.
They’re alive. They lived.
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mischievousspooks · 6 months
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He brought home a heat lamp.
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violent138 · 4 months
I believe that Jason's in built taser armour has gone off during hugs and nobody believes that it was a mistake at all, despite Jason's repeated insistence that even he wouldn't be that evil.
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Thank you @shipper-of-many-many-ships for giving me the inspiration to draw them. Referring to this post
Hulk is not that scary compared to Chief
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pain-del-doge · 1 year
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At last the Bear and their apprentices found the missing hunters, but the lot of them are further lost than whatever meets the eye. A certain Darkness had taken ahold of them, the Bear spotted, and a fearsome redness glinted in their eyes, hungering and endlessly violent like the Darkstones that quietly corrupted their souls.
The hunters muttered among their midst as though they had found a great catch, a mighty beast who prowled and protected the Isle, Prairie, and Forest. She was a hunt to end all hunts, they said, much more valuable than the runts and pariahs she protected as though they were her flesh and blood (Perhaps, some of them were? Given the semblance she had with the Serow.)
Nevertheless, both the corrupted hunters and the Bear raised their weapons. There were only two ways their encounter would end, and the Bear inwardly prayed that their apprentices would see the sunrise again regardless of the outcome.
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egg-writes-whump · 7 months
Whumpee was sat in the back of the car, staring blankly out the window. Youngest got into the back as well, and they watched as Teammate walked around and got into the passenger seat.
Leader and Teammate spoke to each other quietly, and then Leader started the car. The two continued to talk for the majority of the journey, but Youngest couldn’t really hear what they were saying.
They turned back to Whumpee. There was blood in their hair and on the shoulder of their jacket. Youngest couldn’t see it very well, but there was also a lot of blood on the right side of their face. They leaned across the middle seat and took Whumpee's hand.
They turned to look at them. There was something off about their eyes. They looked unfocused. Their pupils were the wrong size, as well. “…are you ok?” Whumpee didn’t answer at first, as if testing the question out and then trying to think of an answer. Eventually they shrugged. “I will be.”
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Tuvok/Chakotay and B’Elanna/Seven both belong to a relationship category called ‘Extended sequence of building something together with many undertones and moments of symbolism, homoerotism, frustration that gives way to greater understanding’ only Tuvok/Chakotay are building something in nature while B’Elanna/Seven are building something mechanical. There’s a difference between the bird calls above, the sun beating down, grass stains on normally pristine clothing vs the stuttering hum of a damaged fan, the oppressive heat of a confined space, normally pristine hands marred by oil. They’re both sleeping on the ground/floor out of necessity though and they’re both, over time, huddling closer - for warmth.
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hummingbird-of-light · 3 months
June of Doom 2024 Day 15 (@juneofdoom)
15. “Get me out of here!”                        
| Rescue | Chainsaw | Presumed Dead |
As he felt the ground beneath him give way and he slid down a kind of stone chute into the depths, Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy regretted once again having taken part in this damned expedition.
Why had he agreed to follow his best friend and explore a stupid Mayan temple of all things? Why was he even friends with James T. Kirk? The guy only caused him trouble with his constant expeditions and reckless ideas!
"Bones!" McCoy heard his friend's voice calling anxiously for him, but it disappeared into the distance.
He tried to find somewhere to hold on so that he wouldn't be pulled further down, but the floor and walls were just too slippery.
McCoy gave a startled cry as he suddenly stopped sliding and fell, hitting the hard floor a moment later. The air was squeezed out of his lungs for a moment and he let out a pained groan.
"Bloody hell!" the doctor cursed as he finally regained his breath. He looked around, but it was pitch black around him. All he could see was the outline of the hole from which he had fallen to the floor.
McCoy closed his eyes and groaned. Why did this have to happen to him of all people? Why did he have to have such bad luck?
"Bones! Can you hear me? Bones!"
"Dr. McCoy!"
"Are you all right?"
Several voices reached his ears at once and he opened his eyes. At least he could still talk to the other members of the group.
"No, damn it! Nothing is okay! I've just slipped meters into the depths and landed in a dark cave where I can't even see my own hand in front of my eyes! How am I supposed to be okay?" he shouted his answer to the stupid question from the man who had taken over the leadership of the small group, as if he knew his way around better than the rest. McCoy had forgotten the name again. But he didn't care at the moment. "Get me out of here! Now!"
"We're ... we're working on a solution, Doctor! Just stay calm, will ye?"
The soft, Scottish accent of another man filtered down to him and McCoy blushed slightly. Mr. Montgomery Scott and he had hit it off straight away and the doctor had quickly developed an interest in the other explorer. And if he interpreted the Scotsman's signals correctly, he seemed to return the interest.
"I ... will try," McCoy replied, a little more gently than before. He didn't want to shout at Mr. Scott like he had done to the others.
It took what felt like an eternity and McCoy flinched at even the slightest sound he heard, but eventually the men called out to him that they would split up to find a way to him.
"Why don't you just slide down here and keep me company, Jim?" McCoy grumbled angrily to himself as his friend shouted that everything would be fine.
"Yes, yes! Just hurry up!" he shouted loudly.
"Mr. Scott, Mr. Chekov and I will wait up here by the hole and keep in touch with you, Doctor!" came the voice of the man without a name.
McCoy wanted to say something back about the fact that the man who was acting like a leader could be looking for him, but he refrained from commenting.
It took quite a while and at some point McCoy got tired of waiting. He sat up carefully and then got to his feet.
"I'm going to have a look around down here!"
"Ye'd better not do that, Doctor! Who knows if–" Scott didn't even get to finish his sentence, because as soon as McCoy had taken a step forward, the room suddenly lit up.
He was still blinded by the sudden light of the igniting torches when the floor beneath McCoy opened up and he began to sink into it.
His eyes fell to the floor and he gasped in panic. At that moment, he would rather not have been able to see.
Quicksand! He was sinking into quicksand!
"What's happening?"
The voices of Scott and the other men reached his ears, but McCoy was at a loss for words at first.
Only when Scott called out to him again did he answer.
"I – bloody hell – I'm stuck in quicksand!"
Although McCoy tried to remain calm, the sand seemed to be swallowing him faster and faster.
He didn't know what Scott and the others were talking about for so long, but finally the nameless man's loud voice rang out.
"We've made a makeshift lifeline from several of the vines hanging in the passage! We're throwing it down to you now!"
McCoy couldn't believe it! A lifeline made out of vines? That was complete madness! But at least it was something.
His heart was pounding like crazy when he saw the green braid being lowered. He was now stuck in the sand up to his stomach. The doctor stretched out his arm as far as he could, but it didn't help. And every movement only made him sink deeper.
"I can't reach it! I'm too far away!"
It didn't take long for the rope to be pulled up again.
"Okay! Different plan! I'll tie the lifeline around my waist and come down to you! Mr. Scott and Mr. Chekov will pull us back up!"
McCoy shook his head, even though no one could see it.
"That rope will never hold us both!" he shouted, but the other didn't seem to care.
"You bet it will. Have faith, Doctor."
McCoy closed his eyes and prayed to all the gods that this plan would turn out well.
It wasn't long before the man – he was British, if McCoy wasn't mistaken – came into view.
"Doctor! Take my hand!"
It seemed incredible, but somehow McCoy actually managed to grab the other man's hand and he gave him a smile as he began to pull him up.
The doctor felt an incredible sense of relief when he realized that the rope actually seemed to be holding.
It wasn't long before he was back at the bottom of the steep stone slide he had slid down at the beginning. This rescue actually seemed to be successful!
"I've got him! Pull us up!" ordered the Brit, who had wrapped his arms around McCoy and was now holding him in a strange kind of embrace, and slowly the men's bodies began to move.
McCoy felt tears in his eyes as the adrenaline subsided a little. He really had been saved.
"Thank goodness, I thought –"
His eyes widened in surprise as he felt a terrible pain in his stomach. He fell silent instantly, his mouth still open. Blood flowed out.
He looked down uncomprehendingly at the knife in his body before looking up at the man, who simply smiled at him before pulling him closer to whisper in McCoy's ear.
"I saw the looks you gave Montgomery, Doctor. He's mine. And someone like you certainly isn't going to change that."
McCoy let out a choked sound as the knife was rammed deeper into his stomach.
"Damn it! My hand's slipping! I can't hold him anymore! Quick! Pull us up faster!"
He felt the man let go of him and, along with the knife, he plunged down again.
The last thing he heard before his body fell into the quicksand was the man's desperate cry.
"Doctor! No!"
The last thing he saw was the sneering face watching him sink.
And the last thing he remembered was the name of the man who didn't save him, but murdered him.
John Harrison.
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sibillascribbles08 · 9 months
Artificial Phoenix movie changes
*cracks knuckles* Okay I said I would do this for at least one curious reader, so here we go. I'll eventually drop it under a cut because it is gonna get long haha, if you guys want me to expand on any of these details just let me know !
The opening to the movie is more or less the same, though Leonardo's mistake is less from sheer arrogance and more in eagerness to use his mystic powers. Training with Draxum has proved fruitful, and Leo's just a bit too excited with how good he's getting with his abilities lately.
When they end up with Casey Jr. in their lair, they don't really believe he's from the future until they end up finding the memory locket on his person. Casey tells them he got it from Master Michelangelo, and Mikey and Draxum know it has to be the same locket though the image inside it is different.
There is also a funny add on to this happening in the background where Sho, upon seeing Casey, congratulates Splinter on his grandson. Splinter wants to know where he got that idea, and Atsuko mentions the pair of them do share a lot of features. If this was being animated Splinter would look at her, next to Casey, with a similar expression on his face as the kid and say "I don't see it"
When Casey mentioned the Kraang, both Draxum and Karai recognize the name. April also realizes that's the same things as the creature she found among the empyrean.
The attempt to get the key back also goes just about the same, though Leonardo's desperation to recover it is more out of fear of something else too powerful for them to handle getting into the city and taking something else away from them. But of course, in his attempts to stop that from happening, Raph gets kidnapped.
Donnie's decision to even make all those escape pods also had to do with him wanting to give them an out in case things got too dangerous (and it still only worked so well).
Everyone is desperate to get Raph back, so the boys all go to do this while Draxum, Karai, April and Cassandra all try to find a way to destroy the key. This time it's not just Leo that causes the run through the subway to go to hell. (Leo is constantly asking his grandmother if Raph is still alive).
Casey Jr. has to give all of them a lecture, and is shocked they're even acting like this when Donnie is the one who harshly reminds the kid they aren't their future selves, but they still understand his point and try to collect their feelings so they can save Raph with a more level head.
Also for the record, Casey has met Cassandra during this film, but he has chosen not to reveal how he knows her or why her image is the one coming from his locket (along with another figure who's far too blurry to make out). Cassandra is determined to find out the answer when this ordeal is over.
Raph still gets possessed by the kraang.
Cassandra and Karai are both part of the ground squad, trying to get Casey Jr. to the key so they can close the portal.
The events to seal the kraang are more or less the same, and while Draxum will deny breaking down in front of April, Karai and Cassandra when Leo is trapped on the other side of the portal, April may mention it to Leo later anyway.
Speaking of breakdowns no one is having a good time for the record, but Atsuko tells Mikey that Leo is still alive, and he's not going to give up.
Meanwhile in the prison dimension, Leo is about to give up, but then an incoming hit never connects, because his father's spirit appeared (I have been tempted to write this scene up at the very least).
Get the shit kicked out of you by a ghost Kraang leader.
Well, not that hard, just enough to keep him busy while Leo makes a run for it and eventually reaches Mikey's portal.
Draxum does not stop pestering the boys for weeks while they recover, and when Leo starts calling him Dad on purpose he pretends he's been doing it all this time.
Cassandra eventually gets the truth from Casey, but Mikey's still curious about why Casey's locket plays the same song that his does (Casey isn't sure why)
Uuuuh I think that's about it ! Let me know if you have further questions
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disneytva · 2 years
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Top #15 Most Streamed Animated Films On  Disney+ USA Q4-2022.
As an experiment with each The Walt Disney Company Earnings Call we will unveil the Top #15 Most Streamed Animated Shows on Disney+
More content will be order as franchises for these films if they keep getting streamed.
Data Belongs To ParrotAnalytics,FlixPatrol & Nielsen.
1- Encanto
2 -Moana
3 -Turning Red
4- Zootopia
5- Luca
6- Toy Story
8-Raya And The Last Dragon
10- Nightmare Before Christmas
11- Ice Age Adventures Of Buck Wild
12- Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers
13- Ron’s Gone Wrong
14- Frozen
15 - Coco
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garashir · 4 months
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Black Sails XXIII. // XXVII.
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whispersinthedawn · 10 months
College of Nightmares Part 2
“We thought Greek demigods died,” Ms Admete blurted out abruptly. “Greeks died and Romans retired to live out the rest of their lives in obscurity, one too powerful to survive and the other too powerless to remark on.”
Percy eyed her suspiciously. The statement seemed ripe for a rejoinder of ‘But you were wrong.’
Ms Admete voiced the criticism herself.
“But they don’t die or lead ignoble lives,” the woman continued, words spilling out of her as if water steadily widening the crack in the wall of a dam, determined to escape now that it had seen the exit.
“Monsters chase the Greeks, harry them, torture them until the stars blend into headlights and safety and danger are the same – and then they find themselves in front of someone who’ll keep them safe, who’ll teach them to defend themselves, and most importantly, who’ll allow them to pass on this gift of life unburdened by murderous monsters to another.”
It seemed a heartwarming prospect indeed – if the monsters and the saviours weren’t working in concert, if protection and destruction weren’t wrapped together in one cunning package.
“And the Romans?” Percy whispered.
The smile on Ms Admete’s face was bitterness incarnate. “You wouldn’t know,” she said with aching gentleness, with a bittersweet empathy that held nothing but an awareness of her own culpability – and how she herself was a victim of the same injustice. “The pain of being forgotten, the knowledge that everything you are is worth nothing more than a postscript in someone else’s fable.”
And still that bitter smile, as if Ms Admete knew it wasn’t enough, that no number of explanations could excuse the impending tragedy.
“To devote your whole life to the fulfilment of your purpose, only to realise that all your accomplishments just serve to relegate you to the side of everything. And it’s not as if you desire accolades or rewards for doing your duty,” Ms Admete insisted, as if wanting to make sure Percy understood, and didn’t misinterpret her grievances as something petty and born of a jealous mind.
Percy bit her lip, unable to make herself say anything.
“But acknowledgement – is that too much to ask for?” Ms Admete sighed, a plea in every inch of her body.
“A sympathetic voice, someone who understands and wants to help, who can bless you with the light of glorious purpose. Is that what was offered to the Romans?” Percy whispered. To you?
Were they still talking about the Titans? The budding power roiling underneath the seeming utopia of Olympus? Or had they moved on to the seething wreck of Gaea and her decade-long plans to subvert both the Olympians and the Titans?
Or something else altogether?
Ms Admete looked at her apologetically. “Perhaps. It certainly seemed that way, though I have no doubt most learnt, if too late, to regret attracting that kind of attention.”
But after a while, you fell in too deep, and escape meant a complete break that you could seldom gain without shattering your life into too many shards of sharp glass. Sometimes, you veered deeper and deeper until you were learning to poke out eyes from your fellow delinquents, until you were learning to flirt and cheat at cards until just the thought of anyone accepting your never-meant overtures terrified you into belligerency.
Sometimes, escape meant killing your chain and the home it was attached to, and cutting off the neck it was tied around for good measure.
(Percy had expected prison. Percy had expected staving off the police just long enough to gather the essentials and then plunging deep into the labyrinth of dark streets and apartments abandoned only during the day, and corners and alcoves that reeked of spoiling waste and lives mouldering in the spray of a river.
Percy had killed Gabe and expected to jump into the river and hide until everyone gave her up for dead.)
“Who is it?” Percy whispered. “Who frightens you so much you dare not even spell out their name?”
Ms Admete released a half-sob which she promptly stifled by pressing a fist to her mouth. “Spell it out? Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus. That’s his name – does it help? Do you recognise him?”
No, she didn’t. But she didn’t need to, did she?
Who’s that? Percy sent out into the ether – or the polar waters that comprised her mind.
Someone Roman, Perce replied.
Someone powerful and ancient, considering the university is a century and a half old and you need a lot of money for that, Per added.
Someone in the employ of the Roman Emperors, then, since all seems to come back to them? Medea offered up half-heartedly.
Nero, Perse concluded grimly.
Read on Ao3
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mastereye-1 · 14 days
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With the idea of a TFRB x AEMH crossover. It came to the idea that maybe Charlie and Ross could have been friends...
As in the military, they both meet and were partnered together in some activities and become friends, but over time, Ross started to show those sights of aggression and discrimination so Charlie had to decide if ignore or leave his friend.
He chose to leave...
But when he heard that Ross's wife had died Charlie had a moment of remorse and thought that his friend might have opened his eyes, but then the Hulk came to Griffin Rock and Charlie lost his marbles...
¨General Thaddeus E. Thunderbolt Ross, I request a private meeting in my quarter. Now, right now¨
Also, did you guys knew that Ross full name is Thaddeus E. "Thunderbolt" Ross???
Morocco? Doctor Thaddeus Morocco? Do you wanna tell us something???
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thechiton · 4 months
Benadryl is the med with the fastest body acclimation curve ive ever taken, if u take it even like twice in the same month ur body just says nuh-uh i remember that shit. And it doesnt work
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