#fish the dog
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heda-in-the-clouds · 10 months ago
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Here's a fluffy and cute story about how yoga!Lexa and surfer!Clarke met Fish the puppy. The lovely and amazingly talented @lexa-griffins drew this sketch of Lexa holding Fish for me. She's the absolute best beta I could have asked for
That's not a fish
Lexa dug her toes into the cold sand that morning as the early sunrise gently warmed her skin. She and Clarke were just a couple of days into their two week road trip for the summer.
After their passionate night under the stars, she decided to let Clarke sleep some more that morning. A shiver ran down her spine as she recalled last night's events.
The beach parking lot was empty which allowed them to open their van's backdoor and watch the sunset as they made love with each other. They were finally free to moan and scream out their pleasures that were only drowned out by the crashing waves.
Clarke took her from behind as they watched the sunset over the calm horizon. The dying rays of light warmed her skin while Clarke's vigorous thrusts warmed her core. As the waves pounded the beach, Clarke pounded into her. She felt every push and pull of Clarke's strokes like the ocean's tide. The waves crashing into the beach left the sand wet just like how Clarke's thrusts left her wet.
She finally saw a brilliant explosion of color in her eyes as she climaxed. She couldn't tell if it was the plethora of colors from the sunset or her powerful orgasm blinding her. She didn't care as Clarke filled her.
Lexa snapped herself free from her memory when she felt her yoga shorts getting wet. It was too early to be getting those thoughts and she didn't pack nearly enough underwear.
She needed to cool down and focus her thoughts. She pulled out her yoga mat, laid it down on the cool sand, and started her early morning yoga routine. She went through her usual motions and gracefully held and transitioned between her favorite poses.
She got into a downward dog, closed her eyes, and meditated to clear her mind. As she meditated, she suddenly felt something wet licking her face. Opening her eyes, she was greeted by the sight of an adorable golden retriever puppy watching her curiously. She couldn't help but smile and gush at her new fluffy companion.
"Bark." The puppy playfully barked when Lexa smiled at him.
"What's your name cutie? I'm Lexa." She cheerfully asked as she continued holding her form.
"Bark bark." The puppy continued barking at his new friend.
"It's so nice to meet you 'Bark bark.' You're just the cutest thing aren't you?" Lexa lovingly blurted out.
The puppy bashfully tilted his head, looked down, and dug his tiny paw into the sand after hearing Lexa's compliment. The puppy then began prancing around hoping Lexa would stop whatever she's doing and play with him. Lexa couldn't help but grin at this fluffy bundle of joy.
The puppy then arched his back and leaned forward as he tried to copy Lexa's pose. She giggled when his floppy ears covered his eyes causing him to roll over onto his back and let out soft whimpers. Lexa quickly got out of downward dog, sat down and reached for him.
"I guess I'm done with yoga for today. It's okay puppy. You're alright. I'm here." Lexa soothed her new companion as she rubbed his belly. He gave her an appreciative bark.
"Yoga isn't for everyone. You should meet Clarke. She's really bad at yoga too." Lexa chuckled when the puppy tilted his head at her as if he could understand her.
Seeing a new place to sit, the puppy waddled over and climbed over her legs. He spun around in a couple of circles before clumsily plopping himself down onto her lap. He nuzzled into her stomach hoping to warm himself up. Lexa just beamed and gushed when the puppy finally settled himself into her lap.
"What are you doing all out here by yourself buddy? Do you belong to anyone?" Lexa asked as she rubbed the puppy's head and scratched his ears.
"Ow ow." The puppy whined which sounded like a 'No' to Lexa's ears. She then checked his collar for any tags but couldn't find any. She knew the beach was empty last night and this morning so she figured he was a stray.
"Well, you're sticking with me now. How do you like that?"
"Awoo" The puppy adorably howled and wagged his tail after hearing the good news. He then climbed onto Lexa's chest and began smothering her face with wet kisses using his tongue. Lexa giggled and laughed as her new friend gave her an early morning bath.
"I guess that's a yes puppy. I just gotta give you a name first. I can't keep calling you puppy."
The puppy then stopped lapping Lexa's face with his tongue and patiently stared at her.
"Mhm, what about Fish? We found you at the beach and my girlfriend is a marine biologist and crazy about them. What do you say Fish?"
"Awooooooo!" The puppy gleefully howled and smothered Lexa with even more kisses.
"Okay Fish. Stop. Let's go and show you off to Clarke." Lexa pleaded as she pulled Fish off her and set him down so she could roll up her yoga mat.
Fish bounced excitedly as he waited for her. Once she was done, she beckoned Fish to follow her up the trail to their van. Fish happily barked as he weaved between her legs during their walk.
As Lexa got closer to their van, she noticed that Clarke was already up. Her feet were hanging over the edge as she probably sipped her morning cocoa. Wanting to surprise her girlfriend, Lexa bent down so she could talk to Fish.
"Okay Fish. Are we ready to meet Clarke? She's so gonna love you. I mean how can she not with your big floppy ears, adorable brown eyes, and warm fluffy fur that's the same color as her hair." Lexa gently patted his head and rubbed behind his ears.
"Shh! Don't want to ruin the secret just yet." Lexa grinned as she zipped her lips with her finger.
Fish stuck out his tongue which seemed like an 'Ok' to Lexa. She then gestured for him to wait there so he was out of sight. He bobbed his head up and down. Lexa smiled and silently told herself that Fish was already so smart.
Lexa then walked to the back of the van where she saw Clarke drowsily drinking her morning cocoa with her eyes still closed and their blanket wrapped tightly around her.
Sensing Lexa was near, Clarke immediately opened the blanket and her legs.
"Come on babe. It's cold. I need my girlfriend to warm me up." Clarke groggily uttered when she felt the cool ocean breeze penetrate her warm blanket fortress.
Lexa quickly stepped inside and between Clarke's legs. Clarke immediately pulled her in close and wrapped the blanket tight around them. They both leaned into each other and softly kissed. Clarke's hummed at the subtle taste of salt on Lexa's cold lips. Lexa moaned as she tasted the sweet chocolate on Clarke's warm lips.
"Morning love." They both greeted each other once they broke their kiss but still nuzzled their noses together.
"I missed you this morning. In fact, we missed you this morning." Clarke softly whispered to Lexa's ear.
"We?" Lexa furrowed her eyebrows.
Clarke pulled Lexa in closer with her legs and smirked into her neck when Lexa felt her hard against her shorts.
"I was hoping we could pick up where we left off last night. Since we fucked in front of the sunset, I wanted to go full circle and fuck you in front of the sunrise." Clarke murmured into Lexa's neck.
"Clarke you dog!" Lexa playfully slapped her girlfriend's chest. She suddenly heard Fish's tiny whimper next to her. He had inadvertently walked up to her after hearing the word dog.
"I'm sorry babe but you looked so peaceful this morning that I didn't want to wake you. It looked like you could use the extra rest." Lexa apologized.
"Besides, we still have plenty of more beaches to visit on our road trip. You have more chances to fuck me in front of a sunrise or sunset." Lexa reassured.
"All is forgiven babe. Now that you're here, what do you say about a morning quickie? I could use one to start the day and get my blood flowing. I felt your shorts and they're already wet." Clarke cheekily grinned as she rubbed Lexa's sides and began dipping her fingers into her yoga shorts.
"Claaarke. Wait, I have to show you something first and promise you won't freak out." Lexa uttered before she gave into Clarke's proposal for a quickie.
"Umm, ok. What is it Lexa?" Clarke inquired as she stopped squeezing her girlfriend's ass and let her go.
"Wait here. You're gonna love this surprise." Lexa then walked to the side of their van and picked up Fish who started licking her hands, eager for attention.
"Ready boy?"
Lexa walked back to Clarke, cradling Fish in her arms.
"Meet Fish!" Lexa excitedly squealed as she shoved her puppy into Clarke's face.
"That is a dog." Clarke countered with a confused expression.
"Yeah, Fish." Lexa grinned as she began to rock Fish in her arms so his floppy ears began waving around.
"Bark bark bark" Fish happily barked at Clarke.
"You named the puppy Fish?" Clarke asked as she sat perplexed in the van as Lexa danced happily with Fish in front of her.
"Yeah, he's ours. I found him all alone this morning while I was doing yoga. He has no tag and there was no one else on the beach either last night or this morning so he must be a stray. We're adopting him because we can't just leave him all by himself here. He needs a family. Also, I named him Fish well because I found him at the beach and you like fish because you're a marine biologist so I put two and two together and ta-da, I came up with Fish. Look Clarke, he's so fluffy!!!!" Lexa breathlessly spoke before she shoved Fish directly in front of Clarke's face who was still processing in all the new information.
"Ours?" Clarke gulped nervously as four eyes stared longingly at her. Fish's tiny brown eyes watered as he let out an adorable yawn. Lexa's soft green irises begged as she pouted her lips.
"Ok, fine. We can keep Fish." Clarke finally gave in after she was overcome with emotions at how soft and cute Lexa looked holding her fluffy Fish in her arms.
"Awooooo!" Fish happily howled as he wiggled in Lexa's arms.
"Yay!!! Thank you babe! I love you. We love you don't we Fish? Fish say thank you to Clarke." Lexa gleefully squealed.
Suddenly, Clarke felt Fish's wet tongue slobbering all over her face as Lexa laughed hysterically in the background.
"Okay, I think Fish has said enough thank you's to me already babe." Clarke panted out as she tried to avoid Fish's tongue.
"Um Clarke?" Lexa shyly asked after she pulled Fish away from Clarke's now drool covered face.
"Yes love?" Clarke calmly responded as she wiped off Fish's drool from her face using their blanket.
"How do you take care of a dog? I've never had a pet before." Lexa quietly confessed.
Clarke groaned and sighed. This was going to be a long road trip.
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wouas · 3 months ago
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Beasts - 19x15 cm paper, ballpoint pen
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knights-of-the-hound-table · 3 months ago
⚠️🛑 Sniff Check 🚨⚠️
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✅ Pass ✅
⏬ You may continue scrolling at your leisure ⏬
Buddy taken on a Galaxy S3 with a fisheye jelly lens attachment
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lotus-pear · 10 months ago
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chappellrroan · 6 months ago
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neunian · 9 months ago
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Made myself a new bookmark :)
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queenoftheantz · 11 months ago
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I drew these last year and made them stickers that I sell at cons, but I forgot to post them online! (If you happen to go to Dokomi this year I'll have these with me there) (the two cats at the top are based on my friends' cats, who are perfect and special)
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hr-bananabird · 4 months ago
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Fishing it up on the WEB
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heda-in-the-clouds · 1 month ago
Is your yoga!Lexa the one with fish the dog? I looove the visuals 😍
🥰 Yes yoga!Lexa and surfer!Clarke adopted Fish the dog. As a treat, here's a fluffy headcanon with all three of them
Clarke jokes that Lexa loves Fish so damn much that he should get her last name. The sarcasm goes over Lexa's head who squeals and tells Clarke that's a great idea.
"What do you like better boy? Fish Griffin-Woods? Or Fish Woods-Griffin? Bark once for Fish Griffin-Woods and bark twice for Fish Woods-Griffin." Lexa enthusiastically asks Fish as he plays in her lap.
"Bark!" Fish happily yelps wagging his tail.
"Fish Griffin-Woods boy?" Lexa asks again to make sure.
"Bark!" Fish let out a single bark but this time, he raises one tiny paw in the air and waves it to tell his Mama yes.
"Ahhhh! It's official. You fluffy sir are now Fish Griffin-Woods!" Lexa howls with excitement as she throws Fish in the air and catches him.
"Awooooooo!" Fish joins Lexa and howls in excitement once he gets his surname. He's now officially a part of their little family.
"What's with all the noise babe?" Clarke asks as she walks into the room with her fingers plugged inside her ears to dampen the yelping and barks.
"Well, we're celebrating because Fish now has a last name. Meet Fish Griffin-Woods!" Lexa proudly declared as she held Fish in front of Clarke.
Clarke took a step back hoping to avoid another wet bath from Fish who was happily sticking his tongue out at her and whining wanting to kiss his other mama.
"Griffin-Woods?" Clarke asked.
"Yeah, he's our kid so he should get both our last names. Fish picked it himself didn't you boy?" Lexa eagerly responded as she blew raspberries in Fish's face.
"Bark bark." Fish playfully barked after hearing his name. Lexa then placed Fish on the floor and approached Clarke. She held her hands and stepped in close till they were face to face.
"Plus, I also like the sound of Griffin-Woods too. Clarke Griffin-Woods. Lexa Griffin-Woods. It has a nice ring to it." Lexa softly uttered as she looked lovingly into Clarke's blue eyes.
"I not only like it but I would really love a Lexa Griffin-Woods. I know she would be an amazing fiancé and wife." Clarke tearfully affirmed as she stared adoringly into her girlfriend's beautiful green eyes. Before they could seal their promise with a romantic kiss, a soft whimper was heard below them. Looking down, Fish was gently pawing at Clarke's legs as he tenderly gazed at his parents seeking their affection.
Clarke picked him up, embraced him in her arms, and faced Lexa with their fluffy puppy.
"Oh, and before I forget, Lexa Griffin-Woods would make an excellent mom too. Just look at our fluffy son, Fish Griffin-Woods." Clarke adoringly whispered before she closed the gap and tenderly kissed Lexa.
Lexa melted into Clarke's lips as her heart swelled with love and affection that Clarke promised to marry her one day and start their own family. She also sensed another organ swelling, specifically between Clarke's legs. Feeling Clarke harden ignited a desperate feeling of desire between her legs.
Lexa broke their kiss as she was suddenly engulfed in a desperate need to feel Clarke inside her, filling her, claiming her. She urged Clarke to let go of Fish who scampered off to play with his toys, clearly sensing the change of mood in the room.
"Let's practice making some babies...Clarke Griffin-Woods." Lexa seductively whispered before taking her hand and leading them away to their bedroom.
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cowplant-pizza · 2 years ago
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episode three of the sims in bloom challenge is now live!! go meet fish the dog 🐠
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heartnosekid · 5 months ago
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tiny pet collection 🐱🪲🐶🐠 | achycollects on ig
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myarmcanfly · 8 months ago
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Koi Dog No. 50
I had to do something extra special for number fifty! I love making koi dogs, and it’s been amazing to see how much everyone else loves them too. Obviously this guy was based on a lionfish (and a lion dog!), but on top of the fancy fins all his markings were actually dyed into the finished surface using silk paints!
This piece is SOLD but I’ll have a bunch of new stuff on my website next friday, 7/26!
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beadsandboops · 4 months ago
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Webfishing is peak!!!
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lvnesart · 3 months ago
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w when you're a puppy and uh. Cats
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patrothestupid · 4 months ago
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fish ont the web ?! count me in
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emmbunn · 2 months ago
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