#flashback : rizz
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potatosaresweet · 22 days ago
ghost bride arc is so funny cause the first thing you learn about pei ming before you even meet him is that his heavenly dick is so good one of his hundrents of thousands ex situationships turned into a vengeful spirit because he left her and that doesnt even surprise ling wen who, when asked if pei ming had any crazy exes,responds with "be specific there's a whole army of them"
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devilboycomic · 2 months ago
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sailing-ever-west · 11 months ago
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platonic sanami fluff bc i care them
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peasant-player · 5 months ago
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Hey ! @thelien-art I'm drawing malenia from your challenge!! It's double the size of the maedhros one so it's gonna be way easier to watercolor!!
But I'm also scared because I have just one try and it's on the good paper.
Hardest part of this challenge is to find good lighting to make photos and my cat (boy stomped on the drawing) 😂
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dapperrokyuu · 9 months ago
Luka vs. Hyuna round where itll be the only song without singing because Luka immediately starts having a breakdown and Hyuna is standing there, just...at a loss.
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gracieblood · 3 months ago
i hc that clyde named the group chat for craig and those guys skibidi slicers pizzeria
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asyipyip · 1 year ago
jesus christ episode 5 of arcane was so fucking good
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ki-seo · 1 year ago
Time passes faster than we can imagine.
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Ajeitou cuidadosamente a câmera no suporte sobre a mesa e logo deu início a gravação, retornando ao seu lugar. Tinha um sorriso empolgado e alegre no rosto, era seu aniversário e comemorar com seus fãs era, de longe, uma de suas coisas favoritas desde o debut do CHAOS. Apesar de sua persona aparentar temperamental para quem tinha um convívio maior com ela e alguns de seus comportamentos ao longo da vida terem sido duvidosos, a vocalista guardava sentimentos muito bonitos dentro de si, especialmente ao se tratar de seu trabalho e seus fãs; eram algumas das poucas coisas que a Hong realmente amava e se doava por, então aproveitava cada um dos momentos que aquela relação "fã x idol" proporcionava.
— Oi! Como vocês estão? Woah... — Cruzou os braços, olhando para o teto por alguns segundos ao recostar contra o acolchoado da cadeira atrás de si, para só então encarar o celular novamente. — Lembro como se fosse ontem de comemorar meu aniversário de dezenove anos aqui com vocês. Ainda não consigo assimilar o quanto o tempo passou rápido.
Kiseo levou a mão até uma caixinha de papel, abrindo-a delicadamente antes de virar com cuidado o objeto para mostrar aos fãs o que havia ali. Eram pãezinhos salgados com recheio de diversos queijos que tinha ganhado dos staffs, os olhos brilhantes se voltaram para a câmera e sua destra segurou um pão, para que com o auxílio da canhota pudesse partir o alimento ao meio.
— Parece gostoso, não é? Ganhei dos nossos staffs! Eles compram pães para mim em todos os meus aniversários desde nosso debut, porque sabem que gosto muito. — Mostrou o recheio para a câmera, afastando o bolo para não correr o risco de acontecer nenhum acidente. — Esse é com recheio de creme de parmesão!
A visual explicava animada, antes de fechar os olhos para aproveitar o sabor daquela comida ao coloca-la na boca, o creme daquele pão tinha um sabor sutil, para algo feito com parmesão, o sabor era muito mais suave do que imaginava, a massa fofinha derretia na boca e aquilo provocou uma reação fofa partindo da Hong, arregalou os olhinhos e balançou o próprio corpo de um lado para o outro como numa dancinha.
— É um dos meus favoritos! Só perde para gorgonzola. Fica ainda melhor quando quente. — Limpou os próprios dedos num guardanapo após comer o último pedaço. — Recentemente tenho aproveitado muito do meu tempo com meus pais, por isso tenho feito menos lives, gosto de aproveitar o mês de Halloween com eles, é uma data divertida e gostamos de fazer programações juntos.
[ ... ]
Kiseo parou por alguns instantes para olhar alguns dos comentários, se deparando com algumas mensagens nada legais e sua primeira reação mediante àquilo, foi apenas encarar fixamente a câmera e piscar algumas vezes, deslizou a língua na parte interna de sua bochecha e ergueu as sobrancelhas enquanto manteve contido um riso debochado.
— Tudo bem não gostar de mim, não somos obrigados a gostar de todo mundo. Mas se você se incomoda tanto com minha presença, por que está aqui?
Indagou, inclinando a cabeça para o lado. Encarou a outra caixinha enquanto tentava se recompor daquela situação, era algo frequente desde o debut do CHAOS. Recebia mensagens constantes criticando seu modo de lidar com as coisas e, aquilo raramente a afetava, mas a irritação era inevitável. Não queria ter de ler tudo aquilo quando desejava apenas aproveitar sua data em paz. Talvez seus pais estivessem certos ao dizerem que ainda se meteria em problemas por ser exigente demais. Deu de ombros, abrindo a garrafinha de suco que estava sobre a mesa e colocando um canudo para dar um farto gole.
— A outra caixinha? São chocolates, ganhei da Eunsuh-eonnie. São alguns dos meus favoritos, ela me conhece bem! — Deixou a garrafinha sobre a mesa, pegando as velinhas e abrindo-as para colocar sobre a camada de glacê. — Vinte anos... Chegou rápido.
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Seus olhos vagaram sobre a tela mais uma vez, a Hong sequer pensou muito antes de dar a resposta para a pergunta que tinha lido com um enorme sorriso nos lábios, era algo muito óbvio para si e, somente em lembrar, sentia-se empolgada.
— Meu maior vício musical no momento é o EP Guilty do Taemin. Acreditam que saiu um dia antes do meu aniversário? Devo encarar isso como um presente? Taemin sunbaenim, obrigada por isso! Fez uma fã sua muito feliz. — Kiseo se empolgava ao falar de seus artistas prediletos e naquele momento não foi diferente. — É um dos artistas que mais admiro, como vocês devem saber, escolhi "Danger" para minha audição. Devo admitir que foi um grande desastre... — Liberou um riso tímido. — Mas gostei de ter me permitido tentar, foi um desafio. É um grande artista. Cada uma das músicas do Guilty são ricas em sentimentos e isso é algo que muito me agrada, é uma das coisas que o torna tão excepcional, na verdade. Já que está presente em todos os seus trabalhos.
[ ... ]
A vocalista principal gastou alguns longos minutos a mais conversando, respondia a perguntas, inclusive de fãs estrangeiros mesmo tendo um inglês ainda fraco; cantou algumas músicas e se divertiu como pôde, experimentando doces, pães, fazendo recomendações musicais e até mesmo tirando alguns instantes daquela live de pouco mais de uma hora para fazer poses para capturas de tela. Compartilhava algumas informações sobre seu cotidiano e como estavam as coisas entre as meninas, que não estavam ali devido a suas agendas pessoais.
Os últimos minutos foram dedicados para que pudesse cantar os parabéns, apagar as velinhas ao fazer seu desejo e, por fim, provar do bolo. Pediu mentalmente, em primeiro lugar, por sua família e grupo, sabia que sem as meninas, talvez nem ao menos estivesse ali e apesar de parecer pouco se importar na ótica externa ou não ser tão próxima assim de todas elas mesmo após cinco anos, no fundo a Hong não se via sem o CHAOS. Kiseo sempre fora muito ciente e confiante dos próprios talentos e, talvez, esta fosse a razão para tantos comentários maldosos. Mas aquilo não a abalava tão facilmente e assim, com um sorriso no rosto e os olhos brilhantes, Kiseo encerrou a live despedindo-se fazendo vários corações das mais diversas formas possíveis para quem estava ali.
— Vejo vocês novamente em breve! Bye, bye.~~
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ilovepaigebueckerss · 7 months ago
tiktok rizz
the title is so unserious im sorry😭😭
pairing: p.b x fem! reader
summary: fans are wondering how reader and paige met and reader explains on a live.
very very short, i just thought of this and whipped it up rq, again I HATE THIS but it was a cute idea so.
based off this tiktok!
You were pretty well known due to the fact that you were Paige Bueckers girlfriend. Yall have been dating for almost 4 years. But everyone wondered how you guys met.
You were on live with KK when a comment rolled in asking about it. “Okay guys im gonna address this one more time” You say pausing in between words. “So screen recorders go ahead and do what yall do best” You continue laughing.
“I made a TikTok about Paige and she saw it and after that we just kinda start talking.” You say shrugging your shoulders. “I’m gonna pin the TikTok and everything for yall”
You decided to make a TikTok due to boredom. There was this trend going around and you decided you wanted to do it with you “celebrity” crush.
You film the TikTok, and put one hashtag which was: #paigebueckers. and continue on with your night.
You wake up to a bunch of notifications curious and what they were from. You had totally forgot you even posted that TikTok so when you saw it went viral you were going crazy.
A certain notification sparked your interest though.
@paigebueckers: has liked your video!
@paigebueckers has followed you back!
@paigebueckers has messaged you!
You rubbed your eyes to make sure you weren’t still asleep. (iykyk) But you were very much awake.
You click on the notification nervous to see what she said. What if she thought you were weird? What if she was laughing at you?
@paigebueckers: i think youre pretty cute too.
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wonderlandhour · 6 months ago
Thinking about TWST characters picking up on slang from our world via Yuu
*the Tweels fighting again*
Azul: the Cain Instinct really does run rampant
Silver, glaring at his newly broken training sword: Thanks Obama
Sebek, nodding in agreement: truly terrible
*Lilia and Malleus, immensely confused*
Ace, mad at his math homework: I'm gonna jump out the window
Deuce, without even thinking: do a flip
*Riddle, Trey, and Cater horrified*
Idia, glaring at a group of people: this is so not pog. Can I get an F in the chat.
Epel, mad at Vil: BASIC BITCH!
Vil: do not swear at me! and what do you mean 'basic'?!
Ruggie, glaring at Leona's jewelry collection that he took to get cleaned: this is some boogie ass shit.
Kalim: man, this is really dank Jamil!
Crewel, staring deadpan at Crowley: you're so delulu it's embarassing- did I really just say that?
Ortho: you can't dox me! I'm baby!!
Jack: let him cook
Sebek, having Vietnam flashbacks: do nOT-
Jade: Azul's only rizz comes from the tism, I believe
Azul, glaring at him: well that was unnecessary.
Floyd: don't be salty
Leona, seeing Malleus within a ten foot radius of him: say fuckin less-
Ruggie: LEONA NO-
Malleus: Child Of Man, I have returned from Briar Valley. Would you like the tea?
Yuu, realizing they might've created a monster: . . . Uh oh
(Repost or comment your Yuu's favorite phrases their friends would pick up on or what slang you think would be most common with certain characters! Am v curious!)
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moodymisty · 2 months ago
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Part 1
Author's note: I love him
Relationships: Mortarion/Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mortarion's confession, NSFW flashback in the beginning with male masturbation, vomit (nonsexual and unrelated to NSFW scene), gross Morty body stuff, he has zero rizz
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The repeated hiss of his respirator is heavy in the stagnant air of the hall, only occasionally losing its smooth crescendo and decline when his throat hitches. His breathing has never been normal- he stopped caring about that sort of thing long ago.
Pale eyes glance around again.
You should be here by now; But he spots nothing familiar.
Did you decide- to for the first time since he first cast his eyes on you- to disobey him? Did something else distract you?
His mind fills with imagery of you wandering off somewhere else, to someone else- and in an impulsive fit of doubt he decides that he would have one of his men drag you here if need be.
He could, and if anything the behavior would be expected of him. Encouraged. You don't make the Pale King wait.
But yet... He waits- patiently- eyes flicking to the entryway every twenty seconds or so. A primarch standing around like a beaten dog waiting for it's master.
Attempting to clear his throat Mortarion shifts beneath his clothes, feeling the way they almost stick to his skin. He bathed himself relatively recently by his standards- though instead of the stick of grime and dirt, it's the catch of dried sweat from no less than an hour ago.
He can still feel that sensation in the back of his head, the aftershocks of thoughts and actions forbidden. He hates how this one has lingered. They've all begun to.
His cock throbbed, leaking over his gaunt, pale fingers and making his shaft slicker- and the feeling even more pleasant.
He covered his face full of a warranted shame, grunting and huffing as he ground into his own hand like some sort of feral street dog. His knees cracked, his back ached- he imagined the callused give of his hand was warmer, wetter, tighter- squeezing around him. Pushing back. Trying to push him out; The difference in size too great. The way he was bent made the imagery more vivid, like you were pinned underneath him.
If he closed his eyes tight enough, he could just picture it, though the image was just out of reach- his fingertips ghosting the very edge but unable to grasp it.
He stained the fabric of his bed once he was done, shoving it into the fireplace to burn. No one will ever see the scattering of fabric that is yet burned, nor would they question it even if they did.
How much farther can he let himself fall? Enough that he's found himself overtaken by desires that he once thought were pointless- inconvenient and only satiated out of maintenance, desperate for something he knows he cannot have?
Maybe... Perhaps if he-
If you refuse him, he can abandon this entire pursuit- throw himself back into his work and give not a single thought to you again. You could leave The Endurance and he wouldn't even know you were gone, lost among an endless sea of pointless existences.
Because he can't... he can't keep doing this.
It's consuming his mind- You are consuming his mind.
You eat away at it like a disease bent on devouring him more than the poisons of Barbarus ever have; At least they never impeded with his mental capacity.
As you do right now- your soft eyes eat away at his dried, scarred skin like a flesh eating plague as you come to stand before him, and now his tongue feels as if it's made of lead.
He called you here- coming to you would seem too desperate- and your first words had been to apologize if you had offended him. A smart intuition, because you did offend him; You offended him by refusing to leave his mind, you offended him by refusing to leave him be in the sanctity of his warship, you offended him by offering him what he can only describe as pity.
But pity wears away; You've stayed, endured where your fellows left. For what reasons kept you going? Kept you here? He'd like to know.
"I," Mortarion hesitates for a moment. "I wish to speak to you about a particular matter."
This is it. He is just going to do it. Just get over this, and if you refuse? if you run away from him in fear or disgust? He's down his last remembrancer.
boo hoo. He never wanted them anyhow.
His rusty armor clunks against each other as he shifts. You watch him with expectancy, a soft look on your face that has Mortarion almost at a loss for words, if only for a moment.
He should take off his respirator for this.
It's clunky, gets in the way, he feels like it muffles his speech and baseline humans have trouble understanding him. Their paltry hearing, though it is fact. Though he's never remembered you having an issue with it.
He can feel your eyes watching keenly as he starts to unfasten in, accidentally tangling his hair a bit at the nape of his neck. He hears the hiss as it unseals, and he pulls it away from his face to fasten it to his belt. He feels ok, and takes on full breath of cool Terran air before opening his mouth to let the first unmuffled word pass.
But before a single word can leave his lips he instantly rips into a massive cough, covering his mouth with his hands. He feels spittle and blood from popped blood vessels hit his palms, and his ribs shift uncomfortably as he keels over. He can feel the way his lungs are ripping themselves apart, filling with blood and mucus. The next cough sends him to his knee, his leg plating hitting the ground hard enough to crack the tile beneath him.
He can barely make out your expression standing before him as tears prick the corners of his eyes, and another burst of coughs tear at his throat like the claws of a gauntlet.
You look horrified.
He tries with all his might to tense his throat and halt the hacking, but only manages to suck in just enough breath that it brushes the back of his throat and makes it all worse.
You take a step closer to him, but it's clear there's nothing you can do to help him.
"L-Lord Mortarion! Are you-"
From the incessant coughing his throat seizes up so much, his stomach muscles ache in pain, and he feels a familiar rising warmth in his face and mouth.
No. No no no no no-
Fulgrim's banquet feast from the night before suddenly rises in his throat, then his mouth, and before he can even try stopping it- it's running through his fingers and all over the floor with a disgusting splatter.
After harsh fit of coughing wracks his body, slowly feeling the ache in his chest of his lungs finally healing before it finally secedes; He wipes his eyes to see you standing and staring at him in shock, the primarch's dinner all over the floor in front of you.
Mortarion has had a long life; Longer that yours, by a decent margin. Embarrassment was never something he dealt with.
Now, he feels like he is quite literally going to explode. If the ground were to open up and swallow him, he would probably acquiesce to his fate with little complaint.
No one would miss him. Plus he's sure Garro and Typhon would manage just fine without him.
You look at him with wide eyes, mouth slightly agape. He can see your lips twitch as you try to find the words. He perhaps would understand if your little brain couldn't find any.
"...Are you ok?"
He doesn't quite know how to answer that question, honestly.
His lungs have degraded and rebuilt themselves enough to breathe this cool, poison-less air, and while he had anticipated some coughing, he failed to remember just how... Intense, it could get.
He should have known eating last night was a mistake.
You just seem worried, however- looking at him like he's going to fall right over hands outstretched towards him. You look at him like he's sick, but sick in a way that would could in theory help.
You take a step forward, much to his surprise; Though of course not close enough to risk slipping.
By the Throne- the half thought of that crosses his mind and he wants to cast his own head into his bedchamber's fireplace.
"I-" Mortarion lets out another brief cough; Of which thankfully doesn't lead into another fit. "I am fine."
He is fine- his lungs have adjusted and the air doesn't burn his throat, but you don't seem to take his words seriously. With the deftness of your thin fingers you unwrap the shawl around your shoulders, handing it to him.
He doesn't get what you mean by this at first, staring at the patterned fabric like it in some way offended him. You gesture it out to him again, and he then realizes you're offering it to him to clean up, of which he then begrudgingly grabs, before wiping the bile out of the corners of his mouth and fingers.
The soft fabric of your clothing now destroyed, he balls it up in his fist and holds onto it, discontent to ever dare try and return it to you soiled.
"Lets, lets get you something to drink. I would think you might need one right about now..."
You reach to grasp his hand- the clean one- and try to pull him along, of which he allows, surprisingly.
He lets himself get toted along by someone half his size; A pathetic sight.
He continues to let it happen until you find a serf you can order to get some water, and Mortarion can shirk off to clean his hand and face.
His mouth doesn't taste like bile anymore, at least.
When he sees you again after he's cleaned up, there's an odd look on your face. Your wring your wrists nervously.
"...You were going to say something?" You look at him expectantly, before clarifying. "Before you started coughing, you... You said you wanted to talk to me. What was it?"
He had.
He had wanted to tell you how he felt, and instead he had humiliated himself by coughing blood and vomit all over the floor. He displayed right in front of you that he is a broken, sick and decayed excuse for a man; He was built for death and war, not... this. The fact that he's even allowed himself to make a fool out of himself like this is an embarrassment to the entire legion and reputation he's crafted.
How you could ever look at him the way he so boldly, pathetically, desperately wishes when he- a primarch- just displayed what a vile excuse for a human he is?
Mortarion swallows thickly like there's a literal knot in his throat, before just turning around and walking away.
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lecl4 · 1 year ago
orange’s the new green — social media au
summary. what can i say? the alonsos love mclaren. pairing(s). lando norris x fem!alonso!reader (niece/sister/daughter could be his whatever you want)
fc. lani pliopa
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liked by isahernaez, pierregasly and 243,876 others
y/nalonso first race week in green🍀
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fernandoalo_official 💚
user fav alonso
user aston martins cooking this year
landonorris papaya >
↳ y/nalonso incorrect mr norris
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liked by lance_stroll, lissiemackintosh and 142,987 others
yourusername & that’s p3!!
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user fernando’s third wdc incoming
user ferrari better
↳ user tell that to charles’ car that dnf’d
user goat
user he’s backkkk
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liked by mclaren, thibautcourtois and 356,211 others
landonorris hard work never stops. we’ll be back.
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user keep pushing landooo💪🏼
y/nalonso hard work always pays off!💘
— landonorris liked this comment!
user we have an orange tractor again, don’t we
↳ user we certainly do
↳ user 😔
user next race will be better🙏🏽
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liked by maxfewtrell, juanmanuel and 193,067 others
y/nalonso explorers
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user is this other explorer in the room with us?
user gotta respect her commitment to the colour green
user be my girlfriend challenge
↳ user ur a lil late, she alr mine
landonorris 🫣
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liked by fernandoalo_official, lily.mhe and 458,293 others
lando.jpg quick stop 🔙 to london
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user WHAT
user uhm, lando…WHO’S THAT
user fernando liked this, i think we can make a few assumptions based on that…
↳ user stop being delusional, they’re not dating
user he looks sooo good wtf
daniel3.jpg 🫣
↳ user what do you know
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liked by marcusarmstrong, landonorris and 301,946
y/nalonso saudi arabian grand prix w/ the queen of the paddock aka my gf
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lissiemackintosh YOU are the queen of the paddock
↳ y/nalonso all you babes
user aww both their boyfriends liked this
↳ user wait what did i miss something, boyfriends?????
user i’d do anything for them, no joke
landonorris your gf?
↳ y/nalonso yes. you read that right :))
— lissiemackintosh liked this comment!
↳ marcusarmstrong 😦
↳ user they’re jealous OMDS
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liked by alex_albon, lilamoss and 356,282 other
y/nalonso picture perfect
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user that’s the same model as lando’s camera
↳ user surprise, surprise multiple people have that camera
user i took this pic btw
landonorris always perfect
↳ y/nalonso 💕💕
↳ user lando norizz what are u doing here
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liked by oscarpiastri, isahernaez and 781,539 others
landonorris my beautiful love❤️
tagged: y/nalonso
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user I KNEW IT
user “my beautiful love” GOOD😭😭😭BYE😭😭😭
danielricciardo “soft launch” it lasted about three weeks
↳ y/nalonso we can’t keep our mouths shut unfortunately
y/nalonso ly💋❤️❤️
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liked by pierregasly, andrea.m.schlager and 544,176 others
y/nalonso mi amor <333
tagged: landonorris
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user wonder what nando thinks about this one
↳ user fym, he set them up
lily.mhe how did lando no rizz pull you??😟
↳ landonorris STOP CALLING ME THAT
↳ y/nalonso with a lot of effort
lissiemackintosh favs❤️
— y/nalonso liked this comment!
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note. found this in my drafts and remembered how though the beginning of the season was for mclaren. war flashbacks fr
i kinda don’t really love this one but i wanted to post so yeah! hope you like it anyway, bye babes💋❤️
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azulaaaaaaah · 9 months ago
atla/tlok characters that i think did *it* (but i just can’t prove it)
this is the most unserious post i’ve ever made. (AND I WANT TO PREFACE BY SAYING BY *IT* I MEAN KISSING)
Sozin and Roku
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and history will say that they were just great friends…
this is the only one where ill legitimately die on this hill
like i’m 90% sure roku just showed Aang their friendship in the flashbacks to prevent awkwardly explaining to a 12 year old monk that he was romantically and/or physically involved with the person who committed a g*nocide against his people
sozin i feel loved roku (to an obsessive level) and roku literally dgaf. king shit
Wan and Raava
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genuinely what the fuck was going on between these two. like i don’t even have any words
canonically at the very least it was a domestic partnership
S2 korra doesn’t make sense at the best of times. imagine trying to explain the intensity of this pair’s devotion to each other, to someone who hasn’t seen the show- all the while knowing raava is a disembodied spirit practically older than time
she’s the embodiment of everything good and light in the universe and he’s just wan. (and he’s wanough <3)
‘do you think we’re soulmates in every life?’
‘wait that’s not what i-‘
Cabbage Merchant and his cabbages (or at least a cabbage)
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yeah i’m not touching this one with a 10 foot pole
Every member of the red lotus squad
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ah yes it’s my favourite evil polycule
amidst plans to kidnap children and topple monarchies what else is there to do except… kiss.
let’s be real there’s something so inherently romantic about being apart of an elite, vaguely murderous anarchist squad
they all share one exact bed. it’s canon
(p’li somehow big spoons all of them)
The S2 Nomads
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these dudes are the textbook definition of anti-monogamy
like they’re obsessed with love so i fully believe that they think ‘it should be spread amongst others’ or some shit
oh to be a travelling communist nomad in a band, wandering the wilds with my wife, and our several partners
they’re somehow the opposite of the red lotus and yet the same. they all share a single bed/sleep area
The dangerous ladies (but all separately)
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i don’t ship any of these particularly and yet can still admit that it’s canon
ty-lee and azula have kissed bc azula probably made up a dumb excuse like ‘oh i don’t want my first kiss with a guy to be… erm… bad’
mai and ty-lee have kissed because they both probably have genuine, vaguely deep rooted romantic feelings for each other
mai and azula have kissed to purely spite zuko (and yknow what ty-lee too)
HOWEVER A KEY ASPECT TO THIS DYNAMIC: azula is completely unaware about the ty-lee and mai thing. it’s uh… better off that way.
Hakoda and Bato
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i ship this about 50% but like… it’s got to have happened once right? considering all that down time they spent together on a boat away from the repercussions of water tribe society…
also considering they were leaders i doubt the other warriors were in a position to ever call them out on it
like cmoooooooon what’s a little kiss between the homies every now and again?
hakoda is where sokka gets his rizz/flagrant bisexuality from and i can’t change that guys
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justcallmesakira · 11 months ago
hihihihi AUGH i love ur work sm?!! omg if u can fyodor with a younger sister (she has the same level of intelligence of him and works in the doa and his organaization) who is dating dazai? :) I know there are some but i need crack and suggestive!!1
ty and er bye good luck take ur time!
"Fyodor with a sister dating Dazai''
Sypnosis: Your rat brother is anything but happy about the fact that you are dating his only enemy on earth! Good luck on surviving!!!
Genre: crack, suggestive at the end
Warnings: bombing, terrorizz, , mentions of maniupulative behaviour, mentions of verlaine, roblox radgoll, loads of simping words, me being down bad, making out (lol), your mom
A/N: my reqs are currently closed but ehhhh who cares lol also THIS WAS SO HARD TO WRITE HONESTLY- pls enjoy and reblog i tried my best--- *dies of mental ilness*
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How bro-
No bcs fyodor did not even plan to let u meet dazai but ofcourse bcs of the dead apple tower and stuff and since then he had completly fallen inlove with you whether you are dostoevskys sister or not
He prob asked u to do a waltz with him in the mukokukokurokito or whatver the phuck that towers name was when you entered the castle with your brother
Fyodor WAS NOT happy because he saw the flirty glint in dazais eyes when u came
If looks cold kill-.. (KILL ME, RUSSIAN ZADD😍😍---)
And all you went was giggles and flirting back
Fyodor is prob gonna get his own medicine bcs they two are so like each other??? but he still couldnt believe how you with such high intelligence could fall for him???
(fyodor take your anemic medication first)
Dazai obv had some skeptics after you but like the manwhore he is and prob slept with the entierty of yokohama! ofc hes gonna court you as if you might not just use him!!!
Very (not) normal behaviour indeed!!
Dazai: "I fucked your sister she be screaming high pitch😈" fyodor: "What did you say, you little child i will crush your skull 😡😡😡should have known when i smile, I also play cello, i can be anything Уву"
that was UWU in russian btw-
But in all serious he will try maniupultaing you or gaslighting you into leaving dazai, he cant leave his only family to a man he does not trust! fyodor doesnt even trust himself-
fyodors gonna act a bit more colder then usual bcs of the fact HIS sister is dating someone and that someone is his enemy
Honeslty you go up to say chuuya whos like "why do i get deja vu-" *flashback to verlaine* you: "First time?"
But ofc since you are also extremely smart you somehow convinced him (after playing roblox radgoll with him for 8 hours) to let you atleast join date with dazai
I bet you rizzed up dazai by "He said his favourite colour was blue, so i blew him up😍💣"
*insert proud brother noises*
He speaks in russian or any slavic language whenever you three are in a gathering to mostly embarress dazai
I have seen some hcs on dazai being a collarbone biter so if you were off shoulder shirts and fyodor sees them by chance hes going to glare at you as if you are covered in mud :33
"Sister,,,what. is. that." *nasty side eye to the love bite on your neck*
Dazai 100% one time randomly pulled you into the alley and started aggresively making out with you with his hands literly sprawling all over your body like hes daddy long legs or sth-
Bcs HE KNEW that fyodor had cctv set in that part of the city and fyodor would be raging at the fact that the sluttiest man is touching his precious sister like that
bros gonna forgot abt human rights- oh wait hes russian
Like making out on some bed or sth hes actually no LIKE ACTUALLY GOING TO throw a whole ass cabinet at dazai with a face full of nothing but malice-
"How dare, an inhuman animal like you touch my very sister" "BRO CHILL I AM YOUR BROTHER-IN-LAW--"
And your just trying to stop your brother from commiting murder even though that his hobby ^^
fyodor finally forgot he had anemia bcs now all his focus was to give dazai the most painful death know to the medieval period\
Good luck on stoping your brother from poking a fork in your lovers eye in family dinners!!
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A/N: guys ik i am doing the valentines req pls be patient i am trying my best!! i have a relly bad mental health rn so yeahhh-
Divider crds!: @cafekitsune
tags! @silverbladexyz @biscuits-lovely-corner @riiwrites @heartsfourdazai @tojifile @atsquie @atlasnessie @chuuyasboner @yosanosboner @ruanais @darling--angst
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anotheroceanid · 4 months ago
On twitter
*Apollo and Athena's wager finally shown in flashback* "so this is why he never made a move on the Athenide
Comment #1: Athena was actually so baddass for getting the entire pantheon to swear to not touch her daughter
Comment #2: So, Apollo wasn't actually being a pussy, he was being bond by oath, take back everything i called him lol
Comment #3: Next time someone asks me why i don't make a move on my crush i'll say i lost a bird race
Comment #4: One owl guaranteed Perse's virginity while the other watched as she got freaky. Best of both worlds fr
Comment #5: Wait, but if everyone swore not to fuck her how did she lose her virginity?
Comment #6: So this is why everyone hates Odysseus
Apollo having a redemption arc when people find out he isn’t just an obsessed man, he’s obsessed man who made a promise!!!
But like, imagine losing the love of your life in a bird race 😂😂😂😂 people WILL drag him for it.
Answers to commenter #5 being like
“Odysseus didn’t promise anything”
“Even if he had, the promise is that she had to make the first move, so my boy Odysseus probably had some natural rizz”
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rozeliyawashereyall · 6 months ago
Some Zef and Sera +a secret third thing, again.
The fish boys belong to @obsidian-lantern !
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@greaysharkboi requested, and I shall provide.
Do you dare to click?
Headcanons, again.
Also for you @jaetists
The listener will be referred to as 'clemmy'
I. Slaps a pride flag on both of them
The tap water turned the frogs gay and in turn the frogs turned the fish gay.
Them going to a pride parade would be very fun.
II. I think both of them would find surface flowers very interesting, especially since there's not a lot underwater. Zef once tried to keep a rose alive underwater and was very sad when it pretty much got ripped apart.
III. Sera secretly likes his hair being braided or played with, especially in human form—and vice versa! He likes showing affection through actions rather than words, and hair playing is one of it.
Speaking of hair, both of their hair are most likely very messy and tangled. Sera a little less than Zef.
IV. Zef and Clemmy occasionally ramble and rant about the differences between land and sea. Sera prefers to listen rather than join in.
V. They both have no idea what a TV is—Sera has a bit more of a clue but still very confused. He likes watching crime documentaries, Zef tried to watch it with him but got PTSD flashbacks/hj
Zef likes watching the romcoms instead
While they'd both be mildly terrified of analog horrors, they find a slight comfort in liminal space images.
VI. The three of them have gone ice skating, both fish guys almost broke their legs.
Kind of on the same topic, but Sera would be a good slow dancer, probably has danced with Zef before
VII. Clemmy brought Zef and Sera to a planetarium, and they were in awe. Zef refused to leave and Sera was too speechless to process that they even have to leave. Clemmy had to call Eric for help to drag them out.
Star/planet gazing has since become their favourite hang out date
VIII. Zef is the kind of guy who would try to impress his crush, fail miserably, and still get them
He fr got that loser rizz
IX. they did not know what glitter was before Eric accidentally glitter bombed them. All three of them learned the hard way that glitter does not come off easily, especially when it gets in your hair.
X. These two would definitely use Clemmy as a heater. Look, the ocean is freezing, and they're probably just as cold to the touch. A Clemmy with a lot of warmth will be the fish boys heater
XI. They both don't like merfolk themed movies, documentaries, etc. Yes this includes the little mermaid
XII. doubling on what Aspen said here. Both Zef and Sera glow as a form of blushing. Sera would probably play it off as intentional, Zef too embarrassed to come up with a proper excuse
XIII. they'd both be very, very confused by AI.
XIV. God those two would not last with gen z or gen alpha— they are also very confused by memes.
"look at all those chickens!..
"Clemmy, those are seagulls..."
XV. Chat...hear me out...Sera and Zef get drunk for the first time...
Zef would either be a sad or happy drunk, with Sera being a silent drunk. Clemmy would have to drag them out and most likely get crushed in the process.
XVI. Them going to a carnival would be hilarious, especially on the rollercoasters—Zef would try to act tough but in the end throws up. And oof, they would be mindfucked by the hall of mirrors.
XVII. Zef would definitely love indie video games. He has watched the entire 8 hour lore video and all of matpat's vids <- Sera thinks this matpat guy is going insane but let's Zef watch him anyway.
XVIII. Sera is the type of person to not want a cat at first, but does let's the cat does anything it wants after they get it.
XIX. Zef would definitely like scrapbooking.
Yay for help from @willowve01 @lightdragon789 @aspenm00n and @tiefling-chaos for the headcanons!
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