#for being scared of an objectively scary life experience
pink-elefantz · 4 months
"it's ableist to be scared of losing your memory" bestie what the fuck are you talking about. ur all giving me diarea
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cannellee · 4 months
Hi, if this is ok with you. Can you do a Mikey x tomboy fem reader x Draken please. Where Mikey and Draken likes/have a crush on the same girl who is part of the Toman gang. She is a kind, sweet, and clumsy tomboy girl who is raised by a military family. Who loves to draw and read. But if you piss her off or mess with her family/friends, you mess with the wrong girl, and she becomes scary scary, just like her military family members. If you don't want to do this, I understand. Ignore this requests and delete it. I hope you had a lovely weekend.
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୨୧ alpha! mikey x omega! reader x alpha! draken
— their reaction to a tomboy omega s/o
my masterlist : ☆
(I really hope it's close to what you had imagined, sorry for keeping you waiting as well!!)
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born and raised in not only an alpha household, but a military one at that, you've often had to accommodate yourself to fit the standards of your family members.
harsh trainings, raw discussions and discipline were often made use of during your childhood. your father wished for your brothers to remain under the strictness they had during their period in the army.
you, being the youngest, often wanted to join in and imitate your siblings. despite your father being more indulgent with you, you still were raised the same way as alphas, this explains your personality one would find inappropriate for an omega.
your family always was extremely supportive of whoever you wished to become, scaring off judgemental stares and remarks about their only omega.
their time at the army probably had strengthened their instincts, being more aware and protective, especially when it came to you. the basic essence of a soldier is precisely to defend and shield the 'weaker' ; this is precisely why you never had any issues regarding your safety and well being. but it somehow also became an obstacle in your love life.
befriending mikey and draken was all too natural for the three of you. you guys met during your childhood when none of you had any concrete ideas of your second gender. you had similar personalities and a common interest for fights and getting in trouble, and that was all you needed to start hanging out together.
even after you presented as an omega, they never once turned themselves away from you, and you kept your position as a division captain. you knew very well how to fight, having received a specialised training from your father. you even joined mikey's during his own sessions when you had the time. overall, everyone knew what you were capable of and never doubted your competence : a horde of alphas having no objections following you as their captain.
mikey and draken didn't fall in love with you at first sight. it came gradually, a growing warm feeling, letting them know you were much more than a comrade they could fight alongside of.
getting to know you better was the starting point. to think your tough appearance wasn't all that you were really surprised them. by inviting themselves at your place, they realized you were much sweeter than what you let others see and not expecting you to be this open to the cuddles of your family, even letting out soft purrs of content!
what a shock it was for them to witness that. it's like reality hit them for the first time and they finally saw you as a strong omega and not simply a friend who acted so much like an alpha. you just didn't fit the usual standards society set for omegas, it didn't mean you weren't affected by your instincts.
you clumsily poured tea for them, dropping a few on the table and laughing awkwardly at your lack of delicacy. you were cute, and smelled good. you seemed much more relaxed in the familiarity of your home and mikey and draken breathes in your fruity scent you usually suppressed outside.
you even started patching them up, expertly taking care of their bruises and cuts : you could thank your experience as a 'nurse' alongside your brothers who tended to often come back with wounds.
that was such a contrast to the way they originally knew you. but upon meeting your two brothers and father, they understood where this behavior came from.
you weren't as scary as them, but they knew you got that fierce and mettle mind by living with three other alphas. that's probably why you also got along so well with the rest of the gang.
mikey wasn't one to be intimidated easily, but he recognized they weren't to be underestimated and should a problem arise, your family would easily be able to back you up.
draken introduced himself politely, mikey following along. they watched as you happily discussed with one of your brother, totally lost in the moment, unaware of your surroundings, so unusual of you who is always so watchful.
mikey loved that sight of you. knowing you let yourself relax in his presence meant a lot. as he watched you play with your fingers, he wanted nothing more than to take your calloused hands in his and act more gentle than he usually is. feeling you in ways that were still foreign for him : you awoken a side of him he wasn't familiar with.
discovering you outside of gang meetings and fights with rivals somehow was like a privilege. not many could brag about seeing you being this vulnerable.
as for draken, your entire personality seemed to be a mystery he only knew very little of. he liked that you never let people look down on you for being an omega, that you always stood up for yourself and your loved ones.
discovering that, deep down, you actually had a more adorable side to you made his heart melt. watching you read with furrowed brows because of how focused you are, is a sight he'll never get tired of. you look so different, so kind and delicate.
they sometimes wish you'll just rely on them more. allow yourself to soften and show them more of that gentle side you conceal more than once.
however, that distinction between your division captain and your at-home self, attracted them to learn more about you to the point they can't get enough of your presence.
they won't treat you like a normal friend anymore, you'll notice it soon enough. they know you can defend yourself just fine but they just desire to spend more time with you.
there's like a mutual understanding between the both of them to work hand in hand to win you over. they were together since childhood and somehow always shared everything. it wasn't a problem. and considering how each of them was enamored of you, to reach an agreement as to who would and who wouldn't court you was impossible.
it started with simply giving their jackets when yours suddenly went missing, their names along with their scents clinging on you for a long time as a clever warning for others. they shared their food, enjoying the cute face of satisfaction you showed.
it was subtle attentions, but you appreciated them nonetheless.
draken would gift you stuff he knows you'll like. he noticed how you had a colouring book on your desk back at your place and bought you new pens.
they'll progressively get more possessive of you, not allowing members to stand to close to you. and not wanting to embarrass you, they'll just call you over as if they have something important to tell you, only for mikey to ask for you and draken to go get him food, or any other excuse the both of them found. or they'll simply throw menacing glares their directions. new members often overstep and try courting you when they still don't know your position : mikey and draken won't hesitate to make of them poor souls a great example as to why you're definitely not an omega to be courted.
if they take you out on a date, you'll be back on time, per your father's orders. although they assured you'll be completely safe with them, mikey, and especially draken, don't want to leave a bad impression on your family.
as for mikey, he would still respect your boundaries, understanding you don't have to be constantly protected like other omegas do. he instead admires your independence and strong willed nature. he'll want to test how strong you are by proposing games and activity to compare your strength, and teases you when you loose to the both of them.
after all they're still alphas and you're smaller and weaker than them. there are very few people who could claim to be able to defeat this duo. this power difference strengthens their instinctive need to look after you.
still, they'll feel proud when you defend the honour of the gang, but won't hesitate to butt in whenever it's going too far and you risk injuring yourself.
their crush for you is still growing rapidly, they only don't take it further in fear for you to leave them : you tend to shield your emotions sometimes. you learned not to show them too much, unconsciously or not.
they'll keep going with their light displays of affection and hope to see things escalate even more naturally in the future.
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jewishvitya · 6 months
Tal Mitnick, an 18 years old Israeli that refused to serve in the military:
It's not just a couple of soldiers that are bad soldiers or that enact violent occupation on Palestinians, it's actually a whole system of violence. Of pulling people into the army and making them work for the occupation and for oppressing Palestinians.
Militarism in Israel is very entrenched in society. And the military is some golden goose that you're not allowed to touch. You're allowed to criticize the government, you're allowed to go out for gay rights, for women's rights. But when it comes to criticizing military action against Palestinians or other oppressed communities, this is totally out of the norm. You cannot speak against the military because it's so entrenched in society.
A lot of conversations start with the military, and because most people did serve, it's seen as this kind of thing that everyone needs to pass in order to become an Israeli.
So. Yeah. When you're older you don't feel ostracized as much because after a while it's less relevant to daily life. At least in my experience, I didn't serve and it's not really talked about much at this point.
In Jewish Israeli society, the military is trusted more than most other institutions. Tbh, more than any other institution I can think of. And it's seen as a right of passage. Some people will be okay with you if you volunteer for a social service instead - work at hospitals, schools, etc. Others think you shouldn't get the choice, and unless there's a medical issue you should be going to the military.
The narrative of self defense is absolutely believed, so by refusing to serve, those kids are seen as saying "I will enjoy the sacrifice made by others, but I will not contribute myself." It's seen as ungrateful. But that's if you don't express a moral objection to the military.
If you challenge the military itself, you're challenging Israeli society. And that's how it's taken. "I refuse to participate in the occupation" - "So you're saying I did something bad by serving. You're saying I'm a bad person." And when most of Israelis served in the military, and those that didn't serve often still support it or have loved ones that did or still do, this is challenging the moral character of pretty much all of us. Which, it should.
The military nurtures a mindset of dehumanization to a scary degree. I listened to a few interviews with stories from Breaking the Silence, an organization meant to bring to light the way the military abuses Palestinians, and there's something described by Yehuda Shaul.
He tells the story of serving in Hebron, in the West Bank, and he describes the daily stated mission of soldiers there.
While on patrol at night, they pick a random Palestinian house - explicitly one that they have no intelligence against, a civilian family - and they get in, wake the family up, separate men from women, search or something, get on the roof, jump to the next roof, get into that house, wake that family up, treat them the same way.
Again, at random. And he described two goals for this:
One, to create the feeling of being persecuted, and two, to make our presence felt.
They want Palestinians to feel beaten down and powerless, and they want them to feel that the military is everywhere, so they're too scared to resist.
This isn't random rogue soldiers, this is what the military does there on a normal day. And he said it's impossible to treat a population this way without seeing them as less human than we are.
I don't know if I can just say that the military is another tool for indoctrination in addition to everything else it does. But as a kid, I had a left-leaning friend from the Tel Aviv area, and we'd argue a lot. Because you don't need to be a full on leftist to disagree very strongly with a teenage settler. And as I was going through the process of changing my mind, I saw him going through the same process in the opposite direction - he became way more right wing during his military service. He told me the stories of why, and all those stories did was make me feel like I don't even know this person. I wonder sometimes how many young people go through the same.
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a-secret-inner-life · 5 months
I came across a lot of stuff that I could relate to about autism while researching for a paper, which led me to do more research on autism in general. I saw some other people doing this type of post on here, so: autistic people, can you please read my super long and detailed list of possible symptoms I experience and tell me if it seems like I'm one of you? I'm trying to be objective and reasonable and figure out what's going on with myself here.
Sensory Stuff
I like to stim–bouncing my legs, tapping my feet when I sit, occasionally swinging my legs or rocking. I also clench my fists or sit on my hands a lot and tap my fingers on things, or just fiddle with whatever is in front of me. Recently, I count while touching my thumb to each of my fingertips to calm down because someone in a book I read did that and it actually does help me. I also sing the alphabet song repeatedly when I'm working on my website.
Sometimes when I'm very tired or overwhelmed my face feels itchy and I feel like every strand of hair touching me prickles and itches and leaves a red spot (but it doesn't actually).
I have a strong hatred for perfume because it smells too strong and fakey, and citrus scents also drive me nuts, but I really like scented candles.
I'm a super picky eater, although I'm not as bad as when I was a kid. I don't mind the taste of tomatoes, peppers, or onions in things, but I'm still a little grossed out when I know I'm eating them, and the texture of onions freaks me right out, as an example.
I get startled easily. Loud noises don't actually scare me, they just jolt me out of whatever thought space I was in before I heard them.
I also get overwhelmed whenever someone tries to talk to me in a loud car (whether it's loud with other people or just the engine), and I find it overwhelming and incredibly difficult to concentrate when more than one person is talking at once. Whenever I'm in a crowd, it just sounds like this vague roar that gets louder the more I think about it, which can sometimes be overwhelming. Still, I'm good at tuning some things out in select circumstances, like the TV when it's on.
Finally, if I pay attention at pretty much any time when there isn't a ton of other noise, I can hear ringing in my ears. This isn't usually upsetting, and I know it's fairly common for anyone to get tinnitus from time to time, but I'm not sure if most people experience it this much.
Social Stuff
I can not handle eye contact.
I'm also really, really, comically bad at social interactions. I almost never speak to someone I don't know well before they speak to me, and my go-to conversation method is to laugh/giggle and nod, I literally can not make actual conversation to save my life. Sometimes I think of things to say but it doesn't occur to me to say them, or I try to but I'm scared and can't find an opening, or I do say the thing and people don't react the way I want them to (usually it's either confusion or disinterest).
Old ladies are my favorite people because they're the least scary somehow. I also love kids, but I'm still awkward so I rarely interact and probably still freak them out.
I'm horrible at keeping contact and I wait until I know people are offline to reply to their messages because conversation is stressful and I need time to think when I text. Group chats are a nightmare, so I pretty much ghost everyone when I'm in one.
I'm super attached to my family, though. I make an effort to create a deep bond with each of my siblings, and I'm the clingiest person in the world when it comes to my older sister.
I value people very deeply, which might be why I find them so intimidating. I love them and I want them to be happy, and I put too much pressure on the situation.
I used to hate being alone, and I still feel guilty or sad whenever I spend too much time by myself, although I actually love to be by myself, a lot of my hobbies and favorite places are solitary, and I usually prefer figuring things out on my own rather than having somebody right there trying to figure it out with me.
I'm incredibly empathetic. It's not like I can automatically sense people's emotions, but I do make an effort to pay attention and understand what they're feeling and why they feel that way. My siblings come and rant to me a lot, and I can be a good diplomat and see both points of view when they argue. I also care, and I always want to make people feel better, though it obviously doesn't always work. Sometimes I'm too empathetic, or maybe too creative, and I stress out about what someone might be feeling when I don't know if it's an actual issue or not.
Patterns and Stuff
I've always been good at remembering my parents’ phone numbers and our zip code, as well as my friends’ birthdays. I work at a grocery store where I find myself reciting the regular customers’ lottery numbers in my head as they're saying them to me.
My dad used to have a verbal checklist of what to bring to work each morning, and I still recite it every time I hear the words “wallet” and “keys” next to each other. Same goes for my old morning checklist that I don't even follow anymore.
I don't adhere to a strict routine in terms of the general structure of my day, but I definitely have a system or pattern for a lot of my specific activities.
Emotional Stuff
I've been obsessed with drawing and painting for as long as I can remember. I write all the time. I think I dedicated myself and a huge chunk of my life to my hobbies. If I like something, I like to think that I make it my own, and that thing permeates who I am.
When I first started listening to BTS, I scoured literally the entire Internet to find every possible hidden track any of the members ever touched, and there were A LOT. Lately I've been obsessed with Keeper of the Lost Cities, and I can't stop talking about the books. I'm also hyper fixated on Tomorrow X Together.
When I start something, I need to finish it, and I'll often think I'm so close to being done only to continue on it for several more hours, trying to hurry up and finish because I need to get it done now. I'm also pretty bad at switching tasks. I try to multitask, but it doesn't really work out.
I can easily forget about my own physical needs; particularly I don't usually realize when I'm hungry. Overall my needs are very flexible to the people around me; if you want to eat together, suddenly I'm hungry, if you don't feel like stopping, neither do I.
I'm a perfectionist, but I hate asking for help. This is especially true when it comes to my grades and my hobbies. I'm more comfortable when I can control the variables and nobody has to know if I fail.
I'm pretty sure I have executive dysfunction because I put so much pressure on doing things perfectly that I lose the motivation to do them at all, and as much as I need to get something done, I can't make myself do it.
Since I was little I've always been awkward and out of place. I feel like I take up too much space. Honestly, I feel like my existence is lame and embarrassing. I hate myself.
I absolutely suck at decision making, sometimes because I don't want to choose something that other people won't like and partially because I'm just really indecisive. Often I feel stuck or paralyzed because I can't choose one way or another.
Along those same lines, the responsibility of being told to do something for someone else is terrible, and I hate doing these things without incredibly specific instructions because I'm scared of messing up.
I also need to know exact details of whatever activity I'm doing before I do it, and I hate when something big isn't planned out in detail.
I used to have a lot of meltdowns as a child. I’d yell and cry and throw things when I was upset. This still happens sometimes, but not as frequently or as badly.
I feel guilty about everything, including mistakes from years ago that shouldn't matter anymore. This makes me feel sort of unworthy (?), like anything good I do is the bare minimum and if I cause a problem (through anxiety or executive dysfunction) that messes up a project, I feel like I have to do everything else perfectly to make up for it, although I usually end up feeling like I'm coddling myself instead.
I constantly compare myself to others. If someone else has a problem that's worse than what I deal with, I feel like I'm not allowed to have my own negative feelings.
I feel like none of my feelings are valid. I feel and think all sorts of dramatic things that seem like the end of the world, but compared to others, my problems are small, and I feel stupid for having them. I almost wish I had a bigger issue or more dangerous mental problems that would make my responses more reasonable, but my logical side knows that this thinking is wrong.
I've been dealing with off and on burnout since I was around twelve years old (so about five years). I've been told over and over that my mindset is wrong and I need to do a million things better mentally to be less of a perfectionist, but I don't have the energy to put in any effort whatsoever to fix myself. I still get random bursts of motivation that last for short periods of time, though.
Sometimes when I go to bed after a stressful day, I wake up in the morning and I have this uncontrollable dread about starting my day. The thought of getting up sounds impossible, and it's almost like there's something sitting in my chest keeping me down.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 1 month
Thinking about how, while in ST1, Killer has to worry about how he could and would legitimately hurt even the people he cares about in other Stages simply because he was designed to be a danger.
Having to worry about people with “savior/hero” complexes getting hurt because they think they’ll somehow be an exception, or that it isn’t actually as bad as ST1 says it can and will be. Thinking about how he’ll have to constantly warn people that bother getting close to him, and constantly reminding people that, no, kindness isn’t enough to fix him.
For most parts of himself, kindness and mercy doesn’t even exist in their worlds. He won’t understand or care for your kindness if something triggered him into ST3.
ST3 only knows fear, aggression, and survival. ST4 seemingly only knows to kill and fulfill its duties; your kindness means nothing to those won’t be “tricked” by it or simply just writes you off as being weak for having mercy at all.
And he will be left with the overwhelming guilt and shame after. And he will have to deal with the rest of the Multiverse deeming him even more of a monster.
Or how the Multiverse demands him to react to things in a way they feel makes sense or the way they feel he should, trying to shove his jagged pieces into too small boxes they created for him in their minds. They demand guilt and remorse for Killer’s actions, not knowing that ST2 Killer simply isn’t capable of it, nor would he see the logic in feeling remorseful.
Papyrus was an obstacle. Why should he feel remorse for clearing the path and crossing off an objective? That makes no sense.
Why would ST3 guilty for surviving when Papyrus was weak enough to refuse to even fight? If you don’t understand what it takes survive, then why should your opinions matter? Make it your monster. If it means surviving, it’ll gladly prove you right.
Why would ST4 care about lines of codes, why would it feel bad for making Chara happy with its obedience, why would it feel bad for completing the mission and its tasks, why would it feel bad for being good? Its duty is to Chara, who is its everything, not Chara’s enemies.
They don’t know him. Why would they mourn who they don’t know?
It must be extremely exhausting and terrifying having to bare your soul and explain yourself to every person who enters your life, because they deserve to make informed choices and you don’t want to risk their lives for existing near you and you don’t want to get attached to those who’ll leave once they realize they were out of their depth.
And you can’t even muster the energy to be angry or hurt because you understand and you’re just glad you can’t ruin another life, even if it means you’re alone again and no one will understand what you are.
It’s as inevitable as death is. You’ll have to learn to accept it.
I bet he often yearns to just rewind time to when the thought of ever turning the blade on Chara was never even a whisper. Things made sense with them and they understood him because they made him and they were untouchable and could never die, despite how that knowledge used to plague him during those times. The world was what Chara made it, and they often made it a scary place, but it made sense.
Killer!Sans doesn’t have anywhere to go after Chara besides Nightmare and those who offer more don’t often truly understand how to help him or why he functions like he does.
Sometimes they accidentally make things worse in their confused but well meaning intentions and he’s often left as scared and angry as he always is, just wanting the world to leave him alone. He doesn’t want to live his life in fear but that seems to be the only option most days when even existing hurts him.
He’s often too much, too complicated, too confusing, too violent in his fear and anger, too broken to shove back together again. If he isn’t a bad person or a tool or an experiment, then he’s someone’s charity case or pet project.
Must’ve been reliving to have met someone as strong as Color, someone willing to bravely face the twisted mess that he is and still be kind enough to try and help, not because Color wants to boost his ego by “fixing” him or “taming” Nightmare’s pet murderer—but because it’s the right thing to do and he cares about Killer. And he doesn’t turn away whenever he finds something about Killer he doesn’t really understand or grasp completely.
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shkika · 1 year
The tragic part of moon I think is her incredible patience probably being something she learned by enduring the constant awfulness of the ancients, since she couldn't really speak out in any way, since she was in a completely imbalanced power dynamic with her creators.
Maybe that unwillingness or fear to retaliate or advocate for herself is what led to her not doing anything to stop pebbles until it was way too late even though some in game dialogue says she could have used admin privelage to stop him by force.
That makes her story even more heartbreaking...
Poor moonie, she deserved so much better from everyone. And the most kindness she was ever shown was from the little animals her creators made as tools and objects, I suppose there may be a kinship between them there.
I love moon so much. She deserves all the hugs.
I think her patience came in multiple ways!
If I had to ramble in detail on how I write Moon I'd be here typing all day..
Lttm has a lot of experience and has talked to many iterators, younger and older and has went through many generations in her colony.
But the way I see it is that Moon became a person who is just very.. mm tired I suppose. The unfairness and lack of regard for her feelings she received from the ancients was a constant she grew to passively hate, but accept. So she's patient with them yeah. Moon is patient and calm with anything that life throws her way, because she's had to deal with a lot. She's quick to accept defeat and see when something is unreachable. The opposite of Pebbles yet again, who tried everything to go against the very way he was built. He's willing to fight and take action much more than she does. Moonie ultimately, in her last moments with Spearmaster, accepts her demise. Nothing can be done and.. as scary as it is that's okay. She's happy others cared for her and still do.
I don't think she's afraid to stand up or herself! Moon isn't a pushover, at least to me! Nothing can ever be done about how ancients see her or her group so tolerating them is just.. easier! Otherwise she demands respect and to be heard and listened to on a basic level even from a slugcat and she thanks you greatly for it. Or else. You don't get anything out of her. Even in a vulnerable dying state she can put her foot down and refuse to speak to you.
The situation with Pebbles is different.
I don't think she was scared to talk to him. I think Moon wanted to trust that her brother wouldn't do something like this. Because she wasn't just his admin to take control of him whenever. She was his sister.
Unlike their parents he'd take her well-being into consideration, surely. He wouldn't risk her safety like they did.
But oh well.
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It's how it is.
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As a crossover made-up scenario request: TFP x TFRB?
Arce finds out that Bee has been scaping at night out the base to an island that even Jack didn't know existed. Optimus tells her that is a ¨secret mission¨ but Arcee feels that something is wrong. So one night, with Jack at her side they follow Bumblebee finding out about Griffin Rock.
Maybe this can have some gay moments with Bee and Blades, Heatwave questioning Arcee about Cybertron, and Jack being a big brother to Cody?
Ooo this is fun! I've always loved the idea of the Rescue Bots being revealed to the whole team. Especially since only Bumblebee and Optimus seem to know about them (and possibly Ratchet, since he's got a few lines implying he knows. I headcanon that he does :b)
I don't really write romance (I'm kinda aroace-ish, so I don't really understand how to write romantic stuff) so the Blades and Bee part might be kinda boring and brief. I apologize in advance for that. Also, I wish I could add more Rescue Bots humans, but it was getting too long. But yeah! Enjoy!
Arcee and Jack sneaking to Griffin Rock
-Arcee would be up late at night, since she forgot to finish her latest mission log (Arcee had been fighting Airachnid, so she was more focused on her rage than anything else).
-She'd start writing using one of the base's computers...but suddenly, she hears the groundbridge open. She sees Bumblebee leave, but he doesn't notice her. Every night after that, she secretly watches him sneak off
-One day, she asks Optimus: "So, where does Bee go to, every night? Does he think I don't see him sneaking through the groundbridge?"
-Optimus explains: "Bumblebee attends to secret missions on a remote island...it is a mission that does not concern the Decepticons, and thus, is not our main objective."
-Arcee turns to Jack: "Did you know about this?"
-"No clue," Jack answers. "Maybe Raf knows?"
-She turns to Raf, who seems vaguely upset. "Bee...never told me." Says Raf.
-So Arcee's like: "Hmm..." She finds it suspicious that even RAF wouldn't know.
-Later, Jack tells Arcee: "You know...we COULD discretely follow Bee through the groudbridge, Miko-style. See where it takes us."
-"Jack," she says. "We're crossing a groundbridge to who-knows-where. It could be dangerous."
"What if there's scraplets?" Jack teases. "I'd hate for you to be face-to-face with scraplets without a non-metal human companion."
-Arcee smiles, finally caving. She lets him come along. "Fine...But! Don't tell Optimus."
-Jack: "My lips are sealed."
-Meeting the Rescue Bots is an experience and a half. Arcee is FURIOUS at first: "You're telling me Optimus has been hiding a secret team of Autobots this ENTIRE time, and never bothered to mention it to us? I thought we were 'outnumbered!"
-But once she gets to know them, she realizes...maybe they're not QUITE ready to fight Decepticons, yet. Secretly, she thinks they're kind of softies. Except for Heatwave, that is.
-Boulder paints a portrait of Arcee to honor her visit. She takes it home with her, and is very grateful.
-She tells Heatwave the story of when Jack travelled to Vector Sigma, and when Megatron rose the dead on Cybertron.
-Heatwave is like: "So...there aren't any zombie Cybertronians coming here, right?"
-Arcee replies: "...Not unless Megatron decides to get his ugly servos on more dark energon."
-"DARK ENERGON?" Blades whimpers. "Isn't that...like...the scary Unicron blood that turns everything into a monster?" He shutters. "It's like one of those Earth horror movies, but in REAL LIFE!"
-He pauses noticing that Bumblebee's watching him. If he were human, he'd probably be blushing. "Uh...I mean...BUT I'm NOT scared..." There's an awkward silence. "...Well, I'm scared to a normal degree."
-Bee lunges at Blades to tease him, letting out a buzz that probably translates to "BOO!"
-"AHHHH!" Blades screams, and Bumblebee laughs.
-Jack finds himself to be very protective of Cody. "Whoa- Are-are you sure the Rescue Bots would be ok with you climbing up there?" He questions, as Cody tries to climb Frankie's robot T-rex, "Trex."
-"Sure!" Says Cody. "Trex was built to be ridden. He can also serve coffee, and dance!"
-"Of course," Jack replies sarcastically. The technology on Griffin rock is so strange.
Conversations That Would Happen
The Suit Life of Jack and Cody (I'm so sorry, I couldn't resist making that joke LOOOOL😭)
Cody: "So, what's it like working with Optimus?"
Jack: "I-incredible, really. To be honest, sometimes...I don't really think I'm worthy."
Cody: "Well, I think you're worthy, Jack. Fighting a spider-bot, restoring the Vector...Sigma...thingy... that's NOBLE! I wanna be like you, someday!"
Heatwave and Arcee
Heatwave: "Where'd Chase go?"
Arcee: "Not sure. I was just telling him the story of how we snagged the Energon Harvester from the history museum. Chase took off driving before I could even get to the good part."
Chase, rocking back and forth in the closet: "So many violations of the law. SO MANY VIOLATIONS OF THE LAW."
Heatwave: "Congratulations, Arcee. You broke Chase."
Bumblebee and Arcee on the way back to base, through the groundbridge:
Arcee smiles and elbows Bee.
Arcee: "Blades likes you, too, you know."
If Bumblebee was a human, he'd definitely be blushing.
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ghostlyauroras · 2 months
I have a lot to get off my chest. I see a lot of criticism for the way Taylor sings about mental health and that is valid, but comparing Taylor's experience with depression to D*mi Lov*to's with bpd only to illustrate how much more valid her experience was because she suffered publicly while invalidating Taylor's because she's good at putting up this peppy upbeat front to hide her pain so she couldn't possibly have a real mental illness is exactly WHY taylor has this negative mindset about it in the first place.
Mental illness is not a competition. It is experienced differently by different people.
Some celebrities are celebrated and lauded as brave for overcoming it, usually they already had an image of being tortured in some way (drugs, EDs, anger issues, etc) so when they come out and admit they're mentally ill it's almost like 'oh that explains everything, it all makes total sense now' and is met with sympathy.
Taylor knows, whether conscious or unconsciously, that she does not fit that description. She is either cold and calculated or too perfectly rich, blonde and skinny to have experienced real suffering.
So the album opens with this line: "i was supposed to be sent away but they forgot to come and get me" she was begging for help but nobody gave it the urgency it required because they thought she'd power through it. "I was a functioning alcoholic till nobody noticed my new aesthetic" she is admitting she has a problem with substance abuse but everyone thinks it's just her glamorous lifestyle. Later when she says "i took the miracle move on drug, the effects were temporary" lacking real treatment and therapy, she treated her depression getting a rebound relationship to run away from her pain.
Then in who's afraid of little old me right before the infamous asylum line she says "i wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me" she is begging the world to take her pain seriously..
But how could she be taken seriously? She smiles even when she wants to die, she cries a lot but she is so productive, she is a real tough kid and she can handle her shit... except she can't, she just wants to be seen and understood! But she's been trained all her life (in the asylum where she was raised) to put down her pain and put on a show for the world, so who would believe her now when she says, actually i struggle with the same demons other famous people do?
So now she feels she has to exaggerate and catastrophize and even demonize her struggle to get across just how bad her depression was, because even when she says outright that she wanted to die everyone is rolling their eyes that she could feel that way about a shitty dude. So how else is she going to capture your attention? How can she make you really SEE her and her pain?
Also, as someone who also has struggled with depression since I was a teenager... it's fucking scary to realize you are actually mentally ill. All the stigma is there for a reason, historically some of the treatments have been the stuff of nightmares and conflated with the fatalistic world-view that is inherent to depression, you do feel like a monster, abnormal, broken, etc. and you are scared of how people will treat you for it and you are scared you cannot be fixed and it feels like the end of the world.
Mental illness warps your perception of the world. It's extremely hard to be objective, much less kind, to yourself and your struggle when you are in the thick of it.
So, imho, i don't feel like Taylor's choice of metaphors/language is perpetuating stigmatization of mental illness - it is a representation of the internalized stigma, of the self-hatred and helplessness and guilt and self-flagelation that come with mental illness but at the same time it's also a cry for help! She wants to make depression sound as terryfing as it feels for her so that you will SEE her and HELP her.
To put it simply: I just feel like you can't ask a depressed and even suicidal person to have a compassionate take on mental health - they need others to show them compassion so they can heal and be nice to themselves.
She is not a mental health professional, she is not here to teach us how to handle mental health, she is NOT a role model. She is just another depressed and suicidal person expressing her pain in hopes someone understands her. Be gentle with her.
Again, mental health is not a competition, different people experience it differently.
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i-am-beckyu · 10 months
OKAY! sizeshifter thoughts,, this isn't really specific to any character at all BUT the reason i asked about jornos!tommy is because my thoughts apply pretty much directly to a sizeshifter who's primarily been one size for their whole life. so new shifters (whether that be thru magic or just genes)
idk how to summarize any of this....but i am thinking So Hard just about how chaotic it would be for someone to be burdened with newly-found shifting abilities. especially if it's emotion based.
when you newly know about something, you're going to do it a lot, sometimes subconsciously. like, if you learn to spin a pencil between your fingers, you're gonna do it a lot and not even notice!
so, imagine, like for a human, them sitting in class or at work or something and they're fidgeting with something, and it suddenly shrinks in their hand. and like imagine that was important,,, like their phone!!! and then they try super hard to channel energy to grow it back to normal that it's overall useless and it ends up being tiny for the rest of the day because of how stressed the human is.
yeah, sorry mom, i shrunk my phone and couldn't answer your call!
like ???? JFJSVD
orr a borrower has just came back from a borrowing spree, their first in a while, and is munching on a cracker, just in pure bliss at food, and suddenly the thing just grows. infinite food glitch, and new superpowers acquired?!
ORRR OR OR imagine a giant is yelling at the t in their hands, and the energy from how overwhelmed and scared the t is kinda subconsciously makes it's way into g's brain and it makes the t shrink??? IMAGINE HOW SCARY THAT IS FOR THE TINY???? super scared of this giant being and suddenly the being gets even BIGGER. idek if that makes sense but UGHHH it's rotating in my mind !!!!!
just super uncontrolled sizeshifting but for objects. i love it. adore it. eating it. YUM.
and then there's also the part of uncontrolled sizeshifting for their own person,, which is a lot more talked about, but the scenarios in which uncontrolled sizeshifting can happen is SOO COOL!!! imagine it's emotion based, but it can be regulated, but the person isn't good at it yet, cause it's a new skill! you can't ride a bike immediately, so why could you become a sizeshifter immediately? hmm???
hugging someone, and their brain is reminded that they have powers and they suddenly shrink. cutting veggies and their hand slips and suddenly they're five feet taller because their body wanted any kind of cut to be less severe. carrying groceries and they shrink and shit goes everywhere. getting jumpscared and suddenly POOF they're falling twenty feet. signing off a letter and they accidentally shrink a little bit and the pen just loses control and messes the whole letter up!!!! chopping a branch off with an axe and accidentally growing and the pressure of the swing chops the whole ass tree down!! MSHDHVSDVJ good stuff.
OH OH OH and someone who's kinda been experimenting with size difference and has embraced it, and they want to put their shoes on or get into a piece of clothing they like but they can't remember what their original height was so they have to fiddle around with it and end up wasting five minutes getting it just right—cause we know it looks right but it could totally be better
sorry this is long as HELL but i really love sizeshifters now..... :')
— brick
Brick I've said it before but I'll say it again: I would like to take a bite out of your brain and absorb the knowledge and ideas in it please because YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH THESE ARE ALL SO GOOD AND I LOVE THEM!!! Def getting idea's for jornos right now!!! The thing on shoes is making my brain go brrr for a scene idea that I might execute :3
But but but but juts yesssssssss! I love the uncontrolled shifting too! I mean it's something I'm going to keep exploring with jornos so def gonna yoink some of these ideas for future writing (if that's okay of course)
And the shrunken phone thing is too good!!!!!! I love the idea of that and just how inconvenient it would be but also amazing to think that even that small it would still work! The shifter trying to unshrink it and being unsuccessful would have to shrink down to use it. But this also means the phone would be like the size of tictak!!! IT WOULD BE SO TINY!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE I LOVE I LOVE I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
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tendaysoftenzo · 9 months
Prompt Discussion - Yamato's Ghost Stories | O Captain My Captain
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Ten Days of Tenzo 2023: Day 1 (Nov 1)
Each year, the prompts for Ten Days of Tenzo are open to your interpretation! We enjoy all the TDOT participation, and we wanted to give some ideas for how you could interpret each prompt.
Yamato's Ghost Stories
We all know Tenzo likes to make scary faces at Naruto, so maybe he'll be telling his teammates a scary story too. Or maybe someone's turning the tables and trying to scare him!
Maybe he's living the story! Is Tenzo the one who is a ghost? Did he go to the other side, or is he simply under the effects of a jutsu? Can people see him, or is he an invisible observer?
Or, is Tenzo one who is meeting the ghost? Who is this apparition? Hashirama, whose mokuton he inherited? Is he meeting a family member, or a lost loved one? Is he encountering the spirit of one of the characters we see die in the series, like Zabuza, or Minato? Did Kakashi decide to say hello during his brief death? Are they reanimations, or are they spirits?
Maybe it's a Modern AU. On the literal side of things, he could end up ghost-hunting with fun paranormal tech, either of his own volition or roped in by a friend. Team 7 could have their ghost story podcast!
Or maybe we're playing with term "ghosting" and we're finding out why Tenzo and another character stopped texting/talking?
You could be incorporating the superstitions and legends that are familiar to you, or you could be creating your own new, silly or sombre lore.
O Captain My Captain
We know that the name that our favourite tree man is introduced under is Captain Yamato. Are we learning about his experience leading missions? Or a team captain he admires, like Kakashi or Asuma? Is Tenzo getting ready to move on from being a captain, and take on new title?
He's captain of his ninja youths, but he could also be captain of a ship, or a plane. Maybe he's the kind of captain you'd see in a sci-fi series. Perhaps he's a different kind of captain outside of the military. Is he captain of a sports team? A debate club? A mountain expedition?
This prompt is also a quote from the Dead Poets Society, so maybe we're leaning into Tenzo being a teacher. Is he teaching ninja skills, or life lessons? Is it a modern AU, where he's a botany professor, or is he teaching Naruto and co. at a high school?
Tenzo could be meeting or becoming a captain from another beloved media in an AU/crossover, like Captain America (Captain Konoha?) or Captain Hook? Maybe he's gone the way of Captain Planet, and become an eco-crimefighter!
We could also be thinking of real-life objects with "Captain" in their name, like Tenzo drinking some Captain Morgan rum, or eating Cap'n Crunch? (Not an ad, we promise!)
Maybe we're using "captain" as a verb, and Tenzo is championing an idea, or just being a natural leader among friends. Maybe he's being the Captain of the Sass Brigade. Possibilities are endless!
Thank you to everyone who suggested a prompt, and to everyone who enjoys TDOT. These are just a few ideas! Feel free to get creative.
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good7luck · 2 years
more random ramblings about Noe & Shapeless One relationship
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Black market people seem to have abused Noe sooo much that Noe was just ready to call Shapeless One “master” ;_; Even if Noe previously had pretty solid healthy experiences with his human grandparents before he got kidnapped...OTL
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On the other hand, “unlike” those in the black market, Shapeless One probably has never physically abused Noe directly (like hitting, punching, or slapping). If he ever did, Noe would’ve shown to be scared of him or such in some way, but I think there has been no specific sign like that.
For example, when confronting Shapeless One in the amusement park arc, Noe was sure surprised to see him revealed as the mastermind. Even so, almost Noe alone was properly facing him there, firmly asking straightforward questions, with little to no fear of attack from him - while everyone else was already so frozen at his (mere) presence. Of course, Vani was way too (re)traumatized and wounded at that moment, and Noe ended up getting physically attacked quite hard by him...but still.
Shapeless One provided a fairly “good” life without (explicitly) showing malicious evilness (that Noe can clearly sense, at least), compared to the previous plain miserable slave / object life in the black market - judging from Noe’s past & current attitudes and actions. Shapeless One & Noe did have their intense combat training, but I feel it’s hard to call it (alone) inherent violence.
That said...
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This seems to be an unpopular opinion, but...Noe isn’t THAT ridiculously naive or brainwashed by Shapeless One - even if I’m sure he still gets deceived / manipulated “easily”. Noe certainly does NOT see him as an innocent angel or absolute God who could never do any wrong! Noe isn’t even afraid of openly talking about him negatively!! for a while XD Shapeless One is supposedly his (strong) teacher who “saved” and “raised” him for years until now, and yet...somehow, for some reason(s)...Noe does NOT have high respect for him!!! at least never worships him blindly XDD
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Look!!! XDDD
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I really don’t believe Noe considers Shapeless One as sincerely good / great (as his human grandparents), even if he probably doesn’t see him as an utter evil enemy or seriously hate him, either - until the amusement park arc, at the very least.
Noe had no choice at that young age and has grown up that way for years. And so (unfortunately) he cannot really imagine a possibility of being (completely) independent from this weird, ambiguous adult. Who has been visibly “not too bad” and rather “kind” enough to take care of him, teach him, and “protect” him for that long “without particular (physical) abuse or demanding something (plain) evil”.
It doesn’t help that Shapeless One even killed his (supposed) own grandkid Louis “just like that” - which must be still very confusing, if not scary and all. Who knows what will happen, if Noe “genuinely” tries to run away from him or betray him or such? Noe has his own views and totally CAN get “rebellious” by some level, but deep inside he’s aware realistically there’s a limit... Like, even the current hotel room was given “thanks to” Shapeless One’s demand!
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izlosingtheirmind · 11 months
I smoked DMT in May of this year and this is my experience and how it changed my life
Important context for this is I’ve been suicidal most of my life. The prior months leading up to this experience, I had been severely suicidal, every day. I had a note ready and was certain I wasn’t making it to 30.
I didn’t breakthrough all the way and I didn’t really have to. I got very close.
At first I was just ..“dancing with the universe” is the only way I can explain it. The most magnificent patterns I’ve ever seen, colors I can’t explain. I cried of joy. I could still see my apartment. My vision was like a shutter. For ex. One moment an object would be a rectangle, then it would switch (not morph), totally switch in a shutter type fashion into a circle. And then some more shapes I’ve never seen and can’t explain.
Then I took my last hit, held it in. My reality got very weird and a bit scary. I saw someone or thing watching me from my bathroom door and my jacket hanging up began to melt.
Then right when I said “I think I want this to stop”, I was shot through a tunnel of spinning mandalas made of eyes. Quite literally that popular piece by Alex Grey. But not looking at it, in it. Fully in it. Reality was no more. When I was in that tunnel, I didn’t know nor think about my human existence. None of it existed for that time. But I was quickly shot back into reality.
I saw my apartment again, but it was crazy. My walls and objects were morphing from shape to shape, color to color extremely fast. I looked at my cat and she was morphing and changing color too. Neon pink, neon green and checker pattern stuck out to me the most for some reason.
Then reality crumbled right before my eyes. Literally. Everything turned black/white/grey and crumbled like a building being demolished. And I was back in a world I can’t explain.. it was dark. Again, my human existence didn’t exist, i was just energy experiencing.. something.
Finally I came back to reality, saw my friend and grasped him for dear life so I didn’t get taken back to that world. I was so scared I wouldn’t come back from it, and that I was going to be sent back for eternity. I thought I was either going to die or go insane. Everything was morphing as it was before. All that was going through my head was that I’m going to lose the girl I really like, I’m gonna lose my job, my cats won’t have a mom anymore, I’m never gonna see my family and friends again. I held onto my friend for dear life until it finally fully ended.
All I could mutter was “what the fuck”. No amount of psychedelics could have prepared me for DMT. It’s a whole other animal.
Interestingly, when I came out of it and realized I was okay and it did in fact end, I wasn’t scared of it. I thought I’d be traumatized from an experience like that and never want to touch it again. It was easily the scariest experience of my entire life. Yet, directly after, I felt grateful and intrigued.
It took me about an hour or 2 to just somewhat process what had just happened. But I quickly came to the realization that I am not ready to die. That I have potential, that my loved ones need me and that is why I was scared. Not only did I gain this knowledge, I also came back with a knowing that this is the case for every human soul on this planet. I didn’t get an answer as to why, but I now know we all have a reason for being here. Every one of us. No matter how hopeless it seems. Everyone is meant to be here and experience this life.
The second realization I came to rather quickly was that running from fear of the unknown will only make things worse. Every time. That I must SURRENDER to life and know that it is out of my control (besides my actions). This, I believe as an intuitive knowing from the experience, was a lesson that was taught so that I can integrate it into my life, and until I do, I am not to return to the DMT world. And I have taken this lesson very seriously and have been taking action to push past my fears that I would normally let dictate my life. I have a lot of work to do still, because it is a huge barrier I’ve got to tackle. And I’ll be honest I’ve been slacking.
I tried to return last week and was not granted access no matter how much of it I smoked. I got the visuals, but was stuck in the waiting room with an intuitive feeling that it’s not time yet and I still have work to do.
So yeah, DMT zapped away my suicidal ideation, made me realize how my life does have potential and sent me on a mission to conquer my fears and live the life I WANT. And I’m grateful as hell.
With psychedelics, you really have to be able to take what you can get from the experience, good or bad. But if DMT ever crosses your path and you feel ready to accept what it has to offer, I highly recommend you do. (Don’t seek it. It will come to you.)
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anatomy of a ""true"" scary story
1. the needlessly detailed intro. explains too much about the characters, their motivations, their beliefs/expectations, and why they end up in the setting they do. each character is perfect for the role they will play in the story, and they never do anything unexpected or out-of-character unless it furthers the evidence in an extremely obvious way.
(e.g., "mandy was always the most level-headed and skeptical of us, so why was she the most scared by the lights in the sky? it must be because she had finally seen something her logical mind couldn't explain away with facts and reason - like a real UFO.")
2. the blatant ethos-building. attempts to build up the narrator as knowledgeable, reliable, and objective. often cites hunting/camping/military experience, stresses how much of a skeptic they are/were, and usually finishes up with some sort of claim about how they know "everything there is to know" about a certain field or location. writer assumes that everyone who reads the story will have the same degree of knowledge that they have and so will trust their narrator's expertise, which becomes apparent when the evidence they describe and the conclusions they come to are inconsistent or just plain factually incorrect.
(e.g., "trust me, I've been hunting in these woods since I was seven, and I know all of the animals that live around here. none of them have orange eye-shine, let alone orange eye-shine nine feet off the ground." <- has apparently never heard of owls sitting in branches, despite having perfectly described the call of a screech owl earlier as part of the "evidence")
3. the purely emotional foreshadowing. insists that narrator or others around them "had a bad feeling" or "sensed a dark energy" in the place where the main action would later take place. rational reasons for unease either excluded or dismissed as unrelated.
(e.g., "we all had a weird feeling about being inside this old abandoned building. sure it was dark, moldy, rotting, and unsafe to be in, and sure we had spent years listening to stories about how often people got hurt or scared in here, and sure we heard noises that could easily be interpreted as signs of danger, but none of that explains why we all felt like something was watching us, or why we suddenly felt the icy grip of dread around our hearts.")
4. the stupid decisions that lead to the climax. often described ironically, as though the narrator is aware of their poor decision-making. the equivalent of comic book characters going "i know this isn't realistic, but just play along, okay?" may or may not be justified ("i know it was stupid, but i had to because ___"), but if so, justification usually over-reliant on ethos ("i'm a skeptic - I had to see for myself, because i wasn't going to believe it otherwise") or pathos ("my beloved dog who saved my life once ran towards the scary sound so i had to go after her").
5. the mimetic climax. the "encounter" with the allegedly paranormal thing is just a magazine-cuttings ransom note of things other people have said/written in other stories on similar topics. sometimes it's juiced up with wildly over-the-top detail such as gore, poetic imagery, or unlikely dialogue, but the bare bones default to the list of tried and true horror elements. talking about a voice-mimicking shape-shifter? describe the voice as "staticky" and "distorted." talking about aliens? check wikipedia for the most agreed-upon descriptions of "greys." talking about demons? put that shit on the ceiling and make sure it's scared away by christian imagery and prayer!
6. the convenient black-out. in attempting to build drama and suspense, the storyteller writes their narrator into an inescapable bind, or else runs out of steam and doesn't want to come up with a detailed detente. the narrator, often wracked with terror and sure of their impending demise, mercifully passes out from fear or exhaustion and wakes to find the danger is past. especially common in stories about demons, shadow-people, and aliens - this definitely doesn't coincide with how often elements of these stories mock or mimic real-life experiences with sleep paralysis, schizophrenia, hallucinations, and other neurological conditions.
(e.g., "the pure malevolence of the black shadow suffocated me, and i couldn't move, not even to close my eyes. my legs gave out beneath me, and i crumpled to the floor while the shadow moved towards me, bending over me and filling me with dread. then everything went black, and the next thing i knew, i was lying on the kitchen floor with sunlight streaming in through the windows, and the entity was gone. my whole body hurt, and i was exhausted, but i didn't feel afraid anymore, just confused and a bit fuzzy. i definitely did not just have a seizure, and was instead the victim of a psychic attack by some unknown entity. posting this here so that anyone else who definitely isn't having seizures can see that they are not alone and should take my experiences as a sign that the shadow realm is real and that anyone who wants you to see a doctor is gaslighting you and calling you crazy. i believe that you're having real visions of the shadow realm, even if no one else does <3")
7. the reifying lesson. the conclusion of the story affirms that all of the rumors, legends, tales, etc. that the narrator had originally disbelieved are, in fact, unassailably true. often involves the narrator sharing their experiences and having them confirmed by others, and stresses the long-term impact of the story's events. the narrator might be dogged by visions or memories of what they saw, or maybe they got a friend who conveniently specializes in the "occult" to give them an amulet or ritual to keep them safe. either way, the narrator now feels that it is their moral duty to share their story with as many people as possible in order to prevent others from making their same highly specific and easily avoidable mistakes.
bonus 1: stresses that the narrator and co. are the only people who could possibly be where they are. establishes isolation of location such that normal human activity could not possibly account for experiences, even though humans famously love to fuck with each other and are extremely good at it. "it made absolutely no sense that someone would be out in these woods at night, without a flashlight, so far from civilization, so who - or what - could be making that noise?" my brother in hypocrisy you are (purportedly) out in these woods at night, without a flashlight, so far from civilization, stomping through the undergrowth and making a ruckus.
bonus 2: inappropriately references or claims legitimacy through native american lore. a white lady successfully "smudges" a demon-infested house, or a conveniently appearing native character shares a sacred cultural artifact with a complete stranger who reports to have experienced something the native character solemnly identifies as a piece of their cultural heritage.
bonus 3: attempts to beef up an otherwise unremarkable story with the addition of Scary PeopleTM. Scary PeopleTM can include anyone who is walking, moving, acting, or talking in a way that the narrator does not consider "normal," and can also include people that the narrator doesn't think should be in this setting - such as people wearing certain clothing, people from a certain ethnic background, poor people, disabled people, and houseless/transient people. if these people are not outright described as "creepy," "inhuman," "possessed," or "unnatural," then they are posed as probable threats or perpetrators of violence, either against the narrator or against others, instead of just people who are living their lives and don't want to be harassed.
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ideahat-universe · 1 year
I'm talking about Security Breach again because I've lost control of my life.
The upcoming ruin Expansion (or is it DLC) for the game is coming out and I still want the version of the original game we should have gotten.
They stopped working on it and they never figured out how to make that stealth work in a satisfying way and the chase system is broken as all hell.
Maybe they figured out in Ruin but I'm cynical to that idea.
Because to me, and I feel like this is a hot take but to me we've moved past the animatronics being scary.
The animatronics were scary when they were dead rotting bodies soiled into the carpet textures of the animatronics with the only signs of life being moans of pain and suffering. It's what made the original FNAF really creepy and it's why the Springtrap is the best Spring Bonnie outfit as it's all about the desiccated corpse rotting in the mangy springlock suit.
The horror of being killed, bleeding and oozing onto these lifeless objects and granting it life via possession is the winning formula.
But since the addition of "Remnant" the formula has been cheapened like coke when it went back to the classic formula but not really. We get possession the simple and clean way.
Robots being injected with the soul energy of the previous victims OR the "code" is evil and thus you get all the aspects of an evil animatronic minus all the narrative elements that made it compelling.
I really don't think we need the robots to be the scare factor in the stories anymore (especially if we outright refuse to have dead bodies that aren't Afton trapped in robotic bodies) so we should pivot towards Vanny, actually what we should have done is made it to where copies of the Glitchtrap virus were in every copy of The Freddy Fazbear Virtual Experience has a chance to infect the mind of the people who play it and have them carry out murders, not to revive Afton because "muh immortality" but because the Afton Virus compels people to kill irrationally and FNAF pizza places are just hunting grounds (again because the code compels them to seek out the vulnerable there) then we could have a series of video games in difference places with themed restaurants and even vastly different animatronics all with the central theme that a mind slaved person is killing people there.
The killer of the game would be the real sole villain and the animatronics do not try to kill you, on purpose.
It would be a different gimmick each game. Here's some examples: Toy style animatronics mistake you for the killer so they're always apprehending you instead of the real culprit and you have to trick the Toy animatronics into legitimately catching the real killer.
You're exploring the pizza place after it closed so while the night guard is looking to capture you the animatronics treat you to a good time and protect you from the killer.
A Fazbear escape room (one where the animatronics don't kill you but a killer is hiding in the room and waits for an opening).
Various period reenactment settings where visitors are expected to roleplay with the robots where the killer is disguised as a larper.
A real Circus baby carnival (where the killer functions a lot like the murderer in Bad Day on the Midway).
Animatronics at various zoo settings where the killer uses the animals to commit the murders.
A Fazbear fright that has functioning scare focused animatronics and a real killer hidden amongst them.
You're an engineer at a fazbear establishment and you have to program the performer and the security animatronics to find the right killer and apprehend them by plugging in clues for them to profile the culprit.
Pizzeria simulator but this time you are actually running a real pizza place with all the day stuff and in-between stuff the same but the night stuff is just you doing maintenance and making sure that if children start vanishing from the pizza place that you find out why and put an end to it quickly.
I could go on but you get the idea. We are not supposed to still be stuck on talking about the original 5 or so killed kids, Cassidy, or even the Afton family. The fire at the end of Simulator wasn't just to free the main characters but to free us from the constrictions of traditional FNAF.
If we can't escape the rinse repeat cycle of being at a FNAF location the day or week it gets shut down due to a killer who is either Afton or Afton related and then add 5 new loose ends while closing 3 old ones then as it turns out William Afton is not stuck in hell doomed to get jump scared for all eternity.
We are.
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fahbev · 1 year
Unstoppable Force Meets Immovable Object pt3
Part 1: (https://www.tumblr.com/bahfev/715070691717840896/unstoppable-force-meets-immovable-object?source=share)
“Fine. Give us precise directions, and we’ll see.” Sophia loomed over Aolli.
“I- I don’t think I can. Most of the way there is also uncharted. I was shown the way there by someone, and I remember my way mostly by my senses than anything else. I’m not lying I swear! Please don’t hurt me!”
“Are you definitely, 100% certain you’re not lying?” Sophia just had to make sure.
“Yes! 100%! Please believe me!”
“Okay. Then you are going to take us there.” Sophia said.
“... what?” ————————————————————————————————
Yal-sre had always wondered about humans. They had grown up being told stories, “humans hail from a Death-World, where everything is dangerous! They survived there, they can survive just about anything!”. Yal-sre had been told stories about how scary humans are, that they have acid in their stomachs. They are strong due to Earth’s high gravity. Later on, Aolli also provided some stories from their youth.
As a child, Yal-sre had gone through a phase where they loved humans. They were sort of the galactic “boogeyman”, but, safe on Challrk, Yal-sre idealized these apex predators. Not only were they super strong and cool, they were also pretty. Yal-sre especially liked the humans with long hair, they were very elegant. Of course, they did know logically that meeting a human in real life wouldn’t be a very good experience, but as a child they didn’t care. They preferred to daydream about these awesome alien critters.
During Yal-sre’s young adulthood, they decided move off Challrk to a diverse space-city. They got a job as a security guard, which was shockingly easy to land considering the pay. But the new city that Yal-sre couldn’t pronounce or spell, carried a very different atmosphere. Everyone seemed wary.
Yal-sre was confused, at first. They had moved to a very good, and well protected neighborhood, why did everyone seem so scared? That was until, Yal-sre pieced together that people were only scared when they were around.
What’s wrong with me? Why do I scare people?
After that realization, Yal-sre did everything they could to appear nonthreatening. After a while, people who saw them every day began to realize that Yal-sre really wasn’t very scary after all. Some of them, anyway.  At some point, Yal-sre couldn’t tell you when, they figured out why this was. The fear had little to do with Yal-sre themself, and everything to do with their species.  Apparently, the rragletatchen had quite the reputation among the galaxy. “They have indestructible exoskeletons! They’re practically invincible!” Not indestructible; broken, damaged, or missing skeletal plates were very common injuries. Of course, it takes a lot to damage an exoskeleton, so to an alien? It made sense, how they could seem invincible.
“They’re huge! They’re hella strong too!” They weren’t - okay, comparatively yes. But many other species were large as well, rragletatchen weren’t anything special!
“They spit LAVA!” Acid. It’s acid. And only when threatened, if we spit acid at you, that means you’ve fucked up immensely! We’re pacifists! We don’t want to hurt you!
“Sharp spikes! Sharp teeth! Impossible to outrun! Infants that are deadly poisonous to the touch! Jaws that can eat things half their size!” Okay, true but- ...true, all true.  Yal-sre understood it, but the stereotype of rragletatchen being aggressive, mean, dangerous, or even remotely competent at fighting wasn’t true. 
Rragletatchen were a peaceful, unified tribe. Very few even did the hunting, those few providing for the whole tribe. Rragletatchen, particularly in the sector Yal-sre grew up in, people preached kindness, forgiveness and mercy.
Yal-sre was never a very religious person. They weren’t a goody-two-shoes stickler about morals, and they even thought their parents hardcore pacifism was old-fashioned and flawed. However, when surrounded by everyone who thought the worst of them, they became more and more determined to embody their cultural beliefs. Yal-sre would break this stereotype, and show the world that rragletatchen are gentle giants. Yal-sre had so many eyes on them, rragletatchen were rare, so they represented their whole species. He had to be the perfect embodiment of all that is good, and all that his people stand for.
He had always thought, or perhaps hoped, that humans felt the same way.
Until he met Sofia.
It had been a surprise, coming across a human when he came to pay Aolli a visit. Everything he had hoped to say if he ever met an Earthling, everything he hoped a human might say, all the common ground he hoped to find... all of that faded the second he noticed them, and all the scary stories came flooding back in their place.
It was hard to read Sophia’s body language, but they made themselves bigger, walked straight up to him, really close, and looked directly up at him. If that wasn’t a show of aggression, what was?
“Fight me.” Sure enough. But despite his initial fear, he had still been hoping that they would... well, he didn’t know exactly what he was hoping for, but it wasn’t this. This moment he had imagined in his head over and over in hundreds of different ways, became simply another moment of proving himself. Being the ambassador of all rragletatchen, once again. Only now, he had to face an aggressive human to do so. Great.
Sophia was one of the long-haired humans. Suddenly, their black hair, tied back behind their head into one long brush like an angry geerecht’s tail, it didn’t look so elegant anymore.
He tried not to show how scared he was. Rragletatchen are peaceful, but we are nof weak. I will not fight, but I will stand solid against a human if I must.
Now though, Sophia was... helping him? Why? This was a foreign creature, with foreign emotions, Yal-sre may never know. On the other hand, Yal-sre needed to know if he could trust this fellow space orc, and to what extent. 
So far, Sophia seemed to have little regard for the law.
Aolli was whimpering in the corner.
Yal-sre, for the record, was not a fan of this idea.
“Alright, everybody buckle up! Let’s see what this baby can do!”
Sophia clearly didn’t mean it, because they didn’t wait a second. No one, not even Sophia was strapped in before Sophia slammed the accelerator on the stolen ship.
“WOOOOO-HOOO! HELL YEAH!” Sophia raised one of their upper appendages, with the smaller appendages at the end wrapped up in a ball.
Yal-sre could have sworn that their organs had been left behind in the spacecraft rental lot.  Sophia very nearly missed a building on their way. The three of them screamed in unison.
“FUCK! Jee-zuss- kriest”
In a panic, Yal-sre fumbled for a seatbelt. Not that anything could save him from Sophia ramming the ship into six goeals of reinforced cement. As it turned out, the seatbelt, like the rest of the ship, was way too small for his large frame. Lovely. 
“Of COURSE I know how to drive a ship! I’ve just never used this kind before- the steering is FUCKING REVERSED! Woah- holy poop-”
“Great, that makes me feel SO MUCH BETTER!” Aolli screeched.
“Maybe you should have CONSIDERED that BEFORE you decided to STEAL A SPACECRAFT IN BROAD DAYLIGHT!” Yal-sre shouted.
“NO I DON’T!” Aolli screamed.
“I want to GET there, but I don’t want to DIE BEFORE WE DO! Give me the wheel, I’M driving us there-”
“Buzz off! Aolli can’t fit behind the wheel, and you can’t even fit in the GODDAMN cockpit! -No, stop trying- ow- SIT DOWN- oh SHIT!” The ship was getting dangerously close to the cliff wall. Sophia swerved. Directly into the cliff. A second later they remembered the controls were reversed and swerved hard in the other direction. It happened so fast that Yal-sre barely had time to scream.  “STOP DISTRACTING ME OR WE ALL DIE!”
“Yes- yes! Got it!” Yal-sre scrurried back to where he’d been sitting.
Everything was peaceful for a minute. The ship pierced through the first and thickest of 12 atmospheric layers, and the air changed color. The view would have been breathtaking, if Yal-sre’s anxiety wasn’t keeping him from appreciating it. The sentiment seemed to be echoed by Aolli. And Sophia... he couldn’t read Sophia.
“Drone!” Aolli shouted.
“WHAT? Where!?” Sophia shouted back
“Turn left!”
“LEFT-LEFT OR FAKE-LEFT!?” Nevermind, Yal-sre could definitely read the raw panic in Sophia’s voice.
———————————————————————————————— pt 4: (pending)
I have mastered the art of the cliffhanger >:)
Can anyone tell me how to do that thing where the link is words? Im new here.  Taglist: @honeysuckletook
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askvariance · 1 year
casey 💀 (How do they feel about horror movies?)
CASEY: I used to watch them.
NICKLE: What???????????
[Nickle slams their hands on the table loud enough to make Casey jump a little, standing up instinctively. They are staring at them in wide-eyed disbelief.]
CASEY: What?
NICKLE: You liked horror movies??
CASEY: Technically, yes. Like might give the wrong impression, but I did have enough of an interest in them to seek them out.
NICKLE: I thought you hated horror movies! We always skipped them together!
CASEY: I do.
NICKLE: You ranted about how terrible they are to watch! Like, multiple times!
CASEY: Well, yes! They're a stressful and miserable experience that I do not intend to repeat!
NICKLE: Right, so-
CASEY: I don't know why people even make them! They clearly don't care about making accurate depictions of reality! I would have objections even if I didn't get weeks of nightmares about being murdered!
[Casey paces back and forth, gesturing as they rant. Nickle watches them with obvious relief.]
NICKLE: So you do hate them!
CASEY: Of course I hate them! They're an experience in making yourself anxious and paranoid for no good reason! I struggle to believe that there are people out there who somehow have a baseline level of constant dread low enough to enjoy that, but apparently they exist, because someone keeps making horror movies!
CASEY: Personally, I think I have enough to worry about already! You would too if you thought about it!
NICKLE: Okay! Okay. That's what I thought!
CASEY: Is that information confirming something?
NICKLE: I just cannot picture you ever wanting to watch one! You don't like even mildly scary things in real life, like, at all. And then you said you used to like horror movies and it was like reality bent around me! Like, huh??
CASEY: Oh. Right, sorry.
NICKLE: It's fine! I like learning things about you. Did you seriously used to like watching them?
CASEY: Absolutely not.
CASEY: I have never in my life enjoyed watching a horror movie. Just because I made uninformed decisions in the past doesn't mean I didn't have mostly reasonable opinions.
NICKLE: So... you watched them but you didn't like watching them?
CASEY: It was reassuring to get a sense of what ordinary numerals thought could be the worst case scenario. I wanted a frame of reference.
[Nickle bursts out laughing. Casey looks a little embarrassed, scowling and looking away.]
CASEY: ...I have since revised my opinion on the matter.
NICKLE: No, I mean – holy shit, I didn't think you could pull this one together so it made sense, but yeah! That totally sounds like you! That's exactly why you would put up with watching a horror movie! I didn't even think of that!
[Casey relaxes a little. Nickle beams at them.]
CASEY: I stopped when I realized ordinary numerals have no idea what they're talking about.
NICKLE: Yeah, you're way more of an expert! They should have you as a consultant on things to be scared of!
CASEY: I am not being a horror movie consultant. Absolutely not.
NICKLE: Not even if you could make them a little bit less terrible?
CASEY: My advice is to stop making horror movies. End of statement.
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