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testosteronefeet 8 days ago
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herpsandbirds 8 months ago
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Four-spotted Footman (Lithosia quadra), family Erebidae, near Warsaw, Poland
photograph by Piotr Pucek
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honeycollie 2 months ago
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idk if you care about ocs鈥hey are footmen and are in love 鉂わ笍
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weissengel 9 months ago
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cultofthewyrm 7 months ago
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by Yang J
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incaseofart 6 months ago
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I love Tear and Footman, silliest siblings ever
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myfeetyourpleasure 5 months ago
If u can and wanna support, it鈥檚 up to u. And if u can't, just enjoy.
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demonlordclayman 1 year ago
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divinelyvalentine 8 months ago
Bridgerton spicy馃挋 story -
'Spying on Footman John'
(Eloise and Footman John romance love story) Written by me Divinely Valentine
Read the fan fiction on Archive of Our own AO3 here
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testosteronefeet 8 days ago
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funtomfactory 1 year ago
Snake headcanons
(Because I can and I will)
Snakes have no taste buds. Though his tongue is also forked like that of his slithering companions, Snake does have a sense of taste, but it's not that strong, hence why he couldn't tell the difference between the two lemon-flavoured sweets. He also prefers strong-tasting foods and a lit of spices.
Though his sense of smell isn't as highly developed as that of his companions, Snake does smell in stereo too.
Though he might not look the part, Snake is actually pretty strong: some of the snakes he handles (I'm looking at you, Wilde) have an average species weight of anywhere from 10-15 kilograms (22-33 lbs) (note: this is however the estimated average for the females of the species, but still). He's also lean, and has quite a lot of stamina.
Snake doesn't mind if people talk to him or to the snakes directly; he'll gladly reply either way.
Snake's cowlick doesn't just move along with emotions (like trembling when he's nervous or spiking when he's shocked), it is also sensitive to environmental changes; Snake can sometimes tell from which direction wind is blowing just by feeling his cowlick move, much like an antenna.
Snake is mostly shy around strangers. True, he's also not that very talkative and won't take much initiative, but he likes being in the company of the people he trusts.
Snake collects shed skins from his snakes, especially the better preserved ones. Sometimes, he includes them in gifts to others.
Snake was ordered by Sebastian to train with the horses to help them get used to his friends. Horses tend to be afraid of snakes, but those of the estate have now become indifferent to them.
Snake, on principle, doesn't have a favourite snake or snake species; he loves them all equally.
Within the ranks of his extraordinary "family", Snake actually has a role akin to that of a big brother; Wordsworth is like the wise (grand)father, whom is even held in high regard by Snake himself.
The snakes like to sleep in bed with him, because he is "cozy and warm". Finny has expressed his willingness to let them sleep with him as well, but he tosses around a lot at night, making Snake scared that he might accidentally hurt one of the snakes.
Snake tends to be insecure and hasn't had any proper upbringing, making his job as a footman rather difficult for him, though he tries his best.
When Nina Hopkins came in for a fitting of his work clothes, he was reluctant to show his skin to her, but to his surprise, instead of grossing out, Nina immediately jumped into her fabrics to see if she had one that "wouldn't itch his sensitive skin".
In addition to having different voices for the snakes, Snake also has a different style of handwriting for each snake, though it does blur together a little when he tries to write fast.
Snake actually enjoys cooking as well; he likes the warmth of the stove and the bubbling sound liquids make when they're being cooked.
Though he hasn't worn it in a while, Snake still owns his regular circus outfit.
Snake venom does affect Snake, but never to the point of it causing serious injury or risk of death, even from the more lethal snakes.
All the snakes were named after famous authors and poets before Snake ever even learned how to read; the idea came from Wordsworth, who was owned by a herpetologist who liked to read to the reptilians before he came into Snake's possession.
Doll insisted on staying by his side at all times when he first caem to the circus. Much to the chagrin of the other members, out of fear for Doll being bitten by the Snakes, Doll and Snake shared a tent for a while, which is also how the snakes grew accustomed to being handled by Doll as well.
Doll also learned Snake how to dance.
Out of all the first string members, it took Snake the longest to get along with Peter, because of Peter's tendency to make sarcastic jokes, and Snake not understanding it's all in jest.
Let me know if you'd like more of these, I could ramble on for hours lol.
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inspectorspacetimerevisited 9 months ago
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While the Inspector and Scoundrel sort out their differences,
the Duke stumbles upon a footman, who decides to take his face and clothing, leaving the original Duke a pile of mush.
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weissengel 2 months ago
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100gayicons 1 year ago
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I came across a fascinating article about Bill Tallon who was the chief Steward to the Queen Mother for 50 years. Tallon also held the title of Page of the Backstairs which explains his nickname Backstairs Billy.
As a young boy, Tallon dreamed of working for the Royal Family. He wrote to Buckingham Palace many times asking for a job. At the age of 16, he finally got his answer - he was offered a job as a Junior Steward. In 1952 King George VI died and the Queen Mother eventually moved from Buckingham Palace to a new home - Clarence House. Tallon joined her.
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According the the article, the Queen Mother preferred gay servants because they didn鈥檛 have wives or children and could travel with her without any fuss. Remarkable considering sex between men in England was illegal until 1967 (sex between women had never been criminal).
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Tallon鈥檚 partner Reginald Wilcock also worked in the Queen Mother as a footmen. Bill and Reg were considered essential to her staff, with a eye to details. Their campy banter livened the atmosphere. She awarded them both the Royal Victorian Medals for their service. They had been together 30 years when Reg died from leukaemia in 2000.
When the Queen Mother passed away in 2002, Tallon was heartbroken. Still mourning Reg, he fell into a depression and drank excessively. He died in 2007 from liver failure.
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incaseofart 2 years ago
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Moderate Jesters in Poke'mon Kigurumi!
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tenth-sentence 2 years ago
'Go and fetch Saruman, since you have become his footman, Gr铆ma Wormtongue!' said Gandalf.
"The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" - J.R.R. Tolkien
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