#for now...I hope you guys enjoy...she was a labor of love n' sniffles
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🔊 RAINY DAY SOIRÉE ♥︎♠︎- Haz/bin Ho/tel Wav - ♡-Day Special
Projects will always be strictly AI FREE.
Hi All!...HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! I'm nervous as hell but excited to share my first wav, this Established Husker/Dust Special, with you guys! ART PAGE/MAKING OF
RAINY DAY SOIRÉE - An/gel Du/st comes home from the studio in a hellstorm to find poor Hu/sk, snuggled up with Fat Nuggets and coming down with a cold in his muzzle. The spider affectionately takes care of his bartender beau, but not without catching it himself...Lil vignettes of Husker/dust's shared sick day and soft caretaking.
CW: Long depiction of shared illness, breathy vocal build-ups, loud deep cold sneezing, contagion, higher pitched cold sneezing fits, snotty/honked nose blowing, dry coughing, snzart visuals, blessing, kissing, emotional comfort, spoilers for the Great Gatsby and lots of fluff.
Script, if you guys want to read along, is below...Enjoy!
~ Love, Pink
♥︎♠︎ - Rainy Day Soirée - Script.
(Scene 1 - ANGEL DUST enters the front door of the Hotel in one of the Pride Ring's thundering hellstorms under his Pink umbrella. It's early evening and the lobby is suspiciously empty.)
ANGEL: *Shudders* It's wetter than dick out there!...Shit…Hello? Anybody home?
(Hanging up his coat, ANGEL heads upstairs and unlocks the door to the room he shares with...)
ANGEL: Husk…Honey?...You in here?-
(He's greeted by Fat Nuggets! The hell-hog scampers off the bed and across the floor to see his Daddy at the door)
ANGEL: Hey! My Sweet Boy!...Lookat'chu Bastards, you an' Papa havin' a snuggle, without me…Traitors.
(Yawning deeply, HUSK is still waking up, grumbling to himself about being woken up by a pig and stretching just like an Old man should. ANGEL coos to Fat Nuggets.)
ANGEL: Uh-Oh…Did we wake Papa?...Yeah, we woke Papa…(then to HUSK) Hi, Baby.
HUSK: (Just noticing his partner, tilts his head) Hm- Hey Legs…Damn, y'home early?
ANGEL: Yeah, just pick up shots today (Not really, by pick up shots, he means his scene partner picked him up and pinned him against the wall, he doesn't want HUSK to worry though.)
HUSK: (always concerned when it comes to the studio, but doesn't want to press ANGEL) Oh…um…Y'okay?
ANGEL: (Can't lie, sadly, but tries to reassure) Just uh…the usual...B-But I'm okay, m'fine. (Starts to laugh and ramble)...Actually, it was kinda funny…Long story short, the last scene- Val wants to get the climax again…and again…AND again. What a set of pipes on the poor motherfucker, screamin' to high heaven!...But, uh- Val got called into a meetin' with Vox, thank god…Shoot got cut short an'...Well, most workin' wanted to head home before the storm got bad…
(He trails off...Usually HUSK would respond somehow...ANGEL notices HUSK scrunching up his muzzle and squeezing the bridge of his nose with two fingers, as if he's in pain. He tenderly approaches.)
ANGEL: S-shit…Are you okay?...You ain't lookin' so hot.
(HUSK waves ANGEL off)
HUSK: M'fine…S'just a headache…
ANGEL: (know's he's been given bullshit) N-No No, there's somethin' else…Whaddya not tellin' me…Whaddya hung over?-
(ANGEL startles at the intense sneeze and Nuggets squeals, running under the bed. HUSK sniffles and wiggles and clicks his muzzle.)
ANGEL: Jesus!...Honey?! What the fuck was that?!
HUSK: (out of breath, and a little flustered.) Whew, Sorry…'Scuse me…Didn't mean to scare ya.
ANGEL: Next time warn a gal…It's just, heh-…Y'never do that…Come to think of it, I don't think I've heard ya so much as sniffle before?
HUSK: W-whaddya talkin' 'bout…Everyone…(Trails off) S-s-s…..sn-...Sneezes…
ANGEL: (scoffs) Yeah?...Not like that…
ANGEL: (starts laughing and mimics Husk's low growly sneeze) Achoooo!
HUSK: Oho! Y'think that's funny?...Laugh it up, Smartass…L-laugh…Hhhh- Goddamni-EH'RTSH'SHOO!...Motherfucker.
ANGEL: (still laughing, but sympathetic) It's…a little funny….Bless you!..H-honey, are you okay?
HUSK: Figures…Now I'm gettin' a cold, now that the seasons pickin' up.
ANGEL: Aww, my poor baby...That's why y'closed up shop so early, huh?
HUSK: Charlie said I was lookin' a lil…hhh… hhh...Peaky…Shit wasn't my choice.
(HUSK lets out a raspy sounding cough and leans back to monstrously sneeze again.)
ANGEL: Ah, Salute! Here…Blow the Thompson on the end of your face hon. (He offers a tissue box from the nightstand)
HUSK: …Thank you baby…(into tissue) AH'ITSH'IUUU…Ugh, Christ…
ANGEL: (unable to keep from laughing, lovingly mocks again with similar inflection)...B-B-Bless you!
HUSK: Very funny Ange…Real fuckin' hilarious…Alright, C'mere y'little shit!
(HUSK starts to tickle ANGEL's arms. The couple both start laughing.)
ANGEL: No!...No…I'm sorry!…H-Honey that tickles!...
HUSK: (growls playfully) I gotcha!
(Both laugh)
ANGEL: Husk!...Husk, Uncle!
HUSK: (listens, satisfied) Hm…That's whatcha get sweetheart.
ANGEL: (fondly) You're a sadist…M'sorry y'sick honey… (leans down and plants a kiss on the top of the cat's head, then notices a book in his paw) …Hey, whatcha readin'?
HUSK: …Gatsby (The Great Gatsby by F. Scott. Fitzgerald)
ANGEL: Ooh, t-that one…Uh…(suddenly a little embarassed, nervously laughs)...Y'know, s'funny…I ain't never read it?
HUSK: Sweetheart, you've never read The Great Gatsby?
ANGEL: I know, I know…S'crime against literature or somethin'...Y-you tell me, if y'think I'da had time between all the heists n' highs for a few chapters
HUSK: Y'got time now, don'tcha? (Sniffles) Why don't we read it together?
ANGEL: (hopeful) Really?
HUSK: Yeah!...I mean…I've read it a hudred times, but….I'd love to see it through your eyes.
ANGEL: Alright, babycakes…But uh, blow y'muzzle first, I can hear ya, gettin' all stuffy.
(HUSK honks a hefty blow into a tissue. Key word being honk.)
ANGEL: Alright, Mother Goose! D'ya wanna start the story or should I?
HUSK: I ain't got the energy to put up with this shit, dickhead…
ANGEL: Alright, Jackass! I'll take care of it, just listen to the Soothing sounds of my voice...
(He clears his throat and starts the book.
(Scene 2 - The next time we see the pair…It's the next morning. ANGEL is in bed and is woken by a loud nose blow and growly bellowed sneezes coming from the bathroom. ANGEL stretches and cranes his neck to look at the bathroom door.
ANGEL: (called out) Bless you!
(The bathroom door opens and a pathetic looking bartender enters, looking exausted.)
HUSK: M'sorry, did I wake you?
ANGEL: Oh baby, nonsense!...You can't help that. You're sick….(clears his throat, still waking, hesitates to ask)...Uh, how's the head?
(HUSK just deeply coughs and raises his eyebrow at the wording. Anyway, ANGEL already knows the answer.)
ANGEL: Y'know what- …don't answer that, uh…I'm gonna go downstairs an' make us some tea.
HUSK: (childlike, pleading eyes)...With bourbon?
ANGEL: (Agreeing) With. Bourbon.
(ANGEL fiddles with the kettle in the kitchen, filling it up with water, putting it on the stove, turning on the burner…He feels something creeping up.)
ANGEL: Heht'ktsh'iew!...Damn…Niffty needs to dust 'round here.
(He hears the door creak open and feels something ELSE creeping up. Needless to say, it's not HUSK.)
ANGEL: Oh, honey?...It's okay, I got it under control you can just go back to bed.
ALASTOR: …Are you quite sure?
(ANGEL startles and rolls his eyes once he sees ALASTOR, but politely replies and resumes watching the kettle.)
ANGEL: Yeah...G'mornin' to you too, Al.
ALASTOR: My my! Someone's broadening their palate!...It's rather funny, usually you'd be schmoozing a mimosa out of our esteemed bartender…But here you are! Making…what smells to be a morning cuppa of chammomile- Or a double. How domestic…What's the occasion?
(ANGEL keeps his reply short, cold and brisk. He's never liked how AL treats his boyfriend and knows AL probably already is well aware, but wants the satisfaction.)
ANGEL: Well our esteemed bartender is playin' hooky today, he's got a real bad cold…(then realizes he can use this to his advantage) Y'don't wanna risk gettin' it Al, y'should probably keep away…like far far away.
ALASTOR: (Sees right through) Come now Angel, you can rest assured that I have no desire to hang around such pestilence. But I also trust that you'll inform Husker of his responsibilities and how he'll be making up for lost time…(He presses the laugh track on his staff)...I must say, I never took you as the caretaking type.
ANGEL: (Ignores the bite, sighs fondly) Well, someone's gotta take care of the big lug…(then bites) Lord know's you won't…Eet'Tschuu!
ALASTOR: (knowingly) Well! Seems as though pot just met kettle, and with that, I'll be on my merry way…(darkly) Seems as though disgusting affections are in the air…among other things.
(In an instant, AL leaves and the kettle begins to screech. ANGEL growls to himself in Italian.)
ANGEL: Stronzo di Fragole!…Hhh…Aat'tshew!
(Back upstairs in ANGEL's room, ANGEL sets the tray with two mugs and another box of tissues down on the bed and sits down.)
ANGEL: (tenderly) Here ya go, Babycakes. Careful, it's hot.
HUSK: (coughs sleepily)...Thank you, Sweetheart.
ANGEL: D'aww, you are welcome!...So uh, where did we leave off?
HUSK: (coughs) Page 41, the big party.
ANGEL: Okay…'I believe that on the first night I went to Gatsby's house'-…'Scuse me…Sorry…Heh…Heh…Ih!…Ihh'eck'iew!...Heh'ish'uu!
HUSK: (chuckling) Uh-oh…Bless you!...Tissue?
ANGEL: Yeah I'b…I'm fine, Honey…Thanks…(tries to start reading) 'I belie- (sputters and coughs)...
HUSK: (gently) Are you okay?
ANGEL: (insistant)…I'm okay! 'I believe that on the first night I went to Gatsby's house…I believe I was-' (takes a deep breath, he is feeling awful and…is about to sneeze again)...Shit-
HUSK: (worried) Angel?
ANGEL: Eh…Eh- Sorry, I'm…I'm godda sneeze!...IT'Tshuu!...Its'Shhh-Oh fuck me sideways!
HUSK: Bless you…Are y'sure you're okay?
ANGEL: I'm fide?….heh…I'm fide.
HUSK: (smirks) Uh-huh, okay…5…4…3…2-
ANGEL: ahh'eeehhhehh'heh!-...ISH'UU!...aghih hhhdihh…ICK'HIUU!
HUSK: Bless you, Sweetheart.
ANGEL: (long sniffle, finally admits)...Baby?...I think I'm catching ya sniffles.
HUSK: (sarcastically) Really, y'don't say?…
ANGEL: Hht'tsh'iuu!
HUSK: (chuckles fondly)...Bless you…Y'know, this isn't how I imagined we'd spend our first day off together.
ANGEL: (coughs) Me neither…(blows his nose) Thought we'd have a glamorous date…Night out on the town…Er- somethin'...
HUSK: Well, we can still do that…With Daisy, Nick an' Gatsby…What's more glamourous than a grand soiree?
(ANGEL blows his nose again, a loud honk)
ANGEL: (sarcastically, glumly) Oh yeah, Honey…Real Glamourous.
(HUSK tries to think of a way to cheer up Angel and gets an idea.)
HUSK: Hold that thought…
ANGEL: Husk?…Whatcha doin'?
(HUSK gets up and starts to mess around with ANGEL's record player. Looking through the collection of vinyls, he finds one that they'd both enjoy. Glenn Miller's 'Chatanooga Choo Choo' starts playing and HUSK starts to sway and kick his feet a little, then does a little Charleston step.)
ANGEL: What are you doin'...Are you…dancin'?
HUSK: Eh…How's that for Glamour?…'Scuse me, sir?
ANGEL: (laughs) Who me?
HUSK: Couldn't help but notice…Y'seem a bit…sniffly-
ANGEL: (still laughing, loving this bit) No shit, it's your fault!
HUSK: -But otherwise…Absolutely beautiful. I'm a bit sniffly myself…(feigns surprise) We have so much in common!
ANGEL: (laughs) Y'so cheesy...
HUSK: I would love nothing more than to dance with you…Whaddya say?
(ANGEL gets up and takes HUSK's arm, joining the bit as they begin to sway gently to the music)
ANGEL: Well sir, I'd love to…But between you an' me?...Keep this on the downlow, Y'don't wanna let my grump of a boyfriend know that I'm dancing with such a gentleman.
HUSK: Well, I dunno this fella…But if he's doin' anything right, I think he'd just be happy to see you happy.
(The two dance and sway in their pajamas for a while, wrapped in eachother's arms)
HUSK: One…Two…-....Hhhh
(ANGEL notices HUSK's twitching and hitching and offers to help.)
ANGEL: Honey?...Y'okay? Y'need a tissue?...A tissue?
ANGEL: Yeah, that's what I thought…Bless you Ol' Man.
HUSK: Uhhh….Th- Thank-....Tha-...uhh'ITSH'hooo
ANGEL: Salute, Mio Caro…Here.
(HUSK takes the offered tissue)
HUSK: (stuffily) Thank you baby…(he coughs amd hitches as another big painful sneeze is coming)...HEHRK'HOOOOOOO!
ANGEL: (clicks his tongue, sympathetic) Bless you!...I think that's our cue to get back in bed baby.
(Scene 3 - Hours of reading later. The couple has reached the big twist of the heightening drama of the book. Daisy Buchanan was the one driving the car that hit Myrtle Wilson. Jay Gatsby, who's in love with Daisy, will take the blame. ANGEL's heart and weakened immune system cannot take this.)
ANGEL: (floored, heartbroken) Husk…No…No, it was Daisy?!
HUSK: (knew this was coming) Daisy was drivin' baby...
ANGEL: No!...She did it?...N-no!...Fuck no! (Throws the book) Goddamnit! (A coughing jag starts)
HUSK: Easy!...Easy, Jesus Christ…Breathe, baby, breathe…Are you okay?
ANGEL: (carries on) An' he's just gon' take the fall for her sorry ass…Oh my god! (Way too into the story.)
HUSK: (laughs a little at his partner's passion) I know…I know-...Shit Angel are you cryin'?
ANGEL: (He is. Emotional, sniffling)...S'just so fucked up.
HUSK: Easy now…I know…But that's the beauty of it…ain't it?
ANGEL: (crying, looks up, confused) B-beauty?...Of someone bein' a selfish bitch an' ruinin' lives?
HUSK: Nah, Ange, The beauty of the story…is in it's honesty…Shows us the darker sides of love…An' how far an fucked folks'll get protectin' it.
ANGEL: (quiet) Husk?…Husk.
HUSK: What's wrong lovebug?
ANGEL: (sadly)…Would you do that for me?...Would ya..t-take the fall?
HUSK: (nonchalantly) Hm, probably.
ANGEL: Even if it meant…everything?
HUSK: Lookatcha!...Y'gettin' all existential on me!
ANGEL: M'serious!
HUSK: (looks ANGEL in the eyes, with utter conviction) If it meant, keepin' you safe, keepin' y'by my side…Then yes…
(HUSK feels ANGEL's breathing start to hitch as he holds him)
HUSK: Alright baby…Quit cryin'...(Notices he's pulling away and fanning his face and grabbing a tissue)...Oh…O-oh, are you okay?
ANGEL: (breathlessly) No!...N-No, I'm gonna sneeze!...Itsh'uu!...Eck'hiiuu, Ehhhishhh'shuu!...Heh'rkk'kiew! (Groans) Oh go-...Irrkk'hew! (Gasp) Heh'Ihhk'hew…Eh…Ehyiiishhhiew!...
HUSK: Bless you, Bless you- Bless you!...Holy shit, Ange! …Fuckin' Shit! Aww baby…Shhh, Breathe baby.
ANGEL: ….Hhh….Aacksh'IEW!...(groans)
HUSK: (chuckles) Bless you!...Y'always sneeze like that?
ANGEL: (sniffles) Like what?...(realizes) Oh, I'm sorry! (Coughs) Not all of us start a damn natural disaster every time the pollen count goes up.
(HUSK belly laughs, ANGEL's jab was...pretty fair enough. HUSK's laugh trails off into little coughs and grows a bit raspy.)
HUSK: (lovingly firm) Alright, blow your nose.
(ANGEL blows thickly and groans)
HUSK: There y'go…Feel better?
ANGEL: (tired from his emotional burst and his sneezing fit, he deadpans) What do you think?
HUSK: (not really bothered by his partner's moodiness, but calls it out anyway) Damn, you're startin' to get a lil bitchy.
(ANGEL is too sleepy to argue with this, so he lays down and pulls the blanket up, snuggling into HUSK's side.)
ANGEL: (quiet)…Gonna take a nap.
HUSK: (coughs) That's a brilliant idea, Sweetheart…
(Nuggets comes out from under the bed and paws to be let up. HUSK pats the bed.)
HUSK: Well, c'mon!...Get on up, here.
(Scene 4 - Another few hours later…a knock at the door wakes the couple)
ANGEL: (grumpily, sleepily, stuffily)...Hm, Who the fuck is that?... If anyone tries to enter this room with me looking like absolute shit…I will not hesitate to shoot them.
HUSK: (yawns, sleepily and raspily) S'okay, Ange, just stay in bed…I'll get it.
(HUSK coughs a jag into his arm as he answers the door. ANGEL lets our a rough Aagh'ish'hew!, and Nuggets greets Princess Charlie Morningstar behind the door, who's carrying a large thermos and still dressed in her pajamas.)
HUSK: Sorry…Hi, Princess.
CHARLIE: Holy shit…You guys sound awful (coughs roughly a little herself...revealing the bug is clearly going around)
ANGEL: Hell, you ain't sounding much better, Toots.
Charlie: (In-denial, laughs) No!...I'm fine- I'm fine, Angel…Nothing to worry about! Vaggie is downstairs with something nasty…So I'm gonna go take care of her, BUT I brought you guys some chicken soup, I hope you enjoy it!
HUSK: (smiles sincerely and takes the thermos) Much obliged…Thank you…(then looks doubtful) Are you sure you're okay?
CHARLIE: (giggles again, still denying) No! I'm fine! I'm fine guys, I- Hh! HEP'PTSH'SHIEEW!
(CHARLIE inherited her Dad's tendency to occasionally become a...flamethrower when sneezing. Tends to get worse with a cold. Her demon form is out. ANGEL, HUSK and Nuggets stare blankly, a bit scared.)
ANGEL:…Bless you.
HUSK:…Bless you.
HUSK: (quietly to ANGEL) I didn't jus' hallucinate, right?...Fire came out her nose…
ANGEL: (quietly back) Dunno, y'talkin' to a former crackhead, if anyone's hallucinatin' it should be me…
ANGEL: (Gently, firmly, big brother energy) Charlie…Dollface?... Y'takin' care a' everybody…But don't forget to take care a' y'self. (as Charlie coughs, ANGEL melts and invites her in for a hug)...C'mere.
CHARLIE: (Emotional)...Oh, Angel!
ANGEL: (waving her off, still a bit nervous) Yeah, yeah… Just do me a favor? Try not to set me on fire?
(HUSK joins the hug, wrapping his wings around the three of them.)
HUSK: C'mere, kid…If you tell anybody about this…I will gut you like a fish. (No real bite)
CHARLIE: (beat.) Thank you guys…Um…Vaggie and I are gonna watch some movies in the lobby, if you guys wanna join us, you're free to!...And if you need anything, give us a holler- Well actually, don't do that- Save your voices…Okay, bye!
(Door closes)
HUSK: Could be fun…It'll help distract from your…existential dread.
ANGEL: (coughs) Hey, fuck off!...Anyway, I have a better distraction…
HUSK: What?...(realizes and stiffens) No!...No. Are- Are you really feelin' up to that right now?
ANGEL: (pouts) C'mon Whiskers, don'tcha want me to…feel better?...(muffles a stuffy sneeze behind his hands) Ktsch'yew!- Oh my god…
HUSK: (smirks) Need a tissue?
ANGEL: (sniffles) I need…YOU, Baby! Besides, didn'tcha know that the Pentagram's leadin' scientists and' medical professionals say 'Sex is good for a cold!'
HUSK: (contemplates, then smiles slyly and inches closer) Well…Then I guess we gotta do what we gotta do…For science.
ANGEL: (smiles back, sniffling) That's right, we're just doin' this for a good cause…In the name of 'Science'.
(They melt into an embrace in a slow passionate kiss.)
ANGEL: ...I love you
HUSK: ...I love you too
(ANGEL's nose gets brushed and he pulls away to harshly sneeze, and looks up apologetically)
ANGEL: ...Aack'shew!...Ugh sorry.
HUSK: (tenderly) Bless you, Sweetheart.
♥︎♠︎ - è finito
The end, hope you enjoyed!
#snz#sneeze kink#snzblr#snz blog#sickfic#sneeze blog#pinkladyscribbles#an/gel du/st#haz/bin ho/tel#hu/sk#snz wav#sneeze art#sneeze wav#h/azbin h/otel#So nervous for you guys to hear me...but here we are!#haz//bin//ho//tel//#husker/dust#Better mic and different format'll be used in the future#for now...I hope you guys enjoy...she was a labor of love n' sniffles#Godetevi il ragno e il gatto che sono degli idioti innamorati#Adoro questi ragazzi!🥺♥︎♠︎#pinkladywavs#sneeze#tw illness#sneezeblr#sneezefucker#snzario#snz audio#snz art#ha/zbin hotel wav
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Chapter 15: The Final Cut

Rating: General Audiences
Warning: none
Paring: Paige Bueckers x !photographer fem reader
Fandom: Women's basketball
Summary: You can't stay away even if you tried...
Welcome to the chapter 15 of Through The Lens. I hope you all enjoy and there is more to come...stay tuned my loveies!! 🏀💕📸
The morning light filtered through the blinds in my dorm, casting a soft glow over the desk where I sat hunched over my laptop. My final project was almost complete—a labor of love and countless sleepless nights capturing the rawness of our team, my relationship with Paige, and everything in between.
Paige stirred in my bed behind me, her voice groggy as she called out, "Y/N, are you still editing? You’ve been at it all night."
"Just adding the final touches," I murmured, my eyes glued to the screen.
She got up and wrapped her arms around me from behind, resting her chin on my shoulder. "You’re amazing, you know that? I can’t wait to see it."
I smiled, leaning into her warmth for a moment before sighing. "I’m nervous, though. What if it doesn’t capture everything the way I want it to?"
Paige kissed my temple, her voice steady. "It will. You’ve poured your heart into this. Trust yourself."
That afternoon, I gathered the team in the common area. Everyone was buzzing with excitement, especially Kk, who had been hyping up the project since I mentioned finishing it.
"Alright, guys," I said, standing in front of the TV where I had connected my laptop. "This is it—the final cut. Be honest, okay?"
Kk grinned. "Oh, you already know it’s gonna be amazing."
I rolled my eyes but smiled. Paige gave my hand a reassuring squeeze before I hit play.
The video started with candid clips of our team warming up during practice, laughing and joking with each other. It transitioned into game highlights, personal moments from the digital cameras, and the heartfelt messages everyone had left.
When the section dedicated to Paige, the team and me came on, I held my breath. It was raw—our ups and downs, the kiss in the rain, and even a clip of Paige looking directly into the camera, saying, "Y/N, you’re my home, you'rethe team's home."
By the time the video ended, there wasn’t a dry eye in the room.
Azzi sniffled dramatically, nudging Kk. "Okay, who’s cutting onions in here?"
Kk wiped her eyes and laughed. "That was beautiful, Y/N. Like...wow."
Coach Geno, who had been quietly watching from the back, nodded approvingly. "You captured something special here. Well done."
Later that evening, Kk convinced me to go live on Instagram to show the fans the final project. Paige, Azzi, Ice, and Sarah joined us, crowding into the frame as I introduced the video.
"Hey, guys!" Kk said, her energy infectious. "So, Y/N’s been working on this incredible project, and we’re about to show it to you. Trust me, it’s gonna blow your mind."
The comments flooded in as I hit play. Fans were quick to point out their favorite moments, and when the section about Paige and me came on, the chat exploded with heart emojis and messages like, "We ship it!" ,"Power team goals!" and"Omgg the talent!"
When the video ended, Paige leaned into the camera and said, "Yeah, she’s talented. We're lucky."
The fans went wild, and I couldn’t help but laugh, my nerves finally easing.
As much as I loved capturing our team’s moments, I decided to take a break from being the official photographer and videographer. Between finishing my project and balancing everything else, I needed time to breathe.
The team noticed immediately. Kk pouted during our next game. "Y/N, who’s gonna make me look good now?"
Aubrey chimed in, "Yeah, it’s not the same without you behind the camera."
Even Paige gave me a knowing look, though she didn’t pressure me. "Take your time," she said softly.
A month later, I was starting to miss it—capturing those raw, beautiful moments. But I didn’t say anything. Little did I know, the team had been scheming behind my back.
One evening, Ice tricked me into heading to the practice gym. "Coach wants to talk to you about something," she said, her tone casual.
When I walked in, the lights flickered on, and the entire team was there, holding signs that read, "We Need You Back!"
Coach Geno stood in the center, his arms crossed but a small smile on his face. "Alright, Y/N. We’ve had enough of these amateurs trying to take your place. Will you come back as our official photographer and videographer?"
Kk stepped forward, holding out a camera. "Pretty please?"
I laughed, tears pricking my eyes. "You guys are unbelievable."
Paige walked over and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "So, what do you say?"
I looked around at their hopeful faces and finally nodded. "Alright. I’m back."
The gym erupted in cheers, and Kk immediately started posing. "Okay, so boom let’s get some pictures right now!"
That night, I stayed late at the gym, taking candid shots of the team as they goofed around and celebrated. Paige stayed by my side, her smile brighter than ever.
As I snapped a picture of her laughing with Azzi and Sarah, she turned to me and said, "You know, this team wouldn’t be the same without you."
I lowered the camera and smiled. "Neither would I."
Paige leaned in and kissed my forehead, her voice soft. "Welcome back, love."
For the first time in a while, everything felt right. And as I looked through the lens, capturing the moments that made this team so special, I knew I was exactly where I was meant to be.
-Thank You For Reading!🩵🩶
Tag list: @sayurireidotcom , @astroeliza , @paxaz535 , @0phantom0 ,.... (more to be added)
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Hey just went on a 4.5 hr binge reading your amazing work!! I was just wondering if you could do somthing with ivar reacting to the reader saying she is pregnant and his reaction to when she's in labour? In ink drinker?? You're amazing and I love your work!
Hello! That’s so sweet of you, thank you. Welcome to the crazy world!
And I know I said my requests are closed but Ivar & kids? The kill shot. It’s long & funny & emotional and I hope you all enjoy. I cried.
☞ catch up here
You were late. You were late and in your haste of life, you only noticed two weeks past where you should have.
“I’m late” You texted Ivar.
“For work?” Is what he replies.
You nearly threw your phone across the threshold, the cry of delirious laughter on your lips at Ivar’s far too perfectly timed response. It had been madness with him back at work; catching up on two years' worth of delays, overbooking himself, and coming home in the middle of the night. Sleep was never easy for him, he had turned into a man who needed an orgasm to so simply think about closing his eyes. And the nights of fumblings between the sheets, soft moans and heavy breathing, Ivar telling you how he loves you, only helped him.
And you knew his pullout game sucked.
The magenta double lines that grace you back from the porcelain sink hitch your breath. After a step closer, two glances back, they remain there, almost smiling up at you. You can’t dwell on those marks, already telling yourself the tale that it was incorrect, but the other two tests, of the other two manufacturers, yielded the same promise. An ocean of chill runs down your spine, tugging against your tailbone and snapping into you like a pluck of a guitar string, propelling the sensation through to your toes. Finding your hand across your abdomen was a motion you didn’t even realize you had started, but the path was so plain. If your heart could leap from your chest and hug you back, it would.
When you hear the creak of the garage door it’s not nearly as late as you had thought Ivar would be home. The medley of vegetables in one pot, the boiling pasta in the other, and before you can even speak, Ivar wraps himself against your back.
“Hey, handsome,” You hum, melting against him and he only squeezes tightly.
“Hey, baby,” His lips rasp into your hair. “Missed you today,” Ivar adds as his nose trails the curve of your skull. “Are you making pasta primavera?”
“Yes,” You sigh and you’re certain you could fall asleep like this. “I got you something,” You then say, still swaying slightly with Ivar.
“Yeah?” He rasps, finally pulling away from you for you to turn. His hair is already down, glasses where they belong for once, and he smiles when you catch his gaze. You’re quick to scurry away, yelling something about turning off the stove, and then you’re back, a small package in your hands.
“It’s the most expensive gift I’ve gotten you,” You tease as the box shrinks when it’s in Ivar’s grasp.
“I told you that I don’t want another mustang, baby,” Ivar replies, pulling the ribbon off. “I like my Jeep.”
“It’s not….it’s not a mustang,” You snort.
“Oh, thank god,” Ivar says, shivering slightly as the thought leaves him.
“You’ll like it, I promise,” You nudge and he finally lifts up the lid. You thought you could hear his breathing hitch, fuzziness in his eyes already starting as the positive pregnancy tests stare back at him.
“No you’re not,” Ivar whimpers, “Are you fucking with me?” And his voice is meek, drowned out with emotion and you only tear up too. “No, you’re not,”
“We’re gonna have a baby, Ivar,” Are the first words out of your mouth. “You’re gonna be a dad,” You say, watching how his eyes move to your face, towards the test, shocked, mouth agape and he only whimpers. When he sets the box on the counter you’re there to wrap to fill his grasp. Falling into his arms and you can hear the slight sniffle from above you. It pulls one from you too, finally grasping the mental concept that Ivar really has dreamt about this moment his whole life. You wiggle slightly, pulling back and Ivar’s hands are still on your hips. With red eyes, he moves one paw to wipe the tear that’s threatening to escape.
“I love you,” Ivar whispers and it makes you laugh when you repeat it back, hands on his cheeks as you bring your mouth to his. The kiss isn’t hurried, Ivar’s lips move as though he’s hardly focusing on the task and you can hear another sniffle as you pull back. Forehead resting along his and his eyes are closed.
“I found out this morning,” You whisper to him.
“I’m waiting to wake up from the dream,” Ivar replies, and his eyes are still shut as he speaks.
“Your pullout game sucks, Ivar,” You say and that makes him laugh, thick from his stomach, and his eyes finally open as he pulls you to rest against him.
“This isn’t news to me, Y/N,” Ivar says. “I can’t believe we’re gonna have a baby,” He adds and when he does a new wave of tears starts in his eyes.
“Your mother is going to castrate you,” You say into the cotton of his shirt and he laughs again. “You and me Ivar,”
“Against the world,” He replies. “And as parents.”
His phone rings from next to him, your name on Ivar’s screen, and halfway through his sentence, he stops to smile. Excusing himself for a moment, he answers:
“Hey baby, I’m just finishing up with a client, I’ll call you right back,” And the line goes dead. You blink to yourself several times when you hear silence in your ear and as you look to the towel at your feet, you almost feel as though you’re going to cry.
After ten minutes you stop caring if he’s shooting the breeze with the person, and you’re dialing for him again as you lean against the kitchen counter.
“Hey, baby,” Ivar answers and it pulls the anger, anxiety from you and you suck in a deep breath. “Baby?”
“My water broke,” You simply say.
“When?” Ivar asks quickly and he’s standing, leaning his shoulder to hold his phone as he throws the closest thing he can reach in Sigurd’s direction. White eraser bouncing in front of him as he moves his gaze from his magazine to Ivar. “I’ll be right there,” He says. “Her water broke,” He calls to Sigurd and the man only offers a thumbs up.
“Ivar—fuck—Ivar listen to me, do not drive like a mad man,” You grit into your phone. “I need you here for this, alright?” Your words fall as he climbs into the Jeep.
“I won’t,” Ivar replies softly. “I promise. I’ll see you in a minute, alright?”
“Alright,” You say back.
“How far apart are they?” Ivar asks and you only smile.
“Still far enough,”
“We’re going to get to meet her,” Ivar whispers and it makes your smile bigger.
His next call is to Floki, the phone ringing through Bluetooth and there’s a hum when he answers.
“Yeeeeeeees, Ivar?” Floki sings.
“Y/N’s water broke, I’m on my way home,” Ivar replies, and the laugh he’s known his whole life rings through the man’s mouth.
“Take a deep breath for me,” Floki says.
“I’ve taken several since I got into my car,” Ivar replies. “It’s the only thing keeping me from bursting into flames.” And they both laugh.
“I’ll head to the shop now, keep me in the loop. Oh—and Ivar, you have two hands. If she has to break one as she delivers your baby girl, so be it.” And the line goes dead. Ivar groans, his heart hammering behind his seatbelt and he doesn’t even bother to turn the car off when he parks in the driveway.
You’re in the same spot, hand crossing the bump and your eyes are stuck on the clock when you hear the door open. Another press of pain mangles its way through you, as if your guts are trying to come through your navel. Ivar calls your name and you turn, a soft smile on your face.
“Just put everything in the car,” You say and Ivar nods, completely ignoring your direction and coming towards you.
“I know you’re a medic—I know how many babies you’ve delivered with Hvitserk there, but this is different,” Ivar hums as he tips your chin, sealing the words to your mouth as he kisses you. “This is our baby,”
“I’m scared,” You whisper and Ivar moves his arms around to your back.
“I am too,” He admits. “Let’s get to the hospital,”
Despite how the nurse offers the wheelchair, you shake your head; walking has been the only aid to your contractions and she nods. Ivar’s hand is in yours as you’re laying along with the linens, thumb brushing your knuckles and he’s on his phone.
“Did you call your mom?” You ask.
“No,” He answers, eyes not moving to yours. “Only Floki so he can get to the shop. You need to focus on you right now,” He says, finally lifting his head to look at you. Brows towards the ceiling and the small smirk only makes you pout.
“You should try to get some sleep—”
“Baby,” Ivar says and you nod. Ivar moves only minutes later, sketchbook taking up his lap as his hand stays with yours. Your phone buzzes with a Snapchat from Hvitserk, quick zooming in of Engine 1 as one of the firefighters walk by it. You take the liberty to pan the room, from your gown-covered self, Ivar to your left and back to the windows on the other side. Less than ten seconds pass before his contact picture graces your screen.
“That’s how you tell me?” Hvitserk all but shrieks and even Ivar can hear it through the phone. “How long have you been there?”
“A few hours,” You answer back.
“Guys! Our Lieutenant’s in labor!” Hvitserk calls to the guys. “Put me on speaker—Ivar?”
“What, brother?” Ivar groans back.
“When we work labor calls, I always tell the mother that I have two hands—”
“And if she needs to break one so be it,” Ivar finishes for him, and his brother whines. “Floki said the same thing.”
“Fucking Floki,” Hvitserk mumbles. “We’ll be thinking about you two, and send us pictures.”
“You don’t want a video?” You tease.
“Nope—I know you well, but I don’t need to know you that well!” Hvitserk laughs.
“Oh, come on, it can be practice for you and Thora,” and you can see the man blush without even being in front of him. “I’ll keep you in the loop.”
“You’ve got this,” Hvitserk says and the line goes dead.
By the fourth time you find your legs in the stirrups, you’re about ready to take one out to grant the nurse’s face. The needle for the epidural was big, it was big enough that Ivar didn’t even look, that you as a regular needle handler, even felt shy from. When you feel the contraction roll through only a few seconds after the last one, you nudge Ivar. His head on your shoulder flies up and your look answers his question before he even has to ask it.
“Dad, are you cutting the cord?” The nurse asks and Ivar looks back at you as if he needs your permission before he can think of an answer.
“Yes,” Ivar says back and he’s by your side, hand tracing your bent knee, sliding your thigh and it helps to calm you. Before your first push, you’re already crying, Ivar’s there to pull the hair from your face as it sticks to where you’ve started to sweat. As you curse him, his last name, his size and weak pull-out game and Ivar only agrees with each word as they come through your lips. Before you’ve even crowned you’ve decided that you don’t want to do this anymore.
“I hate you right now,” You hiss, and Ivar nods.
Twelve hours of sitting, standing, walking, swaying, trying almost everything in the manual to help progress her just a bit further than the last hour. Ivar adorned in scrubs, trying to contain his excitement, your partner in crime trying to experience it with you as well as he could, attempting to leech some of the pain in the meantime.
One week shy of her due date, Ivar’s there to see his daughter born. Through tears and strings of curse words, sweat-slick clothes, she is finally here. Watering eyes flicking to yours as her cry fills the room. Your whine is there next and she’s against your chest the minute she’s able. IV poked hand coming to cup her diapered rear, head against the pillow and you’re crying. You’re crying as Ivar’s lips brush your hairline, as he’s crying, as the head nurse films the moment per your request. Ivar studies the newborn in utter disbelief, eyes switching from its cotton-covered head to your face, overstuffed with pure adoration.
“I’m so proud of you,” Ivar whispers in your ear, his hand covering yours over the child you two created together.
“Look at her, Ivar,” You whisper and he is, he hasn’t stopped yet, the tuft of dark hair on her head that matches his own as her small hands balled into fists. His daughter laying against your chest and he has to wipe his eyes. There’s an upset from her for a brief moment, wiggle and a cry, and instinctively Ivar’s lips shush her, his voice lulling through her ears and she quiets. “That’s your dad,” You say to her.
Ivar’s moment for the skin on skin finally came and he’s next to you. Seated, shirt off, and the nurse hands him the bundle. Pink cotton on an inked chest as Ivar’s hand pats her bottom, nearly swarming the infant as a whole. You can’t hear him, but you see his lips moving, eyes peeking down at the bundle that’s looking up at him. A full conversation on his side and you’re tearing up again, snapping a picture for Hvitserk, your parents, and his, for Floki and Ivar laughs as he watches her yawn.
“Oh, am I boring you, miss?” Ivar coos and you smile. “I know you’ve had such a big day,” He says. “You have no idea how loved you already are.”
Ink Drinker Tags:
@smileysam13579 @dreamtherapy @heisentwerk @angelofthenightposts @youaremyfamiliar @unbetaedimagines @kathryn-jane @readsalot73 @queen-sarang @anastasiaskarsgard @andmyannabellee @peachyboneless @heavenly1927 @istorkyou @quantumlocked310 @xbellaxcarolinax @mighty-ragnarssons @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom @queen-of-upshur @nanahachikyuu @fandomlifeandeverythingelse @ivarhoegh @a5hl3y5ibley @hashimily @youbloodymadgenius @love-all-things-writing @theanxietyqueen17 @trip2themoon @tgrrose @synnersaint @kataphine @prepare4trouble @abbiii72 @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog @pixluru @93xdiagonxalley @ivarisms
*please message me to let me know if you would like to be added or removed from my tag list. specifications for series/etc. are also welcomed, as well as feedback.*
full masterlist can be found here.
#Vikings#vikings fiction#vikings au#modern vikings#modern vikings fanfiction#modern vikings au#modern au#ivar#ivar au#modern ivar#modern ivar au#ivar ragnarsson#modern ivar ragnarsson#ivar ragnarsson fanfiction#ivar ragnarsson x reader#ivar lothbrok fanfiction#ivar lothbrok#modern ivar lothbrok#ivar lothbrok x reader#hvitserk#hvitserk fanfiction#modern hvitserk#hvitserk au#hvitserk ragnarsson#modern hvitserk ragnarsson#modern Hvitserk au#vikings ivar#vikings hvitserk#sigurd#modern sigurd
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And Dusk
A/N: Enjoy ❤️
Warnings: brief violence
Word Count: 1560
Chapter 14: The Countdown
The walk from Elliott’s to Reginald’s took up enough of (Y/N)’s time. When she approached the door, she hastily wiped her tears before pushing the front door open. The house was wrapped up in its usual silence. It never really made noise unless she was home, after all. Rushing up to her room, she locked the door and set her puppy on the ground before changing her clothes. She avoided looking at Mr Pennycrumb as she moved about her room, throwing on articles of clothing and pulling on shoes. Opening her wardrobe, she dug into the pocket of one of her coats and pulled out a folded piece of paper. The note was pressed to her lips as she shut her eyes, a moment for the world to freeze only for her, before slipping it into her pocket. With a deep breath, she spun around to meet the expectant stare of her beloved pet.
“Nothing’s ever easy, huh, Penny?” She sniffled, kneeling down beside the bed to watch him lean down and lick her fingers. “This was supposed to be my easiest relationship, baby, and now I gotta leave you… I know we’ve only known each other for less than two months, but I’ll remember every single moment we spent together, bud. I wanted so badly to watch you grow up, to finally grow into that big personality of yours. But I’ll need you to be good for Mom… because we both know how Dad feels about you being around.”
The puppy barked and licked her face, clearing her tears as he did so. She giggled and kissed the top of his head.
“I’ll never forget you, Mr Pennycrumb. You absolute angel. I love you so much.” Standing to her feet, she slowly approached her bedroom door, giving the entire room one last look. She wasn’t attached to it. Not in the slightest. But there was one little savior who, sitting on her bed and tilting his head, she would forever be connected to. “I’m leaving you in the best hands possible. Goodbye, baby.” She breathed and shut her door. Covering her mouth, she sped down the staircase and towards the front door.
“(Y/N)?! Where have you been?!”
Wiping her tears away yet again, she turned to her mother and swallowed the lump in her throat. “I-I...” She croaked. Grace’s frown softened before she crouched down in front of her.
“Honey? Is everythin’ alright?”
“Yeah, Mom, I’m fine… I just, uh… I have a really bad headache and it’s a little overwhelming.”
“Oh… I can get you some-”
(Y/N) quickly shook her head. “It’s fine. I was going to head into town, get some fresh air.”
“Well, that’s fine, hun, but you cannot run off like that. You nearly gave us a heart attack! You can’t do that to me. Y-You just can’t!”
“I’m sorry, Mom-”
“Especially right now… I-I wanted to talk to you.”
I don’t have time, I don’t have time.
“Have you,” Grace sighed and looked away, a very clear internal battle going on within her. “Sweetheart, do you notice anything about your father? Anything strange?”
Furrowing her brows, (Y/N) stepped closer. “What… do you mean…?”
“I mean with his work. Do you know anythin’ about what he’s doin’? With the meetings, the secrecy. I-I know it isn’t fair to ask this of you, but I… I-I need to know.”
(Y/N) glanced to the side as she weighed her options. She could always lie to Grace, tell her that she had no idea what Reginald was up to, his plan to kill the president. But she knew her mother deserved so much better than yet another lie from another person she trusted dearly. So, she lifted her head and nodded, hoping it was enough. It seemed as if that were the case, because Grace took a deep breath and enveloped the girl in a hug. (Y/N) sniffled and held her mother tight.
“If I find anything dangerous goin’ on, I’m leaving, (Y/N). I’m leavin’ and I’m takin’ you with me.”
The young girl widened her eyes at these words. “You what?”
“You’re my daughter, (Y/N), adoption be damned. I promised you I would take care of you no matter what. And if removin’ you from Reggie’s life will do that, then I will do what I have to.”
“And I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I love you so much, Mom…”
“I love you, too, hun.”
(Y/N) never wanted to get attached, she never wanted to build happiness like this for herself, because she knew it’d eventually get ripped from her. One way or another. Still, it was a fun ride while it lasted. Pulling away from the hug, she sniffled again and rubbed her nose. Grace’s smile was full of so much care, adoration and unconditional love that (Y/N) had to step away to let herself breathe. “Well… I’m going now. Um… Mom? Could you do something for me while I’m gone?”
“Please, take care of Mr Pennycrumb. I don't know what I’d do if something happened to him.”
Quietly chuckling, Grace nodded and clasped her hands together as the girl opened the front door. “I promise, only if you promise to be careful. I need you here with me, darlin’.”
“I promise, Mom.”
Stepping out of her home- of Reginald’s house, (Y/N) glanced down at her watch.
Thirty minutes. Shit!
Spinning on her heel, she sprinted her way in the direction of the alleyway. Her chest heaved, her breath was labored, and her arms pumped as her legs worked restlessly to take her to her destination. Locals scowled and gasped when she pushed past them, the girl calling out multiple apologies over her shoulder after the fact. She nearly ran past a corner she had to round, skidding to a stop and turning back around. When she did, she was met with a pair of dark brown eyes. “Preston!”
“You’re coming with me.” He huffed and grabbed her by the arm, dragging her in the opposite direction, back where she started. “I’ve been looking all around Dallas for you. I talked with your dear father and he said you didn’t mean what you said.”
“I don’t have time for this! Let go of me!” (Y/N) thrashed in the hold he now had around her waist. Preston growled and pinned down the arm she had just freed from his grasp.
“You never have time for me, (Y/N)! That’s the problem with you women! You always want the world to revolve around you! Well, you’re just gonna have t’make some time for me! Right now!”
“Goddammit! Let go of me, you little shit!” She shrieked. She freed her arm once again and reared her elbow back towards his face, but he quickly moved his head away to dodge it. The next second, she heard a grunt, and Preston’s hold on her was gone. Spinning around, she saw the boy on the ground, unconscious, blood dribbling from his nose. “What the hell?”
Her eyes moved up and widened at the sight of Lila dusting herself off. Her expression was almost unreadable to (Y/N), but she detected exhaustion. The two stared at each other for a beat before they both nodded. Lila turned her gaze forward and ran off in (Y/N)’s opposite direction. The young girl let out a breath, took one last look at Preston, and continued her sprint to the alleyway.
Arriving there, she almost crashed into the brick wall. “I’m here, I’m here!” She breathlessly called out to Five and Luther. “I’m here- Ew, what the fuck?!” She yelped, her foot almost landing in a splatter of vomit. Beside it was a groaning Klaus, the man muttering something about a strange dream.
“Thank god,” Five clenched his jaw and checked his watch. “Anymore last minute arrivals?!”
“Hey, I’m here, aren’t I?!” (Y/N) hissed and made her way over to the seething Five, who only spared her a glance before looking around the alleyway again.
“We’ve got a minute left.” Luther muttered and smashed his fist against the top of the closed dumpster.
Klaus groaned and placed his hands over his face. “What’s going on, guys? Are we going somewhere?”
“It was a simple task,” Five ranted as he paced the alleyway. “It was a simple task! All we had to do was be here. Didn’t have to fight a giant sea monster, no. Any army of mutants? Nein!”
(Y/N) checked her watch, sighing as their last remaining minute ticked away. Heading to the opening of the alley, she moved her head from left to right, hoping to see the last of her siblings rushing to their way home. But alas, no one arrived and she could hear the three behind her yelling at each other. The sound of clicking got her attention and she turned around to see everyone watching the briefcase.
“Goddammit.” Five muttered before bending down and picking up the briefcase by the handle, flinging it into the air. With a zap and a whoosh, their ticket to 2019 disappeared in a bright blue portal. The four watched as the portal disappeared, much like the first time they were left in this timeline. “We were that close.”
“That close…” (Y/N) sighed.
Taglist: @unfortu-nate-ly @sapphicsyn @m00n-sh @starcurrent @alexander-hamilhoe @youcandalekmyballs @wonderlandfandomkingdom @yrdadjstcallsmekatya @sm0kingcrack @a-t-h-r-e-e-n-a @moatsnow @bubblegumflamingos @starstormssymphony @meowiemari @magicalgothpandamaker @keayastitties @hehehehannahthings @harrystylescherrie @rhain3 @himikaphoo @xxeiraxx @camerondiaz48104 @georgeweasleys-gorl @theyaremorethanjustfictional @that-can-of-fizz @luckyzipperscissorsbat @cuupiid
#the umbrella academy#umbrella academy#umbrella academy x reader#tua#tua fanfic#tua x reader#tua five#five hargreeves#five hargreeves x reader#number five#number five x reader#five x reader#of starlight#and dusk
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Mistake (Rafe Cameron x reader) Epilogue
Summary: You, a pogue and Rafe Cameron, a kook are friends of benefits, secretly of course. But what happens when you get pregnant?
** Mistake Masterlist **
A/N: well.... this is the end. Thank you to everyone who’s followed this story and supported it by either liking, commenting, or reblogging it. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I loved writing it. I love you guys xx
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: OPEN {CLOSED}
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
~ 5 Months Later ~
You’d just hit the 9 month mark and well baby pogue (or baby kook as all Rafe’s friends call it) could be here any day now. It was all up to her to make her famous debut. The last 5 months were smooth sailing. The apartment over the garage was fixed up for you, Rafe and the baby. The nursery was painted, furniture together, and décor hung on the walls, thanks to Sarah and Kie.
You waddled your way through the apartment; Rafe was in the living room watching tv and that’s when you saw it. You bursted into tears like it was the worst thing in the world. Rafe was quick on his feet, “What?! What’s wrong?” He hurried to you, jumping over a pile of dirty clothes to be put in the laundry, “Are you okay?”
You shook your head, putting your forehead against his chest, your belly creating a large space between the two of you.
“Baby… what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” He wraps his arms around you.
“t-the shoes.” You sniffled, pulling away from him and pointing to the shoes that were by the door. It was his shoes he’d taken off when he arrived home earlier. Instead of going in the closet like usual they were sitting neatly by the door and for some reason it was the end of the world for you.
Rafe let out a soft chuckle, “I’m sorry baby. I’ll put them up.” He slowly pulls from you and grabs the shoes from the floor and putting them on the rack in the closet, “Better?”
You sniffled, nodding and wiping your eyes, “They just weren’t where they were supposed to be.”
“Please be careful…” Kie winced as Pope and John B helped you over into the boat. You may have been 9 months pregnant and the size of a whale but that didn’t stop you from a nice relaxing day on the boat.
“I’m fine, Kie.” You huff, sitting down on your usual seat. “Thank you, boys.”
“Are you sure you should be out on the boat?” Pope asks, grabbing your bag from the dock and setting it in the boat.
“You look like you’re about to pop.” JJ adds, sitting down.
You and Kie give him a look and he holds his hands up in defense, “I’m just saying.”
“My doctor said it was fine as long as it was smooth rides.” You look at John B, who nods, “I won’t go out of the marsh. It’ll be smooth.”
“What if you go into labor?” JJ looks uneasy as he looks at your belly and then back up at you, “I’m not a doctor. None of us are.”
You roll your eyes, “JJ, I’ll be fine. We’re not going far out. Soon, I won’t be able to do this. I just needed to get out of the house.” You knew you probably should have come out considering you had pains in your stomach all morning, but they weren’t anything major. You figured they were Braxton hicks or false labor. You’d already had a scare and Rafe had rushed you to the hospital only to be told it was Braxton hicks. You didn’t want that to happen again.
You ran a hand over your stomach, “Will you guys please stop looking at me like I’m a little china doll that could break?”
You took a deep breath as another pain rolled through your lower stomach, clenching your eyes shut. This one was more intense than the others.
“You okay?” John B puts a hand on your shoulder.
You nod, “Yeah fine. Just some Braxton hicks.”
“Maybe we should head back.” John B offers.
You stand, “John B I’m fine, okay? I just need to walk a little.” You craned your neck from side to side as you took a couple steps. And that’s when you felt it. “Oh no.” You look up at the pogues, eyes wide. Your water just broke.
“Oh my god.” Kie says.
“Oh, that’s disgusting.” JJ makes vomit noises.
“Shit.” Pope adds.
“And it’s time for us to go.” John B says, getting behind the wheel. “Everyone sit down!”
“Someone has to call Rafe!” You clutch at JJ and Pope’s hand as they help you walk up toward the chateau.
“On it!” Kie says, digging through your bag for your phone.
JJ winces, “Shit, y/n.. don’t break my hand.”
You send him a look and he quickly shuts up, “You squeeze it however hard you need too. Yup, you can break my hand if you need to.” He nods.
“Get her in the van.” John B puts some blankets down in the van, moving trash out of the way.
You double over as another contraction hits, “Oh god..”
“Note that one Pope.” John B says.
“Yup I got it! They’re getting closer. Maybe 7 minutes?”
“Rafe, she’s in labor! I don’t know, we were on the boat and her water broke… yes we’re on our way.. okay we’ll meet you there.” Kie throws the phone back in the bag, “Rafe’s meeting us there.”
“Can we get going then before she pops this baby out right here?!” JJ looks frantically at the pogues.
“She’s beautiful..” Rafe whispers next to you. You were ready to push as soon as you got there. Rafe was already waiting in the hospital for you guys to arrive. It only took a few good pushes and she was here.
“She has your eyes..” You gently rub your finger over her cheek, looking up at him, “You ready to hold her?”
He nods, gently taking her from you. His eyes tear up looking down at the baby swaddled in a pink blanket, “Hi baby girl..” He slowly backs up so he can sit in the rocker next to you, slowly rocking back and forth. “I thought you were beautiful..” He looks up at you, “But she’s breathtaking, y/n. I mean she’s perfect.”
You nod, “We made a pretty cute baby, didn’t we?”
He chuckles, nodding, “We did. Who would have thought you and I having a drunken one-night stand on the beach would end in this?”
“A lot of good came from that one night stand.”
There was a soft knock on the door, “Come in..” In walked the pogues. John B had a bouquet of flowers, JJ had balloons, Kie had a gift bag and Pope had a teddy bear in his hands.
Rafe slowly stands from the rocker, “she’s beautiful, you guys.”
Kie gives an excited quiet squeal, putting the gift bag down, coming over to Rafe, “look at her.. oh she’s so cute and little.”
John B comes to your side, setting the flowers on your bed side table, “How’s mama feeling?” He kisses your head.
“I’m good.. Better now that she’s here.” You give his hand a squeeze.
“she’s going to have a hard time with boys because her uncles are going to kick the asses of all the boys that come near her..” JJ coos over Kie’s shoulder.
“Yes we are.. you’re never going to have a boyfriend.” Pope coos.
“Finally, something we all agree on..” Rafe chuckles, handing Kie the baby.
John B walks over, holding his hand out to Rafe, “Congratulations, man. She’s beautiful.”
Rafe nods, shaking John B’s hand, “Thank you. And thank you for getting her here safely. And in time.” He chuckles.
You watch as Rafe and the pogues stand around admiring her. You never thought you would be sitting here 10 months ago. However, you wouldn’t take anything back. Your friendships were stronger. You managed to catch the love of your life and now brought a beautiful and healthy new baby into the world. The pogues vs kooks was over, non-existent. This one mistake brought you great things.
“What’s her name?” Pope asks, looking up at you. The other pogues looking at you as well.
“Maddie Anne Cameron.”
You’d had plenty of mistakes over the last 10 months, but this one mistake ended up being the best thing that had ever happened to you.
Obx taglist: @tregua-oca , @weirdbiwitch , @losers-club6 , @treestarrrrrrrr , @omgwhattheeven , @normatural , @lreincarnationl , @laurenron , @junkiemuppettxx , @beth-winchester21 , @divcrdown , @timotaychalabae , @moose-squirrel-asstiel , @tangledinsparkles , @prejudic3 ,@lanarichards5 @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch , @fratboystark , @nas-marie-loves-u , @sunwardsss , @annedub , @jellyfishbeansontoast , @turtlee-says-rawr, @fanficscuziranout , @wellthathappened2 , @write-from-the-heart , @louisolos , @outrbank , @sunset-d-rive , @family-buisnes , @traumaflavouredjuulpod , @http-cherries , @k-k0129 , @mileven-reddie , @eclecticpuppyhollywoodhumanoid , @cinnamon-roll-seth , @teamnick , @rockyyc77 , @ellojustafangirlhere , @sataninsatin , @lordsagittarius , @helplessquotess , @katerosexx , @kiarasgold , @thee-sex , @sunshinemadds , @ceruleanjj , @nikki082489 , @ilovejjmaybank , @laubluered , @lcil123 , @notmcchkn , @ceruleanjj , @fangirlvoice , @maybebanks , @lolitstiana , @danicarosaline , @obx-beach , @katiaw2 , @hardyxlove , @kaelyn-lobrutto24 , @obxmxybxnk , @lasnaro , @thedarkqueenofavalon , @you-got-me-starry-eyed , @poguestyleskye , @poguesnobx , @godspeedlover , @coni-martina , @kaylinfayezink , @loveylangdon , @blossombxby13 , @thelovelydreamer17 , @chasefreakinstokes , @daddydobrockk , @you-got-me-starry-eyed , @kkmikayla
*if your name is crossed out tumblr is being stupid and won’t let me tag you :(
All my works tag list: @blossomreed
#rafe cameron x reader#rafe obx#rafe cameron#rafe cameron imagines#rafe x reader#rafe cameron x#rafe cameron x you#rafe cameron x y/n#rafe cameron x female!reader#rafe cameron x pregnant!reader#rafe cameron imagine#rafe cameron fic#rafe cameron fanfic#rafe cameron fanfiction#fic#fanfic#imagine#imagines#fanfiction#epilogue#mistake epilogue#obx#obx imagines#obx fic#obx fanfic#obx fanfiction#obx imagine#outer banks fanfic#outer banks netflix#outer banks imagine
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lost in space || s.r
summary: post-IW in which you’re stuck on the ship with tony and nebula. knowing you didn’t have much time left before oxygen levels ran out for good, you decide to send a final goodbye message to the man you’ve grown to love over the past several years.
words: ~2.1k
warnings: angst in the beginning, fluff, major feels, worried steve ;-p
a/n: i took inspo for another oneshot like this that i read but then i got a bunch of new related ideas, so here we go!
22 days.
22 days of drifting through empty space with Tony and Nebula.
After day 16, you began losing hope in returning home. Nobody had to say anything for you to put two and two together and realize you didn't have much longer before what little was left of your oxygen supply ran out. So this had the three of you accepting you wouldn't make it through, opting to make the best of the time you had left. Your breathing became more heavy and labored, as the act of taking a single breath had now grown more difficult with each passing minute.
While she didn't want to admit it, Nebula thought having you and Tony by her side was much better than imagining being alone. It was an unspoken agreement that you all enjoyed each others' company; seeing you were all you had now after losing almost everything.
You exhaled as you sat in the cockpit of the ship, chin resting in your hand as you gazed out the glass dome and took in the eerie yet beautiful sight that space had to offer.
Feeling a rough hand clasp your shoulder, you turned around to see Tony standing there.
"Hey," he smiled softly, holding his remaining granola bar out to you. "You haven't eaten all day. Why don't you take the rest of this."
"No, I can't do that," you shook your head. "You need to eat, too."
"Your health is just as important, Y/N. You've lost too much weight in these past three weeks."
"Haven't we all."
"Just take it."
Knowing he wasn't going to stop arguing, you mumbled a 'thank you' and took the bar from him, taking a small bite.
You pushed yourself out from your chair and took a seat next to him, lowering yourself to the ground on the steps as he leaned his helmet against the wall.
"What are you doing?"
"Leaving them a message. In case things go wrong, and...we don't make it," he replied as he took in a deep breath and began fiddling with the helmet, flicking a switch inside it before tapping its' side, projecting a blue light over you two.
"Tony...we're literally going to die. I don't get why you're doing this, Steve and the others probably think we're already dead..."
"Might as well say a last good bye, then. And, recording...is this thing on?" He tapped the side of the helmet again. "Hey, Miss Potts...Pep. If you find this recording, don't post it on social media. It's gonna be a real tear-jerker. I don't know if you're ever going to see these. I don't even know if you're...if you're still...Oh, god. I hope so. Today is day 21, uh..."
"22," you corrected as you leaned back against the wall. “Or 23. Wait no, 22.”
"Yeah, 22. You know, if it wasn't for the existential terror of staring into a void of space, I'd say I'm feeling better today. The infection's run its course, thanks to the blue meanie back there."
"You’d love her. She’s very practical," you added, "Only a tiny bit sadistic."
"Anyway...some fuel cells were cracked during battle, but we figured out a way to reverse the ion charge to buy ourselves about 48 hours of time. But it's now dead in the water. We're 1000 light years from the nearest 7-11. Oxygen will run out tomorrow. And that'll be it. And Pep, I...I know I said no more surprises, but I was really hoping to pull off one last one. But it looks like...well you know what it looks like. Don't feel bad about this. I mean, if you grovel for a couple of weeks, and then move on with enormous guilt. I should probably lie down. Please know that...when I drift off, I will think about you. Because it's always you."
You both fell into silence afterwards and you quickly looked away, squeezing your eyes shut in an attempt to try and stem the flow of tears that threatened to spill. Tony must've noticed the look on your face, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder as you stared blankly out ahead.
This really was it. When you imagined dying, you saw yourself going down on the battlefield, maybe jumping into the crossfire to save someone. Or simply passing in your sleep, dying of old age, anything but being unable to breathe.
You didn't think you'd meet your demise by running out of oxygen as you drifted mindlessly through space.
"Why don't you talk to Capsicle," Tony finally spoke up several minutes later. "This might be your only chance to get the closure you've wanted for so long."
"I'm not...it's not like that," you sighed, running a hand down your face. "He's just a friend."
"Don't bullshit me, Y/N. I know you're in love with him."
You let out another sigh, staring at his helmet blankly for a moment before opening your mouth to speak.
"Hey, Cap. You know, for the longest time, I was stuck trying to figure out what I was really meant to do, why I was ever placed on the earth to begin with," you spoke, looking out the glass at the darkness of space again, "When Fury first recruited me to the initiative, I was...I was in a dark place. And I didn't know how to get out. I felt stuck, frustrated...lost. I felt like I wasn't worthy or even the slightest bit prepared to take on the responsibilities of a hero because of all that I'd done in the past. I'd committed my fair share of sins, and...it all came down to a point where I almost lost the will to keep going, to keep living. My demons held me back from the perfect life I so desperately wanted and followed me everywhere I went. But then you came along, and for the first time in a long time, I started to hope, to...feel things again. You taught me that there was such a thing as second chances and forgiveness, that it's okay to make mistakes, and most importantly, I was meant to feel things; to love.
"You taught me that I was meant to feel happy, to allow myself the chance at living that burden-free life. That I didn't have to feel so doubtful when something good happened because all I'd ever learned was to feel suspicious when an event occurred in my favor. God, I really do owe you, huh? I honestly don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you. Maybe spiral down into an endless pit of despair and destruction? But really, I'm grateful that you walked into my life. I don't know how I'm supposed to repay you for all that you've given up for me.
You chuckled lightly and sniffled, hastily wiping at your eyes. "I know you're still out there. I hope you are. Because I know Captain America would never go down without a fight. This fight, though...you don't need to keep fighting. I've already accepted my fate. I'm going to die in less than two days...and I'm not bitter or mad at all. Death is inevitable, you know? If there's anything I took away from my torturous days in the Red Room, it was to never fear death because every girl would eventually meet her end. I'll be completely honest with myself here, I don't mind dying alongside these two...Tony and Nebula are some pretty great roommates. Who knew an alien could be so good at paper football?
The helmet flickered and you knew you didn't have much time left. "Steve...I don't want you to look back at all this in pain. I want you to live your best life...one that isn't filled with regret. And if this means moving on, starting anew...then do it. I want you to be happy. Be happy...for me.
Another tear fell, but this time you didn't bother to wipe it away. "I guess since my days are now numbered, I should let this weight off my chest...I love you, Steve Rogers. More than you'll ever know. I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember and I can only hope you feel the same but I guess I might never know that answer now...we can't always get our happy endings, can we?
"I'm so sorry I didn't get to say goodbye one last time, I love you," you choked out as the recording finally powered down and you let your head fall into your hands, the tears now flowing freely down your cheeks. The ache of longing to be with him echoed through the marrow of your bones; a chill wind trapped inside your heart and a million little glass shards tearing at your guts. Nausea swirled around in your stomach, head swimming with thoughts as your blood felt like tar, struggling to flow steadily.
Reaching over, Tony carefully grasped your hand, lacing your fingers together and squeezing gently. "It's gonna be okay," he muttered, eyes closed as you trained your gaze on the glass. "It's gonna be okay."
It could've been five minutes or five hours later, but suddenly, a vast white light illuminated the space surrounding you, forcing you to shut your eyes again.
As you focused on the bright ball of light, you could make out several features of a woman, though you initially thought you were dreaming. This couldn't be real. Was it?
"Hang in there, guys, I've got you," her voice flooded your ears, before she disappeared from view.
You opened your eyes a second time to see you were speeding towards Earth, the ship slowing down slightly as the familiar outline of America came into view.
Then, a steady jolt of the Benatar indicated you'd hit solid ground, in the middle of the field in the Avengers facility.
Nebula helped Tony up first, then you. The entry hatch opened, and you carefully stepped down the ramp together onto the grass.
It was pitch-black out, the only sources of light coming from the lights that projected from the compound, but it didn't take long for your vision to adjust. A small smile found its way onto your face as you saw six familiar figures came running towards you.
"Oh my God," Pepper cried, throwing her arms around Tony's neck and holding on as if her life depended on it. "Oh my God."
You smiled wistfully as you observed your surroundings, lowering yourself onto the ramp's last set, arms crossed over your chest as you realized just how cold it actually was.
A sudden warmth enveloped you and you felt someone's leather jacket being draped over your shoulders. Seeing Steve's familiar tall figure out of the corner of your eye, you moved over slightly to allow room for him to sit.
He looked over at you in concern, taking in your pale and malnourished figure. His chest ached at the sight.
"I'm okay," you found yourself saying, "don't worry about me."
"I've been worrying about you for the past twenty-two days," he replied, hands in his pockets, "I thought you were dead."
"I'm sorry."
"I missed you."
"I missed you too," you swallowed hard.
Steve let out a shaky breath and slid an arm around your waist, pulling you close as you rested your forehead on his shoulder.
"I thought you were dead," his voice cracked, "and if you really were, then...I don't know what I'd do."
“Me neither,” you breathed out. “God, I missed you so much.”
Then all of a sudden, the whole word seemed as if it was on standstill as his sapphire blue eyes bored into yours with such an intensity that sent a chill down your spine, keeping you firmly locked in place. And it utterly terrified you because you’d never felt something so intense like this before and he was the reason why you even felt this way to begin with.
And before you can protest against your own thoughts, you closed your fists around his shirt and gently tugged him towards you, closing the gap and kissing him. The sudden action took you both by surprise but Steve doesn’t waste any time in reacting, moving a hand from your cheek to the nape of your neck to kiss you back.
Everyone’s too exhausted, too busy feeling relieved at the fact that you returned safely to make a teasing comment towards yours and Steve’s relationship. They’ve secretly been betting for a while that you’d finally get together, though not in this exact way.
Until Rocket breaks the silence. “Nice welcome back gift, Agent.”
"You cockblock," Nebula flicks him in the head. "Let them have their moment, geez."
#steve rogers x reader#avengers x reader#marvel fic#avengers fanfiction#captain america fanfiction#steve rogers fanfiction#steve rogers x you#captain america x reader#marvel imagine#steve rogers x y/n#captain america x you#marvel reader insert
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Rough Day - Colby Brock
HI um, I really hope you guys enjoy this 🥺👉👈 This took me a few days (and lots of emotions) bc I was writing it in between my work shifts! I love you baby bubbas <3 !!!
Word Count: 2,244
Today had been quite possibly one of the worst days you’ve ever experienced. You went into workplace at ten in the morning, a small café in downtown Los Angeles, and you were in such a bubbly mood. Despite having a nine-hour shift, you were excited to see your coworkers once again.
The first thing that had set you off was your manager. Sometimes she could be in the best, most positive mood possible; although other times, it feels as if you're walking on egg shells with her. Today, she was not in a good mood. She had constantly yelled at you throughout most of the day for the smallest things possible; not wiping down the tables, not changing the garbage bins as frequently and not having enough coffee brewed, all of these problems stemming from the plethora of customers constantly coming in and out of the store as LA is known for its influencers which are mainly obsessed with coffee.
“Y/N, what is wrong with you today?”
“You have to work faster and better!”
“No, no, no! You’re doing everything wrong!”
Those were just a few of the derogatory things that your manager kept saying to you. As if that wasn’t emotionally draining enough - being yelled at for things out of your control - you also had a surprise health inspection on the store to determine the sanitary conditions of the café. Your workplace was fairly clean, although it sometimes becomes too hard to constantly follow the endless rules put into place, especially with the number of customers constantly in and out of the store.
“Make sure to always write a sticker to mark the expiration date INSTANTLY, while clearing the busy lines!”
“This coffee’s freshness expired three minutes ago, why is it still here!?”
“Don’t forget to ask the customers if they want to make their order a combo!”
On top of the never-ending rush hour, you now had to deal with a health inspector out to find the smallest mistake you could possibly make so that the café would be shut down. You couldn’t just be a good worker; you were expected to be perfect. You were merely nothing but an emotionless robot; A cog in a capitalist machine in the eyes of society.
After receiving an almost perfect score, ninety percent, you were still getting shit from your manager. “We passed, but it's not a good mark. We’re supposed to get one hundred percent every single inspection,” She grumbled under her breath.
The final thing that set you off today was the infinite number of rude customers. Whether they were busy, in a bad mood or just mean in general, you always got the worst end of their attitude. Almost every other customer was giving you degrading remarks, yelling at you, giving you glares and just plain rude in general. You didn’t know why either. You always greeted every single one of them with a bright smile and with a welcoming voice, “Hello! How could I help you today?” After all, you were only trying to do your job to the best of your ability.
After the nine torturous hours had finally passed, you finally left the café and got into your car. You locked the door and sighed, not starting the car up yet as you rested your forehead on the steering wheel, tears brimming your eyes.
With a few sniffles and the first tears cascading down your cheeks, you let out a shaky breath. Suddenly your phone starts buzzing on the passenger seat next to you. You pick it up to see who it was calling; Colby Brock. Deciding that you didn’t want him to hear you completely breaking down, you let the call go to voicemail; Only for it to be followed by a text from Colby.
Cole Bear 🧸💕 - “Hey sweetheart! I just remembered that your shift ended right now. I’m at the gym, but I’ll be home in an hour though! I love you to the moon and back!”
You sighed, your lips turning into a small frown as tears continued to escape your eyes. After the terrible day you’ve had, you just wanted to go to your shared apartment with Colby and cuddle, but now you had to wait a whole hour until you were able to see Colby. You wiped your eyes as best as you could to get rid of the blurred vision and started up your car, starting your journey back to your safe haven, the arms of your boyfriend, Colby.
After the short drive that you barely paid attention to – you were grateful that you had gotten home safe as you were zoning in and out the entire drive – You finally had reached home. You trudged through the lobby and into the elevator, tears welling up in your eyes once again. You pressed the button labelled “5” and turned around to look at your reflection.
Your hair disheveled in a falling bun, your eyes bloodshot, your uniform stained with coffee and whipped cream. You frowned, yet again as your fingers traced the dark spots under your eyes and the wrinkles on your forehead when finally, the elevator door opened and you shuffled out into the hallway and into your dark apartment.
You knew that you should shower; the stench of working the entire day was evident in the air around you and your skin felt sticky from the sweat of your hard labor. You probably should have gone straight into the shower but when you went into your bedroom, you couldn’t help but curl up into a fetal position on the bed and cry your eyes out. Every sob escaping your mouth came with a memory of how unpleasant your day had gone. Every tear serving as a reminder of another reason why your manager yelled at you, another rude customer, another reason why you’re not good enough.
In the midst of you breaking down, you didn’t hear Colby entering the house and walking down the hallway to go into the bedroom. His eyebrows furrowed at the faint sound of your weeping as concern and worry washed over his face. He slowly and quietly opened the bedroom door and peeked his head inside, the image in front of him causing his heart to break.
“Y/N? Baby!” He gasped as he pushed the door fully open and rushed to your side, sitting in front of you, rubbing your back with one hand while caressing your cheek with the other. “Shh, darling, shh. I’m here now. You’re okay. You’re going to be okay sweetheart” came out of Colby’s mouth along with other comforting words of the sort which eventually quieted your sobbing to small whimpers.
Colby brushed your tears away with his thumb and leaned down to press a loving kiss on your forehead. You slowly look up at him with blurred vision and sniffle, a confused look on your face. Colby’s heart broke into smaller pieces at the sight of your red, stuffy nose, flushed cheeks, tear streaked face and bloodshot eyes.
“I thought you weren't going to get home for another hour?” You croaked as questioned him, your throat scratchy from all the crying you had just done. Softly taking his hand in yours and squeezing tightly, you gained a small sense of comfort as your safe place – or rather, your safe person – Colby was finally here.
He offered you a soft smile, worry still evident in his eyes as he continued to caress your cheek tenderly. He placed your head on his lap and stared down intensely into your eyes. “When you didn’t text me back, I got worried and rushed home. I'm glad I did Y/N, what’s wrong darling? What’s gotten you so upset baby?” Colby replies, glad that your tears have come to a slow stop.
“Just a really rough day at work bubs” you mumble, averting your eyes from his which causes Colbys face to fall into a slight frown.
“Would you want to talk about your day, Y/N?” He offers to listen to you, pushing hair out of your face delicately and cupping your cheek with his hand.
“Not really bubs, I just want to take a shower and cuddle” You whispered, looking up at him once again, as well as offering him a small smile with a hopeful look in your eyes.
“Come on baby, let's go get you showered and cuddled” Colby beams brightly, making you quietly chuckle. Colby helped you stand up and gently placed his hand on the bottom of your back as he led you to the bathroom. You slowly started undressing out of the uncomfortable uniform and strip out of your bra that was digging into your skin throughout the day and underwear as well.
Colby, after starting up the shower, started to strip out of his clothes as well and stepped into the warm shower and offered you a bright smile, his dimples showing, “Well? What are you waiting for bubs? Come on!” He chuckles as you walk into his open arms and under the hot water.
You let out a sigh of relaxation as you wrapped your arms around Colbys torso, resting your forehead against his bare chest as the water cascaded down the both of your naked bodies, steam leaving the shower and filling the bathroom. You closed your eyes as Colby delicately rubbed your back, slowing down your heartrate even more.
All of a sudden, you jerk slightly away from Colby with a small gasp as you felt something cold coming in contact with your head. “Shit, sorry Y/N, that was just shampoo baby. It’s okay, close your eyes and relax, love” He says in a hushed voice. You followed his words and closed your eyes again, snuggling closer to his body as you felt his hands gently shampoo your hair.
After Colby had finished with the shampoo, he gently moved your two intertwined bodies so that your head was under the stream of water, washing away all the suds from your scalp as Colby places a caring kiss on your cheek.
“I love you, Cole” you mumbled, opening your eyes to look up at him, adoration clear as daylight in his eyes. He smiled, pushing a piece of your wet hair behind your ear. “I love you too, Y/N”
After all the suds in your hair had fallen with the stream of warm water which cascaded down your body, Colby got a loofah and started putting shower gel on it and bringing it to your body, gently scrubbing away the stickiness from the sweat of the earlier hours.
You hummed in response, relaxing at his movements. You slowly unwrapped your arms from around Colbys waist and grabbed the shampoo bottle, squeezing some into your hands and bringing your hands to Colbys hair as you massaged the shampoo into his scalp gently.
Your actions caused his movements to falter for a few seconds, his eyes closed as a quiet moan escapes his mouth. “That feels so good baby,” He whispered before returning to his prior actions of scrubbing your body gently.
After you both had cleaned yourselves up and turn the shower off, Colby hands you a soft and fluffy towel to dry yourself, doing the same actions as his body was dripping with water.
“Cole... thank you so much, I really appreciate it. Thank you for taking care of me” You speak with a soft tone, looking up into his perfect ocean eyes.
“Anything for you, darling. I’m always here for you whenever you’re feeling down. You could always talk to me, you know?” Colby replies back, a loving smile on his lips. His smile slightly turns into a smirk as he suddenly jolts forward and traps you into his arms, picking you up and walking back into the bedroom.
Colby plops you down onto the bed, the mattress causing you to bounce a bit as Colby gets under the covers with you. He pulls your body closer to him so that your head was laying on his bare chest.
“I wanna cuddle. I’ve always wanted to cuddle naked; I can't believe we’ve never done that before” he mumbles with a short chuckle, his grip slightly tightening around your waist and his eyes staring into yours, with a grin. Up close, you were able to see every little detail upon his perfect face. Every single freckle littered across his cheeks and nose; Every bright blue fleck in his eyes; The way his lips were so pink, full and kissable; The slight dark eyebags under his eyes; His dimples when he smiles.
Colby was perfect to you; inside and out. His actions in comforting you proving even more how perfect he is. “Of course, bubs. Once again, thank you for taking care of me. I love you so much” you replied, snuggling closer to him and pressing a chaste kiss to the tattoo on his chest.
The memories of the terrible day had faded away, being replaced with the memories of the way Colby cared for you. It was almost as if the earlier events had not occurred at all. And with his steady breathing, the movement of Colby’s chest lulling you to sleep, the soft exhales escaping his nose and the tight grasp of his arms around you, you fell asleep in the arms of the man that you were madly in love with. The man that could turn any rough day, good.
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Soul to Souls - Twenty
Warnings: Mentions of labor, fluff, some more fluff, worried!Dean, fluff...it is just a huge fluff fest
Summary: Since she was four years old, Annaleigh has seen the same boy in her dreams. For twenty-five years, she grows to love the boy that has now turned into a man. Dean Winchester just lost the only family he has ever known. The guilt drives him to work harder than ever before. He works to forget the pain, until he meets Annaleigh and she turns his world upside down. What she learns changes both of their lives forever, but what will he do when he discovers the truth? Will he accept it or run back to the only life he has ever known?
Pairing: Dean x OC Annaleigh
Word Count: 1650
Beta’d by: @amanda-teaches, @katehuntington, thank you both for being my guides! Dividers and cover art by the amazingly talented @talesmaniac89.
A/N: This was my very first series I ever wrote four years ago in September 2016 and I am so happy and proud to bring this back home. Thank you to everyone that is enjoying the story so far. You’re probably going to get a couple chapters a week, trying to wrap this up before the new series starts.
This is the very end. Thank you so much to everyone for sharing this journey with me, a second time. I hope you love this little family as much as I do!
Like Dean’s scent? Buy it here from @scentsfromthebunker!
Soul to Souls Master List
Sam arrived at the hospital the next morning with the twins in tow to meet the newest member of their family. Dean greeted his brother and his two older children. Holding their daughter, Annaleigh watched from her bed as he settled the twins into the large rocking chair in preparation to hold their baby sister. She gently transferred the baby into Dean’s arms, kissing him lightly.
“Okay, you two. You have to be gentle now. She’s really tiny, okay?” Dean spoke to them softly as he set the baby on their combined laps. “Millie, Robby, this is your new sister, Sammie. Samantha Karen Winchester.”
Dean glanced up from his children to catch his brother hastily swipe a hand across his face. “Come ‘ere.”
“I thought you didn’t do chick flick moments,” Sam scoffed, trying to conceal his emotions.
Dean pulled his brother in, hugging him tightly. “You know I love ‘em. But, don’t tell anyone, I’ll kill ya.”
“Yeah, I know,” Sam laughed, sniffling.
“Babe, I don’t want to interrupt your moment, but would you mind getting me some more ice?” Annaleigh held out the empty pitcher for him, and he grabbed it from her.
“Coming right up. Sammy, watch them, please,” Dean called out to his brother as he left the room.
Annaleigh and Sammie were discharged with a clean bill of health later that day, and she was excited to get home. She may have just given birth, but it was still her husband’s birthday. She had texted Sam as soon as Dean left to pull their vehicle around, hoping everything was ready. Her phone buzzed in her hoodie, and she pulled it out to see a text from Sam. She smiled, knowing it was going to be perfect.
“Are my girls ready to go home?” Dean smiled as he entered the hospital room.
“Yeah, we’re more than ready, Daddy.” Anna returned his smile, ensuring Sammie was strapped into her carrier, the cover ready to be zipped up to keep the frigid January wind out.
“Okay, Mama, here we go,” Dean announced, throwing his wife’s bag over his shoulder before gently picking up their newborn. Anna grabbed the diaper bag, and they headed home with their new baby.
With precious cargo in the backseat, Dean drove slower than normal. He checked on his girls frequently through the rearview mirror of the new three row sport utility vehicle. He had given up driving Baby on a regular basis when the twins were born, but when they found out they were expecting another baby, Dean insisted on a larger truck, so his family was safe and sound. He now only drove his beloved Impala on date nights with his wife.
Rolling to a stop right in front of the walk, he hurried from his seat to help Anna out of the back. “Okay, Red, take it easy.” Dean held her hand as she slipped from the captain’s seat. He quickly went to the other side to grab the carrier before helping Anna to the door.
“Hey, pretty girl,” Dean cooed, gazing down at his newborn daughter. “Welcome home.”
Annaleigh made her way through the door with Dean right behind her. He set the baby carrier down then turned back to retrieve the bags from the truck. Anna peaked around the corner of the archway to see everyone ready. She winked quickly at Sam before reaching down and releasing the straps to gently lift the Sammie into her arms. She joined the rest of the family in the kitchen to wait for her husband.
They heard Dean’s heavy footfalls on the porch before the door opened once more. “Red? Where’d you go?” He removed his boots and walked around the corner into the kitchen to find his family.
“Happy birthday!” The extended Winchester clan exclaimed, catching Dean by surprise.
His eyes slowly scanned the room, taking in the faces of his family. His incredible wife and their new daughter, standing with their almost four year twins. The smiling face of his brother, his arm around their neighbor, Jody. Bobby, his surrogate father, and Castiel, the angel who raised him from perdition. Dean felt his eyes well up, finally allowing himself to let out the overwhelming flow of emotions he had experienced in the last twenty-four hours.
From the apprehension when Annaleigh went into labor, to the fear that something would go wrong during the birth, to the joy and relief when Sammie finally took her first breath. To have his family, the people most important to him on the planet, in one room, meant more to him than he could possibly express in words. He didn’t even know if the words existed for what he was feeling.
Anna passed the baby to Jody, before rushing to Dean and engulfing him in her arms for the first time since before their daughter was born. “Happy birthday, Baby.”
Dean let the tears flow freely as he held tight to his wife. “I love you, Red. Thank you so much for this.”
“Daddy! Daddy!” Millie and Robby ran over to Dean, each holding a gift for their dad.
Dean lowered himself to wrap his arms around his children, bringing them both into a bear hug. When he released them, he took their proffered gifts, holding onto them to open later.
“Happy birthday, brother.” Sam engulfed his brother in a warm embrace, like so many they had shared before.
“Thanks, Sammy.” Dean clapped his brother on the back before letting go. He exchanged quick hugs with Cas and Bobby, before reaching Jody.
“Thank you for being here for my family,” he expressed his gratitude and lightly kissed her cheek. “And, you’re good for my brother. I’m happy for you two.”
Jody smiled, a blush creeping up her cheeks as she glanced over at Sam, holding his new niece, looking happier than he had been in years. “Thank you, Dean. I’m happy, too.”
“Daddy, open your pwesents!” Robby hollered, shaking them in front of him.
Dean took the less than subtle hint from his son and sat down at the table. “Which one should I open first?” He looked between his two oldest children, a smirk on his face.
“Mine!” They yelled out together.
“No mine.” Millie shoved her gift out.
“No, Millie. I said mine!” Robby protested.
“Hey, hey. Calm down, both of you,” Annaleigh broke up the potential fight before it could really get started. “Your sister is sleeping, and it’s Daddy’s birthday. This is not how you act, is it?”
“No, Mama. I’m sorry,” Millie murmured.
“I’m sorry, Mama,” Robby echoed.
“Okay, now please have some patience. Daddy will open them when it is time for presents, okay?”
“Yes, Mama,” they replied in unison.
“Well dinner is ready to be served, if anyone is hungry,” Jody announced to the family.
“Yes! I’m freaking starving!” Dean exclaimed, the group laughing, because when wasn’t Dean hungry?
“I’m going to put the baby down,” Annaleigh said, taking her from Sam’s arms.
“I’ll come with you,” Dean said. “We’ll be back soon.”
They climbed the stairs hand in hand. Thankfully, Sam and Jody had moved the bassinet and baby monitor to their bedroom. Annaleigh gingerly laid Sammie down on her back, swaddled tightly. She was already asleep, and they held their collective breath, hoping she would stay that way for at least an hour or two. After a few minutes, they closed the door and headed back to the kitchen for dinner, baby monitor in hand.
The mood in the kitchen was jovial. The Winchesters had much to celebrate that night, not just Dean’s birthday, but the birth of another child, a healthy family, and good friends. Watching his family, Dean decided he couldn’t be happier than he was at that moment.
“Is it time for pwesents now?” Robby groaned.
“Yeah, buddy, it is,” Dean laughed. He closed his eyes and blindly reached for the pile of presents. He opened his eyes and started tearing into the paper to reveal a picture of him and Millie, inside a frame that read “Daddy’s Number One Girl”.
Millie threw herself into Dean’s arms. “I love you, Daddy. Happy birthday.”
“Thank you, baby girl. I love you, too.”
“Okay, Robby, your turn.” Dean opened the second present on the table, and was again met with a picture of himself, this time with his son, under the hood of the Impala, both of them smiling ear to ear, with grease on their faces. The frame read “Mechanic in Training”.
“Buddy, thank you. I love this, so much. I know you’re going to take good care of Baby someday.”
“Love you, too, Daddy. I pwomise I will.” Robby wrapped his arms around Dean’s neck.
“Thank you guys so much for being here.” Dean smiled, filled with emotion, meeting each of their eyes as he looked around the room.
“Babe, there is one more,” Annaleigh came up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist, a present in her left hand.
“Red, you gave me a baby for my birthday, what else could you possibly give me that I don’t already have?”
“Just open it, dude,” Sam demanded. He was sitting across from Dean, Jody pulled into his side.
Dean carefully pulled back the paper. Inside he found another picture, this one of all three of his children. The frame read Daddy’s Little Angels. He sniffed slightly, a tear rolling down his cheek. “When did you take this?”
“Sam took it this morning when you went to get me more ice chips,” Annaleigh told him.
Dean collected himself for a moment, breathing deeply. “I don’t know what to say.”
At that moment, Dean knew his happiness knew no limits. He knew each day would be different, and there would be good days, bad days, and great days. But, his happiness would grow by leaps and bounds, just like his love for his family.
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Soul to Souls tags: @emoryhemsworth @flamencodiva @iwantthedean @jensengirl83 @deanwanddamons @smol-and-grumpy @kbl1313 @waywardbeanie @whatareyousearchingfordean @princessmisery666 @shy-violet-soul @lastcallatrockysbar @winchesterxfamilybusiness @fangirlxwritesx67 @squirrelnotsam @michellethetvaddict @magssteenkamp @wonder-cole
#dean x annaleigh#dean winchester x ofc#dean x ofc#dean winchester fluff#dean winchester angst#dean winchester smut
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Unexpecting: Part 3 (an Olicity fic)
A/N: This is the third and final part of the Unexpecting verse. Big thanks to @ham4arrow for reminding me it still needed an ending! I hope you enjoy it!
“Look at you two,” the obnoxiously cheerful, and equally obnoxiously skinny, Lamaze coach crooned as Oliver helped Felicity to her feet.
How dare she be so… so… energized when Felicity felt like she needed to take an eighteen hour nap? Taking a deep breath, she forced a smile, telling herself it wasn’t this bubbly brunette's fault that she felt exhausted whale all the time. It was just the miracle of birth.
And what a miracle it was. This baby had a habit of kicking her in the bladder until she peed herself.
“A power couple even in Lamaze class,” the coach finished with a brilliant smile.
She felt Oliver stiffen slightly where he was still holding her elbow for support, which caused her to open her big, stupid mouth.
“Oh, we’re not a couple. Nope, just friends. Friends and co-parents. Yup.”
Oliver twitched beside her, clearing his throat, and effectively ending her mini-babble.
The woman, Miss Jane as she’d asked to be called like she was teaching kindergarten instead of Lamaze, looked between them for a moment before smiling again, though it looked a little more awkward this time around. “Well, I’m sure you guys will be great at it. I hope you’ll bring Baby back to visit once they're born!”
Felicity gave her a polite, tight lipped smile. She was ready to go home, have something to eat, and relax on the couch for a while. She’d been on her feet at work all day and then this class… She was beyond ready to call it a day.
Of course Oliver, being Oliver, smiled brightly at the woman. “Of course! Can’t believe it’s almost time.”
Miss Jane smiled back at him, and the look in her eye made Felicity clench her jaw.
“From what I can tell,” Miss Jane said, reaching out to touch Oliver’s wrist, “you’re going to be a great father. And I can’t wait to meet this little guy.” She gestured to Felicity’s stomach without looking away from Oliver. “I bet he’s going to be just as handsome as his Daddy.”
“We haven’t actually found out the sex yet—“
“Oliver,” Felicity interrupted sharply, “I’m hungry.”
“Oh.” He turned to look at her and she graced him with a, hopefully, innocent smile. “Alright. Well, thank you,” he said, turning back to Miss Jane. “It was a great class.”
Without another word, Felicity looped her arm through Oliver’s and tugged him out of the classroom.
“You’re making a big deal out of nothing. She was just being nice.”
Felicity gaped at him as he opened the car door for her. “A big deal—Oliver, she was batting her eyes at you.”
“It was harmless flirting. Besides you’re the one who told her we weren’t together.”
“We aren’t together!”
“I know that, but we’re not not together.”
“That’s…” Felicity flailed her hands frustratedly by her sides. “I only said that because you got weird when she called us a power couple.”
“I didn’t get weird,” he argued.
“You froze!”
“Because I knew you were about to get weird. You always do whenever anybody brings up our relationship.”
“Well, it’s complicated! And no one’s business.”
Oliver softened, reaching out to give her shoulder a gentle squeeze. “I know that. And I’m not interested in Miss Jane, just so you’re aware. I’m already very much in love with the beautiful, tech goddess who’s having my baby.”
He could be so sweet sometimes. It always made her want to forgive all the stupid things he’d done.
They’d discussed it, the mistakes he’d made—mistakes they’d both made—and she knew he hadn’t acted maliciously when he’d kept his son a secret from her. He’d explained, to the best of his ability, that he’d been scared. Scared of messing things up, scared he wouldn’t be a good father, that he didn’t deserve to be. Oliver believing he didn’t deserve good things wasn’t exactly news to Felicity, but it did go to show her that she’d been deluding herself these past months. It was just that he was so perfect most of the time and then he… wasn’t. It scared her for awhile, until she’d realized she may have been projecting some of her abandonment issues into him. Oliver wasn’t her father, and even though keeping secrets from her wasn’t ideal he only did it because he—foolishly—thought it was the right thing to do. They’d had a long talk about that and come to an agreement about what it all meant for their relationship.
It had gone better than she’d hoped it would.
Still, she wasn’t sure it was time to change their relationship status from it’s complicated to... something else. Not with this baby getting ready to pop out of her and her feeling over emotional all the time and exhausted. So, so exhausted. But soon. After the baby was—
A gush of water rushed down her legs, soaking her leggings.
“—we’re going to have to come to a decision about this sometime,” Oliver was saying as she glanced up at him in panic.
“I know, I know. I’m not rushing you—“
Finally, he looked at her, his eyes going wide as he noticed her look of pure panic. “What’s wrong?”
“I… I think my water just broke.”
It took Oliver maybe five minutes to drive her from their Lamaze class to the hospital. It took almost an hour after that before she was comfortably settled in a private room.
Well, maybe not comfortably…
“Just breathe, baby,” Oliver muttered from beside her bed.
As if it were that easy.
She could kill him. She really could.
“We are never having sex again!” she roared through a contraction.
The nurse, a grey haired woman, snorted from where she was writing something on Felicity’s chart. “Don’t worry. They all say that.” She glanced up and gave Felicity a warm smile. “Dr. Cochran is just cleaning up. She’ll be in in a few minutes to check on you.”
Felicity took a deep breath, trying to relax as the contraction passed. The nurse left, leaving her with a guilty looking Oliver.
“Are you alright?” he asked softly, and suddenly she felt awful.
“Yeah. It just sucks, that’s all. I’m sorry.”
Oliver reached out, brushing her sweaty hair off her forehead. “I’m sorry it hurts. I’d do anything to take the pain away. Are you sure you don’t want the drugs—“
“No.” She shook her head. “I can do it without them.”
He brushed a hand over her hair again, smiling sweetly. “I know you can. You’re the strongest person I know.”
Tears caught in her eyelashes and she sniffled. “I love you.”
It was the first time she’d said that in… awhile. She watched the words hit him like a ton of bricks before he shot her a watery smile.
“I love you, too.”
He leaned in to chastely brush his lips against hers, but she pulled him in, needing more than just a fleeting kiss. She needed all of him. Needed to know he was hers and that he always would be. He responded eagerly, as if he needed her just as much.
They only pulled away when another contraction hit her. He coached her through it, just like they’d learned in Lamaze class. He held her hand and she squeezed his back so tightly that he, the Green Arrow himself, actually winced at her vice-like grip.
“Oliver?” she panted as soon as the contraction ended. “Marry me?”
His mouth fell open and he gaped at her for a long moment, before a startled laugh ripped from his throat. “Yes,” he wheezed, grinning down at her. “Whenever you want.”
“How ‘bout right now?”
“Now… what?”
"Call me sentimental,” she said with a shrug, “but I just really want to be married to you before this baby is born."
And she knew what he was thinking. That she was letting her emotions get the best of her. That the pain was making her crazy. And maybe it was. But if she knew anything at all it was that she wanted to be married to this man for the rest of her life.
"This baby… It won't fix us. I know that. So we'll just have to do it ourselves. I mean, we already have been. And I know we'll have more problems, we'll fight, but… You're the best friend I've ever had, Oliver, and the love of my life and if I'm going to spend the rest of that life with anyone it’s going to be you. It's the only thing that makes sense. So will you marry me?"
No doubt. No hesitation. Just a simple yes and a blinding smile that she was sure she’d remember for the rest of her life.
He leaned down to kiss her again, but before she could get lost in the feeling of his lips against hers, a familiar voice greeted them.
“Sorry to interrupt, but I heard you two were about to have a baby.”
Felicity broke away from Oliver to see her OBGYN standing in the doorway with a smile on her face. Dr. Cochran was a lovely woman, only a few years older than her, but she had an incredibly calming effect on Felicity whenever they spoke. It was one of the reasons she’d gone with the young doctor in the first place.
Dr. Cochran quickly examined Felicity, making sure everything looked good, and announcing that it wouldn’t be much longer. That was both a relief—because her mother had never let an opportunity pass to remind her of how she’d been in labor for thirteen hours and in contrast an hour and a half labor seemed like a gift—and terrifying. Was she ready for this baby? Was she ready to be someone’s mother? And she’d just asked Oliver to marry her. They wouldn’t have enough time now…
“Does this place have, like, a rabbi or a priest or something?”
Dr. Cochran paused, clearly not expecting the question. “The hospital has a chaplain, yes.”
“Good, good. Can you get them up here, please?”
The doctor glanced between her and Oliver, nodding her head. “Of course.”
“Felicity?” Oliver asked as soon as they were alone again.
“Marry me,” she said again, causing Oliver to laugh, though it was more amused than startled this time.
“I think I already answered that question,” he teased.
“Is this crazy?” She was pretty sure it was nuts, but…
“Yes. But I’m in if you are.”
And that was all the answer she needed.
The chaplain, it turned out, was with another patient, and wasn’t able to get to them for another twenty minutes.
Twenty minutes of pure torture as her contractions came closer and closer together. Dr. Cochran had come back into the room wearing gloves and a face mask, like she was fully prepared to deliver the baby right then, but Felicity was holding out.
“Felicity,” the doctor said, “you need to start pushing.”
“No! Not yet. I’m not ready yet.”
Oliver held her hand, his thumb brushing gently over her knuckles. “Honey...”
“Felicity, this baby doesn’t care if you’re ready. It wants out.”
Just then there was a knock at the door and Felicity turned to see a young man with curly brown hair standing in the doorway. He wore a button down shirt and slacks, a white collar around his neck like you see on priests in movies.
“Someone called for a chaplain?” he asked, taking in the scene before him with wide eyes.
“Oh, thank god.” She sighed in relief. “Come in.”
Following her lead, Oliver turned to the priest. "Will you marry me and my... my fiancé? She's pregnant."
“I noticed that,” the man said, then shook his head. “Do you have a license? It won’t be legal if you don’t—“
“Doesn’t matter!” Felicity said through gritted teeth as she tried to breathe through another contraction.
“We’ll take care of that later,” Oliver assured him.
“Alright, guess we should make it quick then.” He started to say a prayer Felicity had never heard before, but was quickly interrupted by Dr. Cochran.
“Sorry, Father, but you’re going to have to be a little quicker than that.”
The chaplain looked flustered for a moment, but quickly regained his composure, turning toward Oliver. “Do you…?”
“Oliver!” Felicity supplied.
“Do you, Oliver, take…?”
Felicity was too busy trying to control her breathing to respond, so Oliver replied with a soft, “Felicity.”
“Do you take Felicity as your lawful wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"
“I do.”
Tears streamed down Felicity’s face and only some of them were from the pain of childbirth.
“Felicity?” the chaplain started, cautiously. “Do you take Oliver as your—“
Another contraction hit her so hard that she had to start pushing. And it hurt. Dear god, it hurt. But Dr. Cochran was there, along with a few nurses, quietly and calmly cheering her on.
“Felicity,” Oliver breathed in amazement, brushing her hair out of her face.
“Yes! Yes!” She gritted out. “I do!”
“Come on, Felicity!” Dr. Cochran encouraged. “Another big push.”
She could barely concentrate enough to hear the chaplain pronounce them husband and wife, but she felt Oliver bury his face in her hair. She heard him whispering, “I love you,” over and over again.
She heard their baby cry as she finally came into the world.
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Oneus Mafia Reaction to Seeing You After 8 Months in Jail
Requested by @jeongguk-kookie. Hope you enjoy it! and sorry it took so long ;-; There’s only a tiny hint of angst in Xion’s, but only if you squint.
Masterlist Oneus Masterlist
8 months. 8 months since you’ve seen your boyfriend outside a visiting cell. 8 months since you’ve been able to hold him and patch his wounds up from his heists. 8 months you’ve been able to think and decide what it was you wanted to tell him most. 8 months of the torture of being by yourself in the large mansion trying to keep the group together without him. Lucky for you, the team knew you and respected you. Who wouldn’t? You were their boss’ S/O, his other half; Y/L/N Y/N, the badass with a silver tongue.
So when you got the call from the jail that your boyfriend was being released today, you didn’t even need to think twice about grabbing your leather jacket off the coat rack with a hasty, “be back later douches!” thrown over your shoulder before your high heeled combat boots thunked out the door.
You couldn’t help feeling the happiness in your chest and butterflies in your stomach when you saw the familiar silhouette step out of the jailhouse. He had his own leather jacket slung over his shoulder as a police officer escorted him toward the black car you were stood in front of. “Keep him out of trouble Y/N. You’re the only good thing this criminal has.” The officer scowled, shoving your boyfriend’s shoulder just slightly so he’d stumble over to you. You just faked a smile toward the officer and nodded your head. “Of course Sir! See you at the next party!” You replied happily, waving at the guy as he walked off with a small shake of the head. Ravn immediately sat in the car and waited for you to start it and take him home. “Babe, I missed you so much.” He mumbled tiredly, his eyes closing the moment you turned the car on and let the engine’s rumbles lull him into a trance like sleep. All you could do was run a hand through his hair as you sped out of the jail parking lot to take him home, keeping him asleep with your fingers lightly scratching and massaging his scalp. He must’ve been so tired from trying to work the business behind bars while faking good behavior. You knew he was going to be in for a huge surprise when he got back to see just how much had happened while he was behind bars. You couldn’t wait to tell him the news you’d thought over as he was gone though, so you stopped the car in a deserted parking lot next to a public park that you knew only a couple of people would visit at this time of day. You gently shook his shoulder and hummed softly, hoping to wake him up the quietest and gentlest he’d probably been woken up in months. “Baby, there’s something I need to tell you first before we get back to the mansion.” You whispered softly, kissing his cheek as he fluttered his eyes open. He stared at you expectantly with no words in case he said something he didn’t mean. So you took a breath and stared him in the eyes. “I would be more than happy to run the business with you. While you were in there, I ended up taking over some of the decisions for you which I thought might help us gain more leverage, and I think it worked. Also the boys are more than happy listening to what I need to tell them, I kind of enjoy the power.” You grinned happily. He took a moment or two to understand what you’d said, and then took you into his arms, hugging you tight with a laugh in relief. “I knew you had it in you Love. Looks like it’s time to take back what’s supposed to be ours.” He purred before taking your lips into a long awaited kiss which left you begging for more of him. You fought back the urge to whine at him as your hands tangle in his hair, trying to get yourself closer to him while still staying in your seat. He just ended up wrapping an arm around your waist and hauling you over the console and into his lap, mouth attaching to your neck with a satisfied groan escaping him. Needless to say, you both didn’t get back to the mansion until the wee hours of the night. And he loved every minute the two of you got lost in each other, 8 months was a long time to think about creative things to do.
You’d immediately brought him up to rest after a small chat with the officers who released him, both asking you to keep him out of trouble for a while. It honestly made you laugh just remembering how serious they were about you keeping him out of trouble while you both got to the black Cadillac waiting for you. He was quiet while you drove the two of you home, and he was just staring at your face with a happy look. “When we get home can we cuddle?” He whined, hearing your twinkling laugh as you parked the car. You leaned in to kiss him and then nodded your head. “I’ll cuddle with you after the meeting. The boys don’t know your home yet and I want to keep it a secret for as long as possible.” You replied softly before you both went in opposite directions; you to the meeting, and him to bed.
You were in the middle of a meeting set up to start another heist, trying your best to match the plans to ones you’d read through in your boyfriend’s study many times before. In fact, Ravn had even made note to you that “it’s a lot like Seoho’s, he’d be impressed in the detail.” You tried pushing the pride you felt down to your stomach as you explained what each guy needed to do to make the plan work well. “Ravn you know your role the best, wanna help me out?” You’d ask, trying so hard to keep the tired look off your face once the meeting finished. The second in command rushed to your side once it was just the two of you in the meeting hall and held onto your forearm as you all but fell into the chair next to the small bookcase. “Y/N you need to take a break. You haven’t rested properly since-” “I know Oppa, but I can’t let this group fall because their leader isn’t here. I promised him, and you.” He left you alone after that when he realized you weren’t going to listen to what else he had to say, and made sure to keep the rest of the group out from bothering you. You were even about to fall asleep in the chair do to how quiet it was for the first time in months, until the familiar whooing and hollering of your boys startled you awake. “HYUNG YOU’RE BACK! When did you return?! Did Y/N-Noona grab you?! Is that why she ran out of here so fast?! NOONA!” You heard shouts for you. Someone started whining as soon as you opened the door, and you looked at them all in surprise. Ravn had his fist above someone’s head, and the person he’d hit was rubbing his head while whining. “Noona!” He yelped, running over to you and hiding behind you for protection. You just smiled and shook your head. “Welcome back Love. Somehow I have adopted children while you were gone....” You grumbled with a roll of your eyes, everyone hearing the joking tone in your voice as you affectionately pet the younger boy’s head still hiding behind you. Seoho was only able to smile at the scene before him as you bonded with his family and crew. “This is the best day ever.” He sighed out finally.
When he saw the large bulge of your stomach as you impatiently waited for him out where you were told to, he was a little shocked to say the least. “B-Babe? What happened?” He asked tentatively, wanting to hug you but not wanting to set you off or hurt you somehow. You glared at him and huffed out a breath. “You happened you damn horny ass son of a-” You were about to say even more until his large hand wrapped around your mouth and he pressed your body against his, his face sliding into your neck and hiding in your hair. You were surprised enough to stop talking so he was able to remove his hand from your mouth and pull you body as close to him as possible. “I love you so much. I missed you.” He whispered, knowing full well just those words alone would make you melt against him. You sighed and buried your head in his neck, sniffling softly until you were full blown sobbing in the parking lot. “I m-missed you so-so much!” You wailed, gripping his shirt in your hands so tight, he wouldn’t have been able to pry you off even with his gentle whispering. He held you and stroked your hair as you continued crying for a few more minutes until you were only able to quietly hiccup a couple of times. “I think we should go home so you can rest. Someone looks extremely tired.” He said with a tiny smile that you returned with a glare. Instead of driving the two of you home like you had planned, Leedo ended up taking the keys out of your hand and guided you to the passenger seat where he helped you climb into the seat. He then helped you buckle yourself up and kissed your forehead and nose in affection, chuckling a little as you flailed your hand at him in response. “I need chocolate and cuddles!” You cried out, crossing your arms over your chest like a child. He laughed at your behavior and closed the passenger door so he could rush over to his side, where he jumped in the seat and immediately drove out to the store for your chocolate and whatever else you might want. He didn’t really think about how much you’d want though, what with your....predicament. “Love, can you tell me what happened while I was away?” He asked finally with a tiny frown as you looked down the baby aisles with tears in your eyes. You finally looked at him and tilted your head. “Oh....well I mean...I found out just after they incarcerated you...and I’m due any day now...and OH....m-maybe nooooo-oww Oh god!” You screeched softly in surprise as your water decided to break at this perfect moment in time. All Leedo could do was stare at you wide eyed as you went into labor with what he knew to be his child. Holy Hell.
You’d waited for him patiently in the car as they were giving him all his clothes and most of his property back. Unfortunately there were a couple things they’d ended up keeping so he wouldn’t be able to have it anymore (which you had decided you’d get him another one no matter what it was) and then handed him something else. The grin on his face was enough to put you at ease as he jumped into the passenger seat and crawled over the middle console to hug and kiss you. “God I missed you so much.” He mumbled across your lips, cupping your cheek in his hand gently. You smiled and kissed his nose, earning a confused sound to escape him. Only when you two were together could you act like the young and in-love couple that you really are. It was definitely hard being together when he had a group to run and you were acting as a double agent to get him intel. That was one of the reasons you were hiding in the car while waiting for him; no one outside the team knew of your relationship. That was why he was so happy to see you in that moment, waiting for him in the car unlike what he was expecting. All you could do in the moment was try your best to hug him and kiss his cheek. “I missed you too. I hate having to hide from everyone.” You muttered softly against his cheek, nuzzling it with your nose for a moment before you leaned back into the driver’s seat to take you both home. Without so much as an explanation to the guys once you made it back, you immediately made it to the bedroom where you changed out of your clothes and into your comfortable loungewear, sighing in content with a smile once you heard the celebratory shouts of the boys most likely surrounding your boyfriend. “You’re back! Did Noona grab you? How was it? Did anyone catch you two? Are you going to tell everyone about her now?” You heard many different questions toward Keonhee who wasn’t answering a single thing. You frowned a little as you heard him mumbling something just low enough you couldn’t understand. Damn that monotone voice. You debated on walking out to where they all were, ignoring the fact you were in your loungewear just so you could hear what was being said! “I need to go be with her now. We’ll talk tomorrow, okay?” You heard him say finally, almost as if he read your mind about walking out of the bedroom. Instead of meeting him on the bed like you initially planned, you instead sat down in the chair by the window, looking out at the street in front of you with a small frown. ‘Do I want everyone to know I’m dating him? What will happen to us when everyone finds out? Will I lose what my life is like now?’ You wondered to yourself before arms encased your frame and the familiar lips attached themselves to your neck like you were used to feeling for so long. You let out a sigh and smiled a little as his arms tightened around you. “Don’t listen to them. You don’t have to tell anyone if you don’t want to. It’s okay.” He mumbled, knowing exactly what you were thinking about somehow. Looks like 8 months away from each other didn’t let him forget anything about your thought patterns. You shook your head though, letting out the smallest of sighs before you turned to him seriously. “I’m tired of hiding this. I hate having to hid the fact we’re together. I hate my family constantly wondering if I'll ever find someone. And I hate that no one takes me seriously outside of this mansion when I tell them I know people who will fuck them up. Honestly, I want the world to know we’re together, and that we’ll fuck with anyone who fucks with us first.” You replied, biting your lip once you stopped talking because, holy fuck you said that out loud wow... He just smiled at you and kissed the top of your head. “If you want the world to know about us, then alright. Let’s light shit up.” He grinned, snapping his fingers which earned a giggle from you.
You were on the phone with the second in command, Ravn-who was not very happy with your plan-as you waited for your boyfriend to walk out to you. Instead of looking pissed off like you thought he would, he just grinned at you and all but ran up to you in excitement. He did stop in front of you and pick you up though, earning a squeal of surprise from you at the sudden weightless feeling as he carried you around to the passenger side. “Ravn can we talk about this later? I’m just now picking up Hwanwoong.” You told him, fighting back a smile as your boyfriend kissed along your neck and jawline hungrily. You heard the laugh and agreement in his voice before the two of you hung up; so he could get the mansion together for your arrival, and so you could finally kiss the love of your life after 8 months of being unable to. “God I missed your skin.” He groaned, sliding his hands around your waist as his lips gently grazed a trail down your neck and collarbones. Your head fell back in bliss as your arms wrapped around his shoulders, fingers playing with the hem of his shirt. “I missed your touch.” You practically purred when he hit your favorite spot, marking it up like there was no tomorrow. You were about ready to kiss him when you heard shouting from the jailhouse. Something about public indecency and if you didn’t leave the property you’d both be fined or whatever. He chuckled at your annoyed expression and opened the passenger door for you, holding a hand out as you climbed into the vehicle. “Let’s go home.” He smiled at you, kissing your knuckles as you just stared at him longingly, watching him as he then closed the door and rushed to the driver’s side. Lucky for you, the mansion was only 10 minutes away, and you were able to somehow lean across the console to attach your mouth to his neck, leaving welts and light bite marks across one side. You fought back your moans at seeing the marks you’d made and just smiled happily, the chance to have these moments with him extremely rare since he had to run his operations almost 24/7. “By the way, Ravn says he has some good news for us when we get home.” You said quietly, kissing his cheek before sitting back down in your seat to look out the window, changing the tension in the car almost a complete 180. He stared out the window before glancing at you a couple different times, wondering if he’d heard you right, and asking himself what happened to you in the 8 months you’ve been separated from each other. By the time he thought it though, he realized he’d parked the car in the familiar garage and was staring at you longingly, seeing the difference the separation made in you. “Hey, what’s on your mind/” He asked softly, a hand running through your hair soothingly and grasping at your neck for you to stare at him. You looked over at him and bit your lip as you debated on telling him the news, or waiting for Ravn to tell him. He opened his mouth to as you again when someone’s knuckles rapped on the window of the driver’s side. “You’re back! Welcome home!” Ravn shouted before Hwanwoong even rolled down the window. You stepped out of the car and slowly walked over to the side where the boys were at, resting your right side against the back door while Hwanwoong finally stepped out of the car and closed it to lean on it beside you. You wrapped your hand around his and leaned your head on the vehicle as Ravn just grinned at the guy next to you. “So, we found out who put you in there.” He started, not at all surprised when the light sparked in your boyfriend’s eyes. You weren’t at all surprised when he took you into his arms and kissed you long and hard, celebrating the thought of finding the person who locked him up for 8 months. “Time to go catch a snitch.” He roared, getting the attention of the rest of the boys in the mansion.
You didn’t even make it to the car when someone was shouting for you to get back inside the mansion. Wide eyed, you looked to where the shouting was coming from to see familiar red hair darting through trees and bushes in hopes of getting to you faster. “Y/N! GET IN THE HOUSE!” Xion’s voice boomed to you, eliciting a small yelp from you as you both made it back into the bullet proof glass doors just in the nick of time. You cowered in his arms for a moment, wondering why you couldn’t hear the sounds of bullets hitting the glass until his chuckles came through your ears. “Missed you too Baby.” He mumbled, stroking your hair. You tried your best to understand the situation, questioning if you heard him right, or if you were truly in his arms. “X-Xion is....is it really you?” You stuttered out staring at him with the same wide eyes you had when you were outside just moments ago. He pulled you closer to him, your head resting in the crook of his neck as your arms wrapped around his waist. The fact you were shaking in his grip seemed to bring him out of his moment of happiness though, since he backed away from you and gently stroked a hand down your face until it was cupping your neck and jawline. “Hey, you okay? Baby I didn't mean to scare you...I’m sorry.” He murmured, resting his forehead against yours. You could only stare at him with the same stare as before, wide eyed and terrified. “Y-You’re here. Why-why aren’t you at the jailhouse? Wh-what-” You tried getting out, only for him to shush you and pull you into his chest. “Don’t worry about it. I’m here now. There’s nothing wrong. I was only making a joke to get you in here so I could hold you like this. I didn’t mean for you to get so scared.” He sighed, rocking your frame side to side gently. You sniffled softly but couldn’t stop the giggling from escaping you. “Come on now, you think I’m that easily frightened?” You grinned, kissing his cheek before you ran off to another room. You could hear his mumbling as he chased after you, ignoring the surprised looks from the others as you both ran past like bats out of hell. “Well he’s back. Damn haven’t seen her this happy in quite a while.” You heard them mumble to each other before you disappeared. You were about to hide out in your favorite room when his arms snaked around you and brought you into his chest, breath hot on your ear. “Bet you don’t know this?” He asked you, making you tilt your head in confusion. “I love you.” You smiled at that. “I love you too you dork.”
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Rose the Hat x Teen! Daughter Reader
A/N: @merci-bitch Hi love! This is Jen's request. I hope she/you enjoy it. I'm sorry it took so long to write but I wrote way more than I thought I was going to end up with and I preferred everyone had quality over just another fic to look at. This gets really angsty and sad at times, way more than I planned so hope that's okay.
I highly recommend reading this one in one sitting because if you read part 2 in broken pieces, it might get a little confusing with how trippy it is at one point. Ik you're probably like, trippy? Wtf? This is a hurt/comfort fic with a little angst. It'll make sense one you read it. Trust me. It goes with the backstory/plot. Anyways, I hope all is well with everyone and love you guys :) I have 2 other imagines I'm still working on that should be up soon hopefully.
Warnings: Mentions of miscarriage, child death, violence, violence against children
Pt. 1
Rose the Hat could say she was a lot of things in the 700 years she had been alive but for most of that time, a mother was not one of them.
She tried to be. She really did. The first time she felt a life blooming inside her was nearly two years before she was turned way back in the early 14th century when she was still known by her rube name Rose O'Hara.
Her life was a mystery to everyone including herself. Though her relationship with her mother was short lived, Rose could distinctly remember the woman got around.
Rose got around as well. She didn't know who the child's father was when she found out she was pregnant but nevertheless, she loved the baby. She savoured each kick to felt to her hand she felt as she slept in her cold and torrid room above the local pub. The place permeated with alcohol and foreign tobacco but Rose didn't mind. She had a feeling she wasn't exactly going to be there much longer anyway. Something good was going to come her way in the future and she hoped her baby was going to be a part of it but that wasn't meant to be.
It was a pleasant pregnancy but the labor did not go smooth. There was blood. Too much to mean any good.
She felt the loss of life before she was even told by one of the women she shared her room with that "the lord works in mysterious ways." It would of been a girl, probably special like her too but that chance she had at normality or a chance to feel not as lonely was gone. Rose wasn't the same after that. She became more bitter, more cynical until Grampa Flick found her that day fateful in the streets of some market place that had long since changed names and purpose.
Rose fit in well with The True Knot and it didn't take her long to rise through the rank. She felt a sense of normality and complete for the first time in a while. All the previous pain she felt had been buried and she felt like she could breathe again.
Then she met Crow. Someone who she loved all the more for how special he was. When he first brought up the idea of children to her she was hesitant. The whole knot had been hesitant.
It was possible Grampa Flick had told them, but not likely they'd be able to have a child. They both tried for over 100 years. The two came close on one occasion to almost having the child make it but as expected, they failed.
It was a never ending cycle of joy turned to pain every time they tried again from the first kick to the question Rose seemed to always have on what would of been.
Crow was near at his wits end from the repeated pains of mourning when in the very early 2000s, the pregnancy test Rose always seemed to have in her trailer read pink.
It was not a surprise, as they had no problem making children, it was just the delivery that was the hard part. For the time in a while, Rose felt a strand of hope. Something about this time felt right to her. This one was powerful and horribly strong though Crow refused to get his hopes up.
"If it doesn't work this time," Crow started carefully as he laid next to her in bed one night holding them close to his body. "This is our last time trying."
Rose felt a strain of bitterness inside her. "The fuck did you just say?" She reiterated. "This is the last time, Rosie." She made a face and narrowed her eyes. "Did I say this is our last time trying?"
"For fuck sakes Rosie, we can't keep doing this to ourselves. This pain of trying and trying and no matter what getting the same end result. I'm telling you, don't get too hopeful yet. You know how it ends every single time. Why do you keep-"
"The question should be why do you keep doing it? I would of been perfectly fine to not have another. You're the one who said you wanted to have-"
"And you were the one who agreed and jumped on board right away." Rose rolled her eyes and elbowed him. "Oww!"
"You're acting like a child! Like you said before, don't get your hopes up. I'm telling you. Something great is coming this time. I can feel it." Crow sighed and shook. "If you say so, Rosie.." He was still skeptical though for the remaining months, cherishing every kick and little burst of energy he felt radiating off of Rose until she proved herself right.
The labor had been slow and painful this time but unlike all the other times, she didn't feel herself trying to pry back at the energy fading from her so fastly. The energy remained strong and she could feel her power booming. She had high hopes this one was going to be the one.
The grounds around the campsite they were staying at shook as she dealt with the hard task of delivering this time around. Once it ended there was dead silence for a moment and earth went back to its natural state.
In the midst of her pain, the sound of a cry in the distance rung in her ear and tears started flowing down her cheeks. "Would it of been a daughter or a son?" She rasped, staring up at the ceiling and still out of it. Then the more she listened she realized it wasn't Crow crying this time. It sounded faint, like a baby.
She turned her gaze to the foot of her bed and bit down on her lip as she seen Crow softly weeping as he cradled a pink bundle close to his chest. "Our blessed angel..it's a girl. Ten fingers, ten toes, and a good set of lungs."
Rose let out a sob. Nearly 150 years of taking blows back to back and they finally had the living child they always wanted. She held her arms out. "Let me see her." Crow handed you over to Rose being so gentle it was as if he was afraid he would break you.
Rose moved you close to her chest, making sure you got skin to skin contact with her. "Well, hi there angel. I'm your mommy." You let out a cry and Rose began to nurse you. "Shhh..it's okay my darling. Mommy and daddy's got you."
Your fussing began to subside and you curled your little body up into Rose's chest. Crow smiled with tears in his eyes and slipped next to Rose in her bed, running his one finger up and down your back.
You were so precious to them. "What are we naming her?" Rose thought about it for a moment and kissed the top of your head. "What about, Y/n?"
"Y/n..I like it. It suits her." Rose grinned and caressed your cheeks. "Welcome to the family, my Y/n.."
It took a while for The True Knot to get used to having a child around but once they did, they enjoyed you and you loved them in return.
It didn't take long for any of them to realize you were special like them. When you were happy, radios and tvs would turn on by themselves. Playing whatever song you liked that day and when you were upset about, rare but it did happen, sometimes light bulbs would blow out if your cries worsened and as you grew older it got stronger.
By the time you were 4, you were already having premonitions of things to come in the future and The Knot used it to their advantage. It was something the whole family thought Rose would be jealous of but she loved you all the the more for it.
She made sure you never wanted for anything growing up. Want that sundress with the ombre pattern? Done. You wanted a hug? She'd give you more than you even asked for throughout the course of the day. "Mama will fix it," Was a recurring phrase she often repeated to you and you believed it. You liked being around your mom she made you feel safe. Rose was safe.
Rose didn't like sharing you with the rest of your family, including your father, for that reason. It wasn't that she was trying to hide you from them. It was just that your bond was so strong and Rose was afraid of them weakening it. It caused more arguments with Crow than you could count on your fingers and eventually Rose caved in on letting him see you but she didn't care.
While you and your dad were pretty close wherever Rose went, she always made sure you were with her. Not that you minded anyways. The two of you were inseparable, especially when you hit the beginnings of your teen years.
Your family made it a point to make sure that you never seen or interacted with any of the kids they killed but you knew what they were doing anyways. The smell of iron and bloodshed lingered on them everytime they got close to you and the stench was too strong to mean any good.
You knew they'd never hurt you though but it didn't mean you approved. The night before they captured their food you noticed how your mom would hold your hand a little longer than normal when you'd sit next to each other at the nightly campfire or how your dad would hug you tight compared to the gentle embrace he normally gave you. You were the exception and it shone through.
Pt. 2
"...Y/n..Y/n!" You jumped up and let out a cough, half sitting up in bed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." You felt part of the mattress sink down and you looked at your mom. "No, it's alright. You didn't mean too," You sniffled. "Ugh, damn flu." Your mom ran a hand threw your hair and kissed the top of your sweaty forehead. "How are you feeling?
"Miserable." You looked out the window and seen nothing but darkness. "Where are we?" You asked. "Just outside Bankerton, Iowa. You slept through the whole ride and pit stop."
"Is that what we're calling it now?" Rose frowned. "Don't be fresh." You laid your head back against and waved your hand dismissively in the air. "Where outside Bankerton though?"
"Nowhere you have to worry about. Either way you won't be seeing or hearing it." She took hold of one of your hands and kissed the tops of your knuckles.
Crow stepped out from the cockpit of Rose's RV sharpening a knife. "Rosie, you ready to go?" She nodded and caressed your cheeks. "Stay put and rest please?" You nodded and rolled onto your side. "Love you mama," You muttered into the pillow. "Love you too, sweetie." You could hear the sound of footsteps followed by the slam of her trailer door.
You tried to ignore the screams but they were unavoidable. Your hands gripped at the comforter as each word came rolling off whatever child it was that they captured.
"Number 19!" You could hear the smack of the glove through the thin walls. "Kid, you were good." You cringed and squeezed your eyes shut. "No! No please don't-" Tears started flowing down your cheeks. "I won't tell! I won't tell! Please!"
You buried your head underneath your pillow despite the fever baking off of you and tried to ignore the pleas for mercy and final came that scream. That god awful scream you knew too well.
"Please god, make it stop and make it quick," You whispered aloud. You could hear the husky barks of the baseball boy's screams followed by the pouring out of steam. "That poor boy." You found him in the distance and reached out with your shine.
(Can you hear me?)
Nothing. You gave it a shot again.
This time you were greeted by a sharp, burning pain in your abdomen and you screeched. "Oh fuck! Fuck!" The bohemian-chic setting of Rose's setting began to fade around you and you found yourself standing in the middle of a picnic ground.
The leaves around you were turning and the weather felt beautiful but you had a feeling you weren't there for a beautiful day. You noticed Barry standing next to you and you tried to reach out to him to see if he would react but you got no response.
'What the fuck is going on?' You thought to yourself. You noticed a stuffed bunny similar to the one you had as a child sitting on a picnic table with a needle sticking out of it. "Parlor tricks! It's all a fucking parlor trick!"
(Save yourself while you still have the chance.)
You keeled over and gasped as you felt your insides burning. In the far distance you could hear your mother's voice. 'No, get out of there! Get out of there.'
Despite the pain you glanced around and scanned the people around you. 'Dad. Where the hell is my dad?'
You whimpered and screamed. Each shot feeling like a stab at your heart. You could feel each of them slipping from your mental grasp and you let out a sob.
(Please hear me! Please hear me.)
Still nothing. "Make it stop! Make it stop! Please, how do I make it stop?" You begged, desperate to prevent any of this.
(Leave the looker alone.)
Eventually the vision faded from your mind and when you eventually woke up you were a hysterical mess, refusing any comfort from your aunts or uncles. At first they figured you'd eventually calm down and so they kept at making attempts at trying to hold your hands or run a hand through your hair that way they could get on the road as soon as your parents finished shovel duty but you wouldn't stop. It wasn't until you started sputtering out fragments about an ambush and a looker that they began to listen. Fear unlocked an unnoble reserve across their faces and they scrambled for help.
Rose sent Crow over to you try and knock some sense into you. "What did you see?" Your father yelled over your screams as he attempted to try and pull you into a hug, his bloodied hands and arms staining your skin. "Just get..away!" You knew your mother wasn't there but you couldn't remember if your father was.
That sinking feeling settled deep inside you and you couldn't bear to look him in the eyes. You couldn't-no you wouldn't be able to handle losing either or both of your parents.
"If you think I'm just going to let you be alone while you're like this, you're out of your damn mind." You attempted to push him away but he was strong. You wanted your mom. You couldn't look at him.
"Just relax. I'm right here, baby. Daddy's right here." You let out a wail and buried your head in chest, knowing you weren't going to be getting out of this.
"I-i can't-I want mom!" He shushed you and gently rubbed shapes on your back. "I know..I know but I'm not going anywhere. It's okay." You cried into him, gripping tightly to the back of his shirt.
When you woke up in bed the next morning, the space that Crow occupied was empty but you weren't alone. Your mother stood in your kitchenette, rummaging through your cabinets.
You sat up and groggily rubbed your eyes. You noticed your arms weren't stained from the blood of whatever child it was that they took and you wondered how long she had been in your trailer before you woke up. "What are you looking for?"
"Your tea. Did I not teach you anything about self comfort when you were little?" Her tone was teasing and you found yourself hinting at a smile. "Other cabinet, bottom left hand side."
Rose shut the cupboard she had opened and grinned at the sight of neatly stacked tea boxes. "Ah! So nice to see someone else around here with such refinement. Chamomile or peppermint?"
"Peppermint, please." You watched as she poured the clearly hot water into a tea cup. "How long have you been here?"
"Long enough to make sure you were properly taken care of. Does it matter though, my sweet?" You decided it didn't and you shook your head.
Rose walked over with your cup of tea and sat down across from you, carefully handing over the scalding beverage. You set it down on your window sill and your eyes interlocked with your mother's. Despite taking steam last night, she looked barely any younger to you.
She held her mug up to lips and took a sip as if it was a drink she desperately longed for. "Care to tell me what happened night?" The question was met with silence and Rose smiled. "Okay, let me rephrase that. What did you see last night?"
"I'm not talking about this with you." Your mom laughed. "Oh, sweetie. You know well enough that unlike your father, I don't give choices on matters like this."
You glanced around your trailer. "Where is he anyways?" You asked softly. "Out getting Grampa whatever fruit he asked for this morning. Why?"
"Good. Because if we're talking about this, I don't want him to be around because I can't even look him in the eye as it is right now." Rose raised a brow and stood up off the mattress to lock the door. "That bad?"
"Yeah.." As you explained the whole thing to Rose, she held your hand gently in her own. Occasionally planting gentle kisses on your knuckles as you got emotional at times.
"Was he there? Your father?" She squeezed your hand tightly. "I don't know. I don't remember seeing him but I remember feeling him somewhere and he was in pain. You were in pain too but you were back at home."
"And where were you?" You paused for a moment. "With the rest of the family. Dad wanted me to go with him but you didn't..I ended up going anyways. It felt like someone tore my heart out and ripped it into pieces right infront of me."
"Yeah, I'd imagine." Her response was short and snippy almost as if she was being defensive. "The thought of losing either of you, let alone the rest of our family-" A lump grew in your throat and you couldn't say anymore.
Rose sighed and ran a hand through your hair. You tried looking inside her mind but it was completely blank. "...a long time ago, the person who turned me taught me something smart. The past, that's completely set in stone but the future: that's in pencil."
"Mom, I'm telling you. There's no changing this. If you go after this looker, Uncle Doug, Aunt Sarey, all of them. They're going to die." You insisted.
"You also had a vision of us murdering Ariel from The Little Mermaid when you were six." You could tell your mom was trying to comfort you but you wanted none of it. You had to stop her. "And not even a week later, the little girl you took was wearing an Ariel bracelet. Mama, I've never been wrong on this stuff."
"I know-"
"Bad things are going to happen if-"
"I know! I know but she still has time to ripen. Things might change by then. You might be turned by then." 'I won't let that happen though,' You thought to yourself. You might not have control over this situation but you had control over that. You'd let them all murder you before them turn you.
"You're not that far away from 18. I've got to take care of the family, Y/n. I need to take care of you. I lost your other siblings and I am not losing you. Your father and I wouldn't be able to handle it. Hell, I'd be lying if I said your father wasn't hurt last night when you tried to turn him away."
Confusion mixed with pain as you felt your heart shatter into pieces. Your mother had told you that you were a miracle but never did you think of why you were a miracle to them. "Mama-"
"I will say no more." You couldn't tell if she was trying to protect you or her from more heart break. You figured the chances were it was probably for the both of you. "Besides, when have I ever let you or any of the family down?" You didn't even have to think about the answer to the question. "Never."
"And why is that?" She hummed. "Because mama fixes everything." Your voices blended together and Rose smiled. "See? I've always kept everything under control." You felt a little bit better but still couldn't shake that dark feeling away.
Rose pressed a kiss against your forehead. "Try not to worry about it too much, darling." You nodded and took a sip of your cooled tea.
You could hear the sound of crunching leaves in distance and identified it silently as the sound of the Jeep. "I should apologize."
"To who?"
"Dad. I didn't mean to push him away. I just-" Rose shushed you. "I know." She stood up from your bed and held a hand out towards you. "Come on. I'll take you to see him. That way it's a little less awkward."
"Thanks," You hummed softly and let Rose guide you towards the front door. "Mama?" She turned to look at you as she placed her hand on the doorknob. "Yes, my sweet?"
"I love you.." You didn't have to look at your mom to know she was smiling. "I love you too, angel.."
Pt. 3
Not long after that you did forget about the whole thing for a while but the premonition never slipped from your mind. You were always on alert subconsciously and silently praying whoever this looker was, that their shine would just fade and they wouldn't matter anymore but even though no one was talking about, you could also tell your family was suffering.
While some part of you felt that maybe, just maybe, they deserved it for all the pain they had caused to all those kids and their parents, they were still your family and it didn't mean you loved them any less. You just didn't like what they did.
On that cool, October night you sat next to Snakebite Andi in a lounge with your hands interlaced as you both read a copy of 'The Dark Tower' infront of her RV. It was a reclusive spot away from the rest of the family and it was one of your favorite places to be besides Rose's trailer. Like Rose, Andi was a safe person to you and it helped that you both were close in age. You both understood each other and she enjoyed your company and you enjoyed her's.
"You know," Andi started as finished the fifth chapter. "If your dad had more personality, I could say he almost reminds me of Randall Flagg." You let out a chuckle and flipped the page with your unoccupied hand. "Doesn't help that he wears the cowboy boots and jeans too," You smiled. "He's really not a dry person. It's just that he's very straight forward with somethings."
"That's a word for it." You lowered the book and scowled slightly. "Sorry. It's not personal. It's just-" You gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and gave a sympathetic smile. "I know." She lowered her book as well and you both stared up at the dark night sky. "Your mom tell you what happened to me?"
"Bits and pieces." You paused for a moment. "It's not your fault, you know? If I was in your position, I would of done the same thing." Andi sighed and rubbed her face. "Yeah, I know. It's just hard, you know."
"I'd imagine." Andi cracked a hint of a smile. "Have you seen Rose today?" You shook your head. "No, actually. She told me this morning she had to go grocery shopping but I haven't seen her since. She should be back by now." You sat up. "That's weird..anyways, I had something to ask her."
"You want me to see if she's back?" Andi nodded. "If you don't mind." You waved to her. "Not at all. I'll be back." She returned the gesture and brought the book back up to her face. "I'll see you."
You walked slightly up hill to your mother's RV and carefully knocked on the door. You knew she had to be back. You seen the Jeep parked up hill. "Mama?" Your father opened the door. Normally he was all smiles and amicable but not now. He looked frustrated. "Sweetie, now is not a good time."
"Why? What's wrong?" You asked quietly. "Your mother is a little besides-"
"Crow, who's at the door and don't even think about lying to me!" He breathed inwardly and looked at Rose. "Y/n, dear."
"Let her in. I'd love to get her opinion on the subject." He grimaced and opened the door a little more that way you could step inside. "Sure." Your eyes interlocked with his as you took your shoes off at the door. "Hi mama."
"Hi baby." Rose turned her gaze to Crow. "You can leave now." You could feel him biting back a snide remark and you had to try your hardest not laugh. "Night, Rosie."
"Night." Crow shut the door behind him and your mom paced back and forth for a minute. "You okay?" You asked. "Remember back in Iowa, when you had the flu?"
"Yeah." You felt the pit in your stomach growing. "The looker I told you I seen, she found me again." You furrowed your brows.
"Why?" You asked. "I don't know and I don't care but I want her and your father is arguing with me about having her and I want her." Her eyes looked insane and you had to swalow your fear. The memory of that awful vison you had coming back over.
"S-she's that big of a steamhead?" Rose scoffed and smirked impishly. "Oh honey, she's huge. She's the epitome of the Great White Whale." You shifted uncomfortably and hoped she didn't notice it. "I fail to see why your father can't recognize that."
"I mean, even if none of us agree you're going to do what you want anyways." The words were innocent on the surface but the tonality of your words was snippy and fresh.
Your eyes mixed with her's and before you had the chance to block her from your mind, Rose already seen what laid underneath the surface. "You little bitch. You agree with him."
"I-it's not that it's just- Mom, I've never been wrong." Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. "Are we seriously going back to this again?"
"Mom, what do you want me to do?! Let you go into this thing blind and let you get everyone killed because of one girl?" You screamed.
"Don't you dare back talk to me. Again, you could be wrong. You're just a fucking child and I won't let you control me." There were two ways you could respond to her words. Either use the option that would let her be just a little pissed and life would get back to normal, or B, to push.
"I'm almost eighteen years old! You're not going to have control over me much longer. It's overbearing and if the other's had any balls, they would tell you they feel the same way, including dad."
"If I were you, I'd watch your words dear. They might come back to bite you. Tell me dearest, how am I overbearing?" Despite Rose's anger she was smiling at you.
"You kept me from my own father for over 3 years." You noticed Rose's hands balling up into fist. "I have my reasons for what I do and the sooner you come to understand that, the better. Do you know how long it's been since our family has been able to birth children into it?"
She walked towards you and caressed your cheek. You could feel her anger radiating off of her so much you almost wanted to cry at the near sight of her. "You're special honey. Maybe even more special than I am but that will remain in between the two of us. That's why when we get the lookers steam, I want to turn you."
"I don't want to be-"
"And was I asking for your opinion? No. I didn't ask for yours and I certainly did ask for your fucking father's either." She picked up a vase and threw it unceremoniously against the wall. The shards glistening all over the wooden floor of her trailer and you found yourself relating to it's broken state.
"Why what?"
"Why are you doing and acting like this? I know you're stressed out but I don't want to-"
"Because I can't lose you, god damn it!!" You were no stranger to your mom's yelling but her words made you feel sick to your stomach. "What?" You asked. "For gods sakes, Y/n. You're a smart girl. Use your brain." Her voice was venomous and bitter. "Everything I do is for you and this family! Not for me! For everyone else's benefit. I want you to have everything I do and be able to live just as long, if not longer than I do and yet here you are acting like a selfish little bitch! You don't want to be fucking turned! Forget going down in the blaze of fire, think of what you would do your family!"
"Mom, I'm not trying to be selfish. I'm worried about you. I don't want you to-"
"Don't talk back to me! I don't want to hear any of your bullshit excuses! You don't know how lucky you are, Y/n! You wouldn't believe how many miscarriages and stillbirths I had until you came around."
"I know, mama. I appreciate you and lo-"
"Then stop worrying about me so much and let me do what I have to do to get us what we need." Tears welled up in your eyes and you nodded. "Y-yes mama."
Rose shook her head and ran her fingers through your hair. "What a waste of life you are." Her words felt like a knife and you finally hit your breaking point mentally and physically. Tears started streaming down your face and it wasn't until Rose seen you crying, she realized what she had.
"Y/n..Y/n, baby! I-" You shook your head. "No, you did. You meant every word of what you just said to me," You snapped. "Y/n, I just got so angry. I really didn't mean it." You refused to meet her eyes and Rose attempted to pull you into a hug. "Sweetie-"
"Just me alone. I don't want to talk to you right now!" You ran out of her trailer. "Y/n!" Rose attempted to grab your wrist. "Don't you run from me Y/n."
"Just get away!" You shoved her the opposite direction and panic began to bubble up inside her as she watched you run into the woods. "Y/n! Y/n!"
Andi tried running after you. She grabbed your wrist and you pushed her away. "Don't you fucking touch me! Any of you!"
Crow stepped out of his trailer, hearing the commotion. "What the hell just happened?" He shouted over to Rose.
She seen red and started throwing her antique candle holders all over the place. "Fucking bullshit! I refuse to deal with this.." She kept going on and Crow tried to grab her hands. "Rosie-"
"Just step away from, Crow! You're turning her against me. This is all your fault!" She shouted then started crying. "My fault? How the hell is it-" His infrequent temper started to shine through and he had to take a deep breath to calm himself down. "Can you tell me what happened?"
Rose explained the whole thing from start to finish, every other word coming out of her mouth being foreign Irish curses.
"Rosie, what did you think was going to happen? For me to say your remark to her was hurtful is an understatement. I get it. You're still in pain but that's been over. What the hell were you thinking?!" Crow spat, unusually harsh in his tone. "I-i don't know. Look- I didn't think she was going to run."
"Yeah well, she did and I can't exactly say that I blame her." Rose paused at his snarkiness. "What do I do now?" Crow covered his face with his hands. "Apologizing would probably be the right thing, Rosie."
"I can't go up there and talk to her."
"Why not?"
"Because, she's not going to want to see me. Not after what I said. Why can't you go talk to her?" Rose could hear the whining tone in her voice and she hated it. "Because I'm not the one who made her upset. Look, just be gentle. Let her get what's in her system out. It'll be fine."
"Okay." Rose let out a shakey breath and began her walk up hill. She didn't even know how she was even going to begin what she had to say. She heard sniffling in the distance and breathed inwardly. "Y/n?"
"I told you I don't want to talk to you. Go away!" Rose had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. "Y/n..Y/n, I'm sorry." She called out. "No you're not. You wouldn't of said what you did then."
"Well even if you don't want to talk, can you at least just show me where you are." Rose heard the crunching of leaves and you stepped out from behind one of the large trees. Minimal lightning shined on your face but she could see your mascara was running.
Rose pulled one of her cloth bracelets, a souvenir from one of her victims, of her wrist to clean your face up. "Sit down, please." Rose was surprised you obeyed and she knelt down across you. Tenderly wiping your makeup off your face. "Never can quite understand why you and Andi feel the need to wear this stuff. You both are young girls."
"Yeah." You let out a chuckle and your eyes locked for a minute. In that moment you both looked at each other something inside you clicked and you felt a pang of sadness.
"Y/n, are you okay?"
"I-i" You bit down on your lip,silently hating yourself for the words that were going to come next. "I'm sorry!" You let out a sob and held onto your mom tightly. "No, no. You have nothing to be sorry about. I just felt so angry and the words just spilled and I'm sorry. You're my world, my everything, and I'd never mean to hurt you the way I did." You sniffled and nodded your head feverishly. "I'm just so scared," You whispered so softly you didn't even know if she heard you at first.
"I know but I'm going to fix it because I always fix what's wrong, right?" Rose forced you to meet her eyes and you sniffled. "Mama always fixes everything."
"Yes, but-"
"But what?" She wiped a tear away from your eye. "You can't fix everything, mama." Rose sighed and you nuzzled close to her. "I'm going to try to though. I want a good life for you. That's all I ever wanted for you and our family. Just think of what this looker could bring!"
"But mama, people are going to get hurt. Good people! You, daddy-"
"Your father and I are strong."
"But you're not invincible."
When you looked into your mother's eyes they were full of mania and panic and it scared you. "Please, just this once, listen to me," You begged.
The look on Rose's face was unreadable and she pressed a kiss against your forehead. "I make no promises but for at least tonight, this will be the end of the discussion." You sighed some relieved and Rose smiled, placing her one sleeve under the bags of your eyes and wiped them. "God, your eyeliner is so smudged too."
You chuckled and rubbed your eyes. "That makes two of us then because so is yours." Rose actually chuckled and held her hands out to hold yours. For a moment you felt as if you actually understood her. "You're coming back to camp with me?"
You thought about the words of the baseball boy and you looked down at The True's campfire you seen in the distance and everything came together. You were like the fire burning below. Fast and passionate yet delicate and easy to put out. Destiny was destiny and if you were to go in the blaze of fire then so be it. You knew where you belonged and no matter what, that was with your family. "Yeah..I'll come."
"Good." Rose's smile on her face was bold and you couldn't help but felt a tinge of irony panging through you. Their only living child who came so close to life yet would lose it so within arms reach. While you fulfilled your destiny, they would live theirs. All those children they took from families who loved their child so similar to the way did, they would also lose their child and now that they knew what was supposed to go down like the other families, they also would have to live with it.
A cynical smile graced your beautiful face and you smiled. "Mama?"
"Yes, my sweet?" You pressed a kiss against her cheek. "I love you." Rose smiled and swung her hand back and forth as you walked back home together. "I love you too my blessed angel. I love you too.."
#the shining#doctor sleep#rose the hat#fanfiction#stephen king#imagine#dr sleep#crow daddy#the true knot#true knot#x reader#x daughter!reader
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Too Young to Fall in Love Chapter 52 (Dirt!Nikki x Reader)

Title: Too Young to Fall in Love 51
Summary: Nikki Sixx was a hard partying musician on the strip. He never expected to fall in love with anyone, until a girl knocked on his dressing room door looking for a ride home and took his breath away. Just like everything else Nikki did; the drugs, the money, the music; Nikki went hard with love. (Y/n) Bass never expected the bassist of Motley Crue to be the one to shake her calm and calculated life up. She had a plan. Graduate school, become an epic producer, and watch from behind the scenes as her brother’s band rose to fame. Nikki and (Y/n) were perfect for each other, too bad her brother, Tommy, didn’t think so.
Series warnings: Smut (18+ Please), drug use, language, referenced miscarriage, drug overdose, mentioned attempted suicide, out of character moments for everyone in the band, the timeline might be a little screwy but it’s fanfiction! I know nothing of music production and my medical knowledge is really screwy, so it won’t be accurate.
Nikki held (Y/n) close as he slept soundly. His hand gentle along her baby bump. (Y/n)’s face scrunched up into pain and she let out a little groan. It wasn’t very loud, but Nikki picked up on it in a heartbeat. (Y/n) felt him move.
“Nikki?” She asked with a yawn.
“Ok, I’ll get the bag you get dressed, I’ll call Vanessa on the way to help with Ziggy and Jett,” Nikki stumbled to the closet and grabbed any pants and shirt he could reach for and put them on.
“Nikki, I don’t think I’m in labor yet.” (Y/n) said. “The doctor gave me a list of signs so I know that if the pains get worse, I go to the hospital.”
“Huh?” Nikki looked at her dressed with the bag and ready to go.
“Nikki, honey, you don’t have to dress like a girl anymore. The 80’s are over.” (Y/n) laughed. “And I’m fine. If the pain starts getting more frequent, we’ll go to the hospital.”
“What?” Nikki looked down and groaned, “at least I look hot,” he grumbled and began to put everything away. “Little lady is trying to get me to have grey hairs.”
“That’s what hair dye is for!” (Y/n) teased. “Now come back to bed please. It’s cold and I’m lonely.”
Nikki yawned as he made his way back to his side of the bed and held (Y/n) close to him. His hand back on her bump.
“Little lady,” he mumbled, “Daddy loves you but please stop freaking him out, ok?”
“So, why does the great Tommy Lee want to spend the day with his sister?” (Y/n) asked with a laugh as they looked around the store, grabbing some things for the baby.
“OK, don’t tell Athena,” Tommy smiled at her. “I went to mom’s and looked at the baby pictures and got all emotional because along the way…” he sniffled a bit. “I realized that I haven’t made up for turning into an asshole.”
"Tommy…" (y/n) hugged her brother. "I forgave you awhile ago for everything."
"Yeah," Tommy sighed. "I just want you to know that I am going to not only be the best uncle they're is…" he gave her a bright smile. "I'm also going to prank Nikki left and right."
"Oh God what do you have planned?" (Y/n) asked.
“Let’s just say it involves a very large inflatable swan that barely fits your pool and me naked,” Tommy laughed. “How have you been feeling? You look like you are about to pop.”
"I feel like it. She keeps jabbing me like she wants out but my body says she’s not ready." (Y/n) groaned a little.
“Ok, that doesn’t sound good,” Tommy grabbed his watch and started timing. “Ok we just need to look out for the next one and see how far apart they are right?”
"I don't think it’s labor Tommy. Just relax." She offered him a smile, rubbing her belly.
“Humor me,” he said as he looked at her, “Just tell me when the next one hits ok?”
"Okay, okay." (Y/n) laughed. "You and Nikki, I swear."
“We are just looking out for you (Y/n),” Tommy smiled and stood when she winced. “Ok, that was five minutes. If it happens again i’m taking you to the hospital.”
"I tell you, she's just kicking my bladder." (Y/n) told Tommy.
“I am not taking any chances,” Tommy said as he paid the tab for their lunch and led (Y/n) to the car. “Nikki would kill me if I just sat back and did nothing (Y/n/n).”
"Okay." She shook her head. About ten minutes later, little lady kicked again. (Y/n) tried to hide the wince.
“Ok,” Tommy breathed. “Doctor time, I am not taking any chances.”
Tommy drove (Y/n) to the hospital as he called Nikki to meet them there. Nikki came running in while Tommy paced the waiting room. After a few hours, (Y/n) and Nikki came out. Nikki looked both relieved and sad, while (Y/n) just looked annoyed.
“Sorry,” Nikki looked at Tommy. “Little lady loves to keep us all on our toes.”
“I’ll say,” Tommy breathed. “She’s just like her daddy… a drama queen,” Tommy laughed.
“Says the man who spent more time looking like a girl in the 80’s than a boy.” Nikki laughed.
“Hey, when you got cheekbones this good, you gotta flaunt them with the right makeup.” Tommy laughed. (Y/n) smiled some.
“Just please, no more cornrows or whatever it was that you did last year.” (Y/n) teased him.
Nikki drove (Y/n) home that night and sighed. “I want her to come out already,” he placed his hands on (Y/n)’s bump. “You have to stop scaring daddy little lady, you’re either coming or we have to wait a bit, but you gotta make up your mind.” he laughed and kissed it.
“She’s going to be trouble.” (Y/n) laughed. “I just have a feeling.”
A Few Nights Later
The boys were on stage. Vanessa had gotten a babysitter for the night, and her and (Y/n) were backstage, watching the boys perform. They were enjoying the music when (Y/n) felt something different than normal. She looked down and gasped.
“Uh, Nessa…” She said.
“Oh man our men look hot on stage!” Vanessa squealed. “Vince is voice just sends shivers down my spine.”
“Nessa…” She said again.
“Yeah hun?” Vanessa was still looking out on stage.
“HOLY SHIT!” she held on to (Y/n) when she doubled over in pain. “Hey!” she called to a tech. “Get a car, tell Nikki his wife is going into labor this is not a drill code baby! GO!” she said as she helped (Y/n) towards one of the exits.
“Oh god, she’s coming and I’m not prepared. I haven’t prepared enough.” (Y/n) said, worried. “Vanessa, I’m going to be a horrible mom.”
“You are going to be an awesome mom sweetie,” Vanessa helped her into the car. “Just breath and hold on.”
“Uh, Mr. Sixx sir, uh…” One of the techs said.
“Make it quick kid.” Nikki said, taking a drink of his water bottle before turning back to the other three.
“Sir, your wife is on the way to the hospital. Mrs. Neil said that it’s not a drill. Code baby.” The tech told him.
“Code baby,” he smiled and looked to the guys before the words hit him, “CODE BABY!” looking around frantically he tried to find his way to Andrew Kovac. “I need to go… need keys and car and…”
“Go. I’ll tell the guys and we’ll bring out the opening act or something.” Andrew nodded as Nikki ran off. He whispered in Vince’s ear what was going on while Tommy and Mick just looked at each other.
“Looks like little lady is making her debut,” Vince said to Mick and Tommy before they were set to go on. “Bassist from the opening act is going to help us out.”
“But, my niece is on her way!” Tommy yelled, not realizing the microphone was on. The crowd erupted into applause. “Oops…”
Vince and Mick laughed and looked out at the crowd. “Yeah Nikki is on his way to meet his baby.” Vince told the audience just before they started to play.
Nikki made it to the hospital a minute after Vanessa had dropped (Y/n) off. He didn’t care that he was in full gear and makeup. He ran in, finding Vanessa waiting for him.
“Where…” He said, gasping for breath. He hadn’t run in stage clothes since he was chasing down Lars Ulrich to kick his ass.
“Come on, her water broke but she hasn’t started dilating yet,” Vanessa led him to the room that they had (Y/n) in.
“Hey,” Nikki rushed to her side and kissed the top of her head, “What a way for her to make her debut huh?”
“I think she wanted to get up on stage with you.” (Y/n) laughed a little. “Nikki, I’m going to be a horrible mom. I can’t do this.”
“Hey, hey,” he soothed running his fingers through her hair. “You are going to be amazing.” Nikki smiled. “If anyone had anything to worry about here sweet girl it’s me.” The doctor came in and examined her. (Y/n) held Nikki’s hand. They had went to all the birthing classes, she knew what to expect, yet she was still scared.
“Looks like you’re already dilated to five,” The doctor told her. “I’ll check back in about twenty minutes and see how fast you’re progressing.” (Y/n) nodded. “In the meantime, you can have some ice chips to help with dry mouth and throat.” (Y/n) nodded again and relaxed back against the bed.
“Nikki, you want me to have Vanessa bring you a change of clothes?” (Y/n) looked up at him and smiled.
“It’s more rock and roll this way,” Nikki smiled. “Let’s welcome little lady into the world sweet girl.” (Y/n) kissed him gently. The doctor came back a little later to recheck her and look at all of the charts.
“So, how much longer?” (Y/n) asked, grimacing some.
“Almost there, you’re at about seven centimeters right now three more to go,” the doctor smiled at them before walking out.
“Just squeeze my hand sweet girl,” Nikki kissed the top of (Y/n)’s head while holding on to her hand. “I’m right here for you.”
“I hope I don’t mess this up.” She whispered. “What if she hates me?”
“No one could ever hate you,” Nikki kissed her lips. “I’m still surprised you don’t hate me.” he caressed her cheek. “Just breathe for me and before you know it we’re meeting her and loving her.” (Y/n) nodded and worked on her breathing.
“Wait, you left the concert. Where are the guys?” (Y/n) asked.
“Still rocking out,” Nikki chuckled. “It’s going to be ok, I’m not missing little lady’s birthday.” (Y/n) smiled and kissed his head. It was over an hour later, with the last three going by so slowly, before (Y/n) could push.
“Nikki…” (Y/n) whispered, fear in her voice. But he coached her through it, feeling her squeezing his hand tightly as he helped her breath and push.
Soon, cries echoed throughout the delivery room and the little baby was placed on her mom’s chest.
“Oh my god.” (Y/n) whispered. “Nikki…”
“She’s gorgeous,” Nikki gave her a teary smile. “She is beautiful just like my sweet girl.” his voice broke slightly. “Hey little lady,” he rasped. After a couple moments of laying with mom, she was taken to be cleaned up and placed in the nursery while (Y/n) was allowed to change and clean up. She rested her eyes for a bit while Nikki stood at the nursery window. Vanessa, Vince, Athena, Mick, and Tommy soon joined him.
“Where’s my niece?” Tommy asked, looking around.
“Right there,” Nikki pointed at her. The bassinet said ‘Baby Sixx’ and Nikki smiled at them. “She made a grand entrance man.”
“How’s (Y/n) doing?” Mick asked, watching the sleeping baby.
“She’s resting,” Nikki smiled. “And man.. I am so proud of her she… I could never do what she did man.”
“Well, I think you’re lacking a few necessary parts.” Vince joked. They all watched Baby Sixx.
“She doesn’t look like an Olive to me.” Tommy said, shaking his head.
“Or a Bertha,” Mick laughed.
“Summer?” Nikki tilted his head, “Nah.”
“I was thinking Alice.” (Y/n)’s voice said. Everyone turned to see the mother standing there.
“(Y/n),” Nikki walked to her, “you should be resting.”
“I wanted to see my little girl.” (Y/n) rested against Nikki. “Once we get a good look at her, we’ll figure out a name.”
“Come here,” Nikki smiled as he held her close and led her to the window into the nursery. “There she is,” he smiled. “Our little lady.”
“She is so beautiful.” (Y/n) whispered. “Our little lady.”
“Jessica Sixx,” Nikki rasped. “I think it should be Jessica Sixx.”
“I think that’s perfect.” (Y/n) smiled. “Jessica Sixx.” She looked up at her husband with a smile on her face, never thinking that they would actually get this far.
Forever Tags: @anathewierdo @dekahg @marvel-af-imagines @feelmyroarrrr @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogarukes @xxwarhawk @sandlee44 @shatteredabby @caswinchester2000 @supernaturalwincestsblog @lauravic @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @teller258316 @horrorpxnk @tommyleeownsme @marvelismylifffe
Motley Crue Tags: @primal-screamer @waywardprincess666 @twistnet @saint-of-los-angeles @vader-kai @motleyfuckingcruee @sharon6713 @kawennote09 @2dead2function @nikkisixxwiththebass @iamtiber-andtiberismusic @jayprettymuchomw @charlyallise @you-know-im-a-dreamer @sweet-dreams-on-butterfly-wings @estxxmotley @arianareirg @the-normal-potato @nikki-sixxtynine @jjjjjjjoshdun @just-a-normal-fangirl18 @stella20131991 @tarahell @wowilovenikkisixx @i-want-to-shoot-myself @motleycrueee @sams-serialkiller-fetish @getbackhonkycatt @are-you-reddie54321 @flamencodiva @scarecrowmax @major-tom-is-a-junky @anyasthoughts @bandaids-not-groupies @ilovetomkeiferslips @kaitieskidmore1
Nikki Sixx Tags: @daisystuffsstuff @unknownoblivion @deakysblueoutfit @fandomshit6000 @sixx-mckagan
Too Young to FAll in Love Tags: @kingbouji3 @leximus98 @thekidbakerinthetardis @crystalbaby12 @shawnsstxtches @knockemdeadgirl @deansgirl1993 @haileynicoleseavey17
#too young to fall in love#Motley Crue#nikki sixx#nikki sixx x reader#nikki x reader#the dirt#dirt!nikki sixx#dirt!nikki sixx x reader#dirt!nikki x reader#dirt!nikki#fanfiction
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Burning Distance - Part 5 [Final]
Summary: Everything was different after that day. Y/N didn’t want to see Namjoon. At all. I mean, of course she wanted to see him. But she figured with the baby almost being born that she needed to be relaxed, stress-free and healthy for the baby. Namjoon got all his updates about the baby and Y/N through Seokjin, who y/n seemed to be the most comfortable around. Hell, when the baby was born 2 weeks ago Namjoon got the news through Seokjin.
Pairing: Kim Namjoon x Reader
Genre: Angst??? Kind of Idk this one is more fluffy I think
A/N: kinda sad to see this mini series come to an end but I’m hoping the final part will surprise you guys :( dsjhskjdgh ENJOY MY BBYS
A month and ½ later…
Everything was different after that day. Y/N didn’t want to see Namjoon. At all. I mean, of course she wanted to see him. But she figured with the baby almost being born that she needed to be relaxed, stress-free and healthy for the baby. Namjoon got all his updates about the baby and Y/N through Seokjin, who y/n seemed to be the most comfortable around. Hell, when the baby was born 2 weeks ago Namjoon got the news through Seokjin. In Y/N’s defense though, both her and Seokjin and even Yoongi tried calling Namjoon when she went into labor. But Namjoon had been so down late. So depressed, that he slept through all the calls. He rushed over to the hospital as soon as he could, but their baby had already been born. Namjoon thought that this would be the happiest moment of his life, he really did, no matter how his relationship was with Y/N now.
He couldn’t help but feel a small spark of jealousy ignite in him when he walked into your hospital room though and saw you holding your baby, talking to Jin who was sitting on the edge of the hospital bed. Namjoon knocked lightly on the wall, before fully stepping in the room. It was almost like a little kid asking for permission. You see, neither Namjoon nor Y/N had really talked, and had never went out right and said their relationship was done, Namjoon was just assuming. And every time Y/N thought about what she wanted their relationship status to be, she forced herself to stop. She would tell herself that Namjoon was too much stress for her and the baby, but deep down inside she knew she was lying to herself. Hell, everyone around her wouldn’t believer her if she said she didn’t want to be with Namjoon.
When Namjoon held their baby for the first time, it was the first time he had smiled since their argument that day. The first time he felt some sort of happiness. He wrapped his hand around his baby’s little finger, tears welling up in his eyes. He promised himself he would treat his child with the upmost love and care he could. He thought this would be some sort of make up for the way he had treated Y/N. He vowed to never take his anger or stress out on anyone else ever again, especially his newborn child. His happiness was short lived though when he finds out Y/N was going to stay in their house alone with their daughter for the time being. He really wanted to go back home, she really wanted him to come back home. But something in her pride stopped her. Stopped both.
And Namjoon really worried about Y/N being by herself with a newborn child. Of course, Namjoon would have his days with the baby, but the 3 of them were never actually all together, so it felt like they were doing this whole parenting thing by themselves. Y/N was under so much stress, even if she couldn’t admit it to herself. She kept telling herself she could do this whole parenting thing by herself, but of course, no one really knows what their doing when it comes to be a parent for the first time. She kept telling herself that, until one night. The baby wouldn’t fall asleep, no matter what. Y/N had tried EVERYTHING. Diaper change that wasn’t even dirty, breast feeding, going for a drive, hell, she even tried giving her daughter a bottle for the first time! She tried rocking the baby, talking to her. “Please go to bed baby, mommy is tired.” With those words coming out of her mouth, the tears started piling up in Y/N’s eyes. Mommy is tired. Those words spoke more deeper meaning than a baby, or anyone could understand. Y/N was tired, exhausted, worn out. Y/N needed her Namjoon. She couldn’t do this by herself. She needed Namjoon.
Y/N was a blubbering mess as she got all the baby stuff ready to pack up in the car. Her hair was a messy, she was in her pajamas as she grabbed a sweater namjoon had left and put it over her sloppy appearance to make herself seem somewhat decent. However, right now she really couldn’t care. She drove, carefully with their wailing baby in the backseat, over to the dorms. Still crying as she reached the boys dorm and got the baby out. She knew all of them would be surprised to see her unannounced, especially in the kitchen she was in. She bundled the tiny human in her blanket, putting her little shoes on and made her way to the apartment. She the baby in one hand and used the other to pound her fist on the door, still a blubbering mess. The door opened shortly after that s soft looking Jimin opened the door. “Y/n? are you okay? Whats wrong? Do you need Jin?” Y/n shook her head, trying to talk but the words were difficult to come out. The rest of the boys were already coming out of their rooms and gathering in the living room, hearing the noise going on. “I need Namjoon!” she looked up threw her wet eyelashes, crying out as she held her daughter close to her chest.
With that, she barged into the dorm before Jimin could even answer her. If she were in any other situation she would be embarrassed as all the boys stared at her, but right now she didn’t care. She was stomping her way to Namjoon’s room when suddenly she bumped face first into Namjoon’s chest. Namjoon grabbed her arms softly and looked at her with a concern look on his face. “Y/N? Whats wrong? Are you hurt? Is the baby hurt?” Y/N shook her head, burying her face in Namjoon’s chest much to her his, and all the boys that were watching, surprise. “She won’t stop CRYING! And I don’t know what else to try, I’ve tried EVERYTHING and she wont stop! I need you Namjoon! WE need you!” She blubbered out, her tears flowing onto his shirt. Namjoon’s heart skipped.
He approached the situation carefully. He nodded softly, wrapping his arms around his 2 girls and gently leading them to his bedroom for some privacy. Of course, he knew better than that. He knew the boys, or at least the makes, would try and poke their nose into what was going on. He sat Y/n on the baby, gently taking the baby and rocking her slightly, patting her back and leaning his daughter lean onto his muscular chest. Y/n’s sniffles and tears slowed down as the baby stopped crying much to her surprise. We really do need Namjoon in our life…. she thought. Namjoon leaned backed on the bed, pulling y/n with him as she leaned on his shoulder. She could only watch in amazement as their daughter looked up at Namjoon with bright, big eyes. “What… how…Namjoon how did you- “Namjoon leaned over, kissing Y/N on the head. She looked exhausted. “Go to sleep, Y/N. We can talk after you and the baby are well rested, okay?” Y/N nodded shyly. She thought about how she had been ignoring Namjoon all this time, even if he kind of deserved it at first, and he just took her back in his arms like nothing ever happened.
It made her realize that no matter what, Namjoon’s heart and arms would always be open for her, and now for their daughter. It was a comforting feeling, really. To know that someone always loved you and would be willing to care for you, despite your flaws and mistakes. Y/n gently draped her arm over Namjoon waist, kissing her daughter’s cheek before her eyes fluttering shut. She quickly started falling asleep, but not before hearing the door creak slightly and Namjoon whisper yell “Guys, get out!” He chucked a pillow at the boys huddled around the door. Jin caught the pillow. “Ah, would you look at that, it looks my children are finally back together.” The rest of the boys chuckled and Namjoon blushes slightly, looking down at his girlfriend and his daughter. Maybe everything would really be okay.
#bangtanarmynet#kim namjoon#kim taehyung#kim seokjin#jung hoseok#min yoongi#jeon jungkook#park jimin#bts angst#bts scenarios#bts imagines#namjoon angst#bts fluff#bts smut#namjoon smut#namjoon#joon#rm#rap mosnter
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Once or Twice 3
Brain says write, I write. Have another one.
Months later, as you were about ready to pop, your bad feeling proved to be an omen. A new pack had arrived, intent on challenging Scott, the true alpha. Apparently, they also knew the Hales, and there was no love lost there.
Their alpha, a short blonde named Brooke, particularly hated Derek. He confessed to you that she had come on to him in high school, and he had turned her down cold. Now, it seemed, she was out for blood.
She happened to catch you unawares, in daylight, just as you had finished some grocery shopping. Aiden and Ethan should have been there with you, but they had been caught up in fighting off the other pack. Derek, your dad, and Stiles had promised to come shopping with you, but you hadn’t wanted to wait. As if you couldn’t do something so simple by yourself.
Brooke approached you as you were loading the car. “So it’s true.”
You stood up and looked at her, hand on your stomach. “Brooke, I’m assuming?”
“Afraid so. And you’re what, his mate?” she spat.
“Fiancée,” you told her, showing her the ring.
Brooke scoffed. “How sweet. And yet, he left you here all alone. Not a smart idea.”
“They’re on their way. Should be here any minute.” You refused to show her any fear.
“I only need a minute to rip that cub out of you and kill you both, honey,” she replied, flashing her red eyes.
You began backing away, holding your keys between your fingers, ready to fight if you had to. Luckily, your dad’s cruiser pulled up, Stiles in the passenger seat, Derek following shortly in his sports car.
“Get away from her!” Stiles yelled, holding his bat.
Your dad aimed his gun at Brooke. “Don’t do it.”
Derek stood in front of you, growling at Brooke. “You’re not gonna touch her. Not now, not ever.”
Brooke rolled her eyes. “Fine. Party poopers. I’ll see you later, honey.” She winked at you and walked off.
You breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m sorry, guys. I should have just waited inside for you.”
Derek turned to you, holding your face in his hands. “Are you okay?”
“No,” you said weakly, trying not to cry.
“Derek, get her back to the loft and keep her there. She’s too vulnerable right now. You take care of my daughter, got it?” your dad told him seriously.
“Yes, sir.” Derek led you to his car, telling Stiles to drive yours back.
You sniffled, buckling yourself in. Derek got in the driver’s seat and clenched the steering wheel.
“I’m sorry, Derek.”
He sighed and looked over at you. “Baby, it’s okay. Yes, you should have waited. But I understand you’ve been feeling helpless. I think your dad is right, though. This close to your due date, I think you should stay in the loft as much as possible.”
You nodded. “I get it. You’re right.” You grabbed his hand as he began to drive.
He squeezed your hand. “You know it would kill me if anything happened to you, right?”
“I know. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Back at the loft, Ethan and Aiden were getting patched up. This pack was no joke. Derek told everyone what had happened. The twins started apologizing, but you cut them off.
“Guys, it’s okay. You were doing something important. And my dumb ass should have waited inside for Derek and Dad and Stiles. This one is on me.”
“Until Claudia is ready, (Y/N) is staying in the loft. I want at least three of us here at all times. At least one wolf. Is that understood?” Derek asked his pack.
They all nodded. Derek led you to your bedroom. He helped you dress in pajamas and you both laid down. You joined Derek’s hand on your stomach.
Derek sighed. “I feel like I jinxed us. Those famous last words at the ultrasound when we found out it was a girl?”
“You didn’t jinx us. Something was bound to happen in the span of nine months. We live in Beacon Hills, Der.”
“I guess I hoped this time we’d be lucky for once.”
“We kinda were. We’ve had months of quiet. Hopefully, you guys can take down this new pack soon.”
You both heard a commotion and rushed into the living room. Stiles had just arrived, and he was gasping for breath.
“Brooke…she…she followed me. I didn’t notice until it was too late, I’m so sorry,” he panted.
“Shit,” Derek muttered. “Isaac, Ethan, Aiden, get her out of here!”
“Too late, Derek,” said a singsong voice.
The pack gathered around you, growling and snarling at the intruders. Brooke and her pack, six other wolves, stood at the entryway of the loft.
“Leave, now, and maybe we won’t kill all of you,” Scott ordered them, flashing his eyes.
“Hmmm,” Brooke said, pretending to consider it. “Nah, I think we’ll be doing the killing tonight.”
Lydia, Kira and Malia grabbed you and ran to your bedroom as the fighting began. They set you on your bed and you felt a wetness between your legs.
You looked up at them in horror. “I think I’m in labor.”
“It’s the stress. Lay down and just breathe,” Lydia told you, immediately taking control of the situation.
You did as she said, your first contraction hitting. You could hear breaking glass and cries of pain in the living room. You just hoped your pack was winning. Gunshots told you your dad had arrived.
“Malia, Kira, they need you. Go. Send Stiles and my dad in,” you gasped out.
“We can’t leave you in here!” Kira cried.
“You can stand outside the door and fight them off. Just go!”
They finally left after a bit more coaxing. Lydia began timing your contractions. Stiles and your dad came in, both a little roughed up, but generally okay.
“Guys, we have a problem. The baby is coming. Pretty quickly, judging by the time between her contractions,” Lydia told them.
“Crap. Okay.” Stiles sat on the empty side of the bed and grabbed your left hand. “Just squeeze my hand when it hurts, okay?”
You grit your teeth and nodded. Your dad knelt by your right side and brushed the hair off your forehead.
“How long between?” he asked Lydia, eyes not leaving you.
“Five minutes. (Y/N), can I check your dilation?” Lydia asked you.
“Yes,” you managed to get out as your last contraction ended.
She covered your legs with the blanket and helped you pull off your pajama pants and underwear. She grabbed her phone and turned on the flashlight to get a better look. “All right, looks like you’re at about four centimeters. Even with the stress, this shouldn’t be going so fast. I’m thinking it’s a werewolf thing.”
“Lucky me. At least it’ll be over soon.”
They all helped you through the pain as the fighting continued. As you passed eight centimeters, the door burst open, Kira and Malia flying through it. They rushed back out to fight off whoever was trying to get in, but Brooke managed to slip past them.
“Hey, honey. Wow, look at you! Ready to pop!”
Your dad and Stiles ran at her, but she threw them to the side easily. Lydia did what she could, but Brooke choked her until she passed out. You were now alone, giving birth in front of a woman who wanted you and your child dead.
“You have no idea how much I’m looking forward to this,” she said, waving her claws at you.
You could hear Derek screaming your name. “Please, just let me have the baby. Kill me if you want, just don’t hurt her.”
“Let me tell you a secret. I’m going to kill you. I’m going to rip your baby out of you. And I’m going to take it. She’ll be raised by my pack, raised to hate the Hales and your precious true alpha, and one day, we’ll come back to Beacon Hills. And she will kill Derek, without a thought. Because I will be her mother. She’ll never know your name. I’m going to take everything Derek loves from him and leave him broken.”
With that, she plunged her claws into your chest. You screamed, the act forcing you to bear down and give birth to your daughter as you lay dying. Through the ringing in your ears, you could hear her crying.
Your vision blurred as Derek and the rest of the pack came into the room, growling when they saw what Brooke had done. Malia and Kira pushed themselves up and joined the pack in tearing Brooke apart. Derek came to you, tears in his eyes.
“Baby, you did it. She’s here, she’s okay. Please, stay with me,” he begged you.
You touched his face, feeling yourself slipping away. The last thing you felt was a sharp pain in your wrist as your world went black.
You woke with a start, sitting straight up in bed. You could hear voices in the living room. You could hear them so clearly.
“The bite didn’t kill her, so it’s just a matter of time until she wakes up,” Isaac said reassuringly.
“I know, I just…we came so close to losing her. And she didn’t ask for this,” Derek replied.
“Hey, you saved my sister’s life. And if that means being a wolf and getting to raise her daughter, I know she’s gonna be grateful. Hell, I’m grateful,” Stiles told him. You heard him slap Derek on the shoulder.
You got out of bed slowly, marveling at how well you could see in the dark. So this is what it was like.
You walked through the doorway, your broken door hanging off its hinges. “Hey.”
Everyone looked at you in relief. Your dad was first to envelop you in a hug.
“I thought I was gonna lose you, kid,” he said, choking up.
“I did too. But I’m okay, Dad. I promise. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Stiles was next, crushing you in a hug as he tried not to sob.
You rubbed his back. “It’s okay. I’m here. I’m okay, Stiles.”
The hug lasted a moment longer before Derek approached you. You could see unshed tears in his eyes as he took you in, his heart pounding. He put his forehead to yours and his hands on your cheeks, closing his eyes and breathing you in. You wrapped your hands around his wrists and did the same, enjoying how much more of him you could smell. You suddenly heard a cry and pulled back.
“Can I see her?” you asked in a small voice.
Derek nodded and told you to sit on the couch. He brought you a small bundle and handed it to you. You looked down at your daughter’s face, red from crying. But so beautiful.
“Hi, Claudia. I’m your mommy.” Tears rolled down your face as you rocked her. “I’m so happy to finally meet you.”
Derek sat next to you and you smiled at him.
“Derek, look what we did,” you said happily.
“Yeah. We did it. She’s here. Everything’s gonna be okay.”
And with your daughter in your arms, you actually believed him.
#teen wolf#reader#you#derek hale/reader#derek hale/you#derek hale#stiles stilinski#sheriff stilinski#the pack
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Sweetheart // (Rob Benedict x Reader)
A/N: Hey, my lovely and gorgeous readers! ❤️
Okay, so I've been on a bit of a Thomas Rhett music kick lately and I was listening to a bunch of his songs when I came across one called "Sweetheart". And, for some reason, our adorable Rob Benedict came to my mind. 💕
So yeah, I really like the song and hope you enjoy this piece of writing that it inspired! 😁
NOTE: In the little universe of this one-shot, it's Rob who's the one that wrote this song. 😁 You know, even though in our actual universe it's Thomas Rhett that wrote it. 🙂
SONG: "Sweetheart" by Thomas Rhett
Like seriously, listen to this song while thinking about Rob and just... Gah! 😍😍😍
Also, this one-shot ended up being somewhere around 4,000 words and I’m not even sorry! 😂
Enjoy! 😘
Supernatural Master-List of FanFiction
"Thank you, Seattle!" Rob exclaimed into the microphone from where he stood on stage at SPN SeaCon with the rest of his bandmates. They had just finished singing 'Eskimo' and had the crowd pretty much pumped up like all the other times they played.
"It's always great to play for you guys, but we're gonna slow things down for this last song." Rob informed the crowd as he picked up his guitar while he and the rest of the Louden Swain guys got ready to play the next song.
"I don't mean to sound biased, but it's one that I think I would probably consider my favorite." Rob continued, smiling slightly. "It's one that I wrote for a very special someone around a year ago on our fifth wedding anniversary. I wish she was here right now so I could sing it to her directly, but she's back in LA with our two daughters. However, I have a feeling she's watching the livestream of this SNS concert. So, Y/N... this is for you."
Rob strummed his guitar as he began to play the song, letting his mind be consumed with all the memories that came along with it.
(A/N: These "memories" are not really in order. Some of them are, but some of them aren't. Whatever, you get it... Probably.)
Rob could never forget the first time he had met Y/N.
"Okay, everyone, we can get started just as one more person gets here." Mike Rohl, the director for the episode they were about to start shooting (4x18 ~ The Monster At the End of This Book) said as he and everyone else sat around a large table for the read-through.
"Where is Y/N?" Misha whispered to Jared, nodding and indicating to an empty chair that stood between him and a new actor they had for the episode. His name was Rob Benedict and he was going to be playing a character by the name of Chuck Shurley.
"She said she might be running late this morning." Jared whispered back. "She has to pick up her dog from the vet. It stayed overnight from a surgery it had yesterday."
"Sorry I'm late, everyone!" Y/N exclaimed as she rushed into the room, making everyone look her way to see her with sunglasses on and a coffee in her hand and her script in the other as she walked over to where her designated place-card was in between Misha and a man she hadn't met before. "Traffic was hell."
"It's alright, Y/N/N. Glad you could finally join us." Jensen said, an amused smile on his face as she watched her sit down between Misha and Rob. "Y/N, I don't believe you've met Rob. Rob, Y/N. Y/N, Rob."
Y/N just rolled her eyes at Jensen's teasing before directing her attention to the curly-haired man that sat beside her, giving him a smile as she removed her sunglasses and set them beside her cup of coffee. "Y/N Y/L/N, otherwise known as Edith Singer."
Rob smiled back at her, shaking her outstretched hand as he ignored the sudden jolt of electricity that seemed to go through his body at the contact. "Rob Benedict."
🎶God could've never made two🎶
Y/N grinned at him, her (E/C) eyes shining brightly as she looked into his dazzling blue orbs while ignoring the knowing looks Jensen was giving Jared.
🎶Nobody quite like you🎶
Rob would never forget the first time he and Y/N woke up together after their third date.
🎶Woke up this morning, to your sleepy smile🎶
Rob stirred awake, his eyes fluttering open before gazing around the unfamiliar room to see clothes scattered carelessly around on the floor.
It suddenly 'clicked' as a sleepy smile spread across his face at the memory of the previous night before he turned his head to look at the woman lying next to him, her eyes barely open as she looked at him with an adorable sleepy smile.
"Morning." She mumbled softly as she scooted closer to him, cuddling into his side as she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck.
Rob grinned, wrapping his arms around her.
"Morning." He said softly as he placed a kiss on the top of her head, content with just wasting the rest of the morning away with her in his arms.
Rob would definitely never forget when Y/N agreed to spending the rest of her life with him.
🎶I realized I haven't told you in a while🎶
"Where are you taking me?" Y/N giggled as Rob led her along a pier. They had just gotten done filming the Supernatural season five finale (5x22 ~ Swan Song) before Rob had basically dragged Y/N off set and drove her to the pier they were currently walking on.
"To the end of the pier to enjoy the sunset." Rob chuckled as they stopped at the end of the pier to stare out at the ocean, the sun just beginning to set on the horizon. He let go of Y/N's hand before walking around behind her and putting his hands on her shoulders as they stared at the sunset and its beautiful mix of colors of yellow, orange, pink and purple.
"See how the colors seem to mix with each other." Rob stated, his voice barely above a whisper as he spoke softly to Y/N. "Almost as if they were meant to be together."
"Mm." Y/N hummed in agreement, gently nodding her head once as she felt Rob's hands disappear from her shoulders.
"That's why I brought us out here." His voice came from behind her, making her turn around and cover her mouth in shock as she saw Rob down on one knee.
🎶That you're my life, you're my dream🎶
"Y/N Y/L/N, this past year with you has no doubt been the best year of my life." Rob told her, sincerity lacing his tone. "You have shown me what it means to live your life like there's no tomorrow."
"However, I would like for us to spend together the rest of the tomorrows we're able to get." He continued before snapping open the small black velvet box he held in his hand to reveal the vintage diamond engagement ring he had been holding in his possession for the past few months. "Will you marry me?"
🎶You're the reason for every song I sing🎶
Y/N sniffled, nodding her head as a few happy tears escaped the corners of her eyes. "Yes. Definitely, yes."
That adorable smile spread across Rob's face as he slipped the engagement ring onto the ring finger of her outstretched left hand before he stood back up and cradled her face in his hands and kissed her like there really would be no tomorrow.
(A/N: A bit of angst in this next memory!)
Rob would most definitely never forget one of the scariest times in his and Y/N's marriage.
It was after Rob had had his stroke. Y/N was four months pregnant with their second daughter, but had flown all the way to Toronto after Rich had called her and filled her in on everything that had happened.
🎶You're my rock, your my world🎶
"You know it's gonna be okay, right?" Y/N spoke, her voice soft and calming as she gently caressed Rob's hand with the tips of her fingers as he laid in the hospital bed. She gave a Rob reassuring smile. "The doctors said that it may take awhile for you to regain your speech, but that you're definitely gonna be on you're way to a full recovery."
Rob gave her a look as if silently saying "You can't know that for sure."
"Don't give me that look, Mr. Benedict." Y/N told him, grasping his hand in both of hers. "I might not be a doctor, but I am your wife. And I know that you're capable of doing things you think you're not capable of."
🎶Your my always and forever girl🎶
Rob sighed in frustration, leaning his back on the pillow as he wished he could respond with actual words. Y/N had always been so strong even in the toughest situations. And here she was, comforting him when she herself was having to deal with leaving their first daughter back in LA with her grandparents before then flying out to Toronto while being pregnant with their second daughter. She shouldn't be having to put so much stress on herself.
"Stop thinking too much." Y/N chided him when she saw the far off look on Rob's face, bringing him back to reality. "You're gonna be fine. And before you know it, we're gonna be getting to hold this little munchkin in our arms."
🎶God could've never made two🎶
Rob tried to smile as best he could as Y/N stood from her chair beside the hospital bed before placing his hand against her small baby bump, their daughter giving a strong kick against where Rob now had his hand.
🎶Nobody quite like you🎶
Rob tried not to think too much of that. It was a scary time in their marriage when they weren't really sure what was going to happen with Rob's health. Luckily he made a full recovery and spoke again just a couple weeks before Y/N went into labor and gave birth to their gorgeous second daughter.
Anyway, there were even more memories of his relationship with Y/N that Rob loved to think about. Like how playful she would sometimes got with him on set. You know, when their relationship was still relatively new.
Like the time they were in the middle of filming the Supernatural season five premiere (5x01 ~ Sympathy for the Devil).
🎶Woah, sweetheart
One kiss and I come unglued🎶
"Mmph." Rob made a noise as Y/N pushed him against the side of her trailer, away from prying eyes as she crashed her lips against his.
"Babe." He whispered against her lips. "They're looking for us. We need to get to hair and makeup."
🎶You are the reason, I fall to pieces🎶
"Mm-hm." She hummed against his lips before pulling away slightly and giving him the most devious smirk she could manage. "Isn't this so much more fun, though?"
Rob couldn't help but sigh helplessly as Y/N lips attached to the side of his neck, sucking in a dark purple mark that would definitely be difficult for the makeup artists to coverup.
🎶'Cause you're all that I adore🎶
"You know...." Rob spoke slowly before flipping the two of them around to where he had Y/N pressed up against the side of her trailer, his hands on either side of her head. "If you keep this up, we're gonna have to hide ourselves better so no one will find us as I do everything you're making me want to do to you."
Y/N couldn't help but grin at him, a twinkle in her eyes as Rob leaned in to press their lips together again.
Oh! One of Rob's most favorite memories was the day he and Y/N stood in front of all their friends and family as the two of them vowed to to love each other for the rest of their lives.
🎶You're the one my heart beats for🎶
"Do you, Rob, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do you part?" The minister asked as beside the couple.
Rob smiled, not taking his eyes off Y/N as he slid the wedding band onto her finger.
"I do."
"And Y/N..." The minister continued. "Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do you part?"
Y/N smiled widely, a few happy tears escaping corners of her eyes. She locked her gaze with Rob as she slipped the wedding band on his finger.
"I do."
The minister smiled. "Then, by the power vested in me by the state of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Rob grinned, pulling Y/N closer and wrapping one of his arms around her waist and cupping the side her face with his free hand before leaning in and kissing her with so much passion and love. He tried to pour all the emotions he was feeling in that moment into that kiss.
Y/N responded in kind, sliding her hands to the back of his neck to deepen the kiss.
But as all dramatic, emotion-filled and romantic kisses go, the need for air will become necessary.
🎶And I can't believe you gave your sweet heart to me🎶
When they pulled apart, they leaned their foreheads together.
"I love you, Mrs. Benedict." Bruce whispered to where only Y/N could hear him.
She grinned at him. "I love you, too, Mr. Benedict."
Then there were the times that Rob liked to think about that just involved the two of them, at home and at ease.
🎶Yeah, you're sweet like chocolate🎶
"How much flour was I supposed to put in?" Rob quirked an eyebrow as he looked up from the bowl of ingredients that sat atop the kitchen island of his and Y/N home.
"Two cups." Y/N responded, poking her head into the kitchen from where was in the living room. "Why?"
"Well..." Rob trailed off, his gaze drifting from Y/N to the full bag of flour that was now in the bowl. "The whole bag might've just... slipped?"
"Seriously?" She giggled, coming into the kitchen to inspect the mess Rob had made. "What happened?"
"I was... distracted." He answered, not meeting her gaze as a slight blush spread across his cheeks.
"What distra–" Y/N began to ask, but cut herself off when she remembered Rob could see into the living room from the kitchen. "Robert Patrick Benedict, were you staring at my ass while I cleaned the coffee table?"
"No!" He immediately exclaimed, eyes wide.
Y/N grinned cheekily at him as she bent over the kitchen island, giving him the perfect view of her cleavage. "Am I really that distracting, Robbie?"
Rob gulped, biting his lip as he thought of a way to respond.
🎶Hot like sriracha🎶
"Screw it." He muttered before leaning over, taking ahold of her chin and pressing his lips against hers. "Bedroom, now. Baking can wait."
There was also this one other time Rob couldn't help but think about sometimes.
The time he had come to the Supernatural set to watch Y/N film her death scene. The last scene she would ever shoot as Edith Singer, the daughter of the already dead Bobby Singer.
🎶Yeah, girl you got me right in your back pocket🎶
"Edith, don't do this." Jensen (or Dean) said as he cradled her in his arms, Jared (or Sam) kneeling on the other side of them. It was just the three of them in this scene. No one else. "Please, don't do this to us. We can't lose you, too."
"You boys have... saved me... countless times." Y/N (or Edith) said tearfully, gasping for air. "I'm glad it... was me that... finally got... to save you... It's time for me... to see my Dad again."
That was the last thing Y/N (or Edith) said before the life faded from her eyes, her body going limp.
🎶You're smooth like whiskey, fine like wine🎶
And just a short time later, Rob stood behind Y/N, his arms wrapped around her waist as they stood behind the camera crew as they watched Jared (Sam) and Jensen (Dean) shoot the scene of them burning Y/N's (Edith's) body.
"That was a pretty powerful scene you did awhile ago." Rob whispered in her ear. "You sad it's over?"
🎶I love how you're making my blood sugar rise🎶
"Of course I am." She whispered back. "But, you know, I've got other things to make me happy now as well."
Rob lips curved into a small smile as his hands drifted to Y/N's very slight baby bump, his hands moving to the place where his and Y/N's first child was growing.
Another memory Rob loved to think about was when he and Y/N were on their honeymoon.
🎶God could've never made two🎶
"You know, I know we're here for our honeymoon, but I wouldn't mind coming back again some other time as well." Y/N stated as she and Rob walked hand-in-hand along the beach's shoreline. "Oh, look!"
🎶Nobody quite like you🎶
Rob smiled in amusement as Y/N let go of his hand and walked quickly ahead of him a few steps, bending down to pick up a hermit crab.
"Look at him, he's adorable!" Y/N grinned as she let the small creature crawl across the palms of her hands.
"S'pose he's not too bad." Rob commented, walking up to his new wife as she held the hermit crab. "Should we name him?"
"Let's name him Richard Speight III." Y/N gasped excitedly, Rob throwing his head back in laughter at her suggestion.
🎶Woah, sweetheart
One kiss and I come unglued🎶
"I'm not sure how Rich would feel about that." Rob chuckled.
"Do you really care?" She quirked an eyebrow, smirking up at her new husband.
🎶You are the reason, I fall to pieces🎶
"Not a damn bit." He said, capturing her lips with his before pulling away and looking down at the hermit crab Y/N held in between them. "Let's take a picture and send it to Rich."
Y/N grinned at him.
"You read my mind."
Another memory Rob would never forget was one that could only compete with two other of his memories.
The day his and Y/N's first daughter was born.
🎶'Cause you're all that I adore🎶
"Hello, beautiful." Y/N whispered, gently caressing her and Rob's infant daughter's cheek with her thumb.
"Welcome to the world, Sophia Elizabeth Benedict." Rob spoke softly as he sat on the side of the bed, peering over Y/N's shoulder as they stared down at the tiny human they had created. "How much do you think Sebastian is going to love that her initials spell out 'Seb'?"
🎶You're the one my heart beats for🎶
"Like that man needs another boost to his ego." Y/N rolled her eyes before just giggling softly.
🎶And I can't believe you gave your sweet heart to me🎶
Rob chuckled, kissing her on the temple before just resting his chin on the top of her head. "I love you so damn much."
Even the memories of the times Rob would find himself alone at home when Y/N was away filming were memories he didn't mind thinking about.
'Cause even when she wasn't there with him, she always somehow found a way to make him smile.
🎶When the world gets cold
On those sleepless nights🎶
"Saw these and thought you'd like them. See you when I get back home this weekend." Was scrawled across a small piece of paper in Y/N's handwriting.
Rob smiled as he looked from the note to an open box of a brand new pair of jet black Converse sneakers that sat on top of his and Y/N king-sized bed.
🎶Oh, girl you should know that you will always be mine🎶
"How'd I get so lucky?" Rob found himself asking to no one in particular as he stood alone in their empty master bedroom.
One memory that made Rob smile was when he and Y/N had been up in Vancouver for the filming of season five episode nine (5x09 ~ The Real Ghostbusters). Y/N's character (Edith) wasn't in the episode, but Y/N had decided to come up to Vancouver with Rob anyway and watch him film.
“Wow, really?” Rob (or Chuck) asked Jared (or Sam) as they stood there with Emily (or Becky).
“No..” He said. “‘Cause we have guns, and we’ll find you.”
🎶God could've never made two🎶
“Right, okay.” Rob (or Chuck) nodded quickly, making Y/N giggle quietly from where she stood behind Brad, one of the camera men.
🎶Nobody quite like you🎶
“And cut!” The director called out, letting everyone break character. “Everyone, take ten and then we’ll head back inside for the bar scene.”
🎶Woah, sweetheart
One kiss and I come unglued🎶
“Getting bored?” Rob enquired, walking over to where Y/N was as Emily and Jared were whisked away for their hair touch-ups.
“I never get bored watching you film.” Y/N grinned, wrapping her arms around Rob’s neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She leaned up slightly to give him a peck on the lips. “It’s one of my favorite things.”
🎶You are the reason, I fall to pieces🎶
“Oh, is that so?” He quirked an eyebrow at her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Mm..” She hummed in response, nodding before just laying her head against his chest as they stood there in each other’s arms until Rob was called away for more filming.
And of course, the only other memory that could stand right alongside the memory of Rob and Y/N’s wedding, and the memory of the day their first daughter was born, was the memory of the day their second daughter was born.
🎶'Cause you're all that I adore🎶
“Hello, little one.” Rob whispered as he stared down at his and Y/N’s baby daughter as she was nestled safely in Y/N’s arms. “Beautiful, just like her Mommy and big sis.”
🎶You're the one my heart beats for🎶
“Little Emmalyn Saige Benedict.” Y/N smiled widely, letting her daughter’s tiny fingers wrap around one of hers.
🎶And I can't believe you gave your sweet heart to me🎶
“I can’t wait for Sophia to meet her.” Rob said quietly, not taking his eyes off his new daughter.
Y/N smiled slightly, leaning further into Rob’s side.
“Me, too.”
It was really quite simple when Rob thought about it. It didn’t have to be examined too closely.
🎶Ooh yeah, you gave your sweet heart to me🎶
Y/N was his everything. She was the one who gave him the life he had only dreamed of before he met her. She had been there with him through his worst times just like he had been there with her through hers.
She was his happiness. She was the one who gave him two beautiful daughters that just added on to that. He would forever be grateful.
🎶Ooh yeah, you gave your sweet heart to me, oh🎶
And nothing would ever or could ever change his mind about that.
The crowd screamed and applauded as the band played the last notes of the song, Rob’s voice fading away with the last lyric.
“I love you, Y/N, and I’ll see you and the girls when I get home.” Rob spoke into the microphone, staring at where he saw the camera filming the livestream. “Goodnight, Seattle!”
Rob gave one last wave to the crowd before he and the band began making their way off stage, Rob’s mind filled with thoughts of Y/N.
The woman who was back in LA staring at her computer screen, smiling like an idiot as she leaned back against the headboard of her and Rob’s bed, both of their daughters fast asleep on either side of her.
“Love you, too, Robbie.”
A/N: Okay, so that didn’t exactly turn out how I had originally planned, but I still had fun writing it. And I hope you enjoyed reading it even more! 😁
Anyway, I’ve started work on a (Gabriel x Trickster!Reader) one-shot. I’m not sure when I’ll get that up, but hopefully it won’t be too long. 🙂
Until next time! 😘
💋 Love always,
Forever Tags: @crazysocklovingfangirl / @smoothdogsgirl / @anonymousbambi / @growningupgeek / @duquesarosa / @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked / @avengingthesupernatural / @totallysupernaturaloneshots / @helloangelicaaaaa / @paddy1219 / @shamvictoria11 / @mora-firestone / @nerdysandwichqueen / @wificrazymisfit / @gabriels-trix / @evyiione / @boredoutofmymindstuff / @castiels-tardis-sound / @tricksters-captain / @magpiegirl80 / @riversong-sam / @dont-hate-relate-pls / @your-not-invisible-to-me
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Bobby’s Angel - Part 5
Notes: Sorry this is a short one. I’ve hinted at some things that will play a part in future parts of this book. And we’re almost half-way through the first book in the series! =D Also, if you want to be added to this series or I forgot to add you, send me a message or ask please ^__^ Notes on the stories tend to get lost.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Gemma had been bedridden for the past few weeks, forcing the men to step up and care for the trio of children on their own. Bobby currently had Jax, Opie, and Angel occupied doing their homework at the clubhouse with promises of freshly baked cookies and letting them watch some TV. Jax could hardly sit still, constantly calling Bobby over and asking if his mommy had the baby yet. Bobby couldn’t help but laugh and ruffle his head, reassuring him that as soon as Gemma was ready to have the baby, they’d all rush over to the hospital. Opie was just as excited as Jax. In his mind, this was his baby brother too and couldn’t wait to meet him and help Jax teach him the games they played. The only one unsure of everything was Angel. She sat quietly at the table, having finished all her homework first. Angel had taken quickly to school and always seemed to enjoy the work given. Bobby was proud that she never complained about doing homework, only that she wanted to work ahead. He hoped that she would continue to be like that and go off to college, make something of herself so she wouldn’t be like him or her mother.
Bobby had finished checking all the homework and made them cleanup while he got food ready. If anyone had told Bobby that he would be a father, babysitting, and making mac & cheese with home breaded chicken tenders for his daughter and the sons of his brothers, he would have laughed. But here he was, Angel was almost finished with her first year of school and soon she would be five years old. “Daddy, can I help you?”Bobby turned and nodded his head “Alright Angel, I do need some help”. He really loved spending time with her and teaching her how to cook and bake with him. It amused him that she was responding more to being called Angel than her real name. He didn’t blame her, her mother always called her Y/n with disgust. I cant stand that bitch, he thought to himself. Ever since Susan had started dating her newest boyfriend, she had pushed Angel to the side. She was spending more time with Bobby so he couldn’t really complain, but it enraged him that she refused to give up custody. He knew she was using Angel to get child support from him. Thankfully he had kept thorough records of everything he bought for his daughter. He refused to give Susan any more money than needed; she would spend it on those other brats anyway. “Are you excited for the new baby?” Bobby glanced at his daughter who shrugged. He noticed anytime the baby was brought up, Angel would get quiet and retreat back. “What’s wrong baby girl? You know you can tell daddy.” He had stopped breading the chicken and pushed it aside. Angel shrugged again and mumbled incoherently. “I’m sorry, you gotta excuse your dear old man, I seem to be going deaf. will you repeat that baby?” Ange gave a small smile and walked over to him, wrapping her tiny arms around his leg, “I’m sad. I’m going to be left alone when the baby comes,” she whispered against his pants.
Bobby reached down and picked her up, “What makes you say that?”
“All everyone talks about is the baby. It’s gonna be like Mommy. When the new kids come home, you’re gonna forget about me and then I’ll have to find a new home to live in. Then if they get new kids, I'm gonna be forgot’n again and need another new home, then I’ll be all alone! And Opie and Jax won't play with me anymore” she sniffled and wiped at her face. Bobby was conflicted, he was angry that his own daughter thought he would be like her mother and part of him wanted to laugh at the story his daughter had thought up. He sat on one of the nearby chairs and pulled his daughter onto his lap. “Oh Angel, no one will replace you or forget about you. I know things at Mommy’s house are strange right now. I will never EVER forget about you! Jax and Opie will still play games with you. It’s going to be a while before the baby can even play games. We all love you here and you will always belong to the Samcro Family. Do you understand?” Angel looked up and nodded. Wrapping her tiny arms around her father, she nuzzled into his chest. “I love you Daddy.” Bobby smiled and kissed the top of her head, “I love you too my princess. Now, let’s get the food finished so we can feed you and the boys!”
It wasn't until a few days after Angel and Bobby's conversion that Gemma finally went into labor. Bobby, Tig, and Tig’s old lady, Genevieve, had volunteered to look after all the kids and the garage. Everyone else had a run to do and would be gone for the next few days.
As Bobby and Tig escorted the children into the hospital room, Angel gripped her father’s hand tighter. Gemma was sitting up in bed, a tiny bundle in her arms, as JT sat beside her. Jax ran over to his parents and stood on his tiptoes, trying to see his newest sibling. Tig picked him up and gently set him on the bed. Opie was the next to run over, but he stood patiently next to the bed, until Gemma was ready to show everyone the newest Teller. “Angel, come here. Come meet your little brother,” she spoke softly to the girl. Opie turned and held his hand out to Angel, urging her to come closer. Angel took Opie’s hand and stepped closer to the bed. She bite her lip and took a deep breath when she realized what Gemma had said, “My little brother?” Angel scrunched her face in confusion. The adults chuckled and Gemma reached down, stroking Angel’s cheek softly. “Family isn’t just blood baby. You, Jax, Opie, and now little Thomas, you’re all brothers and sisters.” Angel smiled and gave a small giggle, “I like having Jax and Opie as big brothers.”
“We like you as our little sister too!” Jax beamed at her. Opie squeezed Angel tightly and picked her up, letting her upper half rest on the bed to see the baby better. Bobby stepped forward and lifted Angel from little Opie, who scowled up at his uncle. “I had her Uncle Bobby! I wasn’t gonna drop her!” Bobby ruffled the boy’s hair and smiled, “I know Opie, just trying to give her better look.” Opie seemed to accept the answer and turned back toward Gemma, who was beaming at having all her babies in the same room. “Guys, put them on the bed with me. I want a picture with all my babies!”
Jax and Opie sat on either side of Gemma. Angel was sitting between Opies legs as she peered at the small baby. “I love you already little brother,” she whispered. Right as Genevieve we taking the picture, Angel leaned over and pressed a kiss to little Thomas's nose.
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@mrstellerwinston @howmanywastedmoments @lolsthecat @soafanficluvr1@redwoodog @chaosmieu @khyharah @5sos1dsex @opies-oldlady @come-join-themurder @queen-ofthe-bikers-soa @mrsirishboru @fortheloveofthesoa@samcrolivesforever @ineedthesons @mwesterfeld1985 @divathelover@happys-crazy-queen22 @kitkat1690 @sons-of-anarchy-imagines-blr @girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine @tellermorelli @stephkeese77 @juiceboxxortiz@come-join-themurder @ladyannikki @mybabysons @jade770
#the reapers angel#bobby's angel#samcro#soa#bobby munson#bobby munson x reader#dad!bobby munson#jax teller#opie winston#tig trager#gemma teller
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