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nocternalrandomness · 3 months ago
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Messerschmitt Bf 108 Taifun - East Kirby Airshow
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dragonfelling · 3 months ago
Snippet Sunday - The War Room Proposal
Old snippet of Taifun speaking in the war room.
“Would you shut your mouth. Who even let you in here? Nobody gave you permission to speak, woman. Would you sit down and stop wasting time?”
The entirety of the war room quieted at Seanes' frustration and turned to look at him. He was confident at first, believing his point was made… until the realization hit that the silence was a dumbfounded anger and not respect for his opinion on the matter regarding Lady Taifuns words being held with weight behind them.
Tai was not the only woman in this room. Jan and Mirka both glared daggers. If looks could kill he’d be on the floor.
Seanes' mouth twitched and he sat back down. He scowled. He always scowled but now his eyebrows furrowed farther and his fists clenched on the table. 
Taifun narrowed her eyes at him, raising her head and giving him a strangely warm smile.
She respected Seane in some way. He was arrogant. Rude. Cruel. Downright miserable to be around; but he was a veteran and the best surgeon one could get their hands on. Hells, he was good at keeping his mouth shut too and did not question the use of pennyroyal. 
He had contributed beautifully to prior discussion. This was stupid though. He was a stupid stupid man so she gave him nothing but that unfaltering smile for the next 20 seconds until he looked uncomfortable.
Kurtys was about to bark at him but it seemed that look his wife gave sufficed.
“As I was saying-” Taifun hummed, looking around at the men and women before her. The doctors. Xavier. The Aeraki. Azaiah. Then her husband. Her smile melted into butter at the way his eyes glowed up at her.
She placed her fingers over the papers she brought and slid them atop the map in front of the little Pinna figure used to represent the largest ship fleet and then looked back to Xavier to address him. This was his war after all…
“Monarch Caleb remains single, correct? Pressured by his parliament to find a queen?”
“20 years without a queen let alone an heir.”
“Your brother Caleb, as we discussed, is not the man the public knows him as. While Ishidans like myself have no qualms over the legitimacy of their heirs so long as she comes from the major Superior, it's abundantly clear this is important to both the Aeraki and you Canes…” 
She tapped her nail where Caleb sits on the family tree drawn out on the parchment. 
Kurtys squinted up at her, full of confusion as to where her point would land. Not only that, but Caleb was a bastard? He was aware of Amaras lineage making her ineligible for the throne but Caleb?
“As Xavier has been aware of the past year, Caleb is a bastard much like our dear Princess Amara. By that, they are not related through Lady Saria, Vis-à-vis  the late Monarch, Zachariah Cane.” She tacked on, in the end, “May his soul be burning in his hell.”
The room all collectively blinked. The Cane brothers shared a frowning, but knowing glance before they turned their attention back up to Taifun. Xavier nodded,
“Go on…”
Kurtys’ brows furrowed in thought. Amara was Crown Skalonos but not Crown Sarias. Saria was Monarch Zachariah's and Queen Aideens. So… Monarch Caleb was Zachariah's but not Aideens…?
Kurtys narrowed  his eyes up to his wife as he muttered, “what?”
Which was talked over by his own father, Fluvius, who refuted, “Queen Aideen was pregnant at the time of his birth. Not that it truly matters given Amara is not related but given that you're implying-...” Fluvius shakes his head in disbelief, crossing his arms. 
“Yes. I'm implying we send Amara. Janu-” she addressed the princess, smiling towards her, “You trained her well and I trust she’ll do us well. We still have time to continue her training in the meantime as well; focusing on courting the Monarch. Her mother should train her in Midonian etiquette as well. She should be proposed as a marriage candidate by Autumn.”
“Yes. I'm implying he too is a bastard and im implying we send Amara. Janu-” she addressed the princess, smiling towards her, “You trained her well and I trust she’ll do us well. We still have time to continue her training in the meantime; focusing on courting the Monarch. Her ahem- mother should train her in Midonian etiquette. She should be proposed as a marriage candidate by Autumn.”
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dragonfelling · 4 months ago
:D hi
I've been writing small bits of Ascendancy. Its not from anything big, just a blurb but here's my most recent writing. It was sort of just rambling but Cassius has been on my mind a lot sooo shrug emoji
Cassius wasn't currently welcome home. Not to mention, he had no clue where Fluvius was off to.... He was fucked up on something Flu didn't want him fucked up on; he usually was the one providing him his drugs. Stuff he knew wasn't complete poison.
Cas’ other buddies were off doing their own thing down who knows what street. So, he really had nowhere to be. He was fired again a few days ago, resulting in the argument between him and not only his brother but also dragged in their mother. He came home drunk and threatened to blow his brains out if he had to deal with another manager like that. He hardly remembered what all was said between the three after that, just that it was in front of Owen and it perturbed the young boy into some kind of paranoid babble. 
He screamed at Owen to shut the fuck up and it only escalated from there. 
Cassius, with no money in his pockets and no drugs left on his person to sell, turned to a reliable safe house. Even without Fluvy there he knew there was always tea and a meal at the Lutalos. 
Taifun was like another mother in a way, it was that way for a lot of boys prone to wandering. 
When he knocked, he heard a shuffle. Elise, a girl of Owen's age, opened up and stared at him. She was never a fan of stray dogs.
heads up, seven up tag
i'm stealing @vacantgodling's open tag :3 because i wanna share more of the sunbringer's song outline...
tentatively tagging.... @albatris @drawnecromancy @northwyrm @paradoxspir1t aaaaand anyone else who might wanna hop in! open tag!!! i am blanking so fucking much rn, y'all!
anyway. here are seven lines i wrote for sunbringer's song today, with as few spoilers as possible for the game and overall story. this is a moment unrelated to eden's pov, but i'm setting up some things to come here :3
Even with his armor and years of training his body, he wasn’t able to escape the battle unscathed, left with a sluggishly bleeding gash just under his ribs.
It’s nothing he hasn’t dealt with before. Hells, he’s had far worse injuries before--his instructor had been unforgiving, unyielding, uncaring for those who were anything less than perfect warriors. But today’s failure is added salt in the wound. He’d been so close, and yet once again the comet had slipped through his grasp.
If the knight were a less determined man, less devoted to his cause, he would have gone mad long ago. As it stands, however, he knows he must persist.
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usafphantom2 · 1 month ago
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Messerschmitt Me 108 Taifun
@ron_eisele via X
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loveandclovers · 3 months ago
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hatred toploaders (two of them are cosplayers, @.Taifune ( i dont think they have any socials, i found the images here ) and @_r.o.t.o.r_ on tiktok)
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redsamuraiii · 10 months ago
"Every year in this Land of the Gods we have earth tremors. And fires and flood and Great Waves, and the monster storms - the taifuns. Nature is very strong with us."
Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes.
"Perhaps that is why we love life so much, Anjin-san. You see, we have to. Death is part of our air and sea and earth. You should know, Anjin-san, in this Land of Tears, death is our heritage."
James Clavell's Shogun (1975), Chapter 28, Page 428
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deutschland-im-krieg · 5 months ago
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Fieseler Fi 99 Jungtiger (D-EPWD). Despite its good characteristics this tandem two-seat sport and touring plane was built only in small numbers in 1937-1938. The Young Tiger was a very similar aircraft to the Messerschmitt Bf 108 Taifun (Typhoon). For more, see my Facebook group - Eagles Of The Reick
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wladimirkaminer · 1 month ago
Schleichend frisst sich der sinnloseste Krieg aller Zeiten durch das öffentliche Leben Russlands, er vergiftet und zerstört alles. Will jemand wissen, wie sich die Fußballfans in Russland fühlen, von den Fußballspielern ganz zu schweigen? Sie feiern riesige Erfolge. Beim letzten Spiel der russischen Nationalmannschaft hat   sie einen Weltrekord in Krasnodar aufgestellt: mit 11:0 gegen die Nationalmannschaft von Brunei.  Der eigentliche Skandal ereignete sich nach dem Spiel, als die Brunei-Mannschaft sich in einer Shisha-Bar in Krasnodar unsittlich benahm und ein wenig randalierte. Nach einer polizeilichen Ermittlung wurde festgestellt, dass die Nationalmannschaft aus Brunei gar nicht aus Fußballern besteht. Es waren zwei Polizisten darunter sowie ein Taxifahrer und einige Jungs aus der Jugendmannschaft hatten ihre Freunde nach Russland mitgenommen. Die russische Seite zahlte nämlich für ein Freundschaftsspiel ansehnliche Honorare.  Die Sache mit Brunei war jedoch zu peinlich für beide Seiten, deswegen wurde jetzt der Präsident der Fußball Assoziation von Brunei vom Sultan persönlich entlassen.
 Das russische Problem wurde damit nicht gelöst, dem Land gelingt es immer schwerer, Freundschaftsspiele zu organisieren. Von allen internationalen Turnieren und Meisterschaften seit 2022 ausgeschlossen, sucht Russland aktiv nach potenziellen Partnern für die Freundschaftsspiele, aber es wird eng. Es gibt zwar einen Haufen Länder, die bereit sind, für Geld gegen Russland zu spielen oder zumindest auf dem Fußballfeld zu tanzen, aber es sind keine Fußballländer, vorsichtig gesagt. In der Presse wird diese Situation als ein großer Gewinn dargestellt, denn die russische Nationalelf stellt einen Weltrekord nach dem anderen auf. Das Jahr 2024 hat sie mit fünf Siegen in fünf Spielen abgeschlossen, mit einem traumhaften Gesamtergebnis an Toren: 26:00. 
Die Russen konnten sich gegen Serbien und Belarus tapfer behaupten, Vietnam und Syrien wurden auf dem Feld beinahe vernichtet und dann noch als Kirsche auf der Torte das Spiel gegen Brunei, mit dem ersten Tor bereits nach sieben Sekunden Spielzeit, auch ein Weltrekord! Möglicherweise war der Torwart gleich in die Shisha-Bar gegangen?
Insgesamt hat die russische Nationalelf jedoch erstaunlich wenig gespielt. Ein paar Freundschaftsspiele waren zwar versprochen worden, fanden aber nicht statt. Das Spiel gegen Paraguay wurde wegen eines terroristischen Anschlags in Moskau abgesagt, das Spiel gegen Thailand fiel wegen eines Taifuns in Vietnam ins Wasser und die Verabredung mit Pakistan wurde zu einem Desaster: Kurz vor dem Spiel erklärte die Nationale Fußballakademie Pakistans, dass keine der Mannschaften es vorgehabt hatte, gegen die Russen anzutreten. Doch mit wem haben dann die russischen Fußballbürokraten überhaupt verhandelt? „Mit irgendwelchen Menschen aus Pakistan“ sagte der Sportminister. Seitdem sind „irgendwelche Menschen aus Pakistan“ zu einer Meme geworden und gelten als Bezeichnung für alle infrage kommenden Gegner der Nationalelf.  Wie geht es nun weiter? Für das Jahr 2025 sind weitere Freundschaftsspiele geplant.
Die meisten Länder weigern sich aus politischen Gründen mit Russland zu spielen. Aber wie bereits Erich Honecker einmal sagte, „wir sind nicht allein auf der Welt“. Es werden Gespräche mit Israelis geführt, mit Kasachstan und Zypern. Sonst ist Europa durch und sogar Albanien hat abgesagt (wollen sie etwa auch in die EU?) Mit Afrika ist die Situation ebenfalls kompliziert.
Insider behaupten, ein Spiel gegen Nigeria wäre nächstes Jahr realistisch   plus noch ein weiteres afrikanisches Land, das aber noch nicht genannt werden möchte. Das Spiel mit Venezuela findet höchstwahrscheinlich statt, Burkina Faso und die République de Côte d'Ivoire (die Elfenbeinküste)  machen auch mit. Der Präsident wünschte den Mannschaften schon mal viel Erfolg. Auf zu neuen Rekorden!
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leserreise-vietnam · 2 months ago
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Hoi An: ein asiatischer Traum in Zentralvietnam
Weil sich in der Heimat schon einige ungeduldige Geister rühren, die auf den nächsten Blogeintrag warten, kommt er heute etwas früher. Wir sind gestern spätabends gut in Hoi An angekommen. Heute stand die Besichtigung dieser kleinen zentralvietnamesischen Stadt auf dem Programm. Hoi An war früher der größte Hafen in Südostasien und lag an der Seidenstraße. Vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert war Hoi An ein wichtiges Handelszentrum. Noch heute ist die kleine Altstadt sehr gut erhalten und eine Touristenattraktion – spätestens seit sie die UNESCO zum Weltkulturerbe erhoben hat.
Wir besichtigen die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt und starten damit an der Japanischen Brücke, die einst die japanischen und chinesischen Handelsviertel miteinander verband. Quang erzählt uns bei dieser Gelegenheit, dass die Altstadt von Hoi An mindestens einmal im Jahr überflutet wird. Taifune und andere Tropenstürme treffen häufig auf die vietnamesische Ostküste und bringen gigantische Regenmengen mit sich. Das Wasser kann dann bei Flut (das Meer liegt wenige Kilometer entfernt) nicht aus der Altstadt abfließen und staut sich in den engen Gassen. Wir schlendern vorbei an unzähligen kleinen Geschäften, und es ist nicht immer leicht, die Gruppe beisammenzuhalten. Zu verlockend sind die Seidenkleider und anderen Souvenirs (und zu aufdringlich die Verkäufer) … Wir schaffen es aber doch, zwei Versammlungshallen der chinesischen Händler zu besichtigen. Die Luft ist dort erfüllt vom Duft der Räucherstäbchen bzw. Räucherspiralen, die von der Decke hängen und gute Wünsche auf gelben Kärtchen enthalten. Im Hinterhof einer der Versammlungshallen entdecken wir einen großen Brunnen mit Statuen von neun Drachen. Quang erklärt dabei auch gleich die asiatische Zahlenlehre: Die Zahl 9 steht für die Ewigkeit, die Zahl 8 für Reichtum. Man sollte sich also nicht wundern, wenn man in diesen Ländern Telefonnummern oder Autokennzeichen mit besonders vielen 8 und 9 sieht.
Wir besuchen auf unserem Rundgang durch die Altstadt auch noch ein Volkskundemuseum und ein altes Handelshaus und spazieren über den örtlichen Obst- und Gemüsemarkt. Viele der Früchte sind uns schon bekannt, andere erwecken unsere Neugier. Noch vor dem Mittagessen schauen wir in einem ganz besonderen Teehaus vorbei. Die Betreiber bilden hier taubstumme Menschen zu Kellnerinnen und Kellner aus. Der Job ermöglicht es ihnen, ein eigenständiges Leben zu führen und sich in die Gesellschaft zu integrieren. Wir verkosten verschiedene Kaffee- und Teesorten und erholen uns von den vielen Eindrücken.
Am Nachmittag steht dann noch ein Besuch in einem Seidenhaus an, den Quang für uns organisiert hat. Wir lernen dort, wie Seidenraupen diesen wertvollen und begehrten Stoff produzieren, wie er gewoben und verarbeitet wird. Einigen Arbeiterinnen können wir dabei zusehen, wie sie aus Seide wunderschöne Bilder herstellen. Manche von uns nutzen auch noch die Gelegenheit, sich in der hauseigenen Schneiderei ein Kleinod für den Kleiderschrank zuhause (oder als Geschenk?) schneidern zu lassen. Schon morgen sollen diese Kostbarkeiten bei uns im Hotel abgegeben werden. Wir sind gespannt, ob wir einige davon noch im Laufe unserer Reise zu sehen bekommen.
Ein Teil unserer Gruppe nutzt die Freizeit am Nachmittag für einen Ausflug zum nahe gelegenen Pazifikstrand. Da es sehr windig ist, bleibt es nur bei kurzen Annäherungsversuchen an das Meerwasser. Am Abend werden wir die Altstadt von Hoi An noch einmal besuchen. Die vielen Laternen und Lampions sollen ein echter Hingucker sein. Freut euch also auf den nächsten Blogeintrag … ;)
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wkdll · 1 year ago
It's raining in Seoul
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Summary: New City. New university. New life. A Story in which your new classmate Kim Mingyu makes your tummy warm everytime you see him. But little did you know that the person who makes you the happiest could also be the person who can make you the saddest.
A cute little slice of life Lovestory with a lot of fluff. But be prepared because life is not always a happy place.
Chapter 5
"Let's go!" Mingyu said, trying to shield you from the rain as much as possible. You both quickly ran to the hotel you were staying in. Even tho Mingyu tried to shield you from the rain, you both arrived soaking wet at the hotel. Standing in the entrance, Mingyu said: "I'm sorry..." while looking down to the floor. "Because we got wet?" You asked him. Mingyu, scratching his head, looking anywhere but your eyes and answered:"no, because of the kiss. I should have asked you first. I am..." - " I liked it," you quickly said. Mingyus eyes shoot up to yours. His cheeks became red and he had a smile on his face. "Well uhm," Mingyu began to speak, "I think the Taifun season has started. Do you have the opportunity to cook ? Or do you get food and drinks somewhere ? It's dangerous to go outside." You looked at him and saw that he was clearly worried about you. You just nodded. You didn't want to lie to him, but also didn't want to worry him. "I think... I think I can figure it out somehow..." you stammered. Mingyu just shook his head. "Go and get everything you need for a few days. We can get the rest later." He said while putting his hands inside his pockets. "What?" You asked him. What does he mean by that? For which reason do you need your things? Does he want to... "you stay at my place. You can't stay here alone. Don't worry about anything. Just grab a few things." He said. Clearly confused you just nodded and went inside to go to your room
Once you arrived at your room, you started packing your bag. You didn't know much about Mingyu, but you trusted him. You grabbed all you need for the next 4 to 5 days, and an umbrella and went down again. You saw Mingyu with his phone. "I bought an umbrella" you said while giving it to him. He smiled and said: "you are so cute. I called a taxi. If the storm gets worse it's impossible for me to hold the umbrella." Right, you are so silly. A Taifun is much worse than rain. While you feel shame creep up your face, you felt a hand petting your hair softly. "Thank you for bringing the umbrella anyway. We can use it when we get out of the taxi and go home," Mingyu said while smiling softly at you. Suddenly his face got bright. His eyes turned to the street. "Oh. That must be our taxi." You both went to the car and got inside.
Once you arrived at their flat, Mingyu softly pulled you inside. "No need to be shy. This is your home,too. So please feel free to use everything. This is our bathroon." Mingyu said while pointing at a door on his right. "And, as you can see, this is our kitchen and living room" He said while spreading his arms and make a small turn. It was an open kitchen, with a table to eat and a corner with a TV and a Sofa. "And..." He pointed at the doors, "this is Wonwoos room, this is mine and this is yours." You nodded and take a look around the open kitchen and the living room. "Your room doesn't have a bed, yet. We have a mattress and the sofa" He said while scratching his head. "You can take my bed till we have a bed to sleep." He said while opening the door to his room. "NO!" You suddenly said out loud. Mingyu looked at you with a surprised face. "I mean... thank you, Gyu. But I will take the mattress and put it in my room. Don't worry, please," you smiled at him and opened the door to your room to put your bag inside. "Where is Wonwoo?" You asked him while putting your bag down. "Probably at his girlfriends place, so we have the flat to our own." Mingyu answered. So Wonwoo has a girlfriend, good to know. "Do you have a girlfriend?" You asked him. Mingyu looked at you with a shocked face. "I kissed you only a few hours ago?" He said. "I know, but..." - "No," he said, "I don't have a girlfriend." You nodded, suddenly feeling very awkward. He opened the fridge, looking inside. "Should I cook something for us and we try to get to know each other more?" He said, turning around a little from the fridge to look at you. "Why don't we cook together and get to know each other while working together?" You said, walking towards him. "That's a good plan, too" He said and put a arm around your shoulders.
Mingyu tought you how to make kimchi jjigae. He told you that he loves to go to the gym and listening to music. He would like to be a Model, because it seems like a fun job for him. He doesn't know anything about his family. Wonwoo is his family. They met during some dance course and became best friends. They live together for 5 years now. You are the first girl Mingyu bought to his place. Wonwoo had a few dates and finally met his girlfriend 2 years ago. Mingyu had to learn how to love himself before meeting another girl. Because of the lack of family and love, he found it hard to accept himself. Wonwoo helped him. He loves cooking and cleaning. That's why their flat is so clean. They had another roommate, named Woozi. But he became famous for making music and moved out. They are still friends, but Woozi doesn't have time often.
You ate and talked a lot. It was getting really late, so both cleaned up and Mingyu excused himself to take a shower. You went to the window to watch the rain. It was a really relaxing sound, so you decided to lay on the floor and just enjoy the rain a little bit. You thought about everything happening to you these days. Deep in thoughts, you didn't realized that Mingyu came into the living room. "What are you doing?" You heard his voice. You turned around and saw him standing there in a white shirt and sweatpants. He had a towel in his hand and tried to rub his hair dry. He looked really good, you wouldn't be mad if you were able to see him like this every day. "I am just enjoying the rain," you said. He nodded and went to his room. He came back with a lot of pillows and a blanket. "What are you doing?" You asked him confused. He put everything on the floor and created a comfortable place for you both. "Let's enjoy the rain together. It's much more comfortable like this," he said while lying down. You lay down right next to him. You can smell his shampoo and body wash and for a moment you thought you will go insane. He was just smelling so good. "Before we get comfortable, I should also get ready for bed," you said and stand up again to take a shower. "Alright, take your time," Mingyu said and also stood up.
Once you were showered and changed in some comfortable Pyjamas, you went back to Mingyu. The living room was completely dark, only a few fairy lights gave some lights. "I bought all this lights during christmas. I thought this would be a good opportunity to use them," he said and sat down. You went to him and joined him. You looked around the room and said: "It's so beautiful Gyu." He smiled shyly and laid down. You laid down next to him. It was soft and warm and the Sound of rain was so relaxing. Mingyu took the blanket and covered your body. "Aren't you cold, Gyu?" You asked him. He shook his head. "I am okay, don't worry."
The room was filled by your soft breathing and the sound of rain and storm. You felt relaxed and safe, even if the ongoing Taifun was really dangerous. "Why do you like the sound of rain?" Mingyu asked. "I don't know. It's so relaxing and makes me calm. Also the smell of rain on warm asphalt is a nice feauture. I like it. I always feel carefree while just enjoying it." Mingyu nodded along your words. "I think I know what you mean. I never was aware of it, but lying here with you and listening to the rain gives me the exact same feeling." You smiled. "Just close your eyes, Gyu. Feel your body relax." You said while closing your own eyes.
You woke up by the sound of the door, but you didn't open your eyes yet. You felt someone shift next to you. "Hyung?" You heard Mingyus morning voice. Oh, how you wished to hear this every morning. "Am I interrupting something?" You heard Wonwoo ask. Based on the sound of his voice, you figured out that he was smiling. Mingyu was shifting more beside you. "No we just enjoyed the sound of the rain yesterday night and I think we both fall asleep.." Mingyu said. Wonwoo chuckled. "But it was a cute sight. I should have taken a picture." You heard him shuffle around the room while Mingyu was standing up. "I cook some breakfast. Maybe take sleeping beauty to her room so she can get some more rest," Wonwoo said. "I am awake.." you said and stretched yourself. "Good morning. Did you sleep Well?" Mingyu asked while looking down at you. You nodded and smiled at him. He smiled back and ruffled his own hair. "How about you?" You asked him and stood up. "I didn't know the last time I slept this Well." He said while grinning wide. "Please stop flirting you two and get ready. Breakfast is ready soon," Wonwoo said. Suddenly you and Mingyu felt both shy again. You decided to go to the bathroom and get ready.
You three sat down at the table. "Why did you came back, Hyung?" Mingyu asked, puring some coffee for you and Wonwoo. Wonwoo stayed silent for a bit. "We had a little fight and I wanted to give her some space. Nothing serious," Wonwoo said. You and Mingyu just nodded. You felt your phone vibrating. You got a message from Myeong.
Myeong: Hi ! When will we work on our project again ?
You: Probably when the taifun is over. Mingyu said it's to dangerous to go out.
Myeong: yes, he is right. I can't wait to see him again !
You: hey ! What about me? :(
Myeong: haha, you too! But you really need to help me. Since he is your friend you know him better. He seemed kind of shy last time.
You: what do you mean ?
Myeong: like...maybe go home early or something? So I have some alone time with him. What kind of girls does he like ? And what kind of clothes ? I really need your help here. :(
You put your phone down. You weren't exactly angry or jealous, but kind of hurt. You didn't want her to ask him out on a date. You liked him, but you don't have the right to say what he can do and can't do. You frowned and texted Myeong back.
You: I think we can figure something out.
Myeong: yey ! Thank you so much!
Still frowning, you put for phone upside down on the table. "Are you okay? Mingyu asked worried. You nodded. "Yes, I am okay. Just annoyed." - "May I ask why?" Mingyu said. Wonwoo stayed silent all the time. "Just, Myeong asked about the project and..." you stopped talking. Mingyu also started frowning. He tilted his head. "And...?" He said. "She wants to go on a date with you," you said while looking him directly in the eyes. Wonwoo choked a little on his food and stammered: "wait, wait. You both aren't a couple?"
Both of your heads shot to Wonwoo.
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fastwiemagie · 2 years ago
My favourite salad (with a little bit of everything)
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You need:
bag of mixed greens (I like to have rucola (dictionary says it's called arugula in English? Though rucola is Italian I think.. so idk you may know that one too!) and baby spinach in it, for example)
2-3 handfuls pasta of your choice (I like to use one's with fancy shapes for this salad, but it's not necessary)
smoked tofu (my favourite is Black forest tofu by Taifun, but you can use other tofu flavours as well)
can of chickpeas
3-4 little pickles (if you have bigger ones, you need less)
6-7 dried tomatoes in oil
half a big cucumber or 2-3 snack cucumbers (i like the snack ones but are a bit more expensive usually)
1 or 2 apples
add whatever else strikes your fancy! I've added walnuts before, blueberries, grilled vegetables I had leftover from a BBQ, etc. I've put edamame in this time for example.
For the dressing you'll need:
1-2 table spoons of lemon juice
1-2 table spoons of sweet-sour mustard (also works with spicier mustard though, I just like the sweet-sour kind most)
1-2 table spoons of agave syrup (you can use honey if you're not vegan)
1 table spoon of soy sauce
1-2 table spoons of (apple) vinegar (can use any vinegar though, just add a bit sour & acidic flavour)
binch of salt if it tastes too sweet
really make the dressing to your taste, I like these combinations.
I'll also drizzle some olive oil on top of the salad
For the salad ingredients: chop everything finely, even the mixed greens salad! It just incorporates better with the other ingredients if you chop it smaller as well. Cook the pasta until well done and fry the tofu.
You can prepare this salad in advance for your work lunch and bring it in a container with you. And enjoy! :)
@worth-beyond-a-number-scale asked to be tagged if I end up posting some of my favourite recipes, so here you go friend!
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dragonfelling · 2 months ago
What AUs do YOU have?
DND: The timeline was pinched and simplified a bit for tabletop roleplay purposes. In this AU, there's also a few changes to how Gods function and adds a few things just for the purpose of the story :D
Taifuns Ascension: This AU is a scenario where Taifun did not leave Ishida, and rose to the rank of Main Superior. She is already quite the aristocrat in Anemoi, and fucks around with politics... but as what would be a queen of Ishida, she becomes a bit like her mother. She holds her power in an iron grip but unlike her mother she never lets anyone around her get hurt and shes not an abuser. Kurtys, her husband in canon, is instead her sire (which is similar to husband but shared between her wives that she would have in Ishida.)
Modern: The modern AU is the most well thought through and explored. It focused mostly on Tai and Kurtys (we love them so much). In that AU, instead of being a princess shes the daughter of a rich CEO and Kurtys' story is one is a rags to riches trope instead of being born a bastard between a prince and a farmers daughter. In this AU, Taifun is actually kinda problematic lmao. Shes not exactly the best to Kurtys, is quite mean and even kicks him to the streets at some point before they make up and their relationship gets better.
Cowboys: Complete opposite of Modern really, where Kurtys is actually kind of a bad ass sheriff and Taifun is the adoptive daughter of the town mayor. He saves her from her biological father kidnapping her. Its a fun little trope filled AU and I love that shit.
Monsters: Basically modern AU if everyone was a monster of some sort. Example: Taifun is a siren and Kurtys is a werewolf. I think the Aerakis were harpies?
Kurtys is a killer: Its what it says on the tin lmao. Modern adjacent but with a twist
Engine Room: Don't worry about it :) JK- funny AU where Midas and Dahlia knows Engine. Very NSFW lmao
Midas is SILLY: This is canon adjacent that doesn't effect any of the major mortal characters. This is just is Midas was a silly little snake that the Fates brought around and took him on little dates to get oat milk lattes. Hes also besties with Ericus and occasionally gets out of the terrarium that the fates keep him in. Its just some hehe sillies :3
I THINK I may be missing one or two but ill reblog this if me and Curt can think of them
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never-be-tamed · 7 months ago
✨ & 🎧 (überleg dir was du sagst, oskar ist auf meiner seite <3)
✨: Jocelyn tells the BEST stories. Her random ideas make me laugh so much, her wisdom and positive mindset often leave me speechless. She's great in cheering you up and helping you to come out of your dark place or she will also gladly help you with editing. Oskar really likes her, he's rooting for her, so I am sure you guys will too.
🎧: Sei ein Mann — Mulan (Stefan Erz) (well... not my fault)
Du musst so schnell sein wie wildes Wasser, du musst so stark sein wie ein Taifun, du musst so heiß sein wie Höllenfeuer, geheimnisvoll zugleich so wie der Mond!
If I shuffle again, would that be cheating? Seriously love that song but... 😂😂😂😂
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lamyaasfaraini · 1 year ago
Day 26 - A song by a local artist
30 days song challenge
Wow~ lokal artis mah dari day 1 juga udah sering di posting. Dari yg indie label juga major label.. Yg belom siapa aja yaaa..
Weits belom posting Efek Rumah Kaca ih! Aku pilih lagu ini aja, walapun liriknya beneran ttg kaum pelangi yg pov nya pst dari thn 2007 yg msh belom rame kek skrg. Secara keseluruhan aku gapaham jg sih ya pokonya lagunya ini enak pilunya dpt bgt. Entah knp aku hanya suka 2 album pertama ERK, self titled dan Kamar Gelap. Setelah itu aku ngga ngikutin bgt. Nonton live performnya udah sering jg ini. Selalu keren ERK!
Lagu ter deep dari album pertama Peterpan - Taman Langit. Ini vclipnya tiap aku nonton dpt bgt muka kerung depresinya Ariel.. Edan knp ini aku itut atit ati liatnya hahaha. Belom kalo sambil dengerin di radio pake walkman.. Ngga sedih jg jd sedih weeeh. Tahun kemarin itu lagu ini di repackage sama Noah yah. Ah sama bagusnya ko! Daaaaaan vclipnya aku suka jg, Iqbal jadi model vclipnya dan knp dia ganteng bgt di vclip itu, suka sama haircutnya hahaha. Sampe kuulang2 di youtube. Beda bgt sama vclip yg dulu Peterpan kudu nunggu di TV itu jg kudu nunggu acara musik wkwk.
Barasuara! Ini band direkomenin sobi gigs ku dan pacarnya (skrg suaminya) soalnya mreka tau aku suka TTaTW. "my dengerin band baru Iga deh, Barasuara. Enak2". Tahun 2015 aku udah mengalami music paralysed, udah males denger lagu2 baru. Kecuali ini dan Bigbang Made 2016. Looohhhh iya album Taifun ko enak2 semua. Pertama kali denger lagu ini Bahas Bahasa.. Meriah bgt musiknya.. Suka! Lalu dengerin Sendu Melagu, Api dan Lentera, Menunggang Badai, Nyala Suara dll hampir 1 album enak semua haaaa.. Etapi ku ngga dengerin lagu2 mreka yg baru, cukup aja di Taifun..
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usafphantom2 · 1 year ago
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‘Wheels-up Wednesday’
Alex Truman gets airborne in the Messerschmitt 108 (Nord 1002) during the West London Aero Club Members Day at White Waltham Airfield in September 2023…@HurricaneR4118 @WLACFlying @Ultimate_Aeros #Taifun #108 #WhiteWaltham #AvGeek
@Shitterbug_WGC via X
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bolojan · 1 year ago
Hey Can i request bolojan x reader🤗♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ :33333333333
Yes obviously :333
bolojan x reader
It was anotger day in Oradea si dintr-o data a venit o ploaie. Dar nu era orice ploaie, era Taigunul Florica de la stiri...
Y/n era pe langa primarie, and she was just dumped by her boyfriend. Era un bitch anyway. Dintr-o data a simtit un tap foarte puternic on her umar. It was... a strop from Taifunul Florixa.... Y/n gets extremely scared and runs into the primarie to get away from the Taifun🌪⚠️ Y/n gets into the building and then:
Y/n gets extremely scared and almost jumos out of her piele, but she's caught in bratele unui om misteroos....
Y/n is shocked, hee phone on the floor of the primarie si in fata ei chiar bolojan... din bratele lui poate vedea telefonul pe care scria ROALERT: BOLOJAN IN YOU AREA⚠️💦
Bolojan rhen kisses you and the taifun breaks down the primarie
Y/n moare dar bolojan livs on
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