#otsutsuki toneri
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oh-no-its-bird · 4 months ago
saw your kaguya/sakumo and raise you toneri otsutsuki being in love with kakashi instead of Hinata if only because i think it'd be really, really funny for the team to have to deal with the fact that a sorta god wants their sensei. and also for Hinata. like you go to rescue your sister only for her kidnapper to demand your hokages hand in marriage for her eyes and return. what the fuck do you do.
does this make sense? absolutely not. do i think it'd be funny anyway? absolutely yes.
I have NO idea who this man is but I am absolutely on board, 100000%, I love Kakashi crack ships. Kakashi gets his own space man !!! Good for him!
Looking him up and scrolling through his wiki rn, hes so cute?? I love his design wtf. Very fun story too-- was this a movie guy or part of the actual base anime? I dunno but Im a fan of him now, let him make Kakashi his attic wife, it'll be funny
I do think that objectively, the funniest thing u could do here is start off w the canon of him falling in love with Hinata, kidnapping her, all that-- but then he sees Kakashi and has Thoughts And Feelings(TM) and is now like. Conflicted.
This man does not know what polyamory is (and obviously neither Hinata or Kakashi would be interested either way, probably especially bc the other is involved bc that is weird and uncomfortable) and has never really faced what "love" truly is outside of this little box he has never been challenged ab
So he's like suddenly getting super in his own head ab what is love and if he's "cheating" on Hinata by feeling a certain way ab Kakashi (boy she dont even LIKE you) and he's never experienced sexual attraction before but oh man kakashi is DOIN smthn to him rn and he doesnt know whats happening
anyways he actually ends up getting totally distracted from his goal of killing all of humanity or whatever that's ab, because he then proceeds to kidnap Kakashi to add to his Moon Harem(tm) that he refuses to admit is a moon harem bc he condemns harems and looks down upon those with concubines and or multiple wives. But like thats for sure what he is laying in bed at night thinking ab. Im thinking like comedic christain guilt energy but also he is not christain and a moon man
Meanwhile Hinata and Kakashi are on the worst impromptu field trip of their LIVES and its made extra awkward bc like.
"Oh! Hi there, girl my students age who I occasionally interacted with as a literal child and who also looks up to me! I see that this alien has kidnapped the both of us-- you with the intent to marry and me because I apparently have triggered a concerningly intense gay crisis potentially linked to years of living alone on the moon w nothing but puppets!"
"It sure seems like that, semi-father figure to my boyfriend and also man w authority over me ,who is also almost twice my age, and who I may or may not be getting forcibly, indirectly married to! At least he's too busy having a crisis to remember that 'killing all of humanity' thing...?"
Look on the bright side Hinata! At least you get to be the main wife!
Kakashi and Hinata get to bond over the fucking insanity of the situation and try to manipulate Toneri into letting them go (or, at minimum, encourage him to continue to be too fucking distracted having multiple crisis's revolving around them to get back on that killing humanity thing)
Meanwhile Naruto lost his fuckin girlfriend AND his sensei, this is literally the worst day of his fucking life
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mikyapixie · 4 months ago
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Naruto: The Last was released 10 years ago today!!!
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tora-the-cat · 4 months ago
Toneri: Hinata I want to learn more about who you are *opens her brain to realize the entire thing is just like. a schoolgirls locker decorated with naruto pictures*
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equill · 11 months ago
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Another Otsutsuki?!
we’re messing up the timeline for this one. (I lost this crack idea but then it came back… the abyss stare back and I jumped in.)
anyways, now some kids meeting the new kid
Panel 1: There’s something wrong here.
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Comic 1: Attention.
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they’re both in the same boat
Comic 2: Day Off (with confusion.)
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he just a little insecure,, (kakashi still told him to get it together)
back to the future now
Comic 3: What. (huh?)
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Panel 2: very tiny.
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kankuroplease · 5 months ago
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Good boy~
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narutwitter · 3 months ago
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arr-u · 3 months ago
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Second part to this
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suika-suigetsu · 2 months ago
OMG, YOUR ART IS SO BEAUTIFUL!! 😭 I'm in love with your style!
I don't know if you accept art requests, but ever since I saw Mitsuki in your style, I've been imagining Toneri in your style 🥺 they both look so similar, it would look so cute (although I don't think it's part of the range of characters you draw 😭
BUT YOUR ART IS SO BEAUTIFUL, STUPENDOUS, MAGNIFICENT, OMG 😭 I never tire of following your work!
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Sorry for taking a while, I hope you still like him. 🥹 He really looks like Mitty…
And I’m glad you like my work, thank you! ❤️
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martialartslover7 · 3 months ago
My main reasons, why, even with the facts, I STILL don't like The Last
Like, even with me keeping in mind, all the things I may end up getting wrong about the movie itself (I already had that experience here), outside of all this, I still would not like the movie. And here are my main reasons why:
Look, man, NaruHina scenes or not, the story, is frankly a glorified mess, like, in all seriousness, I cannot even pretend, an alien invasion (alien tropes, in this day and age, are highly unwelcome in general to me, due to how redundant and overused it has become over the years)? Overabundance of flashbacks to fuel the protagonist's strength? Hinata becoming a damsel in distress for a 3rd time (this isn't the first time, by the way)? The Otsutsuki inclusion as a whole, which frankly breaks the lore on downright biblical proportions, becoming Dragon Ball, if you ordered it on Wish? With a villain as lame and one-note as Toneri? No, thanks.
Are you seriously fine with Hinata being nerfed into the ground, just so the romance plot itself can advance? This point still frankly pisses me off, like, do you even like Hinata? I do, and I am not fine with the girl being made weaker, just so the plot, or especially the romance portion can advance, I know why she couldn't properly use her chakra, because Toneri was messing with her chakra, bla bla bla. It's a fact, that it happened. But I still should be allowed to call it, for what it is: BULLSHIT. Hinata trained her whole life, just to be accepted as the heiress of the entire Hyuga clan, and yet, you are telling me, that, even with all this mumbo-jumbo garbage, she officially becomes less useful than a boil on my bum, and can't channel ANY chakra to stick to the wall? Literally, hanging by a thread, and NEEDING to be saved by Naruto? I dunno about you guys, but I am just so salty over this. EVERYTHING has to hinge on Naruto, because, of course, it's not like, Hinata trained her whole life, having managed to master a technique that not any other Hyuga managed to unlock, having the most the potent of Byakugan with the widest radius in existence, and became a master of the Gentle Fist... ...yeah, pffft, great job. All achievements, off-screen, and we barely even get a glimpse of that in the movie, and for a secondary protagonist, she gets reduced to a jobber, who either gets kidnapped 24/7, or gets easily overpowered, way too quickly, that's just pathetic, man. It ALMOST makes you want to say, "Maybe Hiashi was right to never pick her", and I want to hit myself for saying that.
The romance portion itself, even if, I can somewhat accept the explaination of Naruto being "slow on the draw", or maybe, having been too traumatized to talk to Hinata about this entire debacle with her confession during the Pain arc, because he was still processing all of it, it still doesn't explain how this movie got away with deadass LYING. STRAIGHT TO OUR FACES. ABOUT NARUTO'S INFATUATION WITH SAKURA. Trying to write it off as "Naruto was always in love with Hinata, and he only loved Sakura, out of a desire to compete with Sasuke", WHERE THE FUCK DOES THIS COME FROM? That's just straight up false. Naruto never loved Sakura, just to be in a "competition" with Sasuke, he was just irritated at how Sasuke got all the attention from the girls, while Naruto was left with nothing. It's just a fact, Naruto always had feelings for Sakura, that's literally one of the corner stones that defined the series, and the main characters, especially at the very beginning. Whether you like it or not, Sakura was always part of Naruto's journey, in becoming a better person, and I am saying this as someone, who is a conservative NaruHina shipper. Sure, it was shallow, one-sided, and based entirely on lust, on Naruto's end, but it still happened, you cannot ignore that away. The facts don't care about personal feelings. And mind you, I would have also preferred Hinata to be part of the main cast too, but, it is what it is. This "competition" nonsense, was never once implied in the original material, let alone Hinata "always having been there". That never happened. And look, hear me out, before you sharpen your pitchforks, yes, I get the point, rewrites or reimaginings can happen, I am also guilty of this, I will freely admit it. The vision can sometimes shift, when you get the feeling that, you could have written it better. But to have a whole ass movie dedicated to a whole ship, just to make the ship canon, and in the process having to gaslight everyone watching into thinking "Hinata was always there", is just so... it screams desperation to me, like, "Hmmm, oh god, Hinata is very popular, and NaruHina is super popular too, but they just lack on-screen chemistry, it is there, but it just isn't enough, and I suck at writing female characters on top of everything else, what do I do? Hinata was absent for the majority of the manga, and yet I put so much singular focus on Naruto's bond with Sakura, that can leave a path open for interpretation, which shouldn't even be a thing, if Sasuke exists, so... Let's just retcon everything in one whole movie, because, fuck consistency.". On that note, let me bring up another point that bothers me:
WHERE. THE FUCK. ARE KIBA. SHINO. AND KURENAI? For a movie, that is all about Naruto's and Hinata's bonds, the concerning lack of screentime for Hinata's own teammates, really rubs me the wrong way, on so many levels. Instead of investing all your budget in trying to justify the existence of aliens in the Narutoverse, or relying on cheap and contrived flashbacks, just to fuel a drama, that shouldn't even really BE that dramatic to begin with, why not give me some of that good ol' relationship angst with Hinata's teammates? In the series, she spent way more time with either Kiba or Shino, and there, the interpretation window for romance keeps persisting too, yet, they never got truly closed up, because they weren't present for the endgame, except, flashbacks, and Shino was omitted entirely. And where is Kurenai? Wasn't she like, Hinata's foster mother for half the series? And yet, she isn't deserving of the mere courtesy of talking to her own disciple and daughter figure, maybe even giving her advice about Naruto's behavior, maybe even motivating her to never give up, which is exactly what Naruto would have wanted? But nope, let's just instead focus on style over substance, by having yet another world-ending catastrophe on the horizon, where Naruto has to save everyone's bacon, yet again, because screw everyone else that Hinata ever had a connection to. No, she is just there, to have the ship become canon, so we can shut our mouths, and be happy about it. Guess what, I am not. And I never will be. The disrespect here, is on a monolithic scale, and no one should be so accepting of this level of mediocrity.
Also, since Hanabi is the main driving force for this movie, where she is said to be suffering the worst kind of torture imagineable, because of Toneri wanting her eyes, why is Hinata more focused on knitting that damned scarf, being jealous over the one Naruto has, and trying to get Naruto's attention? Shouldn't she be on edge? Shouldn't she be angry and impatient? And instead of saving her own fucking sister, on her own terms, she eats L after L, as if, Hiashi had always been right about her not deserving to be the heir. ...You have no idea, how much I hate myself for even IMPLYING this, Hiashi is a garbage human being, end of story. There is a time and place for everything, but this... this just feels weird, man, in hindsight, the whole thing with the scarf feels so random and out-of-left-field, and once again, it just plays into the argument that, they only wanted to cater to the shippers, not the characters themselves.
TL;DR. I still love NaruHina. I will never stop loving it. I am just mad, that the compromise for this movie being made, had to involve making Hinata as weak and laughable as a mug. This movie sucks the soul out of me, for how much it ruins Hinata as a standalone character. All the progress, all the lessons she learned, all the buffs, amounted to pretty much nothing, because all she is now, is either just a jobber, or a mere EXTENSION to Naruto, no longer much of her own thing. Go on, get all smart on me, telling me that my opinion really doesn't matter, yet you still feel the need to respond to this post, telling me that I am a "NaruSaku apologist", or whatever the fuck. I am done. Case closed. Your reactions will be more telling of you, than me.
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brian-drawing · 6 months ago
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23/09/24 Neji Hyuga Tenseigan chakra mode fanart.
volvi a dibujar de nuevo.espero les guste!!
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groundrunner100 · 2 months ago
Naruto Uzumaki’s Remarkable Gift: Complete Edition
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- Kakashi Hatake, Naruto: Shippuden: 031: The Legacy.
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agraviane · 9 months ago
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˙ . ꒷ 🦋 . 𖦹˙— light shower; naruto fandom, toneri x orochimaru Ι se acaso inspirar-se, me dê os créditos.
› artes usadas na capa por @.kankuroplease, todos os créditos a/ao artista!
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bornonthebreakofdawn · 2 months ago
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The Naruto Mobile Game has released new Hinata illustrations and will be bringing back her skin to promote alongside with Toneri's debut!!
Hinata's new costume will also be available during the event!!
The Toneri skin will debut on February 1st.
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yeahimaninjavampire · 11 months ago
Ok I know the whole ‘Toneri is Mitsuki’s dad’ thing is supposed to be haha funny jokes but like. I genuinely would Not Be Surprised if the evil gender-fluid snake wife got with or at least met the yandere alien prince from outer space. Like I really wouldn’t
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tora-the-cat · 23 days ago
'toneri. come to earth, sometime in the future!' <- hinata, who wants to let hanabi kill the guy herself one day
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narutwitter · 1 year ago
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