#for all lukanette stans out there
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For the ask game: 3, 9, 10, 15
3.) Part of canon that almost nobody understands.
Hmmm. There are many ways to take this. Maybe the Lore bc t's too confusing? 🤣
How about this- Chloé's home life. And it's not that nobody understands, but some people Very Vocally misunderstand or worse, misrepresent it. I don't blame fandom because the head writer himself denies the very truth presented on screen, so what are some kids to do? The abuse narrative accidentally(?) shown for Chloe is very detailed and clear, yet some will fight tooth and nail to justify the most bizzare takes on it. I spent a couple hours the other day having a baffled back and forth with someone who thought being sent away with an abusive parent was a good/Just/proper writing choice. By the end I got them to admit that having Andre just let Audrey(the woman he wouldn't stay married to because of how she treats him) take away his daughter was a *bad* thing to portray, but it took way too long to get there.
Still, small victories I guess.
9.) The three worst things about the source material.
a)The head writer's inability to take critique/his insecurity. So much time and energy is spilled 'proving him right' that we are losing out on better plotlines. When the man writers his twitter rants into the scripts, you know he's got a problem.
b)The end of Season 5. Just... yeah so much of it. Things wobbled now and then before, but man it went off the rails, burst into flames, and destroyed a nearby orphanage at the end there.
c)I don't know? Like, so much can be traced back to 'A' above, that it's hard to pick at other stuff? There's a root cause, and it permeates. If that were fixed, the rest wouldn't happen and you'd have a more coherent and healthy narrative.
10.) The three worst things about the fandom
a)Character Salt- Holy heck people. As a Chloe fan I expect some salt thrown her way, but Jesus in Heaven *waves at what people do to Alya* What the hell is THAT? Alya is amazing, she's a wonderful bestie, Salting her? WHY? It's insane. Salting Chloe goes way too far too. She is not your personal bully. This is not revenge porn. What about the Marinette/Adrien Stan one and Salt the other? What the heck is that? They're the main couple! If you want to salt the writing, do it! It's so full of holes Plagg thinks it's cheese. Leave these poor kids alone though.
b)Purity Tests- A different kind of 'salt' than above. There are big segments of the fandom who cannot handle the slightest analysis or critique of the media. Anything but a slavish devotion and acceptance of everything on screen as the best/rightest/most moral and ethical take is considered 'hater/salt' without question. Either you are ostracized for voicing any dissent, or actively attacked.
c)Segregation- Maybe it's something common now in fandoms, but I'm struck by how compartmentalized people are. There is very little flow between the spheres. Like Love Square? then you stay away from any rare pairs involving them. Lukanette? Love Square is your bane, etc etc.
15.) Canon needs more...
Love Conquering all. S5 really drove this home. Love fails miserably time and time again in S5. It's kind of weird. People use love to *justify* actions left and right, but in the moment love tends to lead to failure and loss more than anything else. I don't understand how this was seen as a good idea.
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MAIN TAG: mlb meta
Put your money on ladynoir, kids
On the merits of imperfection (why ladrien is my favourite side of the love square)
The innage tragedy of ladrien, and why I love it
So here’s the thing: (from the perspective of character growth, reversing the love square makes no sense)
To phrase this better than I did so late at night that it was technically morning: (lukanette is a masterclass in the crucial difference between showing and telling)
The NYC special might’ve sunk lukanette before it ever had the chance to happen
if we’re using “friendship is more important than a celebrity crush” to argue against the love square…
On shipping dynamics within the love square, mainly marichat vs. ladrien
Adrien Agreste and the limelight
Adrien Agreste and the question of unmasking
Some speculation about Gabriel’s possible ways out of being Hawkmoth and how they will affect Adrien
To cross your DNA with something reptile (on sentiadrien, because who needs narrative logic when you can have angst)
Being the topic du jour and all (the show has already shown that getting his amok can’t be a ~beautiful metaphor~ for sentiadrien’s freedom)
If sentiadrien is meant to be a commentary on child abuse then someone has no idea how stories work (spoiler: it’s not, because abuse is funny on this show)
Ending Chloé’s story as a villain would be a vaste of screentime and that’s why they shouldn’t
This be the verse (let’s just say I’m less than impressed with how early S4 handled the Bourgeois family drama)
Some more Zoé meta
Let’s talk narratological theory to explain why Chloé is an abused child in the text even if the creator insists she isn’t
Spoiler: Luka Isn’t A Great Character Yet (written in response to some people’s very low standards after “Truth” aired)
In fact he’s so poorly written that he’s pretty much an unintentional parody
Overthinking things (they don’t mean it like that but I saw some uncomfortable sexist themes to Luka’s akuma powers, both times)
Can we please stop blaming Marinette for Luka being a simp
Paper faces on parade (comparing and contrasting Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Gabriel Agreste)
On the feminist merits of MLB
The Scarf Came Back (on “Mr. Pigeon 72″ and the meaning of its many callbacks to early S1)
Related: S4 and “Gorizilla”
Jagged Stone is… (a spoiled manchild who’d be an awful parent if he’d stuck around and they were better off without him)
“Gang of Secrets” was underwhelming and that’s a problem
I finally realised where my entire problem with “Gang of Secrets” lies
Right now my main hope for S4 is that I’ll come out of it shipping alyanette like it’s going out of style (this show should’ve put more effort into Alya like three seasons ago)
MLB and the bad rich people
Some observations and a poor attempt at analysing the depiction of wealth in Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
No, Marinette isn’t a Mary Sue (because I refuse to acknowledge linguistic drift and “Mary Sue” does not mean what you think it means)
Etymology ragepost, MLB edition
This show just can't up the stakes in battle
Chloé should discover Cat Noir’s identity it’d be great
I also really want Felix to become a gentleman thief
What if all the heroes knew everyone’s identities except Cat Noir’s, wouldn’t that be super fun and not at all heartbreaking
My ideas for the Secret Sibling were way better than who it turned out to be tbh
Did you know that I have a tag devoted to Kagami being a fujoshi
Outline of the Hikaru no Go AU someone else should totally write
“Puppeteer 2″ was a microcosm of the Cat Noir-Ladybug-Nino-Alya mess of S4
Marinette is canonically bi in the Norwegian dub
The Umbrella Scene Redux in the NYC special wasn’t about Adrien falling for Marinette but a foreshadowing of the importance of friendship going onward
Adrien’s pain lies not in unrequited love, but projecting his abandonement issues onto Ladybug
A small but heartfelt declaration to adrigami
When you have to make your characters repeatedly insist that someone is so totally in love, it’s not coming across as totally convincing to your audience
tl;dr I suspect that the reason marichat is so popular and ladrien is correspondingly disliked is about gender roles, actually
On marichat and ladrien and romance tropes
No really, ladrien is stupid and that’s why I love it
The Reveal is supremely unlikely to happen before the deciding battle against Gabriel and if it does, they won’t get together before it anyway
MLB’s got a bit of a genre problem and that’s why the plot cannot ever move
Chloé is the Loki of the MLB fandom and given how much attention the show proper gave her compared to the rest of the secondary cast, Thomas Astruc has no right to be surprised about it
Chloé can’t be Queen Bee again before she realises that she doesn’t need to be Queen Bee to do good things
More Chloé analysisin’: An irredeemable character wouldn’t need a three-episode storyline to explain her reluctant fall for the villain
Some people finding the sentiadrien narrative a healing parable about emotional abuse does not stop it from functionally annulling the actual emotional abuse the show depicted
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Luka version coming soon,
If I wrote this and nabrina turned out to be endgame that totally means I’m saving all the Lukanette stans right
When you’re so deep in denial nothing is impossible
This character is a whole ride of absolute magic
No pun intended
But can we talk about how people were deadset on hating him when he came into the show? Like I get everyone was set on Harvey and everything but lowkey I feel like Harvey and Sabrina was kinda forced on us, Nick and Sabrina was a relationship we actually got to see be built up on them being close friends.
I get Harvey didn’t know she was a witch when they were dating n all, but he did like two things for her and one of them included almost having sex in the woods to check for marks.
Nick was fucking there for Sabrina every second.
What’s that? Need a spell to try and bring your boyfriends brother back to life? Boom. I’m in.
Whats that? Need help figuring out your dads overly complicated prison puzzle? Boom. I gotchu.
What’s that? Need help resurrecting another witch? Heyyyy.
What’s that? You wanna be top boy when I have a 100% chance of becoming it? SUPPORT.
What’s that? You’re not sure you wanna participate in Lupercalia? BOOM LETS GO WATCH MOVIES IF YOU WANT. ILL BRING POPCORN
What’s that? You don’t want another girl choosing me for Lupercalia? Boom. Glamour Spell. (One of the most iconic scenes btw)
What’s that? My Possesive childhood familiar doesn’t want me near you? Die bitch.
What’s that? You want me to come to your mortal prom? Let’s gooo.
What’s that? Need your dads manifesto? DIE GIANT SQUID YOU THOT.
What’s that? Need me to go against my higherarchy and defend you through teaching your dads practice? SUPPORT.
What’s that?? Need me to help you and work alongside your ex boyfriend? Workworkwork.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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When You Are Ready
Summary: Years after the events of the akuma Truth Luka gets a visit from an old friend he hadn’t seen in years. And they’re finally ready to tell him the truth. Inspired by S4E01 episode “Truth”.
The story below contains spoilers to the ML episode "Truth". If you haven't watched, read at your own risk.
This is for all the heartbroken Lukanette stans out there.
‘Great playin’ with you tonight, son,’ Jagged stuck his head inside Luka’s dressing room. For some reason his smile was wider than usual.
‘Thanks, J,’ Luka nodded. Even after they managed to mend the 16 year gap in their relationship, he couldn’t bring himself to call the rockman “dad”. ‘You too.’
Jagged’s head remained at the door.
‘You wanted something, old man?’ Luka asked. They’d been performing together for a few years already, but it wasn’t like Jagged to randomly pay him a visit after a concert.
Jagged gasped in mock offence. ‘I’m not that old, mind you. Still can kick your ass on the lead guitar, rookie,’ he waved a warning finger. ‘I’m heading out, just dropped to tell you there’s someone waiting for you at the back. I let her in because it’s raining cats and dogs outside.’
Plenty of fans loitered around after their concerts, but the security kept them in check. Who could make Jagged invite them inside despite their security policy?
‘Who is she?’
Jagged’s grin got positively sly. ‘An old friend, that’s all I’m sayin’. Just remember to show up to rehearsal tomorrow.’ He winked and shot the young man with a finger gun.
That was weird, even for Jagged. Luka quickly gathered his things, secured his guitar and left the dressing room. The corridor was dark and quiet, with most of the crew already gone, but Luka thought there was something strangely familiar in the air, like a memory of a forgotten song that suddenly slipped into his mind. He made a few tentative steps and turned the corner.
Indeed, there was a woman at the back door, leaning against the wall and fidgeting nervously. She turned a small package in her hands and tapped her foot, as if trying to gather courage. He recognized her song in an instant.
‘Marinette?’ Luka rasped, suddenly breathless.
She turned her infinitely blue eyes to him. She was even more beautiful than he remembered. When was the last time he saw her? At Juleka’s graduation? Maybe a few times after that?
Her life was already a whirlwind when he had met her, and little had changed in the following years. She was always so busy, always in a hurry. Her song became more frantic, burdened with fear and guilt. Luka couldn’t take it. And so days of silence turned into weeks, then months and years. Despite their best efforts they drifted apart and even her occasional commissions for Jagged never served as an opportunity to meet or catch up. He got on with his life, even if Marinette always held a special place in his heart.
‘Hi!’ She smiled hesitantly, brushing a stray curl of her hair behind her ear.
‘Oh my gosh, hi!’ Luka dropped his bag and hugged her tight. At first she went stiff in his arms, but it only took a moment for her to relax and reciprocate the embrace.
‘It’s so good to see you,’ he said, letting her go. ‘How are you?’
It really was good to see her, although his heart stuttered in her presence. He wanted to ask an entirely different question. Why was she here? Why did she come to see him after years of keeping quiet?
‘I’m okay, you know, just doing my thing,’ she shrugged. That obviously wasn’t how she wanted this conversation to go either.
‘So what brings you here? Still a fan of Jagged?’ He risked.
‘Yeah, yours as well, but- ‘ she paused and took a deep breath, ‘that’s not why I’m here. I’m- ugh, why is this so hard?’ she muttered under her breath.
Luka put his hands on her shoulders. ‘Easy, Marinette,’ he whispered, ‘remember you can tell me everything, always,’ he assured.
She closed her eyes. ‘This was a stupid idea. I just-’
He waited patiently, feeling her shiver under his touch. Her song became erratic, panicked even. This was so unlike Marinette, he started to worry.
‘You said- that evening by the Seine you said, “when you’re ready”,’ she spoke quietly.
He could barely hear her, but still her words made him come back to that heartbreaking moment by the bridge, when she ended things between them even before they really began. He never found out why, never understood, but also never questioned her decision.
‘It’s been 10 years,’ he said, more to himself and his memory.
‘So many things happened in those 10 years,’ he mused.
‘Mhmmm…’ Marinette murmured. ‘Your solo album came out. You were on tour with Jagged. We graduated, went to university.’
‘Hawkmoth was defeated.’
‘Only recently,’ she reminded him. ‘But yeah.’
Silence fell over them. Luka still couldn’t make anything out of her presence and her reason to come.
‘You said: “when you’re ready, I’ll be here for you”,’ she repeated, louder now, more determined, as if she finally found her courage. ‘Are you?’
‘If you’re asking, if I have been in a relationship since we were teens, Marinette,’ he replied carefully picking his words, ‘then yes - I’ve been in a few, actually.’
But she must have known that, he’d always been honest, not only with her, but with everyone. He never hid. Not after his akumatizations. He’d learned from his parents’ and his own mistakes.
Marinette hunched. Before she turned her face away from him he glimpsed a tear in her eye. She bit her lip.
But none of them could ever compare to you, he wanted to say. The song of her heart has changed, matured, but it was no less fascinating. If anything, he found it even more captivating than when she’d been 14.
However, at least one thing about him hadn’t changed either.
‘I’m a simple, honest guy, Marinette,’ he said. ‘My heart doesn’t handle rejection well, neither dishonesty. Without the truth-’ he drifted off, letting her come to the conclusion on her own. He wasn’t that cruel to say it out loud.
‘I remember what you said and I remember what I’ve done, what I’ve been like,’ Marinette was calm now, but there was strange gravity in her tone. ‘I wouldn’t have come here, if - like you’d said - I wasn’t ready. Here,’ the box she’d been playing with appeared in front of his face. ‘Open it, when you’re alone. Then you’ll understand.’
‘Understand what?’
‘Me,’ she said quietly, turning to leave.
‘What about Adrien?’ Luka remembered that thorn as well.
Marinette halted with her hand on the doorknob. ‘That’s a long story.’
‘Believe me, I know,’ Luka chuckled humorlessly.
‘Adrien’s still a big part of my life, but we’re not a couple,’ Marinette said in a colorless voice.
‘Just friends?’ He couldn’t help himself.
‘Hah,’ she snorted. ‘Best friends. But just friends.’
‘Yeah. Adrien has some stuff he needs to deal with and I- I finally know what I want and what I need,’ she turned and shot him a meaningful look. Then she left.
Luka stayed in the darkness for a while, mulling over the revelations of the past few minutes. Marinette had always cared for the truth, he knew that well. But there was a new sincerity to her today, laced with quiet determination, that shook him to his core. He wished he could comprehend that mystery.
Then his eyes fell on the little gift box and her words came back to him. “Open it. Then you’ll understand.”
Luka braced himself and slowly, carefully raised the lid.
Inside, on blue silk lay a single guitar pick. It was red with a pattern of black dots.
Finally the missing piece of the puzzle clicked into place. The part of the melody that’s been eluding him from the start, just out of his reach, but right under his nose. He smiled to himself as his fingers closed over the pick. And for the first time in years his heart skipped a beat.
#ml spoilers#truth#ml fanfic#miraculous ladybug#marinette dupain cheng#luka couffaine#for all lukanette stans out there#perdita writes#a pick me up fic#pro lukamari
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Prime time to bring this meme back
#miraculous#miraculous ladybug#ml#mlb#ml memes#miraculous memes#sorry to all the adrien stans out there#but those two eps slaughtered his character#not that there was too much to begin with tho#ml s4#ml truth#ml lies#ml season 4#miraculous s4#miraculous truth#miraculous lies#miraculous season 4#ml salt#mlb memes#also my regrets to lukanette/adrimi shippers#but we been knew#mlb salt#miraculous salt#adrien salt#miraculous ladybug memes
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#hot take hot take#i think all those posts are a tad unnecessary#while it does have valid criticism#it just comes off as us lovesquare stans trying to prove our ship is superior? im not saying that was the intention im saying thats what it#looks like#and tbh im just kinda sick of people calling ships unhealthy bc it doesnt really matter? its a ship its fictional#like any relationship could probably work out if the people in it worked for it?#besides as i said it kinda makes ppl sound like those who cry 'true selves' and claim lukanette and marichat are superior bc theyre#~healthy~#its like ls stans are using arguments used *against* us#against *lukanette* stans#as i said. huge disclaimer that's probably NOT the intention at all#but those kind of posts still make me uncomfortable for reasons stated above#ml fandom salt#?#just in case#poppy speaks#edit: tumblr messed my tags up it was talking abt those posts that go 'lukanette is unhealthy' and why i think they're unnecessary
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What are your ship preferences from the show? Do you have a favourite episode and why? Oh and how do you feel about the outfits/character designs what would you keep/change?
Hmmmm ship preferences~
I tend to be very basic, so I'm generally chill with most of the ships the fandom ships but I do tend to lean more toward the canon based ships even if others I'll ship for interest potential.
I've been pretty firm in shipping Marinette and Adrien as endgame(mostly cuz I can see he can bring out her confidence while he is chat noir and when her feelings don't get in the way and how he tends to open up around her). Though I mostly enjoy seeing them interact the most as ladynoir or marichat...or heck ladrien has gotten more interesting.
But I have also been in the Fandom for a long time so I've been through every salt era and more red flags have popped up....so I do enjoy shipping them with other people as a possibility.
I enjoy lukanette in the show...yet weirdly not that much in fanfiction. Maybe because there is this erge to be mean to adrien when people ship luka with her or to blame adrirn fir not noticing even though mari is really bad at communicating. I genuinely think lyka has a shot with mari in the show if they had him stand up fir his feelings more.
His appeal is how mature and patient he is and how he can understand mari even when she is bad at communicating and how much she trusts to be open around luka which mari still isn't the best at with Adrien. How luka isn't pushy and genuinely is fine with being friends....and mari stood up for luks which is nice....but it can also enable mari to not treat his feelings with enough weight because he isnt fighting for them....so lukanette I ship if I feel in a Mari positive mood but sge also didn't treat him that well...so that's fading a bit.
I also shipped luka x kagami because they are foils to eachother whoch could be fun.
luka x sublime because they has a chill mature vibe but he was also intense while as a akuma.
also luka x chloe because that's just INTERESTING with chloe being very loud about treatment and rich and immature to contrast luka on the boat who is mature and patient...both also had a sort of absent parent.
I DEFINITLY ship Adrien x Kagami. They had actual chemistry and he was willing to pass up a fist bump with LB to check on her...it felt like they had to make both act a bit too out of character to msje the break up happen even if they were pushed together a bit too soon. People act like he didn't have feelings for her at all even though a point was he couldn't change targets in frozer....which means when he DID feel something later....it was real and wasn't just him trying to get over LB. Even the love akuma could sense his interest and some of my favorite jokes were based on how LB though chat was just trying yo make LB jealous...but his interest in Kagami was real. Him going back to crushing on LB was becayse it was a distraction and cuz ge couldnt do anything to fix his situation ejth jagsmi without owning up his identity.
I know they are shipping kagami with felix and they djd a great job gsslighting me into going along with it.....but I'm definjtly still hoping kagami realizes she can't just change targets to felix that easily. I want her to find out adrien is chat and that him ditching her during the date was to protect paris....since if luka can be too pstient....kagami was a bit too impatient. Even if we stan someone supporting their feelings should be treated better.....I still want the showstopper stop invalidating anyone having real feelings for adrien who isn't mari e en though msri also treats adrien like a celebrity crush at times.
Plus I'd love to see Felix's face if Adrien still had something kagami liked that feljx doesn't have. Plus I want more competitive adridn and kagami interactions so we can see how similar kagami and adrien as chat can be. Plus she wanted to actually be honest with adrien and encouraged him to speak up for himself.
Julieka x rose is adorable as best friends or as a couple.
Though I actually ship Rose x Prince Ali as well cuz they did have chemistry amd everyone forgets that.
And Julieka x Rose x Prince Ali cuz all 3 deserve the world and might as well combine them together.
I WANT to ship nate x (I'm blanking on his name so I'm going to say reverser) but they don't get enough screen time together and I'm STILL pissed at nate for ripping his book like a jerk. But we shall see if they win be over season 6.
Alya x nino is also a definite ship for me. They are adorable and healthy and I love them.
Though I also ship nino x marinette as a crush as long as it's not endgame because not enough people bring it up as a plot point even though it definitly happened...plus cuz they are actually really similar/parallel each other.
I know people act like alya is the ladybug but hell no. ALYA suits being a chat noir WAY better while Nino 100 percent has mari/ladybugs jumping to conclusions energy.
Alya x Adrien can be fun to read because the ship in the movie in the show but also because zadrien abd Alya are similar to eachother but never get enough time to interact with each other. I can see why nino would be nervious even if adrien abd alya are definitly not actually into each other.
I enjoy alix x adrien as a rare pair. Something about bunnies and chat is fun. Plus she helped fly him on a kite when ge was scaredy noir.
as well as anon x adrien from the newyork special. She feels enthusastic about life and forgiving. It won't ever happen, but I like the energy.
and let's face it....the show undercuts anyone's feelings for adrien. Lila only likes him for his clout and money so actually ship is a no go....though I desperately want to see them fight because adruen is smart and feels like he could handle lila better than Mari can. And chloe doesn't have a actual crush on adrien...Chloe is scared to lose him so thought being a girlfriend would mean he woukdnt leave her or she could make other people back off....so any adrien x chloe ship is friendship...even if sone fits can be really compelling. X'D
Sabrina x Chloe. I ship their friendship but I wouldn't mind that as a option depending on the season.
Sabrina and that boy from the newyork special is surprisingly up there for me. Maybe cuz he noticed Sabrina on his own? And if they are going to lie about newyork being a city of love might as well get a couple out of it.
Chloe having a one-sided crush or admiration of ladybug. I'm still convinced Zoey not only stole chloe's spot as a bee, as a better version in the class but also chloe being potentially a lesbian.
Melanie x Ivan is a solid ship I hope to see more of.
Alix x kim....I know he has Odine but she has so few appearances and sge reminds me of that recon episide that made Kim and chloe look even worse so eh. I don't dislike Kim x odine though.
Gabriel x Emilie x Nathalie
Gabriel's one redeeming trait js his love for his wife. I'm not letting him give that up. The parallel that gabe is like mari/ladybug while emilie is adrien/chat is too good to pass on.
But Gabe and Nathalie also honestly had a lot of chemistry bonding over the grief and secerts even if his use of the miraculous twisted him too much for her tastes. The parallel also has nathalie being his chat noir as well and hey....ladynoir can gave some toxic aspects and I ship it...so can gabe and Nathalie. Plus Emilie 100 persent cared for them both. So throuple! Problem solved! XD
Also tikki x plagg. They are cute.
Marie Anne x master fu is cute even if it sucks he lost his memories.
Shadybug x Claw noir is a top ship for me. I enjoy it.
I might squish other ships together like mari x kagami x adrien....but mostly to give a middle finger to andre the icecream man for not giving 3 scoops snd cuz I think kagami and adrjen deserve nice things. I'm in my slightly annoyed at mari era since she lowered her guard and let hawkmoth make a wish.
Felix x adrien. But one-sided and complicated from Felix's side since I've read shoujo and Cardcaptor sakura. And cuz I want to be mean to felix since his sad backstory still hasn't sunk in for me to justify destroying the rest of the human race.
Though kagami having both adrien and felix could be funny.
Still on the fence on kagami x felix but she also reads shoujo so I'm game to see where this leads.... as long as she is happy I'm happy.
Also adrien x reverser.....mostly cuz I'm still annoyed at nate abd I like the kid who is reverser (even if I can't remember his name).
Honestly I'd ship nino with more people but djwifi is still very much the best.
Oh! Kim and Max is also a cute one I ship.
I need to get my thoughts about miraculous adventures of ladybug and chat noir but I suck at starting. Someone send me questions or a thought to get the ball rolling please.
#miraculous ladybug#chat noir#adrien#ladybug#marinette#hawkmoth#adrien agreste#kagami#marinette dupain cheng#chloe#Zoey#Felix#Plagg#Tikki#Lukanette#Adriaticadri#adrigami#kagami tsurugi#Emilie#gabriel agreste#Gabe x nathalie x Emilie#Adrigaminette#nino lahiffe#Djwifi#Sublime#Anon#Alix#Bunnies#Prince Ali#Rose
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Why I dislike Marinette
It may shock anyone reading this, especially knowing why people usually dislike Marinette, but my reasons actually aren’t for her actions in canon. Well, of course I take issue with what Marinette does. My issues are more with the creators of the show and her more toxic stans. The issue I have with Marinette is the fact that her actions are usually framed as just, or okay when they should be called out to teach a lesson to people watching. We can argue about favourites, but when Lila lies and she’s punished by LB, and when Marinette lies or does even worse things, it’s clear there’s a bias in favor of Marinette. Marinette has flaws... But the show rarely calls them out as flaws. LB is bossy and CN is just a sidekick? Well the show compliments that by making her a GUARDIAN, able to dispense Miraculouses at will, and CN is having less of a spotlight. Is Marinette an uninteresting character? Spruce her up by making all of Adrien’s drama about HER instead! LB needs to look dependable and smart? In AntiBug, even though Chat is in the top of his class of Fencers, being taught by the best Fencer in all of Paris, he gets bested by Chloe. CHLOE, you know, the girl that’s so clumsy she incapacitated herself in Lady Wifi when she got tangled up in her own Yoyo? Yep, Chat’s such a doof that he’s useless without LB at his side to steer him like a guard dog.
I hear people say that the creators hate Marinette, or love Adrien when that’s just straight up false, Adrien goes through retcons and character assassinations. Hell, the whole Lukanette side romance started out because Gabriel Agreste, Adriens ABUSIVE father prevented him from going, and what does Marinette do? Oh, that’s right, she makes it about HER, what’s her reward for valiantly surviving the next 5 minutes moaning about how “‘tis not to be after all!”? She gets Luka, she gets another option immediately. None of this is considered a flaw of hers, her selfishness rarely gets called out as such and when it does, it’s even rarer that the lesson ACTUALLY sticks with Marinette. She’s uninteresting, does bad things and she’s the main character, not Adrien, a deep complex character that could go through a whole bunch of character arcs and personal growth, the kid that’s the SON of the main villain, as if that’s not bad enough, his “destined” soulmate is Marinette, a selfish girl that sabotages her love rivals chances, absolutely atomizes his personal boundaries like it’s going out of style, and as LB, keeps him in the dark, inadvertently hurting him, in spite of all of this, he must end up with her, hell, Chat Blanc features that Retcon I mentioned earlier, where Adrien, despite knowing LB committed an actual criminal offense still loves her, and dates Marinette, a girl he’s never ONCE considered dating before because the show writers clearly are obsessed with the ship, and favor LB/Marinette.
I think with all these examples, it’s clear the show favors Marinette to an absurd degree, and will happily sacrifice Adrien so he can be a good little doggie.
Now onto the fandom and how it holds Marinette on a pedestal. Marinette’s actions are often excused “She’s a teen,” “she’s under a lot of stress,” “I used to do that too!” (That one is very concerning when it comes to the stalking tbh). They’ve got so many excuses for the things she does. Rarely can this part of the fandom admit that the girl they like the most has flaws she needs to work on. What happens when they see Chat flirting with LB or he destroys an inanimate object in a fit of rage at being sidelined repeatedly? “What an incel neck-beard nice guy!” “He should get his Miraculous taken away” “He clearly doesn’t care about Paris!” “#Marinette Deserves Better”
Can you blame us when we’re jaded on criticism directed at Adrien? Most of the time it’s worded like we’re all sexist pigs and Adrien is the worst character in the show, why would ANYONE want to listen to what some of you have to say?! Even if it’s valid at it’s core, the dress-up of the message makes it hazardous to deal with and it only makes people hate the message because some of y’all can’t act like respectable people when you deliver it!
Adrien is treated like shit by both the show creators and the fans. What’s the point in swiming in the Adrien hate? Lord knows ya’ll can pump out enough to last until the heat death of the universe so it’s not like you need us to contribute.
So yeah, that’s why I hate Marinette, the show makes her insufferable and only a small subset of fans will actually acknowledge how terrible she is, the rest will ignore it or turn it into a sexism issue where it doesn’t even exist, and it makes Marinette more terrible by proxy.
#ML fandom#ml fandom salt#ml fandom critical#marinette salt#Venting#vent post#leave adrien alone challenge#adrien deserves better#Adrien Sugar#ladybug salt#Miraculous Ladybug salt
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What do you think of Adrien redemption fics, and would you ever write one?
Wow I kind of spun out on a tangent so here's the teal deer and you can read the full word vomit under the cut:
More power to the writers who enjoy such things, but personally I'm just not interested at this point, so unless it's a side plot of a Lukanette story, I wouldn't seek one out to read, nor would I write one myself. The closest I really have is Something Just Like This, where all three characters work things out not always amicably, which I tend to think of as a prequel to All in the Family, where Adrien becomes the most welcome third wheel in history. At this point in time though, I'm just tired of Adrien and all the drama, canon and fandom, that comes along with him, and I don't care enough to put the effort in.
Since I've said it in the discord I might as well say it here--if I ran the world, I would have had Adrien take all his sad about being left out in Season 4, and decide he's going to be such a good hero that LB won't need anyone else, and he'd go off to get Su Han to teach him Mirakung Fu or whatever it is and actually step up to help LB and prove he can be the partner she needs--and maybe learn along the way that it's okay not to be LB's everything and that relying on other people is actually a good thing, he doesn't have to be perfect to be important. (That plot is free to anyone who wants to use it, feel free, drop me a link so I can see what you do with it.)
Now that I've written the longest run on sentence ever, here's the actually wordy stuff under the cut. 😂
I don't think Adrien's irredeemable, in fact I don't even think he'd be all that hard to redeem, but...let me think how can I put this, because I don't want to be like love square/Adrien stans are evil because they are not. They're just people who like something different than I like and that's totally okay. Ship and let ship.
But there are a vocal number that are, shall we say, annoying. Because of that it becomes a bit of a pain to write anything because you're always going to get comments trying to argue with you (spoiler alert: I'm not looking to convince anybody nor do I care that people on the internet think I'm wrong, so I don't debate in the comments) or that sound snobby and judgey. In the past I did write Adrien into several fics and I always got weird comments on them, and the nicest ones were along the lines of, "I'm glad you don't make Adrien a complete jerk like a lot of Lukanette writers." That's not horrible, but it's also not super encouraging. Thanks, I guess? I stopped getting those comments nearer the end too so maybe people changed their mind as the story went on. 😂 (Which is fine! A very sincere thank you to anyone who quietly stopped reading and didn't leave me anything to let me know. Totally fair.)
Honestly I had similar problems with the one true salt fic I started, where a lot of the comments were just griping about the series without actually addressing my story at all, and that's kind of a bummer for me (if anyone reading this left a comment of this type please don't feel bad, I'm not saying this to guilt you, this is all about my personal preferences as a writer and none of you are mind readers).
There are a lot of things I don't like about the series, and some that occasionally make me confused or angry enough to rant about it a little bit here or on discord. At the same time, reading constant ragging and complaining about the series just depresses me. So many salt discussions spiral into this dead end of "it's such a waste what they've done and everything is awful," and there's no where to go from there. It's not going to change, and there's nothing we can do about it, and I don't like ending up at the bottom of the pit. I do this for fun and I'd rather focus on the things I like. I will be finishing Live With It, but clearly salt just doesn't make me happy, so it's not going to become my niche anytime soon.
So ultimately my reasoning boils down to, it wouldn't be fun for me, I don't think there's a huge audience out there desperately wishing I would write one, and life's too short to read or write fic that bores you. Adrien will be just fine without me.
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I was pretty unimpressed with the actual show, but I started reading early fandom fanfic between our watching sessions and that kept me interested enough to keep watching.
This was sort of me. Except I was a bubble-headed young thing (13-15?) who watched Season 1, read lots of fanfic, and merged the fanfic MLB cast with the canon, so I had some serious rose-tinted glasses slapped on from reading fanfic that actually put them in a decent light.
My first introduction to the show was a friend showing me the episode "Horrificator", already halfway through, so I basically missed the first half and ended up in the second half, where I saw a cool-looking monster with an interesting superpower, and two teenage superheroes that—at the end—were one person pining after the other. (I didn't know about Adrien's crush on Ladybug until later.)
So, what made me like the show was the love square, because it was the first time I'd ever seen anything like it—two secret-identity superheroes, with feelings for each other but they don't know it, and I was super excited to see how that dynamic developed. And thanks to fanfic, I was basically feeding that fantasy with so many fictional scenarios that only got me more hyped.
For me, Season 1 was the best season of the entire show, probably because the drama was low-stakes and there wasn't too much lore—basically your classic "Season 1 is the intro, Season 2 is when the story develops further". Aside from the "I have his entire schedule" thing, I didn't get any red flags off of her, and Adrien also received decent screentime to explore him and his feelings.
"Gamer" and "Stormy Weather" are probably my favorite episodes. In "Gamer", I enjoyed how Marinette and Adrien interacted, and it showed that once Marinette and Adrien had more time together, she was able to get comfortable and talk to him like a normal person. It was basically fanfic Adrienette merging with canon Adrienette, and I was all for it.
As for "Stormy Weather", besides the top-tier animation and lighting, I loved how Ladybug and Cat Noir's dynamic was like. They worked great together, didn't need too many words to understand each other, and both had their chances to shine. It wasn't all about Ladybug.
I had dropped off watching the show from that because Season 2 hadn't come out yet, and even if it did, I didn't know it because I didn't have dependable internet at the time. By the time I got back into MLB, it had 3 seasons, and I was still thinking of Season 1. Even then, I saw only a few episodes of Season 2, like "Anansi", "Queen Wasp", "Malediktator", and "Sapotis", but I wasn't too mad about it. (Also, sidenote, when I first learned of Lukanette and Adrigami, I was PISSED because I was still Adrienette endgame; now, Adrienette makes me sick.)
My initial gripes about Season 2 and Season 3 weren't major at first. It was more or less just over unnecessary drama between Ladybug and Cat Noir and too much of people stanning Ladybug. But Season 4 was when I began actively hating MLB, for reasons stated already by so many people here.
And then Season 5..... well, I already had no hope for the show at that point, but I was still disappointed.
Silver lining though, MLB pretty much inspired my OC fanfic to improve the show, so there's that! 😃
Tell me, what did you think of ML when you first discovered it? I thought Chloe's arc in season 2 was decent for this type of show, even if it could have been better. I also never took Marinette's obsessive behavior over Adrien that seriously until it started getting really grating.
My first interaction with ML consisted of me looking for kids shows to watch in Spanish, finding Miraculous on Netflix, watching maybe three minutes of The Bubbler, and then turning the show off because it didn't seem very good. That's the episode that starts with Marinette freaking out about giving Adrien a birthday present and it gave me the impression that Miraculous was doing the classic female-protagonist-pines-for-the-male-protagonist-who-barely-even-knows-her-name trope, which is not a trope that I'm into. I'm way too ace for that shit. This is the scene in question as I looked it up to make sure I was remembering it correctly:
Marinette: Ah! (she stops right in front of Adrien.) Um, he-- Hey! (she gets nervous as she holds her gift behind her back.) Adrien:(surprised, shyly) Hey. Chloé:(as she watches what's happening outside) Wait! Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing? Don't tell me it's Adrien's birthday?! Sabrina:(checks her tablet, gets surprised, and makes excusing noises while smiling sheepishly.) Chloé:(facepalms) Ugh, do I have to do everything myself? Seriously, what are you good for? (walks toward Adrien.) Marinette:(nervously) I, uh, I wanted to, umm, gift you a make-– I mean, gift you a give I made-- I mean... Chloé:(yawns while Marinette is talking and then shoves her away) Out of the way. (she acts sweet.) Happy birthday, Adrien! (throws herself onto him and gives him a kiss on the cheek.) Mwah! Adrien:(surprised) Yeah, thanks Chlo.
This backs up my vague memory that my initial assumption was that Adrien and Chloé were friends while Adrien didn't know who Marinette was because he was clearly much more comfortable with Chloé. Same goes for Nino who was talking to Adrien earlier in this scene.
I'm not sure when this first watch occurred, but I know it was at least a year before I revisited the show. I made a friend in another fandom and that friend was transitioning out of Miraculous, but they had a lot of really good Miraculous fanart and even some fanfic which got me curious as I couldn't understand why anyone would be into the show given my dismal initial impression.
On this friend's recommendation, my SO and I started watching Miraculous an episode or two at a time. I was pretty unimpressed with the actual show, but I started reading early fandom fanfic between our watching sessions and that kept me interested enough to keep watching. My initial impression of the show didn't really change until we watched Origins. That's the episode that really made me fall in love with the canon characters as it took everything about the show and elevated it. The crushes had depth! The Chloé/Adrien thing wasn't just the bitchy rich girl going after the popular boy! Gabriel was confirmed to be the big bad! Things were suddenly going places and that honestly wasn't surprising.
It's incredibly common for kids shows to have lackluster first seasons where they don't really commit to anything major re plot because they're just testing the waters to see if they'll be green lit for more seasons. Because of this, I was under the impression that Origins must have been when they got green lit and season two was going to do the standard kids show thing where they really get to dive into the plot and characters in a big way now that they're making money. This assumption was backed up by the addition of the new heroes to the show's intro.
For the first half of season two, I was invested as it seemed like we were finally getting seasonal arcs. Chloé seemed to be getting set up for some sort of character arc, which I was all for as I enjoy a good mean girl arc. We also had some tension brewing between our heroes with Fu favoring Marinette, a dynamic that felt more accidental than planned since it only happened because Marinette found the grimoire at the end of season one. I thought all of that was going to come to a head with Chloé's Queen Bee debut as things had seemingly been set up for Chloé to be Adrien's pick for a Miraculous.
Then Queen Bee actually happened and my excitement quickly faded. I still cannot think of a less interesting way for Chloé to get and use the bee. No one gives it to her and she outs herself on national television right away? Talk about wasting an idea. Clearly this had just been a one-off thing done so that the show could drive up hype for season two based on promo images of Chloé as a hero.
But it wasn't a one off thing. For some reason, they kept bringing Queen Bee back and that's when I knew we were in for a bad time because that should have never happened. It especially shouldn't have happened when Marinette was giving out the miraculous. I could maybe see a setup where Adrien gives Chloé a second chance, but Marinette trusting Chloé made no sense:
Marinette: I must choose someone who's not impressed by people in power. Who can help me trap Malediktator. Huh?! Of course! That's it. (reaches for the Miraculous of the Bee) Wait, what am I thinking? (facepalms)
Yeah, what are you thinking? Alya was your first choice for the bee, she isn't impressed by people in power, and she wasn't hit by Malediktator, so go grab her! Why would you pick Chloé?
Long story short, I kept watching because the show wasn't terrible, my SO enjoyed hearing me dunk on it as we watched it, and I was really enjoying the fan content, but I didn't have much faith in canon after the midpoint of season two and I continually lost faith as the seasons progressed. I never pictured it getting as bad as seasons five, but I only had hopes for Miraculous to be truly good for about 2 weeks as that's how long it took us to get from Origins to the Queen Bee mess. I was also disappointed by Alya and Nino's hero journeys. I expected them to be chosen for grander reasons. As is, it felt like they only got recruited because their loved ones were in danger.
Since you brought up Marinette's crush, I'll end by saying that I have never been a fan of that style of crush-based humor (once again, way too ace for that shit), but it didn't bother me in a serious way because it was very obviously meant to be humorous. I just suffered through the jokes when they happened and then moved on as there was no reason to dwell on them. It probably helped that I was reading a lot of fanfic and even the people who love the show generally agree that Marinette's crush should be played down in more serious stories.
The only time Marinette's crush bothered me was Derision as that episode straight up destroyed her character. It also made the writers look awful because they made Kim the bad guy for laughing at Marinette's behavior, but we'd just spent over four seasons being told Marinette's behavior was a joke, so what is the lesson here? Are we all supposed to feel guilty for laughing at a trauma response we didn't know was a trauma response? Are the writers saying that trauma is funny? How can you be so tone deaf?
#miraculous ladybug#ml writing critical#rose-colored glasses off#my origin story as an MLB critic#fall from MLB stan
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well that was devastating 😃
Reactions to Truth here we go!
Okay my French is less than perfect but from what I gathered:
the kwamis accidentally sent a picture of Marinette’s Adrien shrine to Luka
“thanks for the picture” “what picture” “the picture of your room?.... and Adrien.”
My girl calling Luka Adrien.... jfakgajg
you could tell how the disappointment escalated with every passing minute holy shitttt
and just. that scene where Mari tells him “The truth is I can’t tell you” and he just. he just shatters y’all.
And even when he was upset and got akumatized he was fighting it because he still trusts Marinette and he didn’t want to hurt her
I need a minute.
The whole talk under the bridge about how it’s the spot where he comes to calm down (or something like that)
It sounded like he was telling her how sad he was about his dad leaving his family.
I gather the Couffaine family name is from Anarka then, since Jagged is British?
Man I can’t wait for the translation because that conversation abt Jagged and then Luka’s reunion with him is going to absolutely pulverize me 😃 😃
Also, Chat saving LB in the nick of time not once but several times and Ladybug doing the same?? WE STAN A PROTECTIVE DUO.
Ladybug really said Yeet Chat Noir Rights lol
but then sweet kitty bebe is all like ‘no worries LB I know you got a lot in mind because you’re the new super awesome guardian!!’
he loves her so much i--
also, i’m lowkey proud that all my predictions were correct hehehehe. The cardboard, the kiss interruption, the akumatized object, the belt. ahah
And can we just appreciate the fact that everyone thinks Marinette’s biggest secret is that she’s in love with Adrien and Luka really goes like WE’VE BEEN KNEW.
Which is probably a good thing, but it’s going to come back for her in later episodes
So. as we stand, Lukanette is not canon. Is this season going to be about the side ships becoming canon and then breaking apart then or?
No, I’m giving Zag too much credit lol
And the way she cries at the end because she feels she can’t have a boyfriend while she’s Ladybug 🥺
noooo my bebee
They weren’t kidding oh my god this season is going all out!!
#ml spoilers#ml s4 spoilers#miraculous ladybug#ml season 4#ml season 4 spoilers#miraculous ladybug season 4 spoilers#lukanette#marinette dupain cheng#luka couffaine#jagged stone#LUKA COUFFAINE AND MARINETTE DUPAIN CHENG MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS
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We, the audience: "watch how the live square was born in the civilian side while not understanding shit". Adrien stans: "see? Isn't he incredibly empathetic by apologizing about something that he shouldn’t!" Me, confused: "... sorry, but isn’t the gum scene the most confusing scene ever? Knowing Marinette, if SOMEONE interrumpted her and explained (which weirdly nobody does, just stares), no civilian LS lasting. Considering LB's more duty centered mind without a crush?"
Actually, @nobodyfamousposts had just covered in this post that Adrien didn't even truly apologize during the Umbrella Scene.
He actually really did turn it into a pity to get Marinette to not be angry with him. Even more so him saying "I've never had friends".
Like dude, in hidnsight, you're going to stay friends with Chloe despite how terrible she's going to get.
Also you just got Nino to befriend you out of pity.
You have two friends at this point in the Umbrella Scene. This really makes it come off as manipulative in hindsight.
But yeah, one of the classmates easily could've said something to clear up the air. Probably didn't because they didn't care all that much, and they knew Adrien as Chloe's friend, so probably felt Marinette's ire towards him is deserved by default.
But on the off chance they did, yeah Adrienette would've been unlikely as endgame. Adrien doesn't actively go out of his way to hang out with Marinette despite wanting to clear the air with her in Origins (I guess he thought it would effect him in the future so best resolve that). At most, a lot of their hangouts are through social expectations (it's her birthday or Chloe's hosting a party or they both won a place in the gaming tournament).
He really hardly ever wants to go see her to hangout with her.
And if the air had been cleared in the Gum Incident, at most, Adrien is likely to start out as a neutral classmate for Marinette that becomes neutral friends. Amiable enough but not close. His tolerance and standing up for Chloe does put that friendliness on edge as there's no crush to sway her opinion on things.
The weak friendship between them could even be over in Malediktator with Adrien specifically targeting her about this party that she's not even hosting about Chloe leaving and her being happy that her long time bully and antagonist of Paris is leaving. No crush, no way is that going to fly for Marinette.
Also Ladynoir would barely happen ship wise, just like canon. Despite admitting that she does find Chat attractive around the time they started, she's more work focused and has become more like a sibling-best friend for her. Ladynoir will probably still be the same, but I don't expect it becoming the canon endgame.
Honestly, it would end with Lukanette all the way for this scenario. And probably happen a tad sooner with no crush on Adrien to make her hesitant.
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(From a LS vs. Lukanette pov) Having accepted the fact that the ships you have are subconsciously your definition of love, how you'd like to be loved/how you'd express love, everything becomes clear in the mlb fanbase, since, you know, what sells about the show is that it's technically a cheap butchery of romance.
It's not even necessary to analyse the LS to exhaution to understand why it doesn't connect with people anymore, Lukanette speaks for itself. There is attraction, there is consent, there is communication, growth, development, there is love. Not even a thousand "they're meant to be's" could compare. The LS represents crushes, immature attraction, thinking you know what love is when it's actually your first time experiencing such an intense feeling. It's getting trapped thinking this is all there is, so it must work, this person owes me affection because they are my everything, this will go on forever until it finally happens, because that's just how everyone says love is, so I also think that way "how love is". Whereas Lukanette is that shocking realization that falling in love shouldn't hurt. Hey, this person likes me for who I really am, I'm not even trying anything to get to talk to them, they genuinely want me by their side, they reach out for me, they are concerned for my well being, and I am too. This just speaks lengths for each person and the kind of love everyone identifies with. There really shouldn't be a problem because of this, asides from, literally fawning over fictional people. I love lukanette and enjoy the content other lukanettes make, be it fanart, fanfics, entire blogs dedicated to them like yours, and that is enough for me, sharing the idea I like of love with people that think the same.
I'd like to say "go off" with them LS too, but with that way of thinking y'all are a menace to society💀
(the anon clarified that they’re referring to LS stans in the last sentence there)
Thank you soooo much! >////< I really appreciate it!
I’d also take your statement a step further too in order to point out that the love square contains a lot of problems with written romance as well: the “will-they-won’t-they,” the force of it all, “destiny” (which some people like, but I’ve explained my issues with it), and a writer’s inability to “control” one’s own characters and lead them on the path they want, which ends up with a plot that feels like it’s trying to end itself and a ship that continuously gives us reasons why it’s only way of living is by being “endgame.”
If only we could have more of those Lukanette vibes: that ship where the two are just comfortable with each other and there’s just respect and them being happy rather than sad being “““just friends”““ until they actually get together.
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Translated leak from ep 14

Since none of this has ever been foreshadowed (Marinette's relationship with Kim was way too normal for something like this to had happened), this is clearly the writers noticing how the fandom doesn't like Marinette's stalkery shenanigans and tries to come up with some new trauma for Marinette they pulled out of their asses as to why she is so obsessed with Adrien and knows all those details about his life.
I literally can't it's so nonsensical that it's hilarious
AND THEN THERE'S LUKA, who tries his hardest to make Marinette feel as comfortable and safe as possible that he doesn't even trigger her trauma. The message here is stan Lukanette thank you for coming to my ted talk
#ml salt#ml leaks#writing salt#When I read that script I snorted#pls it's so stupid#yet the fandom will still eat it up lol
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Ok, but why is pinterest so full of toxic people?
Remember that ask I answered about Adrien stans swapping Luka and Adrien’s personalities? This is an example of that. Because like, what they blame Luka for is exactly what Adrien does to Ladybug!
I don't remember when Luka kept pressing the subject of being Marinette’s boyfriend and forced her. But do you know who actually did that? Adrien.
"Adrien is one of Marinette’s closest friends" keep dreaming people, all the statements in the show of them being friends are just lip service. Adrinette can barely be called friends. When has Adrien ever gone out of his way to hang out with her?
He doesn't like her romantically. Weredad confirmed that.
Adrien.... keeps hitting on her, not Luka. Adrien keeps harassing her to the point where she had to throw him in a trash can to make him stop. Luka always respects Marinette and her space. He never forced her or confused her like you said.
What's worse is that this comment was on a Lukanette pin. In fact, this person replied to a commenter who was telling people to stop hating on Luka on a lukanette post.
Love sqaure shippers on pinterest are literal children. But, I hope you have a good time living in your nightmare fantasy version of Miraculous.
#adrienette salt#love sqaure salt#ml salt#ml fandom salt#love sqaure stan salt#pinterest#luka deserves better#lukanette deserves better#adrien salt#chat noir salt
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Please tag your salt
sweet anon, you didn't tell me exactly what posts to tag for you, so i am going to take this opportunity to talk about something that has been bothering me for some time, probably since i found out what the salt tags are: but what is salt? on salt and its dimensions: a thesis by parismystere tumblr dot com. let's get philosophical, ladybloggers.
i cannot recall what was my first introduction to salt, how i found the tags or which salt blogs i visited first, but i think it might have been posts that criticized the show in, what seemed to me, fairly objective and civil ways - maybe somebody was discussing that the concept of love rivals is pointless and boring when you have something unique as the love square where the point is that the main two characters are each other's rivals, maybe someone was mad that lila appears once in a blue moon - who knows? all of these things i found very valid and worth of discussion, able to be debated with arguments from people on both sides, hardly negative or mean-spirited, so why were they labelled as salt? i was beginning to catch on that salt equals ml negativity, but i also wondered why the hell was the need for less-than-gushing opinions to be filtered out like that. if i am in a fandom, i am probably interested in what people have to say, right? (and i usually am: probably the only people i wouldn't be willing to engage at all is a specific very obsessive, vengeful and hostile type. i am capable of agreeing with salters on certain stuff if i think they are correct; for the most part, i feel no need to start dog-whistles that someone is Bad; it's just one sector that drives me bonkers to the point of me being unreasonably angry. but i am working on it.)
somewhere along that time i was a budding adrien stan and as such i had to face the Public Opinion on My Boy. that's when i discovered character bashing that was inane to me - that adrien was a sexual abuser when that was quite obviously not the intention of the show, that alya was a bad friend, that tom and sabine (yes) were bad parents, and so on; and i was like, aha, salt is when you exaggerate the truth to a degree that seems insane to anyone living in the real world. please try explaining to people in your life how a french boy kissing a girl's cheek is sexual harassment. you get weird looks. but also, the thing is that the people who write those things genuinely believe them; salt isn't some fun role-play where they pick a character to lash out at. if that's their truth, then it makes sense that it isn't salt from their perspective, no?
[nota bene: at some point it became clear to me that these people were nearly always maribug/lukanette stans. a l w a y s. there is a level of unhingeness in maintaining a blog in which you meticulously track down instances of your fave being wronged for years. there is something deplorable about people encouraging other people to waste their time on such endeavors. i mean - it's cultism. i hate cults. have you ever had one of those people under your posts? it's the same keywords, same sentences, same arguments, multiplied over many blogs. it's an entire community dedicated to hating a character or a show, because they project on marinette to a borderline unhealthy degree, or because they were here for s1 and then they ended up disliking the show, or because they hate everything about ml and cannot look away. fair enough, it is addictive, but if you are THAT disappointed, you walk away, you don't act like a messiah saving people. you say your piece once, you don't make a fucking cult. anyway.]
but, i also want to talk about a fandom-defining event: chameleon.
can you imagine being me, watching chameleon, not thinking anything of it and coming on here and finding out it ruined a fandom for years ahead? i'm still so incredibly baffled that real-life humans felt so slighted that they ended up writing thousands of revenge fantasies, downvoting the episode on ratings websites, began claiming that the showrunners hate marinette (she has two pairs of pajamas. shut up.), saying that everyone was dumbed down for the episode (the only dumbed down part for me was that ladybug kept trying to take objects from chameleon and deakumatize them. like, girl, the entire akuma shapeshifts. who wrote this #character assassination), made the ladyblogs and so on. and for what? because of how much they project on marinette, because they fail to see the show from the perspectives of other characters (adrien was right, actually), because they overblew this completely trivial plot out of proportion. it's kind of like the 'why does marinette always mistakes' argument - because this show doesn't allow anyone else to take the spotlight for long enough to make the mistakes. this is the life of the kid show protagonist. and that includes stuff like the lila/chameleon plot.
but here is the most important takeaway from this essay: because of the mass hysteria over chameleon, any logical and legitimate grievences with the show, any thoughtful but not glowing opinions, any things that should be rightly questioned, anyone coming from a good place and trying to have intelligent discussions about their freaking french cartoon gets shut down. we are at this point when even something as tame as asking 'what purpose does luka serve' has to be tagged as #ml salt. fam. this is not okay. hell, the show got in hot fire for using a flag offensive to south koreans, and even though it was a legitimate issue and a mistake on the creative team's part (that didn't get fixed :) even though they said they will fix it :)), posts about it were also tagged with #ml salt. this is insane, right? you're also seeing it?
the fandom response towards the kuro neko trailer for me, personally, was hard to swallow; i won't go into details of the stuff i saw, of how the narrative got constantly rewritten, of how anyone who was legitimately upset with how the episode was going down, how the ladynoir dynamic was handled, got shut down. correction: one side repeatedly got shut down, but also thankfully, those people aren't the type of people to make salt blogs or to harass people [i know that many were biting their tongue ever since marinette's plan in ephemeral because they fear chameleon 2.0, why is your opinion of adrien stans so low when that's the most mature section of the fandom smh </3].
but to me, i guess, what is even more unhealthy is to think that someone bashing your favorite thing reflects on that favorite thing, your personhood, your life and so on. it comes from a place of insecurity or weak sense of self maybe, i don't know. you can love something and have nuanced opinions about it. probably my natural arrogance, my uberconfidence in my opinions (my fatal flaw!), but - if i really understand something well, if i know that i am right, if i am secure in who i am and what i believe, then, unless i am in a shitty mood, it's hard to get to me. i used to get very upset about adrien salt - and when i understood that thing as far as i could, unless something has been upsetting me, i can just scroll past and not think of it much. i mean, if someone salts on him for hugging his blood relative without consent, you just have to laugh.
there is the 'counter salt with sugar' thing - i've said before why i don't think it doesn't work - and something that i described once as fandom defensiveness. i am as guilty as everyone for posting fandom salt, especially when it's over old wounds, because, honestly, does it matter? has anyone ever changed somebody else's mind over the internet? it's especially funny when people say that they haven't been seeing salt on their dash and only counterarguments -because the ops have probably also blocked the tags and the salt people, so they're fighting chimeras. or when people write fandom salt on tumblr about what's going on in... instagram or youtube. i don't know; it's good to let off steam, especially if there is a new episode or a trailer and we're all being anything but very normal about it; but i remember that i literally saw people blocking and unfollowing each other over dub preferences??? is this the fandom salt we should spend our energy on??? anyway.
in conclusion: there is no definition of salt, really. it can go from slightly negative things to outright hatred, from very sincere disappointment written in good faith to statements that sound closer to trolling. it's the wild west. salt is whatever you want it to be. but worst of all, the toxic idea is that anything other than blind worship is salt. because then i can't have my fun conversations in public and invite more people with interesting perspective, i have to do clandestine meetings in private messages. i mean, it is sexy, but at some point you want the company to go public.
anon, sorry if i came off as being a bitch. i am also sorry if you had to read all this lol. but hey, i know that there are people who hate-read my blog and i will probably wake up to this post being quoted and discussed without context, like always, so can you blame a girl for being defensive and not as sweet as pie anymore? [also, i am being facetious in many parts of this post. nota bene for the out-of-context crew.]
anyway, i am pretty sure that this ask is bc i narrated the plot of ml in the main part of my post but said in the tags that i dislike what's going on in a joking manner and without elaborating further. see? i had no idea it would bother people.
#to my new followers me writing whole essays is nothing out of the ordinary i used to do it all the time#ask#anonymous
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