#follow where that white wolf leads
scarlet2007 · 1 year
₊˚꒷꒦︶⊹ The Witcher's Witch₊︶꒷꒦︶
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Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x reader.
[ Master list ]
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Summary: Being rescued by the Witcher after being accused of being a Witch was the last thing you expected in life. But it looks like kindness can go a long way if shown to the right people.
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Warnings: Mention of murder, beast slaying, taming wild animals, witch hunting, the reader is beaten up and was about to get burned alive.
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Word count: 3.3k
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The Witcher was finally in town, it was pretty clear from how the people were crowding towards a certain white haired man who stood besides a horse.
The crowd was sneering at the Witcher, calling him names and yelling at him, as if the Witcher was nothing but a mere dirty dog in their eyes. The Mayor of our town finally made an appearance, making the angry people go silent as they all waited for their "king" to speak.
"Ah, Witcher! We have been waiting for your arrival." The mayor chuckled, walking towards the Witcher, who stood tall amongst the crowd, clearly used to the sneering and insults of the people.
"There is an unknown monster lurking in the forest near our town, it had already murdered two people brutally. We need you to take care of the monster." The Mayor spoke as the people continued to glare at the Witcher. Some mothers even went as far as to try and 'shield' their kid from him as if he was the monster that would tear apart their children.
You stood slightly far from the crowd, watching everything occur as you scoffed at the hostility of the people towards the Witcher.
"They are acting as if he can't just kill them all in an instant..." You mumbled, chuckling darkly.
"You better be as good as they say you are, Witcher." Someone hissed, staring at the Witcher in disdain as they tried to stare him down. The Witcher ignored them all as he looked at the Mayor, nodding silently as the Mayor handed him a bag filled with coins.
"Where is the beast?" Asked the Witcher, making you sigh as the people started to talk about the beast all at once. Half of them were made up while the other half were useless.
Finally, the mayor explained everything that they knew about the beast, and where it attacks. You listened intensely, still standing away from the crowd as you stared at the ground in focus.
The Witcher nodded along, before he started to walk in the direction of the forest that was now forbiddened from entering for the safety of the people. You quickly walked in the opposite direction before entering an alley that lead towards the forest as you tried to track down the Witcher.
"Stop following me." A gruff voice said from behind you, making you jump as you turned around to face the dark and tall figure in front of you.
"Oh! It's you..." You sighed in relief, making the Witcher frown.
"Um... Mister... Uh.. sir? Whichever you prefer, I have some information about the beast that might help you." You chuckled nervously, looking around to see if someone was spying on you. You might get in trouble if you were to be seen with the Witcher alone.
You glanced at the Witcher before nodding, "Well... If you think the attack is being done by some sort of animal like a wolf, it's not true. It's not a wolf." You said quickly.
"What makes you think that?"
"W-well-... A wolf was injured because of the said beast and the wounds didn't look like it was from a wolf fight either so..." You mumbled, trying not to act suspicious.
The Witcher stared at you silently. You were acting suspicious and it was evident by the way you talked that you knew more than you told him. The Witcher took a step towards you, making you look up, still standing your ground nervously.
Witcher frowned at your weird behaviour, you were scared but not because of him, but because of something else. Something else was making you nervous.
He opened his mouth to speak before a sudden growl intrupted him, making both of them tense up as he grabbed his sword, stepping in front of you protectively. A wolf stood before them, glaring and growling at the Witcher, ready to pounce.
"Stay back-" The Witcher mumbled was unheard as you stood in front of him, glaring at the wolf.
"Sky!" You hissed, still standing in front of the Witcher. It would've amused him if they weren't in a tense situation. You, a young girl, perhaps in your mid 20s, standing before the Witcher with no weapons, as the Witcher behind you towered you with his height. You looked tiny compared to his frame, both height and muscle wise.
The Witcher felt annoyed at your pathetic attempt to tame a wild wolf, as if the wolf would suddenly transform into a domesticated puppy and obey your every command.
The wolf continued to growl but it slowly started to approach you, the wolf stance becoming slightly relaxed as it stared at you and your hand that was outstretched in front of you. The Witcher looked at the exchange in slight confusion, his expression was still stoic but he felt confused.
"Sky, come on, what did I tell you about jumping in front of guests like a beast? Hmm?" You mumbled as you patted the wolf, the wolf's tail wagging behind him.
"You... Tamed the injured wolf..?" Asked the Witcher, eyeing them warily. It's not everyday that someone saves a wolf, let alone tame them.
"I would prefer 'befriended' and yes, I did. He is a sweetheart. That is also why I wanted to warn you that this wolf is not the beast. Oh! And the beast also does not live here. It lives deeper into the woods, this area is just the edge of the forest. The people... They forgot to mention something important." You glanced at him as you stood up, the wolf standing besides you in his fully height, his black fur and tall height made it look intimidating, the wolf looked strong and but the bandages around his torso also did not go unnoticed by the Witcher, making him believe the story that you told him about patching up a wounded wolf even though it sounded bizarre and made up.
"What is it?"
You bite your lips, looking at the forest, deep in thoughts before finally speaking.
"The town people provoked the beast. Some drunkards wanted to prove to the people that there was no such beast residing in the depths of the woods, so they went ahead despite the warnings and... Well, only their mangled up bodies made it back here. That's why the people think that the beast resides in the edge of the forest and not deep within."
The Witcher's frown, staring at you for a while before speaking.
"They knew that there was a beast?"
You nodded, "The beast is older than most of us, the tales have been circulating amongst the people since past few generations, it can probably be dated back to the generation of our grandparents, something similar happened but this time, the beast is... More angry. It didn't kill people before like it did now, or at least that's what the people say."
The Witcher sighed at your words. This was more work than he intended to do. If the beast was as old as you said it was, then it wouldn't die without putting up a great fight and he was in no position to get into a full-on battle in his tired state.
"Sir..? You look tired, and I doubt the villagers asked you to rest or offered you food, would you..." You trailed off, laughing awkwardly as you stared at the Wolf, Sky, instead of the Witcher as you continued in a quiet manner, "Like something to eat?"
The Witcher froze, not expecting an act of kindness, especially from someone like you. He stared at you suspiciously, thinking that you had ulterior motives to offer him something like that. You looked at him in alarm, as if sensing his chain of thoughts as you waved your hands in front of you. "I don't need anything in return, i promise! It's just... You look tired and hungry."
The Witcher didn't say anything, simply staring at you for a solid minute before nodding his head along with a stoic, "hm."
"Um.. sir? Where did you leave your horse?" You asked suddenly.
"It's outside the woods."
"Ah... You can bring your horse in, this part of the woods is safe and Sky isn't going to hurt your horse, I can assure you that much." You smiled at him, the Wolf still standing guard besides you.
"How do you know it's safe here?" The Witcher rolled his eyes.
"Well... I live here. My cottage is just a few minutes walk away from here."
"You... Live in the middle of the woods?"
"It's the edge and yes, I prefer living here." That made the Witcher frown his eyebrows in confusion as he walked beside you to get his horse.
"Why? Isn't the town safer?"
You stayed silent for a while before chuckling softly. "Perhaps. But I am not too fond of the people there." The Witcher could see why, so he stayed silent and walked towards his horse.
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You provided food and a place for the Witcher to rest, which he found weird and bizarre but didn't complain about. You insisted that the Witcher rest for at least a day before he went to hunt down the beast, saying that it will give him more benefit in battle if he is well rested and fed. The horse, which you learnt was called Roach, was spoiled rotten too. It looked like you had a liking towards animals and insects, finding them adorable and taking care of them and for some reason, animals seem to like you too, even the most wild animals liked you and it was evident with how the wild wolf acted like a domesticated dog in front of you. The food you prepared for the Witcher was amazing, and the spare room was also comfortable enough for the Witcher to sleep in but you insisted that he slept in your room instead, that the spare room wasn't that clean and that you would sleep in the spare room instead. The Witcher tried to decline politely but you were stubborn and he ended up getting the best sleep he ever has in your bed while you slept in the spare room.
Your whole cottage was filled with plants, flowers and books. The plants weren't everywhere but the ones you did have inside were too pretty and went well with your theme. Your cottage had a cozy feeling to it, the aroma of tea and lavender was always present, along with some books lying here and there. It made the cottage feel like a home that the Witcher didn't have.
The Witcher thanked you before venturing off to hunt the beast, giving you a small, awkward smile before leaving. You waved enthusiastically at him, wishing him luck before rushing after Sky, who has decided to run after a rabbit.
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When the Witcher came back, the cottage was a mess, making him frown as he couldn't find you or Sky. It looked like you left somewhere in a hurry as there was still uncooked food on the table, half done and some books were scattered on the ground.
The Witcher went towards the town, the head of the beast was hanging from his hand. The battle against the beast wasn't easy, but it was nothing he couldn't handle.
The town was filled with commotion, people gathering around a tall tree, yelling at something or rather, someone.
As he walked closer, he could hear what they were saying clearly.
"Burn the Witch! Burn her! She was the one who brought the beast to the town!" Someone yelled venomously, making the Witcher frown his eyebrows as he walked towards the crowd. The Mayor took immediate notice of his presence as the people stopped yelling.
"Ah! Witcher! You are back and you brought the beast's head with you." The Witcher paid the Mayor zero attention as he stared at the scene in front of him. Someone was bounded to the tree with thick ropes, blood pooling underneath them as it dropped from the wound on their arm. It looked like a young girl, which made the Witcher slightly nervous. He couldn't see her face, as her head was down, her hair covering her face. The only thing that made it evident that she was alive was the quick motion of her chest falling up and down as she breath heavily.
The Mayor, displeased with the Witcher's ignorance towards his words, turned his attention to the girl instead. He stepped closer to the girl and gripped her hair, making her wince as he forced her to look up.
Witcher's breath hitched as he saw your pained face, staring directly at him before looking at the Mayor in fear.
"The beast you called upon is long dead now, Witch. You have no one to save you now." The Mayor hissed, staring at your face as he continued to hold your hair in a tight grip, making you wince.
You were already weak from the beatings and the lack of food, your head throbbing painfully under the harsh Sun. You were dehydrated, hungry, wounded and scared.  Oh, you were so so scared.
A lot has happened in the span of just four days after your last meeting with the Witcher.
You flinched when someone threw another stone at you again, wincing at the sharp pain that erupted from your temple, where the stone landed, making it bleed.
You couldn't even look at the Witcher, humiliation filled your body as you stared at the ground, willing yourself to not cry. You have yet to let the tears flow and you want to keep it that way. You want to keep some of your dignity, if there was even any left.
"What's going on?" You closed your eyes as you heard Witcher ask the Mayor. You didn't want him to think that you were someone evil, but you weren't sure if the Witcher will believe you over the Mayor's word or the people's word. You just silently hoped that they won't answer his question but your hopes died quickly as the Mayor began to tell him what happened.
"This girl, this witch, is the one that unleashed the very beast you hold in your hands. She was seen with a wolf, commanding him to attack innocents! She can put animals and beasts under her spell, making them do whatever she please." The Mayor spit out, glaring at you as you kept your eyes closed and your head low.
"Just look at her! She has been punished but she has yet to utter a word of apology or even a tear in remorse! She is a threat to the town and the people!"
"Burn her!"
"Kill her!"
Were the words that followed soon after the Mayor stopped talking, making the Witcher step in front of you protectively, just like how he did before when he saw Sky as a threat.
"Witcher, what are you doing?!" The Mayor fumed, staring at the Witcher in anger and annoyance.
"Keep your hands away from the girl." He said quietly, his sword already out, the beast's head thrown somewhere on the ground. No one dared to put up a fight against the Witcher, everyone was too cowardly to try and fight him.
"The Witch has put you under a spell too, Witcher!" The Mayor exclaimed as the people started to insult both of you.
You whimpered, staring at the people and the Witcher in fear.
"What good will it do to you even if you safe her? She is a damned witch that should rot in hell for her crimes!" The people agreed, trying to step closer to her before the Witcher pointed his sword towards them, making them step back in fear.
"I will keep her."
That made the whole town silent as you stared at the Witcher in confusion and shock.
He couldn't let them kill you, not when you were the only one that treated him like a human and showed him kindness, it pained him to see you in such a state and he will not let you get harmed. You took care of him, and it was now his turn to do so.
He gripped his sword tightly, glaring at whoever dared to step towards them.
"Give me the girl." He hissed, his gaze making everyone scared, some even rushing away to their home to not face his wrath.
The air was tense, people stared at you and the Witcher with scared and disgusted expression while the Mayor was deep in thought. The town was known for its cowardly people and after watching the Witcher walk with the head of a beast in his hand, nobody wanted to fight him.
"What will we get in return if we let the girl go unpunished?" The Mayor asked, smirking as he stared at the Witcher.
"You can keep your coins." He grumbled, throwing the pouch of coins towards the Mayor that he got as a payment when he first came here to slay the beast.
The Mayor checked the pouch before letting them go, commanding people to go inside their houses as they rushed away.
"You are lucky, or else today would've been your last day, witch." The mayor muttered venomously before leaving them be.
You flinched when Witcher's blade cut throw the thick ropes, all at once as you stumbled forward. He caught you, making you wince as it made you put some pressure on your wounds. The Witcher carried you towards your cottage, but not before the Mayor warned them that they had to leave before noon, and if they failed to do so, they will both be punished and killed. The threat made you tense, as you tried to make yourself as small as possible in his arms as he walked you towards your cottage.
"Where's sky?" He asked, trying to break the silence.
"I made him leave. The... The people saw him and they would've hunted him down or hurt him..." You mumbled, sniffling a bit as he sat you down on your bed.
He nodded in understanding, before cleaning yours wounds.
"You should go wash yourself and pack." You glanced at him, wondering what he meant by 'pack'.
"We need to leave. Make sure to only pack the necessary things like clothes and some food." He muttered, staring at you.
You looked scared, and timided, not like the lively girl he met that day that took care of him. It made his heart clench painfully for some reason.
"Oh... A-are you... Taking me in?" You asked slowly, stuttering a bit.
He nodded silently, walking out of your room to let you bath and change. Your voice suddenly made him stop.
"You... You can use the bathroom in the spare room to freshen up too!" He smiled a bit as he heard you, making his way towards the spare room.
After you were done packing and ready to leave, you both stood in front of the Mayor at the gate of the town, you stood behind Witcher, trying to hide from anyone's view, the Mayor stared at you both as you began to walk away from the town, making sure that you both were out of the town.
After walking beside Witcher and Roach, you glanced at him as you handed him a pouch with gold coins.
"U-um... I know what you did for me can never be paid by coins, but... I still want to thank you and repay you for saving me and giving up the coins you got as a payment." You mumbled quietly.
"Keep them." He grumbled, walking towards you.
"Do you know how to get on a horse?" You shook your head, making him chuckle at how cute you looked while doing so.
"Let me help you." You nodded as he grabbed your waist gently, trying to avoid any wounds as he helped you on the horse. It made your heart beat quicken with how close you both were.
"Thank you, Sir."
"Geralt." You looked at him in confusion.
"My name is Geralt, just call me by my name."
You stared at him in shock before smiling wildly, "Okay, Geralt!"
And for some reason, Geralt loved the way you said his name.
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wwaheoh · 2 months
Hey, Hi, Hello!! I don’t know if you’re not taking request or not but If it’s not too much of a hassle or if you have the free time, could I please request a part two of that unrequited love post where the reader starts intentionally avoiding those same characters you posted? Like basically the aftermath of the confession. If you’re closed or busy you really don’t have to accept this but thank you for that read 😭
“Aversion to Heartache…” Zenless Zone Zero x gnReader
Von Lycaon, Zhu Yuan
a/n: not including Anby, since she’s the one avoiding you at the end of Unrequited. also i am always open to requests or chats! just know that it might take some time to get back to you, since i write when i take a break or can’t draw
Sequel to: “Unrequited” (Lycaon, Zhu Yuan, Anby)
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It’s been a couple of weeks since your failed confession. You had been purposefully avoiding Lycaon- even Victoria Housekeeping as well as the cafe they used as a front. Ads would pop up on websites, various members on it but the pure white fur of the Therian on your mind sticking out like a sore thumb against the muted colors of the rest of the staff.
Sighing, you clicked on the X to delete the ad, not wanting to see it any longer. You misclicked, accidentally clicking on the web link and being rerouted to the contact page of Victoria Housekeeping. It was familiar- having used it to venture into the Hollow, where you met Lycaon.
Quickly closing the tab, you tried to clear your mind. Lycaon, Lycaon, Lycaon, every day it felt like you got reminded of him. The good times you both had, spending afternoons and sometimes nights with him. Then quickly being soured by you confessing to him- the look on his face more unflattering than what really occurred.
You should go out for a bit… maybe some fresh air would help. Standing up, you put on some casual clothes, fixing a hoodie on and zipping it up before taking your keys.
Closing the door behind you and locking it, you took a deep breath of the cold afternoon air. Fresh, with only a couple of people milling about. A car or two passing by every couple of minutes. Stepping out from the front of your apartment, you began your aimless walk. Letting the sounds of the city fill your ears.
After tens of minutes, you found yourself in Lumina Square. Somewhere bustling with traffic. Following the crowd, you looked through the windows, commenting on things mentally- before something caught your eye.
Lycaon. The wolf-Therian was sitting in front of a noodle shop with… someone else. A figure wearing a blue-orange jacket, hair reaching their chin. Here you were, constantly on the verge of tears and Lycaon had already moved on. Seemingly having replaced you, seeing as how expressive this person was to him.
His ear twitched, a tell-tale sign of where he was going to look- having either heard or smelled something of note. Quickly you lifted your hood up, hiding your face as you quickly followed the crowd, hoping to avoid his gaze and possible confrontation, forever if possible.
Yet he knew you were there. With the aroma and cooking of the noodle shop covering up most of your tracks, but that familiar scent you had snaked its way in. Yet you were already gone, faded back into the crowd.
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After the revelation of who Zhu Yuan’s heart had been captivated by, you had begun to slowly avoid Zhu Yuan. The heartache you felt as you spent time with her became more pervasive with each day. Something you wanted became poisoned, leading you to call hangouts off or declining Zhu Yuan whenever she invited you.
She very easily figured this out, but the question was ‘why?’. The two of you hadn’t had a falling out- nothing egregious and there was no reason for you to have any bad blood. Yet every time she approached you, you quickly tried to find an out- you weren’t as slick as you thought you were.
It became harder and harder for her to initiate anything, being stationed in different areas of New Eridu, as well as growing feelings for her partner Qingyi. Yet it still ate at her.
One day on patrol, you were responding to an urgent call, pulling up with lights flashing. A man had a girl hostage, blade to her neck as they ordered the cops to hand them a vehicle to make their escape from a robbery gone wrong.
Just as you were about to go in, a blur passed you, a familiar figure grabbed the girl, cuffing the suspect before roundhouse kicking them, knocking them and a piece of the wall out. As well as a couple of molars.
You watched her in a trance as she consoled the victim. Then you noticed that she was about to turn, with you quickly walking away back to your car. She stepped to follow you but was stopped, having to give a recount and file paperwork for the arrest, as well as return to film the rest of the promotional material for the director.
Qingyi watched you leave as she stepped out of the car, dots connecting in her head as she watched the hurt look on both you and Zhu Yuan’s face. She needed to do something about this...
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biteofcherry · 11 months
Yours to have
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Bad Moon Rising Masterlist
Alpha!Ari Levinson x omega female reader
summary: It's the ceremony of your mating with Ari.
warnings: mystical vibes of ancient rituals; a/b/o dynamics; a pinch of exhibitionism; slight breeding kink; primal kink; shifters; shifter!Ari; wolf!Ari; shifter!Reader; no bestiality
word count: 5.4k
Author's Note: This is a tad different take on the usual claiming/biting in the a/b/o universe. The magic is more at play here in forming the mating bond, not the actual biting. As you read, you'll understand what exactly I changed about it and why. Also, a person called godi appears in this piece. The title of godi refers to a priest/ess of old pagan religions, leading mystical rituals (it's mostly Old Norse origin, but here it's simply used as a term to name the pack's sort of priestess).
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The little sip of black currant liqueur you took before all the guests gathered in the wide, unfenced backyard didn’t help easing the tempo of your heart rate, as you finally took a step outside. 
The silvery sphere of the full moon rose above the treetops, crowned in a gold and reddish halo as if the goddess herself knew of the special celebration about to take place. 
Both packs were present - or you should say one pack, as now your people were merged into one under the rule of Ari. People stood to the sides, making a wide path for you to cross toward the arch weaved of evergreen branches, where your future mate awaited along with the pack’s godi. 
It was the redhead who stole curious glances your way ever since Ari’s pack started mingling with yours. What you saw at first as some sort of jealousy, because Ari kept his claim on you known right away, relentlessly so, turned out to be mere curiosity. Perhaps also a mystical knowledge, which a godi was supposed to possess. 
Her name was Alara and she was going to lead the ceremony of your mating. 
Times were modern, shifters tended to bind themselves in very human-style weddings, but the Alpha had to honor old traditions. Especially if he chose to mate with an Omega. It was a stereotype as old as time and as such was expected to follow the ancient traditions. 
In the weeks leading to the ceremony you spent some time with Alara, who taught you every step of the ceremony. It wasn't common knowledge, though there were parts of it passed on through generations via spoken tales. Like you were aware of the fact the ceremony had two phases and only a very few, selected shifters would be present for the second part.
The rather primal part. 
Tiredness should weigh on your tense body, since you woke before dawn, but the anticipation and shot of excitement kept you fully energized. The early morning was part of tradition, as well. You walked into the woods with the first rays of sun to gather greens for the wreaths you were going to weave for yourself and your mate. 
Mugwort, chamomile, wild ferns, St. John’s wort and a few twigs of juniper. You wore yours on your head as you slowly crossed through the backyard. In your hands you carried the twin wreath for Ari. 
You were going to crown him with it, as a symbol of you choosing him to be yours. Later, when the second part of the ceremony started, he would take yours off of your head, as a symbol of taking your nonexistent virginity. 
It was laughable, if you were cynically honest. Neither did you choose Ari, not really, nor were you a virgin. Not for a long time. 
Something that Ari didn’t seem to care about. 
Like he didn’t care that you were much older than overly fertile young women he could have chosen from. A small part of you found it quite pleasing, that he didn’t chase after girls half his age, but voiced his interest in you - someone who was merely a few years younger than him. 
You walked barefoot, your simple white dress flowing around your ankles. It was no point in buying an actual, elegant wedding dress, considering you wouldn’t be wearing it for long once you got to the second part of the ceremony. 
You wore no undergarments either. 
You didn’t think Ari’s aware of that fact, but the way his gaze slid up your body as you approached him suggested he might be.
Then his eyes settled on your face and a certain lightness seemed to turn his irises aglow. There was seriousness and respect for the traditions carved onto his handsome face, but his mouth curved at the corners slightly, soothing and encouraging you.
Ari was barefoot, just like you; wearing elegant, linen pants and white shirt that was buttoned only halfway up. 
It was so characteristic of him, you noticed. Over the weeks leading to your mating you’ve had enough opportunities to spend time with Ari - usually not out of your own volition, but because he was crossing into your space and inviting himself over. And most of the time at least two top buttons of his shirts were undone.
You wondered if it was some poor style choice, or if he ran so hot that he needed them unbuttoned.
Those thoughts invited others, more brazen. If he’d walk around the house without a shirt? If he slept naked? Questions you tried to convince yourself you didn’t care for, but which you’d very soon learn the answers to.
You stopped in front of Ari, lifting the wreath in your hands for him to admire. When he bowed his head, you put it on him. A startling flutter to your heart sprinkled warmth through your limbs as you looked at him crowned with a wreath you weaved. 
Lanterns cast amber glow across your bodies as you placed your hands in Ari’s. It was neither their warmth, nor the evening’s sweet dispersing incalescence, but a simmer of heat ignited in your belly when you touched him. 
Ever since he marked you with his cum, feeding you a dollop of it, it seemed your body attuned to his closeness with growing hunger. 
You tried not to imagine how worse it could get once he fully claimed you. 
Alara bound your hands with colorful ribbons; each for a different vow you spoke. Then she lifted an ornamental chalice, filled with sweetly smelling mead and a pinch of herbs. 
With your hands bound, both you and Ari carefully took the chalice. He lifted it to your lips first. Pleasant thickness of it coated your tongue and slid down your throat, leaving a burning sensation that only spurred the fire in your belly. 
In the books regarding mating ceremonies you read about a particular ingredient that used to be added to wine or mead for the bride to drink. According to Alara that hasn’t been done in at least a century and you really hoped she was truthful. It would be really disgusting if you were made to drink Ari’s cum in front of everyone, even if it was only a splash of it. 
Apparently it used to be added to strengthen the bride’s desire for her mate. 
You knew it would work. You still remembered how your body responded to the taste of Ari when he caught you. 
You tipped the chalice slightly when it was Ari’s turn to take a sip; his eyes a glowing blue that seared through you as he held your gaze over the rim. 
With your hands still bound, Ari pulled you forward. He took your mouth in a bold kiss that burned stronger than the rich alcohol you just consumed. Loud cheers resounded around, but were faded compared to the pounding of your own blood rushing through vessels as you melted under the demand of Ari’s lips. 
There was amusement and giggles as you and Ari worked your hands free of the bindings. No scissors or claws could be used to cut through them, you had to work the knots together. Then the bundle of colorful ribbons was placed in a small, carved box. 
You gasped in surprise - the sound dispersing on your palate - when Ari kissed you again. 
Hands completely free, he grabbed you fully, dipping you backwards as his tongue dipped between your lips. The chorus of applause included a few howls. 
You felt a little dizzy (and a lot hot) when Ari pulled back. If not for his arm loosely wrapped around your middle, you may have swayed. Eyes glazed, though you weren’t certain if it was due to the potent mead, or the reality of mating Ari hitting you suddenly; you stared up at him. 
With the spark in his iridescent irises, you sensed he was equally excited for the next part as you were terrified of it. 
But your fear didn’t make you flee; not this time, at least. It was that kind of fear that lured to follow into the darkness and experience the thrill of being consumed. Curiosity and apprehension combined into an addictive kind of sensation. 
Was it why you felt that spark of arousal whenever you ran away and Ari gave chase? 
The first thought making you run could be of rebellion, of trying to free yourself of the Alpha’s clutches. But the chase made it into heady titillation. 
The unknown of the mystical, sacred part of the ceremony spiked that fear, but the aspect of doing it with Ari - whatever raw, dirty act it would be - heated your body in anticipation. 
Alara addressed the gathered people, calling upon them to feast in joy for your union. Then she took one of the lanterns and led a small procession deep into the woods. Five other shifters fell into step behind her - three of Ari’s pack and two of yours. Chosen for their hierarchy in the pack, they were granted great honor to be witnesses to the second part of the ceremony. 
Though you briefly wondered, if Dante wasn’t asked to do it also as some sort of twisted power play. He was a member of your old pack and it seemed Ari respected his knowledge, experience and dedication to protect people. However, there was no doubt Ari would have learned that you and Dante used to date. 
It ended more than three years ago, the two of you remaining somewhat friendly if distanced. But male shifters tended to be extremely possessive. Ari was borderline so. It wouldn’t surprise you if the honor to participate in your ceremony wasn’t also Ari’s way of emasculating Dante in case he harbored any lustful thoughts of you. 
Ari’s fingers intertwined with yours as you followed Alara through the darkness of the woods. The lantern was merely symbolic, as your shifter senses allowed all of you to move through the night quite easily. 
When you reached a wide clearing, the five shifters spread around, taking positions in a spread semi-circle. Alara led you forward to the middle of the meadow where a few items had been prepared in advance. 
“You shall undress each other, so the Moon can bathe  you in her glow,” Alara’s voice was soft and melodic, her lips curved in a gentle smile, but her eyes were sharp and wild. Gold swirls painted on her face seemed to pulse with life.
Breath hitched in your throat when Ari’s hands smoothed along your shoulders, the straps of your dress easily giving in as he pushed them off. Leaning close, he reached behind you and unzipped the short zipper of your dress, then pulled the delicate fabric off your body. 
Trying not to think of being completely naked in front of him - and in front of five other shifters! - you unbuttoned his shirt, one small button after another. Your fingers itched to explore the expanse of Ari’s chest, but you stifled that craving and managed to touch as little of his skin as possible as you pushed the shirt off his shoulders. 
Staring at his chest, you popped the button of his pants open and lowered the zipper. You couldn’t make yourself look Ari into the eyes, fearing to see the heat in them and perhaps a sense of dark, lustful victory. 
It was better not to peek down, too. The glimpse of Ari’s cock you got when he came all over you after he caught you in the woods was enough of torment in the past few weeks; tempting your body into overdrive as you dreamt of it. 
You stepped away from the pile of clothes and faced each other. Heart pounding in your chest, you finally lifted your gaze to Ari’s face. Without Alara’s prompting, as if he knew each step of the ceremony by heart, Ari took off his wreath and placed it at godi’s feet. 
Then he reached for your wreath. In a slow, gentle move, he took it off. 
It was only a symbol, one you previously rolled your eyes at, but the moment Ari’s fingers gripped the green weaves and deprived you of them, a light, pleasant sting pierced your core. 
Your wreath was offered at Alara’s feet as well; the godi served as a conduit of the Moon goddess. 
“Shift.” The command was simple, unyielding enough that you didn’t protest, even though you were surprised by it.
When Alara taught you stages of the ceremony, she didn’t mention letting your wolf out. You hesitated only a few seconds, before you gave in to the pull itching beneath your skin. For a split of a second you got to admire Ari’s wolf with your human eyes, then you were seeing him through your wolf’s. 
You were a streak of silver, light coloring that some of your former partners expressed to be the moonlight itself crushed into fur. Though you weren’t the smallest of wolves, placing yourself as rather average among shifters, you seemed tiny compared to Ari’s wolf. 
Your Alpha was a beast of fairy tales. So big and domineering. His thick fur was a spectrum of bronze, with some streaks glinting gold, some reddish, the tip of his tail as dark as black. 
In that moment it hit you how perfect of a predator he was. As a human you noticed his scent that blended him so easily with the forest - pine and moss and resin. His wolf form blended into the woods even deeper, allowing him to gain the upper hand in any season, any part of the land. 
Ari’s paw dug into soil as he made a move toward you. Something flicked through your hindbrain, or perhaps it was your human side all along, but you suddenly felt the need to bolt. 
To tease him, maybe. Or perhaps you couldn’t suppress that remnant of rebellion against this union.
Your wolf barely managed to turn around and start forward when Ari leaped. The massive wolf crushed you to the ground, your wolf yipping as he trapped you beneath him. Then his jaw locked on your neck, sharp teeth piercing enough to be a warning. 
A shudder rippled through you, your head dropping down in submission. Ari snarled and for a moment you found yourself scrambling to understand what he wanted. But your wolf knew. With another pitiful yip she went lax, surrendering completely. A lick of approval soothed the spot where his fangs nipped you.
Slowly, Ari eased back. You remained in your position, not daring yet to move. Then suddenly a low growl of his reverberated through your bones.
It yanked on that shifter thread inside you, forcing an immediate shift. 
Never before had anything like it happened, it was always your own volition to change into wolf form and back into human. And Ari just proved to you how much power he held. 
Alphas supposedly possessed that ability - to force any shifter into immediate change, but you never saw Dimitri do it to anyone. You didn’t think Ari’s done it to scare you, or belittle you in any way, rather you felt it as his help to guide you into the next step of the ceremony. 
Yet it still elicited a scary realization, how truly he could overpower you. If you ever ran away in your wolf form, he could command your immediate shift into human and gain more advantage. 
Ari gently helped you up onto your feet, having shifted into human form himself. The care and respect he showed contrasted with the display of raw power. 
Your gaze shifted to Alara, a glint of offense at not being prepared for that part of the proceedings. She only smiled as she beckoned the two of you closer.
“The wolf’s submission had to be natural, had to be earned,” she explained. “If I warned you of it, then it could provoke you to either fake it, or fight it just out of spite.”
You wouldn’t tell her that you felt your wolf submit to Ari weeks ago, when he tackled you to the ground after chasing you through the woods. The bitch gave in then. 
Alara picked a bowl filled with sweet scented mixture. Linden honey, cloves, lovage and crushed cranberries for the red color. She lifted it up to the sky, muttering a string of blessings, or spells, or whatever curse. Then she lowered it towards Ari. 
“Under the Moon’s keen eye, brand what’s yours to have.” 
She held the bowl as Ari dipped his hand in the mixture. He marked a spot on your temple first. Then smeared the honey across your mouth. Your lips parted, letting the sweet taste in. And letting a little gasp out when Ari’s hand left streaks of sticky concoction across your breasts.
You couldn’t tear your gaze away from Ari’s eyes when he dipped both his hands for more mixture and then splayed one on your ass and his other palm over your abdomen. 
He crouched down to better drive his fingers up the inside of your thigh and then along the juncture in your hip, before ending the sweet swirl in the thatch of your hair right above your softly pulsing clit. 
Each streak he painted on your naked body seemed to seep into your skin and feed to the fire already burning you with need. 
A thought to chase Ari’s fingers with your mouth, to suck them clean so he could slip them into your wet pussy, flashed in your mind. It was Alara’s voice addressing you that stopped you from making a fool of yourself. 
“Under the Moon’s keen eye, brand what’s yours to have.” She tipped the bowl your way. 
Fingers dripping with red stained honey, you reached up to touch Ari’s temple. When you brushed your fingertips across his mouth, you almost pouted in disappointment he didn’t nip at any of your digits. 
Focusing on regulating your breath, so you didn’t pant, you used both of your hands to mark Ari’s huge biceps. Then, just because you were getting needy and annoyed with yourself because of that, you scratched his chest a bit as you smeared the mixture across his pectorals. 
Perhaps you saw it in the way Ari’s eyes darkened, or maybe it was already the bond building between the two of you, but you felt certain that he liked when you scratched him. 
Your eyes followed the line your fingers drew along the thatch of hair leading down Ari’s belly and lower. Scooping more honey from the bowl, you knelt at Ari’s feet and dragged both hands up his muscular legs, until you gripped his ass.
Your breath quickened as you stared at the half-hard cock rising toward Ari’s belly. Slowly, you swiped your hands from the back of his thighs to the front, using all of your melting will to not taste him right away.
Instead, you boldly looked up. Ari’s pupils were blown wide as he stared at you - on your knees, lips inches away from his cock, about to mark it as a part of him for you to have. Holding his gaze, you wrapped your fingers around him. 
If it wasn’t for Ari’s self restraint, you probably would follow the instinct, the hunger tempting you to move your hand and start what would inevitably happen in a few minutes anyway. After all, sex was the culmination of the ceremony. But Ari’s own fingers gently caught your wrist. 
He helped you up. Again that night. 
For as amused as she had to be, Alara didn’t spare you a knowing, mocking look. She put the bowl away and picked another dish. This one a simple terracotta pot, bearing marks of time. 
“For Nature, the Mother of us all,” Alara intoned, “make a pledge to the earth to show your readiness to fall in with the cycle.” 
Ari knelt down and started digging with his bare hands while you filled both hands with seeds and flower bulbs from the terracotta pot. Kneeling on the ground as well, you planted them in the furrow created by Ari. Then both of you covered the seeds with soil, your hands joined as you did so. 
You washed your hands in the bassinet with fresh water that Alara placed beside you. She poured into it what was left of the honey mixture, then dipped a small bouquet of ferns in it and used them to sprinkle the mixture over you and Ari.
“Blessed be this union!” Alara bellowed, hands stretched high toward the night sky. “Moon, our goddess! As you cast your light upon your favored, embrace his mate. Through the eyes of the witnesses gathered here, watch as they seal their claim on each other.”
Arms slowly dropping, Alara stared at you as she took a few steps backwards. Silence stretched in tense anticipation. 
It dawned on you then. That was the most important part. The culmination.
And there were people around, about to witness your coupling. 
Ari’s hand cupped your chin, preventing you from looking anywhere else but him. No one else should matter now. No other shifter, no woodland creature, nor the stars peppering the sky. There was only your mate. 
He tilted your head back slightly and leaned in. Tip of Ari’s tongue flicked against your bottom lip, licking off the sweetness. Lips trailed sticky kisses across your cheek, until his breath tickled the shell of your ear.
“You’re ready, little Omega,” he purred, slipping a hand between your thighs. 
At the bold touch of his fingers spreading your slick folds, your hands flew to Ari’s shoulders. Fingernails of your right hand needled his skin, while you gripped a fistful of his hair with the other. 
“You’re already mine,” he sounded more than pleased; he sounded drunk on victory after months of chase. “But I’ll pound it into your tight pussy, so you feel that bond with every step.” 
He growled in satisfaction as you moaned, rocking your hips into his hand. He stretched you with a firm stroke of his fingers, driving in two at once and pressing the heel of his palm into your clit. 
Gripping the back of your neck with his other hand, Ari kept pumping his fingers and curling them until your juices were spilling over his palm. 
“Ask me!” He demanded, licking off more of the honey around your mouth. 
“Alpha,” your voice was raspy and breathy, “fuck me! Knot me. Claim me!” 
It was only your heart soaring and fluttering like a hummingbird trapped in grip, though it felt as if the earth itself shuddered beneath you from the force and heat of Ari’s kiss. 
Perhaps there were more potent, illegal roots added to the mead Alara made you drink earlier, or to the honey mixture that soaked your bodies. Or maybe it was the vowed bond that grew taut and intense in its demand to be fulfilled in the most primal way.
Whatever spurred it, made you desperate. Needy. Your mouth opened pliant to Ari’s, ready to swallow whatever he fed you, ready to offer pleasure in return. Your hands roamed over his body; touching and squeezing and scratching. 
When he eased his fingers out of your fluttering cunt, you almost whined in protest. But then he was gripping your hips and flipping you onto your hands and knees. 
Your hindbrain took over, the wolf bitch coming to the surface just beneath your human skin. But it wasn’t only the wolf side that craved the warmth of Ari’s thighs pressing against the back of yours. Your human side wanted it to. The woman who resisted his claim was eager to bend forward and offer herself. 
One of Ari’s big hands gripped your hip, the other moved between your bodies to guid the tip of his cock into your entrance. 
With a broad lick up your spine, Ari laid his weight above you. He nipped the nape of your neck, more playful than he did in his wolf form, and you instinctively followed the unspoken command. You stretched your arms forward and dipped your upper body low, cheek pressed to the ground. 
“Good little Omega,” Ari purred, kissing your neck. 
A loud cry spilled from your lips, resounding through the clearing, maybe through the whole forest, when Ari sheathed himself inside you in one stroke. 
He paused. To relish in the feeling, or to give you a moment to adjust - if it was the latter, you didn’t think it would help. Ari wasn’t some monstrous beast to have a dick you couldn’t take. It was impressive, but in very reasonable size. And yet, something about it made you quiver in fear (and excitement) of being split in half. 
The first languid thrusts drew moans from both of you. Ari drove deep on each push, forcing your pussy to give up completely and nudging your cervix on a few passes. Then his pace increased, his filled heavy sack slapping against your clit. 
Rough fingers dug into your hip, undoubtedly leaving bruises that would bloom later. His other hand roamed below your body, squeezing your breasts, teasing your belly. Ari’s mouth was in constant movement along your neck and shoulders: kissing and licking, teeth grazing your skin in a prelude to the bite. 
You pushed up against him eagerly; the embarrassment at the sound of the skin slapping and wetness squelching on each thrust burned away. You didn’t care! Didn’t care who watched, or how loud you were, how you dripped. There was only need for more of Ari; need for him to help you chase that release you’ve been yearning for since your lips touched his. 
Fingers gouging the soil, you keened when on the next thrust Ari’s cock grazed a spot that instantly had you clenching around him. 
He groaned; the sound deep and low, sinking into your skin where Ari’s mouth hovered on your shoulder. 
Your pussy pulsed, tightening around his dick, and he only made things worse still fucking into you relentlessly; prolonging the madness of your fizzing pleasure and tipping you into another climax. 
Your scream rose as the blinding aftershocks of your orgasm were joined by the pain-and-pleasure shot of Ari’s teeth piercing your skin. 
He bit into the crook of your neck, his jaw locked mercilessly as he drew blood and mauled your skin. Few seconds later Ari gurgled his growl of pleasure with a mouthful of your blood, as he bottomed out inside your quivering cunt and his knot inflated. 
Another tremor rocked you, albeit softer, but stretching into infinity. A simmering orgasm that seemed to go on and on and on as spurts of thick cum filled you. As if each splash of Ari’s spend instigated a tiny climax. 
Harmonized howls resounded in the night, for the first time reminding you of the audience you had. The five chosen shifters who had to change their form into wolves at some point, though you didn’t even register when. 
You stayed locked with Ari for long minutes, your labored breaths synchronizing. Ari’s teeth retracted, his tongue soothing the wound. 
You’d be wearing that scar for months. Many more would be added, you suspected. Due to his possessiveness, or his primal nature so close to the surface, but you were certain Ari would be biting you every time he fucked you. He was going to leave marks of possession so visible other shifters would instantly drop their gaze upon catching a sight of them. 
Only you would be wearing the bite. While mates tended to exchange bites, so each was marked as claimed, an Alpha couldn’t be bitten. Not even by his mate. 
For an Alpha a bite meant a loss of status, a chink in his power; it would be a sign of weakness and submission. Traits an Alpha couldn’t display.
But there were other ways a mate could mark an Alpha. Which is why you felt that need to scratch him from the beginning. To rake your nails down his back and over his chest, leaving deep red lines of your own possession. 
Still a little breathless, you reached one of your dirty hands behind you. Prickling Ari’s neck with your nails, you turned your head enough to kiss him. 
Slowly, Ari pulled back and moved your body along with him. You rose onto your hands and knees. Knot almost deflated, he withdrew from you inch by inch. Copious amount of fluid spilled out of you; a glistening mixture of your slick and Ari’s cum. 
It splashed onto the soil in thick drops; right over the seeds you planted earlier. 
With his arm across your front, Ari helped you up into a sitting position, serving for you as his recliner. Your head rested against his shoulder as he kept you spread; kept you exposed so the Moon and the others could see you dripping down. 
Alara knelt at your side, bowing her forehead almost to the ground then lifting it. She placed her right hand on top of Ari’s where it rested low on your belly.   
“As your essence has fertilized the seeds in the soil, may the Moon’s glow bless your fruitful coupling.”
Her hand didn’t linger, but Ari’s stayed splayed on your abdomen as Alara scooted back. You didn’t roll your eyes at the obvious eagerness to get you pregnant (both from Ari and the pack’s godi) only because you were still quite overwhelmed with the intensity of the whole ceremony. 
Also because there was still need thrumming in your pulse.
Alara signaled the other shifters and they approached in a practiced formation, back in their human forms. They each picked the dishes that were used in the ceremony, then followed Alara out of the clearing. 
You and Ari were left alone. 
His hand stayed on your belly, the other sliding up between your breasts, fingers curling around the front of your neck. Ari trailed small, soft kisses along your shoulder, then scraped your jaw with his teeth.
“This is what I imagined from the moment my eyes set on you for the first time,” he confessed, the undertone of pure satisfaction clear in his voice. 
“You wore a crown of flowers for the festivities and I knew I’d be taking off your bridal wreath and locking you on my knot.”
A tremor blew goosebumps on your skin. That very first evening you sensed trouble from catching the attention of an Alpha, but then you didn’t yet know how severe his determination was. He’d chase you to the end of the world to claim you. 
You twisted in his arms, facing him and climbing into his lap. You cupped Ari’s face, smudging dirt over his cheeks. You could’ve held onto your resentment and rebellion, making the whole experience and nearest future a very miserable for you both. Somehow, you couldn’t make yourself do that. Not even that morning, when fleeting thoughts of giving a last run crossed your mind. 
You were Ari’s now. As he was yours. 
He’s shown you over the weeks that he’s ready to build this relationship with you. If the way he led the pack was any indication of how he’d be as a mate, you had a chance of creating something indestructible. 
“And now you have me.” You rolled your hips, enjoying the twitch of his cock against your thigh. “Are you going to gloat?”
“A little bit,” Ari shrugged, flashing you a sexy grin. 
“Mostly-” he palmed your ass and pulled your hips upward- “I’m going to worship you.”
He dropped you down onto his cock, hissing in pleasure as your heat enveloped him again. Your small moan at the stretch made his eyes ignite. 
“Come, little Omega,” Ari laid down on his back and you braced your hands against his chest as you sank fully onto his cock. “Take me. Take your mate.” 
Ari groaned as your nails drew more lines across his body, leaving pink trails that would gain in color in a few hours. 
With his hands squeezing your ass, he urged you down as he thrust up into you. Your nails needled deeper, giving him a meek reflection of the sting you felt each time he bottomed out. When he knotted you again, you’d undoubtedly draw blood. 
Then he’d sink his teeth into you again, stating his undisputed dominance even as he allowed you to claw him.
Your wolf growled her pleasure at the prospect. 
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hoesoflamentation · 26 days
𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖔𝖓 // 𝖍𝖆𝖎𝖐𝖞𝖚𝖚 𝖝 𝖈𝖍𝖚𝖇𝖇𝖞!𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 // 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI //
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feat !! tsukishima kei, hinata shoyo, kuroo tetsuro, iwaizumi hajime
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warnings !! reader is afab & written as gn as possible but please proceed with caution. individual warnings are listed for each blorbo. leave a shitty, fatphobic comment only if you want to be publicly shamed to all 1600 of my followers <3
a/n: hello fellow sluts, your overlord has returned. as a fellow chubby!reader, i am so happy & heartened that this won the poll. and don't think that my choice of boys was pointed at all; it was literally just self-indulgence... every hq boy would love the hell out of a chubby!reader >:(
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// 𝖓𝖔 𝖙𝖔𝖚𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌 //
warnings !! cam!reader/sex work, toys (on reader), just a lot of jacking off tbh
…is bored, so bored, of all the models who look the same, that the weekend he finds your Onlyfans page, he locks himself in his room and dedicates his weekend to watching you pound your plump pussy with every toy in your arsenal. For nearly 48 hours, he milks himself to your videos, until the craving becomes too intense to resist: You’re advertising a special livestream for your highest-paying fans, and Tsukishima knows he has to be one of them. His hand is still wrapped around his veiny shaft as he hastily types in his credit card information to send you an exorbitant tip. The day of the livestream, Tsukishima promises himself he will only look, not touch… but the sound of your fucked-out face whining “Thank you for the tip, Kei!” leaves him pumping his throbbing cock until it’s spurting hot, creamy white all over his stomach. Soon, Tsukishima is typing into the chat with his one free hand: "I'll give you $200 to say that again."
// 𝖑𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝖆𝖎𝖗 //
warnings !! chubbychaser!hinata, face riding, alcohol use
…isn’t one for locker room talk, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to notice the particularities of his taste. Shoyo Hinata can’t help it if he fantasizes about spending hours sandwiched between a pair of thick thighs, too pussy drunk to even consider coming up for air. So, when he meets you out at the bar where MSBY is having their post-game celebration, his rowdy teammates notice that you’re Hinata’s type even before he does. “That one’s yours, Shoyo!” one player calls out. “Yeah, they got Shoyo's name written all over them!” Hinata, of course, blushes and apologizes for their behavior, offering to buy you a drink. Little did he realize that those very same drinks would lead to him slipping a hotel key into your back pocket and stuffing his face in your needy cunt. You’re nervous to ride his tongue at first, worried he’ll suffocate beneath you… but Hinata laps up your juices so eagerly that soon, you’re the one who’s forgotten how to breathe.
// 𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖞 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 //
warnings !! possessive!kuroo, established relationship, lingerie, accidental exhibitionism (if that's what you call it lol)
…will listen to you talk for hours about anything on your mind, so you wouldn’t blame him for zoning out every once in awhile. Hence why you didn’t expect him to remember the time you complained about the difficulty of finding lingerie in your size at the store. The next thing you know, so many packages are arriving outside your apartment that the doorman calls upstairs and asks you to stop ordering things. Little does he know that it’s your boyfriend Tetsuro showering you in pretty little matching sets from expensive specialty stores you would normally never be able to afford. To thank him, you put on the number you know he’ll love most — a lacy thonged bodysuit in lipstick red — and video call him at the office. “So, Tetsu, what do you think?” you ask, striking a flirty pose that shows off all your best assets. Kuroo blushes… and you quickly realize why, as his coworkers cat call and wolf whistle at your display from off screen. “Baby, you know I love it... but next time, make sure I’m the only one who gets to see you!”
// 𝖌𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖒 //
warnings !! iwa-chan the ass man, rimming (mention), spanking (mention)
…has worked out with some of Japan’s most talented athletes, but none of them ever made him as nervous as his personal training sessions with you. Because how is he supposed to tell you, his childhood best friend, that ever since he saw the way you stretched out those leggings while you were doing deadlifts, he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about you? To stop imagining your bare ass cheeks jiggling in his face as he eagerly traces circles around your rim with his tongue? “One… two… three…” Your voice strains as you count reps. Meanwhile, Iwaizumi feels beads of sweat forming on his forehead, and not from the workout. With every squat, your perfect ass comes so close he can almost touch it. It’s all he can do not to let spotting you turn into spanking you. By the end of your reps, he’s gotten so desperate that his cock twitches just from you smiling at him. “Like what you see, Haji?” you tease. Iwaizumi clears his throat, turning to hide his hard-on against the climbing wall. “Y-yeah. Great form, Y/n.”
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libingan · 2 months
— wolf’s den. (4)
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summary: after finding yourself lost in the forest, you accidentally stumble across a wolf’s den. unfortunately for you, his intentions are dark and possessive—he's chosen you to be his mate, dragging you into a nightmarish world where escape seems impossible.
cw: kidnapping, dark content, noncon, power imbalance, possessiveness, violence, wolf hybrid! ghost x bunny hybrid! reader
a/n: ONE MORE CHAPTER DOWN! honestly i had a fuck ton of shit to do today, but i got home like… 3 hours earlier than i expected to come home, so i immediately started writing this bc im making the most of my free time bc i start college next week lolz
part three | part five
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simon's fury was palpable, a dark storm brewing within him as he prowled through the forest, his senses attuned to every sound, every movement. his rage was a living thing, fueling his determination to find you, to drag you back to his den where you belonged. you had dared to escape, to defy him, and he would make you pay for it.
the forest was his domain, every tree and path known to him like the back of his hand. he moved with predatory grace, his wolf instincts guiding him as he followed your scent. you might think you had a chance, but simon knew better. he knew you were scared, lost in the unfamiliar terrain, every step taking you deeper into danger.
you ran blindly through the forest, your heart pounding in your chest, your breaths coming in ragged gasps. every rustle of leaves, every snap of a twig sent waves of fear through you. you couldn’t afford to stop, couldn’t bring yourself to rest. you knew simon was out there, hunting you with relentless determination. the thought of his fury, of what he would do when he found you, drove you forward.
the hours stretched on, the forest a maze of shadows and sounds. you stumbled over roots and rocks, your legs aching, your body trembling with exhaustion and fear. you were lost, every turn feeling like a wrong one, the trees closing in around you. you couldn’t shake the feeling that simon was right behind you, his presence a dark specter haunting your every step.
then, it happened. your foot snagged on something, and a sharp, excruciating pain shot through your leg. you screamed, the sound tearing through the silence of the forest as you fell to the ground. you looked down to see a trap clamped around your ankle, the metal teeth biting into your flesh, blood pooling around the wound. the pain was unbearable, a white-hot agony that left you gasping for breath.
simon heard your scream, his ears perking up, his eyes narrowing with predatory focus. he followed the sound, the scent of your blood leading him straight to you. his fury was a burning rage, his need to punish you consuming every thought. he moved swiftly, his instincts guiding him, until he found you.
you were struggling, tears streaming down your face, your hands desperately trying to free yourself from the trap. the sight of you, bloodied and vulnerable, only fueled simon’s anger. he stormed over to you, his eyes blazing with fury as he grabbed you, pulling you roughly to your feet.
“what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he snarled, his voice a low, dangerous growl. “you think you can just run away from me?”
you whimpered, your body trembling with pain and fear. “please, simon, I—”
he slapped you, the force of the blow sending you to the ground. “shut up,” he spat, his hand gripping your hair, yanking your head back so you had to look at him. “why would you run away? why would you do this to me?”
your mind was a whirlwind of terror and pain. “please, simon, I didn’t mean to—”
he pushed you down, his weight pinning you to the ground, his breath hot against your ear. “you think you can escape me? you think you can defy me?” he hissed, his anger a palpable force. “you’re mine, and you’re never getting away.”
the pain and fear were overwhelming, your body shaking with sobs. “please, simon, I’m—”
“what?” he demanded, his grip tightening. “what excuse do you have?”
“i’m pregnant!” you screamed, the words tearing from your throat in a desperate plea.
simon froze, his grip loosening as he stared at you, his eyes wide with shock. the anger in his expression faded, replaced by a mixture of disbelief and something else, something softer. he released you, his hands trembling as he pulled away, his mind racing to process what you had just said.
“you’re... pregnant?” he whispered, his voice barely audible.
you nodded, tears streaming down your face. “yes, simon. i’m pregnant. please, don’t hurt me.”
the change in simon was immediate. the fury drained from his eyes, replaced by a look of concern and protectiveness. he gently helped you to your feet, his movements careful and tender. “i didn’t know,” he murmured, his voice filled with regret. “i didn’t know.”
he carefully inspected your wound, his hands gentle as he worked to free you from the trap. “we need to get you back home,” he said softly, his eyes meeting yours. “i’ll take care of you. i promise.”
you nodded, your body still trembling with the aftershocks of fear and pain. you didn’t know what the future held, but for now, you were safe. simon was different now, his anger replaced by a fierce protectiveness. he would take care of you and your unborn child, and you would never have to face his fury again.
simon carried you back to his den, his grip secure but surprisingly gentle. the journey was silent, the only sounds the occasional rustle of leaves and your quiet sobs. once inside, he carefully laid you on the bed, his eyes scanning your face for any sign of further distress.
he disappeared for a moment, returning with a damp washcloth and a first aid kit. he knelt beside you, his touch soft as he began to clean the wound on your ankle. you winced, but his hands were steady, methodical. “this will hurt a bit,” he warned, his voice low.
you bit your lip, trying to hold back the tears as he disinfected the wound and wrapped it in clean bandages. “thank you,” you whispered, your voice barely audible.
simon’s eyes met yours, a strange mix of emotions flickering across his face. “you don’t have to thank me,” he said quietly. “you’re mine. it’s my job to take care of you.”
his words sent a shiver down your spine, a reminder of the power he held over you. you nodded, not trusting yourself to speak.
simon finished bandaging your ankle and stood up, his eyes darkening with a familiar hunger. he reached out, pulling you towards him. “now,” he murmured, his voice taking on a predatory edge. “let’s take care of something else.”
you shook your head, panic rising in your chest. “please, simon, I’m not—”
he cut you off, his grip tightening. “no arguments,” he growled. “you’re going to do as I say.”
you tried to pull away, but he was too strong. he pushed you down onto the bed, his hands moving to unbutton your shirt. “simon, please, don’t—”
he ignored your pleas, his eyes filled with a dark determination. “you’re mine,” he repeated, his voice low and dangerous. “and you’re going to show me just how much.”
he forced your head down, positioning you between his legs. “suck,” he commanded, his tone leaving no room for defiance.
you hesitated, tears streaming down your face, but the pressure of his hand on your head made it clear you had no choice. you opened your mouth, taking all the inches in, the taste bitter and overwhelming.
“that’s it,” simon murmured, his voice thick with satisfaction. “just like that, pet.”
you choked, trying to pull back, but his grip was unrelenting. he forced you to take his cock deeper, your throat constricting as you struggled to breathe.
“don’t you dare stop,” he growled, his voice a low rumble. “you’re going to take all of me.”
the tears blurred your vision, your mind a haze of fear and humiliation. you fought to keep up, to do as he demanded, but it was overwhelming. your body ached, your throat raw, but simon didn’t relent with his thrust.
finally, he pulled you up, his eyes dark with desire. “good girl,” he murmured, his voice a twisted blend of praise and possession. “now, get on the bed.”
you obeyed, your body trembling as you laid down. simon positioned himself above you, his eyes locking onto yours. “you’re mine,” he whispered, his voice filled with a dangerous intensity. “and I’m going to show you just how much.”
he entered you with a rough thrust, the pain and pleasure mingling in a twisted symphony. you cried out, your hands gripping the sheets as he took you, his movements demanding and unyielding.
his growl of satisfaction was the last thing you heard before you succumbed to the overwhelming sensations, your body and mind surrendering completely to the wolf who had claimed you.
simon’s dominance was unprecedented as he pounded into you, his every thrust brutal and relentless. the raw power of him was evident in every movement, his wolf instincts taking over completely. your body was pinned beneath him, every part of you vulnerable to his demanding touch.
“who do you fucking belong to?” he snarled, his voice a fierce growl. his grip on your hips was bruising, his movements rough as he drove into you with savage intensity.
you could barely manage to gasp out a response, the force of his thrusts making it hard to think. “y-you, simon,” you managed to choke out, your voice breaking with the effort. “i belong to you.”
simon’s eyes blazed with satisfaction at your submission. “that’s right,” he growled, his thrusts never faltering. “you’re mine, and you fucking know it.”
the intensity of his movements was overwhelming, each thrust pushing you further into a state of surrender. your hands gripped the sheets, your body trembling beneath him as he took what he wanted. every whimper, every cry of pleasure was met with a growl of approval from simon, his focus solely on claiming you completely.
he paused briefly, pulling you up by the hair, forcing you to look at him as he panted heavily. “tell me,” he demanded, his voice a rough whisper. “who owns you?”
“you,” you gasped, your voice barely audible as he held you in place, his eyes locked onto yours with a fierce, possessive hunger.
simon’s response was a low, satisfied growl as he resumed his relentless pace, his movements unrelenting. the rough pleasure was all-consuming, the pain and pleasure blending into a single, overwhelming sensation. you were completely at his mercy, every part of you claimed by his dominance.
he continued to ravish you with an insatiable hunger, his need driving him to take you in every way he wanted. the raw, primal intensity of his actions left you breathless and trembling, your mind lost in a haze of surrender and pleasure.
finally, with a final, forceful thrust, simon reached his peak, his body shuddering with the intensity of his release. you followed close behind, the overwhelming sensations pushing you to the edge as you cried out in response to his dominance.
afterwards, simon’s hold on you softened, though his eyes remained fiercely possessive. he pulled you close, his breath hot against your skin as he held you tightly. “you’re mine,” he murmured, his voice a low, possessive growl. “and don’t you ever forget it.”
as you lay there, spent and trembling, you realized the full extent of his control over you. there was no escaping his dominance, no breaking free from his claim. you were his, completely and irrevocably.
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buckyshoneybunny · 2 months
The White Wolf (Part 2)
Wolf/Alpha!Bucky + Wildlifephotographer!curvy!reader   
W.C- 1000 
Warnings- None really, slow burn 
A/N- OMG!!! Thank you for all the likes, comments, reblogs, and follows!! You have no idea what this means to me! Anyway, I’m so sorry this is late, I hope you all love it though! Part three will be in Bucky’s POV! I will try to get the next part out sooner but shit kinda got busy here so no promises. Anyway hope you enjoy! (Let me know if you want to be added to the tagslist)
Taglist-  @blackbirdwitch22 @lesleurs
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 Masterlist Series Masterlist
Duffle bag in hand, you run all the way back to Bucky’s cabin, which was a lot farther then you thought. You run in and toss your bag on the couch.  
“Bucky?” You call, even though you know he isn’t here. You run back outside.  
“Steve!” You yell. You run around the forest yelling his name for what seems like forever. You come across a group of cabins, sitting on one of the porches you see Steve, two red heads, another guy, and a brunette.  
“Steve!” You speak desperately.  
“Y/N?” He gets up and walks over to you, confused. “What’s going on?” 
Before you can answer, the scarier looking red head speaks up, “What the hell is a human doing in here?” 
“There’s no time for that!” You pant.  
Steve puts his hands on your shoulders, “Y/N, what’s going on?” 
“It’s Bucky, he’s gone! H-he was supposed to be waiting for me at the edge of the woods but when I got back, he was gone and there was a blood where I had last seen him. I-I can’t find him a-and-” 
“Y/N, deep breath. It’s okay, we’ll find him. I think I already know where he is.” Steve cuts you off.  
You take a deep breath to calm your nerves. “How can you know what happened?” 
“A regular person couldn’t have taken him; it would have to be another werewolf.” 
“Rumlow,” the other man growls.  
“Who’s Rumlow?” You ask, confused.   
Steve explains that he’s the leader of the other pack, that Bucky and him are rivels. You also learn the other man is Sam, the other people in the pack are Clint, Wanda, Natasha, Kate, Yelena, and Peggy. You explain how you met Bucky. 
“You mean to tell me Barnes didn’t kill you?” Natasha grins and tilts her head. “Did he happen to sniff you?”  
“Yeah, he buried his face in my neck,” you laugh.  
“Oh my god!” Sam laughs, “You’re Bucky’s mate!”  
Your eyes widen. “What?”  
“Werewolf's can only smell their mate,” Peggy, Steve’s mate pipes up. 
“B-But that’s impossible, I’m human, there’s no way I’m his mate,” you feel like you’re dreaming, this whole day so surreal.  
“I’m human.” Peggy says.  
“Oh yeah, it took me a while to wrap my head around it too. But once I did, everything fell into place.” She smiles and looks at Steve, she’s in his lap. He looks back at her with heart eyes.  
“How does the whole claiming, marking, and rut thing work though?” You ask, you have headache at this point.  
“You have to be claimed in front of the pack, if you weren’t human then it could just be you and Bucky but the pack needs to see it happen to officially welcome you.” She explains.  
“Is that what you did?” She nods. There’s rustling in the woods behind you, you all turn to see the other man, Clint, running towards the cabin in his wolf form. At the last second, he transforms into his human form. 
“I found drag marks leading to Rumlow’s camp,” he pants.  
Steve and Sam jump up, “Let’s go,” Steve says. “You girls stay here.” 
“Wait but-” 
“No, Y/N, wait here while we check it out,” Steve interrupts you.  
“But Steve-”  
“If they find out you’re Bucky’s mate, they’ll kill you without a second thought. Stay. Here.” You nod. 
As the boys leave, you plop back into your seat and put your face in your hands. “I can’t help but think this is all my fault,” you mutter.  
“I mean it kind of is,” Yelena’s Russan voice answers.  
“Lena!” Natasha, her sister, scolds.  
“Look, Barnes is strong, he’ll make it out alive and then you will be reunited again,” Yelena adds, gentler this time.  
“Yeah, but what happens then? Do I just drop everything to be with Bucky? I can’t just drop everything, my life I-” 
“Y/N, calm down, let's just focus on bringing Bucky home, okay?” Natasha cuts you off. You nod.  
The boys come running back.  
“He’s there,” Sam pants.  
“What’s the plan? How can I help?” You ask, frantically. 
“You,” Steve grabs your shoulders. “Need to go to Bucky’s cabin and mark it with your scent.” 
“Huh?” You ask with a dumbfound look on your face.  
“He has a plan, but when he gets loose, he’ll be a feral alpha wanting nothing more then to claim his mate.” Steve answers. “Go.” 
You look at everyone unsure and worried. Natasha stands up.  
“Go, it’ll be okay.” She gives you a reassuring smile.  
As you walk back to his cabin you can’t help but spiral in worry. What if he doesn’t like you or make it back safe? What will your parents and friends say, will they think you’re crazy? Every single ‘what if’ runs through your mind, but every time Bucky crosses your mind, it’s like a soft comforting presence settles over you.  
Just as you reach the cabin’s front porch, the sound of a twig snaping breaks you out of your thoughts. You tense when you hear a growl, one that sounds nothing like Bucky. On instinct you dart into the cabin, shutting the door just in time.  
Looking out the window you see a wild haired wolf, chipped teeth, and scary looking. You slide down the wall, the weight of everything finally catching up with you. You break down in tears, yearning for the one person who can make things better.  
Once you finally calm down you set about ‘marking’ his cabin with your scent. You throw clothes here and there, lay in his bed and couch, did basically anything you could think of to make the place smell like you. 
The next couple of days are spent twiddling your thumbs, not so patiently waiting. When finally on the second night you’re woken by a familiar growl. Looking over at the owner of the noise, you see two steel blue eyes shining in the moon light staring back at you. A shiver runs down your spine.  
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fernclans · 11 months
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MOON 07. (part 2) (tw; trauma, cliffhanger AGAIN sorry)
Starring: Dashpaw (BuddingClan), Cliffstripe (BuddingClan), Amberpaw (BuddingClan), Cougarkit (BuddingClan), Cowkit (BuddingClan), Pinekit (BuddingClan)
The sound of frantic pawsteps could be heard first, Amberpaw growing alert and rising from her spot near Cliffstripe where they’d been chatting. Part of his hearing damaged by his loss of an ear, it seemed the ginger warrior was unaware something was approaching before his companions demeanor changed, looking up at her quizzically with his remaining yellow eye.
“Someone’s coming.” She meows simply, fixated on the camp's entrance. Cliffstripe pulls himself into a sitting position, trying to prepare himself for anything.
Dashpaw is a blur when he breaks through the clearing; had it not been for the unfamiliar scent he carried with him, the ginger warrior might not have been able to tell that he even had a kit held firmly in his jaws. The half-white tom locks his eyes on Amberpaw, making a b-line to her and promptly placing the kitten a tail-length in front of her paws.
“I need you to look after him.” Without waiting for a response, he turns his head towards Cliffstripe. “Cliffstripe, I need you to follow me. There are two more kits still. Flippaw is running a diversion, but I don’t know how much time she’ll have.”
Cliffstripe nods firmly. “Got it.” In an instant, he’s on his paws, muscles tensing and preparing for a run.
“A diversion!?” Amberpaw shouts, looking desperately at Dashpaw for more details. “Dashpaw what-”
“There’s no time to explain right now! I’ll tell you everything in a bit!” In typical Dashpaw fashion, he’s gone before she could finish her questioning. Cliffstripe shoots her an apologetic glance before taking off after the other tom.
Giving a sigh, Amberpaw slumps back onto her haunches and looks down at the young kit that was placed at her paws. “Well, guess it’s just you and me, kit. I’m Amberpaw.” She offers the tan tabby a kind smile, thinking back to the time when Flippaw was still this small and hoping to StarClan the molly was going to be alright.
“Explain to me what’s going on.” Cliffstripe says firmly between the pounding of his paws. “What do I need to know?”
Dashpaw was a few paces ahead of him, leading the way. He doesn’t spare a glance back at the warrior, and hopes that his voice can be heard well enough from his position. “Flippaw and I were in the outer fields -- she smelled blood, I smelled a wolf. I tried to leave, but she found these kits instead-” He stops for a second to catch his breath before continuing. “-she said she was going to lead the wolf away so we could get the kits! She didn’t even give me a choice about it!”
Were it not for the severity of the situation, Cliffstripe would almost find it humorous; perhaps Dashpaw had rubbed off more on the younger molly than he had thought. “Did you find their mother?”
“I’m guessing that’s the source of the blood-smell.” Dashpaw shouts back grimly.
Try as he did, Dashpaw couldn’t catch a single trace of Flippaw’s current whereabouts; maybe that was for the best? Hopefully that meant she was successful in leading the beast away.
When they reached the remaining two kits, one of them had started crying out for its mother, the sound of her tiny voice causing Cliffstripe’s heart to ache. To lose one's family so young… He approaches the kit slowly, lowering himself to appear less threatening. 
“Hey, it’s okay.” The other kit, the blue one, hisses and lashes a tiny paw out defensively. Her sister waddles forward on unsteady paws and sniffs at Cliffstripe curiously.
“This is sweet and all, Cliff’, but we gotta be going.” Dashpaw warned, tail twitching nervously behind him.
Drawing himself back up, Ciffstripe licks at his chest, feeling slightly embarrassed. “Ah- no, you’re right.” He turns back to the pair of kittens and picks up the remaining brown and white she-kit, Dashpaw following suit and grabbing the cranky blue one before making themselves scarce.
By the time they return, Amberpaw has put a nest together for the kits; lined with downy feathers from an earlier catch, it seemed the mottled tabby kit Dashpaw had brought in before had already taken up residency within. With the other two kits placed into the nest, they greet each other excitedly, the blue kit pouncing sloppily onto her brother.
“Is that all of them?” Amberpaw asks, looking at the toms.
“These are all the ones Flippaw and I found.” Dashpaw confirms.
An uneasy silence fills the clearing at the mention of the spotted apprentice’s name. Her plan was so hurried that they didn’t take the time to discuss where they’d meet up after, where she planned to goad the wolf into chasing her, really anything.
“She’ll be okay.” Cliffstripe meows, causing the others to look at him.
“How can you be so sure? She’s only been an apprentice for two moons!” Amberpaw’s voice is harsher than she intended it to be, and she flinches back from her own voice. “I’m sorry for yelling, I just-”
Cliffstripe shakes his head. “It’s okay, I understand. Just believe in her, okay? Dashpaw did, I’m going to choose to do so as well. If Flippaw thought she could manage this, then I trust her.”
Amberpaw looks uncertain still, but remains silent and simply nods. As confident as she was in herself, she struggled to find the kind of trust that Cliffstripe seemed to have in everyone.
Seeming uncomfortable with just sitting around, the molly turns her attention back to the trio of kits and tries to usher them off of the nest. “Come on, I’ll bring you inside so you can sleep.”
Dashpaw fights the urge to argue their nest placements; now wasn’t the time. He looks back to Cliffstripe, worry knitted in his brow. “When should we go out to look for her?”
“When the moon is high. I want to make sure we give her enough time and don’t meet the wrong end of a wolf.” Again. He nods back silently, light-blue gaze fixated on the stars beginning to fill the sky. ‘StarClan, if you really exist… you better keep her safe.’
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kryannoy · 4 months
Hello! Hope you have a nice day~ If you are accepting req, could you please do a prompt where Mitsuya s/o's wanting him to choke her for her new kink. Like, legit choking hurting her. I wanna know how would his reaction be since he is truly a gentleman but a wolf in a sheep's clothing KYAAAH gosh. Thank you for your time! <3
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genre: nsfw, smut characters: mitsuya x reader warnings: choking, mitsuya isn't a gentleman :(( but he takes care of you after a/n: choking isn't really my forte though i do not hate it. thank you for requesting and have a nice day too!
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He would most definitely not initiate it, nor the idea ever crossed his mind. He would never want to hurt you and would never want to degrade you—he finds choking as an act of degradation.
However when you, his lovely partner, specifically requested him to do so, it's not that he can't say no. It's because you yourself wanted it. You want to be choked, you want to be hurt. By him.
"Tap my hand if it's too much, darling." He's hovering over you, shirtless. His hand on your neck but not squeezing just yet. You can tell he's nervous by how the tips of his fingers are cold and twitching.
You nodded in response and he can feel your throat moved when you gulped down your excitement. To reassure him more, you lightly tap him just like how he showed you.
He leans down to kiss your forehead so sweetly. He hovers over you again to look at your begging eyes. Gosh, how can he control himself when you look so desperate?
You start to feel pressure on your neck, surely he can feel your pulse beating through his fingers. He thrusts up into you, eliciting a moan out of you from surprise. Your throat is being pressed even more and it's getting harder to breathe or say anything but you can still take it. You still want him to do more, to go further.
His thrusts are consistent now, thinking that this is okay but to his surprise, it's not okay yet for you as you reach his hand on your throat to tighten his grip even more. You see a bit of fear in his eyes before he moans as he follows your lead. He trusts you to tap his hand if you can't take it.
He squeezes your throat harder like he would grip his sheets for dear life when he's jacking off of you. Your eyes roll back and your tongue is stuck out by instinct. He can feel you tighten around him. Picking up his pace, his pelvis keeps pounding into yours roughly. Wet squelching sounds fill the hot room, labored breaths mixing in creating the environment even more lewd and dirty. It turns him on to see you being aroused by this. The sensations lead you to reach your climax faster than usual.
White cream formed on the base of his cock, gliding in and out easily it drives both of you crazy. He moves his hips rapidly when he's close while you're sucking him in.
"Fuck, baby. Didn't know you were this kinky." He grins. That was it for you as you creamed around him so messily. His hips stuttered and he keeps nudging in more into your sloppy hole as he let a dragged out groan.
He releases you and he can see the red marks on your skin. He kisses them softly, all over it apologetically. His hands are on either side of your head, gently stroking your hair in reassurance.
"You alright, babe?" He kisses your ear. "Hm?"
You nod tiredly in response so he doesn't think you were hurt. You are, but in a pleasing way.
"Let's do that more often." Your voice came out hoarse and raspy which makes him chuckle.
"I'll put it into consideration."
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darkdemeter · 6 months
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NOTES ↳ Bit of a mafia au because I just can't escape it, and I wanted to write some more mafia wandawolf. WARNINGS❕ ↳ SMUT 18+ MINORS DNI — MxF version pairing — FxF version pairing — unprotected sex — mutual oral receiving — P in V sex — knotting — marking —profanity — pet names: Lamb, Mate, Baby, etc — established relationship — minor depiction of mafia activity — married couple fluff and love — reader is just a softie for Wanda — I think that's it? SUMMARY ↳ Happily married to the woman and mate of your dreams, where else to spend your honeymoon as newlyweds than the stunning resort beaches in the tropical islands. But first, you and Wanda have to take care of some heat.
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@alexawynters @alyciaddict @simpforlizzie @literaturedog @maladaptive-daydreamz
IV.  What is a mated life but the promise of commitment? A wolf’s life can oftentimes be lonesome and hollow, with no special one to turn to. And it’s far more unlikely that the pairing between two opposites could be so right. With a mate for the wolf to call their own, special needs are required to be met, till death and beyond you cannot part. 
  If there is one way to describe Wanda, it’s that she’s needy. Perfectly needy. After landing in the tropical retreat of your private island, a treat for your wife, you’d taken swiftly to the villa in order to settle her eagerness to consummate your marriage. Not that this will be the first time you’ve both had sex, far from it. Back in your estate towards the city it wouldn’t be put past you both to have thoroughly broken in every room. 
  As evidently showing, you both were quite the couple. How Wanda hasn’t mothered several litters by now? Well, your parents and their old schooled tenants decreed that you both be married first before you both go siring a dozen or so pups to grow the family. 
  Almost a year later after that little sit down, here you are, closing the door to the villa with Mrs. L/N sauntering inside, hands smoothing down the curves of her body and her fitted, white gown. 
  You’ve barely begun loosening the collar of your shirt when she’s on you, pulling you in by the lapel of your jacket into a heated, passionate kiss, one of many you have already shared and will continue to. Seeking the comforting weight of her in the palms of your hands, you seek out her hips, massaging slowly with a low groan she melds with a moan of her own. 
  Her heels clatter to the polished floorboard hurriedly, meanwhile, her slender hands comb through your hair, dishevelling its tidiness and down your front, she practically is pawing you to remove your clothing. 
  “Dammit, Lamb,” you chuckle against her mouth. She slips her tongue past your teeth, tongues wrestling at the behest of her challenge. 
  “I need you,” she sighs into the kiss breathlessly. 
  Ring adorned fingers press into her hips firmly at her pleaful cry. “I know, darling. I know.” Your lips move to caress the cute curve of her jawline, taking care with every inch of her precious skin down her neck, she leans into you as she tries to capture your lips once more. 
  “Sure you don’t want to pay a visit to the beach?”
  Shaking her head, she’s pulling you towards the loft’s staircase. “Tomorrow. Right now, I want you.”
  “No complaining whatsoever,” you retort with a cheeky wink, following her insistent lead. 
  She giggles as she begins to race up the stairs with you close at her heel, the ghost of your presence haunting her lovingly, no sooner do you both reach the upper floor do you sweep your wife into your arms and she playfully shrieks in surprise. You hoist her up and spin, her arms encircle around you tightly, your embrace one of comfort and assured strength. 
  A promise, just as the gold around your fingers, that you’ll be for each other. Protect each other. You meet with another kiss, slower but no less passionate. 
  The glimmer of gold suits her finger. For you, it’s a precious addition that pales the rest across the bottom of your knuckles. 
  You carry Wanda over to the empty bed and lay her down, her hair fans around her with a cherishing, silvery-blonde halo she’d dyed before the wedding, and a smile that could warm the coldest days of winter and cure you of any level of anger. Wanda Maximoff has been a very influential figure in your life from day one. 
  From first meeting her, circumstances unlikely, you’d always felt your chest become alight with a flutter you always dreaded the absence of when she was gone. 
  And the more she visited, the more you experienced that flutter in your chest that came to bloom throughout your entire body and soul. But also the more her mere visits left a deep and dark burrow of void in your heart. At some point or another - and you were sure it occurred after a bit too much in the indulgence of whiskey and meeting with the Stark and Barnes Families to discuss business - you realise that Wanda is meant to be with you. No matter who else you met, they never gave you that same feeling. 
  Wanda was your destined mate. As frightful as it was, her rejection had been nothing but a case of anxiety and doubtful, nightmarish thoughts. Because the moment you asked her under the stars and full moon if she’d be your girl, her happy shrieks that filled the entirety of Central Park confirming your deepest wish, you became whole. 
  She blinks at you. Curiosity fills her beautifully serene and creamy jade hues that glow in the setting sun’s light. “What is it, Wolfie?”
  You shake your head at the memories that consume you. You shower her with a toothy grin she cannot help but reciprocate. 
  “You’re just so beautiful.”
  “Kiss me…”
  Mouths connecting with a symphony of low groans and purring moans, your bodies meld together, sliding against each other as your hands explore each other, slowly peeling away the layers of formality, discarding them to the floor until the two of you were bare before the other. 
  She whispers your name across the skin of your neck, hands running over inked landscape, each single mile holding a memory to her, just as you do for her. One hand comes between the two of you to stroke her, tender and affectionately attentive, she curls into you with a pleased whine.
  “Yes, Wolf,” she coos softly, “just like that.”
  You work her gently at first, soon growing a bit firmer with rubbing, circling her clit that makes her spine arch and her toes curl. 
  You slide your middle finger into her tight pussy that clenches around it, her heat pulsing that it makes you sigh with a chuckle. 
  “Baby, you’re soaking.”
  She hides her face in the crook of your neck with a pout, mumbling something amidst her pampering of kisses along your shoulder. You bend and curve your finger, in and out, in and out until she pants quietly to the shell of your ear, her nails embedding crescents into the muscle of your shoulders. 
  She begs you for more, encouraging you that she can take more. Obliging your mate, you slip two more fingers inside and begin to ever so faintly stretch her walls. 
  She pushes herself into you, soft gasps on the tip of her tongue and entangled in finery of pleasures. You curl your fingers inside her, pushing them further and to the knuckle. Her hands run down your sides, her touch is feathery, taking in every detail that maps your body, every mark, scar and tattooed line until she reaches the small of your back. 
  “R-right there,” she winces blissfully, hips abrupt in their suddenness to meet your thrusting fingers. Her release a coiling rubber band that’s bound to snap at an instant. As you perform on her, she reaches one of her own hands down, fingertips stroking along your equally sickened folds. “A-ah… hah,” you grin, and so cutely she admits to herself, shyly. 
  “I want to please my wife as well,” she says with a light tune. Her thumb rolls over your clit smearing the aroused juices of your pussy and your hips jerk again. Her hand cups you and she begins to massage her middle and ring finger against your entrance and then slips them inside, working to match your pace. 
  Rocking into the motion of the other, the rising of your releases are woven together, her sounds alone to get you off; her fingers only aided with hastefulness. 
  A series of intermingling moans shatter to the air, breaking the oath of stillness to the flood of your orgasms. You hot breath fans over her face and she smiles wistfully, her chest rising and breasts pushing to yours, the connection bringing a sense of electricity between you. 
  Her legs wrap around you the moment your fingers slide back inside her cunt, your claws bringing a more daring edge that leaves her utterly breathless in her lungs.   “Y-yes! More, more! Just like that.”
 Her eyes roll back and her dark lashes flutter erratically, her voice strangled by her moans and her body becomes tense, hips rolling into the thrusts of your fingers before her mouth flies open with a pleasured cry. Barely over the first and already she is taken hold by her second wave.
  A moment of pure stillness and then immediate relaxation, her body finds itself floating high in the clouds as the hot, white flash consumes her. Your nose finds the juncture of her neck and your canines graze the delicate spot and she leans her chin to the side, providing more access for your leisure. 
  “I love you,” she gasps again and again. You answer, voice a husky octave, “I love you too.”
Your teeth break the surface of her skin and she winces, the riding of her high tunes out the sliver of pain, only to find her body unnaturally calmed by you. Your scent becomes stronger to her senses, the aroma of your expensive cologne is drowned out by the natural tranquillity of your natural smell; that of the pine forests, heavily wooded and hidden, the wild valleys of flowers and the crispness of freshly fallen snow. 
  Everything under her skin is warmed like nothing before. It’s not the same as a coat keeping out the cold, or feeling another’s warm skin against her. It is a feeling that envelops her on the inside like a warm, assuring blanket. A haven that guarantees she’ll be safe. 
  And then the coolness of stars line her vision. Something bright and full floods her and she thinks she’s floating in the dawning nighttime sky. Her stomach is taken over by a billion flutters. 
“How do you feel, Lamb?” you ask and press your forehead to hers. “Breathe for me. That’s it, in and out. Deep and slow… you okay?”
  “I feel… amazing.” Her dazed eyes find yours in the darkness that almost hides you completely. Her fingers brush aside the straying locks of hair hanging over your face. 
  “The best I’ve ever felt.”
  “You’re gonna feel like that for quite a while,” you say. Chuckling, you steal a quick kiss from her, rolling over until she lays on top of you, hands holding her hips to you. 
 “I know this must be a strange question,” she begins hesitantly, but your hum of curiosity nudges her to continue. “Do you have a knot?”
  “I do… as a wolf.”
  “Then… maybe we could try?”
  She whispers your name across the skin of your neck, hands running over inked landscape, each single mile holding a memory to her, just as you do for her. One hand comes between the two of you to stroke her, tender and affectionately attentive, she curls into you with a pleased whine.
  “Yes, Wolf,” she coos softly, “just like that.”
  You work her gently at first, soon growing a bit firmer with rubbing, circling her clit that makes her spine arch and her toes curl. 
  You slide your middle finger into her tight pussy that clenches around it, her heat pulsing that it makes you sigh with a chuckle. 
  “Baby, you’re soaking.”
  She hides her face in the crook of your neck with a pout, mumbling something amidst her pampering of kisses along your shoulder. You bend and curve your finger, in and out, in and out until she pants quietly to the shell of your ear, her nails embedding crescents into the muscle of your shoulders. 
  She begs you for more, encouraging you that she can take more. Obliging your mate, you slip two more fingers inside and begin to ever so faintly stretch her walls, to get her ready to accommodate your cock that now stands hardened between her legs. 
  As you perform on her, she reaches one of her own hands down, fingertips stroking over your length and your hips jerk. “A-ah… hah,” you grin, and so cutely she admits to herself, shyly. 
  “I want to please my husband as well,” she says with a light tune. Her thumb rolls over your tip, smearing the beads of precum down the base, your hips jerk again. Her hand wraps around you and begins to massage and carefully tug, working to match your pace. 
  Rocking into the motion of the other, the rising of your releases are woven together, however before she has a chance to pull your orgasm from you, you stop her with a tut of your tongue. Her eyes shine with that concern, brows furrowing.
  “I wanna be inside you for that,” you breathe in reply, “I would like to finally experience that first, if you don’t mind.”
  She smiles at you. “Of course.”
  Nodding and still grinning, you usher her to her first climax of the honeymoon period. Her eyes roll back and her dark lashes flutter erratically, her voice strangled by her moans and her body becomes tense, hips rolling into the thrusts of your fingers before her mouth flies open with a pleasured cry.
  A moment of pure stillness and then immediate relaxation, her body finds itself floating high in the clouds as the hot, white flash consumes her.
  “So fucking wet, my little Mate.” Her slickness pools around the knuckles of your fingers, the whisper of her juices gushing from her tight hole as you withdraw paint a beautiful picture. You raise your fingers to your lips and allow your tongue to taste her, a hum of approval as your eyes shimmer in the setting darkness. 
  “You taste good, Lamb.”
  She sinks her teeth into her bottom lip with a bashful giggle followed by a moan of your name. Your lips part and she can taste herself on your tongue, you steady your weight above her with one hand beside her, the other guides your throbbing cock to her entrance.
  “Yeah.” With her assurance you press your waist forward and with a gasp, she spreads her legs wider as you push inside her. Walls wrapping around you, inch by inch, you succumb to the radiant heat of her cunt around you. For a moment you find yourself still. 
  Her tongue surrenders to you with the first initiated thrust, lost to the small noise creeping up the back of her throat and you nip her bottom lip playfully. Your cock strikes her, kissing her cervix until she’s chanting your name like a prayer, and you begin to drive more force behind it. Skin meeting against skin in a coursing pattern fills the room, growing louder with each thrust becoming harder and faster, you grunt and groan lowly.
  “I love you,” she gasps again and again. You answer, voice a husky octave, “I love you too.”
  “Cum inside me. P-please… cum in–side me.”
  To hear her talk so desperately sends your wolf brain into overdrive, your canines graze the juncture of her neck and she, accepting of your long-awaited mark, cranes her neck to the side. 
  “Cum with me, little Lamb. Come on, you can do it,” you pant hotly, “cum for me.”
  Her back arches off the bed and your legs wrap over your waist, hugging you closer as her walls clench around you like a vice. A howl passes a suppressed groan in your chest, eyes burning brightly of amber, her orgasm being the last straw for you. Your cock twitches and explodes, releasing your seed to paint her walls as you practically rut into her with mad intent.
  Your teeth break the surface of her skin and she winces, the riding of her high tunes out the sliver of pain, only to find her body unnaturally calmed by you. Your scent becomes stronger to her senses, the aroma of your expensive cologne is drowned out by the natural tranquillity of your natural smell; that of the pine forests, heavily wooded and hidden, the wild valleys of flowers and the crispness of freshly fallen snow. 
  Everything under her skin is warmed like nothing before. It’s not the same as a coat keeping out the cold, or feeling another’s warm skin against her. It is a feeling that envelops her on the inside like a warm, assuring blanket. A haven that guarantees she’ll be safe. 
  And then the coolness of stars line her vision. Something bright and full floods her and she thinks she’s floating in the dawning nighttime sky. Her stomach is taken over by a billion flutters. 
  You slow the grind of your hips to a pause and pull your teeth away from the mark, thumb wiping over it and her body jolts at the action, a reasonable reaction. 
  “How do you feel, Lamb?” you ask and press your forehead to hers. “Breathe for me. That’s it, in and out. Deep and slow… you okay?”
  “I feel… amazing.” Her dazed eyes find yours in the darkness that almost hides you completely. Her fingers brush aside the straying locks of hair hanging over your face. 
  “The best I’ve ever felt.”
  “You’re gonna feel like that for quite a while,” you say. Chuckling, you steal a quick kiss from her, rolling over until she lays on top of you, hands holding her hips to you; your knot strict in its place inside her pussy.
  “So once the knot goes down, I’m thinking we could try…”
The next morning would have been peaceful. Should have been peaceful. It was your fucking honeymoon after all. However, your phone interrupts the moment at the brink of dawn, the sun painting the sky with vivid pinks, purples and a colourful bow of deep orange. 
  You groan, hand fumbling aimlessly on the nightstand for the irritating noise. Finding the device, you clench it on your iron grip and raise the voice on the other end to your ear with a less than pleased huff.
  “The fuck you want?” 
  By your side, Wanda stirs. Her eyes peek open, the bare minimum of the sunlight gracing her angelic face, still showering her with comforting darkness, your arm that’s around her assuringly pulls her to your side, herskin melting under the contact with yours. 
 “Boss,” Sam says with relief, “I know it’s—”
  You growl deeply into the speaker, “My honeymoon. So this better be good.”
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probablyspooky · 1 year
One of Us (Alien VS Predator Celtic x Fem! Reader)
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Born as if you were a yautja yourself, you join your pack to go on your right of passage trip. But running into other humans always causes problems for you.
Trigger warnings : Blood, swearing, white men of course, British people
The clashing of metal on metal echoed throughout the stone walls you called home, the dry humid head of yautja prime beating down on your skin as you dragged in a crate of whatever into the home. Placing the heavy box onto a small table in the center of the room, a loud crash could be heard, followed by a roar, then two roars, and then finally three roars. You pinched the bridge of your nose and walked down the long hallway to the training area out back. Opening the large door you were greeted with three brothers wrestling one another in anger. The smallest Scar, was grabbing his brother Chopper, trying to get him off balance, as their oldest brother Celtic was holding Scar by the leg and Chopper by the arm trying to separate the two. Spit and growls filled your ears as they continued to try and fight one another.
You coughed trying to get their attention, when that didn’t work, you did it again, louder, making all three brothers freeze during their little scuffle. Celtic dropped both his brothers and walked over to you, draping an arm around your waist.
Despite your origins, and your small stature, Celtic found comfort within you as his mate. You’ve proved your strength through combat strategy, and combat intelligence. His gentle purrs emanated from his chest as he greeted you softly, a bit embarrassed that you got to see his two brothers fighting like that.
“Hello my love,” Celtic purred, placing his chin to your head, “What goes on today?”
You placed a comforting hand onto his arm and looked up at him, typically he would be wearing his combat mask, but today his face was free, you weren’t complaining as you loved him as much as a human could love a creature as marvelous as he.
“A package came,” you told him, looking at the other two brothers who were aggravated by their previous scuffle.
“A package?”asked Chopper, tilting his head towards Celtic and yourself, “Who was it from?”
You rolled your eyes,”You know I can’t read”
“Yeah fool,” Wolf mumbled under his breath, antagonizing his older brother.
Chopper grabbed Wolf into a headlock and the two began scrapping again in the courtyard, Celtic growled lowly, and took your hand, leading you back into the home the four of you shared. The two of you walked into the main area, and he took a look at the wooden crate that was sitting upon the table, reading the label himself.
“What does it say?” you questioned, tilting your head at your mate.
Celtic excitedly picked up the crate and ripped the wooden lid off like it was nothing.
“It is a message from the Elders! We can go on our right of passage soon!”, he clicked excitedly, mandibles stretching out and retracting.
“Does…does it say..?”
“Yes my small one, you are invited as well!”, he clicked, putting the box down, strolling over to you and lifting you into the air in joy.
Now here you were, aboard a ship floating in orbit of Earth, the planet where your ancestors came from, but it was not your home.
The three brothers were adorned in their finest armor, excited for the trip, the crate that had been delivered contained the plasmacaster holders that clipped into their armor, along with a smaller set of traditional yautja armor, armor that now clutched your body tightly for your protection.
“I must say sister,” Chopper started, coming over to the viewing deck, “You look very good in that armor, if Celtic wasn’t my brother, I surely would battle him for your hand”
If only Chopper was a bit more observant, he would notice Celtic standing behind him, the oldest brother was very protective of you, he grabbed his brother's dreads, causing Chopper to yelp in pain.
“My ooman, brother is not a prize to be won,” he growled, throwing his brother onto the ground.
Chopper growled and walked off, possibly to go annoy the youngest brother. Once the sliding door shut behind him, Celtic turned his attention to you.
“Are you nervous?”, he asked, taking your small hand into his
“A bit, I am excited to prove myself again,” you smiled up at him, leaning your head onto his broad shoulder.
“I believe you will be victorious in our mission today, the Elders would not have allowed you to accompany us if they did not have faith in you.”
“Thank you my love,”
“Anything for you”
You could hear the purring coming from his chest, as your wrist gauntlets began to buzz, signaling you to head to the drop pods for deployment.
Walking through the metal halls, and eventually to the loading bay, the four of you entered thin tubes of metal, and soon feeling the pressure drop, you were shot out of the mothership to Earth. Holding onto the sides as the pod shook, and eventually being jolted a bit as the pod crashed into the icey Earth. The pod’s hologram began talking saying the doors were now opened and to hurry and make your clan proud, yet your door never opened. Sighing, you took your boot and began to kick the door out from the inside out, with a couple of good kicks the door dislodged and you were greeted by your mate and his brothers, just standing around your pod watching.
“You could’ve helped,” you groaned, stepping out onto the ice.
“Yeah, but that would be no fun,” Chopper chuckled, turning to the large ice tunnel that led to the temple.
Celtic explained that some other humans were lured here when the Elders began to heat up the temple, forcing the queen to produce facehuggers for them to eventually hunt the xenomorph that would eventually form from that.
Chopper excitedly, pulled out his wrist blades and jumped down the hole to the temple entrance. Scar growling and following his brother, leaving Celtic and you.
“Do you want me to carry you?” he asked, putting his hand out to you.
“In your dreams,” you smirked under your mask, jumping down the hole after them.
“I want you to sire my young,” Celtic grunted, jumping lastly down the hole.
At the end of the tunnel, it seemed there was a small crew at the base of the temple, using your cloaking devices the four of you slowly walked through the camp, trying your hardest not to bring any attention to yourselves. Of course though, a person had to look a bit too hard at the moving figures that seemed to move through nothing. 
A man drew his weapon and began firing at you, the smallest target, it dinked off your armor, and of course your mate did not like that one bit.
Celtic let out a battle cry as he charged his massive frame towards the man, kicking him down with little to no effort. You sighed as the rest of the team began firing at your mate, the two others decloaked along with you and began attacking the humans. Grabbing your spear weapon, you charged at a human man, piercing him through his jaw, and swinging him towards his friends. Running and placing your now retracted spear between their two heads, and then releasing it, stabbing the two in the head at the same time.
Eventually the carnage of the three brothers and yourself left no crew members alive on the above surface. Celtic walked over to you.
“Are you hurt?”
“I can handle myself love,” you groaned
He nodded, knowing he would have to put aside his protective nature towards you while you were on this mission.
The four of you made your way to the main chambers, where the plasma casters should be. But no plasma casters were there. Chopper and Scar began to howl with anger, where could they be? Before any words can be spoken, the temple begins to shift, and three paths open in front of you. With a nod, the mission was clear, Scar and Chopper into their own path, and Celtic and you down your own. You bid them a farewell, possibly the last time you would see them, and Celtic and you made your way down your own path.
Despite having separate paths, you did eventually find Chopper, and he was stalking.
Celtic clicked at his brother, “What is it?”
Chopper pointed at a group of people, and you crouched down to get a better look at them. Using your head vision that was in your mask, you listened to them speak.
Celtic nudged you, pointing to a woman in an orange coat, zooming in you could see one plasma caster in her bag.
Chopper angrily cloaked and jumped down. One human with a gun pointed towards him as he fired a retracting net at him. The man fell back, as the spear the net came from began to retract, the wire pulling deep into the man’s flesh. Celtic and you jumped down as well, another man turned to face you.
“You’re small?”, he looked genuinely confused, as you ran up with your wrist blade drawn and punctured him through his gun, he in his last breaths hit you across the face, knocking your mask off.
The woman who was panicking trying to get the man out of the retracting net, turned to face you.
“You’re a woman?,” she shouted.
You had an annoyed look on your face as you walked over to them trying to help their friend from the net, his cries were annoying, pulling out your spear, you looked her dead in the eyes.
“We are of the same species, but we are not the same blood,” you stated, piercing the man in the chest, killing him and stopping his cries.
The woman yells at you killing her friend, she charges as you, you weren’t sure why she would even try, as it was clear you were of a different class. Using her momentum against her, you lifted her and tossed her into the center of the room.
She stupidly started reaching for a pickaxe to attack you with, but Chopper ran over and de-cloaked, kicking the woman across the room. He soon raised his wrist blades over his head to strike her down and to retrieve the plasma caster from her bag. But the sickening sight of the pitch black tail of a xenomorph began to coil behind him. It reeled back to strike, but you ran over, wrist blade out and cut the sharp tip from the beast, it’s acid blood spraying on your skin causing you to yell out in pain as your skin fizzled away.
Celtic, who was handling a human man, throws the man to the ground at the sound of your screams. He rushes over, grabbing the tail of the xenomorph, pulling it down. It began to frail crazily as it struggled against Celtics grasp. Chopper, regaining his balance, grabbed your spear and pierced it though the head, causing the spear to melt away from its blood. Killing the beast instantly. Chopper let out a roar of victory as he was now a blooded yautja, Celtic rushed over to you and pulled your hands away from your face to look at your wounds. Reaching for his belt and pulling out some healing goop, goo? Cum? Healing herbs???? I DONT KNOW
And applied it gently to the fresh scar that now went from the side of your face to your lower cheek.
“Is it ugly?” you asked, feeling the cool ointment being applied.
“The scars of a warrior are the most attractive” he replied, helping you to your feet.
“What the hell is going on!”, the woman shouted at the three of you.
Chopper growled walking over, he was now marked with the symbol of a blooded yautja.
You walked over across the room, past the woman, past the dead man and picked up your mask. Returning to your pack, you placed the mask back onto your face, and one by one the three of you cloaked and ran away into the temple to find Scar.
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The three of you found Scar holding the rather old man at the temple stairs. Using your mask you could notice this man was diseased and would probably die within a year or so, so of course Scar tossed him aside as it was not a worthy kill. Not noticing you, Scar began to walk away from the man.
Why are humans so stupid, you watched as this weak man pulled out a flare, and sprayed fire onto Scars back, how pathetic. You watched as your brother turned around and stabbed the man through the gut, killing him and walking away.
Following close behind you watched Scar throwing a shuriken through a closing gate.
“What’s up?”, you asked him, walking with the other two.
“Humans, they’re on the other side of the wall”, Scar grumbled, turning his attention to his sister.
You began to think for a bit on how to get there, not noticing Celtic grabbing a face hugger who was jumping towards the back of your head, throwing it down and stomping on it.
“If we travel through the back ways we can reach them on the other side.” you stated, pulling your gauntlet hologram up to show them the path you wish to take.
“Whatever you say my sister,” Scar and Chopped nodded, cloaking and following Celtic and you.
After a bit of traveling through the tunnels you found yourself in a  dark tunnel, the sound of footsteps echoing off the halls. The three brothers moved to the side so that you could face the human woman.
The woman in the orange coat ran down the hall and stopped in fear when she saw you.
“Wait!”, she pleaded, her hands out in fear, she knelt down, and opened her pack, pulling the plasma caster out. The three brothers tilted their heads at the sight of it.
“Kick it over.” you demanded
She kicked it over and you picked it up in your hands.
“Where are the other ones?” you asked, handing it off to Chopper.
“They…we got separated…” she whimpered, putting her hands above her head in fear.
“Where are they?”, you knelt down pulling your wrist blades out and forcing her to look at your mask.
“I’m not sure! Please, one of those things is coming!” she cried, turning in fear as a xenomorph tried to run up behind her, Chopper, now equipped with his plasma caster fired a single shot, killing the beast.
One by one the three brothers de-cloaked, standing behind you.
“What are you…How did you…” she stammered
“Name?”, you asked, tilting your head at the woman.
“Lex…” she replied, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone right now. “You are weak.”, you spat, standing up to leave, the brothers had already begun walking.
Lex didn’t want to be left alone, in this place, with those things, she ran up and grabbed your arm. Celtic let out a roar as he ran up and put a blade to her neck.
“Let go.” you growled, shaking her hand off, “What do you want, human?”
“Uhm, last time I checked you’re human too…I think..”, Lex replied, sheepishly
“That is true,” you stated, tilting your head at her as you stepped close, “What do you want?”
“Take me with you”
You laughed at her request.
“And why should we let you come with us?”
“I’ve seen your search history”
“I can help you find the other…guns?” she stammered, the cold blade still on her neck.
You sighed, and waved your mate off.
“Very well, but if you try anything, my mate will dispose of you”, you added, walking away.
Lex began to take a step and stopped.
“Mate? This thing is your husband?” she sounded shocked.
You groaned at how close minded she was being. This trip wasn’t going how you’d hoped.
After answering a million awful questions about your personal life to Lex, the group came upon the sacrificial chamber.
“How do you feel about your people being used as hosts for these things you hunt?” Lex asked, her voice clearly full of anger towards the Yautja kind.
“Those who give their bodies up for the tradition of blooding are remembered well for their sacrifice. We honor them.”
Walking into the chamber, it was covered in the webbing of face hugger eggs constantly reproducing. Chopper and Scar began to walk around to investigate the bodies, while Celtic began to scan the temple to see how many of these creatures had been created. Lex and you began to walk the walls, looking for any signs of life.
“Disgusting,” you grumbled, feeling the wet under your boot.
“What’s disgusting is what you’re doing”, Lex sneered
You turned to her in anger, drawing your blade you came close to Lex.
“I am only keeping you alive as an act of mercy, I will revoke it at any time.
Lex stammered, her eyes darting back and forth from your face to the blade.
But then a cry echoed through the chamber, as a man who was fused to the wall began to groan in agony and pain.
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Pairing(s):Edward Cullen x Wolf!Reader, Jacob Black x Witch!OC
Warnings: this will be the second to last chapter of this series, some spanish (i know a little but thanks to being extremely white washed i still had to go to google translate 🙃), really sorry this took so long :(, i'll try to get the last part out in a timely manner but no promises
Words: 3842
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Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7 Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21  Part 22  Part 23   Part 24  Part 25  Part 26  Part 27  Part 28 Part 29  Part 30  Part 31  Part 32  Part 33 Part 34 Part 35 Part 36 Part 37 Part 38
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Screams coming from Sam's home has your paws picking up speed and Evita's hands tightening in your fur so that she could hold on. The others were at your heels, uneasiness clouding the pack telepathy and only thinking of the worse. Surely, today couldn't get any worse, right?
Once in the backyard, no one cares that you three wolves are stark naked. Evita didn't bat an eye having grown accustomed to the pack's frequent nudity.
Nearly ripping the backdoor off it's hinges, all of you crowd into the kitchen and rush through to the living room where Bella and Nadege are screaming, but not in pain in horror. Their outburst is one of pure delight when you catch the sight of a perfectly made ward clutched in Bella's hand.
Tension flees from you and you too pull Evita forward as both of you squeal in delight.
"You did it!!" Sliding onto your knees in front of her, you beckon for Bella to show you the ward. Evita's curls bounce with excitement as she says something in Spanish to Nadege.
Bella's eyes are large and there's the telltale sign of glossy tears that are on the brink of following over her bottom lashes. You'd never seen her smile that wide. Her hands are trembling when she hands it over to you for inspection.
"All the wards are finished." Evita gleefully announces to the others in the room that had gone unnoticed in the moment.
Seth, gleaming over Nadege's shoulder, rises to his full height to address Jacob. "Sam?"
Difficult to pull his attention away from Bella's ward, he reluctantly looks up at Seth and Emily who lingered near the hallway. "He'll be at the Cullens for a while. They have Irina there under some sort of sleeping spell."
You catch the younger wolves grumble about missing it but one silencing glare from Leah, they settle down and merely fold their arms. Quil and Embry, sitting next to them, are grateful that it's not them for once on the receiving end of Leah's deadly gaze.
"We need to disperse these wards as soon as possible." Evita says while searching through her backpack for a rolled up piece of printer paper. Inked on it was a map of the Forks-LaPush area. "They don't have to be placed at these exact coordinates. Just as long as they're in the general area."
"I'll go get the other wards." Emily nods and retreats to the bedroom she shared with Sam, deemed the most secure place in the house.
Back and laying out the rest of the wards on the coffee table, there's the question of dividing the pack into groups to scatter them in their appropriate locations.
And much to your shock, their eyes all turned to you.
It takes you a moment to realize everyone was staring at you. You were still congratulating Bella while the others spoke.
When you find their attention solely on you, it causes your face to warm. "What?"
"Well. . . since the older members of the pack are at the Cullens. . ." Jacob takes the lead since no one else was saying anything. "And you and Sam have been spending a lot more time together-"
"You're the closest thing to an alpha we have at the moment." Leah finishes for Jacob since he appeared to be struggling with an explanation.
Nadege and Evita possess toothy grins as they glance from you to your packmates.
"Me?" Voice squeaking, you feel your palms grow clammy.
Embry's warm eyes happens to calm your nerves as he gives you an encouraging grin. "Well, alpha?"
Taking a deep breath, you nod your head. "Okay."
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Ideally you'd want to wait for the sky to darken a little more to better hide the massive wolves moving through the woods (and even having to cross a few public streets) to get to their given pinpoints.
You and Evita stay behind as you watch the other duos disappear in the weaving web of the forest trees. Brady and Embry to one direction, Quil and Colin, Seth and Leah; the only pairing you questioned slightly was Bella and Jacob. Perhaps they could use this time to make up as well (not like you were one to talk. you had yet to even mention what happened to him). Nadege would take the last one and shift to her bird body. She much preferred an aerial view opposed to you and your packmates navigating by scent and memory.
Phasing back to your superior wolf form, Evita easily swings herself onto your back. Her fingers slightly pull at your fur as she makes sure to get a good grip. The first time she'd been a passenger on you, she'd fallen without much help staying on you. Learning her lesson, she now used your fur as handlebars, being as gentle as she could while also affirming that she would not be flying off.
You and Evita would be the group to go the furthest out. You'd have to travel to the border of where Forks meets the Elk Creek Conservation Area. Doing your best to keep away from the public eye and keeping to the wilderness.
Trying not to stumble, you realize you're impatient to get this whole thing over and done with. No more of the black overbearing cloud that were the Volturi looming over your heads. Irina was subdued. Victoria was long gone. The Volturi were your only obstacle left. And then. . .
You might be able to have a chance to finally breathe and enjoy your budding relationship with Edward. Live a life of a young lady in love. Was that too much to ask for?
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Awkward was not quite the word Jacob would have chosen. Tense, perhaps cringe inducing were the more appropriate terms. Instead of shapeshifting like the rest of his pack, he chose to use his motorcycle and have Bella on the back of his seat. Her hands cling onto the front of his shirt from behind. Jacob had noticed the lack of strength as she gripped onto the fabric. He'd overheard from Dieufel how using magic could drain one's energy. Especially those who are just beginning in the practice. Making that ward must have taken a lot out of her.
Irina had destroyed much of his garage including his beloved Volkswagen. But his motorbike survived.
They drove in silence to the northern most part of Forks.
Actually, not complete silence. Thanks to the slight auditory enhancement he possessed with his human body, Jacob could hear the rapid fluttering of the cardiac muscle that resides in her chest. Swore he could even feel it too against his back as Bella clung to him.
While he felt incensed for what (y/n) had down in spilling the beans, he knew he'd omitted the truth to Bella and ultimately was the cause for her hurt feelings. He'd wanted to apologize before hoping onto his bike, but time was crucial more than ever.
"This should be good enough." Jacob says once the engine of his bike is silenced.
Bella pulls off her helmet and puts it in the spot behind Jacob. She looks around at the barren area where they'd stopped at. Nadege instructed her that all Bella was required to do now was simply dig a small hole and bury the ward. The witch doubted the Volturi would even be aware of what the ward was if they came across it. Better safe than sorry.
From the small backpack, Bella grabs the two necessary items for their mission: the ward and a small handheld spade.
She couldn't mess this up.
She wouldn't mess this up.
Her fingers have a stranglehold on the items in each of her hands. Jacob watches her curiously while scanning his eyes around their surroundings every so often.
Dirt flies as she makes a hole deep enough to properly cradle the stone smooth ward. Covering it back up, she flattens the earth back into proper alignment to not draw attention to what is buried underneath.
"Done." Her smile is hopeful when she walks back to Jacob. Her helmet is almost on her head before Jacob interrupts her.
"Wait, Bella. . ."
Hesitantly, Bella lowers her arms along with the helmet and arches a slim brow up.
"I'm sorry about what happened the last time we hung out. I'm sorry about a lot of things, actually. I should have at least told you about the imprinting. But, I was in denial about it. I didn't want it to be on someone I didn't know. I always hoped that you would somehow be my imprintee." Jacob chews on his bottom lip. "You didn't deserve that though. You're my friend. Probably one of my best friends but don't tell the others."
"I just wished you would've let me be there for you like you've always been there for me, Jake. I can't imagine what you were going through all that time. Didn't understand why you were acting like an-"
Both laugh.
"I forgive you." Bella says with a smile still on her face. "How are you feeling about the imprinting now? Still in denial?"
That has his expression sobering up. "Can't really deny it anymore. Plus I feel better knowing that Leah's imprinted on that Dieufel dude."
"Wait- really?"
Jacob nods. "Yup. Neither Dieufel or Evita know about it. Sam instructed the pack not to let the witches know of the imprinting until after this ordeal with the Voltur is finished with."
Their gaze lingers back to their buried treasure. Bella encouragingly tells him "Well, that day may be sooner than you thought. If she's worth the wait, which I think she is, then you just have to bear through it."
Bella holds his hand. it wasn't even that long ago where this kind of contact would have him getting butterflies in his stomach. Now though he sees her as a sister.
That's when he sees the exhaustion on her face. "You tired?"
"Magic, as I am now learning, is a lot more energy draining than I imagined." With the weariness was contentment though. She glowed thinking of all that cramming paid off. "This makes me feel like i can right some of the mistakes that have come from my involvement with Edward"
"Want me to drop you off on the way back?" Offers Jacob.
She declines. "No. I want to see this thing through."
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"Quit moping." Leah scolds him through pack telepathy.
The skin of Seth's muzzle furls into an ugly snarl that shows his front teeth. "I'm NOT moping. Why didn't you tell me you imprinted? I wouldn't have judged you for it or anything! I'm your brother-"
She turns to snap her jaws at him. The pouch that hung around her thick neck swings from the sharp movement. There lay their ward that they are to bury. "I didn't want ANYONE to know. I wished it had never happened!"
Seth flinches away, ears flattening against his head and tail moving between his legs.
Taking her temper down a few notches when she feels the hurt radiating from him, Leah internally sighs. She shouldn't be picking fights, especially not with the pack. Enough fighting will be ahead. There shouldn't be any interpersonal fighting within the pack.
She loved her brother and since losing their father, she didn't want to lose anyone else in her small family.
They begin walking again though Leah noticed Seth was further behind.
"I was scared, Seth. I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do. I panicked. . ." Hating admitting that she felt fear, Seth acknowledged her apology as genuine.
Quiet passes for a few minutes until Leah could feel Seth beside her once more; his paws emitting gentle pitter patters over small twigs and crunchy leaves. "No. . . it's alright. . . from (y/n) and Jacob. . . imprinting doesn't seem like a good thing."
"Hopefully when you imprint it won't be as complicated." Leah adds with a small lilt to her thoughts that makes it sound like she's smiling.
Doubt crept in. He hadn't seen anyone positively impacted by their imprinting thus far. Even Sam and Emily started on a rocky start. Imprinting became something terrifying to the younger wolves. He'd spoken with Brady and Colin, neither happy or looking forward to finding their soulmate. In fact they continuously hoped that it would never happen to them. Being a wolf was hard enough.
To change the subject, Seth goes about finding an appropriate dig spot when they reach their destination. His long claws are useful pulling up dirt.
Leah's back in her human skin, pulling at the chord around her neck to open the pouch. She holds the stone in her hand. Warm to the touch. Waiting for Seth to finish, her attention is completely enraptured by the small rock that would ultimately save so many lives. They were putting all their faith in this thing.
She heaves a heavy sigh, placing the stone into the ground, murmuring a silent pray she wasn't sure anyone would hear.
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"Do you think anyone else from the pack will imprint soon?" Brady once again asks Embry and he has to refrain from groaning. The leather pouch strung around his neck bobs as he merely shakes his head to emote his ire. "I wish I had imprinted on Nadege. She's so hot."
If he were in his human body, Embry certainly would have rolled his eyes. "Focus Brady. This is important and we can't fuck it up."
The younger wolf whines. "I know it's important. I just want to lighten the mood. Everything has been so. . . life or death lately."
Embry felt for Brady. He really did. Poor kid was the youngest in the pack. Not even fifteen yet. Brady wasn't allowed to act like a kid his age normally will thanks to this whole werewolf shit.
Reading his thoughts, Brady flicks an ash brown furred ear. "I'd rather be a wolf then some boring teenager."
"You think that for now." It had been all fun and games for Embry too until (y/n) imprinted on Edward.
Thoughts are interrupted by the loud screeching of a bird from overhead. Brady's body lowers to the ground, lips parted in a snarl as his eyes shoot upwards. Embry too digs his nails into the ground, preparing for any kind of air assault that may come their way. This bird didn't sound like any they'd encountered in the wild before.
Familiar colored feathers flurry around in a storm when a giant falcon dives to the ground. Nadege is flushed, panic striking her eyes. "Bury the ward and get out of here. I just saw two cloaked figures traveling down the mountainside. They must be your Volturi."
She returns to her hawk form, allowing the boys to pick up speed and hurry up all while shooting the message down the pack telepathy.
"Stay calm you guys." They can hear Leah's voice. "Just get it down and get out of there. Like Nadege said."
"Evita said once the last ward is in place, the entire thing will activate." (y/n) says. Since Embry has known the girl since childhood, he picked up on the nervous tremor of her thoughts. She was rightfully worried about them encountering members of the Volturi so soon. "We've already buried our's. Evita got a text from Bella that they've buried their's as well."
"Our's is buried too." Quil replies.
Nadege follows them from the sky, partially leading them to the area they were supposed to be in.
"Maybe if Brady hadn't been mooning over Nadege-"
"Shut up Colin!"
"Both of you shut up!" Leah and (y/n) command in unison.
Phasing, Embry yanks open the pouch hastily while Brady starts to dig a hole with his giant paws.
Another ear splitting cry from the treetops, cutting through the forest. Nadege. The Volturi were even closer, uncomfortably so. Her bird body lands on a branch, sharp talons piercing the bark for support. Feathers ruffled in agitation.
Kicking dirt back into the hole, Embry successfully grins. "Done!" He pivots to Brady. "Lets get the hell out of here!"
Brady wasn't looking at Embry though. Frozen to the spot and fur spiked up, slowly his snout furls into a snarl. Nadege releases a high-pitched whistle, sharp and penetrating scream.
"So, these are the wolves Irina told us about."
Without his heightened wolf sense, their scent had passed by him. Embry feels sweat prickling at the nape of his neck despite the chill in the air.
"Turn around, boy."
A throaty growl rumbles from Brady who dared to take a step closer to Embry. Embry simply tried to shoot him a look that hopefully read 'stay where you are' or 'don't move'.
He does so, knowing the rest of the pack was on their way. And that the wards were in position. To test it, all the Volturi had to do was try and pass over it to get to Embry and Brady.
Embry holds his breath, staring into two pairs of blood red eyes. Eery and reminding Embry of the newborns they'd faced off with two weeks prior.
One of them chuckles. "He's nothing but a mere child. The other also seems like just a pup himself."
They creep closer and Embry has to resist glancing down at the ground at the fresh pile of dirt that hid the ward. Instead he waits while his heart is ramming against sternum, threatening to break free from it's confines. These two. . . they felt different from the newborns he'd faced off against.
"Where are the others in your pack?" The taller of the two cock their head to the side. His foot steps over the threshold, a few inches away from Embry. Immediately there's a sizzling sound before the Volturi guard shoots back as if electrically shocked. He hisses in pain, scarlet eyes glaring at Embry. His companion eyes him questioningly before Nadege swoops from her perch and in another flurry of feathers switches back to her human form to protectively stand next to Embry.
He hisses "A witch. More unnatural creatures."
Recovering from his pain, the other one bares his teeth. "Aro will be pleased to know about this. He'll enjoy wiping all of you off the face of the earth."
"I'd like to see him try." Nadege fiercely barks back. Her height matched that of the taller Volturi member. She was a commanding beauty who wouldn't back down. Not when it meant the lives of those she had befriended. "You Volturi are ignorant of the world around you. If you truly aim to rid the world of other beings like us, you'll never achieve it."
That statement outrages the vampires.
Not more than the thundering of large paws that makes the earth tremble. Back up had finally arrived.
A horde of snapping jaws and snarling faces. Bella is seated atop of Jacob's russet brown wolf while Evita is atop of (y/n)'s back. The human girls glare at the ruby eyed vampires. Bella recalling their identities with a scowl.
"Miss Swan."
"Demetri." Her pale lips spit out. Fingers curl tighter into Jacob's fur.
Demetri's companion hisses. "Traitor. You have gone back on your word."
"The situation has changed."
Edward, flanked by a newly returned Carlisle and Jasper, emerge from the trees on the side of the Volturi guards.
"Explain this heresy." Demetri turns to them while Felix keeps his wicked gaze on the wolves. "Why have you allied yourselves with these beasts? Not telling the Volturi of their existence would be considered the highest of crimes."
"Like Edward said, the situation has changed. They helped us fight Victoria's newborn army. They are not the werewolves which the Volturi exterminated throughout Europe centuries ago." Carlisle simply explains with that calm demeanor of his. Perhaps Jasper was using his ability on their side to soothe the tempers of Demetri and Felix as the rigidness of their posture slackened.
"One of those wolves just so happens to be my mate too." Edward proudly announces which only sends disgust through Demetri and Felix.
Felix laughs bitterly "So you traded in a human for a mongrel?"
The wolves growl in indignation for their packmate. (y/n) simply flicks an ear, uncaring for what they thought.
"Easy there." warned Carlisle. "Right now you're trespassing on their territory. I would change the tone if I were you. If you'll just follow us back to our house-"
"What and talk it over a nice cup of tea?" Demetri lightly mocked. "No, this can't be resolved that simply."
"Demetri, please-"
"You've aligned yourself with these savage animals. Not just them, but mortals who possess the powers of a supernatural. They have no place in our world."
"Que hombre tan tanto. (What a stupid man)"
Evita's eyes round at the two newcomers entering the forest. A fearful tremor in her voice. "Mama?"
As if taking a leisure forest stroll, Alice and an older woman stand side by side. Alice looking so petite and pale compared to her companion whose dark, wild curls had strands of silver that would catch on the light. A burgundy shawl is wrapped around her shoulders, covering the cream colored blouse she wore.
Evita's mother scowls at her daughter on the other side of the ward's protective embrace. "Evita, estas en un gran problema. ¿Aquí es donde has estado? (Evita, you're in big trouble. This is where you've been?)" Her eyes, while being the same lovely color as Evita's, had the tell tale signs of aging. Also much like Evita when the pack first met her, there's that tangy scent of magic that wafts through the air that clung to the older woman.
At the slight threatening tone in her voice, Evita pales.
Switching from Spanish to English, Annalisse huffs and turns to address Demetri and Felix. "You two feel like big men? Threatening children?" They open their mouths like their about to protest, but Annalisse silences them with a slash of her hand. Whether that was due to magic or just her intimidating air would be a mystery. Either way it did the trick.
Almost comedic how they shrank away from her as she struts straight up to them despite Alice and the other three Cullen males trying to stop her. This woman was fearless and had the pack staring at her in admiration. Witches were made of much stronger stuff than the regular human. Even Nadege almost leapt into action once the Volturi duo arrived.
"If you want war, the only losers in it would be the Volturi. Only a handful of your kind possess special abilities. Unlike us. You think immortality will save you? That your massive coven will be enough? You're outnumbered even now."
A few quiet seconds pass, Demetri and Felix exchanged glances, a hint of uncertainty flickering in their eyes. They were used to asserting dominance, but this woman exuded a power they hadn't anticipated. Reluctantly, Demetri spoke up, his tone begrudging. "Carlisle, show the way."
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Please let me know what you guys would like to see in the final chapter :) I'm interested to hear how you want things to end.
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TAGLIST: @saltedcoffeescotch​  , @dangerouslittlefairy​ , @burn-crash-rqmance​ , @casedoina , @avadakadabra93 , @daryldixonstorm , @blue-aconite​ , @xanniestired666 , @esposadomd​, @godinho11​ , @alexizodd​ , @melaninsugarbaby​ , @lyeatoalinatoheaven , @ronwownsme​ , @itsmytimetoodream​ , @afro-hispwriter​ , @mutandis-extremis993 , @hxgemxscles​ , @nightly-polaris​ , @corrodedcoffin-slut , @ellesalazar​ , @itgetzweird08​ , @crybabyatthediscooffandoms​ , @sassyandclassyx​ , @scarlet2007​ , @theroyalbrownbarbie​ , @jennyamanda8​ , @stevenandmarcslove​ , @biancaindaeyo​ , @loversjoy​ , @turningtoclown​ , @vixorell​ , @xxthackerybinxxx , @daredevilonmyheels​ , @dumbbitch-juicee​ , @southern-bell-give-hell , @nat-the-gemini , @imdoingathingmom​ , @emmettcullenswife , @yoong1c0re , @daddykylokenobi​ , @minjix​ , @magical-spit​ , @krismdavis​ , @arin-swear-rose
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🌈 Queer Books Coming Out in August 2024 🌈
🌈 Good afternoon, my bookish bats! Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Happy reading!
[ Text list below ⤵ ]
❓What was the last queer book you read?
[ Release dates may have changed. ]
❤️ Failure to Comply - Sarah Cavar 🧡 I Spit On Your Celluloid - Heidi Honeycutt 💛 You're Embarrassing Yourself - Desiree Akhavan 💚 Death of the Hero - Briona Johnson 💙 Between Dragons and Their Wrath - Devin Madson 💜 The Crimson Crown - Heather Walter ❤️ Sacrificial Animals - Kailee Pedersen 🧡 Oath of Fire - K. Arsenault Rivera 💛 The Palace of Eros - Caro De Robertis 💙 This Ravenous Fate - Hayley Dennings 💜 Mistress of Lies - K.M. Enright 🌈 Wolf Bite - T.J. Nichols
❤️ In the Valley, A Shadow - Samantha Tano 🧡 Follow My Lead - Adrian J. Smith 💛 The Last Woman I Kissed - Venetia Di Pierro 💚 Full Shift - Jennifer Dugan & Kristen Seaton 💙 Hers for the Weekend - Helena Greer 💜 Come Out, Come Out - Natalie C. Parker ❤️ Rules for Ghosting - Shelly Jay Shore 🧡 How to Leave the House - Nathan Newman 💛 Plot Twist - Carmen Sereno 💙 On the Far Side of a Crescendo - Kalyn Hazel 💜 Tiny Oblivions and Mutual Self Destructions - Maxwell I. Gold 🌈 Daylan and the River of Secrets - Edd Tello
❤️ The Italy Letters - Vi Khi Nao 🧡 The Gender Binary Is a Big Lie - Lee Wind 💚 The House Where Death Lives - Alex Brown 💙 Ash's Cabin - Jen Wang 💜 The Avian Hourglass - Lindsey Drager ❤️ The Heart Wants - Krystina Rivers 🧡 A Grand Love - Janna Barkin 💛 You Can't Go Home Again - Jeanette Bears 💜 Libertad - Bessie Flores Zaldivar 🌈 Her Golden Coast - Anat Deracine
❤️ Mighty Millie Novak - Elizabeth Holden 💛 Rise and Divine - Lana Harper 💚 Dying for You - L Flowers 💙 I'll Have What He's Having - Adib Khorram 💜 Changing Her Tune - Amanda Kabak ❤️ Monogamy? In this Economy? - Laura Boyle 🧡 The Rainbow Age of Television - Sayna Maci Warner 💛 Medusa of the Roses - Navid Sinaki 💙 Confounding Oaths - Alexis Hall 💜 Idol Lives - K.T. Salvo 🌈 Brother's Keeper - Quinn Cameron
❤️ Key Lime Sky - Al Hess 🧡 Crushing It - Erin Becker 💛 The Husky and His White Cat Shizun - Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou 💚 Not for the Faint of Heart - Lex Croucher 💙 Tasting Temptation - JJ Arias 💜 Ami - S. Jae-Jones ❤️ You're the Problem, It's You - Emma R. Alban 🧡 Cubs & Campfires - Dylan Drakes 💛 The Dark We Know - Wen-yi Lee 💙 Practical Rules for Cursed Witches - Kayla Cottingham 💜 Riyati Rebirth - Kalani Shimizu 🌈 The Brujos of Borderland High - Gume Laurel III
❤️ A Bánh Mì for Two - Trinity Nguyen 🧡 Dance of the Starlit Sea - Kiana Krystle 💛 Scattered Snows, to the North - Carl Phillips 💚 Beyond a World Apart - Caitlin Myers 💙 Don't Let It Break Your Heart - Maggie Horne 💜 Nothing Heals Me Like You Do - Harper Bliss ❤️ How It All Ends - Emma Hunsinger 🧡 How Do I Sexy? - Mx. Nillin Lore 💛 The Palace of Eros - Caro De Robertis 💙 Prince of the Palisades - Julian Winters 💜 Better Left Buried - Mary E. Roach 🌈 Back to Back - Jo Fletcher
❤️ DITCHLAPSE / [REALLY AFRAID] - Tommy Wyatt 🧡 The Love Archives: Bonus Scenes & Excerpts for Palestine - Various 💛 Guardian: Zhen Hun - Ying Priest 💚 The Sunforge - Sascha Stronach 💙 Queering Reproductive Justice - Candace Bond-Theriault 💜 Gender Explained - Diane Ehrensaft & Michelle Jurkiewicz ❤️ The Unlikely Pair - Jax Calder 🧡 In Universes - Emet North 💛 We Love the Nightlife - Rachel Koller Croft 💙 Lessons from Cruising - Martin Goodman 💜 Wild Ginger in the Rhubarb - Eule Grey 🌈 Not My Circus - Delicia Niami
❤️ Asunder - Kerstin Hall 🧡 The Phoenix Keeper - S.A. MacLean 💛 Encounters with James Baldwin - Various 💚 Verity's Game - Jennifer Giacalone 💙 Hunt Me! I Crave the Chase - Fae Quin 💜 The Audacity Omnibus - Carmen Loup ❤️ Haunted to Death - Frank Anthony Polito 🧡 Blood Orange - Paige Grunewald 💛 The Bad Things We Did - Chris Archeske 💙 Dark Restraint - Katee Robert 💜 Worth the Wait - Kenna White 🌈 The Maid and the Crocodile - Jordan Ifueko
❤️ Loving Corrections - Adrienne Maree Brown 🧡 The Last Witch in Edinburgh - Marielle Thompson 💛 The Duchess of Kokora - Nikhil Prabala 💚 The Scales of Seduction - Rien Gray 💙 Survival Is a Promise - Alexis Pauline Gumbs 💜 Loka - S.B. Divya ❤️ The Every Body Book of Consent - Rachel E Simon 🧡 Southern Lights - Liz Arncliffe 💛 Then Things Went Dark - Bea Fitzgerald 💙 Death at Morning House - Maureen Johnson 💜 The Last Doorbell - William Parker 🌈 The Pairing - Casey McQuiston
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rise-my-angel · 1 year
Heart of the Great Wolf
15 - Fire for the King's Blood
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Pairing: Jon Snow x F!Baratheon!Reader (Slow Burn), Robb Stark x F!Baratheon!Reader (Past)
Length: 13.1k
Warnings: angst/hurt comfort, slow burn, character death, descriptions of blood and gore, mention of child death, executions
Notes: Fun fact the very last scene of this chapter was the first ever scene I thought of for this entire series. Past Chapter Here, Series Masterlist Here
The air at Castle Black felt suffocating. Men in black gathered all around the main court as you and Theon entered and there was not a single word spoken by any of them. A mixture of morose sadness and a nervous despair radiated throughout as more approached the scene. Theon let you climb off first, slowly holding onto the saddle as you barley turned to anyone with something inside of you screaming beyond what you’ve ever felt before.
Not just black was around, some in furs different then that, more wild and on their own that were neither Night’s Watch nor your fathers men. Looking around you, none seemed to dare say a word as Theon once more asked to see Jon Snow.
What did come forward first, a slowly moving figure of white on all fours. Moving quiet as some parted either way to give him a path. You recognized the pure white fur and red eyes, the size however was vast and larger then your tiny memory of him before. Ghost had grown close to the size of Grey Wind, but walked with silence and a slow intent towards you. Pausing in the middle of the clearing, the direwolf looked at you with a strange emotion that too made you feel off. Like Ghost was looking at you with an emotion you’ve only seen on a person, like he looked at you like one person.
The one who wasn’t there.
Stepping towards Ghost was when finally a very small group came towards you. All once more, cleared the way for them as they looked the most lost and devastated. You felt sick each passing second. The one leading was shorter, long dark hair laying straight across his back and a low crackling voice as he asked your name. The one behind him was large, quite large with wild orange hair and beard that was dressed none like them.
As you looked at them, you felt dizzy.
The Ice Cells were carved right into the base of the Wall and led to a dark underground that was lit only by the fires hung from the stone sides. Only a hall and solid metal doors, each room was individual and shut off from each other. The descent was steep and freezing, as the men walked a few paces behind you and Ghost slowly at your side.
The shorter one, Edd, motioned to the slightly open door as you walked slowly forward. Your face felt frozen in a heart stopping denial that begged to cry as you felt the cold rush through it. Edd had to almost inaudibly try and tell Ghost to just let you be, the direwolf watching you with strangely intense eyes before backing up, leaving the dark area of the cells to the only two people left in there.
Stepping inside the room, your blood ran as cold as the ice made of the walls around you. Your heart no longer beat inside your chest as you saw him there. Laid out flat and stiff as any you’d ever seen. Each step forward you felt that once screaming inside of you fade out into a pit of darkness that wanted to swallow you hole and never be seen again.
He was different then you last saw. Older, more rugged with hair longer and wilder then that day on the Kingsroad, and facial hair that was well groomed but coarse and thick. Dressed in black leathers with the laces of his shirt slightly opened. Just out on the ground he was. They found him this way, Edd told you. Ghost had come to them with a desperate aggression and first saw the blood seeped into the snow, and then followed him down to these very cells where he had been hidden away as if to pretend the crime never happened. His eyes had been shut, likely done by the men who found him in respect.
When you had come along with King Robert to see Lord Arryn, the Silent Sisters all around him, he was dressed up and anointed in their preparation. Stones with painted eyes had been placed on his shut ones and he looked to you more like a statue of a man, then the man himself. Robert had commented that if he didn’t know any better he’d have thought he was sleeping.
Jon Snow didn’t look like that. His skin was pale, and a tint of the faintest blue from the cold. The blood soaked into the leathers on his torso were thick and sticky. Across his face there were scars, one thin and faded down one eye and another that curve around the side of his face near the other that was red and painful looking. He didn’t look like a statue, he didn’t look asleep. He just looked like every corpse you’d seen and made in the Westlands.
Kneeling down onto the ground beside him, you felt your lungs so tight they couldn’t breathe as you shaking reached forward. Your finger shaking as they slowly undid the remaining laces and pulled to the side to reveal more of his chest, and there they were.
One low close to his stomach, and six scattered across the main area of his chest as they sat red and violent. Your fingers though, gently reached up to one curved across his heart, the second the jagged feeling touched your skin you felt yourself drop.
Dizzy and lightheaded at the same time as no breathe nor heartbeat nor thought and sound made it’s way through your head and body. You fell back, the iron bars that separated part of the room slammed into your back and head as you hit them. Your palms braced on the ground as you looked to him in a deathly shock.
There was no way of knowing how long you were there for, how long you looked at him and felt so twisted and dark inside that it felt like nothing else in you was left. You had parted ways all those years ago, not knowing if you’d ever see each other again but this wasn’t real. It couldn’t be real. This wasn’t supposed to be how you reunited with Jon. You and Theon weren’t supposed to be the only ones left.
Theon had risked everything to help you escape, put his life on the line for you just to bring you to Jon, to the one man who would protect you but it was too late. You could feel that last time, the way his large, gloved hands had cupped your cheeks with that bright grin and grey eyes of his as he joked, “Think I could get to the wall before they catch me, if I kiss you now?”
But now you just sat there. Against the bars in that bitter, dark cold as tears ran freely down those same cheeks he once held as you found nothing for you. It was possible the panic hit you so much you blacked out, there for so long just watching the still body of the one man who never had to do anything to keep your heart.
He had taken it with him here, and now it was left in the cold as he was. Tears on your face had frozen and covered with more as you barley moved. Last night they had said, he was alive just last night and yet the morning hours you arrived were enough time to cut into him.
You didn’t notice anyone come in. Your back against the iron, knees up to your chest as your forearms rested across them. The tears found no need to be covered up as you watched him in silence as the figures came to your side.
Both were large, one the pure white that had lost as you did. Ghost approached you slowly, his eyes trained on Jon before turning to you and nudging right up against the side of your head. Your hands reached up, grasping at the soft fur before you turned your face into him. Ghost almost seemed to move as if to bury his own head in your neck back before moving. Your legs slipping in front of you to lay flat, as the direwolf rested his head on your lap. Eyes watching Jon, but keeping right at your side.
The other figure you didn’t expect. They had left, giving you time alone but it seemed the longer you were gone one had taken the time on his own to go see if you were alright. The large one from before, orange hair still wild and his own blue eyes stared at Jon as intensely as you did, but without the tears pulling from your heart down onto your cheeks. He mimicked the position you were in just seconds before but took his own time to find any strength to speak.
His voice was deep, a rumbling that if loud you suspected would boom like a thunder. “Impossible to get him to open up. Always so quiet like he never wanted to talk about himself, until it was about you.” The man, Tormund, had something held back in his own chest you could hear, a pain of his own. “Took us a while, but once I got him to talk about you it was like that’s all he could talk about. Think it’d been a long time since he did. Called him a moron for leaving a girl like that behind.”
He had no choice, that’s what he said and you both knew there was nothing either could do to have changed it. Your voice was rough, dry as it quietly murmured out. Eyes trained on him, on where the red on his chest lay. “We never had a chance did we..”
Ghost perked up, moving to watch your face with something like a surprised gaze for a wolf but instead just sat up more to watch you directly as you found more of a voice finally. “You found him here?”
Tormund nodded, motioning to the direwolf, “That one found him, body was still warm even. No one even saw a thing.”
“Mercy, sire, I didn’t kill anyone, I only watched for the guards.”
Something however, didn’t agree with that. Something in you that was dark and hollow, but it opened like a wound and slipping in was rage. A rage that brew and grew, as your eyes narrowed and jaw clenched as you looked at Jon. “Someone saw it. And I’m willing to wager it was more then just a someone who did it.”
Footsteps approached behind you as Edd rejoined. A stilted grief as he paused looking to the sight before him, behind him as well was Theon. Theon who at that point, had a silent wide eyed look as he too saw the image in front of him. Edd clearing his throat before looking only to you, “Sorry to interrupt, your grace but-”
The voice that spoke after was one you too hadn’t learn in a long time. “There are things I think we need to discuss.” Turning in place, you didn’t see him just outside the door.
Looking back to Jon, and then Ghost who barley looked away from your eyes, you paused before accepting the outstretched hand of Tormund who pulled you up with ease and followed you as closely as the direwolf did. The door behind you closing as the lot of you were standing now in the equally as empty corridor of the cell block. Standing before you though, was a grim looking man who you last saw on the other side of the lines.
“Not exactly how I envisioned seeing you again.”
Ser Davos Seaworth was still here. Your father and his men had all been here, and yet so far the only trace of them left was the one in front of you. “To be fair, Ser Davos I don’t know anyone who expected to see me again.” Edd, Tormund, and Davos all hesitated as they looked at you, “What?”
It was Edd who spoke up, “That’s what we needed to talk about. Don’t think we’re putting any blame on you, your grace, but..the last thing we saw of Jon before he- it was a letter he got. About you.”
Davos was the one who sent the nail into your heart. “A letter from the Boltons.”
Sharing an uneasy look with Theon, you swallowed harshly trying to keep an even expression and as steady of a tone as you could. “Why would the Boltons send Jon a letter about me?”
Davos elaborated as you all stood in the dark and the cold. “The boy, Ramsay, sent him a letter...accusing him of..stealing you. Calling you his bride and saying Jon’s the one who stole him and that if he didn’t give you back then Ramsay would go hunting for you himself.” They knew where you went, but why would they think Jon actually had anything to do with it? That didn’t make sense.
“Where is it now?” No one answered, but your voice this time had less patience then before. “The letter, where is it?”
Edd spoke up, “We don’t know. It was on Jon the last time we saw him, but was gone when we found him here.” Your eyes narrowed more, your blood flowing a little faster then before. “I don’t know if they were trying to hide what they did at all, or if this was just to stall anyone from finding out why they did it but, if that letter’s gone-”
“Someone has it.” You looked between them all, “Someone has that letter and whoever does, helped do this.” Edd repeated the word helped in question as you inhaled deeply. “No one saw who did it, no one saw it happen, and there’s way too many wounds in his chest for only one man to do this and get away unharmed, unseen. This wasn’t just a murder.”
“Mutiny.” Tormund finished for you, and you nodded at him.
In the quiet you crossed your arms, looking down as your mind raced before meeting their eyes all once more. “Who here had the most to gain by this? Someone who didn’t want Jon as Lord Commander, someone who had reasons to want him dead?”
Edd had the answer to that. “Ser Alliser Thorne. Been here more then twenty years, hated Jon from the first day he arrived, and lost to him when we voted for our new Lord Commander. Some of the men didn’t like Jon neither, but not enough to do this.”
Tormund’s voice was clearer, more determined as now an anger set in his own eyes as he looked to yours. “So that’s where we start.”
The plans that were made in the quiet of that cell were organized, but not before one last thing had to be brought up. This time, the look in Davos’s eye spoke something of more bad news. “There is one last thing you should know. It’s about your father...and your sister.”
Ghost had not left your side as you came back into the main court. All onlookers seemed to be put off by the sight, the large direwolf only ever listened too by one man, either commanded by Jon or off on his own and yet now never once left your side as you stepped onto the gravel. Looking around with a narrowed, harsh gaze you knew some of them were involved. But stood around doing their work as if nothing was wrong or had nothing to hide.
A young pair of eyes was unsettled and on edge as he looked at you, and even more as he met Ghost’s eyes before taking off. Quite young you thought, but not much more of it. Not now. The others had been given their instructions leaving you, Ghost and Tormund together. A strange trio likely to be seen.
Glancing down at you, his eyebrow quirked up. “What’s with none of you royalty ever dressing for the cold?” He did admittedly look rather warm but something to you about the cold was crisp and needed inside. A familiar sting that kept you up.
You shrugged a shoulder, “Call it stubbornness.” At the least you weren’t trapped in this ice and snow in a dress currently. Watching the people currently, your eyes glanced up to a walkway on an upper floor that made you feel a deeper rage filter in.
So she was watching you it seemed. Her eyes met yours as a curious look waved over her and met nothing but anger. You had one reason to despise her, but now you had an even stronger one. You had to keep such a feeling down. You couldn’t handle this all at once. The red had to wait.
But you would eventually. No Lord Commander, no order in their ranks, and no longer the King that came to their aid. That’s what Davos had said to you, what Ramsay had said of the “false King” and what was done in the chaos after.
It was all a mess that you missed by mere hours. Turning back to Tormund, you crossed your arms in thought as he spoke. “Most crows here hate my guts more then they did his, me and the wolf’ll keep an eye on you from afar.”
Ghost didn’t move with him, a low rumble in his throat as you looked down to him before nodding behind you to follow. You found it odd, the way he stared at you like he was trying to challenge you on something before he relented and followed Tormund. They’d watch from the distance, giving the other men around here a little more ease if it was only you they spoke too. Trying to learn mostly from listening.
You found more men that mourned Jon then disliked him. Edd had said it seemed like half his brother’s all hated Jon, but you didn’t find that in this somber grief. Perhaps the vocal few only stood out amongst the quiet supporters as if the bigger number. Just what you thought, most knew nothing and the brave ones naming a few names that had issues with Jon in the past. Certain names coming up more often then others.
A few men were Northerners, those ones held a bit of shock and awe as they spoke to you, but had the inclination of your cold and on edge demeanour that you were not in the place to discuss that you were indeed, alive. Not the image of the Queen in the North some of them had likely, but they’d have to forgive you on such a slight.
You didn’t feel like that woman, not since losing Robb at the Twins, and not while the man whose heart you were ripped away from sat in the cold with a stab wound in his own. Hard to say but you may never feel like that woman again. Those same young eyes found yours more then once when you found yourself coming into what appeared to be some kind of dining hall.
A few men all sat at a table when the others were in tiny scattered pairs or alone far from them. At the far front was a man with a spiteful look in his eyes, deep lines in his face from years of such a scowl and as he spoke it was a mocking that you felt yourself tense at.
“So we traded one King for a dead Queen. Seems like we’re all having difficulty remembering the Night’s Watch has nothing to do with your politics and wars.” He seemed to hold a level of authority over the others who watched in silence.
Easy to figure out who this was. “Ser Alliser, I see your skills of hospitality are as gracious as your attitude.” Walking slowly up to the other end of the long table, you met his eyes as he leaned back in his seat with a glare.
Some quiet ones, begun to walk back out the door. “If you’re here for Lord Snow I’m afraid your a bit too late.” Amusement was in his eyes, but none in yours. Edd was not lying it seemed. “Sorry to see you leave so soon after arriving.”
This time your eyebrows quirked up as you kept about a foot in front of the table. “Forgive me gentleman, I’m not terrible familiar with the day to day of the Night’s Watch but it strikes me as odd Ser Alliser, that your Lord Commander is found dead in the middle of the night, and his First Ranger is just sitting around as if he has nothing to attend to on the matter.”
There was a distinct quiet between a few of the men that caught your eye with a flashing flicker to them and back. The mans glare deepened. “Hard to attend to my duties with you and the wildlings sniffing around.”
You didn’t move and no one else dared breathe. “You don’t find it curious that no one saw your Lord Commander’s murder, and then his body hidden away hoping no one would find him? Or the letters he had been carrying with him that are now missing?”
A tiny passing glint in his eyes flew past, but you did not miss it one bit. Ser Alliser clenched his jaw as he leaned forward, “You mean the one about you? The ravings of a stupid boy trying to lure out another stupid boy to fight over a girl?” Taking a sip from his mug, he drew the moment out before letting it thud back onto the table. “The Night’s Watch has a duty and none of it says we should care about a southern girl’s lovers quarrel.”
The quiet ones at the table all seized up and drew back into themselves as the looming figure of Tormund came up to one side of the table, adjacent to you. Voice crackling as it was loud. “You crows call yourselves brothers, but here you all are sitting around while she does all the work.”
Neither you nor Ser Alliser looked away from the other. “That’s not quite fair. This is hard work, covering up for traitors and murderers in his ranks.”
Bracing his hands on the table he straightened up, “Are you accusing me of something, girl?”
The air was thick, and the table was silent as well as the room. But you shrugged, he had given you enough information, despite how minimal it truly was. The atmosphere at Castle Black was completely tense, but some of that tensity seemed to grow more rotten then others. Clearly, work was not just cut out for you, but had been for Jon to make this all work as well. “Innocent men are usually the quickest to defend themselves, the guilty usually deflect in my experience.”
You had stroke something inside of the man clearly that spawned an anger, you had moved to turn away from the table heading to the door when the sound of him standing up abruptly hit. Tormund turned around first, your eyes only managing to catch the aggressive stance Ser Alliser stood with when it happened.
As if from nowhere, Ghost flew past your vision as he leaped up onto the table. Only in a few short strides was he hovering in the man’s face, a growling almost snarling sound coming from him as he bore his teeth and leaned close into him. Every man at that table jumped back to their feet and no doubt Ghost was so close his breath would be felt.
It was a display everyone in the room including Tormund stood surprised at for a moment, like such a fast and aggressive display of anger from the direwolf wasn’t normal. You hadn’t seen Ghost since you last saw Jon, but this wasn’t the demeanour you knew. This was closer to the strength and protective nature of Grey Wind, only Ghost did so without any single kind of prompt.
It took you to softly whisper Ghosts name for him to stop. Snapping at Ser Alliser’s face, making him flinch back as the direwolf turned on the spot to come up to you. His height added with the table had him loom over you with eyes so red they looked like blood. Unlike any others would’ve, you had no hesitation or fear as you reached up to him.
Running a hand gently across the fur along his neck as the rumbling in his chest vibrated through your fingertips. Only relaxing the longer your hand stayed on him before you glanced behind to Ser Alliser. Who watched you still taken back by what was something the direwolf had never done before. He’d been almost attacked like that once before years ago, but not by that wolf.
As you three filed out, Ghost growled once more before staying so close you could’ve felt his fur were your arms not covered. Theon approached you shortly after, “Your grace,” So quickly Theon fell back into it it seemed. You tried not to think of that night, of Robb smirking telling him he didn’t need to call you both that in private. “I have someone who wants to speak to you.”
Tormund and Ghost both stayed outside. Theon bringing you to where your fathers quarters had been, opening the door you took a pause to look around. Your mother had a room private to herself it seemed, you’d have to deal with that eventually you knew.
So this room stayed cold and empty now, trying not to look at the open books scattered on the table in the living space as you turned to the desk. Covered in work and papers as Theon closed the door and settled near the wall, you saw the young figure in the chair in front of you.
Walking around to the far side, you recognized the young boy that had watched you nervous many times before. Only now he sat rigid and something in his eyes barley keeping himself together. Taking a seat, you wondered briefly how much of what was left on here did they expect was your responsibility now, because when the boy spoke, it was that of someone who recognized who you were before all of this.
Eyeing him stoically as he spoke. “You’re the Queen, right? Robb Stark’s wife?” You felt a tiny leap in your heart that only added to the darkness that was currently trapped between the bodies of two men ripped from you. You nodded as he wrung his hands together before looking around even more nervous then before. Asking what his name was he swallowed heavily, “Olly.”
You leaned forward, your forearms resting on the desk with your hands clasped together. The move only made the boy more nervous it seemed. “You wanted to tell me what it was you saw, is that it?” He nodded, your lungs tightening a bit. You had to deal with this, you couldn’t push this way beacuse it hurt.
You arrived and no one but his closest companions had done a thing about Jon, no one took responsibility and no matter how much it feel rotting and sick inside, you needed to know what happened. “I want you to know what you’re getting yourself into, Olly. If you know something about last night, tell it all and tell it true. It’s a great crime to lie to a Queen.”
Olly started slow, tripping over his words like his heart was about to explode from his chest. “I’m- I was his steward..the letter he got, about you, it uh...he wanted to go find you, they said it was against his vows and then-” Just as you wondered if he was put up to this, your heart slammed down into the floor as Olly suddenly seemed to snap, the words almost coming with tears. “I did it-”
Your face fell instantly, barley getting those three words out before he could barley even breathe as he fell apart before you. In an instant you looked up to Theon, “Leave us.” Trying to protest, likely for your own safety you wouldn’t have it. “Now, Theon.”
As soon as the door closed, you quickly moved from your seat. Kneeling in front of him you looked up, your own heart so hard in your chest it felt painful but your voice was gentle. “Breathe for me, Olly. Take a breathe, like that yes. Now do it again.”
One of your hands reached up hold at his upper arm, the touch almost seemed to soothe him as he listened to you. One intake of air at a time before he started to come down. The tears tried not to fall, but the desperation in them gave him back some head space. Enough that his voice was small and watery, “I’m sorry, I did it, I’m sorry.”
Nerves jumped in you, fighting to tell them inside to stay calm. You saw what Jon’s chest looked like and you were fairly certain there was more to this then a crying boy. “Look at me, Olly. I need you to tell me what you mean, what exactly did you do.”
Keep calm you told yourself, over and over, keep calm. You wanted to scream and cry and lash out ever since you stepped foot in that cell but now was not the time to lose your composure. This didn’t look like the eyes of a murderer and you had seen too many of those by this point in your life.
Taking one last breathe, he hung his head down before meeting your eyes again. Just a little kid he was, probably not much older then- no. Don’t think about that right now either. Stay in this moment you told yourself. “The Lord Commander had asked for anyone who may want to volunteer. Men to willingly go with him to find you, he- none of us knew you were alive, your grace. We all thought you were dead. Or, that’s what they told us.”
His accent was certainly a bit Northern, and just like the little family that spoke of you days ago, it felt odd after being struck down so painfully to be reminded of the person that the North and Robb both believed in. Were you still that Queen or had your jaded torment turned you more into the stern iron fist of your father. Looking at Olly, you hoped it was the former.
“For a while, I thought so too.”
Meeting your eyes, he sniffed before nodding again. You moved your hand from his arm, giving him some space to think but never moved from your crouched spot in front of him. Easier for a child to confess when looking down at the authority then up. “I didn’t want to, your grace. I didn’t want to, but they-” He paused. Knew you caught it and he slipped up but he sailed passed it as if it never happened.
“I was upset, he was bringing the wildlings south of the wall...I knew why, he told me...I was his steward he wanted me there at all times, said it was important to learn these things in case I was ever in command one day.” You wanted so badly to cry, hearing people who knew this version of Jon you’d never get the chance to but you could so perfectly imagine the man he became.
Speaking slowly, you tried to help put the pieces together in his high strung state. “So Jon brought the wildlings south of the wall, and that upset you enough to murder him?” Your tone was doubting and it only made him almost start crying all over again but something wasn’t quite adding up.
Shutting his eyes, he took a few deep breaths before meeting you again. “I thought it was..but then I...I actually...”
Your heart sunk, you knew what he was confused about. You knew it too well. Nothing will ever prepare you for when that feeling truly sets in, but at least you were an adult your first time. Not..not this. “Saying your angry enough to want to kill a man is different then being the one to actually do it.” He nodded, struggling to look at you as you continued softly. “Something isn’t adding up here, Olly. You didn’t do this on your own- no, look at me. I know you didn’t do this on your own. You didn’t shove a knife into Jon’s chest seven times and drag him out of sight all on your own and no one saw you.”
The boy looked at his hands, and you knew he wasn’t lying about what he did but you’ve seen what a child capable of such cruelty looks like and Olly looking nothing like the vile eyes that your once cousin held. He inhaled, opened his mouth to speak before shutting it again and shaking his head. “I can’t...they don’t know I’m even talking to you I was supposed to stay quiet and do as I was told.”
Your eyes narrowed, “Did someone tell you to do this? Did one of these men come to you and tell you to help murder the Lord Commander?” He nodded again, and you ran through the list of names and faces you’d heard during the day. And you could see the aggression in Ghost in your defence. It seemed, Olly wasn’t the only one who knew what happened but the only one who could tell you with words.
“They told me I had to help. That they had no other choice, that I should be angry for bringing them south of the Wall and I...that’s why it’s my fault. I let them talk me into it.” He didn’t look at you, but there was shame in his voice and his heart. “They made me go last, had me...stab him in the heart and...” His voice broke as you felt your muscles shake in nerves. “He just looked confused..like he didn’t understand why I was there, why I did it.”
Suddenly his voice rose, an anger that begun to paint on his face as he frustratingly wiped the tears away only for more to fall in their place. “He took me in, looked after me and wanted to train me to be like him. And I killed him.”
Your mind could see the scars on Jon’s chest. Seven of them all deep and only one above his heart. He would’ve bled out no matter what. Putting a knife in his heart was just to make sure no one found them before they could finish the job. You sighed deeply. Pushing up from your thighs to stand as you turned a few paces away.
Hand running over your mouth as you swallowed that pain once more. You wanted to be angry, wanted to find it in you to punish this child for what he did but who would you be if you did that? What justice was there in such a punishment for a child who couldn’t have understood the reality of what he was being told to do.
Leaning back across the desk you looked at him firmly. “I won’t lie to you, I’m mad. I’m furious, Olly. That man out there I came here with? He risked everything to get me here, put his life on the line to make sure I got here alive what do I find?” He rose his eyes up to meet yours, an exhausted defeat beginning to set in for him. “I find the man I came here for, the man..I find him murdered by his own brothers. Thrown in a cell like he’s just a slab of meat to be stored away. I’m more angry then you could possibly believe, Olly. You looked me in the eye and told me you shoved a knife into the heart of someone who meant the world to me and there’s nothing I can to change that.”
“But I also believe in justice. And I do not think that you played enough of a role here to be the one to face the brunt of that justice. And you’re also the only person who came to me. Of your own free will, you came to me and confessed what you did.” The hope you felt only a few hours ago as you and Theon rode up to the wall felt like it was a horrible dream by that point.
“Tell me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think you’re a murderer. I think you were a normal boy who was taken advantage of by much older men here to help commit a horrible crime.” He didn’t confirm or deny, and you wondered if he was trying to grapple with who he was now as much as you felt yourself. “How did you get here. The Night’s Watch. What brought you here, with enough hate for the wildlings that it was used to trick you into thinking this was alright.”
Just as you suspected, he was a normal boy. Lived in the Gift in a small village with his mother and father and it was a raid by them that did it. You tried not to think of it, as he described the red headed woman who shot an arrow into his father. No reason to think it was the same one, but you couldn’t help but imagine it all the same.
The ordeal was as hard for him to get through as it was for him to tell you what he’d done. His father, his mother, the threat made by the men when they sent him running to Castle Black as a warning. You had been in enough battles to envision the carnage he had lived through.
Just a traumatized boy who lost everything in a few short minutes. Easy to manipulate for the right, or should you say, wrong people. Pulling a chair right up to sit by him you bent over to meet his eyeline with a low tone.
“You did a bad thing, Olly. An awful thing, to someone I care about no less, and justice tells me that such an action deserves a just sentence. But you’re also a child, who came to me and told me the truth all on your own. And I know for a fact that you didn’t plan this, and what you’ve done will already haunt you for the rest of your life. It haunts most of us.”
The fear in his eyes looked conflicted, deserve it or not he likely wondered. “I’m so sorry.”
“I know. So here’s what we are going to do. You were Jon’s steward right?” Olly nodded yes. “For now, you stick with me. Either you’re by my side, or if not me then you stick by whoever I tell you to stay with, do you understand?”
He nodded again, his brow furrowed in confusion. “You’re...not going to execute me, your grace?”
“They were boys,”
Olly would’ve been around Willem and Martyn Lannister’s age. And you could still see them laying dead and mutilated in the halls of Riverrun and the anger that seeped so deeply through you and Robb. You could see Jon too, but you also saw the boys. “I watched the King in the North execute men who had murdered two boys your age. They were our prisoners, but they were boys and he executed men in his own ranks for such a murder. I won’t dishonour his memory or Jon’s by executing a child. But there is catch here, Olly.”
You leaned in close, “I’m not going to execute you, harm you, or even throw you in a cell. But you need to do one last thing for me in exchange. I need you to tell me the names of every single man involved in Jon’s murder. All of them.”
“I didn’t kill anyone, I only watched for the guards.”
Meeting his eyes, you found a little bit of admiration in them. Just a normal boy pushed to an extreme he couldn’t possibly have understood the consequences of. “If they knew about it, stood guard to make sure no one was around, stood back and watched, and every person who shoved a knife into his chest, I need all of their names. Starting with the one who planned this in the first place. You will stay by my side, but only if you tell me exactly who is the man who wanted the Lord Commander dead.”
He flinched at Tormund as he walked out, walking away quickly in discomfort as he left to follow your instructions. Yourself telling Theon to go find Edd, it left you, Ghost and Tormund alone. Standing by his side as you both looked out to the yard you spoke lowly. “I’m not going to ask how much you were involved in attacking that boys village, nor will I ask about anyone else involved.”
His voice was rough, and were it not for the confidence in you and with the way Ghost dutifully found your side you might have been intimidated by the gruffness. “Am I on the pretty crow’s chopping block now as well?”
To his suprise, you had no ire in you towards him. “The fact that you’re here, in this place, trying to help me find out who did this, tells me that Jon trusted you. Which means I have no reason not to trust you as well.”
Watching Edd approach you, Tormund smirked a bit. “Learned as much from him as he did from me, I think. When this is all over, should hear about what’s been happening out North. He was probably one of the only ones taking any of it seriously. Seen shit a pretty lady like you would never believe.”
Your dreams flashed of blues and fires, of bodies and figures like ice and the scar in your stomach twisted as Edd came up to you. “You’d be surprised what I am willing to believe.” Turning your attention to the man in front of you, he noted the fire in your eyes. “I want you to gather the men in your meeting hall. No excuses.”
Both men looked at you as Edd asked, “What’s this about?”
But you didn’t meet their eyes. You only recalled a day when somehow hundreds of miles apart, you and Jon seemed to see each other in a strange vision behind your eyes. The last time you saw him before the nightmare thrown at you here. “I have names.”
Standing across the way in your moment alone, you caught the eye of your mother. The sun was moving quickly along the sky and eventually it would turn to night and you’d have to deal with a whole new nightmare. You weren’t sure what to say to her, spent too long apart, too long on opposite sides of a war that tore you and your father apart so hatefully. And now as she stood there beside Ser Davos you could see the tint of red lurking behind her.
It was her religion, not yours, not Ser Davos’s, and not...not hers either. This was your mothers doing, your fathers encouragement but now you were the only one to handle the aftermath of what she had almost let the red woman do, what damage was done before she begged for her to stop.
You’d handle that later. Only one thing at a time.
Ghost turned to look at you, standing tall the way he was sitting close to your own height. Gods can direwolves grow, don’t they. Looking at him, you ran a hand over the fur at his neck. “Don’t know why you’re sticking with me. He got killed trying to come after me, if I got here sooner or..just died when I was supposed to..” Ghost growled at you, shifting onto his feet as he did so before nudging you with his head.
Turning to see no eyes left watching, you slowly slid your shirt up just enough that Ghost could see the edge of a deep, large wound across your lower stomach that had the direwolf growl more. Nudging it with his nose before training his red eyes up at you.
“I’m just saying, Ghost. If this killed me like it was supposed to, Jon would still be with you right now, wouldn’t he?” It was hard to explain why something about Ghost was bugging you. You’d never seen him nor any other of the direwolves act like this but you knew it had been years. Maybe you just didn’t know Ghost anymore.
Maybe you wouldn’t have known Jon either.
That image in the cave that flashed before you came back, maybe coming after you was a fluke. It sat rotten in your core to think Jon could have died, regretting ever trying to come for you. That whatever that image in your mind of the pretty redhead was the only love he had needed or wanted anymore.
Coming to the hall, you nudged Ghost to head down the stairs to the ground level. “It’ll be okay, go on.”
Your footsteps echoed as they walked across the wooden floor. The room cramped with men all with eyes trained on you. Up on a platform was a table with multiple chairs and none taken. Whatever hierarchy was in the Night’s Watch currently fell into your hands in that moment. And you hoped that it would be enough to play out what was needed to be done here.
Your hand trailed along the back of the chair in the middle of the table, before bracing both palms against them looking to the men. Some in clear view of you with a disdain you knew would never go away, Edd close down near the front with watchful eyes and Olly sitting to the side with his own nerves rampaging.
“Sometime last year, a group of your own men mutinied against Lord Commander Jeor Mormont. Held the girls there prisoners, and even held some of your brothers too. Men who died fighting at your sides. What was the punishment for the crimes of those men?” There was silence in the room before one man spoke up. You didn’t know him, but you appreciated the honestly as he named death as the punishment.
No one contested it, but your eyes found a few odd ones out. The one in your most direct view, Ser Alliser, watching with distrust. “And who was the man that led you all there to carry out that justice?”
Murmurs of Jon Snow rumbled through the hall.
You were trying not to let anger take over, it was growing harder and harder as Allisers’s eyes bored into your person. “And who became your Lord Commander?” More of the same murmurs. “Some of you may not have voted for him, but he became your Lord Commander all the same. The man that you follow, the one that leads you and the one you all fought beside multiple times. He put his life on the line for you all, and some of you repayed that kindness with treason.”
Some men fidgeted in their seats. Good. “One man in this room came up with a plan to attack your Lord Commander in the middle of the night, murder him, and tried to hide the body. Like a coward too afraid to face his own crimes.” The same men all looked at each other except for two. One young who watched you closely and the other daring you to continue along this path.
“He lays dead on the floor of a cell as some have hidden his murderer from you all. Your own brothers betrayed him, and they betrayed you. I don’t want your sadness or your sorry. I want your anger. I want you to be angry that someone here decided they had the right to murder a brother under your own noses and lie about it.”
The air in the room was thick, the heat rising as men spoke lowly to each other that increased as they discussed it. “So I will give you this one chance. Stand up in front of your men, your brothers and be honest about your own actions before I name you myself.”
Olly looked to you from his seat, your eyes only flickering to him as something inside of you raged. He was at least honest in what he did, and yet none of these men more then twice his age had any bravery to stand up for what they did. Jon died at their hands, because of you, and yet his own murderers were too cowardly to be as honest as he was.
He deserved far better then any of this.
“The Night’s Watch doesn’t answer to any Crown.”
Heads all turned to look at Thorne, and you stood up straighter in your place. You could see Theon far beside you watching curiously. It had been along time since he’d seen this side of you, a long time since you’d even been allowed to be a leader but he could see clear as day the weight on your shoulders.
“But you do.” Theon’s voice was more confident then it had been in years, and he tried not to focus on the heavy weight in your eyes that softened as you looked to him. “You take your orders from the Iron Throne, ask them for resources when you don’t have enough, and take their criminals as your own. She may not rule the Seven Kingdoms, but this is the North, and King Robb being dead doesn’t make her any less Queen in the North. Meaning right now, she’s your Queen, Ser.”
Sighing out you turned back to the room as the room turned to Ser Alliser. Theon had done a lot for you, but he wasn’t about to stop now. He didn’t have all of the details, but clearly finding Jon dead had hurt you harder then it did most people here. Hit you about as hard as he saw you hurt over Robb.
Ser Alliser stood up, the scraping of the stool echoing off the walls. “He already broke his vows. Murdered a brother, lay with a wildling, let those other wildlings into our walls and our lands and he was about to break another just to rescue you.”
You bit your tongue enough it was astounding you didn’t draw blood. The condescension in his tone as if lecturing a misbehaving child from him of all men. He was lucky you didn’t let Ghost tear him apart all those hours ago. “It is not your place to decide what is to be done about those actions. He was your leader.”
No guilt in his tone as he spoke and the rage built so much in your chest the men in the room could’ve heard your heart pounding. Or your muscles shaking with a tingling to leap and act. “And now he’s dead, that doesn’t mean we are going to listen to you.” And yet, not a single man in that room stood up, spoke, or moved a muscle. “I did what I did for the Watch, not to be lectured by a little girl throwing a tantrum over a dead man.”
Even the wind stopped for such a comment. For a second, in his eyes he realized what he said and steeled back as hard as ever. He knew there was no going back now, and it seemed he was confident in his position against yours. Two standing figures staring one another down as your voice was low.
Lower then before and only the sheer quiet in the room allowed everyone to hear it. “Are you confessing to your crime?” Everyone in the room turned to him. Some men looked nervous as it to be called out, Olly sat with a darkened narrow look on his face looking between you both. As if realizing that you truly had not shown him the same strength in power as now.
But the man just looked at you, raising his chin in the air with pride. “He was no brother of mine.”
Your eyes were almost black, muscles in your neck almost shaking from the rush of blood flying through your veins as you stared him down. You had one last card to play against him, and it came simply down to a matter of what side these men’s pendulum swung.
“Take Ser Alliser outside.”
Men all stood at once, slowly but in the intensity of the room it was felt by all as the attention was torn between both. Your voice quiet once more never breaking eye contact. “Olly, bring me a sword.” The boy rushing out without question, as everyone stood in the room.
Some men gathered near him, and you knew he was waiting for his brothers to stand by his side against you. He was confident in his dedication that they viewed his actions all the same, and in an instant that image was shattered to him.
Multiple men grabbed him, dragging the larger and stronger man out the door and down into the courtyard.
The sight of the amount of them all filing out of the room, down the steps and onto the court with a gritted teeth seething Ser Alliser caught the attention of those outside. The free folk with Tormund who all turned with a curiosity at the sight, and above on one of the landings, two more. Slowly making his way to the middle standing right in front of where they dragged him, Ghost watched quiet and tall with eyes so tense they looked almost human.
Selyse Baratheon stood with Ser Davos in a quiet conservation when the men of the Night’s Watch all filed out of their meeting hall. Ser Alliser Thorne in many of their holds being dragged up to a platform as the rest gathered on the ground around it. Both turned with a twisting on their faces at the sight as Edd knocked him down to his knees, neck overtop the wooden stump with an anger on his own that followed many of the faces amongst the crowd.
The sight that caught their attention the most, and the attention of the woman in red lurking nearby was the smaller, shorter figure then most of them descending the steps. Selyse had never seen this side of her eldest daughter before.
Coming to the ground, Olly came up to you and only for a second did you register the white pommel on the edge of the sword’s hilt. He had gone specifically to grab Jon’s own sword where it had been stashed in the Lord Commander’s room. The sword was large and heavy, more then what you were used to but as you grabbed it with your left hand you cared none of it.
The men parted ways to let you pass and it unnerved the approached Ser Alliser how you blinked not once as you came his way. Up onto the steps you stood to the side of him, unsheathing the sword that had been given to Jon personally. Refitted for him personally. It only seemed just to do so with it as you handed it’s holding to Theon.
The rage of the man matched yours as you held the tip of the blade to the ground in your palms. Ghost stepped forward and if the knelt man looked up, he would see the same kind of vile spite in the eyes of a direwolf as you held in your own. An odd sight for such a creature.
You had fought in a battle before, but this was new. You stood alone with this sword and your justice only to be given by you. You had stood by choices like this before, stood by Robb’s side before but now you did alone. And your racing nerves burned inside you. “If you have any last words, Ser Alliser. Speak them now.”
Only the wind was heard. Wind and the scraping as you used both hands to grasp the handle of the blade as he finally turned to you. A hiss in his voice as he held confidence in his actions that made you seethe. “He was a traitor, I should have tossed his corpse outside. Let you freeze to death next to the bastard who loved you so much.”
He never broke eye contact as you stared at him. Your hands screaming at you needing to shake from the strain as you looked into his eyes. You lay dying beside Robb Stark and the gods tore your deaths together from you. And now mocking you that Jon Snow died being betrayed just as his own brother did, and died even more alone then Robb had.
If you could have joined Robb, joined Jon, you would have. He deserved more then this. More then anything this world spat at him. All the Starks did. And in one blinding flash of anger as you recalled the feeling of the wound over his heart you swung it down in one go.
Valyrian steel Maege Mormont said it was. Heavy and sharp like no other blade and in one go, even at the weakness you held from almost a year of captivity, the steel of Longclaw was enough that it took his head in one swing. The faint words of a man as good as your father long gone, telling you if you are to kill a man as such, to look into a man’s eyes. And neither you nor him looked away until there was nothing left in his place.
The men were silent, and as you handed the sword to Theon you felt heavy in your heart. You looked up to the men, and knew one last point to be made before this was over. “There were twelve men involved in your Lord Commander’s murder. I know of two, both have confessed to their crimes and paid the price. Ten brothers among you either stood watching guard or shoved a knife into his chest themselves. Step forward of your own accord. Before I give your names to your brothers for you.”
None moved, and none said a word. If they had considered it, you decided it was too late as you opened your mouth to speak. “Bowen Marsh, Othell Yarwyck-” and in an instant eight other men stepped forward of their own accord, the innocent ones shoving forward the named men trying to cower in the back.
The other men of the Watch begun to circle around them, it made you sick to think Jon died not realizing that when it truly mattered more men were on his side then not and he may have never known it. Marsh and Yarwyck now shoved in front of you, as your eyes looked to the other eight.
“Many of you came here as criminals. They took you here, and your slate was wiped clean and given a new chance. Most of you took that chance and served with honour. These men acted out the same vile actions that sent them here in the first place, and murdered not just their leader, but a brother who fought beside them.”
The eyes above, watching you from both that of the free folk and the trio above were watching carefully. Ghost stepped forward of his own, coming to your side, as if sensing how much you needed someone. You had no choice now, it was your duty to carry this burden and you wouldn’t fail that but doing it like this wasn’t normal. You weren’t Robb, you certainly weren’t Stannis.
“Jon believed there were more important things beyond the wall then whatever rules he may have broken. He understood that we have greater enemies to fight then each other. I am not your leader, I am not one of you, but we are going to have to put that passed us if we are to survive what’s coming.”
Ghost didn’t move, but you could feel a rumble in his chest at your words. “Tomorrow we wipe that slate clean again, you came forward and the punishment of your own brothers knowing the atrocities you committed will be shameful enough.”
And as you stood in the remains of the day, most of the men understanding that tomorrow was to start fresh, you felt no relief in what had been done. Jon was still dead, and you still had one more thing to do before this horror of a day was to come to an end. At this rate, you hoped that end would come in consuming enough alcohol to kill a horse and sleep until the gods forced you back into the world.
In your fathers quarters, you looked over the work along his desk, and some of Jon’s own work you had Olly bring to you. You had no idea the state of things here at all and that days end looked further and further away the more into a headache you spun.
It was Tormund who came to see you first, looking around unimpressed and even moreso as he landed on the work on the desk. Sitting down in the chair he looked at you finally an expression slipping into curiously, “Didn’t think a pretty crow like you had that in you.”
Dropping the paper you leaned back in the seat with a sigh. “I wasn’t sure I did either. But it needed to be done so I did it.” You had paused, glancing up to him with a disturbed curiosity of your own. “I know it won’t take back what happened, or mean much coming from me, but I’m sorry for what my father did to Mance Rayder.” Tormund’s eyebrows rose in a suprise as you elaborated. “He didn’t deserve to die like that...no one deserves to die like that.”
Jon had given him the mercy ultimately, shot an arrow into his heart just as the fires begun to make Mance scream in pain. You weren’t sure if that would have infuriated your father, or secretly impressed him for the courage it took to so brazenly go against his law.
Inhaling deeply, he leaned forward arms laying across his knees. “Mean fucker, your old man.” It was such a weird thing to do, but you laughed. A genuine laugh that took both him and Theon quiet off to the side by total suprise.
“Try being raised by him. I’m shocked I have any social skills whatsoever.” Tormund chuckled himself, and even if he didn’t outloud, Theon felt it inside his chest. Was that ever true. Your first week getting to know the Greyjoy he was convinced you were a complete bitch and the Starks must be delusional to even remotely like you. It sure didn’t stay that way, clearly. He had a sister out there who just might want to know he’s alive, but the woman who felt more like a sister that Theon cared about the most, was the one sitting here in this very room.
Tormund’s voice was low and crackling, a slight amusement still trained in tone. “Got no reason to accept your apology. You didn’t burn him alive, pretty crow. Gave Thorne out there a nicer death then your father did Mance, bumps you up a few notches in my opinion.”
Your eyes glanced to the side of the desk with Jon’s own writings and you felt sick at the sight of it. “I’ve never had to do this alone. Leading like this.”
Looking up at him, you felt surprised that such a giant, thundering man could look so quiet in his expression. “He said you were married to his brother. Always wondered what you were like as a Queen and would get angry knowing he’d never get the chance. Almost sickening how much he loved you.”
There was no point in hiding it, he was dead and so was Robb. What was there to hide anymore but from your own pain? Theon could only try and connect dots he never knew existed before. “The thought of coming here, the one person here I never thought I’d see again, after everyone spent, what? A year thinking I was dead? Hell sometimes I thought I was, sure didn’t feel like a real person for a long time.”
Leaning forward a bit, Tormund grumbled, “Don’t think he quite felt like one either after you.” Hand gesturing to Ghost sitting beside you he commented, “Never seen him act quite like this before. Got wolves falling for you everywhere you go.”
A low growl left Ghost, only calmed as you narrowed your eyes and reached over running a hand over his fur. “Well, I’m not the only one who lost Jon. I don’t know if it’s because he recognizes me, or if he can somehow sense his own brother on me but..he needs someone who understands him. I suppose I just hope he doesn’t hate me for getting his owner killed.”
Ghost growled louder, nipping at your hand as he did so before settling as Theon spoke. “You killed the man who got him killed, had nothing to do with you.” You didn’t really believe that, first you failed Robb and now you got Jon killed what more damage could you possible have done. You didn’t even know why Jon still cared about you enough to try and come find you like that. Or if it was just out of a sense of obligation because you were his brothers widow.
Those soft days with him in Winterfell didn’t even feel real anymore, like it was a fantasy you dreamed up in your grief and maybe Jon hated you all along. Would that have made this easier or harder?
“We need to burn him.” Your eyes flickered back to Tormund’s in anger. “By nightfall he’ll have been there almost a day, only gets more dangerous the longer we wait. Things happen to the dead this far North.”
You had seen dreams of blue eyes and rising corpses around you. “We’re not burning him.” Tormund tried to speak but you grew louder. “I’m not burning him. I-”
Your head fell to your hands as your elbows rested up on the desk as you collected yourself, finally letting them drop flat against the desk once more. “I can’t bury Robb in Winterfell. I don’t know what they did with the rest of his body or if it still exists. He belongs there next to his father and I can’t do anything about it.” Your voice finally cracked, you barley spoke of it to Theon, until now. “I’m not doing the same to Jon. That’s his family, he belongs in his home. He belongs in Winterfell and I’m bringing him back.”
Ghost nudged your side but you didn’t take notice as Tormund warned, “If something happens-”
“Then I’ll deal with it myself. You said Jon killed some of those things with this,” Your hands reaching back to where Longclaw hung around your chair and bringing it to sit flat across the desk, running your fingers over the pommel. Just like Maege said, Jeor Mormont had it forged to look just like Ghost. “Something happens to him, I will deal with it myself but no one is burning him. I’m bringing him home where he belongs. I couldn’t do it for his brother, so let me at least do it now.”
Theon quietly called your name but you shook your head. Unable to look at either of them, he got the message thankfully. “Okay then, no one goes near him. Edd said the doors are locked to everyone but us right now, so we keep it that way.” You nodded without looking at him really.
You felt like a child for thinking it, but it wasn’t fair. None of this was fair. You inhaled deeply as you sat up straighter, “Is- are they all out there finally, Theon?”
He nodded, opening the door to let the group in, Olly seemed to have correctly thought safer to keep them waiting outside until you were ready. You had one more thing to do tonight and maybe this day could finally end. Maybe you could end with it.
Ser Davos walked in with your mother, and Lady Melisendre with them as Olly closed the door after you shook your head at Tormund’s silent ask if he should leave. Call if grief for losing a friend, but he found you curious, and had no qualms about sticking around to find out why he thought so.
Walking up to lean against the front of the desk, your arms crossed you looked at the floor before up to one individual. You needed the truth, the plain truth on this one. “Ser Davos, tell me what happened.”
It was awful. In the confusion of the letter and not knowing what happened yet to Jon, two people came to a conclusion of what to do. The letter now sat in your pocket, you knew what it said. King Stannis Baratheon had been claimed dead by Ramsay in battle, and with no word from him or his armies, what were they to believe but it’s words?
King’s blood she said. Only King’s blood can be used as a sacrifice to the Lord of Light, and only powerful blood could bring the King back. You had smelt the faint traces of smoke that morning but you didn’t know what it was, now you did and you were sick and angry and wanted to smash something until your hand bled.
There was only one with King’s Blood. Only one that you hadn’t seen in so long, one who didn’t even know you were alive and yet she was allowed to be dragged to a pyre. Your eyes rose up to your mothers, the sadness there evident as your voice whispered. “She was your daughter. You thought she was your only daughter left. Let’s say it worked, it brought him back do you really think he would be grateful you murdered his only living heir to do so?”
Stepping forward, the red woman tried to placate. “Princess, it was a necessary-”
“She’s not your princess. She’s your Queen.” Her eyes narrowed at Theon’s but you raised your hand to quiet both of them.
Looking over to Davos once more you could see the pain, you knew he loved Shireen like she was his own daughter, it was impossible not to she was just a bundle of joy that was so rare in this cursed family. “Your grace, this is not the first time such a thing has been done. Using the blood of your family for her dark magic claiming it was all in the name of this god. If burning a child isn’t evil to her, I don’t know what else she would be willing to sacrifice.”
She smiled at him and it made you as angry as it did Davos uncomfortable. “It is not evil, Ser Davos. I merely do what the lord bids me to do, he works through me I do not work in favour of him. The princess was given up as a sacrifice willingly-”
Something in your mother however, snapped. The slap was harsh and yet Melisendre did not reel from it. Just as her daughter begun to scream, she pleaded for it to stop. Convinced of the desperation only to the point where her actions had consequences. A running crime against the people you loved.
With no one in charge, the King gone and dead and non yet realizing Jon laid dead himself it took some chaos to get her down. But you hadn’t gone to see Shireen for a reason, Davos that morning when he came to see you finally had told you then. She was in a very bad place, and there was little that could be done but keep her asleep for her own good.
Looking to Olly, you had sent him much earlier to see in on the situation. It kept him away from the others and kept you in the loop. He shook his head, and your own hung as a lump formed in your throat.
“My dear, there is only one way to bring the King back to us. Only blood can be traded for life and the Lord knows he is needed here and not with the dead. Let me finish the ritual, let me do you a kindness and bring your father back to you.” You bit your tongue, and Ghost begun to growl as she tried stepping to you. “You’ve lost many you love today, but I can save your father as long as you let me-”
It was a strange set of seconds. Something in you burned so angry that you were about to reach out and hit her yourself until you restrained it, but in turn Ghost had tried to move forward with a snap of his teeth. Only kept back by you reaching out to grasp the fur along his back. The direwolf standing back to look at you as if asking why.
You could see the distress finally hit your mother again, the distress you hadn’t seen last night.
“You can’t, please it was a mistake, I tried to stop her.” Pleading your name you hated that you knew Shireen would call it in the same way during scared storms in the middle of the night. “We find someone else, don’t let her do this-”
“There is no one else, unless the Queen is to give her own life up.” Melisendre eyed Ghost with disdain as she spoke. “However I’m not inclined to think the wolf will allow it.” Arguing ensued between the three of them. Theon and Olly watching it unfold, and Tormund knowing already what you were doing to have to do.
He’d seen the burning, it wasn’t something any could endure and survive. Shocked the little princess managed to hold out as long as she had, kept under deep sleep the pain so great. You looked down to Ghost, then up to Tormund in the fight between the two women and Davos. “How long will it take to build a small fire just north of the wall?”
His voice as quiet as yours, “Not long. We stay by the gate and we can keep it going long as you need, right?” Looking down with an almost amused raise of an eyebrow to Ghost.
“Lady Melisendre,” Your voice was loud and commanding, shutting down each of their arguments in the overpowering tone. “You are to stay away from my mother. From me, and all of us. Olly, escort the lady to her room and ensure she stays there for the night.”
Opening the door, he waited a second before walking over to her himself. You stared at her as she did you, first her vile lies about Robb and now she left your sister to die in agony. You wouldn’t look at her a second longer, but she left with no more argument.
“Ser Davos, go with my mother. Tormund and Theon find Edd and wait for me just outside the gate. If it must be done. I will do it myself.”
Theon met your eyes, and he knew this was going to take longer then anyone expected. The final strike of the day, the only person you had left that you truly loved, you had to end her pain yourself, and after that what did you really have? To you, this was the cost of your sins coming back tenfold to show you how cursed you were to live the remainder of your life.
He knew the look in your eye, and as you walked passed all of them. None followed.
The path to the Maesters quarters was quiet, little movement in the now dark skies above Castle Black as the few who you passed said nothing. The far look in your eye was all that needed to be said at this point. It didn’t occur to you at all, but for the first time that day Ghost did not follow you. Instead his path went down stairs to a darkness that held a secret the direwolf had no true way of explaining in this state.
The one watching her left almost as soon as you walked in. Your footsteps slow as you approached the figure in the sheets. Sitting on the bed next to her you reached up to run a hand over her face. You barley recognized her. They had kept her asleep because the scarring across her body would kill her from the shock. You didn’t even see your baby sister in the burns.
You had been atop your horse on Dragonstone the last time you saw her, having run over to you once more to give you a tight hug before she stood on the cliff watching you go. You had promised her that the next time you saw her, you’d take her underground to see the beauty of the reds and purples and greens of the deepest Dragonglass.
Tears fell freely this time, she didn’t even know you were alive and she’d be gone before you could ever tell her how much you loved her. Running along the greyscale on her face you remembered the day you got to hold her finally.
She would always tug at your hair yanking it to rest her little forehead against yours and you both adored the physical contact. She was only a baby, she didn’t remember or understand it but the cracked skin along her face told the story enough. She was beautiful regardless of what any said.
Pulling a dagger from your side, you felt shaken, choking on the inside as you ran your hand once more over her. The tears were heavy and your breathing was laboured. The Lord of Light demanded a burning but he would never take her alive, not like this, not again. She didn’t deserve that.
Neither people deserved their deaths on this day. And both were your fault in some way.
But as you pulled the dagger up, you pulled her hair back and put it at the back of her neck. You refused to let her die in anymore pain, draw it out anymore and do her the kindness of not running through her front. As you sat there, your stomach burned. Burning where you had been stabbed over and over that night and you had no way of knowing it’s truth.
But finally, as the only sound other then the crackling of the fire ran through the air and put an end to Shireen’s suffering, your eyes closed this time, as it was too much for even you to bare. Laying next to the curious state of a white direwolf though, in that same moment in the faint firelight of the ice cells?
A pair of grey eyes opened slowly in the silence.
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fernclans · 1 year
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A time to start anew.
(tw for blood, violence, and implied death)
“Cliffpaw, grab the kits and run--!”
A small red tom woke with a start, fear and adrenaline filling his veins as the thick stench of blood filled his senses. The lone apprentice of ▇▇Clan doesn’t even take the time to stand properly, bolting immediately from his nest and sending its contents scattered behind him. He barely has a moment to parse the camp in front of him before whirling on his paws and angling left to the nursery; he couldn’t count how many cats had already fallen, but against such a massive enemy the tom knew instinctively they stood no chance either way.
Misfortune had followed a patrol home; a patrol of young wolves out for a hunt. The packs northward had been growing larger over the past seasons-- more pups meant more prey which needed to be killed. Though predators themselves, Cliffpaw knew it was foolish to believe cats weren’t also prey in their own right.
“C’mon, c’mon, c’mon! Let’s get going!” a kit nearly his own size shoved his way past ▇▇▇▇, a smaller she-kit following behind with what could only be a moon-old kit in her jaws.
“Head to the tunnels!” ▇▇▇▇ shouted over their shoulder, just barely audible against the snarling and barking of wolves.
Giving himself a firm nod, Cliffpaw overtakes the eldest kit and begins to pick up the pace. “Follow me-- I can lead us somewhere no wolf can find.” He hoped. He’d only been there once, two moons prior the beginning of his apprenticeship with Magpiestar; The Moonlit Caverns. A place where those blessed with the ability to do so commune with their ancestors, sacred and protected.
A small dip beneath a stone obscured by plants Cliffpaw never learned the name of marking an emergency tunnel into the system below -- it was narrow, and not well-maintained but it would have to do. A shriek sounds from behind him, shrill with terror. “AMBERKIT!” Cliffpaw hears the tomkit shout as his eyes meet the dark stare of a wolf whose jaws clamped around the tail of the white and grey tabby she-kit.
“Take the little one and through that hole and RUN-” Cliffpaw orders, hoping his few moons of training would be enough to save Amberkit and get out of there before the wolf could get a worse hold. Without hesitation, he lunges forward and latches to the large hounds face, teeth fighting for a grip against its massive forehead. 
He looks down at the wolf, eyes black and hollow, and then further down at Amberkit, tiny and helpless within its jaws. His paw begins to slip when an idea strikes him. Leaning into the weight, Cliffpaw scores his left-front paw down the wolf’s left eye and landing with a thud when it pulls itself back, a high-pitched whimper leaving its muzzle, releasing its hold on Amberkit’s tail.
His mind fights to take the moment to look across the camp while the wolf was still dazed -- were ▇▇▇▇ and ▇▇▇▇ still alive? Did they somehow escape as well? Precious seconds are wasted while Cliffpaw fights against himself, muscles tensing in indecision. A growl, deep and low is quick to make the decision for him. The red tabby surges forward, grabbing Amberkit by her scruff and forcing himself through the tunnels.
Whatever happened above, they would have to get through this together.
hiii welcome to my latest little clangen venture :3 this save, i selected a single apprentice and all the kits i could and decided to let it up to fate if they can rebuild from such a tragedy post style will probably change moon to moon while i figure out what kind of flow i like, but i hope you enjoy!
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Zoro x fem Reader Fantasy AU! NSFW! Could you do something like a Little Red Riding Hood AU where S/O is Red and Zoro is the Big Bad Wolf, but it’s more like every time she visits her grandmother, Zoro tends to follow and protect her in the shadows from any dangers. If you can, can you put Werewolf Zoro in heat? If not, any other scenario leading to NSFW is fine too!
👀👀 sdlkfjsdifjsdkfnsdifj I see you I see you. On my knees for werewolf!zoro 🧎‍♀️ As you wish, my lovely.
Note: for those who don't know what a knot is, in ABO (alpha, beta, omega) dynamics, it is often described as a 'bump' or a ring that goes all the way around the base of the penis, and 'inflates' when the character is about to cum. It's used as a sort of plug to lock in the cum to help ensure that pregnancy occurs. In this story, pregnancy is NOT mentioned, I'm just saying what it's usually for. I'm not entirely sure if there's a consensus if it's a harsh edge or a sloped one, but let me tell you what I imagined for this scenario- it's a thick ring the same hardness as a super hard dick (like about to cum hard), and it doesn't really have a harsh 90 degree edge to it, but blends into the skin like how (generally) the sides of a white person's nose does. if that makes sense lol.
Warnings: teasing reader, rut, reader has a praise kink, reader in sub space kinda, SMUT, oral (m and f receiving), references to a/b/o (he just say's he's an alpha, which ofc he is and calls reader omega) Zoro has a knot, vaginal sex
Also I'm going FERAL over this amazing, incredible art by @philandresi - and the rest of their art omg.
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Anywho, without further ado-
Big Bad Werewolf!Zoro in rut with his Little Red Riding Hood fem!S/O NSFW
You inhaled the sweet, fresh scent of the woods. Pine, grass, flowers, and water swirled in a delicate perfume you could never ever begin to recreate. You exhaled, cracking a small smile as you heard a twig snap nearby. He always found you so quickly.
"You're not sneaky, you know" you called out. An answering scoff answered your quip.
"Only 'cuz you know I'm here." Warm arms encircled your waist from behind before letting go quickly. You quirked a brow in surprise. Normally he wouldn't let go of you until you smacked his arms off. You turned around, letting the red hood of your short cloak fall to your shoulders. The skirt of your dress brushed his legs and you shifted the basket to your wrist so you could hug him fully, but he stepped back. Your brows scrunched in confusion.
"You okay? Your face is flushed, and you're sweating. Are you sick?"
He shook his head.
"I... I can't stay long. You should stay at your grandma's for a few days too."
"What's going on? What's wrong?" you stepped forward, a hand raised to reach out in concern. He grabbed your wrist, and seemed to fight with himself before he ripped his hand away.
"I... I don't want to force it on you. It's..." the last few words were mumbled low enough you couldn't understand him.
"It's what?" you asked gently. He ran a clawed hand through his hair, wolfish ears flattening briefly as his fingers passed over them. You noticed his fluffy green tail flicking behind him. You frowned. Normally he didn't have his tail out, and he always sheathed his claws around you.
"my rut" he mumbled, looking down at the ground. His hand rested at the back of his neck, and you tore your eyes away from his heavily muscled bicep. Understanding bloomed in you mind, but you kept your face blank. He'd explained werewolf culture to you over the years you've been seeing each other, and you remembered everything.
"Ohhh.. I remember you mentioned it before, but I can't remember what it is." You cocked your head to the side, eyes wide and innocent. You licked your lips, leaving them shining and parted. You knew exactly how that look affected your werewolf boyfriend. He gazed at you for a second before seemingly shaking it off.
"You ever see an animal in heat?"
You made a show of thinking.
"I think so? I think there was a cat that lived around my house that was for a bit. She kept yowling really loud. Eventually she showed back up pregnant. Are you saying you want to howl really loud?"
You struggled to keep a straight face at Zoro's reaction to the intentional comparison to a simple domestic cat and your question. His brow furrowed and his lip curled.
"Don't tease me, mate." his voice deepened to a timbre at the last word, vibrating through your chest. His fangs elongated slightly and his eyes glowed red. Ah. I got caught. Heat began to pool in your abdomen, and you shifted your legs to avoid rubbing them together. A evil smile curved your boyfriend's lips, and he ran a tongue over sharp fangs.
"I can smell your arousal, sweetheart" he leaned forward, nosing the area of your neck beneath you ear. You whined.
"I don't care that it's your rut, Zoro. I want to help you through it. I want to be with you. I love you, so take me."
He growled, and tore himself away from you. It seemed to cause him physical pain, and he crossed his arms over his chest.
"What about your errands?" he said, nodding to your basket.
"I can make them quick. I should tell grandma I won't be coming for a few days anyway."
He furrowed his brow.
"I could hurt you" he whispered. Pained worry danced in his eyes, nearly hidden under a scowl. You smiled gently.
"You would never. Remember? I'm your mate. Even when you stalked me through the woods for a month, trying to take the food, you could never bring yourself to do it because you couldn't hurt me. You can't hurt me."
His tail flicked behind him.
"You realize that once we start, I won't be able to even let you out of my sight for days"
You nodded.
"I wouldn't have it any other way. I want to spend your rut with you. I trust you completely. God, Zoro I've even been waiting for you to ask if you can make the mating bite, which is more permanent than human marriage. I want to spend my life with you, ruts and all. I want you to be mine, and I need to be yours. Please." You stepped closer to him while you spoke, raising a hand to cup his cheek. He nuzzled your palm, a breath of relief shuddering through him.
"I was gonna do it next rut" he muttered. Your heart skipped a beat.
"You were?"
He nodded sheepishly.
"I was going to tell you after this one so you had time to consider it. It's a huge commitment. I knew through all the ruts I've had so far that I would've sealed the mating bond whether or not you wanted it. That's why I spent them alone" he admitted. Your heart melted.
"There's something else you should know."
"What is it?"
"There's... There's a chance you'll change into a werewolf too" he said, looking resolutely in your eyes.
"I know. That doesn't matter as long as I have you" you whispered. His eyes widened, then he surged forward in a bruising kiss. You accepted it, letting him control it. His tongue entered your mouth, sliding over yours and exploring your mouth. You moaned. A quiet growl escaped from his chest. You pulled back, breaking the kiss. A string of shared saliva broke from your bottom lip.
"Let's drop the basket off real quick. I also should pick up a change of clothes I have at my grandma's" you muttered with a smirk. You've never been carried at the speed Zoro went to your grandmother's house.
By the time you reached his dwelling (a surprisingly cozy and developed cottage-like structure carved out of the side of a hill), Zoro couldn't keep his hands off you. He threw you down on the nest of blankets and pillows he had in place of a bed before sitting up to rest his hands on your knees to smirk down at you. You swallowed, nervous lust making the wetness between your legs grow.
He tore off his shirt, ripping the fabric down the middle. Your eyes widened. It wasn't even close to the first time you two had sex, but it the first time you've seen him so intense. Your hands rose to unclasp your cloak, but he stopped you.
"Keep it on. Wearing that fucking cloak in the middle of those woods was a mistake, Mate. You caught my attention, and now you're mine."
Oh. oh. Yeah, you could play along.
"Oh do tell, Mr. Wolf, how exactly you're going to make me yours" you smirked. You moved your hands to rest by your head and arched your back slightly, offering your body to him. A deep growl emanated from his chest, and you couldn't hold back a soft groan. He dragged one hand up your thigh to rest on your hip, hiding under the skirt of your dress. The other fondled a breast through the fabric.
You could tell he was rapidly losing his sense. Before you could open your mouth to say anything else, he unsheathed a claw from the tip of his index finger and sliced easily through the entire length of your dress. You expected this, but the casual show of killing power made you moan and you felt yourself grow wetter.
"Off" he grunted. You sat up and shimmied your arms out of the sleeves and tossed the ruined dress to the side, leaving you in your cloak, bra and panties. He pushed you back on the bedding and crawled on top of you, resting his knees next to your hips. His mouth began to suck blooming red and purple marks on your neck, and he dragged his fangs over your jugular. You hissed in a breath, rubbing your thighs together. His hands found their previous positions, one fondling your breasts and the other pinning your hip to the blankets as he rested some of his weight on it.
"Zoro~" you moaned. You let your hands trail up his back, dragging your nails lightly over his tanned skin until your fingers tangled in his short green hair. You let your hands run over his ears. You knew they were sensitive, and he rewarded you with a harsher bite to the top of your breast. He unsheathed a claw and sliced open the front of your bra, letting your breasts fall free. His warm, calloused thumb circled a nipple, pebbling it under his touch. His tongue laved over the other, circling it and suckling it until it was hard. He popped off and switched his mouth over to the other one, showing it the same attention as the other cooled quickly. Your fingers scratched his scalp as your hands curled a little in pleasure. He hummed, and you moaned at the vibration against your nipple.
"More. Zoro. Please"
He chuckled darkly at your plea, removing his mouth from your breast to look up at you. His irises were red, and he ran a tongue over his fang.
"Begging already? I've hardly even touched you." His voice was deeper and more gravely, and it made your breath hitch, sending heat to pool in your abdomen. You whined, tugging gently on his hair to guide him between your thighs.
"Not yet, mate. I want you to do something for me first." He ground his clothed cock against you wet panties, groaning deeply at the friction. He was hot and hard in his pants. Your eyes widened at the heat coming off him. You nodded frantically. He smirked at your eagerness.
"There's my good girl." Your body relaxed back, mind starting to feel fuzzy at the praise. He sat back on his heels and stood, and you reached out, already missing his warmth. One of his hands met yours, and you heard a rustling of fabric as he stepped out of his pants.
He helped you sit up on your knees on the bedding, back close to the wall. He stood in front of you. You were face to face with his bobbing cock, and you licked your lips. You've sucked him off before, but he seemed even bigger. Your middle finger and thumb normally could just barely touch if you squeezed around his cock, but now as you roughly teased it, they were about a centimeter apart, and he was even longer. He threw back his head with a groan at your harsh touch.
"You're bigger" you muttered.
"You can take it, can't you?" he cooed. There was a note of worry in his tone, but you nodded, looking up at him. Shadowed with the setting sun filtering through the window at his back as he looked down at you, his eyes glowed red. The orange light reflected beautifully off his green ears. Your heart skipped a beat and your breath hitched with love and lust. He thrusted forward, tapping the tip of his cock against your lips, and you opened obediently and sucked him down. It took some adjusting to get used to his new girth and length. You couldn't swallow him down immediately like you have in the past.
You popped off and stroked his length. He was warmer and heavier than usual, and you tried again. This time, the extra lubrication from your saliva made it much easier, and you hummed around his dick. He swore and gripped the sides of your head in desperation. You bobbed your head a few times, getting used to his length and coating it with your saliva. You let a hand pump the rest of the dick you couldn't reach with your mouth. The ring of his knot was already beginning to form at the base of his cock.
"Shit. That's it. Taking it so good. Fuck!" You moaned at his praise, laving your tongue in circles around the tip, closing your eyes to focus. Once you were used to it, you trailed your free up his thighs to his hips, pushing and pulling slightly. He took the hint and eagerly began fucking your face. You let yourself loll your tongue out, gagging once or twice. It was messy, and tears gathered in your eyes at the burn at the back of your throat as he sheathed himself into your mouth. You felt your saliva dripping off your chin onto your lap, and you looked up at him, tears in your eyes. His brow was furrowed with building pleasure, mouth open as he huffed in breaths as he thrusted. He looked so close, and you had just the thing to send him over the edge.
Your free hand cupped his already tightening balls, and the other that was wrapped around his cock squeezed harshly on his knot. You gagged around the tip as it slipped into your throat. He froze in that position, shaking as he threw his head back with pleasure. His hands tightened around your head, claws lightly scraping against your neck.
"Ah! Fuck! Shit I'm-"
His release spurted hotly down the back of your throat, and you massaged both his balls and knot. His hips stuttered and his hands released your head and slammed on the wall behind you to keep himself upright. You hummed proudly around his cock, and his hips stuttered as the last wave of his orgasm bordered on overstimulation. He slowly drew his hips back, a string of your saliva connecting your lip to the reddened tip.
"You little fucking minx" he growled. You looked up at him with wide eyes, catching your breath and uselessly trying to wipe away the saliva from your chin as you smirked. You watched as he knelt in front of you so you were eye to eye.
He grabbed the edge of a blanket and wiped your face and thighs, cleaning you quickly before kissing you roughly. His tongue explored your mouth, and you let him before exploring his elongated fangs with yours. Once satisfied, you pulled away.
"Good?" he muttered. You nodded, jaw too tired to form words. Without warning, he maneuvered your body so you were standing with your back resting against the wall. He unclasped your cloak, tossing it to the side. You looked at him curiously as he knelt back down.
"Your turn" he growled. Your stomach swooped. He sliced your panties off your body quickly with a claw, and slung one leg over his shoulder and held your ass as he lifted the other leg over his other shoulder. You squeaked, grabbing his head for balance. He stood easily, sliding your back up the wall and burying his face in your pussy. He held your ass and thighs on his biceps, and his hands grasped you over your ribcage, pinning you back to the wall. The easy demonstration of strength turned you on like nothing else, not to mention what he was doing with his mouth.
You knew that he could change his tongue, but it took you by surprise every time. He was devouring your pussy, nose pressing into your clit as his tongue dove into you, wiggling around and finding your sweet spot with his unnaturally long tongue. You were already close to finishing from the previous sloppy blowjob and his shows of strength.
"Ah! Z-Zoro! Please I'm already close!" you wailed.
"Cum on my fucking tongue" he demanded. The sound of his deep voice vibrating the flesh around your cunt had you spasming in his hold as he laved his tongue over your clit. He swirled his tongue around your clit, extending your orgasm. Your back arched as he suddenly shoved his tongue into your pussy, devouring your release. Your heels dug into his back and one hand clawed into his hair, and the other desperately scratched at the wall behind you.
"Fucking delicious"
You could only moan at this point, and he lowered you down as you twitched on the bedding. He was rock hard again already, and he stroked the purpling tip with a smirk as he licked his lips. His chin was shiny from your release, and he lapped it up with his elongated tongue. Your chest was still heaving as your caught your breath.
"Ready for your alpha's cock, mate?"
He'd never referred to himself as an alpha during sex before, but it did something to you. You nodded eagerly.
"Face down, ass up, baby girl"
You froze in place for a second, staring in shock and desire as your stomach swooped with arousal. You scrambled into position, arching your back with your knees together under your hips. You reached around to spread your cheeks and thighs open for him, revealing yourself to him. The growl he let out was purely animalistic.
"Such a pretty omega pussy. Wanna be filled?"
"Zoro~~ Please! Please fuck me!"
His cock rubbed through your folds, then slid between your slicked thighs. He roughly grabbed your arms, holding both your wrists in one hand, pinning them to your back. He leaned over you, resting his weight on one hand, clawed into the bedding by your head. You moaned at his dominating presence.
"Is that how you address me?"
His cock dragged teasingly along your clit as his hips met your ass. You moaned.
"A-alpha?" you guessed through your sex-hazed brain. He rewarded you with a nip on your shoulder.
"Good girl"
He leaned back to rest his heavy arms on your hips, spreading your ass just a little further. You whined as he dragged his hot dick from between your thighs and aimed it at your soaked cunt. He started out slow, but as soon as you mewled and tensed your back in pleasure, he bottomed out with a harsh thrust. You screamed, the sudden painful stretch blending into ecstasy. He held still, curled over your form as he fell onto his free hand by your head, the other gripping your wrists as he held back from destroying you.
"Good omega" he cooed harshly in your ear. You mewled.
The Zoro you were familiar with was gone. His arms were shaking with the effort of not slamming into your sloppy cunt until it bruised. You wiggled your hips, a silent invitation for him to move. He took it. He sat back up and gripped your hips like handles, releasing your wrists from his grip. He yanked you back to meet his thrusts halfway. His claws dug into your flesh, but didn't draw blood. You were shaking with pleasure, and it felt like you were continuously orgasming. You moaned loudly for him, gripping the blankets beneath you desperately.
You lost track of time, only knowing the cresting and receding continuous pleasure. Your tongue lolled out and your eyes rolled back, whines and moans escaping your throat. Low curses and groans rumbled from Zoro's chest, almost drowned out by the wet sound of skin meeting as he pounded your soaking pussy. He got impossibly faster, and you screamed as he hit something deep inside you. He quickly adjusted his aim, hitting that spot every time his hips slapped against your ass.
"Shit. Fuck. Keep tightening up like that. Fuck. Good omega" he muttered behind you. You felt his knot hitting the rim of your entrance, almost bullying its way into your pussy. Your pleasure was close to cresting, higher than you've ever felt. You could only moan. His knot finally caught on your rim, popping back out once before he slammed it back in. The movement made the tip of his cock push harshly against that one spot deep inside, and you screamed again, body clenched and shaking. His hand snaked around you hips and rubbed your clit, and you fell apart.
Blinding white pleasure sang through your body as your muscles clenched. You felt yourself squirt onto the sheets as Zoro leaned over your back, sinking his fangs into the junction of your neck and shoulder. It hurt for a brief second, but the magic of the bite took hold, and the white hot pleasure of both of your orgasms rocked through your body as he pumped his thick cum into you.
"Fuck I love you, omega. Mate!"
You heard his cry as your vision faded.
You must've passed out, because the next time you opened your eyes, Zoro was cuddling you from behind, his cock slipping out as his knot began to deflate. You must've been asleep for a while if he could pull out.
"Omega awake?"
"Good. Drink." He ordered, shoving water in your face. You sat up, grimacing as the squelch of cum oozing from you made itself known. You gratefully drank the water, looking at your mate. He was already stroking his cock back to full mast. You smirked. Apparently, you were just getting started.
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darkdemeter · 8 months
◤✘WANDA MAXIMOFF COLUMN | Wanda Maximoff x Werewolf! GN/Female/Male Reader ISSUE NO.#4
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NOTES: ↳ Another little smut trial for you guys and the pup/family dynamic, most of all I'm testing out my strengths and weaknesses and what my limitations are; and if they can maybe be improved on. GN smut is rather tricky for me to really get into the groove of if I'm being honest. That doesn't mean I'll stop writing for GN entirely but I may have to find a work around. Not only that but I fucking LOVE writing the angst, hardened wolf most of all with Wanda. Fuckin' love the angst and shit... so soft stuff like this is kinda a small bone in the mix but my main go to is the more hurt and angst genre, that and the tension, the build up for me is just *chef kiss*. But little a/n rant over. Enjoy! WARNINGS! ↳ fluff content — wolf family and pups — pregnant Wanda — SLIGHT SMUT 18+, MINORS DNI* — clawed fingering — sliver of breeding or pregnancy kink? — remote location — minor and implied torture and stuff (left to reader's interpretation) — mention of scars — profanity — use of Y/N — named pups — I think that's it? SUMMARY: ↳ Another morning rises over the snowy peaks. Your home in the wilds is peaceful and undisturbed. This winter, your first litter of pups are eager to begin to live as the young wolves of your dynasty. Meanwhile, Wanda happily carries your second litter.
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Your very heart beats in time with the earth, each heavy footfall of the paw echoes beneath. Your blood runs alongside the rushing current of rivers. The chill of snow sinking under your weight feels familiar in contrast to unclean pavement. 
Sunlight bleeds over yonder just beyond the snowy mountain peaks. The amber glow of its rays paint an overlay over the blue and black tinted landscape littered with white. Branches above shiver in the breath of winter and birds chirp amongst each other, calling out in the early morning. You stalk the hidden and unmarked path now all knowing of where it leads you. When another breeze sweeps across the river beds below, its chill runs along the fur of your back with a hollow greeting. 
Still, you continue to walk at your own leisure, enjoying the pleasantries of the wilds offered to you. Sanctuary is a place where one feels safe, away from the harms of the world beyond. Everywhere you have been there have been many great dangers. It was high time to return home to that sanctuary and your loved ones with you. 
Your fur is dotted with a feathered dusting of white flakes, the shift in your weight occasionally shakes your coat to a near-cleansed appearance. Your long tail sways in motion to your movement, every so often lifting when a pair of small, sharp teeth graze it in hopes to play. 
The pitter patter follow behind you with adoring loyalty and familiarity, your station the highest ranking, one earnt of respect and reverence since day one. 
But still, there remains the habit of play. To take in the world around them, piece by piece; gathered in their clutches of their curious, short muzzles. 
In your journey to scout out the territory you take a minute to admire the scenery, a specular luxury granted to you for your unwavering protection to the land. You stand atop the lifted rise of dark stone layered and moulded together by the force of nature. A perfect spot to use as a vantage point. 
Your cluster of pups, the first litter of many to come, whine and yelp together in their time of playing, small paws scraping across the hardened surface. Keena and Leo engage one another in a mock fight. Their teeth pulling and tugging each other by the scruff and ears, Leo barks in retaliation when Keena becomes a little too rough. 
With a snort, Keena wanders closer to you whilst Leo is entertained by his other siblings. Curious as Keena was to find whatever it was that grasped hold of your attention, there is still much to see, to smell and explore. She devises a plan and bows her body in preparation, tail wagging from side to side when your lips curl up in warning. A rumble bellows from the cavity of your large chest, steam clouds across your dark nose. 
Keena’s plans are disrupted and with a tucked tail, she submits and sits between the pillars of your front limbs. Not too long are the remainder of your pups under your protective stature but with a summoning huff, you beckon them to follow after you. 
They’re still new to the changes of their wolf bodies, uneven on their paws as they keep their best of balance, tricky as it might be. You sure don’t make it look easy but the grace of your form inspires them to not give in. They’re determined to share this side of their bloodline with you. 
To be as steady as you, as dangerously graceful and practised as you. 
The sun shines higher now and the world has grown a tad bit warmer, if only a little. That doesn’t mean your pups still endure the cold without sacrifice, shivering with a series of pitiful whines of complaint. But they have the heat of your body to thank for warming them during the trek back home, their small bodies lined down your back, nuzzling further into the thicket of your winter coat with content sighs. 
They fared better this time around before the tiredness in their bodies wore them down. 
You near the wooden refuge you call den and with a newfound surge of eagerness, your pups leap from the towering height of your back and race for the front door. Keena is the first to change back and pound her small fists on the door with utter demand that the door be opened, yet unable to reach the doorknob herself. 
When you reach the pile up of your offspring waiting impatiently at the door, having now shifted back into the second skin not covered in fur, you reach forward and push the door open for them. Relieved to be out of the cold they charge into the house and down the stretch of hallway.
“Mama! Mama!” They bark and yell, the beckoned person answering their cries exits the kitchen. Her green eyes meet them with a light akin to a lighthouse, bright and burning in the lone distant night to call them home. 
Her wide smile stretched open to reveal the row of pearly white teeth assures them that their mother’s love sparks ever true, no matter the time nor place, that their eagerness for her attention remains just the same as any other. 
“My pups,” she greets softly. She bends down to meet them, arms warm and inviting to her embrace. Leo snuggles tightly against her chest when Keena tugs at the nape of his neck. “Careful! Our siblings are in her tummy.”
Truer words had never been spoken by one of your young ones. The second litter of your dynasty resides safe and snug in the large bulb of Wanda’s womb, nursing them until their eventual birth into the pack. 
“Did you enjoy yourselves?” Their mother asks them, focusing one each of their round, devoted eyes that marvel her loving gaze. She made each of them feel equally special. They nod and hum, undoubtedly smiling from ear to ear as she entertains them.
You linger back in the hallway to simply take in the picturesque of it all as your pups recount their adventure with you this morning. The smile of your wife is oh so sweet, a sculpted visage of unmatched beauty to beat against your brutality. 
Often you do as you’re doing now. Sit back and observe your family. The intimate nature of mother and pups is always a favoured sight of yours, how tender she caters to them and how they bask in the wonderment of their mother; the woman who gave them life and brought them into the world through darkness and pain. 
She endured the months of labour for them. Forever, a mark of her true strength and courage and pure love. 
All you simply do is admire and love her in return, despite it being incapable of comparison. She carried the first litter without complaint or regret and she’s a soldier for the second litter. Unfazed by the barrage of kicks and movement within the womb, pups fighting for room amidst their growth. 
Truly a marvel. A woman who you happily call wife and mate. Your arms fold over your chest, the corners of your lips tilted up as you continue to observe from afar. That’s when Wanda’s eyes finally meet yours and that hunger within the glaze of green ignites your own. You growl deeply under your next exhaled breath.
‘The moment I get you alone…’
Wanda smirks at you with a cheeky glint you know well, but her attention is stolen by your pups once again. She rises to her feet, hands held to her large bump, she beckons the pups to sit at the dining table. You don’t miss the flash of scarlet warning you that your presence is mandatory.
With a submissive shrug to her silent order you follow behind. But you pause just as you pass one of the frames, reflection faint in the glass. Your eyes scan the faces of those you left back in the city for your remote life with Wanda in the wilds of your sanctuary. They were not forgotten nor were they truly left behind in the past forever. You plan to visit them sometime and vice versa, but plans become muddled and complicated in the matter of saving the world. 
A feat that took its hefty toll on you. Never one to consider yourself the type to retire, it was for the best. There, the wolf was caged to fight, moving from one fight to the next it seemed or to be confined in a cell; seen as an animal unworthy of complete trust. 
The ring of skin around your neck is still marred in its process to heal. For how much longer is undetermined but the pain tied to it left you no choice but to resign yourself to the wilds of home. 
And Wanda would come with you. 
Now here you are, sitting around the table together as Wanda fixes you both your morning coffees while your children devour their plates in record time, their mother scolding them to chew their breakfast. Keena’s face had already been stained with the sticky substance of syrup from her pancakes, Leo and Tymon opting to race each other while eating their cereal and the youngest of their litter, Peeta munches on a piece of buttered toast. 
You never really had an appetite in the winter morning - if you didn’t count Wanda that is - you often kept to a simple coffee to be your wake up call. Wanda’s lips meet your hairline for a quick, affectionate peck, hand sliding your mug onto the table. But you have other plans. With a husky growl you pull her into your lap.
“Y/N!” she yelps in surprise. Her laugh fills the room as a joyful prophecy. Your pups cannot contain their own comings of laughter as well at the loving sight of their parents sharing in one another’s orbit for a short moment. 
Wanda swats at you with a hand but you remain adamant she stays in your lap. “I have dishes to wash up,” she argues only for you to shake your head, nose nestling her mark. “We can do that together afterwards. Let me hold you a while.”
How can she resist your wolfish charms? You purr in your victory when Wanda gives in, knowing just how much she loves it deep down; to be held in your protective arms and your exploring hands wandering over the curve of her bump. 
You feel the pups kick and push against the wall of her womb to greet your hands. Their desire to touch grows stronger by the day, it was due to happen any day now. 
Wanda sighs softly and you join her in watching your pups eat together, talking amongst themselves for their planned activities for the day. Wanda’s hands fall over the top of yours and her fingers dance over the cool surface of your wedding band. 
The overly large size of her winter sweater leaves the skin of her shoulder exposed for your lips to ghost across it, causing a shiver to run the length of her spine.
“You’re getting me excited,” she whispers to you and your smirk, fangs speaking over the bottom of your lip. “Good. Just how I want you, Honey.”
Wanda pushes her body against yours in the midst of her battling desire, the action screaming desperation. And you weren’t one to refuse your wife - your mate - her pleasure. After all, she was carrying your pups. Your successors. 
Your dynasty. 
“Tell me what you want, mate,” you say against her lips. The kiss is heated and messy, tongues mingling together in the hot throw of combined passion. She whines softly and the sound causes your hips to jerk forward. 
“I want you…” you devour her words with a hungering growl. “I want you to touch me, please…”
There it was. She misses your touch. Exactly what you wanted to hear. Parting your lips from the kiss you chuckle, the sound dark and dangerous in your infatuation with the woman under you. 
“Good girl.”
Your fingers brush up her exposed thigh, her little maternal dress doing things to your wolf brain that made it go haywire with unbridled, primal desire. With a groan you push aside the damp fabric of her panties and use your thumb to circle her clit.
The quiver in her legs a telltale sign of her weakness for your touch, leaving her to turn into putty and you’d only just begun. “Is this what you wanted, mate? You wanted my fingers to be buried in you?” You taunt. 
“Please.” She continues to beg. You tilt you head, obvious in your torture to hear her beg for more, for what she craved.
“Please what?”
“I want your fingers inside me, oh fuck, please!”
Shit, her sounds are music to your ears. You use two fingers to smear the slick of her arousal along her awaiting entrance, her hips grinding with enthusiastic vigour. 
“Fuck, you look so good like this, baby. So needy for me.”
She mewls in response to your fingers teasing her cunt. She wants to feel your fingers stuffing her full, ploughing her tight tunnel until you’re all three knuckle deep fucking her. She wants to cum around your clawed fingers, to feel that dangerous and sharp coil that leads her right over the edge of bliss. 
The pools of her euphoria by your ministrations await her. 
“Let me feel your claws.”
“Oh, Sweetheart,” you drawl lowly, “I love it when you ask for the claws.”
You waste no more time. You push two fingers past her folds, her walls wet and welcoming and hot; tightly wrapped around your clawed digits. She moans sharply and her head leans back into the pillow. You thrust your fingers at a steady pace. You ensure that you reach the very end of your knuckles to reach as far as you’re able, your claws gently scrape her spongy walls, dragging moans from deep within her core. 
Wanda moans again when your fingers brush that sensitive, deep spot, her hips buck up to meet the next thrust of your hand in hopes of reaching it again. You chuckle again at the pure, chaotic need in her eyes that plead for you. 
“You want to cum around my fingers, mate?”
“Y-yes!” she can feel it in her core, the rubberband ready to snap with her climactic high. “Please, Y/N, please let me cum.”
“Go on, Sweetheart. Cum for me.” Her mouth falls apart just as she does around your thrusting digits, her teeth sink into the plush bottom of her lip to conceal the volume of her pleasured cries. Her fingers ring the sheets in an iron grip until she’s threatening to tear them apart. 
You whisper soft praises against the skin of her cheek with a smirk. Nobody knew the gorgeous visage of her face when she came, only you and that was a sight you’d treasure to the end of time. Nobody else would bear witness to the way her body silently begs for you, how she grinds and thrusts her hips in response to your electric touch. 
She breathes in deeply through her nose while you slow your fingers down, dragging her high out that little bit longer until you bring a complete stop. Fuck, how her swollen form looked utterly beautiful in the sunlit curtain of day, eyes clouded in their post-sex state, you slide a hand over the curve of her belly. 
“You look so beautiful like this,” you sigh with a wistful look, “so full of my pups.” Wanda can see the excitement grow in your eyes, that glow of amber unable to be hidden when your desire becomes well known. 
“Your pups,” she says in agreement. You hear the lust in her tone, the want for more evident. 
“Oh, little witch.” Wanda could’ve sworn she could cum again just from hearing your husky, lust-laced voice use the nickname. You lean over her until she is pinned between you and the bed; the two greatest comforts she could ever know. 
She smiles shyly up at you. “So fucking beautiful, so round with my pups. Our second litter.” She moans softly and her hands run through the mused length of your hair as you ravish her neck with love bites. The sensation tickles but once your teeth graze over her mark, her legs quiver together before they lock around your hips, already pulling you down to where you both connect so perfectly. 
“Fuck, I need you.”
“And I’ll give it to you.”
Before you can begin to tug down the waistband of your pants does Wanda stop you. Your amber hues glow brightly in interest to her sudden need to halt the sensual operation. You hum to her softly to urge her to continue. 
“I… I thought maybe we could try something a little different,” she says, biting her lip harder this time. Okay, now you’re fucking curious. “What is it?” 
She takes a moment and you see the hesitance in her eyes. She’s reconsidering saying anything but you lift her unsure eyes to meet yours. You offer a kind smile, one that she knows she can trust without fear, that you are on her side; always.
“Whatever it is, I’m game.” 
That’s all the remaining push she needs from you to ask. 
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