#(douman is goading him into betting his head and decapitates him shortly after!)
sealer-of-wenkamui · 2 months
The most baffling thing to me is the number of people convinced Limbo genuinely wants to help people? It’s the exact opposite…??? They explicitly want to hurt people and take pleasure in it?? We have objective proof he holds no love for humanity? Where is this coming from I swear people want to make him into an entirely different character instead of appreciating the over the top evil guy we have (that’s what makes him great, he’s a sadist/rapist/envious and petty bitch that’s very dramatic about it!)
The historical Douman even is called out by Seimei for only seeking fame and fortune, and though he’s respected by people, he’s also feared by them, and is known to be arrogant and violent… and the Fate portrayal of him is *only* his evils so there is no way he’d have any genuine desire to help people lol
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