#thank you sm !!!!! <3
smashorpass50plus · 5 months
Your call for pet pictures will not go unheeded 💖 here's my youngest being Sleepy!!
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Oh my god they're adorable; living up to their name I see!
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blobfishuu · 4 months
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Still in love with her actually. Hopefully this hand made little mood board is at least close to her vibes. It's the feeling I'm getting but probably biased towards things I like of course so
Also wish the fireflies turned out better but hey! We did it xD
OH MY GOD ITS GORGEOUS <33 im still in love with ur art btw
i'm so happy you like my oc so much!! :) you captured her so well!! everything you added absolutely has lilith vibes
thank you for creating this mood board and sharing it!! ^^
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luthienne · 1 year
7 + 17 for the music ask ✨
7. a song to drive to
always always always arsonist's lullaby
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17. a song that you would sing a duet with on karaoke
lol ok i was literally just saying yesterday that the musical theatre company where i live needs to do jesus christ superstar so that i can sing mary magdalene and then ofc sang a shower concert of could we start again please singing both parts whenever possible
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rufinator · 4 months
Yo, ok so I decided to look up the name of a side account I have which is theflowerman and I found you and I’d like to say that your art is sick as fuck
You make some nice ass art
AAAA Thank you so much!! 💗💗
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glamfellens · 11 months
6 and 19 for aeres!
6: What companion are you platonically close with?
Wyll! They share a kinship in being aristocratic kids who left home and now live rough as adventurers, though of course their circumstances are very different. I think Aeres is both intimidated and inspired by just how good Wyll is - he is always thinking of others and how his actions might benefit them which I think makes Aeres feel more selfish in comparison, especially when she learns the truth behind his departure from Baldur's Gate. He was thrown out of his home for joining with Mizora for the sake of the greater good, while Aeres left of her own volition because she felt suffocated. But at the same time she knows emotional repression when she sees it, being something of an expert herself. I think there's an unspoken understanding between the two of them that the complicated feelings surrounding the past are better left unsaid but they can support one another in different ways. Also when you boil down the fundamentals of Cleric and Warlock the difference is semantics... so I think owing your power to a higher being, whether infernal or divine, is something else they share an understanding over.
19: How do you think they'll meet their end?
Aeres would want to meet her end in battle, the more glorious and impactful the better - that would be the most fitting for a cleric of Tempus! Though a celebrated death at the end of a long life would be preferable, she's not exactly cautious in battle. As she gets older she might change her mind though, she's still very young by elven standards, so she (hopefully) has many years to figure that out.
baldur's gate 3 character development questions
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thefourchimes · 5 months
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was waiting for the right time to answer this
now is the right time
thank you :')
i really needed this
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Hiiiii so I just tore through all of “children of the stars” in a haze and oh my god???? I think it’s my new fav Tim and Jason fic???? It’s just…so good, holy shit. The way you write Jason and Tim’s trauma, how it interweaves and sometimes helps them understand each other but also sometimes makes the hurt so much worse. How hard Jason fights to keep a lid on the Pit because his kid is more important than his vendetta. How Tim wants to believe people care about him but also cares about his family so much in return that he still puts their safety above his. Just. All of it!!!!
You also balance serious tones so well with the lighthearted elements, it’s truly a work of insane skill. I enjoy the super serious, deep explorations of trauma just as much as I enjoy Tim Drake, Child Encyclopedia or Jason stress-baking for a small army. It continually reminds me that no matter how heavy, this fic is ultimately a story about working through your past to make a better future.
Just wanted to pop over here and give you your flowers. Thank you so much for writing!!
HI oh my god I'm so late to responding to this, I'm so sorry friend! I'm so happy to see that you enjoyed the fic so much! I really love writing about trauma and how that impacts recovery, so it always means the world to me when people tell me that the fic works for them- especially with trying to still make it funny, too, because I feel like there's a bit of an inevitable balancing act there. There's just something about the audacity of hope with these guys that makes the exploration of their little budding family a joy to write about, and I'm just so thrilled that it brought joy to you as well. I'm absolutely delighted by the flowers, thank you so so much! <33
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pk-psi · 1 year
You're speakin' my LANGUAGE.
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anelimjolie · 8 months
if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog! 💛
aww thank you for asking! 🤍
1) I love burned food lmao, bread or toast tastes the best for me when burned, idk why. It has become a funny little insider with me and my friends ✨
2) I’ve published a book 📚
3) one of my absolute comfort movies and super heroes is spiderman. When I was younger, my brother and I always played the video game and I loved to pretend I could swing around town 🕸️ however, I’m terrified of spiders
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xxacidnekoxx · 2 years
your art is really so beautiful and inspiring, thank you for sharing it online!
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A Miguel headcanon for you! Whenever someone he loves is sick (Gabriel, Gabi, his s/o, etc) he always wants to just cuddle them and take care of them. Ya know, just generally be around them, but that makes people worry about him getting sick too. So since he's a geneticist he looked into the perks of his spider dna more and found out that, hey, he's immune to human diseases now! Which of course means that if anyone around him is sick he'll be SO clingy because he can
AAAH OMG literally one of the things I hate most when I'm sick is that I can't hug or cuddle people/ others can't hug or cuddle me so this is perfect 😭😭😭😭
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paper-star-ships · 9 months
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🐰; If they live together: Was it easy for the two of you to agree on the interior decorations? Does one of you want to change something all the time? And is this your forever home or do you plan on moving somewhere else one day?
After the events of canon, me, Pleck, and AJ move into a little cabin on a rainy blue planet (the dream✨) to settle down. I think Pleck is happy to let me do whatever I want with the decor; he doesn't think he's very good at putting things together like that so he won't really fight for anything or discuss it unless he's suggesting something casually or I'm asking for his input explicitly.
AJ on the other hand has many opinions and is frankly offended that there are no plans for a big tube of blue liquid in the living room, or lava pools in the kitchen. The decor is a frequent topic between the two of us.
🐼; Time to be creative! Mix S/I’s and F/O’s favourite colours and make a moodboard for your relationship based on it!
My favorite color is Blue Pleck's favorite color (I'm deciding on the spot) is Yellow :]
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🐵; What was it like to introduce each other to your respective families and friends? Did they support you right from the start or were they a little wary, at first?
Our friends were just waiting for us to get together after watching us pine for an entire year—they actually had a whole bet going (Bargie wins btw; she was the only one who bet that Pleck would make the first move and honestly good for her).
Pleck’s family was surprised and delighted they are SO excited!!! Their son has a gf AND she’s super polite and respectful and loves him so much??? It’s a dream come true for them 💙
My parents on the other hand don’t approve of Pleck, nor do they approve of us rebelling against the Federated Alliance 😳 I literally get disowned in this part of paper stars canon… whoops 💀
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luthienne · 1 year
13 and 23 hehe <3
13. one of your favorite 80s songs
kate bush's running up that hill
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23. a song that you think everybody should listen to
phosphorescent's song for zula
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jerseyclown · 2 years
rhe thing is that you write very well but i also follow you on tumblr so i am very well aware of the horror s
i contain multitudes
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garbagevanfleet · 2 years
I just sat here and read all of Brightest Blue in one sitting and it has me in an absolute Josh SPIRAL I love him so much and I'm obsessed with your work! Going to start another one tonight
Wow in the year of our Lorde 2023 people are still reading Brightest Blue I think I'm gonna cry
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sparkles-and-trash · 9 months
hello !! just a little something from a stumbler wishing you luck on our creativity this year and that youll be able to create as much as you want and have fun doing it !! and wishing you a good year in general
Ahhh 😭
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Thank you so much kind anon, you have no idea how much I needed this and how much kindness like this means 💞
I wish nothing but the same for you, and that this year will be nothing but kind to you in general 🤍
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