#for my fellow forgetful people
quichecat · 10 months
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I sometimes forget if I took my meds or not so I made a cute little printable tracker! It comes in 3 different color versions so you can either have a colored version or color it in yourself to fit your style or just have a little extra fun! You can get it in my new Etsy store here !
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
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Brought to you because of my searing hatred for the DEA 💛
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ima-ghost-art · 7 months
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Guess who finally got around to drawing their post-war Leo design!!! I think after exploding it doesn't make much sense that Leo would still be fully in one piece, to ofc his siblings made sure to help kit him out with some cool new celestial bronze limbs plus a monster-grade hearing aid!!
ALSO sketches of Frank just loving his small bf
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itsagrimm · 2 years
Leida Mothma and the struggle for identity
Mon Mothma says about her daughter Leida practicing traditions: "It's weird. It's stronger here than it is at home." And I can't stop thinking about Leida Mothma and her portrayal as a very privileged yet uprooted kid with a migrant background being unusually traditional.
Growing up away from the culture and the people she is supposed to be part of, is challenging and confusing. It is hard to find identity as a teenage migrant, culture and personal access to her people's traditions when removed from it. And it is not surprising that Leida seeks out the most overt and uncomplicated access she can find to her culture and heritage, even if those are conservative and regressive. Those practices are a lifeline for her, simply because she has or knows of no other options.
As someone with a fairly similar background IRL I sympathise deeply with her character. It is a failure of the society she lives in to include her as she is in a way, that would not drive her into dogmatic traditionalism for identity. And it is worryingly normal for kids to feel like they have to hyper-conform in one way or another to have access to their migrant families background or the societal expectations of the place they live in now. It's as if we still haven't figured out how to be inclusive of those we don't understand. And the most vulnerable are the collateral of that.
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not-poignant · 1 year
This is the anon the said 'safe'. Your tags hit me hard, since I'm actually starting a transition but am avoiding hrt. I've been getting pushback on it, and been told I'm not really trans without it. I know what I want to change to feel like myself. Also what I don't want to change. That's probably why 'safe' was my choice. It sucks when you think you should belong, but still feel like you aren't good enough. It helped to hear you have felt the same. I just want to give you a big virtual hug.
Ahhh I have a similar story, anon <333 I'm so sorry you went through it too.
Under a read more because it contains transphobia towards a nonbinary person from a binary trans person. My experiences are from a nonbinary lens, anon, so take the bits that are useful to you and ignore the rest, depending on where you sit on the trans spectrum <333
When I started realising I was transmasc (I'd known I was non-binary for a while) I remember that I talked to a trans man about it, he'd been going through the process for a couple of years at that point and we'd talked about that too at different points.
And I remember mentioning that I'd thought about hormones, but I was still on the fence because I'm nonbinary, not like 'binary trans' (i.e. I'm not going from point A to point B, where you move from AFAB to man or AMAB to woman), and I was talking about wanting they/them pronouns and maybe he/him pronouns at that point.
And he said: 'Oh cool, yeah, hopefully that helps until you decide for sure with testosterone and surgery.' I had this moment of like ??? and he was like 'when you realise and can be brave enough to commit to being a guy, I hope that goes really well for you.'
It was one of the most transphobic things I'd ever heard, not because it was said from a hateful place (it really wasn't, I'm still friends with this guy), but because it came from a friend, I was being very vulnerable during the conversation and it left me feeling like I didn't have a right to consider myself trans at all for about two years after that. It pushed me into this space where I'd been defined by a fellow trans person as a 'coward until I decided to be officially a man.' And then for two years I kept looking for that inside of myself, denying my non-binary-ness in favour of looking for a very clear and decisive 'I'm a man!' moment. It was a horrible period of time, gender-wise. Because being identified exclusively only as a man or a woman is dysphoric to me, so trying to do it to myself was like cutting at myself with an axe.
It's also very much like when gay and lesbian folk would say to me - back when I identified as bisexual - 'get back to me when you pick a side / become a real queer.' There's a real phobic bent among folks who are 'one or the other' (sighs) towards people who are in the liminal with this stuff and that's where they belong. And it hadn't occurred to me that I'd hear a version of that from a fellow trans person. You'd think I'd have learned, right?
He and I are still friends, but I stopped talking to him about all of my experiences as a trans and nonbinary person. It was clear to me, in that moment, he saw me as a much lesser version of an identity he'd embraced and was living. You know, how so many people think of nonbinary transmascs. (It's also frustrating, because trans men also don't need to have hormones or surgery to be trans men, and it makes me furious when people take this attitude with binary trans folk too, but I'm mostly focusing on my own experience here, of the myriad ways we encounter transphobia in the trans community).
I never heard anything quite like that again, but I've had one other trans guy be like 'when you're ready for testosterone, I'll support you' like he was waiting in the wings for me to 'fully make a decision to be 100% a man' which isn't a decision I can make, because I'm not 100% a man, lmao, I'm like 80% of one, and 20% something else, and 0% woman, lmao, which is why I call myself nonbinary transmasc.
I was lucky that through research and listening to voices in nonbinary transmasc spaces and more open-minded trans spaces that I realised that I'd encountered transphobia, and that this specific kind of transphobia is particularly common in the trans community, especially in cases where a trans man or woman has a period of being nonbinary as an experiment to see what transitioning feels like before they fully commit to the surgery and/or hormones and name etc. that they often wanted all along. So they often project this onto other people, because for them being nonbinary was a midway point, or the middle of an evolution. But being nonbinary isn't an experiment for most nonbinary people, it's literally our identity and it always will be. (And any binary trans person reading this, don't ever use this rhetoric with your nonbinary friends, or your fellow binary trans friends who have elected not to use hormones or surgery - it's transphobic.)
These days, I'm proudly trans and proudly part of the trans community, but I'm also aware that there are a lot of binary trans people who will treat me and other trans folk as 'other' because I haven't suffered through the same surgeries or adjustments that they have. That's...their transphobia, and it's not me expressing my identity wrongly, or being 'lesser', it's just straight up transphobia. It belongs to them, not to me. I don't believe we have a unique word for nonbinary transphobia, it all comes under the same umbrella, but that's definitely what it is.
When you start to feel like you don't belong, anon, remind yourself that this is internalised transphobia, not to punish yourself, but to remind yourself that it's not true. Those feelings belong to the people who gave them to you, but they're not innately or inherently true, they actually have nothing to do with how valid you are at every stage of your transition.
You're fully a trans man if you don't take hormones, and you're fully nonbinary if you do. Whatever you need (or don't need) to affirm or express your gender for you, is what you need, and that deserves to be respected and fully validated no matter what, at any time. Whether it's binding or not binding, hormones or not hormones, hormones and then 'not for the next few years' and then hormones again, surgery or not surgery, etc. Whether you're a trans man, woman, nonbinary, agender etc.
People have this idea of what it is to be a 'proper' trans, bi, gay, lesbian person (like the 'gold star lesbian' which is horrendously disgusting as a term and concept), but all you need - literally all you need - re: these things, is to just... know you're these things. That's it. That's how a gay person can know they're gay without having sex. That's how a bi person can know they're bi without sleeping with someone of the same sex. And it's how a trans person knows they're trans without looking perfectly androgynous or perfectly binary trans (depending on what they desire) on the outside. (Don't get me started on fatphobia in androgynous and nonbinary spaces, and the equation of true 'nonbinary androgyny' with thinness, because that's a whole other rant for another day, lol).
I'm sorry you've experienced that pressure to be 'more' of something from society / particular people. I can specifically relate on the hormones front because I actually went quite far into looking into taking T, to the point where my doctor was ready to sign off with an endocrinologist, before I realised that it wasn't the right decision for me. It might be one day, but right now I know I'm transmasc without it, and I'm concerned about some of the side effects with my neuroendocrine tumours. There are other ways I affirm my gender that work great for me. But I did have a moment of knowing that would impact how other people see me, and it's one thing when it comes from all the cis people, but it's another thing when it comes from the trans community as well. :( Thankfully most people are really validating now, use the right pronouns, and I just don't confide nonbinary vulnerabilities with folks who saw being nonbinary as a midpoint of their own evolution/journey, just to be safe, lmao.
Wishing you fortune and strength and much validation, anon <3 You are amazing as you are, whatever you decide to do or not do in the future. :) *hugs*
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scatterpatter · 10 months
Every time i cringe when old of mine gets notes again, I then get this kinda swell of pride
Like man I never would've thought that a silly doodle I did in the middle of a hyperfix in 2019 would over 4 years later bring a smile to someones face
Like how many times I've gone down internet rabbit holes and found fanart over a decade old but still managed to bring a smile to my face, how many abandoned fics and comics and art people dont really think abt anymore still bring me joy when I stumble upon them
And I might not be proud of my old work because I've improved and I get embarrassed because I know I could do so much better if I re-did it nowadays, but like thats not the point. When I made it way back when it made me happy, and while it's not up to my personal standards anymore, it still makes other ppl happy. Other ppl arent holding my old art to the standards i am.
My one lil moment of joy that sparked a doodle inspiration kinda went across time and brought a smile to someone else's face way down the line when im not even really in the fandom that doodle was for anymore
AUs I've since gone back and went "eugh" with because I know I couldve approached them with better designs and writing nowadays, even tho I don't think it's good enough, someone else does, and like. thats just. thats just nice.
Idk. I dont have a point to this. I just hope that stuff i make today makes ppl happy years down the road. That's a nice thought.
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cassandracorvo · 10 months
Tagged by @lovebillyhargrove :') thank you baby I didn't expect it <3
Last Song: "Falling Down" by Duran Duran
Song stuck in my head: "Last Christman" by Wham!. She knows it's her fault
Favourite colour(s): any shade of blue, esp. cerulean and cobalt; gold; lilac and wisteria; and to wear, black, the supreme color
Currently watching: Cold Case (rewatch)
Currently reading: "Acts of Services" by Lillian Fishman
Currently craving: carbs
Last movie: Do documentaries count? If yes, "Il caso Elisa Claps"; "Hereditary"
Sweet, spicy or savoury? Bitter. Like life.
Relationship status: I'm writing my thesis (single)
Current obsession: Billy Hargrove *sends kiss the ocean*
Three favourite foods: Baked pasta. Pasta and potatoes. Roasted potatoes.
Last thing I googled: "Mobilian Jargon"
Dream trip: road trip on the Northern Europe coast, "realistically"; ideally, backpack trip🤤
Anything i want right now: my friends and loved ones to be healthy and serene. Peace of mind. My Demonia Bear. More cats
Tagging: @goddessofgodless @irohasong @ilragazzodelfaro @buckysgrace @ariesbilly @ellelans @fdevita-official-shitpost @assortedfruitsnacks212 @ariesbilly @sadhours @half-oz-eddie @intothedysphoria @mrsblackruby muah to everyone (tranne a Viviana. A te i fiori per Viktor ✝️)
And if you see this and wanna do it, i tag you too! ❤️❤️❤️
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 2 months
The most baffling thing to me is the number of people convinced Limbo genuinely wants to help people? It’s the exact opposite…??? They explicitly want to hurt people and take pleasure in it?? We have objective proof he holds no love for humanity? Where is this coming from I swear people want to make him into an entirely different character instead of appreciating the over the top evil guy we have (that’s what makes him great, he’s a sadist/rapist/envious and petty bitch that’s very dramatic about it!)
The historical Douman even is called out by Seimei for only seeking fame and fortune, and though he’s respected by people, he’s also feared by them, and is known to be arrogant and violent… and the Fate portrayal of him is *only* his evils so there is no way he’d have any genuine desire to help people lol
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pearlcaddy · 1 year
My kingdom for people to stop trash talking/generally being rude about fics in public fandom spaces. If you're analyzing a general trend, fine. But if you don't like a specific fic, find a friend's DMs to vent in. Stop putting this stuff on tumblr, Twitter, Discord servers, etc. where 1) many people in the fandom, and 2) the GODDAMN AUTHOR can see it.
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kuraikyu · 8 months
Persona symbolism based on canon / & micro esotericism study.
Date of birth: February 3rd, 1990 Zodiac: Aquarius Chinese zodiac: metal Horse Element: Air Ruling planet: Uranus Chakra: Muladhara (Root) Druid tree sign: Poplar Season: Autumn
Headcanon symbolism:
Major arcana: the Moon Minor arcana: pentacles / King of pentacles Wood: Ebony YIN / YANG Number : 6 Gemstone: Golden Sheen Obsidian DAY / NIGHT Part of day: dusk Time : midnight GOLD / SILVER / BRONZE Spice: pink pepper / cinnamon Oil: bourbon vanilla
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hawnks · 6 months
can you rec some a/b/o x reader writers for jjk/bnha? I am STARVED
Ummm,,,, honestly? Not many, off the top of my head wjjsjsjd
@streimiv has some gems in her omegaverse tag. @spacelabrathor write INCREDIBLE hybrid!au for bnha
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technoxenoholic · 10 months
anyway. i think more people need to stop reacting to "this post leaves out people like xyz" type additions with "i'm literally xyz shut up!" when the post itself literally does not mention people like xyz even once and reads as though people who are like xyz were not even considered. like, just because you are xyz doesn't mean that's clear in your post. people are not automatically accusing you of hating or not caring about people like xyz for bringing up that a specific post leaves them out. (and also people are not reading every inch of your blog before responding to a one-off post they encountered on someone else's blog.)
if you make a post about abc and leave out xyz, then people who live at the intersection of abc and xyz are allowed to mention that the intersection exists. just because you also live at that intersection but didn't point it out doesn't mean people are attacking you or whatever.
whatever happened to assuming "yes, and"? why does everyone assume (and react in kind with) "no, fuck you" nowadays?
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myfriendtheghost · 1 year
I’m sorry but the obsession some of the people in my this fandom have with Hannah is weird
you don’t have to like her by any means, but know that if you’re stalking her socials all the time and making comments on everything she posts in hopes of getting blocked, you’re super lame and weird sorry please get a life !!!!
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hungerpunch · 2 years
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I don’t want friendships where I’m always the mother, the nurturer, the healer, the teacher, the processor. I deserve to be held too.
I forgive myself for positioning myself in these roles. I forgive myself for believing that constantly holding space for others at the expense of myself would make them see how worthy I am of love.
My therapist once told me, “You are used to seeking out those who need support. So when you find someone who’s actually like you, it may be hard to recognize them.” And I think about it a lot. I am no longer contributing to my own emptiness.
I pray I find the friendships that are reciprocal attractive. I pray I take the initiative in responding back to their messages and connecting with them. I pray that I will no longer ignore people who are like me.
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inkling0121 · 1 year
Crying bc theres been a trend where people talk about how beautiful brown eyes are but theyre always light brown or hazel and I have the darkest eyes youve ever seen so this is to people who have dark eyes like me
Your eyes are like the night sky, when theres a glare it looks like stars. Your eyes are like wells of ink, so full of potential and millions of stories are written because of them. Your eyes are like a dark room after a busy day, blissful silence in the night except for the rain pattering against your window, your bed so soft and warm and inviting, the dark so nice and welcoming. Your eyes reflect everything you see with so much beauty. They are a sharp type of beautiful, so full of emotion, anger, love, sorrow, and joy. Blue eyes may seem like the ocean, green eyes like gems, but your eyes are so very human in the way we built our homes from the darkest, richest soils and the mightest of black oaks. Your eyes holds the secrets of the universe, and maybe if we stare at each other long enough, we might be able to begin to understand.
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fellow uterus-havers. fellow monthly-bleeding-havers. do yourselves a favor. buy a menstrual cup. thank me later. holy shit. I got the Honey Pot and I’ve just had this thing for a day and like, where tf have you been all my life. I’d imagine it’s probably easier to put in and remove if you’re not a virgin but it fits like a tampon so idk one of the best parts is that the risk of TSS with a cup is so much drastically lower than a tampon it’s practically nonexistent (bc the good ones are made of medical-grade silicon), so you can wear it overnight common advice is to leave the thing in for a max of 12hrs but that’s less bc of TSS risk and more bc that’s the usual maximum capacity before it starts overflowing and it functions on suction seal, not absorbency, so once it’s in there, you’re good to go (I always have tampons leak on me well before they’re full) and also bc it’s silicon and just holds the blood instead of absorbing it, there’s no risk of taking it out too early and feeling like you’ve just ripped out your entire guts through your vag and it has a shelf-life of like 10yrs if you take care of it properly—I will literally no longer have a cycle to contain before I need to replace it there is a bit of a learning curve to put it in correctly (I recommend doubling up with a pad until you get the hang of it), and taking it out is a bit of an ordeal in my (in)experience, and you’re gonna want to have a sink within reach to rinse the thing off before putting it back in, but really, c’mon
no more sleeping-on-your-cycle anxiety
no more scrambling for pads/tampons bc you forgot to buy them (and choking on the price tags bc uterus tax is some bullshit)
no more stinky
no more rushing to the bathroom in the middle of your shift/class/sporting event/whatever else you’re doing bc you’re pretty sure your product of choice is leaking
no more constantly having to manage the damn thing over the course of your day
(for us cisn'ts) no more 'going to the bathroom is even more of a nightmare when your blood moon is up than it is normally'
literally set-it-and-forget-it type blood moon hygiene, I am obsessed
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