#Sam Lambert
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bearloonz · 11 months ago
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Fuck this podcast and everything it stands for. Anyways lovelace’s old crew concepts
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Also this.
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heycerulean · 4 months ago
fun fact: sam lambert shares his first name with samuel morse, the single-wire telegraph guy
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eatingfloorboards · 1 month ago
Wolf 359 is one of those podcasts where I need MORE. But. Aghagsfdfdgsg.
How would we feel if I reworked and posted some fic I’ve written for wolf 359. Hm
I think more people should listen to wolf 359. Please
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emp-t-man · 8 months ago
okay here’s the thing— i don’t think hilbert actually killed fourier and rhea, and here’s why:
yes. he did kill lambert and hui. we know that it’s because command insisted that he continue the human decima trials after fisher’s death, and since neither lambert nor hui had received the physical and immune system training that he had gone through, their bodies weren’t able to fight it off. but fourier… she didn’t die from the virus. she disappeared. the day after she was able to figure out how to wire the vx3 into lovelace’s escape shuttle. they never found a body. and rhea? she was deactivated only three hours before running the final calculations. and lovelace was right, these were definitely not coincidences. someone didn’t want them to leave the hephaestus. but why would hilbert want them to stay? there was no reason he needed lovelace alive. the door didn’t exist during that mission, and so hilbert had no reason to believe that command wouldn’t simply provide him with more subjects after this one was met with failure. hilbert himself wanted to get off the station and go home! he says so in episode thirty-one, where he admitted to contacting command fifty days before she left and suggesting that they terminate the mission! there was no logical reason for hilbert to resort to murdering in cold blood in order to keep lovelace on that station.
there is someone else that would resort to such an extreme just to keep the hephaestus crew from returning to earth. someone who, several years later, was able to bend the laws of time and space to their will by creating a loop of an entire day just to ensure something would keep them in the same place.
“doug, are you seriously suggesting that the aliens were miraculously able to remove two entire people from existence without a trace?” you bet your ass i am.
here’s the thing: these guys are able to do pretty much anything they want. they’ve created human duplicates, they’ve created time loops, they use a god damn wormhole to transport humans to a seemingly entirely different plane of existence. if someone were to figure out a way to do something they didn’t like, they could very easily just,, make them disappear! just like lovelace assumed it was for hilbert, it was a last resort for them, and last resorts make people get sloppy!
another thing that makes me think hilbert wasn’t behind this in particular? lovelace stated in her logs that command stopped responding to their calls months before the day she died. just like cutter seemingly stopped responding to minkowski’s call for help four months before he arrived on the station. he was only able to actually make it to the hephaestus after eiffel and bob have their little heart to whatever-the-hell-bob-has. that also does not sound like a coincidence to me.
the aliens causing fourier and rhea to disappear also makes sense from a learning standpoint. after they made them go away, lovelace still managed to make it off the station, even if she died shortly after. having a little run-in with the indomitable human spirit like that would make sense as to why they would elect to simply have time repeat itself until someone did something stupid rather than only dwindling their recourses and letting them continue.
as we learned from kepler, this was far from the first time the aliens had done something to interfere with a hephaestus mission in order to attempt to start their process. why would they try so hard during zhang’s (and possibly several others’) mission and leave the crew entirely alone during lovelace’s, just to try and stir the pot again during minkowski’s run?
i dunno, it’s just a theory (a space theory), but i think it would make a lot more sense as to why lovelace’s mission went the way it did rather than simply “hilbert went crazy and pulled a wadsworth on everyone”
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stray-tickles · 5 months ago
I can't get over the idea of Lambert teasing Lovelace at some point. Like, she's still bleary and half asleep and she's making herself a coffee and he sidles up to her like 'Ummm, Captain, are you sure that's being made to code?' and she TOTALLY misses it and just squints at him like 'What?' and he shrugs and walks away, and she doesn't get it until one of the other laughs and she's like
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womantoday · 1 year ago
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Sambert (construction manager, CrossFit, softball, mechanic): IG, TikTok
masculine women
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topayitfoward · 7 months ago
Characters in a prequel that haunt the current narrative my beloved
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uselessgaywhovian · 7 months ago
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lukas-broken-bow · 8 months ago
I was walking earlier today and thought, 'sam lambert would secretly like showtunes'
and then I died inside a little when realising that this is yet another reason that sam lambert and renee minkowski should never meet.
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hellishfig · 2 years ago
i know i’ve said this before, but i am forever impressed by zach valenti’s voice acting skills
eiffel is kind of his regular voice, and hilbert is an exaggerated russian accent that sounds so different, but LAMBERT
lambert’s voice does kind of sound like eiffel, but the nasal affectation makes it just different enough to make me feel like they’re separate people
it’s so cool! he’s very talented
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dysfunctionalcreature · 4 months ago
banging on the walls of my enclosure, screaming, crying, does anyone else see the tragic doomed-by-the-narrative, history-repeating-itself, like you're stuck in a time loop but it's even worse because you're not, this is real, potential of past Elias Selberg × Sam Lambert and present Alexander Hilbert × Doug Eiffel????
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sewerpal · 1 year ago
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BLAHH i’m late because of work and school but happy birthday Sam Lambert!!! MISS YOU POOKIE!
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everythingitcouldbe · 2 years ago
I fucking love change of mind what the fuck
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the-story-of-the-tucks · 2 years ago
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Change of mind (Wolf 359) // Two birds (Regina Spektor)
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sophieswundergarten · 1 year ago
More Thoughts on Communications Officer Samuel Lambert and OCD
LAMBERT The people who wrote it are smarter than us, have more experience on - LOVELACE You just want things to be the way you want them to be! LAMBERT This is not about what I want!
- Wolf 359, Special Episode: Change of Mind
I don't know if this is just a me thing, but my OCD brain automatically makes me assume I don't know what I'm doing and that other people are smarter than I am, even if it's about a subject that I am extremely educated on.
To me, this reads like an argument where Lambert is trying his hardest to keep Lovelace on the straight and narrow so as to avoid any catastrophes, but is also fighting against his own mind.
Lovelace doesn't understand at all how much she's triggering him, and it certainly isn't malicious, but her ignorance is causing him enormous amounts of distress. Meanwhile, Lambert is also incredibly frustrated that he is so very beholden to the DSSPPM.
He doesn't want to defer to Pryce and Carter as much as he is forced to. He knows some of it is stupid. But, he's only Sam Lambert. He doesn't know what he's doing. He is unprepared for anything that might happen during this job, and so it only makes sense that he should listen to the people who literally wrote the book on it.
Somewhere along the way, his frustration turned into a more personal feud to Lovelace because of how much his fear, stress, and anger became immediately associated with her as a person.
But this little snippet of dialogue interests me because of how upset he seems. "This is not about what I want!" He doesn't even sound like he would like to be following Pryce and Carter's instructions. He'd rather be able to listen to Lovelace, seeing as she's the Captain. He's Second in Command; She is literally the only person who is above him on the station.
But the inner storm of conflict created by having your real, physical boss at odds with your technically higher-up boss who is 7.8 light years away must be a nightmare to wake up to every day.
That doesn't mean that he is in the right for being so unkind and disrespectful to Lovelace, but I think it's a little more understandable from this perspective.
Lambert views the DSSPPM as a symbol for his obsessive thoughts; controlling and difficult, but familiar and "comfortable". Conversely, Lovelace is almost a manifestation of his deepest fears and anxieties, and as much as he'd prefer to not feel that way about his Commanding Officer, he can't exactly help it. Better the devil you know than the one you don't.
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isabellovelaces · 1 year ago
Sometimes I think about how we could have gotten wolf359 spin offs with the SI5 or the Lovelace Administration…
I’d pay all my money for a spin off of either of them
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