#for a prank XD
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perryelornitorrinco · 4 months ago
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Curiosity killed the cat, Legend... And don't you dare push Wind one more time, he stabbed a man on the head...
Since Wind found the gust bellows he has become indestructible >:). Now he gave Legend a reason to be angry about something XD.
I DID IT @raycatz!!!! He finally got the bnuuy DSKJFHSDKFJGH.
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quaranmine · 2 years ago
i have to say the entire thing with blowing up mumbo's door was just. flawlessly executed in both concept and result. grian's like number one personality trait on the hermitcraft server, aside from being a troublemaker, is how much hes obsessed with mumbo. this man is completely deranged about mumbo. he's made it ABUNDANTLY clear he wants that crown just for the sake of having an object that proves he's mumbo's best friend. everyone knows this and has known this since he joined the server.
so to then take this desire, and trick/force grian into setting off a tnt trap that destroys mumbo's FANCY REDSTONE DOOR? oooh. ooohohohoh. it's so good. it immediately lands grian in a position that looks terrible, where he has to justify and explain what actually happened. it's redstone so he obviously can't fix it, unlike if just a portion of the build was blown up. he can't pretend it didn't happen and fix it before mumbo sees, because the tnt was placed where it actually hurts: the redstone design. it interplays perfectly back into the original sin of breaking doc's machine.
it also plays the psychological card--mumbo's only got one best friend, and it's not you. how could it be you? look how you just blew up something he worked so hard on! you can have the crown, but it's your actions that matter, and your greed to prove your friendship to mumbo with the crown has forced you to hurt him instead. it uses grian's desperation (insecurity?) against him to (potentially) drive them further apart. OUCH.
10/10 flawless torture. i'm incredibly pleased.
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viejospellejos · 3 months ago
El tipo de bromas que me hacen feliz
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truths33k3r4 · 1 year ago
(Idk just feelin’ that Christmas spirit today)
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Tried to write your characters the best I could, Raph’s last line is a quote from my Grandpa which I just felt is a very Raph thing to say :]
Hope you like it! ^v^
Merry Christmas!
INDIE!!!!! Oh my GOSH- INDIE~ YOU BEAUTIFUL WONDERFUL FRIEND~ You made my turtles into a comic~ MY HEART- THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!! I am DEFINITELY going to make this into a Special Comic Dub!!! Thank you so so much!!! 😁💙
Im sending your present now too!! 😁
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chio-chan2 · 30 days ago
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desultory-novice · 1 year ago
"Marxolor Wedding"
@sortanonymous asked if I could draw a Marxolor wedding (they were on the wedding chapter of their fic at the time) with the following conditions 1) it takes place at Merry Magoland and that 2) Magolor wears the tux, Marx wears the dress...
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Bonus: Outfit Sketches
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I agonized over this a little because Marx doesn't exactly have (enough of) a body for a wedding dress...!! I started off with just a veil till I remembered bridal caps were a thing and that they would neatly cover his head while helping him look more "dressy."
The further along I got with drawing Wedding Marx, the more I realized, "Dang, he's REALLY CUTE!" (till he opens his mouth XD)
...And that thought led me to the punch line of this comic! That none of their friends realized till this moment that Marx, of all people, could look absolutely, stunningly beautiful in a dress!
I would later realize, when reading Anonymous's fic for last minute costume ideas, that they had Kirby officiating the ceremony, but to me, the Dream Friends already HAVE a priest! (A literal officiant!)
He may be cuckoo bananas, but really, what cartoon wedding is complete without a comically bad priest running it, right?
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knabbdwa · 12 days ago
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Lukey: im cooked
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where-are-the-spooky-gays-2 · 4 months ago
Roman: You’re actually shaving your moustache off just for April Fools Day?
Remus, with half his moustache shaved off: We’re imaginary, I can grow it back whenever. Put this on *tosses something at Roman*
Roman: *catches it* A fake moustache? Oh, no, you are not roping me into this.
Remus: lol nope I’m not
Roman: What? Then why—*the fake moustache wriggles*
Roman: *screams like a small child heroic prince*
Welp Ro should've saw that one coming XD
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tokyoteddywolf · 1 year ago
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I'm 23 now :D
Thank you all so much for sticking around! This piece is also a little joke about how I'm like a Pokémon Professor, always rambling theories and explanations and doing research! If I had a specialty, it would be Gaia Energy and Synergy Stones, considering the AU I've written and drawn.
This also classifies as my Mewsona human form, by the way. And of course I had to feature in Obsidian, my darling girl that's the star of The Obsidian Mew AU!
Anyways I'm off to eat myself an entire tiramisu cake :3
Bonus new Icon-
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years ago
So there's an actual in game reason you can't get lynel weapons anymore??
So I was looking over the monster statues, just examining the design, when I notice something I'd seen but never really twigged:
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Those are nuts and bolts. Huh. That's not natural, that's been added on. In fact, you can still see part of the original scratchy lynel horn from botw underneath, even if it has mutated a bit like all the other horned monsters.
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See, lynels, with lizalfos in a lesser way, are the only enemies in the game with the intelligence and cunning to forge weapons. A lizal can only manage one boomerang, shield or bow with varying spikes and occasionally repurpose some hylian armour (and often loot anyway), but lynels are capable of creating their own unique metals and using it to completely outfit themselves. Armour, bows, shields, spears, clubs, and swords, complete with sheaths and harnesses and decoration!
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But in totk the particularly pointy ones are missing, leaving only shields, armour, and bows. Their weapons were subject to the Decay as well, but instead of trying to use them anyway, what did they do? They broke down their own weapons and repurposed them as enhancements to their own horns! Extra defence and a new devastating attack!
But... For what reason? They could have kept using those weapons just fine, everyone else is! It probably would have been more practical to start attaching things to the end, like the goblins have all started doing (albeit with mixed results, they seem to inordinately favour mushrooms). Why would the most feared enemy in the game feel the need to put more points into defence and intimidation, even sometimes utilising the rock armour?
What would they be feeling the need to so strongly defend from, even to the point of sacrificing huge attack power over it?
Link. It's Link.
The 5 nothing hero of hyrule, who built a whole community of speed running, styling on, brutally murdering lynels almost exclusively again and again and again. Moldugas, hinox, talus, they haven't changed a bit! They weren't at the center of every flashy slow mo clip since the first game came out!
But lynels in totk are running scared, they're building bigger horns to look scarier and armour to hide in, because once they need to get their short range weapons out its already over, or maybe link will just stop farming them for top tear weapons XD.
Tldr: unlike other monsters, which have branched out to kidnapping, riding flying monsters and rolling big spiky balls, lynels have gone entirely the other direction in order to try and scare the hero off after the last round of stylish massacres, and attached their old decayed gear to their horns.
Tldr tldr: botw link is the reason you can't get lynel weapons in totk because he scared them too much.
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mothsnest0 · 5 months ago
A little idea :3
What if Seconds powers manifested into a little copy of them that just fucks around, but only Second can see it so everyone freaks out when something invisible knocks Yellows coffee over but Second's just watching this little god powered shit laugh over the fact that the coffee got all over Yellow xD
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viejospellejos · 2 months ago
Bromas bien
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queeniecook · 3 months ago
February 27 - Part 2
With everything going on with Ellie, I guess it didn't fully register in my brain where the baby shower was being held until I was driving down a street I used to know very well.
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The house has changed a bit from when I owned it but I still had that brief feeling of home hit me as well as the many memories I made inside those walls. My life has changed so much since I moved from Brindleton Bay but my time in that town is part of who I am.
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"Kind of weird being back in this house again, huh?" Aubree asked me. I nodded my head. She had stayed with me on several occasions and August had proposed marriage to her in my living room. 
"Yeah...it's a weird feeling. It's different from when I go back to Sulani because Apollo still lives there, so it still feels like mine in a way." I explained. He still has a room for me there after all. 
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But today was not about me or my trip down memory lane. It's about Jillian and Slade, who was sleeping away upstairs. Jillian looked happy today and I'm happy for her, especially after the scary situation she went through to give birth to Slade.
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Rahmi came with me from Henford-on-Bagley - we took turns driving. Turns out Andrew knows Rashidah, so Rahmi took the opportunity to talk with him and get to know him a little. He seems like a good young man...even if he did hit me on the first time I met him. 
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"This smells amazing, Mrs. Ambrose." Rahmi commented before sitting down with her plate.
"Oh please, call me Denise. I've never been much for formal titles." Denise said with a smile. 
I especially enjoyed the cake and asked Denise for the recipe.
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"ANDREW!" Jillian exclaimed, making a face before throwing the box on the ground. A pair of dingy granny panties fell out of the box. "These gifts are supposed to be for your nephew!"
Andrew laughed so hard in his chair, I thought he was going to fall out of it. 
"Andrew...that wasn't nice to prank your sister." Denise scolded him while hiding a small smirk behind her glass of wine.
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"You're pretty. I like your hair." Andrew told Aubree. 
"Thank you." She said with a smile before flashing her wedding ring at him. 
Andrew shrugged "I still stand by my statement."
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megatruxfr · 2 months ago
Can't stop batwheel blogging day 7: wanna end this blogging week with a bang so MY BATWHEELS VID IS ONLINE NOW!!!
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basilsimp43 · 4 months ago
Shunsui: God, I wish I was as mysterious and rebellious as Starrk... They rarely talk, it's so mystical.
Lilynette: They rarely talk because they don't actually speak english and have no fucking clue what any of us are saying half the time.
Starrk: ...
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jennsterjay · 1 year ago
When they're already dating, Margo would show Miles G how to make his own holo avatar so he can show up on Earth-22191B without having to leave his bedroom
Once he does this, he goes home and immediately makes an avatar with the killmonger cut just to mess with her
He gets a kick out of it and laughs before changing it back to braids because he's not trying to succumb to the fate of every popular black character before him
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