Marinette and Luka Supremacy
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Feminist! Pro choice! Miraculous fan! Marinette and Luka supremacy. I dislike Adrien, Lila, and Gabriel. I am neutral on Chloe now. I now own a side blog @lukanette-side-blog I post my art there.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
miraculermarinette · 4 months ago
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I just have no words. Imagine being this fucking selfish.
This is what people(ESPECIALLY trans women) are referring to when we say that transandrophobia truthers are misogynistic. Because imagine having this visceral of a reaction to the mere acknowledgment that you have male privilege, imagine aggressively refusing to protect transfems, an already highly targeted, stigmatized, and exploited group, to this extent, because it offends your male fragility so much to be told that you could and SHOULD use your power to help others.
Like tell me, what makes you any different from or any better than the cis male MRAs who kick and scream and cry when told that they have male privilege over women and should use it to help and support us in any way possible because “it’s not my fault I was born male why should I have to feel guilty for things that other men do why should I have to sacrifice myself to make women feel good???” Imagine that instead of acknowledging your male privilege over trans women and using it to help them, you instead choose to shit all over them, deny your male privilege, and tell them that they’re on their own.
And don’t even get me started on “we’re not your bodyguards we don’t exist solely to serve you” like what a selfish, entitled, and self-victimizing worldview to have. Nobody said anything about only existing to protect transfems, and nobody even suggested a such thing as that you should put yourself in harm’s way for them. All they said was that you should protect them, because you have privilege over them and thus also have the ability to shield them from transmisogyny and prevent them from being a target for hate. Duh. But instead of offering transfems any grace and kindness, you instead choose to make it all about yourselves and your feelings and your insecure ass manhood, and firmly reject the idea that you could ever protect transfems because you don’t think you owe it to them to because it’s somehow unfair to you as a man. Pathetic. Getting so hostile and upset because transfems want transmascs to protect them and acting like they’re asking for too much because “you aren’t their bodyguards” is truly horrible and self-centered. It shows such a callous disregard for the women in your community who are supposed to be your sisters. Like “fend for yourself, I don’t exist to save you” what a spiteful, sexist little scumbag. How hard is it to acknowledge your privilege and use it to do good for a change? Instead of denying it and shouting down at the people who merely ask you for help, all while sitting on your ass and doing nothing whatsoever to make things easier for them, because you’re so self-serving that you care about your own well-being over theirs. Just gross.
And the icing on top of the sour cake is the second user saying that men already being expected to protect women is an act of misandry somehow like come on! As if men weren’t the ones who decided that they needed to protect women because they are the weaker sex. You’re literally complaining about a gender role that men created for themselves in the first damn place, to uplift the patriarchy. How the fuck are men gonna complain about the expectation that they protect women when they are the ones who decided that it is their job to protect women, like??? The math ain’t mathin’. And the thing is that many trans women already care about trans men’s issues and try to protect them from transphobia too, so it’s not like they’re asking this out of a belief in outdated gender roles or “chivalry” or what not they just want the favor to be returned, and how do transandrodorks act in response? Shit all over them for daring to ask for support from their brothers in the community. Truly shameful and disgusting. Every single damn transandrodork on this app should be deeply ashamed of themselves.
So anyway, in case anyone needed a reminder, here is yet more proof that transandrodorks are really just misogynistic shitheads who do not give a shit about trans women or trying to help them in any way whatsoever. They just want to shit all over transfems and would rather leave them to fend for themselves than treat them as equals who deserve their advocacy. Because at the end of the day, they are merely male supremacists pretending to be advocates for trans men’s rights who actually just want to be afforded the same privileges as cis men, even if that means throwing trans women under the bus to get them. If they actually cared about liberating the trans community and trans men having equal rights, then they would realize that those equal rights means supporting trans women too, because trans women are an even more disenfranchised group than they are. And they would realize that they can use their male privilege to do good and to help trans women feel safe whenever possible. They wouldn’t act like this type of request is a burden to ask of them and is somehow an act of discrimination. Like this is weaksauce shit. If you are this threatened by trans women asking you to acknowledge your male privilege and protect and support them and choose to have such a bad-faith interpretation of this simple as hell request instead, then you are no ally to trans women. You are just a transmisogynist. Go to hell, the lot of you. 🖕🏾
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miraculermarinette · 4 months ago
🚨🚨I Don't Want To Lose My little Son!!!
because of the war my son is suffering from a chest crisis and shortness of breath, unfortunately he can't breathe normally 😭
Your Donation is our last hope to save our little son
My Compaign verfied by 90 ghost, North Gaza updated and butterfly project line no. 406
My compaign link
Thanks 🙏🍉
Less than €5,000 to go
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miraculermarinette · 1 year ago
Ohhh I will surely give it a watch then as soon as my exams end!!
Have you seen the Miraculous Ladybug movie?
Nope I don't rly have the time
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miraculermarinette · 1 year ago
Frrrr and tbh I am scared to watch season 5 bcoz I rly don't want to see all the ways they would fuck up marinette and the story. Not to mention a lot of people are complaining about the finale so it's safe to assume it must be shit.
Which was the last episode of ML that you watched?
I think I watched ml directly last year 💀 tbh I am not keeping up with the show. I completed s4 then left it bcoz 1. It has too many issues 2. S4 was so boring that I lost interest and I am not going to continue with it now
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miraculermarinette · 1 year ago
reblog if your name isn't Ashley.
2,121,566 people are not Ashley and counting!
We’ll find you Ashley.
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miraculermarinette · 1 year ago
Thanks for the tag!
Hmmmmm ur energetic and a bit short tempered but very friendly !
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Omoi- naruto
Uryu ishida-bleach
Trafalgar law- one piece
Hange Zoe - attack on titan
No tags but if anyone wants to join the game they can!!
Making a tag game cause I can
Rules: post 4 fictional characters you relate to and assume something about the person you reblogged from based on their characters
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No pressure tag! @sidneyoftheblackwoods @mqstermindswift @stars-and-birds @zenilvar @forever-chained-to-myself @themidnightarcher @skeelly @thepencilsnameissteve @thislove-taylorsversion @thislifeissweeterthanfiction @swiftieannah @a-pessimistic-swiftie @catastrxblues @jellycanon @what-about-wendy and anyone else who wants to join<3
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miraculermarinette · 1 year ago
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"like annika you have a strong sense of determination and resilience. You believe in the power of love and possess a true heart of a hero"
Take this quiz everybody!
I got
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Clara, the imaginative and brave young girl from Barbie and the Nutcracker!
"Like Clara, you possess a creative spirit and a vibrant imagination. You believe in the power of dreams and are not afraid to follow your heart. Your kindness and determination enable you to overcome obstacles and discover the magic in everyday life."
Tagging: @punkeropercyjackson @reesethedndencantolover @shuinami @redheadbigshoes @yumnasfunblog @loudobnoxioussoul @jewishdainix @pinkpinkstarlet @ribbonspice @beauty-marked-beauties @pinkcarabiner and @miraculermarinette though ofc anyone and everyone is invited to the party!!!!!! 😍
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miraculermarinette · 1 year ago
Anyone who reblogs this post will have their user written on a poster saying "We Stand With Palestine" that I hope to put up somewhere in the village I live in, or the town that the village is next to.
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miraculermarinette · 1 year ago
very tired of the miraculous fandom creating edits where adrien is the new guardian, stating "this is how it should have been"
tired of them saying adrien should be front-and-center because how will little boys know their worth
look around you, almost every piece of superhero media has a male lead. female characters are usually, if even in the movie at all, reserved as side characters. sidekicks, gags, love interests.
we finally reverse the role, in a kid's show of all things, and still you want to force the same narrative.
the only thing miraculous ever did right was making the lead a girl.
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miraculermarinette · 1 year ago
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Oda-chii’s tribute for Naruto.
Eiichiro  Oda’s comment on The end of Naruto:
“ Both my rival and friend! Fifteen years of serialization together with me. Really thank you Mr. Kishimoto for your hardwork! ” (source)
Thank you Kishi-sensei! I will never forget this masterpiece of yours. You have my full respect and honor. One of the best Shonen comics <3
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miraculermarinette · 1 year ago
Repeat after me: You do not owe beauty to anyone.
Do not apologize for your unmade-up face.
Do not apologize for your looks period.
Do not justify a person’s critique of your appearance even if you are going to change it.
Do not allow people to feel as if they get a say in how you feel about yourself.
You are allowed to not try and not care.
You are allowed to feel ugly and not care.
You are entitled to be unapologetic.
And you are beautiful always.
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miraculermarinette · 1 year ago
maybe this is Problematic but if a piece of media is centred on women and girls and youre sitting there foaming at the mouth begging for them to start adding male characters, or god forbid a male LEAD. well then i think you should become amish. or watch supernatural or something
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miraculermarinette · 1 year ago
I really wish “unlearning internalized misogyny” hadn’t become synonymous with “learn to like being feminine.” That’s true for some people but it’s not true for everyone and it shouldn’t be true for everyone. Some people don’t like femininity because of internalized misogyny, but some people don’t like it because they’re just not feminine. It’s not for everyone. Not liking pink because it’s just not one of your favorite colors isn’t interalized misogyny, and not liking it because it reminds you of the pain of having femininity forced on you growing up isn’t internalized misogyny either. You don’t have to “unlearn” those things.
Internalized misogyny is thinking every woman needs to be feminine or there’s something wrong with them. Internalized misogyny is trying to enforce a feminine performance on women around you. The idea that there’s something inherently worse about being masculine than being feminine is radfem-y and disgusting.
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miraculermarinette · 1 year ago
Shoutout to all the girls who hated the colour pink, wearing dresses and makeup, and being traditionally feminine growing up because of internalized misogyny and then unlearned all of that internalized misogyny and accepted that femininity isn’t a bad thing. But then just kept on not liking makeup and dresses and being feminine because femininity just wasn’t their thing.
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miraculermarinette · 1 year ago
Best manga descriptions ever.
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miraculermarinette · 1 year ago
you promised to put out a new fic chapter today but your brain seems to be working against you ? totally cool, i understand !
you said you were gonna answer some asks but you’re feeling a little overwhelmed ? no worries, we can wait !
you decided you were going to post some art today but you’re just too busy to finish it ? all good, there’s always tomorrow !
give yourself a break sometimes. work at your own pace. congratulate yourself for any amount of progress.
creating content is hard, okay.
you’re already doing wonderfully. no pressure. you got this.
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miraculermarinette · 1 year ago
I found this thread and I wanted you to see it (part 1)
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Part 2
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