#fluff option
thisonehere · 2 months
Sniggle 'em
A/n: So you've chosen the fluff option. What's it like not being horny all the time?
You sigh. Lao had left almost an half an hour ago and you two just sat there, avoiding the others eyes. The rain and thunder was the only sound that filled the room.
Raiden responds back with a nervous smile. Finally, Raiden's eye meets yours. You hadn't noticed until now, but his eyes were beautiful. It was like staring into an all consuming ocean. The gentle light of the candles made them even more enchanting to look upon. "Would you like to play something else." Raiden asks as he breaks eye contact. "O-or we could just try to sleep. If you're up for it of course."
You thought for a moment, if you two just went to sleep then this awkwardness could end and you hightail it in the morning. But your thoughts are interrupted by a giant thunder clap, so great was it that it felt like the entire house shook. With a yelp you jump in fear and slam into Raiden, who instinctively caught you into his arms and held you. Your heart was racing so fast that it felt like it was going to rip itself out of your chest. That thunder clap scared you so bad that you thought you were going to die from fear right then and there. You just hated when it stormed, you hated it so much.
"It's okay. I'm here, you're safe. I promise, I won't let anything hurt you." Raiden whispers into your ear with a stern conviction. It was then you realized that you were in Raiden's arms, he was holding warmly in his arms. One of his hands was positioned behind your head while the other gently wrapped around you back. In seconds you found yourself calming down. Raiden somehow vanished all your fears and worries away with his embrace.
You sighed softly as you found yourself melting in him, it felt so right being in his arms. It felt almost worth it to be trapped here because of that horrible storm. It was still so odd to you how out of nowhere it was.
"I'm sorry." You buried your face into his chest in shame. "It's okay, we all get scared. There's nothing to be ashamed about." Raiden assured you as he held you tighter. "No, about earlier. About what I said to Lao. You know, about not liking you." You hear Raiden gulp, you think back to the pain that was written all over face. "It's alright, Y/n, I understand completely. We're just friends."
You pull yourself just enough away from Raiden to look him in the face. "No, I-I do like you. I like you a lot. I panicked and said what I said because...because...I don't know why, I just panicked." And with that confession it felt like a weight had been lifted off of you. It felt so nice to say it, to say that you liked him. You wanted to go on, tell Raiden how much you love him, how much you want to be with him, everything. But now, you are just staring into each other's eyes, it said enough. Raiden stares at you, his eyes widen as he takes this all in. The edges of his lips almost curl as a smile finds its way onto his face. Then suddenly a remorseful glint came over him, and the smile went away.
"Y/n... I'm sorry too." Raiden pulls away from you, a look of shame washes over his face. "I caused all of this." He looks distraught, like he has committed some great atrocity so horrid that no penance was enough nor any mercy was deserved. You give him a confused look, what could he have possibly done? "When I saw you were leaving, I panicked. I wanted you to stay, so I caused this storm. I didn't even mean to create it, I wasn't even aware that I could do this." You just stared at him, the right words couldn't come to your head. You didn't know what to say or think. The idea that he did all of this, created a storm and trapped you inside here because he knew you were too scared to drive. This is just crazy.
Raiden avoided meeting your eyes, he was so ashamed that he couldn't even look at you. "I understand if you are upset with me. When morning comes you can leave, you can hate me and never see me again. I will understand...I should go." He tries to rise to his feet to leave, but you quickly grab his hand. "Wait!" You urge him. Raiden halts in his steps and looks back at you, a hopeful look in his eyes. "It is crazy that you did this, B-but I forgive you. Though next time, you can just ask me to go out with you, and not do...this." this is all madness, you didn't know what to make of Raiden now. But you did know one thing. "I just...I just want to go to sleep. And I don't want to sleep alone."
You gently pull Raiden's arms, guiding him back down next to you. Confusion is written all over Raiden's face. "Aren't you angry with me?" You answer his question by leaning in close, gently do you press your lips against his. An warm and electric feeling rushes between the both of you. Your first kiss.
Raiden stares at you dumbfounded as he touches his lips where you just were. Before you know it both of you lie on the ground cuddling. The storm outside had finally stopped, but you hadn't noticed. Your head was rested on Raiden's chest, allowing you to listen to his heart beat. Things were so peaceful that you had almost forgotten everything that happened, everything that Raiden revealed. "I love you, Y/n." Raiden says softly as he holds you. "And I love you, my little thunder god."
"So you two did make out after all?" Lao asked with a pleased look on his face. You all were at the table eating breakfast that Raiden had made. Burnt eggs and dry oatmeal.
"Yes well, it was just a kiss, an amazing kiss, but just a kiss." Raiden answers as he hands you a plate next as he sits you. "So, what? Are you two dating now?" You and Raiden give each other looks, Unsure what to say. "Yeah...I guess we're together." You stammer out. Raiden stares at you, the brightest smile ever known to man spreads across his face. Kung Lao smiles as well as his eyes dart between you two. "Raiden has a Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Lover? Ha! Just wait 'til Madame Bo and Liu Kang hear about this? Matchmaker Kung Lao for the win!" You both give Lao a confused look. "What? It was me who got you together. If I hadn't made that dare or left the room, none of this would've ever happened."
"I don't--"
"Let's just let him have this."
Lao Happily jumped to his feet, "Yeah! Let's go to Madame Bo's to celebrate, on me...well, some of it will be one me. Look, we'll just split the bill 50-40-10. Okay?" And with that he rushes at the door. Raiden just laughs. "Well, I did mess up breakfast, so it's probably for the best." He says still with the giddy smile on his face. He rises to his feet and offers you his hand. "Shall we, Y/n?"
You take his hand and smile back. "We shall."
And there is possibility #1, I hope you all loved it and you melted.
But don't forget, there is also Possibility #2 of the story.
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lightbulb-warning · 2 months
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flwrstqr · 2 months
ㅤ ꣑୧ : ⠀📁⠀ִ⠀CUDDLES WITH ENHA ── ot7⠀⌜⭐️⠀ׄ ࿁ׄ⠀۪⠀
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daily cuddles with your bf 𓈀⟡ ֺenha x f!reader 🍓 fluff, est relationship . . skinship, petnames && 783wc ⊹ . ♡ ARCHiVE ۫ . CLICK HERE
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heeseung wraps his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest
he presses soft kisses to your forehead and cheeks
his fingers trace gentle patterns on your skin
he whispers sweet pet names and reassurances
wrapped up in heeseung's warm embrace, you feel completely at ease. he gently strokes your hair, planting soft kisses on your forehead. "my pretty girlfriend," he murmurs, his voice filled with affection. you nuzzle closer, resting your head against his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. his fingers trace soothing patterns on your back as he pulls you even tighter. "i love you so much." heeseung's lips find yours in a kiss.
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he often peppers your face and neck with light, tender kisses.
keeps you close, often nuzzling his face into your hair or neck.
stroking your hair as you talk
snuggled up on the couch, you find yourself wrapped in jay's warm embrace, his arms securely around your waist as you both sink into the plush cushions. "baby," he whispers softly, his breath tickling your ear, "i've missed this so much." you tilt your head slightly, meeting his gentle gaze before he leans in to press a sweet kiss on your lips, lingering just long enough to make your heart flutter. his fingers trace soothing patterns on your back, and you nuzzle closer into his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat. "i love you, my sweet angel," he murmurs against your hair
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his scent and touch instantly calming you
making you lose track of time and just enjoy being in his arms
tracing patterns on your skin
he hums softly or talks about his day
you feel the day's stress melt away as he pulls you closer on the bed, his warmth enveloping you like a cozy blanket. "hey, sweetheart," he murmurs, his lips brushing against your temple, "how was your day?" you smile, snuggling into his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. "better now," you reply softly, and he chuckles, the sound vibrating through you. he tilts your chin up gently, his eyes full of affection as he leans down to press a tender kiss to your lips. "i missed you," he whispers, his voice barely audible. you giggle, playfully nudging his nose with yours. "i missed you too, my love."
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full of soft kisses on your forehead and cheeks
him holding you tight and close to his chest
filled with sweet, lingering kisses
listening to you as you talk on and on about your day
curled up in sunghoon's arms, you feel the day's worries slip away as he holds you close on the sofa. "hi, princess," he whispers, his lips grazing your forehead in a soft kiss. you smile, nuzzling into his neck, feeling the warmth of his skin against yours. "hi, hoonie," you reply, your voice muffled against his shoulder. he chuckles, as he gently strokes your hair. "i've been thinking about you all day," he murmurs, pressing another kiss to your temple. you lift your head to meet his gaze, and he captures your lips in a tender kiss, lingering just long enough to make your heart flutter. "i love you," he says softly
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his arms wrapped around you tightly
he tells you about his day, every detail making you smile
he plants soft kisses on your forehead and cheeks between words
cuddling with sunoo is always the best part of your day. his arms wrap around you, his warmth enveloping you like a cozy blanket. he loves calling you his "little sunshine" while planting soft kisses on your forehead. you snuggle closer, resting your head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. he runs his fingers through your hair, whispering sweet nothings that make your heart flutter. "you're my everything," he murmurs, pressing a gentle kiss to your temple. you smile, feeling utterly safe and loved in his embrace. "i love you, my sweet sunoo," you whisper back, kissing his cheek.
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he loves to nuzzle his nose against yours, making you giggle
you can bury your face in his chest
he gently pulls you onto his lap
soft kisses on your lips that make your heart flutter
his arms wrap around you, pulling you close as he calls you his "sweetheart" in that gentle voice you adore. he loves to nuzzle his nose against yours, making you giggle before he plants soft kisses on your lips. you bury your face in his chest, inhaling his comforting scent, feeling his heartbeat steady and strong. "i'm so lucky to have you," he whispers, his breath warm against your ear. you smile, feeling a rush of warmth and love. "i love you too, jungwon," you murmur, kissing his jawline softly. he hugs you tighter, his lips finding yours again in a sweet, lingering kiss.
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LOTS of teasing
sleepy pout (loves it when you kiss his pouty lips)
not willing to let go of you once you cuddle
wrapping his arms around you snugly, calling you his "baby" in that playful tone that makes you smile. he loves to tease you, nuzzling his nose against your neck and whispering, "so can i ask you out again?" while you giggle and try to squirm away. he plants soft kisses along your jawline, making you blush. "you already asked me out 20 times, ki," you murmur, poking his side. he chuckles, tightening his embrace. "well i can do it again for the 21st time," he replies, giving you a quick, sweet kiss on the lips. you bury your face in his chest, feeling his heartbeat and the warmth of his laughter. his fingers trace circles on your back, sending pleasant shivers down your spine. 
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queenie-ofthe-void · 3 months
Steddie || ~2.3k words || rating: T || tags: post vecna, references to stancy, angst and fluff, robin buckley just being herself
Eddie and Robin were just finishing filling the snack bowls and mixing drinks when they heard a knock at the door. It’s a Friday night– and not what Eddie would consider a late hour–but they weren’t expecting anyone to join their weekly movie night at Steve’s. 
He glances at Robin who shrugs, shaking her head. As he rounds the kitchen counter towards the foyer, Steve’s voice carries down the hallway.
“Nance?” He sounds surprised too.
“Steve, I’m sorry I know it’s late, but I’ve been meaning to talk to you and I can’t wait anymore,” she says. Eddie can’t see her, but she sounds anxious. 
“This can’t be good,” Robin huffs. He agrees, if the sinking pit in his stomach is any indicator.
“Look, Nance, now’s not really–”
“Steve,” she barrels over him, sounding desperate. “I’ve been an idiot trying to convince myself that I haven’t missed you since we broke up– and before you say it, this isn’t because Jonathan left after we closed the last gate. When we were stuck there with Robin and Eddie, the way you looked at me was how I’ve always hoped someone would love me. You looked at me like I was everything to you, like you could look at me forever and never get tired of it. I feel wanted, and loved, and safe when I’m around you.” She takes a deep, steadying breath before pressing on.
“Last time, when we were together, I took all of my grief and anger out on you. I blamed you for  what happened to Barb because I couldn’t face it myself and I knew you loved me enough to hold the weight, and I resented you for it. You wouldn’t stand up to me, and I resented you because you loved me anyway.” Eddie can hear Nancy sniffling, small sobs carrying down the hallway. “You loved me at my worst, and you didn’t deserve that. You’re amazing, and strong, and kind and everything I could ever ask for.
“Steve, what you said in the Winnebago, I just, I can’t stop thinking about you. About us”
The silence that follows is stifling and Eddie feels bile climbing up his throat. Arms wrap around his shoulders as Robin tucks her head into his neck. Only a small comfort while months of gentle moments with Steve flash behind his eyes: soft hands brushing his curls, stolen glances, lingering touches, and warm smiles. Now Eddie’s forced to stand vigil as it’s all washed away by Nancy's whispered pleas.
A spark of hope after a late night confession months ago– swiftly blown away.
“Nance, please–”
“Steve Harrington, I lo–”
“Nancy,” Steve interrupts, his tone firm yet soft around the edges, “I’m in love with someone else.”
Robin gasps into his neck. Her arms around his shoulders squeeze tight, anchoring him to reality in the wake of Steve’s confession. His chest is so full he can’t breathe. 
“Oh,” Nancy whispers before another, deeper sob leaves her breathless. He never thought he’d hear Nancy Wheeler cry. Even though they’re apparently both in love with the same man, he’s grown close with her too and can’t help the urge to comfort her. Eddie’s grown to love everyone in his new found family. But Nancy is right. 
Steve Harrington is everything. 
And Eddie’s everything is Steve Harrington.
“Yeah Nance, I’m sorry. And they’re kind of here right now, so,” he says gently.
And they’re kind of here right now…
Hope flames in his chest, blooming with warmth. Eddie doesn’t hear the conversation end over the buzzing in his own head and Robin’s frantic giggling until they hear the click of the front door and Steve’s footsteps coming towards them.
Steve’s standing in front of them, wide-eyed like a deer in headlights. Eddie’s realizing he and Robin maybe should’ve hid before Steve rounded the corner to find them eavesdropping. 
“So,” Steve stammers, a fierce rouge burning his ears, “how much of that did you hear, exactly?”
Robin quickly stands, clearing her throat before Eddie can think of an answer. “Is that the microwave? Did anyone else hear the microwave ding? I think the popcorn is done, so I can go check that right now. Yeah, right now. I’ll just, umm, be in the kitchen checking the popcorn. For the movie.”
She practically sprints down the hall, and although she wasn’t subtle, Eddie’s still thankful for the privacy. Steve’s shaking his head with a small smile on his face.
“Everything,” Eddie answers. “We heard everything.”
“Oh,” Steve says again. He sounds anxious and unsure, something Eddie’s compelled to fix, because all he wants in this world is for Steve Harrington to be happy.
“It’s ok.” He takes Steve’s hands in his own, tracing his thumb lightly over his knuckles. “We won’t say anything to her about it, and we won’t tell anyone what she said. Nancy’s in safe hands with us. Mum’s the word!” And as Eddie mimes zippering up his mouth, he hopes that Steve won’t take the easy way out. That he won’t use the life-raft Eddie’s just thrown in his direction to keep him from drowning. 
“Right,” Steve says. He runs a hand through his hair, biting his lip as he gazes at the floor between them. The silence as Eddie waits for Steve’s next words grows long and tense. He can’t hear any movement in the kitchen, making him more anxious now that he knows Robin’s listening. Which, he’d be a hypocrite to be mad about.
Maybe he has this all wrong. Maybe Steve just needed a way to get her to leave, so he lied about having a date over. Maybe he didn’t know what to say, and just said the first thing to pop into his head. Maybe it’s got nothing to do with Eddie at all. 
Eddie realizes he’s still holding Steve’s hands, his grip tightening the longer he spirals. If it hurts, Steve hasn’t said anything. But when Eddie looks at his face, he seems dazed and lost in thought. As fast as if he’d been burned, Eddie drops Steve’s hands and takes a step backward.
“So,” Eddie stammers, voice shaking, “I’m going to go help Birdie with the popcorn. You want to get another movie started?”
Hands still frozen in the air, Steve finally lets his clenched fists fall to his sides. Eddie can see the whites of his knuckles. He hears Steve sigh, exhausted and frustrated, but Steve’s nodding with furrowed brows and taking a step backward towards the living room– away from Eddie. Too far to reach out to.
Turning away, Eddie’s in the middle of forming an escape attempt when he opens the kitchen door to immediately be swept up in Robin’s arms. Of course she’d been listening. He’s grateful for it, now that he doesn’t have to explain himself. As he buries his face into her neck, he finds a wet patch and wonders what kind of accident she got into while prepping snacks. It’s not until she starts gently shushing him that he realizes he’s crying, tears soaking into her shirt. 
“It’s gonna be ok, teddy bear,” she says, running her hand through his curls, “he’ll get there, I promise. He’s working on it, you know that.”
He nods. He does know that. Steve’s been out to Robin for a few months, but only to Eddie for a few weeks. He deserves the space to figure it out, and the grace of those around him to do so at his own pace. Still, Eddie can’t help his growing impatience alongside the increasing severity of his crush. At least Robin’s here to support the both of them.
The two of them finish gathering the snacks in silence. She was full of awkward jokes to try to lighten the mood, but when it was clear Eddie was stuck in his head, she’d stopped. He feels bad about it. He’ll make it up to her later, plus he knows she’s not upset with him. Eddie suspects they’ll be getting together sometime tomorrow to rehash everything that’s happened– after she’s finished consoling Steve, of course.
When they leave the kitchen, Eddie’s surprised to find Steve exactly where he’d left him. He’s standing frozen in the hallway, lip pulled between his teeth and hands still clenched. But when he lifts his gaze to meet Eddie’s, there’s resolve behind his eyes.
“Eddie,” Steve says, “I think I’m falling in love with you.”
“Oh my god! Finally!”
Eddie jumps violently at Robin’s shouting, almost directly into his ear. She’s flushed red with embarrassment decorated with a manic grin so wide he wonders if it’ll just keep stretching like taffy. There’s popcorn poured out onto the floor from where she clearly threw her hands up in excited exasperation. He watches as her eyes grow wide, her smile morphing into shock, her lips forming a perfect ‘o’, as if to say ‘oh shit, I just interrupted the most important moment in my best friends’ lives because I’m so excited and impatient that these two dinguses finally figured their shit out’.
She kicks the scattered popcorn towards the wall, like that’ll somehow hide the mess, before awkwardly passing them both down the hall towards the living room.
Eddie loves her so much.
“Huh,” Eddie chuckles, “well that was–”
“I’ve known I’ve liked you since last summer when you let me help you into my pool onto Holly’s rubber duck floaty so you could finally go swimming after you finished physical therapy.” Steve sounds out of breath, words running into each other with misplaced breaths in between. Like if he stops, he knows he won’t start again. 
It’s the only time Eddie’s felt the urge to keep quiet– when he’s not fighting for his life.
“You were so nervous,” Steve plows on, “but you said you felt safe with me, that you wanted only me to be there. You said you trusted me to help without laughing or judging you. Fuck, Eddie, you were so goddamn cute once we got you settled in with a Coke with a crazy straw in it. We were listening to ABBA and you didn’t even complain and you were so sunburnt the next day. It was the happiest I’d ever seen you.”
The memory leaves Eddie shocked. He did trust Steve to help, didn’t even consider asking anyone else because Steve just felt like the most obvious answer. He’d been there through the worst of Eddie’s post-PT work to make sure he ‘kept form’ on his exercises. They’d lounged in the sun all day, and it was the first time Eddie watched Steve relax since his final Upside-Down battle. 
Eddie feels his lip quiver, eyes burning, knowing they’d felt the same that day. Judging by Steve’s watery eyes, he guesses they feel the same now, too. 
“But love,” Steve whispers. He swallows as he takes a step closer, reaching out to grasp his hands. “Eddie Munson, I knew I was in love with you yesterday.”
His shoulders tighten as he recalls yesterday, surprised because they hadn’t seen each other at all, one of the rare days where their schedules didn’t line up. It was the first time in months they’d gone longer than thirty-six hours without seeing each other. Sure, they’d talked on the phone while Steve worked, but it’s not the same.
“I know,” Steve laughs, clocking Eddie’s confusion. “I thought about you all day. Couldn’t stop, no matter how hard I tried. Robin had to work with the customers because all I kept thinking about was tonight. If you’d get here before Robin, so we could sit out by the pool and smoke. Where we’d sit for the movie and if we’d get to share the popcorn bucket. If you’d pick a movie I hadn’t seen, so you’d lean in close and tell me a million random facts, even when you know I don’t really get it. But I just like when you’re close, next to me, and–” he hesitates– “I think that’s why you do it.”
Steve lifts their joined hands, wiping a tear from his eye using the back of Eddie’s knuckles. He returns the gesture, wiping what Eddie’s guessing is a mix of tears and snot off of his own face with Steve’s sleeve. 
“I think you lean in because you want to be close to me, too, and you don’t actually care about the movie either. Eddie, I think you ask for my help because you trust me in a way only Robin does. You give me cute nicknames like ‘sweetheart’ and ‘pretty boy’ because you’re teasing me, but I think it’s mostly because you really mean it.” Steve’s stepped closer now, and Eddie can feel the warmth of shared air between their gasping breaths. 
“I think you tease me and lean into me because you want my attention,” Steve whispers, brushing his nose alongside Eddie’s as their foreheads touch. “But Eddie, you’ve always had my attention.”
Eddie surges forward, capturing Steve’s tear-soaked lips between his own in what has to be the snotiest kiss either of them has ever had. But he doesn’t care. How could he? Eddie’s kissing the man he’s been in love with for almost eight months. 
Steve drops Eddie’s hands in favor of running one through his dark curls, while the other grips tightly at his waist. He can’t help but cup Steve’s cheeks, running a gentle thumb along his cheekbones. 
It’s soft and messy and everything he’s ever hoped for, because Steve Harrington is his everything, and he’ll do anything to keep him. Right now, he doesn’t have to worry about what they’ll tell their friends, or how they’ll explain this to Nancy, or even if Robin’s listening behind the door– he’s sure she is. No, right now, he lets himself bask in the glow of Steve’s love and soak in the comfort that Steve feels loved in return.
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zeroreasonstocare · 23 days
choso x babysitter idea: Yuji forces Choso to propose to yn with a ring pop!
OHHH THIS IS SO CUTEE!!! You guys always have the cutest ideas (^ω^)
“Yuji, what are you doing over there? The candy is for later.” Choso sighs.
Yuji runs over to him and shoves a Ring Pop into his hands. “Here!”
“What’s this for?” Choso tilts his head at his little brother.
Yuji grins and looks at you. “For you guys to get married!”
You almost spit out your drink and your cheeks are instantly flushing. Choso’s just as red, maybe more.
“Yeah! Just pretend married, though, since it’s not a for real ring.” Yuji smiles and pushes Choso to you. “Okay! Say the thingy.”
“Yeah, that word!”
You laugh a little and look at Choso, he sighs and goes along with Yuji’s game, getting onto one knee and taking your left hand. You blush as he clears his throat and looks up at you.
“…would you, uh… Ring Pop marry me?”
You giggle and nod, letting him put the Ring Pop onto your ring finger.
“Yayy! Now you’re Ring Pop married!” Yuji giggles.
Choso’s still on a knee and just staring at the floor, seemingly hiding his blush from you. You admire the “ring” and smile to Yuji.
“Think I should get a matching wedding outfit?”
“For the Ring Pop wedding?” Choso laughs a little when he’s more composed and standing again.
“Yeah! Can I be the flower girl?” Yuji giggles.
“Whattt? You don’t wanna walk me down the aisle, Yuji?” You smile.
“Wait! I wanna do that instead!”
You giggle and eventually go to your apartment. You can’t help but wonder if you’d actually marry Choso. Would you have Yuji walk you down the aisle? Little do you know, Choso’s thinking the same things.
Taglist (ask to join anytime): @samaraxmorgan @cherriee-ee @auor4 @chaotic-ish @meowsannie
@mediokerrv @flooftoof
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Prompt 52
Jaskier is running away from his abusive home, cutting them all off without a word, and disappearing into the night to move to somewhere with a better future for himself. Only issue? He has no car, or money. So he sucks it up and tries hitchhiking, regardless of all the horror stories everyone tells you about. He was expecting some awkward drive with some old random trucker or something, like what always happens in the movies. What he wasn't expecting was for three brothers on a yearly family bonding road trip to agree to take him with them across multiple states (or uk equivalent) What he REALLY wasn't expecting was to fall in love with one of the men, who has long white hair, piercing golden eyes, an awkward-shaped smile, a ridiculously named pet horse, and a stupid sense of humor.
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nr1chaedickrider · 6 months
second choice.
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"was I ever an option?"
"what do you mean?"
"you heard me."
"was i ever an option?"
"come on, you're drunk."
"why are you not answering my question?"
sana says nothing.
you're starting to get frustrated.
yes, it is obvious to anyone, you're drunk. but does that allow sana to not answer?
drunk words are sober thoughts.
maybe sana tries to forget about that saying.
maybe she just doesn't want to say anything.
"so?" you ask her.
"some day you have to answer, it makes no difference if it is right now or weeks after." your words slurred.
she sighs, not wanting to accept that you're right.
"i don't know honestly." she answers.
your heart aches when she speaks.
"i don't fucking know okay?"
she doesn't want to talk about this.
she just wants to call you an uber which drops you off at your small apartment.
"why did you kiss me then?" you ask, looking at her.
your apartment, where you made too many memories with her.
"i don't know"
your apartment, where she took your virginity.
"you wanted to forget everything about him?"
"every single thing." she answers.
it feels like she is the one that is drunk - like she is the one that can't think clearly.
"so you used me?" you ask stupidly, knowing the answer.
she doesn't continue talking.
you think about calling that uber yourself.
"i thought you were someone that is so good with their words" you say.
she just looks at you, not knowing what to say.
and maybe, problably, you were right.
you sigh, getting up and taking your jacket with you.
she grabs your cold wrist, and you look down at her.
"y/n-" she says.
a bad habit of hers, she starts to talk without even knowing what exactly she wants to say.
"i never was an option, why do you want me now?" you ask.
sana doesn't know what to answer.
maybe it is better that way, one answer would get you crying in her arms.
"let me go" her grip is tight around your wrist.
"please" you mutter.
she lets go, her slim fingers brush over your hand when you pull away and walk away.
she watches after you, even thinks about running after you.
as much as she wants to be a good person though, she knows you are going to come back.
as much as she wants you to be happy and find love, she will use you over and over again.
with no end in sight.
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creation-help · 11 months
Cuddling scenarios
[Not strictly romantic!]
- Helping the other character get comfortable/safe enough to fall asleep by cuddling up with them in a way they enjoy. Holding them (or perhaps letting them hold you) until you feel them drift off finally.
- Silly casual cuddling. Where they're draped over each other kinda whatever, like cats, and maybe one or both are simultaneously doing something else but they're just. Casually snuggled together while at it
- Solitary character cuddling objects like plushies or blankets or pillows bc they can't stand to touch or be touched by other people (due to sensory problems or simple boundaries)
- characters who usually wouldn't act close with each other (maybe they don't get along or just don't know each other that well yet), ending up cuddling together. Maybe it has a reason, such as the other feeling a sense of duty to comfort or protect the other, maybe they just had a heart to heart, maybe they both just happened to need it. Or maybe it just happened somehow. They don't know either. But they're cuddling now.
- Asking permission to skootch a little closer. Can I just. Yep, no, hold on. There. Just gonna.. Yeah. There we go. Sorry. You good? Is it fine if I? Yeah? Okay. Thanks. Carry on.
- Not asking permission to get closer. Silently sitting on their lap like it's none of your business. Cramming under the same blanket. Taking the same seat. Putting my head over your shoulder. Snatching them up for a hug while we're just chilling bc I need to do something with my hands. Playing with their hair while we sit, for the same reason. I'm gonna braid your hair now. I'm gonna play with your ear/hand/leg. Taking up space with the other character, like it's not even an option not to.
- The "Submissive like a guard dog is" dynamic. With cuddling. I sit on the floor next to you while you're at the table, and lay my head on your leg. I will not accept any other seating option. I will always find a way to look up to you when we hang out. Use me as an armrest. Use me as a legrest. I will accept any position that puts you as the comfortable one. No, my back doesn't hurt from this. No, I'm not cramping, go ahead. You ask me to change position bc you prefer it and I oblige wordlessly. I will find a way to place myself between you and other people physically. My body is your shield when we sleep.
[Free to use as prompts, free to ramble about your characters inspired by this, but not required. Enjoy!]
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iguessitsjustme · 4 months
No nuance. Choose.
(I am genuinely just curious. This is not a judegement on anyone. I just want to know where ql tumblr falls)
119 notes · View notes
You’re lay on your front in bed, body tired from a long day. Your head tilted to one side to look at the man you love, his eyes drowsy as he slowly succumbs to the comfort of the mattress.
Though tired himself, his large warm hand rubs gently across your shoulders in rhythmic motions and he mutters loving words in a voice barely above a whisper.
Utter bliss is all you feel right now, the calming comfort of your cozy bedroom causes your brain to let go of todays worries. The moonlight cascades in through the large palladian window, painting the room in the cosmic colours of the sky, whilst the pitter-patter of rain lightly taps against the window, almost too quiet for you to hear.
You move you body to lay facing him, which causes his muscle memory to move into gear, pulling you into his chest so his nose is pressed into your hair coaxing a happy sigh to fall from his lips.
Love resonates inside this home and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Tumblr media
1K notes · View notes
bsd but anytime dazai is being particularly annoying/distracting/whatever everyone just says something nice to him and he gets so surprised he just. stops.
dazai: kuni~kida~!!! kuni~kida!!! kuni~kida~!!! kuni~kida!!! kuni~kida~!!! kuni~kida!!!
kunikida, sighing: i didn’t want to resort to this
dazai: huh~? are you gonna hit me~? 
kunikida, turning around and facing dazai, looking him in the eye: dazai, although you can be annoying most of the time, you’re a very dear and precious friend of mine and i value your presence in my life
dazai, turning red: O-O
dazai: *just melts onto the ground*
kunikida, adjusting his glasses and going back to work:
junichiro, to naomi: dazai-san’s been running me around for errands a lot lately its interfering with my work
naomi: oh.
naomi: we have to do that.
junichiro, nodding
dazai: heyyyy tanizaki can you do me a favor ~?
junichiro: of course! but before that i wanted you to know that um i think ur actually really nice and fun to be around even when ur bossing me around and i just really like that we’re friends
dazai, starting to blush:
dazai: O-O
dazai, slowly turning around and walking away:
and so on
i wanted to add the rest but all the thoughts in my brain went away
and also atsushi would only do it accidentally
dazai, irritating atsushi on purpose: im not being annoying am i atsushi-kun~?
atsushi, huffing and then smiling: a little but its fine. even when ur being weird i like it when ur around so i just have to accept every part of u
atsushi: dazai-san...?
atsushi: dazai-san are you okay? u look red?
dazai: i have to go.
all of this is meant to be platonic but yall know i ship kunikida and dazai so-
425 notes · View notes
1eoness · 1 year
thanks for replying dear! also what pet names do you think leon would use for a so im so curious i keep thinking on babe and maybe even bunny for some reason ??? lol
HII ANON i have a long weekend and im taking a brief breather from writing today rn but i saw this so why not
other than your name rolling off leon's tongue affectionately? i think leon really really likes calling you names that make you feel cared or adored for :3
also i'm not sure if ur comfy w nsfw so ill put a seperate sectioning.
cw: just leon and the petnames he uses on gn! reader; with a VERY short nsfw snippet, only 17+ >:(
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
other than your name rolling off leon's tongue affectionately? i think leon really really likes calling you names that make you feel cared or adored for :3 but he doesn't really use any uhm.. creative nicknames cus hes a fucking loser. but regardless he has his sentiment to them nd thats what matters hehe
"oh, sweetheart.." ♡ leon uses 'sweetheart' often when either of you feel vulnerable.
"oh—you okay, baby?" he murmurs before he stifled a laugh, seeing you accidentally hit your head against a pole. ♡ leon uses this in sudden or mild moments
you see leon immediately approach the foyer when he hears you're finally home. "why didn't you call me, my love?" he murmurs lowly before placing a kiss on your forehead, his hands coming to take your raincoat off. ♡ leon uses this as a greeting whenever he misses you or when he knows he'll miss you when you go out.
"...my sweet baby." he coos in a sleepy and inaudible whisper while he cradles your slumbering little head to his heart. ♡ leon mostly uses this when he remembers he has you all to himself! [sometimes it's 'sweet little girl/boy']
or sometimes leon just babbles with your face in his hands, kissing it all over while you activate his cute aggression. "you're always so good to me, bunny.." he murmurs incomprehensively atop the crown of your hair. and if you get all eager or shy u just make him melt!!
v nsfw! v (hehe.. may or may not be a snippet)
"l-leoon! ngghh... hngg..ah!~" you plant your mouth onto the soft fabric, leon's hand on the back of your head keeping you face-down while he pummels into you with reckless abandon.
he moans lowly as he drags his cock further in your clenching little hole, watching your sweetness pour while you cry helplessly into his comforters. "poor bunny, can't even think... uhh.. hmff.. f-fuuck..." leon coos with mock-sympathy, dragging a bellicose groan out of him— he pulls your hair back lightly, a gentle yet controlling grip; like he were pulling on a bunny's ears. he adjusts your hips up again, coercing a high-pitched whine out of you as he thrusts faster into where he knows you're sensitive. he wouldn't give his dumb little bunny the light of day, your blabbering voice now unmuffled and falling satisfactorily to his ears ♡
838 notes · View notes
aggro-my-beloved · 3 months
don’t come for me if your character of choice isn’t on here i only got to pick 12 :( tag yours if they aren’t on here for redemption
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ancha-aus · 4 months
RealAgeAU - Doctor Visit
*whispers* pppssssttt @spotaus the next one is here :3
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
We do have a warning for this one though, as it will refer child abuse, mental and physical. And wounds and what comes with it.
I am not going to make it graphic but if it bothers you please be careful with reading :)
Otherwise no beta or edits. I write these in one go and just let them live :D
Fun fact, this was originally going to be a Dust pov chapter but I realised that Ngihtmare pov would be more interesting! Also fun fact!! This was suposed to be a lot shorter but then i got typing and i realised some characters were not going to accept certain things without a good explanation and well... here we are.... i regret nothing.
Nightmare pulls on his shirt as he looks down at it.
Cross hums "Nervous?"
Ngihtmare huffs and shrugs. Yes. but he doesn't want to say so.
Cross gently rubs his spine through the shirt "Yeah I get it. I never liked my health backups either."
Nightmare frowns but feels a bit less stupid about not wanting this health check. It is just stupid! His four... his four already check his old wounds! There is a reason they don't let him bath alone.
Nightmare finally finds the right words and mutters "It is just... not needed... You guys check them."
Cross is silent before Nightmare yelps as he is picked up easily. He shoots Cross a glare but Cross just keeps smiling and hugs him close with a purr "We get it Night. But we are worried too. We need to make sure that everything really is healing as we think it is. None of us are medical professionals." Cross smiles at him "please?"
Nightmare shrugs as he leans into the hold. It is nice. comfortable and warm. He hadn't realised how much he had missed hugs and being held. Last time anyone wanted to hug him this much was when he still lived with Dream and even Dream's hugs had been short or more of just leaning. His four just, hold him for as long as they like. Which can go on for the whole day.
It is nice.
Cross nuzzles his skull "And you won't be alone. Dust will be with you the whole time."
Nightmare nods. He ahd asked the day before why just Dust. Dust had explained they had agreed it would be for the best to just have one of them there to keep an eye on it. Killer hadn't wanted to get attention on him because of his soul and Horror had had much the same reason. His skull may look like a mess but it is very stable. Neither had wanted to take the focus away from Nightmare as he, according to them, needed it most.
And with Cross now again admitting health checks make him nervous. It is no wonder it would be Dust.
Nightmare gives a slow nod "true..." and you can't remove Dust unless he wants to be removed. Nightmare had known that since he first met the other skeleton.
Cross nods and smiles "See? Perfectly okay." he stands up and Nightmare gets lifted wiht him. Nightmare for his part just grabs hold on Cross's shirt to stay steady as they leave their attic.
The week they had been here is honestly amazing. Nightmare gets to relax more and read his book on the couch. At elast one of them is always nearby.
It is still weird that Crop, and his brother Straw, are so... nice. Nightmare isn't used to others being nice to him.
It is weird.
He can accept it from his four. But that is different, they are different. They are special and actually care, that is why they are nice and came back to him... for him.
Nightmare leans against Cross as they get downstairs. Dust and Horror are discussing things as Killer sits by the window staring outside.
Cross grins at the others "All clean and ready ti mingle!" Cross easily walks over to Dust and Nightmare feels himself be handed over to the other skeleton.
Nightmare can feel the difference between their holds and feels the other magic near. It is nice and familiar nad Nightmare just leans agaisnt Dust.
Dust leans close and nuzzles him "You okay? We can still call it off." Cross shoots Dust a disapproving look but Dust ignores him.
Nightmare is appreciates it but shakes his skull "It is fine. It is needed..." He huffs and crosses his arms as he looks to the side "It is just stupid." he doesnt want to do this.
Dust nods "Needed things often are stupid. It is honestly a terrible system." and another nuzzle and Ngihtmare feels a bit better.
Crop, who had been watching from the kitchen, walks over "so... who is gonna go the talking? Do you all want to be there?" and he waits.
Killer doens't look away from the window but answers "Dusty will stay with Nightmare throuhg it all. We will stay in the living room."
Crop nods "Right right." he looks a bit more nervous "You got a story straight?"
Ngihtmare huffs and mutters against Dust's shoulder "There is nothing straight about that story."
Dust freezes before snorting and trying to smother his laughing. Horror, who had been close enough to hear too, grins widely.
Cross and Killer btoh turn to them confused, same for Crop.
Dust snorts and shrugs but Horror answers "We spoke about it before hand." and Horror shoots Dust a look.
Dust looks actively pained "Yes we spoke about it."
Cross smiles at Crop's worried look "it is fine! Dust is great at this stuff. He won't share everything of what happened but will tell the healer enough to really sell it and get rumours flowing."
Ngihtmare nods and feels... happy? Pride? he isn't sure but he always knew his four were special and amazing and this just proves it again.
Crop blinks and nods "okay. As long as that is the case... She should be here any moment. She is the head doctor and head healer in our town and anything in her clinic goes through her. She is really nice and just wants to help though so no worries okay?" and he grins.
Nightmare is once again reminded of what is coming and feels hismelf grow more tense as he turns slightly to be clsoer to Dust. Dust just holds him closer and nuzzles him. Dust doesn't say anyhting but it still helps. it feels nice... it is safe.
Crop looks troubled but before he can say anything Killer turns sharply to the window again "Car just stopped. a deer monster got out." and he glances at Crop.
Crop smiles and rushes to the door "That is her. euh. just act-" he turns but before he can say anything Dust and Ngihtmare are already on the couch, Nightmare is still in his lap and has a book in his hands. Nightmare cna spot Killer by the table wiht some playing cards, already having a few made to form a house of cards. Cross is by the tv playing around with the channels as Horror sets water up for tea.
Crop blinks as he softly mutters the rest of his sentence "-act natural..." moments later a knock on the door.
Ngihtmare pushes closer to Dust and Dust takes the book from his shaking hands and starts reading it out loud.
Crop opens the door and Nightmare can't even focus on the calm voice of Dust or the fact the others are around. as Killer had said, the doctor is a deer monster of some kind. she has rather impressive antlers for her kind as she greets Crop with a familiarity.
Crop turns to the room and grins "Guys. This is Fauna. She is the head doctor in town and she is nice and very profesional!" and he waits.
Nightmare watches as Killer huffs as he looks her up and down "... I see." he walks over to Dust and Nightmare and Nightmare suddenly gets another skull nuzzling him.
Dust chuckles as he calmly puts the book away "Careful Kills, he just had a bath and your goop tends to stick."
Killer pouts at him "kill joy."
Nightmare blinks between them as he lounges against Dust. He glances back and sees a soft smile on Fauna's face. Ah. Right. make sure to show what you want them to see.
Dust looks up at Fauna and nods "I will be staying with him through his checkup." it is an announcement.
Fauna smiles and crosses her arms "oh really? I am sure we will discuss that." she looks at Crop "Where can we have this conversation and checkup?"
Crop smiles "The kitchen! come this way." and Crop leads Fauna there.
Dust rises to his feet and Nightmare cna see both Cross and Killer shoot him nervous glances.
Dust just huffs "I got this." and walks towards the kitchen. Just in time to see Horror pour some mugs of tea and setting two aside.
Horror looks at Dust "Chamomile and lemon." He smiles at Nightmare and points to the other "Lavender and peach." he nods to Crop and Fauna and silently leaves the kitchen.
Dust takes a seat before taking a sip of his own tea. Nightmare grabs his own mug and sips it. It is nice, easily with the intent Horror put into it when he made it. It helps him relax.
Crop grabs a mug for Fauna and Fauna quickly makes her own tea. Then she gives Crop a very pointed look "I know this is your house but just because you are now technically their landlord does not mean you are allowed to have this information. out you go."
Crop doesn't fight it at all "Of course. you know your way around." he grins at Dust and Nightmare "Take it easy okay?" and he leaves.
A long silence in the room.
Fauna takes asip from her own tea and looks at Dust critically "Now. Before we start I have to ask you two a few questions. Foremost and before anything else. I am here for the wellbeing of that child." she smiles at him "That is my goal." she gives Dust a colder look "Understood?"
Dust raises a brow "That is fine." then slower "However. Before we answers any questions I have one very important one for you. What are your privacy policies?" Dust nudges Ngihtmare and Nightmare is quick to take another sip, it helps to calm his shaking a bit.
Dust stares Fauna down easily "Just like you want to make sure he is okay. we just want him safe. If you are a risk to that safety we will not answer anything."
Fauna glares but nods "Insulting to be questioned like that but understanding. When I took this profesion I took a few oaths. One, to always help those in need no matter who they are. Two, to always put the health of my patient first. Three, to never disclose private matters of a patient to other people." she turns her spoon in her mug "I take these oaths very seriously. You can't help people if you are not trustworthy."
Dust rolls his eyes "Of course you took oaths. I mean who will get access to this information? You knowing it is one thing. You making physical notes that someone else can read is another. We don't want... certain people to have access to information about him." and Nightmare feels Dust hug him closer.
Obviously not a lie. They have always been careful with another about his situation geting known to other people. But that is multiverse level. And unless they would visit this universe and ask the right people the chance of the stars finding this file are very low. But... for their backstory? It is crusial. Dust having been on the run with a babybones that had been stolen and he just stole back? That means this type of information is very dangerous to just lay around.
Fauna frowns and seems to make the conclusion that Dust wants her to make. Her voice gets a bit softer as she answers slowly "Patient files are under lock and key... however. I have a special case which only I can access where I keep the more sensitive information that only i know. If i have information that I deem to sensitive for others to hear I make sure to lock it away tightly." hse has a stubborn look "And no one knows where that is."
Ngihtmare considers it for only a moment and assumes it is in her inventory. Slightly high risk as if she were to dust that information would disappear forever and be lost forever. However, no one can force someone to take something out of their inventory.
Dust frowns and gives a slow nod "Ask your questions." then he looks at Nightmare and nuzzles his skull again "If you don't want to answer her you can say so okay?" Nightmare nods and waits.
Fauna stares at them for a moment longer ebfore smilign at Nightmare "Hello... before anythign else... Do you have a name you would be okay with me calling you and knowing you as?"
Ngihtamre thinks it over before answering "My name is Nightmare, miss."
Fauna smiles and writes it on a file she has pulled out of nowhere, see? Inventory.
Fauna nods and looks back at him "How would you like to refer to you? A boy? a girl? neither? both?"
Ngihtamre shrugs as he leans against Dust. "I prefer he... but anything is fine honestly..." an afterthought and he shoots Dust an uncertain look. Dust just gives him a nod. Nightmare looks at the table "Just... no 'it' please." there. He doesn't like that. He knows some monsters are fine with that but he isn't.
Fauna nods "Of course." she smiles "Nightmare. That is not a name i hear often. Did you pick it yourself or was it given to you?"
Ngihtmare holds tighter unto Dust and mutters "Given."
Fauna nods again before smiling "by who?"
Nightmare freezes and turns to Dust for a moment. dust just nuzzles him "Your choice."
meaning he will figure out their story and edit it if he needs to. Ngihtmare feels bad about the idea of not telling his name for given by Nim... she had been his mother! yet... yet...
Nightmare shrugs as he leans against Dust "What everyone always said i was..." not a lie.
DUst frowns and holds him closer. Fauna frowns as well "Are you sure then you want to be called tht then?"
Ngihtmae nods and spekas with more confidence "fits fine wtih everyone." and more importantly "it is my name." his. Even if everyone always made it out to be something bad. It was his!
Fauna blinks before smiling "Yeah. your name is the first thing that is truely yours. and so that means it is your choice what you do with it." she notes down the name and looks at them "no family name?"
Ngihtmare shakes his skull and looks at Dust and waits.
Dust shrugs "never needed one."
Fauna chuckles nad nods "I can imagine that your names aren't in the list of most popular babynames. This will work just fine for now." she looks back at him "now nightmare. a very important question. Are you really okay wiht Dust being here for your examination?"
Nightmare is alreayd nodding and holds unto Dust tighter. Dust hugs him "I am not leaving unless he tells me to leave."
Fauna nods, not at all btohered by the glare Dust sends her way "of course. Is it okay for Dust to then be noted down as someone who is allowed to know your medical records and information?"
Nightmare nods nad pauses for a moment "So are the others."
Fauna raises her pen and waits.
Nightmare rolls his eye lights "Killer, Horror and Cross. They cna all know as well. They know things." everything he is willing to share that is.
Dust raises a brow "are you done yet with your interrogation? I thought this was suposed to be about how he is doing."
Fauna hums and looks unbothered as she updates the file "I want to be sure that I know who i can share what with." she looks at Dsut "privacy policies."
Dust looks beyond annoyed and huffs before his face goes back to being calm and bored looking.
Fauna nods and looks at Nightmare "Now. We will start easy. an examination can be a lot and with what Crop told me he knew it makes me worried about your health. we will go as far as you feel comfortable with. I will start with asking soem questions, ease you in. okay?" and she waits with a gentle smile.
Ngihtamre thinks it over before nodding.
Fauna nods again as she grabs a list "Does anything hurt?"
Nightmare rolls his eye lights and nods. Duh. He is healing.
She immediantly frowns and pulls out a shard with frowning faces "now... which face would show you how you feel about this pain?"
Ngihtmare knows he is pulling a face as Dust chuckles. Nightmare looks unimpressed at Fauna "It hurts a lot. I would say a ten when it happened. about an eight on days it hurts more and about a six otherwise."
She stares in shock and Dsut shrugs "the.... people.. he was stuck with... did not treat him as a child... we are still working on that." and he looks at Nightmare but Dust can see the pride and amusement.
Fauna frowns but makes careful notes "okay... can you explain to me what hurts? in your words."
Ngihtamre waits a moment before speaking "ribs... always... spine aches easily. legs normally don't hurt unless i walk a lot... skull doesn't hurt unless i use do magic. arms also always hurt but not as bad..." he tries to think what else but then shrugs.
Fauna however looks horrified and moves closer but she immediantly stops. Nightmare only realises later that the second she moved he flinched back and fully against Dust.
Fauna nods "okay.... That is very serious. You say using your magic also harms you?"
Ngihtmare nods slowly "not like... eating and stuff... or lighting up my eyes... but bigger things... spell stuff." it sucks but luckily the balance doens't need him anymore. He hadn't flet any new calling and figures he has time.
Fauna nods and frowns at Dust and Nightmare both "crop mentioned that there had been magic at play. somekind of shielding?"
Nightmare looks helplessly at Dust. he had no idea how to explain that!
Dust nods to nightmare before looking at Fauna "if you don't mind i will answer that." Fauna nods and Dust continues "We aren't quite sure of the details. we never saw the magic or studied the spell up close. We think he got into contact with something very powerful, probably with old magic. maybe an artifect. We never actually saw what it was. But it formed a sort of shield or bubble. It enclosed him, his soul and magic. but eventually it warn off and Nightmare appeared again. I saw him reappear and after some confusion on our end we got to work to get Nightmare back with us for safety..."
Fauna nods "You have seen this bubble or shielding?"
Dust nods "I have, it left Nightmare completely unrecognizeable from who he truly was. You wouldn't even be able to guess he was in there..."
Fauna frowns heavily as she makes notes "That may have impacted his magical growth and development, which may also be part of the reason shy using complex magic hurts him."
Nightmare stares at Dsut in shock. How had he just... made that up?! On the spot? It wasn't even a lie!
Dust sees him look and winks back wiht a grin before pulling his face back to the blank worried one of before.
Fauna nods as she sits up striaghter "okay. that is most of the verbal examination. I am very sorry but I really need to look at the physical wounds and your magic. I understand you have had very bad experiences with others who were suposed to keep your safe. Will you please allow me to see if i can help?"
Nightmare frowns as he thinks before answering "only wiht Dusty here." Dust will keep him safe. he can't keep himself safe but that is okay because Dust will.
Fauna nods "of course. Where would you like to start?"
Ngihtmare thinks before answering "magic and skull." that is easy to do together and as soon as he stops using his magic his skull will be healed again.
Dust pushes the chair they are sitting on a bit backwards and moves them around. Nightmare sits wiht his spine and back against Dust's front and he feels the slow and even soulbeat of him against his spine.
It helps calm his own racing soul.
Fauna sits in front of them. a reasonable amount of space between them.
Nightmare takes a deep breatha dn leans against Dust as he calls up his magic. It is still tought but a bit easier. It answers his call but it doesn't take any shape. It doesn't have a purpose. Nightmare tries to use it to feel the healer's general emotions and his head starts to ache.
He tells them as much and starts to feel what the lady is feeling. Worry, just so much worry and grief. Grief for him.
Ngihtmare doesn't get it. People don't like Nightmare. Ngihtmare is a bad omen and makes bad things happen. Why would she be worried for him? She doesn't even know him.
A loud gasp and even more worry and horrified feelings and Nightmare knows the cracks are visible.
Nightmare doesn't look at her but instead at the table. the light of his scars is bright enoguh to light up the room in a strange combination or purple and cyan.
Dust speaks softly "His own magic is purple... the cyan was from whatever the shielding bubble thing had been." a soft hand rubbing his shoulders. helping him relax.
Fauna swallows before speaking softly "Can I come closer and examine it?"
Nightmare answers himself "may as well... I managed to do it now anyway." it aches so badly "just... quickly please."
Dust mumbles "and carefully. This is very painful."
Fauna moves carefully and even a feather light touch causes agony as he shakes and a whimper escapes him.
Dust pulls him further back "Ngihtamre i think that is enough. can you dispell your magic again?"
His skull is swimming in pain and emotions not his own. He can't feel adn understand them on the same level anymore... can't sperate them from himself as easily anymore.
The light disappears and Nightmare just lays shaking in Dust's hold. Dust frowns at him and mutters "It got worse again..."
Ngihtamre looks away but nods. Dust just rubs his back and looks at Fauna "So yeah... pretty much all his magic still has that... cyan colour to it but as you saw it isn't helping him."
Fauna is writing quickly in her notes "It is almost an invasive magic on him. However it doesn't seem like he makes this cyan magic himself. I think it are still left overs but we would have to try and messure the two different forms of magic which is hard to do in the same person. those wounds..." and she looks at them.
Dust sighs "THe newest... wounds he got on... on his way out... on his way away from those he was with before... We always thought that whatever the magic was it saved him." again, no lies, just selective with the information and how he tells it.
Fauna taps the notes and nods "Well worrying. I think you are right on the magic having saved him. Especially as when he isn't using magic it isn't harming him. What i think that is happening is that the magic is keeping the head wounds close and whole. I think him trying to use his magic makes the cyan magic react as well, but as he can't make that it is pulled from whatever source he has. which in this cause is the very thing helping him." she nods and writes on another paper "For now. don't use any complex spells. only use very light and natural magic. things that don't bother or tire him. This way you can keep his own magic active and practise to help it grow stronger without disrupting the magic in his skull. If he at any moments starts to regularly have headaches we will need to look into somekind of magic transfer."
Dust frowns "why not do a transfer now?"
Fauna sighs "Magical transfers can be dangerous. if your soul doesn't accept the transfer you are suddenly without any magic in you. For children, especially those with very little magic themselves, it has an added risk of completely overwriting their own magic. meaning that their soul will only accept the new type of magic, but as the soul can't make this they will still have the same fate." she gives Dust a cold stare "this is not something done lightly."
Dust nods and mutters "We will keep an eye out for headaches." he give shim a look "any. headache."
Nightmare pouts and huffs at him "Okay. I will tell you."
Dust nods "good."he nudges their skulls together softly. "What next?"
nightmare frowns and sighs "ribs... it is the worst.. if that is okay the rest should be too." even if he hates losing his shirt and showing anyone the wounds and barely healed bones.
Dust nods and looks at fauna "Nightmare is going to have to sit with his back to you. You will need to announce any movement you make and keep making somekind of sound or noise."
Fauna accepts it easily and waits. Nightmare turns to sit towards Dust nad lets Dust help get him out of his loose shirt. Cross had specificlaly picked this one for today to make this easier. It is also why they skipped the bandages for today.
A loud gasp and Nightmare quickly hides his face in the bright red scarf.
Dust rubs the back or his skull "Yeah. we know. We try to get him to take a bath each day to clean the wounds out. He can bath himself but the wounds demand extra attention and care that he as a six year old just doesn't have the dexterity for." hearing Dust talk helps him calm down. he isn't alone. he isn't alone. he isn't alone.
Fauna swallows and speaks in a soft voice "I am going to sit a bit closer and take a closer look at some of your wounds near your spine." slow movements and Ngihtmare feels hismelf grow more tense. Fauna continues to talk "you are being very brave. thank you for trusting me, or at least trusting Dust enough to allow me to try and help you." she sits closer and Ngihtmare cna hear her breathing now. Fauna hums softly "Even if they look bad and still very hurt, which i know they do, they are very clean and seem to be healing well. YOu are all taking very good care of these breaks and missing chips."
Fauna shifts a tiny bit and Nightmare tightens his hold on Dust's hoody. Nightmare relaly likes the material that Dust wears. it is soft and makes it easy for him to sink his tiny claws into. Not let go.
Fauna speaks again "Mayb i touch the bones on your spine? I need to check how sensitive and hurt the still healthy bones are."
Nightmare takes a moment and nods before grabbing Dusts arm. DUst luckily understnads him "He will grip me if it hurts and i will tell you. is that okay?"
Fauna speaks with relieve "That is fine. Thank you for letting me examine this. I am going to touch your spine in 3. 2. 1. now." the touch on his spine still surprises him but aside from the tiny flinch nothing happens. Fauna hums and speaks "I am goign to touch a tiny bit lower." the touch moves but no pain. "very good. a bit lower again." the touch moves lower but his whole spine lights up in pain and Nightmare whimpers as he clams down on Dust's hand.
"It hurts him very badly." the hand on his spine is already gone before Dust finishes his sentence.
Fauna speaks with full praise "Thank you Nightmare. you did amazing. You are very brave."
Nightmare can't help it as he pushes closer to Dust "dusty... it is weird."
silence and Dust hums "what is?"
Nightmare pushes clsoer to Dust "her being nice." people aren't nice to him. they hate him at first sight. why is she different. why...
"Why weren't they nice?" he hates how he sounds but he just wants to know.
Dust holds him clsoer, Dust's hands and arms always know were to hold wihtout hurting him. same for the others. they are safe.
Dust mutters "I don't know. I think they were just dumb." a bit louder "I think we shuld stop."
Fauna is quick to agree "absolutely. I am sorry for not realising we had already hit his limit."
Dust helps him put on his shirt again "Nightmare is an amazing person. but he has the habit of not saying what bothers him." dust holds him close in a hug and dust looks at fauna "the spine is the worst by far. What do you think?"
Fauna writes some things down before speaking "I think you four have been doing a good job with trying to help him heal the pain he was caused. The spine is going to be a slow healing process, even slower because of his magic situation. All you cna do is keep cleanign it daily and making sure it is wrapped up." she finishes writing something.
Dust takes the note and speaks "understood. keep cleaning the wounds daily, wrap them up and check to make sure the wounds don't get bigger. Aside from that he isn't suposed to use his magic aside from easy and stressless things. if he at any moment starts to have headaches we are to call immediantly"
Fauna answers him "indeed. If you have any questions or worries feel free to call. I put the number for my clinic on there as well. Just ask for me and saywho you are and they will call me. I am going to amke sure that everyone knows you are on the emergancy list." slow steps towards the door and exit of the kitchen when she stops "He is a very sweet babybones. I am sorry to hear he got this hurt."
Dust chuckles and just holds him clsoer "we know... we agree..."
a moment of silence before Fauna speaks again "I am going to talk with Crop that you will have to use his bathroom a lot, doctors orders. What else you tlel him is up to you. Have a good day." and she is gone.
They sit in silence nad Dust just helps Nightmare finish his now much colder tea. The taste is still good even when cold...
DUst nuzzles his skull "You oaky?"
Ngihtmare just pushes closer "tired."
Dust chuckles "Yeah... me too... how about this? I am going to help you wrap up your ribs. after that we will lay in the living room together and nap while Killer and Cross get competitive over a card game?"
Nightamre nods and relaxes "yeah" that sounds great. Dust picks him up and takes him to their attic to help him get ready for the rest of the day.
Dust will tell the others how it went and what to watch out for. Nightmare just has to relax and trust him.
And that is okay. Nightmare has gotten a lot better at trusting others.
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wroteclassicaly · 3 months
can you do fireworks with...well I was going to way Gator but Steve also works if Gator is off the board.
Warnings: Language, friends to lovers, mentions of injury, Gator speaks a little rough towards reader, fluff, mentions masturbation, use of fireworks, alcohol, Gator being a dumb turtle boy, smut, and NSFW.
A/N: I had waaaaay too much fun with this one, so it’s obviously more than two paragraphs!
His headlights gave a too bright spotlight, causing him to trip over his own big ass feet, his zippo flying somewhere on the grass nearby. You snort at his antics, already flicking your bic to life and setting your sparkler ablaze. There’s an amber bottle of whiskey nearly gone, along with food wrappers and a blanket close by — courtesy of you, having stolen it off the end of Gator’s bed. You wave your stick around, dizzy off Jack Daniel’s and the buzz that being near your best-friend brings. Sharing one brain cell, the only person that can be around Gator Tillman full time (not without occasional headaches) — the town cannot separate you two. He drops to the ground, clearly irritated you got yours lit first.
“Hey,” you can’t help but to break in as he’s huffing between puffs on his vape, rifling through the grass with the other hand. He doesn’t look at you, but you continue. “Remember that time that you lit that fire rocket and accidentally sat on it? I swear I thought you broke your ass, man.”
Gator huffs in annoyance, clearly remembering what occurred just last year. You keep going. “I don’t know how you own a flame thrower and haven’t caught your junk or yourself on fire yet.”
“I am my junk, bitch!” He snaps, exasperated as you glares holes at you through the darkness.
The effects of heat coasting across the night breeze, crickets in the distance, and how the trees catch the rustling winds — it’s actually a nice ending to your day. You put your hands up, a snort leaving your mouth, especially right as you spot his lighter, reflected off his headlights. You motion to it with your sparkler, and he immediately grabs it, rolling his eyes. He paces a slight distance, he’s kneeling, his khaki camp tight across his legs, black shirt stretched over his biceps, tattoo on display. Your mouth waters, every imaginable scenario coming into play.
It’s not unusual to think about him this way. Hell, whenever you with someone else, it’s not their face that you see. Your best-friend has been at the end of every single orgasm you’ve had since meeting the shithead. You’re broken from your Gator-lusting reverie when his hand cracks the zippo to life, igniting the fireworks, crackling noises exploding and a fountain of colors explode into the air. Gator struts in front of them towards you in that way, hair strands blown into a disarray, hues of bright blues, golds, reds, pinks, and deep crimson lighting up the night sky behind him.
It’s a sight straight from a movie, and you don’t realize your sparkler has gone out. But it doesn’t matter, not as Gator clings to your energy and finds you chest to chest, tossing the stick from your hand. Your back is colliding with his truck in a vertigo-washed movement. He cradles your face, his breath soaked in jack, chew, and vape juice. It’s a big deal, but it’s also just two people meeting in ways that were always going to happen.
His nose bridge drags along your own as he pants the words across your mouth. “I’ve got rubbers in my glove box, babydoll. You gonna let me fuck you tonight? Teasing my cock so much, n’ you know it, too.”
“On the blanket…” you’re pawing at his shirt collar and he just shakes his head.
“Turn around and put your hands on my hood. You want me, you’re gonna take it the way that I give it to you.”
You’re immediately obeying, sky above faded out with streams of vibrant colors, smoke cloud wafting in this direction. He’s back after retrieving the items. It doesn’t take long…
He’d watched you touch yourself from behind, your jeans and thong on the ground below, as he slowly jerked himself off, enough until he’d achingly slid into the condom and spun you around. As much as he craved you in this position, he needed to see your face this first time, more than anything. He laid you upon the blanket, lifting your legs around his hips, and slid into you in one deep thrust, one you’d be feeling for days. You held tightly, groaning, whimpering pathetically into one another’s mouths. Your hands held a new, possessive purchase by digging into the plush of his bare ass, pushing him deeper.
He didn’t go home that night, and he didn’t take you home. But he did attempt to light another firework and you had driven him to the hospital to get his hand wrapped. Dumbass.
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reverie-starlight · 6 months
what happens off of the court
a sakusa x msby manager!reader mini-series
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a collection of stories featuring a mix of specific moments and every day life over the course of your relationship with volleyball star sakusa kiyoomi. with guest appearances by atsumu, bokuto and hinata, MSBY team in general, osamu and more. a SFW series, but lots of suggestiveness throughout. please see warnings and ratings within each individual fic.
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main fics
i. the video call incident
ii. PR day
iii. in the works
iv. tbc
snippets and drabbles
the PMS feels
down bad for manager (new!)
dividers by @/cafekitsune :)
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