#flame painter 4
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evelynmlewis · 6 months ago
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I saw where you emanate / I held my hand to take / a piece of it with me Passed through me like gamma rays / it burned my soul to see / a thing with such beauty
-Stratosphere, Starset
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cosmerelists · 6 months ago
Top 10 Cosmere Fake-Outs: Ranked by How Well they Fooled Me
By "fake-outs," I mean times when the narrative tried to convince me that something had happened or was true (for example: this character is DEAD!) when in fact it was all a lie.
Specifically: Major spoilers for Warbreaker, Stormlight Archives, Mistborn Eras 1 and 2, and Yumi & the Nightmare Painter. I won't put character names in the titles of the entries, but if you haven't read all of those listed works, please move on!
#10: A Words of Radiance Death
In Words of Radiance, Jasnah is attacked by assassins while on board a ship with Shallan. Shallan sees Jasnah's lifeless body being stabbed, and then the ship literally goes down in flames. Jasnah has certainly died!
Yeah...I didn't buy it for even one second, to be honest. I was twiddling my thumbs waiting for the reveal that Jasnah had actually survived, because of course she did. (This is not a complaint!)
#9: A Secret Project Death
At the end of Yumi and the Nightmare Painter, Yumi dies, and it's a real fake-out. Sanderson goes so far as to have a secret, extra epilogue that isn't in the table of contents where her death is reversed. I wasn't quite as sure while reading that Yumi would survive--at least, not as sure as I was when Jasnah "died." But I was pretty sure. 
#8: A Mistborn Era 1 Death
Specifically: Kelsier. When Kelsier dies at the end of Book 1 (!), I was shocked...and suspicious. Would Sanderson really kill off a character like Kelsier in Book 1??? Well, as it turns out...yes. But also no. Because Kelsier clings to "life" as a Cognitive Shadow and is still off doing things in future books. So I still count this one as a fake-out!
#7: Another Mistborn Era 1 Death
Another character who "dies" in Mistborn Era 1 is Marsh, Kelsier's brother. They find what they think is his completely obliterated body and are like "oh no." Of course, any time there is a completely obliterated body, we as readers will be suspicious: if it's really Marsh, why no face? But I actually wasn't too very suspicious of this one because Marsh felt like a character who could die, narratively speaking. I didn't, like, drop my book out of shock when he turned back up, but I was more surprised than I had been with the others.
#6: Just An Innocent Old Man in Way of Kings
This is referring to Taravangian, who in Way of Kings is presented as a dottering old man who's well-meaning but not too bright. I'm not going to lie, I bought this one hook, line, and sinker. The villain reveal for Taravangian did take me almost completely by surprise! The impact was only lessened insofar as I wasn't that interested in Taravangian pre-reveal, so I didn't feel, like, betrayed or anything.
#5: Nice Guys in Warbreaker
I 100% believed that Denth and Tonk Fah worked for Lemex, were relatively sad about his totally natural death, and were sincerely working for Vivenna afterwards. This is in spite of the fact that the narrative was not at all shy about dropping hints that this was not true. There's the fact that we're told people with tons of breaths are strong & healthy...yet I was like, "Yeah, makes sense that Lemex died of natural causes." We see Vasher position himself against Vivenna and company, and yet I was like, "Vasher probably has his reasons but it's not like Vivenna and company are doing bad things." This one was a shock especially because I liked Denth & Tonk Fah! 
#4: Dalinar and Amaram are BFFs forever
This one runs the risk of being more of a plot twist than a fake-out...but hear me out. We're led to believe that Dalinar has finished investigating Amaram and has decided not to believe Kaladin; he and Amaram are BFFs forever and ever. Then there's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment when Dalinar is "out sick" for a week, but I for one thought nothing of that. Then it turns out that Dalinar was in fact laying a trap for Amaram, which Amaram waltzed right into, and Dalinar finally learned the truth. So I think it counts as a fake-out: I was certainly very surprised when Dalinar called Kaladin up "for an apology" and it turned out to be Amaram who needed to apologize. 
#3: Jasnah's Soulcaster
Shallan's whole plot line in Way of Kings is centered around her trying to steal Jasnah's very real and functional Soulcaster by swapping it for Shallan's broken one. Personally, it did not occur to me for even a second that Jasnah's Soulcaster also didn't work and was also a fake, so Shallan simply swapped one fake for another. In part, this was because I did not understand how any of the magic worked on Roshar at this point. But still. It definitely fooled me good.
#2: A Mistborn Era 2 Death
I will admit, it never even entered into the realm of possibility for me that Wax's old wife, Lessie, wasn't dead. We watched her die in the flashback. She was buried. She felt like just one of those fridged women and I had not even a shred of doubt that her death actually happened. I was so sure that when Bleeder literally reverted into Lessie's form and voice, I just assumed she had eaten Lessie's bones. This one really, REALLY shocked me.
#1: Mistborn Era 1: Follow the Ancient Text
But even so, I think the fake-out that most shocked me was the one at the end of Well of Ascension. Vin knew, per the very accurate ancient writings left behind by Kwaan, that she had to resist the power offered by the Well and give it up--even if that meant letting someone she loved die. This felt like such a classic climax and source of tension, that I was just waiting with baited breath hoping that Vin would give up the power. And she did. And it was a mistake. Because it turns out that if you copy down Kwaan's words--which were inscribed in metal so that they could not be altered--on to paper, then Ruin's gonna alter them and you can't trust the ancient prophecy after all. In following the "prophecy" at great personal cost, Vin was just doing what Ruin wanted anyway.
I'm still not over this one. 
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salemoleander · 2 years ago
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solving counting sheep webweave
MCYTblr AU Fest Summer 2023 // sources under readmore
Created as a treat for the absolutely stunning fic by @theminecraftbee!
What is a webweave? Previous art: Third Life | Void Falling | Attempt 33 | Martyn | Limited Life | Nightingale Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | singing songs to the secrets behind my eye | A Hundred Things We Had Not Dreamed Of
Pt. 1: The Specialist’s Hat, Stranger Things Happen p.63  / Kelly Link ◆ Requiem Angel / Daniele Valeriani via @satanasaeternus ◆ Maschera Venetian Joker Mask / Atelier Marega Mask ◆ Macbeth 1.5.57-61 / Shakespeare ◆ Watch / Carol Milne ◆ Excerpt from Salt Is For Curing / Sonia Vatomsky via @geryone ◆ Carved Damascus Steel Bird Knife / Robert Mayo ◆ Excerpt from STOP ME IF YOU’VE HEARD THIS ONE BEFORE, Calling a Wolf a Wolf / Kaveh Akbar ◆ off to finish it at the source / @catcrumb ◆ Excerpt from The War of Vaslav Nijinsky / Frank Bidart ◆ Having a cat is great tweet / @premeesaurus ◆ Secrete / Kate MccGwire via @snailspng
Pt. 2: I am asking you to endure it. / @intactics (Deactivated 12.31.21) ◆ Hi! You have great eyes / @illness (Deactivated 3.25.18) ◆ Taste for Independence Cat / @alisonzai ◆ Support Mental Health pin / @snailspng ◆ A Barn at Kronetorp, Skåne / Gustaf Rydberg ◆ Living: There is a period when it is clear... / Jenny Holzer via @funeral ◆ Neighborhood Plague, Fjords I / Zachary Schomburg ◆ Ugly, Bitter, and True / Suzanne Rivecca ◆ It just keeps happening / @mothcub ◆ Shepherd with Flock of Sheep / Anton Mauve ◆ No Longer Evil cat / @b0nkcreat ◆ Excerpt from All Our Futures / Jody Chan via @geryone ◆ Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stitch / Carol Milne via @knithacker ◆ Deep Dark Fear (9.29.2013) / Fran Krause @deep-dark-fears
Pt. 3: Read more pop-up / @screenshotsofdespair ◆ Combination of Painter Javier Palacios and Enoch 18:14 /  @mountainqoats ◆ Wandering Albatross ◆ Diomedes ◆ Forgive dead players: OFF / @screenshotsofdespair ◆ Inktober52 Angel / @lastmousequeen-blog ◆ The Heavenly Host / Violet Oakley ◆ Excerpt from No Rush / Todd Dillard ◆ I will not go gentle magnets / @carpethedamndiem ◆ Excerpt from cain / José Saramago via @ilumark (Deactivated 2.5.22) ◆ Excerpt from Salt Is For Curing / Sonya Vatomsky via @geryone ◆ Purple / @ungfio via @sosuperawesome ◆ Excerpt from Lessons on Expulsion / Erika Sánchez via @geryone ◆ The Practical Companion to the Work-Table, Containing Directions for Knitting, Netting, & Crochet Work / Elizabeth Jackson via @knittinghistory
Pt. 4: Excerpt from A Ghost is a Memory / GennaRose Nethercott via @tolerateit ◆ What’s done is done / @thatsbelievable ◆ Excerpt from Ante body / Marwa Helal via @geryone ◆ Minor Resurrections / Elisa Gonzalez ◆ Mirror ◆ Coming back / @ungfio ◆ Candlestick ◆ Flame
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spacelatinoluvr · 5 months ago
blood runs thicker than water (1/?) - aemond targaryen
series masterlist, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6
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summary: To dance with dragons is to play with wolves. After surviving her own assassination attempt, Alarra Stark endured a large scar across her face, slicing her face in half. For years after Alarra was now known as "Alarra The Fierce" due to her ferocity at the young age, defending herself valiantly at merely thirteen-years-old. After then, she spent years training with her older brother, Cregan Stark, so that one day she could avoid the pain and suffering of anyone in her family; including herself. But, after those years spent training with men much larger than her, she is sent away and betrothed to Joffrey Velaryon for alliance towards the rightful heir to the Iron Throne: Rhaenyra Targaryen. Accompanying the family to Kingslanding, Alarra realized maybe marrying the young Velaryon boy wasn't so awful. But that was until she met a peculiar "one-eyed" prince. pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Stark!OC word count: 5.3k tags: slow burn, forbidden love, canon Aemond, enemies to lovers, long fic, original characters, war, arranged marriage warnings: blood and gore, extreme violence rating: 18+, !MDNI!
Alarra Stark was truly the most elegant in all of the North.
As a girl, Alarra was known for her beauty. Even amongst the seven kingdoms, her beauty was spoken of in hushed whispers amongst all that witnessed her: as if she were a myth or story to be proven false. Those who encountered her never second guessed her alluring blue eyes, like staring into the deep blue of The Narrow Sea. Her long red hair, always braided away from her face, displaying her breathtaking features. Freckles adorned her youthful face, like a painter had splattered brown specs across her face. Even though Alarra’s beauty was now a fact, not a myth among the inhabitants of Westeros, the people of the North had always remained in awe at the princess’s beauty. And through the years, her hair was the thing they remembered the most. Her long, thick red curly hair, that always blew in the wind as if the God’s were doing it with purpose. And when winter came, Alarra’s beauty flourished.
In all her years, the Seven had only blessed her with one winter. It lasted two years of Alarra’s youth, and she always remembered the feeling of her nose turning into a frozen nub, her cheeks pink and rosy as the air grew colder and bit at her skin. She remembered her and her brother playing in the harsh winter cold, throwing snow and laughing as their father yelled at them to get inside before they caught a cold. She remembered the good.
Winter is coming, she remembered her father spewing as he drank the sweetest wine of the Arbor.
Winter is coming, she remembered Cregan saying as he groomed the horses with her.
Winter is coming, she would repeat, as she held her head high and proud. Like a true Stark.
When winter did come, and the days got longer, it was brutal. But, Alarra found it tranquil; she found the beauty in the most unearthly things.
And that would ensue to be her downfall.
“Give it back!” Eight-year-old Alarra screamed as her older brother, Cregan, stole her knife made of wood hanging it teasingly above her head.
“Do you even know how to hold one of these properly?” Cregan tilted his head to the side, the question hanging in the air.
And that was all Cregan needed before he smirked and waved the knife around once more. Alarra resumed her jumping, unable to grab the knife from her brother. Cregan had freshly turned one and three, and was now much much taller than Alarra. He seemed to like flaunting it.
“Cregan!” Alarra yelled, stopping her continuous jumping. Cregan paused his waving to let out a laugh.
“Here, let me show you…” Cregan motioned for Alarra to get closer and she did, a sour expression still on her face. Cregan paused, crouching down on her level.
“Now this here is the blade… see?” Cregan traced the pointy part of the wooden knife. Alarra’s expression then changed from glum to one of immense interest.
“And this… is the handle, you put your hand here- and don't hold it like you're holding a firefly-” Cregan then held Alarra’s hands guiding her to how to properly hold a real dagger. Alarra held the wooden dagger, stealing it from Cregan’s hands with a triumphant hum.
“And now my prince I must defend myself…” Alarra said, holding her head high, the dagger above her head. She slowly let the dagger fall, reaching the heart of Cregan Stark, twisting and making squelching noises as she went. Cregan groaned, falling to the ground, a tongue out of his mouth for great measure. Alarra giggled lightly, still clutching the dagger in her hand. But, as Alarra looked at Cregan, he had stopped moving, his eyes closed in bliss as he laid on the ground.
“Cregan?” Alarra got down on his level, sitting by his head, worry etched on her features. Cregan was always there for Alarra and she couldn't remember a time when they were not together. Being apart from him was like stealing the moon from the sun. She could not bear it. But, then all of a sudden, Cregan let out a roar, making Alarra squawk and jump backwards.
“Cregan! That’s not funny. I truly thought I had pierced your heart!” Cregan laughed loudly at this. How could his kind little sister hurt him?
“Oh.. with that?” Cregan questioned, still laughing. Alarra reached towards him, hitting him on the arm, making him let out a loud noise in protest.
“I'm telling father!” Alarra exclaimed, standing quickly and running out of the room. The large doors closed behind her as she ran out, through the garden outside and up the large stairs towards her fathers chambers. But, when she arrived, guards and servants were frantically running around, in and out of his chambers. A guard ran past Alarra almost running her over and she gasped, clutching her chest. A hand was then placed on her shoulder, making her turn around quickly.
“My lady…” Alarra’s handmaiden, Eyla, was staring at her with concern.
“You should not be here- where is your brother?” Alarra glanced behind the handmaiden to see Cregan, face grim and hard, approaching her.
“Cregan, what's going on?” Cregan ignored her, continuing his path towards their father’s chambers. Alarra followed closely behind, ignoring the protests of her handmaiden.
Two guards were posted outside of the chambers, frantically scanning Cregan, proud and tall and Alarra’s frame, meek and small. Cregan had said something to the guard but Alarra was not listening because only the worst scenarios had started to display in her mind. Then suddenly, Cregan barged past the two guards, opening the chamber doors with immense force. Alarra followed shortly behind him, her hands clutched tightly in front of her.
Cregan seemed to have a mind of his own, walking towards the large bed across the room. The maester stood by the bed, seeming to be speaking to their father. At the sight of that, Cregan’s shoulders visibly lowered tension leaving his back.
The room smelled old; like dusty books or an old library. Alarra paused her movements when she got to the edge of the bed, and Cregan walked towards the maester.
“What's happened, Maester?” Cregan asked, standing next to him. The maester’s expression dropped, turning to face Cregan.
“Please sit, my lord.” Cregan paused, looking behind his shoulder at Alarra.
“Leave us.”
“But, my lord-”
“I said: leave us.” Cregan bellowed, staring at his father lying on the bed, unmoving.
The maester bowed silently, shuffling out of the room, his quiet footsteps echoing around them.
A cough, sounding like the last gasp of a ghoul, carried through the room and Cregan instantly moved to sit beside their father. Alarra stayed at the edge of the bed, now able to see her fathers deathly pale face. Her father was an alabaster statue, as if he was frozen in time and breath. Another cough rang, and Alarra could visibly see the strain it left on her father.
“My boy…” He whispered, turning to Cregan.
“Father what-”
“No, Cregan you mustn't speak. Listen to me.”
Cregan stopped, like he was holding his breath waiting for father to speak.
“You are my heir. The Lord of Winterfell in a moon’s set-”
“Father-” Cregan protested, his voice cracking.
“Let me finish, please,” Their father started, breathing heavily. Cregan swallowed down his words, nodding.
“You are my boy. My heir, my only boy,” He paused to take a breath.
“You will be the Lord of Winterfell. You will be the King of the North, do you hear me?” Father said, more sternly this time. Cregan had become quiet and still before he spoke again.
“Yes, Father. I-”
“Protect her. Always. I will be right beside you.”
“You will see me again. Whether it’s in the wind whistling the trees before bed or under the dirt, you will see me again, my son.” Their father grasped Cregan’s hand, tightly holding it as best as he could in his weak grip.
“Alarra,” Cregan whispered, turning his head to meet her eyes.
Alarra was standing quietly at the edge of the bed still, her eyes red and she was gasping quietly as she cried. Her father put his hand out, calling her to him. Alarra ran to her father’s side of the bed, getting on her knees beside Cregan.
“Father…” She weeped, eyes wet and cheeks red.
“My firecracker…” Her father said, reaching a hand to her face, using his thumb to wipe a tear away. His hand shook as he rose it, using all of his remaining power. Alarra sniffled her nose running now as she let her tears flow. Cregan put a hand on her shoulder, squeezing lightly.
“Alarra Stark, you will always be a firecracker. Don’t you ever let anyone stop you. No boy, no prince, no scary spider wanting to bite you!” Her father smiled, as Alarra laughed through her sob. Her father started to cough again, this time into a white rag. The cough was more violent, and the lord’s eyes were red and bloodshot. But, it was not from crying.
“When you were still a babe, your mother would say you had not cried once when you came into this world. Into our arms. A babe, silent as the night sky but the stars could not compare to your beauty, my love.” Alarra smiled as best as she could manage through the tears.
“My flourishing flower,” He whispered, grasping her cheek. “You are a true vision of your mother.”
“But, promise me one thing,” He started to say, coughing as he spoke. Alarra’s eyes were glued to her father, as he smiled with love for his children.
“Promise me that you will be true.” He spoke in a hushed tone, eyes glossed over with endearment.
“I promise.” She said, her head held high, lip quivering. I promise that I will always remain a true Stark. And no one, not a boy, a man, or a creature will stop me.
Rickon Stark smiled, glancing at both of his children, a Stark’s visionary.
“You must shine bright my little flame…no matter how small you feel, always shine bright.”
And that is exactly what Alarra did.
On Alarra’s one and three name day, she had begun her path to womanhood. And that path to womanhood had skewed into a path of knighthood.
Alarra had awoken early that morning, before the birds were chirping and the sun began to stream into her room. She was ecstatic. Today she was to be a woman.
“Eyla?” Alarra was standing in front of the mirror, adjusting her dress. She was wearing something new, something that she wasn’t used to. She didn’t realize how much her…chest had seemed to grow overnight. Or at least it felt like that to her.
“Yes, my lady?” Eyla was bent down on the ground, fanning Alarra’s dark blue dress around her.
“How do you know you're truly a woman?” She asked meekly, as Eyla stood wiping her hands on her legs.
“Well that’s up to you, my lady. You choose what makes you feel like a woman.” Eyla stated.
“How did you know?” Alarra questioned, playing with her fingers. Eyla smiled, still looking at the ground.
“When I was ten, I bled in the night. And my mother threw me out, telling me I was a woman and I could fend for myself. But, I didn't feel like a woman. I was still a child. It wasn't until I was one and five that I knew that women have power. More than a man ever will.”
“I haven't bled yet and-”
“My lady, enjoy it. Bleeding is not a celebration.” Eyla wrapped an arm around Alarra, stroking her arm.
“Then why do people rejoice at the sight of it?”
“Because men’s heads are hollow, my lady.” Eyla clasped her hands together.
“Now, let me see your dress! How beautiful you look.” Eyla looked Alarra up and down, scanning her. Alarra’s cheeks turned red and she laughed, rolling her eyes.
“Thank you, Eyla.” Alarra whispered, smiling at the ground, putting her hands on her cheeks. Bashful as a rabbit.
“Since you are one and three, let me teach you a lesson.” Alarra groaned, dropping her hands from her face.
“A lesson. It’s my name day!”
“It’s fun, trust me my lady.” Eyla smirked at Alarra, and turned her so she was facing the mirror again, Eyla behind her.
“Women have something men don’t…” Elya started, stopping behind Alarra, looking at her through the mirror.
“We can speak with our very eyes.” She whispered, clutching Alarra between her hands, grasping at her shoulders.
“How so?” Alarra questioned, eyebrows furrowed into a line.
“Men cannot help but express their emotions,” Eyla said, her eyebrows furrowed in thought. “It is in their blood.”
Alarra’s eyes watched her handmaiden through the mirror, waiting for her to speak again. Eyla stepped next to Alarra, still looking at her through the mirror.
“Watch my eyes…” Alarra nodded quickly. Eyla’s eyes were wide and doe-like at first; like large brown deer pupils. But, just as fast her eyes darkened, a seductive look on her face. Eyla then returned her gaze back to a more tame and blissful look. Eyla smiled at Alarra through the mirror, moving to stand behind her again, before speaking.
“As women we must use our… assets to our advantage.” Eyla pushed her hand between Alarra’s shoulder blades, and Alarra subconsciously bound her chest out.
“Assets?” Alarra blurted out, uncertainty in her voice.
“Our bosoms of course!” Eyla then chuckled at Alarra’s red face.
“You know what a breast is-”
“Yes, I know,” Alarra huffed, slightly annoyed. “I'm not a child anymore. I am one and three!”
“And what a special age that is, my lady.” Eyla grinned at Alarra through the mirror again, putting both her hands on her shoulders and squeezing.
“I trust the Gods will treat you well this year.” But, Eyla had been wrong. And the Gods’ had punished her that year.
Throughout the day, Alarra had been rained with compliments on her new attire. How grown she looked in blue. How her eyes popped, the blue more prominent, in this dress. Her brother had gotten her a gift, and sat with her in the garden, as the sun was starting to set.
Cregan pulled the gift from behind his back. It was long and pointy and covered in a white cloth.
“Open it.” He said handing it to her. Alarra slowly slid the cloth off to reveal a long slender dagger. Alarra gasped, feeling its hilt and tracing her fingers along the dull side of the blade.
“This is Valyrian steel- how did you-”
“The Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch gave it to me… I feel better acquainted with a sword than a tiny knife.” Cregan’s eyes had creased as he flashes Alarra a thin-lipped smile. He seemed nervous and he was visibly fidgeting with his hands; something Alarra regularly did when she was uncertain.
Then, Alarra jumped pulling Cregan into a tight hug. Cregan let out a groan at the harshness (his shoulders were sore from training maliciously), but wrapped his arms around her small frame regardless .
“Thank you.” She whispered, as he tightened his grip on his little sister, his arms almost engulfing her whole.
“I'll teach you how to use it properly, now that this one isn't wooden.” He said teasingly, as she pulled away from him her hands still on his shoulders.
“I promise not to pierce your heart.” She giggled after her statement, taking her hands away from Cregan’s broad frame.
“Now that is true Valyrian steel. Keep it wrapped in the cloth until tomorrow. I don’t want you to cut yourself.”
That night, while Alarra lay in bed, still awake deep into the Castle’s slumber, she laid next to her new friend: the dagger of Valyrian steel. The dagger was sitting next to her, on the thin white bed sheets and Alarra couldn't help but admire its craftsmanship-
Wind blew through the window, the white curtains waving in the soft breeze, and she held her breath. But Alarra had not left the window open. In fact, she specifically remembered closing them. Alarra briskly sat up, looking around the room, scanning for something out of place.
“You're supposed to be asleep.” A low, deep voice rang through her quiet room and Alarra jumped, opening her lips to scream. But, a hand wrapped around her mouth, shoveling her cries down her throat. She wept and wept, kicking and waving her hands above her head as a man, whose face she couldn't see masked by a black cloth, put a knife to her throat. She squirmed, but stopped when the cool metal of the dagger was at her throat.
“Stop. Moving.” He gritted out. Alarra could feel the shake of his hand, a sign he was either nervous or very close to slitting her throat. Alarra screamed loudly in his sweaty palm, as she slashed with her fingers at his face. Her fingers caught his skin, and he let out a groan, covering his left eye.
“You bitch-” He grumbled moving towards her again, but she put her arms out in front of her, speaking for the first time.
“You have about five seconds to kill me before the guards find you… 5, 4-” The man yelled as he slashed at her but she moved slightly, so he'd miss his dagger going into her feather pillow. Alarra rolled off the bed, grabbing her own dagger as she did, staring at the man across from her. Then, her vision got blurry and- red? Alarra groaned as she lifted her hand to her face, red blood covered her sight and hand, smelling the metallic. She laughed, looking up at the man that was now staring at her. His dagger tightly clutched in his hand.
“You nicked me…” Alarra huffed in disbelief, staring at the blood on her hand. Suddenly, the man launched forward across the bed, yelling as he crawled across the bed reaching her. Alarra gasped, dropping the dagger as he pushed her against the wall, choking her throat with his hand. Alarra coughed, hitting his hand, over and over again but he didn't budge. He was strong, stronger than a thirteen-year-old girl, but not skilled. He was messy, and seemed to be running on his anger and not his strategy. Alarra had noticed how he was still shaking, and he breathed heavily squeezing tightly on her throat. Now, Alarra could no longer breathe and she let out short gasps of air.
The man had made a mistake. He was facing her, his lower area facing her in the perfect position- and she kicked, hard, at his prized jewels. He released her, falling to his knees in agony, groaning and moaning. Alarra fell to the ground, coughing violently. She held her chest, looking around for the dagger- her dagger. The dagger was still on the ground and she grabbed it quickly.
“Cunt!” He screamed, and he opened his mouth again to yell but before he could, a dagger positioned itself between his eyes, and blood curdled slowly, covering both his eyes like tears. He was crying blood. She pulled the dagger out, letting a sob fall out from her pink lips. Alarra screamed as she let the dagger hit his skull again, cracking through skin and bone. And she slashed down again and again and again until his body was limp against the bed frame. Alarra straddled his unmoving waist, letting her dagger fall on his face again until his eyes were red holes and his face was spotted in cuts. And now, it wasn't only her own blood that covered her but one of the armed man.
I will always remain a true Stark. And no one, not a boy, a man, or a creature will stop me.
And she kept hitting until hands reached around hers, and she screamed, fighting the person behind her. Her brother had to pull her off of the man, his face now mutilated and unrecognizable.
“It’s me, Alarra.” Her brother whispered, and she dropped to her knees on the ground as he swept her into a hug. Alarra let out a cry of relief as she smelled the musk of her older brother. And she was safe. Cregan held her that night, until morning came, as she cried and the guards took away the disfigured body of the unknown man.
The next day, Alarra bathed until her fingers turned to prunes and the water was ice cold. Her handmaid told her that the water would leave her with a runny nose but she never felt clean. She scrubbed herself until she was raw, like a newborn babe. But she still saw the blood; the way his face felt soft and slick after stabbing it so many times, the way she felt him die beneath her, the way she had almost died, the way she had beat the clutches of death. She escaped the hands of the Seven.
Alarra demanded that her brother teach her how to protect herself, for there would be a time when he would not be there to keep her safe. Alarra was already learning hand-by-hand combat and archery, but decided to focus solely on her swordsmanship. Soon enough, Alarra was a growing prodigy. Courtesy of her older brother of course, but a prodigy nonetheless. Death from the Mother above taught Alarra how to preserve, how to push herself. After beating death, Alarra became a beautiful yet valiant knight with no title to claim.
The first time Alarra looked at her face she wept. She wept for hours. Her face was ruined. A princess with a scar. And it wasn't minuscule. It wasn't a small scar, it was a ginormous line running from the top of her forehead, to the bottom of her chin. Instead of whispers of her heavenly beauty or her hair, they were now filled with whispers of the girl that defeated death. Whispers of the princess with a slash. Whispers of a killer: a savage. Whispers now contained a new nickname, one Alarra was proud to coin.
They called her, Alarra the Fierce.
“Alarra you must not attack your opponent with your sword- lead with your legs- yes just like that!”
Alarra was now freshly one and five, and through two years her swordsmanship had increased and her level of fighting was, as Cregan liked to put it, incredible. The sound of their swords clashing against the other echoed through the training room, and the castle’s staff walked in and out and about the halls but not before glancing at the pair. Both were breathing heavily before Cregan laughed, losing his balance a little at Alarra’s push. Alarra let her guard down before she eventually fell backwards, the tip of Cregan’s sword at her neck.
“You lost focus. And when your life's on the line, will you lose focus then?” Alarra scoffed from the ground as Cregan held his hand out to her. She took it, begrudgingly, and stood next to him. Alarra bit her lip, taking her gloves off before throwing them harshly on the ground.
“I thought you were going to fall-”
“Excuses.” Alarra let out a loud sigh, shaking her head. Both of the siblings removed their armor, before exiting the training hall. One thing about Alarra was that she was stubborn. Whenever she messed up she vowed to never make the same mistake twice. They walked in silence, comfortable silence, until two servants passed them, whispering to each other, their heads low. Alarra caught the last bits of their conversation and realized they were talking about her.
“They whisper as I pass them, brother.”
“Let them. It means they are fearful. And fear will only take you far in this world.” Cregan’s strides were wide but Alarra was able to keep up with him, walking next to his now manly body.
“And what if I don't want people to fear me?”
“Would you rather them love you? Admire you?”
“Yes! I very much would.” Cregan stopped walking, and turned his head to look at Alarra. Her hair was loosely tied into a braid that had been falling out due to their training.
“I want people to love me like they did father. I want them to admire me not… “ Cregan stared at her as she looked beyond him at another passing servant, who hurriedly walked past them. “The first thing they see is this.” Alarra pointed at her scar.
“The first thing they see is your face.” Cregan smirked, crossing his arms.
“No I mean- I only mean that they think I'm some savage.”
“You are Alarra the Fierce, are you not?”
“Yes, but-”
“That name was given to you. You earned it. Don’t let the opinions of others dictate how you carry that name. Embrace it. You are Alarra the Fierce. You are The Princess that Lived. People respect you because of that, and fear is just the outcome of deep honor,” Cregan paused to gather his thoughts.
“Respect is something to be earned, and you earned it the day you were born. You have always been Alarra the Fierce…it was just a matter of when you would realize it.” Cregan then pulled Alarra into a deep hug, smelling like sweat and dirt. Alarra scrunched her nose, as Cregan pushed away from her.
“And Alarra the Fierce smells like she needs a bath.”
The raven had arrived in the morning, calling upon Cregan Stark to visit Dragonstone. The letter had no details that Alarra knew of, and she had remained curious until the day of his departure.
“Can I please come? I hear Jacaerys Velaryon is one of the most handsome in the realm.” Alarra started biting her lip, knowing she'd get a rise out of her older brother. Cregan stopped walking to turn to her, a piece of hair over his right eye.
Alarra sighed, kicking at the grass on the ground.
“And why not?” She asked quietly, still walking closely behind him.
“Because I said so, Alarra.” Cregan said sternly this time and Alarra huffed, rolling her blue eyes that contrasted from her brothers hazel ones. “You are not coming to Dragonstone with me. Have I made myself clear?”
“I am not a child.”
“Yet you act like one, no?”
Alarra bit her cheek, staring at the ground. She was now one and six, slightly annoyed that her older brother always teased her of her age.
“I have never left the North-.”
“Alarra you know why-”
“Yes, yes you vowed to protect me. But, you know damn well I can protect myself.” Alarra spat, walking towards Cregan.
“If I have the ability to protect you, I would do it over again if it means you are safe. I do not care how angry you are at me, as long as you are breathing.” Cregan stepped towards her, as much as he was annoyed, and left a kiss on the top of her head whilst pulling her into a half-hug.
“Cregan-” Cregan stepped away from her and started walking backwards.
“I will see you in two moons. Ser Wildrow will be with you when I am not.”
And Cregan turned, stomping towards a carriage and disappearing beyond the wall.
Two moons had come and gone, and all Alarra had done was train with Ser Wildrow. As much as Ser Wildrow didn't want to admit- he knew Alarra was just as skilled as her older brother. But, there was something different. Something in her eyes that shined. Everytime she had the upper hand her eyes gleamed, a frightening look overtaking her soft feminine features.
“I yield!” Ser Wildrow shouted, breathing heavily as his knees buckled under Alarra’s push.
“Your age is showing, Ser.” Alarra smirked as she started to take off her armor. Though Ser Wildrow wasn’t very old, not much older than her father would've been, she still enjoyed teasing the man.
Ser Wildrow was still on the ground, gradually standing.
“And you just seem to be getting better by the moon, Alarra the Fierce.” Alarra flinched at the nickname. Her alias had come from a night she wanted to forget. She lightly traced the scar with her hand, turning to face Ser Wildrow again.
“Will you bring me to the Wall?”
“Absolutely not, my lady.”
“But, I am Alarra the Fierce. And Alarra the Fierce should be able to visit the wall if she pleases.” Alarra declared, her nose pointed upwards.
Ser Wildrow stared at her for a moment, before he sighed.
“It’s as if you wish for my head on a stick, my lady.”
Ser Wildrow and Alarra were now thousands of feet in the air staring down at the deep, deep snowy landscape beneath her. Her breath fanned around her and she shivered at the cold, having not felt it since she was a child.
“Tis cold.” She murmured, shoving her hands beneath her fur coat.
Ser Wildrow laughed.
“I warned you, did I not my lady?” He smiled at her, burrowing further into his own fur coat.
“Mhm…” She grumbled, whispering profanities under her breath.
“Cregan will have your head if he finds out.”
“You worry too much.”
Silence ensued and the only sound was the wind blowing harshly against them.
“We are very high.”
“Exactly seven hundred feet that spans across three hundred miles from the Ban of Seals to the Gorge, my lady.”
Alarra stared at the fire next to them.
“Why has my brother gone to Dragonstone?”
“It is not my place to say.”
“The Heir to the Iron Throne must have a reason to summon my brother.”
Ser Wildrow remained silent, gazing at the sky that was darkening.
“It is getting dark, my lady-” Ser Wildrow started, looking back up at Alarra from the fire.
“- and your brother will be back in the morrow.”
Cregan stepped out of the carriage, his feet meeting the thick grass of Winterfell. Cregan’s eyes first met his sister’s. She encompassed a wide smile as she ran towards him, giving him a large hug. She pulled away, grinning widely.
“So, is Prince Jacaerys as handsome as they say?” She asked, laughing as her brother rolled his eyes pushing her away lightly.
“You will have to make that decision yourself.”
“Mhm… and you'll let me beyond these walls when I am merely dust and bone.”
Cregan remained silent, his eyebrows furrowed slightly. He’s hiding something.
“Alarra-” A smile graced Alarra’s face and her eyes widened, almost popping out of her skull.
“You’re letting me leave? I get to leave the North? After all these years?” Alarra stepped towards Cregan surveying his face, but he sighed putting two fingers on his temple.
“Alarra, let’s go inside-” Cregan reached a hand to pull her arm with him, towards the hall but Alarra shoved his arm away.
“No. Tell me now.” She ordered, tipping her chin upwards. A confident gesture. But, the next words that escaped his mouth were not something the Princess of the North were thinking she’d hear. She was hoping she could be free. Travel the country of Westeros with her elder brother by her side. Hence never leaving his side or the city of Winterfell, she yearned to escape. To leave. To see what lies beyond the clutches of an eerie landscape with nothing but trees and people like herself. But, she was now to be locked away in another castle, far away from her brother.
“I have given your hand to Joffrey Velaryon.”
A/N: Hi! Thank you so so much for reading! This is my first time ever posting or writing a fanfiction so please leave me some feedback. LMK if theres any corrections to be made or grammatical/spelling errors! This chapter is mainly to introduce you to the FMC (Alarra Stark, my OC) and to give you a glimpse into her past and future. Her and Aemond wont meet for two more chapters, so stay tuned!
PS I am NOT finished with Game of Thrones but I AM finished with House of the Dragon so let me know if i made any canon mistakes and if not it is now fanon! Lol and no spoilers please
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the-iron-shoulder · 7 months ago
2020 cross stitch of Rubicant
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[image description: a cross stitch on white aida cloth of a sprite of Rubicant, from Final Fantasy 4. He is a red, demonic figure wrapped in a bright red cloak with blue splotches. The text on it says “was it glam? I will show you how!” The word “glam” is significantly larger and fancier than the surrounding text. The photo is taken in sunlight, showing off how much of the floss used is metallic and/or glossy. End description.]
made this in 2020 for my cousin! It’s a riff on a line from Final Fantasy IV, specifically the SNES translation (which, as we all know, was not exactly a modern translation). In the game, the party is up against Rubicant, the Fiend of Fire. Rubicant reveals that he was responsible for some Bad Stuff involving a party member’s family; that party member gets furious and (on the spot) learns a fire spell because of that anger, which he immediately casts at Rubicant. Since Rubicant is immune to fire, he just shrugs it off, tossing out a (maybe not perfectly translated) line that I absolutely love: “Was it Flame? I will show you how!”
(I think a more modern translation would be something like “you call that fire magic? Let me show you how it’s done!” but that doesn’t resonate with me the way the original does.)
Anyway, Rubicant’s sprite changes over the course of the battle, and in one of his two poses he’s sticking this weirdly muscular leg out of his cloak like he’s Louis XIV of France making sure that his portrait painter shows off his exquisite calves. Long story short, that inspired the text on this piece. Was it glam? I will show you how!
The photo kind of shows off the fact that this piece is SHINY. I used a lot of satin floss and a lot of metallic floss for different parts of it, so this thing straight up gleams in the right light. I think that’s appropriate for the vibe I was aiming for!
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odyssean-flower · 2 years ago
The Chief Justice and the Worst Painter in Fontaine Chapter 4 - The Chief Justice, the Painter, and the Lovely Picnic
Summary: It was supposed to be your time to relax and get in touch with your (extremely) buried creative side…but then your boss showed up. A/N: 4th and final chapter! tbh i feel like that title doesn't apply to the work that well, but i like the sound of it so i'm not changing it! Word count: 6.3k Masterpost here
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 (Bonus Scenes) || Chapter 4
The hot and sultry summer changed into a cool and crisp autumn. Unlike the seasons, your relationship with Neuvillette didn't change so drastically, but it did change.
For one thing, you two finally stopped apologizing to each other every other sentence. After your friendship was "officially" decided, the tense and polite formality between you two had dissipated. Of course, you weren't hugging him or anything like that, but you felt at ease enough to put your hand on his shoulder or touch his arm. Although, you noticed that he would only reciprocate if you touched him first.
And another thing-you two were conversing more. Well, it was mostly you talking and him listening. Neuvillette seemed to be the type who didn't mind staying silent for long periods of time until someone talked to him, and he was a good listener. You talked to him about trivial things like what you've been reading lately, or a new dessert you've tried. You tried to avoid talking about your personal life or work-related things. He was still your boss, after all, and your friendship with him was so delicate and fragile, like a glass orb, that sharing too much felt like it would strain it. 
With the cost of buying canvas and paints hurting your wallet, you decided to switch to a more affordable art-related hobby: sketching. Now you no longer had to lug around your easel and canvas. With just a sketchpad and pencil, you had more freedom to move around than before. You took to it like a fish in water, sketching little animals, flowers, and buildings. You didn't want to brag, but you felt like you were much better at this than at painting. Or maybe you improved your art skills in general through painting?
When he heard about your money troubles, Neuvillette offered to buy the supplies for you, but you adamantly refused. You didn't want him to spend money on you when he had already done so much, and painting was always just a means to an end anyway. 
Neuvillette still took you around to various scenic places. He would tell you about the historical events that occurred there like he had been there in person (though he never talked about his own past), and point out all the interesting but unseen things about them. But more than learning, you loved listening to him talk and watching his face as he did so. The elusive, nearly imperceptible curving of his lips or the way his eyes would soften whenever they landed on a water creature was fascinating to study. How can anyone think he's cold and unfeeling? You wondered.
But sometimes you felt a painful tug on your heart, though you didn't know why. You felt it when you looked at his tall, broad back as he walked in front of you, or in the silences that followed after you finished chattering about something. You had an inkling as to the source of these feelings, but the fear of exactly what you would find there made you deliberately not think about it.
However, it was easy to push such things to the back of your mind when you walked with Neuvillette under the warm sun or sketched something that caught your eye while he waited patiently for you. It was your secret, fervent wish that such golden days would last forever.
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On a certain autumn day, you and Neuvillette were on the slopes of Mont Automnequi, admiring the changing colors of the leaves. From a distance, it looked as though the slopes were covered in flickering red and orange flames. You had brought colored pencils for the occasion and couldn't wait to use them.
The two of you settled down in a spot that had a good view of the trees but was also within a short distance of the water. It was almost an instinctual thing by now, how you two would always gravitate to the sea.
As you were getting out your sketchpad, a cool breeze suddenly blew through you, causing you to shiver. You were wearing a sweater, but it seemed that it wasn't thick enough. 
"You should be dressing warmer for the weather. You'd catch a terrible cold," Neuvillette scolded you. 
"Yeah," you agreed. "But it's fine. I don't get sick easily."
It was true. You could count on one hand the number of times you've ever gotten sick.
But Neuvillette didn't seem convinced. To your amazement, he took off his outer jacket-or rather, jackets, you didn't even know he was wearing two-and placed them over your shoulders. They were voluminous and heavy, practically drowning you in their fine fabrics.
"Y-You can't, sir!" you spluttered. Without his two coats, Neuvillette was only in his vest and white shirt. "What if you get cold?" 
"I am made of much sturdier stuff than that. There's no need to worry about me. Humans are such fragile creatures, you must take good care of yourself."
You tried to protest some more, but he wasn't having it. You eventually stopped as the warmth from his jackets seeped into you. They held a scent that inexplicably reminded you of clear waterfalls and the pavement after it rained. It was a pleasant, refreshing scent...wait...
Your face turned bright red when you realized what you were doing. Not only were you surrounding yourself with the Chief Justice's body heat, but you were smelling his clothes as well. 
Don't be weird, don't be weird... You chanted in your head. You snuck a peek at Neuvillette to see if he noticed how flustered you got and turned even redder.
Without his customary--dare you say, trademark--deep blue coats, Neuvillette almost looked like a completely different person. Less imposing and grand. You would even go so far as to say that he looked vulnerable, but he had a sturdy, virile build--
Stop thinking and start sketching, the tiny part of your brain that remained your voice of reason commanded. 
Your hands moved on their own, moving across the paper with the pencil. In order to distract yourself further, you spoke as you sketched.
"Monsieur Neuvillette, I heard that you're going to be presiding over an important case next weekend."
It was a complicated case of fraud that involved a great many people, so it was necessary to question them all. This wasn't the first time Neuvillette had to miss a weekend. You were surprised that it didn't happen more often.
"Yes. I truly regret that I can't come here with you again next week. That is when the leaves are at their most beautiful."
"Well, I think they look incredible right now. I wish I'd brought a picnic basket. It's the perfect weather for baked treats like pies and brownies."
"A picnic, huh..." Neuvillette stroked his chin. "A fine idea."
"We can have one after next week. What kind of foods do you enjoy eating, sir? I can try making them." Come to think of it, you had never seen Neuvillette eat. Sometimes, you would bring sandwiches and offer one to him, but he would always decline. Maybe he didn't need to eat?
"Hmm...I suppose I do enjoy bacon. Stews as well."
"Bacon?" That was unexpected. You thought it would be something fancier. Maybe you could make bacon sandwiches or something.
You switched your pencil for a colored one and started coloring idly. The red and yellow leaves fluttered this way and that, sometimes landing in the water. The contrast between the colors of the leaves and the water was very pretty. You should sketch that too...
You looked down at your drawing and choked back a gasp. There wasn't a single drawing of trees in sight. Instead, the paper held a sketch of Neuvillette's face. 
It was a surprisingly nice sketch. In fact, you would call it one of your best works yet. It was Neuvillette's head in profile, his eyes fixed on some distant point, his hair a waterfall down his back. You had been coloring the blue streaks in his hair. 
How did this happen! You wanted to scream. Luckily, Neuvillette wasn't facing you then, but he would want to see what you drew. You quickly tore the sketch out and stuffed it in your pocket. 
Neuvillette heard the tearing sound and turned around. "Was there something wrong with your drawing?"
"Um, y-yes! Something very wrong! It's not fit to be seen! At all!" you stammered. 
"I highly doubt that. Every one of your works is a treat for the eyes."
You laughed shakily. "You really do know how to encourage someone, sir. Have you considered coming around more to the Maison Gestion? I think just a few of your words will be able to boost the morale there for a whole week."
"Really? If you say so, then I shall try doing that."
"Oh, no, that was a joke--" Just then, a red leaf twirled and fluttered, landing in Neuvillette's hair. Reflexively, you leaned forward and picked it out. Your fingers brushed against the silky white strands. He was taller than you, so you had to stand on your tip toes and lean close to him in order to reach the leaf. Too close, in fact. Your noses were practically touching.
For a heartbeat, neither of you said anything. You saw yourself reflected in his eyes. Did he also see himself in yours? His throat bobbed. You were probably making him uncomfortable. You should step back now. The sun was beating down on you harshly. How strange. It was supposed to be cooler today. You really should move back--
Neuvillette made the first move and took a few steps back. The leaf spiraled down from your hand.
"T-There was a leaf in your hair, sir," you said weakly. 
He simply nodded. 
You turned away to hide your flushed face. Your heart was pounding wildly. What happened back there? Where were all these feelings coming from?
"[Name]," you heard him call out to you and turned around. "It may be presumptuous of me to ask this of you, but I would very much like for you to--"
There was the loud blaring of a ship's foghorn. It drowned out the rest of Neuvillette's sentence.
"What were you saying, sir? I couldn't hear you."
Neuvillette stared at you for a few seconds, then shook his head. "...No, it is nothing. Please forget about it."
You spend the rest of your time together in companionable, albeit somewhat tense, silence. When you got home, you reached into your pocket for the sketch of Neuvillette's face but discovered that it wasn't there. Where had it gone?
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"Hey, do you want to go watch the trial tomorrow? They say that it's going to be a real spectacle."
Your roommate asked you on Friday night. She was referring to the fraud case. It was all over the newspapers and all that your coworkers were talking about this week. It was rumored that the tickets had sold out within ten minutes.
"How did you get tickets for that?"
"I have my ways," your roommate said mysteriously. "So, do you want to go?"
You thought about it for a moment. Normally, you would have said no. You had never really found trials entertaining, and ever since you became friends with Neuvillette, it felt even weirder to go to a trial. It felt like you were crossing some invisible line, even though you couldn't think of any reason why it would be inappropriate.
You won't lie, you were kind of interested in the outcome. And besides, it wasn't like you had anything to do tomorrow.
"Sure, I'll go," you nodded.
Your roommate raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Really? I thought you'd turn me down, considering how you're always out doing art stuff on the weekends."
"Well...it's good to change things up once in a while. Plus, it always rains after a trial, right?"
"Yeah. Although there hadn't been any trials scheduled on the weekend lately."
"Really?" You didn't pay attention to that kind of thing.
"Yep," your roommate gave you a sly look. "I heard that the Chief Justice himself specifically arranged things like that.
"Huh..." you said, trying your best to sound nonchalant. You were sure that you never gave anyone any hint of your relationship with Neuvillette.
Your roommate gave you another meaningful look. "Alright, then, let's get up early tomorrow so we can get there on time."
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The trial was as dramatic and intense as you had expected, but you found that your mind wasn't focused on it, despite--or because of--how loud the whole performance was, you caught yourself longing for the clear air of the outdoors, the sounds of the waves and birds.
The one thing that did keep your attention was Neuvillette himself. Though this wasn't your first time seeing him presiding over a trial, you were struck by just how different he was at work. He questioned the witnesses thoroughly, and his reprimands for the rowdy audience descended like a towering wave crashing down into the seats. He was seated high above the audience's seats, but you could feel his apprising gaze distinctly.
If it weren't for the times you spent together, you would have never imagined him capable of speaking to anyone warmly with that voice. Or be a water connoisseur. Or compliment your amateurish paintings so sincerely that even you began to wonder if they weren't as bad as you thought.
You briefly wondered if he, like you, longed to be in the wilds of Fontaine. It was an impertinent thought. Neuvillette was a man who took his job with the utmost seriousness.
You were sitting near the back row, which was more elevated compared to the front rows, but you still had to crane your neck just to see that blue and white figure. You wondered if he could see you down here. Probably not. You were just one small speck among many. 
You felt that painful tug on your heart again. 
The trial eventually ended with the accused being pronounced guilty and sentenced to prison. As you got up from your seat to join the masses of people leaving the opera house, but your roommate tugged at your sleeve and said, "Hey, mind staying behind? I want to talk to you about something."
You blinked in confusion but shrugged and sat back down. However, she didn't speak right away. It seemed that she was waiting for everyone to leave. You had a bad feeling about this.
When the last stragglers finally left, your roommate took a deep breath and turned to you.
"Are you dating Monsieur Neuvillette?"
You stared at her. Her eyes were completely serious. "W-What? No, of course not! Why would you even think that?" you splutter. Stay calm, stay calm. It's the truth, I'm not d-dating him!
"Well, I don't have any concrete evidence," your roommate admitted. "But there are some things that don't add up. For instance, you know how I mentioned that the Chief Justice personally arranged his schedule so that he wouldn't have any trials on the weekends. Well, that all started happening around the time you took up your painting."
"So? It's just a coincidence."
"I also noticed that the weekends where you don't go outside the city match up with the weekends where there are trials."
"Because it rains on those days!"
"Hmm, makes sense," your roommate nodded to herself. "Oh, another thing. The Melusines have been getting really friendly with you lately."
It was more like the other way around. The Melusines you ran into the streets or at work would all run up to you and greet you happily. Some of them even offered to help you carry your bags or give you little gifts, like wildflowers. It was a bit embarrassing for you.
"Aren't they always like that with everyone?"
"Sure, but not to this extent. And like I mentioned before, it only started happening when you started painting."
"That doesn't mean anything! Maybe I just befriended them while I was out."
Your roommate sighed, like she was fed up. "[Name], I saw the note in your drawer. It mentioned Monsieur Neuvillette."
"...Huh?" What note? You retraced your memories until you finally remembered. The note you left in your drawer before you left to go underwater with Neuvillette. Looking back now, you were extremely paranoid. "Oh, that note!"
Yeah, you weren't explaining your way out of this one. "Okay, fine. Yes, Monsieur Neuvillette and I are...acquainted. He takes me around to different drawing spots on the weekends. But we're not dating each other! We're just f-friends!"
"Friends, huh... Okay, I won't pry into what you do on the weekends. But I just wish you told me about it."
"It's not something I can just tell someone."
"Is it?" your roommate raised her eyebrows. "Even though you're just friends? You know me, I'm not the kind of person who will sell you out to the tabloids or anything. I just...felt a bit sad. We haven't been hanging out together on the weekends lately."
"..." You looked down. You and your roommate both worked at the Palais Mermonia and came home pretty late at night, so you usually relaxed together on the weekends by going shopping together or going to cafes. You haven't done that at all recently, though. 
I'm such a terrible friend, you thought to yourself.
"Hey...I'm not blaming you. If I could spend alone time with the Chief Justice himself gazing at the beautiful scenery, I'd also ditch you in a heartbeat," your friend laughed, which only made you feel worse.
"I'm sorry...I swear I'll make it up to you! Next week!" you remembered the picnic. "No, the week after that!"
"Oh, not next week? You've got some special plans with Monsieur Neuvillette?" your friend teased. 
"No...not really..." you mumbled.
"Now that I know who you're hanging out with these days, it makes sense to me why you turned that person down when they asked to grab a coffee with you last Saturday, even though they've been your obsession ever since you started working at the Palais."
"Oh, them," Your friend was referring to a coworker who worked in a different department. You have had a huge crush on them, but strangely, you haven't been thinking about them at all recently. "I already had plans that day to go see the autumn leaves."
"And Monsieur Neuvillette, too, right?" your friend grinned. "Ah, I feel sorry for that guy. If only he knew who he was up against."
"I told you it's not like that!" you punched your friend's arm lightly, but your mood had considerably lightened. As you looked at your friend's laughing face, you made a promise to yourself that you would definitely spoil her the week after the next. 
The two of you finally decided to leave the opera house. However, as soon as you went outside, you were met with slate-gray skies and torrential rain. "Huh, that's weird," your friend muttered. "It hadn't rained like this in a while."
Neither of you noticed the flutter of stately blue robes, or the wearer of said robes gripping a piece of sketch paper in his hand.
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The rain continued without ceasing that day, or the week after. 
People were getting worried, and some were even whispering that the prophecy was beginning in full force. The streets were grey and sloshing with water, and the sky was always covered in thick clouds. 
You must have been the only person in Fontaine who wished for the rain to continue on forever.
On the Monday after the trial, you received a note from a strangely desolate-looking Sedene.
You soon found out why she had that look on her face. 
"I am writing to inform you that we will no longer be meeting each other on the weekends as before. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience I have caused you."
That was all that was written.
It felt like the world had crashed down around you. You read and reread the note over and over, wondering if you had read something wrong, or if you missed something. But the words didn't change. You even asked Sedene if Neuvillette had said anything, but she told you that he didn't. 
Neuvillette no longer wanted to see you.
You didn't really remember how you got through the day after that. It felt like a blur. The rest of the week went by in the same way. You spent the weekend in bed, crying.
The next week was no better, both in terms of the weather and your mood. It felt like something vital had been taken from you. All you could think was, Why? Was it because you went to the trial? Was it because you were taking up too much of his time? Yes, that must be it. Your roommate had said that he rearranged his schedule to make his weekends free. Everyone knew that the Chief Justice was swamped with work. You should consider it a miracle that he was able to spare so much time for you. And now everything was going back to how they were before. That was how it should be. 
Yeah, you knew that this couldn't last forever. 
Telling yourself that, you threw yourself into work. Just because your boss didn't want to see you anymore, it didn't mean that work was over. You couldn't quit, since you were no good at anything else. You even took on extra work, staying late at night in the office. Your worried coworkers and friends kept trying to get you to rest, but you brushed them off. It might seem counterintuitive to spend so much time in a place so closely linked to Neuvillette, but anything was better than being alone with your thoughts.
Your roommate, unable to just watch you work yourself to the bone anymore, forced you to take a day off. 
"You need to talk to him," she said after you told her what happened.
"...I can't do that," you mumbled. You were lying in bed. It was so warm and comfortable here. You wished you could stay under the covers forever and never go out. 
Your roommate sighed and put her hands on her hips. "Why?"
You looked at her incredulously. "Because he's the Chief Justice of Fontaine? I can't just barge into his office and demand answers from him!"
"I didn't say that. Although, I wouldn't blame you if you did. My point is, what does his being the Chief Justice have to do with this? You two are friends, aren't you? Friends are supposed to be equals. Yeah, you're in a lower position than him, but that doesn't mean you don't deserve respect!"
"But this is different..." you insisted feebly. "He'd done so much for me, and all I've done is take advantage of his kindness."
"From what you've told me, it doesn't sound like that's the case at all. He was the one who kept offering to take you to places, and he never asked for anything back, right? He never used his authority over you. You know what I think? I think you do mean something to him, or else he would have stopped bothering with you a long time ago. Something unexpected must have happened to cause him to break it off with you."
"..." You turned over.
You heard a sigh. "Listen, [Name]. I've seen your face when you get back from painting. You looked happier than I had ever seen you. Do you really want to give all that up without a fight? Or even just closure?"
The sound of footsteps exiting your room eventually faded, but your friend's words remained in your mind.
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The second offensive was far more blunt and overt. 
"I'm being mobbed," you said to no one in particular. 
You were surrounded by a gaggle of Melusines. Their heads only reached up to your thigh, so you could probably get out if you tried, but it was their tear-filled eyes that stopped you.
"Please make up with Monsieur Neuvillette!" they cried out in unison.
"He's miserable without you, can't you see?" one of the Melusines, Everallin, said, gesturing at the sky. You looked up. It was raining as always.
"See what?" you said, confused.
The Melusines looked at each other for a moment, then said, "Never mind." 
Another Melusine named Menthe spoke up. "Anyways, please go talk to him!"
"But...he was the one who told me not to see him anymore!" And besides, you heard that he hadn't been in his office for the past two weeks.
"Our Father isn't the best at expressing himself to humans," a third Melusine, Liath, piped up. "Especially the ones he really likes."
"Wait," you suddenly felt dizzy. "He likes me?"
"Yeah," Everallin nodded. "You always talk to him, and you treat him like a normal person! He always asks us for advice on how to act around you. He's so busy all the time, so you're like...his sanctuary!"
You didn't really know how to deal with this information. "He talks about me to you all?"
The Melusines looked at each other again. "Uh, Everallin, you weren't supposed to tell them that," Menthe whispered.
For the first time in what seemed like forever, you felt like laughing. Maybe, just maybe, your roommate was right. "Okay, everyone. I'll try."
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The crimson leaves had mostly turned brown and rotted off of the branches, leaving them bare. The ground was somewhat damp, although you brought a thick blanket with you that blocked the moisture from seeping through. It was no scenery for a picnic, but there was nothing you could do about it. 
At least it wasn't raining anymore. However, the sky was still overcast, still threatening to rain at any moment. 
You put down your picnic basket and sat down, gazing off into the distance. Today, you would find out once and for all if your relationship with Neuvillette was truly over. 
After the meeting with the Melusines, you decided to confront Neuvillette once and for all, if only to put your own mind at ease. 
First, you wrote a note for Neuvillette. It read as follows:
Monsieur Neuvillette,
I hope this finds you well. I have received your previous note, and I respect your decision. However, I would very much like to have that picnic with you, one last time. Though I can't possibly imagine your thoughts and reasons, I do know one thing for certain: our relationship deserves to end on a good note. 
I will be waiting for you at the spot where we viewed the autumn leaves together. Please feel free to come or disregard this note entirely. I am fine with either choice and wish you the best.
You entrusted it to Sedene, who eagerly assured you that she would get it to Neuvillette no matter what. Did all the Melusines in the city know about you two? 
Next, you and your roommate worked together to make the picnic. You also asked the Melusines for advice on what to make, and they were only too happy to help. You made a promise to yourself that no matter what happened (and the big dent it would make in your savings), you would treat your roommate and the Melusines to a big meal in the future. 
You had been hesitant about the picnic at first since it felt foolish to do all that work without even knowing if Neuvillette would show up. But your friend reasoned that "at least you'll have a nice meal to comfort yourself with," and you agreed.
And now the day had arrived. 
You weren't sure where you should be looking. You didn't think you could handle looking at him approaching you directly, but you had no idea which direction he would be coming from. You adjusted your seated position several times. Should you sit cross-legged or with your legs stretched out for a more casual, nonchalant feel? Your stomach was making little flips, and your palms were clammy despite the cool temperature. You tried not to think about anything, especially the possibility that he wouldn't show up. 
The clouds threatened to rain at any moment. They loomed so closely that it felt like you could practically touch them. 
Inexplicably, you recalled that old legend of the hydro dragon and how it rained when it cried. You wondered what it was so sad about these days.
"Hey, hydro dragon!" you shout up at the sky, mostly to relieve your own tension. "I'm going to need you to hold back those tears for today! Or else I'll never forgive you!" Man, yelling does feel really good.
You glare at the clouds, which, to your astonishment, parted a little before your eyes. Oh Archons...is the hydro dragon listening to me?
"The hydro dragon would not deserve your forgiveness," a familiar and, as you realized now, dearly missed voice sounded from behind you.
Why does he keep showing up at the worst times? You resisted the urge to jump into the sea and turned around. 
Neuvillette looked as stately and elegant as he always did, but you thought that his eyes held a hint of melancholy that wasn't there before. 
"Monsieur Neuvillette!" your voice cracked, and you cleared your throat. "You really came! I'm so happy to see you...haha..."
Neuvillette didn't say anything but simply stared at you. He was probably thinking he made a huge mistake coming here. You decided that you would simply barrel on without thinking about anything. That could all come later.
"Sit, sir!" you patted the blanket. "Now, I know that you said that you no longer want to see me, but I think it's a shame to end things on such an abrupt note. Even though the weather isn't cooperating with us right now, I do want to enjoy this lovely picnic with you. It's made by me, my roommate, and the Melusines."
You smiled with what you hoped was a reassuring smile, but it seemed to backfire once again, as Neuvillette seemed to clench his jaw and step back. Maybe he thought you poisoned the food. 
You opened the basket and took out the food to show him that it was completely safe. "See, I've got bacon and mushroom sandwiches, apple pie, Poissonchant pie, and a nice warm carrot stew made from the purest waters in Fontaine. Oh, and I also have bottles of that water if you prefer that. The Melusines helped me get it from the mountains up north." 
Neuvillette was still standing, looking down at you with an indescribable expression. Act cool, [Name], you told yourself and bit into a sandwich. It really was good. You tried your best to act unbothered and nonchalant.
Finally, Neuvillette sat down and reached for one of the bottles of water. He brought it to his mouth and drank it, then slowly closed his eyes. Success! But now you suddenly realized how small this blanket was. Your knees were practically touching his. You turned your head to the side to avoid staring at him but felt a gaze on the back of your head as you did so.
The two of you ate and drank in silence. It was awkward, to say the least. You kept thinking about how to bring up the main topic. Should you subtly lead up to it or ask him outright? The picnic was diminishing; soon it would be finished, and he would have no reason to stay here any longer. You imagined him his tall back walking away from you. Maybe that would be the last you'd ever see of it. Your heart clenched. You didn't want that to happen, not while you still had the power to stop it.
"Um..." you ventured, but before you could say anything, Neuvillette spoke first.
"...You shouldn't have wasted your time and efforts on me. I'm unworthy of it after how I treated you." His voice was quiet, so much so that you had to lean closer to hear him.
"Well, it was a pretty cold move to suddenly tell someone you're not going to see them anymore through a note, without even giving them a reason," you admitted. A raindrop landed on your nose. "But I don't think we're past the point of no return yet. After all, I decided to do this, and you agreed to meet with me."
Neuvillette didn't say anything. You decided to take this as a good sign.
"So...why did you send me that note? Was it something I did?" 
"No, of course not. You've never been anything less than delightful," the speed with which he said that was surprising. "The fault lies with me. I completely forgot my position in regard to you."
You tilted your head, not understanding.
There was a brief pause before he continued. "I was very pleased when you agreed to join me on the second weekend, and the subsequent weekends after. I believed that you...enjoyed my company, just as much as I did yours. I wanted to take you to as many places as I could, just so I could see your reactions to them. And yet, I failed to consider the fact that you might not want to go on these trips, or that you might have felt an obligation to accompany me because I am your superior. And then I learned that because of me, your personal life has been affected negatively."
"Huh? What do you mean by my personal life?"
Neuvillette's expression didn't really change, but you thought that he looked a bit embarrassed. "...I overheard your conversation with your friend in the opera house. Because of my willfulness, you have been neglecting your friends and...unable to pursue romantic relationships."
Your mind was whirling with all this new information. "Wait, wait, hold on. You overheard that conversation? Does that mean you saw me in the audience that day?"
"Oh...if you were close enough to hear us, does that mean...you wanted to talk to me after the trial?"
"Yes. I wanted to compliment you on your sketch."
"Sketch?" At your quizzical look, Neuvillette slowly pulled out a well-thumbed piece of paper from his pocket. It looked like it had been opened and closed many times. He handed it to you, and you opened it. 
It was the sketch of Neuvillette you had unconsciously done all those weeks ago. It felt like an eternity had passed since then.
You looked up to see him staring at you intently, his eyes filled with naked hope and self-loathing. It was like you were looking at yourself in the mirror.
You were also somewhat reminded of those otters you saw underwater, but you weren't about to tell him that.
Laughter bubbled up within you. Your roommate was right. When you got right down to it, the two of you were the same.
You carefully placed the sketch back in his hand and closed his fingers over it. Then, you looked right into his eyes. "Monsieur Neuvillette...you are a great fool."
He blinked, then nodded. "Yes."
"At first, it might have been as you said. I went to the places you told me to be because I was so scared of offending you. But as I got to know you more, I learned that you were nothing like what I was expecting, and I began to look forward to our time together eagerly every week. Because of you, I saw and learned things that I would have never encountered. I chose to spend time with you because I like you," Realizing that could cause misunderstandings, you added, somewhat weakly, "As a very, very dear friend to me. If anything, I'm the one who should be feeling guilty for forcing you to rearrange your schedule just to make time for me or making you feel obliged to take me to places."
"It's no great matter. I can simply make up that work during the week. And thinking of places to invite you to has never been a chore."
"Don't overwork yourself," you couldn't help but scold. "So, you see, we're both chronic worriers who constantly overthink everything, not realizing that everything can be solved by just talking to each other."
Neuvillette smiled. It was a small smile, but your breath caught. "Yes, I suppose we are."
"Next time, I'll be the one inviting you somewhere. I actually know some pretty niche spots in the city. Oh, but you might already know them, though."
"Please don't worry about that. I'll be happy to follow you to wherever you may take me."
"So, that means there will be a next time, then?" you said.
"But of course. We need to make up for lost time, after all."
"Great! Oh, maybe we can invite my friend or the Melusines on some outings, too?"
"As long as it makes you happy, I will never say no to it."
You turned red. Sometimes, Neuvillette would say the strangest things that made your heart beat faster and your legs feel restless.
"But, there is one thing I want to ask of you," Neuvillette said. He sounded serious.
"What is it?"
"As we are friends...I believe it is improper for only one party to address the other with their title, so..." he trailed off. Was Neuvillette nervous?"
"Oh!" You got what he wanted to say. "Do you want me to call you by just your name?"
"Yes, very much so."
The sun broke through the clouds at that moment. You saw slivers of blue sky for the first time in weeks. It looked like this bad weather was finally ending.
"Wow, look at that," you breathe. "Do you think the hydro dragon is happy now?"
You could hear Neuvillette's smile in his voice as he said, "Yes, I think he is."
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ghulehvous · 8 months ago
Fanfic Fan-club June / July 2024
Some of my May / June / July fanfic highlights. I intended to this monthly no I’ll try. But I came out of eye surgery in May severely sight impaired and hyperlinking is a bitch…
I’ve tried to give a range and recommend some different authors from past time. Enjoy! (I’ve tagged the author where o knew their Tumblr name - let me know if you know any I’ve missed)
ABBA-Esque by richcreamybutter: one of my go-to comfort reads. Terzo/Copia in a snowy, Swedish cabin. (A delicious long fic with 4 complete parts, smut glorious smut, older fic)
Dawn Chorus by @her-satanic-wiles : T|his is such an interesting take on Dracopia, who captures a banished angel (in progress, make sure to read the content warnings)
I Knew Nothing but Shadows by @writingjourney : Papa IV/reader though more of an OC who is the Ministry’s painter in residence with a mysterious past. I’ve really been enjoying this version of Papa IV (in progress, a great mix of mystery and smut)
Rubenesque by @da-rulah : a delicious one-shot with retired Secondo, who’s taken up,painting, and his muse/lover. Also check out Rituale Septem - another of my comfort reads. (Smut glorious smut, one shot, make sure you check content warnings for body image)
The Guidance of the Morning Star By AlexYverr: Papa III is ascending to the papacy but it won’t be easy, especially when his family is being tight-lipped about the secrets of the void and he’s also dealing with the return of an old flame. (In progress, fantastic world building with demons and magic and plenty of mystery)
The Celi-Bet by @papasmicstand : A super fun. Shorter fic where all four Papas pledge “no nut November” - who will make it to the end of the month unscathed? (Shorter, humorous fic, smut glorious smut)
Would love to hear more about what you’ve been reading!
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acotars · 1 year ago
books read in 2024
⋆ ⭒˚.⋆ january ⋆.˚⭒ ⋆
one dark window (the shepherd king #1) by rachel gillig
the murder on the links (hercule poirot #2) by agatha christie
pageboy by elliot page
house of sky and breath (crescent city #2) by sarah j. maas
rogue protocol (the murderbot diaries #3) by martha wells
cult classic by sloane crosley
malibu rising by taylor jenkins reid
the beauty of your face by sahar mustafah
exit strategy (the murderbot diaries #4) by martha wells
animal farm by george orwell
everyone in this room will someday be dead by emily austin
carrie soto is back by taylor jenkins reid
a court this cruel & lovely (kingdom of lies #1) by stacia stark
the rules do not apply by ariel levy
poirot investigates (hercule poirot #3) by agatha christie
yellowface by rebecca f kuang
every heart a doorway (wayward children #1) by seanan mcguire
house of flame and shadow (crescent city #3) by sarah j. maas
read: 18
* · ✦ · * february * · ✦ · *
beautyland by marie-helene bertino
bride by ali hazelwood
network effect (the murderbot diaries #5) by martha wells
fugitive telemetry (the murderbot diaries #6) by martha wells
faebound (faebound #1) by saara el-arifi
the raven boys (the raven cycle #1) by maggie stiefvater **
read: 6
.✦.· *. march .*· .✦.
interesting facts about space by emily austin
penance by eliza clark
the book that no one wanted to read by richard ayoade
pride and prejudice by jane austen
unlikeable female characters: the women pop culture wants you to hate by anna bogutskaya
the shame by makenna goodman
greta & valdin by rebecca k. reilly
read: 7
✷ · ✶ · ✧ april ✧ · ✶ · ✷
this spells love by kate robb
out on a limb by hannah bonam-young
gwen & art are not in love by lex croucher
a lady's guide to scandal by sophie irwin
the friendship study by ruby barrett
the boyfriend candidate by ashley winstead
the pumpkin spice cafe by laurie gilmore
business or pleasure by rachel lynn solomon
how to end a love story by yulin kuang
this could be us (skyland #2) by kennedy ryan
the honeymoon crashers (the unhoneymooners #1.5) by christina lauren
we could have been friends, my father and i by raja shehadeh
how to stop time by matt haig
how to fake it in hollywood by ava wilder
with love from cold world by alicia thompson
funny story by emily henry
love radio by ebony ladelle
old flames and new fortunes by sarah hogle
just for the summer by abby jimenez
don't want you like a best friend by emma r. alban
love interest by clare gilmore
the exception to the rule (the improbable meet-cute #1) by christina lauren
worst wingman ever (the improbable meet-cute #2) by abby jimenez
with any luck (the improbable meet-cute #5) by ashley poston
last call at the local by sara grunder ruiz
happily never after by lynn painter
the ex talk by rachel lynn solomon
i kissed shara wheeler by casey mcquiston
the love wager by lynn painter
morning glory milking farm by c.m. nacosta
will they or won't they by ava wilder
read: 31
. ° * ☆ may ☆ * ° .
when the sky fell on splendor by emily henry
on earth we're briefly gorgeous by ocean vuong
blizzard by marie vingtras
bright young women by jessica knoll
the age of magical overthinking: notes on modern irrationality by amanda montell
the flatshare by beth o'leary **
read: 6
⋆ ˚.⋆ june ⋆.˚ ⋆
not in love by ali hazelwood
the way of kings (the stormlight archive #1) by brandon sanderson
words of radiance (the stormlight archive #2) by brandon sanderson
read: 3
. · ☆ . july . ☆ · .
edgedancer (the stormlight archive #2.5) by brandon sanderson
blue iris: poems and essays by mary oliver
woman, eating by claire kohda
oathbringer (the stormlight archive #3) by brandon sanderson
a novel love story by ashley poston
chlorine by jade song
how to read now by elain castillo
please stop trying to leave me by alana saab
beautifully broken life by catherine cowles
the god of the woods by liz moore
edgedancer (the stormlight archive #3.5) by brandon sanderson
the dead and the dark by courtney gould
a most agreeable murder by julia seales
the murder of roger ackroyd (hercule poirot #4) by agatha christie
read: 14
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁august ݁. ⊹ ₊ ݁.
the bluest eye by toni morrison
more, please: on food, fat, bingeing, longing, and the lust for "enough" by emma specter
the ministry of time by kaliane bradley
system collapse (the murderbot diaries #7) by martha wells
emily wilde's encycolpedia of fairies (emily wilde #1) by heather fawcett
emily wilde's map of the other lands (emily wilde #2) by heather fawcett
catalina by karla cornejo villavicencio
roadside picnic by arkady strugatsky and boris strugatsky
read: 8
·.★ ° ·. ✶ september ✶ .· ° ★.·
the most by jessica anthony
rhythm of war (the stormlight archive #4) by brandon sanderson
we were the universe by kimberly king parsons
read: 3
.• ★ ₊ ݁. • october • . ݁₊ ★ •.
creation lake by rachel kushner
small rain by garth greenwell
spells for forgetting by adrienne young
normal people by sally rooney
there there by tommy orange
read: 5
.· ✶ november ✶ ·.
read: 0
· ⊹ * · december · * ⊹ ·
two can play by ali hazelwood
happy medium by sarah adler
read: 2
⋆ ˚. ⋆ ✶ reading goal: 103/100 ✶ ⋆ .˚ ⋆
add me on goodreads !
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adeafspressurestuff · 4 months ago
"Of course I have more to do."
[It's not that hard, you literally have a script]
"Welcome all! Before we get to the quote unquote 'good stuff,' some ground rules must be laid down."
"1: Nothing inappropriate! This is not that kind of blog." [By nothing inappropriate​, I mean that I'm not RPing anything sexual.]
"2: This is both an RP and ask blog, interactions of both kinds are welcomed."
"3: Your Magic anon abilities do work here." [M/A is open and encouraged!]
"4: This is an urbanshade related blog, gore is expected."
"5: You are not the director, don't mess with the actors without permission." [Don't control my characters without me telling you that you can.]
"6: These are @adeafad's personal take on the pressure cast, and are in no way supported by the official devs."
[Alright, I'll take it from here.]
[Howdy y'all! @adeafad here!]
[Everything after this is gonna be base info, very important to read.]
OC list
Dr. C: An overworked yet loyal Urbanshade scientist, and head of the Z-910 and Z-919 experiments, as well as the limited research on the X-100s.
Captain Ward: Former leader of a respected unit of soldiers, now it's only him. Unwaveringly loyal to Urbanshade. Holds a serious grudge against 919 (@walldwellereater).
The Director: A higher dimensional being, also goes by "Mod" and "Adeaf." The director is @adeafad (me) in universe.
Steven: The original author of many of the documents, who disappeared to most. Only HQ and Dr. C know where he went.
Lightbringer: The remains of a slain expendable, their spirits broken by Urbanshade. Now exist to light areas to dangerous for personnel Urbanshade cares for.
The Unkillable: An expendable with the ability to return upon death, even without ferryman tokens. The only one who can see the scars the respawns leave. Has a difficulty speaking after an especially bad respawn.
"Sebastian talks like this."
"P.AI.nter talks like this."
<Eyefestation '​talks' like this.>
Mr. Lopee talks like this
"Dr. C talks like this."
"Captain Ward talks like this."
[The Director talks like this.]
Steven talks like this.
"Lightbringer speaks like this."
"The Unkillable​ speaks like this."
Sebastian: open! (No current M/A)
P.AI.nter: open! (No current M/A)
Eyefestation: open! (No current M/A)
Mr. Lopee: open! (No current M/A)
Dr. C: open! (Current M/A: Feels phantom pain where the Z-910s were hurt for the next 2 asks)
Captain Ward: open! (No current M/A)
Steven: open! (No current M/A)
The Director: Always open! (Send any ooc asks to me!)
Lightbringer: open! (No current M/A)
Unkillable: open! (No current M/A)
Important posts
-Optional RP starters
-Who are the X-100s?
-OC designs! (Picrew)
#Sebastian's store: for Sebastian
#Painter's canvas: for P.AI.nter
#Eyefestation​'s window: for Eyefestation
#Mr. Lopee's void: for Mr. Lopee
#Dr. C's lab: for Dr. C
#Captain Ward's armory: for Captain Ward
#Steven's reminder: for Steven
#The Director's gaze: for @adeafad, also includes any updates from me
#Lightbringer​'s flame
#Unkillable's file
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welpnotagain · 6 months ago
there is currently a huge Rebelle 7 sale
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they also have sales for their other normally super-expensive programs like Flame Painter 4
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tgrailwar-zero · 2 years ago
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One Command Spell burned. In a flash of magical energy, flashing as it filled AVENGER with newfound energy.
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[ AVENGER's vitality has been restored! The maximum is limited by Sacrifice to 5! Avenger has 5 health! ]
[ Sacrifice continues to eat at AVENGER's health! His maximum has been reduced to 4! ]
He lunged towards LANCER first. Claws tearing through armor, the yelling nothing more than background ambiance.
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It was no symphony, such disgusting discordant noise. He threw the body of the LANCER away, watching as it crumpled to the ground, before locking his focus over towards the CASTER.
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"…Hm. I see. Pride, or perhaps...? No matter. Lancer, get up. We're leaving."
The crumpled, armored form rose from the ground, his shoulders heaving. It seemed as if a skill had been triggered.
One out of desperation, but a powerful skill nonetheless.
With that, they seemed to vanish into thin air as AVENGER thundered towards them. The corpse and the fox, as he turned his focus to the next closest sense of magical energy.
The gunman and the painter.
They talked between themselves. Whispering. Gossiping. Their words sparked like flames, ready to spread like wildfire. He loathed this attention. He craved this attention. He could sense the fear in their forms, even without being able to see their faces.
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"You really think you can fight 'im? He was a spindly bastard before, but now he's showin' off some nasty power."
"…I can't fight him without killin' him."
The statement was said with nothing but cold confidence, as she stepped forward.
"The only way we're gettin' through this damn war is by workin' together, Avenger. Listen, if it was a solo gig, I'd be fine with it. Teamin' up has never been my forte, but… it's not that, so I'm puttin' a little faith in you. Got that?"
FOREIGNER lowered her paintbrush.
She was making this easy. Perhaps she had accepted her fate. After all, death was inevitable.
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admitonegame · 4 months ago
Admit One Dev Blog: Update 59 - Environment, Props, and Equipment (Part 11) - Flickering Candles and Textures
This week I decided to learn a bit more about how shaders and particles work with in Unreal Engine and make a candle flame effect. The effect above was made by using a partially transparent image of a flame and then having it's UE material change over time. This was a really helpful video that details the process of making it! The flickering is accomplished via a separate material being plugged into the Light Function slot of the Candle's Point Light. Had no idea LFs existed before this video!
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I decided pretty early that particles probably weren't the best method to use for this since it's a pretty small effect and particles can be performance intensive.
Instead, to give the illusion of depth, the candle flame uses 4 double sided planes, each using the moving flame material.
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I also wanted to de-rust a bit with Substance Painter and texture the Candle, and the Candle holder. I'm generally pretty happy with how this all turned out but if anyone has any feedback, I'd love to hear what you think!
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That's it for this week, thanks for reading!
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marty-parties · 2 months ago
Works In Progress and Some (light) Goal Setting
With 2025 just starting, I wanted to challenge and ask myself what I’d like to do in terms of creativity this year! So, below I’ve made a sort of masterlist of my current WIP’s, and ideas of fics I’d possibly like to do. 
Already in the works:
Bar Lime and Coaster Lines - UF Sans x Reader One-shot.
Current word count: 2,138. Expected 1 Chapter.
You work as a contracted painter, who after a long day on your feet, are in dire need of a warm meal, and a cool drink. You settle for the nearest bar to your work site, some sort of Speakeasy by the name of "Grillby's". You didn't know what to expect, but a suave and funny red skeleton was definitely not on your bongo card of how you expected your night to go.
Arm rustling and banter ensues as the night carry's on.
TW: None that I can think of? Drinking, UF sans being flirty.
Goal: I’d like to get it done, it’s been sitting in my google docs collecting dust and it feels like a pity to let it die here. I’m maybe close to halfway through? I’ll admit, it’s been a Hot Minute Since I’ve actually taken a look at the doc. I’m a little scared to see what i’ll find, actully. 
Into The Weeds - US Papyrus x Reader 
Estimated length: 3 Chapter One-shot, maybe 4?
Current word count: 9,445 words or chapter 1 that’s posted, 2,625 words for the started chapter 2.
Status: First Chapter out, second chapter has been started, but has been put on hiatus. 
Ever since you dropped out of collage, you've sworn to turn your life into something meaningful, and you did. No more late night benders, no more waking up in strangers bed - no more. You've been running 'Int The Weeds' for years now, and it's been simpatico, except for one tiny little thing.
The one problem?
You don't smoke.
-Or vape, or ingest, or dabble with weed in any capacity.
Ever since you've got the boot, you've sworn to pull yourself together - and you have! But, you can't say you've have any interest
Luckily, you've concocted a lucrative business proposition to solve that very problem.
Hopefully your regular, Papyrus is amenable to the idea.
TW: Lots of talking about weed.
Goal: I’d like to get it done within the year, i’m thinking it’ll be 3-4 chapters at most. I Should really get it done while I work as a budtender, feels right for continuity purposes, since I started it working at the weed store. This will probably be my first project done after This Other Thing.
Longer Fics:
Bones and Beans - UF Papyrus x reader
I’ve gotta give credit where it’s due, this is fully timeofjuly’s idea! We were talking about it in discord one day, and Boom, we started a google doc about it. We’ve written the first chapter together, and the drafts of the second, along with some great world building and brainstorming. I'm really looking forward to getting back into this world. I really really love the idea and the underfell au, i’ve just been loading myself up with other fic ideas and other sorta secret projects, that this one has had to take a back seat.
It’s a coffee shop meet cute with the one and only uf pap! He owns a cat cafe, and you (mc) are hired on as the cafe's media manager.
Goal: I’d like to get an outline, and go from there I suppose? I’d love to get it done this year, but in my heart of hearts, this feels like another long form fic, which feels a little intimidating, but I want to put it back on the flames! No more back burner for this guy.
(Other?) Secret Project that I can’t say just yet.
A very late secret project that needs to be done ASAP! It’s on the list so I actually do it. It’s almost done, maybe a bit over half way, but the end is in sight and it’s close! And now that my laptop has a working charger again, I hope to really hammer it out before January is over.
Once I get this one done, I’m going to be able to start going through this list, it’s just that this is a time sensitive one that absolutely needs to get done first.
Fic ideas for 2025
I don't know if most of these will be long fics, since they're still ideas cooking right now. Most of the ideas I’ve collected in a ‘Fic Idea’ Google doc that I think would be fun to write, even as little thought out as they are now. This is hella subject to change, it’s more of a thought gathering experiment, right now.
Setting Rough to Rest - a SF Sans x Skeleton!Reader
Current word count: Could not tell you, no idea and i'm not looking. Expected, 20-ish chapters.
Status: WIP 
It’s a stardew valley x ugly farm life, a sort of grim slice of life romance. Some Real life anecdotes from what it’s like living on a farm/ranch. (sourse: Me, who’s been living in the Canadian Boonies since forever, and my grandpa: who’s the one who’s actually made a livelihood of farming/ranching.) 
It’s got a little bit of everything, gore, romance, slowburn, being queer in a small town, past traumas and problems catching up to you in very specific ways, etc. The problem is, I don’t really know the story I want to tell with this. And because of that, it’s really fallen to the wayside. it’s one of the first fic ideas i’ve had, and wanted to write when I first started writing fic last year. So far, i’ve got a solid chapter 1 that I remember liking, and bits and bobbles here an’ there.
I think a part of me is waiting to write it until my skills have become “good enough” to tell this story.  Sounds like perfection is the enemy of creation, I know– which is why it’s on the list! 
I want to revisit the Mc and characters I’ve made, and try to understand what I’m trying to tell/express, otherwise I think this fic will be very pointless for me. 
Goal: I would like to try and set out a nice updated chapter-by-chaper outline. Go through the old drafts and cut out the old rot, and see what grows. I'd like to have it finished this year.
Literally Bare-Bones Ideas—
Some kind of isekai undertale fic. I’ve been really into them as of Jan. 2025, and I think i’d like to try my hand at it. No idea for which au it’ll be, but I think there will be strong horror themes. What’s more horrifying than the thought of never being able to return home? 
Some kind of hot neighbour x us sans. You have a dog. I love myself a slow burn, but the amount of long fics on this list is not sitting well with my write-a-chapter-than-take-3-months-off writing style. I could possibly see this as maybe a 10 chapter max.
I can’t decide if I want to try my hand at Kinktober when it comes around. The idea sounds fun, but Writing Every Day – Does not. I usually like to do an Inktober as well, as a fun little challenge for me. I can’t see myself feasibly doing both at the same time, maybe i’ll cherry pick days to make it easier? I’m not too sure. The idea sounds a little daunting, but i’m sure there’s a compromise to be had there. 
Some kind of one shot with the different interaction of swapfell pap! No idea which one (as in, if he's indigo, or gold, or another colour I don't know about,) all I know his name is Cash and he’s a gremlin. I have a one shot started, but it’s really more of a warm up than anything satisfying to read.
I would love to do a take on the ‘lodge fic reverse-harem’ style fic. I think almost everything undertale fic writer has one. Truth be told, the one I have in mind is actually a sf sans x reader, but like all the boys are there. So, maybe not “True” reverse-harem we’ve all come to know and love - but hey, that’s the fun of being a fic writer – you get to create the content you want to see. 
I also want to make a short game! Fan works of other fics! Maybe one from my own fics? Sky’s the limits. I’m interested in ren’py and I have a very minimal understanding of coding, but I think I’d like to try anyways. 
Knowing me, there’s going to be ideas and other one ideas that wake me up late in the night, and others that will get dropped, so i’m really using this as a rough draft of what i’d maybe like to do this year. I think half the fun of creating fanworks is the random bursts of inspiration, and ideas you get in the most unlikely of places. I don’t want to limit that for the sake of following a list, SO. I suppose – take this list with a grain of salt. 
I’m pretty sure i’ve got some Other e Old One Shots and Snippets that i’ve got backlogged, which may eventually make their way to the world. But, I’ll  let those sit for now until I get around to it. 
So. Stay tuned! Some fun stuff is (hopefully!) on it’s way this year!
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miraculous-the-spectacle · 5 months ago
everything i've every let go of has snake bites (1/4)
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a/n this is part of a dark romance smut fic featuring unhealthy individuals and behaviors. you've been warned <3
Marinette was looking up at him with those big blue eyes again- the way she did last time she needed a no-questions-asked raincheck mid-date. The first time she pulled out the doll-eyed please won’t you love me look it was right after an alarm from her purse went off. At the time Luka had chalked it up to her accidentally double-booking herself and let it go, feeling more pleased with the new image of Marinette in his head than disappointed in having to pause their movie and kissing her cheek goodbye. 
Then it happened again.
And again.
And again. 
He knew his beloved was a busy girl. She was surrounded by people she cared for and who loved her, and her favorite way to express that was taking care of them. That took up a lot of her time. The free time she did have, she chose to spend with him- he was grateful. 
So, contrary to popular belief, it wasn’t the fact that she was leaving that made these spontaneous departures so torturous. No, no, it was something much more- it was the face. 
Each time without fail her cheeks would get this light blush, perfectly displayed by the way she looked straight up at him with her neck bent. Her lips would part ever-so-slightly as she waited for him to respond and she’d blink her lashes in suspension. It was tantalizing. 
Naturally, each time she did this, he would have to turn away from her to answer. The few times he tried not to, he came dangerously close to devouring her on the spot- it was too risky.
Luka couldn’t help but chuckle at his own predicament. Here he was, a musician with a penchant for deep emotions and a heart that thrummed with the rhythm of love, and yet, every time Marinette flashed that irresistible look, he felt like a moth drawn to a flame. His stomach twisted, excitement and anxiety blending together like the chords of his guitar, creating a melody he couldn’t shake.
She was everything he had ever wanted—kind, creative, and so utterly captivating. But that look, those pleading blue eyes, made him feel like he was constantly teetering on the edge of something far more intense than just a casual relationship. It was a thrill, yes, but it was also a challenge; every departure felt like an unsung note left hanging in the air, a longing that needed to be fulfilled.
“Marinette?” he finally managed, turning back to her after he’d steadied himself with a deep breath. “Where are you off to this time?” He tried to sound casual, but his voice wavered slightly, betraying his eagerness to keep her there just a little longer.
She bit her lip, the blush on her cheeks deepening. “Uh, it’s just… Alya needs my help with a project. I promised her I’d be there.”
“Of course,” he said, even as disappointment flickered through him. It was so like Marinette to prioritize her friends, to always be there for them when they needed her. He admired that about her, but it made the moments they shared feel all the more fleeting.
“Maybe I could come with you? I could help, too,” he suggested, trying to mask the hint of desperation in his tone. The thought of losing her company, even for a short while, made his heart ache.
Marinette hesitated, her expression shifting to one of consideration. “I don’t know… it’s kind of a messy project. You’d probably get paint all over you.” She giggled, and the sound sent another rush of warmth through him.
“Paint? You know I could rock the ‘artist’ look, right?” He grinned, striking a pose as if he were a famous painter unveiling his latest masterpiece.
“Okay, maybe it would be kind of fun.” She smiled, her eyes lighting up with the spark he adored. “But I really need to help her out. I promise we can hang out again soon, just the two of us.”
The way she promised made his heart flutter, but the tension in his chest remained. “Yeah, soon,” he echoed, though he couldn’t shake the feeling of longing. “I’ll see you later, then?”
“Definitely!” Marinette beamed, leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on his cheek. It was just a simple gesture, but it sent electric thrills coursing through him. “Thanks for understanding, Luka.”
She stood, the moment stretching like an eternity as she lingered for just a second longer. He caught a hint of her floral perfume in the air, an intoxicating mix of fresh blossoms that filled the small room and lingered long after she had gone.
As the door clicked shut behind her, Luka leaned back against the couch, his heart racing. He couldn’t help but think about how many times this had happened—how often Marinette seemed to slip through his fingers just when he wanted to pull her closer. Each time, it felt like a reminder that even in their budding relationship, there was a boundary he couldn't cross, a tension that remained unspoken between them.
He picked up his guitar, fingers dancing across the strings absentmindedly as he strummed a soft tune. The notes hung in the air, mirroring his thoughts—melancholy yet hopeful, each chord resonating with the desire to keep her close, to bridge the distance created by her ever-busy life.
Luka closed his eyes, letting the music wash over him. He’d make her something special, a song just for her—something that encapsulated everything he felt but couldn’t say. Maybe it would be his way of reminding her, even when she was busy helping others, that she was always in his heart.
With renewed determination, he began to compose, pouring his emotions into the melody, hoping that one day he’d find the right moment to share it with her—along with the feelings he had yet to fully express. Until then, he would wait, guitar in hand and a heart full of songs.
He hadn’t expected it to follow him into his dreams. 
There she was, his vision of life shown through this beautiful girl- only her blush was a little darker. Those piercing blue pleading eyes were more cloudy than before, as though she was lost in a haze. 
She reached out to him and cupped his jaw with her out-streetched hand. Leaning back slightly, he realized he’d been sitting on his bed. 
“Please?” She followed him back, bringing her knees to either side of his legs. 
“Of- of course you can go, Marinette.” He placed both hands on her shoulders to reassure her, “I’ll be here waiting for you.” 
She bit her lip and shook her head, “No, Luka, please.”
Bringing her hips down to rest on his Luka took a sharp gasp of air before grabbing her waist. “Marinette, what-” but she’s kissing him again. Leaning in and pecking his lips once, twice, before deepening it into something more as they both lay back on the bed. Feeling her tongue wet his lips nearly breaks him in two and it takes everything to keep himself present and mindful. 
They break apart, connected by a trail of saliva as Luka brings his fingers up to play with her hair. “My love,” he looks up at her this time, “what is going through that head of yours?”
But dream Marinette didn’t answer, she only faded into dust  to be carried away by the wind.
His new motto was not to worry about it. If fretting over Marinette’s disappearing acts was going to bring him a new level of hell in his sleep resulting in a long, and very cold, shower in the morning, then he wasn’t going to think of it at all. 
He tried, really, but it was a losing game. Every time she left with those wide, hopeful eyes and that soft smile, he felt himself caught in her gravity all over again, the memory of her touch lingering far longer than he wanted to admit. He’d spend hours with his guitar in hand, fingers running over chords as he tried to compose something that could express what words failed to capture—a song that could convey how he felt about her, even as she continued to slip away.
The melody was almost there, just on the edge of perfection, haunting and beautiful. It was soft but desperate, weaving through the tension and yearning that grew every time he was left standing in her wake. But he was still missing the final piece, the line that would tie it all together.
And then, one night, it clicked. The words came to him like whispers in the quiet of his room: I’ll be here waiting, in case you need me… even if you never come. He didn’t know if he’d ever find the courage to play it for her, but having it finished brought a strange sense of relief.
The next time they were together, Luka felt it there, humming beneath the surface. She was laughing about something silly, her fingers gesturing animatedly, and he couldn’t help but watch her, knowing his song captured every single ounce of this feeling—a mixture of happiness and the familiar ache of watching her slip further away, like sand through his fingers.
But just as he began to relax, the familiar alarm chirped from her purse. Marinette’s laughter stilled, and her cheeks took on that familiar blush, her eyes darting down. Luka’s heart sank, even as he smiled and nodded, bracing himself for her inevitable goodbye.
“I, um… I really have to go,” she stammered, giving him that look. “I’m sorry, Luka.”
Before he could respond, he felt the weight of his own song pressing down on him, the words and music he’d poured out suddenly too real. He forced a smile, struggling against the wave of helplessness that always came at these goodbyes.
“It’s okay, Marinette. Go on, do what you have to do. I’ll… I’ll see you later.”
She looked at him, and for a moment, he thought she was going to say something—her lips parted as if to speak, her gaze flickering with something close to regret. But then she closed her purse with a snap, gave him a quick hug, and dashed off, leaving him alone once more.
As she disappeared around the corner, Luka picked up his guitar, cradling it close. He took a deep breath, let the emotions roll through him, and started to play, letting the notes fill the emptiness she left behind.
The notes filled the silence, resonating with the hollow ache in his chest as Luka lost himself in the song he’d written for her. He’d poured his feelings into it, but playing it now, alone in his empty room, felt bittersweet. The melody drifted through the air, its softness brushing against memories of her laughter, the way her eyes crinkled when she smiled.
But just as he was about to end the song, a soft knock startled him, breaking his concentration. Luka paused, his fingers frozen over the strings, heart thumping with a strange mix of surprise and hope.
He opened the door, and there she was—Marinette, looking slightly winded, her cheeks flushed with a faint pink. Her eyes softened when they met his, and he realized she was holding something tightly in her hands.
“Marinette?” Luka asked, his voice barely above a whisper, as if afraid that speaking too loudly might shatter the fragile moment.
“I… I couldn’t just leave.” She offered him a small smile, hesitating as she stepped inside. “I kept thinking about how you always let me go, no questions asked, and I realized how unfair that is to you. I’m always running off, and you never complain.” She looked down, embarrassed, but there was something vulnerable in her expression, something he hadn’t seen before.
Luka closed the door behind her, his heart racing as he tried to find the right words. “I just want you to be happy, Marinette. Even if that means letting you go sometimes.”
“I know,” she murmured, looking up at him with those same big, pleading eyes, but this time, he felt a new intensity behind them. “But that’s just it—I don’t want to keep leaving you. I don’t want to keep making you wait.”
She stepped closer, her fingers brushing his, and he felt his breath hitch. Her hand was warm against his, grounding him in the present moment. “I didn’t come here just to say sorry,” she continued, her voice soft, “but to tell you that… I think it’s time I stop running away.”
Luka felt his throat tighten, unsure if he was reading too much into her words, but the look in her eyes held him in place, hopeful and honest.
“Luka, I want to be here with you. All of me,” she whispered, and for the first time, she leaned into him without hesitation, pressing her lips softly to his.
He pulled away, too unsure, too full of doubt. “What do you mean? I don’t mind when you have to go Marinette.” 
She melted in front of him. “I know,” she latched on to him, “I know and I love that about you, but you shouldn’t have to be.”
He shook his head, “You say you have to go. If you have to then there’s nothing more to say.” 
She bit her lip and looked up. “I’m going to try something new. Something a little scary that means trusting more people and losing some control to delegate work, but it’s something I think should happen.” She met his eyes and was caught in them, “Something I need to happen, so I can have this.”
Luka's hand tightened around hers, heart pounding as he searched her face. “Are you… are you sure?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper, afraid the wrong word might shatter this fragile moment.
Marinette nodded, her cheeks flushed and gaze steady, more certain than he’d ever seen her. "Yes. I want this. I want us, Luka.”
Luka pulled her close, his fingers threading into her hair as he captured her lips in a kiss that was full of all the longing, all the waiting, that had built between them. Her hands slid up his shoulders, wrapping around his neck as she leaned in, melting against him with a soft sigh. They moved together, slow and tender, each touch and kiss a confirmation, a promise that they were finally choosing each other.
Breathless, she pulled back just enough to look at him, her hands still tangled in his hair. “I don’t want to leave you waiting anymore,” she whispered, her voice soft but certain. Luka's heart surged, and he pressed his forehead against hers, taking in her closeness.
“Then don’t,” he murmured, brushing a stray strand of hair from her face. He held her gaze, his thumb tracing gentle circles on her cheek, anchoring them in this moment. “Stay with me tonight, Marinette. Just us.”
She nodded, her fingers curling into his shirt as her face softened with relief and anticipation. They eased onto the bed, holding each other close, as if they were both afraid to let go.
Every kiss, every touch, felt like an answer to all the quiet, unanswered questions between them. They explored each other slowly, savoring every moment, every breath. Luka traced his hands over her shoulders, down her arms, his touch worshipful, wanting to make her feel how much she meant to him. Their kisses deepened, the room quiet but for their breaths and soft sighs, their connection overwhelming yet peaceful.
As they lay wrapped in each other’s arms, Luka could feel her heart beating in sync with his, a rhythm he’d felt in every song he’d written, every word he’d been too afraid to say. And as he held her close, he realized he didn’t need the right words anymore—she was here, choosing him, and that was everything.
Luka felt his heart race as Marinette’s fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer. Her lips, soft and warm against his, deepened their kiss with an intensity that sent shivers through him. He let his hands roam, fingertips tracing a line from her jaw down to her collarbone, feeling her breath hitch beneath his touch. The gentle curve of her neck, the softness of her skin—all of it felt like something he’d waited a lifetime to explore.
They moved together in a wordless rhythm, the energy between them building, each moment more electric than the last. He felt her hands slide down his shoulders, her touch growing bolder, lingering over the muscles she found beneath his shirt. She pressed herself closer, her chest rising and falling in sync with his as his thumb stroked her cheek, their faces so close he could feel the warmth of her breath.
When she drew back to look at him, her eyes were heavy with emotion, her cheeks flushed. Without breaking their gaze, he let his fingers trail along the hem of her shirt, silently asking for permission. She nodded, and he slipped it off her shoulders, revealing the beautiful skin beneath. Her breath quickened as he leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to her collarbone, letting his lips linger as he savored the taste of her, the warmth radiating from her skin.
Marinette’s hands found their way beneath his shirt, her touch tentative but eager, fingers gliding over his chest as she pulled him even closer. He shivered at the feeling, his body responding to every touch, every delicate brush of her hands against him. His lips traveled from her collarbone up to her neck, pressing a series of slow, tender kisses that left her breathless, his hands roaming her sides as he memorized every inch of her.
Their kisses grew deeper, more urgent, each one stoking the fire between them. Luka could feel the tension building as he held her, his hands tightening around her waist, her name a whispered prayer on his lips. She responded with the same need, her own hands exploring him, tracing the lines of his body as if she were committing him to memory.
He pulled back for a moment, just to look at her, to take in the flushed cheeks, the parted lips, and the way her eyes sparkled with the same intense longing he felt. Without a word, they came together again, their bodies pressed so close there was no space between them, their kisses deepening, intensifying, filling the room with the warmth and passion that had been building between them for so long.
And in that moment, nothing else mattered—no alarms, no fleeting goodbyes. Just Luka and Marinette, together, caught in each other’s arms, finally surrendering to the unspoken bond they’d held between them for so long.
He could feel the need underneath the give of her skin. It was pooling and pooling as his deft fingers swiped over her soft stomach quickly before looking back up to her face. He imagined she looked a lot like  he used to as he tried his best imitation of her blue-bell beg.
It must have worked, because her hips lifted off the bed and her eyes began to water. “Please,” she pleaded, and by god Luka knew she was real. Her voice rang out in his room better than any dream could conjure, he wished he had recorded it. Pecking her exposed navel gently before unbuttoning her pink jeans Luka briefly considered asking if he could record her, the audio that is, but decided it was probably for the best to save that for later.  For now, he had work to do.
Luka’s breath caught in his throat as he unbuttoned her jeans, his fingers trembling slightly. He could feel the heat radiating from her body, and his pulse quickened at the intimacy of the moment. Marinette's eyes locked onto his, filled with a mixture of trust and anticipation, urging him forward.
“Luka,” she breathed, her voice barely above a whisper, sending a thrill through him. He could see the way her chest rose and fell with each breath, how her lips parted slightly as she waited for him, and he couldn’t help but feel like he was about to embark on the most beautiful journey of his life.
He pushed her jeans down gently, revealing the delicate lace of her underwear, and he took a moment to appreciate her beauty, marveling at the way she glowed in the soft light of the room. “You’re breathtaking,” he murmured, his voice low and reverent, as if saying it too loudly might disrupt the magic of the moment.
Marinette’s cheeks flushed deeper at his words, her confidence shining through the shyness. “Just you wait,” she teased, a playful glint in her eye that sent another surge of warmth through him.
With a soft laugh, Luka leaned in, pressing kisses along her hips, trailing his lips over her skin, savoring every inch as he moved closer to the waistband of her underwear. She shivered at his touch, and he could feel her body responding to him, each kiss igniting a fire within them both.
“Luka…” her voice was more pant than speech, her fingers tangling in his hair, urging him on. He looked up at her, meeting her gaze, and found her eyes filled with desire. It was an invitation, and he couldn’t resist.
“Marinette,” he whispered back, feeling a rush of affection wash over him as he pressed his lips against her waistband. He hesitated for just a moment, wanting to savor the anticipation before pulling the fabric down ever so slowly. He wanted to explore her, to worship her, and he wanted her to feel cherished in every way.
As her underwear slipped away, he couldn’t help but admire her—beautiful, confident, and entirely his in this moment. He leaned closer, his heart racing as he pressed his lips against her skin, trailing soft kisses down her thighs, feeling her quiver beneath his touch. Each kiss was a promise, an affirmation of the bond they were forging, one kiss at a time.
“Luka…” she sighed, her voice laced with longing, and it was a sound he could never forget. It was both a plea and a declaration, urging him to continue, to lose themselves in this moment together.
He could feel the tension building, the heat of her body mixing with his own, and he reveled in it, lost in the sensation of her skin against his lips. Each kiss was a reminder of how far they had come, and the journey that lay ahead.
Luka pressed forward, his hands now gently cradling her thighs as he traced soft circles with his fingers, feeling her respond with a soft gasp. “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured again, the words spilling from him as naturally as the music he loved. This was his song, the one he had always wanted to write, and Marinette was the melody that brought it all to life.
Their connection pulsed between them, a living, breathing entity that bound them together. As he leaned in closer, ready to explore her even more intimately, he felt her fingers tighten in his hair, pulling him back for a moment.
“Luka, please…” she whispered again, her eyes pleading, and in that moment, he realized it wasn’t just about the physical connection—it was about the emotions they shared, the bond they had built on trust and vulnerability.
He cooed at the desperate sight she made laid out in front of him before finally bringing his lips to the most sensitive part of her.
Luka's heart raced as he kissed her, each movement deliberate and filled with purpose. The softness of her skin against his lips sent waves of warmth coursing through him, and he could feel the tension between them electrifying the air. As he took his time, exploring the sensitive areas with gentle kisses and teasing licks, Marinette’s breath hitched, her body arching towards him as if urging him to go deeper.
“Luka…” she breathed, her voice a mix of plea and encouragement. It was a sound that ignited something primal in him, pushing him to savor every moment, to take her higher and higher.
He could feel her fingers tighten in his hair, her grip shifting between gentle encouragement and desperate need. With every caress, he was rewarded with her gasps and soft moans, each sound urging him on. He kissed her with intention, a sweet urgency that mirrored the racing of their hearts. Luka reveled in the way her body responded to him, how she writhed under his touch, drawing him in deeper as he explored the contours of her.
Every kiss, every flick of his tongue was a conversation all its own, a language of love that needed no words. He lost himself in the taste of her, the sweet and intoxicating essence that was uniquely Marinette. He could feel her hips moving, seeking more of him, and it filled him with a sense of power, a need to make her feel every ounce of pleasure he could give.
“Look at me, Marinette,” he murmured between kisses, his voice low and thick with emotion. He wanted her to see the sincerity in his eyes, the love that flooded his chest as he dedicated himself to her pleasure. When their gazes locked, her eyes were dark with longing, filled with trust and a desperate need that sent shivers of exhilaration through him.
“Luka, I…” she began, her voice faltering as he intensified his movements, swirling his tongue in delicate patterns that sent her spiraling. He held her gaze, watching as her breath quickened, her cheeks flushed with heat.
“Just feel, Marinette,” he urged softly, grounding her in the moment. “Let everything else fade away.” He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against her sensitive skin, amplifying the pleasure coursing through her as he pulled back just enough to watch her face transform with every kiss.
With a newfound fervor, he licked, kissed, and teased, giving in to the rhythm of her body beneath his. Her gasps became more pronounced, a melody he wanted to keep playing over and over. Luka could sense the tension building within her, and he craved to take her to the edge and back again, to explore the depth of what they shared.
As she writhed beneath him, he felt her pulse quicken, the way her body tensed and released in waves of pleasure. “Luka, please…” she gasped again, her voice thick with desire, and he could see she was close, teetering on the edge of something breathtaking.
“Just a little more, love,” he whispered, kissing his way up her thighs, lingering for a moment to tease before returning to the source of her need. He worked diligently, determined to bring her to the peak of pleasure, to hold her hand through the bliss he knew was just within reach.
“Luka!” Her voice rang out like a bell, filled with urgency and passion, urging him on as he poured everything he had into their connection. He felt the world around them fade, leaving only the sound of their hearts beating in unison and the shared gasps of breath mingling in the air.
Finally, he felt her body shatter around him, her cries of ecstasy echoing in the room as waves of pleasure washed over her. Luka savored the sight of her unraveling, the way her back arched and her chest heaved, a beautiful masterpiece he had the honor of witnessing.
As she came down from the high, he pulled back to look at her, the love and adoration in his gaze unmistakable. Marinette’s eyes fluttered open, filled with a mix of awe and gratitude as she met his gaze, her cheeks still flushed from the intensity of their moment together.
“Luka…” she breathed, her voice soft, a smile spreading across her lips as she reached out to cup his face. “That was… incredible.”
He chuckled softly, brushing a thumb across her cheek. “Just wait. We’re just getting started,” he said, the promise of more lingering in the air between them, an electric charge that hinted at the depths of what they had yet to explore.
With that, he leaned in for another kiss, full of love and desire, the world around them fading away once more as they melted back into each other, hearts beating as one. She moaned at the taste of herself on his lips, coating his tongue. 
“I need,” she whined, bucking her hips in the air and meeting nothing, “please,” she gasped, holding tight to him. 
“My pretty girl,” he praised, petting her softly. It felt so good to be the one helping her, so good to be the only one making her feel this way. The way she gasped his name, the way she begs, he needs to spoil her, show her happiness she never thought possible, spoil her rotten for anyone else.
Luka's heart raced at her words, each plea igniting a fire deep within him. "What do you need, Marinette?" he asked, his voice low and filled with sincerity. He wanted to give her everything, to be the one who made her feel cherished and wanted in every way possible.
She looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with longing. "I want you," she breathed, her voice thick with desire, "I want all of you." The vulnerability in her gaze sent a surge of warmth through him, and he felt a rush of affection that eclipsed everything else.
"Are you sure?" he asked again, wanting to make sure she felt ready for this next step. "I want to make this perfect for you."
Marinette nodded, her determination clear as she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer. "I’m sure, Luka. I want you to be with me—completely," she insisted, her voice steady and earnest.
He felt a thrill at her words, a mixture of excitement and responsibility that made him want to protect her heart even more fiercely.
He brought his fingers down to meet her, two parting her lips and the middle one finding her entrance with  no difficulty. She was dripping. Adding the second finger in cautiously, Luka realized she must want this as much as he does. Looking at her face she was in no discomfort, no cries of pain, only eyes growing cloudier by the second  and lips bound to bleed with how tightly she bit them.
"Okay," he said softly, and with a gentle caress, he lined himself up with her, their bodies perfectly aligned, heartbeats echoing in unison.
As he entered her slowly, he paused, wanting to savor the moment, to feel the connection blossom between them. The world outside faded into nothingness as he focused solely on her, the warmth enveloping them like a cocoon. Marinette's breath hitched as she adjusted to him, her fingers gripping his shoulders, urging him on with a look of raw need.
"Are you okay?" he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. He couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the moment, the intimacy that bound them together, stronger than anything he had ever felt before.
"Yes, Luka. Just… please," she gasped, her eyes sparkling with a mix of eagerness and vulnerability that took his breath away.
With a gentle nod, he began to move, slow and deliberate, wanting to give her time to adjust, to feel every sensation wash over her. He pulled out slowly, until he felt tight muscles clench on his head as he nearly left her, before rocking back in. Each thrust was met with soft gasps and sighs that echoed around them, a sweet melody of their joining. He could feel her body responding to him, heat pooling between them as she shifted against him, meeting him with every thrust.
“Just like that,” she breathed, her voice trembling with pleasure. “You feel so good.”
Luka’s heart soared at her words, filling him with a sense of purpose. He wanted to give her everything she craved, to make this moment unforgettable. He picked up the pace slightly, his movements fluid and rhythmic, driving them both closer to the edge.
The world around them vanished as they became lost in each other, their bodies moving in perfect harmony, a dance of passion and tenderness that felt both primal and ethereal. With every thrust, every shared breath, he felt the connection between them grow stronger, a bond that transcended everything else.
Marinette's eyes shone with a mix of wonder and ecstasy, her voice lifting with each movement as she surrendered completely to the sensations coursing through her. “Luka, I… I can’t believe this is real,” she murmured, her hands tracing his back, pulling him closer as if she wanted to meld into him completely.
“It’s real,” he assured her, his voice thick with emotion as he held her gaze. “You’re real. This is us.” He leaned down to capture her lips in another kiss, feeling the electricity between them pulse as they moved together, lost in their world.
As they reached a fever pitch, Luka felt the tension in her body build, the way she tightened around him, pulling him deeper, urging him on with each breathless moan. “Luka, I’m so close,” she gasped, her voice thick with need, and it sent a rush of exhilaration through him.
“Let go for me, Marinette,” he whispered, his heart pounding as he pushed them both closer to the edge. “I’m right here with you.”
He brought a finger to her clit and began circling it in tight movements concentrated on the sharp nerves. He set an unrelenting pace as his fingers damn near vibrated. 
With a few more powerful thrusts, he felt her body tense, the moment of release crashing over her like a wave, taking him with her. Her cries echoed in the room, pure and beautiful, filling him with a sense of wonder and joy as he surrendered to the pleasure coursing through them both.
Luka felt the world around them blur as he followed her over the edge, their bodies entwined in the most intimate connection imaginable. Every sensation was heightened, each pulse of pleasure echoing through them, creating a bond that felt unbreakable.
As they both came down from their high, he held her tightly, their bodies tangled together, hearts still racing. Marinette looked up at him, her eyes sparkling with joy and satisfaction, and he couldn’t help but smile back at her, feeling an overwhelming sense of love wash over him.
“Wow,” she breathed, still catching her breath. “I… I didn’t know it could be like that.”
 “You were amazing, Marinette,” he replied, brushing a strand of hair from her face, his heart swelling with affection.
She blushed at his compliment, a shy smile spreading across her lips. “We were amazing.”
He chuckled softly, feeling a warmth spread through him. “Yeah, we really were.”
As they lay together, wrapped in each other’s arms, Luka knew that this was just the beginning of something beautiful— he was so goddamn happy to be with her.
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leluns · 2 months ago
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―  cauldron  save  you :  it  seems  selene  valfaren  has  been  teleported  to  the  dusk  court,  the  lady  from  winter  is  said  to  be  ambitious  and  is  said  to  describe  themselves  with  a  winter  rose  with  blood  staining  its  thorns,  discordant  splashes  of  golden  paint  upon  a  blank  canvas,  golds  woven  through  smooth  curls,  candelit  confessions  over  fruits  and  honey,   footfalls   in   freshly   laid   snow  and  with  all  of  this  in  mind  their  frisky  nature  always  seems  to  get  them  into  trouble.  may  the  mother  hold  them  as  they  navigate  this  unthinkable  time.
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full name : selene elise valfaren   .  nickname(s) : prefers none   .  age : 270.  gender : cis woman   .  pronouns : she   /   her   .  sexuality : bisexual biromantic   .
title/occupation : lady   .  species : high fae   .  siblings :  high lady   desmera valfaren   ,   lady lydia valfaren , lady roslyn valfaren ,  lady samara valfaren .  children :  n / a   .   spouse :  n / a   .   loyalties :  the   winter court .
height : 162 cm / 5′4 .  build : slender, petite . eye color : golden brown , liquid dark honey .   hair color : chestnut brown , often highlighted with streaks of gold bobbles and paints . signature scent : iced magnolias and light musks .
character inspirations : persephone ( greek mythology ) + margaery tyrell ( game of thrones ) + kate sharma ( bridgerton ) + melody ( the little mermaid 2 ) + kiara ( the lion king 2 )
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you only wished for a life of soft indulgences and happiness. your position in the line of siblings, you expected it, even. the fourth child with little to no responsibilities that came and went as they pleased, more entranced by the court entertainers and arts than any lessons in politics or otherwise could offer you. your dreams were always full of milky way and adventures you were content to seek in the written word rather than leave the icy wonderland you called home. your family always radiated a warmth contrary to your court, and when your mother died taking it away with her, then your father, you were left a deep sense of discontent.
where you used to be happy with your day to day, nothing felt the same anymore. the walls of your home grew to feel like a cage with the memories of laughter that used to echo the corridors, your edges growing sharp with grief. you still seek something of happiness yet come to the realization that it may not be found in the same place you believed it would.
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wanted connections : confidants / best friends ( 2 ) from the winter court , friends / acquaintances potentially from other courts , former flames ( 2 ) , current obsession crush , other painters / arts lovers , enemies / people she distrusts more so than others
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caubri · 7 months ago
When I was a kid I mainly played 2 games; Wizard101 and The Sims 4. So let’s mix the two! 
Each generation is inspired by the seven schools from Wizard101. Unfortunately this will not be Base-Game Compatible but all pack requirements are listed next to their respective generation.
I'm not a writer so please excuse the quality of my writing <3
Have fun! If there’s a rule that’s holding you back from having fun with your game, pretend it’s not there! (This is meant to expand your gameplay, NOT limit you.)
Match your sims wardrobe to the colours listed under each generation
Add any extra lore you’d like to. The more the merrier :D
The challenge is completed once every Generation 7 goal has been completed.
If you play this challenge, and you’d like me or others to see it, add #RavenwoodLegacy to your posts!
GENERATION 1: FIRE requires Lovestruck, Cats & Dogs
“If the mind is like a candle, the Heart is like the sun.” - Kingsisle
You’re quick to anger but you have a great passion for the loves of your life. They tend to walk a fine line so be careful, because those passionate flames could one day burn and consume you. Being completely obsessed with all things romance, you’re looking for the one that will match all the characters you’ve been writing about in your romance novels. To most people, your standards are impossible. Although you’ve dated many, you never end up settling down with anyone. On the plus side, your many dates make great writing inspiration.
Traits: Romantic, Hot-headed, Self-Assured
Aspiration: Romantic Explorer
Career: Writer: Author (Specializes in Romance Novels)
Master Writer Career and complete Romantic Explorer Aspiration
Master Romance and Writing Skill
Adopt a Cat or Fox
Never keep a partner for longer than two sim weeks
All partners must be met through Cupid’s Corner
Next Generation Heir can only live with you, not the other parent
Associated Colours: Red, Orange, Yellow
Name Ideas (From W101): Dalia, Ashley, Bernie
GENERATION 2: ICE requires Seasons, City Living, Get Together, Nifty Knitting, Spa Day
“...with Persistence, Victory is assured.” - Kingsisle
“Slow and steady wins the race.” they say. Or at least you do. You grew up in a semi-broken household. One of your parents drove the other away shortly after you were born but that didn’t mean you had issues knowing what real love was. You didn’t realise until you were older that your parent’s standards weren’t actually that crazy. Your highschool sweetheart made you discover that whatever that was written in your parent’s romance novels can actually exist in real life. Even though you have it all, you can always be better. Whether it’s painting, skating, or knitting, you can never be less than great. 
Traits: Perfectionist, High Maintenance, Loyal
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Career: Painter: Patron of the Arts
Master Painter Career and Complete Renaissance Sim Aspiration
Master Painting and Fitness Skills
Have a hobby of Skating
Complete Snow Globe Collection
Marry your high school sweetheart (only remarry if your spouse dies)
Be the leader of a club and attend meetings weekly (ex. Book Club)
Take up Knitting as an elder
Associated Colours: Blue, White, Dark Purple
Name Ideas (From W101): Lydia, Kelvin
GENERATION 3: STORM requires Get To Work, Crystal Creations, Get Together
“That which can be imagined, can be achieved.” - Kingsisle
Growing up around an artist, you got to embrace your creative side at a young age. As an adult, you used your creative prowess to carry you through your career as a scientist. “Eureka!” To you, your career is like catching lightning in a bottle but to others… you may be a tad bit insane. Whenever you’re not in the lab, you express that spark with your crystal collecting. (You may have stolen a few from some co-workers… oops) And just between us… You dance in your bedroom when no one is watching. 
Traits: Creative, Ambitious, Dance Machine
Aspiration: Crystal Crafter
Career: Scientist
Master Scientist Career and Crystal Crafter Aspiration
Master Logic and Gemology Skill
Have a hobby of Dancing
Complete Crystals and Metals Collection
Have multiple children (a non-heir child must have a daughter)
Associated Colours: Purple, Yellow, Dark Green
Name Ideas (From W101): Halston, Torrence
GENERATION 4: MYTH requires Discover University, Realm of Magic, Kids Room Stuff
“To control the Future, one must look to the Past.” - Kingsisle
Your imagination is everything. Nothing means more to you than the power of your mind. Many people described your parents as crazy and the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. You value your relationships with animals and robots over other sims. Or at least you thought you did until you met your niece.  After that you realized maybe having a family wouldn’t be so bad. As you were researching spellcasters in the Magic Realm of Glimmerbrook, you met someone who caught your eye. As a young adult you built yourself a robot without realizing that said robot would become your best(robot)man at your wedding.
Traits: Erratic, Genius, Jealous
Aspiration: Spellcraft and Sorcery
Career: Engineer: Mechanical Engineer
Master Engineer Career and Spellcraft and Sorcery Aspiration
Master Robotics Skill
As a child, complete the Voidcritter Collection
(optional) Get a degree in Physics (must live in a dorm)
Marry a spellcaster, and become a spellcaster
Build and befriend Servo
Be your niece’s godparent
Associated Colours: Yellow, Blue, Black
Name Ideas (From W101): Cyrus, Ivan
GENERATION 5: LIFE requires Eco Lifestyle, Cottage Living
“As we have been Created, so must we Create.” - Kingsisle
Your entire life has been about growth. You grew your love for music since you were a kid, and as an adult you grew your plants and watched your animals grow right in your backyard. Your music breathes life and spirit into your green-filled home. As a child you were just as nurtured by your parents as your farm is by you. You wish to do the same for your children.
Traits: Good, Music Lover, Green Fiend
Aspiration: Country Caretaker
Career: Gardener: Botanist (optional)
Master Gardener Career (optional) and Country Caretaker Aspiration
Master Gardening and a music skill of your choice
Have the next gen-heir be born in the last half of the Adult Life Stage
Attend the Finchwick Fair occasionally
Always have a Cow or Cowplant on your lot
Associated Colours: Green, Brown, Gold
Name Ideas (From W101): Linda, Blossom, Sylvia
GENERATION 6: DEATH requires Vampires, Cats and Dogs, Get Famous, Any pack including apartments
“Timor mortis conturbat me.” (The Fear of Death Confounds Me) - Kingsisle
Your earliest memory was listening to your parents singing and playing their favourite instrument. They passed away when you were decently young. As soon as they passed you moved out on your own into an apartment, adopted a cat and tried to get your life on track. You did some odd-jobs here and there to make ends meet as you could only handle having a part-time job. You visited your Parents’ graves in Forgotten Hollow and discovered the existence of vampires. This discovery seemed to give you a purpose in life, a way to potentially cheat death unlike your parents. 
Traits: Loner, Cat Lover, Self-Absorbed
Aspiration: Master Vampire
Career: Any Part-Time Job
Master A Part-Time Career and Master Vampire Aspiration
Master Pipe Organ and Vampire Lore Skill
Start a part-time job as a teenager and keep it until you retire
Keep your cat alive as long as possible using Healthy Treats
Get your spouse to eat Ambrosia at least once (if they’re not a vampire)
Live in an apartment for most of your life
Associated Colours: Black, Red, White
Name Ideas (From W101): Malistaire, Malorn, Mortis, Dworgyn
GENERATION 7: BALANCE requires Discover University, Cats and Dogs, Spa Day, Strangerville, For Rent
“Eye of Newt, and Toe of Frog, Wool of Bat, Tongue of Dog.” - Kingsisle
You believe that every part of you was once a part of the generations before you. You’re like a perfect blend of them all. It’s as if you’ve stolen little bits of everyone and turned it into one unique being. The good parts and the bad. You’re just as smart as your ancestors but also just as crazy. You do good deeds during the day by bringing justice to criminals, while committing your own crimes at night… But it balances out, right?
Traits: Generous, Paranoid, Kleptomaniac
Aspiration: Inner Peace
Career: Law: Judge
Master Law Career and Inner Peace Aspiration
(optional) Get a degree in History
Master Wellness and Research and Debate Skill
Have a Dog
Must have a Son and Daughter (keep going till you have it)
Associated Colours: Brown, Red, Orange
Name Ideas (From W101): Arthur, Niles, Alhazred
created by @caubri
If you run into any issues involving the writing of this challenge, let me know so i can fix it, as I have not gotten a chance to fully play test this yet.
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