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fernclans · 2 months ago
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Amberhare: "What's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost." Dashrabbit: "I... it's nothing. It was probably just the wind."
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fernclans · 1 year ago
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Jackdawswoop tries to send an omen to Flippaw, but it arrives to Cliffstripe instead; he is unable to hear the words not meant for him.
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fernclans · 1 year ago
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MOON 07. (part 2) (tw; trauma, cliffhanger AGAIN sorry)
Starring: Dashpaw (BuddingClan), Cliffstripe (BuddingClan), Amberpaw (BuddingClan), Cougarkit (BuddingClan), Cowkit (BuddingClan), Pinekit (BuddingClan)
The sound of frantic pawsteps could be heard first, Amberpaw growing alert and rising from her spot near Cliffstripe where they’d been chatting. Part of his hearing damaged by his loss of an ear, it seemed the ginger warrior was unaware something was approaching before his companions demeanor changed, looking up at her quizzically with his remaining yellow eye.
“Someone’s coming.” She meows simply, fixated on the camp's entrance. Cliffstripe pulls himself into a sitting position, trying to prepare himself for anything.
Dashpaw is a blur when he breaks through the clearing; had it not been for the unfamiliar scent he carried with him, the ginger warrior might not have been able to tell that he even had a kit held firmly in his jaws. The half-white tom locks his eyes on Amberpaw, making a b-line to her and promptly placing the kitten a tail-length in front of her paws.
“I need you to look after him.” Without waiting for a response, he turns his head towards Cliffstripe. “Cliffstripe, I need you to follow me. There are two more kits still. Flippaw is running a diversion, but I don’t know how much time she’ll have.”
Cliffstripe nods firmly. “Got it.” In an instant, he’s on his paws, muscles tensing and preparing for a run.
“A diversion!?” Amberpaw shouts, looking desperately at Dashpaw for more details. “Dashpaw what-”
“There’s no time to explain right now! I’ll tell you everything in a bit!” In typical Dashpaw fashion, he’s gone before she could finish her questioning. Cliffstripe shoots her an apologetic glance before taking off after the other tom.
Giving a sigh, Amberpaw slumps back onto her haunches and looks down at the young kit that was placed at her paws. “Well, guess it’s just you and me, kit. I’m Amberpaw.” She offers the tan tabby a kind smile, thinking back to the time when Flippaw was still this small and hoping to StarClan the molly was going to be alright.
“Explain to me what’s going on.” Cliffstripe says firmly between the pounding of his paws. “What do I need to know?”
Dashpaw was a few paces ahead of him, leading the way. He doesn’t spare a glance back at the warrior, and hopes that his voice can be heard well enough from his position. “Flippaw and I were in the outer fields -- she smelled blood, I smelled a wolf. I tried to leave, but she found these kits instead-” He stops for a second to catch his breath before continuing. “-she said she was going to lead the wolf away so we could get the kits! She didn’t even give me a choice about it!”
Were it not for the severity of the situation, Cliffstripe would almost find it humorous; perhaps Dashpaw had rubbed off more on the younger molly than he had thought. “Did you find their mother?”
“I’m guessing that’s the source of the blood-smell.” Dashpaw shouts back grimly.
Try as he did, Dashpaw couldn’t catch a single trace of Flippaw’s current whereabouts; maybe that was for the best? Hopefully that meant she was successful in leading the beast away.
When they reached the remaining two kits, one of them had started crying out for its mother, the sound of her tiny voice causing Cliffstripe’s heart to ache. To lose one's family so young… He approaches the kit slowly, lowering himself to appear less threatening. 
“Hey, it’s okay.” The other kit, the blue one, hisses and lashes a tiny paw out defensively. Her sister waddles forward on unsteady paws and sniffs at Cliffstripe curiously.
“This is sweet and all, Cliff’, but we gotta be going.” Dashpaw warned, tail twitching nervously behind him.
Drawing himself back up, Ciffstripe licks at his chest, feeling slightly embarrassed. “Ah- no, you’re right.” He turns back to the pair of kittens and picks up the remaining brown and white she-kit, Dashpaw following suit and grabbing the cranky blue one before making themselves scarce.
By the time they return, Amberpaw has put a nest together for the kits; lined with downy feathers from an earlier catch, it seemed the mottled tabby kit Dashpaw had brought in before had already taken up residency within. With the other two kits placed into the nest, they greet each other excitedly, the blue kit pouncing sloppily onto her brother.
“Is that all of them?” Amberpaw asks, looking at the toms.
“These are all the ones Flippaw and I found.” Dashpaw confirms.
An uneasy silence fills the clearing at the mention of the spotted apprentice’s name. Her plan was so hurried that they didn’t take the time to discuss where they’d meet up after, where she planned to goad the wolf into chasing her, really anything.
“She’ll be okay.” Cliffstripe meows, causing the others to look at him.
“How can you be so sure? She’s only been an apprentice for two moons!” Amberpaw’s voice is harsher than she intended it to be, and she flinches back from her own voice. “I’m sorry for yelling, I just-”
Cliffstripe shakes his head. “It’s okay, I understand. Just believe in her, okay? Dashpaw did, I’m going to choose to do so as well. If Flippaw thought she could manage this, then I trust her.”
Amberpaw looks uncertain still, but remains silent and simply nods. As confident as she was in herself, she struggled to find the kind of trust that Cliffstripe seemed to have in everyone.
Seeming uncomfortable with just sitting around, the molly turns her attention back to the trio of kits and tries to usher them off of the nest. “Come on, I’ll bring you inside so you can sleep.”
Dashpaw fights the urge to argue their nest placements; now wasn’t the time. He looks back to Cliffstripe, worry knitted in his brow. “When should we go out to look for her?”
“When the moon is high. I want to make sure we give her enough time and don’t meet the wrong end of a wolf.” Again. He nods back silently, light-blue gaze fixated on the stars beginning to fill the sky. ‘StarClan, if you really exist… you better keep her safe.’
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fernclans · 2 years ago
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A time to start anew.
(tw for blood, violence, and implied death)
“Cliffpaw, grab the kits and run--!”
A small red tom woke with a start, fear and adrenaline filling his veins as the thick stench of blood filled his senses. The lone apprentice of ▇▇Clan doesn’t even take the time to stand properly, bolting immediately from his nest and sending its contents scattered behind him. He barely has a moment to parse the camp in front of him before whirling on his paws and angling left to the nursery; he couldn’t count how many cats had already fallen, but against such a massive enemy the tom knew instinctively they stood no chance either way.
Misfortune had followed a patrol home; a patrol of young wolves out for a hunt. The packs northward had been growing larger over the past seasons-- more pups meant more prey which needed to be killed. Though predators themselves, Cliffpaw knew it was foolish to believe cats weren’t also prey in their own right.
“C’mon, c’mon, c’mon! Let’s get going!” a kit nearly his own size shoved his way past ▇▇▇▇, a smaller she-kit following behind with what could only be a moon-old kit in her jaws.
“Head to the tunnels!” ▇▇▇▇ shouted over their shoulder, just barely audible against the snarling and barking of wolves.
Giving himself a firm nod, Cliffpaw overtakes the eldest kit and begins to pick up the pace. “Follow me-- I can lead us somewhere no wolf can find.” He hoped. He’d only been there once, two moons prior the beginning of his apprenticeship with Magpiestar; The Moonlit Caverns. A place where those blessed with the ability to do so commune with their ancestors, sacred and protected.
A small dip beneath a stone obscured by plants Cliffpaw never learned the name of marking an emergency tunnel into the system below -- it was narrow, and not well-maintained but it would have to do. A shriek sounds from behind him, shrill with terror. “AMBERKIT!” Cliffpaw hears the tomkit shout as his eyes meet the dark stare of a wolf whose jaws clamped around the tail of the white and grey tabby she-kit.
“Take the little one and through that hole and RUN-” Cliffpaw orders, hoping his few moons of training would be enough to save Amberkit and get out of there before the wolf could get a worse hold. Without hesitation, he lunges forward and latches to the large hounds face, teeth fighting for a grip against its massive forehead. 
He looks down at the wolf, eyes black and hollow, and then further down at Amberkit, tiny and helpless within its jaws. His paw begins to slip when an idea strikes him. Leaning into the weight, Cliffpaw scores his left-front paw down the wolf’s left eye and landing with a thud when it pulls itself back, a high-pitched whimper leaving its muzzle, releasing its hold on Amberkit’s tail.
His mind fights to take the moment to look across the camp while the wolf was still dazed -- were ▇▇▇▇ and ▇▇▇▇ still alive? Did they somehow escape as well? Precious seconds are wasted while Cliffpaw fights against himself, muscles tensing in indecision. A growl, deep and low is quick to make the decision for him. The red tabby surges forward, grabbing Amberkit by her scruff and forcing himself through the tunnels.
Whatever happened above, they would have to get through this together.
hiii welcome to my latest little clangen venture :3 this save, i selected a single apprentice and all the kits i could and decided to let it up to fate if they can rebuild from such a tragedy post style will probably change moon to moon while i figure out what kind of flow i like, but i hope you enjoy!
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fernclans · 2 years ago
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i Really need to rest my wrist but i have so much i want to be doing that i just keep... not doing that
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fernclans · 1 year ago
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MOON 09.
Starring: Dashpaw (BuddingClan), Cliffstripe (BuddingClan), Amberpaw (BuddingClan), Flippaw (BuddingClan), Cougarkit (BuddingClan), Cowkit (BuddingClan), Pinekit (BuddingClan)
“May all cats of BuddingClan gather beneath the Echoed Stones for a clan meeting!”
The words were more familiar now, not feeling so much like a kit playing pretend. Cliffstripe sat confidently atop the towers of stone, reminding himself of how unstable he was the last time he called to the clan.
Amberpaw and Dashpaw were the first to arrive; they offered for Flippaw to stay in the den recovering, still unable to put weight on her injured leg, but she insisted that she’d be there. The sound of kittenspeak alerted the group to the final apprentice’s arrival, an apologetic grin crossing her face as the trio of kittens stumble their way into the clearing.
“Sorry guys, I couldn’t stop them from following me.” She meows, carefully limping to a spot besides Amberpaw.
Pinekit is quick to start pawing at Amberpaw’s cheek fur, looking up at her with large, kitten-blue eyes. “Where been?” She squeaks, sniffing deeply into Amberpaw’s chest. “Smelly.” The kitten backs away, her mouth agape and filled with the new scent.
“Checking the borders.” Amberpaw meows simply, bending down to lick Pinekit’s forehead. “Come here, you can sit in my tail while Cliffstripe talks.” The mottled brown and white she-kit seems to think about the offer for a moment before tottling over and disappearing behind Amberpaw’s abundant fur.
Cougarkit remains by Flippaw’s side as she settles down, Cowkit preoccupied by the apprentice’s waving tail. “Now you guys promised you’d be quiet, right?” The first of the two nods quickly, placing a paw over his mouth in acknowledgement -- the latter remains quiet, focused on Flippaw’s tail.
“If Cowkit causes you trouble, send her over and I can sit on her.” Dashpaw teases, making eye-contact with the kit who shrinks somewhat before moving to sit on Flippaw’s other side.
“Well, no worries, Flippaw. It’s hard when there’s no one else who can watch them.” Cliffstripe speaks up, seeing everyone finally settle. “Without further ado…”
The ginger tom nods to Dashpaw, who raises when Cliffstripe begins.
“Dashpaw, you have trained diligently and have far proven yourself ready for your warrior name. I call down upon our ancestors to look down upon you, and commend you as a full-fledged warrior of BuddingClan. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend this clan with your life?”
Uncharacteristically serious, Dashpaw nods. “I do.”
“Then, from this day forward you will be known as Dashrabbit; BuddingClan honors your charisma and ability to think fast in dire situations.” Cliffstripe would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little nervous; was naming in honor of Rabbitsnow the right thing? Was that insensitive? He steals a glance at Dashrabbit, who seemed to be gazing upward, eyes brimming with pride.
“Amberpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend this clan even at the cost of your life?”
“I do.” Though she remains seated, Amberpaw’s chest is puffed out, back straight.
“From today, you will be known as Amberhare. BuddingClan welcomes you as a full warrior and honors you for your drive to help others.”
Flippaw is the first to erupt with cheer, to be met by a confused and startled Cougarkit, who thought they needed to be quiet. Before long, Cowkit and Pinekit join in the merrimaking, cheering the new names even if they didn’t fully understand what all of this meant. Cliffstripe descends from the stones, bumping roughly into Dashrabbit’s shoulder, and then slightly less roughly into Amberhare’s. “Congratulations. I know you'll do great."
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fernclans · 1 year ago
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MOON 07. (part 2) (tw; blood, mentions of trauma, descriptions of injury, death??? )
Starring: Dashpaw (BuddingClan), Cliffstripe (BuddingClan), Amberpaw (BuddingClan), Flippaw (BuddingClan)
Dashpaw paced the camp back and forth, tail twitching anxiously behind him. In a small dip within the earth, Amberpaw lay crowded in a nest with three kittens resting beside her, relishing in her warmth. Beyond them, the moon crept slowly over the rolling hills tauntingly reminding the group of the passage of time.
“You’ll tread a hole into the ground if you keep that up all night.” Amberpaw chided playfully, concern showing in her eyes. “I’m worried about her too, but you won't be able to go with Cliffstripe and look for her if you wear yourself out here.”
Dashpaw grumbles something under his breath while he finishes another lap. He knows that she’s right; all he was doing was tiring himself out, even now he could feel his limbs begging for a break. He’d been up and moving since before sunfall, and if he had it his way he’d not stop until way after moonhigh and Flippaw was home.
“What was that?” The long-furred molly could tell by the way the tomcat stopped in his tracks that he was starting to take her words to mind.
“I said ‘yes Amberstar, whatever you say.’” He heaves a dramatic sigh while he turns around again to face her, lugging himself to the grass nearby and collapsing into it. “Better?” His eyes creep open just enough to watch the molly roll her eyes before finally allowing the smile to join him.
Cliffstripe seemed to have taken notice from his perch atop the Echoed Stones and descends from its vantage; though it was unlikely Flippaw would be finding her way home that night, it was even more unlikely that he himself would do the same after he’d been caught in the jaws of the beast, and so he took up watch once the kits had settled.
“They’re too young to talk, right?” The ginger tom asks, sitting down beside Dashpaw and looking at the litter nestled within Amberpaw’s fur. “Do they understand… you know.” In spite of being the eldest, Cliffstripe knew the least about kits, not having interacted with them much before taking up their care after the pack.
“That their parent is dead?” Dashpaw meows bluntly, saying what Cliffstripe felt unable to. He apparently notices the uneasy expressions of his clanmates and turns away from them. “What? We’re orphans too. Better to just be honest about it.”
There’s silence for a moment before Amberpaw speaks again. “No, you’re right. And no, I don’t think they understand- not really. I think they’re confused that their parent isn’t here, but I don’t think they realize they won't be coming back.” She frowns, amber gaze casting towards the three kittens dozing peacefully within her plumed tail.
Cliffstripe hangs on the uncomfortable silence before turning away from the kits and to Dashpaw. “You said you were in the outer-fields when you were attacked-- do you remember what direction Flippaw ran?”
Dashpaw furrows his brow, thinking hard before answering. “West. Towards the mountains.”
“Right. So we’ll head north-west from camp and start our search there.” Getting to his paws, Cliffstripe leans forward and stretches with his whole body. “In that case, I think it’s time we head out, don’t you?”
The brown and white tabby pulls himself from the cool grass and flexes his claws into the dirt. “I thought you’d never ask.”
The night's chill sliced at the two cats' fur as they ran, the clear open sky above them allowed for the cosmos to illuminate the fields; something Dashpaw hoped was a good omen from StarClan. 
With the wind carried a stale scent of blood and wolf, a stark reminder of their mission’s severity. Was Flippaw still alive? Could she have escaped a wolf all by herself? The task seemed to require a lion’s strength, but perhaps a cat’s cunning could be enough if she played her cards correctly.
Wordlessly, the toms followed the wolf's stench, the hair on their backs raising the stronger it grew. When Dashpaw looks to Cliffstripe, he can’t help but find himself reassured by the determined expression which remained on his scarred face. If he who had seen the beast's maw so intimately could be so resolute, so sure they were doing this right, then who was he to act otherwise.
“Stay low,” Cliffstripe meowed, dropping his elbows and strutting forward in a confident creep like a cat in the pursuit of a bird unaware. “Wolves are much taller than us, they can see farther in the tall grass than we can. The closer to the ground we can stay, the safer we’ll be.”
Dashpaw follows suit, his brow heavy in concentration. “You don’t think it’s still nearby, do you?”
“I… I don’t think so, but we can’t be too safe.”
When a more fresh scent of blood started to overtake the old scent of wolf, Dashpaw could feel his heart quicken. It felt like there was a bird fluttering in his chest, his mind running wild with different horrific conjurations of what fate may have befallen Flippaw. Flashes of memories of biting through a rabbit's bone, the snap nearly making his stomach twist; memories he tried to bury of the masses of graves he and Cliffstripe had to dig for what scraps remained of their families.
He must have been away for a while, nearly walking past Cliffstripe, not realizing that the tabby had tried to stop him, to talk to him.
“Dashpaw, are you alright? You don’t have to-”
The brown and white tom is still for a moment longer than should be normal before forcing out a smile. “I’m okay.” He doesn’t dwell any longer on the moment, creeping quickly past the warrior. Cliffstripe doesn’t look like he believes him, but that doesn't matter right now. “C’mon, I think we’re close.”
Conifers loomed in the horizon, just barely visible against the darkness of the sky. The scent of blood laced with the distant perfume of the pine needles, it seemed almost a regular pattern at this point; all too familiar of the night he’d nearly been gored by only StarClan knows who. The wolf scent was strongest here, but from the best that either cat could judge, it had to be at least a few hours old. 
It was small, but in the distance something catches Dashpaw’s eye; light glinting off of a reflective surface -- cautiously approaching, he confirms his grim suspicions. Blood.
“Cliffstripe, come this way!” His voice comes out as a hiss, claws tearing into the dirt, rushing to find the source. He can’t be too late.
The trail of blood lead to a larger, semi-congealed pool outside of a small burrow; one much too small for a wolf to be hiding in. Peering into the gap in the earth, Dashpaw feels his heart stop briefly when his eyes focus on what was within -- a small spotted apprentice curled up within herself, bloodied soil surrounding her. Cliffstripe freezes when he sees her too, only to heave a heavy sigh of relief when he notices her sides rise and fall with her breath.
“Oh thank StarClan… you’re still alive.” Dashpaw nearly collides with the dirt beneath him, finally feeling the fatigue of today.
A groan comes from the figure within the burrow, pale blue eyes coming to life when they land on what lay outside -- her clanmates had found her. “I remembered what you said… about the tunnel systems and the dens when I was a kit.” Flippaw’s voice is hoarse, and she’s hardly able to keep her eyes focused while she speaks.
“Are you able to get out on your own?” Cliffstripe asks, unsure of his ability to squeeze in there with her and still be able to pull her out.
“Think so.” Unfurling herself, the ginger tabby warrior nearly flinches at the sight of Flippaw’s right forearm. It was broken, there was no doubt about it, large punctures covering its entirety. She lets it hang limply, using her remaining arm to pull herself and leaving most of the work to her hind legs.
Cliffstripe waits to the side of the entrance, waiting to grab Flippaw’s scruff to pull her the rest of the way. By the time she’s fully out of the burrow, she’s passed out again from shock.
Dashpaw’s steps are unsteady on the walk home, and though he jokes about Cliffstripe needing to carry him as well and seems over-all jovial, the older tom can tell something was bothering him. Jaws full of scruff, he’s unable to reach out leaving the two ruminating about the day until they get back to camp.
WE DID IT FOLKS. WE MADE IT. thank you for sticking around <33 next is asks!! feel free to send asks to Cliffstripe, Amberpaw, Dashpaw, or Flippaw! moon 8 event will start after a bit of those :3
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fernclans · 1 year ago
Cliffpaw how did you figure out that your trans if you don't mind me asking?
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"I think that was one of the first things that made me realize."
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fernclans · 1 year ago
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MOON 05. (part 2) (tw; none i think!)
Starring: Cliffpaw (BuddingClan), Flippaw (BuddingClan), Amberpaw (BuddingClan), Dashpaw (BuddingClan) Mentions: Magpiestar (FlintClan)
“May all cats of BuddingClan gather beneath the Echoed Stones for a clan meeting!” A ginger feline called before leaping, landing unsteadily at first atop their clan's gathering place; a set of three stone pillars, one taller than the others, where the leader, deputy, and head mediator would sit once upon a time.
“UGH- finally!” A small rosy brown molly bemoans loudly as she bounds around the grassy slope beneath, claws catching dirt between them.
Another cat strides forward, rolling his eyes when he sits. “You don’t have to say the whole thing every time, y’know Cliffpaw? It’s just the four of us.” Dashpaw teases, shooting the other tom a playful wink to show he’s not being serious.
“It’s better than us completely abandoning the traditions our clanmates died fighting to protect.” Amberpaw sneers, not picking up on the toms’ lightheartedness.
The half-white tom’s cheeky expression dissipates into a flat one of disappointment. “You don’t have to suck the air out of every situation, Amberpaw. Lighten up will you?”
“Could you two wait until after my ceremony to argue?” Flipkit complains, shooting both of them an exasperated look and sparing Cliffpaw from having to break things up himself. Both felines seemed startled at the younger cat's comment, both reacting with their own levels of embarrassment and apologies. 
Cliffpaw clears his throat one more time, dipping his head to Flipkit in appreciation.
“Flipkit, you have reached the age of six moons and are ready to begin your training as a warrior of BuddingClan. From today forward, you will be known as Flippaw; while I can’t act as a proper mentor for you, we will all work together to complete our training as a clan.”
“I won’t let you down!” Flippaw meows back enthusiastically while Dashpaw and Amberpaw call her new name in celebration.
The cheering subsided and the three apprentices looked to Cliffpaw expectantly; there was still one more ceremony which needed to take place. His own.
For once, the confident tom looked uncertain, his remaining yellow eye concentrating down on his paws. “I, Cliffpaw, feel as though I’ve completed my training and that I am ready to take the full responsibility of BuddingClan’s first full warrior.” Not that he hadn’t done so already moons prior. “Though, to be honest, I’m not sure what I should call myself. Since I was a kit I always imagined Magpiestar being the one to do it, I hardly spared the thought of thinking of what I would want it to be.”
“You could just skip a step and call yourself Cliffstar.” Dashpaw meows jokingly.
Cliffpaw grimaces. “Even if StarClan didn’t smite me for that, I’m not sure I feel ready to call myself leader- not in that way.” He was a leader, but he didn’t feel quite like he could be the leader. "Besides, I haven't even trained an apprentice yet."
“How about Clifftalon? Or Cliffsnarl? Something cool and intimidating!” Flippaw chirps, eyes shining.
Amberpaw chuckles beside her. “Do you think Cliffpaw is intimidating?”
“Do you think Cliffpaw is cool?” Dashpaw jeers.
“Well I don’t, but other cats might.” The youngest of the four explains.
“Hey--! Come on!” Cliffpaw perches on the edge of the stone, tail swishing behind him. His vision spins slightly as he looks between his clanmates, claws sinking into the stone and moss for stability.
“Right, sorry.” Amberpaw shakes her head, looking up at him and taking notice of his unsteady state. “Do you want to get down? Dashpaw’s right, it is just the four of us…”
Cliffpaw shakes his head, regaining his former posture. “No, not until we settle my name.”
“What about Cliffstone?” Dashpaw meows, almost seeming sincere before following it up. “Because once you’ve set your mind on something, you’re as stubborn as one.”
Cliffpaw begins to grow frustrated. “I’m not that stubborn.”
“Yes you are! Only a cat as stubborn as you would make it back home with that kind of an injury still fresh.”
“Dashpaw kind of has a point.” Flippaw interjects. "He would've let CypressClan take care of him until they forced him to leave." All but Dashpaw laugh, the brown and white tabby tom feigning offense for dramatic effect. The moment subsides, leaving them back to where they'd began.
Amberpaw hums thoughtfully. “How about instead of stubborn, we can say reliable? Even after you were gone for days, we were sure you were coming back.”
Cliffpaw seems taken by surprise, a warmth filling his chest. “How sure?”
“As sure as the stripes on your back.” She smiles.
Cliffpaw goes silent, tapping his tail rhythmically against the pillar while in thought. “...how about Cliffstripe?” 
“‘Cliffstripe’?” Flippaw echoed. “Isn’t that a little… basic? Come on, Cliffpaw! You fought a WOLF for StarClan’s sake!”
The dark ginger tomcat bristles somewhat, forcing his fur to go flat before replying. “We lost everything to those monsters- I won't give them my name too.”
Silence again fills the grassy slope, all cats feeling heavy under the weight of the past five moons. It's Amberpaw who breaks the silence again. “So, Cliffstripe, right? I like it.”
Dashpaw speaks next. “Yeah, it suits you.”
“Mm. It’s fine.” Flippaw pouts, just hoping that her suffix will be different.
Cliffstripe gives a weary smile, slowly easing his way onto the soft ground. He brushes against each of his clanmates, a deep purr rumbling in his throat while they depart.
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fernclans · 2 years ago
Amberkit how did you get that scar on your nose?
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fernclans · 2 years ago
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MOON 03. (cont.)(final) (tw; medical talk, i think that's it this time!)
Starring: Cliffpaw (BuddingClan), Bitterndrift (CypressClan), Amberpaw (BuddingClan) Mentions: Bitterrumble (CypressClan), Dashpaw (BuddingClan)
“Are you sure you want to walk the whole way on your own?” A lithe orange she-cat asks, passing a glance down towards the injured apprentice. “Bitterrumble urged that you take it easy for the next moon at least.”
Beside her, a smaller ginger tabby struggled his way down a rocky slope, skidding down on his heels towards the bottom. “I’m alright, this’ll end up being the only real exercise I’m gonna get in moons, I want to enjoy it.”
Though she could tell Cliffpaw was being earnest, Bitterndrift could also see the strain in his one remaining eye as he traversed. “Alright. Do you remember Bitterrumble’s instructions for when you get home?”
“Keep the poultice on my wound for the next day, have someone help me with cleaning it off with fresh moss, and ask someone else to try looking for garlic or marigold.” He recites, his heart racing somewhat as the meadow comes into view, closer and closer. He freezes when the stale scent of wolf catches his nose, but reassures himself that it's old -- the wolf is gone.
“Yes. And remember that some weeping is expected from the injury site, but to be aware of the kind of drainage it is and the smell.” A clan without a leader or healer… the closest to StarClan’s monument, but without connection to its world. A part of Bitterndrift considered just asking Cliffpaw to let FlintClan- or BuddingClan- go. To join CypressClan and assure he and his remaining clanmates survival, but she knew that would never happen. Pride and the instinctual desire to hold onto what has been lost would never allow that.
Cliffpaw nods, silent now, seemingly lost in his thoughts. It had been a difficult four days, in a way the warrior herself could only begin to imagine. His clanmates must be worried sick. When they come across the border between Cypress and BuddingClan, the scent marks are stale. In a way, this was comforting to him; it meant that Dashpaw wasn’t over-exerting himself, and Amberpaw heed his warning to stay near camp… at least, that’s what he hoped it meant. Any other alternative was banished from his mind.
“Thanks for everything, Bitterndrift, but I can make it from here.” He turns around, dipping his head to the ginger and white molly.
She looks the apprentice up and down, dipping her head politely in return. “If it’s all the same to you, Cliffpaw, I think I’d like to accompany you until you’re secured in the paws of one of your clanmates.” The last thing anyone needs is you collapsing from exhaustion somewhere no cat can find you. “It would be a shame if Bitterndrift’s treatment went to waste.” She says instead.
Though he seems a bit frustrated, Cliffpaw doesn’t argue and continues trekking through the familiar tall grass. The further into the meadow they went, the looser Cliffpaw’s movements became, posture relaxing as he grew more comfortable in the world around him.
The scent of cats began to grow stronger; they were approaching camp. The faintness of its scent made Bitterndrift’s heart sink. Cliffpaw really wasn’t lying when he said there were just the four of them.
“Cliffpaw, is that you?” A young mollies voice calls from atop a grassy slope. “Oh StarClan, it really is, isn’t it?” She doesn’t wait for a reply before bounding down the hill and directly into the ginger tomcat, nearly knocking him over if it weren’t for Bitterndrift on his other side to brace the both of them. “Dashpaw isn’t gonna believe it!”
Cliffpaw staggers against the excited impact of his clanmate, chuckling to suppress a hiss of pain. “Amberpaw, it’s so good to see you! I’m so relieved that you’re alright.”
“That I’M alright? You’ve been gone for days!” She shouts back, almost sounding offended. Now away from his frame, the young molly finally gets a good look at the wrappings around half of his face. “Wh..what happened to you?”
The older apprentice flinches slightly at the question, gritting his teeth.
Instead, it’s Bitterndrift who answers. “The wolf pack which terrorized your pack came back. It… seemed to target Cliffpaw deliberately, but didn’t take the opportunity to outright slay him.”
“An eye for an eye.” Cliffpaw mutters, feeling himself grow weak in his legs.
The previously vibrant Amberpaw seemed at a loss for words, her eyes unable to properly meet Cliffpaw’s remaining. Out of all of the horrible things Dashpaw had concocted, he didn’t dare suggest the wolves-- all of them knew such a joke would be too grim even for their gallows.
“Amberpaw, was it?” Bitterndrift breaks the silence again, always seeming to know how to push the moment forward. “My name is Bitterndrift, of CypressClan, can I entrust you with something important?”
She seems to blink out of her daze, bright eyes looking up at the seasoned warrior and giving a firm, confident nod.
“While Cliffpaw is a strong tom for managing this far, I think it would be good for him to have some assistance the rest of the way to his nest. The trek from CypressClan’s camp to here is not a short one, and he still has a lot of healing that he needs to do.” The warrior's blue gaze flashed to Cliffpaw a few times while speaking, but it was unlikely he noticed given his blind-side.
“Right!” She’s already at his side, offering her support by the time Cliffpaw could begin to protest. “You helped me after the wolves, now it’s time for me to help you.” Amberpaw smiles up at him, a sincere passion showing in her expression.
“Cliffpaw has a few things he needs to tell you from our healer, Bitterrumble, but I trust that he’ll do so when you get to camp.” Bitterndrift meows, hoping it’ll server as a final reminder if the tom needed it. “It was a pleasure getting to know you Cliffpaw. Thank you for finding us, Amberpaw. May StarClan light your paths.”
“Thank you for everything Bitterndrift, I… I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for you. I owe you more than I can express.” Cliffpaw almost feels guilty letting the warrior go empty-pawed.
“Nonsense. You can thank me by getting better, and becoming the best cat that you can be. No cat could ask for more.” Giving a final bow of her head, Bitterndrift sprinted into the dense grass and began her journey home.
“Wow… she’s so cool!” Amberpaw beamed, staring off after the ginger and white molly. “Yeah…” Cliffpaw meowed. “Yeah, she is.”
woooo we made it back! :D cypressclan will be benched for now, and we return to the main cast of buddingclan! hope y'all enjoyed our lil field trip!
154 notes · View notes
fernclans · 1 year ago
Dashpaw what is your favorite thing to do?
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"They'll be crawling all over me eventually, might as well get acquainted now."
131 notes · View notes
fernclans · 2 years ago
Dashpaw, how are you healing? That looked like a nasty wound!
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"Cliffpaw says if i'm lucky, I'll just be left with a nasty scar... I'd hate to think what'll happen if i'm unlucky though haha"
153 notes · View notes
fernclans · 1 year ago
When talking about his identity, Cliffstripe mentioned siblings. Do you mind sharing a bit about them?
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Cliffstripe: "Skypaw and I didn't get along very well a lot of the time, but I miss them both greatly. I can't help but wonder what their warrior names would've been, or what they would be like as adults."
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fernclans · 1 year ago
Dashpaw do you have any siblings and who are your parents?
-starclan kit anon
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"I also visit my aunt and uncle, and my grandpa who passed when I was still a kit."
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fernclans · 1 year ago
Amberpaw do you have any memories of your parents?
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(Transcript: "Not as much as I wish I did." "My sister got sick with kitten-cough when we were both young. And then the wolves took our moms when I was only three moons old." (*3 moons = 4-5 years if human)
"I think I have more memories with Dashpaw than I do with my sister." "I hope they're all okay.")
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