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ivan-andres-perretta · 1 year ago
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pier-carlo-universe · 4 months ago
Natale di Giuseppe Ungaretti: Una Poesia di Solitudine e Calore. Recensione a cura di Alessandria today
Ungaretti e la ricerca di pace interiore nelle pieghe della stanchezza.
Ungaretti e la ricerca di pace interiore nelle pieghe della stanchezza. Recensione : La poesia Natale di Giuseppe Ungaretti è una delle sue opere più intime e riflessive. Con pochi, essenziali versi, Ungaretti ci porta nel cuore di una quiete desiderata e inaccessibile, un riposo che diventa quasi un rifugio dall’agitazione del mondo. Scritta durante la Prima Guerra Mondiale, questa poesia…
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copihueart · 1 year ago
T’amo come se fossi rosa di sale sangue scarlatto rubino nella tenera roccia segretamente tra l’ombra e l’anima T’amo senza sapere il perché il come e il quando come la freccia che buca il cielo la radice che si bea della terra T’amo nella semplicità d’un sorriso nel tocco della tua mano sul mio petto T’amo nel mistero dei sogni nella semplicità dei colori nel vederti ballare al centro della musica T’amo nel tuo sguardo incontaminato in questa traccia d’avvenire nel caldo del focolare dentro la tua anima rannicchiata T’amo e mi giro a cercarti nell’istante e nel millimetro per dirti di nuovo quella frase che nessuna la senta tranne te T’amo.
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designmiss · 11 years ago
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Camper Play Tent https://www.design-miss.com/camper-play-tent/ Camper Play Tent è una divertente tenda per bambini a forma di camper, per simulare in casa la vita da campeggio. Acquistabile qui. Da accompagnare con Smore the merrier plush […]
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portraitsofsaints · 1 year ago
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Blessed Chiara Luce Badano
1971 - 1990
Feast day: October 29
Blessed Chiara Badano was born on October 29, 1971, to Ruggero and Maria Teresa Badano in Sassello, Italy. The couple waited and prayed eleven years to have Chiara. At age nine she joined the Focolare Movement and received the nickname "Luce" by the founder Chiara Lubich. When she was 16 she was diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma, a painful bone cancer. Chiara succumbed to cancer on October 7, 1990, after a two-year battle with the disease.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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shadyqueeneagle · 3 months ago
- Come ti sei trovato da italiano cattolico, in Iran? - Benissimo: per me non è cambiato nulla; anche in Italia posso uccidere una donna e trasformarmi in vittima, in un "caso singolare", grazie alla grande penna di Massimo Gramellini sul Corriere della Sera. Se mi uccidono una figlia, invece, vendo libri e apro una Onlus fingendomi femminista... Ah, no, scusami, una cosa è cambiata: non serve che compri vestiti a mia moglie, perché usa direttamente le lenzuola del letto
- Accidenti: un vero angelo del focolare! Che bel Paese l'Iran! - No, al focolare non posso farla avvicinare, tranne se va via la luce e mi serve una torcia a portata di mano
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missink-toons · 1 year ago
sad animation I’m working on :)
Genshin stuff on my YouTube https://linktr.ee/Missinktoons
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lanternlightss · 1 year ago
anyways. finished the fontaine archon quests. and unfortunately the brainrot has hit bc my thoughts throughout it was that should the winds be kinder nameless bard would absolutely adore miss furina (well in chronological order, it would be venti, as bard is already long gone by that point but. au’s are little figures to play with <3)
though venti would love her even more here ,,,
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hedgiwithapen · 1 year ago
Prompt: shuffle the fates of Coze and her siblings?
It wasn't how stories were supposed to go, and they had lived in a pocket of stories.  Lita had always suspected the way things might end up. She listened to Mama's stories, and the tales adventurer's brought with them when they passed through.
Dante, littlest of them, his tail still kitten straight, was the seventh child of seventh child. He was supposed to be destined for adventure--danger, yes, but homecoming, safe and happy, wealthy and supported. She could hear his laughter in her ears even now. She could hear his scream.
 Coze was a third daughter. She ought to have had magic, stronger than Lita's, stronger than Mora's, enough to keep her safe.  She should have been given Mama's blessing and set out, only to return in the moment of most need with the cure to whatever disaster threatened. But there was no cure for arson, no cure for a heart set on murder. 
Lita was the eldest. Her fate was to try. Her fate was to fail, first, and fall. And she had failed. Every day in the army camp, mending uniforms while her remaining siblings fought the fey, she watched for the one who had killed the two of her kin who should have outlasted the rest of the family. The two who should have slipped past anyone, killer or king, and found a way out of the smoke. She'd be ready this time. She would sink her needle into their heart, and damn the consequences. 
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honeykaes · 2 years ago
Fuck I might need to pull Lyney
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synderesis08 · 4 months ago
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Chiara Lubich was an extraordinary woman, but she was more than that; she inspired and led an extraordinary religious movement, but she was more than that as well. Chiara Lubich was the embodiment of the values of Love and Unity that she espoused; which live on after her not only in the remarkable Focolare movement itself, but in the hearts and souls of people of faiths and cultures worldwide, touched by her spirit. --Rabbi David Rosen, CBE, KSG, International Director of Interreligious Affairs, AJC
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pier-carlo-universe · 4 months ago
“Natale” di Giuseppe Ungaretti: Il Calore della Solitudine e la Pace dell’Intimità. Recensione di Pier Carlo Lava
Una poesia che esprime il desiderio di riposo e silenzio, lontano dal caos del mondo
Una poesia che esprime il desiderio di riposo e silenzio, lontano dal caos del mondo. La poesia Natale di Giuseppe Ungaretti è un’opera che cattura il desiderio di ritrovare la pace interiore e il calore della propria intimità. Il poeta esprime un senso di stanchezza profonda, una voglia di allontanarsi dalla frenesia delle “strade” e di abbandonarsi a una quiete ristoratrice. Ungaretti descrive…
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pettirosso1959 · 4 months ago
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Sono cose buone e giuste...
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queerographies · 1 year ago
[Il focolare è una bestia affamata][Angelo Maria Perongini]
Il Focolare è una bestia affamata si svolge nell’arco di una gelida vigilia di Natale. Lando,  che vive e studia in città, quest’anno non avrebbe voluto tornare al paese per le feste. Tuttavia una telefonata della sorella gli fa cambiare idea, e si ritrova nella piccola ma labirintica casa di famiglia, che si staglia solitaria e isolata su una montagna innevata. Unica altra presenza di civiltà,…
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unfilodaria · 2 years ago
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I santi protettori di questa casa. Manca solo lui: Sant’Antonio da Padova. Ma lui è impegnato a buttare un occhio sulla pargola
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portraitsofsaints · 5 months ago
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Happy Feast Day
Blessed Chiara Luce Badano
1971 - 1990
Feast day: October 29
Blessed Chiara Badano was born on October 29, 1971, to Ruggero and Maria Teresa Badano in Sassello, Italy. The couple waited and prayed eleven years to have Chiara. At age nine she joined the Focolare Movement and received the nickname "Luce" by the founder Chiara Lubich. When she was 16 she was diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma, a painful bone cancer. Chiara succumbed to cancer on October 7, 1990, after a two-year battle with the disease.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase. (website)
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