#fluvy jr
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Happy Storyteller Saturday; you have so many important items (cloaks, amulets), so many important creatures and plants, so much symbolism, I am giving you a challenge today to either find or write something for each colour of the rainbow in Ascendancy;
Something red
Something orange
Something yellow (or gold!)
Something green
Something blue
Something purple
Best of luck with this challenge!!!
HAPPY STS! Love this question and had a ton of fun writing the answers
Firetongue. A marijuana like plant that can be smoked or consumed to help with sleep and chronic pain. Smoked by a large majority of Anemoians recreationally. Firetongue chews are developed by Jeremias Mccullough first for Crown Mavros, but he refined them to be better and taste better for the sake of his future wife, and Mav's sister, Amara Aeraki. The plant is a maroon and red colour and the products made from them often are a dusty red or maroon. Red dye can also be made from the Firetongue plant but it tends to fade easily.
Popflowers are large magical flowers that only grow on the mountains near Oriens and Aiman. Here is another STS post about them, their origins, uses and importance.
The Cobra Pendant is a reoccurring phenomena seen all over the world. It is most prominent in Talisum's story but it has surely been seen by many Alchemists and those curious about the origins of Gods. This is a sign by an old... olllldddd God that he is reaching out to you.
Bonus: Kurtys' locket. Kurtys Lutalo carries a golden locket with a small graphite drawing of his mother. This is passed onto his daughter, Ilonia. Kurtys' wife, Taifun, ends up making a small drawing of Kurtys to put on the other half of the locket for her. Ilonia ends up having it put into her swords custom scabbard like a jewel, as she doesn't wear necklaces but she still wants to have it around where she can keep that reminder of her father.
Taifun's painting of Amara Aeraki. When the Anemoian war ended Amara was hailed a war hero due to her efforts in marrying and distracting the Monarch of Midonia, as well as causing disruption in their countermeasures against the Anemoians. Mav commissioned a portrait of his sister in her honour. This painting was created using malachite and jade based green paints, as well as expensive bright cinnabar reds and pop flower orange. "Only the best" was requested.
Blue is a tricky one, and is more symbolic I suppose. Ishida in so many facets follows the colour blue. Blue is the colour of their God Flower (like pop-flowers. diviniphagous plants.) Theirs is called the I Kaltar flower. It bleeds a deep indigo when the plant is pulled apart. Its often compared to "The Godess' ichor itself" It is considered sacred and tourists are NOT allowed to pick from the fields without special permission. It is refined into various blue pigments and paints. Blue is also the colour of the Dredhe's eyes. They are an icy colour thats compared to a blue moon. Bright and catches the light, and known for how its structural differences helps the Dredhe see in the dark and underwater.
Fluvius Aeraki's jacket. This jacket had been worn by Fluvius since he was a young man. It has been through hell and back. Its very old but well taken care of and consistently upkept and fixed. its a bit of a ship of Theseus situation though since the whole thing has likely been replaced over the years. Fluvy just insisted that he kept this specific jacket his whole life. Well... until his son, Kurtys' death. When Kurtys died, Fluvius gave it to his grandson, Fluvius jr (Fluvius-dy but everyone just uses jr) The boy always found comfort in it, so Flu gave him the old thing. Its a bit small on him as an adult, but hes had it hemmed and mended just like how Fluvy sr did.
It smells of the sea, perfume and rum and its impossible to get that scent out.
BONUS: Black
This is a mirror to Fluvius' jacket. Chien always wrapped himself up in his grand-uncle Xaviers cloak. This cloak is as old as that jacket and just like that jacket it has been through hell but has been maintained. The cloak is full of stories. It was once traded between lovers who had very similar cloaks to the point that nobody noticed they swapped so they could keep the other's smell close. It wrapped around a girl called Janu (Mav's aunt) to temporarily shield her from the dangers of terrible old men. This cloak was worn through a tyrant kings short reign and followed Xavier to Ishida. It picked up the smell of wine and burbon as Xavier learned from his grandfather how to make liquor. This cloak has seen the fall of a second king: Edgar Derre. (Taifuns father) as he was part of the raid to dethrone him. Xavier brought this cloak to Aeraki and used it once to wrap up Chien's father, Mavros when he cried and screamed. The cloak has seen the deaths of many men: killed by Xavier in his rage. The cloak went back to Midonia when the war started. It returned with him and became the comfort item for Chien. He'd inherit this cloak when Mav and his mother MIrka ""died" (fled Anemoi) and then Xavier died.
Chien would wear this thing until its thread was bare. Even then: he'd hang it at his bedpost and hold onto it some nights when he couldn't sleep. This cloak has seen everything and would continue to see more until Chien would be entombed in it.
#STS#Ascendancy#writing#ask game#kurtys#fluvius#fluvy#fluvy jr#ilonia#taifun#xavier#chien#oc#ocs#ishida#anemoi#midonia
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Euphemia / Lutalo
Not including her children, Taifun is closest with Innis, her older brother. He protected her a lot when they were young and continues to when they reunite later in life. Our of her kids though, Taifun is closest with her youngest daughter Elise.
Taifuns son, Fluvius-dy or Fluv jr is closest to her. He is a mommas boy and has clinged to her since day one. Elise, the younger girl in the family
On the other hand, Ilonia, Taifun's eldest daughter, is stuck to the hip of her father, Kurtys. When Kurtys passes, she latches onto her older adoptive sister figure but soon enough she also "dies" (flees Anemoi and changes her identity) and she kinda loses her teathers. Loves her mom a lot but she just doesn't latch as hard as her siblings do.
More families under the cut
Xavier and Azaiah are extremely close. Theyve always watched eachothers backs and did what they could in spite of hardship.
Cassius was once extremely close to his father. He loved Xavier a lot even when he struggled with dissociative episodes that caused strain in the family along with marrital issues with the Cane Children's mom, Anna. When Xavier died, Cassius and Isaac (twins) take on caregiver roles to their younger siblings, Aideen and Owen.
Aideen ends up in a situation where she ends up very independent of the boys, but Owen, the youngest, is dependent on them. He ends up also taking a caregiver role to their mother as she is a severe alcoholic. There isn't a night where she isn't drinking at least a little. Owen loves his mom unconditionally still and he is her baby boy. She loves him a lot and is actually incredibly patient and good regarding his mental health.
Cassius is closest to Owen as Isaac went out and did most of the work. Cas wasn't exactly around much either since he got involved with Fluvy jr and his group of bad folks and misfits...but he was at least there for Owen. Made sure he was fed and bathed and put to bed. Brought him to church every sunday morning. Always made sure he was fed well before he himself ate. Usually prioritized Isaac as well, even if he wouldn't admit it. He'd lie about eating if there wasn't enough. he could just get a meal in the morning at church or at Taifun's.
Aideen was never really close to any of her siblings, or her parents. She had always been a strange, aloof kid and likes to get in trouble. She got along swell with her grandmother though since Aidana knew how to handle Aideen and level with her enough to earn respect from the kid.
Aeraki gen1
The Aeraki "cuntlings": Iasis, Skalono, Fluvius, and Janu never were close with their parents. They were harsh and abusive and fought constantly. Janu was somewhat close to her mother, Veritas, but not completely. So... They ended up relying on eachother mainly. Iasis became close to a father figure for Fluvius and Janu. Skalono and Iasis were very close for a while until Skal began having issues with his wife, Saria due to his unfaithfulness. Saria courted Iasis and eventually, after some time, they were caught. a duel insued and Iasis spared Skalono, the Crown/king, despite having every right to take his life and take power he always thought that he deserved right then and there. He could never kill his brother though, only humiliate him to prove superiority. Iasis and Saria would later marry after Skalono died.
Skalono and Fluvius have always had a rivalry, being the middle siblings and having been pitted against eachother constantly as kids. Janu and Skal got along swimmingly and Janu was a very loyal assassin for her families intrests. Iasis and Janu also got along but Janu doesn't really like Fluvy. She respects his role and importance in his job as a trades commissioner but doesnt respect him much as a person.
Aeraki gen2 Cane Boogaloo
Mavros and Amara always got along. However... They were both born out of wedlock. Mav was a bastard between Saria and Iasis and Amara a bastard between Skalono and Alexandria (Saria's sister.)
Pretty much nobody but Saria and Iasis know that Mav is technically not eligible to be Crown...but they keep it on the downlow. He is still an Aeraki by every right and he looks like one too, so he would have no issues regarding this. Amara on the other hand was told that she was adopted into the family after Alexandria gave Skalono his baby and fled Anemoi to avoid the wrath of her younger half-sister.
As Amara is not of Cane blood, she could later marry into the Cane family and would become a queen that way in the future
Anyways back to relationships. Mav and Amara are like two peas in a pod for most of their life. Amara has always looked up to her older brother as he never seemed afraid of anything. He'd cry a Lot, sure, but it was always about specific things rather then fear of something like the storms or the dark. Mav would tell her stories to comfort her and would help tutor her in classes that he had already taken (culture/history/politics/science/music/dance etc)
Mav would remain a great comfort in her life until she came home after the war, after her divorce with Monarch Caleb.
By then, Mav was a very busy man and he would soon fall into some intense depression. He pushed everyone away including his sister who he loved so much. After Amara died, Mav was in shock. He was going through a lot already and this stoked his need to get out of Anemoi.
Mav kind of hated Skalono (whome he thought was his father. Skal wasn't very accommodating to his neurodivergency.) and disliked Iasis (who he thought was a stuck up know-it-all) but....he was extremely close to his momma. Both Amara and Mav both loved Saria deeply. They learned Midonian prayer from them before Mav was taken under the wing of Xavier and then tutored by Farher Josef. Amara would end up praying with Saria daily until taken under Iasis' and then Janu's wing.
(funny enough, despite being taught to pray to the Midonian Cextos, Mav would be more devoted to the Anemoian God, Pinna. While Amara was taught by two devotees to Pinna, she would be more devoted to Cextos. This would later swap, with Mav becoming more Midonian in belief while Amara became polytheistic with focus between Rryme, Pinna and Cextos. Later then that, Mav with return to Polythesim with a focus on Rryme after living in Ishida for a long time)
Aeraki gen3
Mav and Mirka (the mentioned girl that Kurtys partly adopted) had one child. A boy named Chien. This boy was inseparable from his great uncle Xavier even when Xavier was going through his dissociative episodes. As Mav would just sleep all day and Mirka was busy doing the job for both her husband and partly Xavier's job, she was extremely busy so she left him in the care of Xav.
When Chiens was 12 his parents "died" (ran away) and then Xavier died. Chien didn't have anyone he was close to left... So Iasis and Azaiah swooped in. Both helped Chien by being regents until he was 16 and Iasis could finally retire and focus on his girls. Azaiah would rerurn to his work as strictly an advisor for another 10 or so years until he could take an apprentice he liked and he too could retire. Chien though would seek the comfort and advice of Iasis for years to come and in the time with his great uncle Iasis being regent he also became way closer to his grandma Saria.
When Amara died she left behind a girl called Deidre. Deidre was never close with her mother as Amara had very little maternal love for her baby. She left Deidre in the care of Saria and Iasis in order to go play queen in Midonia for the sake of Anemois victory in the Midonia/Anemoi war. She was raised alongside Saria's youngest child, Arias. Arias and Deidre always had eachothers backs. They were sisters for all they cared. Eventually Dei would live with her mother and he step-father Jeremias. She'd usually still stay there at Saria's until she was like 15 and Amara died, starting Deidre's swift spiral with her cousin Fluvy Jr into drugs and drinking. She fucking hates her step-dad and completely blames him for her mothers death. She knows that he hid from the world that Amara did it herself and for why.
Id do the next gen of Aeraki but... Chien has 9 children. 7 boys and 2 girls. Deidre has a good amount of children too with her step-fathers apprentice (hes a doctor :-) )
Who is your character closest to in their family?
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In what genre/setting would your oc's feel most confortable in? What genre/setting would they hate? >:)))))))
Right now their setting/genre is romantic/realistic fantasy and most of the stories involved are political intrigue/domestic thriller and drama/romance/dark romance/erotic/angst and fantasy religious? hard to say where it really sits since there's so many stories within Ascendancy (This has been going on for 7 years now o_o...)
Id say for a lot of my character, they end up having quite happy endings, and are quite comfortable in life. They love their significant others and devote themselves to them. So a lot of them would be most comfortable staying in their romance genre- though i'm sure they'd more then appreciate the amenities and rights a more modern setting would provide them.
A lot of characters would have probably never gotten together if not for their situations, however. I do have a modern AU where some characters do fit but they end up being very different people in terms of their history. Wilfur gets the help he needs early to not end up the shitty horrid little man he is, and ends up in an awesome polycule instead of abusing someone- One of the AUs we have, another character thrives so much better in. Kurtys is a perfect cowboy <3. If in the original story, he had become a Riderband (Think cowboy samurai rangers) instead of a knight, he wouldn't have ended up with his wife Taifun, but he would've been a much happier man. Just a much, much different man.
As for what most of them would hate; most of them would probably NOT survive slasher horror. Most of these fuckers are NOT final girl... OTHER then Niomi. Shes very final girl core. Also Fluvy jr and Jeremias. Also final girl. They're so final girl without being final girls
@the-majestic-pterodactyl-senpai might have some more answers :)
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Sketch dump
#Lutalo#Dietrich#Elise#Ilonia#Fluvy jr#Fluvy#Fluvius#Enora#Sinclaire#Chien#Ascendancy#sketch#dump#art#my art#digital art#digitalart#oc#artist
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I don’t really know how Wtoryteller Saturday works. Can I ask questions about whatever? If so, what was the Valentine’s Day work about?
Happy STS :3 YEP! You can ask anything to do with characters and worldbuilding and stories or anything remotelt related
Hi! I ended up not getting far into it but I was writing about a festival where Anemoians watch dragons do mating dances and the such! The mating dances involve dragons breathing fire and reflecting lightning and firelight off their wings. I ended up yapping about it mostly to my co-writer Curt about all the different interactions the ocs would have
How Cassius would beg Fluvy jr to go and he'd act hesitant but would actually be hyped to go see the dragons storm-burning. He usually hates festivals but this one doesn't have baggage attached to it, so Fluvy enjoys this one.
How the 'Grigora' aka the group of sex workers who kind of have a small half-hearded union going on- how they'd huddle up together for a while to watch since they dont get many clients durring this festival, but will get paid well in the following celebrations when people go back into the city.
They disperse eventually and Lucius ends up hanging out with Niomi (a fellow sex worker) and Layton. August would hang out with Quinn and eventually Kapplan and Pierce most of the night.
Taifun, Fluvys mom would be with her casual date at the time, Declan. (Shes a widow looking to get back into a serious relationship)
And Ilonia, Fluvys younger sister would be with Isaac, Cassius' twin brother.
Elise, the youngest of Fluvys siblings, would be with Owen surely
Heres what I managed to get down
Even the most nihilistic of young men slunk out of the city walls to gaze upon the show. People found their places in small tents and shelters and rocky nooks where they could prop umbrellas, putting towels and old blankets down for seats and huddling in their cloaks.
February was the month of the Pinnae storm burning.
All Anemoians knew this dance-knew all the myths and stories about the dragons.
The Pinnae breathed flares and flashed their reflective wings in the storm, lighting the sky in lightning and fire. Most years this lit the sky up for a few days in the coldest months.
Couples would share their body heat to ward off the wind, tucked against each other as they watched the show nature gifted to the Anemoians.
Fluvius jr and Cassius usually didn't participate in the usual Anemoian festivals and celebrations anymore. Fluvy was once a dancer, excited to perform for every festival and impress his family and tutor. For years now he had avoided them completely, putting on a show of how the festivals were for kids and for adults, only good for getting drunk. There was an air of apathy about him before he got unreasonably upset.
This though… the Storm Burning had always been something
Fluvius sighed and kicked his feet, but ultimately relented when Cassius begged him to take him for a date. Fluvy said that he would get everything taken care of, and for Cas not to worry his pretty little head.
Cas would shrug and assume Fluvy would have his mother deal with renting a tent and a spot for the night.
When they headed out Cas couldn't help but notice a little twinkle in his boyfriends eyes and the slight bounce to his step. He was antsy and held Cas by the hip, a small uncommon smile on his face while they walked. His eyes stayed on the sky, focused in on the clouds and each flash in case he were to miss a single dragon.
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Anemoian Halloween Snippets
4 short snippets. One about the history of the festivals, one about mask crafting, another about a ritual, and another about a ghost.
- Autumn Festival
For a long time, Aemoi’s autumn festivals were ones regarding the harvest and a final hurrah before the colder winds came down from the north to frost the lands. Gourds would be harvested, brush burnt, and winter wheat would be planted.
A costumed festival would be held when the frost stayed in the ground, with plenty of sweets and warm food and drink would be served cheaply in the markets. As midnight came, a short vigil would be held and the shrines would be covered in offerings and prayers would be spoken to it by a festival master.
Over the years Midonian influence had made room for a change. Midonia had always been a nation of death. It had always had standing folk traditions to appease the dead and strike fear into the patrons of death itself and the Nidus who traveled this time of year.
Gourds and other hard vegetables were carved into faces and tilted up to the sky as if to watch the nomadic feathered people following the migrating ungulate herds.
Fires, drinks, food and prayer for those departed and to honor for the faithful. Church groups would go door to door asking for donations.
As Midonian culture integrated with the city of Aeraki, some new traditions were born from the union. For some, this meant more emphasis on the rituals, for others earlier in the night it meant something much more fun.
- Mantis Mask
Cassius spent forever working on his mask. He has cut his hand over and over trying to carve the wood. Hand bandaged and a determined squint, the young boy of 9 would scrape off the final touches on the epistomal suture. It was perfect in his eyes! a mantis with all its fixings! Anna had tried to find one for him, but unfortunately not many artisans made invertebrates. The few that his mother had brought home had not been to Cassius’ standards. Cas wanted the mask to look much more realistic then the ones they offered… but, he was appreciative either way. He could at least get some inspiration from how they built the mask. He pulled the straps from it and used them for his own creation.
He painted it like one of the local species; pink and orange.
Cassius’ twin brother, Isaac, was much less picky. His only request was that he wanted a well crafted Vultu mask. He had recently read a story about a very brave Vultu and that was his most recent obsession.
Both boys had their outfits matched with their masks. Cassius’ cloak looked like mantis wings and Isaac’s looked like the frills of a male Vultu.
They had insisted upon the whole family going, so, after a long while of bugging their mother picked up a mask for herself, Aideen, and the toddler, Owen. She wore a deer doe’s head, while Aideen picked out a cute looking kitten with a fluffy mane. Owen pointed at an owl and made an excited squeal.
- The Shrine
Two people stood before Pinnas shrine; before the city of Aeraki.
The festival master and his daughter in Pinnae Dragon masks, holding decorated candles.
Prince Iasis lit the first candle to be placed upon the stone and metal shrine. He supported an arc of light between his fingers, lighting the wick with his electrokinesis.
He placed it in the cupped claws of the statue that held a copper alloy plate. It had recently been cleaned, but generations of wax build up left a greasy film that made the metal matte.
He turned to the crowd, putting his left hand on his chest and with his right he raised an open palm to the sky.
“Another good year for us all; another year of prosperity. Be it they leave their wealth or sacrifice, Lord Pinna I ask you… Bless the lands another year and bless our people so they may bring a good harvest come the spring storms. Let us all live under your watch, warm, protected, and fortunate.”
He reached his hand down to plant a hand on the shoulder of his daughter, Arias. She shifted from behind Iasis with another candle and held it up for him to light using the flame of the first candle.
When he handed the candle back to Arias she held it as if she were mirroring the statue. She bent down onto her knees carefully and slowly to place it at the Dragon God’s feet. She reached back to unclasp her necklace, resting it beside the candle and saying a short prayer by placing her hand on her chest and raising her hand just as her father did.
Iasis smiled down at her, a welling proudness filling his soul. She would make a wonderful festival master one day…
He assisted her to her feet and stepped down from the altar to their God king.
Iasis’ voice was replaced by heavy drums and woodwind, and two others replaced the festival master and his daughter.
Two new little dragons, who jumped up from either side of the shrine and pointed their blunted swords at each other. One was dressed as Lord Haeres, the other Lord Anemos. They’d dance an ancient production; one about the death of Haeres. The ending was finalized by Anemos holding his brother in his arms towards the shrine.
‘Haeres’ pulled a red ribbon from under his wing cloak, making a loud “BLEEEHH” and ‘dying’ dramatically.
Iasis crossed his arms… “DEIDRE! FLUVIUS!” he barked, face gone red under his mask.
This was not part of the ritual and he’d hear that over and over all night now from his older peers who would NEVER let their students pull that kind of stunt.
‘Anemos’ pulled ‘Haeres’ off the shrine stage, giggling and smiling wide under her mask.
After applause, a short laugh and chatter, the crowd would make their way in droves to leave candles, their gold, jewelry, craftsmanship, and delicate, expensive foods.
- Ghost of the Infirmary
Jeremias laid back in his chair, staring out into the dark room with his signature frown. He squinted, trying to see whatever his girlfriend was seeing. Amara rubbed his shoulder, her arm around his head as she stood.
“Callahan's right there, Jere. I promise I'm not messing with you.”
“No, no, I believe you…” he muttered, covering his lips with a balled up fist.
“I just… He's there?... What is he doing?”
Amara was relieved to see Jere had some belief in her. All her life, all these issues with dead boys among the castle grounds were simply her imagination according to her kin.
“Well, right now he's just looking at you.”
“Is… Is he in pain? Amara, please. I need more details then that.”
“No, I don't think he is.”
“You’re sure it's Calla?... Mar, a lot of boys have died here. It could be any of them.”
“Well, unless a ghost can lie about its own name, I don’t think it's someone else.”
Jeremias sighed, bringing his hand up to his forehead and rubbing it. “Is he in pain?”
“No. He looks as he did when he passed on, but he's not in pain.”
“Why is he even still here?... Calla- Please-” Jeremias’ voice cracked, his brows furrowing deep grooves into his forehead.. “Please, you need to go. Go see mom…”
Amara squeezed his shoulder, leaning down and kissing the top of his head.
“He wants to watch you, Jere. He-” she frowned at his sudden, irritated interruption,
“GO. Dad is DEAD. He is GONE. He can't hurt us anymore so you can go. I don't need you to PROTECT me anymore.”
Amara frowned harder as she stared into the empty room. Silence rang through the hallowed walls.
“He can't yet. He's just not ready.”
“Why?... Is it Josef? Is he scared about Kid?”
“...Maybe. He won't say. All he tells me is that he can't go yet.”
#halloween#Aeraki#Anemoi#Cassius#Isaac#Anna#Aideen#Owen#Iasis#Arias#Deidre#Fluvy#Fluvius jr#Jeremias#Amara#Callahan#ascendancy#writing#festival#oc#writblr
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Happy Storyteller Saturday; have you considered turning any of your stories into comics?
Happy STS! A whole day late ❤️
Ive thought about this soooo much.... I think the story that would most benefit, and would be easiest to draw, would probably be Fate of Alchemists. Only since the MC and several other important characters aren't human.
Ive thought about doing comic work for a ton of different stories though. If I were to do comics for them, theyd probably end up being snippets like how I tend to write. Small glimpses into the lives of the characters-
For a long comic, I think Amaras story would fit as the best candidate though there are parts of her story that would probably need a fade to black thing eg. her sexual assult and when she has her babies. Her story is one about politial espionage, the non combat side of war, turning people against eachother, atypical relationships, and religion when religion fails you and everyone around you. Its probably the most fully written thing so far for any of my humans, at about 65 percent done.
While I probably wont be doing comics any time soon, I do really wanna get into Animatics.
Kings and Priests (four alternatives to this song, Xavier, William, Anna, and Cassius)
Prince of Drakes / Diamonda (Mav and Mara)
Chiens story doesnt have a fun name yet (Chien :-) )
Alleycats and Street Rats (Fluvy jrs gang)
Grigoras (Fluvys gang, mainly the sex workers)
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STORYTELLER SATURDAY!!! top ten chien facts?
Oh this ones fun. I wont put them in order, but heres some of the funnest facts
Crown Chien's name is in parallel to Monarch Caleb's. They both have meanings to do with dogs. Chiens name also means someone who kept hunting dogs and money. His middle name is Mirka after his mother. That name means glory and peace. Aeraki of course means breeze/wind and has been the Anemoian royal families last name since its beginnings.
Chien was crowned at only 12 and a half. He was not expected to know everything yet, and his uncle Iasis became his regent until Chien was 16 and well tutored. He remained accompanied to various meetings with other nation leaders until he was 18, after then he was independent from Iasis and only took who he needed to.
Chien has been divorced twice before his current wife. He was married for politics once at 13, and again at 16. His first wife tried to kill him and his second, convinced he was going to be just like his dad, was unloyal to him and uninterested in Chiens wellbeing.
Chien has always been best friends with Ilonia. She had been in junior guard as early as she could be put in and she is the daughter of the head knight, Kurtys Lutalo and Lady Taifun Euphemia-Lutalo. She has always been given a spot of high recognition from Chien, and she helps train Chien in self defence. She is a very high energy, quick and aggressive swords-woman while Chien plays a hard defensive and got extremely good at it through sparring with her.
Chien use to be friends with Ilonia's brother, Fluvius jr, before Kurtys died. After Kurtys died and Fluvy began acting out, their friendship waned and then turned into hating each others guts. When Chien's parents disappeared and were considered dead, and then Xavier died, Chien grieved heavily. These two are a foil to one another in a lot of ways. Both lose people in really horrible ways, but Fluvy goes off the deep end while Chien is basically forced to maintain his appearance and behavior despite the heavy loss hes feeling. He is now Crown/King after all, and the responsibility of his nation is on his shoulders. While Fluvy jr can go wild and free and do as he pleases... He gets after Chien often for having such an old soul and his need to be an adult so early in his life, giving him hell for not letting himself just relax and act his age. Later, when Fluvy jr grows up, he does something that drives Chien to act out finally. It results in the loss of Fluvys arm. In his twenties, Fluvy is taken under Jeremias' wing to train as a bloodletter. He has blood powers, and he becomes an sequential part of Chien's medical team. Chien is and has always been very sick. He has bad asthma attacks and heart issues, which (ACTUALLY) is helped by controlled bloodletting. They start to actually respect eachother then and once more are close.
Chien is terrified of his own powers. He has lightning in him much like his mother, and his paternal grandfathers before him. His lightning is very volatile and the few times he has used it against someone it has caused severe damage. He has to work on his confidence with it for a long time before he can use it in a less explosive manner. His wife, Sinclaire, manages to help him realize a lot of the issues are a mental thing rather then the fault of his powers. He gets too riled up before using it, but if he relaxes prior he can have a lot more control.
Chien's Chelat was a gift from his father when he was 5 and beginning to show signs of asthma. The Chelat was young and trained to detect changes in heart-rate. It wiggles its quills, stomps, and makes a fuss when it detects any large changes. Originally, Mav tried to gift Chien a Pero flag dog, but he was uninterested in raising one of the pups
Chien dresses very unlike his predecessors on most days. He likes a snug long sleeve, well fitted pants, and his uncle's cloak over anything else. He often doesn't even wear a sash like most Anemoians, electing to tie it to a belt instead. The black cloak he wears is 33 years old by the time he is born. It is well maintained by Xavier and Chien keeps it in immaculate condition until the day he dies. He is buried in that cloak when he dies at 62 and the cloak is 95. By then, he has likely stopped wearing the cloak as the threads have worn so thin, but he keeps it in his room.
Chien is very Midonian in his beliefs and comes off as a very modest, religious man. However, Chien has his moments where he is really just like his dad. He hires 3 different consorts before he meets his wife, Sinclaire, and he fools around with one of his doctors, Kid. Just like Mav for real... He of course stops all that when he marries Sinclaire, but hires his 3 consorts within the castle doing various jobs. Lucius as his attendant and stylist, August as a cook (who would rise the ranks to head chef) and Niomi, who was learning to be a physical and mental therapist like her father, as part of the infirmary team (essentially taking her late fathers role)
Chien is a pacifist for most of his reign and relies heavily on established legal systems, but after a lot of shit goes down and he struggles to use this system effectively, he decides to go above it to bring justice down upon various people including one of his own sons and a magistrate he had been trying to convict for years. He hangs them publicly for their crimes
Bonus: Chien has 9 children with Sinclaire :) several sets of twins but otherwise, yikes. His wife wanted a huge family as well. Chien mainly wanted a huge family so he could repopulate the Aeraki family as they were running out of legitimate heirs.
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