#five favorite characters
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maze-zen · 8 months ago
Tagged by @astronautmike-dexter (on my DBZ sideblog). Thanks!
Make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.
I don't know if there are some I've forgotten that should have been higher on my list, but these are what I can remember. In the order I discovered them.
I knew Vegeta earlier, but not in the way I have come to know him now *suggestive eyebrows*
Tagging @serenityhime1, @galexibrain, @ravoress, @starlitexpress and @solcaeruleus!
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telomeke · 9 months ago
I was tagged by @lurkingshan (at this post linked here) and @pickletrip (at this post linked here). Thanks dearies! 🥰
Challenge: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.
I'm sticking to BLs as well, because the field would be far too wide otherwise (can you imagine a poll with Dolly Levi, Buffy Summers, Joe Rossi from Lou Grant, Lady Deathstrike from X-Men 2, any one of the Golden Girls, Erik Killmonger from Black Panther the movie, the Beastmaster and cartoon Aladdin? 🤣).
Anyway, I don't watch all that much BL (not compared to the majority of people here on BL Tumblr, who have watchlists longer than Babe's wig when he was Wansarat in The Sign). So that narrows the field considerably for me – and my list has some likely suspects, including an unbreakable pairing, and also one highly unusual choice. But I'll explain my choices after the poll itself:
Why these characters? Here's my spiel:
PatPran (Bad Buddy)  I've combined these two as a single choice, because obviously they go together (and so well too). But really, I would have loved to have listed them separately, because I have different reasons for loving them. Pat is just an all-round good guy, hopelessly optimistic, generous and so giving; he thinks of others before himself (and if both partners in a couple do that, well, you then have a mutually-reinforcing relationship). Pran I love because I can see so much of myself in him, from his tics and foibles, his interests, to his struggles finding his courage and growing into his own identity.
Li Ming (Moonlight Chicken)  In a lot of ways, what Li Ming was going through in MLC paralleled some of my own experiences when I was a teen his age. If only they'd had MLC or something similar for teenage me to have watched growing up! Li Ming was somehow able to navigate the pressures of becoming someone true to himself (something that Pran, and I too in my teens, struggled with) while dealing with real world issues at the same time (economic hardship in Li Ming's case, while in mine it was general teen angst and family stress). He didn't let life get to him, and he stayed the course, knowing his own self-worth even when others were telling him to scale back his expectations (Uncle Jim and Heart's parents). Lessons in there for all LGBTQ+ teens, and Khun Noppharnach's socially-conscious BLs should be given more credit for the positive role models they portray and how they help the younger set. Plus Fourth did an excellent job bringing Li Ming to life (thanks in part I think to Director Aof's guidance; Fourth's Atom in My Love Mix-Up Thailand is a lot less grounded and authentic, at least from what I've seen in the first couple of episodes).
Porsche (KinnPorsche)  This entry is just for fun. KinnPorsche was a wild ride, whacking us with whiplash at every turn, and Porsche was emblematic of that experience. Cool, sexy martial arts fighter in one episode, total buffoon at the mercy of sprinklers, piss-allergic carp and mermaid costumes in others. Apo gamely played along, and he can do both slick action and slapstick comedy well, so watching Porsche always brought a smile to my face. Whether it was seducing Kinn with pappy supermarket bread, or warding off ghosts with a penis amulet, you never knew what craziness was in store next with this character. Pure entertainment.
Adachi (Cherry Magic)  Adachi charmed the briefs off me the moment the lift doors went CLANG!!! on him while he was distracted with whatever it was that was speedrunning through his head again. Such a lovable doofus, always surprised by whatever situation he managed to stumble into. Eiji Akaso is really good-looking, but he didn't care about image and happily took all the pratfalls in his stride. He somehow managed to imbue Adachi's clumsy clownery with a strange sense of dignity (helped along, I suppose, by the fact that we could also hear Adachi's inner monologue, allowing us to see the innocent good-heartedness within).
Dissaya (Bad Buddy)  This is the odd one out. Pran's mom was hated by so many fans during Bad Buddy's run, who blamed her for ruining Pran's life in many ways. And it's true her own hang-ups wrought havoc on Pran's relationship with the world outside. But for someone with so few scenes, I think she's actually one of the more complex characters in Bad Buddy, with a turbulent backstory that explains how her own relationship with the world got so warped. My read is that everything she did, including sending Pran away in high school, was done out of love for her beloved only son and motivated by a desire to protect him at all costs. She was a smothering, over-protective mother to be sure, but I think the lady just didn't know any better, and the last two episodes of Bad Buddy really do invite us to rethink our earlier appraisals of her. It wasn't easy doing Dissaya's character study based on the fairly scant details we got (write-ups linked here and here), but they were enough for me to glean an understanding of who I think she is. And I think in the end she is someone worthy of respect, so I do tip my hat out of respect for her. It's also obvious Pran loves her dearly, as much as she loves him back. And I think I trust Pran's judgement of character on this one. 😍
Onward tagging:
@neuroticbookworm, @colourme-feral, @airenyah, @wen-kexing-apologist, @solitaryandwandering
I really want to tag more, but this game limits us to five so these are just five people tagged at random. If I haven't tagged you but you'd like to play, please do so (knowing that I want to tag everyone and then some)! And please tag me if you play, so that I can read and vote on your poll too. 😍
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neuroticbookworm · 8 months ago
Tag Game: Five Favorite Characters
Tagged by @telomeke, here. *intercontinental hugs*
Challenge: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.
I'm gonna stick to BLs because I am already months late to this game, I don't wanna spend several more trying to choose five all-time favorite characters
I'm pretty sure everyone on BL Tumblr has already played this game, if any of y'all haven't and want to play, please consider yourself tagged! (And tag me in your posts so I can play!)
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shuvva · 8 months ago
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stuffnonsenseandotherthings · 8 months ago
Tag Game: Five Favorite Characters
Challenge: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.
@neuroticbookworm tagged this open for everyone and, as I've been pretty much AWOL for the past few months I'm going to use it as a chance to jump on the very last carriage of the bandwagon.
Sticking to k-dramas and Thai BL because I want to...
(also I cheated because I like the symmetry of 6, sorry)
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laurrelise · 3 months ago
still not done talking about the fact that aidan gallagher got cast to play one of the most plot-important characters in an adult superhero show among a cast of grown, professional actors at the age of 13, fresh off of a nickelodeon children’s show and managed to deliver one of the most layered, memorable performances and become the favorite of most people who watched it
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magnetic-rose · 7 months ago
I can’t believe the umbrella academy only had two seasons. That show had so much potential.
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simcardiac-arrested · 1 year ago
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day 30 - videogame (undertale, fnaf, etc)
somebody get this man some chapstick
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telomeke · 8 months ago
Hi @he-is-lightning-in-a-bottle! This was a fun and also thought-provoking read. Thanks for tagging me! 🥰 I already played this tag game, and my own is linked here if you'd like to read it. 💖
tagged by @wen-kexing-apologist.
Challenge: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.
I am choosing to limit myself to BL characters because otherwise we'd have a Will Graham (an unhinged FBI profiler in Hannibal) vs Yu Ji Ho (the boundary-respecting pharmacist single dad in One Spring Night) vs Bart (the Universe-appointed holistic assassin in Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency) vs Benjamin Sisko (the legendary single dad and captain of the space station in Star Trek Deep Space Nine) type of situation going on.
Nozue (Old Fashion Cupcake)
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Everyone's favorite boss with a heart of gold, this 39yo repressed hottie could flirt like a pro. My favorite thing about him is that he experienced utterly transformative character growth without having to experience severe pain (a breakup, a loved one's death, job loss, rejection, etc). He just looked at where he was standing and... stepped left.
Kakeru (I Cannot Reach You)
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My boy learned his childhood bestie had a crush on him and did not flee in terror. Instead he faced it and asked for patience and examined his feelings and treated the potential change in their relationship as seriously as it deserved to be treated because the request came from someone he loved. Clearly, this is a boy who knows how to spell R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
Wei Qian (Unknown)
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He stepped up and raised his younger sibling when their druggie mother died, then added an adoptee into the mix. And he cared for them so profoundly that they had relatively normal childhoods despite being orphans. Yet this softie was tough enough to be a gang enforcer, and then smart enough to get a college degree, and then competent enough to co-create a successful startup. Like what kind of super hero bullshit is he on?
Karan (Cherry Magic, Thailand)
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A competent and talented employee, and he's a total simp who looks great in or out of a suit? Sign me up for his tender loving care, y'all. I literally melted into a puddle of goo every time we saw a glimpse of his very earnest yet sweet fantasies. He just wants to take care of his boo!
Iwanaga (Love Is Better The Second Time Around)
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I confess he's here mostly because he's eye candy. (Well that and recency bias, because if we're really talking about my favorite eye candy, it'd be Porsche from Kinnporsche without a second's hesitation.) But roll with me here, please? This man can fuck! And fuck so well he pissed off the love of his life! And all the men in town are dropping for him like flies. They get one hint of a taste of his juice and they're down bad! They're hooked. They're his. He is legendary. He is epic. He knows how to work his angles and his puppy dog eyes! And he's also talented and wealthy and considerate to boot.
Most of my mutuals have probably played already, but if you care to go again or want an excuse to play by different rules, please consider yourself tagged. Also I'm tagging some of you just in case you haven't done it yet because tbh I haven't been paying that close of attention to my dash this week: @absolutebl, @syrinth, @dean-you-assbutt-cas-loves-you, @lurkingshan, @bengiyo, @chickenstrangers, @thequeenofsastiel, @tiggymalvern, @spicyvampire, @my-rose-tinted-glasses, @wanderlust-in-my-soul, @twig-tea, @telomeke, @guzhu-furen, @gunsatthaphan, @lymeandcoconut, @itwoodbeprefect, @shortpplfedup
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kittenfangirl20 · 5 months ago
I have a fun challenge if I tag you could you put gifs of your top 5 favorite Hazbin Hotel characters in order? Here is mine. If you want to you can tag others as well for fun.
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@things-arent-what-they-seem66 @talesfromawannabejournalist @lilacwriter07 @fanofstuff01 @mayjor-lochardt
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shuvva · 8 months ago
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shinewonder · 5 months ago
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the younger brother
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emedeme · 23 days ago
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Hello friends! It’s almost that time of the year so even if it's a little later than usual, let's start my annual Valentine’s Day Commissions Sale!   💕
 I will draw:
Your otp being cute, kissing (lips, cheeks, forehead, etc), hugging, looking at each other… whatever you choose!
Couples of friends being nice and cute to each other.
Siblings or family members expressing love.
Existing characters with OCs.
Couples of OCs.
Canon and non-canon couples.
I will NOT draw:
Non-consensual or abusive relationships (that are depicted that way in canon). 
Underage characters with adult characters in a romantic situation.
If you’re interested in these, please fill in this Google form with your info, your ideas for your commission, and basic references if needed. I’ll later on contact you in case you want to expand your info via email. Payments are accepted upfront via PayPal (Bizum is available for Spain)
Filling in the form does not guarantee a commission slot: since I have very little personal time this year, I’ll only be offering 6 slots and I’m allowing myself to pick my favorite prompts instead of the usual “first come, first served” - Thank you for understanding!
The form will be open until February 11th 📩 Reblogs and spreading the word are very much appreciated!!! ✨
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sleepypdng · 9 months ago
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Bonnie was his favorite 🐰
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dracunettes · 8 months ago
Thanks for tagging me! 🩷
I list five of my favorite characters and then tag my moots for them to decide who is their favorite.
Tagging @yelloowcars @skylarkdevries @alottiegoingon @emergys @thedreemer-artrequestsopen @sokestry @everybodyloveskris!
Ahhh thank you @whodoesnataliehave for the tag! I've been wanting to do this one!
I list my five favorite characters and then tag my moots for them to decide who is their favorite.
@nataliescatorccioapologist @nogenderblender9358 @imsososolesbian @heartz4shauna @before-it-felt-like-a-sin @luvsicdog @h1tsme @nestaenthusiast @dracunettes
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werewolfhooligan · 1 year ago
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it is halloween
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