#for Squishy
quotemenevervore · 2 years
Oh @squishys-soft-stories :)
Content warnings: soft, safe g/t vore, character shrinking, fear and panic on multiple parties
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Karl was a potion maker. Sapnap would go as far as calling him a potion master, but he couldn’t officially call him that since he experiments with ingredients a lot. The potion higher ups probably didn’t like it very much, but both of them cared less. The ravenette thought it was amazing how skilled the other was at his work, the risks he took and the rewards he got in response. His handwriting was pretty, the potions didn’t explode on contact and the man himself was very kind.
Naturally, you couldn’t blame him for falling a little head over heels for the brunette. He jumped at every chance he could to spend time with him, whether it be for company or assistance. He’d call himself Karl’s apprentice if he didn’t already have one, an easy-going man who was formerly a bard from a different place. He knew Karl liked the company, and loved when Quackity was up to playing music. He also loved coming in and hearing the guitar playing softly, or walking in to see Karl preening the other’s wings, something he was hesitant to share with anyone. After all, his apprentice was a shifter, and they weren’t highly regarded around the village. They barely tolerated Karl for his potion making.
Which may have been what led them to their current predicament..
Quackity had shifted into his animal form, a duck, and was waddling around the house and quacking occasionally to keep Karl informed on his whereabouts. Sapnap had collected an armful of potions off of the brewing stand and the table, and was walking them over to the cabinet where the others were held when Quackity squawked loudly upon realizing Sapnap didn’t see him, trying to run out of the way and accidentally tripping the blackette.
The potions were all fine, not even a crack in the glass bottles, except for one. It slipped from his hand as he hit the ground hard, flinching when the glass shattered right beside where his knees were planted on the floor. “Shit!” “Sapnap!?” Karl rushed around the corner, freezing in place when he saw the particles swirling around the man. “Quackity, come over here.” He didn’t hide the panic in his voice, coming a few paces in front of the other so he could look at him. “Karl, what potion did I just drop!?” The brunette looked as scared as he felt, and it didn’t help his worry in the slightest.
“It was an experimental one, I don’t know what the effects are gonna be.” Quackity turned back to his human form, concern and indecision flooding his features as his hand reached towards him, but retracted again. “I’m sorry Sapnap, I’m sorry-“ “It.. should be fine, right? I mean, I think I’d feel ill already if it was a bad potion..” he turned from the shifter to the brunette. “I hope so..” Karl’s tone was regretful, and he really wished he could reach over and pat his shoulder. “Hey, it’ll be fine! I’m sure you can find an antidote once we know what it does.”
…Huh. Was Karl always that taller than him sitting down?
Quackity caught on to it before Karl had, though the other had noticed a change. “Sap, were your clothes always so baggy on you?” Karl reeled back with a gasp. “Oh no. Oh no, I need- Quackity watch him.” He got up quickly, turning towards his room while Quackity kept an eye on him. “What?” “Sapnap, I think you might be shrinking.” At that, the blackette quickly set the surviving potions down and pushed them away from himself. “What are we gonna do?” The shifter shook his head. “I don’t know, Sap. I’m sure Karl has a plan, though.”
“You’re not gonna eat me once I’m small enough, right?” Well, if there was nothing to do, he at least wanted to be humorous about it. “Not promising anything.” The other replied with a smirk and a wink that had him almost doubled over laughing.
By the time Karl returned, Sapnap had shrunken to a third of his height and was still shrinking. He couldn’t hide his nervousness any longer, looking up at the brunette upon his arrival. “How.. long do you think it’ll take to make an antidote?” “I need to double check my list to see what I used to make the potion. From there it depends on how fast I can find the ingredient, but it shouldn’t be long. I, uh..” he trailed off, holding out an outfit that looked to be made for a doll.
“Your clothes aren’t shrinking with you for some reason, so I thought maybe you’d like something to put on.” And that was why he fell for the man to begin with. He didn’t deny that it’d be a while before he could fix it, but he was not only going to fix it but also make the other as comfortable as he can while he was stuck like this.
“Thanks, Karl.”
~ ~ ~
He finally stopped shrinking at around five inches. Quackity had shifted back to his duck form, playfully chasing him around for a bit before Karl made them stop. Instead, the duck picked up the back of his shirt in his beak and swung him around so he could sit on his back. Karl made them food and then went right back to searching for an antidote. After they tried to use milk to flush the effect off of him, of course.
Unfortunately, that made Sapnap the target for a lot of questions. Quackity helped him up to the table before sitting down beside him, letting the man lean against him without complaint. “What color were the particles?” “You saw them, Karl.” He chuckled at first, stopping when he saw the serious expression on his face. “It may seem dumb, but some potions can look different to the affected. I know the potion was teal, but what color were the particles?” Right, he’d forgotten that Karl takes his potion making very seriously. He just hadn’t been on this side of the interrogations.
“They were teal.” He nodded, marking it down in the book he wrote his results in. “Did you feel strange, or off in any way?” “I wouldn’t have even noticed it at first if Quackity hadn’t said anything.” His lips began to press in a line as he nodded again, marking the answer down. “Teal potion and particles, no status change other than the obvious of course,” he smiled, causing Sapnap to grin back at him. “And milk didn’t reverse it. Let’s see..” he flipped through the book’s previous pages, reading the notes he jotted down for the potions he’d made that day, narrowing it down between a couple before eliminating one by going and pouring a bit of the other teal potion out, finding vibrant green particles in its place.
“I never knew you put this much effort into your potion crafting.” Sapnap mused softly. “I have to, Sapnap. I’d feel awful if someone were to get hurt or worse because I didn’t figure out every little bit about it. Which, I’m sorry you’re the Guinea pig in this one..” he said sheepishly, making the blackette roll his eyes and the duck he laid against to let out a soft but indignant quack. “It was bound to happen eventually, Karl. I don’t mind. Besides, I think out of everyone I’d want you to be taking care of me if this hadn’t happened at your house. You obviously have the skills for it.” And you’re sweet, and funny, and cute-
Quackity had a strange, knowing look in his beady eyes, nudging him softly with his beak. The brunette hadn’t caught on to this silent conversation, cheeks tinged pink as he sat back down. “Well, thank you Sapnap. That means a lot to me, especially from you. You’re one of my closest friends.” The duck let out another indignant squawk, nudging the shrunken man off him so he could get up and jump off the table, waddling away with an annoyed aura to his movements. Both men just watched, almost dumbfounded at the sudden shift.
“What was that about?” “Quackity gets like that sometimes. I’ve never figured out why, but it’s usually after you visit me.” “Huh…” and for a moment, he wondered if maybe Quackity just pretended to like him, and didn't value their friendship in the same regard that Sapnap did. Maybe he was jealous that Sapnap wanted to spend time with his teacher. But he shut that line of thinking down. Quackity was a man who wore his heart on his sleeve and said what was on his mind. There was no way he was keeping a secret like that away from them both. He just needed to figure out what was going on with him.
“Alright, Sapnap. I know which potion it was, and I’ll go into town and see if they have the antidote ingredient.” “If?” Karl faltered, the optimism leaving his voice slightly. “It’s a rare item, and the villagers already don’t like that I make potions. I may have to send someone to the kingdom to get the ingredients for me..” “That’s okay! I don’t mind either way, I mean, we figured out one of your potion effects and you already know the antidote, that’s amazing. You did all of this in like, what? An hour?” Besides, if I get stuck here, I can spend more time with both of them. Maybe get to the bottom of Quackity’s strange behavior. “You’re always so nice to me, Sapnap. I appreciate it so much, you don’t even know half of it.” “I appreciate your company too, Karl.” He smiled genuinely at him.
Karl left not long after, writing the name of the ingredient down so he didn’t forget it. Not a minute passed when Karl left before Quackity returned, human form with crossed arms. He sat down at the table, resting his head on his arms and frowning at him. It was starting to wear on Sapnap, honestly. “..You change your mind about eating me?” He joked. “How come you won’t tell Karl how you feel about him? I assure you he feels the same way. He never shuts up about you, man.” The small man froze, not expecting to be called out so harshly. “..Uh, I dunno what you mean-“ “Bullshit. You literally praise his every move. I’ve been down that path before, Sap. I know what love looks like.”
“I, I don’t know, Quackity. I mean, you say that he feels the same but how do you know for certain?” Quackity raised a brow at the question. “Oh, Q, I don’t know how to tell Sapnap I love him, I’m so scared to lose his friendship! What should I do?” He poorly mimicked the brunette’s voice, giving the other a flat look when he was done. “Uh-“ “Exact conversation we had today before you came. I’m telling you, just tell him. It’ll save you both a lot of pining.” “Look, I’m not that bold, okay?” A frustrated puff of breath escaped the shifter. “Okay.”
Sapnap thought that had been the end of it. Karl had returned, dejectedly telling them it would have to be a kingdom visit after all, and made them dinner. They all ate in relative silence, the brunette happier that Quackity seemed to be in a better mood. They made sleeping arrangements, and Sapnap went to sleep in Karl’s room on the pillow he didn’t use.
So when he woke up to the door being pushed open, seeing a duck waddling in dragging a potion by his mouth towards the bed? He was a little confused, to say the least. “Quackity?” Releasing the bottle, the shifter turned back to his human form, uncorking the bottle and setting it up on the nightstand on Karl’s side before shifting back. “What are you doing?” He sat up, watching concerned as the duck took the bottle’s neck into his beak again, turning to the sleeping brunette and pressing his chin down with his foot, pouring as much of the potion as he could into the other’s now open mouth. He was cut off by Sapnap ramming into him, knocking him off balance and off the bed.
Shifting back, he snatched the bottle out of his mouth and set it back on the nightstand, watching Karl carefully to make sure he hadn’t started choking. “What the fuck was that? What did you just do?” He turned his attention back to the blackette, clicking his tongue in annoyance before carefully scooping him up. “Helping you two out.” Before he could even ask what that meant, he’d been dropped somewhere dark and warm, and closed in before he even registered where he was. And when he had, his blood ran cold.
Quackity had dropped him in Karl’s mouth. “Quackity!? This isn’t funny!” He couldn’t even hear if he got a response, all his senses overwhelmed by his fear and his location. Squirming got him nowhere, only soaking his clothes through with spit, which he wrinkled his nose at. He tried to climb up, tried to find a hand hold on the giant teeth, but he couldn’t see. He hadn’t even realized he’d been pinned against the roof of his mouth until he was released, sliding back at an alarmingly fast rate.
“Karl, wake up! Please!” His fear started to get the better of him, and he called out to the obviously sleeping man, but he felt so confused, hurt, betrayed- and none of it made a difference, because Karl still wound up swallowing him, even if it were completely involuntary.
It was tight, the muscles squeezing him so tightly he’d wondered if he could even breathe, as if his breath wasn’t stuttering in fear. His wasn’t the only one either, he realized with guilt. Karl’s breathing began to waver as he continued getting squished down, only stopping once he was far enough down that all he could hear and feel was the man’s ginormous heart beat. And even then, it instilled him with a sense of dread, because he knew it wouldn’t be long before-
He stopped at a wall, body beginning to curl up as the throat muscles continued pushing him down, before it opened abruptly under him and he slipped into the hollow organ with little trouble. His breathing only got shakier at the realization, however. He’d been eaten. Quackity literally made the man he had a crush on eat him. Why? What had he done wrong? Was this really how he was going to go out?
“Karl!” He shrieked, resolve breaking as he pushed harshly against the walls around him. They started tightening in response, knocking his feet out from under him, and he fell against the closest wall. He’d long since started crying, terrified to lose his life, his friend, his love-
“Sapnap, calm down.” The voice was muffled but loud, and he flinched badly. It was Quackity, and his heart dropped to his stomach. “Hey, Sapnap. You’re okay, it’s okay. The potion protects you.” No, he thought. I can’t.. I can’t take these games. I just wanna know why. “…You probably don’t believe me, and that’s fine. But I know, I’m the one that tested it.” He paused a bit before continuing, and Sapnap couldn’t even tell if it was for him or for himself.
“Karl’s just as much of a coward as you are, if not more Sap. He won’t tell you and he won’t stop you from leaving to tell you. I haven’t been able to convince him otherwise. The potion’s safe, I promise I wouldn’t put you in danger purposely. But Karl won’t have a choice but to talk with you there.” “Can you hear me?” He spoke, repeating it with a shout when he got no response. And the same response came: silence.
So even if he wasn’t in danger, he was stuck, and no amount of screaming was going to help him because nobody could hear him. Sinking back down against the walls, he tried not to think of it as a punishment. Quackity was a silly man, who had silly ideas. The way he spoke, with his voice slightly steeped in guilt, made him believe he was at least genuine about his motive. There had just not been enough planning put into it, is all. He’d tried his best, which is.. definitely gonna scar Sapnap, and likely Karl as well once he wakes up, but surely it’ll be okay.
~ ~ ~
When morning came, Sapnap had finally fallen asleep, a weight in Karl’s middle that he noticed almost immediately. That, of course, and the half empty bottle of the potion that stopped his digestive system sitting on his nightstand. Though, he chose to brush it off for a bit, getting up and getting ready for the day so he could go join his apprentice, believing that he had Sapnap. “Quackity, what happened last night that made me get that potion out?” “Hm? I dunno, I was sleeping.” He’d already begun breakfast, keeping a close eye on the eggs to ensure they didn’t burn. “Hm, okay.. where’s Sapnap?”
Karl was observant, one had to be when you made experimental potions and tested them. His companion was fidgeting, refusing to look him in the eye and disguising it as cooking. Quackity also never offered to cook, unless.. he was making up for something. Plus, he was always direct when answering questions about potions, he had to be for Karl. Something was up.
“What did you do?” He spoke gently, phrasing it more of a casual question than an accusation. He’d found out a while back that accusations made the man anxious, and he didn’t want to make him scared. “Made it easier for you.” The other still acted closed-off, and it was beginning to concern him. “What?” “Made it easier for you. Y’know, so you can tell Sap the truth.” His cheeks turned pink at the reminder, but he didn’t stand down. “I don’t think I’m understanding this right. Where is Sapnap?” “….” At the silence, he felt worry gnaw at his core. “Quackity?” “..I didn’t mean to leave the bottle on your nightstand. He tackled me and I forgot about it because I was worried he’d wake you up.” “What did you do?” It was barely above a breath, but it made the shifter wince and look away again. “I.. put him somewhere he couldn’t leave. So you could tell him without chickening out again.”
And then the weight in his middle shifted, and the color drained from his face.
“He’s safe, before you start-“ “WHY WAS THAT YOUR FIRST IDEA!?” He saw Quackity flinch back and felt Sapnap jump at the yell, and he felt guilty. He felt so guilty, how had he not realized sooner!? If it wasn’t for the potion, he would have already been sick, and as it was his hand clamped over his mouth. He was shaking, he knew he was shaking, and he needed to breathe but Sapnap was going to hate him-
He was lowered to the ground, Quackity shifting to a duck and pressing himself into his arms, resting his weight on him to ground him. He hadn't even realized he’d spiraled, but he could tell how badly he scared Sapnap when he had. He could feel the other pressing hesitantly against him, having nothing else he could do. He couldn’t hear him, after all.
For his part, the duck looked guilty, pulling away as soon as Karl seemed stable again and shifting back, unable to look him in the eyes. “This.. wasn’t my best idea, I’m realizing.” “Out of everything you could have gone with, why..” he sounded tired, drained, and it made Quackity look guiltier. “Just figured that if he was somewhere where he couldn’t run off, you’d be able to finally admit how you felt to him. I didn’t think about how none of us would be able to hear him..”
“Quackity, how am I supposed to get him out? I can’t throw up when the potion’s in effect.” The blackette frowned, looking down as he thought of ideas. His eyes lit up suddenly, and he looked up at Karl. “Lay back down for a second.” Though confused, he obliged, and Quackity leaned over his abdomen. His confusion only went away once the other spoke. “Sapnap, one tap for yes, two taps for no. Can you hear us okay?”
Ah, he’s setting up a system so we can talk.
He felt one tap, and nodded to the other. “Okay, good. So, we may have a bit of a problem.” “Quackity-“ “If you drink milk you risk him getting hurt before he can be brought up. I don’t think he can crawl back up himself, and I’d have to have a shrinking potion myself to go in after him.” He sighed, rubbing at his head. “I owe you both so much for this, I’m sorry, I just thought-“ Karl felt two taps, and froze. “What are you saying no to, Sapnap?” Of course, they couldn’t get an answer. “.. What did you use to make the shrinking potion?” Worry made his brow furrow, and it only got worse when he couldn’t meet the other’s eyes. “Q?” “It’s my fault, I’ll go in and help him back out. What was the ingredient?” Karl slowly sat back up, making sure not to jostle his passenger too much. “A warped mushroom.. I brewed it using a weakness potion too..” He nodded, standing up and heading towards the cabinet. Pulling the weakness potion out, he placed it in Karl’s hands on his way to the kitchen to find the mushroom.
They’d done this song and dance many times, Quackity gathered the potions ingredients and Karl set up the brewing stand. He carefully got to his feet, walking to the table to place the potion under the tap and find the power source, blaze powder. His face contorted in confusion, searching the brewing stand itself and then the table, and.. he couldn’t remember where he’d set it. Not the first time, but frustrating nonetheless.
“Karl..” Quackity set the powder beside the brewing stand, along with the warped mushroom. “It’s our last warped mushroom, we’ll have to get some when we get the antidote.” He nodded, hands shaking slightly as he loaded the powder and mushroom into the brewing stand. “How.. how are you going to go about this?” “String? That way you can pull us up and it won’t be affected by the potion.” He nodded, eyes turning back to the table as he let his mind linger on the situation. That is, until arms wrapped around him from behind.
“I’m sorry.” “I know, Quackity.” “What can I do to make it up to you?” “I think you’re doing enough, for me that is. Sapnap may feel differently, but I dunno.” The other was shaking, and Karl hoped it wasn’t out of fear of what was about to happen. He himself was scared of it. He doesn’t know how he swallowed Sapnap without even realizing..
The brewing stand gave a soft noise, indicating that it had finished. “I’ll go grab some string.” Quackity spoke, setting the potion down and heading towards the bedrooms once more. Karl took a seat in one of the chairs, arms wrapped gently around his abdomen. “So, before Quackity comes and gets you out, I.. think I want to tell you something.” Nerves had long since settled in, and he wanted to retract the statement. But.. he also may not get another chance like this. Never mind the fact that he was sure Sapnap would avoid him for a while after this.
“I don’t quite remember when it started, or, how much it actually affected how I thought,” he started, arms tightening as they began to shake. “But.. I think I’m in love with you. And, obviously you don’t have to return those feelings, and I don’t want to ruin what we have already, I just.. after all this, you deserve to know. And when you get back to normal size, if you decide you never want to see me again, that’s fine too.” He hated that his voice cracked at the end, that his eyes had filled with tears. He’d convinced himself that there was no way Sapnap would feel the same, he didn’t think he could go through that heartbreak, but after all this?
“I think you’ll be surprised, honestly.” The brunette jumped at the voice, looking up to see his apprentice lingering at the doorway. “We had a talk about it when you went to the village.” He took the chair beside the other, setting the long piece of string on the table. “That's why I did this. And yea, I didn’t think this plan all the way through, and I’m still sorry about the whole thing, but.. it worked.” He gave a wry smile to the other, who sighed before returning one. “You always come up with the weirdest schemes.” Look, they’re not weird if they work, okay?” “Tell that to the villagers. ‘Oh I made my teacher confess to their crush by making him swallow him, don’t worry, his experimental potions made it all possible’. See how they react.” He tried to mimic the man’s voice, pouting when he was laughed at. “What was that supposed to be?” “You!”
They bickered for a moment longer, both easing into the situation they were about to endure, and Karl was glad to note that by the time the shifter grabbed the potion, his shoulders had dropped and there wasn’t an ounce of fear in his face. It helped him relax more, his own expression softening as he watched the other drink the potion, sitting up on the table so he didn’t fall when he shrunk.
Quackity had also grabbed a doll outfit of his own, remembering what happened when Sapnap had shrunken, which Karl hadn’t considered until the man had already been engulfed in his own clothes. Before he could get up to go get clothes for him, he already wriggled out from the now mountainous attire. “Already thought of it.” He grinned, barely containing his laughter at the somewhat dramatic eye roll he got in retaliation. “I’m curious about something.” Karl mentioned as he held a hand out to the other. “What?” “How did you come up with that idea to begin with? Surely you had other ideas for this.” Quackity pulled himself up onto the hand, bringing the string with him as he was raised up closer.
“Sapnap kept making jokes about getting eaten.” “Uh-“ “He meant them as jokes, I meant them as jokes, but then it just became the first thought I had. I mean, how much closer can he get to you anyway?” “Maybe if I could hear him, Quackity.” He snarked, taking the end of the string into his other hand and wrapping it around the tiny’s middle. The shifter took the ends and tied them together, double, triple and quadruple tying it at Karl’s insistence. “I think you’re blowing this outta proportion.” “What happens if the string falls off of you, though? Nobody else is going to let me do this.”
“It’s knotted fine, Karl. Now are we gonna do this, or am I gonna die of old age first?” “You’re awfully eager to get eaten.” “I’m eager to get this shit over with and accept whatever punishment Sapnap decides to give me.” He gave a skeptical look, which made the other laugh. “Let’s get this done before he decides to wrestle me while we’re in there for taking too long.” And.. that absolutely was something he could see Sapnap doing, so he stopped stalling, bringing the smaller up to his mouth and swallowing his nerves before opening it wide enough to put him in.
He felt awful when the blackette flinched back, eyes closed so he couldn’t see the fear he knew was etched on his face. Just as quickly as the panic came, it went, and he was met with the foreign feeling of his apprentice pulling himself into his mouth using his teeth as handholds. He didn’t dare move until he felt the man pull all his limbs closer to himself, carefully closing his mouth to prevent his teeth from cutting the string.
He was horrified to find he liked how the other tasted. A blend of savory and spicy, it would have been wonderful had it been a meal and not his apprentice and one of his closest friends. He was ashamed to even let his mind wander, imagining how Sapnap must have tasted when he swallowed him as well, accidentally or otherwise. He tried to ignore the thoughts, he really did, but it was hard when the blackette in his mouth called out. “You trying to drown me or something!?” And wow, he really was drooling a lot..
He mentally shook his head, sharply dispelling the thoughts as he gathered his courage and tipped his head back. The sooner they were out, the sooner he could completely eliminate those thoughts. He shouldn’t think of his friends as delicious, that in itself was just horrendous in his eyes. Taking a deep breath through his nose, feeling the man go limp to help him out. Taking more string into his mouth so he didn’t choke too badly, he took the first swallow.
Quackity wasn’t a big person at normal size, he was maybe a few centimeters taller than Sapnap was when shrunken, but when he only got the man’s legs in his throat with as hard of a swallow as he’d done? How did he ever get Sapnap down? At that point, there was little else he could do but keep swallowing, the second pulling him up to his torso, the third pulling him the rest of the way in.
After that, he just had to make sure he didn’t sever the string.
~ ~ ~
If Quackity had not regretted this plan yet, he definitely did now.
Being squeezed in every direction by warm, soft muscles, forced down and completely surrounded by loud white noise like his teacher’s heart or his shaky breathing? He felt more than a little overwhelmed, and he could only imagine how bad it had been for poor Sapnap, who hadn’t even known he was safe. The only thing he could do was just stay limp, and try not to focus on anything too much to keep from spiraling. His mind jolted back to reality when his feet hit a wall, the next swallow making him scrunch down onto himself. “Uh..Karl!?” He couldn’t help the panic when yet another swallow hadn’t made him budge.
Until he suddenly did, the wall opening under him and making him slip into the equally dark organ. He fell right on top of who could only have been Sapnap, which caused the both of them to struggle as they tried to orient themselves and stand up. Quackity hadn’t been standing long, catching his breath in the muggy air before he felt something strike his arm, and he reeled back with a hiss of pain. He wasn’t going to complain, he just needed Sapnap to get his anger out. “Motherfucker-”
“I’m sorry, Sapnap.” He cut the other off, freezing when he’d realized he’d done it. He curled into himself slightly, trying to appear smaller. “I didn’t think this plan all the way through, I know that. I’ll make it up to you however you want me to-“ “Can we get out of here first? Dunno about you, but I’ve been in here a better part of this day and I’d like to be able to stretch.” He didn’t sound angry, or upset, he just sounded tired, and it made the other feel worse. “Yeah, we can get out.” He tugged against the string, reaching out and finding the other’s hand before pulling him over to him. For his part, Sapnap did not fight against him when he was pulled into a hug to make it easier for Karl to pull them up, both knowing it was going to be hard regardless.
And it was, the first tug that pulled them into his throat made the larger man gag, and from there they were tugged up faster than before in his desperation to get them out of his throat. Quackity could feel Sapnap wince against his shoulder, and he himself was wincing as well at the tight squeeze. It was bad enough with only one of them going down, but both of them together and being pulled up made it feel like they were suffocating in more ways than one.
Karl seemed to feel the same way, as his breaths were not as steady as they should have been when they’d finally made it past the large heart throbbing against them as they were tugged up. Finally, after the painstakingly slow journey up, they were pulled into a more open space with a slight cough. They hadn’t even had time to register that they’d finally been freed from the confines of their friend’s throat before they were pulled from his mouth completely, set gently on the table before the brunette doubled over in his chair, trying desperately to catch his breath and stop his stomach from rolling.
Sapnap himself had a hard time readjusting, having grown used to the dark, warm space inside of his crush but finding comfort in the cool surface below. Glancing over at Quackity, he could tell the ordeal had taken a lot out of him as well, laid on his back and weakly tugging at the wet string still attached to his waist. Rolling onto his stomach, which felt like a momentous task with his achy muscles, he crawled over and started working to undo the knot. He tried to ignore the fact that he felt the shifter’s body flinch away from under his hand, knowing the other expected punishment.
Finally, the string gave way, and he pulled it away from the other before promptly collapsing on the table once more. “How did that make me sore?” “I think it was too much pressure.” Quackity groaned in response, still laid down with closed eyes. “Is-“ Karl’s voice was shot, and Sapnap looked up to the now standing brunette. He held a cloth in his hand. “Is it okay if I help you dry off?” He seemed apprehensive, ready to bolt if the shrunken man even looked upset with him.
“Yeah, that’d be nice.” He gave an easy smile back, hoping to calm the other’s nerves before he was gently scooped up.
Carefully drying the saliva and potion still clinging to the tiny’s form, Karl whispered apologies. “I’m sorry that this happened. Like I said, if you don’t want to stay, that’s okay-“ “I just need time to think, Karl. This situation wasn’t your fault anyway, you were sound asleep.” Sapnap had already made his mind up; of course he was going to forgive and reciprocate Karl’s feelings. But he also just needed a minute to pull his own words together so he didn’t make himself a complete fool. So for the time being, he let himself relax into the other’s movements.
Only after Sapnap was finished, and he was then scooped up, did Quackity realize his error: he couldn’t go back to normal height. He couldn’t go get the ingredients to turn them back. He bit his tongue, looking down with more guilt than before. He’d gotten so lost in his attempt to help out again that he’d screwed them over worse than before… “I’m sorry-“ “It’s okay, Quackity.” “It isn’t. How are we supposed to get the ingredients to turn us back now?” Karl carefully ran the cloth against his face, movements never on the verge of rough. “I.. don’t know, but it’ll be okay. If I have to go get the ingredients myself, I will. You’re okay, Quackity.”
“Actually..” Sapnap spoke up, catching both their attention as Quackity was set back on the table. “I’ve got a friend who owes me a favor.”
~ ~ ~
The man at the doorway was nothing short of intimidating, eyes hidden behind goggles and shirt a light blue in comparison to everyone’s white shirts. It was like he was something of an artist, dying the threads and fabric he used to make his own personal designs and clothes. Karl would be impressed if those sharp eyes didn’t watch his every move as he invited the man inside. “So, it’s kind of a long story as to what happened-“ “What did he do this time?” The accent was unexpected, but Karl did well not to mention it. “Well, he was trying to help me with my potions and-“ It had been too late to explain, as the man instantly spotted the blackette on the table and quickly walked over.
“What the fuck have you done to yourself?” The brunette winced at the accusation, and Sapnap waved it off. “Accidents happen. Are you gonna help me out or not?” The other brunette sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose above his glasses. “What am I supposed to tell Dream?” “That I need these ingredients for my f- boyfriend. Who’s a potion brewer.” Karl was very good at schooling his expression, it seemed, but Quackity was not, eyes widening and mouth threatening to drop agape. “..what ingredient?” “Uh-“ Sapnap faltered.
“I need crimson mushrooms..” Karl spoke up, hesitantly. The man turned to him, watching him for a moment with a calculating gaze. “Make a list of everything you need from the kingdom. I’ll go get ready.” “My hero.” Sapnap pretended to swoon, leaning back with a hand draped over his forehead. “Well if you’d stop being an idiot I wouldn’t have to be your ‘hero’.” He rolled his eyes from behind his goggles. “I’ll return in a moment.”
Quackity slammed an elbow into his ribs the second the man closed the door behind him. “Your boyfriend, huh!?” His face turned bright red and he looked away. “I mean-“ “Do you mean it?” There was fragile hope in the brunette’s eyes, a pensive look pulling the corners of his lips down. “Well, yeah. If.. if that’s okay with you. I mean, you said you loved me earlier and I definitely feel the same-“ he was scooped up before he could even process what happened, a giant kiss enveloping his face.
“I’d be happy to be your boyfriend.” He whispered when he pulled away, smiling at him and barely holding his tears back. If Sapnap was red before, he was positively scarlet now, chest slightly heaving as he tried to catch his breath. “Oh.. that’s good.” He couldn’t stop the smile from creeping onto his own face, grinning up at the larger. “Thank prime all that’s sorted out.” Quackity laid back on the table, looking up at the two. “No offense, but if you complained about your feelings to me one more time Karl I might have dropped a potion on you.” “You wouldn’t have and you know it.” The shifter opened his mouth, before closing it and looking askance. “Yeah, yeah you’re right.”
“Alright, I gotta get this list together for your friend.” “George, I promise he’s not as much of an asshole as he makes himself out to be.” A strange look came to the shifter’s eyes, but he didn’t say anything else. Well, he did, just not on the subject. “Blaze powder, crimson mushrooms, warped mushrooms, maybe some more ghast tears if we can afford it..” “I wouldn’t worry about cost. This is George repaying his favor, he can just complain to Dream and get the cost lowered anyway.” Again, that strange look came to Quackity’s face, but he didn’t speak on it. “I’d still like to pay him back, though..” Karl pouted.
“I’m telling you it’s fine, George will get over it.” “What is this favor thing anyway?” “I bailed his ass out of a lot of trouble a while back. He said he owed me one. I just never expected to have to pay it in.” A knock on the door interrupted their conversation, and Karl picked up his list before walking to the door. Sapnap turned to Quackity as the brunette disappeared from sight. “You okay?” The shifter nodded, keeping his expression neutral. “Okay.. you know you can talk to me if you need to, right?” With that, his shoulders dropped. “I know. You and Karl both. It’s just.. never mind.” He shook his head, looking away.
Sapnap frowned, but he didn’t push the issue. “He’s headed out. He said it may take a few weeks, though.” “That’s fine, Karl.” He looked up to the larger as he approached the table, smiling at him. “For now, do we wanna go nap for a while? It’s not like I’m gonna get much done with both of you at this size anyway.” “Fuck yes!” Quackity cheered, walking over to the brunette. “I wouldn’t mind.” Sapnap agreed, joining Quackity at the edge of the table as the two were gently scooped up by Karl’s hands. He made sure his hands stayed steady as he walked to his room, putting both on the pillow Sapnap was originally sleeping on before crawling under the covers himself.
Then he picked them back up, much to their confusion. Though, it quickly changed to appreciation as they were held against the giant’s chest, under the blanket where they’d stay warmer. A content sigh escaped the brunette, and his body relaxed into the bed. “Good night, Q, Sap. I love you.” “I love you too, Karl.” Warmth flooded his chest as he said it back, happy that he finally had the ability to. “Uh, you mean that as a friend for me, right Karl?” Quackity tried to clarify, but his answer was a soft snore. “K-Karl?” Sapnap chuckled as he settled down against the other’s chest, letting the loud heartbeat lull him to sleep.
This was absolutely not how he expected his confession to go, but there was no way he’d trade it. Not many people could say they had such a thrilling confession story, and he was glad to have the one he had, with his best friend beside him. Though… Now that warm fuzzy feeling he had for Karl was starting to show up when he thought of Quackity. But that’s a story for another time.
And so the three allowed themselves to relax after the events of the day, content with each other’s company. And Sapnap was eager to see what the future held when they were all normal sized again.
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phykoha · 10 months
oh yeah forgot to post these guys
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for when you're definitely very normal about Things
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squishydem0ns · 7 months
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"Is Vox inse-claw, purr-suing allure? Flitting between this cat and that, is nothing working?"
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yellowvixen · 1 month
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week 32: transparent!
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fruitypiestims · 4 months
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My bualls......
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a-random-goblin · 1 year
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transdemon · 2 months
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click to view🩵
Some gojo doodles of after he won 🥰 (now with color!!)
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martritzvonmercie · 1 year
sometimes you will spend 30 minutes thinking about a character and you will expect to have something coherent to say by the end of that time but the best you can come up with is "they are sooooooo shaped they are so silly i love my blorbo"
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hinamie · 2 months
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parenthood was not on my 2024 bingo card but clearly life is full of surprises
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gosh, giraffes directly facing the camera are just *chef's kisses*
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fuzzy-caterpillar-eyelashed goofballs
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badasserywomen · 1 year
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I love my two murder tanks
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phykoha · 10 months
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squishies for when you need a nap
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christadeguchi · 1 year
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also… plotting jailbreaks between bouts of sleep…
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magulon · 3 months
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negativepeanuthoarder · 11 months
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smilenetwork · 6 months
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Another doodle dump but I actually experiment this time 0)-(
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