#fixed the aspect ratio and the transition
unlimited-nobu-works · 3 months
Rodrigo D. No Futuro - Sin Reacción
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
ok here's another wingfic au but taking it in the opposite direction from the last one. (different person from the original op btw)
what if tim and all of the bats did have wings but instead of the surgeon adding wings they actually removed them from tim?
now tim has to deal with the experience of losing his wings and not being able to fly anymore. maybe it took away his instincts so he can't reciprocate anymore despite once being able to do so with ease. or maybe he still has his instincts but the others find it hard to reach out to him now that he doesn't have wings anymore.
but tim is a stubborn fuck so what if we combined this with that one fake wing au where tim learns to build his own wings bc he refuses to never be able to fly again.
and maybe tim manages to pull it off to the point where no one even knows that tim ever lost his wings in the first place until it's revealed in a traumatizing manor idk.
the fake wing fic i was talking about is called "Loading and Aspect Ratio" by JUBE514
Oof. For some reason, I can't read fics where someone loses their wings. It's such an important part of their identity and being that losing it causes an insurmountable amount of grief. To me, I imagine it to be similar to a vital part of someone's culture being taken away from them (like forcibly cutting hair for some cultures or preventing someone from having access to an important part of their identity).
However, I would so be down for a fic where, after Tim loses his wings, he creates prosthetics. It would not be the same, but Tim could learn to find himself again in the pile of wires and metal he fashions into his ability to fly again.
I think this prospective fic could have many different themes it could address:
One, Tim would probably be pissed at people treating him as fragile or lesser because he lost his wings. This could be a great allegory to how people treat disabled individuals, especially after an incident that changes the person's ability. It could also address how folks interact with people who have gone through traumatic and life changing events.
Two, the experience is going to absolutely suck for Tim. Even when he creates new wings, it's not going to fix everything. They will probably cause him pain, the scars will hurt, he will be going through all the stages of grief rapidly and repeatedly, and they might malfunction. There will be days he destroys his wings in anger and despair. Sometimes, he won't leave his lab, won't get out of bed, or refuses to eat. He might get dysphoria or imposter syndrome, might lash out at loved ones, and will probably isolate. It will be a very rough transition for him.
Three, there might be social stigma against "fake" wings. Maybe it would ping the others' instincts wrong. They might struggle connecting with Tim before and after he gets the prosthetics. I would also imagine that Tim would need to implant a chip into his body/spine/brain (idk robotic prosthetic science) to have the wings work correctly. I doubt he would tell them before doing it.
Eventually, his family would rally to support Tim's choice for the fake wings. It's the dealer's choice on whether Timothy Drake is known for his fake wings or not. On one hand, Tim could be the face of WE's prosthetics department and providing support for people who have lost their wings (and he could address the lack of Cyborg rights currently in law [companies can reclaim prosthetics if you go bankrupt effectively taking a part of you]). On the other hand, it could address how people don't have to publicly embrace aspects of their identity. They are a person with unique experiences and don't need to fit themselves into boxes or become the poster child of a movement (it sucks, but sometimes embracing your identity means you get limited down to that subjective experience in how people see and identify you).
If the Waynes don't know about Tim getting his wings taken away and then replaced, that kind of reminds me of a fic I read where Tim's arm was replaced. He built it with YJ and his family didn't find out for years. I don't remember the name, but it was really good.
I haven't read that fic you mentioned, but now I'm excited to check it out ^^
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wishbonegame · 9 months
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December Update!
I finished all the Summer 1st event and quest stuff from the last update, did some more work on Ask About retooling, and just finished implementing the second event of Summer year 1.
I also fixed the code to unlock window resizing with our custom game window size/aspect ratio... I couldn't get the maximize window button to work without digging deeper into Windows window control API than I was willing to do (needed to find a way to get a "close enough" fullscreen window to count as fullscreen and/or do black box padding to maintain the aspect ratio) but you can still drag the corners of the window to make it bigger. Why such a key feature is disabled by default in VX Ace is a mystery for the ages.
December's never a particularly productive month due to the holidays but I got a lot more done this year than last year. I'm finding the rhythm of building quests... it's really not so bad with the new system (big ones with lots of characters and map transitions still are rather time-consuming, though).
Still angling for Summer Y1 to be done around the end of spring. At present, we have 2/8 events for it complete. However, a few of the remaining events are quite big and there are also a number of sidequests for the month that need writing and implementing, so there's still much left to do.
Happy new year everyone!
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28.06.2023 - Camera devlog
Video game camera movement is like a stuffy nose. If everything's fine you don't think about it at all, but if anything feels off it's incredibly frustrating. So I've been spending some time working on the camera.
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First, the camera needs to follow the player. But if it follows the player 1-to-1 then it gets jarring fast. The player acts like a sticker in the center of the screen with no feeling of weight or speed, jumping around feels disorienting, and sudden movements make the camera teleport. I don't want that.
So I make the camera trail after the player. But if the player moves too fast they end up squished against the border of the screen. You would constantly crash into enemies and obstacles with no time to react.
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So I nudge the camera in the direction of the player's movement, and nudge it further ahead the faster the player is moving. This makes the camera stay ahead of the player, and gives them more foresight the faster they're moving. It's more important to see the obstacles ahead of you than the obstacles behind you, after all.
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But sometimes I want more control over the camera. Like a cutscene where the game snaps to an NPC during dialogue or a scene where the camera pans across the whole level to give you a cinematic view of what's ahead.
So I make new invisible camera objects that hijack the camera's movement when they're active. I now have 2 different camera positions, the gameplay position centered around the player and a cinematic position that gets overriden by invisible focus point objects. And then I just smoothly transition between the two.
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But sometimes I don't want to completely hijack it, I just want to nudge the camera a tiny bit to help the player in a direction. For example, if they're close to a grappling hook I want to focus the camera closer to the grappling hook so that it's further in view and easier to spot. Or maybe there's a scenic location where I want the camera to be a little further up to get a clearer image of the sky.
So I have a separate invisible object. Instead of hijacking the camera completely I instead nudge the camera towards a middle point between the player and the invisible object. And the object only does so while in range of the camera, giving up when it's outside of view.
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But this whole time I've been neglecting a very important thing. What about people playing on screens with different aspect ratios? Someone playing on a tiny square CRT TV might not even get the hook on screen in the first place, while an ultrawide display would activate every nearby object and freak the camera out.
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So instead of basing the range on the camera's actual proportions, I do my range checks with a box that uses a typical screen ratio and remains the same regardless of the player's screen. This keeps things consistent between players, at the risk of looking weird for players with extreme screen ratios. Sometimes a focus point will be on screen, but the camera won't actually get nudged that way until the camera gets close enough for it to collide with the boundary box.
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But… but… but..!
But I'm going to stop here. Another problem with things like camera control is that you can get too lost in the sauce and spend an eternity adding new functionality and fixing edge cases forever, with diminishing returns for each change. In reality, one of the most important parts of making games is figuring out what you don't put in the game. And I think the camera's in good shape right now.
Of course, a lot of this subjective and depends on what your particular game needs and is subject to change whenever the game itself starts changing. The game you start working on at the start of development is rarely the game you end up making in the end. So it'll be fun to see how much of this sticks in the final game and what ends up getting added or removed.
Hope this was an interesting read!
Much love, Åge.
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adultswim2021 · 7 months
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Titan Maximum #1: "Pilot" | September 27, 2009 - 11:30PM | S01E01
Ah, thank goodness I’m done with Robot Chicken. Now I can finally move onto greener pastures to… oh, eat shit.
TItan Maximum was created by one or some of the Robot Chicken people and animated by Shadow Machine, who animated Robot Chicken and Moral Orel and oh! So much more.  It’s fairly Robot Chicken-eseque in it’s look and humor. It’s a fairly straight-forward sitcom, parodying Voltron and shows like it. It’s more grounded than Robot Chicken; there’s no fourth-wall breaking gags and the violence isn’t as gratuitous. There’s an attempt at making the action have legitimate stakes, like you’re supposed to care about the stuff happening and root for the good guys. 
The main problem is the characters and the writing. Most of the show’s dialogue involves characters just being mean to each other. Everyone is snippy at each other, and the show mainly consists of characters being petty and combative. You almost get the sense that this is actually a show about a dystopian future where being friends is illegal.
I get that there’s a time-honored tradition of comedies that star unlikable protagonists. Make no mistake, I’m not saying all of these characters are complete dickheads. Some are bigger dicks than others, obviously. I just mean I can’t come up with a single example of two characters who seem like they have a nice, life-affirming relationship with one another. Everyone is dismissive and contentious of one another. It just feels so meaningless.
This pilot episode was a half hour and for some reason wouldn’t play properly on the Roku adult swim app, which is a terrible, terrible app. Like, literally, for some weird reason you can’t stream a lot of shit through it, and if you go to the browser version you get way more stuff. I don’t know why. The Roku app also puts an autoplay overlay over the closing credits and obscures what’s on screen, even when it’s technically still part of the episode.
That’s maybe the only thing the show has going for it, by the way: the closing credits song, which is (I assume) in Japanese and is very typical of your average poppy anime closing theme.  
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Adult Swim Shows Transition to High Definition (September 27, 2009)
In case you’re wondering, yes, I do feel bad that sometimes these little spotlights into Adult Swim’s non-episodic Miscellanea are dashed off by me, just joylessly marking the date something happened. I just sat down to type this paragraph and thought “this would’ve actually been a good thing to do research for.” I do recall this happening, though. The network had already begun future-proofing certain shows by producing them in HD. Metalocalypse, Squidbillies, Aqua Teen, and The Venture Bros. to name a few.
Also, I remember being very curious as to how 4:3 material would be handled on the network. Disappointingly, it was stretched to fill the screen. I remember people reporting that it was stretched in a manner so that the center of the screen was less warped than the edges, but I’m not sure if that was true. At the very least, I couldn’t discern such a thing. In fact, I would record certain shows on Adult Swim that were stretched on my DVD recorder, which hadn’t been calibrated to to record native 16:9 content. This meant that 16:9 stuff would wind up squished, which was an easier fix on my TV than the other way around. So it would effectively unstretch the 4:3 stuff and it looked very normal to me.
I’m not sure if they started producing the “bumps” in 16:9 before the switch. There’s definitely a noticeable difference in text size of the bumps in the early days compared to later, and I don’t know if that’s specifically attributed to the aspect ratio change or what. Also, I’m not sure why I’m wondering stuff like this out loud. Sorta makes me sound like a huge fucking loser???? (!)
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standardquip · 9 months
Nobody Loves Yuna (Remaster)
Video:Final Fantasy X Audio:Garbage – Nobody Loves You Premiere Date:2020 Status:Downloadable, Streamable Genre(s):Drama, Serious Cons/Awards: n/a Outside Links: Original: .org Editor, video entry, Youtube upload | Remaster: .org Categories:Music videos, Featured videos, Remakes & Remasters
HD Remaster of “Nobody Loves Yuna,” which was originally edited by Princess Buzzy / android18 in 2002 on the .org. Original .org entry Original YT video
I tried to be frame accurate, but there were aspect ratio, color, speed, and frame alterations between the SD & HD releases of FFX. I tried to replicate the SD version as closely as possible, but due to how FFX HD was made, the footage will never be exactly the same as the original release of FFX.
Changes/Fixes in the GMV Remaster: – Dips to color and some scenes were changed so they were the same size as the rest of the AMV. – Omitted stray frames from crossfades. – Original AMV was interlaced. Remastered AMV is progressive. – Omitted ending evilseductress url since the site no longer exists.
– I also made the following minor edits: — Changed the beginning so it fades in from black — Changed the white flash transitions at 2:21 and 3:53 to be 2 consecutive fast dips and a longer fade out.
Comparison video:
MY PERSONAL FEELINGS ON THIS: This GMV/AMV was originally made in 2002 on Windows Movie Maker. The editor has never had much of an online presence, but “Nobody Loves Yuna” has always been my favorite GMV to date. It’s one of those AMVs that you picture any time you hear the song. In fact this AMV got me into Garbage. I rewatch it pretty often and I think it’s shameful that the video quality doesn’t hold up. So I finally re-created it myself using the HD Remaster of FFX, and decided to share it with others. Maybe this GMV will finally get the attention it deserves.
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reitmonero · 18 days
What to Know Before Taking Out a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)
A Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) can be a powerful financial tool, allowing you to borrow against the equity you’ve built in your home. But before you dive in, it’s important to understand the key aspects of a HELOC to ensure it fits your financial situation and goals.
Understanding HELOC Basics
What is a HELOC?
A HELOC is a type of revolving credit where your home serves as collateral. Unlike a traditional loan where you receive a lump sum, a HELOC allows you to borrow up to a certain limit, and you can withdraw funds as needed during a draw period.
Draw Period vs. Repayment Period
Draw Period: This is the time frame during which you can withdraw funds, typically 5-10 years. During this period, you may only need to make interest payments.
Repayment Period: After the draw period ends, you enter the repayment period (often 10-20 years) where you repay both the principal and interest.
Key Considerations
1. Interest Rates
HELOCs usually have variable interest rates, meaning they can fluctuate based on market conditions. This can affect your monthly payments and overall loan cost. Some lenders offer a fixed-rate option for part of the balance.
2. Fees and Costs
Be aware of potential fees associated with a HELOC:
Application Fees: Some lenders charge a fee to process your application.
Annual Fees: There may be annual fees for keeping the line of credit open.
Closing Costs: These can include appraisal fees, title search fees, and more.
3. Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratio
Lenders use your home's LTV ratio to determine how much you can borrow. This ratio is calculated by dividing your total mortgage balance and the HELOC amount by your home's appraised value. A lower LTV ratio can lead to better terms.
4. Repayment Terms
Understanding how and when you’ll repay the HELOC is crucial. Make sure you’re comfortable with the transition from the draw period to the repayment period and how it will impact your budget.
5. Tax Implications
Interest on a HELOC might be tax-deductible if the funds are used for home improvements. Consult with a tax professional to understand how this might apply to your situation.
Pros and Cons
Flexibility: Borrow only what you need and pay interest only on the amount borrowed.
Potential Tax Benefits: Interest may be deductible if used for qualifying home improvements.
Lower Interest Rates: Typically lower rates compared to unsecured loans or credit cards.
Variable Rates: Interest rates can increase, leading to higher payments.
Risk of Foreclosure: Since your home is collateral, failure to repay could result in foreclosure.
Fees: Various fees can add up, impacting the overall cost of borrowing.
Tips for Managing a HELOC
Budget Wisely: Plan how much you need to borrow and how you’ll repay it.
Monitor Rates: Keep an eye on interest rates and consider refinancing if rates increase significantly.
Use Responsibly: Avoid using the HELOC for non-essential expenses.
A HELOC can be a flexible and cost-effective way to access funds, but it's important to fully understand its features, costs, and potential risks. By considering these factors and planning carefully, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your financial goals.
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aerlevvsedi · 3 months
Se supone que la estrellita es el botón de menú pero nunca pude hacer que se viera no RANCIO.
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acdoflancashireblog · 5 months
Exploring the Smooth Ride: The Chrysler Grand Voyager and its Automatic Gearbox
In the realm of family-friendly vehicles, few names carry as much weight as the Chrysler Grand Voyager. Renowned for its spacious interior, top-notch safety features, and reliable performance, the Grand Voyager stands as a paragon of comfort and convenience for large families and adventurers alike. However, one particular aspect of its design often goes unnoticed amidst its other virtues—the sophisticated automatic gearbox that seamlessly powers this automotive marvel.
The Chrysler Grand Voyager: A Symbol of Family Comfort
First introduced in the 1980s, the Chrysler Grand Voyager has evolved over the years to become a staple in the minivan market. Its distinctive design, characterized by its sleek lines and spacious cabin, immediately sets it apart from its competitors. Whether it's ferrying kids to soccer practice, embarking on a cross-country road trip, or simply running errands around town, the Grand Voyager excels in meeting the diverse needs of modern families.
The Heart of the Machine: The Grand Voyager Automatic Gearbox
At the core of the Grand Voyager's smooth performance lies its automatic gearbox—a marvel of automotive engineering designed to deliver power efficiently and effortlessly. Unlike manual transmissions that require drivers to shift gears manually, automatic gearboxes seamlessly adjust gear ratios based on speed, engine load, and other factors, providing a smooth and comfortable driving experience.
The Grand Voyager's automatic gearbox is engineered to anticipate the driver's needs, effortlessly transitioning between gears to maintain optimal performance and fuel efficiency. Whether accelerating on the highway or navigating crowded city streets, the gearbox responds with precision and finesse, ensuring a seamless driving experience for passengers and drivers alike.
Unleashing Performance with Chrysler Grand Voyager Gearbox
The Grand Voyager's gearbox isn't just about smooth transitions—it's also about unleashing the minivan's full performance potential. Whether towing a trailer, traversing rugged terrain, or tackling challenging weather conditions, the gearbox optimizes power delivery to the wheels, providing enhanced traction and stability when it matters most.
Furthermore, the gearbox's adaptive technology continually monitors driving conditions, adjusting shift patterns in real-time to maximize performance and efficiency. This intelligent system not only enhances the driving experience but also contributes to the Grand Voyager's reputation for reliability and durability.
Ensuring Reliability with Chrysler Breakers
While the Grand Voyager is built to last, even the most well-engineered vehicles require maintenance and occasional repairs. That's where Chrysler breakers come into play. These specialized auto parts suppliers offer a wide range of genuine Chrysler components, including gearboxes, ensuring that owners can keep their Grand Voyagers running smoothly for years to come.
Chrysler breakers provide a cost-effective solution for repairing and maintaining Grand Voyagers, offering quality parts at competitive prices. Whether it's a minor fix or a major overhaul, these reputable suppliers have the expertise and inventory to meet the needs of Grand Voyager owners, keeping their vehicles on the road and performing at their best.
Driving into the Future with the Chrysler Grand Voyager
In the competitive landscape of family-oriented vehicles, the Chrysler Grand Voyager continues to stand out for its unparalleled combination of comfort, versatility, and performance. At the heart of this automotive icon lies its automatic gearbox—a testament to Chrysler's commitment to innovation and excellence.
As drivers embark on journeys near and far, they can trust in the Grand Voyager's automatic gearbox to deliver a smooth and reliable driving experience every time. And with the support of Chrysler breakers, they can rest assured knowing that their beloved minivans will remain road-worthy for generations to come. So whether it's a weekend getaway, a daily commute, or a cross-country adventure, the Chrysler Grand Voyager and its automatic gearbox are ready to make every journey a memorable one.
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kickrtechnology1 · 6 months
Crafting an Effective Website: The Art of Design and Development
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In the digital age, a business’s website serves as its virtual storefront. It’s often the first point of contact for potential customers, making it crucial for businesses to invest in a website that not only looks appealing but also functions seamlessly. Website design and development are intricate processes that require a blend of creativity, technical expertise, and strategic thinking. In this article, we’ll delve into the nuances of website design and development, exploring key principles, trends, and best practices to create a compelling online presence.
Understanding the Fundamentals
At its core, website design encompasses both aesthetics and functionality. A well-designed website not only captivates visitors with visually appealing elements but also provides intuitive navigation and a seamless user experience. Here are some fundamental aspects to consider:
1. User Experience (UX) Design: UX design focuses on understanding users’ needs and preferences to create an intuitive and enjoyable browsing experience. This involves optimizing navigation, layout, and interactions to ensure visitors can easily find what they’re looking for.
2. Responsive Design: With the proliferation of mobile devices, responsive design has become essential. A responsive website adapts its layout and content to suit various screen sizes, ensuring a consistent experience across desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
3. Visual Design: Visual elements such as color schemes, typography, images, and multimedia play a crucial role in conveying brand identity and engaging visitors. Consistent branding and high-quality visuals contribute to a polished and professional appearance.
4. Accessibility: Designing for accessibility ensures that all users, including those with disabilities, can access and navigate the website effectively. This involves considerations such as proper contrast ratios, keyboard navigation support, and descriptive alt text for images.
The Development Process
Website development involves translating design concepts into functional code. It encompasses frontend development, which deals with the visual aspects and user interactions, and backend development, which focuses on server-side processes and database management. Here’s an overview of the development process:
1. Choosing the Right Technology Stack: Selecting the appropriate technology stack depends on factors such as project requirements, scalability, and the expertise of the development team. Common technologies include HTML, CSS, JavaScript for frontend development, and languages like PHP, Python, or Node.js for backend development.
2. Building a Responsive Layout: Development begins with structuring the website’s layout using HTML and styling it with CSS. Adopting a mobile-first approach ensures that the website is optimized for smaller screens, with media queries used to adjust the layout for larger devices.
3. Implementing Interactivity: JavaScript is used to enhance interactivity and functionality on the frontend. This includes features such as animated transitions, form validation, and dynamic content loading, improving the user experience and engagement.
4. Backend Development and Content Management: Backend development involves setting up servers, databases, and server-side scripting to handle dynamic content generation and user interactions. Content management systems (CMS) like WordPress or custom-built solutions facilitate content creation, editing, and publishing.
5. Testing and Optimization: Rigorous testing is conducted to identify and fix any bugs or compatibility issues across different browsers and devices. Performance optimization techniques such as minification, caching, and image optimization are implemented to ensure fast load times and smooth user experience.
Emerging Trends and Technologies
The field of website design and development is constantly evolving, driven by technological advancements and changing user expectations. Here are some notable trends shaping the industry:
1. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): PWAs combine the best of web and mobile apps, offering features like offline access, push notifications, and app-like navigation. They provide a seamless experience across devices and platforms, making them increasingly popular for businesses seeking to engage users effectively.
2. Voice User Interface (VUI): With the rise of voice-enabled devices like smart speakers and virtual assistants, VUI design is gaining prominence. Websites optimized for voice search and interaction offer greater accessibility and convenience to users, especially in hands-free scenarios.
3. Motion Design and Micro-interactions: Motion design, including animations, transitions, and micro-interactions, adds personality and interactivity to websites. Thoughtfully crafted animations not only delight users but also communicate information effectively, enhancing UX.
4. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): AR and VR technologies are increasingly being integrated into websites to provide immersive experiences. From virtual product demonstrations to interactive tours, AR and VR enhance engagement and differentiate brands in crowded markets.
In today’s digital landscape, a well-designed and meticulously developed website is essential for businesses to thrive online. By focusing on user experience, embracing responsive design principles, and staying abreast of emerging trends and technologies, businesses can create compelling online experiences that captivate audiences and drive success. Website design and development is not merely a technical endeavor but an art form that combines creativity, technology, and strategy to leave a lasting impression on visitors and achieve business objectives.
Website design and development with kickr technology:
Your business website is always the best asset for the purpose of marketing your products or brands. Lots of business owners have created their website. Then, still, why some of them are getting more traffic than others? It is the web design and development of that site, that helps them to beat others. At Kickr Technology, the best web designing and development company in Noida, we are a team of web designers and developers, who have acquired scientific and artistic skills for creating a thoughtful design for your site. Our website will work as your sales representative in the virtual world. Let’s aware about the power of website and make your company a popular brand with best designers and developers of kickr technology, to know more about website design and development, visit us at www.kickrtechnology.com.
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klara-usa · 7 months
Klara Projections: Your Ultimate Guide to Home Theater Projection Screens
In the age of streaming services and digital downloads, the concept of home theater has transitioned from a luxury to an essential part of modern living spaces. The core of an immersive home cinema experience lies not just in the audio system or the streaming device but significantly in the choice of projection screen. Klara Projections, a leader in the home theater market, offers a comprehensive range of home theater projection screens designed to cater to every cinephile's dream. This guide will delve into the nuances of selecting the perfect projection screen for your home theater, highlighting the innovations and solutions provided by Klara Projections.
Understanding Projection Screen Basics Before diving into the specifics, it's essential to grasp the basics of home theater projection screens. These screens are far more than mere backdrops for your projector's images. They are engineered to enhance picture quality, color accuracy, and overall viewing experience. The primary factors that influence the performance of a projection screen include gain, aspect ratio, size, and the type of screen material.
Gain Gain refers to the measure of a screen's reflectivity. Screens with a higher gain will reflect more light directly back to the viewer, enhancing brightness in well-lit rooms. Klara Projections offers a variety of screens with optimal gain levels, ensuring that you get the best possible image in any lighting condition.
Aspect Ratio The aspect ratio is the ratio of the width to the height of the image. The most common ratios for home theaters are 16:9, suitable for movies, television, and gaming, and 2.35:1, which is ideal for widescreen cinematic experiences. Klara Projections specializes in providing screens that cater to both these preferences, allowing users to choose based on their viewing habits.
Screen Size The size of the screen should correspond to your room's dimensions and the projector's capability. A larger screen provides a more immersive experience but requires a projector with higher luminosity to maintain image quality. Klara Projections offers personalized consultancy to help you select the perfect screen size for your space.
Screen Material The material of the screen impacts its texture, color reproduction, and ambient light rejection capabilities. Klara Projections utilizes cutting-edge materials to produce screens that offer the best in class image quality and are suitable for a wide range of environments, from darkened home theaters to living rooms with natural light.
Why Choose Klara Projections? Klara Projections stands out in the market for several reasons:
Variety Whether you're looking for a fixed frame, motorized, or portable screen, Klara Projections has an option to suit your needs. Our range includes screens for indoor and outdoor use, catering to all types of viewers, from the casual watcher to the avid cinephile.
Customization Understanding that every home theater is unique, Klara Projections offers customizable solutions. From size and aspect ratio to screen material, you can tailor every aspect of your screen to fit your specific requirements.
Quality With Klara Projections, quality is paramount. Our screens are designed to provide superior image quality, ensuring deep blacks, vibrant colors, and exceptional brightness levels. We use durable, high-quality materials to ensure that your screen stands the test of time.
Expertise Our team of experts is always ready to provide advice, from selecting the right screen to optimizing your entire home theater setup. We pride ourselves on our customer service and strive to ensure that every Klara Projections customer is fully satisfied with their purchase.
Innovation Klara Projections is at the forefront of projection technology. We continuously research and develop new materials and technologies to enhance your viewing experience. Our screens are designed to be compatible with the latest projectors, including 4K and HDR models.
Final Thoughts A home theater projection screen is not just a purchase; it's an investment in unparalleled cinematic experiences within the comfort of your home. Choosing the right screen can be the difference between a good viewing experience and a great one. With Klara Projections, you're not just buying a screen; you're gaining a partner dedicated to enhancing your love for movies, games, and everything in between.
Whether you're setting up a new home theater or upgrading an existing one, consider the value, variety, and expertise that Klara Projections brings to the table. Dive into the world of high-quality home theater projection screens with Klara Projections and transform your home entertainment experience forever.
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idp-dome · 8 months
Final Stages
This is the description of the very last stages of our interdisciplinary project in which each one of us contributed within their own skills.
During the time we each spent developing our separate scenes, we kept communicating as a team to make sure the final video outputs ended up merging together as a puzzle, and no huge differences in style could be noticed throughout. Some things we discussed are aspect ratio, video resolution and transitions. We encountered some rendering issues as well since we are new to this type of visualisation that is made for VR and 360 domes, but we made sure to keep contacting each other with updates on the matter and finding fixes for the rendering issues. Talha was especially helpful as he had more experience than Abhinav and I in both Unreal Engine and Blender, so he was able to guide us. We were eager to test our creations on the last Friday before the submission, but the testing ended up getting postponed to the day of the exhibition which made us more worried due to the lack of time to fix things in case we encountered issues with the projection.
After we were done with rendering our footage we sent all sequences to Anosh who was responsible of compositing, editing and adding sound to our project. He made sure to do the proper research before starting his practical work, which was great, as he ended up coming across useful techniques for working in After Effects. At some point I was contacted regarding something that did not seem quite right in the final output of the video: it turned out that I had set up my camera in a different way compared to Talha’s. In fact, I had put my camera in the scene in a way that it’s positioned beneath the particles that I wanted to have projected at the top of the dome, which was clearly noticeable based on the full-dome render output. In fact, the particle systems I had rendered ended up being on one side of the circle rather than the center, for this reason, I decided to contact one of our classmates who told me that he had done it the same way as I had. Since we were not sure if we were supposed to direct the camera in a way that faced the visuals or not, I suggested to clear out any probable issues. I suggested we create two versions with two different scenarios that we’d test the next day, but Talha raised some valid concerns regarding rendering time. Fortunately, Anosh started doing some research to find a solution, and he came up with a way to flip the 360 rotations of our camera angles in the panoramic render sequences in After Effects, which granted us more flexibility.
Unfortunately, though, when the day came we were not able to see our project come to life when the event was cancelled as the university was not able to provide us with the dome installation needed. Nonetheless, we were very satisfied with the final result as we watched the video that we produced. It was nice to test our abilities to collaborate and create something that is both visually pleasing and satisfying.
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vishnoikumar · 1 year
Understanding the Satta King Result Phenomenon
In the realm of games that blend chance and strategy, few are as enigmatic and captivating as Satta King. This age-old game, born from the roots of Satta Matka, has evolved into a cultural phenomenon that beckons players with promises of luck and fortune. As the anticipation builds and bets are placed, the allure of the Satta King result becomes undeniable. In this blog post, we delve deep into the world of Satta King, shedding light on its origins, mechanics, impact of technology, ethical considerations, and more. Whether you're a curious observer or an aspiring player, join us on a journey to demystify the intricacies surrounding the Satta King result and the game itself.
The Origins of Satta King
Satta King's roots trace back to the intriguing history of Satta Matka, a form of gambling that emerged in the bustling streets of Mumbai during the 1960s. Matka, meaning "earthen pot," initially referred to the practice of drawing random numbers from a pot to determine a winner. This form of gambling gained immense popularity due to its simple yet thrilling nature.
As the practice spread, it evolved into what we now know as Satta King. The term "Satta" means betting or wagering, and "King" signifies the influential role of the winner. Over time, Satta Matka's format transformed into a more structured game with fixed timings, specific rules, and an organized system for declaring results.
What began as a local pastime soon captured the imagination of a wider audience, transcending geographical boundaries. With the advent of technology and the proliferation of the internet, Satta King expanded its reach, allowing enthusiasts from different corners of the world to partake in the game's anticipation and excitement.
While Satta Matka had its origins as a form of speculative entertainment, the transition to Satta King brought about a significant shift in dynamics. The game's historical evolution offers a fascinating glimpse into how chance, strategy, and the thrill of winning converged to create the phenomenon we explore today. In the following sections, we'll delve into the inner workings of Satta King, shedding light on how it operates and the factors that contribute to the suspense surrounding the announcement of the Satta King result.
How Satta King Works
At its core, Satta King is a game of chance and strategy, where players place bets on numbers in the hope of winning substantial prizes. The game operates through a structured process that involves multiple steps, each contributing to the excitement and anticipation that surrounds the declaration of the Satta King result.
Selection of Numbers: Players choose a set of numbers from a predefined range. These numbers can range from single digits to double digits, and sometimes even triple digits.
Betting: Players place their bets on their chosen numbers. The bets can vary in terms of amount, type, and combination. Different bet types offer varying odds and potential payouts.
Closing of Bets: After a designated time period, the bets are closed. This marks the end of the betting phase and the beginning of the result preparation process.
Result Declaration: The Satta King result is determined based on a specific method. The game uses various methods to generate a winning number, such as drawing cards, using a random number generator, or other proprietary techniques.
Announcement: The winning number is announced, and players who have placed bets on that number or its combinations win prizes. The prizes can be substantial, attracting players with the promise of significant returns on their bets.
Payouts: The winners receive payouts based on the odds associated with their chosen bet types and the amount they wagered. Different bet types have different payout ratios, contributing to the strategic aspect of the game.
Record Keeping: The results, bets, and payouts are recorded for transparency and verification purposes. In traditional settings, this record keeping was manual, but with the digital transformation, online platforms now automate this process.
The game's intrigue lies not only in the random nature of number generation but also in the strategies that players employ to make informed bets. Some players analyze past results, identify patterns, and track trends to try to predict the next winning number. Others rely on gut feelings or personal superstitions.
While the excitement of the game draws many participants, it's important to note that Satta King involves risks. Players should exercise caution and responsible gaming practices to avoid potential financial losses and other negative consequences. In the next sections, we'll explore the role of luck and strategy in Satta King, as well as the mechanics behind result declaration and patterns in the results. 
The Impact of Technology on Satta King
In a world rapidly driven by technological advancements, Satta King has not remained untouched. The integration of technology into the game's infrastructure has led to significant changes in how it is played, experienced, and accessed.
Online Platforms: One of the most transformative impacts of technology on Satta King is the emergence of online platforms and websites dedicated to the game. Players can now place their bets and check results from the comfort of their homes, eliminating the need to visit physical locations. This accessibility has contributed to a surge in participation and engagement.
Mobile Apps: The proliferation of smartphones has given rise to dedicated mobile applications for Satta King. These apps offer users the convenience of playing on the go, receiving real-time notifications, and accessing a wealth of information about the game.
Transparency: Technology has introduced a level of transparency to the game that was previously challenging to achieve. Online platforms provide historical data on past results, trends, and payout information, allowing players to make more informed decisions.
Random Number Generation: The use of sophisticated random number generators has become prevalent in modern Satta King games. This technology ensures a fair and unbiased selection of winning numbers, dispelling concerns about manipulation or favoritism.
Global Participation: Technology has broken down geographical barriers, enabling players from around the world to participate in Satta King. This global reach has diversified the player base and introduced new dynamics to the game.
Data Analytics: Enthusiasts with an affinity for data analysis have leveraged technology to dissect historical results and identify potential patterns. This practice, known as result analytics, has become more prevalent in the digital age.
Safer Transactions: Digital platforms have introduced secure payment gateways, ensuring safer transactions for players when depositing funds and withdrawing winnings. Encryption and authentication mechanisms provide a layer of security to players' financial interactions.
Real-Time Updates: Online platforms and apps offer real-time updates on the game's progress, including opening and closing times for bets, live result announcements, and payout information. This enhances the overall experience for players.
However, while technology has brought about convenience and innovation, it's important to approach Satta King, like any form of gambling, responsibly. The ease of access afforded by technology can also lead to increased risks of addiction and financial losses. It's crucial for players to exercise self-control and make informed decisions when engaging with Satta King or any other gambling activity.
As we continue our exploration, we'll delve into the ethical considerations surrounding Satta King, as well as the potential risks and consequences that players might encounter.
The journey through the world of Satta King has illuminated the intricate web of chance, strategy, and technology that defines this captivating game. From its humble origins as Satta Matka to its modern incarnation as Satta King, the game has evolved into a global phenomenon that continues to enthrall players with the allure of big wins and suspenseful results.
As we've discovered, Satta King operates at the crossroads of luck and strategy. Players navigate through a maze of numbers, placing bets and analyzing patterns in hopes of cracking the code that leads to victory. The impact of technology has reshaped the landscape of Satta King, making it more accessible, transparent, and engaging than ever before. Online platforms, mobile apps, and real-time updates have revolutionized how players participate and interact with the game.
However, it's crucial to remember that every game of chance comes with its own set of risks and consequences. Responsible gaming practices should be at the forefront of every player's mind. The thrill of Satta King can sometimes cloud judgment, leading to financial losses and potential addiction. Balancing excitement with prudence is essential to ensure a positive experience for all participants.
In the broader context, Satta King prompts us to reflect on the ethical implications of engaging in activities that revolve around luck and gambling. While some jurisdictions consider it a form of entertainment, others view it as a societal concern due to its potential for harm. As players and as a society, it's essential to weigh the benefits and drawbacks and make informed choices.
Ultimately, the Satta King result is more than just a number; it symbolizes the culmination of hopes, dreams, and calculated risks. Whether you're a casual observer, an aspiring player, or simply curious about the world of games of chance, understanding the nuances of Satta King adds a layer of depth to an activity that has intrigued humanity for generations. As we navigate a rapidly changing world, let's approach such endeavors with wisdom, responsibility, and a mindful appreciation for the blend of fortune and strategy that they offer.
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Unveiling Hybrid Power: The Secrets of the 2013 Toyota Prius Transmission
The 2013 Toyota Prius stands as a beacon of innovation, symbolizing the automotive industry's commitment to a greener and more sustainable future. At the core of this iconic hybrid vehicle lies a transmission system that holds the key to its groundbreaking performance. In this article, we'll unveil the secrets of the 2013 Toyota Prius transmission, delving into its intricacies and uncovering how it brings the concept of hybrid power to life.
The Heart of the Hybrid Synergy Drive
The 2013 Toyota Prius's transmission is an integral part of the Hybrid Synergy Drive system, which melds the power of a gasoline engine and an electric motor. The Electronically Controlled Continuously Variable Transmission (ECVT) is the linchpin that enables these diverse power sources to work in unison, creating a harmonious driving experience that's efficient and eco-friendly.
Unlike conventional automatic transmissions with a fixed number of gears, the ECVT uses a system of pulleys and belts to provide an infinite range of gear ratios. This fluid approach allows the engine to operate at its most efficient RPMs across varying speeds, optimizing both performance and fuel economy.
Seamless Power Transitions
One of the most impressive aspects of the 2013 Toyota Prius transmission is its ability to facilitate seamless power transitions. During low-speed city driving or when cruising, the Prius can operate in electric-only mode, emitting zero tailpipe emissions. As demand for power increases, the gasoline engine takes over seamlessly, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted driving experience.
The transmission system ensures these transitions occur smoothly and almost imperceptibly. The result is a ride that feels effortless, regardless of whether you're relying on electric power or the internal combustion engine. This capability to orchestrate harmonious shifts between power sources is what truly sets the Prius apart as a leader in hybrid technology.
Regenerative Braking: Capturing Energy While Slowing Down
Beyond its role in power delivery, the 2013 Toyota Prius transmission also contributes to energy capture during deceleration. The regenerative braking system transforms kinetic energy into electrical energy, which is then used to recharge the hybrid battery. Managed by the transmission, this process ensures a controlled and efficient deceleration while maximizing energy recovery.
By converting braking energy into electricity, the Prius minimizes waste and further solidifies its reputation as an eco-friendly vehicle. This innovative system demonstrates how the transmission plays a vital role in the Prius's holistic approach to energy conservation.
The 2013 Toyota Prius transmission holds the secrets to unlocking the potential of hybrid power. Its Electronically Controlled Continuously Variable Transmission (ECVT) seamlessly integrates the gasoline engine and electric motor, allowing them to work together in perfect harmony. The transmission's ability to facilitate smooth power transitions and capture energy during braking showcases its pivotal role in redefining how we approach hybrid vehicles.
As drivers take the wheel of the 2013 Toyota Prius, they're not just driving a car; they're embarking on a journey into the future of transportation. The transmission's role in harnessing the power of hybrid technology highlights Toyota's dedication to innovation, efficiency, and sustainability. The 2013 Prius's transmission isn't just a component – it's the driving Mastering Efficiency: The Transmission of the 2013 Toyota Prius force that unveils the secrets of hybrid power and propels us toward a more environmentally conscious and technologically advanced era of driving.
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leegreys · 2 years
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Now, press the Install button and like on an iPhone or Android device, your application will start downloading. A window of Montage Pro - Combine Multiple Videos into One Video Clip Editor for Vine and Instagram on the Play Store or the app store will open and it will display the Store in your emulator application. Click on Montage Pro - Combine Multiple Videos into One Video Clip Editor for Vine and Instagramapplication icon. Once you found it, type Montage Pro - Combine Multiple Videos into One Video Clip Editor for Vine and Instagram in the search bar and press Search. Now, open the Emulator application you have installed and look for its search bar. If you do the above correctly, the Emulator app will be successfully installed. Now click Next to accept the license agreement.įollow the on screen directives in order to install the application properly. Once you have found it, click it to install the application or exe on your PC or Mac computer. Now that you have downloaded the emulator of your choice, go to the Downloads folder on your computer to locate the emulator or Bluestacks application. Step 2: Install the emulator on your PC or Mac You can download the Bluestacks Pc or Mac software Here >. The app is powered by artificial intelligence, making the video-editing process a bit more seamless and automatic for users. Magisto is well known for its video-editing capabilities, especially for beginners or those who are seeking to simplify the editing process. Most of the tutorials on the web recommends the Bluestacks app and I might be tempted to recommend it too, because you are more likely to easily find solutions online if you have trouble using the Bluestacks application on your computer. Magisto: Best Instagram video creator to simplify editing. If you want to use the application on your computer, first visit the Mac store or Windows AppStore and search for either the Bluestacks app or the Nox App >. Step 1: Download an Android emulator for PC and Mac
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