#fom landen
bug4bee · 1 month
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assorted Mistria doodles from a magma w pals. I didn’t notice March at ALL in the bridge repair committee so I was not expecting the thanks to be sincere. I hat(lov)e him
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lily-alphonse · 7 days
So fun seeing the combinations of crushes y’all have. Its like a fun little personality test.
Like what do you mean you are stuck between March and Reina? Huh?
What do you mean you are stuck between Valen and Eiland?
What do you mean you would sell the world for Landen but will settle for Juniper?
You all are fascinatingly multi-facted and I would like to study you. Pleease tag your top 2 crushes even if they arent romanceable thank you
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aimimina · 1 month
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Caldarus comments about the inhabitants of Mistria #3🐉
(All the character's portraits are taken from the FieldsOfMistria wiki )
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Fields of Mistria's biggest mistake was choosing an art style that makes all the characters extremely fuckable...
and then not making all of the character's fuckable.
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blackwwatch · 1 month
something i haven't seen wrt FoM feedback is the character writing and dialogue. there's a lot of it, and they can react differently if you give certain items, seen certain dialogue, experienced different events, etc. which makes it really fun to talk with them several times over the course of an in-game day.
i think it's also nice that they have preexisting relationships with each other. i think it would be even better if there was more conflict, goals, and distinguishing characteristics between them to allow them to develop as characters.
1. dialogue
it's a little difficult since many characters have similar backgrounds and therefore speaking styles, but i think the character voice could be improved by varying sentence length, word choice, structure, and topic. otherwise, many of the characters talk very similarly--very articulate, forward, and kind. if i take away the speaker, can you distinguish who's speaking which lines?
You're so busy, and you still find time to be this thoughtful! Thank you, [player].
Adeline was originally suspicious of me, but she let me stick around. Guess I have my uses!
This gift is wasted on me, [player]. But maybe I can pass it on.
I like to drop by the General Store on Friday before everyone starts gathering!
Early mornings are my least favorite time in Mistria. Everyone's so... cheery. Like they're about to break into song.
the answers are: Adeline, Balor, Valen, Reina, and Juniper.
it was probably easier to narrow down the last one to either March or Juniper, right? and i think that adds to their popularity--they're distinguishable from the other characters in that they're ruder and less cheerful. they talk about you or others more than they talk about themselves.
that being said, i'm not saying dialogue quirks is what needs to be added. we already have holt, dell, maple, and luc.
each piece of dialogue should say something about the character themselves. whether that is their outlook on life, their aspirations, etc., and every character should have something different about them. they can be cheerful--i think that's a charm of Mistria, where it's so safe and trusting that celine keeps her door unlocked so that juniper and the player can barge in to ask for help--but emphasize different parts of the cheer.
is adeline more optimistic than everyone else? is balor more persistent in his beliefs? does this translate to shorter, and more casual dialogue for balor because he's preserving his out-of-town accent?
does valen have higher standards for you? is her dialogue full of more jargon and prose than adeline because she believes you also share her language?
is reina confident in her organization and time keeping? does she talk as if she's giving you advice because everyone could use a little help in time management?
2. progression
i think seeing character development as you gain hearts with the characters would make it more rewarding to talk with them every day. we have mini "plot lines" that follow them (Balor getting more into D&D, Juniper and Terithia speculating about the townsfolk), and i think there could be more "subplots" to add to the excitement of a new day. for example,
could Adeline be so focused on running the town that she doesn't realize that Eiland would actually prefer spending all his time at the dig site instead? do you get to encourage her to put Eiland on more hands-on tasks instead of paperwork?
is ryis struggling to get noticed as a maturing carpenter in his own right? does landen ask for your help to promote ryis and officially retire?
it could be rewarding to see ryis or another character achieve their goals because you helped them, or even saw a different villager help them. it's nice that you could see them grow and change because you had taken the time to build that relationship.
3. heart events
i would also like to see heart events for non-romanceable characters because i think it would add more life to the town. since this is early access, i assume they're still in-progress.
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gpfansnl · 11 months
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Felipe Massa heeft een leger aan advocaten op de FIA en FOM afgestuurd en stelt dat hij tientallen miljoenen euro's is misgelopen en reputatieschade heeft opgelopen door het mislopen van de titel in 2008, die uiteindelijk naar Lewis Hamilton ging. "Voor mij is het een erg moeilijke situatie. We hebben een groot juridisch team samengesteld met advocaten uit zes landen. We gaan vechten tot het einde, want wat er is gebeurd is niet eerlijk voor de sport, voor mij, voor mijn land, voor de fans, voor Ferrari", zo opent hij bij Infobae. "Het is een zaak van manipulatie. We moeten werken voor de rechtvaardigheid van de sport. We zullen zien welk antwoord ze [FIA en FOM red.] ons geven en of we naar de rechtbank of een tribunaal gaan, dat is iets wat we moeten beslissen. Ik was 38 seconden lang kampioen, maar dat bleek niet zo te zijn. Ik was voor altijd kampioen", zo vindt hij. "Ik ben zeker bestolen. Het was een perfect kampioenschap, dat eindigde met één punt verschil op Interlagos. Maar toen zagen we dat er een gemanipuleerde race was en het resultaat had geannuleerd moeten worden. Dat deden ze niet, omdat ze de naam van de Formule 1 niet wilden vernietigen. Bernie Ecclestone zei in een interview dat het kampioenschap van 2008 in zijn ogen van mij is en dat de race in Singapore geannuleerd had moeten worden. Ze hebben het niet gedaan en ze wisten in 2008 van de manipulatie", zo concludeert hij.
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annemariespierings · 6 years
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Samen investeren in de toekomst
Vandaag verschijnt de doorrekening van het klimaatakkoord. Die doorrekening is nog niet bekend als ik deze blog schrijf. Hoewel ik geen idee heb of het ontwerp-klimaatakkoord de doelstelling zal halen, heb ik er vertrouwen in dat we in Brabant onze doelstellingen van 50% duurzame energie en 50% CO2-besparing in 2030 kunnen halen.
Van onderwijs tot bedrijfsleven Dat vertrouwen heb ik omdat ik zie dat de aanpak van klimaatverandering niet alleen een noodzaak is, maar bovenal een kans. In Brabant leiden we studenten op om onze huizen duurzaam te maken, om elektrische voertuigen te maken en om energieopslag te verzorgen. Op alle niveaus, MBO, HBO en universiteit, zie ik jongeren met veel motivatie invulling geven aan de energietransitie.
We hebben in Brabant ook onderzoeksinstituten en bedrijven die samen innoveren, samen de oplossingen van de toekomst bedenken. Ik heb er de afgelopen jaren vele mogen bezoeken. En er zijn er nog vele meer. Zo maar wat namen op een rijtje. En ik hoor het graag als ik er nog meer aan mag toevoegen:
- studententeams: Solar team, Storm, Fast, Casa, Solid, VIRTUe, URE, InMotion - onderzoeksinstituten: Solliance, FOM, Holst, TU/e, Tilburg University en TiREG (laatste twee betreffen sociaal-maatschappelijke aspecten) - energieopslag: HoCoSto, Ecovat, Scholt Energy - zonne-energie: Kameleon Solar, Solarge, Lusoco - windenergie: PowerNest - campussen: automotive campus, SPARK, Green Chemistry Campus - ontwerp/vormgeving: Studio Solarix, NBArchitecten
Koploper Ik vind dat Brabant koploper moet zijn. Niet alleen voor het klimaat, juist voor onze bedrijven, voor onze banen. Nu zijn er ook in Brabant nog veel bedrijven die gebaseerd zijn op de ‘oude economie’, die afhankelijk zijn van fossiele brandstoffen, die producten maken waar in de toekomst geen vraag meer naar is. Als we in Brabant koploper zijn op het gebied van energietransitie, dan voorzien wij de wereld straks van slimme oplossingen. Dan creëren we in Brabant bedrijven die er over 20 of 30 jaar nog steeds zijn.
Besparen Naast al deze prachtige innovaties van Brabantse partijen, moeten we natuurlijk ook aan de slag met energiebesparing. Daar hebben we bepaald geen koploperspositie. De beste oplossingen voor energiebesparing komen uit landen als Duitsland, Scandinavië en het Alpengebied. Plekken waar het ook (heel) koud kan zijn en waar niet iedereen van aardgas is voorzien. Het goede nieuws is dat er dus al heel veel oplossingen beschikbaar zijn. En dat energiebesparing zich ontzettend snel terugverdiend. Zie bijvoorbeeld de website van Milieu Centraal.
Wat er ook uit de doorrekening van het ontwerp klimaatakkoord komt, Brabant wil investeren in uw toekomst! Samen bouwen we aan de toekomst van Brabant en de toekomst van ons klimaat.
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lily-alphonse · 8 days
Hi hello hii omgg
First of all, Getting Fields of Mistria was one of the best purchase i ever did (after sdv haha) so thanks for the influence!
I just saw your Biland posting and I literally screamed because i thought I will be the only who see that!! I hopped on the train haha
Just like i hopped on the Maryis train, like hello they’re made for each other, how am i supposed to romance either of them??
THEA ♥️♥️ I just want to pick up all the Sambastian girls and drop them into this game we are having a field day shipping NPCs over here lmao
Biland is so good, but props to you for seeing it fr bc I had to see fanart to really conceptualize it. And Im so glad you agreed with my interpretation for them!
Honestly I could see Balor with anyone. He's my bicycle for this town lmao. But for me this was similar to my revelation re: Elliott and Sebastian where its like... why don't I take my two favorite boys and make them kiss?? Why not?? I like Sambastian best as a cute pairing that make sense, but SebElliott is just hot lol.
In regards to FOM, I initially got the game because of Eiland. I saw fanart and could not resist, but as I played the game I was like oh no this man is in no way heterosexual lmao. I just kinda left it at that and pursued Balor UNTILLL putting the pieces together with this one.
Maryis and Vaniper I can totally get behind. I feel no particular attachment to keeping any of them to myself. And speaking of ships can we talk about THIS???
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When she said that I was like whhaaat is going on in this town lmao its the best time. I can't wait to see what you come up with now that you have fallen prey to the Fields lol
Sidenote if anyone wants to ship Eiland with a female character or farmer, that is none of my business, do you, but I was not feeling it personally lol
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