#for those who dont remember/never saw this part of the anime
ryuuseini · 1 year
Working on the Paul essay and i NEVER thought the hardest thing to explain where his actions in episode 3. Like I'm literally having to handwave half of this shit because i have ZERO heterosexual explainations for this, like, your honor, he was just Obsessed!
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jvzebel-x · 1 year
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girasollake · 2 years
˚♡ ⋆two of cupsੈ♡˳
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pairing: neteyam x fem!mangkwan!reader
!disclaimer! there is pretty much nothing we know about this clan but since i saw they are like ‚spiritual masters’ or something i thought i would use their name because it fits the story!
requested: no
type: angst/fluff
summary: (i am so bad at writing these) the reader is part of the clan you mostly hear about in legends, they are spiritually connected to eywa, more than any other tribe. she has to run away after the sky people destroyed her village and she meets a boy. his energy calls to her and she doesnt know why. both of them are children of clan leaders and both of them need to find a mate due to their age (both are around 18-20), they feel the pull towards each other and dont know that their fate was already written in the stars (its me, im the stars)
warnings: death of a loved one, injuries, mentions of blood and wounds, breakdown, grief, a happy ending
a/n: i hope you guys will like this one because i came up with the whole clan for the sake of the story lmao, but even if you wont like it i still hope you enjoy reading it!// gif is from pinterest, all credits to the owner!
word count: 5,818 
[there may be some errors, because i’m too lazy to check it lol]
╰┈➤ a little glossary:
*Faysawtute! Wiya! - These sky people! Dammit!
** Oel ngati kameie, Olo’eyktan, Tsahik - I see you, Olo’eyktan, Tsahik
***evi - kid(in an affecionate way kinda)
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You weren’t sure how you ended up in that place. The last thing you remember is running away from the sky people who had somehow found your village, the screams of your people started echoing in your brain. You sat up and analyzed your surroundings carefully - the forest around you was vast and mysterious, you have never went into this part of Pandora before. You needed to find your friends, your parents, your ikran, but the only things you could see were trees and bioluminescent plants. A hiss escaped your lips when you stood up, blood was running down your leg and you noticed a big wound it was coming out of, a stab wound. All of this wasn’t unfamiliar, you have fought against the sky people before, but this time they were hungrier for blood than ever, targeting your tribe and searching for you. Your clan had knowledge others didn’t, your people had a special connection to Eywa which presented itself in the fact that your hair was white. You were hiding in the shadows, often migrating and avoiding direct contacts with others, to other tribes yours was just a legend. You almost never engaged, only when it was necessary, and even though you should have gotten rid of the strange enemies from the other planet – your father decided to keep moving and put the fighting behind you. You didn’t blame him, there has been enough bloodshed and there were only 87 of you left, well, now probably less than that.
‘Faysawtute! Wiya!*’ You cursed and pressed on your wound as you walked over to the nearest plant with long leaves.
You tore one of them out of the plant and used it as a bandage, as well as some small vines you found nearby. A faint sound of an animal could be heard in the distance and you were thankful you still had your bow and arrows; your knife however was nowhere in sight. You sat down on the ground, closed your eyes and pressed your palm to the ground, you needed to feel her so that she could lead you to one of the sacred places. A few deep breaths calmed your body down and you opened your eyes rapidly, your ears going down – you felt her. After standing up you started following your gut, you had learned to trust it as much as possible. You tried to stay focused on the energy flowing through your body as well as the one flowing through the forest, but those beautiful plants had caught your eye way too many times for your liking, causing you to lose that focus.  With each step you felt weaker and even more tired, the journey was taking too long, you felt as if you had been walking for eternity. The sun started showing up, soft light reflected in your sleepy eyes and something in the horizon suddenly caught your attention, you stopped in your tracks. A big tree, with white long vines and a strong aura you could see from far away - the source of power. You smiled to yourself and resumed your walk, you couldn’t give up now, she would heal you at last. When you finally reached the tree, you collapsed at the bottom of its trunk. Your hands took one of the vines and connected it to your queue making a tsaheylu. Your pupils dilated as the purest energy of all flowed slowly through your weak body. Next thing you remember was darkness.
A sound of flapping wings caused you to open your eyes. You quickly disconnected from the tree and ran behind one of the larger roots to hide. As you were putting one of your arrows on the bow you heard the stranger approaching you. You stood up and pointed your weapon at them, but this wasn’t an enemy - it was a young Na’vi boy, probably close to your age. His bow was also ready to fire an arrow at you and you could tell he was confused too, because his eyes were scanning your body in a rapid pace. When you finally locked eyes, you lowered your weapon. However, he was still holding his up, cautious of you and your actions. But you knew better, you knew he wouldn’t hurt you; it was visible in his eyes that he was not a killer.
‘Who are you?’ He finally asked. ‘Are you an avatar?’
You tilted your head, confused about the new word he used, ‘What’s an avatar?’
He lowered his bow and hung it on his body, ‘Come.’
You didn’t move.
‘You’re Omaticaya, right?’ A question left your lips.
He nodded and opened his mouth to say something, but he shut it just as quickly.
‘What’s your name, boy?’
He grimaced at the last word, ‘Neteyam.’
‘(y/n)’ You replied.
For a moment you were standing there in silence, contemplating if you should ask for help. After all, you had nowhere to go to.
‘What are you doing here?’ He asked suddenly and stepped closer, which made you take a step back.
‘I got lost.’ You sighed. ‘The sky people found my village and the last thing I can remember is running away.’ You looked up at the tree. ‘I woke up in the forest and followed Eywa’s energy to find one of the sacred places to heal myself.’
‘Heal?’ He tilted his head in confusion once again.
You nodded, ‘I need your help.’ This time it was you who stepped closer. ‘I have to find my parents.’
He nodded, ‘I’ll take you to my grandmother, she’s Tsahik.’
Your ears perked up as you started following him to his ikran, ‘Who is the Olo’eyktan in your clan? Your grandfather?’
‘No, he died before I was born.’ He got on his ikran and offered you his hand. ‘My father is the leader.’
‘Hm.’ You quietly said and wrapped your arms around his chest gently.
You started wondering if you should tell him that you have that in common – being future clan leaders, that is. You knew the pressure, the responsibilities, the expectations and you could talk to him about that, but you wanted to keep that a secret for just a little longer. You could feel his strong energy, there was a certain feeling of calmness radiating from him and you swore it called to you. You have just met him, but he felt like an old friend, someone you never forget.
The ride was pleasant, you were curiously looking around and admiring the view. You thought he would take you to his home, somewhere in the forest, because after all the Omaticaya were a forest clan. It was surprising to say the least, when you landed inside a huge cave in one of the mountains.
‘I thought you were supposed to be tree people?’ You furrowed your eyebrows as you were looking around the village.
Neteyam helped you get down from the animal and softly laughed, ‘We are, but our home was destroyed.’ He looked down. ‘I never got to see it.’
You rested your hand on his arm and rubbed it softly, ‘I’m sorry, Neteyam. I am sure it was very beautiful.’
He sent you a soft smile which you reciprocated. Your eyes were locked with his, but he broke the eye contact due to something or rather someone coming from behind you. You turned around, a man was slowly approaching you, an elderly woman following after him.
‘That is father and grandmother.’ Neteyam stated from behind you.
‘Oel ngati kameie, Olo’eyktan, Tsahik.**’ You made the proper gesture and felt their tough gaze on you.
They greeted you in the same way and then looked at Neteyam. You knew exactly why they were confused just like he had been. It was because of your hair.
‘I come from the Mangkwan People.’ You announced in order to avoid unnecessary questions.
The Tsahik walked over to you and inspected your whole body, especially one part of it.
‘It’s been a while since I saw one of you.’ She said calmly. ‘Where is the rest of your clan?’
‘I don’t know.’ You sighed. ‘That’s why I’m here, I need to find them and I need help.’
She looked at Neteyam’s father who gave her a firm nod.
‘You can stay with us child.’ She informed you. ‘What are you called?’
‘(y/n) te Magte Leta’ite.’ You whispered your full name and the woman gasped softly, but didn’t say anything.
Neteyam exchanged a look with his father, both uncertain about the Tsahik’s reaction. The Olo’eyktan made a gesture towards his son to come closer and he whispered something into his ear. The young heir nodded and turned his attention to you.
‘Come, I’ll show you around.’
After a brief walk through the village, which mostly consisted of you trying not to pay attention to the people whispering as you walked by, you arrived at what you figured would be Neteyam’s home.
‘This is where we sleep. There is not a lot of space but I can give you my own area if you want to rest, I’ll just share with my brother.’
‘Oh, no, it’s okay. I can sleep on the floor, I don’t mind it.’ You chuckled. ‘No, but really, you don’t have to give up your space for me, I’ll be good with anything.’
He smiled at you and his eyes followed your movements as you were admiring the inside.
‘Forgive me for staring at you so much before.’ You turned around to face him. ‘I’ve heard legends about your clan and I was surprised that..’
‘I’m real?’ You softly laughed. ‘It’s okay, I know you don’t see people like me every day.’ Your happy expression faded away.
‘What’s wrong?’ He approached you.
You sat down without looking at him and he did the same, ‘There isn’t many of us left.’ You turned your head to look into his eyes. ‘That’s why you don’t see us often. We always run away, hide in the shadows, we don’t engage in anything… I’m sure your grandmother remembers the times when my clan would happily help others when in need, but times have changed. All I know how to do is run away.’
‘You don’t have to do that anymore, I’m sure your clan would be welcome here. To stay with us.’
You lifted one corner of your mouth, ‘Thanks, tree boy.’
‘Who is that, brother?’ Your focus shifted from the boy sitting next to you to the girls standing in the entrance.
‘(y/n).’ You answered before he could open his mouth. ‘May I know your names?’
‘I’m Kiri and this is Tuk.’ She replied and looked down at the smaller girl hiding behind her leg.
‘Come here, I don’t bite.’ You smiled at them.
They carefully came closer and sat in front of you. Their reaction was similar to everybody else, their eyes weren’t looking into yours, but above. You curiously looked Kiri up and down, there was something in this girl you couldn’t quite put into words, a powerful energy illuminated from her body.
‘Dad wanted to talk to you.’ She said to Neteyam.
‘Oh, okay.’ He quickly stood up. ‘I’ll be right back, treat her nicely, she’s our guest.’
He left their home, your gaze followed him as he got lost in the sea of other Omaticaya people. Meanwhile, Tuk was still taking in your strange looks, a confused frown was on her face.
‘You want to touch it?’ You asked her and she nodded eagerly.
She crawled closer to you and started playing with your hair, ‘It looks like it glows! Does it glow in the dark?’
‘Sometimes.’ You replied with a funny expression on your face.
‘Can you show me? Please!’
‘Maybe one day, okay?’ She nodded in reply.
‘Do you need someone to patch you up?’ Kiri asked.
‘Sorry, what?’ You gave her a confused reply to which she gave a nod towards your bandaged thigh. ‘Oh! I forgot about that. It’s okay, it’s fully healed.’
‘How do you know?’
‘Because Eywa healed me.’ You replied while taking off the leaves and vines, Tuk was still playing with your hair.
‘What?’ Her ears perked up and she sat up straighter. ‘What do you mean by that?’
‘When I connect to the source, such as your big sacred tree, I can transfer Eywa’s power into my body to heal myself.’ You explained like it was nothing. ‘See? All good.’ You showed her your thigh which  now only had a small, faint scar in the place you were stabbed.
You looked up to see her puzzled expression and it took everything in you to not laugh.
‘You need to teach me how to do it.’ She finally whispered.
‘I can try, but it’s a difficult craft. It requires patience, meditation, and strength, spiritual strength. My people start training the moment they connect with Eywa for the first time and it takes years to master it.’ You told her. ‘But I feel that you have all that is needed. I’ll teach you when the time comes.’
‘Really?’ She covered her mouth in shock. ‘Thank you!’
‘It’s nothing.’ You smiled and looked over at Tuk. ‘Are you having fun?’
‘Mhm!’ She exclaimed. ‘Can I braid some of it?’
‘Of course.’ Her smile warmed up your heart.
It’s been a while since you sat down and had your hair done by anyone, so why not let the little kid do it? You shifted your gaze to look outside and saw Neteyam talking to a girl. A light clench could be felt in your heart, why was your body doing that?
‘Is that your brother’s mate?’ You asked and gave a nod towards them.
Kiri turned around to see who you were referring to, ‘He hasn’t chosen yet. Mother is expecting him to do that soon but he keeps postponing it, he says he has to be sure.’ She explained and you felt a relief inside. ‘And that is Nelao, mother thinks she would be the perfect Tsahik, but I disagree.’
‘Why?’ Your curiosity won. ‘She looks nice.’
‘She does, but I just don’t feel like she’s the right fit for my brother.’ She murmured. ‘Nelao overheard my mother talking about her being the new Tsahik. Because of that she’s so certain he will chose her that she doesn’t even leave his side.’
‘You would be a better Tsahik, (y/n).’ Tuk peeped in.
You tilted your head and giggled, ‘I would be, indeed.’ You paused. ‘And I will. Perks of being the daughter of the clan leaders.’
‘Your parents are Tsahik and Olo’eyktan?’ Kiri gasped. ‘Why didn’t you say it before?!’
‘I like being secretive.’ You smiled. ‘Revealing too much information at once isn’t a good idea, trust me.’
‘You can be our Tsahik if you want to.’ Tuk added.
‘Tuk! You can’t say things like that!’ Kiri scolded her sister.
‘Why not?’
‘Well, for once, she may already have someone betrothed to her.’ Kiri explained and turned her attention to you. ‘Do you have someone promised to you?’
You shook your head, ‘No.’
You wanted to add more, but you bit your tongue. Your parents have shown you a few young men to marry, but none of them felt right. You had to feel it inside and you couldn’t choose just because they expected that, it was your decision after all. And it’s not like you didn’t try, you hung out with some of them, talked with them, laughed with them, and yet none of them matched your energy in a way you longed for.
‘See? She can be our Tsahik.’ The little girl muttered and Kiri just rolled her eyes.
‘I’m sorry for my sister.’
‘It’s okay.’ You giggled. ‘Don’t be sorry for her, be grateful that she’s here to make your day more interesting.’
She smiled at you, ‘She sure is.’
‘All done! Do you like it?’ Tuk asked and showed you a few braids she had done.
‘They are perfect! Thank you ‘evi.***’ You gave her a quick hug to show your gratitude.
‘Kiri can you show me where you clean yourselves? I think I need to wash away the dirt.’ You turned to the older sister.
‘Oh my, of course! I’m sorry I should have asked you if you needed anything! Can I offer you some new clothes?’
‘If you’d be so kind.’ You smiled.
The three of you got up and you followed them hastily. On your way out you locked eyes with Neteyam who was still talking to Nelao, he shot you a quick smirk which made you look down and break the eye contact.
After changing and cleaning yourself up you sat down on the edge of the cave. You were taking in the view unfolding in front of your eyes.
‘Where are you mom?’ You whispered and felt someone approach you from behind.
‘We have not had a chance to meet. My name is Neytiri, I am Neteyam’s mother.’ The beautiful woman spoke up.
‘(y/n).’ You smiled and bowed your head to greet her.
‘Can I join you?’ You nodded in approval.
She sat down next to you, ‘Beautiful, isn’t it?’
‘Yes, it’s extraordinary. I love looking at Pandora from above.’ You replied.
‘You have your own ikran?’
‘Yes, but I don’t know where she is. I was hoping to go search for her in the morning with Neteyam if that’s possible?’ You asked and quickly looked down. ‘Or any warrior for that matter, it doesn’t have to be him.’
Neytiri smiled sweetly, ‘I’m sure he would love to help you.’
You shyly raised your head and while looking into her eyes reciprocated the smile. For a moment both of you were sitting there quietly, enjoying the darkness with some glowing plants in the distance. Your ears perked up when you remembered a strange word Neteyam had said to you before.
‘What’s an avatar?’ You asked your companion out of the blue.
She looked at you confused, ‘You don’t know?’
‘No, I am not familiar with that word.’ You answered. ‘Neteyam asked me if I was one and I didn’t know what it meant.’
Neytiri roughly explained to you the concept of the word, she also used the term dream walkers. You also found out that her husband was an avatar before, which surprised you, it’s weird you haven’t noticed his additional fingers.
‘Your husband has a strong spirit, strong heart. I could feel it.’
‘He does.’ She whispered. ‘It’s late, we should head inside.’
You nodded and stood up to follow the woman inside their family home.
When you woke up there was nobody in the tent with you. While you were stretching a big yawn escaped your lips. There was some water left next to you in a small pot, you picked it up and took a few big sips. You wiped your mouth and stood up to go outside and search for any of the familiar faces. You approached Neteyam who was giving some food to his ikran.
‘Hi, did you sleep well?’ He looked at you.
‘Um, yeah, it was a good night.’ You mumbled. ‘Are you going to help me today? With finding my ikran and my people?’
‘Oh! Yes, right, I have this thing here for you.’ He pulled out some sort of device. ‘This goes around your neck and this into your ear. Those are comms we use for communicating. ‘He pointed to the one he was wearing. ‘I’ll show you how they work.’
He installed everything on you and explained step by step to you how to use it. The whole time you tried to stay composed and steady, but his fingers brushing your skin were not helping. After that you both got on his ikran, the first place you wanted to check was the one you woke up at and that’s where you navigated him. You were using your memory and it was hard doing it from above since you were inside the forest while looking for a way out. Neteyam was patient with you, he landed a few times in the wrong places because you thought each could be the right one, thankfully one of them was. You got off the ikran and immediately noticed your blood on the grass. It was faint but because of daylight you could see the trail you were running through that night. You followed the blood with Neteyam by your side.
‘Mom! Dad!’ You shouted into the forest but received no response.
Suddenly a faint ikran roar erupted through the trees. Your ears perked up and you quickly ran towards the sound while making noises to lure in the animal.
‘Wait for me!’ You heard the man shout behind you, but you didn’t stop.
Soon you noticed something blue moving between two trees and you slowly approached it.
‘Ra’ia.’ You whispered and came closer to your ikran.
You noticed she was covered with a net and that was the thing disallowing her to move. You spotted your knife next to her and grabbed it to free the animal. Now everything made sense, they must’ve shot that net at you which caused both of you to fall down, you somehow freed yourself and dropped your knife while running away.
‘I’m sorry I left you Ra’ia.’ You whispered while you were hugging her neck and stroking her skin with one of your hands. ‘Thank you Great Mother for keeping her safe.’
‘Is that your ikran?’ You heard Neteyam’s voice.
‘Yes.’ You nodded. ‘Her name is Ra’ia.’
‘It’s suits her.’
‘Thanks.’ You chuckled. ‘We should check my village now.’
He gave you a nod and started calling for his own animal.
The place was a mess. Your started to feel heavy when you noticed limp bodies of your people laying on the ground. You took a deep breath and wiped away the tears already falling down from your eyes. With each person you examined you felt your heart break even more. However it broke down completely when you noticed your father’s  broken bow, his hand wrapped around the weapon. You swallowed a big lump and took cautious steps towards him.
This can’t be real. He’s okay, he has to be okay.
‘Dad?’ You whispered when you finally reached his side you moved his body, he didn’t move. ‘Dad, come on.’ You cried. ‘Wake up! You can’t do this to me!’ You shouted and started shaking his body.
A pair of arms wrapped around you and started pulling you away.
‘No!’ You shouted. ‘NO!’
Neteyam embraced you in a hug which you were trying to break out of, ‘Let me go! He’s okay! We have to get him help!’
‘I’m sorry, (y/n).’He whispered and held you tighter. ‘There is nothing we can do for him, we need to go.’
You were crying your eyes out, your screams were stopping in your throat along with the tears you were choking on. You don’t know how long Neteyam was trying to calm you down, it could’ve been 20 minutes or 3 hours, you had no idea. His palm was stroking your hair and his chest was wet from your tears, but it was working, he finally managed to help you steady your breath and stop crying.
‘Can you help me bury him?’ You looked up at him with glossy eyes. ‘Please, Neteyam.’
‘Of course.’ He replied and kissed the top of your head gently.
There was a sacred place, a small tree close to your village where you would bury the dead. Neteyam helped you carry your father’s body there, you whispered a quick prayer to him and to Eywa. You connected your queue to the sacred tree and experienced a vision. Instead of seeing your father you saw your mother in some kind of metal home, perhaps a capsule? It was strange and covered in various plants. You gasped and collapsed right into Neteyam’s arms. You looked at him and explained where you think your mother may be.
He widened his eyes, ‘I think I know where that is.’
‘Mom?’ You called out. ‘Mom are you there!?’
You moved closer to the entrance of the shack and looked through the broken window. Your mother was nowhere in sight.
‘She’s not inside, do you know if there is anywhere she could-‘
‘(y/n)?’ You heard your mother’s voice coming from the bushes.
You moved closer to the sound, ‘Mom? Yes, yes mom, it’s me.’
Her fragile silhouette emerged from the plants and she instantly collapsed into your arms, crying.
‘Your father..‘ She cried. ‘He..’
‘I know, ma, I know…’ You started caressing her tangled hair. ‘It’s going to be okay, ma.’
‘You need to find someone to lead the clan, you need to find a mate, daughter. We have to find the others as soon as we can, it is the only way.’ She explained and looked up to rest her sad eyes on Neteyam. ‘Who’s that?’
‘That’s my friend. We’re going to take you to a safe place.’ You explained. ‘The Omaticaya will take care of you, of us.’
‘No, no, we can’t. They are going to be hunting us. They know what we can do and they don’t like it.’ She stammered.
‘They are hunting my people too.’ Neteyam finally spoke up. ‘I can’t guarantee you will be safe in our hideout, but going there is the best thing I can offer you right now.’
‘We have to go, ma.’ You helped her stand up. ‘It’s okay, come on.’
The flight to the Omaticaya camp was peaceful, with no surprises from the enemy, but you felt your mother’s broken energy the whole time and it was draining you. You felt her pain, it was mixing with yours and creating a dreadful combination. There was also her unwillingness to go with you so she complained for most of the ride. When you finally arrived you were greeted by Mo’at, who immediately recognised your mother. She took her away from everyone and they both disappeared in her tent. You sighed and turned around to face Neteyam.
‘Thank you.’ You said. ‘For helping me. With finding my mother, Ra’ia and my..’ You paused, tears were starting to form in your eyes.
‘Hey, hey, you don’t have to thank me for this.’ He took your hand into his, caressing your knuckles softly with his fingers. ‘I’ll help you anytime you need me.’
You smiled up at him, ‘Do you-‘
‘Neteyam!’ A voice called out which made him drop your hand. ‘Is that this new friend of yours everyone is talking about? My name is Nelao.’
She grabbed Neteyam’s arm and hugged it to her body. The sight made your heart feel like a needle was going straight through it. You told her your name and complemented her own.
‘Thank you. Yours is quite unique as well.’ She looked up at Neteyam. ‘Shall we go? You must be hungry!’ She turned to you. ‘You’re welcome to join us, of course.’
You shook your head, ‘Maybe later, but thank you for invitation.’
You started walking away and looked at the man one more time, to your surprise you locked eyes with him once again. Then Nelao pulled him away as they headed to feast with the others. You approached Mo’at’s tent in hopes to find out how your mother was doing.
‘We have to find the rest. My daughter needs a mate, we need a new leader, Mo’at. I cannot believe all of this is happening.’ You heard your mother’s broken voice through the thin tent material. ‘I lost him, it hurts so much.’
‘I know what it feels like. I lost my husband because of these demons too. Your clan is welcome to stay with us when they are found.’ Mo’at spoke up. ‘Accept our help, Leta.’
‘It’s not nice to eavesdrop, you know?’ Neteyam’s voice startled you.
‘And why are you not participating in the feast?’ You tilted your head to the side.
‘I just..’ He paused. ‘Can we talk?’
You nodded, ‘Why didn’t you tell me you are the next Tsahik?’
‘What?’ You asked confused. ‘How-‘
‘I overheard your mother saying it to you before, she wasn’t particularly quiet so it’s not my fault.’
‘Right.’ You gave him a nod and smirked. ‘Do you want to go for a ride?’
‘If I do, will you answer my question?’ He tilted his head.
You shrugged, ‘Come and find out.’
You giggled and started running away to get on your ikran. Neteyam shook his head and followed your steps.
‘Where are we even going?’
‘You’ll see.’ You replied and took off, the man right behind you.
Throughout the flight you were constantly messing with him, whether that would be shoving him from the side or disappearing behind a mountain to scare him. He was pretending to be mad, but you knew he liked it. When you saw your destination you increased your speed. He tried chasing you trying to outrun your ikran, but to no avail.
‘It’s even more beautiful at night.’ You whispered when you landed.
‘It is.’ He replied, but he wasn’t looking at The Spirit Tree.
He was looking at something else or rather someone.
‘Come on, let’s go sit under it.’ You grabbed his hand and ran towards the tree.
For a moment you were just enjoying each other’s presence and looking around at the bioluminescent grass, leaves and vines. Well, you were the one looking around when his gaze was mostly lingering on your form.
‘So?’ He broke the silence which made you sigh.
‘I didn’t want to be defined by that. You out of all people should know the burden this role carries.’ You paused. ‘All the responsibilities, risks, duties… I just… I sometimes wish I wasn’t next in line.’ You looked at your hands. ‘Especially now when my mother urges me to find a mate immediately. Someone to step in for… You know.’
He nodded, ‘Yeah, I know what all of that feels like.’
‘But I can’t just take anyone and I think she doesn’t understand it. I have to feel it inside, it has to feel-‘
‘Right.’ He interrupted you.
‘Exactly!’ You exclaimed. ‘At least you already have someone to mate with.’ You whispered.
‘Huh?’ He raised his eyebrows. ‘Are you talking about Nelao?’
You nodded, ‘She seems really nice. You should be grateful your mom chose someone like that for you.’
‘She is nice, but at the end of the day it is not my mother’s decision.’ He responded. ‘It is mine.’
He raised his palm and rested it on your cheek.
‘And I don’t want Nelao.’
You felt heat going up to your cheeks and his face was slowly getting closer to yours. The kiss was slow and passionate, but most importantly – it felt right.
You were the first to break the kiss, ‘Are you sure about this?’
‘Are you?’ He asked.
You nodded your head eagerly, ‘You know, from the moment I saw you, your energy has called out to me.’
‘My energy?’ He chuckled.
You softly punched his arm, ‘Do not laugh at me! Last time I checked, I was the one seeing and feeling what you don’t.’
‘Oh, and that makes me worse than you?’ He tilted his head playfully.
‘Yes.’ You giggled and connected your lips with his eagerly.
After a while both of you pulled out your queues and observed how they connected with each other. The feeling was almost euphoric, something you have never felt before. You felt Neteyam’s energy, you saw it so vividly in your mind, all of his good and bad sides, everything about him was in front of you like an open book. All of it melted into your own body, your own energy mixed with his as you became one. There was no denying that all of this felt right.
You woke up in the morning only because someone towered over you and their presence was enough to awaken you. You slowly opened your eyes and you felt Neteyam’s arm on your stomach, your back pressed to his chest. When your vision cleared up you looked up and saw your mother’s angry face.
‘Did you mate with this boy!?’ She screamed, which made Neteyam and you quickly sit up.
Jake was standing behind her and guided her to take a step back. Neytiri was also present, but she was behind the two, a small smirk spread out on her face.
‘Answer me, daughter.’
You stood up, your fingers intertwined with Neteyam’s, ‘Yes, mother.’
She scoffed, ‘You were supposed to find someone from our clan!’
‘It is my fault.’ Neteyam spoke up. ‘I was the one to-‘
‘No, it isn’t.’ You shook your head.’ It was all because of Eywa. We met before her and we mated before her.’ You told your mother. ‘From the moment I saw him I knew we were meant to be together, his energy called me, it lured me in and I could not resist. The feeling was stronger than anything else.’
Your mother shook her head, but deep down she knew exactly what you were talking about. She had felt the same thing when she first laid her eyes on your father. She looked up at Jake who just shrugged his arms.
‘There is nothing we can do about it.’ He told her. ‘It is done.’
‘There is nothing wrong with uniting our clans.’ Neytiri spoke up. ‘I must say, I think it’s necessary. Especially in those dark times.’
You smiled at her and she reciprocated the gesture. You turned to your mother with pleading eyes.
‘Please, ma.’
She was looking between the two of you quickly and her gaze finally rested on your mate.
‘Fine.’ She closed her eyes and sighed. ‘At least it’s done now. All we have to do is find the rest of the clan, but I must say, the boy I chose for you will not be very pleased about this.’
‘Ma!’ You scolded her.
‘The boy she chose for you?’ Neteyam asked.
‘She chose like 5 boys for me.’ You chuckled. ‘But they don’t matter anymore, do they?’
‘I guess they don’t.’ He smiled at you.
‘We should head back to the camp.’ Jake said. ‘And please, don’t sneak out in the night, I don’t want your siblings to follow your footsteps.’
‘Yes sir.’ Netayam nodded.
Everyone turned around and started walking towards their ikrans, you and Neteyam following after them.
‘I knew this would happen.’ You heard Neytiri whisper to her husband.
‘Who didn’t?’ He quietly replied.
You chuckled and turned your head to Neteyam. You gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
‘Want to race to the camp?’ You asked and started running to your animal before the man had a chance to process your question.
He shook his head and ran after you. He would always run after you.
© girasollake, 2023
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thank you!! xx
taglist:  @hockeyboysarehot​ @esposadomd​ @astr1dblogs​ @greengarsstuff @black-and-white1​ @softpia​ @writingsbybirdie​ @slythermania​ @mariiyoushi​ @rakwunz​ @hirokosoul​ @goldenchunkycat​ @margoniezniez​ @bluesprings18​ @decaffeinatedmom01​ @swords4mob​  @quietshyashlyn19​ ( if you liked/commented on my post about this fic and you are not here, please check your settings because i couldn’t tag you <3)
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ohcorny · 4 months
i need to be a hater on main about scavenger's reign or i will explode. i cannot be alone in this.
now that it's being moved to netflix and people are talking about it again, all i'm seeing is glowing praise and absolutely no criticism of the writing. i will gladly agree with anyone that it's visually stunning. like, a+ in that regard no argument. great looking show, and the worldbuilding of the planet vesta is super cool and clearly considered. i like those parts! but that seems to be all anybody is responding to when they praise it.
the character writing is fucking ridiculous. i could point at any of them individually and go "what the fuck is this" but it's been months since i watched it and i don't like arguing a point i can't clearly remember. but it was the most egregious around ursula so i'm going to focus on her. her character seems to exist just to cause problems for no reason, to the point where she's also the only character we get no backstory on. we never see her in flashbacks on the ship, never learn what she did for it or why she was there, nothing about her at all. she is the only one.
and she is the #1 source of shattering my suspension of disbelief. you cannot tell me that she and sam were surviving together for a month on this incredibly hostile planet, working together every day to call the ship down, to figure out how the world worked and what was dangerous and what they could use.... and then tell me she would turn around and treat him the way she does.
spoilers below the cut
she is so hostile toward him all the time for no reason. she wanders off to go look at a weird plant in the middle of a bramble that crushes you if you don't get out the right way, leaving sam alone on the outside with no idea what she's doing or where she is or if she's alive. and when she comes out and he is VERY REASONABLY upset that she did that and isn't interested in hearing about the thing she saw, SHE gets mad at him and says she doesn't need him.
this could be explainable if there was any real tension between them, or if we're given any reason to believe she actually could survive without him, but there isn't! she fucks up with the spores in the very first episode and would absolutely die if she was alone. sam is never anything but a good leader to her and keeps trying to look out for her, and any time he's "wrong" it's because he showed reasonable caution about the fuckplanet. he gets hurt by the egg parasite because he didn't want to climb into a giant animal's egg sac. reasonable thing to not want to do! when he and ursula get into that argument about her disappearing on him, he gets hauled off by the weird emu for the dramatic irony. because he was upset his only companion in the world disappeared. he never does anything wrong. it's never his actual character flaws that he gets punished for, it's only ursula's ~trusting your instincts~ shit that ever gets him hurt. she is ultimately responsible for his death but the show never acts like it.
so much of the show seemed to be drama for drama's sake. do not get me fucking started on kamen's creature. what was that thing's fucking problem. what was kris' fucking problem?
if i have to ask 'what is their PROBLEM' at every other character's choices, your writing is not good.
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dextixer · 7 months
The fandoms unfathomable arrogance in demanding how RWBY should be revived
As some of you might know Dillon Goo has expressed interest in acquiring and working on reviving RWBY from its current state. He is a very talented animator who has worked with Shane Neville for quite some time now and released animations that were even shared on our subreddit. Even GLITCH animation studio has expressed a passing interest in Dillon Goo talking about RWBY.
Regardless, this has of course received a positive reception for the most part, but it did not take long for detractors to come out of the woodwork and take issue with possible involvement of Shane, and saying things like "If CRWBY isnt a part of this, im not interested" "If CRWBY isnt in this, Montys vision is ruined.
This is a rant against those people, warning, high amounts of sodium ahead
I have seen many people say that if anyone ever aquires the RWBY IP, that CRWBY should then HAVE to be hired or these people will NEVER support the projects in question. They say that its because people like Miles and Kerry know "Montys Vision", that they know what he wanted and thus without them, RWBY would not longer be RWBY.
Let us be very clear here you entitled shits. You dont have much of a choice. RWBY is dead, its laying down on the fucking medical table, its heart is no longer beating. Its clinically a corpse. Who the fuck do you think you are to make demands of any kind of revival the show can get? You are not in a position to choose or demand anything, you either accept any kind of revival of RWBY, even if its not perfect in your eyes (Welcome to the shoes of the critics) or you quit and let RWBY die.
But let us fucking remember that many people in the fandom were gleefuly saying that they will support RT and RWBY when it was revealed how mismanaged RT was and how they abused their workers. I saw multiple people go and say "Yeah, this sucks, but i will still support RT because i want RWBY to continue". We had multiple threads in r/RWBY saying to support RT so that RWBY would continue and even moralizing that people who engage in piracy are just selfish people.
You were willing to kneel before an abusive corporation and open your wallets to it without fucking question to keep RWBY going. But now when there is a possibility that RWBY might continue on and just MIGHT possibly do so without CRWBY (Which is not even a guarantee). You throw in the fucking towel? THIS was your fucking red line? CRWBY not working on the show?
At that point, just be honest and say what you really believe.
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You are fucking DICKSUCKING Miles and Kerry as if they were the ONLY ones working on the show alongside Monty and know his "vision". Well, let me ask you then why in the fuck do you put so much effort in shitting on Shane huh!?
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Its always "Oh, we need the people who worked with Monty" but EVERY SINGLE FUCKING time i go on twitter right now i see someone whining or being worried about "Well, but what about Shane".
Shane worked with Monty from the very fucking start! When he was eventually booted out of the company and made his open letter, most of the things in that letter were then confirmed MORE AND MORE with each passing year! He cared about Montys vision so much he was willing to call out RT before ANYONE ELSE! And we know for a FACT that MK did not follow the "vision" because the things that Monty and Shane worked on for Volume 3 were not used in Volume 3 and were then reused in later volumes.
I repeat, NONE of you shits cared about Montys "vision" nor do you genuinely care about it now. What you care about is CRWBY. What you care about is the parasocial relationship between you and creators of a show you like when it panders to you.
Because Shane was there from the very fucking start. And now hes the fandoms fucking Satan who the fandom tried so fucking hard to demonize over the years. Didnt care about Montys vision then did you!?
Oh and by the way, didnt we hear for YEARS now that there is a RWBY bible? That everything in RWBY is planned? That we had an outline for like 11-13 seasons!? Well if there exists such a bible, who gives a shit if CRWBY is involved in any kind of Volume continuation. If the bible exists anyone with skill and interest can read it and create what is meant to be created!
Of course unless the bible has always been a crock of shit fed to the fandom to try and pretend that the show wasnt writen by the fucking seat of its pants. (Which it WAS!)
So let me end with this.
Miles and Kerry are not gods. They are not angels. They are not perfect beings and bearers of the "Word of Monty" they are WRITERS! And just like with ANY part of CRWBY, the companies that might want to remake RWBY or write Volume 10 can choose to NOT take them onboard.
And that is FINE!
I do not mind if people wish or prefer that CRWBY were involved with any kind of RWBY continuation. What i fucking hate is this hypocritical DEMAND to keep CRWBY on board or otherwise "Its not real RWBY". Because i will repeat for the third fucking time.
The Fandom seems to not give even a single solitary fuck about RWBY, they seem to only care about CRWBY.
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cauqhtz · 3 months
My opinion about Luffy and the world of one piece.
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What does Luffy or One Piece in general mean to you?
I'll start! This is completely my opinion and my personal feelings!
I should start off my saying I am a hard person to please. I'm extremely "picky" with every aspect of my life. For example: I hate it when my food touches, even when I'm eating it. I eat it in order. there are exceptions though. I do like for my collard greens and rice to touch but only if I put them together. I still plate them separately.
It's ridiculous and sooo annoying but its a serious thing for me. It's like trying to swallow a pill. I physically cannot force myself to swallow anything that dont fit those standards.
It's like this for every aspect of my life. Books, movies, JOBS, tv shoes, etc..
the first time I tried watching one piece i turned it off maybe not even a minute after watching the first half of the first episode. I remember seeing nami at a party and her looking out to see the whirlpool and I got the wrong idea about what the anime was about so i swore off it.
Maybe a year later I saw a instagram post. It was basically saying how they didnt understand how they found a pirate story about some kid made of rubber kicking everyone's asses entertaining. I was in disbelief and kind of took it as a challenge. It sounded absolutely ridiculous to me at the time so I gave it another shot.
As soon as Luffy popped out of that barrel knocking one of those guys out saying he'd catch a cold for sleeping right there? I was laughing. ME? LAUGHING? To say I was sold would be an understatement.
Then theres the part where Luffy expresses his dream to be king. It wasnt because of some overused reason like very other anime like childhood trauma. It was because he wanted to. Thats it and thats all. I was blown away. My heart raced with excitement after that speech from luffy and I binged watched the episodes from then on.
I was obsessed. (Still obsessed) Back then I was still in highschool and I was binging the episodes from the moment I woke up, during all my classes and lunch, after school and falling asleep to it.
I think the only anime I binged like that would be HXH another anime I'm still obsessed with.
One of the funniest episodes of one piece for me is 497. I was rewatching the marine ford arc and I was in tears laughing at this episode.
But back to the question!
As a young woman of color? Luffy is a dream to me. Luffy is the perfect mixture of malcom x and MLK. He's what I think the world needs. He's one of a damn kind, there is NO character like him or story like one piece PERIOD and there's no amount of hate from naruto fans that'll make that less true.
The only character that is unafraid of crying, laughing, fucking up, tripping up in front of friends and enemies alike.
insanely selfish but he's strong. He can have his friends, hell he can make new friends and have them ALL by his side or far away from him. All alive and fucking thriving, why? because he fucking said so. He's strong in more ways than one. He has that luxury.
He's unafraid of asking for help. He has never once acted as though everyone else is beneath him and he can do everything by himself.
Gets pissed when he finds his vest with flowers sewed into it, wanting to be a manly man but unbothered at eating all the love themed food sanji makes specifically for nami and robin.
He has asked forced Pirate Hunter Zoro to join his crew? Nah thats just zoro his best friend and the guy who ate stomped out sand covered chocolate rice balls out of respect for the little girl he saved from Helmeppo.
Cat burglar nami? Nami the navigator. Her maps and weather skills are unreal!
Sniper king the liar? Yup but he's a damn good sharpshooter.
Black Leg/ Vinsmoke Sanji isnt he apart of a family of comicbook villians? Thats just Sanji! One of the best chefs in the world!
Tony Tony Chopper the raccoon dog that happens to be a doctor? Oh no thats chopper. Our crews miracle treasure. He's a talking reindeer monster.
The demon child is on your crew? Huh? Demon child? You can't mean robin! She's a good friend of mine and she's an archeologist! I'd have to kick your ass if you think otherwise! :D
Cyborg Franky? Oh yeah I couldnt take the sunny without him! They're a package deal!
The humming swordsman? Oh you mean brook! He's a talking, singing afro skeleton not to mention hilarious! The part about him being a sword-swinging musician was just a plus!
The first son of the sea jinbei...A fishman? Hell yeah! He's THE fishman! Jinbei is a good friend of mine and the 10th member I've been looking for!
Luffy's crew is a dumpster fire of diversity. That right there is rare within itself. I mean it's a Japanese show, yet most of the main characters aren't japanese! They originate from a little bit of everywhere across the globe!
They all look different and act different. They are all flawed and yet Luffy accepts them with open fucking arms with his TRADEMARKED grin nearly splitting his face in half!
Speaking of accepting them! Luffy is always overjoyed when reuniting with his crew. Jumping to give them hugs, screaming his hellos, jumping up and down, lunging forward to give them hugs, and waving with excitement at the sight of his friends.
I mean Luffy is unfucking matched. Even his voice is one of a kind and so fucking satisfying for his dialogue??
Two of my favorite quotes from Luffy are:
"I'm kicking your ass and wrecking your birdcage."
"Speak up for yourself, aren't you the leader of these guys? SAY SOMETHING ALREADY!"
Luffy's very name holds mind-melting weight.
I just recently found out that his brother ace was the one that came up with "Gum gum Rocket." Something I'm now pissed at OPLA for giving Garp the credit of.
Luffy as a captain doesnt do major plans or specific orders. He says something and his crew either follows along or finds their own objective for example the punk hazard arc when law asked luffy if he was going to leave his crew on the island to do what they said they wanted to do and leave with him to fight kaido.
Luffy refused saying if his crew was staying to get their own things done then so was he and that Law had to get used to it quick.
Luffy is freedom in physical form. There one second and gone the next. Something that gave Law heart palpitations.
Luffy has no rhyme or reason for doing things the way he does other than the fact that thats just who he is. Something that only Zoro and Robin TRULY understand. Chopper understood this recently, just before the time-skip.
For example when big mom assumed luffy was there in wano to pick a fight with kaido and luffy denied it sternly.
confusing everyone around him including nami and carrot.
He went onto say everyone not only responsible but associated would be getting their asses kicked.
And thats EXACTLY what happened.
Zoro wasnt even there for that and he was already cutting the majority of their members in half.
You'd think that with every plan luffy screws up they'd be major consequences? NOPE bc he's stronger than that. Everyone else would have to adapt or get their asses kicked.
jinbei fought with luffy in the fishman island arc. not wanting luffy to make matters worse, instead wanting him to be seen as a hero to which luffy refused saying he's not a hero and that he had to get to his friends... until jinbei said and i quote. "Luffy, I'll let you have all the meat you want! Just do as I say!"
To which luffy agreed after a few more pleas.
friends and enemies are one in the same to him.
You want to hit him? Fine he doesnt care. but Lie to him? He's about to shove his foot up your ass.
You want to take credit for his wins unless your law or kid? Hell yeah! Couldn't have done it without you!
You want to defend him? Dont bother. This is his business. Stay the hell out of it.
You want to cry? Suck it up! Crying wont fix anything so get the fuck up and do something about it already!
You want to ask him for help? Sure! Anything! As long as you're the right person asking!
You want to call him a hero? Literally might knock your lights out.
You want to put him down in history and tell everyone what he and his crew did? Don't bother he's not interested.
I mean the list goes on and on. I can talk about luffy and one piece for HOURS and never get bored.
Luffy is a dream to me. I tear up thinking about him and wishing to be apart of that world for even a day.
Thats what Luffy means to me.
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flowerpersephone · 9 months
Bad idea right?
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pairing: osamu dazai x fem!reader
word count: 800 words
warning: mention of alcohol, slightly suggestive
mdni please!!
notes: oh wow first time writing here since 2020 lmaoo kinda nervous to come back with my most suggestive piece and about an anime character but here we are .... truly hope you'll enjoy this, dont hesitate to like and reblog!
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Osamu Dazai was an enigma to everyone.
Once upon a time you thought had it figured out, that you held the key to every wink and every twisted smile he had, that you knew the part of him that was kept under the bandages. After all, he was the one with the key to your bedroom and heart. You’d stopped counting the sleepless nights spent in missions where your back arched off the bed with a broken moan as you came under his touch.
But then he left one day. It was so sudden, before that there was you and him, the legendary duo of the port mafia and all that stayed after he left was a burned car and rage. You felt foolish, why did you think he’d never left you with a broken heart?
Time passed, two years to be precise. Now other people shared your bed, never for too long, the feeling of their lips on your neck could never equate the one that Osamu left in his wake. Now you told yourself that you were over him, you stopped chasing his shadow in every public place of Yokohama. Now you felt like you could try to find yourself again.
If that was the case, then why did you react that way when you heard that you’d have to work with him again?
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Osamu Dazai wanted to be an enigma for everyone.
But you. He’d remember all too well his time at the port mafia and you, the one who haunted all of his sleepless night. Sure, he’d tried to forget about you every time he drowned in the countless bottles of whisky that littered his floor, every time he invited a woman back to his place. But your face kept coming back to him, maybe it was because he was too drunk to ignore the hole that filled his chest with regrets or maybe it was because the woman, he invited looked like you … What could he say, he had a type.
And he had foolishly thrown away his hopes to be with you, to touch you like he used, to feel you like he needed it. And to be honest, he was getting more and more tired of denying he needed you.
So, when he heard that he’d get to work with you for the agency’s sake… he was more than pleased.
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You were a weak woman, all that you needed was his mouth saying your name before you turned weak in the knees. Could you be blamed though? He did really look good in that new outfit of his.
“Did you miss me?” he whispered softly as he gently kissed your neck, he still knew the spots that made you react like he wanted you to. A mischievous grin spreading on his lips as he heard your sighs under his bites and kisses. Oh, how he was enjoying this little reunion… Osamu had missed teasing you during those moments…
What was supposed to be a work meeting had quickly escalated in something else as alcohol glasses were shared, easing the resentment you had over him and accentuating just how much you two had missed each other. Truth to be told, neither you nor him could truly say who had kissed the other first. But it didn’t matter now.
Not when he had his head in between your thighs and you were tugging on his hair, begging for him to keep going, to stop teasing you like he always did. Of course, he was enjoying this, it was the game you always played together: him riling you up the best way he could and then pretending he was an angel. Osamu always had that bit of sadism in him.
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Osamu was a weak man, but only when it came to you.
When he saw you sleeping there, half naked as the sheets did little to cover up your breasts and the marks, he left there the night before, something in him shifted. And so, unlike usual, he stayed. If it had been another woman, he would’ve left already, slipping out of bed as if nothing happened. But it was you. The only one who saw what scars he kept hidden under his bandages, the only one who could make this heart of his a home.
Weirdly enough, he heard Odasaku’s voice in the back of his head, pleading for him to live and be happy, would he approve of him staying in bed this morning? Osamu thought he would. And with that thought he closed again his eyes, going back to sleep against you.
Maybe this was a bad idea, maybe this was a mistake… Whatever you’ll both pay for it in the morning, for now it was worth it.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 8 months
Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut
Shiv Roy
She's honestly kind of a canonical victim of yaoi almost. She and her husband Tom have a loveless marriage but never end up getting divorced. Tom has a weird psychosexual obsession with Shiv's cousin Greg and at one point literally compares them all to the time Emperor Nero pushed his wife down the stairs and then castrated and married a slave boy named Sporus (Tom is unwell). Anyway the show just ended and long story short Tom is now CEO of Shiv's family's evil company and she is reduced to being his pregnant wife (which is the result of her voting not to authorize either of her brothers as CEO in order to save them from themselves) and Tom made another weird comment about literally owning Greg. And now people who ship Tom and Greg are like "omg it's canon we won" but I don't. Think that they did. Sorry I'm rambling it was just a really good finale idek if this counts but
I will be honest I'm not really tuned into the tomgreg fandom, but tons of people wanted tom to leave shiv and get with greg and tons of people thought shiv was the devil incarnate and refused to see any nuance in her character and I don't think those two things are a coincidence. 
She gets a lot of hate from fans, largely just for being a woman who reacts in a non pretty way to abuse and for doing the exact same shitty stuff her brothers do. But also a large part of the hate she gets comes from the people who ship her husband with her cousin. To the point where people claim she's abusing her husband who views her as an accessory, a baby factory, and a ticket to money. Don't get me wrong, their relationship is incredibly toxic and unhealthy, but it is so on both of their parts. But Shiv's the only one who gets criticized for it
Kyoko Kirigiri
The anime series Danganronpa 3's ending somewhat implied she and Makoto are a couple but the fandom likes to ship Makoto with Byakuya much more. The same anime series also saw a lot of hatred against her character and well, it was already there because people also complain about how she acted in the original Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc game as well, unfairly in my opinion. She's really cool and really smart and just isn't the quickest to trust people, which makes sense considering she's in fucking death games. Her deduction skills and strategy played a big part in saving the people who did make it out BOTH times she was in killing games and in one of those cases she was even willing to potentially sacrifice herself for it. I'll stop now but she is my most mistreated fave
arguably the most important character in the game but gets tossed aside a lot because of the two male leads byakuya and the main guy (dont even remember his name ngl) and she is so pretty and cool and smart and i love her so yeah <3
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lizard-shifter-noms · 7 months
Still Subject to Change Chapter 3 (NEW)
Hello everyone! i decided to repost arc 1 of SSTC
(the chapters were way too long and had a bunch of typos but hopefully this will make reading easier)
this Story contains Vore, Dont like dont read.
if there are still any grammatical errors i’m sorry.
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Examining him and not seeing anything that could qualify as a spider bite I tried to further calm him down by petting his hair which only worked a little bit.
“Are you good now? Are you alright?”
“I-i there was-spider in- spider so close to my face way too close- i could see its mandibles- why my face–”
I put a finger over his mouth before he ended up rambling himself into another panic attack.
“The spider is gone, were away from it don't worry”
I tried to reassure him but he was still shaking like a leaf, so I scooped him up and started removing the ropes so he could move again.
As soon as the ropes fell off he curled into a ball in my hand looking smaller than ever before.
“sorry sorry i- there was just- it was so close to my face”
He stumbled out not making much sense.
“Whatever, calm down, you can talk when you feel like it, okay?”
He nodded shakily and curled up even more as I went back to walking, this time in another direction to not meet any more surprises in this area.
The whole time Robin just laid in my hand until I managed to find an actual river, where I decided to set up camp even if it was a bit early to do so.
Setting Robin who had been silent the entire time on the ground I rummaged in my pockets for the water skin and tried to fill it up which only worked halfway as my fingers were still way too big to properly hold it.
Offering it to the strangely silent Robin while I tried to pick some Dandelions before they closed themselves overnight.
“You've been rather quiet this whole time, Are you sure that thing didn't bite you?”
He looked away for a bit then mumbled something barely audible.
“i have arachnophobia”
The soft and quiet admission did put some sense to his reaction though, so the problem wasn’t that the spider was a venomous species but that it just was a spider at all.
Watching him fiddle with his shirt hem and refusing to look at me I realized that as a prospective guard such a thing would not be tolerated and that it was a thing he would have to keep secret.
“well spiders really are ugly and i don't like them either so i guess well just avoid those fuckers in the future right?”
“you're not angry?”
He asked meekly and I was a bit put back at this question.
“Why would I be angry? it's not your fault that you have a phobia”
I remarked but still was a bit confused as to why he thought I would be angry over something he had no control over.
But then I realized that it was a Human trait to just get angry at other people and blame them even if they were not at fault, so it wasn't entirely out of the picture for him to assume I would do the same.
But I was not human, not entirely at least and for the first time in about forever I saw the good side to it.
His next words however showed that I still wasn't really any better, as humans really were all I had ever known it wasn't unusual of me to gain some of their traits.
“you- uh you said that the- that the next time i screamed like this you would- you'd... eat me…”
The last part was said so quietly that I almost didn't hear it, but now that he mentioned it I did remember hissing something like that at him when my first try to catch an animal was interrupted by his screaming.
“i'm not-”
I put my hand up to my face before gripping a bit of my hair
“I'm not gonna do that just because you have a Phobia, okay? i know i said i would but i'm not gonna just because you saw a spider”
Then I remembered what I learned on the streets, that I should never take back a bluff or nobody would ever believe me again.
“you'd have to do something really bad, for me to get angry enough to do something like that, but i don't think you could do anything that bad out here”
He did not look happy at the Clarification but said nothing about it.
“So what now?”
He asked instead and was side-eying the rope he was regularly tied up with overnight.
“same as yesterday i'd say, tie you up and then sleep”
I grabbed the rope from where it laid and started the whole spiel of binding him again, after this week i would be able to tie a knot very fast i mused.
I put Robin down next to the Dandelions I had been munching on, which had begun to close themselves as the sun went down.
Using what little light I had left, I tried to wash the blood off my Handkerchief to the best of my ability, putting it on a nearby rock to dry till tomorrow.
I went back to Robin who had already fallen asleep and lied down with my head next to him while creating a barrier over my head with my arms intertwining my fingers and using some moss as a pillow.
Looking up I saw a lot of stars, more than I had ever seen in Tunstead and wondered if the farther I got away from civilization the more of them I would see.
I kept staring at the night sky until I fell asleep to the chirping of crickets nearby.
The following morning i woke to a tugging sensation near my ear, something was messing with my hair and it was lying halfway under my head.
Staying as still as possible and trying to figure out what it was, I listened closely for any clue what was going on.
Feeling tiny hands tussling over my scalp I had no doubt that it was Robin messing with my hair, as he was the only being close enough to touch me.
The tugging was rhythmic and at some point I realized that the motion was similar to having a braid done.
I did not know why he would do that but I could somehow picture him doing that with this distant stare of his.
He seemed to space out a lot and then fiddle with whatever he could get his hands on, in this case my hair.
I debated if I should tell him I'm awake or act like I was just waking up.
In the end I chose the latter, and acting as if i was just waking up i moved a bit making him freeze like he'd been caught stealing cookies
I acted like I had just woken up and started to slowly move and get up.
“Morning, did you try to burrow under my head?”
He tried to rob away which only ended in him looking like a caterpillar as he unsuccessfully attempted to get out of the divot my head had made in the moss.
“It was cold again and i didn’t wanna wake you”
He mumbled into the ground and I nabbed him from his awkward position to remove the rope for today, which was already pretty loose anyway.
He rubbed his wrist as soon as the rope was removed and I put the spare shirt back in my pocket.
“And for the future don't try to burrow under me, you might end up getting squished”
“sorry i won't do that again, but i have no idea how you can just sleep when the ground literally freezes over”
He grumbled out tiredly and resumed to cling to my fingers as I went up to get my Handkerchief only to find that it had traces of frost all over and was still wet.
“Well at least it's free of blood now i hope it dries over the day”
I debated if I should just put it in my pocket or if I could take it with me some other way until I figured out that I could just tie it around my wrist.
Setting Robin down and shoving the water skin into his hands I told him to go fill it up as I couldn't hold it properly to fill it up.
Not letting my eyes off him I bound the cloth around my wrist and as I went over to pick him back up I saw my reflection in the water with my pointy ears, blue eyes and, as predicted, three tiny braids on one side.
I decided not to mention it as it seemed Robin got bored extremely quickly and it didn't bother me so I just left them as they were.
Placing him in my hand again I started walking again towards the mountain that loomed in the distance like a broken fangtooth, still seeming no closer than before, and just as ominous as always.
As we walked Robin seemed to fiddle with his sleeve before he asked
“did you- uh did you find out what that noise was? yesterday i mean”
I ended up telling him about the weird Creature and the maggot eating magpies as well as describing it all in a lot of detail upon request until it was well past noon.
“i think we should look for something to eat, something that's not dandelions for once”
Robin perked up a bit at that and started blabbering again.
“I agree with that! I'm starting to get sick of them. 
Maybe we can find some wild Blackberries?”
“Blackberry season is in Autumn, this is wayyy to early for them i think they only just started to bloom”
He seemed a bit disappointed in that but didn't complain much otherwise.
“What else is there then? i'm not good at remembering what's edible and what's not”
“Daisies are also safe to be eaten so i guess we could look for some of those or maybe clover blossoms those work too”
I listed some of the ones from the top of my head.
“i'm starting to hate flowers i don't care that their pretty”
He grumbled and crossed his arms as best as he could in my grip again.
“fair enough, that's understandable but it's that or nothing”
I remembered plenty of times when some wild plants were all I could get so I knew it wasn't too bad even if it took some time getting full.
Strangely, I STILL did not feel any hunger whatsoever and I started wondering if this cursed Bracelet had something to do with it.
What if that continued until I died of starvation? Would I even notice it? What if I started forgetting to eat? Would I just fade away?
I hoped not.
It wasn't long before I spotted a small field with various flowers, some edible and some not.
i could see dandelions again as well as some Daisies and plantains this would do even if i had hoped to find something better.
Sitting down I put Robin next to me and started to stuff flowers in my mouth, never looking away for more than a minute.
It took some time getting enough that I considered to keep going, so picking Robin up again who had made once more a flower crown I went back to walking through the forest.
After about 2 hours I walked into an area that had a lot more underbrush than normal which made it hard to navigate inside of it and sometimes even completely blocking my path making me backtrack for a bit.
Looking back down at my hand while walking I saw that Robin had fallen asleep again, he really must have been tired to nod off like this.
The sky would soon be getting darker again so I decided to look for a place to camp in the thicker underbrush.
As I was walking I suddenly felt a painful sensation in the thinner skin between the thumb and pointer finger of the hand I held Robin in.
He'd Bitten me!
I dropped him on reflex and he let out a startled yelp, running off through the underbrush as I cursed loudly at the blood seeping out.
despite being small he had an impressive jaw strength i gave him that.
But now I had to go catch him again and maneuvering through the thicket proved to be very difficult.
As I ran searching for him while the sky went darker overhead, a hundred scenarios went through my head.
Did he plan this?
Was he looking for an opportunity like this all along?
To get away as soon as he got the chance?
Was any of what he told me even true?
I knew Humans lied a lot so it wasn't completely out of the picture that he'd done just that.
I started to get angry about this.
Of course no Human would ever want to spend time with a Bastard!
why did I even think that the little small talks were anything but a ploy to get me to lower my guard, to make me feel at ease in his presence.
He really was just like the other Humans and i didn't know why I ever thought someone would just randomly be friendly with me.
He was a Prospective Guard for fucks sake of course he would just ditch me the first chance he got.
And now he would probably get the army to kill me or something if I didn't catch him first.
All but stomping through the thicket and sometimes getting branches in my face when I wasn't shielding it with my arms, I saw him trip over a fallen log and scramble to get up again.
Easily stepping over some bushes i bent down grab him just as he got up, covering his mouth with a finger as i didn't want to hear some dumb sorry excuse for biting me.
He BIT me out of nowhere there was no good explanation for that other than trying to get away.
The fire of anger in my head did not subside as I walked over to where I could hear the river.
Settling down next to a huge boulder I could lean on, I thought about what to do now.
simply tying him up again would not soothe my rage but it sure would stop him from escaping again.
Looking down at Him I saw and felt him visibly shaking as well as fighting back tears.
Good! with how angry i was about all of this he damn well could feel a little fear!
There was still blood seeping from the bite wound that was actually bigger than expected and more painful than I anticipated for something like this. 
I Glared at him furious at the indignity I had suffered.
I put Robin in my other hand to wipe the crimson liquid off on my shirt and freeing his mouth in the process.
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He immediately started wailing and crying out
“I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bite you! I don't know why I did that! Please don't kill me! Please, I'm sorry! It was an accident!”
He was rambling again but I only half listened as I got the blood off my hand gripping him a bit thighter i raised him up towards my face.
Baring my teeth and showing off canines that were way too long and sharp to ever belong to any human, I growled at him.
“An accident my ass! you're just like all the other humans! double crossing me whenever the chance arrives! like HELL you didn't plan to escape the second you could! I don't know why I EVER thought a HUMAN of all things would be nice to ME!”
As i loudly told him what i thought he started squirming in earnest and trying his best to wiggle out of my grip whimpering loudly
“Please, I'm sorry! don't kill me! don't eat me!”
Eat him? ah yes i threatened to do that didn't i?
That would be possible of course, after all i was big enough to do that now.
I wouldn't kill him of course as the only thing i was proud of was to be able to say that i had never killed anyone or anything that classified as a person.
But I could put him in the Storage organ, though he didn't have to know that it existed.
“don't what?”
I hissed at him shifting my grip to have him dangle by the back of his chainmail.
That had to go I realized, and started ripping it off of him as well as the leather tunic and his Boots.
“Don't eat me”
He squeaked and tried to tuck his legs closer to his chest.
Chucking the stripped off items on the ground next to me I lifted him a bit higher and gripped his torso forcing his legs to straighten out.
“Too bad”
Pushing him Head first into my mouth his legs started to flail as much as they could and I could hear high pitched screams buzzing in my Skull.
It was a weird sensation as I had never taken something alive into my mouth but it was manageable, so, tipping my head back I shoved him all the way in and swallowed hard.
Robin was in a place he assumed to be worse than hell.
He truly didn't mean to bite Donovan; he just spaced out again!
Seeing the white Blocks of bone that were bigger than his head that had to be teeth he Screamed, those could easily crush his skull in a single bite!
Flailing wildly with his legs and trying not to get close to the ivory boulders he started pleading to be let go and that it truly was an accident!
he had spaced out again!
But it seemed he was not heard as suddenly everything was tipped forwards and he could see down the throat before a loud ‘GLK’ sent him down towards the throat.
He Realized that Donovan didn't plan to bite his head off, but he wondered if that was any consolation considering where he was headed.
Maybe it would have been better to die a swift death between those Teeth than melt away to nothing in acid while still alive.
Screaming again and trying his best not to go down any farther by bracing his elbows on the side of the throat, but another push on his feet sent him even deeper in and pressed his arms to his sides.
The walls that squished him and rendered him immobile tugged him deeper down in a rhythmic motion after a second ‘glurk’ sounded out.
He distantly could feel a different pressure coming from one of the walls of the tube he was currently trapped in.
It took him a moment to realize that that must have been Donovan's hand poking at him, to make sure he didn't choke on Robin? to make sure he went down smoothly? or to gloat?
Robin didn't know, didn't want to know, he just wanted out! but a third and last swallow sent his writhing form even deeper into the core of the Giant, past the loudly beating heart, away from the prodding fingers, and into a fleshy chamber that had just enough room for him to comfortably sit in without being too claustrophobic.
There would have even been enough space for another person to sit next to him without being squished together too badly he noted grimly.
Turning around and wiggling into an upright position left him sitting there stunned for a few seconds.
He was surprised to still be in one piece and hadn't gotten chewed up like the Boar a few days ago.
Starting to panic he did the only thing he could think of.
He screamed as loud as he could and started kicking and punching everything he could, hoping to make Donovan nauseous and spit him back up.
He didn't want to die! Especially not like this!
The walls of the fleshy chamber were damp, and he didn't know if the Liquid running over his cheeks were his own tears or the beginnings of stomach acid.
He screamed again as he slipped over and his arm landed in a puddle of what he presumed to be acids.
Scrambling up again he immediately went back to punching and kicking, desperately hoping he could cause enough of a fuss that he would be freed.
After Robin slipped out from where my fingers could press in on him and spilled into my storage organ that was previously only used to hide valuables, I realized that this might not have been such a great idea.
He was kicking and screaming and sometimes it hit something sensitive.
It wasn't too painful but sure as hell uncomfortable and would start to ache later, maybe even bruise.
Looking up as something soft and cold landed on my nose I saw that it had begun to snow softly.
Great, as if this night wasn't already absolutely awful! Now it would get really cold too, so sleeping comfortably was off the table.
Not that I could anyway with the current situation.
And i couldn't block out his screams either as covering my ears wouldn’t protect me from sounds literally inside of me.
Looking straight forward trying to focus on these strange sensations and wanting at least the assault on my guts to stop.
“STOP KICKING ME! for fucks sake you're fine!”
I bellowed out but he didn't seem to hear me and I started debating on what to do.
He either didn't hear me or ignored what I said so I tried to squish him by pressing my hands into my storage stomach.
He only screamed louder and started thrashing worse than before, still having some room to move about.
So thinking quickly I filled my lungs with as much air as possible and leaned forward while pushing my hands into my middle.
This did effectively squish him and he went quiet, only twitching a bit and shaking like a leaf.
Holding him like this made me notice that i could feel everything he did, from his arms trying to move, his chest heaving with his breaths and even his way too fast heartbeat.
Now that I wasn’t that angry anymore i felt bad for having done this, it really wasn't his fault that he got stuck with me, and trying to get home was a normal thing to do.
Still holding my hands over the squished Robin i heard him sob, not wail or scream, just sob, and I felt even worse than before.
“please *sob* don't kill me, I'm sorry please *sob* Please let me out i don't wanna die…”
Hearing his heartbreaking crying I suddenly felt incredibly guilty for what I just did.
I truly hadn't meant to scare him this badly! I really needed to work on my anger issues.
Looking at the softly falling snow that had started to cover the ground I tried to think of a way to comfort him, so easing up on the squishing I attempted to speak quietly but still loud enough to be heard.
I said softly and felt him flinch into one of the walls trying to curl up again now that he had the space to do so.
“What do you want?”
the words he spoke were said in a dejected manner, like he had given up…
“I- look i'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you this bad but i promise you're safe! you're not in my stomach right now”
He slowly uncurled a bit and touched one of the walls before taking his hand back.
“How do I know you're telling the truth?”
The words were hesitantly and quietly spoken like he was afraid of the answer.
Taking a breath, I thought about how to word this best.
“I swear by the entirety of my Faeblood that i will not hurt you, i might be a Bastard but my fae half still prevents me from breaking any promises i've ever made”
He uncurled a bit more, seemingly a bit more at ease now.
“If this isn't your Stomach where am I then?
He seemed less scared now and was asking comprehensible questions too, albeit still a bit timidly.
Looking at the snow, who was falling worse than before, I tried to explain it to him as best as I could.
“Well, remember when I told you I had some of my organs doubled? yeah that's one of those, it doesn't work though and i have used it as a coin pouch in the past”
I hoped that this description was at least somewhat understandable.
“So you just… used this as your coin holder? did you not get sick?”
He had uncurled almost completely by now and was shyly poking at the walls.
I tried not to think too much about the fact that it felt good and instead shoved the thought away.
Laughing a bit at his Question i replied to him.
“No luckily not but i had to be careful still some of them were sharp”
I started rubbing a bit at him and at first he flinched away again before leaning back to the front of my Pouch back to the wall.
“Can you let me out then?”
I winced at the question seeing that the snow was even worse than before and i was somehow not being affected by the temperature, but feeling the snow crystals that laid on the ground crunch under my hand, I knew that if i let him out now he'd get sick from the cold.
“I can't, it started snowing and you'd get sick immediately not to mention that right now you're not dry thanks to me but I promise i'll let you out in the morning!”
I hoped this wouldn’t make him upset again but if he insisted I would let him out and try to keep him warm by using some other method if I found one.
“Snow? But it's spring, why would it snow? how cold is it?”
Looking around I saw frost covering every bit of ground that was not near me and my breath coming out in little clouds.
“Very cold, the ground froze and my breath makes little clouds, i think you'd just freeze the moment i get you out, but if you truly want to come out i'll try to make a fire or something”
He seemed to think about it for a second.
“i'm not sure if i like this, but i don't wanna freeze either so i'm staying for now i guess”
I was secretly glad he chose to stay, not because I liked the feeling now that he stopped kicking but because spitting him up on this cold would have made him sick and I did not have any medicine.
I tried to slowly lie down to get into a sleeping position even if i probably shouldn't with weather like this but i was too tired to care about that.
Feeling Robin try to brace himself as I moved to lay on the cold ground my brain kept denying that having something moving in there felt good.
I was honestly a bit scared of that part.
What if I started eating random people?
It truly might be best to disappear from any civilization and just vanish into the woods.
Not that anyone wanted a Bastard like me in their Kingdom anyway.
I felt a weird sting at the thought and I was confused as to why?
I had believed up until now that there was absolutely nobody that would ever like me.
But Robin was the first person I spent more than a day or two with and he somehow still doesn't seem to actually hate me but now he probably feared me after I literally ate him.
As I laid on the ground I sensed Robin move to get comfy and put a hand over my Pouch where I felt him.
He was snuggling into the ‘floor’ and yawned before curling up and slowly falling asleep.
He must have been exhausted after such a scare and thinking he was going to die.
I felt extra bad about it now.
Looking up at the stars and slowly falling snow my hand went back over my pouch and started to softly rub against it.
I literally held an entire life inside my own body which was weird to think about and a little scary too, because I was now responsible for everything and he couldn't even defend himself from any outside forces.
It shouldn't be possible either, but this weird Bracelet had done something to make me a Giant.
Feeling Robin snuggle closer to my hand I continued to massage the spot he was under until I myself fell asleep, still trying to ignore the way my brain told me that having something living inside felt good.
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A bit of a vent post but I just saw a post about how dog owners are not kept to the same standards as cat owners and shomehow cats are not damaging to the environment and only kill songbirds. This has just *really* gotten under my skin because I have lived in a community with rampant outdoor cats for years. its not the songbirds who suffer from the sheer destruction which cats can cause, its a massive amount of the ecosystem. When I was a kid my family got a pond and I was over the moon since back before we moved the area was just too hot to keep a pond, it would have needed to be topped off daily(or at least that was my parents excuse). At the time we found out that multiple neighbors were actually taking their ponds out because the cats in the area kept killing their pond fish. As a result one of our neighbors gave us their greater pond snails, accepting them was a mistake on our part because oh my god they will eat literally anything including any sort of plant we tried to keep in there, but that's something totally different. My parents didnt want to get fish for the pond because of the cats, but that lead to a threatened species of salamander to find its way into our pond. I was elated at first, getting to see a salamander for the first time that wasnt in a zoo. It lived there for 3 days before the neighbors cat killed it. I remember crying for my mom at the pond, not knowing what to do as the cat hid in the tree in the corner of our yard. I remember seeing the cat upstairs and running down to the pond to scare the cat away only to find a corpse. We ended up installing chicken wire over the pond when the newts came the year after. We still had issues with cats trying to kill them, but my mom planted rasberry bushes nearby and they really took off, growing all around it making it inaccessible to anything larger than a mouse. We have to cut them back every once and a while, you cant often see the pond as a result but its worth having the newts be safe. Especially now when we have an invasive species of mosquito which has been outcompeting the native species and the larvae of which is too large for a lot of small invertebrate predators to hunt, leaving only things like amphibians which are large and fast enough to hunt them before they can grow into full blown mosquitos. Im really mad that people only think its birds that die as a result of cats, because our entire ecosystem in this neighborhood has completely deteriorated as a result of those cats. I dont want to say that the poster doesnt have a point about off leash dogs being incredibly destructive too, its just that in my experience they are incredibly rare. And I have never seen a dog out an about on its own, it will always have a human with them. I also dont want to portray cats as some evil monsters. They are animals. They dont have a concept of good or evil, wrong or right. They are just silly little goobers who follow their instincts when it comes to hunting. Its just that unfortunately this isnt really beneficial for the native ecosystem. Ecosystems besides I do also want to point out that the neighborhood playground was full of cat shit when I was still young enough to use it, leading to me not wanting to use it. It would look fine until you started to play, leading to the discovery that in fact this wasnt a sand pit it was the cats communal litterbox. I also want to point out that the outdoor cats(including the one which killed that salamander) in this area have lost a lot of their numbers. Because they kept getting hit by trucks. Not cars, but trucks. As in semi trucks. the neighborhood is next to a giant ass chain supermarket which gets like daily deliveries from these massive trucks that cant see a small cat running across the road. I apologise for the massive text block of a vent post but I just kinda wanted to write this out.
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millimononym · 7 months
tagged by @cerisia76 thank u 4 the tag!! I didn't know who i should tag so I'm just gonna be answering this one
3 ships:
this is gonna be hard I'm in so many fandoms lol I'm gonna try to be diverse. Also this is super long
1. Eritav (Homestuck)
OUGHHH where do i start with these 2. Ok so tavros is my fave troll so naturally during the period i was reading Homestuck a lot i stared having dreams about him. And for some reason one time Eridan was also there so i was intrigued and looked into their ship tag on AO3 and found the best fic ever with like the best characterization, writing etc... Before i literally didn't give 2 shits about eridan but it made me love his character as well. It's called "Black sails, Black romance" by mtjester and it's about Tavros and Eridan developing a kismesissitude(which is basically hate love, for those that don't read hs). The reason i put a pic of them down there as moirails is because i can honestly see them in any quadrant, despite them never talking in canon.
For moirallegiance, i feel like it would start out rocky but eventually develop into something better. Tavros would actually be allowed to speak his mind and develop more confidence since i dont think Eridan would shut him down constantly like Vriska, as Eridan is desperate for his quadrants to actually work. And Eridan would obviously benefit from having someone to keep his ass in line.
I can see them developing into matesprits later from that as well.
And as for kismesissitude, well it's already getting too long and i already gave a fic rec for it.
image by urfavsarequadranted
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2. Toxic4Toxic/Socket/Rocket x Sinedd whatever they're called (Galactik football)
Must i say anything. They give each other undiscovered mental illnesses and are horrible for each other and i love that for them. Rocket is my favorite character and so his arc in season 2 was most interesting to me, which includes his relationship with Sinedd. I feel like they could have done more with them in s2, but i already made a post about that.
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3. Hinadam (Super Danganronpa 2)
AHHHH THEM. Contender for fave rarepair of all time and fave Danganronpa ship overall. Best fics on ao3. 0 fandom toxicity surrounding them. Should be shipped more than k0mahina. Is more canon than k0mahina(I'm gonna get torn apart for this opinion but idc!!!)
like the entire freetime events with Gundham ends with him letting Hajime hold his hand, which he never let ANYONE do due to his touch aversion. He never develops a relationship this strong with anyone, not even Sonia who is his friend in the game. Hajime is the only person he feels safe and comfortable letting down his walls with due to Hajime's genuine effort to understand him better and be his friend. It's genuinely touching to me idkk i think i cried a bit first time i saw it. I'm not going to go into spoilers but good god man...the chapter ....if you know you know
and also in the island mode ending, Gundham asks Hajime if he wants to live a quiet life with himself and his animals. How is this not shipped more they're literally so in love it's not even funny
And NO i do not ship it because gundham is the best character and Hajime is the character i relate to most. but that could be part of it
IDK who made this artwork I'm sorry
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Last song:
Okay it's technically not these ones but its the ones i remember listening to most lately. It's rainbow factory and Terrible Things. Fun fact a childhood song of mine called Erase The Underground (undertale fansong) just. Straight up used rainboe factory's music and i never knew so when i listened to RF i got the biggest jumpscare of my LIFE
Last movie:
The last movie i remember watching fully was Howl's moving Castle bcz my sister forced me and i enjoyed it even though it's not one of my favorite ghibli movies or anything. It was cool
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Currently reading:
Still reading Watership down! (I have no time for anything lately otherwise i would have finished it) and if Manga counts I've also started reading NANA !! and i love it tbh my favorite thing is the fashion i could feel myself getting more cultured while reading it i think
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Currently watching:
There's nothing im really focused on atm but i have a list on my pinned. The big ones i would say are Adventure Time and MAR (for nostalgia purposes). I'm also watching the justice league cartoon but tbh I don't really enjoy it that much despite people saying it's great. It just doesn't hit the same heights as BTAS or have as enjoyable of a superhero team as LOSH 2006. To me. But idk maybe it gets better later
Currently drinking: waterrrrrr baby
Currently craving: school to end to end tbhhhh
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Hehe hi Pik :0 I'll give you three questions for your ask game and you can pick out whatever you want to answer <:]
What are your thoughts on Kaigaku? I know he's a bit of spoiler territory but I'm curious .. or maybe what are your thoughts on Muichiro? You decide!
A question just for me, though ,, do YOU have a favorite bird? .., !!
oh abolutely HYSTERICAL to give a pick scenario and then lay down topics that will instantly get me to talk for hours on end at the drop of a hat KSJNGFKDJNGKD
so!! the easy one!! my favorite bird, ithink, is between the mourning dove and the house sparrow! they are not terribly glamorous but i love them so so dearly and will instantly cheer up when i think about them :')
as for the character questions. thank you for enabling me HJBSJFBJD
i could very very easily write an entire goddamn essay about Either of them, but for the sake of saving whatever brevity i can manage to keep, ill save talking abt mui for when That Episode(tm) drops whenever it does, because inevitebly, i will be Absolutely Inconsolable and it Will happen anyway KJNDKGDF
instead, for now, under a cut because this preamble is already paragraphs long... kaigaku.
i fucking hate this man. i cannot stand him, hes the worst, he is so fucking stupid, i think about him fucking constantly, and he is one of my favorites. he is so fucking insufferable, and i love him!
ok so. getting into kny, i was like. immediately a zenitsu liker. like i saw him and went "god. fuck. shit. its gonna be this nerd i dont even know about yet and i can feel it already." (i was right.) which is Crucial to knowing the angle here. and when i got to his part in th manga, i . genuinely dont remember if i even thought too hard about him. i dont even remember when i Did, i just know that he Wasnt there, and then he Was, and he Never Fucking Left KSJNKDJGN
which is very very fucking funny, considering... how much of a character he straight up Isnt.
like yeah! he sure does show up in a flashback and then fights zen and dies about it! it takes like, a two chapters max! and the entire time, his only character trait is "bitch for no reason." like... that sure isn't a lot to go off of. so like... why? i guess thats kind of the answer in and of itself.
why is he like this? why is he like this?? what made him this way? we know he grew up orphaned, but why? we knew he turned on gyomei's group and ran, but why? we know he trained to be a demon slayer with zen and kuwajima, but why? why, why, why? we just don't know.
we know he's a survivalist. we know that he's willing to go to any lengths, stoop to any lows, just to make it another day. because another day is another chance you get to get them back, to prove them wrong, to rise above it and laugh in their faces and say "see? see what im capable of? bet you feel sorry now."
shame doesnt exist to him. he will make Anything of himself just to make it by. do anything, drop anyone. no connections, impermanence. its clear in flashbacks that, honestly... nobody liked him very much. and like, well, yeah. obviously. he sucks, and he isnt afraid to show it. but isnt that just so strange? broken box of happiness, disatisfaction. he refuses to forge connections, claiming the only people he tolerates are those who respect him, who see his worth.
and that's... the weird thing about him. see, because, the thing is that... i don't fucking believe him for a second. he talks big game, he can back it up, sure, especially as a demon, but... the entire time he talks, every word he says during his confrontation with zen just felt like a bluff. like he's trying to sound threatening, to sound powerful, making a threat display like an animal. every technique he chooses to execute is some new, big, flashy display of his Power, talking, taunting, still taunting.
its a lot of reading between lines, but... this man is a fucking liar. that fight felt different, it felt quick, and well... maybe because it wasn't a fight. this was some guy taking out his anger on someone in a desperate attempt to prove he's worth something.
i just think that this man is a deeply jealous bastard intent on making himself seem larger than he really is, convincing himself that he's the one that's right and it's everyone else that's wrong simply because he can't process just how awful he is.
growing up barely scraping by on his own, of course he'd become painfully self-reliant. of course he would take advantage of anything he could, anyone he could. you'd have to be that self-centered to survive. talk big, act big, nobody will mess with you. nobody can take advantage of you if you take advantage of them first.
and when he gets shown that kindness, being taken in for the first time... of course he'd take advantage of them too. he's hard-wired with instability in mind, so obviously the clear answer is to take what you can and go before something else happens and they get to you first (even if that was never really a threat.) and if they throw you out for it? it's just proof you were right. you were always right, clearly it isn't your fault. and if you happen to throw them under the bus for it... well, obviously they deserved it. there's no reason to think about it anymore.
being with kuwajima was fine. we don't know anything about the earlier days (which im so sad about) but from the looks of it, he was doing fine. about as fine as he could be, at least. he clearly respected him at first, enjoyed being treated as something special, having his work and talents appreciated-- which he did have! he was a staggeringly impressive slayer, but that's an aside-- and even berated zenitsu for supposedly "disrespecting him" by referring to him as jiichan. which. sighs.
so, zenitsu. dynamics Of Ever. honestly, even without the whole Contention there, kai would've just kinda disliked him because he's... motions with hand. look at him. but its the fact that they were considered together that pissed kaigaku off so much. because that implied that they were on the same level when, to him, they so very clearly were not.
zenitsu was annoying. he was weak, whined too much, cried too much, never put in any effot, he was so, so annoying. which made it that much more insulting that jiichan would continue to try to train him. just leave him behind already! he keeps trying to run away, let him! obviously he just isn't good enough. he's not special like he was. and yet, kuwajima kept trying.
and the fact that he did... probably completely went against everything kaigaku saw in the way the world worked. for lack of a better term, he was very "survival of the fittest" minded in that, if you weren't good, you just weren't good. you'd try and struggle and inevitably die off. the world isn't kind, and will take any chance it has to kick you down. that's why you take what you can, when you can.
if you're weak, nobody helps you. if nobody helps you, you either help yourself or die silently. that was what separated the weak and the strong. and you always, always were either one or the other. again, that's his survivalism talking. so, seeing this person he at the very least Respected waste time on some nobody instead of him, expecting something to come of it... well, it was insulting!
and to think that they were even anywhere close enough to put together? to share the title of successor? with this guy? either it meant that kuwajima thought zenitsu was as good as kai was (to him, a laughable idea,) or that kai wasn't any better than some kid who could barely swing a sword. and that was what irritated him the most.
that was the point of their final confrontation. it was kaigaku proving, once and for all, finally, that he was better than zenitsu. was it purely out of hatred for this kid who looked up to him like a brother? was it out of jealousy of someone who got so many kindnesses granted to him despite, to him, not really deserving it? was it just to prove that he was a powerful demon to those who now had their eyes on him, too? whatever it was, at its core... it was laughing in the faces of those who, honestly, genuinely cared about him (and in his eyes, never truly did.)
he could've ended that fight whenever he wanted to-- its even stated in canon that zen wouldve just lost if he was given more time to grow-- but... he just kept showing off. kept talking. it didnt feel like he was using techniques to fit the combat-- it felt like he was showing off what he could do now. he was proving a point. the only thing that stopped him was what he never acknowledged back when they were training together-- that zenitsu did have worth. that he was growing, too. and using what kaigaku refused to acknowledge in him, zenitsu cut him down-- with a symbol of the respect and comraderie that he hoped to have together. a "sorry, aniki."
kaigaku's appearance in canon is less of the role of a character, but as a statement. hes a walking tragedy. he pushes away everything that makes life What It Is in favor of this image of Strength, which is exactly why he becomes-- at first glance-- a caricature. he stops being a person and starts being a Thing. zen tries to keep him in mind as a Person (despite it all) but when he ultimately gives up hope is when the encounter ends. and when kai's role ends as well.
the only thing i still wonder is... does he regret it? in the very depths of his mind, behind all that mess he puts up, after throwing everything away... did he regret it? twice, he was shown care and kindness, and twice he betrayed them. does he know? does he regret it? does he have the capacity to? or has he simply committed so hard to the role he was given-- to the role he put himself in-- that he simply cannot fathom a world in which he was the problem? could it have been different?
put simply... what the fuck is wrong with him?
. anyway, heres a bunch of posts that remind me of him.
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buttsnorkeler69420 · 11 months
HI HOWS THE ALBUM (← insane)
you know how when l(glu) was released april said this:
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[image ID: a screenshot of text from a page on the song lyric website genius. it reads, "underscores said, 'Everything was too sad. I wanted to have some fun.' the text is white on a dull grey background.]
i underestimated it and i am having a TIME. um so i wrote up some thoughts i had on every song (i don't really know how to properly talk about music but i really like underscores so i am going to say things anyway haha)
(SPOILERS FOR WALLSOCKET BY UNDERSCORES BEYOND THIS POINT. content warnings for songs discussing grooming, war, suicidal ideation and transphobia.)
track 1: Cops & Robbers
i remember mentally exploding when i saw the thumbnail for this pop up on youtube. every time i hear the beginning guitar section my brain chemistry just is like... YEAHHHHHH ITS WALLSOCKET TIME!!!!!! this song just feels so so fun—the "haha gotcha" tone of it, and the speed and energy, and the part where it's like "and its full of all of your money / yEAHHH!!!"—i looped this thing so much until the other singles came out (and then i looped those. a lot.)
i love love love the bridge of this song and it gets stuck in my head all the time
track 2: Locals (Girls Like Us)
it's another underscores and gabby start banger!!!!!!! i love the songs both of these artists make and this one is no exception. immediately when the intro started i was like YEAHHH!!!! and then when the spoken "good luck" suddenly turned into that loud sample "Good Luck!" i was honestly startled enough to jump the first time i listened to it.
this is one of the songs where i don't really get the full symbolism behind everything yet (the whole horse section in the gabby part... basically gabby's entire part actually because i am not sure what the things they mention symbolize)
i really like how the repeating words mantra extends basically throughout the whole song in different ways, and the chorus is so so catchy
track 3: Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i really enjoy the wordplay underscores uses in her lyrics a lot... like how she describes a fishing lure to play into the "taking the bait" theme in the chorus (at first i was like "huh??? what colorful piece of plastic?" and then i was like OHHHHH!!!!) and how she indirectly alludes to things ("the name of my illness/is just one letter short of my own" - S*nny is five letters and i think this song is about S*nny's queer identity so the four letter word being referenced here might be LGBT??? not sure / and the "my favorite animal is engraved on the sides of my ribs" which i currently don't know the meaning of, but the person on Genius who suggested it was a reference to the creation of Eve makes a really cool point)
the transition in this song to the Patented Louder Ending Section is just soooooo soooo pretty... it gets me every time...
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shoutout to this "OH" in particular.
track 4: You Don't Even Know Who I Am
originally when this song came out (both unofficially in "The Story of S*nny", then its official release), it honestly was not my favorite, but now it gets stuck in my head a lot and i don't mind at all! the singing and effects pair really well together. I also really like the intermittent beeping sounds that occasionally show up.
edit: i was lucky enough 2 be able to go to a live show and OH MY GOD was this song SOOOO cool in it. the freaking lightbulb effect is so cool when i realized what was going on with it i screamed
originally when i first started listening to this song i really liked the last loud bit but now i'm not really sure why but it's kind of off to me now? i dont know maybe something about the notes is a little weird to my ears but i still enjoy
track 5: Johnny johnny johnny
oh my god. OHHHHHHHH MY GODDDDD. this song has been stuck in my head since my first listen and will probably stay that way for the next month or so. this song is so amazing. IMMEDIATELY i was extremely intrigued by the way it opened (i had never heard of the Johnny, Johnny hand game thing before, and upon looking it up i was like OH MAN you KNOW the song is going to be mind blowing when it has LAYERS like this).
i think my first impression with this song was that it kind of reminds me a lot of underscores's MARINA covers?? like in a really good way, since i think underscores has mentioned marina as an inspiration and it's so cool seeing how many kinds of music she can make
i also love how like... expressive underscores's voice is, even in ad-libs and effects like the repeated "whoops!" in this song... it adds so much to the atmosphere and the um. growing dread as you realize what this song is about and are more and more aware of the juxtaposition between its topic and its tone. (the "johnny's gonna be the one who finally makes me real" line gets me every time in particular.... aaaaaaa)
this song's climax near the end is also just so so cool... i love how it takes a ton of elements that showed up earlier in the song and suddenly puts them all together (the "johnny johnny johnny johnny whoops" chant suddenly appearing alongside the chorus and transforming as the two are played at the same time)
track 6: Shoot to kill, kill your darlings
HIP, HIP... HOORAY!!! ough. this song. man. MAN. i am so crazy about how well this song tells a detailed story while still being catchy and fun to listen to (same with pretty much the rest of the album too haha) because that is such an impressive feat. the repeating gun sound impacts between verses are so crunchy i love them.
the line where it's like "he doesn't like what she chooses to do with her body / but he's given over his body as well / you'd think he'd get it more than anyone else"... OUGH...
this song is originally written in a very like... mostly conversational tone, but it's just so so fitting when at the end, OMB just accepts that her friend is going to go to war anyway, and to reflect this mood change, underscores just. drops all the fancy lingo and straight up repeats "I just don't want you to die" as the instrumental deteriorates. OUGH$$$))
track 7: Horror movie soundtrack
for some reason i was not expecting the banjo? guitar? notes that played in the album trailer to actually be a part of one of the songs in the actual album itself, and when that familiar tune started up, i immediately got chills and was like "OH SO WE'RE DOING THIS NOW".
god. the "you won't get away with this" being introduced as a calmer line that is mostly said like a quiet vengeful promise to becoming a big part of the crescendo is so so cool.
track 8: Old money bitch
i think this song was definitely my favorite of the singles when it came out because i could NOT stop listening to it and thinking about it when i wasn't listening to it. it is so so catchy. i didn't know where this sound would be in the album because i didn't have the tracklist memorized and it was such a gutpunch to hear it RIGHT after Horror Movie Soundtrack; we listeners just got to peek at OMB's current state of mind--her fears of losing her friend and her bitterness towards everyone except her friends and maybe "the girls"?--and then we IMMEDIATELY see that mara is bashing her on TOP of that. bonus points if mara happens to be included in "the girls"--I think this song does imply that OMB and mara were originally on good terms before their "first big fight" at a birthday party.
track 9: Geez Louise
i was NOT expecting to hear a rock/metal song from this album and i was smiling so hard when this came on. honestly surprised that i WASN'T expecting this because she makes so many different things but omg.
during my first time listening to the album, i'd remembered there was a song with a 7 minute timestamp in the trailer, but i forgot what song it was and by the time the album was over i was still waiting for the seven minute song. this song really does not feel longer than an average song to me somehow and it still feels only like three minutes every time i come back to listen to it.
i just... MAN. this song first being loud and angry and resentful, then bitter and dismissive with the "we don't have to talk about it", then suddenly transitioning into a feeling of like... an epiphany about identity in henhouse!'s part, is so so cool. the repeating "we don't have to talk about it" suddenly becomes like... an admittance of a sudden unspoken kinship. it's so... augh...
i had never heard about henhouse! before this song and after i was done with the album i immediately went searching and was shocked to only find one song... i am so excited to see more from henhouse! in the future though
track 10: Seventyseven dog years
hold on... is that the scream sample brakence uses in hypochondriac????? (maybe it just sounds similar haha)
the "do do ee oo ee oo oh oh"s in the background fading in and out are so pleasant and the crunchy texture of the drums in this one are so nice and i really like how the song transitions very nicely in and out of busy-ish loud and quiet sections
it's a little hard to hear the vocals during the louder parts but still a very cool experience!
i don't really know what the significance of dogs in this album is yet but i am curious because they've popped up a couple times (this song, the whole "ilovemydog77" password, arg and song thing)... i wonder if it has something to do with "dog" being an anagram for "god"
track 11: Uncanny long arms
ohhhhhh my god oh my god. i already knew this song was gonna be crazy because JANE REMOVER but man. i got interrupted in my first listen during the first verse of this song but i was so bewitched by the vocals that i had the chorus stuck in my head until i kept listening. another AWESOME example of how much vocals have been growing and evolving since the past albums... all the singing in here is so good and this song is just captivating.
the echoey louder part of the chorus ("and i saw that my hands were in a different place than before"/"and i woke up and felt my hands all on the carpet") transitioning into that ADDICTIVE "i can touch my toes/without bending over") is just so so pretty.
AND THEN THAT PART WHERE IN JANE'S SECTION IT DROPS OFF FROM THOSE VOCALS INTO A CRAZY EFFECTS ZONE. when the vocals suddenly break off and stutter and you suddenly honestly feel a little scared at where the song is going and then it fades gently into strings and more echoey vocals. GAH..... this album and its ability to play with my feelings...
(currently talking about this song while taking into account the current theories on genius that it is about mara realizing she has stalked S*nny so much that now she is talking to her, she has realized that she has overstretched and done something wrong (the metaphor being "waking up with long arms"), then deciding to withdraw ("getting an arm reduction").
the inlaws callback actually blew my mind when it showed up. i guess it kinda is a bit of irony in terms of the Lore... originally the lyrics of kinko's DO fit mara because she doesn't necessarily have real struggles (but yearns for S*nny's tough upbringing and struggles), but NOW she is just realizing what she has done by inserting herself into S*nny's issues and realizing she could affect them and have a huge impact for better or worse... ough...
track 12: Good luck final girl
this song feels both really cozy and mournful,,, especially the tune of the chorus and its tone... i can't decide whether "i hope you get what you deserve/that's not how this thing works" is more bitter or hopeful, but i think that's kinda the point because the description of this song says it's about the main characters realizing how they should grow up
considering there are 3 verses for our 3 main characters... i thiiink that the middle verse is most likely S*nny's (it talks about a girl down the block offering to help her, but she rejects the offer and says she doesn't need "people like that" anymore; likely referring to mara, "the girl next door" whose interactions with her were um. yeah.)
i am not sure which in the top and bottom match with old money bitch and mara... i think the last verse is OMB mostly because of the "ive postponed my suicide indefinitely" line, and also because of the sudden tone shift of the song (no more guitar, ambient noises in the background giving the feeling of being around people but feeling alone, the repeating of a final line over and over at the very end until it fades away like in Shoot to kill, kill your darlings)
um yeah. good album. good luck. wall sock er 👍
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savethepinecones · 9 months
1, 16, 20, 25! + any one of your choosing
1: what is your nickname?
i dont have any based on my name since its already v short but ive had internet folks call me pinecones or piney and i like those!
16: what do you think makes you attractive?
i think physically my eyes are my best feature but if were talking personality uhh i guess ive got a solid sense of humor?
20: whats a totally random and useless fact that you know?
every piece of knowledge ive ever had just abandoned me lol. if you feel like youre going to sneeze you can stop it by touching the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth a few times, like if you were saying la la la (i think i was told youre supposed to say "pineapple" but its the tongue thing thats the actually effective part)
25: do you/have you played any sports?
oh man. i did gymnastics for a bit when i was like four. tried ballet when i was seven but eventually decided to pursue piano instead (my mom had my sister and i try both for a year and then pick one to stick with). i also was on a soccer team at some point, maybe in first grade? i actually dont remember it at all but i vaguely remember looking at the team photos. also i remember the high socks lol. and then i briefly did softball in middle school because my childhood best friend had picked it up the year before and i wanted to fit in. im very asthmatic though so most if not all of these Did Not Go Well lol
and for the bonus one ill go with 19: a time that you told a lie
first off some important context for this is that i was raised mormon and every summer the church would have all the girls ages 13-17 go camping for like a week. they do hikes and crafts and devotionals etc. i think its all standard church camp type stuff.
so the first year i went they had the younger girls go on a short hike while the older ones went on a longer one. when we got back, a couple friends and i were curious about the longer hike so we decided to check the trail out during free time. we kept walking for quite a while. idk how long it was but we knew wed been gone long enough that people would have noticed we were missing. if i had to guess id say maybe an hour or so idk. anyway we got to a point where the path started to trail off and disappear so we decided to stop for a bit and then work our way back. we were in a pretty big meadow but there were some trees partway down a hill and one of my friends went down there to pee and carved some initials on a tree. i think she said she carved something for me and my crush at the time but i never saw it lol.
anyway eventually we started to head back and at some point we realized we were probably gonna get in trouble for disappearing. i was really worried about it but one of the girls was like "no dont worry about it ill take the blame" and suggested that we tell everyone that she had seen a deer and followed it and then the other girl and i went after her because we didnt want her to get lost in the woods alone.
about halfway back to camp we started hearing people calling our names. we kinda figured there might be some people looking for us but what we werent expecting was that they were men. remember, this is Girls Camp. usually the bishop would show up for a day or two but other than there werent any guys up there. turned out the bishop showed up while we were gone and some other guys whod driven up with him to drop off some food offered to help him look for us.
eventually the search party found us and we all stuck to our story when they asked us what had happened. i think we also said that initially wed been lost and really scared but then we said a prayer and just like that we found a path! and thats why they found us on a trail even though wed supposedly run off into the woods at random. it was very dramatic and spiritual. and also complete bullshit.
so we finally get back to camp and the leaders are all fretting over us. the girl who "followed the deer" did get a lecture about not chasing wild animals because they could be dangerous but that was about it. no big repurcussions.
that night we had a devotional, which is basically just the whole group sitting around the campfire and telling stories about when they felt the holy spirit or whatever. usually the leaders will start off by reading some scriptures or a talk from some church official and then theyll turn it over to the kids to talk about their experiences. in the middle of this, a deer wandered into the clearing near our camp. some of the girls pointed it out because cool, a deer. but the moment the three of us saw it, my friend who had supposedly followed a deer into the woods earlier that same day jumped up and shouted "thats the deer!"
for some reason everyone, including the adults, took it at face value that this random deer in the woods must be the exact same one wed supposedly seen earlier that day and also that it was some sort of sign that god had been looking out for us while we were "lost"
looking back on it now it doesnt really seem like a big lie but it felt like a huge deal at the time because we lied to The Bishop. for a long time i considered this to be the worst thing id ever done. we never came clean to anyone whod been there at the time and i dont think i even told my mom the real story until like a decade later lol
that story ended up being way longer than i thought it would be lol (ive told it before but never written the whole thing out so the word count is surprising) but its probably the most exciting lie ive got. the alternative stories are mostly like "i was super depressed but didnt think that would be considered a valid reason to bail on something so i said i had a migraine" so i think it was the best option despite the length. also its been a while since i thought about this and it made me nostalgic so yay
thanks for asking!! i had a lot of fun answering these (you can tell by how long this post ended up being lol)
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greenb0i · 1 year
July 2023
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It was my britday month and I watched a lot of flims like always. Also yes, barbie is the reason this month is so late. I have a lot of thought that i dont really know how to express.
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) Dir. Joaquim Dos Santos, Justin K. Thompson, Kemp Powers
Yes I watched it agine. It still amazing, and i feel like seeing on the big screen adds to the whole thing much more. This is literally the only movie I've seen twice in cinama, and it's so worth it. It weirdly felt quicker to watch, but i think because I knew what i was expecting. But it's still so good. Especially, the ending crdits. I love how they look and how they symobolise every event in the movie. 10/10
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Nimona (2023) Dir. Troy Quane, Nick Bruno
I watched this movie hungover and by god it was fucking great. It one of those movie that haven't stop thinking about (at the time of writing this) I just love thinking about the charaters and what they mean to each other, and the theme, and how the movie can explore so much and mean so many different things to different people. I also love the character design as well, and how imo, impove the desgins from the comic. Idk, it just one of those things that make me want to create my own stories 9/10
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Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop (2021) Dir. Kyohei Ishiguro
I remember i started this movie when it came out, got like 20 minents into it and i just wasn't into it. Anyway, I restarted it and ended up sobbing like a baby. Frist things first, i adore the colours, that what drew me to the movie in the first place aswell as how the movie animated. Idk, I'm not an expert, but the way the characters move just looked so nice and smooth . I don't know what extaly affected me, i think it has to with the exploration frist love?? idk. Like i said, im still not compltye sure. 8/10
The Report (2019) Dir. Scott Z. Burns
death2American. But ya i just felt so annoyed watching this movie. The movie itself was good, i like a lot of the acting and felt like they are a very cohersive story, dispit it taking place over a good few years and have a lot of movie parts. But ya, I feel annyed and angry that so about what some of the people did and never face any repercussions to what happened. But overall, heavy but interesting movie (7/10)
In the Heights (2021) Dir. Jon M. Chu
I really like this movie. I remember when it came out, i was so hyped, i just kept watching the first song over and over again. And i still think it is such a good movie, i love most of the song, esaliy abula song. Everything about that whole song was amazing and started crying during it. It just one of those movies that i forget about, but I love rewatching. (8/10)
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Barbie (2023) Dir. Greta Gerwig
I really loved this movie. I saw it twice. It just a movie that i found so fun. Like everyone, i love the costume and the sets and just everything thing about the movie. I love the massage behind it, but at the same time, i feel like there is so much more it could say. It's a movie that i feel like i make me want to read more into feminism movement to see why some poeple dislike the movie (not for the stupit reasons, but the valid ones) with what it has to say about gender. Overall, I would say I really like it, and it probably gonna be a movie. I come back to watch over and over again, and my opinion will probably change the move I watch it (7/10)
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Biography Of X by Catherine Lacey
I ughh I really like this book. It was just so interesting to read about this fictionalised artist and this alternative version of history. It felt like it could be something that was real, and I think that due to how the well the auther blend and changed history in small or massive ways. It just so good, I love all the character who apper, the obsession of it, the explore of love and unhealthy relationships. God damnit I could write so much about this book, but then ill be spoiling it 4/5
Songs I love
Bug like an angle-Mitski
Rush- Troye Sivan
Pulp-Lime Garden
Wishing Well-Screaming Females
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gaypleasantview · 1 year
A, F, I, L , P, V and Y (lmao so many but i'm curious)
A: Favorite CC creator
Honestly its so hard to say bc i love so many 😭 naturally im a fan of creators that create or used to create something essential and super cool like platasp, jacky93sims, moni lisa sims, skittlessims, leto mills, linacheries, pooklet and azaya, mrs mquve, riekus13, rockethorse, applewatersugar, pforest, kestrelteens, vidcunds, sammy sundog, and probably a whole bunch of other creators that i forgot... if i had to pick someone i have a special love for it would be leaf-storm because im such a huge fan of their cc 😭 and naturally i got to mention you and dirk as my beloveds that im always so excited to see new stuff from 🙏🙏
F: Gameplay with or without cheats
Well im a legacy challenge kid, thats where i came from and thats i will forever be, and those require you to abstain from cheats so i got used to making money myself and its super fun, as a kid i would always abuse rosebud and motherlode and honestly when it comes to the first one its probably justified bc playing ts1 with cheap furniture is hell 😃 but with the other games its not the same! i gotta say i started building more recently so the basic building cheats are as necessary as ever but also i think i love testingcheats so much im just gonna have this mod tattooed on me literally bc its so scary and gives you too much power but the fun of it cant be described. i used to abuse it as a kid as well
I: Your Bella Goth theories
Honestly im a bit tired of all the bella business but i accept any theories, i havent decided on one myself but i lean towards thinking bella is in strangetown but is strangetown bella The bella? idk. i also dont like that bella from psp said she married for money and i dont believe her bc her and mortimer are the only true love in the universe it feels sometimes
L: Have your sims ever cheated?
As a kid i made Chester Gieke successful and he was my favorite sim, i also grew up with a lot of christian guilt but it looks like i played chester before that happened bc once i opened his save after a few years i was completely shocked betrayed and upset when i saw that he fucked four women two of which were his robots? i love that i had fun with it as a 8 or 9 yo bc later in life i cared for sims too much to make them cheat 😭 i do wanna play as a romance sim sometime bc i never truly experienced that but i still feel bad when my sims are sad so we'll see
P: Pose or play your sims?
I may not be super good at it but i loovvee posing sims with animations, everything else mostly just looks too basic to me bc once youve seen a pose a few times youre gonna recognize it everywhere and its not as fun anymore. but i still like them regardless! i just think im mostly better off using parts posers, animations or just literal gameplay so that people wont be annoyed with my pictures (honestly tho who cares. its my game) but in general gameplay is my favorite, even though ive always been a big fan of screenshotting, esp in ts3
V: How did you start playing the sims?
When i was about 5 yo we moved into a new place and we got a computer and my sister heard from her classmates about the sims, of course we had to go to our insanely-popular-at-the-time book market that had many many ill*gal game cds lol it was really hard to get a real copy back home bc ts2 wasnt localized in my language and ts1 wasnt even published in any nearby countries at all i think so people had to localize it themselves. we found a stand that had every ts1 expansion on display and we couldnt pick between makin magic and superstar i think. but superstar had xtina on the cover so of course we picked it, turned out it was superstar and literally everything that came before it (that is everything ts1 had except making magic). so that was my first sims game and i kind of dedicated my life to my love for it ever since. i dont remember how we started playing ts2 but i remember my first time playing it
Y: Favorite career
Paranormal probably 😭 bc i loved resurrecting sims. and idk maybe culinary and science? i love ghost hunters in ts3 🙏
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