#flaws. weight of living pt ii. things we lost in the fire.
morganpdf · 1 year
if u see me listening to bastille's 2013 album bad blood no you dont
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Pompeii • Things We Lost In The Fire • Bad Blood • Overjoyed • These Streets • Weight Of Living Pt. II • Icarus • Oblivion • Flaws • Daniel In The Den • Laura Palmer • Get Home
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bastillepolls · 17 days
Bastille Madness!
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Bad Blood round 1 winners:
The Silence vs. Laughter Lines
Laughter Lines wins!
Overjoyed vs. Get Home
Overjoyed wins!
Icarus vs. Daniel In The Den
Icarus wins!
Weight Of Living, Pt. I vs. Weight Of Living Pt. II
Weight Of Living Pt. I wins!
Pompeii vs. .... Pompeii
Pompeii wins lol
Things We Lost In The Fire vs. Bad Blood
Things We Lost In The Fire wins!
Flaws vs. Laura Palmer
Flaws wins!
These Streets vs. Oblivion
Oblivion wins!
Some fun stats:
Closest race:
Icarus vs. Daniel In The Den with 51.4% and 48.7%
Biggest sweep:
Weight Of Living Pt. I vs. Weight Of Living Pt. II with 83.9% and 16.1%
Most votes:
Flaws vs. Laura Palmer with 62 votes
Thanks for playing along! Round 2 coming tomorrow! :))
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wisp-exe · 3 months
okay its a little cringe i think bc its bastille n also the only bastille album ive ever listened to but its SOOOOO dear to me <//3
will do this in groups instead track by track bc there r twenty-five songs on this album AHDSLJFKDSJFLK
pompeii + things we lost in the fire + bad blood + overjoyed + these streets .
w these five i particularly loved the percussion honestly ??? like percussion n bass r the shit i mainly listen for in song n i didnt really hear much of the bass but LIKE THE PERCUSSION IN POMPEII DRIVES ME WILD !!!! things we lost in the fire sounds nice n i like the instrumentals a lot there . THOSE LAST THREE FUCK SO HARD THOUGH I DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START W THEM .
weight of living pt ii + icarus + oblivion + flaws + daniel in the den .
okay . these r all vv different . weight of living pt ii is my fave song off this album i think ?? i couldnt even tell you why . ICARUS . THE VOCALS N LYRICS ON ICARUS SPECIFICALLY . I WILL NEVER GET ENOUGH OF IT . ill b honest i dont remember oblivion or flaws v well but i do know that i liked them SHDFJKLDSJFKL daniel in the den is also one of my faves !!! also couldnt tell you why ADJFLKSDLJKF
laura palmer + get home .
these r the last two songs off disc one !!! its cringe that i cant remember a lot ab them ?? laura palmer i know it the one ive probably listened to the most ?? get home is a lil forgettable . both of them r . SORRY .
okay this is gettin too long so i wanna talk ab my faves from disc two
haunt - demo + weight of living pt i + skulls
haunt...man . its such a song . i think its a song i could cry to ??? weight of living pt i is honestly up there w icarus for me in terms of lyrics n vocals i think ?? weirdly ?? obvi i dont like it as much as pt ii but its still <33 skulls is my actual favorite . like if anyone ASKS ill tell them its the weight of living pt ii but its actually skulls . i like the vocals okay ?? therees some sort of effect on them durin the verses n its so cool n then it goes away durin the chorus and and and
wow nerd
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jameshowarchive · 2 years
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Frenship: (Incomplete)
1000 Nights
Fast Lane
Fuel to the Fire
The Mire
Prodigal Son
Something for Nothing
That Feeling
Send Them Off!
Laura Palmer
Things We Lost in the Fire
The Draw
The Currents
The Anchor
Bad Blood
Four Walls (The Ballad of Perry Smith)
Of the Night
Fake It
Weight of Living, Pt. II
Good Grief
Two Evils
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runintotrouble · 3 years
Ok this is my Bastille song ranking which changes all the time so like will it’ll probably be different by tomorrow lmao. Anyway…
Black = Bad Blood / All This Bad Blood
Blue = Wild World
Red = Doom Days / This Got out of Hand
1. Those Nights
2. Bad Decisions
3. The Anchor
4. Final Hour
5. Admit Defeat
6. Million Pieces
7. Quarter Past Midnight
8. Another Place
9. Another Place (Alessia Cara)
10. Good Lesson
11. The Currents
12. Warmth
13. Doom Days
14. Comfort of Strangers
15. Good Grief
16. Nocturnal Creatures
17. An Act of Kindness
18. Send them off!
19. The Waves
20. Blame
21. Fake it
22. Pompeii
23. Of the night
24. Snakes
25. Things we lost in the fire
26. Power
27. Lethargy
28. Way Beyond
29. Bad Blood
30. Winter of Our Youth
31. Four Walls (the ballad of Perry smith)
32. The silence
33. What would you do
34. Poet
35. Campus
36. Glory
37. 4AM
38. Haunt
39. Weight of Living Pt II
40. Laura Palmer
41. Icarus
42. Flaws
43. Shame
44. Skulls
45. Laughter Lines
46. These Streets
47. Tuning Out…
48. The Draw
49. Durban Skies
50. Weight of living pt I
51. Joy
52. Million Pieces (chamber orchestra)
53. Easy Days
54. When I Watch the World Burn all I Think About is You
55. Hangin’
56. Another Place (chamber orchestra)
57. Divide
58. Oil on Water
59. Sleepsong
60. Get Home
61. Two Evils
62. Daniel in the den
63. Overjoyed
64. Oblivion
65. Can’t fight this feeling
66. Previously on other peoples heartache
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killingsboys · 3 years
album game: Bad Blood-Bastille or Sing To Me Instead-Ben Platt (geez i hope u know them) (have a good day!)
ooooh i do not know ben platt but i definitely know bad blood !!! one of my favorite favorite albums!!! thank you sm for asking 💛
icarus (standing on the cliff face, highest fall you'll ever grace, it scares me half to death sends me over the edge EVERY time)
laura palmer
daniel in the den
laughter lines (bonus track)
these streets
things we lost in the fire
bad blood
weight of living pt. ii
get home
the silence (bonus track)
weight of living pt. i (bonus track)
send me an album and i'll list the tracks in order of favorite to least favorite!
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i wanna hide the truth, i wanna shelter you
a love letter to luxor’s zander driskell
I want to start off with a disclaimer that there’s a bunch more pre-Luxor content on this one compared to the girls’, but with Zander it felt extremely important to explore that aspect. There’s a note on the section where I’m finally playing him in the roleplay due to that, but anything before that point is before I started playing him in the group. Anyway, I’m proud to present a 3 hour Zander playlist, come help me judge him for the amount of references to his dad and Ches throughout this entire playlist.
Yet again I’d like to thank Lex for help throughout this process, and warn everyone that the usual Zander trigger warnings are all over this playlist (mental health, violence, abuse / child abuse, etc etc). Anything additional is noted on the sections.
‘cause i had a fire, passion and desire. now all i require are circuits and wires | pre-luxor:
zander before attending luxor additional tws: potential self harm (breathe me)
iRobot (Jon Bellion) [ I was a human, before you killed me and ripped my heart out. ] // Breathe Me - Acoustic (Jonathan Roy) [ I think that I might break and lost myself again and I feel so unsafe. ] // Tell Me Why (Taylor Swift) [ Why do you have to make me feel small so you can feel whole inside? Why do you have to put down my dreams so you're the only thing on my mind? ] // Weight Of Living, Pt. II (Bastille) [ All that you desired when you were a child was to be old. Now that you are here, suddenly you fear you've lost control. ]
happiness is beautiful to see, won't you box it up for me? | sophomore year:
zander’s sophomore year at luxor, and the introduction to one ches elswood. additional tws: bleed out can be extremely uncomfortable to listen to with the whole, bleeding out theme. please skip that song if you feel you need to
Cop Car (Keith Urban) [ You were thinking that running for it would make a good story; I was thinking you were crazy as hell. ] // Don't Trust Me (Phillip Phillips) [ So when I say I'm okay, don't trust me. ] // Burn Out (Imagine Dragons) [ Oh, give me strength, and give me peace. Does anyone out there want to hear me? ] // Crawling (Linkin Park) [ This lack of self-control I fear is never-ending. Controlling, I can't seem. ] // Bleed Out (Blue October) [ Will I bleed out? I gave it all, but you can't stop taking from me. And way down, I know you know where to cut me with your eyes closed. ] // Don't Sing the Blues (Bohnes) [ I was ridiculous, young Icarus. I flew too close to the sun. ]
do you remember all the plans we made? | helena:
a section dedicated to zander’s relationship with helena additional tws: sex (carry your throne), alcohol (tonight I wanna cry)
Carry Your Throne (Jon Bellion) [ If you're lost in this darkness I'll carry your throne. No, I won't let it swallow you whole. ] // Snake Eyes (Mumford & Sons) [ It's in the eyes. I can tell, you will always be danger. ] // Halfway Gone (Lifehouse) [ You were always hard to hold, so letting go ain't easy. I'm hanging on but growing cold. ] // The Promise (Andy Black) [ Tell me what ever happened to the love we gave, the promise that we both betrayed. ] // Tonight I Wanna Cry (Keith Urban) [ And I thought that bein' strong meant never losin' your self-control, but I'm just drunk enough to let go of my pain. To hell with my pride, let it fall like rain from my eyes, tonight I want to cry. ]
i say one day the valley is gonna swallow me whole, i feel like a photo that's been overexposed | junior year (‘18-‘19):
junior year of high school, fairly self explanatory additional tws: smoking (antisocial)
Flaws (Bastille) [ You have always worn your flaws upon your sleeve and I have always buried them deep beneath the ground. Dig them up. Let's finish what we've started. ] // Battle Cry (Imagine Dragons) [ Just one more time before I go, I'll let you know that all this time I've been afraid, wouldn't let it show. Nobody can save me now, no. ] // 12 Rounds (Bohnes) [ I'm coming home, I've got some things to say. My gloves are on and my shoes are almost laced. ] // Novocaine (Fall Out Boy) [ Don’t mind me, I’m just the son of a gun. So don’t stop, don't stop 'till your heart goes numb. Now I’m just numb, I don’t feel a thing for you. ] // Machine (Imagine Dragons) [ 'Cause I've been wondering when you gonna see I'm not for sale. I've been questioning when you gonna see I'm not a part of your machine. ] // Antisocial (Ed Sheeran feat. Travis Scott) [ So antisocial, but I don't care. Don't give a damn, I'm gonna smoke here. ] // Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea (Fall Out Boy) [ Seems like the whole damn world went and lost its mind and all my childhood heroes have fallen off or died. ] // Never Going Back (The Score) [ I'm never gonna follow just because they say so. ]
consign me not to darkness | summer 2019:
the summer after the merge, where zander is stuck at home working for lance additional tws:  alcohol (if you’re going through hell)
Two Evils (Bastille) [ I'm the lesser of two evils or am I tricking myself nice? ] // Man or a Monster (Sam Tinnesz feat. Zayde Wølf) [ When you look at yourself, are you a man or a monster? ] // DNA (Lia Marie Johnson) [ Are the pieces of you in the pieces of me? I'm just so scared you're who I'll be. When I erupt just like you do, they look at me like I look at you. ] // Broken Crown (Mumford & Sons) [ So crawl on my belly 'til the sun goes down I'll never wear your broken crown. I can take the road and I can fuck it all away, but in this twilight, our choices seal our fate. ] // If You're Going Through Hell {Before The Devil Even Knows} (Rodney Atkins) [ I've been deep down in that darkness, I've been down to my last match. Felt a hundred different demons breathin' fire down my back. ] // Mud On the Tires (Brad Paisley) [ 'Cause it's a good night to be out there soakin' up the moonlight. ] // Pray For You (Jaron And The Long Road To Love) [ I pray your brakes go out runnin' down a hill, I pray a flower pot falls from a window sill and knocks you in the head like I'd like to. ]
but all the scars they prove that i fought my way through so, i always keep 'em showing | senior year of hs (‘19-‘20)
finally, the point in the timeline where zander is actually getting roleplayed by me. includes summer camp fun too
The Silence (Bastille) [ Tell me a piece of your history that you've never said out loud. Pull the rug beneath my feet, and shake me to the ground. ] // Stand Up (The Cab) [ Yeah, all of my demons are kicking and screaming but I'll never leave them behind. Yeah, maybe I'm crazy but don't try to save me, 'cause I've never felt so alive. ] // Only One (The Score) [ Tell me how it feels to know I'm not a puppet under control. I cut the strings a long time ago. ]
running from the devil, but the devil takes hold | fall & winter 2020:
a new school year, increased disdain for his father, a certain set of posters, and the start of realizing there may be something wrong with him.
Gold (Imagine Dragons) [ But now you can't tell the false from the real. Who can you trust? When everything you touch turns to gold. ] // Just Like You (Three Days Grace) [ You thought you were standing beside me, you were only in my way. You're wrong if you think that I'll be just like you. ] // Bad Blood (Bastille) [ All this bad blood here, won't you let it dry? It's been cold for years, won't you let it lie? ] // Middle Finger (Bohnes) [ But I refuse to let you make me feel like I can't fly. Not only will I soar again, I'll own the fucking sky. ] // American Beauty/American Psycho (Fall Out Boy) [ You take the full, full truth, then you pour some out, and you can kill me, kill me or let God sort 'em out. ] // Homecoming King (Andy Black) [ You're standing there with the homecoming king; turn the silver spoon into a diamond ring. Can he make you disappear without anyone noticing? Yeah, fuck the homecoming king ] // Monster (Imagine Dragons) [ I'm only a man with a candle to guide me, I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me. A monster, a monster, I've turned into a monster. ] // Animal I Have Become (Three Days Grace) [ Somebody help me through this nightmare I can't control myself. Somebody wake me from this nightmare, I can't escape this hell. ] // Gallows (The Score feat. Jamie N Commons) [ Been turning my back on the sun these days, trying to walk the line but I'm losing my way. ]
i'm sifting through the sand, looking for pieces of broken hourglass trying to get it all back but it back together | spring 2021:
continuing to take a good look at his mental health, a desire to improve, and an appreciation for his support circle. additional tws: sex/masturbation mention (All Time Low)
All Time Low (Jon Bellion) [ I've been trying to fix my pride but that shit's broken, that shit's broken. ] // Bishops Knife Trick (Fall Out Boy) [ These are the last blues we're ever gonna have, let's see how deep we get. The glow of the cities below lead us back to the places that we never should have left. ] // Demons (Imagine Dragons) [ They say it's what you make, I say it's up to fate; it's woven in my soul, I need to let you go. Your eyes, they shine so bright, I wanna save that light, I can't escape this now, unless you show me how. ] // I'll Be Good (Jaymes Young) [ I never meant to start a fire, I never meant to make you bleed. I'll be a better man today. ] // The Anchor (Bastille) [ You were the light that is blinding me. You're the anchor that I tie to my brain. 'Cause when it feels when I'm lost at sea, you're the song that I sing again and again. ] // Ungrateful Eyes (Jon Bellion) [ Still lost, still feel depressed like I'm try to find a way in. I'm trying to figure this out, but my God I'm so human. And so I turned to my sister and smiled and asked this question, “all we wanna know is where the stars came from, but do we ever stop to watch them shine?” ] // Rise Up (Imagine Dragons) [ The darkness right in front of me, oh, it's calling out, and I won't walk away. ] // Bless The Broken Road (Rascal Flatts) [ Every long lost dream led me to where you are, others who broke my heart, they were like Northern stars, pointing me on my way into your loving arms. This much I know is true, that God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you. ]
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rragnaroks · 4 years
Most songs on Bastille's All This Bad Blood could be written by Jaskier, don't @ me
After the Mountain Breakup: Pompeii, These Streets, and Things We Lost in the Fire (although Things We Lost in the Fire is more Geralt than Jask), Get Home
About Geralt: Laura Palmer, Overjoyed, The Weight of Living pt. I, The Weight of Living pt. II, Oblivion (at least partly, the part about turning back doesn't fit), Poet, The Silence
About himself and/or his relationship with Geralt: Icarus about when he was younger, Daniel in the Den about his life before Geralt (and after The Mountain Breakup Geralt joins the lions), although this one would need The Bible in-universe to make sense, Sleepsong either before he met Geralt or after the mountain, The Draw about before he left Lettenhove, Of the Night, Flaws, Haunt
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mbti-music · 4 years
MBTI types as songs from Bastille’s Bad Blood Deluxe Album
ISFP: Pompeii
ISTJ: Things We Lost In The Fire
ESFJ: Bad Blood
ENTP: Overjoyed
INFJ: These Streets
INTJ: Weight Of Living Pt II
ENFJ: Icarus
ISTP: Oblivion
ENFP: Flaws
ENTJ: Daniel In The Den
ISFJ: Laura Palmer
ESTP: Get Home
ESTJ: Weight of Living Pt I
INTP: Silence
INFP: Laughter Lines
ESFP: Of The Night
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sweetsushiminnow · 6 years
Bastille theme songs.
Bastille is one of my favorite bands as of this moment. They like to have their music be interpreted in multiple ways along with their music videos. Here are some of their songs that I feel relate to the YYH characters. I will have not only the name of the songs but links to them so you can listen to them.  I feel like they relate to a character in a specific way, whether it relates to a relationship to another character, their feeling on certain situations, or a mix of both. If you feel the song doesn’t fit, or may fit another character, that’s totally fine. I would like to know your opinions because some of these songs could fit almost any character if you present the idea and why.
Younger Toguro: Laugher Lines Bonus: Oblivion 
Genkai: Things We Lost in the Fire
Hiei: Happier
Keiko: Overjoyed
Bui: These Streets
Kurama: Weight Of Living Pt II Bonus: Get Home
Sayko: Icarus
Kuwabara: The Silence
Koemna: Daniel in the Den Bonus: Power
Sniper: Laura Palmer
Yusuke: The Current Bonus: Glory
Suzuka: Flaws
Jin: Weight of Living part 1
Touya: Warmth
Kaito: Campus
Botan: Send Them Off
Yomi: Shame
Yukina: Fake It
Sensui: Blame Bonus: The Anchor
Shizuru: Lethargy
Mitarti: An act of Kindness
Botan: Send them off
Keiko: Good Grief
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The entire album “All This Bad Blood” by Bastille is 1000% about the Silmarillion. Complete track listing and which character/event each song goes with under the cut.
"Pompeii" - The fight against Sauron echoing the fight against Morgoth. 
'And the walls kept tumbling down in the city that we love,’ the destruction of Formenos and Gondolin and Ost-in-Edhil
‘Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all,’ refusing a powerful spirit’s offer of knowledge and throwing him out the city.
‘Does it almost feel like you’ve been here before,’ the High King of the Noldor rides out to fight the Dark Lord
‘How am I going to be an optimist about this’ no actions of elves did anything more than buy time last Age
"Things We Lost in the  Fire" - Fingolfin’s host watching the burning of the ships at Losgar. ‘We were born with nothing / And we sure as hell have nothing now’ but we’re not going to turn back just because it’s hopeless
"Bad Blood" - Fingon and Maedhros. ‘That those are the days that bind us / Together, forever’ and ‘All this bad blood here / won’t you let it dry.’
"Overjoyed" -  Feanor swearing the Oath and convincing the Noldor to follow him across the sea, taking vengeance rather than grief for Finwe. ‘ When you listen to my words / I see them sinking in / Oh, I see them crawling underneath your skin.’
"These Streets" - Maeglin in Gondolin, the city his mother told him all about, the city where Aredhel and Eol both died. ‘We have stained these walls / with our mistakes and flaws’
"Weight of Living, Pt.  II" The sons of Feanor and the second and third kinslayings.  ‘Oh, tell yourself this is how it's going to be’  ‘Now that you are here, suddenly you fear / You've lost control.’ Doriath falls, and Sirion falls the same, and this will keep happening.
"Icarus" - Feanor, obviously ‘You put up your defenses when you leave / You leave because you're certain / Of who you want to be.’ as well as ‘Icarus is flying / Towards an early grave’
"Oblivion" - Nienor when Glaurung reveals who she really is. ‘Are you going to age with grace? / Or only to wake and hide your face?’
"Flaws" - Nerdanel and Feanor. ‘You have always worn your flaws upon your sleeve / And I have always buried them deep beneath the ground.’ Nerdanel, the wise, strong willed but seeking to understand. Feanor, the greatest of the children of Illuvatar, never admitted he had a single flaw.
"Daniel in the Den" - Finrod, both for the title and ‘Felled in the night by the ones you think you love’ re: Curufin and Celegorm leading Nargothrond against him
"Laura Palmer" - Turin, realizing he’s caused yet another tragedy and going to start a new life under a new name.  ‘The night was all you had / You ran into the night from all you had’
"Get Home" - Celegorm and Curifin after being kicked out of Nargothrond ‘To the morning we're cast out but I know I'll land here again / How am I gonna get myself back home?’ Fleeing somewhere that was supposed to be safe for the second time in a decade.
 "Poet" - Maglor, author of the Noldolante ‘I have written you down now / You will live forever’
"The Silence" Miriel, fading from exhaustion in Lorien as her husband and son wait for her to get better. ‘Now you've hit a wall and you hit it hard’
"Haunt (Demo)" - Fingon and Maedhros. ‘I will try to love you / It's not like I'm above you.’ They both fought at Aqualonde, Fingon won’t put that all on Maedhros.
"Weight of Living, Pt.  I" - Sons of Feanor and the Oath and the kinslayings. ‘Your albatross, shoot it down, shoot it down / When you just can't shake the heavy weight of living.’ Forswear the Oath, or argue that you should wait, or maybe you can’t live with yourself after all.
"Sleepsong" - Elrond and Elros with captor/foster father Maglor, who is at least better than being lost on your own in the wilderness at age six. ‘All you want is someone onto whom you can cling / Your mother warned of strangers and the dangers they may bring.’
"Durban Skies" - Celeborn showing Galadriel around Menegroth. ‘It’s alive / Now I understand your lives’
"Laughter Lines" - Finrod and Amarie. He crossed the sea and she stayed in Tirion. They expected defeating Morgoth to only take a few years, and then he’d come back for her. ‘I'll see you in the future when we're older / And we are full of stories to be told.’
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off-colours · 8 years
BΔSTILLE Song Catalogue
[Last updated: 25/03/17] This is a list of every Bastille song we know about!
If you can't find a copy of anything in the list, feel free to message me and I can probably hook you up. At the bottom of the list I've also included songs by Dan Smith before Bastille formed and songs he created with Ralph PelleyMounter.
If I've missed anything please reply/message me so I can update the list! I'll be updating it periodically anyway with new stuff they release.
[Album] All This Bad Blood:
Pompeii [Y] [S] [i]
Things We Lost in the Fire [Y] [S] [i]
Bad Blood [Y] [S] [i]
Overjoyed [Y] [S] [i]
These Streets [S] [i]
Weight of Living, Pt. II [S] [i]
Icarus [S] [i]
Oblivion [Y] [S] [i]
Flaws [Y] [S] [i]
Daniel in the Den [S] [i]
Laura Palmer [Y] [S] [i]
Get Home [Y] [S] [i]
Poet [S] [i]
The Silence [Y] [S] [i]
Haunt (Demo) [S] [i]
Weight of Living, Pt. I [S] [i]
Sleepsong [Y] [S] [i]
Durban Skies [S] [i]
Laughter Lines [S] [i]
Previously on Other People's Heartache... [S] [i]
Of the Night [Y] [S] [i]
The Draw [Y] [S] [i]
What Would You Do [Y] [S] [i]
Skulls [S] [i]
Tuning Out... [S] [i]
[Album] Wild World (Target exclusive edition):
Good Grief [Y] [S] [i]
The Currents [S] [i]
An Act of Kindness [S] [i]
Warmth [S] [i]
Glory [S] [i]
Power [S] [i]
Two Evils [S] [i]
Send Them Off! [Y] [S] [i]
Lethargy [S] [i]
Four Walls (The Ballad of Perry Smith)[S] [i]
Blame [Y] [S] [i]
Fake It [Y] [S] [i]
Snakes [S] [i]
Winter of Our Youth [S] [i]
Way Beyond [S] [i]
Oil On Water [S] [i]
Campus [S] [i]
Shame [S] [i]
The Anchor [S] [i]
Final Hour
[Mixtape] Other People's Heartache:
Adagio for Strings (featuring Maiday)
What Would You Do? [Y] [S] [i]
Requiem for Blue Jeans
Of the Night [Y] [S] [i]
Titanium (featuring Barnaby Keen Band)
Love Don't Live Here (featuring Rory Andrew, Jonas Jalhay and F.Stokes)
Falling (featuring Ralph Pelleymounter)
[Mixtape] Other People's Heartache, Pt. 2:
Tuning In (featuring HUMS Contemporary Choir)
Killer (featuring F*U*G*Z)
No Angels (featuring Ella Eyre)
Walk to Oblivion (featuring Ralph Pelleymounter)
Forever Ever (featuring Jay Brown and Kate Tempest)
Dreams (featuring Gabrielle Aplin) [S] [i]
Thinkin' Ahead (featuring O.N.E. and Ric Elsworth)
Free (featuring Ella Eyre and Erika)
Sweet Pompeii
Basement (featuring F*U*G*Z and F.Stokes)
Oh Holy Night
[Mixtape] VS. (Other People's Heartache, Pt. III):
Fall Into Your Arms (featuring The Gemma Sharples Quartet) [S] [i]
Bite Down (featuring HAIM) [Y] [S] [i]
bad_news (featuring MNEK) [S] [i]
The Driver [Y] [S] [i]
Axe to Grind (featuring Tyde and Rationale) [S] [i]
Torn Apart (featuring GRADES) [Y] [S] [i]
Torn Apart, Pt. II (featuring GRADES and Lizzo) [S] [i]
Weapon (featuring Angel Haze, F*U*G*Z and Braque) [Y] [S] [i]
Remains (featuring Rag'n'Bone Man and Skunk Anansie) [S] [i]
[Single] Laura Palmer 7":
Laura Palmer [Y] [S] [i]
Thinkin Bout You (featuring O.N.E.) [S] [i]
[Single] Oblivion 7":
Oblivion [Y] [S] [i]
bad_news [Y] [S] [i]
[Single] Send Them Off 7":
Send Them Off [Y] [S] [i]
The Descent
[Single] Hangin' 7":
Hangin' [Y]
Overload [i]
[Single] Comfort of Strangers 7":
Comfort of Strangers
Warmth (Live) [S] [i]
Unreleased songs (that we've heard):
All I Want for Christmas Is You (Mariah Carey Cover) [Y]
Christmas Mashup [Y]
Diamonds and Waste (Kate McGill Cover)
(I Just) Died In Your Arms (Cutting Crew Cover) [Y] [S] [i]
Earth Song (Michael Jackson Cover) [Y]
Final Song (MØ Cover) [Y] [i]
I Don't Want To Miss A Thing (Aerosmith Cover)
Locked Out of Heaven (Bruno Mars Cover) [Y]
Oh Holy Night [Y]
Human (Rag'n'Bone Man Cover)
This Is What You Came For/Bang Bang (Calvin Harris and Cher Cover)
We Can't Stop (Miley Cyrus Cover) [Y] [i]
Band Aid (30) - Do They Know It’s Christmas? (featuring Bastille and Others) [Y] [S] [i]
Craig David - Fill Me In (featuring Bastille)
Pompeii/Waiting All Night (featuring Bastille, Rudimental and Ella Eyre) [i]
To Kill A King - Choices (featuring Bastille and Others) [Y]
Fenech-Soler - Stop & Stare (Bastille Remix)
To Kill a King - Bloody Shirt (Bastille Remix) [Y]
Imagine Dragons - It's Time (Bastille Remix)
Swiss Lips - U Got the Power (Bastille Remix) [S] [i]
David Lynch - Are You Sure (Bastille Remix) [Y] [S] [i]
Kimberly Anne - Hard As Hello (Bastille Remix) [Y] [S] [i]
Imagine Dragons - I Bet My Life (Bastille Remix) [Y] [S] [i]
The Wombats - Greek Tragedy (Bastille Remix) [S] [i]
Dan Smith’s vocals:
Foxes - Better Love (featuring Dan Smith) [Y] [S] [i]
Madeon - La Lune (featuring Dan Smith) [Y] [S] [i]
Naughty Boy - No One's Here To Sleep (featuring Dan Smith) [Y] [S] [i]
To Kill A King -Cannibals With Cutlery (featuring Dan Smith) [Y]
Dan Smith (before Bastille):
Foe (Through the Trees)
Haunt (early version)
Starry Eyed (Ellie Goulding Cover)
The Ride
When All Of Our Friends Are Dead
Words Are Words
Dan Smith and Ralph Pelleymounter:
Colours of Love
Electric Head
Keep talking
New Blue Dress
TelegRalph Road
Annie Oakley Hanging:
13 steps (Chapter 1) (Demo)
Feet don't fail me (Chapter 2) (Demo)
Cut her Down (Chapter 5) (Demo)
Sophi is a Lady... (Chapter 6) (Demo)
296 notes · View notes
Bad Blood-Bastille
2-Things We Lost In The Fire
3-Bad Blood
5-These Streets
6-Weight of Living, Pt. II
10-Daniel In The Den
11-Laura Palmer
12-Get Home
13-Weight of Living, Pt. I
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