#fisher w359
harpoonsandmusicals · 4 months
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finally got around to drawing how i picture lovelace's og crew! I decided on blood red flight suits to be reminiscent of the main crew's orange but allude to these guys' much darker fate. I'm not quite satisfied with Rhea yet, synesthesia brain is giving me colors that just don't exist in real life, and I was trying to make her look bittersweet, wise but also her life was so short...idk she's tricky
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topayitfoward · 2 months
Characters in a prequel that haunt the current narrative my beloved
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hephaestuscrew · 9 months
Fisher's death is a different kind of tragedy to the rest of the original Hephaestus crew, because it genuinely was just a horrible accident. And I think accepting that isn't an easy thing for Lovelace.
When almost everyone in your crew is dead, it's the opposite of a consolation to realise that the only other survivor is responsible for those deaths. But once you know you have been betrayed, once you understand that there was someone in your crew who was willing to sacrifice all of you for his own ends, once you've accepted that someone you used to trust killed people you loved, wouldn't it make a kind of sense to believe he was responsible for every awful thing that happened? Wouldn't there almost be a perverse comfort in the righteous anger of believing that Fisher died not because Hui's predictions were wrong, nor because Lovelace's attempts to save him failed, but because Selberg's sabotage doomed him from the start? Wouldn't it tie up the narrative of Lovelace's trauma more neatly if all of it was Selberg's fault, if he was pulling the strings for that first devastating loss? (Cont. below cut)
I imagine that Hui had a sense of guilt and responsibility for Fisher's death. After all, Fisher was only out in that meteor shower because "Hui's projections were way off". Blaming Selberg/Hilbert for Fisher's death would allow Lovelace to posthumously absolve Hui of that guilt. Whereas to accept that Fisher's death was an accident is to accept that it was the result of decisions which held absolutely no malice or willingness to harm.
In Ep38 Happy Endings, after Hilbert reveals that he infected Fisher with Decima first, he has this exchange with Lovelace:
HILBERT But intention was never for anyone to die. Not unless unavoidable.  LOVELACE (realizing) But Fisher did die.  HILBERT Tragic accident. One which even your addled mind has to realize was not my responsibility.
The 'realizing' dialogue tag could be interpreted in a few different ways, but I think this is the moment Lovelace realises that Fisher's death - to echo Minkowski's description of Eiffel being stranded in deep space - "wasn't anyone's fault. It's horrible, and pointless, and it just happened." I think that's a different kind of pain, for Lovelace to realise that - despite the malicious forces around the crew - there was no one to blame for that first tragedy. 
Fisher was the first of Lovelace's crew to die. Lovelace broke her arm trying unsuccessfully to save him. It was the event that turned the first Hephaestus mission from a series of fairly trivial sources of stress, to something ominous that not everyone would come back from. It would be easy to view it as 'the beginning of the end' of the first Hephaestus mission. The period after Fisher's death was "a very difficult time" (as Lovelace describes it herself in Ep35 Need to Know), to the extent that Lovelace developed an "alarming" "dependence on painkillers" (according to Selberg's medical journal).
And there's something particularly heartbreaking to me about the fact that all of that could have happened on a mission without any of the sinister background that the first Hephaestus mission had.
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This is such an obscure post but like. I’m thinking a lot about Fisher’s boyfriend, Corey, lately
Who told him that his boyfriend and crew died up at the star. I need to know how he felt. From the very very little we know about him, he’s a worrier. I bet he went on a rant about safety protocols with Fisher for hours before Fisher left. Did he think that he could’ve done more (even though he couldn’t)? Did he think he could have tried harder to convince Fisher that it was a risky idea? Did he have a feeling that something was off from the start? Was he oblivious?
My biggest thing that I’m thinking about is what happens post canon when Eiffel, Minkowski, Jacobi, Hera, and Lovelace go back home. Does Lovelace try to track him down? How would he react when his dead boyfriend’s old captain, who has been presumably dead also for years, shows up on his doorstep? Disbelief? Rage? Sadness? Does she reveal what little truth she can without her sounding crazy? Does she tell Corey about how much Fisher loved him? In my twisted little fantasy where my main goal is to make myself egregiously upset, Fisher was planning on proposing to Corey the moment they got a moment of time together, alone, when the crew returned. So, does Lovelace keep the ring that Fisher was planning propose with? Does she give it to him?
I’m so fucking sad rn I miss them
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sewerpal · 1 year
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change of mind b like 😝
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waitzia · 6 months
Mace (Mason) Fisher 🇦🇺
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I was drawing Eiffel when I got the Special Episode: Change of Mind, and I heard his voice, AN AUSTRALIAN CHARACTER IN MY FAV RADIO SHOW (I’m Australian). And so I had to draw him.
The flags and emblems are the Austrlian flag, Pride flag, Sydney flag, Australian Air Force emblem, and Royal Australian Air Force emblem, + wrench 👍
Haven’t drawn for a long time, mainly due to chronic pain, but I have had the urge too again, mainly because of w359, so it’s a little rough.
I need to draw him and his boyfriend
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morrithal · 1 year
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oscardobewildin · 3 years
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This scene from Change of mind was something else 
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triple-a-ace · 3 years
My personal favorite Lovelace headcanon is that, after she gets back to Earth, she spends time visiting the families of her crew. She visits Lambert's sister, who she continues a friendship with throughout the rest of their lives; Fourier's parents, two sweet retired scientists (who are so proud of their daughter for following in their footsteps), one of which was a NASA hopeful in their youth; Hui's father, who dies a couple of days after hearing Lovelace's story, and sisters; and Fisher's boyfriend (plus his spouse, who cries after hearing Lovelace's stories), who never let anyone forget the man he once loved.
And she never forgets Rhea, who she and Hera talk about so much that Hera considers her a friend.
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hellishfig · 3 years
finishing up the first special episode of wolf 359, “change of mind,” for the third time and god i miss the first crew of the hephaestus every day and i only had them for a little over two hours
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cosmicrhetoric · 3 years
also wolf 359 would've been worse if they had redeemed hilbert
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amfictheatre · 2 years
W359 sexuality hcs?? + pronouns idrk the actual word for it
Minkowski is pan, for some reason never told Dominik abt it tho?? She/her
Eiffel is Bi with a preference for women. He/him
Lovelace is polyamorous and asexual. She/they pronouns.
Hera is Asexual and pan romantic. She/her.
Hilbert is aromantic demisexual. He/him
Specimen 34 is far more advanced than any of us mortals will ever dream of being. It’s consciousnesses spans further than galaxies, and it will not hesitate to end us inferior pathetic beings. Any pronouns.
Jacobi is bi, he’s only felt attraction to like 2 different women tho so he’s very men-leaning. He/they.
Kepler is straight. He/him.
Maxwell is heteromantic asexual. They/she.
Cutter is going to suffer at my hand
Victoire Fourier is straight. She/her.
Kuan hui is bi. Possibly he/they.
Fisher (that’s the Aussie guys name right?) is pan. They/he.
Lambert- pan. No thoughts just panbert also trans he/him.
Sorry for not posting the next part of the Lovelace/lambert fic I went out yesterday amd got back really late. It’s coming next Sunday.
There’s undoubtedly people I’ve missed but I’m too tired to make them exist
Edit- Lovelace is pan now because I said so go fuck girlie xoxo
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skoople · 5 years
lovelace: and this here is a photo of my original crew. selberg infected mason with decima.
eiffel: which one is that?
lovelace: the big guy on the left
eiffel: (runs to his room and rips up the Sexiest Lab Rat certificate he made for himself)
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vaddiadraws · 4 years
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I just slapped random outfits on them and im probably gonna redesign Eris but god i love lovelace's crew
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sewerpal · 2 years
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erm. hey.
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Every single canon gay character in Wolf 359 has been in a situation where they’d been duplicated by a hostile force and had to prove that they were the real version of themselves so that their friends wouldn’t kill them. 
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